Wrapper for multiple databases with a JDBC-like connection
Database-js implements a common, promise-based interface for SQL database access. Inspired by JDBC, it uses connection strings to identify the database driver. Wrappers around native database drivers provide a unified interface to handle databases. Thus, you can change the target database by modifying the connection string. 😉
Database-js has built-in prepared statements, even if the underlying driver does not support them. It is built on Promises, so it works well with ES7 async code.
npm install database-js
Driver (wrapper) | Note | Installation |
ActiveX Data Objects | Windows only | npm i database-js-adodb |
CSV files | npm i database-js-csv |
Excel files | npm i database-js-xlsx |
Firebase | npm i database-js-firebase |
INI files | npm i database-js-ini |
JSON files | npm i database-js-json |
MySQL | prior to MySQL v8 | npm i database-js-mysql |
MySQL2 | MySQL v8+ | npm i database-js-mysql2 |
MS SQL Server | npm i database-js-mssql |
PostgreSQL | npm i database-js-postgres |
SQLite3 | npm i database-js-sqlite3 |
SQLite | npm i database-js-sqlite |
See here how to add a new driver.
Usage without async/await:
var Connection = require('database-js').Connection;
var conn =
new Connection("sqlite:///path/to/test.sqlite"); // SQLite
// new Connection("mysql://user:password@localhost/test"); // MySQL
// new Connection("postgres://user:password@localhost/test"); // PostgreSQL
// 👉 Change the connection string according to the database driver
var stmt1 = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM city WHERE name = ?");
stmt1.query("New York")
.then( function (results) {
console.log(results); // Display the results
} ).catch( function (reason) {
console.log(reason); // Some problem while performing the query
} );
var stmt2 = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO city (name, population) VALUES (?, ?)");
stmt2.execute("Rio de Janeiro", 6747815)
.then( function() { console.log( 'Inserted.' ); } )
.catch( function(reason) { console.log('Error: ' + reason); } );
var stmt3 = conn.prepareStatement("UPDATE city SET population = population + ? WHERE name = ?");
stmt3.execute(1, "Rio de Janeiro")
.then( function() { console.log( 'Updated.' ); } )
.catch( function(reason) { console.log('Error: ' + reason); } );
.then( function() { console.log('Closed.'); } )
.catch( function(reason) { console.log('Error: ' + reason); } );
Using async/await:
const Connection = require('database-js').Connection;
(async () => {
let conn;
try {
conn = new Connection('mysql://user:password@localhost/test');
const stmt1 = conn.prepareStatement('SELECT * FROM city WHERE name = ?');
const results = await stmt1.query('New York');
const stmt2 = conn.prepareStatement('INSERT INTO city (name, population) VALUES (?,?)');
await stmt1.execute('Rio de Janeiro', 6747815);
const stmt2 = conn.prepareStatement('UPDATE city SET population = population + ? WHERE name = ?');
await stmt1.execute(1, 'Rio de Janeiro');
} catch (reason) {
} finally {
try {
await conn.close();
} catch (err) {
class Connection {
/** Creates and prepares a statement with the given SQL. */
prepareStatement(sql: string): PreparedStatement;
/** Closes the underlying connection. */
close(): Promise<void>;
/** Indicates whether the underlying driver support transactions. */
isTransactionSupported(): boolean;
/** Returns true if the underlying driver is in a transaction, false otherwise. */
inTransaction(): boolean;
* Starts a transaction (if supported).
* Transactions can fail to start if another transaction is already running or
* if the driver does not support transactions.
beginTransaction(): Promise<boolean>;
* Commits a transaction (if supported).
* Transactions can fail to commit if no transaction was started, or if the driver
* does not support transactions.
commit(): Promise<boolean>;
* Cancels a transaction (if supported).
* Transaction can fail to be rolled back no transaction was started, or if the driver
* does not support transactions.
rollback(): Promise<boolean>;
class PreparedStatement {
* Performs the prepared SQL query with the given arguments.
* Returns a Promise with an array of rows.
query(...args: any): Promise<Array<any>>;
/** Executes the prepared SQL statement with the given arguments. */
execute(... args): Promise<any>;
Wiki for more examples and how to use a connection pool.
codeceptjs-dbhelper - Allows to use database-js inside CodeceptJS tests (as a helper).