Releases: mrlesmithjr/ansible-mariadb-galera-cluster
Releases · mrlesmithjr/ansible-mariadb-galera-cluster
- Update main.yml @redochka (#67)
- Add ability to configure systemd timeout start sec @elcomtik (#58)
- Fixed become issue in wait_for tasks delegated to localhost @elcomtik (#60)
- TLS encryption for mysql, wsrep and sst @elcomtik (#63)
- Add more Galera notify SMTP settings @rutger1140 (#53)
- Refactoring of code & molecule tests @elcomtik (#56)
- Ensure specified NIC name exists in target system @tvenieris (#50)
- Change thread_cache_size to MariaDB default (256) @tvenieris (#49)
- Allow setting charsets, InnoDB and I/O tuning, etc @tvenieris (#48)
- Support creating and importing databases @tvenieris (#47)
- Fix installing mainline debian packages @tvenieris (#46)
- Fixed looped package installation @tvenieris (#45)
- Update pre-reqs for Ubuntu 20.04 @tvenieris (#44)
- Fix wrong thread_cache_size value @tvenieris (#43)
- Replace deprecated key_buffer with key_buffer_size @tvenieris (#41)
- Avoid leaking passwords in security related tasks @tvenieris (#40)
- Allow the overriding of MariaDB's bind address. @tvenieris (#39)
- Actually consider galera_enable_mariadb_repo @styks1987 (#35)
- Add possibility to add an overrides file. @eRadical (#32)
- Add the posibility to adjust max open files @eRadical (#30)
- fix incorrect usage or user instead of owner @eRadical (#26)
- Oom score adjust @eRadical (#25)
- * add host at wait_for section @eRadical (#24)
- * join one node at a time in the cluster @eRadical (#22)
- ! RedHat family was skipped @eRadical (#20)
- use the ips of the chosen interface to compose gcomm string @eRadical (#15)
- Feature: create additional mysql users @hamza-tumturk (#12)
- Added feature request #9 @mrlesmithjr (#11)
- Update @error756 (#10)