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72 lines (52 loc) · 3.32 KB


This project is under heavy development. Do not use.

Bicycle node network loop analysis

Ruff code style: prettier pre-commit

This is the source code for the scientific project Bicycle node network loop analysis. The code assesses the quality of a proposed bicycle node network in Denmark via loop census analysis.


First clone the repository:

git clone

Go to the cloned folder and create a new virtual environment via mamba using the environment.yml file:

mamba env create -f environment.yml

Then, install the virtual environment's kernel in Jupyter:

mamba activate bikenwloops
ipython kernel install --user --name=bikenwloops
mamba deactivate

You can now run jupyter lab with kernel bikenwloops (Kernel > Change Kernel > bikenwloops).

Data setup

Data of the knudepunkter network comes from BikeNodePlanner: Data for Denmark and BikeNodePlanner.

Step 1: Extract data with BikeNodePlanner: Data for Denmark

  • Use BikeNodePlanner: Data for Denmark
  • Uncomment the municipalities of your study area in config-municipalities.yml. Several config files are already prepared for copy-pasting in the retrieval/ folder for large study areas like Jutland or Zealand.
  • Set all values in config-layers-polygon.yml to ignore. This file is already prepared for copy-pasting.
  • Run the script
  • Copy all subfolders of /input-for-bike-node-planner/ into the /data/input/ folder of bike-node-planner

Step 2: Add elevation data with BikeNodePlanner

This step is needed to add elevation data (from dem/dem.tif) to the edges, creating an edges_slope.gpkg file.

  • Use BikeNodePlanner
  • Run scripts 01 to 04
  • Let's call loopspath the data/input path to your project, for example bikenwloops/data/input/funen/
  • Copy the file edges_slope.gpkg from bike-node-planner/data/output/elevation into loopspath/network/processed/

Repository structure

├── code                    <- Jupyter notebooks and py scripts
├── data
│   ├── processed           <- Modified data
│   └── raw                 <- Original, immutable data
├── dissemination           <- Material for dissemination
├── plots                   <- Generated figures
├── retrieval               <- Config files for retrieving data
├── .gitignore              <- Files and folders ignored by git
├── .pre-commit-config.yaml <- Pre-commit hooks used
├── LICENSE.txt
└── environment.yml         <- Environment file to set up the environment using conda/mamba