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Christian Dangl edited this page Dec 2, 2020 · 13 revisions

Full Refunds

You can easily refund a complete order as soon as it has been marked as completed or shipped.

Navigate to the orders list

  1. In the overview with order lines you will see a column 'Mollie actions'
  2. You will see an icon which shows a tag 'refund item' when you hover it
  3. Clicking the icon will trigger a popup, to confirm the refund.
  4. Confirm the refund. The refund is being processed now

Partial Refunds

Since release 1.5.18 the Mollie integration for Shopware 5 supports partial refunds. This enables merchants to refund single items, in addition to refunding an amount or the complete order.

Navigate to single order positions

  1. Open the Orders panel in the backend (Customers > orders)
  2. Click the pencil behind an order to edit that order
  3. The order will open in a new panel
  4. Navigate to the tab 'Positions'

Perform the desired refunds

  1. In the overview with order lines you will see a column 'Mollie actions'
  2. You will see an icon which shows a tag 'refund item' when you hover it
  3. Clicking the icon will trigger a popup, enter the quantity of items you want to refund
  4. Confirm the quantity. The partial refund is being processed now

Please note

  • In the column 'refunded items' you can see how many items are refunded in total
  • Once all items on a order line are refunded, the icon won't be available anymore
  • This functionality is only available for orders that are created after updating your plugin to 1.5.18 (or higher)


With one of the recent changes in Mollie, the process of a refund takes a bit. So if you start a refund, it's not automatically refunded and thus appears as "paid" in Shopware. Once the refund is complete, it will be automatically updated in Shopware using webhook notifications. You can open the transaction in the Mollie dashboard to see if a refund is in process.

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