Main objective of this project is to validate the email id present in comment section of blog posts created by a specific user.
JDK1.8 and above Maven 4.0.0
- Validate displayed email id is proper format present in the comment section of each blog post created by a specific user
- Enter empty value in the user name and validate it fails with message showing "Username is empty or Username doesn't exist"
- Enter wrong username and validate it fails with message showing "Username is empty or Username doesn't exist"
**How to run the project: **
- Open the project in any one of the IDE
- Select "Maven build" ---> type "clean install" in Goals textfield
- Go to src/test/java/com/bdd/test/cucumber/Options/
- Check tags = "@EndToEndTest" in file is matching with userBlogs.feature file Scenario tag
- Right click on
- RunAs ---> JUnitTest
Cucumber TestReports After running the testcases we can watch the test reports in the "{id}" link. Full link will be shown in the IDE console.