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101 lines (86 loc) · 3.6 KB

File metadata and controls

101 lines (86 loc) · 3.6 KB

Basic usage

Load a JSON Key file and create a Wallet instance

Here's a key file JSON for Alice account, do not use the key file in mainnet.

  "version": 4,
  "id": "0dc10c02-b59b-4bac-9710-6b2cfa4284ba",
  "address": "0139472eff6886771a982f3083da5d421f24c29181e63888228dc81ca60d69e1",
  "bech32": "erd1qyu5wthldzr8wx5c9ucg8kjagg0jfs53s8nr3zpz3hypefsdd8ssycr6th",
  "crypto": {
    "cipherparams": {
      "iv": "033182afaa1ebaafcde9ccc68a5eac31"
    "cipher": "aes-128-ctr",
    "kdf": "scrypt",
    "kdfparams": {
      "dklen": 32,
      "salt": "4903bd0e7880baa04fc4f886518ac5c672cdc745a6bd13dcec2b6c12e9bffe8d",
      "n": 4096,
      "r": 8,
      "p": 1
    "mac": "5b4a6f14ab74ba7ca23db6847e28447f0e6a7724ba9664cf425df707a84f5a8b"

We can create a Wallet instance by providing this key file and the associated password :

var filePath = "path/to/keyfile.json";
var password = "password";
var wallet = Wallet.DeriveFromKeyFile(KeyFile.FromFilePath(filePath), password);

For more usage please, see the WalletTest.cs file.

Create an Account, Address and TokenAmount instance

An Account instance is build from an Address

We have multiple way to build an Address

  • By providing the bech32 address form
  • By providing the hex address form
  • By providing a valid bytes array
Address.FromBytes(new byte[] {0x00, 0x00, [...]});

Full usage example below : C# Snippet from integration tests

[Test(Description = "Synchronize an account from the network")]
public async Task Should_Get_Alice_Balance()
    var alice = new Account(Address.FromBech32(TestData.AliceBech32));
    await alice.Sync(_provider);

    Assert.That(alice.Balance.Token.Ticker, Is.EqualTo("EGLD"));
    Assert.That(alice.Nonce, Is.Not.Null);                      //5456
    Assert.That(alice.Balance.Value, Is.Not.Null);              //7076251965849781128
    Assert.That(alice.Balance.ToCurrencyString(), Is.Not.Null); //7.076251965849781128 EGLD

Send a transaction

Build and sign a transaction

First, we need to get a valid NetworkConfig instance.

var networkConfig = await NetworkConfig.GetFromNetwork(provider);

Then, we can build a TransactionRequest and send it with the provider.

// Ensure that the account in synchronize with the network to have a valid Nonce
await aliceAccount.Sync(_provider);

// Alice send 1 EGLD to bob
var txRequest = TransactionRequest.Create(aliceAccount, networkConfig, bobAddress, TokenAmount.EGLD("1"));
var tx        = await txRequest.Send(_provider, aliceWallet);

// Await the execution of the transaction
await tx.AwaitExecuted(_provider);

Fetch transaction detail from the network

We can the transaction detail from the network with the provider by calling the GetTransactionDetail method.

var transactionDetail = await _provider.GetTransactionDetail("ca5f97d1542307ae75086c6284ada1ed5db0dcc639e2ac2ad4fa59d3949c5e3a");