This project contains good features which are required in all project which are developed in industries nowadays. Let’s see what is this project all about, this project is a basic gym project which has 2 modules in it
- Admin end
- User end
Let’s start with admin end first in this part admin has all right of applications master such as adding Users, Role, Scheme, Plan, and various reports such as month wise income and year wise income reports, all member reports and also has a renewal report which shows how much renewal are there for period admin choose.
If you see User end where a User is a person who does work of registration of new members and collecting payment of membership. The user has limited access such user can register a new member and renew membership and see payment details of the member along with renewal date. The project has 3 parts
- Angular CLI which is on top of node js
- ASP.NET Core for APIS
- SQL server for database parts
Link to download :-
Angular Version Used 7.0.4 and CLI version 7.0.6
Link to download Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017: -
Link to download SQL Server Express: -
Link to download Visual studio code: -
tsc --version Version 3.1.6
- JWT Token for Authentication of APIS
- Dapper ORM
- AutoMapper
- System.Linq.Dynamic.Core
- Swashbuckle.AspNetCore
- @angular/material
- @ngx-bootstrap/datepicker
- First of all Clone repository to your local machine which have two project.
- Open "WebGYM.sln" under "WebGYM" Directory and Run Web API Project (API Run with default port "49749" or "5000" , Later on you can change this) which display all avaialble endpoint for API
- To Run Angular Project you have to Open Command Prompt with run as administrator
- cd "{FullDirectorypath}\Angular-7-Project-with-ASP.NET-CORE-APIS\gym-project"
- Install npm dependency by running "npm install" command
- In case if you have changed WebAPI Project running port then you need to change ApiEndPoint url in "environment\environment.ts" other wise skip this step.
- Final step run command ng serve or npm start which run on default port "4200"
Note : Run Visual studio, Visual Studio Code or Command Prompt as Administrator in windows system to avoide some issue.
Username :- user
Password :- 123456
Username :- admin
Password :- 123456
- Initial Getting started project for Angular 7 and Web API Project with Authentication
- User Friendly Error Handling for API and Angular App
- Listout Most used and useful feature and functionality used in angular or API Project and explain how to use it for beginner.
- List out Best Practice Points which should be extended in current project.