Reference Android Registration Client Software - WIP
1. Added all the java packages in android directory of the project: <package-name>
2. Add implementation in settings.gradle file of the project:
Eg: include(:<package-name>)
3. Set the server base url in android/build.gradle file.
4. Add implementation for packages in android/app/build.gradle files inside dependency block as:
implementation project(:<package-name>)
1. Added all the required functions by creating individual services for each functionality.
2. Using AppComponent interface which inherits Dagger for dependecny injection.
3. Dependency injection performed in file by calling inject() method.
1. Create MethodChannel with a constant string name in a dart class and try to invoke a method
provided by this channel.
2. This invoke method will take the function name and arguments which will be sent to native side
for getting a response.
3. The function name in invoke method and on native side should be the same as:
4. On native side, in MainActivity file, inside MethodChennel() use a switch case to check for method name
call.method argument which checks "fetchDetails" case. On matching, it implements "fetchDetails" method.
case "fetchDetails:
1. Method channel on Credential Page invokes "getMachineDetails" method and gets a response from
native side as a string.
2. Then this string can be decoded into a Map<String, dynamic> and the details can be displayed
on a page.
3. It also contains functionality to copy the details and save a file containing details in internal storage.
1. First create a machine with given machine details in admin portal.
2. Try to login by providing correct userId and password.
3. After pressing login button, "login" method will be invoked from method channel.
3. If user is able to login with given credentials, perform master data sync by pressing the sync data button.
4. After that based on the roles of the user which is logged in, he will be prompted to a either home page or onboarding page.
1. After performing online login and master data sync, a hashed value of the password will be saved in the db.
2. So if the user provides offline login, then the hashed value for password will be checked and matched with the entered password value.
3. If the value matches, then the user is able to perform offline login, else screen will display required error messages.