diff --git a/DESCRIPTION b/DESCRIPTION index b568c18..af5ce08 100644 --- a/DESCRIPTION +++ b/DESCRIPTION @@ -28,8 +28,7 @@ Imports: lamW, mathjaxr, sandwich, - doSNOW, - progress, + doParallel, foreach, parallel Suggests: diff --git a/NAMESPACE b/NAMESPACE index 21abc53..82a2f3b 100644 --- a/NAMESPACE +++ b/NAMESPACE @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ export(ztoinegbin) export(ztoipoisson) export(ztpoisson) import(mathjaxr) -importFrom(doSNOW,registerDoSNOW) +importFrom(doParallel,registerDoParallel) importFrom(foreach,"%dopar%") importFrom(foreach,foreach) importFrom(graphics,abline) diff --git a/NEWS.md b/NEWS.md index 73bb21d..f84b1f3 100644 --- a/NEWS.md +++ b/NEWS.md @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ # singleRcapture * Bugfix for interaction terms in formula not being considered -* Switched parallel backed to `doSNOW` form `doParallel` -* Introduced progress bars to parallelized parts of code +* Small changes in summary for marginal count distributions + # singleRcapture diff --git a/R/Methods.R b/R/Methods.R deleted file mode 100644 index 6f82066..0000000 --- a/R/Methods.R +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1697 +0,0 @@ -#' @title Summary statistics for model of singleRStaticCountData class. -#' -#' @description A \code{summary} method for \code{singleRStaticCountData} class, works -#' analogically to \code{summary.glm} but includes population size estimation -#' results. If any additional statistics, such as confidence intervals for -#' coefficients or coefficient correlation, are specified they will be printed. -#' -#' @param object object of singleRStaticCountData class. -#' @param test type of test for significance of parameters \code{"t"} for t-test -#' and \code{"z"} for normal approximation of students t distribution, by -#' default \code{"z"} is used if there are more than 30 degrees of freedom -#' and \code{"t"} is used in other cases. -#' @param resType type of residuals to summarize any value that is allowed in -#' \code{residuals.singleRStaticCountData} except for \code{"all"} is allowed. By default -#' pearson residuals are used. -#' @param correlation logical value indicating whether correlation matrix should -#' be computed from covariance matrix by default \code{FALSE}. -#' @param confint logical value indicating whether confidence intervals for -#' regression parameters should be constructed. By default \code{FALSE}. -#' @param cov covariance matrix corresponding to regression parameters. -#' It is possible to give \code{cov} argument as a function of \code{object}. -#' If not specified it will be constructed using \code{vcov.singleRStaticCountData} method. -#' (i.e using Cramer-Rao lower bound) -#' @param popSizeEst a \code{popSizeEstResults} class object. -#' If not specified population size estimation results will be drawn from -#' \code{object}. If any post-hoc procedures, such as sandwich covariance matrix -#' estimation or bias reduction, were taken it is possible to include them in -#' population size estimation results by calling \code{redoPopEstimation}. -#' @param ... additional optional arguments passed to the following functions: -#' \itemize{ -#' \item \code{vcov.singleRStaticCountData} -- if no \code{cov} argument was provided. -#' \item \code{cov} -- if \code{cov} parameter specified at call was a function. -#' \item \code{confint.singleRStaticCountData} -- if \code{confint} parameter was set to \code{TRUE} at function call. -#' In particular it is possible to set confidence level in \code{...}. -#' } -#' -#' @return An object of \code{summarysingleRStaticCountData} class containing: -#' \itemize{ -#' \item \code{call} -- A call which created \code{object}. -#' \item \code{coefficients} -- A dataframe with estimated regression coefficients -#' and their summary statistics such as standard error Wald test statistic and -#' p value for Wald test. -#' \item \code{residuals} -- A vector of residuals of type specified at call. -#' \item \code{aic} -- Akaike's information criterion. -#' \item \code{bic} -- Bayesian (Schwarz's) information criterion. -#' \item \code{iter} -- Number of iterations taken in fitting regression. -#' \item \code{logL} -- Logarithm of likelihood function evaluated at coefficients. -#' \item \code{deviance} -- Residual deviance. -#' \item \code{populationSize} -- Object with population size estimation results. -#' \item \code{dfResidual} -- Residual degrees of freedom. -#' \item \code{sizeObserved} -- Size of observed population. -#' \item \code{correlation} -- Correlation matrix if \code{correlation} parameter was set to \code{TRUE} -#' \item \code{test} -- Type of statistical test performed. -#' \item \code{model} -- Family class object specified in call for \code{object}. -#' \item \code{skew} -- If bootstrap sample was saved contains estimate of skewness. -#' } -#' @method summary singleRStaticCountData -#' @importFrom stats pt -#' @importFrom stats coef -#' @importFrom stats sd -#' @seealso [redoPopEstimation()] [stats::summary.glm()] -#' @exportS3Method -summary.singleRStaticCountData <- function(object, - test = c("t", "z"), - resType = "pearson", - correlation = FALSE, - confint = FALSE, - cov, - popSizeEst, - ...) { - if (resType == "all") {stop("Can't use 'resType = all' in summary.singleRStaticCountData method, if you wish to obtain all aviable types of residuals call residuals.singleRStaticCountData method directly.")} - dfResidual <- object$dfResidual - if (missing(test)) {if (dfResidual > 30) test <- "z" else test <- "t"} - if (missing(cov)) { - cov <- vcov(object, ...) - } else if (is.function(cov)) { - cov <- cov(object, ...) - } - - pers <- residuals(object, type = resType) - - cf <- stats::coef(object) - se <- sqrt(diag(cov)) - - wValues <- cf / se - - pValues <- switch (test, - "t" = 2 * stats::pt(q = -abs(wValues), df = dfResidual), - "z" = 2 * stats::pnorm(q = abs(wValues), lower.tail = FALSE) - ) - - crr <- if (isFALSE(correlation)) {NULL} else {cov / outer(se, se)} - - if(isTRUE(correlation)) {rownames(crr) <- colnames(crr) <- names(cf)} - - cnfint <- if(isTRUE(confint)) {confint(object, ...)} else {NULL} - - if (is.numeric(object$populationSize$boot)) { - n <- length(object$populationSize$boot) - m <- sum((object$populationSize$boot - mean(object$populationSize$boot)) ^ 3) / n - s <- sd(object$populationSize$boot) - skew <- m / (s ^ 3) - } else { - skew <- NULL - } - - ob <- data.frame(cf, se, wValues, pValues) - - colnames(ob) <- switch(test, - "t" = c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "t value", "P(>|t|)"), - "z" = c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "z value", "P(>|z|)") - ) - if (isTRUE(confint)) { - ob[, 4] <- cnfint[, 1] - ob[, 5] <- cnfint[, 2] - ob[, 6] <- pValues - colnames(ob)[4:6] <- c(colnames(cnfint), colnames(ob)[4]) - } - - cf <- ob - structure( - list( - call = object$call, - coefficients = cf, - residuals = pers, - aic = AIC(object, ...), - bic = BIC(object, ...), - iter = object$iter, - logL = object$logL, - deviance = object$deviance, - populationSize = if (missing(popSizeEst)) object$populationSize else popSizeEst, - dfResidual = dfResidual, - sizeObserved = object$sizeObserved, - correlation = crr, - test = test, - model = object$model, - skew = skew - ), - class = "summarysingleRStaticCountData" - ) -} - -#' Predict method for \code{singleRStaticCountData} class -#' -#' \loadmathjax -#' -#' @description -#' A method for \code{predict} function, works analogous to \code{predict.glm} -#' but gives the possibility to get standard errors of -#' mean/distribution parameters and directly get pop size estimates for new data. -#' -#' -#' @param object an object of \code{singleRStaticCountData} class. -#' @param newdata an optional \code{data.frame} containing new data. -#' @param type the type of prediction required, possible values are: -#' \itemize{ -#' \item \code{"response"}-- For matrix containing estimated distributions -#' parameters. -#' \item \code{"link"} -- For matrix of linear predictors. -#' \item \code{"mean"} -- For fitted values of both \mjseqn{Y} and -#' \mjseqn{Y|Y>0}. -#' \item \code{"contr"} -- For inverse probability weights (here named for -#' observation contribution to population size estimate). -#' \item \code{"popSize"} -- For population size estimation. Note -#' this results in a call to \code{redoPopEstimation} and it is -#' usually better to call this function directly. -#' } by default set to \code{"response"}. -#' @param se.fit a logical value indicating whether standard errors should be -#' computed. Only matters for \code{type} in \code{"response", "mean", "link"}. -#' @param na.action does nothing yet. -#' @param weights optional vector of weights for \code{type} in \code{"contr", "popSize"}. -#' @param cov optional matrix or function or character specifying either -#' a covariance matrix or a function to compute that covariance matrix. -#' By default \code{vcov.singleRStaticCountData} can be set to e.g. \code{vcovHC}. -#' @param ... arguments passed to other functions, for now this only affects -#' \code{vcov.singleRStaticCountData} method and \code{cov} function. -#' -#' @details Standard errors are computed with assumption of regression -#' coefficients being asymptotically normally distributed, if this assumption -#' holds then each of linear predictors i.e. each row of -#' \mjseqn{\boldsymbol{\eta}=\boldsymbol{X}_{vlm}\boldsymbol{\beta}} -#' is asymptotically normally distributed and their variances are expressed by -#' well known formula. The mean \mjseqn{\mu} and distribution parameters -#' are then differentiable functions of asymptotically normally distributed -#' variables and therefore their variances can be computed using (multivariate) -#' delta method. -#' -#' @return Depending on \code{type} argument if one of \code{"response", "link", "mean"} -#' a matrix with fitted values and possibly standard errors if \code{se.fit} -#' argument was set to \code{TRUE}, if \code{type} was set to \code{"contr"} -#' a vector with inverses of probabilities, finally for \code{"popSize"} -#' an object of class \code{popSizeEstResults} with its own methods containing -#' population size estimation results. -#' -#' @method predict singleRStaticCountData -#' @seealso [redoPopEstimation()] [stats::summary.glm()] [estimatePopsize()] -#' @exportS3Method -predict.singleRStaticCountData <- function(object, - newdata, - type = c("response", "link", - "mean", "popSize", - "contr"), - se.fit = FALSE, - na.action = NULL, - weights, - cov, - ...) { - type <- match.arg(type) - if (missing(weights)) { - if (missing(newdata)) { - weights <- object$priorWeights - } else { - weights <- rep(1, NROW(newdata)) - } - } - - if (missing(cov)) { - cov <- vcov - } - - if (is.character(cov)) { - cov <- get(cov, mode = "function", envir = parent.frame()) - } - if (is.function(cov)) { - cov <- cov(object, ...) - } - - - if (missing(newdata)) { - Xvlm <- model.matrix( - object, type = "vlm" - ) - - eta <- object$linearPredictors - - res <- switch (type, - response = as.data.frame( - lapply(1:length(family(object)$etaNames), FUN = function(x) { - family(object)$links[[x]]( - eta[, x], - inverse = TRUE - ) - }), col.names = family(object)$etaNames), - link = eta, - mean = fitted(object, "all"), - popSize = popSizeEst(object, ...), - contr = family(object)$pointEst( - pw = weights, - eta = eta, - contr = TRUE, - y = model.response(model.frame(object)) - ) - ) - } else { - mf <- model.frame( - object, data = newdata - ) - - Xvlm <- model.matrix( - object, type = "vlm", data = newdata - ) - - eta <- matrix( - as.matrix(Xvlm) %*% stats::coef(object), - ncol = length(family(object)$etaNames), - dimnames = list( - rownames(Xvlm), - family(object)$etaNames - ) - ) - - res <- switch (type, - response = as.data.frame( - lapply(1:length(family(object)$etaNames), FUN = function(x) { - family(object)$links[[x]]( - eta[, x], - inverse = TRUE - ) - }), col.names = family(object)$etaNames), - link = eta, - mean = data.frame( - "truncated" = family(object)$mu.eta(eta = eta), - "nontruncated" = family(object)$mu.eta(eta = eta, type = "nontrunc") - ), - popSize = redoPopEstimation( - object = object, newdata = newdata, - weights = if (missing(weights)) rep(1, NROW(mf)) else weights, - cov = cov, - ... - ), - contr = family(object)$pointEst( - pw = weights, - eta = eta, - contr = TRUE, - y = model.response(mf) - ) - ) - } - - if (isTRUE(se.fit)) { - cov <- vcov(object, ...) - - #### beta is asymptotically normal and each eta is just a linear - #### combination of beta so it is also asymptotically normal - #### and its variance is computed by quadratic form - if (type != "mean") { - se <- matrix( - sapply(1:NROW(Xvlm), function(x) { - (t(Xvlm[x,]) %*% cov %*% Xvlm[x,]) ^ .5 - }), - ncol = length(family(object)$etaNames), - dimnames = list( - rownames(eta), - paste0("se:", family(object)$etaNames) - ) - ) - - if (type == "link") - res <- cbind(res, se) - - ## since beta is asymptotically normal we use delta metod for - ## geting standard errors of invlink(eta) - - if (type == "response") { - se <- matrix( - sapply( - 1:length(family(object)$etaNames), - function (x) { - se[, x, drop = FALSE] * - abs(family(object)$links[[x]]( - eta[, x], - inverse = TRUE, - deriv = 1 - )) - } - ), - ncol = length(family(object)$etaNames), - dimnames = dimnames(se) - ) - res <- cbind(res,se) - } - } else if (type == "mean") { - ## covariance matrix foe each row of linear predictors - auxVec <- c(0, cumsum(rep( - NROW(eta), - length.out = length(family(object)$etaNames) - 1 - ))) - - se <- lapply( - 1:NROW(eta), - function (x) { - Xvlm[x + auxVec, , drop = FALSE] %*% cov %*% - t(Xvlm[x + auxVec, , drop = FALSE]) - } - ) - - derivMu <- list( - family(object)$mu.eta(eta, type = "nontrunc", deriv = 1), - family(object)$mu.eta(eta, type = "trunc", deriv = 1) - ) - - res <- data.frame( - res, - "se:truncated" = sapply( - 1:NROW(eta), - function (x) { - (derivMu[[2]][x, , drop = FALSE] %*% se[[x]] %*% - t(derivMu[[2]][x, , drop = FALSE])) ^ .5 - } - ), - "se:nontruncated" = sapply( - 1:NROW(eta), - function (x) { - (derivMu[[1]][x, , drop = FALSE] %*% se[[x]] %*% - t(derivMu[[1]][x, , drop = FALSE])) ^ .5 - } - ) - ) - } - } - - res -} - -#' @title Updating population size estimation results. -#' -#' @description A function that applies all post-hoc procedures that were taken -#' (such as heteroscedastic consistent covariance matrix estimation or bias -#' reduction) to population size estimation and standard error estimation. -#' -#' @param object object for which update of population size estimation results will be done. -#' @param newdata optional \code{data.frame} with new data for pop size estimation. -#' @param cov an updated covariance matrix estimate. -#' @param coef optional vector of coefficients of regression on which to base -#' population size estimation. If missing it is set to \code{coef(object)}. -#' @param weights optional vector of weights to use in population size estimation. -#' @param control similar to \code{controlPopVar} in [estimatePopsize()]. -#' If missing set to controls provided on call to \code{object}. -#' @param popVar similar to \code{popVar} in [estimatePopsize()]. -#' If missing set to \code{"analytic"}. -#' @param offset offset argument for new data -#' @param weightsAsCounts for \code{singleRStaticCountData} method used to specify -#' whether weights should be treated as number of occurences for rows in data -#' @param ... additional optional arguments, currently not used in \code{singleRStaticCountData} class method. -#' -#' @return An object of class \code{popSizeEstResults} containing updated -#' population size estimation results. -#' -#' @examples -#' # Create simple model -#' Model <- estimatePopsize( -#' formula = capture ~ nation + gender, -#' data = netherlandsimmigrant, -#' model = ztpoisson, -#' method = "IRLS" -#' ) -#' # Apply heteroscedasticity consistent covariance matrix estimation -#' require(sandwich) -#' cov <- vcovHC(Model, type = "HC3") -#' summary(Model, cov = cov, -#' popSizeEst = redoPopEstimation(Model, cov = cov)) -#' # Compare to results with usual covariance matrix estimation -#' summary(Model) -#' -#' ## get confidence interval with larger significance level -#' redoPopEstimation(Model, control = controlPopVar(alpha = .000001)) -#' @export -redoPopEstimation <- function(object, newdata, ...) { - UseMethod("redoPopEstimation") -} - -#' @title Extract population size estimation results. -#' -#' @description An extractor function with \code{singleRStaticCountData} method for extracting -#' important information regarding pop size estimate. -#' -#' @param object object with population size estimates. -#' @param ... additional optional arguments, currently not used in \code{singleRStaticCountData} class method. -#' -#' @return An object of class \code{popSizeEstResults} containing population size estimation results. -#' @export -popSizeEst <- function(object, ...) { - UseMethod("popSizeEst") -} - -#' @title Estimate size of sub populations. -#' -#' @description A function that estimates sizes of specific sub populations -#' based on a capture-recapture model for the whole population. -#' -#' @param object an object on which the population size estimates should be based -#' in \code{singleRcapture} package this is a fitter \code{singleRStaticCountData} class object. -#' @param stratas a specification of sub populations either by: -#' \itemize{ -#' \item formula -- a formula to be applied to \code{model.frame} extracted from -#' the object . -#' \item Logical vector with number of entries equal to number of rows in the dataset. -#' \item A (named) list where each element is a logical vector, names of the list -#' will be used to specify names variable in returned object. -#' \item Vector of names of explanatory variables. For \code{singleRStaticCountData} method -#' for this function this specification of \code{stratas} parameter will -#' result in every level of explanatory variable having its own sub population -#' for each variable specified. -#' \item If no value was provided the \code{singleRStaticCountData} method for this function -#' will itself create sub populations based on levels of factor variables -#' in \code{model.frame}. -#' } -#' @param cov for \code{singleRStaticCountData} method an estimate of variance-covariance matrix -#' for estimate of regression parameters. It is possible to pass a function -#' such as for example \code{sandwich::vcovHC} which will be called as: -#' \code{foo(object, ...)} and a user may specify additional arguments of a -#' function in \code{...} argument. If not provided an estimate for covariance -#' matrix will be set by calling appropriate \code{vcov} method. -#' @param alpha significance level for confidence intervals -- -#' Either a single numeric value or a vector of length equal to number of -#' sub populations specified in \code{stratas}. -#' If missing it is set to \code{.05} in \code{singleRStaticCountData} method. -#' @param ... a vector of arguments to be passed to other functions. -#' For \code{singleRStaticCountData} method for this functions arguments in \code{...} are -#' passed to either \code{cov} if argument provided was a function or -#' \code{vcov} if \code{cov} argument was missing at call. -#' -#' \loadmathjax -#' @details In single source capture-recapture models the most frequently used -#' estimate for population size is Horvitz-Thompson type estimate: -#' -#' \mjsdeqn{\hat{N} = \sum_{k=1}^{N}\frac{I_{k}}{\mathbb{P}(Y_{k}>0)} = -#' \sum_{k=1}^{N_{obs}}\frac{1}{1-\mathbb{P}(Y_{k}=0)}} -#' -#' where \mjseqn{I_{k}=I_{Y_{k} > 0}} are -#' indicator variables, with value 1 if kth unit was observed at least once -#' and 0 otherwise and the inverse probabilistic weights weights for -#' units observed in the data \mjseqn{\tfrac{1}{\mathbb{P}(Y_{k}>0)}} -#' are estimated using fitted linear predictors. -#' -#' The estimates for different sub populations are made by changing the -#' \mjseqn{I_{k}=I_{Y_{k} > 0}} indicator variables to -#' refer not to the population as a whole but to the sub populations that are -#' being considered i.e. by changing values from 1 to 0 if kth unit is not a -#' member of sub population that is being considered at the moment. -#' -#' The estimation of variance for these estimates and estimation of variance for -#' estimate of population size for the whole population follow the same relation -#' as the one described above. -#' -#' @seealso [vcov.singleRStaticCountData()] [estimatePopsize()] -#' -#' @return A \code{data.frame} object with row names being the names of specified -#' sub populations either provided or inferred. -#' @export -stratifyPopsize <- function(object, stratas, alpha, ...) { - UseMethod("stratifyPopsize") -} - -#' @title Obtain Covariance Matrix estimation. -#' -#' @description A \code{vcov} method for \code{singleRStaticCountData} class. -#' -#' @param object object of singleRStaticCountData class. -#' @param type type of estimate for covariance matrix for now either -#' expected (Fisher) information matrix or observed information matrix. -#' @param ... additional arguments for method functions -#' -#' @details Returns a estimated covariance matrix for model coefficients -#' calculated from analytic hessian or Fisher information matrix usually -#' utilizing asymptotic effectiveness of maximum likelihood estimates. -#' Covariance type is taken from control parameter that have been provided -#' on call that created \code{object} if arguments \code{type} was not specified. -#' -#' @method vcov singleRStaticCountData -#' @return A covariance matrix for fitted coefficients, rows and columns of which -#' correspond to parameters returned by \code{coef} method. -#' @seealso [vcovHC.singleRStaticCountData()] [sandwich::sandwich()] -#' @exportS3Method -vcov.singleRStaticCountData <- function(object, - type = c("Fisher", - "observedInform"), - ...) { - if (missing(type) ){type <- object$populationSize$control$covType} - X <- model.matrix(object, "vlm") - res <- switch( - type, - "observedInform" = solve( - -object$model$makeMinusLogLike(y = object$y, X = X, - weight = object$priorWeights, deriv = 2, - offset = object$offset)(object$coefficients), - ... - ), - "Fisher" = { - if (isTRUE(object$call$method == "IRLS")) {W <- object$weights} else {W <- object$model$Wfun(prior = object$priorWeights, eta = object$linearPredictors, y = as.numeric(model.response(model.frame(object))))}; - if (isTRUE(object$control$controlMethod$checkDiagWeights)) { - W[, (1:length(family(object)$etaNames)) ^ 2] <- ifelse( - W[, (1:length(family(object)$etaNames)) ^ 2] < object$control$controlMethod$weightsEpsilon, - object$control$controlMethod$weightsEpsilon, - W[, (1:length(family(object)$etaNames)) ^ 2] - ) - }; - solve( - singleRinternalMultiplyWeight(X = X, W = W) %*% X, - ... - )} - ) - dimnames(res) <- list(names(object$coefficients), names(object$coefficients)) - res -} - -#' @title Confidence Intervals for Model Parameters -#' -#' @description A function that computes studentized confidence intervals -#' for model coefficients. -#' -#' @param object object of singleRStaticCountData class. -#' @param parm names of parameters for which confidence intervals are to be -#' computed, if missing all parameters will be considered. -#' @param level confidence level for intervals. -#' @param ... currently does nothing. -#' -#' @method confint singleRStaticCountData -#' @return An object with named columns that include upper and -#' lower limit of confidence intervals. -#' @exportS3Method -confint.singleRStaticCountData <- function(object, - parm, - level = 0.95, - ...) { - std <- sqrt(diag(vcov.singleRStaticCountData(object))) - if (missing(parm)) { - coef <- object$coefficients - } else { - coef <- object$coefficients[parm] - std <- std[parm] - } - sc <- qnorm(p = 1 - (1 - level) / 2) - res <- data.frame(coef - sc * std, coef + sc * std) - colnames(res) <- c(paste0(100 * (1 - level) / 2, "%"), - paste0(100 * (1 - (1 - level) / 2), "%")) - res -} - -# functions with documented elsewhere - -#' @rdname regDiagSingleR -#' @export -dfpopsize <- function(model, ...) { - UseMethod("dfpopsize") -} - -#' @rdname regDiagSingleR -#' @method hatvalues singleRStaticCountData -#' @importFrom stats hatvalues -#' @exportS3Method -hatvalues.singleRStaticCountData <- function(model, ...) { - X <- model.frame.singleRStaticCountData(model, ...) - X <- singleRinternalGetXvlmMatrix( - X = X, - formulas = model$formula, - parNames = model$model$etaNames - ) - if (isTRUE(model$call$method == "IRLS")) { - W <- model$weights - } else { - W <- model$model$Wfun( - prior = model$priorWeights, - eta = model$linearPredictors, - y = if (is.null(model$y)) model.response(model.frame(model)) - else model$y - ) - } - - mlt <- singleRinternalMultiplyWeight(X = X, W = W) - hatvalues <- diag(X %*% solve(mlt %*% X) %*% mlt) - hatvalues <- matrix( - hatvalues, - ncol = length(model$model$etaNames), - dimnames = list( - 1:(length(hatvalues) / length(model$model$etaNames)), - model$model$etaNames - ) - ) - hatvalues -} -#' @method dfbeta singleRStaticCountData -#' @importFrom stats dfbeta -#' @importFrom foreach %dopar% -#' @importFrom foreach foreach -#' @importFrom parallel makeCluster -#' @importFrom parallel stopCluster -#' @importFrom doSNOW registerDoSNOW -#' @rdname regDiagSingleR -#' @exportS3Method -dfbeta.singleRStaticCountData <- function(model, - maxitNew = 1, - trace = FALSE, - cores = 1, - ...) { - # formula method removed since it doesn't give good results will reimplement if we find better formula - X <- model.frame.singleRStaticCountData(model, ...) - y <- if (is.null(model$y)) stats::model.response(X) else model$y - X <- X - y <- y - cf <- coef(model) - pw <- model$priorWeights - offset <- model$offset - eta <- model$linearPredictors - - if (cores > 1) { - cl <- parallel::makeCluster(cores) - pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(total = NROW(X)) - - opts <- if (trace) list(progress = \(n) pb$tick()) else NULL - doSNOW::registerDoSNOW(cl) - on.exit(parallel::stopCluster(cl)) - #parallel::clusterExport(cl, c("singleRinternalGetXvlmMatrix", "cf", "y", "X", "maxitNew", "model", "pw", "offset", "eta"), envir = environment()) - - if (isFALSE(model$control$controlModel$weightsAsCounts)) { - res <- foreach::`%dopar%`( - obj = foreach::foreach(k = 1:NROW(X), .combine = rbind, - .options.snow = opts), - ex = { - c(cf - estimatePopsizeFit( - control = controlMethod( - silent = TRUE, - maxiter = maxitNew + 1, - ... - ), - y = y[-k], - X = singleRinternalGetXvlmMatrix( - X = X[rownames(X) != rownames(X)[k], , drop = FALSE], - formulas = model$formula, - parNames = model$model$etaNames - ), - coefStart = cf, - etaStart = eta[-k, , drop = FALSE] + offset[-k, , drop = FALSE], - family = model$model, - priorWeights = pw[-k], - method = if (is.null(model$call$method)) "IRLS" else model$call$method, - offset = offset[-k, , drop = FALSE] - )$beta) - } - ) - } else { - res <- foreach::`%dopar%`( - obj = foreach::foreach(k = 1:NROW(X), .combine = rbind, - .options.snow = opts), - ex = { - if (isFALSE(pw[k] - 1 > 0)) { - c(cf - estimatePopsizeFit( - control = controlMethod( - silent = TRUE, - maxiter = maxitNew + 1, - ... - ), - y = y[-k], - X = singleRinternalGetXvlmMatrix( - X = X[-k, , drop = FALSE], - formulas = model$formula, - parNames = model$model$etaNames - ), - coefStart = cf, - etaStart = eta[-k, , drop = FALSE] + offset[-k, , drop = FALSE], - family = model$model, - priorWeights = pw[-k], - method = if (is.null(model$call$method)) "IRLS" else model$call$method, - offset = offset[-k, , drop = FALSE] - )$beta) - } else { - kk <- rep(0, length(pw)) - kk[k] <- 1 - - c(cf - estimatePopsizeFit( - control = controlMethod( - silent = TRUE, - maxiter = maxitNew + 1, - ... - ), - y = y, - X = model.matrix(model, "vlm"), - coefStart = cf, - etaStart = eta + offset, - family = model$model, - priorWeights = pw - kk, - method = if (is.null(model$call$method)) "IRLS" else model$call$method, - offset = offset - )$beta) - } - } - ) - } - } else { - res <- matrix(nrow = nrow(X), ncol = length(cf)) - - for (k in 1:nrow(X)) { - if (isTRUE(trace)) { - cat("-----\nRemoving observation number: ", k, "\n", sep = "") - } - if (isFALSE(model$control$controlModel$weightsAsCounts)) { - res[k, ] <- cf - estimatePopsizeFit( - control = controlMethod( - silent = TRUE, - maxiter = maxitNew + 1, - ... - ), - y = y[-k], - X = singleRinternalGetXvlmMatrix( - X = X[rownames(X) != rownames(X)[k], , drop = FALSE], - formulas = model$formula, - parNames = model$model$etaNames - ), - coefStart = cf, - etaStart = eta[-k, , drop = FALSE] + offset[-k, , drop = FALSE], - family = model$model, - priorWeights = pw[-k], - method = if (is.null(model$call$method)) "IRLS" else model$call$method, - offset = offset[-k, , drop = FALSE] - )$beta - } else { - if (isFALSE(pw[k] - 1 > 0)) { - res[k, ] <- cf - estimatePopsizeFit( - control = controlMethod( - silent = TRUE, - maxiter = maxitNew + 1, - ... - ), - y = y[-k], - X = singleRinternalGetXvlmMatrix( - X = X[rownames(X) != rownames(X)[k], , drop = FALSE], - formulas = model$formula, - parNames = model$model$etaNames - ), - coefStart = cf, - etaStart = eta[-k, , drop = FALSE] + offset[-k, , drop = FALSE], - family = model$model, - priorWeights = pw[-k], - method = if (is.null(model$call$method)) "IRLS" else model$call$method, - offset = offset[-k, , drop = FALSE] - )$beta - } else { - kk <- rep(0, length(pw)) - kk[k] <- 1 - - res[k, ] <- cf - estimatePopsizeFit( - control = controlMethod( - silent = TRUE, - maxiter = maxitNew + 1, - ... - ), - y = y, - X = model.matrix(model, "vlm"), - coefStart = cf, - etaStart = eta + offset, - family = model$model, - priorWeights = pw - kk, - method = if (is.null(model$call$method)) "IRLS" else model$call$method, - offset = offset - )$beta - } - } - } - } - - colnames(res) <- names(cf) - res -} - -#' @method residuals singleRStaticCountData -#' @importFrom stats residuals -#' @rdname regDiagSingleR -#' @exportS3Method -residuals.singleRStaticCountData <- function(object, - type = c( - "pearson", - "pearsonSTD", - "response", - "working", - "deviance", - "all" - ), - ...) { - type <- match.arg(type) - res <- object$residuals - wts <- object$priorWeights - #mu <- object$fitt.values - y <- if (is.null(object$y)) stats::model.response(model.frame(object)) else object$y - - if (type == "pearsonSTD" && length(object$model$etaNames) > 1) - stop(paste0("Standardized pearson residuals not yet", - "implemented for models with multiple linear predictors")) - - rs <- switch( - type, - working = as.data.frame( - object$model$funcZ(eta = object$linearPredictors, weight = object$weights, y = y, prior = wts), - col.names = paste0("working:", object$model$etaNames) - ), - response = res, - pearson = data.frame( - "pearson" = res$truncated / sqrt(object$model$variance(eta = object$linearPredictors, type = "trunc")) - ), - pearsonSTD = data.frame("pearsonSTD" = res$truncated / sqrt((1 - hatvalues(object)) * object$model$variance(eta = object$linearPredictors, type = "trunc"))), - deviance = data.frame( - "deviance" = object$model$devResids(y = y, eta = object$linearPredictors, wt = wts) - ), - all = {colnames(res) <- c("truncatedResponse", - "nontruncatedResponse"); - data.frame( - as.data.frame(object$model$funcZ(eta = object$linearPredictors, weight = object$weights, y = y, prior = wts), - col.names = paste0("working:", object$model$etaNames)), - res, - "pearson" = as.numeric(res$truncated / sqrt(object$model$variance(eta = object$linearPredictors, type = "trunc"))), - "pearsonSTD" = if (length(object$model$etaNames) == 1) as.numeric( - res$truncated / sqrt((1 - hatvalues(object)) * object$model$variance(object$linearPredictors, type = "trunc")) - ) else NA, - "deviance" = as.numeric(object$model$devResids(y = y, eta = object$linearPredictors, wt = wts)), - row.names = rownames(object$linearPredictors) - )} - ) - rs -} - -#' @importFrom stats cooks.distance -#' @method cooks.distance singleRStaticCountData -#' @rdname regDiagSingleR -#' @exportS3Method -cooks.distance.singleRStaticCountData <- function(model, ...) { - if (length(model$model$etaNames) > 1) - stop("Cooks distance is only implemented for single parameter families.") - - res <- residuals(model, type = "pearsonSTD") ^ 2 - res <- res[, 1] - - ht <- hatvalues(model) - res <- (res * (ht / (length(coef(model))))) - rownames(res) <- rownames(ht) # fixed - res -} - -# There is no need for documenting the following methods: - -#' @method family singleRStaticCountData -#' @importFrom stats family -#' @exportS3Method -family.singleRStaticCountData <- function(object, ...) { - object$model -} - -#' @method print summarysingleRmargin -#' @exportS3Method -print.summarysingleRmargin <- function(x, ...) { - cat("Test for Goodness of fit of a regression model:\n", - "\n", sep = "") - print(x$Test) - cat("\n--------------------------------------------------------------", - "\nCells with fitted frequencies of < 5 have been", x$l5, - "\nNames of cells used in calculating test(s) statistic:", names(x$y), - "\n", sep = " ") -} - -#' @method AIC singleRStaticCountData -#' @importFrom stats AIC -#' @exportS3Method -AIC.singleRStaticCountData <- function(object, ...) { - 2 * (length(object$coefficients) - object$logL) -} -#' @method BIC singleRStaticCountData -#' @importFrom stats BIC -#' @exportS3Method -BIC.singleRStaticCountData <- function(object, ...) { - length(object$coefficients) * log(nobs(object, ...)) - 2 * object$logL -} -#' @method extractAIC singleRStaticCountData -#' @importFrom stats extractAIC -#' @exportS3Method -extractAIC.singleRStaticCountData <- function(fit, scale, k = 2, ...) { - -2 * fit$logL + k * length(fit$coefficients) -} -# CODE MODIFIED FROM stats:::logLik.glm -#' @method logLik singleRStaticCountData -#' @importFrom stats logLik -#' @exportS3Method -logLik.singleRStaticCountData <- function(object, ...) { - val <- object$logL - attr(val, "nobs") <- nobs(object) - attr(val, "df") <- length(stats::coef(object)) - class(val) <- "logLik" - val -} -# CODE MODIFIED FROM stats:::model.frame.glm -#' @method model.frame singleRStaticCountData -#' @importFrom stats glm -#' @importFrom stats model.frame -#' @importFrom stats update -#' @exportS3Method -model.frame.singleRStaticCountData <- function(formula, ...) { - dots <- list(...) - dotargs <- dots[match(c("data", "na.action", "subset"), names(dots), 0L)] - - if (length(dotargs) || is.null(formula$modelFrame)) { - # fcall <- formula$call - # fcall$method <- "model.frame" - # fcall[[1L]] <- quote(stats::glm) - # fcall[names(nargs)] <- nargs - # env <- environment(formula$terms) - # eval(fcall, env) - # TODO:: low priority add na action and subset here - combinedFromula <- singleRinternalMergeFormulas(formula$formula) - if (!is.null(dotargs$data)) { - jj <- all.vars(combinedFromula)[attr(terms(combinedFromula), "response")] - if (!(jj %in% colnames(dotargs$data))) { - combinedFromula <- update(combinedFromula, NULL ~ .) - } - } - stats::model.frame( - combinedFromula, - data = if (is.null(dotargs$data)) eval(formula$call$data) else dotargs$data - ) - } - else formula$modelFrame -} - -#' @method model.matrix singleRStaticCountData -#' @importFrom stats model.matrix -#' @exportS3Method -model.matrix.singleRStaticCountData <- function(object, type = c("lm", "vlm"), ...) { - if (missing(type)) type <- "lm" - - switch (type, - lm = { - X <- model.frame(object); - X <- model.matrix(object$terms, X) - }, - vlm = { - X <- model.frame(object, ...); - singleRinternalGetXvlmMatrix( - X = X, - formulas = object$formula, - parNames = object$model$etaNames - ); - } - ) -} -#' @method redoPopEstimation singleRStaticCountData -#' @rdname redoPopEstimation -#' @exportS3Method -redoPopEstimation.singleRStaticCountData <- function(object, - newdata, - cov, - weights, - coef, - control, - popVar, - offset, - weightsAsCounts, - ...) { - ### weightsAsPopCount works - if (missing(cov)) { - cov <- vcov - } - - if (is.character(cov)) { - cov <- get(cov, mode = "function", envir = parent.frame()) - } - if (is.function(cov)) { - cov <- cov(object, ...) - } - - if (missing(newdata)) { - Xvlm <- model.matrix(object, "vlm") - - pw <- if (missing(weights)) - object$priorWeights - else weights - - offset <- if (missing(offset)) - object$offset - else offset - - etaNew <- if (missing(coef)) - object$linearPredictors - else matrix(as.matrix(Xvlm) %*% coef, ncol = length(family(object)$etaNames)) - - if (missing(control)) - control <- object$populationSize$control - - if (is.null(control$bootstrapFitcontrol)) { - control$bootstrapFitcontrol <- object$control$controlMethod - } - - Y <- object$y - X <- model.matrix(object) - MM <- model.frame(object, ...) - nn <- nobs(object) - - } else { - if (missing(control)) - control <- object$populationSize$control - - if (is.null(control$bootstrapFitcontrol)) { - control$bootstrapFitcontrol <- object$control$controlMethod - } - - MM <- model.frame(object, data = newdata, ...) - X <- model.matrix(object, data = newdata) - Xvlm <- model.matrix(object, type = "vlm", data = newdata) - - Y <- model.response(MM) - - nn <- length(Y) - - pw <- if (missing(weights)) - rep(1, nn) - else weights - - offset <- if (missing(offset)) - matrix(0, nrow = length(pw), ncol = length(family(object)$etaNames)) - else offset - - coef <- if (missing(coef)) stats::coef(object) - - etaNew <- matrix( - as.matrix(Xvlm) %*% coef, - ncol = length(family(object)$etaNames), - dimnames = list( - rownames(Xvlm), - family(object)$etaNames - ) - ) + offset - } - - singleRcaptureinternalpopulationEstimate( - y = Y, - formulas = object$formula, - X = X, - grad = object$model$makeMinusLogLike( - y = Y, - X = Xvlm, - weight = pw, - deriv = 1 - ), - hessian = object$model$makeMinusLogLike( - y = Y, - X = Xvlm, - weight = pw, - deriv = 2 - ), - popVar = if (missing(popVar)) - "analytic" - else popVar, - weights = pw, - eta = etaNew, - family = family(object), - beta = if (missing(coef)) - stats::coef(object) - else coef, - control = if (missing(control)) - object$populationSize$control - else control, - Xvlm = Xvlm, - W = if (isTRUE(object$call$method == "IRLS") & missing(newdata)) - object$weights - else - family(object)$Wfun(prior = pw, eta = etaNew, y = Y), - sizeObserved = nn, - modelFrame = MM, - cov = cov, - offset = offset, - weightsFlag = if (missing(weightsAsCounts)) object$control$controlModel$weightsAsCounts else weightsAsCounts - ) -} -#' @method dfpopsize singleRStaticCountData -#' @rdname regDiagSingleR -#' @exportS3Method -dfpopsize.singleRStaticCountData <- function(model, dfbeta = NULL, ...) { - if (isTRUE(model$call$popVar == "bootstrap")) - warning("dfpopsize may (in some cases) not work correctly when bootstrap was chosen as population variance estimate.") - - dfb <- if (is.null(dfbeta)) dfbeta(model, ...) else dfbeta - - X <- model.frame(model, ...) - - N <- model$populationSize$pointEstimate - range <- 1:NROW(dfb) - - res <- vector("numeric", length = NROW(dfb)) - pw <- model$priorWeights - y <- model.response(model.frame(model)) - - for (k in range) { - cf <- model$coefficients - dfb[k, ] - - if (isTRUE(model$control$controlModel$weightsAsCounts == FALSE)) { - res[k] <- model$model$pointEst( - eta = matrix( - singleRinternalGetXvlmMatrix( - X = X[rownames(X) != rownames(X)[k], , drop = FALSE], - formulas = model$formula, - parNames = model$model$etaNames - ) %*% cf, - ncol = length(model$model$etaNames) - ), - y = y[-k], - pw = pw[-k] - ) - } else { - # Here additional conditional is not needed since if weights are zero nothing breaks - kk <- rep(0, length(pw)) - kk[k] <- 1 - res[k] <- model$model$pointEst( - eta = matrix( - model.matrix(model, "vlm") %*% cf, - ncol = length(model$model$etaNames) - ), - y = y, - pw = pw - kk - ) - } - } - - N - res -} -#' @method stratifyPopsize singleRStaticCountData -#' @rdname stratifyPopsize -#' @importFrom stats vcov -#' @importFrom stats contrasts -#' @exportS3Method -stratifyPopsize.singleRStaticCountData <- function(object, - stratas, - alpha, - cov = NULL, - ...) { - ## TODO:: New data doesn't work yet - - # if stratas is unspecified get all levels of factors in modelFrame - if (missing(stratas)) { - stratas <- names(which(attr(object$terms, "dataClasses") == "factor")) - stratas <- stratas[stratas %in% attr(object$terms, "term.labels")] - if (!length(stratas)) { - stratas <- names(which(attr(object$terms, "dataClasses") == "character")) - stratas <- stratas[stratas %in% attr(object$terms, "term.labels")] - } - if (!length(stratas)) { - stop("No stratas argument was provided and no factors or character columns are present in model.frame.") - } - } - # If there are no factors or characters and no stratas was provided throw error - # if significance level is unspecified set it to 5% - if (missing(alpha)) alpha <- .05 - - # convert stratas to list for all viable types of specifying the argument - if (inherits(stratas, "formula")) { - mf <- model.frame(stratas, model.frame(object)) - mmf <- model.matrix( - stratas, data = mf, - contrasts.arg = lapply( - subset(mf, select = sapply(mf, is.factor)), # this makes it so that all levels of factors are encoded - contrasts, contrasts = FALSE - ) - ) - trm <- attr(mf, "terms") - stratas <- list() - for (k in attr(trm, "term.labels")) { - if (k %in% colnames(mf)) { - if (is.integer(mf[, k]) | is.character(mf[, k])) { - for (t in unique(mf[,k])) { - stratas[[paste0(k, "==", t)]] <- mf[,k] == t - } - } else if (is.factor(mf[, k])) { - for (t in levels(mf[, k])) { - stratas[[paste0(k, "==", t)]] <- mf[,k] == t - } - } - } else { - tLevs <- colnames(mmf)[attr(mmf, "assign") == which(attr(trm, "term.labels") == k)] - for (t in tLevs) { - stratas[[as.character(t)]] <- mmf[, t] == 1 - } - } - } - } else if (is.list(stratas)) { - if (!all(sapply(stratas, is.logical))) - stop("Invalid way of specifying subpopulations in stratas. If stratas argument is a list ") - - if (length(stratas[[1]]) != object$sizeObserved) - stop("Elements of stratas object should have length equal to number of observed units.") - - } else if (is.logical(stratas)) { - if (length(stratas) != object$sizeObserved) - stop("Stratas object should have length equal to number of observed units.") - - stratas <- list(strata = stratas) - } else if (is.character(stratas)) { - modelFrame <- model.frame(object) - out <- list() - for (k in stratas) { - if (!(k %in% colnames(modelFrame))) - stop("Variable specified in stratas is not present in model frame.") - - #if (!(is.factor(modelFrame[, k])) & !(is.character(modelFrame[, k]))) - # stop("Variable specified in stratas is not a factor or a character vector.") - - if (is.factor(modelFrame[, k])) { - # this makes a difference on factor that is not present - for (t in levels(modelFrame[, k])) { - out[[paste0(as.character(k), "==", t)]] <- (modelFrame[, k] == t) - } - } else { - for (t in unique(modelFrame[, k])) { - out[[paste0(as.character(k), "==", t)]] <- (modelFrame[, k] == t) - } - } - } - stratas <- out - } else { - # a formula, a list with logical vectors specifying different sub - # populations or a single logical vector or a vector - # with names of factor variables. - errorMessage <- paste0( - "Invalid way of specifying subpopulations in stratas.\n", - "Please provide either:\n", - "(1) - a list with logical vectors specifying different sub populations\n", - "(2) - a single logical vector\n", - "(3) - a formula\n", - "(4) - a vector with names of variables by which stratas will be created\n" - ) - stop(errorMessage) - } - - # get necessary model info AFTER possible error in function - family <- family(object = object) - priorWeights <- object$priorWeights - eta <- object$linearPredictors - Xvlm <- model.matrix(object, "vlm") - # this is now needed - y <- if (is.null(object$y)) model.response(model.frame(object)) else object$y - flagWeighting <- object$control$controlModel$weightsAsCounts - - # get covariance matrix - if (is.function(cov)) cov <- cov(object, ...) - if (is.null(cov)) cov <- vcov(object, ...) - - obs <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = length(stratas)) - est <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = length(stratas)) - stdErr <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = length(stratas)) - cnfStudent <- matrix(nrow = length(stratas), ncol = 2) - cnfChao <- matrix(nrow = length(stratas), ncol = 2) - sc <- qnorm(p = 1 - alpha / 2) - if (length(sc) != length(stratas)) sc <- rep(sc, length.out = length(stratas)) - - for (k in 1:length(stratas)) { - cond <- stratas[[k]] - - if (isTRUE(object$control$controlModel$weightsAsCounts)) { - obs[k] <- sum(priorWeights[cond]) - } else { - obs[k] <- sum(cond) - } - - if (obs[k] > 0) { - est[k] <- family$pointEst(pw = priorWeights[cond], - eta = eta[cond, , drop = FALSE], - y = y[cond]) - - stdErr[k] <- family$popVar( - pw = priorWeights[cond], - eta = eta[cond, , drop = FALSE], - cov = cov, - Xvlm = subset(Xvlm, subset = rep(cond, length(family$etaNames))), - y = y[cond] - ) ^ .5 - - cnfStudent[k, ] <- est[k] + c(-sc[k] * stdErr[k], sc[k] * stdErr[k]) - - G <- exp(sc[k] * sqrt(log(1 + (stdErr[k]^2) / ((est[k] - obs[k]) ^ 2)))) - cnfChao[k, ] <- obs[k] + c((est[k] - obs[k]) / G, (est[k] - obs[k]) * G) - } else { - est[k] <- 0 - stdErr[k] <- 0 - cnfStudent[k, ] <- c(0, 0) - cnfChao[k, ] <- c(0, 0) - } - } - - result <- data.frame( - obs, est, 100 * obs / est, stdErr, - cnfStudent[, 1], cnfStudent[, 2], - cnfChao[, 1], cnfChao[, 2], - names(stratas), alpha - ) - - bounds <- c("LowerBound", "UpperBound") - - colnames(result) <- c( - "Observed", "Estimated", - "ObservedPercentage", "StdError", - paste0("normal", bounds), - paste0("logNormal", bounds), - "name", "confLevel" - ) - - result -} - -#' @method popSizeEst singleRStaticCountData -#' @rdname popSizeEst -#' @exportS3Method -popSizeEst.singleRStaticCountData <- function(object, ...) { - object$populationSize -} - -#' @method print popSizeEstResults -#' @exportS3Method -print.popSizeEstResults <- function(x, ...) { - cat("Point estimate: ", x$pointEstimate, - "\nVariance: ", x$variance, "\n", - (1 - x$control$alpha) * 100, "% confidence intervals:\n", - sep = "") - print(x$confidenceInterval) - - invisible(x) -} -#' @method print summarysingleRStaticCountData -#' @importFrom stats printCoefmat -#' @exportS3Method -print.summarysingleRStaticCountData <- function(x, - signif.stars = getOption("show.signif.stars"), - digits = max(3L, getOption("digits") - 3L), - ...) { - cat("\nCall:\n", paste(deparse(x$call), sep = "\n", collapse = "\n"), - "\n\n", sep = "") - - cat("Pearson Residuals:\n") - print(summary(c(x$residuals[, 1]))) - - # Start accesing the coefficient information in proper format - - cat("\nCoefficients:\n") - - cond <- matrix(sapply( - x$model$etaNames, - FUN = function(k) { - sapply(strsplit(rownames(x$coefficients), - split = ":"), - FUN = function(x) x[[length(x)]] == k) - } - ), - ncol = length(x$model$etaNames), - dimnames = list( - NULL, - x$model$etaNames - ) - ) - - for (k in x$model$etaNames) { - if (!all(cond[, k] == FALSE)) { - cat("-----------------------\nFor linear predictors associated with:", k, "\n") - # Base library has no str_length and no proper sub_string this is a - # slightly convoluted way of making do without them - toPrint <- subset(x$coefficients, cond[,k]) - lengths <- sapply(rownames(toPrint), - function(x) {length(strsplit(x, split = "")[[1]])}) - lK <- length(unlist(strsplit(k, split = ""))) - rownames(toPrint) <- sapply( - 1:nrow(toPrint), - function(x) {substr( - x = rownames(toPrint)[x], - start = 1, - stop = lengths[[x]] - (1 + lK) - )} - ) - #print(toPrint) - printCoefmat( - toPrint, digits = digits, - signif.stars = signif.stars, - signif.legend = if (k == x$model$etaNames[length(x$model$etaNames)]) signif.stars else FALSE, - P.values = TRUE, has.Pvalue = TRUE, - na.print = "NA", - ... - ) - } else { - cat("-----------------------\nFor linear predictors associated with:", k, "\n") - #print(subset(x$coefficients, rowSums(cond) == 0)) - printCoefmat( - subset(x$coefficients, rowSums(cond) == 0), - digits = digits, - signif.stars = signif.stars, - signif.legend = if (k == x$model$etaNames[length(x$model$etaNames)]) signif.stars else FALSE, - P.values = TRUE, has.Pvalue = TRUE, - na.print = "NA", - ... - ) - } - } - - cat("\n") - - if (!is.null(x$correlation)) { - corr <- round(x$correlation, digits = 2) - corr[!lower.tri(corr)] <- "" - print(corr[-1, -dim(corr)[2]], quote = FALSE) - cat("\n") - } - - sd <- sqrt(x$populationSize$variance) - - if (x$populationSize$control$sd == "normalMVUE") { - sd <- sd / (sqrt(2 / (x$sizeObserved - 1)) * - exp(lgamma(x$sizeObserved / 2) - lgamma((x$sizeObserved - 1) / 2))) - } - - cat( - "AIC: ", x$aic, - "\nBIC: ", x$bic, - "\nResidual deviance: ", x$deviance, - "\n\nLog-likelihood: ", x$logL, " on ", x$dfResidual, " Degrees of freedom ", - # optim does not allow for accessing information - # on number of iterations performed only a number - # of calls for gradient and objective function - if (isTRUE(x$call$method == "optim")) "\nNumber of calls to log-likelihood function: " - else "\nNumber of iterations: " , x$iter[1], - "\n-----------------------", - "\nPopulation size estimation results: ", - "\nPoint estimate ", x$populationSize$pointEstimate, - "\nObserved proportion: ", round(100 * x$sizeObserved / x$populationSize$pointEstimate, - digits = 1), - "% (N obs = ", x$sizeObserved, ")", - if (!is.null(x$skew)) "\nBoostrap sample skewness: ", - if (!is.null(x$skew)) x$skew, - if (!is.null(x$skew)) "\n0 skewness is expected for normally distributed variable\n---", - if (isTRUE(x$call$popVar == "bootstrap")) "\nBootstrap Std. Error " else "\nStd. Error ", - sd, "\n", - (1 - x$populationSize$control$alpha) * 100, - "% CI for the population size:\n", - sep = "" - ) - - print(x$populationSize$confidenceInterval) - - cat((1 - x$populationSize$control$alpha) * 100, - "% CI for the share of observed population:\n", - sep = "") - - dd <- as.data.frame(x$populationSize$confidenceInterval) - - if (ncol(dd) == 1) { - vctpop <- sort(x$populationSize$confidenceInterval, decreasing = TRUE) - names(vctpop) <- rev(names(vctpop)) - print(100 * x$sizeObserved / vctpop) - } else { - print(data.frame( - lowerBound = 100 * x$sizeObserved / dd[, 2], - upperBound = 100 * x$sizeObserved / dd[, 1], - row.names = rownames(dd) - )) - } - - - invisible(x) -} -#' @method print singleRStaticCountData -#' @exportS3Method -print.singleRStaticCountData <- function(x, ...) { - cat("Call: ") - print(x$call) - cat("\nCoefficients:\n") - print(coef(x)) - cat("\nDegrees of Freedom:", x$df.null, - "Total (i.e NULL);", x$dfResidual, - "Residual") - - cat("\nAIC: ", signif(AIC(x)), - "\nBIC: ", signif(BIC(x)), - "\nResidual deviance: ", signif(x$deviance)) - cat("\n-----------------------------------\n", - "Population size estimation results:\n", - sep = "") - print(x$populationSize) - - invisible(x) -} - -#' @method print singleRfamily -#' @exportS3Method -print.singleRfamily <- function(x, hideFormulas = c(FALSE, TRUE), ...) { - cat("Family of distributions:", x$family, - "\nNames of parameters:", x$etaNames, - "\nLinks:", attr(x$links, "linkNames"), - sep = " ") - if (!is.null(x$extraInfo)) { - - nn <- c("mean", "variance", "popSizeEst", "meanTr", "varianceTr") - if (any(xx <- is.na(x$extraInfo[nn]))) - warning(cat("The: ", nn[is.na(xx)], sep = " ", - "slots are empty for family: ", x$family)) - - if (!hideFormulas[1]) - cat("\n--\nFormula for mean in this distribution: ", x$extraInfo["mean"], - "\nFormula for variance in this distribution: ", x$extraInfo["variance"], - "\nFormula for population size estimation in this distribution: sum(", - x$extraInfo["popSizeEst"], ")", - sep = "") - - if (!hideFormulas[2]) - cat("\n\nFormula for mean in truncated distribution: ", x$extraInfo["meanTr"], - "\nFormula for variance in truncated distribution: ", x$extraInfo["varianceTr"], - sep = "") - } - invisible(x) -} - -#' @importFrom stats fitted -#' @method fitted singleRStaticCountData -#' @exportS3Method -fitted.singleRStaticCountData <- function(object, - type = c("truncated", - "nontruncated", - "all"), - ...) { - if (missing(type)) type <- "truncated" - switch (type, - truncated = object$fittValues$truncated, - nontruncated = object$fittValues$nontruncated, - all = object$fittValues - ) -} - -#' @importFrom stats nobs -#' @method nobs singleRStaticCountData -#' @exportS3Method -nobs.singleRStaticCountData <- function(object, ...) { - object$sizeObserved -} - -#' @importFrom stats df.residual -#' @method df.residual singleRStaticCountData -#' @exportS3Method -df.residual.singleRStaticCountData <- function(object, ...) { - object$dfResidual -} - -#' @title Generating data in singleRcapture -#' -#' @description -#' An S3 method for \code{stats::simulate} to handle \code{singleRStaticCountData} and -#' \code{singleRfamily} classes. -#' -#' @param object an object representing a fitted model. -#' @param nsim a numeric scalar specifying: -#' \itemize{ -#' \item number of response vectors to simulate in \code{simulate.singleRStaticCountData}, defaults to \code{1L}. -#' \item number of units to draw in \code{simulate.singleRfamily}, defaults to \code{NROW(eta)}. -#' } -#' @param seed an object specifying if and how the random number generator should be initialized (‘seeded’). -#' @param truncated logical value indicating whether to sample from truncated or -#' full distribution. -#' @param eta a matrix of linear predictors -#' @param ... additional optional arguments. -#' @return a \code{data.frame} with \code{n} rows and \code{nsim} columns. -#' @seealso [stats::simulate()] [singleRcapture::estimatePopsize()] -#' @examples -#' N <- 10000 -#' ###gender <- rbinom(N, 1, 0.2) -#' gender <- rep(0:1, c(8042, 1958)) -#' eta <- -1 + 0.5*gender -#' counts <- simulate(ztpoisson(), eta = cbind(eta), seed = 1) -#' df <- data.frame(gender, eta, counts) -#' df2 <- subset(df, counts > 0) -#' ### check coverage with summary -#' mod1 <- estimatePopsize( -#' formula = counts ~ 1 + gender, -#' data = df2, -#' model = ztpoisson, -#' controlMethod = list(silent = TRUE) -#' ) -#' mod1_sims <- simulate(mod1, nsim=10, seed = 1) -#' colMeans(mod1_sims) -#' mean(df2$counts) -#' @author Maciej Beręsewicz, Piotr Chlebicki -#' @importFrom stats simulate -#' @method simulate singleRStaticCountData -#' @exportS3Method -#' @name simulate -#' @export -simulate.singleRStaticCountData <- function(object, nsim = 1, seed = NULL, ...) { - n <- nobs(object) - eta <- object$linearPredictors - - # Replicate each row in eta priorWeights number of times - if (isTRUE(object$control$controlModel$weightsAsCounts)) { - eta <- matrix( - unlist(sapply(1:NROW(eta), function(x) { - rep(eta[x,], object$priorWeights[x]) - })), - ncol = NCOL(eta), - byrow = TRUE, - dimnames = list( - 1:n, colnames(eta) - ) - ) - } - - val <- simulate( - object = family(object), - seed = seed, - nsim = n * nsim, - eta = eta, - truncated = TRUE - ) - - dim(val) <- c(n, nsim) - val <- as.data.frame(val) - names(val) <- paste0("sim_", seq_len(nsim)) - val -} - -#' @rdname simulate -#' @importFrom stats simulate -#' @method simulate singleRfamily -#' @exportS3Method -#' @export -simulate.singleRfamily <- function(object, - nsim, - seed = NULL, - eta, - truncated = FALSE, - ...) { - if (missing(nsim)) nsim <- NROW(eta) - if (!exists(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE)) - runif(1) - if (is.null(seed)) - RNGstate <- get(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv) - else { - R.seed <- get(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv) - set.seed(seed) - RNGstate <- structure(seed, kind = as.list(RNGkind())) - on.exit(assign(".Random.seed", R.seed, envir = .GlobalEnv)) - } - object$simulate(nsim, eta, lower = ifelse(truncated, 0, -1)) -} diff --git a/R/bootstraps.R b/R/bootstraps.R deleted file mode 100644 index bad17bc..0000000 --- a/R/bootstraps.R +++ /dev/null @@ -1,703 +0,0 @@ -# These functions are only used internally in the package so there is no need for documenting them -#' @importFrom graphics points -noparBoot <- function(family, formulas, y, X, modelFrame, - beta, weights, trcount, numboot, - eta, trace, visT, controlBootstrapMethod = NULL, - method, N, offset, weightsFlag, ...) { - strappedStatistic <- vector("numeric", length = numboot) - n <- length(y) - if (isTRUE(weightsFlag)) { - n <- sum(weights) - } - famName <- family$family - - if (length(weights) == 1) { - weights <- rep(1, n) - } - - k <- 1 - - if (visT) { - plot( - 1, type = "n", - xlab = "Bootstrap sample", - ylab = "Value of population size estimator", - main = expression(paste("Plot of values of ", hat(N), " obtained from bootstrap samples")), - sub = "Points will be added in real time", - xlim = c(0, numboot + 1), ylim = c(0, 2 * N) - ) - } - - #terms <- terms(modelFrame) - - while (k <= numboot) { - # TODO:: since modelframe is needed maybe revisit it and save some memory on response - if (FALSE) { - # maybe add this as an option?? - # in tests this is slower than "normal" option - # but idk maybe if data is large enough it will be faster?? - # the problem here is that aggregate is slow and I don't want to - # add another dependency in dplyr/data.table just to make it faster - strap <- sample(x = 1:length(y), - size = n, - prob = weights / n, - replace = TRUE) - - ystrap <- as.numeric(y[strap]) - offsetStrap <- offset[strap, , drop = FALSE] - Xstrap <- modelFrame[strap, , drop = FALSE] - - # get data into right format - XXX <- data.frame(Xstrap, offsetStrap, ystrap, singleRcaptureInternalColnameFreq = 0) - XXX <- aggregate(singleRcaptureInternalColnameFreq ~ ., data = XXX, length) - - weightsStrap <- XXX$singleRcaptureInternalColnameFreq - ystrap <- XXX[,NCOL(XXX)-1, drop = TRUE] - offsetStrap <- XXX[,(NCOL(Xstrap)+1):(NCOL(XXX) - 2), drop = FALSE] - offsetStrap <- as.matrix(offsetStrap) - - Xstrap <- XXX[, 1:NCOL(Xstrap), drop = FALSE] - attr(Xstrap, "terms") <- terms - # free memmory - XXX <- NULL - } else if (isTRUE(weightsFlag)) { - strap <- sample(x = 1:length(y), - size = n, - prob = weights / n, - replace = TRUE) - - ystrap <- as.numeric(y[strap]) - offsetStrap <- offset[strap, , drop = FALSE] - Xstrap <- modelFrame[strap, , drop = FALSE] - - weightsStrap <- rep(1, length(ystrap)) - - } else { - strap <- sample.int(replace = TRUE, n = n) - - ystrap <- as.numeric(y[strap]) - weightsStrap <- as.numeric(weights[strap]) - #etaStrap <- eta[as.numeric(strap), , drop = FALSE] - offsetStrap <- offset[strap, , drop = FALSE] - Xstrap <- modelFrame[strap, , drop = FALSE] - } - - if (!is.data.frame(Xstrap)) { - Xstrap <- as.data.frame(Xstrap) - colnames(Xstrap) <- colnames(modelFrame) - } - - Xstrap <- singleRinternalGetXvlmMatrix(X = Xstrap, - formulas = formulas, - family$etaNames) - theta <- NULL - try( - theta <- estimatePopsizeFit( - y = ystrap, - X = Xstrap, - family = family, - control = controlBootstrapMethod, - method = method, - priorWeights = weightsStrap, - coefStart = jitter(beta), - etaStart = matrix(Xstrap %*% jitter(beta), ncol = NCOL(offsetStrap)) + offsetStrap, - offset = offsetStrap - )$beta, - silent = TRUE - ) - k <- k + 1 - - if (is.null(theta)) { - if (isTRUE(trace)) cat("\n") - k <- k - 1 - } else { - theta <- matrix(Xstrap %*% theta, ncol = length(family$etaNames)) + offsetStrap - - if (isTRUE(trace)) {print(summary(theta))} - est <- family$pointEst(pw = weightsStrap, eta = theta, y = ystrap) - - if (visT) graphics::points(k - 1, est, pch = 1) - if (isTRUE(trace)) cat(" Estimated population size: ", est,"\n",sep = "") - #if (visT) graphics::points(k - 1, est, pch = 1) - - strappedStatistic[k - 1] <- est - } - } - - strappedStatistic -} -# multicore -#' @importFrom foreach %dopar% -#' @importFrom foreach foreach -#' @importFrom parallel makeCluster -#' @importFrom parallel stopCluster -#' @importFrom doSNOW registerDoSNOW -noparBootMultiCore <- function(family, formulas, y, X, modelFrame, - beta, weights, trcount, numboot, - eta, cores, controlBootstrapMethod = NULL, - method, N, offset, weightsFlag, visT, ...) { - n <- length(y) - if (isTRUE(weightsFlag)) { - n <- sum(weights) - } - famName <- family$family - - if (length(weights) == 1) { - weights <- rep(1, n) - } - - cl <- parallel::makeCluster(cores) - pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(total = numboot) - - opts <- if (visT) list(progress = \(n) pb$tick()) else NULL - doSNOW::registerDoSNOW(cl) - on.exit(parallel::stopCluster(cl)) - - - ### TODO:: This gives a different results for family = "chao" and "zelterman" - ### when compared to non paralelized version - strappedStatistic <- foreach::`%dopar%`( - obj = foreach::foreach(k = 1:numboot, .combine = c, - .options.snow = opts), - #obj = foreach::foreach(k = 1:numboot, .export = "singleRcaptureinternalIRLSmultipar"), - ex = { - theta <- NULL - while (is.null(theta)) { - # TODO:: since modelframe is needed maybe revisit it and save some memory on response - if (isTRUE(weightsFlag)) { - strap <- sample(x = 1:length(y), - size = n, - prob = weights / n, - replace = TRUE) - - ystrap <- as.numeric(y[strap]) - offsetStrap <- offset[strap, , drop = FALSE] - Xstrap <- modelFrame[strap, , drop = FALSE] - - weightsStrap <- rep(1, length(ystrap)) - - } else { - strap <- sample.int(replace = TRUE, n = n) - - ystrap <- as.numeric(y[strap]) - weightsStrap <- as.numeric(weights[strap]) - offsetStrap <- offset[strap, , drop = FALSE] - Xstrap <- modelFrame[strap, , drop = FALSE] - } - - if (!is.data.frame(Xstrap)) { - Xstrap <- as.data.frame(Xstrap) - colnames(Xstrap) <- colnames(modelFrame) - } - - Xstrap <- singleRinternalGetXvlmMatrix(X = Xstrap, - formulas = formulas, - family$etaNames) - - try( - theta <- estimatePopsizeFit( - y = ystrap, - X = Xstrap, - family = family, - control = controlBootstrapMethod, - method = method, - priorWeights = weightsStrap, - coefStart = jitter(beta), - etaStart = matrix(Xstrap %*% jitter(beta), ncol = NCOL(offsetStrap)) + offsetStrap, - offset = offsetStrap - )$beta, - silent = TRUE - ) - } - theta <- matrix(Xstrap %*% theta, ncol = length(family$etaNames)) + offsetStrap - family$pointEst(pw = weightsStrap, eta = theta, y = ystrap) - } - ) - - strappedStatistic -} -# semi parametric -#' @importFrom graphics points -semparBoot <- function(family, formulas, y, X, beta, - weights, trcount, numboot, eta, - trace, visT, controlBootstrapMethod = NULL, - method, N, modelFrame, offset, weightsFlag, ...) { - strappedStatistic <- vector("numeric", length = numboot) - n <- length(y) - if (isTRUE(weightsFlag)) { - n <- sum(weights) - } - famName <- family$family - - if (length(weights) == 1) { - weights <- rep(1, n) - } - - if (visT) { - plot( - 1, type = "n", - xlab = "Bootstrap sample", - ylab = "Value of population size estimator", - main = expression(paste("Plot of values of ", hat(N), - " obtained from bootstrap samples")), - sub = "Points will be added in real time", - xlim = c(0, numboot + 1), ylim = c(0, 2 * N) - ) - } - - N <- round(sum(N)) - - k <- 1 - while (k <= numboot) { - # get info of how much units will be sampled - strap <- sum(rbinom(size = 1, n = N, prob = n / N)) - # the rest are sampled uniformly form population - if (isTRUE(weightsFlag)) { - strap <- sample(x = 1:length(y), - size = strap, - prob = weights / n, - replace = TRUE) - - ystrap <- as.numeric(y[strap]) - offsetStrap <- offset[strap, , drop = FALSE] - Xstrap <- modelFrame[strap, , drop = FALSE] - - weightsStrap <- rep(1, length(ystrap)) - - } else { - strap <- sample.int(n = n, size = strap, replace = TRUE) - - ystrap <- y[as.numeric(strap)] - weightsStrap <- weights[as.numeric(strap)] - #etaStrap <- eta[as.numeric(strap), , drop = FALSE] - offsetStrap <- offset[as.numeric(strap), , drop = FALSE] - Xstrap <- modelFrame[strap, , drop = FALSE] - } - - if (!is.data.frame(Xstrap)) { - Xstrap <- as.data.frame(Xstrap) - } - - theta <- NULL - if (isTRUE(trace)) cat("Iteration number:", k, - "sample size:", length(ystrap), sep = " ") - colnames(Xstrap) <- colnames(modelFrame) - - Xstrap <- singleRinternalGetXvlmMatrix(X = Xstrap, - formulas = formulas, - family$etaNames) - try( - theta <- estimatePopsizeFit( - y = ystrap, - X = Xstrap, - family = family, - control = controlBootstrapMethod, - method = method, - priorWeights = weightsStrap, - coefStart = jitter(beta), - etaStart = matrix(Xstrap %*% jitter(beta), ncol = NCOL(offsetStrap)) + offsetStrap, - offset = offsetStrap - )$beta, - silent = TRUE - ) - - k <- k + 1 - if (is.null(theta)) { - if (isTRUE(trace)) cat("\n") - k <- k - 1 - } else { - theta <- matrix(Xstrap %*% theta, ncol = length(family$etaNames)) + offsetStrap - est <- family$pointEst(pw = weightsStrap, eta = theta, y = ystrap) - - if (visT) graphics::points(k - 1, est, pch = 1) - if (isTRUE(trace)) cat(" Estimated population size: ", est,"\n",sep = "") - #if (visT) graphics::points(k - 1, est, pch = 1) - - strappedStatistic[k - 1] <- est - } - } - - strappedStatistic -} -# multicore -#' @importFrom foreach %dopar% -#' @importFrom foreach foreach -#' @importFrom parallel makeCluster -#' @importFrom parallel stopCluster -#' @importFrom doSNOW registerDoSNOW -semparBootMultiCore <- function(family, formulas, y, X, modelFrame, - beta, weights, trcount, numboot, - eta, cores, controlBootstrapMethod = NULL, - method, N, offset, weightsFlag, visT, ...) { - n <- length(y) - if (isTRUE(weightsFlag)) { - n <- sum(weights) - } - famName <- family$family - - if (length(weights) == 1) { - weights <- rep(1, n) - } - - N <- round(sum(N)) - - cl <- parallel::makeCluster(cores) - pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(total = numboot) - - opts <- if (visT) list(progress = \(n) pb$tick()) else NULL - doSNOW::registerDoSNOW(cl) - on.exit(parallel::stopCluster(cl)) - - strappedStatistic <- foreach::`%dopar%`( - obj = foreach::foreach(k = 1:numboot, .combine = c, - .options.snow = opts), - ex = { - theta <- NULL - while (is.null(theta)) { - # get info of how much units will be sampled - strap <- sum(rbinom(size = 1, n = N, prob = n / N)) - # the rest are sampled uniformly form population - if (isTRUE(weightsFlag)) { - strap <- sample(x = 1:length(y), - size = strap, - prob = weights / n, - replace = TRUE) - - ystrap <- as.numeric(y[strap]) - offsetStrap <- offset[strap, , drop = FALSE] - Xstrap <- modelFrame[strap, , drop = FALSE] - - weightsStrap <- rep(1, length(ystrap)) - - } else { - strap <- sample.int(n = n, size = strap, replace = TRUE) - - ystrap <- y[as.numeric(strap)] - weightsStrap <- weights[as.numeric(strap)] - #etaStrap <- eta[as.numeric(strap), , drop = FALSE] - offsetStrap <- offset[as.numeric(strap), , drop = FALSE] - Xstrap <- modelFrame[strap, , drop = FALSE] - } - - if (!is.data.frame(Xstrap)) { - Xstrap <- as.data.frame(Xstrap) - } - - theta <- NULL - colnames(Xstrap) <- colnames(modelFrame) - - - Xstrap <- singleRinternalGetXvlmMatrix(X = Xstrap, - formulas = formulas, - family$etaNames) - - try( - theta <- estimatePopsizeFit( - y = ystrap, - X = Xstrap, - family = family, - control = controlBootstrapMethod, - method = method, - priorWeights = weightsStrap, - coefStart = jitter(beta), - etaStart = matrix(Xstrap %*% jitter(beta), ncol = NCOL(offsetStrap)) + offsetStrap, - offset = offsetStrap - )$beta, - silent = TRUE - ) - } - theta <- matrix(Xstrap %*% theta, ncol = length(family$etaNames)) + offsetStrap - family$pointEst(pw = weightsStrap, eta = theta, y = ystrap) - } - ) - - strappedStatistic -} -#' @importFrom graphics points -#' @importFrom stats rbinom -parBoot <- function(family, formulas, y, X, beta, weights, - trcount, numboot, eta, trace, visT, - controlBootstrapMethod = NULL, method, - modelFrame, offset, weightsFlag, ...) { - strappedStatistic <- vector("numeric", length = numboot) - n <- length(y) - if (isTRUE(weightsFlag)) { - n <- sum(weights) - } - if (length(weights) == 1) { - weights <- rep(1, length(y)) - } - - if (family$family %in% c("chao", "zelterman")) { - message(paste( - "Probability model will be taken as given by poisson distribution", - "since zelterman and chao models are based on mixture of poisson", - "distribution semi-parametric bootstrap may be a better choice.", - sep = "\n" - )) - } - - - contr <- family$pointEst(pw = weights, - eta = eta, - contr = TRUE, - y = y) - - N <- sum(contr) - - prob <- contr / N - - if (visT) { - plot( - 1, type = "n", - xlab = "Bootstrap sample", - ylab = "Value of population size estimator", - main = expression(paste("Plot of values of ", hat(N), " obtained from bootstrap samples")), - sub = "Points will be added in real time", - xlim = c(0, numboot + 1), ylim = c(0, 2.5 * N) - ) - } - - k <- 1 - while (k <= numboot) { - nn <- floor(N) + stats::rbinom(n = 1, size = 1, prob = N - floor(N)) - if (isTRUE(weightsFlag)) { - strap <- sample.int(replace = TRUE, n = length(y), size = nn, prob = prob) - - weightsStrap <- as.numeric(weights[strap]) - offsetStrap <- offset[strap, , drop = FALSE] - #etaStrap <- eta[strap, , drop = FALSE] - Xstrap <- modelFrame[strap, , drop = FALSE] - - colnames(Xstrap) <- colnames(modelFrame) - - Xstrap <- singleRinternalGetXvlmMatrix(X = Xstrap, - formulas = formulas, - family$etaNames) - - ystrap <- family$simulate( - n = nn, - eta = matrix(Xstrap %*% beta, ncol = length(family$etaNames)), - lower = -1, upper = Inf - ) - offsetStrap <- offsetStrap[ystrap > 0, , drop = FALSE] - - strap <- rep(ystrap > 0, length(family$etaNames)) - hwm <- attr(Xstrap, "hwm") - - Xstrap <- Xstrap[strap, , drop = FALSE] - ystrap <- ystrap[ystrap > 0] - - weightsStrap <- rep(1, length(ystrap)) - } else { - strap <- sample.int(replace = TRUE, n = length(y), size = nn, prob = prob) - - weightsStrap <- as.numeric(weights[strap]) - offsetStrap <- offset[strap, , drop = FALSE] - #etaStrap <- eta[strap, , drop = FALSE] - Xstrap <- modelFrame[strap, , drop = FALSE] - - colnames(Xstrap) <- colnames(modelFrame) - - Xstrap <- singleRinternalGetXvlmMatrix(X = Xstrap, - formulas = formulas, - family$etaNames) - - ystrap <- family$simulate( - n = nn, - eta = matrix(Xstrap %*% beta, ncol = length(family$etaNames)), - lower = -1, upper = Inf - ) - - weightsStrap <- weightsStrap[ystrap > 0] - #etaStrap <- etaStrap[ystrap > 0, , drop = FALSE] - offsetStrap <- offsetStrap[ystrap > 0, , drop = FALSE] - - strap <- rep(ystrap > 0, length(family$etaNames)) - hwm <- attr(Xstrap, "hwm") - - Xstrap <- Xstrap[strap, , drop = FALSE] - ystrap <- ystrap[ystrap > 0] - } - - if (isTRUE(trace)) cat("Iteration number:", k, - "sample size:", length(ystrap), sep = " ") - - theta <- NULL - attr(Xstrap, "hwm") <- hwm - - try( - theta <- estimatePopsizeFit( - y = ystrap, - X = Xstrap, - family = family, - control = controlBootstrapMethod, - method = method, - priorWeights = weightsStrap, - coefStart = jitter(beta), - etaStart = matrix(Xstrap %*% jitter(beta), ncol = NCOL(offsetStrap)) + offsetStrap, - offset = offsetStrap - )$beta, - silent = TRUE - ) - - k <- k + 1 - - if (is.null(theta)) { - if (isTRUE(trace)) cat("\n") - k <- k - 1 - } else { - theta <- matrix(Xstrap %*% theta, ncol = length(family$etaNames)) + offsetStrap - - est <- family$pointEst(pw = weightsStrap, eta = theta, y = ystrap) - if (visT) graphics::points(k - 1, est, pch = 1) - if (isTRUE(trace)) cat(" Estimated population size: ", est,"\n",sep = "") - #if (visT) graphics::points(k - 1, est, pch = 1) - - strappedStatistic[k - 1] <- est - } - - } - - strappedStatistic -} -# multicore -#' @importFrom foreach %dopar% -#' @importFrom foreach foreach -#' @importFrom parallel makeCluster -#' @importFrom parallel stopCluster -#' @importFrom doSNOW registerDoSNOW -#' @importFrom stats rbinom -parBootMultiCore <- function(family, formulas, y, X, modelFrame, - beta, weights, trcount, numboot, - eta, cores, controlBootstrapMethod = NULL, - method, N, offset, weightsFlag, visT, ...) { - n <- length(y) - if (isTRUE(weightsFlag)) { - n <- sum(weights) - } - - if (length(weights) == 1) { - weights <- rep(1, length(y)) - } - - if (family$family %in% c("chao", "zelterman")) { - message(paste("Probability model will be taken as given by poisson distribution", - "since zelterman and chao models are based on mixture of poisson", - "distribution semi-parametric bootstrap may be a better choice.", - sep = "\n")) - } - - - contr <- family$pointEst(pw = weights, - eta = eta, - contr = TRUE, - y = y) - N <- sum(contr) - - prob <- contr / N - - cl <- parallel::makeCluster(cores) - pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(total = numboot) - - opts <- if (visT) list(progress = \(n) pb$tick()) else NULL - doSNOW::registerDoSNOW(cl) - on.exit(parallel::stopCluster(cl)) - #doRNG::registerDoRNG() - - ### TODO:: This gives a different results for family = "chao" and "zelterman" - ### when compared to non paralelized version - strappedStatistic <- foreach::`%dopar%`( - obj = foreach::foreach(k = 1:numboot, .combine = c, - .options.snow = opts), - ex = { - theta <- NULL - while (is.null(theta)) { - nn <- floor(N) + stats::rbinom(n = 1, size = 1, prob = N - floor(N)) - if (isTRUE(weightsFlag)) { - strap <- sample.int(replace = TRUE, n = length(y), size = nn, prob = prob) - - weightsStrap <- as.numeric(weights[strap]) - offsetStrap <- offset[strap, , drop = FALSE] - #etaStrap <- eta[strap, , drop = FALSE] - Xstrap <- modelFrame[strap, , drop = FALSE] - - colnames(Xstrap) <- colnames(modelFrame) - - Xstrap <- singleRinternalGetXvlmMatrix(X = Xstrap, - formulas = formulas, - family$etaNames) - - ystrap <- family$simulate( - n = nn, - eta = matrix(Xstrap %*% beta, ncol = length(family$etaNames)), - lower = -1, upper = Inf - ) - offsetStrap <- offsetStrap[ystrap > 0, , drop = FALSE] - - strap <- rep(ystrap > 0, length(family$etaNames)) - hwm <- attr(Xstrap, "hwm") - - Xstrap <- Xstrap[strap, , drop = FALSE] - ystrap <- ystrap[ystrap > 0] - - weightsStrap <- rep(1, length(ystrap)) - } else { - strap <- sample.int(replace = TRUE, n = length(y), size = nn, prob = prob) - - weightsStrap <- as.numeric(weights[strap]) - offsetStrap <- offset[strap, , drop = FALSE] - #etaStrap <- eta[strap, , drop = FALSE] - Xstrap <- modelFrame[strap, , drop = FALSE] - - colnames(Xstrap) <- colnames(modelFrame) - - Xstrap <- singleRinternalGetXvlmMatrix(X = Xstrap, - formulas = formulas, - family$etaNames) - - ystrap <- family$simulate( - n = nn, - eta = matrix(Xstrap %*% beta, ncol = length(family$etaNames)), - lower = -1, upper = Inf - ) - - weightsStrap <- weightsStrap[ystrap > 0] - #etaStrap <- etaStrap[ystrap > 0, , drop = FALSE] - offsetStrap <- offsetStrap[ystrap > 0, , drop = FALSE] - - strap <- rep(ystrap > 0, length(family$etaNames)) - hwm <- attr(Xstrap, "hwm") - - Xstrap <- Xstrap[strap, , drop = FALSE] - ystrap <- ystrap[ystrap > 0] - } - - attr(Xstrap, "hwm") <- hwm - - try( - theta <- estimatePopsizeFit( - y = ystrap, - X = Xstrap, - family = family, - control = controlBootstrapMethod, - method = method, - priorWeights = weightsStrap, - coefStart = jitter(beta), - etaStart = matrix(Xstrap %*% jitter(beta), ncol = NCOL(offsetStrap)) + offsetStrap, - offset = offsetStrap - )$beta, - silent = TRUE - ) - } - family$pointEst( - pw = weightsStrap, - eta = matrix(Xstrap %*% theta, - ncol = length(family$etaNames)) + offsetStrap, - y = ystrap - ) - } - ) - - strappedStatistic -} diff --git a/R/leave-one-out.R b/R/leave-one-out.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6cf6fe1 --- /dev/null +++ b/R/leave-one-out.R @@ -0,0 +1,235 @@ +#' @rdname regDiagSingleR +#' @export +dfpopsize <- function(model, ...) { + UseMethod("dfpopsize") +} + +#' @method dfpopsize singleRStaticCountData +#' @rdname regDiagSingleR +#' @exportS3Method +dfpopsize.singleRStaticCountData <- function(model, dfbeta = NULL, ...) { + if (isTRUE(model$call$popVar == "bootstrap")) + warning("dfpopsize may (in some cases) not work correctly when bootstrap was chosen as population variance estimate.") + + dfb <- if (is.null(dfbeta)) dfbeta(model, ...) else dfbeta + + X <- model.frame(model, ...) + + N <- model$populationSize$pointEstimate + range <- 1:NROW(dfb) + + res <- vector("numeric", length = NROW(dfb)) + pw <- model$priorWeights + y <- model.response(model.frame(model)) + + for (k in range) { + cf <- model$coefficients - dfb[k, ] + + if (isTRUE(model$control$controlModel$weightsAsCounts == FALSE)) { + res[k] <- model$model$pointEst( + eta = matrix( + singleRinternalGetXvlmMatrix( + X = X[rownames(X) != rownames(X)[k], , drop = FALSE], + formulas = model$formula, + parNames = model$model$etaNames + ) %*% cf, + ncol = length(model$model$etaNames) + ), + y = y[-k], + pw = pw[-k] + ) + } else { + # Here additional conditional is not needed since if weights are zero nothing breaks + kk <- rep(0, length(pw)) + kk[k] <- 1 + res[k] <- model$model$pointEst( + eta = matrix( + model.matrix(model, "vlm") %*% cf, + ncol = length(model$model$etaNames) + ), + y = y, + pw = pw - kk + ) + } + } + + N - res +} + +#' @method dfbeta singleRStaticCountData +#' @importFrom stats dfbeta +#' @importFrom foreach %dopar% +#' @importFrom foreach foreach +#' @importFrom parallel makeCluster +#' @importFrom parallel stopCluster +#' @importFrom doParallel registerDoParallel +#' @rdname regDiagSingleR +#' @exportS3Method +dfbeta.singleRStaticCountData <- function(model, + maxitNew = 1, + trace = FALSE, + cores = 1, + ...) { + # formula method removed since it doesn't give good results will reimplement if we find better formula + X <- model.frame.singleRStaticCountData(model, ...) + y <- if (is.null(model$y)) stats::model.response(X) else model$y + X <- X + y <- y + cf <- coef(model) + pw <- model$priorWeights + offset <- model$offset + eta <- model$linearPredictors + + if (cores > 1) { + cl <- parallel::makeCluster(cores) + doParallel::registerDoParallel(cl) + on.exit(parallel::stopCluster(cl)) + #parallel::clusterExport(cl, c("singleRinternalGetXvlmMatrix", "cf", "y", "X", "maxitNew", "model", "pw", "offset", "eta"), envir = environment()) + + if (isFALSE(model$control$controlModel$weightsAsCounts)) { + res <- foreach::`%dopar%`( + obj = foreach::foreach(k = 1:NROW(X), .combine = rbind), + ex = { + c(cf - estimatePopsizeFit( + control = controlMethod( + silent = TRUE, + maxiter = maxitNew + 1, + ... + ), + y = y[-k], + X = singleRinternalGetXvlmMatrix( + X = X[rownames(X) != rownames(X)[k], , drop = FALSE], + formulas = model$formula, + parNames = model$model$etaNames + ), + coefStart = cf, + etaStart = eta[-k, , drop = FALSE] + offset[-k, , drop = FALSE], + family = model$model, + priorWeights = pw[-k], + method = if (is.null(model$call$method)) "IRLS" else model$call$method, + offset = offset[-k, , drop = FALSE] + )$beta) + } + ) + } else { + res <- foreach::`%dopar%`( + obj = foreach::foreach(k = 1:NROW(X), .combine = rbind), + ex = { + if (isFALSE(pw[k] - 1 > 0)) { + c(cf - estimatePopsizeFit( + control = controlMethod( + silent = TRUE, + maxiter = maxitNew + 1, + ... + ), + y = y[-k], + X = singleRinternalGetXvlmMatrix( + X = X[-k, , drop = FALSE], + formulas = model$formula, + parNames = model$model$etaNames + ), + coefStart = cf, + etaStart = eta[-k, , drop = FALSE] + offset[-k, , drop = FALSE], + family = model$model, + priorWeights = pw[-k], + method = if (is.null(model$call$method)) "IRLS" else model$call$method, + offset = offset[-k, , drop = FALSE] + )$beta) + } else { + kk <- rep(0, length(pw)) + kk[k] <- 1 + + c(cf - estimatePopsizeFit( + control = controlMethod( + silent = TRUE, + maxiter = maxitNew + 1, + ... + ), + y = y, + X = model.matrix(model, "vlm"), + coefStart = cf, + etaStart = eta + offset, + family = model$model, + priorWeights = pw - kk, + method = if (is.null(model$call$method)) "IRLS" else model$call$method, + offset = offset + )$beta) + } + } + ) + } + } else { + res <- matrix(nrow = nrow(X), ncol = length(cf)) + + for (k in 1:nrow(X)) { + if (isTRUE(trace)) { + cat("-----\nRemoving observation number: ", k, "\n", sep = "") + } + if (isFALSE(model$control$controlModel$weightsAsCounts)) { + res[k, ] <- cf - estimatePopsizeFit( + control = controlMethod( + silent = TRUE, + maxiter = maxitNew + 1, + ... + ), + y = y[-k], + X = singleRinternalGetXvlmMatrix( + X = X[rownames(X) != rownames(X)[k], , drop = FALSE], + formulas = model$formula, + parNames = model$model$etaNames + ), + coefStart = cf, + etaStart = eta[-k, , drop = FALSE] + offset[-k, , drop = FALSE], + family = model$model, + priorWeights = pw[-k], + method = if (is.null(model$call$method)) "IRLS" else model$call$method, + offset = offset[-k, , drop = FALSE] + )$beta + } else { + if (isFALSE(pw[k] - 1 > 0)) { + res[k, ] <- cf - estimatePopsizeFit( + control = controlMethod( + silent = TRUE, + maxiter = maxitNew + 1, + ... + ), + y = y[-k], + X = singleRinternalGetXvlmMatrix( + X = X[rownames(X) != rownames(X)[k], , drop = FALSE], + formulas = model$formula, + parNames = model$model$etaNames + ), + coefStart = cf, + etaStart = eta[-k, , drop = FALSE] + offset[-k, , drop = FALSE], + family = model$model, + priorWeights = pw[-k], + method = if (is.null(model$call$method)) "IRLS" else model$call$method, + offset = offset[-k, , drop = FALSE] + )$beta + } else { + kk <- rep(0, length(pw)) + kk[k] <- 1 + + res[k, ] <- cf - estimatePopsizeFit( + control = controlMethod( + silent = TRUE, + maxiter = maxitNew + 1, + ... + ), + y = y, + X = model.matrix(model, "vlm"), + coefStart = cf, + etaStart = eta + offset, + family = model$model, + priorWeights = pw - kk, + method = if (is.null(model$call$method)) "IRLS" else model$call$method, + offset = offset + )$beta + } + } + } + } + + colnames(res) <- names(cf) + res +} diff --git a/R/marginal.R b/R/marginal.R index b8ef715..7d5948b 100644 --- a/R/marginal.R +++ b/R/marginal.R @@ -120,42 +120,76 @@ summary.singleRmargin <- function(object, df, "group", "no"), ...) { - if (missing(dropl5)) {dropl5 <- "drop"} + if (!is.character(dropl5) | length(dropl5) > 1) { + warning("The argument dropl5 should be a 1 length character vector") + dropl5 <- dropl5[1] + } + y <- object$y + + if (missing(dropl5) | !is.character(dropl5)) {dropl5 <- "no"} if (grepl("zot", object$name) & (1 %in% names(y))) {y <- y[-1]} - A <- object$table[names(y)] + if ((missing(df)) && (object$df < 1)) { warning("Degrees of freedom may be inacurate.") df <- 1 } else if (missing(df)) { df <- object$df } - if(dropl5 == "group") { - l <- (A < 5) - if(!all(l == FALSE)) { - y <- c(y[!l], sum(y[l])) - A <- c(A[!l], sum(A[l])) + + A <- object$table[names(y)] + + switch (dropl5, + "group" = { + l <- (A < 5) + if(!all(l == FALSE)) { + y <- c(y[!l], sum(y[l])) + A <- c(A[!l], sum(A[l])) + } + }, + "drop" = { + l <- (A < 5) + y <- y[!l] + A <- A[!l] } - } else if(dropl5 == "drop") { - l <- (A < 5) - y <- y[!l] - A <- A[!l] - } + ) X2 <- sum(((A - y) ^ 2) / A) G <- 2 * sum(y * log(y / A)) + pval <- stats::pchisq(q = c(X2, G), df = df, lower.tail = FALSE) - vect <- data.frame(round(c(X2, G), digits = 2), - rep(df, 2), signif(pval, digits = 2)) + + vect <- data.frame( + round(c(X2, G), digits = 2), + rep(df, 2), signif(pval, digits = 2) + ) rownames(vect) <- c("Chi-squared test", "G-test") colnames(vect) <- c("Test statistics", "df", "P(>X^2)") + structure( list(Test = vect, l5 = switch(dropl5, - drop = "dropped", - group = "grouped", - no = "preserved"), + "drop" = "dropped", + "group" = "grouped", + "no" = "preserved" + ), y = y), class = "summarysingleRmargin" ) +} + + +#' @method print summarysingleRmargin +#' @exportS3Method +print.summarysingleRmargin <- function(x, ...) { + cat("Test for Goodness of fit of a regression model:\n", + "\n", sep = "") + + print(x$Test) + + cat("\n--------------------------------------------------------------", + "\nCells with fitted frequencies of < 5 have been", x$l5, + "\nNames of cells used in calculating test(s) statistic:", names(x$y), + "\n", sep = " ") + invisible() } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/R/miscDiagnostics.R b/R/miscDiagnostics.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0a0e6dc --- /dev/null +++ b/R/miscDiagnostics.R @@ -0,0 +1,224 @@ +#' \loadmathjax + +#' @title Obtain Covariance Matrix estimation. +#' +#' @description A \code{vcov} method for \code{singleRStaticCountData} class. +#' +#' @param object object of singleRStaticCountData class. +#' @param type type of estimate for covariance matrix for now either +#' expected (Fisher) information matrix or observed information matrix. +#' @param ... additional arguments for method functions +#' +#' @details Returns a estimated covariance matrix for model coefficients +#' calculated from analytic hessian or Fisher information matrix usually +#' utilizing asymptotic effectiveness of maximum likelihood estimates. +#' Covariance type is taken from control parameter that have been provided +#' on call that created \code{object} if arguments \code{type} was not specified. +#' +#' @method vcov singleRStaticCountData +#' @return A covariance matrix for fitted coefficients, rows and columns of which +#' correspond to parameters returned by \code{coef} method. +#' @seealso [vcovHC.singleRStaticCountData()] [sandwich::sandwich()] +#' @exportS3Method +vcov.singleRStaticCountData <- function(object, + type = c("Fisher", + "observedInform"), + ...) { + if (missing(type) ){type <- object$populationSize$control$covType} + X <- model.matrix(object, "vlm") + res <- switch( + type, + "observedInform" = solve( + -object$model$makeMinusLogLike(y = object$y, X = X, + weight = object$priorWeights, deriv = 2, + offset = object$offset)(object$coefficients), + ... + ), + "Fisher" = { + if (isTRUE(object$call$method == "IRLS")) {W <- object$weights} + else { + W <- object$model$Wfun( + prior = object$priorWeights, + eta = object$linearPredictors, + y = as.numeric(model.response(model.frame(object))) + ) + }; + if (isTRUE(object$control$controlMethod$checkDiagWeights)) { + W[, (1:length(family(object)$etaNames)) ^ 2] <- ifelse( + W[, (1:length(family(object)$etaNames)) ^ 2] < + object$control$controlMethod$weightsEpsilon, + object$control$controlMethod$weightsEpsilon, + W[, (1:length(family(object)$etaNames)) ^ 2] + ) + }; + solve( + singleRinternalMultiplyWeight(X = X, W = W) %*% X, + ... + )} + ) + dimnames(res) <- list(names(object$coefficients), names(object$coefficients)) + res +} + +#' @title Confidence Intervals for Model Parameters +#' +#' @description A function that computes studentized confidence intervals +#' for model coefficients. +#' +#' @param object object of singleRStaticCountData class. +#' @param parm names of parameters for which confidence intervals are to be +#' computed, if missing all parameters will be considered. +#' @param level confidence level for intervals. +#' @param ... currently does nothing. +#' +#' @method confint singleRStaticCountData +#' @return An object with named columns that include upper and +#' lower limit of confidence intervals. +#' @exportS3Method +confint.singleRStaticCountData <- function(object, + parm, + level = 0.95, + ...) { + std <- sqrt(diag(vcov.singleRStaticCountData(object))) + if (missing(parm)) { + coef <- object$coefficients + } else { + coef <- object$coefficients[parm] + std <- std[parm] + } + sc <- qnorm(p = 1 - (1 - level) / 2) + res <- data.frame(coef - sc * std, coef + sc * std) + colnames(res) <- c(paste0(100 * (1 - level) / 2, "%"), + paste0(100 * (1 - (1 - level) / 2), "%")) + res +} + +# functions with documented elsewhere + +#' @rdname regDiagSingleR +#' @method hatvalues singleRStaticCountData +#' @importFrom stats hatvalues +#' @exportS3Method +hatvalues.singleRStaticCountData <- function(model, ...) { + X <- model.frame.singleRStaticCountData(model, ...) + X <- singleRinternalGetXvlmMatrix( + X = X, + formulas = model$formula, + parNames = model$model$etaNames + ) + if (isTRUE(model$call$method == "IRLS")) { + W <- model$weights + } else { + W <- model$model$Wfun( + prior = model$priorWeights, + eta = model$linearPredictors, + y = if (is.null(model$y)) model.response(model.frame(model)) + else model$y + ) + } + + mlt <- singleRinternalMultiplyWeight(X = X, W = W) + hatvalues <- diag(X %*% solve(mlt %*% X) %*% mlt) + hatvalues <- matrix( + hatvalues, + ncol = length(model$model$etaNames), + dimnames = list( + 1:(length(hatvalues) / length(model$model$etaNames)), + model$model$etaNames + ) + ) + hatvalues +} + +#' @method residuals singleRStaticCountData +#' @importFrom stats residuals +#' @rdname regDiagSingleR +#' @exportS3Method +residuals.singleRStaticCountData <- function(object, + type = c( + "pearson", + "pearsonSTD", + "response", + "working", + "deviance", + "all" + ), + ...) { + type <- match.arg(type) + res <- object$residuals + wts <- object$priorWeights + #mu <- object$fitt.values + y <- if (is.null(object$y)) stats::model.response(model.frame(object)) + else object$y + + if (type == "pearsonSTD" && length(object$model$etaNames) > 1) + stop(paste0("Standardized pearson residuals not yet", + "implemented for models with multiple linear predictors")) + + rs <- switch( + type, + working = as.data.frame( + object$model$funcZ(eta = object$linearPredictors, + weight = object$weights, + y = y, prior = wts), + col.names = paste0("working:", object$model$etaNames) + ), + response = res, + pearson = data.frame( + "pearson" = res$truncated / sqrt( + object$model$variance(eta = object$linearPredictors, type = "trunc") + ) + ), + pearsonSTD = data.frame( + "pearsonSTD" = res$truncated / sqrt( + (1 - hatvalues(object)) * + object$model$variance(eta = object$linearPredictors, type = "trunc") + ) + ), + deviance = data.frame( + "deviance" = object$model$devResids(y = y, + eta = object$linearPredictors, + wt = wts) + ), + all = {colnames(res) <- c("truncatedResponse", + "nontruncatedResponse"); + data.frame( + as.data.frame(object$model$funcZ(eta = object$linearPredictors, + weight = object$weights, + y = y, prior = wts), + col.names = paste0("working:", object$model$etaNames)), + res, + "pearson" = as.numeric(res$truncated / sqrt(object$model$variance( + eta = object$linearPredictors, type = "trunc" + ))), + "pearsonSTD" = if (length(object$model$etaNames) == 1) as.numeric( + res$truncated / sqrt( + (1 - hatvalues(object)) * + object$model$variance(object$linearPredictors, type = "trunc") + ) + ) else NA, + "deviance" = as.numeric(object$model$devResids( + y = y, eta = object$linearPredictors, wt = wts + )), + row.names = rownames(object$linearPredictors) + )} + ) + rs +} + +#' @importFrom stats cooks.distance +#' @method cooks.distance singleRStaticCountData +#' @rdname regDiagSingleR +#' @exportS3Method +cooks.distance.singleRStaticCountData <- function(model, ...) { + if (length(model$model$etaNames) > 1) + stop("Cooks distance is only implemented for single parameter families.") + + res <- residuals(model, type = "pearsonSTD") ^ 2 + res <- res[, 1] + + ht <- hatvalues(model) + res <- (res * (ht / (length(coef(model))))) + rownames(res) <- rownames(ht) # fixed + res +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/R/miscPrints.R b/R/miscPrints.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a866050 --- /dev/null +++ b/R/miscPrints.R @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +#' @method print singleRStaticCountData +#' @exportS3Method +print.singleRStaticCountData <- function(x, ...) { + cat("Call: ") + print(x$call) + cat("\nCoefficients:\n") + print(coef(x)) + cat("\nDegrees of Freedom:", x$df.null, + "Total (i.e NULL);", x$dfResidual, + "Residual") + + cat("\nAIC: ", signif(AIC(x)), + "\nBIC: ", signif(BIC(x)), + "\nResidual deviance: ", signif(x$deviance)) + cat("\n-----------------------------------\n", + "Population size estimation results:\n", + sep = "") + print(x$populationSize) + + invisible(x) +} + +#' @method print singleRfamily +#' @exportS3Method +print.singleRfamily <- function(x, hideFormulas = c(FALSE, TRUE), ...) { + cat("Family of distributions:", x$family, + "\nNames of parameters:", x$etaNames, + "\nLinks:", attr(x$links, "linkNames"), + sep = " ") + if (!is.null(x$extraInfo)) { + + nn <- c("mean", "variance", "popSizeEst", "meanTr", "varianceTr") + if (any(xx <- is.na(x$extraInfo[nn]))) + warning(cat("The: ", nn[is.na(xx)], sep = " ", + "slots are empty for family: ", x$family)) + + if (!hideFormulas[1]) + cat("\n--\nFormula for mean in this distribution: ", x$extraInfo["mean"], + "\nFormula for variance in this distribution: ", x$extraInfo["variance"], + "\nFormula for population size estimation in this distribution: sum(", + x$extraInfo["popSizeEst"], ")", + sep = "") + + if (!hideFormulas[2]) + cat("\n\nFormula for mean in truncated distribution: ", x$extraInfo["meanTr"], + "\nFormula for variance in truncated distribution: ", x$extraInfo["varianceTr"], + sep = "") + } + invisible(x) +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/R/nonparametricBootstrap.R b/R/nonparametricBootstrap.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000..736ca79 --- /dev/null +++ b/R/nonparametricBootstrap.R @@ -0,0 +1,214 @@ +# These functions are only used internally in the package so there is no need for documenting them +#' @importFrom graphics points +noparBoot <- function(family, formulas, y, X, modelFrame, + beta, weights, trcount, numboot, + eta, trace, visT, controlBootstrapMethod = NULL, + method, N, offset, weightsFlag, ...) { + strappedStatistic <- vector("numeric", length = numboot) + n <- length(y) + if (isTRUE(weightsFlag)) { + n <- sum(weights) + } + famName <- family$family + + if (length(weights) == 1) { + weights <- rep(1, n) + } + + k <- 1 + + if (visT) { + plot( + 1, type = "n", + xlab = "Bootstrap sample", + ylab = "Value of population size estimator", + main = expression(paste("Plot of values of ", hat(N), " obtained from bootstrap samples")), + sub = "Points will be added in real time", + xlim = c(0, numboot + 1), ylim = c(0, 2 * N) + ) + } + + #terms <- terms(modelFrame) + + while (k <= numboot) { + # TODO:: since modelframe is needed maybe revisit it and save some memory on response + if (FALSE) { + # maybe add this as an option?? + # in tests this is slower than "normal" option + # but idk maybe if data is large enough it will be faster?? + # the problem here is that aggregate is slow and I don't want to + # add another dependency in dplyr/data.table just to make it faster + strap <- sample(x = 1:length(y), + size = n, + prob = weights / n, + replace = TRUE) + + ystrap <- as.numeric(y[strap]) + offsetStrap <- offset[strap, , drop = FALSE] + Xstrap <- modelFrame[strap, , drop = FALSE] + + # get data into right format + XXX <- data.frame(Xstrap, offsetStrap, ystrap, singleRcaptureInternalColnameFreq = 0) + XXX <- aggregate(singleRcaptureInternalColnameFreq ~ ., data = XXX, length) + + weightsStrap <- XXX$singleRcaptureInternalColnameFreq + ystrap <- XXX[,NCOL(XXX)-1, drop = TRUE] + offsetStrap <- XXX[,(NCOL(Xstrap)+1):(NCOL(XXX) - 2), drop = FALSE] + offsetStrap <- as.matrix(offsetStrap) + + Xstrap <- XXX[, 1:NCOL(Xstrap), drop = FALSE] + attr(Xstrap, "terms") <- terms + # free memmory + XXX <- NULL + } else if (isTRUE(weightsFlag)) { + strap <- sample(x = 1:length(y), + size = n, + prob = weights / n, + replace = TRUE) + + ystrap <- as.numeric(y[strap]) + offsetStrap <- offset[strap, , drop = FALSE] + Xstrap <- modelFrame[strap, , drop = FALSE] + + weightsStrap <- rep(1, length(ystrap)) + + } else { + strap <- sample.int(replace = TRUE, n = n) + + ystrap <- as.numeric(y[strap]) + weightsStrap <- as.numeric(weights[strap]) + #etaStrap <- eta[as.numeric(strap), , drop = FALSE] + offsetStrap <- offset[strap, , drop = FALSE] + Xstrap <- modelFrame[strap, , drop = FALSE] + } + + if (!is.data.frame(Xstrap)) { + Xstrap <- as.data.frame(Xstrap) + colnames(Xstrap) <- colnames(modelFrame) + } + + Xstrap <- singleRinternalGetXvlmMatrix(X = Xstrap, + formulas = formulas, + family$etaNames) + theta <- NULL + try( + theta <- estimatePopsizeFit( + y = ystrap, + X = Xstrap, + family = family, + control = controlBootstrapMethod, + method = method, + priorWeights = weightsStrap, + coefStart = jitter(beta), + etaStart = matrix(Xstrap %*% jitter(beta), ncol = NCOL(offsetStrap)) + offsetStrap, + offset = offsetStrap + )$beta, + silent = TRUE + ) + k <- k + 1 + + if (is.null(theta)) { + if (isTRUE(trace)) cat("\n") + k <- k - 1 + } else { + theta <- matrix(Xstrap %*% theta, ncol = length(family$etaNames)) + offsetStrap + + if (isTRUE(trace)) {print(summary(theta))} + est <- family$pointEst(pw = weightsStrap, eta = theta, y = ystrap) + + if (visT) graphics::points(k - 1, est, pch = 1) + if (isTRUE(trace)) cat(" Estimated population size: ", est,"\n",sep = "") + #if (visT) graphics::points(k - 1, est, pch = 1) + + strappedStatistic[k - 1] <- est + } + } + + strappedStatistic +} +# multicore +#' @importFrom foreach %dopar% +#' @importFrom foreach foreach +#' @importFrom parallel makeCluster +#' @importFrom parallel stopCluster +#' @importFrom doParallel registerDoParallel +noparBootMultiCore <- function(family, formulas, y, X, modelFrame, + beta, weights, trcount, numboot, + eta, cores, controlBootstrapMethod = NULL, + method, N, offset, weightsFlag, visT, ...) { + n <- length(y) + if (isTRUE(weightsFlag)) { + n <- sum(weights) + } + famName <- family$family + + if (length(weights) == 1) { + weights <- rep(1, n) + } + + cl <- parallel::makeCluster(cores) + doParallel::registerDoParallel(cl) + on.exit(parallel::stopCluster(cl)) + + + ### TODO:: This gives a different results for family = "chao" and "zelterman" + ### when compared to non paralelized version + strappedStatistic <- foreach::`%dopar%`( + obj = foreach::foreach(k = 1:numboot, .combine = c), + #obj = foreach::foreach(k = 1:numboot, .export = "singleRcaptureinternalIRLSmultipar"), + ex = { + theta <- NULL + while (is.null(theta)) { + # TODO:: since modelframe is needed maybe revisit it and save some memory on response + if (isTRUE(weightsFlag)) { + strap <- sample(x = 1:length(y), + size = n, + prob = weights / n, + replace = TRUE) + + ystrap <- as.numeric(y[strap]) + offsetStrap <- offset[strap, , drop = FALSE] + Xstrap <- modelFrame[strap, , drop = FALSE] + + weightsStrap <- rep(1, length(ystrap)) + + } else { + strap <- sample.int(replace = TRUE, n = n) + + ystrap <- as.numeric(y[strap]) + weightsStrap <- as.numeric(weights[strap]) + offsetStrap <- offset[strap, , drop = FALSE] + Xstrap <- modelFrame[strap, , drop = FALSE] + } + + if (!is.data.frame(Xstrap)) { + Xstrap <- as.data.frame(Xstrap) + colnames(Xstrap) <- colnames(modelFrame) + } + + Xstrap <- singleRinternalGetXvlmMatrix(X = Xstrap, + formulas = formulas, + family$etaNames) + + try( + theta <- estimatePopsizeFit( + y = ystrap, + X = Xstrap, + family = family, + control = controlBootstrapMethod, + method = method, + priorWeights = weightsStrap, + coefStart = jitter(beta), + etaStart = matrix(Xstrap %*% jitter(beta), ncol = NCOL(offsetStrap)) + offsetStrap, + offset = offsetStrap + )$beta, + silent = TRUE + ) + } + theta <- matrix(Xstrap %*% theta, ncol = length(family$etaNames)) + offsetStrap + family$pointEst(pw = weightsStrap, eta = theta, y = ystrap) + } + ) + + strappedStatistic +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/R/parametricBootstrap.R b/R/parametricBootstrap.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dc4b2e4 --- /dev/null +++ b/R/parametricBootstrap.R @@ -0,0 +1,284 @@ +#' @importFrom graphics points +#' @importFrom stats rbinom +parBoot <- function(family, formulas, y, X, beta, weights, + trcount, numboot, eta, trace, visT, + controlBootstrapMethod = NULL, method, + modelFrame, offset, weightsFlag, ...) { + strappedStatistic <- vector("numeric", length = numboot) + n <- length(y) + if (isTRUE(weightsFlag)) { + n <- sum(weights) + } + if (length(weights) == 1) { + weights <- rep(1, length(y)) + } + + if (family$family %in% c("chao", "zelterman")) { + message(paste( + "Probability model will be taken as given by poisson distribution", + "since zelterman and chao models are based on mixture of poisson", + "distribution semi-parametric bootstrap may be a better choice.", + sep = "\n" + )) + } + + + contr <- family$pointEst(pw = weights, + eta = eta, + contr = TRUE, + y = y) + + N <- sum(contr) + + prob <- contr / N + + if (visT) { + plot( + 1, type = "n", + xlab = "Bootstrap sample", + ylab = "Value of population size estimator", + main = expression(paste("Plot of values of ", hat(N), " obtained from bootstrap samples")), + sub = "Points will be added in real time", + xlim = c(0, numboot + 1), ylim = c(0, 2.5 * N) + ) + } + + k <- 1 + while (k <= numboot) { + nn <- floor(N) + stats::rbinom(n = 1, size = 1, prob = N - floor(N)) + if (isTRUE(weightsFlag)) { + strap <- sample.int(replace = TRUE, n = length(y), size = nn, prob = prob) + + weightsStrap <- as.numeric(weights[strap]) + offsetStrap <- offset[strap, , drop = FALSE] + #etaStrap <- eta[strap, , drop = FALSE] + Xstrap <- modelFrame[strap, , drop = FALSE] + + colnames(Xstrap) <- colnames(modelFrame) + + Xstrap <- singleRinternalGetXvlmMatrix(X = Xstrap, + formulas = formulas, + family$etaNames) + + ystrap <- family$simulate( + n = nn, + eta = matrix(Xstrap %*% beta, ncol = length(family$etaNames)), + lower = -1, upper = Inf + ) + offsetStrap <- offsetStrap[ystrap > 0, , drop = FALSE] + + strap <- rep(ystrap > 0, length(family$etaNames)) + hwm <- attr(Xstrap, "hwm") + + Xstrap <- Xstrap[strap, , drop = FALSE] + ystrap <- ystrap[ystrap > 0] + + weightsStrap <- rep(1, length(ystrap)) + } else { + strap <- sample.int(replace = TRUE, n = length(y), size = nn, prob = prob) + + weightsStrap <- as.numeric(weights[strap]) + offsetStrap <- offset[strap, , drop = FALSE] + #etaStrap <- eta[strap, , drop = FALSE] + Xstrap <- modelFrame[strap, , drop = FALSE] + + colnames(Xstrap) <- colnames(modelFrame) + + Xstrap <- singleRinternalGetXvlmMatrix(X = Xstrap, + formulas = formulas, + family$etaNames) + + ystrap <- family$simulate( + n = nn, + eta = matrix(Xstrap %*% beta, ncol = length(family$etaNames)), + lower = -1, upper = Inf + ) + + weightsStrap <- weightsStrap[ystrap > 0] + #etaStrap <- etaStrap[ystrap > 0, , drop = FALSE] + offsetStrap <- offsetStrap[ystrap > 0, , drop = FALSE] + + strap <- rep(ystrap > 0, length(family$etaNames)) + hwm <- attr(Xstrap, "hwm") + + Xstrap <- Xstrap[strap, , drop = FALSE] + ystrap <- ystrap[ystrap > 0] + } + + if (isTRUE(trace)) cat("Iteration number:", k, + "sample size:", length(ystrap), sep = " ") + + theta <- NULL + attr(Xstrap, "hwm") <- hwm + + try( + theta <- estimatePopsizeFit( + y = ystrap, + X = Xstrap, + family = family, + control = controlBootstrapMethod, + method = method, + priorWeights = weightsStrap, + coefStart = jitter(beta), + etaStart = matrix(Xstrap %*% jitter(beta), ncol = NCOL(offsetStrap)) + offsetStrap, + offset = offsetStrap + )$beta, + silent = TRUE + ) + + k <- k + 1 + + if (is.null(theta)) { + if (isTRUE(trace)) cat("\n") + k <- k - 1 + } else { + theta <- matrix(Xstrap %*% theta, ncol = length(family$etaNames)) + offsetStrap + + est <- family$pointEst(pw = weightsStrap, eta = theta, y = ystrap) + if (visT) graphics::points(k - 1, est, pch = 1) + if (isTRUE(trace)) cat(" Estimated population size: ", est,"\n",sep = "") + #if (visT) graphics::points(k - 1, est, pch = 1) + + strappedStatistic[k - 1] <- est + } + + } + + strappedStatistic +} +# multicore +#' @importFrom foreach %dopar% +#' @importFrom foreach foreach +#' @importFrom parallel makeCluster +#' @importFrom parallel stopCluster +#' @importFrom doParallel registerDoParallel +#' @importFrom stats rbinom +parBootMultiCore <- function(family, formulas, y, X, modelFrame, + beta, weights, trcount, numboot, + eta, cores, controlBootstrapMethod = NULL, + method, N, offset, weightsFlag, visT, ...) { + n <- length(y) + if (isTRUE(weightsFlag)) { + n <- sum(weights) + } + + if (length(weights) == 1) { + weights <- rep(1, length(y)) + } + + if (family$family %in% c("chao", "zelterman")) { + message(paste("Probability model will be taken as given by poisson distribution", + "since zelterman and chao models are based on mixture of poisson", + "distribution semi-parametric bootstrap may be a better choice.", + sep = "\n")) + } + + + contr <- family$pointEst(pw = weights, + eta = eta, + contr = TRUE, + y = y) + N <- sum(contr) + + prob <- contr / N + + cl <- parallel::makeCluster(cores) + doParallel::registerDoParallel(cl) + on.exit(parallel::stopCluster(cl)) + #doRNG::registerDoRNG() + + ### TODO:: This gives a different results for family = "chao" and "zelterman" + ### when compared to non paralelized version + strappedStatistic <- foreach::`%dopar%`( + obj = foreach::foreach(k = 1:numboot, .combine = c), + ex = { + theta <- NULL + while (is.null(theta)) { + nn <- floor(N) + stats::rbinom(n = 1, size = 1, prob = N - floor(N)) + if (isTRUE(weightsFlag)) { + strap <- sample.int(replace = TRUE, n = length(y), size = nn, prob = prob) + + weightsStrap <- as.numeric(weights[strap]) + offsetStrap <- offset[strap, , drop = FALSE] + #etaStrap <- eta[strap, , drop = FALSE] + Xstrap <- modelFrame[strap, , drop = FALSE] + + colnames(Xstrap) <- colnames(modelFrame) + + Xstrap <- singleRinternalGetXvlmMatrix(X = Xstrap, + formulas = formulas, + family$etaNames) + + ystrap <- family$simulate( + n = nn, + eta = matrix(Xstrap %*% beta, ncol = length(family$etaNames)), + lower = -1, upper = Inf + ) + offsetStrap <- offsetStrap[ystrap > 0, , drop = FALSE] + + strap <- rep(ystrap > 0, length(family$etaNames)) + hwm <- attr(Xstrap, "hwm") + + Xstrap <- Xstrap[strap, , drop = FALSE] + ystrap <- ystrap[ystrap > 0] + + weightsStrap <- rep(1, length(ystrap)) + } else { + strap <- sample.int(replace = TRUE, n = length(y), size = nn, prob = prob) + + weightsStrap <- as.numeric(weights[strap]) + offsetStrap <- offset[strap, , drop = FALSE] + #etaStrap <- eta[strap, , drop = FALSE] + Xstrap <- modelFrame[strap, , drop = FALSE] + + colnames(Xstrap) <- colnames(modelFrame) + + Xstrap <- singleRinternalGetXvlmMatrix(X = Xstrap, + formulas = formulas, + family$etaNames) + + ystrap <- family$simulate( + n = nn, + eta = matrix(Xstrap %*% beta, ncol = length(family$etaNames)), + lower = -1, upper = Inf + ) + + weightsStrap <- weightsStrap[ystrap > 0] + #etaStrap <- etaStrap[ystrap > 0, , drop = FALSE] + offsetStrap <- offsetStrap[ystrap > 0, , drop = FALSE] + + strap <- rep(ystrap > 0, length(family$etaNames)) + hwm <- attr(Xstrap, "hwm") + + Xstrap <- Xstrap[strap, , drop = FALSE] + ystrap <- ystrap[ystrap > 0] + } + + attr(Xstrap, "hwm") <- hwm + + try( + theta <- estimatePopsizeFit( + y = ystrap, + X = Xstrap, + family = family, + control = controlBootstrapMethod, + method = method, + priorWeights = weightsStrap, + coefStart = jitter(beta), + etaStart = matrix(Xstrap %*% jitter(beta), ncol = NCOL(offsetStrap)) + offsetStrap, + offset = offsetStrap + )$beta, + silent = TRUE + ) + } + family$pointEst( + pw = weightsStrap, + eta = matrix(Xstrap %*% theta, + ncol = length(family$etaNames)) + offsetStrap, + y = ystrap + ) + } + ) + + strappedStatistic +} diff --git a/R/predict.R b/R/predict.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9a1e3c3 --- /dev/null +++ b/R/predict.R @@ -0,0 +1,242 @@ +#' \loadmathjax +#' Predict method for \code{singleRStaticCountData} class +#' +#' \loadmathjax +#' +#' @description +#' A method for \code{predict} function, works analogous to \code{predict.glm} +#' but gives the possibility to get standard errors of +#' mean/distribution parameters and directly get pop size estimates for new data. +#' +#' +#' @param object an object of \code{singleRStaticCountData} class. +#' @param newdata an optional \code{data.frame} containing new data. +#' @param type the type of prediction required, possible values are: +#' \itemize{ +#' \item \code{"response"}-- For matrix containing estimated distributions +#' parameters. +#' \item \code{"link"} -- For matrix of linear predictors. +#' \item \code{"mean"} -- For fitted values of both \mjseqn{Y} and +#' \mjseqn{Y|Y>0}. +#' \item \code{"contr"} -- For inverse probability weights (here named for +#' observation contribution to population size estimate). +#' \item \code{"popSize"} -- For population size estimation. Note +#' this results in a call to \code{redoPopEstimation} and it is +#' usually better to call this function directly. +#' } by default set to \code{"response"}. +#' @param se.fit a logical value indicating whether standard errors should be +#' computed. Only matters for \code{type} in \code{"response", "mean", "link"}. +#' @param na.action does nothing yet. +#' @param weights optional vector of weights for \code{type} in \code{"contr", "popSize"}. +#' @param cov optional matrix or function or character specifying either +#' a covariance matrix or a function to compute that covariance matrix. +#' By default \code{vcov.singleRStaticCountData} can be set to e.g. \code{vcovHC}. +#' @param ... arguments passed to other functions, for now this only affects +#' \code{vcov.singleRStaticCountData} method and \code{cov} function. +#' +#' @details Standard errors are computed with assumption of regression +#' coefficients being asymptotically normally distributed, if this assumption +#' holds then each of linear predictors i.e. each row of +#' \mjseqn{\boldsymbol{\eta}=\boldsymbol{X}_{vlm}\boldsymbol{\beta}} +#' is asymptotically normally distributed and their variances are expressed by +#' well known formula. The mean \mjseqn{\mu} and distribution parameters +#' are then differentiable functions of asymptotically normally distributed +#' variables and therefore their variances can be computed using (multivariate) +#' delta method. +#' +#' @return Depending on \code{type} argument if one of \code{"response", "link", "mean"} +#' a matrix with fitted values and possibly standard errors if \code{se.fit} +#' argument was set to \code{TRUE}, if \code{type} was set to \code{"contr"} +#' a vector with inverses of probabilities, finally for \code{"popSize"} +#' an object of class \code{popSizeEstResults} with its own methods containing +#' population size estimation results. +#' +#' @method predict singleRStaticCountData +#' @seealso [redoPopEstimation()] [stats::summary.glm()] [estimatePopsize()] +#' @exportS3Method +predict.singleRStaticCountData <- function(object, + newdata, + type = c("response", "link", + "mean", "popSize", + "contr"), + se.fit = FALSE, + na.action = NULL, + weights, + cov, + ...) { + type <- match.arg(type) + if (missing(weights)) { + if (missing(newdata)) { + weights <- object$priorWeights + } else { + weights <- rep(1, NROW(newdata)) + } + } + + if (missing(cov)) { + cov <- vcov + } + + if (is.character(cov)) { + cov <- get(cov, mode = "function", envir = parent.frame()) + } + if (is.function(cov)) { + cov <- cov(object, ...) + } + + + if (missing(newdata)) { + Xvlm <- model.matrix( + object, type = "vlm" + ) + + eta <- object$linearPredictors + + res <- switch (type, + response = as.data.frame( + lapply(1:length(family(object)$etaNames), FUN = function(x) { + family(object)$links[[x]]( + eta[, x], + inverse = TRUE + ) + }), col.names = family(object)$etaNames), + link = eta, + mean = fitted(object, "all"), + popSize = popSizeEst(object, ...), + contr = family(object)$pointEst( + pw = weights, + eta = eta, + contr = TRUE, + y = model.response(model.frame(object)) + ) + ) + } else { + mf <- model.frame( + object, data = newdata + ) + + Xvlm <- model.matrix( + object, type = "vlm", data = newdata + ) + + eta <- matrix( + as.matrix(Xvlm) %*% stats::coef(object), + ncol = length(family(object)$etaNames), + dimnames = list( + rownames(Xvlm), + family(object)$etaNames + ) + ) + + res <- switch (type, + response = as.data.frame( + lapply(1:length(family(object)$etaNames), FUN = function(x) { + family(object)$links[[x]]( + eta[, x], + inverse = TRUE + ) + }), col.names = family(object)$etaNames), + link = eta, + mean = data.frame( + "truncated" = family(object)$mu.eta(eta = eta), + "nontruncated" = family(object)$mu.eta(eta = eta, type = "nontrunc") + ), + popSize = redoPopEstimation( + object = object, newdata = newdata, + weights = if (missing(weights)) rep(1, NROW(mf)) else weights, + cov = cov, + ... + ), + contr = family(object)$pointEst( + pw = weights, + eta = eta, + contr = TRUE, + y = model.response(mf) + ) + ) + } + + if (isTRUE(se.fit)) { + cov <- vcov(object, ...) + + #### beta is asymptotically normal and each eta is just a linear + #### combination of beta so it is also asymptotically normal + #### and its variance is computed by quadratic form + if (type != "mean") { + se <- matrix( + sapply(1:NROW(Xvlm), function(x) { + (t(Xvlm[x,]) %*% cov %*% Xvlm[x,]) ^ .5 + }), + ncol = length(family(object)$etaNames), + dimnames = list( + rownames(eta), + paste0("se:", family(object)$etaNames) + ) + ) + + if (type == "link") + res <- cbind(res, se) + + ## since beta is asymptotically normal we use delta metod for + ## geting standard errors of invlink(eta) + + if (type == "response") { + se <- matrix( + sapply( + 1:length(family(object)$etaNames), + function (x) { + se[, x, drop = FALSE] * + abs(family(object)$links[[x]]( + eta[, x], + inverse = TRUE, + deriv = 1 + )) + } + ), + ncol = length(family(object)$etaNames), + dimnames = dimnames(se) + ) + res <- cbind(res,se) + } + } else if (type == "mean") { + ## covariance matrix foe each row of linear predictors + auxVec <- c(0, cumsum(rep( + NROW(eta), + length.out = length(family(object)$etaNames) - 1 + ))) + + se <- lapply( + 1:NROW(eta), + function (x) { + Xvlm[x + auxVec, , drop = FALSE] %*% cov %*% + t(Xvlm[x + auxVec, , drop = FALSE]) + } + ) + + derivMu <- list( + family(object)$mu.eta(eta, type = "nontrunc", deriv = 1), + family(object)$mu.eta(eta, type = "trunc", deriv = 1) + ) + + res <- data.frame( + res, + "se:truncated" = sapply( + 1:NROW(eta), + function (x) { + (derivMu[[2]][x, , drop = FALSE] %*% se[[x]] %*% + t(derivMu[[2]][x, , drop = FALSE])) ^ .5 + } + ), + "se:nontruncated" = sapply( + 1:NROW(eta), + function (x) { + (derivMu[[1]][x, , drop = FALSE] %*% se[[x]] %*% + t(derivMu[[1]][x, , drop = FALSE])) ^ .5 + } + ) + ) + } + } + + res +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/R/semiparametricBootstrap.R b/R/semiparametricBootstrap.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2f10506 --- /dev/null +++ b/R/semiparametricBootstrap.R @@ -0,0 +1,193 @@ +# semi parametric +#' @importFrom graphics points +semparBoot <- function(family, formulas, y, X, beta, + weights, trcount, numboot, eta, + trace, visT, controlBootstrapMethod = NULL, + method, N, modelFrame, offset, weightsFlag, ...) { + strappedStatistic <- vector("numeric", length = numboot) + n <- length(y) + if (isTRUE(weightsFlag)) { + n <- sum(weights) + } + famName <- family$family + + if (length(weights) == 1) { + weights <- rep(1, n) + } + + if (visT) { + plot( + 1, type = "n", + xlab = "Bootstrap sample", + ylab = "Value of population size estimator", + main = expression(paste("Plot of values of ", hat(N), + " obtained from bootstrap samples")), + sub = "Points will be added in real time", + xlim = c(0, numboot + 1), ylim = c(0, 2 * N) + ) + } + + N <- round(sum(N)) + + k <- 1 + while (k <= numboot) { + # get info of how much units will be sampled + strap <- sum(rbinom(size = 1, n = N, prob = n / N)) + # the rest are sampled uniformly form population + if (isTRUE(weightsFlag)) { + strap <- sample(x = 1:length(y), + size = strap, + prob = weights / n, + replace = TRUE) + + ystrap <- as.numeric(y[strap]) + offsetStrap <- offset[strap, , drop = FALSE] + Xstrap <- modelFrame[strap, , drop = FALSE] + + weightsStrap <- rep(1, length(ystrap)) + + } else { + strap <- sample.int(n = n, size = strap, replace = TRUE) + + ystrap <- y[as.numeric(strap)] + weightsStrap <- weights[as.numeric(strap)] + #etaStrap <- eta[as.numeric(strap), , drop = FALSE] + offsetStrap <- offset[as.numeric(strap), , drop = FALSE] + Xstrap <- modelFrame[strap, , drop = FALSE] + } + + if (!is.data.frame(Xstrap)) { + Xstrap <- as.data.frame(Xstrap) + } + + theta <- NULL + if (isTRUE(trace)) cat("Iteration number:", k, + "sample size:", length(ystrap), sep = " ") + colnames(Xstrap) <- colnames(modelFrame) + + Xstrap <- singleRinternalGetXvlmMatrix(X = Xstrap, + formulas = formulas, + family$etaNames) + try( + theta <- estimatePopsizeFit( + y = ystrap, + X = Xstrap, + family = family, + control = controlBootstrapMethod, + method = method, + priorWeights = weightsStrap, + coefStart = jitter(beta), + etaStart = matrix(Xstrap %*% jitter(beta), ncol = NCOL(offsetStrap)) + offsetStrap, + offset = offsetStrap + )$beta, + silent = TRUE + ) + + k <- k + 1 + if (is.null(theta)) { + if (isTRUE(trace)) cat("\n") + k <- k - 1 + } else { + theta <- matrix(Xstrap %*% theta, ncol = length(family$etaNames)) + offsetStrap + est <- family$pointEst(pw = weightsStrap, eta = theta, y = ystrap) + + if (visT) graphics::points(k - 1, est, pch = 1) + if (isTRUE(trace)) cat(" Estimated population size: ", est,"\n",sep = "") + #if (visT) graphics::points(k - 1, est, pch = 1) + + strappedStatistic[k - 1] <- est + } + } + + strappedStatistic +} +# multicore +#' @importFrom foreach %dopar% +#' @importFrom foreach foreach +#' @importFrom parallel makeCluster +#' @importFrom parallel stopCluster +#' @importFrom doParallel registerDoParallel +semparBootMultiCore <- function(family, formulas, y, X, modelFrame, + beta, weights, trcount, numboot, + eta, cores, controlBootstrapMethod = NULL, + method, N, offset, weightsFlag, visT, ...) { + n <- length(y) + if (isTRUE(weightsFlag)) { + n <- sum(weights) + } + famName <- family$family + + if (length(weights) == 1) { + weights <- rep(1, n) + } + + N <- round(sum(N)) + + cl <- parallel::makeCluster(cores) + doParallel::registerDoParallel(cl) + on.exit(parallel::stopCluster(cl)) + + strappedStatistic <- foreach::`%dopar%`( + obj = foreach::foreach(k = 1:numboot, .combine = c), + ex = { + theta <- NULL + while (is.null(theta)) { + # get info of how much units will be sampled + strap <- sum(rbinom(size = 1, n = N, prob = n / N)) + # the rest are sampled uniformly form population + if (isTRUE(weightsFlag)) { + strap <- sample(x = 1:length(y), + size = strap, + prob = weights / n, + replace = TRUE) + + ystrap <- as.numeric(y[strap]) + offsetStrap <- offset[strap, , drop = FALSE] + Xstrap <- modelFrame[strap, , drop = FALSE] + + weightsStrap <- rep(1, length(ystrap)) + + } else { + strap <- sample.int(n = n, size = strap, replace = TRUE) + + ystrap <- y[as.numeric(strap)] + weightsStrap <- weights[as.numeric(strap)] + #etaStrap <- eta[as.numeric(strap), , drop = FALSE] + offsetStrap <- offset[as.numeric(strap), , drop = FALSE] + Xstrap <- modelFrame[strap, , drop = FALSE] + } + + if (!is.data.frame(Xstrap)) { + Xstrap <- as.data.frame(Xstrap) + } + + theta <- NULL + colnames(Xstrap) <- colnames(modelFrame) + + + Xstrap <- singleRinternalGetXvlmMatrix(X = Xstrap, + formulas = formulas, + family$etaNames) + + try( + theta <- estimatePopsizeFit( + y = ystrap, + X = Xstrap, + family = family, + control = controlBootstrapMethod, + method = method, + priorWeights = weightsStrap, + coefStart = jitter(beta), + etaStart = matrix(Xstrap %*% jitter(beta), ncol = NCOL(offsetStrap)) + offsetStrap, + offset = offsetStrap + )$beta, + silent = TRUE + ) + } + theta <- matrix(Xstrap %*% theta, ncol = length(family$etaNames)) + offsetStrap + family$pointEst(pw = weightsStrap, eta = theta, y = ystrap) + } + ) + + strappedStatistic +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/R/simulate.R b/R/simulate.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000..987a936 --- /dev/null +++ b/R/simulate.R @@ -0,0 +1,99 @@ +#' @title Generating data in singleRcapture +#' +#' @description +#' An S3 method for \code{stats::simulate} to handle \code{singleRStaticCountData} and +#' \code{singleRfamily} classes. +#' +#' @param object an object representing a fitted model. +#' @param nsim a numeric scalar specifying: +#' \itemize{ +#' \item number of response vectors to simulate in \code{simulate.singleRStaticCountData}, defaults to \code{1L}. +#' \item number of units to draw in \code{simulate.singleRfamily}, defaults to \code{NROW(eta)}. +#' } +#' @param seed an object specifying if and how the random number generator should be initialized (‘seeded’). +#' @param truncated logical value indicating whether to sample from truncated or +#' full distribution. +#' @param eta a matrix of linear predictors +#' @param ... additional optional arguments. +#' @return a \code{data.frame} with \code{n} rows and \code{nsim} columns. +#' @seealso [stats::simulate()] [singleRcapture::estimatePopsize()] +#' @examples +#' N <- 10000 +#' ###gender <- rbinom(N, 1, 0.2) +#' gender <- rep(0:1, c(8042, 1958)) +#' eta <- -1 + 0.5*gender +#' counts <- simulate(ztpoisson(), eta = cbind(eta), seed = 1) +#' df <- data.frame(gender, eta, counts) +#' df2 <- subset(df, counts > 0) +#' ### check coverage with summary +#' mod1 <- estimatePopsize( +#' formula = counts ~ 1 + gender, +#' data = df2, +#' model = ztpoisson, +#' controlMethod = list(silent = TRUE) +#' ) +#' mod1_sims <- simulate(mod1, nsim=10, seed = 1) +#' colMeans(mod1_sims) +#' mean(df2$counts) +#' @author Maciej Beręsewicz, Piotr Chlebicki +#' @importFrom stats simulate +#' @method simulate singleRStaticCountData +#' @exportS3Method +#' @name simulate +#' @export +simulate.singleRStaticCountData <- function(object, nsim = 1, seed = NULL, ...) { + n <- nobs(object) + eta <- object$linearPredictors + + # Replicate each row in eta priorWeights number of times + if (isTRUE(object$control$controlModel$weightsAsCounts)) { + eta <- matrix( + unlist(sapply(1:NROW(eta), function(x) { + rep(eta[x,], object$priorWeights[x]) + })), + ncol = NCOL(eta), + byrow = TRUE, + dimnames = list( + 1:n, colnames(eta) + ) + ) + } + + val <- simulate( + object = family(object), + seed = seed, + nsim = n * nsim, + eta = eta, + truncated = TRUE + ) + + dim(val) <- c(n, nsim) + val <- as.data.frame(val) + names(val) <- paste0("sim_", seq_len(nsim)) + val +} + +#' @rdname simulate +#' @importFrom stats simulate +#' @method simulate singleRfamily +#' @exportS3Method +#' @export +simulate.singleRfamily <- function(object, + nsim, + seed = NULL, + eta, + truncated = FALSE, + ...) { + if (missing(nsim)) nsim <- NROW(eta) + if (!exists(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE)) + runif(1) + if (is.null(seed)) + RNGstate <- get(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv) + else { + R.seed <- get(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv) + set.seed(seed) + RNGstate <- structure(seed, kind = as.list(RNGkind())) + on.exit(assign(".Random.seed", R.seed, envir = .GlobalEnv)) + } + object$simulate(nsim, eta, lower = ifelse(truncated, 0, -1)) +} diff --git a/R/smallMethods.R b/R/smallMethods.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000..78fe509 --- /dev/null +++ b/R/smallMethods.R @@ -0,0 +1,153 @@ +#' @title Extract population size estimation results. +#' +#' @description An extractor function with \code{singleRStaticCountData} method for extracting +#' important information regarding pop size estimate. +#' +#' @param object object with population size estimates. +#' @param ... additional optional arguments, currently not used in \code{singleRStaticCountData} class method. +#' +#' @return An object of class \code{popSizeEstResults} containing population size estimation results. +#' @export +popSizeEst <- function(object, ...) { + UseMethod("popSizeEst") +} + +#' @method family singleRStaticCountData +#' @importFrom stats family +#' @exportS3Method +family.singleRStaticCountData <- function(object, ...) { + object$model +} + +#' @method AIC singleRStaticCountData +#' @importFrom stats AIC +#' @exportS3Method +AIC.singleRStaticCountData <- function(object, ...) { + 2 * (length(object$coefficients) - object$logL) +} +#' @method BIC singleRStaticCountData +#' @importFrom stats BIC +#' @exportS3Method +BIC.singleRStaticCountData <- function(object, ...) { + length(object$coefficients) * log(nobs(object, ...)) - 2 * object$logL +} +#' @method extractAIC singleRStaticCountData +#' @importFrom stats extractAIC +#' @exportS3Method +extractAIC.singleRStaticCountData <- function(fit, scale, k = 2, ...) { + -2 * fit$logL + k * length(fit$coefficients) +} +# CODE MODIFIED FROM stats:::logLik.glm +#' @method logLik singleRStaticCountData +#' @importFrom stats logLik +#' @exportS3Method +logLik.singleRStaticCountData <- function(object, ...) { + val <- object$logL + attr(val, "nobs") <- nobs(object) + attr(val, "df") <- length(stats::coef(object)) + class(val) <- "logLik" + val +} +# CODE MODIFIED FROM stats:::model.frame.glm +#' @method model.frame singleRStaticCountData +#' @importFrom stats glm +#' @importFrom stats model.frame +#' @importFrom stats update +#' @exportS3Method +model.frame.singleRStaticCountData <- function(formula, ...) { + dots <- list(...) + dotargs <- dots[match(c("data", "na.action", "subset"), names(dots), 0L)] + + if (length(dotargs) || is.null(formula$modelFrame)) { + # fcall <- formula$call + # fcall$method <- "model.frame" + # fcall[[1L]] <- quote(stats::glm) + # fcall[names(nargs)] <- nargs + # env <- environment(formula$terms) + # eval(fcall, env) + # TODO:: low priority add na action and subset here + combinedFromula <- singleRinternalMergeFormulas(formula$formula) + if (!is.null(dotargs$data)) { + jj <- all.vars(combinedFromula)[attr(terms(combinedFromula), "response")] + if (!(jj %in% colnames(dotargs$data))) { + combinedFromula <- update(combinedFromula, NULL ~ .) + } + } + stats::model.frame( + combinedFromula, + data = if (is.null(dotargs$data)) eval(formula$call$data) else dotargs$data + ) + } + else formula$modelFrame +} + +#' @method model.matrix singleRStaticCountData +#' @importFrom stats model.matrix +#' @exportS3Method +model.matrix.singleRStaticCountData <- function(object, type = c("lm", "vlm"), ...) { + if (missing(type)) type <- "lm" + + switch (type, + lm = { + X <- model.frame(object); + X <- model.matrix(object$terms, X) + }, + vlm = { + X <- model.frame(object, ...); + singleRinternalGetXvlmMatrix( + X = X, + formulas = object$formula, + parNames = object$model$etaNames + ); + } + ) +} + +#' @method popSizeEst singleRStaticCountData +#' @rdname popSizeEst +#' @exportS3Method +popSizeEst.singleRStaticCountData <- function(object, ...) { + object$populationSize +} + +#' @method print popSizeEstResults +#' @exportS3Method +print.popSizeEstResults <- function(x, ...) { + cat("Point estimate: ", x$pointEstimate, + "\nVariance: ", x$variance, "\n", + (1 - x$control$alpha) * 100, "% confidence intervals:\n", + sep = "") + print(x$confidenceInterval) + + invisible(x) +} + +#' @importFrom stats fitted +#' @method fitted singleRStaticCountData +#' @exportS3Method +fitted.singleRStaticCountData <- function(object, + type = c("truncated", + "nontruncated", + "all"), + ...) { + if (missing(type)) type <- "truncated" + switch (type, + truncated = object$fittValues$truncated, + nontruncated = object$fittValues$nontruncated, + all = object$fittValues + ) +} + +#' @importFrom stats nobs +#' @method nobs singleRStaticCountData +#' @exportS3Method +nobs.singleRStaticCountData <- function(object, ...) { + object$sizeObserved +} + +#' @importFrom stats df.residual +#' @method df.residual singleRStaticCountData +#' @exportS3Method +df.residual.singleRStaticCountData <- function(object, ...) { + object$dfResidual +} diff --git a/R/strataEstimation.R b/R/strataEstimation.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f4c49a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/R/strataEstimation.R @@ -0,0 +1,253 @@ +#' \loadmathjax + +#' @title Estimate size of sub populations. +#' +#' @description A function that estimates sizes of specific sub populations +#' based on a capture-recapture model for the whole population. +#' +#' @param object an object on which the population size estimates should be based +#' in \code{singleRcapture} package this is a fitter \code{singleRStaticCountData} class object. +#' @param stratas a specification of sub populations either by: +#' \itemize{ +#' \item formula -- a formula to be applied to \code{model.frame} extracted from +#' the object . +#' \item Logical vector with number of entries equal to number of rows in the dataset. +#' \item A (named) list where each element is a logical vector, names of the list +#' will be used to specify names variable in returned object. +#' \item Vector of names of explanatory variables. For \code{singleRStaticCountData} method +#' for this function this specification of \code{stratas} parameter will +#' result in every level of explanatory variable having its own sub population +#' for each variable specified. +#' \item If no value was provided the \code{singleRStaticCountData} method for this function +#' will itself create sub populations based on levels of factor variables +#' in \code{model.frame}. +#' } +#' @param cov for \code{singleRStaticCountData} method an estimate of variance-covariance matrix +#' for estimate of regression parameters. It is possible to pass a function +#' such as for example \code{sandwich::vcovHC} which will be called as: +#' \code{foo(object, ...)} and a user may specify additional arguments of a +#' function in \code{...} argument. If not provided an estimate for covariance +#' matrix will be set by calling appropriate \code{vcov} method. +#' @param alpha significance level for confidence intervals -- +#' Either a single numeric value or a vector of length equal to number of +#' sub populations specified in \code{stratas}. +#' If missing it is set to \code{.05} in \code{singleRStaticCountData} method. +#' @param ... a vector of arguments to be passed to other functions. +#' For \code{singleRStaticCountData} method for this functions arguments in \code{...} are +#' passed to either \code{cov} if argument provided was a function or +#' \code{vcov} if \code{cov} argument was missing at call. +#' +#' @details In single source capture-recapture models the most frequently used +#' estimate for population size is Horvitz-Thompson type estimate: +#' +#' \mjsdeqn{\hat{N} = \sum_{k=1}^{N}\frac{I_{k}}{\mathbb{P}(Y_{k}>0)} = +#' \sum_{k=1}^{N_{obs}}\frac{1}{1-\mathbb{P}(Y_{k}=0)}} +#' +#' where \mjseqn{I_{k}=I_{Y_{k} > 0}} are +#' indicator variables, with value 1 if kth unit was observed at least once +#' and 0 otherwise and the inverse probabilistic weights weights for +#' units observed in the data \mjseqn{\tfrac{1}{\mathbb{P}(Y_{k}>0)}} +#' are estimated using fitted linear predictors. +#' +#' The estimates for different sub populations are made by changing the +#' \mjseqn{I_{k}=I_{Y_{k} > 0}} indicator variables to +#' refer not to the population as a whole but to the sub populations that are +#' being considered i.e. by changing values from 1 to 0 if kth unit is not a +#' member of sub population that is being considered at the moment. +#' +#' The estimation of variance for these estimates and estimation of variance for +#' estimate of population size for the whole population follow the same relation +#' as the one described above. +#' +#' @seealso [vcov.singleRStaticCountData()] [estimatePopsize()] +#' +#' @return A \code{data.frame} object with row names being the names of specified +#' sub populations either provided or inferred. +#' @export +stratifyPopsize <- function(object, stratas, alpha, ...) { + UseMethod("stratifyPopsize") +} + + + +#' @method stratifyPopsize singleRStaticCountData +#' @rdname stratifyPopsize +#' @importFrom stats vcov +#' @importFrom stats contrasts +#' @exportS3Method +stratifyPopsize.singleRStaticCountData <- function(object, + stratas, + alpha, + cov = NULL, + ...) { + ## TODO:: New data doesn't work yet + + # if stratas is unspecified get all levels of factors in modelFrame + if (missing(stratas)) { + stratas <- names(which(attr(object$terms, "dataClasses") == "factor")) + stratas <- stratas[stratas %in% attr(object$terms, "term.labels")] + if (!length(stratas)) { + stratas <- names(which(attr(object$terms, "dataClasses") == "character")) + stratas <- stratas[stratas %in% attr(object$terms, "term.labels")] + } + if (!length(stratas)) { + stop("No stratas argument was provided and no factors or character columns are present in model.frame.") + } + } + # If there are no factors or characters and no stratas was provided throw error + # if significance level is unspecified set it to 5% + if (missing(alpha)) alpha <- .05 + + # convert stratas to list for all viable types of specifying the argument + if (inherits(stratas, "formula")) { + mf <- model.frame(stratas, model.frame(object)) + mmf <- model.matrix( + stratas, data = mf, + contrasts.arg = lapply( + subset(mf, select = sapply(mf, is.factor)), # this makes it so that all levels of factors are encoded + contrasts, contrasts = FALSE + ) + ) + trm <- attr(mf, "terms") + stratas <- list() + for (k in attr(trm, "term.labels")) { + if (k %in% colnames(mf)) { + if (is.integer(mf[, k]) | is.character(mf[, k])) { + for (t in unique(mf[,k])) { + stratas[[paste0(k, "==", t)]] <- mf[,k] == t + } + } else if (is.factor(mf[, k])) { + for (t in levels(mf[, k])) { + stratas[[paste0(k, "==", t)]] <- mf[,k] == t + } + } + } else { + tLevs <- colnames(mmf)[attr(mmf, "assign") == which(attr(trm, "term.labels") == k)] + for (t in tLevs) { + stratas[[as.character(t)]] <- mmf[, t] == 1 + } + } + } + } else if (is.list(stratas)) { + if (!all(sapply(stratas, is.logical))) + stop("Invalid way of specifying subpopulations in stratas. If stratas argument is a list ") + + if (length(stratas[[1]]) != object$sizeObserved) + stop("Elements of stratas object should have length equal to number of observed units.") + + } else if (is.logical(stratas)) { + if (length(stratas) != object$sizeObserved) + stop("Stratas object should have length equal to number of observed units.") + + stratas <- list(strata = stratas) + } else if (is.character(stratas)) { + modelFrame <- model.frame(object) + out <- list() + for (k in stratas) { + if (!(k %in% colnames(modelFrame))) + stop("Variable specified in stratas is not present in model frame.") + + #if (!(is.factor(modelFrame[, k])) & !(is.character(modelFrame[, k]))) + # stop("Variable specified in stratas is not a factor or a character vector.") + + if (is.factor(modelFrame[, k])) { + # this makes a difference on factor that is not present + for (t in levels(modelFrame[, k])) { + out[[paste0(as.character(k), "==", t)]] <- (modelFrame[, k] == t) + } + } else { + for (t in unique(modelFrame[, k])) { + out[[paste0(as.character(k), "==", t)]] <- (modelFrame[, k] == t) + } + } + } + stratas <- out + } else { + # a formula, a list with logical vectors specifying different sub + # populations or a single logical vector or a vector + # with names of factor variables. + errorMessage <- paste0( + "Invalid way of specifying subpopulations in stratas.\n", + "Please provide either:\n", + "(1) - a list with logical vectors specifying different sub populations\n", + "(2) - a single logical vector\n", + "(3) - a formula\n", + "(4) - a vector with names of variables by which stratas will be created\n" + ) + stop(errorMessage) + } + + # get necessary model info AFTER possible error in function + family <- family(object = object) + priorWeights <- object$priorWeights + eta <- object$linearPredictors + Xvlm <- model.matrix(object, "vlm") + # this is now needed + y <- if (is.null(object$y)) model.response(model.frame(object)) else object$y + flagWeighting <- object$control$controlModel$weightsAsCounts + + # get covariance matrix + if (is.function(cov)) cov <- cov(object, ...) + if (is.null(cov)) cov <- vcov(object, ...) + + obs <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = length(stratas)) + est <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = length(stratas)) + stdErr <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = length(stratas)) + cnfStudent <- matrix(nrow = length(stratas), ncol = 2) + cnfChao <- matrix(nrow = length(stratas), ncol = 2) + sc <- qnorm(p = 1 - alpha / 2) + if (length(sc) != length(stratas)) sc <- rep(sc, length.out = length(stratas)) + + for (k in 1:length(stratas)) { + cond <- stratas[[k]] + + if (isTRUE(object$control$controlModel$weightsAsCounts)) { + obs[k] <- sum(priorWeights[cond]) + } else { + obs[k] <- sum(cond) + } + + if (obs[k] > 0) { + est[k] <- family$pointEst(pw = priorWeights[cond], + eta = eta[cond, , drop = FALSE], + y = y[cond]) + + stdErr[k] <- family$popVar( + pw = priorWeights[cond], + eta = eta[cond, , drop = FALSE], + cov = cov, + Xvlm = subset(Xvlm, subset = rep(cond, length(family$etaNames))), + y = y[cond] + ) ^ .5 + + cnfStudent[k, ] <- est[k] + c(-sc[k] * stdErr[k], sc[k] * stdErr[k]) + + G <- exp(sc[k] * sqrt(log(1 + (stdErr[k]^2) / ((est[k] - obs[k]) ^ 2)))) + cnfChao[k, ] <- obs[k] + c((est[k] - obs[k]) / G, (est[k] - obs[k]) * G) + } else { + est[k] <- 0 + stdErr[k] <- 0 + cnfStudent[k, ] <- c(0, 0) + cnfChao[k, ] <- c(0, 0) + } + } + + result <- data.frame( + obs, est, 100 * obs / est, stdErr, + cnfStudent[, 1], cnfStudent[, 2], + cnfChao[, 1], cnfChao[, 2], + names(stratas), alpha + ) + + bounds <- c("LowerBound", "UpperBound") + + colnames(result) <- c( + "Observed", "Estimated", + "ObservedPercentage", "StdError", + paste0("normal", bounds), + paste0("logNormal", bounds), + "name", "confLevel" + ) + + result +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/R/summary.R b/R/summary.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9735a4b --- /dev/null +++ b/R/summary.R @@ -0,0 +1,284 @@ +#' \loadmathjax +#' @title Summary statistics for model of singleRStaticCountData class. +#' +#' @description +#' A \code{summary} method for \code{singleRStaticCountData} class +#' +#' +#' @details Works +#' analogically to \code{summary.glm} but includes population size estimation +#' results. If any additional statistics, such as confidence intervals for +#' coefficients or coefficient correlation, are specified they will be printed. +#' +#' @param object object of singleRStaticCountData class. +#' @param test type of test for significance of parameters \code{"t"} for t-test +#' and \code{"z"} for normal approximation of students t distribution, by +#' default \code{"z"} is used if there are more than 30 degrees of freedom +#' and \code{"t"} is used in other cases. +#' @param resType type of residuals to summarize any value that is allowed in +#' \code{residuals.singleRStaticCountData} except for \code{"all"} is allowed. By default +#' pearson residuals are used. +#' @param correlation logical value indicating whether correlation matrix should +#' be computed from covariance matrix by default \code{FALSE}. +#' @param confint logical value indicating whether confidence intervals for +#' regression parameters should be constructed. By default \code{FALSE}. +#' @param cov covariance matrix corresponding to regression parameters. +#' It is possible to give \code{cov} argument as a function of \code{object}. +#' If not specified it will be constructed using \code{vcov.singleRStaticCountData} method. +#' (i.e using Cramer-Rao lower bound) +#' @param popSizeEst a \code{popSizeEstResults} class object. +#' If not specified population size estimation results will be drawn from +#' \code{object}. If any post-hoc procedures, such as sandwich covariance matrix +#' estimation or bias reduction, were taken it is possible to include them in +#' population size estimation results by calling \code{redoPopEstimation}. +#' @param ... additional optional arguments passed to the following functions: +#' \itemize{ +#' \item \code{vcov.singleRStaticCountData} -- if no \code{cov} argument was provided. +#' \item \code{cov} -- if \code{cov} parameter specified at call was a function. +#' \item \code{confint.singleRStaticCountData} -- if \code{confint} parameter was set to \code{TRUE} at function call. +#' In particular it is possible to set confidence level in \code{...}. +#' } +#' +#' @return An object of \code{summarysingleRStaticCountData} class containing: +#' \itemize{ +#' \item \code{call} -- A call which created \code{object}. +#' \item \code{coefficients} -- A dataframe with estimated regression coefficients +#' and their summary statistics such as standard error Wald test statistic and +#' p value for Wald test. +#' \item \code{residuals} -- A vector of residuals of type specified at call. +#' \item \code{aic} -- Akaike's information criterion. +#' \item \code{bic} -- Bayesian (Schwarz's) information criterion. +#' \item \code{iter} -- Number of iterations taken in fitting regression. +#' \item \code{logL} -- Logarithm of likelihood function evaluated at coefficients. +#' \item \code{deviance} -- Residual deviance. +#' \item \code{populationSize} -- Object with population size estimation results. +#' \item \code{dfResidual} -- Residual degrees of freedom. +#' \item \code{sizeObserved} -- Size of observed population. +#' \item \code{correlation} -- Correlation matrix if \code{correlation} parameter was set to \code{TRUE} +#' \item \code{test} -- Type of statistical test performed. +#' \item \code{model} -- Family class object specified in call for \code{object}. +#' \item \code{skew} -- If bootstrap sample was saved contains estimate of skewness. +#' } +#' @method summary singleRStaticCountData +#' @importFrom stats pt +#' @importFrom stats coef +#' @importFrom stats sd +#' @seealso [redoPopEstimation()] [stats::summary.glm()] +#' @exportS3Method +summary.singleRStaticCountData <- function(object, + test = c("t", "z"), + resType = "pearson", + correlation = FALSE, + confint = FALSE, + cov, + popSizeEst, + ...) { + if (resType == "all") {stop("Can't use 'resType = all' in summary.singleRStaticCountData method, if you wish to obtain all aviable types of residuals call residuals.singleRStaticCountData method directly.")} + dfResidual <- object$dfResidual + if (missing(test)) {if (dfResidual > 30) test <- "z" else test <- "t"} + if (missing(cov)) { + cov <- vcov(object, ...) + } else if (is.function(cov)) { + cov <- cov(object, ...) + } + + pers <- residuals(object, type = resType) + + cf <- stats::coef(object) + se <- sqrt(diag(cov)) + + wValues <- cf / se + + pValues <- switch (test, + "t" = 2 * stats::pt(q = -abs(wValues), df = dfResidual), + "z" = 2 * stats::pnorm(q = abs(wValues), lower.tail = FALSE) + ) + + crr <- if (isFALSE(correlation)) {NULL} else {cov / outer(se, se)} + + if(isTRUE(correlation)) {rownames(crr) <- colnames(crr) <- names(cf)} + + cnfint <- if(isTRUE(confint)) {confint(object, ...)} else {NULL} + + if (is.numeric(object$populationSize$boot)) { + n <- length(object$populationSize$boot) + m <- sum((object$populationSize$boot - mean(object$populationSize$boot)) ^ 3) / n + s <- sd(object$populationSize$boot) + skew <- m / (s ^ 3) + } else { + skew <- NULL + } + + ob <- data.frame(cf, se, wValues, pValues) + + colnames(ob) <- switch(test, + "t" = c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "t value", "P(>|t|)"), + "z" = c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "z value", "P(>|z|)") + ) + if (isTRUE(confint)) { + ob[, 4] <- cnfint[, 1] + ob[, 5] <- cnfint[, 2] + ob[, 6] <- pValues + colnames(ob)[4:6] <- c(colnames(cnfint), colnames(ob)[4]) + } + + cf <- ob + structure( + list( + call = object$call, + coefficients = cf, + residuals = pers, + aic = AIC(object, ...), + bic = BIC(object, ...), + iter = object$iter, + logL = object$logL, + deviance = object$deviance, + populationSize = if (missing(popSizeEst)) object$populationSize else popSizeEst, + dfResidual = dfResidual, + sizeObserved = object$sizeObserved, + correlation = crr, + test = test, + model = object$model, + skew = skew + ), + class = "summarysingleRStaticCountData" + ) +} +#' @method print summarysingleRStaticCountData +#' @importFrom stats printCoefmat +#' @exportS3Method +print.summarysingleRStaticCountData <- function(x, + signif.stars = getOption("show.signif.stars"), + digits = max(3L, getOption("digits") - 3L), + ...) { + cat("\nCall:\n", paste(deparse(x$call), sep = "\n", collapse = "\n"), + "\n\n", sep = "") + + cat("Pearson Residuals:\n") + print(summary(c(x$residuals[, 1]))) + + # Start accesing the coefficient information in proper format + + cat("\nCoefficients:\n") + + cond <- matrix(sapply( + x$model$etaNames, + FUN = function(k) { + sapply(strsplit(rownames(x$coefficients), + split = ":"), + FUN = function(x) x[[length(x)]] == k) + } + ), + ncol = length(x$model$etaNames), + dimnames = list( + NULL, + x$model$etaNames + ) + ) + + for (k in x$model$etaNames) { + if (!all(cond[, k] == FALSE)) { + cat("-----------------------\nFor linear predictors associated with:", k, "\n") + # Base library has no str_length and no proper sub_string this is a + # slightly convoluted way of making do without them + toPrint <- subset(x$coefficients, cond[,k]) + lengths <- sapply(rownames(toPrint), + function(x) {length(strsplit(x, split = "")[[1]])}) + lK <- length(unlist(strsplit(k, split = ""))) + rownames(toPrint) <- sapply( + 1:nrow(toPrint), + function(x) {substr( + x = rownames(toPrint)[x], + start = 1, + stop = lengths[[x]] - (1 + lK) + )} + ) + #print(toPrint) + printCoefmat( + toPrint, digits = digits, + signif.stars = signif.stars, + signif.legend = if (k == x$model$etaNames[length(x$model$etaNames)]) signif.stars else FALSE, + P.values = TRUE, has.Pvalue = TRUE, + na.print = "NA", + ... + ) + } else { + cat("-----------------------\nFor linear predictors associated with:", k, "\n") + #print(subset(x$coefficients, rowSums(cond) == 0)) + printCoefmat( + subset(x$coefficients, rowSums(cond) == 0), + digits = digits, + signif.stars = signif.stars, + signif.legend = if (k == x$model$etaNames[length(x$model$etaNames)]) signif.stars else FALSE, + P.values = TRUE, has.Pvalue = TRUE, + na.print = "NA", + ... + ) + } + } + + cat("\n") + + if (!is.null(x$correlation)) { + corr <- round(x$correlation, digits = 2) + corr[!lower.tri(corr)] <- "" + print(corr[-1, -dim(corr)[2]], quote = FALSE) + cat("\n") + } + + sd <- sqrt(x$populationSize$variance) + + if (x$populationSize$control$sd == "normalMVUE") { + sd <- sd / (sqrt(2 / (x$sizeObserved - 1)) * + exp(lgamma(x$sizeObserved / 2) - lgamma((x$sizeObserved - 1) / 2))) + } + + cat( + "AIC: ", x$aic, + "\nBIC: ", x$bic, + "\nResidual deviance: ", x$deviance, + "\n\nLog-likelihood: ", x$logL, " on ", x$dfResidual, " Degrees of freedom ", + # optim does not allow for accessing information + # on number of iterations performed only a number + # of calls for gradient and objective function + if (isTRUE(x$call$method == "optim")) "\nNumber of calls to log-likelihood function: " + else "\nNumber of iterations: " , x$iter[1], + "\n-----------------------", + "\nPopulation size estimation results: ", + "\nPoint estimate ", x$populationSize$pointEstimate, + "\nObserved proportion: ", round(100 * x$sizeObserved / x$populationSize$pointEstimate, + digits = 1), + "% (N obs = ", x$sizeObserved, ")", + if (!is.null(x$skew)) "\nBoostrap sample skewness: ", + if (!is.null(x$skew)) x$skew, + if (!is.null(x$skew)) "\n0 skewness is expected for normally distributed variable\n---", + if (isTRUE(x$call$popVar == "bootstrap")) "\nBootstrap Std. Error " else "\nStd. Error ", + sd, "\n", + (1 - x$populationSize$control$alpha) * 100, + "% CI for the population size:\n", + sep = "" + ) + + print(x$populationSize$confidenceInterval) + + cat((1 - x$populationSize$control$alpha) * 100, + "% CI for the share of observed population:\n", + sep = "") + + dd <- as.data.frame(x$populationSize$confidenceInterval) + + if (ncol(dd) == 1) { + vctpop <- sort(x$populationSize$confidenceInterval, decreasing = TRUE) + names(vctpop) <- rev(names(vctpop)) + print(100 * x$sizeObserved / vctpop) + } else { + print(data.frame( + lowerBound = 100 * x$sizeObserved / dd[, 2], + upperBound = 100 * x$sizeObserved / dd[, 1], + row.names = rownames(dd) + )) + } + + + invisible(x) +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/R/updates.R b/R/updates.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000..748a19e --- /dev/null +++ b/R/updates.R @@ -0,0 +1,180 @@ +#' \loadmathjax +#' @title Updating population size estimation results. +#' +#' @description A function that applies all post-hoc procedures that were taken +#' (such as heteroscedastic consistent covariance matrix estimation or bias +#' reduction) to population size estimation and standard error estimation. +#' +#' @param object object for which update of population size estimation results will be done. +#' @param newdata optional \code{data.frame} with new data for pop size estimation. +#' @param cov an updated covariance matrix estimate. +#' @param coef optional vector of coefficients of regression on which to base +#' population size estimation. If missing it is set to \code{coef(object)}. +#' @param weights optional vector of weights to use in population size estimation. +#' @param control similar to \code{controlPopVar} in [estimatePopsize()]. +#' If missing set to controls provided on call to \code{object}. +#' @param popVar similar to \code{popVar} in [estimatePopsize()]. +#' If missing set to \code{"analytic"}. +#' @param offset offset argument for new data +#' @param weightsAsCounts for \code{singleRStaticCountData} method used to specify +#' whether weights should be treated as number of occurrences for rows in data +#' @param ... additional optional arguments, currently not used in \code{singleRStaticCountData} class method. +#' +#' @details +#' Any non specified arguments will be inferred from the \code{object} +#' +#' +#' @return An object of class \code{popSizeEstResults} containing updated +#' population size estimation results. +#' +#' @examples +#' # Create simple model +#' Model <- estimatePopsize( +#' formula = capture ~ nation + gender, +#' data = netherlandsimmigrant, +#' model = ztpoisson, +#' method = "IRLS" +#' ) +#' # Apply heteroscedasticity consistent covariance matrix estimation +#' require(sandwich) +#' cov <- vcovHC(Model, type = "HC3") +#' summary(Model, cov = cov, +#' popSizeEst = redoPopEstimation(Model, cov = cov)) +#' # Compare to results with usual covariance matrix estimation +#' summary(Model) +#' +#' ## get confidence interval with larger significance level +#' redoPopEstimation(Model, control = controlPopVar(alpha = .000001)) +#' @export +redoPopEstimation <- function(object, newdata, ...) { + UseMethod("redoPopEstimation") +} + +#' @method redoPopEstimation singleRStaticCountData +#' @rdname redoPopEstimation +#' @exportS3Method +redoPopEstimation.singleRStaticCountData <- function(object, + newdata, + cov, + weights, + coef, + control, + popVar, + offset, + weightsAsCounts, + ...) { + ### weightsAsPopCount works + if (missing(cov)) { + cov <- vcov + } + + if (is.character(cov)) { + cov <- get(cov, mode = "function", envir = parent.frame()) + } + if (is.function(cov)) { + cov <- cov(object, ...) + } + + if (missing(newdata)) { + Xvlm <- model.matrix(object, "vlm") + + pw <- if (missing(weights)) + object$priorWeights + else weights + + offset <- if (missing(offset)) + object$offset + else offset + + etaNew <- if (missing(coef)) + object$linearPredictors + else matrix(as.matrix(Xvlm) %*% coef, ncol = length(family(object)$etaNames)) + + if (missing(control)) + control <- object$populationSize$control + + if (is.null(control$bootstrapFitcontrol)) { + control$bootstrapFitcontrol <- object$control$controlMethod + } + + Y <- object$y + X <- model.matrix(object) + MM <- model.frame(object, ...) + nn <- nobs(object) + + } else { + if (missing(control)) + control <- object$populationSize$control + + if (is.null(control$bootstrapFitcontrol)) { + control$bootstrapFitcontrol <- object$control$controlMethod + } + + MM <- model.frame(object, data = newdata, ...) + X <- model.matrix(object, data = newdata) + Xvlm <- model.matrix(object, type = "vlm", data = newdata) + + Y <- model.response(MM) + + nn <- length(Y) + + pw <- if (missing(weights)) + rep(1, nn) + else weights + + offset <- if (missing(offset)) + matrix(0, nrow = length(pw), ncol = length(family(object)$etaNames)) + else offset + + coef <- if (missing(coef)) stats::coef(object) + + etaNew <- matrix( + as.matrix(Xvlm) %*% coef, + ncol = length(family(object)$etaNames), + dimnames = list( + rownames(Xvlm), + family(object)$etaNames + ) + ) + offset + } + + singleRcaptureinternalpopulationEstimate( + y = Y, + formulas = object$formula, + X = X, + grad = object$model$makeMinusLogLike( + y = Y, + X = Xvlm, + weight = pw, + deriv = 1 + ), + hessian = object$model$makeMinusLogLike( + y = Y, + X = Xvlm, + weight = pw, + deriv = 2 + ), + popVar = if (missing(popVar)) + "analytic" + else popVar, + weights = pw, + eta = etaNew, + family = family(object), + beta = if (missing(coef)) + stats::coef(object) + else coef, + control = if (missing(control)) + object$populationSize$control + else control, + Xvlm = Xvlm, + W = if (isTRUE(object$call$method == "IRLS") & missing(newdata)) + object$weights + else + family(object)$Wfun(prior = pw, eta = etaNew, y = Y), + sizeObserved = nn, + modelFrame = MM, + cov = cov, + offset = offset, + weightsFlag = if (missing(weightsAsCounts)) object$control$controlModel$weightsAsCounts else weightsAsCounts + ) +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/man/confint.singleRStaticCountData.Rd b/man/confint.singleRStaticCountData.Rd index 4eca875..dd0b82f 100644 --- a/man/confint.singleRStaticCountData.Rd +++ b/man/confint.singleRStaticCountData.Rd @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand -% Please edit documentation in R/Methods.R +% Please edit documentation in R/miscDiagnostics.R \name{confint.singleRStaticCountData} \alias{confint.singleRStaticCountData} \title{Confidence Intervals for Model Parameters} diff --git a/man/popSizeEst.Rd b/man/popSizeEst.Rd index 6aff26c..f2b4339 100644 --- a/man/popSizeEst.Rd +++ b/man/popSizeEst.Rd @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand -% Please edit documentation in R/Methods.R +% Please edit documentation in R/smallMethods.R \name{popSizeEst} \alias{popSizeEst} \alias{popSizeEst.singleRStaticCountData} diff --git a/man/predict.singleRStaticCountData.Rd b/man/predict.singleRStaticCountData.Rd index 76845c9..d45c595 100644 --- a/man/predict.singleRStaticCountData.Rd +++ b/man/predict.singleRStaticCountData.Rd @@ -1,8 +1,9 @@ % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand -% Please edit documentation in R/Methods.R +% Please edit documentation in R/predict.R \name{predict.singleRStaticCountData} \alias{predict.singleRStaticCountData} -\title{Predict method for \code{singleRStaticCountData} class} +\title{\loadmathjax +Predict method for \code{singleRStaticCountData} class} \usage{ \method{predict}{singleRStaticCountData}( object, diff --git a/man/redoPopEstimation.Rd b/man/redoPopEstimation.Rd index c4f7a26..2cd63cc 100644 --- a/man/redoPopEstimation.Rd +++ b/man/redoPopEstimation.Rd @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand -% Please edit documentation in R/Methods.R +% Please edit documentation in R/updates.R \name{redoPopEstimation} \alias{redoPopEstimation} \alias{redoPopEstimation.singleRStaticCountData} @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ If missing set to \code{"analytic"}.} \item{offset}{offset argument for new data} \item{weightsAsCounts}{for \code{singleRStaticCountData} method used to specify -whether weights should be treated as number of occurences for rows in data} +whether weights should be treated as number of occurrences for rows in data} } \value{ An object of class \code{popSizeEstResults} containing updated @@ -54,6 +54,11 @@ A function that applies all post-hoc procedures that were taken (such as heteroscedastic consistent covariance matrix estimation or bias reduction) to population size estimation and standard error estimation. } +\details{ +\loadmathjax + +Any non specified arguments will be inferred from the \code{object} +} \examples{ # Create simple model Model <- estimatePopsize( diff --git a/man/regDiagSingleR.Rd b/man/regDiagSingleR.Rd index 07bb39f..4db66d1 100644 --- a/man/regDiagSingleR.Rd +++ b/man/regDiagSingleR.Rd @@ -1,21 +1,24 @@ % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand -% Please edit documentation in R/Methods.R, R/documentationFiles.R -\name{dfpopsize} +% Please edit documentation in R/documentationFiles.R, R/leave-one-out.R, +% R/miscDiagnostics.R +\name{regDiagSingleR} +\alias{regDiagSingleR} \alias{dfpopsize} -\alias{hatvalues.singleRStaticCountData} +\alias{dfpopsize.singleRStaticCountData} \alias{dfbeta.singleRStaticCountData} +\alias{hatvalues.singleRStaticCountData} \alias{residuals.singleRStaticCountData} \alias{cooks.distance.singleRStaticCountData} -\alias{dfpopsize.singleRStaticCountData} -\alias{regDiagSingleR} \title{Regression diagnostics in \code{singleRcapture}} \usage{ dfpopsize(model, ...) -\method{hatvalues}{singleRStaticCountData}(model, ...) +\method{dfpopsize}{singleRStaticCountData}(model, dfbeta = NULL, ...) \method{dfbeta}{singleRStaticCountData}(model, maxitNew = 1, trace = FALSE, cores = 1, ...) +\method{hatvalues}{singleRStaticCountData}(model, ...) + \method{residuals}{singleRStaticCountData}( object, type = c("pearson", "pearsonSTD", "response", "working", "deviance", "all"), @@ -23,8 +26,6 @@ dfpopsize(model, ...) ) \method{cooks.distance}{singleRStaticCountData}(model, ...) - -\method{dfpopsize}{singleRStaticCountData}(model, dfbeta = NULL, ...) } \arguments{ \item{model, object}{object of \code{singleRStaticCountData} class.} @@ -34,6 +35,9 @@ Notably \code{dfpopsize.singleRStaticCountData} calls \code{dfbeta.singleRStaticCountData} if no \code{dfbeta} argument was provided and \code{controlMethod} is called in \code{dfbeta} method.} +\item{dfbeta}{if \code{dfbeta} was already obtained it is possible to pass +them into function so that they need not be computed for the second time.} + \item{maxitNew}{maximal number of iterations for regressions with starting points \mjseqn{\hat{\boldsymbol{\beta}}} on data specified at call for \code{model} after the removal of k'th row. By default 1.} @@ -47,9 +51,6 @@ any number greater than 1 activates code designed with \code{doParallel}, computing makes tracing impossible so \code{trace} parameter is ignored in this case.} \item{type}{a type of residual to return.} - -\item{dfbeta}{if \code{dfbeta} was already obtained it is possible to pass -them into function so that they need not be computed for the second time.} } \value{ \itemize{ diff --git a/man/simulate.Rd b/man/simulate.Rd index cb251b1..719bd8c 100644 --- a/man/simulate.Rd +++ b/man/simulate.Rd @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand -% Please edit documentation in R/Methods.R +% Please edit documentation in R/simulate.R \name{simulate} \alias{simulate} \alias{simulate.singleRStaticCountData} diff --git a/man/stratifyPopsize.Rd b/man/stratifyPopsize.Rd index 565e994..f65c6b7 100644 --- a/man/stratifyPopsize.Rd +++ b/man/stratifyPopsize.Rd @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand -% Please edit documentation in R/Methods.R +% Please edit documentation in R/strataEstimation.R \name{stratifyPopsize} \alias{stratifyPopsize} \alias{stratifyPopsize.singleRStaticCountData} @@ -37,9 +37,7 @@ If missing it is set to \code{.05} in \code{singleRStaticCountData} method.} \item{...}{a vector of arguments to be passed to other functions. For \code{singleRStaticCountData} method for this functions arguments in \code{...} are passed to either \code{cov} if argument provided was a function or -\code{vcov} if \code{cov} argument was missing at call. - -\loadmathjax} +\code{vcov} if \code{cov} argument was missing at call.} \item{cov}{for \code{singleRStaticCountData} method an estimate of variance-covariance matrix for estimate of regression parameters. It is possible to pass a function @@ -57,6 +55,8 @@ A function that estimates sizes of specific sub populations based on a capture-recapture model for the whole population. } \details{ +\loadmathjax + In single source capture-recapture models the most frequently used estimate for population size is Horvitz-Thompson type estimate: diff --git a/man/summary.singleRStaticCountData.Rd b/man/summary.singleRStaticCountData.Rd index 5d1a3ac..b2be8ac 100644 --- a/man/summary.singleRStaticCountData.Rd +++ b/man/summary.singleRStaticCountData.Rd @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand -% Please edit documentation in R/Methods.R +% Please edit documentation in R/summary.R \name{summary.singleRStaticCountData} \alias{summary.singleRStaticCountData} \title{Summary statistics for model of singleRStaticCountData class.} @@ -75,7 +75,12 @@ p value for Wald test. } } \description{ -A \code{summary} method for \code{singleRStaticCountData} class, works +A \code{summary} method for \code{singleRStaticCountData} class +} +\details{ +\loadmathjax + +Works analogically to \code{summary.glm} but includes population size estimation results. If any additional statistics, such as confidence intervals for coefficients or coefficient correlation, are specified they will be printed. diff --git a/man/vcov.singleRStaticCountData.Rd b/man/vcov.singleRStaticCountData.Rd index 11c7452..4c6bf8b 100644 --- a/man/vcov.singleRStaticCountData.Rd +++ b/man/vcov.singleRStaticCountData.Rd @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand -% Please edit documentation in R/Methods.R +% Please edit documentation in R/miscDiagnostics.R \name{vcov.singleRStaticCountData} \alias{vcov.singleRStaticCountData} \title{Obtain Covariance Matrix estimation.} @@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ correspond to parameters returned by \code{coef} method. A \code{vcov} method for \code{singleRStaticCountData} class. } \details{ +\loadmathjax + Returns a estimated covariance matrix for model coefficients calculated from analytic hessian or Fisher information matrix usually utilizing asymptotic effectiveness of maximum likelihood estimates.