Ace edit is an editor, not an IDE. We provide the features of ACE combined with a powerful editing interface.
git clone
cd ace-edit
npm install
npm run server
Stage 1 (POC) File system and file tree:
We will focus on happy paths. Per browser tab you can only open one file tree at a time, we don't offer crud or even opening another file tree.
- File system abstraction
- Start with a mock file system
- Local file system APIs
- Explore ideas for remote file systems (S3 buckets, Git repos, SSM (??))
- Open file tree
- Open file, read file, safe file
- Create file
- Create dir
Stage 2 (FUTURE):
Some ideas that we want to keep on the horizon:
- File system CRUD
- Switching file systems (requires scoping the entire layout to a file system)
- Persisting layout between reloads (requires caching the file system and reconnecting)
- ACE editing and configuration.
Stage 1 (POC):
Focus on the "demo effect" -> we don't need to do it all but just the thing that make it look nice.
- Open multiple ACE editor windows in a tabbed view
- Basic configuration in an edit pane to switch ace options
Stage 2 (FUTURE)
- configuration can be stored and read from browser storage.
- configuration can be stored and read from a file system
- Use typescript.
- Use preact for html rendering
- Use flux/observable components for data updates (we will use a simple in house flux system)
- Use ACE/ACE filetree
- Use webcomponents for tabs