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TruffleRuby aims to be fully compatible with the standard implementation of Ruby, MRI, version 2.6.2, revision 67232.

Any incompatibility with MRI is considered a bug, except for rare cases detailed below. If you find an incompatibility with MRI, please report it to us.

Our policy is to match the behaviour of MRI, except where we do not know how to do so with good performance for typical Ruby programs. Some features work but will have very low performance whenever they are used and we advise against using them on TruffleRuby if you can. Some features are missing entirely and may never be implemented. In a few limited cases, we are deliberately incompatible with MRI in order to provide a greater capability.

In general, we are not looking to debate whether Ruby features are good, bad, or if we could design the language better. If we can support a feature, we will do.

In the future, we aim to provide compatibility with extra functionality provided by JRuby, but at the moment we do not.


TruffleReport defines these constants for identification:

  • RUBY_ENGINE is 'truffleruby'
  • RUBY_VERSION is the compatible MRI version
  • RUBY_REVISION is the compatible MRI version revision
  • RUBY_PATCHLEVEL is always zero
  • RUBY_RELEASE_DATE is the Git commit date
  • RUBY_ENGINE_VERSION is the GraalVM version, or 0.0- and the Git commit hash if your build is not part of a GraalVM release.

Additionally, TruffleRuby defines:

  • TruffleRuby.revision which is the Git commit hash

In the C API, we define a preprocessor macro TRUFFLERUBY.

Features entirely missing

Continuations and callcc

Continuations and callcc are unlikely to ever be implemented in TruffleRuby, as their semantics fundamentally do not match the technology that we are using.


You cannot fork the TruffleRuby interpreter. The feature is unlikely to ever be supported when running on the JVM but could be supported in the future in the native configuration. The correct and portable way to test if fork is available is:


Standard libraries

The following standard libraries are unsupported.

  • continuation
  • dbm
  • gdbm
  • sdbm
  • debug (could be implemented in the future, use --inspect instead)
  • profile (could be implemented in the future, use --cpusampler instead)
  • profiler (could be implemented in the future, use --cpusampler instead)
  • io/console (partially implemented, could be implemented in the future)
  • io/wait (partially implemented, could be implemented in the future)
  • pty (could be implemented in the future)
  • ripper (has a no-op implementation, and could be implemented in the future)
  • win32
  • win32ole

fiddle is not yet implemented - the module and some methods are there but not enough to run anything serious.

We provide our own included implementation of the interface of the ffi gem, like JRuby and Rubinius. The implementation should be fairly complete and passes all the specs of the ffi gem except for some rarely-used corner cases.

Safe levels

$SAFE and Thread#safe_level are 0 and no other levels are implemented. Trying to use level 1 will raise a SecurityError. Other levels will raise ArgumentError as in standard Ruby. See our security notes for more explanation on this.

Internal MRI functionality

RubyVM is not intended for users and is not implemented.

RDoc HTML generation

TruffleRuby does not include the Darkfish theme for RDoc.

Features with major differences

Threads run in parallel

In MRI, threads are scheduled concurrently but not in parallel. In TruffleRuby threads are scheduled in parallel. As in JRuby and Rubinius, you are responsible for correctly synchronising access to your own shared mutable data structures, and we will be responsible for correctly synchronising the state of the interpreter.

Threads detect interrupts at different points

TruffleRuby threads may detect that they have been interrupted at different points in the program to where it would on MRI. In general, TruffleRuby seems to detect an interrupt sooner than MRI. JRuby and Rubinius are also different to MRI, the behaviour isn't documented in MRI, and it's likely to change between MRI versions, so we would not recommend depending on interrupt points at all.

Fibers do not have the same performance characteristics as in MRI

Most use cases of fibers rely on them being easy and cheap to start up and having low memory overheads. In TruffleRuby we implement fibers using operating system threads, so they have the same performance characteristics as Ruby threads. As with coroutines and continuations, a conventional implementation of fibers fundamentally isn't compatible with the execution model we are currently using.

Some classes marked as internal will be different

MRI provides some classes that are described in the documentation as being only available on MRI (C Ruby). We implement these classes if it's practical to do so, but this isn't always the case. For example RubyVM is not available.

Features with subtle differences

Command line switches

-y, --yydebug, --dump=, --debug-frozen-string-literal are ignored with a warning as they are unsupported development tools.

Programs passed in -e arguments with magic-comments must have an encoding that is UTF-8 or a subset of UTF-8, as the JVM has already decoded arguments by the time we get them.

--jit options and the jit feature are not supported because TruffleRuby uses Graal as a JIT.

Time is limited to millisecond precision

Ruby normally provides microsecond (millionths of a second) clock precision, but TruffleRuby is currently limited to millisecond (thousands of a second) precision. This applies to and Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_REALTIME).

Setting the process title doesn't always work

Setting the process title (via $0 or Process.setproctitle in Ruby) is done as best-effort. It may not work, or the title you try to set may be truncated.

Line numbers other than 1 work differently

In an eval where a custom line number can be specified, line numbers below 1 are treated as 1, and line numbers above 1 are implemented by inserting blank lines in front of the source before parsing it.

The erb standard library has been modified to not use negative line numbers.

Polyglot standard IO streams

If you use standard IO streams provided by the Polyglot engine, via the experimental --polyglot-stdio option, reads and writes to file descriptors 1, 2 and 3 will be redirected to these streams. That means that other IO operations on these file descriptors, such as isatty may not be relevant for where these streams actually end up, and operations like dup may lose the connection to the polyglot stream. For example, if you $stdout.reopen, as some logging frameworks do, you will get the native standard-out, not the polyglot out.

Also, IO buffer drains, writes on IO objects with sync set, and write_nonblock, will not retry the write on EAGAIN and EWOULDBLOCK, as the streams do not provide a way to detect this.

Error messages

Error message strings will sometimes differ from MRI, as these are not generally covered by the Ruby Specification suite or tests.


The set of signals that TruffleRuby can handle is different from MRI. When launched as a GraalVM Native Image, TruffleRuby allows trapping all the same signals that MRI does, as well as a few that MRI doesn't. The only signals that can't be trapped are KILL, STOP, and VTALRM. Consequently, any signal handling code that runs on MRI can run on TruffleRuby without modification in the GraalVM Native Image.

However, when run on the JVM, TruffleRuby is unable to trap USR1 or QUIT, as these are reserved by the JVM itself. Any code that relies on being able to trap those signals will need to fallover to another available signal. Additionally, FPE, ILL, KILL, SEGV, STOP, and VTALRM cannot be trapped, but these signals are also unavailable on MRI.

When TruffleRuby is run as part of a polyglot application, any signals that are handled by another language become unavailable for TruffleRuby to trap.

Features with very low performance


Using most methods on ObjectSpace will temporarily lower the performance of your program. Using them in test cases and other similar 'offline' operations is fine, but you probably don't want to use them in the inner loop of your production application.


Using set_trace_func will temporarily lower the performance of your program. As with ObjectSpace, we would recommend that you do not use this in the inner loop of your production application.


Throwing exceptions, and other operations which need to create a backtrace, are slower than on MRI. This is because we have to undo optimizations that we have applied to run your Ruby code fast in order to recreate the backtrace entries. We wouldn't recommend using exceptions for control flow on any implementation of Ruby anyway.

To help alleviate this problem in some cases backtraces are automatically disabled where we dynamically detect that they probably won't be used. See the experimental --backtraces-omit-unused option.

C Extension Compatibility

VALUE is a pointer

In TruffleRuby VALUE is a pointer type (void *) rather than a integer type (long). This means that switch statements cannot be done using a raw VALUE as they can with MRI. You can normally replace any switch statement with if statements with little difficulty if required.

Identifiers may be macros or functions

Identifiers which are normally macros may be functions, functions may be macros, and global variables may be macros. This may cause problems where they are used in a context which relies on a particular implementation (e.g., taking the address of it, assigning to a function pointer variable and using defined() to check if a macro exists). These issues should all be considered bugs and be fixed, please report these cases.


rb_scan_args only supports up to ten pointers.


The mark function of RDATA and RTYPEDDATA is not called during garbage collection. Instead we simulate this by caching information about objects as they are assigned to structs, and periodically run all mark functions when the cache has become full to represent those object relationships in a way that the our garbage collector will understand. The process should behave identically to MRI.

Compatibility with JRuby

Ruby to Java interop

TruffleRuby does not support the same interop to Java interface as JRuby does. We provide an alternate polyglot API for interoperating with multiple languages, including Java, instead.

Java to Ruby interop

Calling Ruby code from Java is supported by the GraalVM polyglot API.

Java extensions

Use Java extensions written for JRuby is not supported. We could apply the same techniques as we have developed to run C extensions to this problem, but it's not clear if this will ever be a priority.

Compatibility with Rubinius

We do not have any plans at the moment to provide support for Rubinius' extensions to Ruby.

Features not yet supported in native configuration

  • Java interop

Running TruffleRuby in the native configuration is mostly the same as running on the JVM. There are differences in resource management, as both VMs use different garbage collectors. But, functionality-wise, they are essentially on par with one another. The big difference is support for Java interop, which currently relies on reflection. TruffleRuby's implementation of Java interop does not work with the GraalVM Native Image Generator's limited support for runtime reflection.

Spec Completeness

'How many specs are there?' is not a question with an easy precise answer. The number of specs varies for different versions of the Ruby language, different platforms, different versions of the specs, and different configurations of the specs. The specs for the standard library and C extension API are also very uneven and they so can give misleading results.

For the command line interface, the language, and the core library specs, which covers the bulk of what TruffleRuby reimplements, this is how many spec examples TruffleRuby runs successfully compared to our compatible version of MRI running the version of specs from TruffleRuby:

  • Command line 112 / 136, 82%
  • Language 2270 / 2332, 97%
  • Core library 19453 / 20644, 94%