diff --git a/nn-NO/products/vpn/landing-2023.ftl b/nn-NO/products/vpn/landing-2023.ftl index 01191d6828..3211da0564 100644 --- a/nn-NO/products/vpn/landing-2023.ftl +++ b/nn-NO/products/vpn/landing-2023.ftl @@ -8,10 +8,26 @@ vpn-landing-powerful-privacy-for-peace = Kraftig personvern for sinnsro vpn-landing-whats-a-vpn = Kva er eit VPN? vpn-landing-features = Funksjonar +# Variables: +# $devices (number) - number of devices users can connect to VPN +vpn-landing-connect-up-to-devices = + { $devices -> + [one] Kople til opp til { $devices } eining + *[other] Kople til opp til { $devices } einingar + } +# Variables: +# $servers (number) - number of VPN servers +# $countries (number) - number of available countries +vpn-landing-more-than-servers-in-countries = + { $servers -> + [one] Fleire enn { $servers } server i { $countries }+ land + *[other] More than { $servers } serverar i { $countries }+ land + } vpn-landing-fast-network-speeds-even-while = Raske nettverkshastigheiter sjølv medan du speler vpn-landing-see-all-features = Sjå alle funksjonane vpn-landing-one-subscription-for-all-your = Eitt abonnement for alle einingane dine # HTML for emphasis vpn-landing-powered-by-mozilla-fighting-for = Driven av { -brand-name-mozilla }. Vi har kjempa for din rett til personvern sidan 1998. +vpn-landing-learn-more-from-our-experts = Lær meir frå ekspertane våre vpn-landing-what-is-an-ip-address = Kva er ei IP-adresse? vpn-landing-see-more-resources = Sjå fleire ressursar diff --git a/nn-NO/products/vpn/pricing-2023.ftl b/nn-NO/products/vpn/pricing-2023.ftl index 251f0162f8..032337d4b0 100644 --- a/nn-NO/products/vpn/pricing-2023.ftl +++ b/nn-NO/products/vpn/pricing-2023.ftl @@ -8,6 +8,21 @@ vpn-pricing-mozilla-vpn = { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } # HTML page title vpn-pricing-one-subscription = Eitt abonnement for alle einingane dine +# Variables: +# $devices (number) - number of devices users can connect to VPN +vpn-pricing-connect-up-to-platforms = + { $devices -> + [one] Kople til opp til { $devices } Android-, iOS-, Windows-, macOS- eller Linux-eining + *[other] Kople til opp til { $devices } Android-, iOS-, Windows-, macOS- eller Linux-einingar + } +# Variables: +# $servers (number) - number of VPN servers +# $countries (number) - number of available countries +vpn-pricing-access = + { $servers -> + [one] Få tilgang til { $servers } server i { $countries }+ land + *[other] Få tilgang til { $servers } serverar i { $countries }+ land + } vpn-pricing-annual = Årleg vpn-pricing-monthly = Månadleg vpn-pricing-get-annual-subscription = Få eit årsabonnement