Vula Ocullen was born in [[./Solgaard|Solgaard]] in the year 203 RC. Born to Torin and Regina Ocullen, Vula began showing proficiency in the arcane arts from a young age, and was scouted by The Eye as a promising mage. Vula excelled through his schooling, and at the age of 16 was conscripted by the Eye to work under the tutelage of Headmaster Rayner Vierra, Archmage of Conscription. He was given a ceremonial cloak and dagger on his initiation day, and was happily accepted into the Eye. Showing an aptitude for support magic, Vula was often put on missions with other older mages more proficient in battle as a support caster, allowing him to travel to places far away from Sol.
He would arrive in the [[./Ozmium Coastlands|Ozmium Coastlands]] by boat 4 years later alongside Rayner and another mage by the name of Fen on a mission to ease tensions brewing in the Coastlands. Spending numerous years traveling from encampment to encampment, it became noticeable very quickly that the situation was only getting more dire, and conflict was inevitable. Intending to leave before a breaking point was hit, the 3 decided to head back to their vessel, only to be ambushed by a local tribe. In a panic, Rayner escaped via magic, though unfortunately stranding his two apprentices in the process. Vula and Fen managed to fight off their attackers, though they had a new problem on their hands. During the scuffle the vessel had caught aflame, and the pair would now have to figure out a way home.
The Dominion War had begun, as powerful mages from across the Coastlands had begun fighting for territory over the leylines that ran through the eastern islands. Those with magic were quickly killed, as any chance for opposition would be seen as a threat. Vula and Fen decided it was best to part ways, as the pair would only draw more attention traveling together.
Vula spent 10 years traveling from settlement to settlement before settling in a village named Avalon. Using his knack for alchemy he would make simple remedies for the locals to provide ends meat, though his private studies of the arcane would take place in the comfort of his home. He studied the art of displacement magic so that he could one day return home, often spending long hours after work attempting to crack the formula. After one of his experiments he came to an amazing discovery. During his sleep his consciousness somehow slipped to a place he had never seen before. A realm that had never been discussed by those from the Eye. It acted as a blip in-between the realms, and seemed exempt from the same temporal restrictions imposed by [[./The Material Plane|the Material Plane]]. Instead of displacing oneself through space, you could displace oneself through time, though navigating both the new Realm and the Temporal Stream would prove challenging. He began creating a device that would allow him to harness this magic and act as a compass of sorts, allowing him to traverse the realm safely.
Vula would travel into this realm for many years, though time no longer had a hold on him. He would visit his home, though over a century had passed since his departure. Though his parents had long since passed, Rayner was still Headmaster. Greeting his old comrade, they would discuss this new realm and its possibilities. Vula was given the title of High Arcanist within the Eye, and was given 2 new missions. The first was to study this realm as much as possible. The other was to infiltrate the newly founded mage college in [[./Acacia|Acacia]] as a teacher to look for promising students.
Vula would spend the better part of 4 centuries teaching at the college. It provided numerous benefits, including a flexible schedule that would allow for his travels to the newly coined Void realm and his trips back to [[./Solgaard|Solgaard]], as well research materials that would otherwise be difficult to acquire in [[./Solgaard|Solgaard]]. He would occasionally run into other versions of himself from across time, forcing the Vula’s to set up a few ground rules to help prevent temporal issues.
Vula would one day come to meet a future version of himself who claimed he had seen the apocalypse. He told a tale of meteors crashing from the sky, gods being killed and fighting on [[./The Material Plane|the Material Plane]], and pandemonium being rampant throughout the world. His future self claimed the only way to prevent it was to take drastic change and large amounts of magic. But that was against the rules. If a second Calamity was going to happen, that couldn’t change. It’s a fundamental rule. Vula tried to convey this, and his future self’s eyes turned cold. He lunged at Vula, though Vula was quicker as he teleported away. Worrying about what actions his future self would take, he sought to end the man before he had a chance to irrevocably damage the timeline. Vula plunged his dagger into his own chest, and on that day Vula died.