Blazon allows you to quickly build abstract serializers in a declarative fashion. It also has a large focus on composition, allowing you to quickly build and reuse common functionality for things like pagination, automatic preloading, and so on in a few lines of code. Furthermore, Blazon is format agnostic so you can expose your complex object heirarchies in JSON, XML, UBF, CSV, or whatever you want without changing your presentation logic.
Although Blazon has great test coverage, its design is nowhere near final and is rapidly changing, making it unsuitable for production.
defmodule Person.Serializer do
use Blazon.Serializable
field :name
field :title
field :age
Blazon.json(Person.Serializer, %{name: "John Cleese", title: "Minister of Silly Walks", age: 42}, except: ~w(age)a)
- Add
to your list of dependencies inmix.exs
def deps do
[{:blazon, "~> 0.0.1"}]
Drink your 🍵
That's it!