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MegaMech edited this page Feb 7, 2023 · 2 revisions


How resources are interacted with

Common Textures

Located at src/, contains textures, texture palettes, vertices, displaylists, and float data common to every course. For example, mini-map textures, character portraits, fonts, item inventory frame/window, etc. The purpose of the vertex and displaylists data are unknown.

Texture Palettes

These get pretty strange. Most palettes are initialized using 0x0000 but the full 16x16 palette which is essentially just a 2D linear array of pixels doesn't necessarily use the full 16x16. This means the texture will end with a tail of 0x0000 (0x0000 cause pixels are u16). However, some palettes use a magic number of 0x07FE and some others use 0xFFFF. Both of these are transparent/white. Texture64, reveals the hex value of these pixels while hovering over the tail pixels with the cursor.

Finally, animated texture palettes appear to use a different method of creating the palette. More investigation necessary. Interestingly the palettes for the following textures exists in common_textures but the actual textures themselves is somewhere else (currently unknown). Some of these are gTLUTLakituCheckeredFlag, gTLUTLakituSecondLap, gTLUTLakituFinalLap, gTLUTLakituReverse, gTLUTLakituFishing.

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