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Releases: nasa/cumulus


13 Oct 21:19
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Release v2.0.8

** Please note - this is a backport release for the 2.0.x release series. For the latest release as of this notice, see


  • CUMULUS-2203
    • Update Core tasks to use
      v1.3.2 to resolve memory leak/lambda ENOMEM constant failure issue. This
      issue caused lambdas to slowly use all memory in the run environment and
      prevented AWS from halting/restarting warmed instances when task code was
      throwing consistent errors under load.


08 Oct 18:32
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Migration Steps

Please be sure to follow all migration steps during your Cumulus deployment

Update Queue Workflow Configuration

  • All references to meta.queues in workflow configuration must be replaced with references to queue URLs from Terraform resources. See the updated data cookbooks or example Discover Granules workflow configuration.

  • The steps for configuring queued execution throttling have changed. See the updated documentation.

  • In addition to the configuration for execution throttling, the internal mechanism for tracking executions by queue has changed. As a result, you should disable any rules or workflows scheduling executions via a throttled queue before upgrading. Otherwise, you may be at risk of having twice as many executions as are configured for the queue while the updated tracking is deployed. You can re-enable these rules/workflows once the upgrade is complete.

Deploy Cumulus EMS (optional)

  • EMS resources are now optional, and ems_deploy is set to false by default, which will delete your EMS resources.

  • If you would like to keep any deployed EMS resources, add the ems_deploy variable set to true in your cumulus-tf/terraform.tfvars

TEA Deployment as a Separate Terraform Module

  • Before you re-deploy your cumulus-tf module, note that the thin-egress-app is no longer deployed by default as part of the cumulus module, so you must add the TEA module to your deployment and manually modify your Terraform state to avoid losing your API gateway and impacting any Cloudfront endpoints pointing to those gateways. If you don't care about losing your API gateway and impacting Cloudfront endpoints, you can ignore the instructions for manually modifying state.

    1. Add the thin-egress-app module to your cumulus-tf deployment as shown in the Cumulus example deployment.

      • Note that the values for tea_stack_name variable to the cumulus module and the stack_name variable to the thin_egress_app module must match
      • Also, if you are specifying the stage_name variable to the thin_egress_app module, the value of the tea_api_gateway_stage variable to the cumulus module must match it
      • If you were previously setting the log_api_gateway_to_cloudwatch variable for the cumulus module, that variable should now be set directly on the thin_egress_app module that is deployed separately. If you want these logs from TEA to be delivered to a shared log destination, you still need to set the log_destination_arn variable for the cumulus module.
    2. If you want to preserve your existing thin-egress-app API gateway and avoid having to update your Cloudfront endpoint for distribution, then you must follow these instructions: Otherwise, you can re-deploy as usual.

  • If you provide your own custom bucket map to TEA as a standalone module, you must ensure that your custom bucket map includes mappings for the protected and public buckets specified in your cumulus-tf/terraform.tfvars, otherwise Cumulus may not be able to determine the correct distribution URL for ingested files and you may encounter errors

Update Dashboard

Cumulus dashboard 2.0.0 has been released to work with this release

Breaking Changes

  • CUMULUS-2200

    • Changes return from 303 redirect to 200 success for Granule Inventory's /reconciliationReport returns. The user (dashboard) must read the value of url from the return to get the s3SignedURL and then download the report.
  • CUMULUS-2099

    • meta.queues has been removed from Cumulus core workflow messages. (see migration steps above)
    • @cumulus/sf-sqs-report workflow task no longer reads the reporting queue URL from input.meta.queues.reporting on the incoming event. Instead, it requires that the queue URL be set as the reporting_queue_url environment variable on the deployed Lambda.
  • CUMULUS-2111

    • The deployment of the thin-egress-app module has be removed from tf-modules/distribution, which is a part of the tf-modules/cumulus module. Thus, the thin-egress-app module is no longer deployed for you by default. See the migration steps for details about how to add deployment for the thin-egress-app.
  • CUMULUS-2141

    • The parse-pdr task has been updated to respect the NODE_NAME property in
      a PDR's FILE_GROUP. If a NODE_NAME is present, the task will query the
      Cumulus API for a provider with that host. If a provider is found, the
      output granule from the task will contain a provider property containing
      that provider. If NODE_NAME is set but a provider with that host cannot be
      found in the API, or if multiple providers are found with that same host,
      the task will fail.
    • The queue-granules task has been updated to expect an optional
      granule.provider property on each granule. If present, the granule will be
      enqueued using that provider. If not present, the task's config.provider
      will be used instead.
  • CUMULUS-2197

    • EMS resources are now optional and will not be deployed by default. See migration steps for information
      about how to deploy EMS resources.

Breaking Code Changes

  • The @cumulus/api-client.providers.getProviders function now takes a
    queryStringParameters parameter which can be used to filter the providers
    which are returned

  • The @cumulus/aws-client/S3.getS3ObjectReadStreamAsync function has been
    removed. It read the entire S3 object into memory before returning a read
    stream, which could cause Lambdas to run out of memory. Use
    @cumulus/aws-client/S3.getObjectReadStream instead.

  • The @cumulus/ingest/util.lookupMimeType function now returns undefined
    rather than null if the mime type could not be found.

  • The @cumulus/ingest/lock.removeLock function now returns undefined

  • The @cumulus/ingest/granule.generateMoveFileParams function now returns
    source: undefined and target :undefined on the response object if either could not be
    determined. Previously, null had been returned.

  • The @cumulus/ingest/recursion.recursion function must now be imported using
    const { recursion } = require('@cumulus/ingest/recursion');

  • The @cumulus/ingest/granule.getRenamedS3File function has been renamed to

Notable Changes

  • Added filter parameters to the Reconciliation Reports API

  • Added update-cmr-access-constraints workflow task to allow for granule metadata modification to hide or show granule. Rules can be configured via the MMT. See operator documentation.

  • Added an internal reconciliation report for comparison between DynamoDB and Elasticsearch

  • Added a Granule Not Found reconciliation report for a breakdown by Granule of files both in DynamoDB and S3

  • Rules now support an executionNamePrefix property. If set, any executions triggered as a result of that rule will use that prefix in the name of the execution. See the notes for CUMULUS-2161 below.

    • Fixed a race condition with bulk granule delete causing deleted granules to still appear in Elasticsearch. Granules removed via bulk delete should now be removed from Elasticsearch.

All Changes


  • CUMULUS-1855

    • Fixed SyncGranule task to return an empty granules list when given an empty
      (or absent) granules list on input, rather than throwing an exception
  • CUMULUS-1955

    • Added @cumulus/aws-client/S3.getObject to get an AWS S3 object
    • Added @cumulus/aws-client/S3.waitForObject to get an AWS S3 object,
      retrying, if necessary
  • CUMULUS-1961

    • Adds startTimestamp and endTimestamp parameters to endpoint
      reconcilationReports. Setting these values will filter the returned
      report to cumulus data that falls within the timestamps. It also causes the
      report to be one directional, meaning cumulus is only reconciled with CMR,
      but not the other direction. The Granules will be filtered by their
      updatedAt values. Collections are filtered by the updatedAt time of their
      granules, i.e. Collections with granules that are updatedAt a time between
      the time parameters will be returned in the reconciliation reports.
    • Adds startTimestamp and endTimestamp parameters to create-reconciliation-reports
      lambda function. If either of these params is passed in with a value that can be
      converted to a date object, the inter-platform comparison between Cumulus and CMR will
      be one way. That is, collections, granules, and files will be filtered by time for
      those found in Cumulus and only those compared to the CMR holdings. For the moment
      there is not enough information to change the internal consistency check, and S3 vs
      Cumulus comparisons are unchanged by the timestamps.
  • CUMULUS-1962

    • Adds location as parameter to /reconciliationReports endpoint. Options are S3
      resulting in a S3 vs. Cumulus database search or CMR resulting in CMR vs. Cumulus database search.
  • CUMULUS-1963

    • Adds granuleId as input parameter to /reconcilationReports
      endpoint. Limits inputs parameters to either `collectionI...
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01 Oct 17:42
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  • CVE-2020-7720
    • Updated common node-forge dependency to 0.10.0 to address CVE finding


25 Sep 23:29
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  • CUMULUS-2168
    • Fixed issue where large number of documents (generally logs) in the
      cumulus Elasticsearch index results in the collection granule stats
      queries failing for the collections list api endpoint


15 Sep 23:10
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  • Added thin_egress_stack_name variable to cumulus and distribution Terraform modules to allow overriding the default Cloudformation stack name used for the thin-egress-app. Please note that if you change/set this value for an existing deployment, it will destroy and re-create your API gateway for the thin-egress-app.


  • Fix collection list queries. Removed fixes to collection stats, which break queries for a large number of granules.


08 Sep 22:26
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  • Upgraded version of TEA deployed with Cumulus to build 88.


03 Sep 18:47
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  • CUMULUS-1961

    • Fixed activeCollections query only returning 10 results
  • CUMULUS-2039

    • Fix issue causing SyncGranules task to run out of memory on large granules


18 Aug 00:40
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  • CUMULUS-2116
    • Fixed a race condition with bulk granule delete causing deleted granules to still appear in Elasticsearch. Granules removed via bulk delete should now be removed from Elasticsearch.


  • CUMULUS-2116
    • Added @cumulus/api/models/granule.unpublishAndDeleteGranule which unpublishes a granule from CMR and deletes it from Cumulus, but does not update the record to published: false before deletion


28 Jul 19:53
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  • CUMULUS-1886
    • Added multiple sort keys support to @cumulus/api


  • PR 1790

    • Fixed bug with request headers in @cumulus/launchpad-auth causing Launchpad token requests to fail


23 Jul 23:59
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Migration Steps

  • Upgrade your Cumulus dashboard to version 1.10.0

  • Due to an issue with the AWS API Gateway and how the Thin Egress App Cloudformation template applies updates, you may need to redeploy your thin-egress-app-EgressGateway manually as a one time migration step. If your deployment fails with an error similar to:

    Error: Lambda function (<stack>-tf-TeaCache) returned error: ({"errorType":"HTTPError","errorMessage":"Response code 404 (Not Found)"})

    Then follow the AWS instructions to Redeploy a REST API to a stage for your egress API and re-run terraform apply.

  • Update rules to specify the provider_path and workflows to get the provider_path from config.meta.provider_path. Collections no longer support the provider_path property.

  • Cumulus tasks using the cumuluss/cumulus-ecs-task Docker image must be updated to cumuluss/cumulus-ecs-task:1.7.0 to accommodate an upgrade to Node 12.18.0.

Breaking Changes

  • The minimum supported version of all published Cumulus packages is now Node

    • Tasks using the cumuluss/cumulus-ecs-task Docker image must be updated to
      cumuluss/cumulus-ecs-task:1.7.0. This can be done by updating the image
      property of any tasks defined using the cumulus_ecs_service Terraform
  • CUMULUS-1969

    • The DiscoverPdrs task now expects provider_path to be provided at
      event.config.provider_path, not event.config.collection.provider_path
    • event.config.provider_path is now a required parameter of the
      DiscoverPdrs task
    • event.config.collection is no longer a parameter to the DiscoverPdrs
    • Collections no longer support the provider_path property. The tasks that
      relied on that property are now referencing config.meta.provider_path.
      Workflows should be updated accordingly.
  • CUMULUS-1977

    • Moved bulk granule deletion endpoint from /bulkDelete to

Breaking Code Changes

  • Changes to the @cumulus/cumulus-api package

    • The CumulusApiClientError class must now be imported using
      const { CumulusApiClientError } = require('@cumulus/cumulus-api/CumulusApiClientError')
  • The @cumulus/sftp-client/SftpClient class must now be imported using
    const { SftpClient } = require('@cumulus/sftp-client');

  • Instances of @cumulus/ingest/SftpProviderClient no longer implicitly connect
    when download, list, or sync are called. You must call connect on the
    provider client before issuing one of those calls. Failure to do so will
    result in a "Client not connected" exception being thrown.

  • Instances of @cumulus/ingest/SftpProviderClient no longer implicitly
    disconnect from the SFTP server when list is called.

  • Instances of @cumulus/sftp-client/SftpClient must now be explicitly closed
    by calling .end()

  • Instances of @cumulus/sftp-client/SftpClient no longer implicitly connect to
    the server when download, unlink, syncToS3, syncFromS3, and list are
    called. You must explicitly call connect before calling one of those

  • Changes to the @cumulus/common package

    • cloudwatch-event.getSfEventMessageObject() now returns undefined if the
      message could not be found or could not be parsed. It previously returned
    • S3KeyPairProvider.decrypt() now throws an exception if the bucket
      containing the key cannot be determined.
    • S3KeyPairProvider.decrypt() now throws an exception if the stack cannot be
    • S3KeyPairProvider.encrypt() now throws an exception if the bucket
      containing the key cannot be determined.
    • S3KeyPairProvider.encrypt() now throws an exception if the stack cannot be
    • sns-event.getSnsEventMessageObject() now returns undefined if it could
      not be parsed. It previously returned null.
    • The aws module has been removed.
    • The BucketsConfig.buckets property is now read-only and private
    • The test-utils.validateConfig() function now resolves to undefined
      rather than true.
    • The test-utils.validateInput() function now resolves to undefined rather
      than true.
    • The test-utils.validateOutput() function now resolves to undefined
      rather than true.
    • The static S3KeyPairProvider.retrieveKey() function has been removed.
  • Changes to the @cumulus/cmrjs package

    • @cumulus/cmrjs.constructOnlineAccessUrl() and
      @cumulus/cmrjs/cmr-utils.constructOnlineAccessUrl() previously took a
      buckets parameter, which was an instance of
      @cumulus/common/BucketsConfig. They now take a bucketTypes parameter,
      which is a simple object mapping bucket names to bucket types. Example:
      { 'private-1': 'private', 'public-1': 'public' }
    • @cumulus/cmrjs.reconcileCMRMetadata() and
      @cumulus/cmrjs/cmr-utils.reconcileCMRMetadata() now take a required
      bucketTypes parameter, which is a simple object mapping bucket names to
      bucket types. Example: { 'private-1': 'private', 'public-1': 'public' }
    • @cumulus/cmrjs.updateCMRMetadata() and
      @cumulus/cmrjs/cmr-utils.updateCMRMetadata() previously took an optional
      inBuckets parameter, which was an instance of
      @cumulus/common/BucketsConfig. They now take a required bucketTypes
      parameter, which is a simple object mapping bucket names to bucket types.
      Example: { 'private-1': 'private', 'public-1': 'public' }
  • Changes to @cumulus/aws-client/S3

    • The signature of the getObjectSize function has changed. It now takes a
      params object with three properties:
      • s3: an instance of an AWS.S3 object
      • bucket
      • key
    • The getObjectSize function will no longer retry if the object does not
  • CUMULUS-1861

    • @cumulus/message/Collections.getCollectionIdFromMessage now throws a
      CumulusMessageError if collectionName and collectionVersion are missing
      from meta.collection. Previously this method would return
      'undefined___undefined' instead
    • @cumulus/integration-tests/addCollections now returns an array of collections that
      were added rather than the count of added collections
  • CUMULUS-1930

    • The @cumulus/common/util.uuid() function has been removed
  • CUMULUS-1955

    • @cumulus/aws-client/S3.multipartCopyObject now returns an object with the
      AWS etag of the destination object
    • @cumulus/ingest/S3ProviderClient.list now sets a file object's path
      property to undefined instead of null when the file is at the top level
      of its bucket
    • The sync methods of the following classes in the @cumulus/ingest package
      now return an object with the AWS s3uri and etag of the destination file
      (they previously returned only a string representing the S3 URI)
      • FtpProviderClient
      • HttpProviderClient
      • S3ProviderClient
      • SftpProviderClient
  • CUMULUS-1958

    • The following methods exported from @cumulus/cmr-js/cmr-utils were made
      async, and added distributionBucketMap as a parameter:
      • constructOnlineAccessUrl
      • generateFileUrl
      • reconcileCMRMetadata
      • updateCMRMetadata

Notable Changes

  • CUMULUS-1991

    • Updated CMR metadata generation to use "Download file.hdf" (where file.hdf is the filename of the given resource) as the resource description instead of "File to download"
    • CMR metadata updates now respect changes to resource descriptions (previously only changes to resource URLs were respected)
  • CUMULUS-1902

  • CUMULUS-1417

    • Added a checksumFor property to collection files config. Set this
      property on a checksum file's definition matching the regex of the target
      file. More details in the 'Data Cookbooks

    • Added checksumFor validation to collections model.
  • CUMULUS-1956

    • The /s3credentials endpoint that is deployed as part of distribution now
      supports authentication using tokens created by a different application. If
      a request contains the EDL-ClientId and EDL-Token headers,
      authentication will be handled using that token rather than attempting to
      use OAuth.
    • If the s3Credentials endpoint is invoked with an EDL token and an
      X-Request-Id header, that X-Request-Id header will be forwarded to
      Earthata Login.
  • CUMULUS-1958

    • Add the ability for users to specify a bucket_map_key to the cumulus
      terraform module as an override for the default .yaml values that are passed
      to TEA by Core. Using this option requires that each configured
      Cumulus 'distribution' bucket (e.g. public/protected buckets) have a single
      TEA mapping. Multiple maps per bucket are not supported.
    • Updated Generating a distribution URL, the MoveGranules task and all CMR
      reconciliation functionality to utilize the TEA bucket map override.
    • Updated deploy process to utilize a bootstrap 'tea-map-cache' lambda that
      will, after deployment of Cumulus Core's TEA instance, query TEA for all
      protected/public buckets and generate a mapping configuration used
      internally by Core. This object is also exposed as an output of the Cumulus
      module as distribution_bucket_map.
    • docs
  • CUMULUS-1982

    • The `globalCo...
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