See a full example in the integration tests sections
var code = CodeArtifact.FromFilePath("FakeData/SmartContracts/adder/adder.wasm");
var codeMetadata = new CodeMetadata(false, true, false);
var initialValue = NumericValue.BigUintValue(10);
var deployTxRequest = TransactionRequest.CreateDeploySmartContractTransactionRequest(
var deployTx = await deployTxRequest.Send(_provider, alice);
await deployTx.AwaitExecuted(_provider);
You can get the smart contract deployment address with the deployment transaction
var scAddress = SmartContract.ComputeAddress(deployTxRequest);
Or from the owner address and the nonce of the deployment.
var scAddress = SmartContract.ComputeAddress(ownerAddress, nonce);
This example will create a call to the 'add' method of the 'adder' smart contract and passed the BigUINT value 10.
var txRequest = TransactionRequest.CreateCallSmartContractTransactionRequest(
var tx = await txRequest.Send(_provider, wallet);
await tx.AwaitExecuted(_provider);
var outputType = TypeValue.BigUintTypeValue;
var queryResult = await SmartContract.QuerySmartContract<NumericValue>(
See a full example in the integration tests sections
/// <summary>
/// ESDT tokens are issued via a request to the Metachain,
/// which is a transaction submitted by the Account which will manage the tokens.
/// When issuing a token, one must provide a token name, a ticker, the initial supply,
/// the number of decimals for display purpose and optionally additional properties
/// </summary>
/// <param name="wallet"></param>
/// <param name="token"></param>
/// <param name="initialSupply">Initial supply, should have an even number of characters</param>
/// <returns>The token identifier</returns>
Task<string> IssueFungibleToken(Wallet wallet, Token token, BigInteger initialSupply);
/// <summary>
/// One has to perform an issuance transaction in order to register a non fungible token.
/// Non FungibleESDT Tokens are issued via a request to the Metachain, which is a transaction submitted by the Account which will manage the tokens.
/// When issuing a token, one must provide a token name, a ticker and optionally additional properties.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="wallet"></param>
/// <param name="tokenName"></param>
/// <param name="tokenTicker"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
Task<string> IssueNonFungibleToken(Wallet wallet, string tokenName, string tokenTicker);
/// <summary>
/// One has to perform an issuance transaction in order to register a semi fungible token.
/// Semi FungibleESDT Tokens are issued via a request to the Metachain, which is a transaction submitted by the Account which will manage the tokens
/// When issuing a semi fungible token, one must provide a token name, a ticker, the initial quantity and optionally additional properties
/// </summary>
/// <param name="wallet"></param>
/// <param name="tokenName"></param>
/// <param name="tokenTicker"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
Task<string> IssueSemiFungibleToken(Wallet wallet, string tokenName, string tokenTicker);
Task<List<string>> GetSpecialRole(string tokenIdentifier);
Task SetSpecialRole(Wallet wallet, string tokenIdentifier, params string[] roles);
Task<ulong> CreateNftToken(
Wallet wallet,
string tokenIdentifier,
BigInteger quantity,
string tokenName,
ushort royalties,
Dictionary<string, string> attributes,
Uri[] uris,
byte[] hash = null);
Task<IEnumerable<EsdtToken>> GetEsdtTokens(Address address);
Task<EsdtToken> GetEsdtFungibleToken(Address address, string tokenIdentifier);
Task<EsdtToken> GetEsdtNonFungibleToken(Address address, string tokenIdentifier, ulong tokenId);
Task TransferEsdtToken(Wallet wallet, EsdtToken token, Address receiver, BigInteger quantity);
Task TransferEsdtTokenToSmartContract(Wallet wallet, EsdtToken token, Address smartContract,
string functionName, BigInteger quantity, params IBinaryType[] args);