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A Gradle plugin for developing Minecraft mods using NeoForge


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Gradle Plugin for Developing Minecraft Mods on NeoForge


  • Creates the necessary artifacts to compile Minecraft mods for NeoForge
  • Runs the game from Gradle or IntelliJ for debugging and testing
  • Automatically creates and uses a development-friendly logging configuration for the testing the mod
  • Supports the Gradle configuration cache to speed up repeated runs of Gradle tasks

Basic Usage


# Enable Gradle configuration cache:

In settings.gradle:

pluginManagement {
    repositories {
        // Add the usual NeoForged maven repository.
        maven { url = '' }
        // Add the maven repository for the ModDevGradle plugin.
        maven {
            name 'Maven for PR #1' //
            url ''
            content {
                includeModule('net.neoforged.moddev', 'net.neoforged.moddev.gradle.plugin')
                includeModule('net.neoforged.moddev.junit', 'net.neoforged.moddev.junit.gradle.plugin')
                includeModule('net.neoforged', 'moddev-gradle')

plugins {
    // This plugin allows Gradle to automatically download arbitrary versions of Java for you
    id 'org.gradle.toolchains.foojay-resolver-convention' version '0.8.0'

In build.gradle:

plugins {
    // Apply the plugin. You can find the latest version at
    id 'net.neoforged.moddev' version '0.1.59-pr-1-pr-publish'

neoForge {
    // For now we require a special NeoForge build. You can find the latest version at 
    version = "20.6.91-beta-pr-959-features-gradle-metadata"

    runs {
        client {
        data {
        server {

    mods {
        testproject {
            sourceSet sourceSets.main

See the example code in the test project.

More Configuration


Any number of runs can be added in the neoForge { runs { ... } } block.

Every run must have a type. Currently, the supported types are client, data, gameTestServer, server. The run type can be set as follows:

neoForge {
    runs {
        <run name> {
            // This is the standard syntax:
            type = "gameTestServer"
            // Client, data and server runs can use a shorthand instead:
            // client()
            // data()
            // server()
            // Add arguments passed to the main method
            programArguments = ["--arg"]
            // Add arguments passed to the JVM
            jvmArguments = ["-XX:+AllowEnhancedClassRedefinition"]
            // Add system properties
            systemProperties = [
                    "a.b.c": "xyz"
            systemProperty("a.b.c", "xyz")
            // Set or add environment variables
            environment = [
                    "FOO_BAR": "123"
            environment("FOO_BAR", "123")
            // Optionally set the log-level used by the game
            logLevel = org.slf4j.event.Level.DEBUG
            // You can change the name used for this run in your IDE
            ideName = "Run Game Tests"

Please have a look at for the list of supported properties. Here is an example that sets a system property to change the log level to debug:

neoForge {
    runs {
        configureEach {
            systemProperty 'forge.logging.console.level', 'debug'

Better Minecraft Parameter Names / Javadoc (Parchment)

You can use community-sourced parameter-names and Javadoc for Minecraft source code from ParchmentMC.

The easiest way is setting the Parchment version in your


Alternatively, you can set it in your build.gradle:

neoForge {
  // [...]
  parchment {
    // Get versions from
    // Omit the "v"-prefix in mappingsVersion
    minecraftVersion = "1.20.6"
    mappingsVersion = "2024.05.01"

Unit testing with JUnit

On top of gametests, this plugin supports unit testing mods with JUnit.

For the minimal setup, add the following code to your build script:

// Add a test dependency on the test engine JUnit
dependencies {
    testImplementation 'org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter:5.7.1'
    testRuntimeOnly 'org.junit.platform:junit-platform-launcher'

// Enable JUnit in Gradle:
test {

neoForge {
    unitTest {
        // Enable JUnit support in the moddev plugin
        // Configure which mod is being tested.
        // This allows NeoForge to load the test/ classes and resources as belonging to the mod.
        testedMod = mods.<mod name> // <mod name> must match the name in the mods { } block.

You can now use the @Test annotation for your unit tests inside the test/ folder, and reference Minecraft classes.

Loading a server

With the NeoForge test framework, you can run your unit tests in the context of a Minecraft server:

dependencies {
    testImplementation "net.neoforged:testframework:<neoforge version>"

With this dependency, you can annotate your test class as follows:

public class TestClass {
    public void testMethod(MinecraftServer server) {
        // Use server...

Advanced Tips & Tricks

Overriding Platform Libraries

For testing during the development of NeoForge and its various platform libraries, it can be useful to globally override the version to an unreleased one. This works:

configurations.all {
    resolutionStrategy {
        force 'cpw.mods:securejarhandler:2.1.43'

Advanced Settings for NFRT

neoForge {
  neoFormRuntime {
    // Use specific NFRT version
    // Gradle Property: neoForge.neoFormRuntime.version
    version = "1.2.3"
    // Control use of cache
    // Gradle Property: neoForge.neoFormRuntime.enableCache
    enableCache = false
    // Enable Verbose Output
    // Gradle Property: neoForge.neoFormRuntime.verbose
    verbose = true
    // Use Eclipse Compiler for Minecraft
    // Gradle Property: neoForge.neoFormRuntime.useEclipseCompiler
    useEclipseCompiler = true

    // Print more information when NFRT cannot use a cached result
    // Gradle Property: neoForge.neoFormRuntime.analyzeCacheMisses
    analyzeCacheMisses = true