Here's a key file JSON for Alice account, do not use the key file in mainnet.
"version": 4,
"id": "0dc10c02-b59b-4bac-9710-6b2cfa4284ba",
"address": "0139472eff6886771a982f3083da5d421f24c29181e63888228dc81ca60d69e1",
"bech32": "erd1qyu5wthldzr8wx5c9ucg8kjagg0jfs53s8nr3zpz3hypefsdd8ssycr6th",
"crypto": {
"cipherparams": {
"iv": "033182afaa1ebaafcde9ccc68a5eac31"
"cipher": "aes-128-ctr",
"kdf": "scrypt",
"kdfparams": {
"dklen": 32,
"salt": "4903bd0e7880baa04fc4f886518ac5c672cdc745a6bd13dcec2b6c12e9bffe8d",
"n": 4096,
"r": 8,
"p": 1
"mac": "5b4a6f14ab74ba7ca23db6847e28447f0e6a7724ba9664cf425df707a84f5a8b"
We can create a Wallet
instance by providing this key file and the associated password :
var filePath = "path/to/keyfile.json";
var password = "password";
var wallet = Wallet.DeriveFromKeyFile(KeyFile.FromFilePath(filePath), password);
For more usage please, see the WalletTest.cs file.
An Account
instance is build from an Address
We have multiple way to build an Address
- By providing the bech32 address form
- By providing the hex address form
- By providing a valid bytes array
Address.FromBytes(new byte[] {0x00, 0x00, [...]});
Full usage example below : C# Snippet from integration tests
[Test(Description = "Synchronize an account from the network")]
public async Task Should_Get_Alice_Balance()
var alice = new Account(Address.FromBech32(TestData.AliceBech32));
await alice.Sync(_provider);
Assert.That(alice.Balance.Token.Ticker, Is.EqualTo("EGLD"));
Assert.That(alice.Nonce, Is.Not.Null); //5456
Assert.That(alice.Balance.Value, Is.Not.Null); //7076251965849781128
Assert.That(alice.Balance.ToCurrencyString(), Is.Not.Null); //7.076251965849781128 EGLD
First, we need to get a valid NetworkConfig
var networkConfig = await NetworkConfig.GetFromNetwork(provider);
Then, we can build a TransactionRequest
and send it with the provider.
// Ensure that the account in synchronize with the network to have a valid Nonce
await aliceAccount.Sync(_provider);
// Alice send 1 EGLD to bob
var txRequest = TransactionRequest.Create(aliceAccount, networkConfig, bobAddress, TokenAmount.EGLD("1"));
var tx = await txRequest.Send(_provider, aliceWallet);
// Await the execution of the transaction
await tx.AwaitExecuted(_provider);
We can the transaction detail from the network with the provider by calling the GetTransactionDetail
var transactionDetail = await _provider.GetTransactionDetail("ca5f97d1542307ae75086c6284ada1ed5db0dcc639e2ac2ad4fa59d3949c5e3a");