Tip: Remember that curly braces in commands below should not be typed by you. They indicate that you should place your own value there without curly braces.
When a feature or bug ticket that your team is working on for the sprint reaches the Definition of Done (refer to the Rules of Engagement on the Learning Platform), then you can do a production release.
One teammate must complete these steps. If this is your first tag and release, your version number will be 1.0.0. Read the semantic versioning guide for how to increment the major, minor, and patch numbers.
# Switch to develop branch
git switch develop
# Make sure you have the latest
git pull
# Create a release tag
git tag {version number}
# Push tag to Github
git push origin {version number}
- Create a new pull request.
- Choose
as the base branch. - Choose
as the compare branch. - Record what is in this release. See template below.
- Have a teammate review it for completeness.
- Merge it to
. - Broadcast to your team that there is a new production release and that
should be pulled at their earliest convenience.
## Release Notes for [VERSION_NUMBER]
### Added
- [List of new features or improvements added]
### Changed
- [List of changes made to existing functionality]
### Fixed
- [List of bug fixes or resolved issues]
### Other Notes
- [Any additional information, breaking changes, or caveats that users should be aware of]