Fix: <make/add_letter_headings.vim> does not work fine in ex mode.
Fix: make sure "OUT OF:" is sorted before "OUT OF x:", and similar cases.
Fix colon/semicolon after English uppercase expressions.
Homogenize the usage of commas and semicolons.
Add "COME ON", which was at the end of "COME", without translation.
Add a list of abbreviations used in the dictionary.
Split the different meanings of the same type into independent headwords, in order to make it easy to reuse and manipulate the data.
Fix: "punte" is mentioned in "SCORE", but not in "POINT".
Fix "TO LOOK UP TO", which was at the end of "LOOK" without translation.
Improve notation of "OFF".
Duplicate example expressions as entries. The original does it, e.g. "CHEST OF DRAWERS" is an entry, but also part of of "DRAWER". Also "INLAID FLOOR". Candidates: "WHITE OF EGG", "ERE LONG"…
Fix : In the original transcription "BOOKMARK" was at the end of "BOOK" without translation.
Fix notation . "AT ONE’S WITS' END esser al fine de su Latin, plu ne saver quo far", because the English expression is not a verb.
Add "(num.)" to "ONE". Maybe other cases.
Fix: "STILL ancor" is missing. "ancor" is mentioned only in "YET".
Add adv. usages to "NEVERTHELESS" and "HOWEVER".
Homogenize usage of "!" in all of the interjections.
"THIS WAY|adv.|a ci|" is incomplete: it can mean also "by this method".
Fix/improve "BESIDE" and "BESIDES".
Fix: "questionar" is missing in "QUESTION (v.)", but mentioned as a derivate in "QUESTION (n.)".
Update the list of programs used.
Update the list of changes done in this edition.
Fix "-ente" → "-nte", etc.
Check that participies are mentioned in the verbal roots.
Fix "ad. circa" in "ROUNDABOUT".
Sort the data file at the start of the conversions.
Copy entries with more than one word to their main word, e.g. "calculating machine" to "machine", "white ant" to "ant".
Complete "COUNT" with nouns: "total number counted" and "the act of counting".
Complete "SAINT santo (-itá)".
Move/copy "TAKE CARE: atention!, garda vos!" from "TAKE" to "TAKE CARE".
In "REFRACTORY (n.) infusibile" is missing meaning "A refractory person".
Add "(-ie)" to "impertinent" and others.
Split translations that include internal parens, e.g.
. -
Finish "CROW OVER".
Mark or copy as example expressions the entries containing more than one word.
Fix: "TO FORCE UPON" is given two different translations.
Add "descargar" to "decargar".
Add "WILL (v.aux.)".
Homogenize "(flag)" and "(flags)".
Add the missing meanings of "AWAY (adv.)".
Replace commas and semicolons with other characters in order to allow commas in the translations, e.g.
ANYTHING BUT#prep.omnicos, exceptet
Link compound words to their headwords, e.g. "JACK-IN-THE-BOX".
Add "min" to "minu".
Homogenize "midi-" and "midí-".
Notation of "(inter-ation)" (for "interpunctuation") and "(in-ar)" (for "inebriar").
Mark examples that look translations, e.g.
CATA#prefix#catacombe, catafalco, catalog, catapulte, etc.#
. -
Specifiy telephone number in "NUMBER".
Confirm entry "fro, to and".
Confirm "BEATITUD beatitá. BEATITUDES: \~".
Confirm "(the small intestine) ileum". The small intestine consists of three parts: the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum.
Confirm: comma before "etc".
Confirm certain compound headwors, e.g. "GOOD-FELLOWSHIP".
Confirm "PLATING, ARMOUR * curasse" is "PLATING or ARMOUR" ("ARMOUR" already has its own entry) or "ARMOUR PLATING".
Confirm "TO GET OFF SCOT FREE: escapar sin vúlneres".
Confirm and fix "blond(a)" → "a. blond; n. blonda".
Consult "ebri, ebriat (in-ar)".
Consult "LOG bloc, trunc; (logbook) diarium; (naut.) logg (-lin)".
Consult "RIPP-RAPF canallia".
Consult "BOARD … (put up) albergar".
Consult: "TO TELL ON: haver su efecte". But "{To tell on}, to inform against. [Archaic & Colloq.] [1913 Webster]".
Consult "rococo/ó"
Consult "LEGERDEMAIN jongleríe, escamotage. LEGERDEMAINLEGGED: -gambat"
Consult "HATCH OUT: covar, inventer; (in drawing) *sgraffir"
Consult about compound headwords like "WELL-BEING" and many others.
Consult "ENTHUSIASM = entusiasme (-ar, -ast, -astic)".
Confirm "UNLESS = si…ne"
Confirm and homogenize notations "(v.a)/(v.n)" and "(tr.)/(intr.)".
Consult: Make one-word expressions independent headwords: SOUPTERN from SOUP, SOLOIST from SOLO, SOLDIERY from SOLDIER, HELPFULLESS from HELPFUL, HIMSELF from HIM…
Consult: Move headwords that contain spaces into other headwords.
Confirm "-gambat".
Confirm "recoleer se"
Confirm whether "(take care) atenter" belongs to "WATCH" or to "WATCH OVER".
Confirm "COCK A GUH (v.) tender li clave".
Confirm "TO FALL DUE (v.) (on exchange) scader", or maybe "(on exchange)" was part of "FALL OUT".
Notation of verb "AS LEAF".
Separate "A CLOSE FIGHT"
Notation to separate terms with articles, e.g. "THE TEN COMMANDMENTS".
Expressions "adjective+noun" are no converted to independent entries, but sometimes they are not in entry "noun", but in entry "adjective", e.g. "FAIRY TAIL".
"LAMP SHADE covri lampe; (manes) manes" (was the end of "SHADE".
"THREE DAYS RUNNING tri dies successivmen". There was typo: "successiv men".
"COWEE (v.) ahoccar se; horrer (avan)".
Consult "(ent.)".
"SHAPED (suffix) -form" should be "-formi".
"HATCH OUT" was "HATCH (OUT)" in the original transcription.
Consulta "BEATEN TRACK trantran".
"BUBBLE (n.) bul; vessic; (comm.) fraude". vessic → vessica?
"CONTINGENT dependent de".
"COSMETIC grime, cosmetic".
"FORTH (prep.) ex, fro" and "FORTH for" (prep. "for" in Interlingue, but a prep. or an adverb in English?.
Type of "WHILE durante que", "WHILST durante que".
"AS (adv. conj.) (because) proque; (manner) quam".
"ALTO alto", also n./adj. in Interlingue?
"ANARCHY anarchic (-ist)".
"AFT detra; in li stern", adj./adv. → prep./adv.
"BAROQUE baroc" adj./n.?
"BEACON fares turre lucent; (on a hill) fanale; (at sea) boye, signal-marca, mar-signe"
Meaning of "(rel.)".
Confirm correction "contra" → "contra unaltru" in "FACE TO FACE".
Why note "(in comp.)" (in compounds?) is used in sufixes "CENTI" and "COUNTER"?
Confirm translation of adverb "VICE VERSA": "vice versa" is also used in Cosmoglotta. Add "VICE VERSA|adv.|inversmen, inversimen|".
Confirm "vi" as translation of "THERE IS/ARE" — word-type is "v.".
Confirm difference: "RED TAPE" and "RED-TAPE".
Confirm «parol pro parol» or «parol por parol».
Confirm «star» in «STAR GAZER n.#astrologo; (stage etc.) star».
Confirm "concernent" in "ABOUT".
Confirm "circa tam mult" in "THEREABOUTS".
Confirm "shell" in "SKIN (n.): pelle, pellicul; membrane, derma; shell, cortice". Maybe it’s English in the original.
UMBRELLA#n.parapluvie, ombrel
: "ombrel"?! -
Consultar: "ANNUITY" = "annuitá" vice "annuage"? Ambi ne es usat in Cosmoglotta.
Why "si" in
HAVE A MIND TO v.#inclinar, it vell pleser … si
? -
"gramofon" (but "fonograf" is included).
"CLASSROOM": "aula", used only once in Cosmoglotta.
"JAPAN": substantive.
"WANT (v.) … voler".
"SORRY" in the sense "pardon".
"CLIENTELE/CLIENTÈLE", "clientité, clientela".
"ADVISED" (used in "ILL-ADVISED").
"YORE" (used in "OF YORE").
"BOXING" = box, boxada, pugilism.
"CENTENNIAL" (=1. (n.) centenarie; 2. (adj.) centenari, centenal).
"ARCHIVE", shares a meaning with "ARCHIVES".
"FLOCK" (v.tr.).
"CAN" (v.), "(possibility) posser; (power) potter".
"HERSELF", etc.
Add "deputate" to "DEPUTY".
"BOARDING SCHOOL", "internatoria"?
"BILL", "billete de moné".
"WHEELCHAIR", rot(e)-stul.
"AGGRESS (v.)".