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79 lines (60 loc) · 4.09 KB

File metadata and controls

79 lines (60 loc) · 4.09 KB

Template repository for CRM packages. Necessary steps after using template:

  1. Familiarize yourself with how to setup repositories at NAV
  2. Check the package.json versions and update before running npm install and add package-lock.json to git.
  3. Add secrets
    • Only Organization secrets are necessary. Contact a NAV Github admin to add the secrets (e.g. Christer Edvartsen). Use an existing crm repository as template to find the necassary Organization secrets.
  4. Create an init release in GitHub (not pre-release)
    • Important! Release creation will fail if an init release has not been made!
  5. Create file .sfdx/sfdx-config.json (to create package)
    • Add {"defaultdevhubusername": "[your_devhub_user]","defaultusername": "" } to it and change the DevHub username
  6. Create a package in SFDX
    • sfdx force:package:create -n YourPackageName -t Unlocked -r force-app
    • If you receive an error, contact #crm-platform-team on Slack to create the package
  7. Create an test metadata file in force-app folder to initiate init package creation (can be just a CustomLabel file)
  8. Push changes made to force-app and sfdx-project.json (remember to fetch Package ID if #crm-platform-team creates the package)

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Dette repoet er avhengig av følgende pakker:

Komme i gang


  1. Install npm
  2. Install Salesforce DX CLI
    • Alternative: npm install sfdx-cli --global
  3. Clone this repository (GitHub Desktop is recommended for non-developers)
  4. Run npm install from the project root folder
  5. Install SSDX
    • Non-developers may stop after this step
  6. Install VS Code (recommended)
    • Install Salesforce Extension Pack
    • Install recommended plugins! A notification should appear when opening VS Code. It will prompt you to install recommended plugins.
  7. Install AdoptOpenJDK (only version 8 or 11)
  8. Open VS Code settings and search for salesforcedx-vscode-apex
  9. Under Java Home, add the following:
    • macOS: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/adoptopenjdk-[VERSION_NUMBER].jdk/Contents/Home
    • Windows: C:\\Program Files\\AdoptOpenJDK\\jdk-[VERSION_NUMBER]-hotspot


To build locally without using SSDX, do the following:

  1. If you haven't authenticated a DX user to production / DevHub, run sfdx auth:web:login -d -a production and log in
    • Ask #crm-platform-team on Slack if you don't have a user
    • If you change from one repo to another, you can change the default DevHub username in .sfdx/sfdx-config.json, but you can also just run the command above
  2. Create a scratch org, install dependencies and push metadata:
sfdx force:org:create -f ./config/project-scratch-def.json --setalias scratch_org --durationdays 1 --setdefaultusername
echo y | sfdx plugins:install [email protected]
keys="" && for p in $(sfdx force:package:list --json | jq '.result | .[].Name' -r); do keys+=$p":[PACKAGE KEY] "; done
sfdx sfpowerkit:package:dependencies:install -u scratch_org -r -a -w 60 -k ${keys}
sfdx force:source:push
sfdx force:org:open


Enten: Spørsmål knyttet til koden eller prosjektet kan stilles som issues her på GitHub

Eller: Spørsmål knyttet til koden eller prosjektet kan stilles til [email protected]

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