- Team Lead: Self-Directed
A client really loved the first website on the internet, http://info.cern.ch/hypertext/WWW/WhatIs.html. They've asked us to create our own version of this site reproducing these pages:
- TheProject.html, http://info.cern.ch/hypertext/WWW/TheProject.html
- WhatIs.html, http://info.cern.ch/hypertext/WWW/WhatIs.html
- Overview.html, http://info.cern.ch/hypertext/Conferences/Overview.html
- Week 1: Overview, Getting Started & Development Environment Setup
- Week 2: HTML & Basic CSS
- Tracking Your Work with Git/Github
- Knowledge of the basic command-line ("cd", "ls", "mkdir", etc)
- Using an Editor (VS Code or Webstorm)
- Understanding of basic HTML Structure
- Understand of basic CSS
- Team Lead:
- CodedBuster (CB): Jiannina Tillman
- CodeOfHonors (CH): Lashawnta Armstrong
- CodeStars (CS): Audra James
A certain non-profit has approached your team to help in their effort to redesign their current website. They do not want any functionality, just something in basic HTML and CSS.
Here's the current website: https://msimbo.herokuapp.com
Acceptance Criteria
- An initial wireframe using Balsamiq
- Code Deployed to Github
- Live site deployed to Vercel
- Week 3: CSS Layouts & Intro CSS Frameworks (Bootstrap & TailwindCSS)
- Week 4: In-depth Bootstrap & TailwindCSS
- Team Lead:
- CodedBuster (CB): Kim Amisial
- CodeOfHonors (CH): Sauel Almonte
- CodeStars (CS): Leonard Hall
Our non-profit client love our work is coming along and will like to make it look better and more functional.
Things they are most interested in:
- An improved design
- Additional Pages with a profile of management bio
- Ability to contact the MSIMBO Team
Acceptance Criteria
- Code Deployed to Github with proper commits
- Live site deployed to Vercel
- Week 5: In-depth TailwindCSS (and Project Workflow)
- Week 6: Project Completions and Understanding Team Workflow
- Team Lead:
- CodedBuster (CB): Edwards Cedano
- CodeOfHonors (CH): Johane Chery
- CodeStars (CS): Abeco Rwakabuba
Our non-profit client love our work is coming along and will like to make it look better and more functional.
Things they are most interested in:
- An improved design
- Additional Pages with a profile of management bio
- Ability to contact the MSIMBO Team
Acceptance Criteria
- Most be styled in TailwindCSS
- Can contain Javascript
- Form must submit (use https://formspree.io/)
- Code Deployed to Github with proper commits
- Live site deployed to Vercel
- Week 7: Intro to Javascript - Basics & DOM Events / ES6, Writing Apps. Data Types & Constructors.
- Week 8: In-depth on JavaScript & the Browser / Thinking About Interface Designs & Javascript Libraries (jQuery and AlpineJS)
Team Lead:
- CodedBuster (CB): Cinnamon Sanchez
- CodeOfHonors (CH): Ayad Ahmed
- CodeStars (CS): Intisam Maalim (merged into CB & CH)
[v1] A client has approached us and wants a website that allows them to see all available jobs listed at Monster.com
[v2] Our clients loved the work we did on the tracker and will like to see additional functionality.
Acceptance Criteria
- An initial wireframe using Balsamiq
- Define user journey/map
- JIRA scoped and attached to github
- Code Deployed to Github
- Live site deployed to Vercel
Acceptance Criteria 2
- Ability to favorite jobs
- Ability to send the job to a friend
- Working Code deployed to Vercel
- Week 9: Deep-dive into Javascript Functions and Arrays
- [skipped] Week 10: Javascript Objects and Standard Libraries
- Week 11: Object-Oriented Programming & Error Management
- week 12: Functional Programming
- Must look good (styled with TailwindCSS)
- As a user I can login/out with Firebase into my jobs dashboard
- As a user I can search for a a new job
- As a user I can save save/filter jobs
- As a user I can send job to a friend
- Your presentation MUST follow the new guide - here's a simple way to write your slides in VS Code & the guide
Team Lead: - CodedBuster (CB): Xavier Parham - CodeOfHonors (CH): Romaine Watkins
- Week 13: JSON, API & Async Javascript
- Week 14: API and Serverless
- Team Lead:
- CodedBuster (CB): V
- CodeOfHonors (CH): V
- Week 15: Introduction to Javascript Frameworks (React)
- Week 16: React Deep-dive - 1
- Team Lead:
- CodedBuster (CB): V
- CodeOfHonors (CH): V
- Week 17: React & Serverless
- Week 18: Team Project Collaborations and Reviews
- Team Lead:
- CodedBuster (CB): V
- CodeOfHonors (CH): V
- Week 19: Team-lead project reviews
- Week 20: Team-lead project reviews