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Setting up Azure DevOps pipelines


  • Azure CLI

  • Terraform

  • Git

  • Azure Devops extension for Azure CLI

  • PAT for Azure DevOps CLI

    • Agent Pools: Read
    • Build: Read & Execute
    • Code: Read, write, & manage
    • Project and Team: Read, write & manage
    • Release: Read, write, execute, & manage

    Note: PAT has permissions to manage ADO Projects in this example!

az extension add --name azure-devops

NOTE: Azure CLI, Terraform and Git are pre-installed in Rover (Dev Container)

Create the Service Principal for CI/CD

cd /tf/caf-custom/bootstrap_sp/
chmod +x ./

# Fetch SP info to local env variables from Terraform output once it's run through
SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_NAME=$(terraform show -json terraform.tfstate | jq -r .values.outputs.bootstrap_ARM_CLIENT_ID.value)
CLIENT_SECRET=$(terraform show -json terraform.tfstate | jq -r .values.outputs.bootstrap_ARM_CLIENT_SECRET.value)
SUBSCRIPTION_ID=$(terraform show -json terraform.tfstate | jq -r .values.outputs.bootstrap_ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID.value)
TENANT_ID=$(terraform show -json terraform.tfstate | jq -r .values.outputs.bootstrap_ARM_TENANT_ID.value)

Notes: This bootstrap script creates

  • Service Principal with Contributor role on subscription level (RBAC)
  • Assigns the Azure AD Application Developer role for the SP
  • Gives a bunch of API permissions and grants those
  • Creates also a custom RBAC role scoped to your Azure subscription for some more fine grained RBAC permissions needed for provisioning the Launchpad's resources as well as the LZ (modify policies)

why? so that we don't have to grant it Owner permissions to subscription level

Configure Azure Pipeline

From Rover (Dev Container)

# Navigate to custom repo root in Rover container context
cd /tf/caf-custom

# Login to Azure DevOps - providing the PAT token created previously (1. time)
az devops login

# Prepare your environment

az devops configure --defaults organization="$AZURE_DEVOPS_ACCOUNT" project="$AZURE_DEVOPS_PROJECT"

# Create new Project to ADO
az devops project create --name "$AZURE_DEVOPS_PROJECT"

# Import this repo to ADO Project's default git repo
az repos import create --git-url --repository "$AZURE_DEVOPS_PROJECT"

# Paste PAT (2. time)
# Clone the imported Azure repo
git clone https://anything:$$AZURE_DEVOPS_ORGANIZATION/$AZURE_DEVOPS_PROJECT/_git/$AZURE_DEVOPS_PROJECT /tf/caf-custom

# Create the CD pipeline 
# Using DEV environment as an example here
PIPELINE_DESCRIPTION='DEV Landing Zone example - Continuous Delivery'

az pipelines folder create --path "$FOLDER_PATH"

az pipelines create --name "$PIPELINE_NAME" \
    --description "$PIPELINE_DESCRIPTION" \
    --repository "$AZURE_DEVOPS_PROJECT" \
    --repository-type tfsgit \
    --branch master \
    --yml-path "$REPO_YAML_PATH" \
    --folder-path "$FOLDER_PATH" \

# Store SP's credentials to ADO variables
az pipelines variable create --name ARM_TENANT_ID --secret true --value $TENANT_ID --pipeline-name "$PIPELINE_NAME"
az pipelines variable create --name ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID --secret true --value $SUBSCRIPTION_ID --pipeline-name "$PIPELINE_NAME"
az pipelines variable create --name ARM_CLIENT_ID --secret true --value $SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_NAME --pipeline-name "$PIPELINE_NAME"
az pipelines variable create --name ARM_CLIENT_SECRET --secret true --value $CLIENT_SECRET --pipeline-name "$PIPELINE_NAME"

# Trigger new pipeline run manually
az pipelines run --name $PIPELINE_NAME

Clean up

# Remove the resources created through pipeline
az pipelines run --name $PIPELINE_NAME --variable "DESTROY=true"

# Remove ADO Project
az devops project delete --id $(az devops project show -p "$AZURE_DEVOPS_PROJECT" --query id -o tsv) -y

# Remove bootstrap SP
cd /tf/caf-custom/bootstrap_sp/
terraform destroy -auto-approve