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Requirements Analysis

To access the requirements, one normally would use a stakeholder analysis.

Since this project is more like a research project, it is not really intended to be used as a product outside of Chainsulting. Thus, the primary and only stakeholder is one of the CEO's of Chainsulting, Yannik Heinze, who is keen on finding out about the effects of sentiment on trading performance.

In consultation with Mr. Heinze, the requirements for this project have been set beforehand.

The requirements are structured as functional and non-functional with three categories:

  • Must-Have-Requirements are essential for the system to work at all.
  • Should-Have-Requirements are improving the system, but are not necessary for the system to run.
  • Optional Requirements can improve the final product, but not at all necessary.

Functional Requirements [FR]


Nr. Description
[FR 10] The system delivers real-time tweets from Twitter
[FR 20] The system delivers a sentiment for each tweet
[FR 30] The system builds trade-signals based on sentiment
[FR 40] The system trades based on these signals


Nr. Description
[FR 50] The system filters tweets
[FR 60] The system visualises metrics of tweets, sentiment and trades
[FR 70] The system stores the data in a database
[FR 80] The system can run in the background


Nr. Description
[FR 90] The system uses different trading strategies at the same time
[FR 100] The system uses Machine-Learning to improve the strategy

Non-Functional Requirements [NFR]


Nr. Description
[NFR 10] The project must contain research on used cryptocurrencies and social-media platform
[NFR 20] The project will be published open-sourced on GitHub

Development Phase

From the above requirements analysis, a flow diagram was derived to simplify and visualise the order of steps that are needed to be taken in the development phase. This helped to split the available time into phases for each part in this diagram. It was basically the key to time-management of this project. The orange bigger box are the parent steps, in which the smaller steps take place.

Concept as Flow Diagram

Figure 7: Flow Diagram for the Development Phase

The following architecture overview (Figure 8) shows all interaction with the different API's and providers. The whole system works with two tables. The system gets data from the Twitter API and stores it inside a table in the Heroku Postgres Database. Heroku schedules the trading and stores the trading data in another table in the Database. All the scripts regarding trading and visualising are then requesting this data from the Database, as needed. Both the Binance and Kucoin API's are used to acquire price data for the cryptocurrencies and Kucoin handles the trading part.

This works as a first overview over the system and will be explained in more detail throughout this documentation.

architecture overview

Figure 8: Architecture Overview

Development Environment

Code Editor

The code editor used was Visual Studio Code with their tremendous amount of extensions. Particular helpful extensions were the Jupyter Notebook, the TabNine AI supported Autocomplete and the LTeX LanguageTool that checked grammar and spell Markdown files. This way it was possible to directly write the documentation inside VSCode.

Environment Setup

To ensure version control for used python libraries the package and environment management system Conda was used.

With conda environments it is possible to work with defined python and package versions.

Setting up an environment is easy:

  1. Install conda with pip install conda
  2. Create the environment with conda create --name myenv
  3. See if environment was created conda env list
  4. Activate environment with conda activate myenv

To create an environment from an existing requirements.txt file add this to the second step:

conda create --name myenv --file requirements.txt

The following packages were used:

  • pandas
  • matplotlib
  • sentiment
  • streamlit
  • wordcloud
  • numpy
  • openpyxl
  • regex==2022.3.2
  • pyOpenSSL
  • demoji
  • python-dateutil
  • python-dotenv
  • tweepy
  • SQLAlchemy
  • vaderSentiment
  • psycopg2-binary
  • streamlit_autorefresh
  • boto
  • schedule
  • postgres
  • python-binance
  • python-kucoin

Export to requirements.txt or requirements.yml with

  • conda env export > environment.yml

  • pip freeze > requirements.txt

Local Development

Tweepy Stream and local Export

  1. Activate the conda environment with required packages (see above)

  2. Get your own API-Keys from Twitter API and Kucoin Sandbox and add them to .env-file

  3. Set up a Postgres Database and add DB_URL to .env

  4. Edit :

    • Uncomment line 48 for local export
    • Either add the keywords for the coins in the last line:

      or Uncomment lines 66 - 72
  5. run script via terminal:
    python3 -k "btc,eth,ada" -i 5


1. cd streamlit
2. streamlit run 01_💬
3. open http://localhost:8501


The folders are structured as follows to prevent that the different development phases conflict each other. The sentiment folder contains all the heroku, database and trade parts. The streamlit folder contains all the visualisations, ensuring that nothing here can influence the heroku background scripts.

main - Folder File to get the Environment-Variables
Procfile A Heroku file for starting the processes
docs-Folder Contains the ordered Documentation

sentiment - Folder Functions to filter the tweets by checking for blacklisted words, duplicates and unnecessary symbols Class to build a keyword list for coins Class to listen and filter tweets Main Class. Called in Procfile and starts Listener with Keywords Functions for Trading. Called every hour in Heroku Scheduler.
Logs-Folder All Logs (Heroku, Tweepy, Excel, Json)

sentiment/database - Folder SQL-Alchemy Connection with Heroku database Export Local Tweets to Json/Excel Trade Class to declare the Format and Type of each Column in the Database Tweet Class to declare Format and Type of each Column in the Database

streamlit - Folder
01_💬 Main File to visualise all the data from tweets, sentiment and trades with Streamlit (01... is streamlit-notation for multiple pages) Functions to get the data from Heroku Database, get prices from Binance and for building Signals Functions to edit the data from the databases: Splitting the DataFrame, calculate average and convert to signals. Functions to visualise the price chart and words.