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D3 Pie Chart


Simple pie chart library with D3


If you're installing with NPM, you need NPM installed. Otherwise you can checkout the library from GitHub and use directly.

Getting started:

  • Install via the npm npm install myt-pie-chart --save.
  • Either include the library with a script tag or require it (RequireJS, AMD, Browserify etc.).


If using script tags.

<script src="./node_modules/path/to/d3.js"></script>
<script src="./node_modules/myt-pie-chart/myt-pie-chart.js"></script>

If requiring.

var d3 = require('d3');
var mytPieChart = require('myt-pie-chart');

Prepare your chart data, it may look something like this:

var data = [{
  name: 'Users',      // Required. {string} - Data entry name.
  value: 28819,       // Required. {int}    - Data entry value.
  bgColor: '#747485', // Optional. {string} - defaults to ~random color.
  color: 'green'      // Optional. {string} - defaults to black.

Create a pie chart instance, then assign your data to it.

var pie = mytPieChart.newChart('container-id').setData(data);

Configure your chart.

// Chart inherits the size of the container element.

// Additional options, see full options support in documentation.
pie.tooltip = true;    // Optional. {boolean}    - To show the tooltip, defaults to false.
pie.tooltipId = 'tooltipContainerId'; // Optional. {string}    - Assign the element to be used as tooltip.

Render the chart.


In case you want to redraw the chart, you may call pie.restart();.


// Do some data changes, like Ajax calls.
data = someNewData();

// Re-render the chart with new data.
pie.update(); // Update only works for data changes, if you want to redraw the chart use 'pie.restart()'

Examples and in depth explanations

For more info, see examples and complete API documentation.