🎉🚀🤘 Thanks for your interest in the Codeowners Validator project! 🤘🚀🎉
This document contains contribution guidelines for this repository. Read it before you start contributing.
Before proposing or adding changes, check the existing issues and make sure the discussion/work has not already been started to avoid duplication.
If you'd like to see a new feature implemented, use this feature request template to create an issue.
Similarly, if you spot a bug, use this bug report template to let us know!
To start contributing, follow these steps:
Fork the
repository. -
Clone the repository locally.
TIP: This project uses Go modules, so you can check it out locally wherever you want. It doesn't need to be checked out in
. -
Set the
repository as upstream:git remote add upstream [email protected]:mszostok/codeowners-validator.git
Fetch all the remote branches for this repository:
git fetch --all
Set the master branch to point to upstream:
git branch -u upstream/master master
You're all set! 🚀 Read the development document for further instructions.