- Short Github Project Description (oriented Ralfs description A Link to or copy pased?)
- Sample Hello World raus
-> done! (tku)
- Sample Counter - Counter raus, Beiden Resolver Repository raus (ggf. repo -> ...), Client Sample etwas anpassen
-> done! (tku)
Should be a pure Java Library - Web Socket Implementation based Jetty - Michael
Autoconfiguration should be moved to the starter project - Edgar
GSWebSocketHandler should be revised to much handler functions and cloud be improved - Torsten (Pair Reviewing am Dienstag)
-> done! (tku)
GsGraphQLStandardSchemaCreator vs. GsGraphQLSchemaCreator what is the difference, what do we need? - initScalarTypes Was ist das - Torsten
- interface GsGraphQLSchemaCreator
- create()
- getGraphQLSchema()
- abstract class GsGraphQLAbstractSchemaCreator implements GsGraphQLSchemaCreator
- impementiert: getGraphQLSchema()
- initScalarTypes()
- class GsGraphQLSimpleSchemaCreator extends GsGraphQLAbstractSchemaCreator
- ruft initScalarTypes() auf
- von uns genutzt in GsAutoConfiguration
- class GsGraphQLStandardSchemaCreator extends GsGraphQLAbstractSchemaCreator
- unbenutzt
- new GttUuidType() in initScalarTypes kann ersetzt werden durch:
- @Autowired
- GttUuidType gttUuidType;
- interface GsGraphQLSchemaCreator
GsGraphQLEngine Why do we have no interface there but for GsGraphQLExecution - Torsten
-> done! (tku)
- GsGraphQLStandardSchemaCreator Why explizit @Scope(singelton) bitte raus? - Torsten
-> done! (tku)
- In many classes the Calss Documentation is missing - Torsten
-> done! (tku)
Motivation of GraphQLIOLibraryGsConfiguration & GraphQLIOLibraryGsConfiguration - Edgar (Autoconfiguration)
Production Configuration Properties are missing - Edgar
Some Configuration Properties are unclear. Why do we need graphql.servlet.mapping for example - Edgar (Autoconfiguration)
GraphQL Schema places an file naming should be changed - Michael
Naming Method Convention whenThenElse for all Tests - Torsten
-> done! (tku)
Property Generator for our Properties is missing - Edgar (Autoconfiguration)
Samples werden nicht im Eclipse angezeigt, da die Sample Folder nicht automatisch in den Classpath ... - Torsten Nachdenken
-> look in wsf: pom.xml
- Maven Ich will Samples nicht ausliefern ... ? - Torsten Nachdenken
-> look in wsf: pom.xml
- Maven Ich will Test nicht ausliefern ... ? - Torsten Nachdenken