diff --git a/animations/.gitignore b/animations/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7f69fa58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/animations/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/animations/requirements.txt b/animations/requirements.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..691707aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/animations/requirements.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/animations/result/database.svg b/animations/result/database.svg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..74f9ad5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/animations/result/database.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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diff --git a/animations/result/gear.svg b/animations/result/gear.svg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c6816960
--- /dev/null
+++ b/animations/result/gear.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
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diff --git a/animations/result/result.py b/animations/result/result.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d1297037
--- /dev/null
+++ b/animations/result/result.py
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+from manim import *
+from numpy import sin, cos, sign, sum
+from random import random
+# config.background_color = WHITE
+# manim -pql -s result.py
+class Result(Scene):
+ caption = None
+ animations_queue = []
+ def construct(self):
+ headerT = UP*3.2
+ content_y = 0.5
+ dbT = SVGMobject('database.svg').set_color(WHITE).scale(0.5).move_to(headerT + RIGHT*4)
+ appT = Text('App').move_to(headerT + LEFT*4)
+ app_gearT = SVGMobject('gear.svg').set_color(BLUE_C).scale(0.35).move_to(appT.get_center()).shift(DOWN*4.5)
+ driverT = Text('Driver').move_to(headerT + LEFT*0.5)
+ divider = DashedLine((2, dbT.get_y(), 0), (2, -2, 0)).set_opacity(0.5)
+ clientT = Text('CLIENT').scale(0.5).align_to(config.left_side, LEFT).rotate(PI/2).shift(0.5*UP)
+ serverT = Text('SERVER').scale(0.5).align_to(config.right_side, RIGHT).rotate(-PI/2).shift(0.5*UP)
+ self.add(dbT, appT, driverT, divider, clientT, serverT)
+ queryT = Text('Query').move_to((appT.get_x(), content_y, 0))
+ self.describe(Text('Your application crafts a Cypher query.'))
+ self.play(FadeIn(queryT))
+ self.wait()
+ self.play(queryT.animate.move_to((driverT.get_x(), queryT.get_y(), 0)))
+ query_box = SurroundingRectangle(queryT, buff=SMALL_BUFF, color=YELLOW)
+ self.describe(Text('The driver sends it to the Neo4j server through the Bolt protocol.'))
+ self.play(Create(query_box), run_time=0.8)
+ query = VGroup(queryT, query_box)
+ self.play(query.animate.move_to((dbT.get_x(), queryT.get_y(), 0)), run_time=0.8)
+ self.wait(2)
+ self.describe(Text('The database fetches the result.'), enqueue=False)
+ loader = Dot(radius=0.05).next_to(dbT, RIGHT)
+ path = Circle(0.25).flip().next_to(dbT, RIGHT)
+ self.play(FadeOut(query_box))
+ self.play(FadeOut(queryT, target_position=dbT.get_bottom(), scale=1), run_time=0.5)
+ self.play(MoveAlongPath(loader, path), rate_func=smooth, run_time=0.8)
+ self.play(MoveAlongPath(loader, path), rate_func=smooth, run_time=0.8)
+ self.play(FadeOut(loader), run_time=0.5)
+ record_size = (0.6, 0.5)
+ total_records = 20
+ driver_buf_size = 9
+ server_buff_size = 5
+ ncols = 3
+ nrows = int(driver_buf_size/ncols)
+ def gen_record_entry(i, opacity=None):
+ '''
+ Generate a record rectangle.
+ '''
+ recordT = Text(f'#{i}').set_z_index(i+1) # z index for rectangle fill
+ record_box = Rectangle(width=record_size[0], height=record_size[1], color=WHITE, fill_color=BLACK, fill_opacity=0.8).set_z_index(i)
+ recordT.scale_to_fit_width(record_box.width-0.1)
+ if i < 10: recordT.scale(0.7) # double digits take more space than single
+ record = VGroup(recordT, record_box)
+ if opacity is not None:
+ record.set_opacity(opacity)
+ elif i >= server_buff_size:
+ record.set_opacity(0)
+ else:
+ record.set_opacity(1/(i+1))
+ return record
+ server_buffer = Rectangle(height=record_size[1], width=record_size[0]*server_buff_size, stroke_color=[BLACK, WHITE, WHITE, BLACK]).shift(DOWN)
+ server_buffer.move_to((dbT.get_x(), content_y, 0))
+ server_cursor = Triangle(color=BLUE_C).rotate(PI).scale(0.1).align_to(server_buffer, LEFT+UP)
+ server_cursor.shift((server_cursor.height+0.1) * UP).shift((server_buffer.width/4) * RIGHT)
+ self.play(GrowFromPoint(server_buffer, dbT.get_center()), GrowFromPoint(server_cursor, dbT.get_center()), enqueue=True)
+ driver_buf = Rectangle(width=record_size[0]*ncols, height=record_size[1]*nrows).move_to((driverT.get_x(), content_y, 0))
+ # dummy record only to align the next ones
+ prev_record = gen_record_entry(0)
+ prev_record.align_to(server_buffer, UP).align_to(server_cursor, LEFT).shift((prev_record[1].width/2 - server_cursor.width/2) * LEFT)
+ prev_record.shift(record_size[0] * LEFT) # offset by one record so the next record will be in the right place
+ '''
+ Each record = a dict with entries for the record in server, driver, and app; each properly positioned.
+ The flow is to only show the object for the server, and move it around (to avoid issues with ReplacementTransform) using the other objects (driver/app) for alignment.
+ '''
+ records = []
+ for i in range(total_records):
+ # record in server cursor
+ record_server = gen_record_entry(i)
+ record_server.align_to(prev_record, UP+RIGHT).shift(record_size[0] * RIGHT)
+ prev_record = record_server
+ # record in driver buffer
+ record_driver = gen_record_entry(i, opacity=1)
+ record_driver.align_to(driver_buf, UP+LEFT)
+ pos_in_buff = (record_driver.get_center() +
+ RIGHT*(i % driver_buf_size % ncols) * record_size[0] + # col placement
+ DOWN*(i % driver_buf_size // ncols) * record_size[1]) # row placement
+ record_driver.move_to(pos_in_buff)
+ # record in app
+ record_app = gen_record_entry(i, opacity=1)
+ record_app.move_to((appT.get_x(), content_y, 0) + self.rand_displacement(0.3))
+ records.append({'server': record_server, 'driver': record_driver, 'app': record_app})
+ create_server_records = AnimationGroup(*[GrowFromPoint(r['server'], dbT.get_center()) for r in records])
+ self.play(create_server_records)
+ self.wait()
+ def move_records_from_server_to_driver(moving_range):
+ '''
+ Prepares a list of animations for moving records from `records` in
+ the given range from server cursor to driver buffer.
+ '''
+ records_anims = []
+ for i in moving_range:
+ anim_buffer = [records[i]['server'].animate.move_to(records[i]['driver'].get_center()).set_opacity(1)]
+ for j in range(i+1, total_records):
+ if j-i <= server_buff_size:
+ anim_buffer.append(records[j]['server'].animate.shift(record_size[0]*(i % driver_buf_size + 1) * LEFT).set_opacity(1/(j-i)))
+ else:
+ anim_buffer.append(records[j]['server'].animate.shift(record_size[0]*(i % driver_buf_size + 1) * LEFT))
+ records_anims.append(AnimationGroup(*anim_buffer, run_time=0.3))
+ return records_anims
+ t1 = Text('The server sends the first batch of results (default batch size is 1000).')
+ t2 = Text('The driver stores results in a buffer until your application asks for them.',
+ t2w={'buffer': BOLD}).next_to(t1, DOWN, buff=0.3)
+ t = VGroup(t1, t2)
+ self.describe(t, enqueue=False)
+ records_anims = move_records_from_server_to_driver(range(min(driver_buf_size, total_records)))
+ self.play(FadeIn(driver_buf))
+ self.play(Succession(*records_anims))
+ self.wait(3)
+ def process_record(i):
+ '''Prepares animation for a record to be processed (gear movement).'''
+ return AnimationGroup(
+ Rotate(app_gearT, angle=PI/4),
+ FadeOut(records[i]['server'], target_position=app_gearT, scale=1)
+ )
+ t1 = Text('Your application fetches records from the driver buffer.')
+ t2 = Text('It can process records while other records are still flowing.',
+ t2w={'process records': BOLD}).next_to(t1, DOWN, buff=0.3)
+ t = VGroup(t1, t2)
+ self.describe(t, enqueue=False)
+ self.play(FadeIn(app_gearT))
+ app_action_next = Text('next').scale(0.8).next_to(appT, DOWN, buff=0.5)
+ self.play(
+ AnimationGroup(
+ Indicate(app_action_next),
+ records[0]['server'].animate.move_to(records[0]['app'].get_center())
+ )
+ )
+ self.wait()
+ self.play(process_record(0)) # can't merge with prev animation because record object would move from db space, not driver
+ self.wait()
+ self.play(
+ AnimationGroup(
+ Indicate(app_action_next),
+ records[1]['server'].animate.move_to(records[1]['app'].get_center())
+ )
+ )
+ self.play(FadeOut(app_action_next))
+ self.play(process_record(1))
+ self.wait()
+ app_action_fetch = Text('fetch').scale(0.8).next_to(appT, DOWN, buff=0.5)
+ anims = [r['server'].animate.move_to(r['app'].get_center()) for r in records[2:driver_buf_size]]
+ self.play(Indicate(app_action_fetch), LaggedStart(*anims, lag_ratio=0.25))
+ self.play(LaggedStart(process_record(2), FadeOut(app_action_fetch), lag_ratio=0.25))
+ self.wait(3)
+ records_anims = move_records_from_server_to_driver(range(
+ driver_buf_size,
+ min(driver_buf_size*2, total_records)
+ ))
+ self.describe(Text("When there's no more records in the driver buffer, the driver fetches more from the server."))
+ self.play(
+ LaggedStart(
+ Succession(*records_anims),
+ Succession(*[process_record(i) for i in range(3, 6)], lag_ratio=2)
+ )
+ )
+ self.wait(3)
+ self.play(process_record(6))
+ t1 = Text('If consume() is called at any point, all unconsumed results are discarded',
+ t2c={'consume()': YELLOW}, t2w={'discarded': BOLD})
+ t2 = Text('and the driver receives the result summary.').next_to(t1, DOWN, buff=0.3)
+ t = VGroup(t1, t2)
+ self.describe(t, enqueue=False)
+ app_action_consume = Text('consume()').scale(0.8).next_to(appT, DOWN, buff=0.5)
+ to_discard = VGroup(*[r['server'] for r in records[driver_buf_size:]]) # we know we've only fetched up to the 1st batch
+ self.play(Indicate(app_action_consume))
+ self.play(FadeOut(to_discard), FadeOut(server_cursor), FadeOut(server_buffer), FadeOut(driver_buf), run_time=1.5)
+ summaryT = Text('Summary').scale(0.5).move_to((dbT.get_x(), content_y, 0))
+ summary_box = SurroundingRectangle(summaryT, buff=SMALL_BUFF, color=YELLOW)
+ summary = VGroup(summaryT, summary_box)
+ self.play(GrowFromPoint(summaryT, dbT))
+ self.play(Create(summary_box))
+ self.play(summary.animate.move_to((driverT.get_x(), queryT.get_y(), 0)), run_time=0.8)
+ self.play(FadeOut(summary_box))
+ self.play(FadeOut(app_action_consume))
+ self.wait()
+ t1 = Text('Records fetched by the application are still available.')
+ t2 = Text('Unconsumed records are no longer accessible.').next_to(t1, DOWN, buff=0.3)
+ t = VGroup(t1, t2)
+ self.describe(t)
+ self.play(Succession(*[process_record(i) for i in range(7, driver_buf_size)], lag_ratio=1.5))
+ self.wait(5)
+ def describe(self, text, enqueue=True):
+ '''
+ Display/Update bottom caption.
+ '''
+ caption_pos = DOWN*2.9
+ text.move_to(caption_pos)
+ text.scale(0.4)
+ if self.caption == None:
+ self.play(Write(text), run_time=0.4, enqueue=enqueue)
+ else:
+ self.play(ReplacementTransform(self.caption, text), enqueue=enqueue)
+ self.caption = text # ReplacementTransform needs a reference to the previous object!
+ def rand_displacement(self, factor=0.5):
+ return sign(random()-factor)*LEFT*random() + sign(random()-factor)*UP*random()
+ def play(self, *args, enqueue=False, subcaption=None, subcaption_duration=None, subcaption_offset=0, **kwargs):
+ '''
+ A wrapper for Manim's `play`, to be able to enqueue a bunch of animations
+ and wait until buffer is flushed for them to play all together.
+ '''
+ self.animations_queue += args
+ if not enqueue:
+ super().play(*self.animations_queue, subcaption=subcaption, subcaption_duration=subcaption_duration, subcaption_offset=subcaption_offset, **kwargs)
+ self.animations_queue = []
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