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117 lines (75 loc) · 4.14 KB

File metadata and controls

117 lines (75 loc) · 4.14 KB

Development Notes


  1. The parsing target has show warnings set to no. Generated files had lots of variable not mutated, change to let. Doens't apply universally.

Reactive Programming

  • In SPs that have no value, always send an empty tuple as a value. Otherwise, any observer listening for a result will never be triggered.

Notebook editor

  • not using invalidationcontext because should never be enough chunks that resizing should cause a performance issue

should probably have EditorDocument send a notification/signal when contentsSaved called so notebook can reparse

notebook saving

  • should we save invalid syntax?
  • should we cache results?
  • autosave?
  • are we storing everything necessary for reproduction?

clear undo cache on file change notification from server

clang -o mtest -I ../src/ -I src -Wl, -all_load mtest.c src/Debug/libcmark-gfm.a extensions/Debug/libcmark-gfm-extensions.a

Preview CSS

  • uses mathjax 3


  • internalError
  • rcode
  • section.index

rmarkdown render

  • inject a span around inline R code so it can be found later: <span id="Rinline-1">``2 + 2``</span>"
  • create a directory to story working files (tmp1 below)
  • create a unique environment

set options: myopts <- output_format(knitr=knitr_options(opts_chunk=list(class.output="rc2-Routput", highlight=TRUE, cache=TRUE, cache.path="tmp1/cache/", autodep=TRUE, fig.path="tmp1/images/")), pandoc=pandoc_options(to="html5", args=c("--section-divs","--mathml", "--wrap=preserve", "--id-prefix=rc2-", "--log=tmp1/pd.txt", "--standalone", " --number-sections")))


  • run in working directory
  • render("foobar.Rmd", output_format=myopts, output_file="fbar.html", output_dir="tmp1", clean=FALSE, quiet=TRUE)

tmp1 should be an absolute path to the location where intermediate files should be stored. Use a UUID per preview document.


  • will have <pre class="rc2-Routput"> around all output.
  • Source code will have <div class="sourceCode" id="rc2-cbX" where X is an incrementing number.
  • Each source line will be surrounded by <a class="sourceLine" id="cbX" data-line-number="1">
  • image src tags will have an absolute path. The path should be ${tmp1}/${fnameprefix}_files/figure-html5/___.png"


  • what happens to css/javascript links in the original rmarkdown? Are they still referenced absolute, or downloaded and given a local path?


can buld stand-alone version, embed in app. Not using for now, but might need to in the future.

--data-dir= --fail-if-warnings --log file.json --extract-media=

-s // standalone with headers --template=FILENAME/URL --toc //generate table of contents --id-prefix= // when parsing in individually, set a prefix to stop id onverlap --mathjax= or -- mathml // use safari's builtin mathml


Pandoc is used to generate different flavors of markdown.

  1. brew install haskell-stack
  2. download latest src from Haskell site
  3. Unpack and cd into directory
  4. stack setup
  5. stack build --flag pandoc:embed_data_files
  6. copy the binary executable to resources

sign with codesign -f -s "Mac Developer: Mark Lilback" pandoc --options runtime

verify code signing with code sign -dv --verbose=4 pandoc

Live Editor

  • Executing an inline determines if env changed, if not no forced reefresh. If diid change, autlmatically run all future inline chunks
  • Show buttons for update chunk and all chunks forward if they've edited a cvhunk or a previous inline chunk affected the environment
  • code chunks show buttons if dirty
  • keep environemnt for everything executed, nesting them
  • if update a single chunk, all following code chunks show up as dirty


  • every bit of code is run in its own evnironment
  • if chunk 2 is edited, we can test the environment and not re-run future chunks if nothing changed
  • chunk output is done via a signal


  • return array of text for each code attachment. let caller integrate into markdown
  • one method to get array of inline code for a particular chunk

can we call parse to tell if the function of the code changed instead of just formatting?