This folder contains test suites written in gingko and a tool to run the e2e tests.
Copyright (c) 2021, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
License information can be found in the LICENSE file. This distribution may include materials developed by third parties. For license and attribution notices for these materials, please refer to the LICENSE file.
This tool can be used to run complete end to end tests. Using a provider, this tool, creates a k8s cluster, runs the tests using ginkgo and then cleans up the cluster. Right now two providers are implemented to work with the tool :
- KinD provider - uses KinD to create a cluster to run the tests
- local provider - uses an existing, local cluster, to run the tests
The tool is not compiled and can be run directly using 'go run'. It accepts following arguments :
$ go run e2e-tests/run-e2e-test.go --help
-ginkgo.focus-file string
Value to be passed to the ginkgo's focus-file flag.
Use this to filter specs to run based on their location in files.
More details :
-kind-k8s-version string
Kind k8s version used to run tests.
Example usage: -kind-k8s-version=1.20 (default "1.21")
-kubeconfig string
Kubeconfig of the existing K8s cluster to run tests on.
This will not be used if '--use-kind' is enabled. (default "$HOME/.kube/config")
Enable this to run tests from outside the K8s cluster.
By default, this is not enabled and the tests will be run as a pod from inside K8s Cluster.
-suites string
Test suites that needs to be run.
Example usage: -suites=mysql,basic
Use KinD to run the e2e tests.
By default, this is disabled and the tests will be run in an existing K8s cluster.
-v Enable verbose mode in ginkgo. By default this is disabled.
All the e2e tests are written using ginkgo and are available inside the suites folder. These tests can be run using :
- The run-e2e-test.go tool. Eg.
go run e2e-tests/run-e2e-test.go
(or) - The ginkgo tool. Eg
go run e2e-tests/suites
The subdirectories inside the e2e test directory and their purpose are as follows :
- suite folder has the actual testcases.
- utils folder has various library methods used by the E2E testcases.
- _config folder has all the cluster configuration used by the run-e2e-test.go to create clusters.
- _manifests folder has all the yaml manifests used by tests.
- _artifacts folder is used by the tests as an output directory.