Given a string sentence print the words in reverse order. Remove the words "the, and, on, and over" from the output. For example:
"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" -> "dog lazy jumps fox brown quick"
Write a python script that downloads the a wiki page for a university and scrape it for information about student population (total students, undergraduates, and postgraduates). For example:
return an object that contains:
"students": 50,543,
"undergraduates": 39,143,
"postgraduates": 11,400
Write a script that takes in the following video
- Drops its frame rate to 5 FPS, and throws away all frames after the first minute.
- Saves all frames to a certain directory.
- Writes frame-specific information to a YAML file, including:
- frame_number
- file_path
Use an object detector of the framework of your choice (can be pre-trained) to add the following attributes to each frame:
- Detected object classes existing in image and their counts (i.e. 3 vehicles, 4 pedestrians, 2 cyclists)
- Bounding boxes for detected classes (list-like)
- Append this information to the yaml file for each image
Here is one possible object detector for reference:
Aircraft sorting:
- Create a program that can accept aircraft objects and assign them to a runway.
- A sample template (Aircraft Queuing is available. Scroll to the bottom of this gist
- There are more aircraft than there are runways. Some planes must wait.
- Runways are small, medium, and large. Small runways can only handle planes with < 200,000 pounds, medium runways up to 500,000 pounds, and large can handle any size aircraft.
- The planes with the most passengers are given highest priority for a particular runway.
- The planes should be spread out optimally on each runway so that the planes go out as quickly as possible.
2 small runways, 3 medium runways, and 1 large runway
Aircraft: 400,000 pounds, 212 passengers
Aircraft: 100,000 pounds, 55 passengers
Aircraft: 100,000 pounds, 25 passengers
Aircraft: 100,000 pounds, 95 passengers
Aircraft: 100,000 pounds, 115 passengers
Aircraft: 250,000 pounds, 121 passengers
Aircraft: 600,000 pounds, 15 passengers
Aircraft: 300,000 pounds, 155 passengers
Aircraft: 600,000 pounds, 225 passengers
Aircraft: 100,000 pounds, 95 passengers
Aircraft: 100,000 pounds, 116 passengers
Aircraft: 250,000 pounds, 3 passengers
Output (planes ordered by position in line):
Runway R1 (small): Aircraft A1 (A1.pounds, A1.passengers), Aircraft A2 (A2.pounds, A2.passengers), Aircraft A3 (A3.pounds, A3.passengers),
Runway R2 (medium): Aircraft A4 (A4.pounds, A4.passengers), Aircraft A5 (A5.pounds, A5.passengers), Aircraft A6 (A6.pounds, A6.passengers),
Aircraft Queuing Template is provided in case it is useful to answer the question.