Note: Applications should probably not check that navigation works, because React Router has lots of tests to assure us that it works! However, if you must, here's how to.
Suppose we want to test that clicking on the Checkout button in the shopping
cart navigates to the Checkout page. To test this, we can render the source and
destination components inside <Routes>
. Then click the Checkout button and
verify that the application indeed navigate to the Checkout page. Here's
the test:
test('clicking on checkout button navigates to Checkout page', async () => {
// simulate 2 items in the cart
rest.get(`${MOCK_API_URL}/cart`, (req, res, ctx) => {
return res(ctx.status(200), ctx.json(cart));
<Route path="/" element={<CartView />} />
<Route path="/checkout" element={<MockCheckoutPage />} />
// click on Checkout button
const checkoutButton = await screen.findByText('Checkout');;
// expect checkout page to be rendered
const checkoutPageTitle = await screen.findByText('Checkout Page');