https://github.com/flaviostutz/schellar - Schellar is a scheduler tool for instantiating Conductor workflows from time to time, mostly like a cron job, but with transport of input/output variables between calls.
https://github.com/flaviostutz/backtor - Backtor is a backup scheduler tool that uses Conductor workers to handle backup operations and decide when to expire backups (ex.: keep backup 3 days, 2 weeks, 2 months, 1 semester)
https://github.com/cquon/conductor-tools - Conductor CLI for launching workflows, polling tasks, listing running tasks etc
https://github.com/flaviostutz/conductor-server - Docker container for running Conductor with Prometheus metrics plugin installed and some tweaks to ease provisioning of workflows from json files embedded to the container
https://github.com/flaviostutz/conductor-ui - Docker container for running Conductor UI so that you can easily scale UI independently
https://github.com/flaviostutz/elasticblast - "Elasticsearch to Bleve" bridge tailored for running Conductor on top of Bleve indexer. The footprint of Elasticsearch may cost too much for small deployments on Cloud environment.
https://github.com/mohelsaka/conductor-prometheus-metrics - Conductor plugin for exposing Prometheus metrics over path '/metrics'
Forked Repository - Conductor (Secure)
OAuth2.0 Role Based Security! - Spring Security with easy configuration to secure the Conductor server APIs.
Docker image published to Docker Hub
https://github.com/ggrcha/conductor-go-client - Conductor Golang client for writing Workers in Golang
https://github.com/courosh12/conductor-dotnet-client - Conductor DOTNET client for writing Workers in DOTNET
- https://github.com/TwoUnderscorez/serilog-sinks-conductor-task-log - Serilog sink for sending worker log events to Netflix Conductor
https://github.com/davidwadden/conductor-workers - Various ready made Conductor workers for common operations on some platforms (ex.: Jira, Github, Concourse)
- https://github.com/maheshyaddanapudi/conductor-ng-ui - Angular based - Conductor Workflow Management UI
- https://github.com/maheshyaddanapudi/conductor/tree/mongo_persistence - With option to use Mongo Database as persistence unit.
- Mongo Persistence / Option to use Mongo Database as persistence unit.
- Docker Compose example with MongoDB Container.
- https://github.com/maheshyaddanapudi/conductor/tree/oracle_persistence - With option to use Oracle Database as persistence unit.
- Oracle Persistence / Option to use Oracle Database as persistence unit : version > 12.2 - Tested well with 19C
- Docker Compose example with Oracle Container.