A collection of small experiments programmed in javascript.
👉 🔗 👈
- 💻 10 PRINT 🔗
- 🌿 Barnsley Fern 🔗
- ➖ Cantor Set 🔗
- 🎨 Canvas 🔗
- 🎮 Chaos Game 🔗
- 🕒 Clock Of Clocks 🔗
- 🖼 Cropped Image 🔗
- 🌼 Diffusion Limited Aggregation 🔗
- 🐦 Flappy Bird 🔗
- 🌲 Fractal Tree 🔗
- 🐍 Isometric Snake 🔗
- 〽️ Koch Curve 🔗
- ♨️ Lorenz Attractor 🔗
- 〰️ Moving Particles 🔗
- ⚪️ Particles In Force Field 🔗
- 🌸 Phyllotaxis 🔗
- 🔘 Plinko 🔗
- 🕹 Tetris
- 🔴 Connect Four
- ❌ Tic Tac Toe
- 🎲 Rubik's Cube
- 🐍 Snake 2D
- 🌆 Image To Ascii
- 🔍 Labyrinth
- 🔺 Voronoi Algorithm
- 🔌 Wireworld
- 🔹 Von Neumann Cellular Automaton
- 🔸 Codd's Cellular Automaton
- 🐜 Langton's Ant
- 💮 Spirograph
- ➰ Hilbert Curve
- 🔻 Mandelbrot Set
- 🎴 Uno
- 🃏 Memory Game
Made with ❤️ by Vittorio Retrivi