- Removed SOFORT and Paysafecard payment methods
- Added Satispay method
- Added recurring/subscription cancel feature
- Bugfix and improvements
- Removed Giropay payment method
- New payment methods - Trustly, Alma, Riverty, Payconiq
- Other bugfix and improvements
- New payment methods - Twint, Blik, Bancomat Pay
- In preparation of full iDeal 2.0 readiness we have removed the bank/issuer selection in the checkout. This is done to guarantee the most convenient experience possible for the shopper
- API update
- Bugfix when shipping is not required for products in Opencart 4.x
- Bugfix and improvements
- Fixed bug caused by missing telephone number
- Other bugfix and improvements
- New upcoming payment methods in next version - Twint, Blik, Bancomat Pay
- Bugfix and improvements
- Removed VQMod from module for opencart version 4 - now uses events
- Added 'Payment Link' payment method for orders created through admin
- New payment methods 'Klarna One', 'MyBank' and 'Billie' added
- New feature - Create credit order on (partial) refund
- Added option whether or not to re-stock the product after partial refund
- Minimum required PHP version 7.2.0
- Fixed payment methods loading time issue on checkout
- Other bugfix and improvements
- New module for Opencart version 4.x
- Dropped PHP 5.6 support
- Fixed bug related to recurring payment in opencart version 2.3 and earlier
- Fixed double listing of mollie payment fee (total)
- Fixed autofill api key bug
- Fixed bug regarding customer(not exists)
- Other bugfix and improvements
- Added IN3 Payment Method
- Fixed issue related to currencies decimal places
- Bugfix address validation of zone and postcode
- Removed order total notice when Mollie Payment Fee isn't enabled
- Changed PHP version check in update function
- Fixed bug related to shipping details
- Updated mollie payment details interface on order page
- Removed mollie payment fee options from 'payment' module and added them to 'order total' module (Mollie Payment Fee)
- Updated mollie payment fee interface and added more options
- Updated mollie api version
- Updated module design
- Removed mollie connect feature
- Bugfix and improvements
- Fixed payment failed status
- Fixed permission error in admin after fresh install of the module
- Bug Fixes
- Added Klarna Pay Now payment method
- Added Voucher payment method
- Added Option to use Payment API (or Order API)
- Extended refund option to refund orderlines as well
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug in currency due to other payment methods
- Fixed shipment creation exception
- Fixed bug in currency
- Removed DB storage engine while creating table
- Added option to align payment method icons left or right to the method title
- Added single click payment
- Create shipment for all methods now
- Added option to set order expiry days
- Added option for partial refunds
- Made titles multilingual
- Fixed speed issue in loading payment methods on frontend in OC 1.5.x
- Added minimum and maximum amount for payment methods
- Added payment fee total
- Added check for Apple Pay in session instead of cookie
- Added option to report mollie errors in frontend
- Bugfixes
- Added removePermission function in OC1.5
- Fixed typo in xml file
- Updated mollie API
- Fixed bug related to inactive payment method in mollie dashboard
- Fixed other minor bugs
- Fixed incorrect recurring amount bug in admin
- Fixed GuzzleHttp Error
- Removed 'inghomepay' and 'directdebit' methods
- Moved API inside library folder
- Removed Guzzle dependency. It will fix the 'choose_handler()' error
- Updated payment method icons
- Fixed white page issue on checkout
- Fixed permission overwrite issue
- Fixed bug for multistores
- Fixed error caused when both files are enabled
- Fixed bug related to javascript for quick checkout
- Fixed error while loading model
- Put and updated older payment files back that might cause issues
- Fixed bug while saving API keys in multi-store setup
- Fixed bug that showed Mollie in payments list twice in admin
- Created two separate versions of the module for OCMOD and VQMOD
- Removed "util" support
- Recurring payments functionality is added for SEPA Direct Debit payment method
- Hide/Show API Key in admin
- Added option to edit/set payment method title
- Added option to add images for payment methods (Default image will be used if no image added)
- Added recurring payment functionality for recurring profiles
- Updated mollie API to 2.22.3
- Added missing language variable(s)
- Updated mollie API to 2.21.0
- Fixed bug regarding "Custom CSS illegal offset"
- Fixed fetching incorrect order_id by callback in case of multiple payment attempt
- Updated API to the latest
- Fixed payment title related bug for pdf invoice pro
- Added util
- Updated logging
- Removed 'Description' field(for now) from settings to avoid confusion
- Added VQMod version to support email
- Fixed minor error
- Updated util
- Used status 303 see other to payment redirect
- Stored images/icons locally in the module
- Added translation for hardcoded strings
- Fixed bug regarding options saving for '-Do not update the order status'
- Added a counter to keep track of payment attempts
- Fixed bug regarding incorrect order update
- Fixed success message bug after module update
- Fixed journal theme bug for credit card
- Deleted entries with empty mollie_order_id to fix primary key update error
- Redirected to success page after 'Open' payment status
- Made mollie_order_id primary in mollie_payments table
- Added date_modified field in mollie_payments table
- Bugfix
- Bugfix URL creation
- Added option to force currency for payment
- Small bugfix for invalid amount message
- Fixed loading of MollieHttpClient
- Added file to cleanup
- Bugfix status returning to paid
- Bugfix notice on admin dashboard
- Updated mollie logo in checkout to smaller version
- Updated checkout form styling
- Added deprecated module names to admin for older version updating
- Bugfix view load
- Removed unused language files from installer
- Added referrer check to avoid double status change
- Added Journal support for Mollie components
- Several small bugfixes
- Introduced Mollie Components for filling out CreditCard details on checkout page
- Bugfix in database table patching
- Bugfix model load
- Bugfix PatchTable
- Cleaned up code
- Bugfix in database table patching
- Bugfix include in nl-nl language file
- Fixed model load error on dashboard OC2.x
- Added update message on Opencart Dashboard when new version of Mollie is available
- Payment status will not be shown on order info page if an error is thrown from Mollie (instead of onscreen error)
- Moved update button from bottom of module to button location in top-right
- Cleaned up some code -- removed double patching locations
- Updated Util to support Unique parameter for patching
- Bugfix currency conversion when store default currency is different than admin default currency
- Small code cleanup
- Bugfix getting API key from settings table for OC version <3.x
- Bugfix getting active payment methods per Apikey in multi-store environments
- Bugfix for multi-store payment status in admin order info page
- Bugfix for double order_ids in mollie payments table
- Bugfix for some non_int amounts
- Added debug logging option
- Added support-form in module
- Get payment status from Mollie on order page load
- Updated Mollie Connect settings in module
- Updated some code for better processing of payment information
- Bugfix for missing Mollie_order_id
- Bugfix for some negative amounts
- Small fix for rounding differences
- Only show refund button for Mollie payments
- Changed search value in vqmod xml due to irregular issues on some servers
- Fixed double form post in confirmation template
- Fixed bug for rounding differences more than 0.01
- Added OAuth support for:
- Activate payment methods through module (instead of Mollie dashboard)
- See payment status on order info page
- Request refund through order info page
- Added Przelewy24 support.
- Added additional check on order_id in webhook.
- Update cleanup function to include cleanup for < 9.x modules.
- Remove Bitcoin.
- Fix double payment bug.
- Fix voucher support.
- Fix Amount invalid bug for all currencies.
- Fix non-integer qty support.
- Fixed notice error when shipping method is used that isn't linked to a tax class.
- Fixed update functionality.
- Added conditional checking for OC 1.5, so OCMod checks are not attempted on a version that doesn't support it.
- Fixed settings randomly disappearing from admin.
- Added support for VQMod/OCMod combinations.
- Rounding fix.
- Fixed missing translation button label.
- Fixed cleanup function.
- Send webhook URL on order creation.
- Check payment status on success page.
- Fixed a bug in the module update functionality.
- Correctly calculate taxes.
- Unselect payment method for store is possible again.
- Fixed "Undefined index: iso_code_2" in one page checkouts.
- Less warnings about adding an API key in the backend.
- "Amount is lower than minimum" bugfix.
- Fixed loading Belfius controller (thanks @KevinJDurant).
- Fixed switched translations for EPS and Giropay (thanks @pvdptje).
- Added support for 3rd party totals.
- Minor improvements to documentation.
- Removed possibility of sending html entities to Mollie API.
- Made API key a mandatory field.
- Added support for OC events in the versions that support it.
- Added "shipping after complete status" functionality.
- Added version support for OpenCart 1.5.x to 3.x in one module, no need to download a separate version anymore;
- Added Klarna payment methods;
- Added Mollie Order API and Shipment API;
- Added update functionality right from the module itself, linked to new Github releases;
- Added multi currency support;
- Improved payment method display based on Mollie settings;
- Bugfixes: fixed amount.value errors with totals over 1000 EU, errors when checking out with USD, setting price limits, entering API key.
- Fixed error in total price that gave a amount.value error on totals over 1000 eu.
- Fixed the error with rounded order totals in 2.2-and-lower version giving the following error: "Error executing API call (422: Unprocessable Entity): The amount contains an invalid value. Field: amount.value."
- Fixed language file switch of EPS and Giropay payment methods.
- Removed remaining Mistercash language files from the admin dir for the 2.3+ version.
- Added support for Mollie API v2.
- Added German (DE) and Spanish (ES) language support in the module.
- Added EPS and Giropay payment methods.
- Renamed MisterCash to Bancontact according to Mollie specifications.
- Bugfix in the array with available Locale
- Locale: use en_US if user Locale is not supported
- ING Home'Pay added as payment method
- Cleanup check for already installed modules that are updated
- Improved logging for future debugging
- Minor bug fixes.
- Fixed a bug where quick checkouts would not validate properly
- Added missing translation
- Fixed a bug where Bancontact would be displayed as Mister Cash
- New features are now available for OpenCart 1.5 and 2.x!
- Fix a bug where a payment method would not always be displayed correctly in the order email when using payment images.
- Minor issues solved.
- Added 6 new payment methods (Gift cards)!
- fashioncheque
- Nationale EntertainmentCard
- Podium Cadeaukaart
- VVV Giftcard
- YourGift
- Webshop Giftcard
- Convert module to work with OpenCart 3.x.x.x only (soon to be backported).
- Addition of geo-zone selection per payment method.
- Adjusted admin interface to declutter the view.
- Add helpful method:
- Double check payment status in callback - uses new
method - Update mollie_return_2.tpl - some themes are using HTML 'id' attributes on container divs
- Update bundled cacert.pem file. Follows Mozilla's recommendations on invalid certificates.
- Added the payment method KBC Payment Button.
- This is a backwards incompatible release that will only work for OpenCart 2.3 and up. To keep using our module with OpenCart 2.2 or lower, please checkout the
- Update submodule mollie-api-php to
- Added language paths for OC 2.2 and higher.
- Fixed Confirm order click - open steps stay closed.
- Fix for when the order id was not found in the redirectUrl
- Update submodule mollie-api-php to
- Update submodule mollie-api-php to
- Third-party module compatibility: Quick checkout
- Added multi-store support
- Add support for SEPA Direct Debit + Update submodule mollie-api-php to
- Hide unavailable payment methods. Fixes problem when switching between test and live API key or when you change the activated payment methods in your Mollie Profile.
- Update Mollie API client
- Update Mollie API client. Fixes compatibility with PHP 5.2+
- Add payment method Belfius Direct Net
- Add some extra checks to the admin settings page to check if the module is installed correctly, your system is compatible and test the connection with with Mollie. Display possible fixes if the module can't connect with Mollie.
- Clear cart when an order is marked as 'paid'.
- Fix issue with white screen appearing when cancelling a payment on older PHP versions.
- Fix order confirmation button.
- Orders are no longer set to 'pending' when created (except for bank transfers). This should remove duplicate orders in the admin panel.
- The 'cancelled' and 'expired' statuses can be disabled in the admin panel as well, if you do not wish to see these in your order overview.
- For cancelled payments, you can now choose between showing a 'transaction failed' page or sending your customers directly back to the shopping cart.
- Send users back to their shopping cart if a payment fails.
- All payment methods have now been added as separate modules to improve support with other third party modules.
- Prevent single page checkout modules from overwriting payment method selection.
- Fixed issue with the latest vQmod release.
- Fix support for Dreamvention's Quick Checkout module plugin.
- Stop Google Analytics from listing payment provider as referrer.
- Improved default templates for Opencart 2.
- Fixed issue where vQmod broke Mollie's module code.
- Support for OneCheckOut module.
- Support for Dreamvention's Quick Checkout module.
- Fixed order receipts not loading properly.
- Fixed 'missing terms' warning on checkout page.
- Support for ajax ('single page') checkout modules.
- Support for Opencart 2.
- Describe payment statuses more clear in admin settings.
- Fixed an issue where creating orders in the backend would cause a JSON Parse error.
- Resolved the problem that multiple payments could be created for one single order.
- Fixed an issue where a successful payment can be changed to expired.
- Places Mollie payment methods on the correct position (sorting order).
- Now with support for Joomla-based OpenCart installations.
- Fixed old PHP 5.2- regression bug.
- Added support for custom catalog paths.
- Improved order status updates before and after payments.
- Fixed HTTP calls on HTTPS pages.
- Added translations for payment methods. Now with French translations.
- Support PHP version 5.2 and jQuery 1.7.
- Webhook URL will now be configured automatically. No need to do it manually anymore.
- If a customer's payment is still "Pending" when returning, the cart is now cleared and a pending message is printed.
- Mollie payment methods are now shown as separate options.
- iDEAL payment method immediately shows the bank selection dropdown.
- Payment methods are displayed with their unique logos.
- Correct order totals are calculated for non-EURO base currencies.
- De module gebruikt nu de nieuwe betalings-API van Mollie. Dit betekent dat de module naast iDEAL, nu ook creditcard, Mister Cash en paysafecard ondersteunt. Mocht een betaling om wat voor reden dan ook niet lukken, dat kan uw klant het gelijk nog een keer proberen. U hoeft hiervoor niets extra's te implementeren. In de toekomst zullen ook nog nieuwe betaalmethodes toegevoegd worden. Deze zijn dan direct beschikbaar in uw webshop.
- Het instellingenscherm in de admin toont nu gelijk of de module correct kan communiceren met de Mollie API. Hierdoor kunnen we u beter helpen wanneer er problemen zijn met de module.
- Verbeter foutafhandeling en communicatie met Mollie.
Upgraden vanaf een eerdere versie is eenvoudig:
- Download de module van GitHub.
- Upload de bestanden in de map
naar uw webserver. U moet hierbij de bestanden die er al zijn met dezelfde naam overschrijven. Er zijn ook enkele nieuwe bestanden. - Ga naar de instellingenpagina van de module in OpenCart. Kopieer hier uw Test API key in het daarvoor bestemde veld. U vindt uw Test API key in het Mollie Beheer onder "Websiteprofielen".
- Voer een testbetaling uit om te verifiëren of alles werkt.
- Als alles goed werkt, vervang dan de Test API key door de Live API key in uw OpenCart omgeving.
- Na een succesvolle betaling, wordt de klant doorgestuurd naar de standaard "geslaagde betaling"-pagina van OpenCart.
- Vanaf deze versie wordt de kwaliteit van de module bewaakt door de open source continuous integration server Travis CI
- Geef duidelijkere foutmeldingen indien er iets misgaat bij het opzetten van de betaling
- Los een probleem op waardoor de sorteervolgorde niet werkte en iDEAL altijd als bovenste module verscheen
- Sommige vertalingen ontbraken / waren incorrect.
- Probleem opgelost waardoor het winkelmandje na een succesvolle betaling niet leeggemaakt werd.
- De module werkt nu op servers met gedateerde root certificaten.
- Automatische tests werken nu ook op PHP 5.4.
- Stuur geen email naar de klant wanneer de klant de betalingsomgeving bij de bank verlaat zonder te betalen.
- Voorkom mixed-content waarschuwingen in de admin.
- De module verstuurt niet langer emails vóórdat de betaling is afgerond, klanten ontvangen een email wanneer de betaling is ontvangen.
- De module werkt nu direct op servers met een incorrect geconfigureerde OpenSSL installatie.
- Minimumbedrag voor transacties aangepast in verband met de BTW verhoging van 1 oktober 2012.
- Het is niet langer nodig om handmatig tabellen in de database aan te maken, de module regelt dit zelf.