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339 lines (262 loc) · 9.96 KB

File metadata and controls

339 lines (262 loc) · 9.96 KB

Please ensure you completed: Installation of scib and dependencies.


pacman::p_load(tidyverse, janitor, reticulate,
               Seurat, SeuratWrappers, scib)
python_binary <- conda_list() %>%
  filter(name == "scib") %>%
  pull(python) %>% 
  normalizePath(winslash = "/")

use_python(python_binary, required = TRUE)

conda_env <- dirname(python_binary)


We will load the pbmc.demo dataset which is a Seurat object containing 2,638 peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). The data is provided by 10X genomics and similar to the one use in fundamental Seurat vignette with pbmc3k.

data(pbmc.demo, package = "scib")

#> An object of class Seurat 
#> 13714 features across 2638 samples within 1 assay 
#> Active assay: RNA (13714 features, 0 variable features)
#>  2 layers present: counts, data

The meta data contains two columns of interest to us:

  1. seurat_annotations provided by the Seurat co-authors and this serves as the ground truth for evaluation.

  2. batch which was artificially generated for demonstration. %>%
  tabyl(seurat_annotations, batch)
#>  seurat_annotations  B1  B2  B3
#>         Naive CD4 T 219 248 230
#>        Memory CD4 T 174 133 176
#>          CD14+ Mono 162 166 152
#>                   B 127 111 106
#>               CD8 T  92  87  92
#>        FCGR3A+ Mono  55  56  51
#>                  NK  44  63  48
#>                  DC   7  12  13
#>            Platelet   4   4   6

Aside: Seurat v5 stores information in the following layers

  • counts layer: raw un-normalized counts
  • data layer: normalized data, which is set correctly after NormalizeData()
  • layer: z-scored/variance-stabilized data, which is set after ScaleData()

Here are the layers before the split

#> [1] "counts" "data"


Step 1: Split the Seurat object

We split the RNA assay by the batch effect. In reality, batch effects may arise from differences between donors, single-cell technology, sequencing platforms, timing, reagents, or experimental conditions across laboratories.

pbmc.demo[["RNA"]] <- split(pbmc.demo[["RNA"]], f = pbmc.demo$batch)

#> An object of class Seurat 
#> 13714 features across 2638 samples within 1 assay 
#> Active assay: RNA (13714 features, 0 variable features)
#>  6 layers present: counts.B1, counts.B2, counts.B3, data.B1, data.B2, data.B3

The counts and data layer has been split into three layers each.

Step 2: Preprocess each split

We run the standard preprocessing steps for each split.

pbmc.demo <- pbmc.demo %>%
  NormalizeData(verbose = FALSE) %>%
  FindVariableFeatures(verbose = FALSE) %>%
  ScaleData(verbose = FALSE) %>%
  RunPCA(verbose = FALSE)

#> An object of class Seurat 
#> 13714 features across 2638 samples within 1 assay 
#> Active assay: RNA (13714 features, 2000 variable features)
#>  7 layers present: counts.B1, counts.B2, counts.B3, data.B1, data.B2, data.B3,
#>  1 dimensional reduction calculated: pca

The pca reduction has been generated based on the unintegrated data. We can determine the dimensionality of this dataset from the Elbow plot to be approximately 10.

ElbowPlot(pbmc.demo, ndims = 50, reduction = "pca")

ndims <- 10

Step 3: Data integration step

This is the workhorse of the data integration process. Here is an example on how to execute this with Harmony. The integrated embedding is stored in the integrated.harmony reduction.

pbmc.demo <- IntegrateLayers2(pbmc.demo,
                              method         = "HarmonyIntegration",
                              orig.reduction = "pca",
                              new.reduction  = "integrated.harmony",
                              verbose        = FALSE)

#> [1] "pca"                "integrated.harmony"

Step 4: Processing the integrated data

We can now run the non-linear dimension reduction on the integrated embedding.

pbmc.demo <- RunUMAP(pbmc.demo,
                     dims           = 1:ndims,
                     reduction      = "integrated.harmony",
            = "umap.harmony",
                     verbose        = FALSE

#> [1] "pca"                "integrated.harmony" "umap.harmony"

Next, we cluster the cells at certain resolution based on the integrated embedding. We chose res = 0.80 here for demonstration but you should determine this for your own dataset.

pbmc.demo <- FindNeighbors(pbmc.demo, reduction = "integrated.harmony")

pbmc.demo <- FindClusters (pbmc.demo, res = 0.80, = "cluster.harmony")
#> Modularity Optimizer version 1.3.0 by Ludo Waltman and Nees Jan van Eck
#> Number of nodes: 2638
#> Number of edges: 93314
#> Running Louvain algorithm...
#> Maximum modularity in 10 random starts: 0.8386
#> Number of communities: 12
#> Elapsed time: 0 seconds

Aside: We can visualize these clusters on the harmony-corrected embedding based UMAP.

        reduction = "umap.harmony",  = "cluster.harmony",
        label     = TRUE) +

(optional) Step 5: Cleanup after data integration

Before the cleanup:

#> [1] "counts.B1"  "counts.B2"  "counts.B3"  "data.B1"    "data.B2"   
#> [6] "data.B3"    ""
object.size(pbmc.demo) %>% format(units = "Mb")
#> [1] "102.4 Mb"

We can join the data layers, count layers and remove the (non-sparse matrix) to reduce object size.

pbmc.demo <- JoinLayers(pbmc.demo)
pbmc.demo[["RNA"]]$  <- NULL

We can confirm this by checking the layers and observing the reduction in object size (from 102Mb to 62Mb).

object.size(pbmc.demo) %>% format(units = "Mb")  
#> [1] "61.8 Mb"

#> An object of class Seurat 
#> 13714 features across 2638 samples within 1 assay 
#> Active assay: RNA (13714 features, 2000 variable features)
#>  2 layers present: data, counts
#>  3 dimensional reductions calculated: pca, integrated.harmony, umap.harmony


Cross tabulation with the ground truth

We can compare the clusters based on the integrated embedding vs. the ground truth provided by the Seurat authors:

tb <- table(pbmc.demo$seurat_annotations, pbmc.demo$cluster.harmony)

print.table(tb, zero.print = ".")
#                0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11
# Naive CD4 T  382  22   . 239   .  54   .   .   .   .   .   .
# Memory CD4 T   9 339   .  88   .  42   .   .   .   5   .   .
# CD14+ Mono     .   .   .   . 251   . 224   2   .   .   3   .
# B              .   1 343   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .
# CD8 T          .   5   1   .   . 130   .   .   5 130   .   .
# FCGR3A+ Mono   .   .   .   .   5   .   1 156   .   .   .   .
# NK             .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . 148   7   .   .
# DC             .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .  32   .
# Platelet       .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .  14

Accuracy: a simple evaluation of data integration

There are several ways of evaluation the performance of the data integration technique. One of the simpler ways is accuracy which is defined as the percentage of correctly predicted labels out of the total number of observations.

  1. Assign every cluster to one label using simple majority
pbmc.demo$ann.harmony <- case_match(pbmc.demo$cluster.harmony,
                                    "0" ~ "Naive CD4 T",
                                    "1" ~ "Memory CD4 T",
                                    "2" ~ "B",
                                    "3" ~ "Naive CD4 T",
                                    "4" ~ "CD14+ Mono",
                                    "5" ~ "CD8 T",
                                    "6" ~ "CD14+ Mono",
                                    "7" ~ "FCGR3A+ Mono",
                                    "8" ~ "NK",
                                    "9" ~ "CD8 T",
                                    "10" ~ "DC",
                                    "11" ~ "Platelet")
  1. Add up the numbers that correspond to this majority based assignment: 382 + 339 + 343 + 239 + 251 + 130 + 224 + 156 + 148 + 130 + 32 + 14 which adds up to 2,388.

  2. Divide by the total number of cells. i.e. 2388 / 2638 which gives 90.5%.

100 * mean(pbmc.demo$ann.harmony == pbmc.demo$seurat_annotations)
#> [1] 90.52312

Aside: The UMAP cluster can be visualized with the predicted labels as follows.

        reduction = "umap.harmony",  = "ann.harmony",
        label     = TRUE) +

Step 6: Evaluate the data integration method

There are more sophisticated metrics for evaluation:

We can apply these methods at celltype level and batch level using the run_eval_metrics function:

results <- run_eval_metrics(pbmc.demo, 
                            reduction      = "integrated.harmony", 
                     = "cluster.harmony",
                   = "seurat_annotations")

#                            results
# n_celltype            9.0000000000
# ari_celltype          0.6097111530
# nmi_celltype          0.7054868932
# asw_celltype          0.1027220944
# lisi_mean_celltype    0.1459063973
# lisi_median_celltype  0.0674748762
# n_batch               3.0000000000
# ari_batch            -0.0002237677
# nmi_batch             0.0012540544
# asw_batch            -0.0028503476
# lisi_mean_batch       0.7411130657
# lisi_median_batch     0.7707188999
# kbet_batch            0.9715909091

Next, see Example of running and evaluating multiple data integration methods