- add
here. (a copy is at https://gist.github.com/carueda/b032f85b5d80660f2158e55ca2e8b1ab)
- adjustment in request to register new version: set Content-type:application/json, and put payload in body
2017-08-30 0.2.0
registration of the new SWEET ontologies (v3):
> runMain org.mmisw.orr.client.Main --orr http://cor.esipfed.org/ont/api -u carueda -p ???? --ontIri http://sweetontology.net/sweetAll --locResFrom http://sweetontology.net/(.*) --locResTo https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ESIPFed/sweet/master/$1.ttl --action register --depth 100 --org esip --visibility public
new options
--locResFrom from --locResTo to
for location resolution -
new option
--ontIris filename
that allows to explicit list the IRIs to be processed. This option just used for the unregistration of all the SWEET v3 ontologies at the COR:> runMain org.mmisw.orr.client.Main --orr http://cor.esipfed.org/ont/api -u carueda -p ???? --ontIris sweets.txt --action unregister
- initial commit