Releases: multiversx/mx-sdk-py
What's Changed
This release contains a bunch of new features and also some fixes. Added support for RelayedV3 Transactions, EGLD
in MultiESDTNFTTransfer
and dynamic NFTs. For more informations please check out this page.
A "fixing" change has been introduced, there was a missing parameter for creating unjailing
transactions, that has been added.
What's Changed
- Relayed V3 Transactions @popenta in #83
- Fixes for RelayedV3 and Cookbook update by @popenta in #84
- Update requests and protobuf packages by @popenta in #85
- Added methods for dynamic nfts by @popenta in #79
Full Changelog: 0.10.1...v0.11.0
What's Changed
- Added array value by @popenta in #66
- Transaction events parser by @popenta in #67
- Added support for counted-variadic by @popenta in #68
- Ensure all bytes are deserialized by @popenta in #70
- Cookbook update and small fix when decoding event topics by @popenta in #69
- Load multiple signers from pem file by @popenta in #74
- Fixed set payload from list by @popenta in #76
- Send Native token in MultiESDTNFTTransfer by @popenta in #73
- Added support for notarizing transactions for token transfer factory by @popenta in #81
- Support for instantiating address and bytes values from dictionary by @popenta in #80
Full Changelog: v0.10.0...0.10.1
What's Changed
- Add relayed transactions v3 by @cristure in #39
- Merge main into feat/next by @popenta in #44
- Remove transaction builders and old transaction parsers by @popenta in #53
- Added amount parameter for unjailng transactions by @popenta in #55
- Added array value by @popenta in #66
- Transaction events parser by @popenta in #67
- Added support for counted-variadic by @popenta in #68
- Ensure all bytes are deserialized by @popenta in #70
- Cookbook update and small fix when decoding event topics by @popenta in #69
- Merge main into feat/next by @popenta in #71
- Load multiple signers from pem file by @popenta in #74
- Fixed set payload from list by @popenta in #76
- Send Native token in MultiESDTNFTTransfer by @popenta in #73
- Merge main into feat/next by @popenta in #77
- Fix transactions converter: transaction from dictionary with inner transactions by @popenta in #78
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.10.0...v0.11.0b0
What's Changed
- Feat: codecs & ABI by @andreibancioiu in #52
Just like we have codecs & ABI support for contract interactions in TypeScript, we have them in Python as well 🚀
Events decoding is yet to come (soon). A few types aren't handled yet - e.g. counted variadics. Support for them will come soon, as well.
Additional examples will reach the cookbook.
Detailed PRs
- ABI/codecs implementation (part 1) by @andreibancioiu in #47
- ABI/codecs implementation (part 2) by @andreibancioiu in #48
- Fix after review for parts 1 & 2 by @andreibancioiu in #49
- Codecs - part 4 by @andreibancioiu in #50
- Codecs (part 5): Type formula and type formula parser by @andreibancioiu in #51
- Codecs (part 6) - ABI definitions by @andreibancioiu in #54
- Codecs (part 7): integration of serializer & ABI into queries controller and contract transactions factory by @andreibancioiu in #56
- Codecs (part 8): typesystem utilities by @andreibancioiu in #57
- Codecs (part 9): payload holders - set_value, get_value on some typed values by @andreibancioiu in #58
- Codecs (part 10): conversion utilities (handle native dictionaries and lists) by @andreibancioiu in #59
- Codecs (part 11) - enums: set_payload, get_payload by @andreibancioiu in #60
- Codecs (part 12): struct & option - set_payload(), get_payload() by @andreibancioiu in #61
- Codecs (part 13): multi-values, set_payload, get_payload, refactoring by @andreibancioiu in #62
- Codecs (part 14): abi-based encoding & decoding by @andreibancioiu in #63
- ABI / codecs: examples, cookbook, pre-release fixes by @andreibancioiu in #64
Full Changelog: v0.9.2...v0.10.0
What's Changed
- Additional fields on "AccountOnNetwork" by @andreibancioiu in #46
Full Changelog: v0.9.1...v0.9.2
What's Changed
- Query improvements: add SmartContractQueriesController.query() by @andreibancioiu in #43
Full Changelog: v0.9.0...v0.9.1
This new release is composed from the unification of the previous multiversx-sdk-py-core, multiversx-sdk-py-wallet and multiversx-sdk-py-network-providers packages.
- Check out the new cookbook here.
- Check out the auto-generated documentation.
- The migration guide as a GitHub issue can be found here.
What's Changed
- Simplified import statements for cookbook by @popenta in #36
- Added code coverage by @popenta in #38
- Fixes after first beta release by @popenta in #37
Full Changelog: v0.9.0b0...v0.9.0
This is a pre-release
of the MultiversX Python SDK. It is composed from the unification of the previous multiversx-sdk-py-core, multiversx-sdk-py-wallet and multiversx-sdk-py-network-providers packages.
What's Changed
- Merge sdk-core into repository by @popenta in #1
- Merge sdk-wallet into this repository by @popenta in #2
- Merge sdk-network-providers into this repository by @popenta in #3
- Moved files to create project structure by @popenta in #4
- Fixes and added a pyproject.toml file by @popenta in #5
- Fix pre-commit config file by @popenta in #7
- Fix encode signed numbers. by @ramonalobont in #6
- Added jupyter notebook with examples by @popenta in #9
- Implemented token management transactions parser by @popenta in #8
- Directory renaming and small fix for token management parser by @popenta in #11
- Message pack & unpack by @popenta in #10
- Exported all classes from each subpackage by @popenta in #12
- Changed method return type by @popenta in #13
- Add extra methods for TransactionComputer by @popenta in #14
- Implemented account transactions factory by @popenta in #15
- Smart Contract queries controller by @popenta in #16
- Transaction Converter & refactoring and reorganizing by @popenta in #17
- Sign transaction by hash by @popenta in #18
- Publish docs to GH pages by @popenta in #20
- Changed topics type and refactored token management outcome parser by @popenta in #19
- Delegation transactions outcome parser by @popenta in #21
- Smart Contract deploy transactions parser by @popenta in #22
- Added signer field for the Message class by @popenta in #24
- Remove token computer dependency from transactions factories & compute bytes to verify transaction signature by @popenta in #23
- Added ESDTTransferRole on fungible token by @popenta in #26
- Remove extra gas for guarded transactions by @popenta in #27
- Update dependencies & rename workflows by @popenta in #29
- Implemented transaction watcher (awaiter) by @popenta in #25
- Update protobuf dependency by @popenta in #30
- Fix pyproject.toml (excludes) by @andreibancioiu in #31
- Adjust workflows (docs, tests) by @andreibancioiu in #34
- Added transaction decoder by @popenta in #33
New Contributors
- @popenta made their first contribution in #1
- @ramonalobont made their first contribution in #6
- @andreibancioiu made their first contribution in #31
Full Changelog: