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-# :scroll: My Curriculum Vitae (August 2024)
+# :scroll: My Curriculum Vitae (Feb 2024)
[](https://github.com/mxochicale/cv/actions) [](https://github.com/mxochicale/cv/blob/generated-pdfs/cv-two-pages.pdf)
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## My CV
Download my latest CV by clicking on the following pages.
@@ -11,6 +11,23 @@ Download my latest CV by clicking on the following pages.
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# References
# https://superuser.com/questions/185880/how-to-convert-a-pdf-document-to-png
-#wget https://github.com/mxochicale/cv/raw/generated-pdfs/cv-two-pages.pdf
+sudo apt-get install -y imagemagick
cp ../tex/cv-two-pages.pdf .
mv cv-two-pages.pdf input.pdf
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## tex built with texlive
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bash localbuilt.sh TwoPages
bash localbuilt.sh NPages
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make clean
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\name{Miguel Xochicale}
-\\ My research interests focus on advancing real-time AI tools for MedTech, SurgTech, biomechanics, and clinical translation.
+\\ My research interests focus on advancing real-time AI tools for MedTech, SurgTech, Biomechanics, and clinical translation.
@@ -62,11 +62,12 @@ \subsection{M.Sc. in Signal Processing at Institute of Astrophysics, Optics and
\section{Research Experience}
-\subsection{Senior Research Engineer at University College London, UK}[Oct 2022~--~Present]
+\subsection{Senior Research Software Engineer at University College London, UK}[Oct 2022~--~Present]
-I am advancing real-time AI-enabled surgical tools by developing end-to-end frameworks, including training, inference, API design, and deployment to medical devices \href{https://mxochicale.github.io/real-time-ai-for-surgery-with-NVIDIA-Holoscan-platform/#/section}{\faExternalLink*}.
-Additionally, I contribute to elevating the highest standards of code quality in UCL's open-source software projects (\href{https://github.com/UCLH-Foundry/PIXL}{PIXL \faGithub*} \& \href{https://github.com/SciKit-Surgery}{SciKit-Surgery \faGithub*}).
+I am advancing real-time AI-enabled tools by developing end-to-end frameworks that encompass model training, efficient inference, robust API design, and seamless deployment to medical devices, ensuring scalablity and clinical applicability \href{https://mxochicale.github.io/real-time-ai-for-surgery-with-NVIDIA-Holoscan-platform/#/section}{\faExternalLink*}.
+Additionally, I empower innovators to progress from idea to research to production by ensuring the highest standards of code quality in UCL's open-source software projects (\href{https://github.com/UCL-CDI/cdi-hub}{CDI-HUB \faGithub*}, \href{https://github.com/UCLH-Foundry/PIXL}{PIXL \faGithub*} \& \href{https://github.com/SciKit-Surgery}{SciKit-Surgery \faGithub*}).
%\item Collaborators: \href{https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=-rD4cJIAAAAJ}{Stephen Thompson} and \href{https://iris.ucl.ac.uk/iris/browse/profile?upi=MJCLA42}{Prof Matt Clarkson}
%Additionally, I am leading the preparation of one proceeding and one manuscript in the area of medical imaging with real-time deep learning techniques.
%All previous activities in collaboration with renowned clinicians and engineers in KCL, University of Oxford and University of Melbourne.
@@ -149,11 +150,12 @@ \subsection{Research Associate in Software and Hardware Engineering at King's Co
+See more full list of publications and associated links \href{https://github.com/mxochicale/cv/blob/main/tex/publications.bib}{(\faExternalLink*)}.
\section{Talks, Posters and Workshops}
+See more full list of references and associated links \href{https://github.com/mxochicale/cv/blob/main/tex/talks-and-posters.bib}{(\faExternalLink*)}.
@@ -161,6 +163,11 @@ \section{Supervision and Teaching Experience}
\subsection{University College London}[Jan 2023~--~Present]
+ \item Co-supervision of PhD student Elvira Cortese from the UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology
+ %\textit{Project: }
+ \printdate{Oct 24'~--~Sep 27'}
\item Supervision: Sujon Hekim, in2reserach summer placement
\textit{Project: AI-based surgical skill assessment using transformer model.}
\printdate{June 23'~--~Sep 23'}
@@ -172,8 +179,9 @@ \subsection{University College London}[Jan 2023~--~Present]
\textit{Project: Fetal Brain Ultrasound Imaging synthesis with diffusion models.}
\printdate{May 23'~--~Aug 23'}
- \item Teaching Associate: AI in Healthcare Group project. Lecturer: Prof. Paul Taylor \printdate{Jan 23'~--~March 23'}
- \\ I led two group projects on \textit{Fetal Brain Ultrasound Imaging Synthesis with Diffusion Models.}
+ \item Technical Lead: CHME0039: Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Group Project. Lecturers: Prof. Paul Taylor and Dr Kevin Tsang
+ \\ I led two group projects on \textit{Fetal Brain Ultrasound Imaging Synthesis with Diffusion Models.} \printdate{Jan 23'~--~March 23'}
+ \\ I led two group projects on \textit{End-to-End AI Workflow for Automated Multimodal Medical Image Reporting (AMMIR).} \printdate{Jan 25'~--~March 25'}
@@ -368,6 +376,7 @@ \section{Skills}
CUDA Programming [2021-present],
Docker [2024-present], \&
python-based linting [2022-present].
+aws-cli \href{https://github.com/UCL-CDI/cdi-hub/tree/main/tutorials/aws-services/aws-batch}{\faGithub*} [Oct2024-present].
\item[Tools and hardware]
Single-board computers and microcontrollers (NVIDIA Jetson Nano, RaspberryPi, BeagleBone, Arduino \& PIC)[2010-present],
@@ -404,6 +413,12 @@ \section{Outreach activities and scientific engagement}
% \entry{Outreach activities and scientific engagement}{Sep 2019~--~Present}
+\item Lead organiser of HAWKESHACKS3 hackathon "Redefining Eye Tracking with Open-Source Real-Time AI Solutions":
+ Site: \href{https://cmic-ucl.github.io/CMICHACKS/}{\faExternalLink*}, \&
+ GitHub: \href{https://github.com/oocular/ready/tree/main/docs/hackathons/hawkes2024}{\faGithub*}.
+ \printdate{6-8th Nov 25'}.
\item Lead organiser of "Open-Source Software for SurgTech 2" at the Hamlym Symp. on Medical Robotics 2024.
\printdate{Jan 24' -- Oct 25'}.
diff --git a/tex/publications.bib b/tex/publications.bib
index 1307797..85f5934 100644
--- a/tex/publications.bib
+++ b/tex/publications.bib
@@ -1,4 +1,34 @@
+author = {Das, Adrito and
+ Sidiqi, Bilal and
+ Mennillo, Laurent and
+ Mao, Zhehua and
+ Brudfors, Mikael and
+ Xochicale, Miguel and
+ Khan, Danyal Z. and
+ Newall, Nicola and
+ Hanrahan, John G. and
+ Clarkson, Matthew J. and
+ Stoyanov, Danail and
+ Marcus, Hani J. and
+ Bano, Sophia},
+author+an = {6=highlight},
+title = {Automated surgical skill assessment in endoscopic pituitary surgery using real-time instrument tracking on a high-fidelity bench-top phantom},
+journal = {Healthcare Technology Letters},
+volume = {11},
+number = {6},
+pages = {336-344},
+keywords = {artificial intelligence, instrument segmentation, machine learning, minimally invasive surgery, neurosurgery},
+doi = {https://doi.org/10.1049/htl2.12101},
+url = {https://ietresearch.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1049/htl2.12101},
+eprint = {https://ietresearch.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1049/htl2.12101},
+year = {2024}
title={Using SciKit-Surgery for Augmented Reality in Surgery Research},
author={Thompson, Stephen and
@@ -341,7 +371,7 @@ @inproceedings{montenegro2021air4children
url = {https://github.com/air4children/hri2021}
author = {Xochicale, Miguel
and Baber, Chris},
author+an = {1=highlight},
@@ -356,7 +386,7 @@ @inproceedings{HAI2017:movvar
address = {Bielefeld, Germany}
author = {Xochicale, Miguel
and Baber, Chris
and Oussalah Mourad},
@@ -372,7 +402,7 @@ @inproceedings{HRI2017:hri-imitation
address = {Vienna, Austria}
author = {Xochicale, Miguel
and Baber, Chris
and Oussalah Mourad},
@@ -388,7 +418,7 @@ @inproceedings{WEROB2016:movvar-dance
address = {Segovia, Spain}
author = {Xochicale, Miguel
and Baber, Chris
and Oussalah Mourad},
@@ -405,16 +435,16 @@ @inproceedings{DERBIS2016:movvar-gestures
-% author = {Xochicale, Miguel
-% and Jovanovic-Dolecek, G},
-% author+an = {1=highlight},
-% title = {A New Method for Design Narrow Band Lowpass FIR Filters Using a Scale Function},
-% url = {https://github.com/mxochicale/publications/tree/master/2006/Iced},
-% eprint_url = {https://github.com/mxochicale/publications/blob/master/2006/Iced/article/MPXochicale_GJovanovic-Dolecek-2006.pdf},
-% addendum = {Conference Paper},
-% booktitle = {2nd International Conference on Electronic Design (\textbf{ICED '06})},
-% month = {11},
-% year = {2006},
-% address = {Veracruz, Mexico}
+ author = {Xochicale, Miguel
+ and Jovanovic-Dolecek, G},
+ author+an = {1=highlight},
+ title = {A New Method for Design Narrow Band Lowpass FIR Filters Using a Scale Function},
+ url = {https://github.com/mxochicale/publications/tree/master/2006/Iced},
+ eprint_url = {https://github.com/mxochicale/publications/blob/master/2006/Iced/article/MPXochicale_GJovanovic-Dolecek-2006.pdf},
+ addendum = {Conference Paper},
+ booktitle = {2nd International Conference on Electronic Design (\textbf{ICED '06})},
+ month = {11},
+ year = {2006},
+ address = {Veracruz, Mexico}
diff --git a/tex/talks-and-posters.bib b/tex/talks-and-posters.bib
index e3db4f3..ec8a655 100644
--- a/tex/talks-and-posters.bib
+++ b/tex/talks-and-posters.bib
@@ -1,6 +1,25 @@
+ author = {
+ Xochicale, Miguel
+ },
+ author+an = {1=highlight},
+ title = {How Open-Source Software is Shaping the Future of Healthcare},
+ addendum = {Presentation, Abstract},
+ doi = {},
+ url = {https://fosdem.org/2025/schedule/event/fosdem-2025-5196-how-open-source-software-is-shaping-the-future-of-healthcare},
+ day = {01},
+ month = {02},
+ year = {2025},
+ address = {Free and Open source Software Developers' European Meeting (FOSDEM)}
author = {
Hekim, Sujon and
@@ -111,7 +130,7 @@ @inproceedings{ICDEA2019:movvar-hri
address = {London, UK}
author = {Xochicale, Miguel},
author+an = {1=highlight},
title = {Quantifying the Inherent Chaos of Human Movement Variability},
@@ -125,7 +144,7 @@ @inproceedings{ECCC2018:chaos-movement-variability
address = {Madrid, Spain}
author = {Xochicale, Miguel
and Baber, Chris},
author+an = {1=highlight},
diff --git a/tex/talks.bib b/tex/talks.bib
deleted file mode 100644
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
- author = {Xochicale, Miguel
- and Baber, Chris},
- author+an = {1=highlight},
- title = {Nonlinear analysis to quantify human movement variability from time-series data},
- booktitle = {neuromatch 3.0 (\textbf{NMC3 '20})},
- addendum = {Presentation Abstract},
- doi = {https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4147673},
- url = {https://github.com/mxochicale/nmc3},
- slides_url = {https://github.com/mxochicale/nmc3/blob/generated-pdfs/slides.pdf},
- month = {10},
- year = {2020},
- address = {Virtual Conference}
- author = {Xochicale, Miguel},
- author+an = {1=highlight},
- title = {Quantifying Movement Variability with Nonlinear Dynamics for Human-Humanoid Interaction},
- url = {https://github.com/mxochicale/icdea2019},
- eprint_url = {https://github.com/mxochicale/icdea2019/blob/master/abstract/xochicale_abstract.pdf},
- slides_url = {https://github.com/mxochicale/icdea2019/blob/master/slides/slides-icdea2019-mxochicale.pdf},
- addendum = {Slices abstract},
- booktitle = {25th International Conference on Difference Equations and Applications (\textbf{ICDEA '19})},
- month = {6},
- year = {2019},
- address = {London, UK}
- author = {Xochicale, Miguel},
- author+an = {1=highlight},
- title = {Quantifying the Inherent Chaos of Human Movement Variability},
- url = {https://github.com/mxochicale/eccc2018},
- eprint_url = {https://github.com/mxochicale/eccc2018/blob/master/abstract/latex/abstract.pdf},
- slides_url = {https://github.com/mxochicale/eccc2018/blob/master/slides/presentation.eccc2018.pdf},
- addendum = {Presentation Abstract},
- booktitle = {15th Experimental Chaos and Complexity Conference (\textbf{ECCC '18})},
- month = {6},
- year = {2018},
- address = {Madrid, Spain}
- author = {Xochicale, Miguel
- and Baber, Chris},
- author+an = {1=highlight},
- title = {Towards the Analysis of Movement Variability for Facial Expressions with Nonlinear Dynamics},
- url = {https://github.com/mxochicale/cere2018},
- slides_url = {https://github.com/mxochicale/cere2018/blob/master/slides/presentation.cere2018-mx.pdf},
- addendum = {Presentation abstract},
- booktitle = {7th Consortium of European Research on Emotion Conference (\textbf{CERE '18})},
- month = {04},
- year = {2018},
- address = {Glasgow, Scotland, UK}