By Joel Lawhead, Packt Publishing, Dec. 2015; ISBN 9781783552429
- Thematic maps - portray a specific theme
- Minimal geographic features to avoid distracting from the theme
- Mostly include political boundaries but avoid navigational marks
- Use landmarks to orient the reader
- Common uses:
- Visualizaing health issues
- Election results
- Environmental phenomena
- Tell a story, serve a purpose
- Still only models / narratives about reality
- Spatial databases
- Organized collection of information
- May be a DBMS, or not
- Most DBMS's typically contain scalar and blob data
- Spatial / geodatabases extend RDBMSs to store / query data in two or three dimensional space
- Some account for time series data as well
- Spatial indexing
- Organizing geospatial data for faster retrieval
- Metadata
- Provides traceability for source and history of datasets
- Summarizes technical details of the dataset
- Several possible standards:
- ISO 19115-1, which gives hundreds of fields to describe a geospatial dataset
- ISO 19115-2 gives extensions for imagery and gridded data
- Example fields:
- spatial representation
- temporal extent
- lineage
- Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) created the Catalog Service for the Web (CSW) to manage metadata
library implements the CSW standard
- Map projections
- Basic problem is always 3D projected onto 2D
- Choice is always a compromise about what to preserve and what to give up
- Projections are typically a set of 40+ parameters
- Format is either XML or Well-Known-Text (WKT), that defines the transform
- Intl. Association of Oil and Gas Producers (IOGP) maintains a registry of most common projections
- That was formerly European Petroleum Survey Group (EPSG)
- Entries are still called EPSG codes
- 5000 plus entries in the registry
- Previously projections were a huge hassle in terms of data storage and maintenance
- Many data formats for geospatial don't actually include the projection info, so it has to be in metadata, which is risky from a management perspective
- Thankfully high speed transfer and cheap storage addresses a lot of that
- Most data formats now have metadata formats defining projection, or it lives in the file header
- There are global basemaps, that give you common projections like Google Mercator/Web Mercator
- Web Mercator is EPSG:3857 (or deprecated EPSG:900913)
- Modern software can often reproject on the fly
- Closely related issue: geodetic datums
- A datum is a model of the earth's surface that matches the location of features on Earth to a coordinate system. Most common is probably WGS 84, used by GPS devices
- Rendering
- Geodata vector data exists as 2- or 3-tuples of (x,y[,z])
- Geodata is stored in a coordinate system representing a grid overlaid on the earth (3 dimensional)
- Screen coordinates / pixel coordinates are a 2d grid
- XY world coordinates map to pixel coordinates pretty simply by a scaling algorithm
- The z coordinate has to go through a transform to be mapped onto the 2d plane
- For remote sensing / raster data, challenge is file size and compression
- Lossless compression is possible, though rendering is still computationally expensive
- Sources of raster geodata can include ground based radar, laser range finders, specialized devices and detectors for gas, radiation, EM, etc.
- For purposes of this text, looking at remote sensing platforms that capture large amounts of Earth data, including Earth imaging systems, some elevation data, and some weather systems
- Images as data
- Raster data is captured as square tiles
- If it's multi-spectral, it will contain multiple bands in arrays
- An array item in one of these 2d arrays represents both space and some other value, reflectance or whatever
- Remote sensing and color
- Visible light data in RGB can be captured and displayed per pixel
- Non-visible EM can be shown in false color
- Data structures
- Vector data has at minimum x/y values per point, sometimes a z value
- Coordinates are combined to form points, lines, and polygons
- Typically represents elevation better than raster data
- It's more costly to collect than raster data
- Two important concepts for vector data structures:
- Bounding box / min bounding box - smallest rectangle bounding all points in a set
- Convex hull - smallest convex polygon bounding all points in a set
- the bounding box always contains the convex hull
- Buffer
- Buffer operations can apply to points, lines, and polygons
- Buffers create a polygon around the original object at a fixed distance
- Buffers are used for proximity analysis
- Dissolve
- Creating one polygon out of two or more adjacent ones
- Generalize
- Reducing the number of points being used to define an object, for efficiency
- Intersect
- Discover whether one part of a feature intersects with one or more additional features
- Merge
- Combines two or more non-overlapping shapes into a multishape object
- Multishape objects maintain separate geometries but are treated as a single feature with a single attribute set
- Point in Polygon
- Check to see whether a point falls inside or outside a given polygon
- Most commonly done with ray casting
- Check to see if the point is on the polygon boundary
- Draw a line from the point in a single direction
- Count the number of times the line crosses the polygon boundary until it reaches the bounding box of the polygon
- If the number is odd, the point is inside, if even, the point is outside
- Union
- Combine two or more overlapping polygons in a single shape
- Join
- SQL join, combines tabular data
- Spatial join defined by a spatial db extension will combine features similar to an SQL join, but does so based on feature proximity. For instance, you could derive county name from features inside a county.
- Geospatial rules about polygons
- These are rules of thumb about how geospatial polygons differ from mathematical polygons:
- Polygons must have at least four points, first and last must be the same
- A polygon boundary should not overlap itself
- Polygons in a data layer should not overlap
- A polygon in a layer inside another polygon is a hole in the underlying polygon
- Different geospatial software resolves those rules differently
- Best practice is to make sure your polygons obey those rules
- By definition a polygon is a closed shape. Some software will error if you haven't explicitly duplicated the first point as the last point in the polygon's dataset, some will close it automatically without complaining.
- How the polygon is defined is dictated by the data format
- These are rules of thumb about how geospatial polygons differ from mathematical polygons:
- Band math
- Multidimensional array math, typically matrix ops from linear algebra
- Change detection
- Highlight changes between images taken at different times
- Histogram
- Statistical distribution of values in the dataset
- Used for analysis and operations like contrast increases
- Feature extraction
- Manual or automatic digitization of features in an image to form vector data
- Supervised classification
- Unsupervised classification
- Typical data sources may be:
- Spreadsheets, CSV, TSV
- Geotagged photos
- Lightweight binary points, lines, polygons
- Multi-GB satellite or aerial rasters
- Elevation data like grids, point clouds, integer based images
- Databases
- Web services
- Before 2004 it was hard to get geodata
- Then Google Maps and Google Earth came out, Microsoft launced TerraServer, and Open Geospatial Consortium developed Web Map Service to 1.3.0.
- Esri also released v9 of ArcGIS server
- These all drove things towards common basemaps and Googles web map tiling model
- Gmaps was served dynamically with AJAX, and scaled really solidly
- Also offered people the ability to mashup data with an API
- There are distributed geospatial layers like OpenLayers, that gives an API richer than Gmaps
- Complimentary to that is OpenStreetMap, which has global, street-level vector data
- Incentives changed, siloed data started opening up some
- Analysts benefited:
- Data distribution started being standardized to Mercator
- Google standardized datum on WGS 84, as does GPS
- Common traits of geodata across formats
- Geolocation
- Subject information
- Indexing algorithms
- Quadtree index
- series of different algorithms based on a common theme
- Each node in the index has four children
- Child nodes are typically square or rectangular
- When a node contains a specified number of features, it splits if additional features are added
- Dividing space into nested squares speeds up spatial search
- Software only has to handle five points at a time and use gt/lt comparisons to check for point inclusion in a node
- Most commonly found as file based indices
- R-tree index
- More sophisticated than quadtrees
- Handle 3D data
- Optimized to store the index in a way compatible with how a database uses disk / memory
- Nearby objects are aggregated into hierarchical nodes that are balanced at each level
- Bounding boxes of objects may overlap across nodes (unlike quadtree)
- Due to complexity / db integration, these are typically found in databases, not files
- Grids
- Spatial indexes may use integer grids
- Coordinates are typically floating point with a fixed degree of precision
- Float computations are expensive compared to integers
- Indexed search is about initial eliminating possibilities that don't require precision (clearly outside the bounds of hte query)
- Most spatial indexing algorithms therefore map floats to a fixed size integer grid for initial search, then switch to full resolution for the narrowed dataset
- Grid sizes can be wildly variant
- Quadtree index
- Most overview data is raster
- They're resampled, lower resolution versions that give thumbnail or preload views at different scales
- Also known as pyramids, 'pyramiding' an image is creating one
- Usually preprocessed and stored with the full resolution data, embedded or in a separate file
- Vector data also has a concept of overviews, typically created on the fly because vectors are scalable
- Sometimes vector data is rasterized by converting to a thumbnail image, stored with or embedded in the image header
- Most data formats contain the footprint or bounding box of the data on the earth
- Detailed metadata is typically stored outside the data file
- Formats include
- US Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) Content Standard for Digitial Geospatial Metadata (CSDGM)
- Newer EU format, Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE)
Human readable formats are easy to poke around in
Binary data you can get at with the
module or a third party library -
Example of parsing the bounding box out of a shapefile:
import struct bb = {} with open("hancock.shp", "rb") as f: bb['min_lon'] = struct.unpack("<d", bb['min_lat'] = struct.unpack("<d", bb['max_lon'] = struct.unpack("<d", bb['max_lat'] = struct.unpack("<d",
- OGC has 16+ formats for vector data
- Stores only geometric primitives, as associated points
- Geospatial vector data stores Earth-based points, not screen based
- Typically linked to info about the object being represented
- Geospatial vector data typically contains no styling information
- Geospatial vectors typically include very primitive geometries for points, lines, and polygons, no curves
- You can store vector data in human readable formats like CSV, text, GeoJSON, XML
- In the early 90's data was all binary, then switched to XML. File sizes are greater, but they're more portable / genericized.
- Open source library OGR has 86+ supported vector formats
- Commercial counterpart, Safe Software's Feature Manipulation Engine (FME) has 188+
- Most ubiquitous format, Esri shapefile
- Released the spec as an open format in 1998
- Basically all GIS software reads it
- OGR works on it, as do the modules Shapely and Fiona (based on OGR)
- The format consists of multiple files (3 at minimum, up to 15)
- Required file types within the standard:
- Purpose: shapefile, contains the geometry
- Some software will accept only
without the.shx
- Purpose: shape index file; fixed sized record index referencing the geometry for fast access
- Meaningless without the
- Purpose: database file, holds geometry attributes
- Can be accessed separately sometimes, as the format predates
. Openable by spreadsheets.
- Optional file types within the standard:
- Purpose: spatial bin file, the shapefile spatial index
- Has bounding boxes of features mapped to a 256x256 integer grid
- Purpose: Fixed sized record index for the
file - Ordered record index of a spatial index
- Purpose: Fixed sized record index for the
- Purpose: Map projection info stored in well known text format
- May also accompany raster data, needed for on the fly reprojection
- Purpose: Spatial index of read only features
- Very rarely used
- Purpose: Fixed-size record index of the
spatial index - Very rarely used
- Purpose: Fixed-size record index of the
- Purpose: Geocoding index
- Common in geocoding applications including driving directions
- Purpose: Another type of geocoding index
- Less common than
- Purpose: Attribute index
- Mostly legacy format, rarely used now
- Purpose: Attribute index
- Accompanies
- Purpose: Quadtree index
- Spatial index created by open source community because Esri
files were undocumented
- Purpose: Attribute index
- More recent, Esri specific attribute index for fast queries
- Purpse: Metadata
- Geospatial metadata container, can be any of multiple XML standards
- Purpose: Code page file for
- Used for internationalization of the
- Purpose: Code page file for
- If you want to rename a shapefile, you must rename all associated files as well
- Records in these files are not numbered
- Records include geometry, the
index record, and the.dbf
record - Those are stored in a fixed order
- Records are numbered dynamically on opening them but the numbers are not saved
- Deleting a record will bump its number next time it is opened
- Don't base anything on record number unless you create a new, secondary identifier in the
file and assign each record a number. - If you edit shapefiles, do it with software that manages the file(s) as a shared dataset.
- CAD formats are mostly from Autodesk via AutoCAD
- Two typically seen formats are
- Drawing Exchange Format (DXF)
- Drawing (DWG, autocad native)
- Features of these file types:
- Curves
- Surfaces
- 3d solids
- Text rendered as objects
- Text styling
- Viewport configuration
- If you encounter CAD data, best to ask if you can get shapefiles
Typically XML
May also be well-known text (WKT) for
XML formats include
- Keyhole Markup Language (KML)
- OpenStreetMap (OSM)
- Garmin GPX for GPS data
- Open Geospatial Consortium's Geographic Markup Language (GML)
- That's the basis for the OGC Web Feature Service (WFS)
- GML has been largely superseded by KML and GeoJSON
XML files have more than just geometry, may have attributes and rendering instructions
KML is now a fully supported OGC standard
XML is attractive to geospatial analysts because:
- It's human readable
- Can be edited with a text editor
- Well supported by programming languages
- By definition easily extensible
Issues with XML:
- Inefficient for large data storage
- Can be cumbersome to edit
- Errors in datasets are common, most parsers deal with them poorly
SVG (scalable vector graphics) is a widely supported XML format
SVG is not a geographic format
WKT is an older OGC standard
Example WKT for WGS84 coordinate system:
GEOGCS["WGS 84", DATUM["WGS_1984", SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563, AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]], PRIMEM["Greenwich",0, AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]], UNIT["degree",0.01745329251994238, AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]], AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]]
Standards codes can be quite long, EPSG created a numerical coding system to reference projections by shorthand
- Standard way to define geometry, attributes, bounding boxes, and projection information
- More compact than XML, though less than binary formats
- Key component of REST web APIs
- Raster datasets are two dimensional arrays
- Can be stored as ASCII or BLOB in databases
- Geospatial raster resolution is not dots per inch, it's ground distance per cell
- May contain multiple bands, meaning that different wavelengths of light can be collected over the same area
- Typical range is 3-7 bands, but can be several hundred
- Can be viewed individually or swapped in and out as the RGB bands of an image
- Can be recombined into a derivative single-band image, and recolored using a set number of classes representing like values
- Raster data often shows up in scientific computing, which uses complex formats including Network Common Data Form (NetCDF), GRIB, and HDF5, which store entire data models
- Raster data can come in a bunch of formats
- Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL) includes 130+ raster formats
- Tagged Image File Format, most common geospatial raster format
- Flexible tagging system lets it store any type of data in a single file
- Can have overview images, multiple bands, integer elevation data, basic metadta, internal compression, and a variety of other data typically stored in additional supporting files by other formats
- Anyone can unofficially extend the format by adding tagged data to the file structure
- May mean a "valid" TIFF does not work in some applications, if it has been extended beyond what that application recognizes
- GeoTIFF defines how geospatial data is stored
- May show up as
, orgtif
- Common image formats, can be used for geospatial data
- Typically rely on accompanying support files for georeferencing
- JPEG is fairly common for geospatial data
- JPEGs have a built in metadata tagging system, EXIF
- Geodata rasters tend to be stored using compression because they're real big
- Latest open standard is JPEG 2000
- That includes wavelet compression and georeferenced data
- Multi-resolution Seamless Image Database (MrSID,
) and Enhanced Compression Wavelet (ECW,.ecw
) are proprietary wavelet compression formats that come up in geospatial contexts - TIFF supports compression including Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW)
- Compressed data is fine for part of a base map, but should not be used for remote sensing processing
- Common for elevation data
- File format created by Esri, but now an unofficial standard, widely supported
- Simple text file with x,y values as rows and columns
- Spatial info for the raster is in a simple header
- Not terribly efficient, but don't require any special libraries either
- Often distributed as zip files
- Headers contain:
- number of columns
- number of rows
- x-axis cell center coordinate | x-axis lower-left corner coordinate
- y-axis cell center coordinate | y-axis lower-left corner coordinate
- cell size in mapping units
- the no-data value (typically 9999)
- Simple text files that provide geospatial referencing info to any image externally for file formats with no native spatial info
- Recognized by geospatial software due to naming convention
- Most common way to name a world file is to use the raster file name and then alter the extension to remove the middle letter and add
to the end - Examples:
- File structure is simple, it's a six line text file:
- Line 1: Cell size along the x axis in ground units
- Line 2: Rotation on the y axis
- Line 3: Rotation on the x axis
- Line 4: Cell size along the y axis in ground units
- Line 5: Center x-coordinate of the upper left cell
- Line 6: Center y-coordinate of the upper left cell
- Rotation is crucial because remote sensing images are often rotated due to teh data collection platform
- Great tool when working with raster data in python
- Any data collected as the (x,y,z) location of a surface point based on some sort of focused energy return
- You can get it from lasers, radar, acoustic soundings, or other waveform generators
- Spacing between points is arbitrary and depends on the type and position of the collecting sensor
- Book mostly concerned with LIDAR data and radar data
- Radar point cloud data mostly comes from space missions, LIDAR is terrestrial or airborne
- LIDAR uses laser range finding to model the world at high precision
- LIDAR is a combination of the words light and radar, maybe Light Detection and Ranging
- LIDAR sensors are high-speed, continuous, and have a wide field of view (often 360 from the sensor), so the data doesn't tend to have a regular footprint like other raster datasets
- LIDAR datasets are point clouds because the data is a stream of 3 tuples, where the z value is the distance from the laser to the ranged object, and the x,y are the projected location of that object calculated from the location of the sensor.
- Most common format for LIDAR is LIDAR Exchange Format (LAS)
- Can be represented in many ways including a text file with one tuple per line
- Can be used to create 2D elevation rasters, can be colorized
- Most common protocols are Web Map Service (WMS) that returns a rendered map image and Web Feature Service (WFS) that typically returns GML
- Many WFS services can also return KML, JSON, zipped shapefiles, and other formats
- Most software, open source and commercial, derives from a few key packages
- High level core capabilities for geospatial libraries:
- Data access
- Computational geometry (incl. data reprojection)
- Visualization
- Metadata tools
- Image processing for remote sensing (very fragmented category)
- Most image processing software is based on the core data access libraries with custom image processing logic layered on top
- Common examples of this type of software:
- Open Source Software Image Map (OSSIM)
- Geographic Resources Analysis Support System (GRASS)
- Orfeo ToolBox (OTB)
- Core libraries in use by most other packages:
- PROJ.4
- Data access libraries underpin everything else in GIS work
- Accuracy and precision are incredibly important
- Libraries must manage memory efficiently
- Geospatial Data Abstraction Library
- Gives a single, abstract data model for raster data types
- Consolidates data access libraries for different data formats
- Gives a common read/write API
- Abstraction of the GDAL dataset:
- GDAL Rasterband
- Raster (0 to n bands)
- Width in pixels
- Height in lines
- Data Type
- Byte
- UInt16 / Int16 / UInt32 / Int32
- Float32 / Float 64
- CInt16 / CInt32
- CFloat32 / CFloat64
- Block size
- Data chunk read size
- Raster (0 to n bands)
- Projection
- Coordinate system
- Georeferencing
- Affine geo-transform
- Ground control points
- Metadata
- Arbitrary tagging system
- Some default tags
- XML storage ability
- Arbitrary tagging system
- Overviews
- Freestanding bands
- Reduced resolution
- 0-n overview bands
- Freestanding bands
- GDAL Rasterband
- OGR Simple Features Library is the vector companion to GDAL
- At least partial support for 70+ vector formats
- Originally stood for OpenGIS Simple Features Reference Implementation
- Not actually a reference implementation
- Licensed X11/MIT
- Capabilities:
- Uniform vector data and modeling abstraction
- Vector data re-projection
- Vector data format conversion
- Attribute data filtering
- Basic geometry filtering including clipping and point-in-polygon testing
- Architectural sections / objects in OGR
- Geometry
- Feature definition
- Feature
- Spatial reference
- Layer
- Data source
- Drivers
- The Geometry object represents the data model for points, lines, linestrings, polygons, geometrycollections, multipolygons, multipoints, and multilinestrings
- Feature object ties Geometry and Feature Definition info together
- Spatial Reference contains an OGC Spatial Reference definition. What?
- Layer represents features grouped as layers in a data source
- Data Source is the file or database object accessed by OGR
- Driver contains translators for the multiple underlying data formats
- Works smoothly with one quirk: Layer concept is used even for data formats that only contain a single layer. Mild inconvenience.
- Algorithms for ops on vector data
- Most geospatial libraries are separate from graphics libraries because of geospatial coordinate systems
- Screen coordinates are almost entirely positive, geo coordinates can be positive or negative across a meridian
- Some features of OGR move beyond data access into computational geometry
- Geospatial algorithms are pretty hard to implement from scratch.
- Created by Jerry Evenden at USGS in the 90s
- Now a project of the Open Source Geospatial Foundation
- Purpose is to transform data betwene thousands of coordinate systems
- The math to do so is super complex, and nothing approaches PROJ.4
- Uses a simple syntax capable of describing any projection
- Used in virtually every major GIS package that does reprojection
- Has its own command line tools
- Also available through GDAL and OGR
- Access it directly to reproject individual points
- Computational Geometry Algorithms Library
- Originally from late 90s
- Not specifically for geospatial analysis, but commonly used
- Useful for operations like resizing a polygon
- Java Topology Suite
- Implements the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Simple Features Specification for SQL
- Has been ported to other languages
- Has a great test program, JTS Test Builder, that gives you a GUI for testing individual functions without writing wrapper scripts
- Lets you interactively test algorithms to verify data or just understand a process
- Has not seen development in a long time
- Geometry Engine - Open Source
- C++ port of the JTS library
- Much larger impact on geospatial work than JTS
- Lots of infrastructure exists for things like python bindings
- Most common usage is via APIs
- Capabilities:
- OGC Simple Features
- Geospatial predicate functions
- Intersects
- Touches
- Disjoint
- Crosses
- Within
- Contains
- Overlaps
- Equals
- Covers
- Geospatial Operations
- Union
- Distance
- Intersection
- Symmetric Difference
- Convex Hull
- Envelope
- Buffer
- Simplify
- Polygon assembly
- Polygon validation
- Area
- Length
- Spatial Indexing
- OGC well-known text and well-known binary IO
- C and C++ API
- Thread safety
- Can be compiled with GDAL to give OGR all its capability
- Most common spatial database
- Module on top of PostgreSQL
- Much of the power comes from GEOS library
- Implements OGC Simple Features Specification for SQL
- Allows you to execute both attribute and spatial queries against a dataset
- Spatial operations are available via SQL functions
- Feature set
- Geospatial geometry types including points, linestrings, polygons, multipoints, multilinestrings, multipolygons, and geometry collections
- Spatial functions for testing geometric relationships
- Spatial functions for deriving new geometries
- Spatial measurements including perimeter, length, area
- Spatial indexing using R-Trees
- A basic geospatial raster data type
- Topology data types
- US Geocoder based on TIGER census data
- New JSONB datatype that allows indexing/querying JSON and GeoJSON
- PostGIS is the standard, but there are others to be aware of
- Oracle Spatial and Graph
- geospatial data schema
- spatial indexing system based on R-Tree
- SQL API for geometric operations
- Spatial data tuning API for optimizing datasets
- Topology data model
- Network data model
- GeoRaster data type
- 3D data types including Triangulated Irregular Networks and LIDAR point clouds
- Geocoder
- Routing engine for driving direction queries
- OGC compliance
- ArcSDE, Esri's Spatial Data Engine
- Rolled into ArcGIS Server
- Mostly DB independent, supports multiple DB backends
- Microsoft SQLServer
- Extension to SQLite
- Spatial data types and indexing are in SQLite
- This adds OGC Simple Features Specification compliance and map projections
- Niche area of computational geometry
- Main contenders for dealing with it are Esri Network Analyst and pgRouting engine for PostGIS