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ION Installation Guide

ION is a decentralized Layer 2 network for Decentralized Identifiers that runs atop the Bitcoin blockchain. Running an ION node minimizes trust in external parties for resolving ION DIDs, helps make the network more resilient and reliable, and provides the operator with better DID resolution performance.

The ION node reference implementation is currently in a volatile alpha phase, running on Bitcoin's test net. Operators should expect frequent breaking changes and regular resets of the network's state. Presently, we are only recommending that experienced developers invest the time in running, testing, and contributing to the code base. This recommendation will change as the implementation progresses into more stable stages of development, which contributors will communicate to the community via blog posts and communications from DIF and collaborating organizations.

The ION node implementation is composed of a collection of microservices written in TypeScript. Of these components, the major dependencies are Bitcoin/bitcore, IPFS, and MongoDB (for local persistence of data).

1. Preparing your development environment


We recommend you run ION on a machine with the following minimum specs:

  • i5 processor (2017+ models)
  • 6GB of RAM
  • 1TB of storage

Operating System

Setup a Debian-based distros of Linux. This guide was verified on Ubuntu 18, so we currently recommend this distro and version.

Node.js and NVM

Services within ION rely on both Node.js version 9 and 10. To install both versions and easily use them together, you'll need to install the Node Version Manager (NVM) utility. Installation of NVM should be as easy as running the following command and restarting your console:

curl -o- | bash

NOTE: If the command above doesn't work for some reason, there are other installation options detailed in the NVM installation doc.

Once NVM is installed, run the following command to install Node v9 and v10.15.3:

nvm install 9
nvm install 10.15.3

Inbound Ports to Open

If you wish to run a node that writes DID operations to the Bitcoin blockchain, you will need to open ports 4002 and 4003.

2. Setting up the Sidetree blockchain service


sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/zeromq
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python
sudo apt-get install -y libzmq3-dev
sudo apt-get install build-essential

Install Bitcore

Run nvm use 9 to ensure you're using the version that the current version of Bitcore requires.

Install the Bitcore npm package:

npm install -g bitcore

Run the following initialization command in your desired directory/drive location - which this guide will refer to as ion-bitcore - where you want the Bitcoin testnet data to be stored:

bitcore create ion-bitcore --testnet

Clone the Sidetree repo:

git clone

Navigate to the sidetree/lib/bitcored-extension directory of the cloned repo and run the following:

npm install bitcore-lib

Navigate to the directory of the ion-bitcore instance you created, and run the following:

bitcore install insight-api insight-ui

cd /node_modules

ln -s sidetree/lib/bitcored-extension ion-bitcore

Add the string ion-bitcore to the services array in the ion-bitcore instance's bitcore-node.json configuration file.

To start the bitcored daemon by navigating to the root of the ion-bitcore instance you created, and run the following:


NOTE: Bitcore can, in some circumstances, fail with RPC queue errors, so you may also want to manually increase the RPC worker queue limit. You can do this by adding rpcworkqueue=64 to the bitcoin.conf file located in your ion-bitcore instance directory.

Verify that the bitcored installation was successful by pointing the browser to:


3. Setting up Prerequisites for ION Service

Installing MongoDB

The default persistence option for storing data locally is MongoDB, though it is possible to create adapters for other datastores. To use the default MongoDB option, you'll need to install MongoDB community build:

NOTE: You may not have all the dependencies required to run MongoDB, if so you can run sudo apt-get install -f to bring them in.

You'll probably want to store the data from the Mongo instance in the same place you chose to store the blockchain data, due to the large amount of storage required. Set the directory for this by creating a db folder in the location you chose and run mongod --dbpath ~/YOUR_LOCATION/db

After MongoDB is installed and running, modify the mongoDbConnectionString property of the JSON configuration file located at /json/core-config.json in the ION repo to match the location of your MongoDB instance.

To view MongoDB files with a more approachable GUI, download and install MongoDB Compass:

4. Configure & Build ION


Edit the json/bitcoin-config.json file to ensure the bitcoreExtensionUri property points to the location of the bitcored service you setup earlier in this guide (e.g. http://localhost:3001/ion-bitcore/)

Run the following commands to build ION:

nvm use 10.15.3
npm i
npm run build

5. Run Sidetree Bitcoin micro-service

nvm use 10.15.3
npm run bitcoin

6. Run Sidetree IPFS micro-service

Start a new console and run the following commands:

nvm use 10.15.3
npm run ipfs

7. Run Sidetree core service

Start a new console and run the following commands:

nvm use 10.15.3
npm run core

Give it a few minutes to synchronize Sidetree transactions.

Verify ION is running properly by checking the following DID resolution link in your browser: http://localhost:3000/did:ion-test:EiBNsl-a8ZjvFsJCEousqy-9N4RFypLEU1Ha7pn9KPFpPg