diff --git a/jam-utils.xqy b/jam-utils.xqy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf74b2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jam-utils.xqy
@@ -0,0 +1,501 @@
+xquery version "0.9-ml"
+ : Library of utility functions written on top of MLJAM
+ :
+ : For a tutorial please see
+ : http://xqzone.marklogic.com/howto/tutorials/2006-05-mljam.xqy.
+ :
+ : Copyright 2006 Jason Hunter
+ :
+ : Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ : you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ : You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ :
+ : http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ :
+ : Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ : distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ : WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ : See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ : limitations under the License.
+ :
+ : @author Jason Hunter and Ryan Grimm
+ : @version 1.0
+ :)
+module "http://xqdev.com/jam-utils"
+declare namespace jamu = "http://xqdev.com/jam-utils"
+default function namespace = "http://www.w3.org/2003/05/xpath-functions"
+import module namespace jam="http://xqdev.com/jam" at "jam.xqy"
+(: Later on I'll probably make these all take an optional second arg
+ context name, esp since 3.1 will allow optional args :)
+(: metadata should take node, so should xslfo :)
+ : Returns the MD5 hash of the specified string, as a hex encoded string.
+ : Leverates Java's java.security.MessageDigest class.
+ :
+ : Depends on jam:start() having previously been called.
+ :
+ : @param $x The string on which to do the MD5 hash
+ : @return The MD5 hash of the given string
+ :)
+define function jamu:encrypt($algorithm as xs:string, $key as xs:string, $data as xs:string, $output as xs:string) as xs:string
+ (: I use eval-get() to reduce the net hit count by one :)
+ (: I surround the Java with curly braces and declare all variable types
+ even though it's optional in order to limit the variable scope to this
+ context and reduce the chances for collision. :)
+ jam:set("algorithm", $algorithm),
+ jam:set("key", $key),
+ jam:set("data", $data),
+ jam:set("output", $output),
+ xs:string(
+ jam:eval-get('{
+ import nl.daidalos.util.Encryption;
+ Encryption.encrypt(Encryption.Algorithm.getByName(algorithm), key, data, Encryption.Output.getByName(output));
+ }')
+ )
+ : Returns the MD5 hash of the specified string, as a hex encoded string.
+ : Leverates Java's java.security.MessageDigest class.
+ :
+ : Depends on jam:start() having previously been called.
+ :
+ : @param $x The string on which to do the MD5 hash
+ : @return The MD5 hash of the given string
+ :)
+define function jamu:md5($x as xs:string) as xs:string
+ (: I use eval-get() to reduce the net hit count by one :)
+ (: I surround the Java with curly braces and declare all variable types
+ even though it's optional in order to limit the variable scope to this
+ context and reduce the chances for collision. :)
+ jam:set("md5src", $x),
+ xs:string(
+ jam:eval-get('{
+ java.security.MessageDigest digest =
+ java.security.MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
+ digest.digest(md5src.getBytes("UTF-8"));
+ }')
+ )
+ : Returns the MD5 hash of the specified binary(), as a hex encoded string.
+ : Leverates Java's java.security.MessageDigest class.
+ :
+ : Depends on jam:start() having previously been called.
+ :
+ : @param $x The binary() node on which to do the MD5 hash
+ : @return The MD5 hash of the given string
+ :)
+define function jamu:md5-binary($x as binary()) as xs:string
+ jam:set("md5src", $x),
+ xs:string(
+ jam:eval-get('{
+ java.security.MessageDigest digest =
+ java.security.MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
+ digest.digest(md5src);
+ }')
+ )
+ : Returns the metadata held within the given image, as an XML
+ : <metadata> element holding <directory> elements
+ : each of which holds numerous <tag> elements. Example output:
+ :
+ : <exif>
+ : <metadata>
+ : <directory name="Exif">
+ : <tag name="Make">Canon</tag>
+ : <tag name="Model">Canon EOS D30</tag>
+ : <tag name="Date/Time">2002:07:04 19:02:52</tag>
+ : ...
+ : </directory>
+ : <directory name="Canon Makernote">
+ : <tag name="Macro Mode">Normal</tag>
+ : <tag name="Self Timer Delay">Self timer not used</tag>
+ : <tag name="Focus Mode">One-shot</tag>
+ : ...
+ : </directory>
+ : <directory name="Jpeg">
+ : <tag name="Data Precision">8 bits</tag>
+ : <tag name="Image Height">1080 pixels</tag>
+ : <tag name="Image Width">720 pixels</tag>
+ : ...
+ : </directory>
+ : </metadata>
+ : </exif>
+ :
+ : Leverates the public domain com.drew.metadata Java library.
+ :
+ : Depends on jam:start() having previously been called.
+ :
+ : @param $img The binary() node holding the image to investigate
+ : @return An XML metadata element
+ :)
+define function jamu:get-jpeg-metadata($img as binary()) as element(metadata)
+ jam:set("exifimg", $img),
+ jam:eval-get('{
+ import com.drew.metadata.*;
+ import com.drew.metadata.exif.*;
+ import com.drew.imaging.jpeg.*;
+ import org.jdom.Element;
+ import java.util.*;
+ InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(exifimg);
+ Metadata jmr = JpegMetadataReader.readMetadata(in);
+ Iterator directories = jmr.getDirectoryIterator();
+ Element exif = new Element("metadata");
+ while (directories.hasNext()) {
+ Directory directory = (Directory)directories.next();
+ Element dir = new Element("directory");
+ dir.setAttribute("name", directory.getName());
+ exif.addContent(dir);
+ Iterator tags = directory.getTagIterator();
+ while (tags.hasNext()) {
+ Tag tag = (Tag)tags.next();
+ Element t = new Element("tag");
+ dir.addContent(t);
+ t.setAttribute("name", tag.getTagName());
+ t.setText(tag.getDescription());
+ }
+ }
+ exif; // return this
+ }')
+ : Applies the specified XSLT stylesheet against the given node and
+ : returns the result as a document (or within a document). The processing
+ : takes place in the remote Java context using JAXP and TrAX.
+ : Callers are advised to set
+ : <xsl:output method="xml" encoding="UTF-8"/>.
+ : Beware that because the stylesheet is passed in as an argument, the sheet
+ : will not be able to pull on external resources.
+ :
+ : Depends on jam:start() having previously been called.
+ :
+ : Note: Some JAXP engines seem to have problems handling PIs in that it
+ : forgets to add the second questoin mark.
+ :
+ : @param $node The node on which to do the transform
+ : @param $sheet The stylesheet to apply
+ : @return A document result from the transformation
+ :)
+define function jamu:xslt-sheet($node as node(), $sheet as element())
+as document-node()
+ jam:set("xsltnode", $node),
+ jam:set("xsltsheet", $sheet),
+ let $retval :=
+ jam:eval-get('{
+ import javax.xml.transform.*;
+ import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamSource;
+ import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamResult;
+ Templates templates =
+ TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTemplates(
+ new StreamSource(
+ new StringReader(xsltsheet)));
+ StreamSource source = new StreamSource(
+ new StringReader(xsltnode));
+ ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(10240);
+ StreamResult result = new StreamResult(baos);
+ templates.newTransformer().transform(source, result);
+ baos.toByteArray(); // return this
+ }')
+ return xdmp:unquote(xdmp:quote($retval))
+ : Private utility function to support all the image resize and convert
+ : functions.
+ :)
+define function jamu:_image-manipulate(
+ $img as node(),
+ $format as xs:string?,
+ $width as xs:integer?,
+ $height as xs:integer?,
+ $maxWidth as xs:integer?,
+ $maxHeight as xs:integer?,
+ $percent as xs:integer?
+) as binary()
+ if (not($format = ("png", "jpg", "jpeg", "bmp"))) then
+ error(concat("Java 5 supports image manipulation output formats png, jpg, and bmp; cannot process: ", $format))
+ else (),
+ if ($img instance of binary()) then
+ jam:set("imgbefore", $img)
+ else if ($img/binary() instance of binary()) then
+ jam:set("imgbefore", $img/binary())
+ else
+ error("Node to image manipulation must be binary() or doc containing binary()"),
+ jam:set("format", $format),
+ jam:set("width", $width),
+ jam:set("height", $height),
+ jam:set("maxWidth", $maxWidth),
+ jam:set("maxHeight", $maxHeight),
+ jam:set("percent", $percent),
+ jam:eval-get('{
+ import java.awt.*;
+ import java.awt.image.*;
+ import javax.imageio.*;
+ import javax.imageio.stream.*;
+ BufferedImage image = ImageIO.read(new ByteArrayInputStream(imgbefore));
+ if (image == null) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Invalid image content");
+ }
+ // Use double to force floating point math
+ double origWidth = image.getWidth();
+ double origHeight = image.getHeight();
+ // Now calculate new dimensions depending on passed-in values
+ double newWidth = origWidth;
+ double newHeight = origHeight;
+ // Note: xs:integer makes long
+ // Note: Specify just width or height -> keep aspect ratio
+ // First, a maxWidth is like a width except it only applies
+ // when the width exceeds the max.
+ if (maxWidth != null && maxHeight == null) {
+ if (maxWidth < origWidth) width = maxWidth;
+ }
+ else if (maxHeight != null && maxWidth == null) {
+ if (maxHeight < origHeight) height = maxHeight;
+ }
+ else if (maxHeight != null && maxWidth != null) {
+ if (maxHeight < origHeight && maxWidth >= origWidth) {
+ height = maxHeight; // only height max matters
+ }
+ else if (maxWidth < origWidth && maxHeight >= origHeight) {
+ width = maxWidth; // only width max matters
+ }
+ else if (maxWidth < origWidth && maxHeight < origHeight) {
+ // Both matter, find the biggest ratio to know which to use.
+ double widthRatio = origWidth / maxWidth;
+ double heightRatio = origHeight / maxHeight;
+ if (widthRatio > heightRatio) {
+ width = maxWidth;
+ }
+ else {
+ height = maxHeight;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Now apply the width/height math. Includes max work above.
+ if (width != null && height == null) {
+ newWidth = width;
+ newHeight = -1; // newWidth * origHeight / origWidth;
+ }
+ else if (height != null && width == null) {
+ newHeight = (int) height;
+ newWidth = -1; // newHeight * origWidth / origHeight;
+ }
+ else if (width != null && height != null) {
+ newWidth = (int) width;
+ newHeight = (int) height;
+ }
+ if (percent != null) {
+ newHeight = (int) Math.ceil(origHeight * percent / 100.0);
+ newWidth = (int) Math.ceil(origWidth * percent / 100.0);
+ }
+ Image scaledImage = image.getScaledInstance(
+ (int)newWidth, (int)newHeight, 0);
+ BufferedImage bi = new BufferedImage(scaledImage.getWidth(null),
+ scaledImage.getHeight(null), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
+ Graphics g = bi.createGraphics();
+ g.drawImage(scaledImage, 0, 0, null);
+ ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(10240);
+ ImageIO.write(bi, format, baos);
+ g.dispose(); // takes a bit of time to call but safer
+ baos.toByteArray(); // return this
+ }')
+ : Returns a copy of the given image that's been converted to the specified
+ : format. Java 5 supports the output formats "png", "jpg/jpeg", and "bmp".
+ : Leverages Java's ImageIO class.
+ : The image can be specified as either a binary() node or a
+ : document-node() holding a binary() node.
+ :
+ : Depends on jam:start() having previously been called.
+ :
+ : @param $img A binary() node holding the image to convert
+ : @param $format One of "png", "jpg/jpeg", or "bmp"
+ : @return A binary() node holding the converted image
+ :)
+define function jamu:image-convert(
+ $img as node(),
+ $format as xs:string)
+as binary()
+ jamu:_image-manipulate($img, $format, (), (), (), (), ())
+ : Returns a copy of the given image that's been resized to the specified
+ : (integer) percent size of its original and written to the specified format.
+ : Java 5 supports the output formats "png", "jpg/jpeg", and "bmp".
+ : Leverages Java's ImageIO class.
+ : The image can be specified as either a binary() node or a
+ : document-node() holding a binary() node.
+ :
+ : Depends on jam:start() having previously been called.
+ :
+ : @param $img A binary() node holding the image to convert
+ : @param $percent The size of the new image as a percent of the original
+ : @param $format One of "png", "jpg/jpeg", or "bmp"
+ : @return A binary() node holding the converted image
+ :)
+define function jamu:image-resize-percent(
+ $img as node(),
+ $percent as xs:integer,
+ $format as xs:string?)
+as binary()
+ jamu:_image-manipulate($img, $format, (), (), (), (), $percent)
+ : Returns a copy of the given image that's been resized to the specified
+ : pixel sizes and written to the specified format. If just a width or
+ : height is given, it means to resize by preserving the aspect ratio.
+ : Java 5 supports the output formats "png", "jpg/jpeg", and "bmp".
+ : Leverages Java's ImageIO class.
+ : The image can be specified as either a binary() node or a
+ : document-node() holding a binary() node.
+ :
+ : Depends on jam:start() having previously been called.
+ :
+ : @param $img A binary() node holding the image to convert
+ : @param $w The new width of the image, or if unspecified allow to float
+ : based on the specified height
+ : @param $h The new height of the image, or if unspecified allow to float
+ : based on the specified width
+ : @param $format One of "png", "jpg/jpeg", or "bmp"
+ : @return A binary() node holding the converted image
+ :)
+define function jamu:image-resize-exact(
+ $img as node(),
+ $w as xs:integer?,
+ $h as xs:integer?,
+ $format as xs:string?)
+as binary()
+ jamu:_image-manipulate($img, $format, $w, $h, (), (), ())
+ : Returns a copy of the given image that's been resized to completely fit
+ : within the given pixel sizes, and that's been written to the specified
+ : format. If the width or height is not given, it means no limit need
+ : apply. The aspect ratio is always preserved.
+ : Java 5 supports the output formats "png", "jpg/jpeg", and "bmp".
+ : Leverages Java's ImageIO class.
+ : The image can be specified as either a binary() node or a
+ : document-node() holding a binary() node.
+ :
+ : Depends on jam:start() having previously been called.
+ :
+ : @param $img A binary() node holding the image to convert
+ : @param $w The maximum width of the new image
+ : @param $h The maximum height of the new image
+ : @param $format One of "png", "jpg/jpeg", or "bmp"
+ : @return A binary() node holding the converted image
+ :)
+define function jamu:image-resize-max(
+ $img as node(),
+ $w as xs:integer?,
+ $h as xs:integer?,
+ $format as xs:string?)
+as binary()
+ jamu:_image-manipulate($img, $format, (), (), $w, $h, ())
+ : Returns a PDF generated from the given XSL-FO element using the Apache
+ : FOP 0.92 engine.
+ :
+ : Depends on jam:start() having previously been called.
+ :
+ : @param $xslfo The XSL-FO element to render as PDF
+ : @return A binary() node holding the generated PDF document
+ :)
+define function jamu:fop(
+ $xslfo as element()
+as binary()
+ (: Takes about 1.5 secs to handle a 28 page PDF of a book chapter.
+ Nearly all that time is in the transform() call. :)
+ jam:set("xslfo", $xslfo),
+ jam:eval-get('{
+ import org.apache.fop.apps.*;
+ import javax.xml.transform.*;
+ import javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXResult;
+ import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamSource;
+ import org.xml.sax.*;
+ Transformer trans = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer();
+ Source source = new StreamSource(new StringReader(xslfo));
+ FopFactory fopFactory = FopFactory.newInstance();
+ ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(10240);
+ Fop fop = fopFactory.newFop(MimeConstants.MIME_PDF, baos);
+ Result res = new SAXResult(fop.getDefaultHandler());
+ trans.transform(source, res);
+ baos.toByteArray(); // return this
+ }')
diff --git a/jam.xqy b/jam.xqy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f8cffc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jam.xqy
@@ -0,0 +1,729 @@
+xquery version "0.9-ml"
+ : Mark Logic Interface to Java
+ :
+ : For a tutorial please see
+ : http://xqzone.marklogic.com/howto/tutorials/2006-05-mljam.xqy.
+ :
+ : Copyright 2006-2007 Jason Hunter and Ryan Grimm
+ :
+ : Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ : you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ : You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ :
+ : http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ :
+ : Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ : distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ : WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ : See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ : limitations under the License.
+ :
+ : @author Jason Hunter and Ryan Grimm
+ : @version 1.2
+ :)
+module "http://xqdev.com/jam"
+declare namespace jam = "http://xqdev.com/jam"
+default function namespace = "http://www.w3.org/2003/05/xpath-functions"
+ : Holds the randomly generated context id for when the user doesn't
+ : specify a context id.
+ :)
+define variable $default-context as xs:string { "" }
+ : Holds the mapping between context ids and web addresses, as setup
+ : by the jam:start() function.
+ :)
+define variable $urlmap as element(urlmap) { }
+ : Private utility function that returns true() if the passed-in string
+ : contains only whitespace. For efficiency it actually only checks the
+ : leading 4k of the string.
+ :
+ : @param $s String to check for whitespace
+ : @return true() if the string is all whitespace, false() if not
+ :)
+define function jam:_is-all-whitespace(
+ $s as xs:string
+) as xs:boolean
+ (: OK, we cheat a little so we don't normalize a huge string :)
+ normalize-space(substring($s, 0, 4096)) = ""
+ : Assigns a variable in the specified remote Java context. XQuery
+ : types are mapped to Java types according to the following table
+ : (setting other types generates an error):
+ :
+ :
+ : xs:anyURI | String |
+ : xs:base64Binary | byte[] |
+ : xs:boolean | boolean |
+ : xs:date | javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar |
+ : xs:dateTime | javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar |
+ : xs:decimal | BigDecimal |
+ : xs:double | double |
+ : xs:duration | javax.xml.datatype.Duration |
+ : xs:float | float |
+ : xs:gDay | javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar |
+ : xs:gMonth | javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar |
+ : xs:gMonthDay | javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar |
+ : xs:gYear | javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar |
+ : xs:gYearMonth | javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar |
+ : xs:hexBinary | byte[] |
+ : xs:int | int |
+ : xs:integer | long |
+ : xs:QName | javax.xml.namespace.QName |
+ : xs:string | String |
+ : xs:time | javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar |
+ : xdt:dayTimeDuration | javax.xml.datatype.Duration |
+ : xdt:untypedAtomic | String |
+ : xdt:yearMonthDuration | javax.xml.datatype.Duration |
+ : attribute() | String holding its xdmp:quote() value |
+ : comment() | String holding its xdmp:quote() value |
+ : document-node() | String holding its xdmp:quote() value |
+ : element() | String holding its xdmp:quote() value |
+ : processing-instruction() | String holding its xdmp:quote() value |
+ : text() | String holding its xdmp:quote() value |
+ : binary() | byte[] |
+ : () | null |
+ :
+ :
+ : If the XQuery $value holds a sequence of values, it's passed to Java as
+ : an Object[] array holding instances of the above types (with primitives
+ : autoboxed).
+ :
+ : If the XQuery $value holds a value mapped to String or byte[] it's sent
+ : on the wire in an optimized fashion (not possible when in an array).
+ :
+ : Note that in XQuery there's no difference between an item and a sequence
+ : of length one containing that item. If you want to assign an XQuery
+ : sequence to a Java array and it might be a single item in XQuery, use
+ : jam:set-array() or jam:set-array-in(). These pass the value as an array
+ : even if the sequence happens to be of length one.
+ :
+ : @param $var Name of variable to set, must be a legal Java token
+ : @param $value Value to assign for the variable
+ : @param $context Named context in which to do the assignment, or the
+ : default context if not specified
+ :)
+define function jam:set-in(
+ $var as xs:string,
+ $value as item()*,
+ $context as xs:string
+) as empty()
+ (: Check for single string optimization. :)
+ (: We do this because it takes a full minute per meg to eval() a string
+ on my laptop. This way the BeanShell can receive it directly. :)
+ (: Note that sending an array of strings won't be as efficient. :)
+ (: If it's all whitespace we have trouble posting, so don't optimize. :)
+ if ($value instance of xs:string and
+ not(jam:_is-all-whitespace($value))) then
+ jam:_call("post", $context, "set-string", $var, $value)
+ (: We optimize sending a binary() also :)
+ (: We check for xs:hexBinary with describe() because untypedAtomic
+ values can be converted wrongly and may contain whitespace that
+ messes up the post body (like above). :)
+ else if ($value instance of binary() or
+ ($value instance of document-node() and
+ $value/binary() instance of binary()) or
+ starts-with(xdmp:describe($value), "xs:hexBinary")) then
+ jam:_call("post", $context, "set-binary", $var,
+ xs:string($value) (: server knows to decode the hexBinary :)
+ )
+ (: Lastly, we optimize sending a single node, just like a string :)
+ else if ($value instance of node()) then
+ jam:_call("post", $context, "set-string", $var, xdmp:quote($value))
+ (: If we're some other type or an array, create an expression to eval :)
+ else
+ jam:_call("post", $context, "eval", (),
+ concat('unset("', $var, '"); ', $var, ' = ', jam:_get-java($value), ';')
+ )
+ : Special form of jam:set-in() that passes the value as a Java array even
+ : if it's a sequence of length one. Java will see the variable as an Object[].
+ :
+ : @param $var Name of variable to set, must be a legal Java token
+ : @param $value Value to assign for the variable
+ : @param $context Named context in which to do the assignment, or the
+ : default context if not specified
+ :)
+define function jam:set-array-in(
+ $var as xs:string,
+ $value as item()*,
+ $context as xs:string
+) as empty()
+ (: Treat $value as an array regardless of its actual length. :)
+ jam:_call("post", $context, "eval", (),
+ concat('unset("', $var, '"); ', $var, ' = ', jam:_get-java-array($value), ';')
+ )
+ : Private utility function to support set-array(), by mapping XQuery data types
+ : to a Java array expression.
+ :)
+define function jam:_get-java-array(
+ $value as item()*
+) as xs:string
+ concat('new Object[] { ', (: Might want to choose more specific type :)
+ string-join(for $i in $value return jam:_get-java($i), ', ')
+ , ' }')
+ : Private utility function to support set(), by mapping XQuery data types
+ : to a Java expression.
+ :)
+define function jam:_get-java(
+ $value as item()*
+) as xs:string
+ if (count($value) > 1) then
+ concat('new Object[] { ', (: Might want to choose more specific type :)
+ string-join(for $i in $value return jam:_get-java($i), ', ')
+ , ' }')
+ else
+ if (empty($value)) then
+ 'null'
+ else if ($value instance of xs:string or
+ $value instance of xs:anyURI or
+ $value instance of xdt:untypedAtomic) then
+ concat('"', jam:_escape-string(xs:string($value)), '"')
+ else if ($value instance of xs:boolean) then
+ string($value)
+ else if ($value instance of xs:double) then
+ if ($value = xs:double("INF")) then
+ else if ($value = xs:double("-INF")) then
+ else if (jam:_isNaN($value)) then
+ 'Double.NaN'
+ else
+ concat(string($value), 'D')
+ else if ($value instance of xs:float) then
+ if ($value = xs:float("INF")) then
+ else if ($value = xs:float("-INF")) then
+ else if (jam:_isNaN($value)) then
+ 'Float.NaN'
+ else
+ concat(string($value), 'F')
+ else if ($value instance of xs:int) then
+ string($value)
+ (: Little special handling since ML 3.0 doesn't throw cast errors :)
+ else if ($value instance of xs:integer) then
+ if ($value <= 9223372036854775807) then
+ concat(string($value), 'L')
+ else
+ concat('new java.math.BigDecimal("', string($value), '")')
+ else if ($value instance of xs:decimal) then
+ concat('new java.math.BigDecimal("', string($value), '")')
+ else if ($value instance of xs:QName) then
+ concat('new javax.xml.namespace.QName("',
+ get-namespace-from-QName($value), '","',
+ get-local-name-from-QName($value), '","',
+ substring-before(xs:string($value), ":"), '")')
+ (: Note on Xerces and gMonth...
+ Xerces doesn't like "--01" as a gMonth but rather "--01--" which is
+ erroneous according to http://www.w3.org/2001/05/xmlschema-errata#e2-12.
+ We choose to send using the new lexical form, as output by MarkLogic,
+ and trust that newer Xerces versions will understand. :)
+ else if ($value instance of xs:gDay or
+ $value instance of xs:gMonth or (: gMonth fails on old xerces :)
+ $value instance of xs:gYear or
+ $value instance of xs:date or
+ $value instance of xs:dateTime or
+ $value instance of xs:time or
+ $value instance of xs:gMonthDay or
+ $value instance of xs:gYearMonth) then
+ concat('javax.xml.datatype.DatatypeFactory.newInstance()',
+ '.newXMLGregorianCalendar("', string($value), '")')
+ (: Note on Xerces and durations...
+ The Xerces Duration.getXMLSchemaType() method gets confused on
+ durations like "P1D" because it thinks only the day value is set
+ and thinks that's illegal. We could fix this by munging the string
+ form to be exhaustive, but it doesn't seem to really matter. :)
+ else if ($value instance of xs:duration or
+ $value instance of xdt:dayTimeDuration or
+ $value instance of xdt:yearMonthDuration) then
+ concat('javax.xml.datatype.DatatypeFactory.newInstance()',
+ '.newDuration("', string($value), '")')
+ (: This code assumes a hexdecode() function available in the BeanShell
+ context, implemented by something such as this Jakarta Commons class:
+ http://svn.apache.org/viewcvs.cgi/jakarta/commons/proper/codec/
+ trunk/src/java/org/apache/commons/codec/binary/Hex.java
+ ?rev=161350&view=markup :)
+ else if ($value instance of binary() or
+ ($value instance of document-node() and
+ $value/binary() instance of binary()) or
+ $value instance of xs:hexBinary) then
+ concat('hexdecode("', xs:string($value), '")')
+ (: This code assumes a base64decode() function.
+ We could convert it in MarkLogic to hexBinary but that's less efficient.
+ Plus, MarkLogic built-ins only let you decode to a string, limiting.
+ My COS library includes a base64 decoder, as does Jakarta. :)
+ else if ($value instance of xs:base64Binary) then
+ concat('base64decode("', xs:string($value), '")')
+ (: Any other type of node :)
+ else if ($value instance of node()) then
+ concat('"', jam:_escape-string(xdmp:quote($value)), '"')
+ else
+ error(concat("Unhandled type: ", xdmp:describe($value)))
+ : Executes the given Java code in the specified remote Java context.
+ : For execution that returns a value, eval-get-in() may be more optimal.
+ : Hint: it's often best to surround the Java code string to evaluate
+ : with single quotes rather than double quotes. Then only single quotes
+ : have to be escaped (by writing two single quotes in a row).
+ :
+ : @param $expr Java expression to evaluate
+ : @param $context Named context in which to do the evaluation, or the
+ : default context if not specified
+ :)
+define function jam:eval-in(
+ $expr as xs:string,
+ $context as xs:string
+) as empty()
+ jam:_call("post", $context, "eval", (), $expr)
+ : Executes the given Java code in the specified remote Java context,
+ : and returns the value from last statement evaluated.
+ : Hint: it's often best to surround the Java code string to evaluate
+ : with single quotes rather than double quotes. Then only single quotes
+ : have to be escaped (by writing two single quotes in a row).
+ :
+ : @param $expr Java expression to evaluate
+ : @param $context Named context in which to do the evaluation, or the
+ : default context if not specified
+ : @return The value from the last statement evaluated
+ :)
+define function jam:eval-get-in(
+ $expr as xs:string,
+ $context as xs:string
+) as item()*
+ jam:_call("post", $context, "eval-get", (), $expr)
+ : Unassigns the named variable from the specified remote Java context.
+ :
+ : @param $var Name of variable to unset, must be a legal Java token
+ : @param $context Named context in which to do the unset, or the
+ : default context if not specified
+ :)
+define function jam:unset-in(
+ $var as xs:string,
+ $context as xs:string
+) as empty()
+ jam:_call("post", $context, "unset", $var, ())
+ : Retrieves the value of the named parameter from the specified remote
+ : Java context. Java types are mapped to XQuery types according to the
+ : following table (getting other types generates an error):
+ :
+ :
+ : byte[] | binary() |
+ : BigDecimal | xs:decimal |
+ : boolean | xs:boolean |
+ : double | xs:double |
+ : float | xs:float |
+ : int | xs:int |
+ : long | xs:integer |
+ : Date | xs:dateTime |
+ : String | xs:string |
+ : JDOM Attribute | attribute() |
+ : JDOM Comment | comment() |
+ : JDOM Document | document-node() |
+ : JDOM Element | element() |
+ : JDOM PI | processing-instruction() |
+ : JDOM Text | text() |
+ :
XMLGregorianCalendar | xs:dateTime, xs:time, xs:date,
+ : xs:gYearmonth, xs:gMonthDay,
+ : xs:gYear, xs:gMonth,
+ : or xs:gDay depending on
+ : getXMLSchemaType() |
+ : Duration | xs:duration, xdt:dayTimeDuration, or
+ : xdt:yearMonthDuration depending on
+ : getXMLSchemaType() |
+ : QName | xs:QName |
+ : null | () |
+ :
+ :
+ : If the Java variable holds an array, it's returned to XQuery as a
+ : sequence.
+ :
+ : If the Java variable holds a String or byte[] it's sent on the wire
+ : in an optimized fashion (not possible when in an array).
+ :
+ : @param $var Name of variable to get, must be a legal Java token
+ : @param $context Named context from which to do the get, or the
+ : default context if not specified
+ :)
+define function jam:get-in(
+ $var as xs:string,
+ $context as xs:string
+) as item()*
+ jam:_call("get", $context, "get", $var, ())
+ : Enables JAM usage by creating a mapping between a web address and a
+ : context id. Later calls to the named context will connect to the given
+ : web address for execution. This function allows the same XQuery to
+ : connect to multiple different servers, and manage multiple contexts on
+ : each. This function does all its work locally and does not actually
+ : connect to the given web address.
+ :
+ : @param $url Web address to communicate with for the given context
+ : @param $user Login username to use on server, or () if none
+ : @param $pass Login password to use on server, or () if none
+ : @param $context Name of the context
+ :)
+define function jam:start-in(
+ $url as xs:string,
+ $user as xs:string?,
+ $pass as xs:string?,
+ $context as xs:string
+) as empty()
+ (:
+ The urlmap looks like this:
+ http://localhost:8080/jam
+ admin
+ secret
+ http://localhost:8080/jam
+ :)
+ xdmp:set($urlmap,
+ { $urlmap/host except $urlmap/host[@context = $context] }
+ {$url}
+ {$user}
+ {$pass}
+ )
+ : Allows the Java server to reclaim the resources associated w/ the
+ : specified remote Java context. Should be called at the end of each
+ : XQuery unless the context needs to persist into other queries.
+ : If not called, the server does periodic sweeps to end contexts
+ : that haven't been touched within some period of time.
+ :
+ : @param $context Named context whose resources can be freed
+ :)
+define function jam:end-in(
+ $context as xs:string
+) as empty()
+ jam:_call("post", $context, "end", (), ())
+ : Returns the content that's been written to standard out in the specified
+ : remote Java context. Each call clears the buffer. For efficiency reasons
+ : only the last 10k of content is retained. Only captures output
+ : from print(), not System.out.println() due to BeanShell limitations.
+ :
+ : @param $context Named context whose stdout should be retrieved
+ : @return The latest standard out output
+ :)
+define function jam:get-stdout-in(
+ $context as xs:string
+) as xs:string
+ jam:_call("get", $context, "get-stdout", (), ())
+ : Returns the content that's been written to standard error in the specified
+ : remote Java context. Each call clears the buffer. For efficiency reasons
+ : only the last 10k of content is retained. Only captures output
+ : from error(), not System.err.println() due to BeanShell limitations.
+ :
+ : @param $context Named context whose stdout should be retrieved
+ : @return The latest standard error output
+ :)
+define function jam:get-stderr-in(
+ $context as xs:string
+) as xs:string
+ jam:_call("get", $context, "get-stderr", (), ())
+ : Loads the named BeanShell source file, for loading useful functions.
+ : Beware the source file is relative to the server, not the client.
+ : Also beware windows paths should begin with the drive letter.
+ :
+ : @param $bsh File path from which to load a supporting .bsh script
+ : @param $context Named context whose stdout should be retrieved
+ :)
+define function jam:source-in(
+ $bsh as xs:string,
+ $context as xs:string
+) as empty()
+ jam:_call("post", $context, "source", $bsh, ())
+ : Private function to return the random context id for this XQuery
+ : context. Once generated, values are held in $default-context.
+ :)
+define function jam:_get-default-context() as xs:string
+ (: We'll let random numbers work for now :)
+ if ($default-context = "")
+ then xdmp:set($default-context, concat("temp:", xs:string(xdmp:random())))
+ else (),
+ $default-context
+ : Private function that handles the HTTP work necessary to communicate
+ : between XQuery and the remote Java context.
+ :)
+define function jam:_call(
+ $method as xs:string, (: get or post :)
+ $context as xs:string,
+ $verb as xs:string,
+ $name as xs:string?,
+ $body as xs:string?
+) as item()*
+ let $base := string($urlmap/host[@context = $context]/url)
+ return
+ if ($base = "") then error(concat("Uninitialized context: ", $context)) else
+ let $user := string($urlmap/host[@context = $context]/user)
+ let $pass := string($urlmap/host[@context = $context]/pass)
+ let $authentication :=
+ if ($user != "" and $pass != "") then
+ {$user}
+ {$pass}
+ else if ($user = "" and $pass = "") then
+ ()
+ else if ($user = "") then
+ error("Credentials corrupt, cannot have password without user")
+ else
+ error("Credentials corrupt, cannot have user without password")
+ (: We check body = "" to enable set("x", "") calls to empty post :)
+ let $options :=
+ if (empty($body) or $body = "") then
+ { $authentication }
+ 10
+ else
+ (: Design bug: ML requires non-whitespace text :)
+ { $authentication }
+ 30
+ text/plain; charset=UTF-8
+ {$body}
+ let $url := concat($base, "/", $context, "/", $verb,
+ if (string-length($name) > 0) then
+ concat("?name=", xdmp:url-encode($name))
+ else
+ "")
+ let $response :=
+ if (lower-case($method) = "get") then
+ xdmp:http-get($url, $options)
+ else if (lower-case($method) = "post") then
+ xdmp:http-post($url, $options)
+ else error(concat("Unrecognized method: ", $method))
+ let $code := xs:integer($response[1]/*:code)
+ return
+ if ($code = 204) then (: no content :)
+ ()
+ else if ($code = 200) then
+ if (starts-with(string($response[1]//*:headers/*:content-type),
+ "x-marklogic/xquery")) then
+ (
+ (: xdmp:log(xdmp:quote($response[2]/binary())), :)
+ xdmp:eval(xdmp:quote($response[2]/binary()))
+ )
+ else
+ let $ans := $response[2]/(binary()|text()|*) (: thing under doc node :)
+ return
+ if ($ans instance of text()) then xdmp:quote($ans) else $ans
+ (: Had xs:string($ans) but there's a bug that it returned an old value :)
+ else
+ error($response[2]) (: wish cq did a better job with this :)
+ : Private function that escapes an XQuery string such that it can be
+ : evaluated in a Java context as a string. Escapes backslashes, double
+ : quotes, and newlines.
+ :)
+define function jam:_escape-string(
+ $s as xs:string
+) as xs:string
+ (: These replaces funny because arg2 is a regexp and arg3 is a literal :)
+ let $s := replace($s, '\\', '\\\\') (: \ replaced with \\ :)
+ let $s := replace($s, '"', '\\"') (: " replaced with \" :)
+ let $s := replace($s, '
', '\\n')
+ return $s
+ : Private function that checks if a value is NaN (not a number).
+ :)
+define function jam:_isNaN(
+ $x
+) as xs:boolean
+ not($x <= 0) and not($x >= 0)
+(: Default context functions, that all pass through to *-in varieties :)
+define function jam:set(
+ $var as xs:string,
+ $value as item()*
+) as empty()
+ jam:set-in($var, $value, jam:_get-default-context())
+define function jam:set-array(
+ $var as xs:string,
+ $value as item()*
+) as empty()
+ jam:set-array-in($var, $value, jam:_get-default-context())
+define function jam:eval(
+ $expr as xs:string
+) as empty()
+ jam:eval-in($expr, jam:_get-default-context())
+define function jam:eval-get(
+ $expr as xs:string
+) as item()*
+ jam:eval-get-in($expr, jam:_get-default-context())
+define function jam:unset(
+ $var as xs:string
+) as empty()
+ jam:unset-in($var, jam:_get-default-context())
+define function jam:get(
+ $var as xs:string
+) as item()*
+ jam:get-in($var, jam:_get-default-context())
+define function jam:start(
+ $url as xs:string,
+ $user as xs:string?,
+ $pass as xs:string?
+) as empty()
+ jam:start-in($url, $user, $pass, jam:_get-default-context())
+define function jam:end() as empty()
+ jam:end-in(jam:_get-default-context())
+define function jam:get-stdout() as xs:string
+ jam:get-stdout-in(jam:_get-default-context())
+define function jam:get-stderr() as xs:string
+ jam:get-stderr-in(jam:_get-default-context())
+define function jam:source(
+ $bsh as xs:string
+) as empty()
+ jam:source-in($bsh, jam:_get-default-context())
diff --git a/oauth-ml6.xqy b/oauth-ml6.xqy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5838359
--- /dev/null
+++ b/oauth-ml6.xqy
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+xquery version "1.0-ml";
+module namespace oa="http://marklogic.com/ns/oauth";
+declare namespace xh="xdmp:http";
+declare default function namespace "http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions";
+declare option xdmp:mapping "false";
+ let $service :=
+ http://twitter.com/oauth/request_token
+ http://twitter.com/oauth/authorize
+ http://twitter.com/oauth/authenticate
+ force_login=true
+ http://twitter.com/oauth/access_token
+ 1.0
+declare function oa:timestamp() as xs:unsignedLong {
+ let $epoch := xs:dateTime('1970-01-01T00:00:00Z')
+ let $now := current-dateTime()
+ let $d := $now - $epoch
+ let $seconds
+ := 86400 * days-from-duration($d)
+ + 3600 * hours-from-duration($d)
+ + 60 * minutes-from-duration($d)
+ + seconds-from-duration($d)
+ return
+ xs:unsignedLong($seconds)
+declare function oa:sign($key as xs:string, $data as xs:string) as xs:string {
+ xdmp:hmac-sha1($key, $data, "base64")
+declare function oa:signature-method(
+ $service as element(oa:service-provider)
+) as xs:string
+ if ($service/oa:signature-methods/oa:method = "HMAC-SHA1")
+ then "HMAC-SHA1"
+ else error(xs:QName("oa:BADSIGMETHOD"),
+ "Service must support 'HMAC-SHA1' signatures.")
+declare function oa:http-method(
+ $proposed-method as xs:string
+) as xs:string
+ if (upper-case($proposed-method) = "GET")
+ then "GET"
+ else if (upper-case($proposed-method) = "POST")
+ then "POST"
+ else error(xs:QName("oa:BADHTTPMETHOD"),
+ "Service must use HTTP GET or POST.")
+declare function oa:request-token(
+ $service as element(oa:service-provider),
+ $callback as xs:string?)
+as element(oa:request-token)
+ let $options := if (empty($callback))
+ then ()
+ else
+ {$callback}
+ let $data
+ := oa:signed-request($service,
+ $service/oa:request-token/oa:method,
+ $service/oa:request-token/oa:uri,
+ $options, (), ())
+ return
+ { if ($data/oa:error)
+ then
+ $data/*
+ else
+ for $pair in tokenize($data, "&")
+ return
+ element { concat("oa:", substring-before($pair, '=')) }
+ { substring-after($pair, '=') }
+ }
+declare function oa:access-token(
+ $service as element(oa:service-provider),
+ $request as element(oa:request-token),
+ $verifier as xs:string)
+as element(oa:access-token)
+ let $options := {$verifier}
+ let $data
+ := oa:signed-request($service,
+ $service/oa:access-token/oa:method,
+ $service/oa:access-token/oa:uri,
+ $options,
+ $request/oa:oauth_token,
+ $request/oa:oaauth_token_secret)
+ return
+ { if ($data/oa:error)
+ then
+ $data/*
+ else
+ for $pair in tokenize($data, "&")
+ return
+ element { concat("oa:", substring-before($pair, '=')) }
+ { substring-after($pair, '=') }
+ }
+declare function oa:signed-request(
+ $service as element(oa:service-provider),
+ $method as xs:string,
+ $serviceuri as xs:string,
+ $options as element(oa:options)?,
+ $token as xs:string?,
+ $secret as xs:string?)
+as element(oa:response)
+ let $realm := string($service/@realm)
+ let $noncei := xdmp:hash64(concat(current-dateTime(),string(xdmp:random())))
+ let $nonce := xdmp:integer-to-hex($noncei)
+ let $stamp := oa:timestamp()
+ let $key := string($service/oa:authentication/oa:consumer-key)
+ let $sigkey := concat($service/oa:authentication/oa:consumer-key-secret,
+ "&", if (empty($secret)) then "" else $secret)
+ let $version := string($service/oa:oauth-version)
+ let $sigmethod := oa:signature-method($service)
+ let $httpmethod := oa:http-method($method)
+ let $sigstruct
+ :=
+ {$key}
+ {$nonce}
+ {$sigmethod}
+ {$stamp}
+ {$version}
+ { if (not(empty($token)))
+ then {$token}
+ else ()
+ }
+ { if (not(empty($options)))
+ then $options/*
+ else ()
+ }
+ let $encparams
+ := for $field in $sigstruct/*
+ order by local-name($field)
+ return
+ concat(local-name($field), "=", encode-for-uri(string($field)))
+ let $sigbase := string-join(($httpmethod, encode-for-uri($serviceuri),
+ encode-for-uri(string-join($encparams,"&"))), "&")
+ let $signature := encode-for-uri(oa:sign($sigkey, $sigbase))
+ (: This is a bit of a pragmatic hack, what is the real answer? :)
+ let $authfields := $sigstruct/*[starts-with(local-name(.), "oauth_")
+ and not(self::oauth_callback)]
+ let $authheader := concat("OAuth realm="", $service/@realm, "", ",
+ "oauth_signature="", $signature, "", ",
+ string-join(
+ for $field in $authfields
+ return
+ concat(local-name($field),"="", encode-for-uri($field), """),
+ ", "))
+ let $uriparam := for $field in $options/*
+ return
+ concat(local-name($field),"=",encode-for-uri($field))
+ (: This strikes me as slightly weird. Twitter wants the parameters passed
+ encoded in the URI even for a POST. I don't know if that's a Twitter
+ quirk or the natural way that OAuth apps work. Anyway, if you find
+ this library isn't working for some other OAuth'd API, you might want
+ to play with this bit.
+ let $requri := if ($httpmethod = "GET")
+ then concat($serviceuri,
+ if (empty($uriparam)) then ''
+ else concat("?",string-join($uriparam,"&")))
+ else $serviceuri
+ let $data := if ($httpmethod = "POST" and not(empty($uriparam)))
+ then {string-join($uriparam,"&")}
+ else ()
+ :)
+ let $requri := concat($serviceuri,
+ if (empty($uriparam)) then ''
+ else concat("?",string-join($uriparam,"&")))
+ let $data := ()
+ let $options :=
+ {$authheader}
+ { $data }
+ let $tokenreq := if ($httpmethod = "GET")
+ then xdmp:http-get($requri, $options)
+ else xdmp:http-post($requri, $options)
+ (:
+ let $trace := xdmp:log(concat("requri: ", $requri))
+ let $trace := xdmp:log(concat("sigbse: ", $sigbase))
+ let $trace := xdmp:log($options)
+ let $trace := xdmp:log($tokenreq)
+ :)
+ return
+ { if (string($tokenreq[1]/xh:code) != "200")
+ then
+ ({$tokenreq[1]},
+ {$tokenreq[2]})
+ else
+ $tokenreq[2]
+ }
diff --git a/oauth.xqy b/oauth.xqy
index 0a840e4..bbaee54 100644
--- a/oauth.xqy
+++ b/oauth.xqy
@@ -2,12 +2,24 @@ xquery version "1.0-ml";
module namespace oa="http://marklogic.com/ns/oauth";
+import module namespace jamu = "http://xqdev.com/jam-utils" at "jam-utils.xqy";
declare namespace xh="xdmp:http";
declare default function namespace "http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions";
declare option xdmp:mapping "false";
+declare variable $oa:perl-sign-uri := "http://localhost:8190/cgi-bin/hmac-sha1";
+declare variable $oa:jam-sign-uri := "http://localhost:9094/cgi-bin/hmac-sha1";
+declare variable $oa:jam-sign-user := "local";
+declare variable $oa:jam-sign-pass := "lacol";
+declare variable $oa:sign-mode := "perl";
+declare variable $oa:sign-mode := "jam";
let $service :=
@@ -51,7 +63,16 @@ declare function oa:timestamp() as xs:unsignedLong {
declare function oa:sign($key as xs:string, $data as xs:string) as xs:string {
- let $uri := concat("http://localhost:8190/cgi-bin/hmac-sha1?",
+ if ($oa:sign-mode eq "perl") then
+ oa:sign-pl($key, $data)
+ else if ($oa:sign-mode eq "jam") then
+ oa:sign-jam($key, $data)
+ else
+ error(xs:QName("oa:UNKNOWNSIGNMODE"), concat("OAuth config error: sign mode '", $oa:sign-mode, "' not supported"))
+declare function oa:sign-pl($key as xs:string, $data as xs:string) as xs:string {
+ let $uri := concat($oa:perl-sign-uri, "?",
"key=", encode-for-uri($key),
let $resp := xdmp:http-get($uri)
@@ -59,6 +80,11 @@ declare function oa:sign($key as xs:string, $data as xs:string) as xs:string {
+declare function oa:sign-jam($key as xs:string, $data as xs:string) as xs:string {
+ jam:start($oa:jam-sign-uri, $oa:jam-sign-user, $oa:jam-sign-pass),
+ jamu:encrypt("HmacSHA1", $key, $data)
declare function oa:signature-method(
$service as element(oa:service-provider)
) as xs:string