- Птица||Кошка||Собака (короче для птица==Птица||Кошка==Кошка||Собака==Собака)
- - Белый==#ffffff|||Черный==#000000 (где label==value)
+ - Белый==#ffffff||Черный==#000000 (где label==value)
- [[+example_1]] (строит список опубликованных ресурсов с назначенным id шаблона равным 1)
- [[+example_2]] (строит тот же список, что и предыдущий пример, включая пустой вариант)
diff --git a/core/lexicon/ru/user.inc.php b/core/lexicon/ru/user.inc.php
index c136c74b0e1..d9a716795ed 100644
--- a/core/lexicon/ru/user.inc.php
+++ b/core/lexicon/ru/user.inc.php
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
$_lang['user_blockeduntil_desc'] = 'Если установлено, то пользователь будет заблокирован до этого времени.';
$_lang['user_changeddata'] = 'Ваши данные были изменены. Пожалуйста, войдите в систему еще раз.';
$_lang['user_class_key_desc'] = 'Ключ класса для этого пользователя. Не изменяйте его, если вы не знаете, что вы делаете.';
-$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'Пользователь создан. Пароль: [[+password]] ';
+$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'The User
[[+username]] has been created.
The password is:
$_lang['user_confirm_remove'] = 'Вы уверены, что хотите удалить этого пользователя?';
$_lang['user_country'] = 'Страна';
$_lang['user_dob'] = 'Дата рождения';
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@
$_lang['user_male'] = 'Мужчина';
$_lang['user_management_msg'] = 'Здесь вы можете выбрать пользователей, данные которых вы хотели бы изменить.';
$_lang['user_mobile'] = 'Номер мобильного телефона';
-$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Пароль успешно изменен на: [[+password]]';
+$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Password successfully changed to:
$_lang['user_phone'] = 'Номер телефона';
$_lang['user_photo'] = 'Фотография пользователя';
$_lang['user_photo_message'] = 'Введите URL адрес изображения или воспользуйтесь кнопкой для выбора или загрузки изображения на сервер.';
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@
$_lang['user_sudo_desc'] = 'Если установлено, пользователь будет иметь полный доступ ко всему сайту и проходить любые проверки прав доступа. НЕ ОТМЕЧАЙТЕ без необходимости!';
$_lang['user_title'] = 'Создать/Редактировать пользователя';
$_lang['user_other'] = 'Скрыт';
-$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'Пользователь обновлён. Пароль: [[+password]]';
+$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'The User
[[+username]] has been updated.
The password is:
$_lang['user_upload_message'] = 'Если вы хотите запретить этому пользователю загрузку любых файлов в эту категорию, убедитесь в том, что флажок «Использовать основные настройки» не отмечен, и оставьте поле пустым.';
$_lang['user_use_config'] = 'Использовать системные настройки';
$_lang['user_username_desc'] = 'Уникальный ID этого пользователя, и имя, под которым он будет входить на сайт.';
diff --git a/core/lexicon/sl/context.inc.php b/core/lexicon/sl/context.inc.php
index 405adb938f3..7352df973c2 100644
--- a/core/lexicon/sl/context.inc.php
+++ b/core/lexicon/sl/context.inc.php
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
$_lang['context_err_ns'] = 'Context not specified.';
$_lang['context_err_ns_key'] = 'Please specify a valid key for the Context.';
$_lang['context_err_remove'] = 'An error occurred while trying to delete the Context.';
+$_lang['context_err_reserved'] = 'The Context key you chose is reserved for system use only. Please specify a different key.';
$_lang['context_err_save'] = 'An error occurred while saving the Context.';
$_lang['context_id'] = 'Ctx ID';
$_lang['context_key'] = 'Context Key';
diff --git a/core/lexicon/sl/user.inc.php b/core/lexicon/sl/user.inc.php
index 63d2d6828c0..b142626be84 100644
--- a/core/lexicon/sl/user.inc.php
+++ b/core/lexicon/sl/user.inc.php
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
$_lang['user_blockeduntil_desc'] = 'If set, the user will be blocked until this time.';
$_lang['user_changeddata'] = 'Your data has been changed. Please log in again.';
$_lang['user_class_key_desc'] = 'The MODX Class Key for this user. Do not change this unless you know what you are doing.';
-$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'The User has been created. The password is: [[+password]]';
+$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'The User
[[+username]] has been created.
The password is:
$_lang['user_confirm_remove'] = 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete this user?';
$_lang['user_country'] = 'Country';
$_lang['user_dob'] = 'Date of birth';
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@
$_lang['user_male'] = 'Male';
$_lang['user_management_msg'] = 'Here you can choose which user you wish to edit.';
$_lang['user_mobile'] = 'Mobile phone number';
-$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Password successfully changed to: [[+password]]';
+$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Password successfully changed to:
$_lang['user_phone'] = 'Phone number';
$_lang['user_photo'] = 'User Photo';
$_lang['user_photo_message'] = 'Enter the image URL for this user or use the insert button to select or upload an image file on the server.';
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@
$_lang['user_sudo_desc'] = 'If checked, this user will have full access to all the site and will bypass any Access Permissions checks. *DO NOT* check this unless you mean to do so!';
$_lang['user_title'] = 'Create/Edit user';
$_lang['user_other'] = 'Other';
-$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'The User has been updated. The password is: [[+password]]';
+$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'The User
[[+username]] has been updated.
The password is:
$_lang['user_upload_message'] = 'If you wish to stop this user uploading any filetypes in this category, make sure that the \'Use Main Configuration Setting\' checkbox is not ticked and leave the field blank.';
$_lang['user_use_config'] = 'Use System Configuration Setting';
$_lang['user_username_desc'] = 'The unique identifier of this User, and the name by which they will login to the site.';
diff --git a/core/lexicon/sv/context.inc.php b/core/lexicon/sv/context.inc.php
index 20a8b00f1db..9f6910b0558 100644
--- a/core/lexicon/sv/context.inc.php
+++ b/core/lexicon/sv/context.inc.php
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
$_lang['context_err_ns'] = 'Kontext ej angiven.';
$_lang['context_err_ns_key'] = 'Ange en giltig nyckel för kontexten.';
$_lang['context_err_remove'] = 'Ett fel inträffade när kontexten skulle tas bort.';
+$_lang['context_err_reserved'] = 'Kontextnyckeln du valde är reserverad för endast systemanvändning. Ange en annan nyckel.';
$_lang['context_err_save'] = 'Ett fel inträffade när kontexten skulle sparas.';
$_lang['context_id'] = 'Ktx ID';
$_lang['context_key'] = 'Kontextnyckel';
diff --git a/core/lexicon/sv/user.inc.php b/core/lexicon/sv/user.inc.php
index ed7cba69ab8..33bf748fec7 100644
--- a/core/lexicon/sv/user.inc.php
+++ b/core/lexicon/sv/user.inc.php
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
$_lang['user_blockeduntil_desc'] = 'Om du anger ett klockslag här kommer användaren att vara blockerad fram tills den tidpunkten infaller.';
$_lang['user_changeddata'] = 'Dina användardata har ändrats. Var snäll och logga in igen.';
$_lang['user_class_key_desc'] = 'MODX-klassnyckeln för denna användare. Ändra inte här om du inte vet vad du gör.';
-$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'Användaren har skapats. Lösenordet är: [[+password]]';
+$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'Användaren
[[+username]] har skapats.
Lösenordet är:
$_lang['user_confirm_remove'] = 'Är du säker på att du vill ta bort denna användare permanent?';
$_lang['user_country'] = 'Land';
$_lang['user_dob'] = 'Födelsedatum';
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@
$_lang['user_male'] = 'Man';
$_lang['user_management_msg'] = 'Här kan du skapa nya användare av innehållshanteraren eller välja en redan befintlig för redigering. Dessa användare kan logga in i innehållshanteraren.';
$_lang['user_mobile'] = 'Mobilnummer';
-$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Lösenordet ändrades till: [[+password]]';
+$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Lösenordet ändrades till:
$_lang['user_phone'] = 'Telefonnummer';
$_lang['user_photo'] = 'Användarfoto';
$_lang['user_photo_message'] = 'Skriv in sökvägen till bilden för den här användaren, eller använd "Infoga"-knappen för att öppna ett nytt fönster där du kan välja en bild och ladda upp den till servern.';
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@
$_lang['user_sudo_desc'] = 'Om du markerar den här kommer denna användare att ha full tillgång till hela webbplatsen och kommer att kringgå alla behörighetskontroller. Markera *INTE* den här om du inte verkligen menar det.';
$_lang['user_title'] = 'Skapa/redigera användare';
$_lang['user_other'] = 'Annat';
-$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'Användaren har uppdaterats. Lösenordet är: [[+password]]';
+$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'Användaren
[[+username]] uppdaterades.
Lösenordet är:
$_lang['user_upload_message'] = ' Om du vill hindra denna användare från att ladda upp några filtyper i den här kategorin, se då till att "Använd systemets konfigurationsinställning" inte är förbockad och lämna fältet blankt.';
$_lang['user_use_config'] = 'Använd systemets konfigurationsinställning';
$_lang['user_username_desc'] = 'Användarens unika identifierare och det namn som användaren ska använda för att logga in på webbplatsen.';
diff --git a/core/lexicon/th/context.inc.php b/core/lexicon/th/context.inc.php
index c5e806db728..69d1fd19e50 100644
--- a/core/lexicon/th/context.inc.php
+++ b/core/lexicon/th/context.inc.php
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
$_lang['context_err_ns'] = 'ไม่มีการระบุบริบท';
$_lang['context_err_ns_key'] = 'กรุณาระบุคีย์ที่ถูกต้องสำหรับบริบท';
$_lang['context_err_remove'] = 'An error occurred while trying to delete the Context.';
+$_lang['context_err_reserved'] = 'The Context key you chose is reserved for system use only. Please specify a different key.';
$_lang['context_err_save'] = 'เกิดข้อผิดพลาดขณะกำลังบันทึกบริบท';
$_lang['context_id'] = 'หมายเลขบริบท';
$_lang['context_key'] = 'คีย์บริบท';
diff --git a/core/lexicon/th/user.inc.php b/core/lexicon/th/user.inc.php
index cedfa85babf..7a407413034 100644
--- a/core/lexicon/th/user.inc.php
+++ b/core/lexicon/th/user.inc.php
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
$_lang['user_blockeduntil_desc'] = 'If set, the user will be blocked until this time.';
$_lang['user_changeddata'] = 'ข้อมูลของคุณได้รับการเปลี่ยนแปลงแล้ว กรุณาเข้าสู่ระบบอีกครั้ง';
$_lang['user_class_key_desc'] = 'The MODX Class Key for this user. Do not change this unless you know what you are doing.';
-$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'สร้างผู้ใช้แล้ว รหัสผ่านคือ: [[+password]]';
+$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'The User
[[+username]] has been created.
The password is:
$_lang['user_confirm_remove'] = 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete this user?';
$_lang['user_country'] = 'ประเทศ';
$_lang['user_dob'] = 'วันเกิด';
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@
$_lang['user_male'] = 'ผู้ชาย';
$_lang['user_management_msg'] = 'เลือกสิ่งที่คุณต้องการแก้ไขที่นี่';
$_lang['user_mobile'] = 'หมายเลขโทรศัพท์เคลื่อนที่';
-$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'รหัสผ่านถูกเปลียนเป็น: [[+password]] เรียบร้อยแล้ว';
+$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Password successfully changed to:
$_lang['user_phone'] = 'หมายเลขโทรศัพท์';
$_lang['user_photo'] = 'รูปประจำตัวผู้ใช้';
$_lang['user_photo_message'] = 'ใส่ url ของรูปภาพสำหรับผู้ใช้นี้หรือเลือกที่ปุ่มแทรกเพื่อเลือกและอัพโหลดรูปภาพจองเซิร์ฟเวอร์';
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@
$_lang['user_sudo_desc'] = 'If checked, this user will have full access to all the site and will bypass any Access Permissions checks. *DO NOT* check this unless you mean to do so!';
$_lang['user_title'] = 'สร้าง/แก้ไข ผู้ใช้';
$_lang['user_other'] = 'Other';
-$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'ผู้ใช้ถูกปรับปรุงแล้ว รหัสผ่านคือ: [[+password]]';
+$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'The User
[[+username]] has been updated.
The password is:
$_lang['user_upload_message'] = ' หากคุณต้องการจะหยุดการอัพโหลดไฟล์บางประเภทของผู้ใช้ในหมวดหมู่นี้ ตรวจสอบให้แน่ใจว่า \'ใช้การตั้งค่าหลัก\' checkbox ต้องไม่ถูกเลือกและปล่อยให้ค่าฟิลด์ว่างไว้';
$_lang['user_use_config'] = 'ใช้การตั้งค่าของระบบ';
$_lang['user_username_desc'] = 'The unique identifier of this User, and the name by which they will login to the site.';
diff --git a/core/lexicon/tr/context.inc.php b/core/lexicon/tr/context.inc.php
index 22d58747e49..93135bc74dd 100644
--- a/core/lexicon/tr/context.inc.php
+++ b/core/lexicon/tr/context.inc.php
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
$_lang['context_err_ns'] = 'İçerik belirtilmemiş.';
$_lang['context_err_ns_key'] = 'Lütfen içerik için geçerli bir anahtar belirtin.';
$_lang['context_err_remove'] = 'An error occurred while trying to delete the Context.';
+$_lang['context_err_reserved'] = 'The Context key you chose is reserved for system use only. Please specify a different key.';
$_lang['context_err_save'] = 'İçeriği kaydederken bir hata meydana geldi.';
$_lang['context_id'] = 'Ctx Kimliği';
$_lang['context_key'] = 'İçerik anahtarı';
diff --git a/core/lexicon/tr/user.inc.php b/core/lexicon/tr/user.inc.php
index 84a442ab65c..512a984e3a3 100644
--- a/core/lexicon/tr/user.inc.php
+++ b/core/lexicon/tr/user.inc.php
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
$_lang['user_blockeduntil_desc'] = 'Eğer ayarlanırsa, kullanıcı bu zamana kadar engellenecek.';
$_lang['user_changeddata'] = 'Verileriniz değiştirildi. Lütfen tekrar giriş yapın.';
$_lang['user_class_key_desc'] = 'Bu kullanıcı için MODX Sınıf Anahtarı. Eğer ne yaptığınızı bilmiyorsanız bunu değiştirmeyin.';
-$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'Kullanıcı oluşturuldu. Parola: [[+password]]';
+$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'The User
[[+username]] has been created.
The password is:
$_lang['user_confirm_remove'] = 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete this user?';
$_lang['user_country'] = 'Ülke';
$_lang['user_dob'] = 'Doğum tarihi';
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@
$_lang['user_male'] = 'Erken';
$_lang['user_management_msg'] = 'Burada hangi kullanıcıyı düzenlemek istediğinizi seçebilirsiniz.';
$_lang['user_mobile'] = 'Cep telefonu numarası';
-$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Parola başarıyla şuna değiştirildi: [[+password]]';
+$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Password successfully changed to:
$_lang['user_phone'] = 'Telefon numarası';
$_lang['user_photo'] = 'Kullanıcı Fotoğrafı';
$_lang['user_photo_message'] = 'Bu kullanıcı için görüntü URL\'si girin veya sunucudaki bir görüntü dosyasını seçmek veya yüklemek için ekle düğmesini kullanın.';
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@
$_lang['user_sudo_desc'] = 'İşaretlenirse, bu kullanıcı tüm siteye tam erişime sahip olur ve Erişim İzinleri kontrollerini atlar. Bunu yapmak istediğin sürece bunu kontrol edin *ETMEYİN*!';
$_lang['user_title'] = 'Kullanıcı Oluştur/Düzenle';
$_lang['user_other'] = 'Diğer';
-$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'Kullanıcı güncellendi. Parola:[[+password]]';
+$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'The User
[[+username]] has been updated.
The password is:
$_lang['user_upload_message'] = 'Eğer bu kullanıcının bu kategoriye herhangi bir dosya türü yüklemesini durdurmak istiyorsanız, \'Ana Konfigürasyon Ayarlarını Kullan\' kutusunun tikli olmadığına ve boş bırakıldığına emin olun.';
$_lang['user_use_config'] = 'Sistem Yapılandırma Ayarlarını Kullan';
$_lang['user_username_desc'] = 'Kullanıcının özgün tanımı, ve siteye giriş yapacağı isim.';
diff --git a/core/lexicon/uk/context.inc.php b/core/lexicon/uk/context.inc.php
index d74d7ddedf7..712ce416935 100644
--- a/core/lexicon/uk/context.inc.php
+++ b/core/lexicon/uk/context.inc.php
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
$_lang['context_err_ns'] = 'Контекст не вказаний.';
$_lang['context_err_ns_key'] = 'Будь ласка, вкажіть коректний ключ для контексту.';
$_lang['context_err_remove'] = 'Сталася помилка під час спроби видалення контексту.';
+$_lang['context_err_reserved'] = 'The Context key you chose is reserved for system use only. Please specify a different key.';
$_lang['context_err_save'] = 'Сталася помилка при збереженні контексту.';
$_lang['context_id'] = 'ID контексту';
$_lang['context_key'] = 'Ключ контексту';
diff --git a/core/lexicon/uk/user.inc.php b/core/lexicon/uk/user.inc.php
index 2cac5d245c3..3a9c160d9a6 100644
--- a/core/lexicon/uk/user.inc.php
+++ b/core/lexicon/uk/user.inc.php
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
$_lang['user_blockeduntil_desc'] = 'Якщо вказано, користувач буде заблокований до цього часу.';
$_lang['user_changeddata'] = 'Ваші дані змінено. Будь ласка, увійдіть до системи знову.';
$_lang['user_class_key_desc'] = 'Ключ класу MODX для цього користувача. Не змінюйте його, якщо Ви не знаєте, що Ви робите.';
-$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'Користувача створено. Пароль: [[+password]]';
+$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'The User
[[+username]] has been created.
The password is:
$_lang['user_confirm_remove'] = 'Ви впевнені, що хочете видалити цього користувача? ';
$_lang['user_country'] = 'Країна';
$_lang['user_dob'] = 'Дата народження';
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@
$_lang['user_male'] = 'Чоловік';
$_lang['user_management_msg'] = 'Тут Ви можете вибрати користувачів, дані яких Ви хотіли б змінити.';
$_lang['user_mobile'] = 'Номер мобільного телефону';
-$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Пароль успішно змінено на : [[+password]]';
+$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Password successfully changed to:
$_lang['user_phone'] = 'Номер телефону';
$_lang['user_photo'] = 'Світлина користувача';
$_lang['user_photo_message'] = 'Введіть URL зображення для цього користувача або скористайтеся кнопкою "Вставити" для вибору або завантаження зображення на сервер.';
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@
$_lang['user_sudo_desc'] = 'Якщо встановлено, користувач матиме повний доступ до усього сайту і проходитиме будь-які перевірки доступу. НЕ ВІДМІЧАЙТЕ, якщо не впевнені у необхідності цього!';
$_lang['user_title'] = 'Створити/Редагувати користувача';
$_lang['user_other'] = 'Інше';
-$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'Дані користувача оновлено. Пароль: [[+password]]';
+$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'The User
[[+username]] has been updated.
The password is:
$_lang['user_upload_message'] = 'Якщо Ви хочете заборонити даному користувачеві завантаження будь-яких файлів у цю категорію, переконайтеся в тому, що прапорець "Використовувати основні налаштування" не відмічений, і залиште поле порожнім.';
$_lang['user_use_config'] = 'Використовувати системні налаштування';
$_lang['user_username_desc'] = 'Унікальний ідентифікатор користувача і ім\'я, під яким він буде входити на сайт.';
diff --git a/core/lexicon/yo/context.inc.php b/core/lexicon/yo/context.inc.php
index 405adb938f3..7352df973c2 100644
--- a/core/lexicon/yo/context.inc.php
+++ b/core/lexicon/yo/context.inc.php
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
$_lang['context_err_ns'] = 'Context not specified.';
$_lang['context_err_ns_key'] = 'Please specify a valid key for the Context.';
$_lang['context_err_remove'] = 'An error occurred while trying to delete the Context.';
+$_lang['context_err_reserved'] = 'The Context key you chose is reserved for system use only. Please specify a different key.';
$_lang['context_err_save'] = 'An error occurred while saving the Context.';
$_lang['context_id'] = 'Ctx ID';
$_lang['context_key'] = 'Context Key';
diff --git a/core/lexicon/yo/user.inc.php b/core/lexicon/yo/user.inc.php
index 63d2d6828c0..b142626be84 100644
--- a/core/lexicon/yo/user.inc.php
+++ b/core/lexicon/yo/user.inc.php
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
$_lang['user_blockeduntil_desc'] = 'If set, the user will be blocked until this time.';
$_lang['user_changeddata'] = 'Your data has been changed. Please log in again.';
$_lang['user_class_key_desc'] = 'The MODX Class Key for this user. Do not change this unless you know what you are doing.';
-$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'The User has been created. The password is: [[+password]]';
+$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'The User
[[+username]] has been created.
The password is:
$_lang['user_confirm_remove'] = 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete this user?';
$_lang['user_country'] = 'Country';
$_lang['user_dob'] = 'Date of birth';
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@
$_lang['user_male'] = 'Male';
$_lang['user_management_msg'] = 'Here you can choose which user you wish to edit.';
$_lang['user_mobile'] = 'Mobile phone number';
-$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Password successfully changed to: [[+password]]';
+$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Password successfully changed to:
$_lang['user_phone'] = 'Phone number';
$_lang['user_photo'] = 'User Photo';
$_lang['user_photo_message'] = 'Enter the image URL for this user or use the insert button to select or upload an image file on the server.';
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@
$_lang['user_sudo_desc'] = 'If checked, this user will have full access to all the site and will bypass any Access Permissions checks. *DO NOT* check this unless you mean to do so!';
$_lang['user_title'] = 'Create/Edit user';
$_lang['user_other'] = 'Other';
-$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'The User has been updated. The password is: [[+password]]';
+$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'The User
[[+username]] has been updated.
The password is:
$_lang['user_upload_message'] = 'If you wish to stop this user uploading any filetypes in this category, make sure that the \'Use Main Configuration Setting\' checkbox is not ticked and leave the field blank.';
$_lang['user_use_config'] = 'Use System Configuration Setting';
$_lang['user_username_desc'] = 'The unique identifier of this User, and the name by which they will login to the site.';
diff --git a/core/lexicon/zh/context.inc.php b/core/lexicon/zh/context.inc.php
index 405adb938f3..7352df973c2 100644
--- a/core/lexicon/zh/context.inc.php
+++ b/core/lexicon/zh/context.inc.php
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
$_lang['context_err_ns'] = 'Context not specified.';
$_lang['context_err_ns_key'] = 'Please specify a valid key for the Context.';
$_lang['context_err_remove'] = 'An error occurred while trying to delete the Context.';
+$_lang['context_err_reserved'] = 'The Context key you chose is reserved for system use only. Please specify a different key.';
$_lang['context_err_save'] = 'An error occurred while saving the Context.';
$_lang['context_id'] = 'Ctx ID';
$_lang['context_key'] = 'Context Key';
diff --git a/core/lexicon/zh/user.inc.php b/core/lexicon/zh/user.inc.php
index ceafb736f98..0c6a6133e4c 100644
--- a/core/lexicon/zh/user.inc.php
+++ b/core/lexicon/zh/user.inc.php
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
$_lang['user_blockeduntil_desc'] = 'If set, the user will be blocked until this time.';
$_lang['user_changeddata'] = 'Your data has been changed. Please log in again.';
$_lang['user_class_key_desc'] = 'The MODX Class Key for this user. Do not change this unless you know what you are doing.';
-$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'The User has been created. The password is: [[+password]]';
+$_lang['user_created_password_message'] = 'The User
[[+username]] has been created.
The password is:
$_lang['user_confirm_remove'] = 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete this user?';
$_lang['user_country'] = 'Country';
$_lang['user_dob'] = 'Date of birth';
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@
$_lang['user_male'] = '先生';
$_lang['user_management_msg'] = 'Here you can choose which user you wish to edit.';
$_lang['user_mobile'] = 'Mobile phone number';
-$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Password successfully changed to: [[+password]]';
+$_lang['user_password_changed'] = 'Password successfully changed to:
$_lang['user_phone'] = '电话';
$_lang['user_photo'] = 'User Photo';
$_lang['user_photo_message'] = 'Enter the image URL for this user or use the insert button to select or upload an image file on the server.';
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@
$_lang['user_sudo_desc'] = 'If checked, this user will have full access to all the site and will bypass any Access Permissions checks. *DO NOT* check this unless you mean to do so!';
$_lang['user_title'] = 'Create/Edit user';
$_lang['user_other'] = 'Other';
-$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'The User has been updated. The password is: [[+password]]';
+$_lang['user_updated_password_message'] = 'The User
[[+username]] has been updated.
The password is:
$_lang['user_upload_message'] = 'If you wish to stop this user uploading any filetypes in this category, make sure that the \'Use Main Configuration Setting\' checkbox is not ticked and leave the field blank.';
$_lang['user_use_config'] = 'Use System Configuration Setting';
$_lang['user_username_desc'] = 'The unique identifier of this User, and the name by which they will login to the site.';