- Allow an optional function to resolve the
, passing theDocumentNode
AST to determine the value. PR #1555 - Follow-up on the work in PR #1516 to also fix missing insertion cursor/caret when a custom GraphQL configuration is specified which doesn't specify its own
property. PR #1607
- Updated the google-cloud-functions package to handle null paths PR #1674
- Update link inside Authentication Docs PR #1682
- Fix making sure all headers are getting reported to Engine properly when using
PR #1689 - (experimental, subject to change/removal) Provide ability to specify client info in traces #1631
- Reporting: Catch Error if JSON.Stringify Fails for Engine Trace PR #1668
- Core: Allow context to be passed to all GraphQLExtension methods. PR #1547
- Fix #1581
top level error response #1619 - Switch
from private access to protected access. #1610 - Add toggle for including error messages in reports #1615
- Fix
tests #1611
- Update
to 1.7.4 #1586 - Add support for
v14 by augmenting typeDefs with the@cacheControl
directive so SDL validation doesn't fail #1595 - Add
extensions typing toRequestInit
- Google Cloud Function support #1402 #1446
- Switch to a fork of
to fix missingcore-js
dependency. #1556
- apollo-server: Release due to failed build and install
- apollo-server: failed publish
- pass payload into context function for subscriptions #1513
- Add option to mock the entire schema(i.e. sets preserveResolvers) PR #1546
- Release with Lerna 3 due
- Hapi: Allow additional route options to be passed to Hapi.js plugin. PR #1384
- express, koa: remove next after playground #1436
- Hapi: Pass the response toolkit to the context function. #1407
- update apollo-engine-reporting-protobuf to non-beta #1429
- playground would use its own settings as default #1516
- Lambda: Look in event.path first when picking endpoint for GraphQL Playground #1527
- Fix to allow enabling GraphQL Playground in production with custom config #1495
- This version failed to publish fully/correctly and should not be used.
- This version failed to publish fully/correctly and should not be used.
- export GraphQLUpload from integrations #1322
- add
to vanilla #1335 - export
to koa #1334 - add and use playground in ApolloServer constructor #1297
- breaking: remove calculate headers as function #1337
- breaking: remove
- enable engine reporting from lambda #1313
- remove flattening of errors #1288
- dynamic url in datasourece (#1277)
- BREAKING: errors are passed to user extensions, then engine reporting, and finally
(#1272) formatError
only called once on validation errors (#1272)- BREAKING: apollo-server-env does place types in global namespace (#1259)
- export Request from apollo-datasource-rest and graphql-extensions (53d7a75 c525818)
- Use scoped graphql-playground and centralize version (8ea36d8, 84233d2)
- fix dependencies + exports (#1257)
- fix data source + context cloning (7e35305)
- use fetch instead of Node request for engine-reporting (#1274)
- fix formatError to keep prototype of Error (#1235)
- Add trailing slash to data source
- allow body passed to data source
- new apollo-engine-reporting agent
- Missing apollo-upload-server dependency (#1221)
- encode trace report over each request in apollo-engine-reporting
- BREAKING: remove logFunction (71a403d), see this commit for an implementation
- move upload option to constructor (#1204)
- fixed hapi gui bugs (#1211)
- remove requirement for exModuleInterop (#1210)
- change BadUserInputError to UserInputError (#1208)
- add cache-control headers for CDN integration (#1138)
- Lambda support (thanks to @adnsio, @bwlt, and @gragio #1138)
Data sources
- Breaking:
changed toserver.applyMiddleware
(3279991) - Breaking: subscriptions enabled with
- Add Data Sources (#1163)
- Bug fix to allow async context (#1129)
- logFunction is now an extension (#1128)
- Allow user defined extensions and include engine reporting (#1105)
- remove registerServer configuration from
's listen (#1090) - move healthcheck into variants (#1086)
- Add file uploads, breaking requires removing
scalar Upload
from the typeDefs (#1071) - Add reporting to Engine as apollo-engine-reporting (#1105)
- Allow users to define extensions (#1105)
, and other http options moved underhttp
key (#1080) -
moved toserver.listen
(#1059) -
Add mocks to server constructor (#1017)
parameter toregisterServer
in apollo-server (#1059) commit -
Remove tests and guaranteed support for Node 4 PR #1024
Cleanup docs PR #1233
- [Issue #626] Integrate apollo-fastify plugin. PR #1013
- add hapi 16 next() invocation PR #743
- Add skipValidation option PR #839
: adds an option to the constructor to disable url rewriting when editing a query PR #1047- Upgrade
to 0.9.9 for Graphiql
- Recognize requests with Apollo Persisted Queries and return
to the client instead of a confusing error. PR #982
: TheContent-type
of an operation response will now be correctly set toapplication/json
. PR #842 PR #910apollo-server-azure-functions
: Fix non-functional Azure Functions implementation and update examples in Azure Functions'README.md
. PR #753 Issue #684- Fix
on GET requests with missingquery
parameter. PR #964 - The typing on the context of
now matches the equivilent type used bygraphql-tools
. PR #919 - Middleware handlers now used named (rather than anonymous) functions to enable easier identification during debugging/profiling. PR #827
- The
package has been removed as a "dev dependency" which was resulting in an older version ofnpm
being used during testing. PR #959 - The typing on
attribute now enforces that its object properties' keys beString
s. PR #834 - TypeScript types have been updated via updates to
- Upgrade to
[email protected]
and allow you to specify options to it (such as the newdefaultMaxAge
) by passingcacheControl: {defaultMaxAge: 5}
instead ofcacheControl: true
- Updated peer dependencies to support
[email protected]
. apollo-server-express
: TheGraphQLOptions
type is now exported fromapollo-server-express
in order to facilitate type checking when utilizinggraphqlExpress
. PR #871- Update GraphiQL version to 0.11.11. PR #914
- Updated peer dependencies and tests to support
[email protected]
. - Fix issue where the core
method broke the ability to use the Nodeasync_hooks
feature's call stack. PR #733 - Hoist declarations of rarely used functions out of
to improve performance. PR# 821
- Fixed a fatal execution error with the new
[email protected]
- Breaking:
: now supports Hapi v17, and no longer supports Hapi v16. For information on running Apollo Server 1.x with Hapi v16, check this documentation. - New package:
supporting the Adonis framework! - The
parameter to server GraphQL integration functions now accepts context as a function and as an object with a prototype. PR #679 apollo-server-express
: Send Content-Length header.apollo-server-micro
: Allow Micro 9 inpeerDependencies
. PR #671- GraphiQL integration:
- Recognize Websocket endpoints with secure
URLs. - Only include truthy values in GraphiQL URL.
- Recognize Websocket endpoints with secure
- New feature: Add support for Apollo Cache Control. Enable
by passingcacheControl: true
to your server's GraphQL integration function. - Include README.md in published npm packages.
- Added support for the vhost option for Hapi PR #611
- Fix dependency on
to be less strict.
(v1.1.4 had a major bug and was immediately unpublished. v1.1.5 was identical to v1.1.6.)
- GraphiQL integration: Fixes bug where CORS would not allow
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
with credential 'include', changed to 'same-origin' Issue #514 - Updated peer dependencies to support
[email protected]
- Fixed bug with no URL query params with GraphiQL on Lambda Issue #504 PR #512
- Added support for Azure Functions #503
- Added ability to provide custom default field resolvers #482
- Add
option to collect and expose trace data in the Apollo Tracing format - Add support for GraphiQL editor themes in #484 as requested in #444
- Add support for full websocket using GraphiQL #491
- Updated restify lib (@yucun) in #472
- Updated package apollo-server-micro, updated micro in devDependencies and peerDependencies to ^8.0.1
- Revert #463, because it's a breaking change that shouldn't have been a patch update.
- Rename packages from graphql-server- to apollo-server- #465. We'll continue to publish
packages that depend on the renamedapollo-server-
packages for the time being, to ensure backwards compatibility.
- Add package readmes for Express, Hapi, Koa, Restify (@helfer) in #442
- Updated & fixed typescript typings (@helfer) in #440
- Fix: graphql-server-micro now properly returns response promises #401
- Fix issue with auto-updating dependencies that caused fibers to update accidentally (@helfer) on #425
- Persist
on URL updates #386 - Added support for
> 0.10.0 #407 - Updated
for GraphiQL with subscriptions #407
- Fix include passHeader field that was accidentally removed
- Fix graphiql fetcher to use endpointURL parameter instead of hardcoded URI.#365
- Add Zeit Micro Integration #324
- add support for subscriptionURL to GraphiQL (@urigo on #320
- Restify: Fix for calling next() (@jadkap) on #285
- Breaking: Update all dependencies #329
- Add AWS Lambda Integration PR #247
- Update GraphiQL to version 0.9.1 (@ephemer) on #293
- Restify integration (@joelgriffith) on #189
- run batched requests in parallel (@DxCx) on #273
- Fix GraphiQL options variables. Issue #193. (@alanchristensen) on PR #255
- Allow [email protected] as peerDependency (@Chris-R3) on PR #278
- Switch graphql typings for typescript to @types/graphql #260
- Restructure Apollo Server into 6 new packages, and rename to GraphQL Server (@DxCx) and (@stubailo) in #183 and #164.
- There are now 6 packages that make up the GraphQL server family:
- Exports have been renamed. Everything that used to export
now exportsgraphql*
, for exampleapolloExpress
has becomegraphqlExpress
. - The repository is now managed using Lerna.
- Fix passHeader option in GraphiQL (Both Hapi and Koa)
- Pass
instead ofctx.request
to options function in Koa integration (@HriBB) in PR #154 - Manage TypeScript declaration files using npm. (@od1k in #162)
- Fix connect example in readme. (@conrad-vanl in #165)
- Add try/catch to formatError. (@nicolaslopezj in #174)
- Clone context object for each query in a batch.
- Refactor Hapi integration to improve the API and make the plugins more idiomatic. (@nnance) in PR #127
- Fixed query batching with Hapi integration. Issue #123 (@nnance) in PR #127
- Add support for route options in Hapi integration. Issue #97. (@nnance) in PR #127
- Camelcase Hapi. Issue #129. (@nnance) in PR #132
- Fix error handling when parsing variables parameter. Issue #130. (@nnance) in PR #131
- Improve logging function. Issue #79. (@nnance) in PR #136
- Output stack trace for errors in debug mode. Issue #111. (@nnance) in PR #137
- Allow to pass custom headers in GraphiQL (@nicolaslopezj in #133).
- Expose the OperationStore as part of the public API. (@nnance)
- Support adding parsed operations to the OperationStore. (@nnance)
- Expose ApolloOptions as part of the public API.
- Complete refactor of Apollo Server using TypeScript. PR #41
- Added Hapi integration (@nnance in #46)
- Added Koa integration (@HriBB in #59)
- Changed express integration to support connect as well (@helfer in #58)
- Dropped express-graphql dependency
- Dropped support for GET requests, only POST requests are allowed now
- Split GraphiQL into a separate middleware
- Factored out core to support Hapi, Koa and connect implementations
- Added support for query batching
- Added support for query whitelisting / stored queries
- Removed body parsing from express integration. Body must be parsed outside of apollo now
- Added
functions to apollo options. - Removed support for shorthand schema definitions, connectors and mocks (use
- BUG: Fixed a bug with tracer mocks that would throw a TypeError when using Ava #26
- Updated graphql dependency to 0.6.0