章节 | 译者 | 校对 | |
0 | Intoduction | Tom | @lshoo |
1 | Modules and Scripts | @Kusou1 | @lshoo |
2 | Move Tutorial | @lshoo | |
3 | Integers | Tom | @lshoo |
4 | Bool | Tom | @lshoo |
5 | Address | (@stephenLee) | @lshoo |
6 | Vector | (@stephenLee) | @lshoo |
7 | Signer | (@stephenLee) | @lshoo |
8 | References | container | @lshoo |
9 | Tuples and Unit | container | @lshoo |
10 | Local Variables and Scopes | @ruyisu | @lshoo |
11 | Equality | @ruyisu | @lshoo |
12 | Abort and Assert | @ruyisu | @lshoo |
13 | Conditionals | @Kusou1 | @lshoo |
14 | While and Loop | @Kusou1 | @lshoo |
15 | Functions | @nosalt99 | @lshoo |
16 | Structs and Resource | @nosalt99 | @lshoo |
17 | Constants | @nosalt99 | @lshoo |
18 | Generics | 小川 | @lshoo |
19 | Type Abilities | 小川 | @lshoo |
20 | Uses and Aliases | 小川 | @ruyisu |
21 | Friends | @xiaochuan891102 | @ruyisu |
22 | Packages | @xiaochuan891102 | @ruyisu |
23 | Unit Test | @yvvw | @ruyisu |
24 | Global Storage Structure | @yvvw | @ruyisu |
25 | Global Storage Operators | @yvvw | @ruyisu |
26 | Standard Library | @MagicGordon | @ruyisu |
27 | Coding Conventions | @MagicGordon | @ruyisu |