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172 lines (114 loc) · 5.89 KB

File metadata and controls

172 lines (114 loc) · 5.89 KB


Version 2.1.0 (2022-08-03)

  • Fix: Bug with GET requests passing a request body would receive a 403 PR #323

Version 2.0.3 (2020-01-06)

  • Internal: Rubocop update and styling fixes
  • Added Project#delete_envvar to remove envvars (@lacostenycoder)

Version 2.0.2 (2018-01-28)

House cleaning update, no changes to API or new endpoints added.

  • Upgrade Yard development dependency due to vulnerability
  • Add CI workflow for building against latest ruby versions

Version 2.0.1 (2017-08-22)

  • Add params to Project#recent_builds_branch

Version 2.0.0 (2017-05-26)

Breaking Changes

Please use branch v-1.1.0 or tag v1.1.0 for previous 1.x version of the gem until you can update to the latest version. 1.x will not be supported in the longer term.

  • Remove all deprecated class methods in favor of instance API resources classes
    • Please look at the documentation in the README or rubydoc on changes. An example of a change might be:

      # Old way of getting recent builds
      builds = CircleCi::Project.recent_builds 'mtchavez', 'circleci'
      # New way with a project object
      project = 'mtchavez', 'circleci'
      builds = project.recent_builds
      # Can interact with other calls for the project # make a new build
      project.settings # get settings
      project.clear_cache #clear the cache

Other changes

  • Update default API version to v1.1
  • Implement :vcs_type API endpoints for v1.1 i.e. /api/project/:vcs_type/:username/:project/follow

Version 1.1.0 - (2017-03-20)

Breaking Changes

  • Deprecate all the class methods in favor of classes for object approach

  • Project#build_branch build parameters changed how they are passed in. You now need to pass them as the API expects them to be nested under the build_parameters key.

    # Passing build parameters in the post body
    build_params = { build_parameters: { 'MY_TOKEN' => '123asd123asd' } }
    res = CircleCi::Project.build_branch 'username', 'reponame', 'branch', {}, build_params

Version 1.0.3 - (2016-09-30)

  • Fix requiring of forwardable

Version 1.0.2 - (2016-09-24)

  • Fix requiring of openssl - fixed in #81

Version 1.0.1 - (2016-09-14)

  • Fix regression of CircleCi::Project.enable HTTP method changing incorrectly to a delete

Version 1.0 - (2016-08-31)

Breaking Changes

  • CircleCi::Project#envvars renamed to envvar for consistency with API endpoint
  • Deprecated CircleCi::Project#envvars
  • Upgrade rspec to 3.5
  • Require minimum ruby version >= 2.0.0
  • Remove RestClient as a dependency and replace with stdlib Net::HTTP
  • Add params and body as inputs to CircleCi::Project#build_branch
  • Add configuration for proxy hosts

Version 0.2.3 - (2016-03-12)

  • CircleCi::RecentBuilds#get - Replaces old CircleCi#organization endpoint to return all recent builds
  • Remove CircleCi#organization for CircleCi::RecentBuilds#get
  • CircleCi::Project#recent_builds - Takes params to supply limit, offset, and filter query params
  • RestClient::Request overrides or configuration per request is configurable via Config.request_overrides hash

Version 0.2.2 - (2016-02-26)

  • Fix regression from #50 which broke #10
  • Make host and port configurable for people using Enterprise CircleCi
  • CircleCi::Project#envvar – Get environment variables for a project
  • CircleCi::Project#set_envvar – Set environment variable for a project

Version 0.2.1 - (2016-02-21)

Yanked from rubygems

Version 0.2.0 - (2015-12-06)

  • CircleCi::User#heroku_key – Add your Heroku API key to your account
  • CircleCi::Project#ssh_key – Add an SSH key to a project
  • CircleCi::Project#build_ssh_key – Add an SSH key to a project build
  • CircleCi::Project#new_checkout_key – Add a checkout key to a project
  • CircleCi::Project#list_checkout_keys – Get all checkout keys for a project
  • CircleCi::Project#get_checkout_key – Get a project checkout key
  • CircleCi::Project#delete_checkout_key – Delete a project checkout key

Version 0.1.1 - (2015-3-29)

  • Cancel a build merged in #15 from @etiennebarrie
  • Tests endpoint for a build. Will return all tests ran with metadata.
    • Currently experimental tests endpoint needs to be turned on in Experimental Settings

Version 0.1.0 - (2014-11-4)

  • Loosen rest-client dependency to ~> 1.6

Version 0.0.9 - (2014-11-4)

  • Deprecate CircleCi::Response#parsed_body to not use hashie gem

Version 0.0.8 - (2014-11-4)

Version 0.0.7 - (2014-8-1)

  • Add method to build specific branch of project - Thanks to @hwartig
    • CircleCi::Project#build_branch - Triggers build for specific branch of project

Version 0.0.6 - (2014-6-8)

  • New hidden endpoints added to API - Thanks to @EiNSTeiN-
    • CircleCi::Project#build - Build the latest master push for this project
    • CircleCi::Project#enable - Enable a project in CircleCI
    • CircleCi::Project#follow - Follow a project in CircleCI
    • CircleCi::Project#unfollow - Unfollow a project in CircleCI
    • CircleCi::Project#settings - Get project configuration

Version 0.0.3 - (2014-1-29)

Version 0.0.2 - (2014-1-21)

Version 0.0.1 - (2013-4-16)

  • Add basic endpoints