_____Note 0
___Create multi-instance tree structure
_____CS-MI tree example
____Extract keys and values
_____ini file structure
___Enable multi-instance mode
___Configure databases and credentials
____Start from scratch
____Duplicate existing database
___Configure multi-instance.conf
___Additional instances
A working collec-science should be running on the system prior to creating a collec instance. For further information see the collec science install guide and the installation procedure. The mechanism of multi-instance functionality is presented in the chapter 2.2.5 Configurer le dossier d'installation.
|-- var
| |-- www
| | |-- collec-science
+ | | |-- collec ( -> /path/to/collec-lastver)
+ | | |-- param
+ | | |--param.inc.php
| | |
| + |
| +
|-- bin* ( -> collec)
|-- first-instance
| |-- bin* ( -> ../bin)
| \-- param.ini
|-- second-instance
| |-- bin* ( -> ../bin)
| \-- param.ini
-> <symbolic link>
+ additional content
Create the structure
cd /path/to/collec-science
sudo ln -s /path/to/collec-lastver collec
can reside in collec-science
sudo ln -s collec bin
sudo mkdir first-instance
this is the instance folder (see the tree example)
sudo ln -s ../bin first-instance/bin
Comments should be prefixed with semicolon character
info @ php.net
Here below there are 4 variables. The value of #var is 222. Strings containing non-alphanumeric characters should be enclosed with double-quotes ""
;this is a comment
var = 1
#var = 222 ;https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/INI_file#Comments_2
string = this works
string_special = "that's special ;"
A typical minimal CS-MI param.ini file should contain
; First instance param
; Database management
BDD_login = username
BDD_passwd = password
BDD_dsn = "pgsql:host=localhost;dbname=dbname"
; Rights management, logins and log records
GACL_dblogin = username
GACL_dbpasswd = password
GACL_dsn = "pgsql:host=localhost;dbname=dbname"
You can create the first-instance/param.ini
file using the above example and skip to the next chapter. However, verify that keys correspond with those in the param.inc.php.dist
of the deployed application.
Use the default param.inc.php.dist
or already configured param.inc.php
file for the new instance. The Minimal configuration (A) option below will create the param.ini
file. Choose the optional configuration (B) for more complex instance configuration.
Minimal configuration requirements (A)
sudo sed -e 's/^\$//' -e 's/;$//' -ne '/titre =\|login =\|passwd =\|dsn =/p' -e '1i ; First instance config' collec/param/param.inc.php.dist > first-instance/param.ini
create keys - remove leading$
remove ending semicolons;
-n '/titre =\|login =\|passwd =\|dsn =/p'
keep the keystitre
'1i ; First instance config'
add header
Including all variables in scope ( optional and instance specific configuration ) (B)
sudo sed -e 's/^[^$].*$/;&/' -e 's/\$//g' -e 's/;$//' -e 's/^\(paramI\|SMARTY\)/;&/' collec/param/param.inc.php.dist > second-instance/param.ini
add ini comments's/\$//g'
remove '$' character from variable names's/;$//'
remove semicolons at the end of lines's/^\(paramI\|SMARTY\)/;&/'
comment param.ini and smarty variablesRemoving php comments - for complete clean-up run
sudo sed -e 's/^[\*/<>? ][\*/<>? ]*/;/' -e 's/\$//g' -e 's/;$//' -e 's/^\(paramI\|SMARTY\)/;&/' collec/param/param.inc.php.dist > second-instance/param.ini
-r 's/^[\*/><? ]+/;/'
extended regular expressions version or shorter's/^[\*/><? ]\+/;/'
Change the login credentials in the new
. -
To enable the multi-instance 'mode' uncomment the lines 144 and 145 in
//$chemin = substr($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"],0, strpos($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"],"/bin"));
//$paramIniFile = "$chemin/param.ini";
Modify the connection details in the created param.ini
file to match the configuration in pg_hba.conf
and enable the DB access. You might need to change the access rights.
sudo chgrp www-data first-instance/param.ini
sudo chmod 750 first-instance/param.ini
To start a fresh instance create a new database using the collec-science init script(1). Don't forget to chose a database name suiting the new instance and to configure its access in the postgresql pg_hba.conf
If the database contains data which can be used in the new instance :
sudo -u postgres pg_dump myhotdb > path/to/hotDBexport.sql
export the existing DB
sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE DATABASE newinstancedb OWNER collec;"
create a new empty DB
make sure the OWNER has been previously created
sudo -u postgres psql newinstancedb < path/to/hotDBimport.sql
and reimport the exported DB
Consider reading the chapter about upgrading the database - 2.6.4 Mise à jour de la structure de la base de données if you're planning to set-up multiple instances based on an updated collec-science version or if the imported database version does not match with the one currently installed on the system.
Create a new first-instance.conf
in /etc/apache2/sites-available/
sudo cp -a /etc/apache2/sites-available/collec-science.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/first-instance.conf
Replace current domain name with the first-instance domain.
# you must change lines 9, 10, 12 and 15, 16 (replace collec.mysociety.com by your fqdn)
<Document root>
and <Directory>
have to be redefined as well. Modify paths on lines 37, 39 and 45 to
Enable the new site and reload apache2
sudo a2ensite first-instance
sudo service apache2 reload
The new instance should be up. Check if the site title corresponds with the APPLI_titre is obsolette and has been managed as APPLI_titre
set in the instance's param.ini.APPLI_title
via database since version 2.1.
Refer to the Proc steps to properly configure all the instance elements.
- Create a new database
- Duplicate the instance folder and edit the
according to the connection details - Recreate the
link if necessary - Duplicate the
file and change the domain name details
The additional instance should be also up.