diff --git a/build/requirements.txt b/build/requirements.txt
index 13092df26a..803fa1521f 100644
--- a/build/requirements.txt
+++ b/build/requirements.txt
@@ -1,31 +1,32 @@
aiofiles==0.8.0; python_version >= "3.6" and python_version < "4.0"
aiohttp==3.7.4; python_version >= "3.6"
altair==4.2.0; python_full_version >= "3.7.1" and python_version < "4.0" and python_version >= "3.7"
-appnope==0.1.3; sys_platform == "darwin" and python_version >= "3.6" and platform_system == "Darwin"
-argon2-cffi-bindings==21.2.0; python_version >= "3.6"
+appnope==0.1.3; sys_platform == "darwin" and python_version >= "3.7" and platform_system == "Darwin"
+argon2-cffi-bindings==21.2.0; python_version >= "3.7"
argon2-cffi==21.3.0; python_version >= "3.7"
asgiref==3.5.2; python_version >= "3.7"
async-timeout==3.0.1; python_full_version >= "3.5.3"
asyncssh==2.11.0; python_version >= "3.6"
-attrs==21.4.0; python_full_version >= "3.7.1" and python_version >= "3.6" and python_version < "4.0" and (python_version >= "3.7" and python_full_version < "3.0.0" or python_full_version >= "3.5.0" and python_version >= "3.7")
-backcall==0.2.0; python_version >= "3.6"
+attrs==21.4.0; python_full_version >= "3.7.1" and python_version >= "3.7" and python_version < "4.0" and (python_version >= "3.7" and python_full_version < "3.0.0" or python_full_version >= "3.5.0" and python_version >= "3.7")
+backcall==0.2.0; python_version >= "3.7"
beautifulsoup4==4.11.1; python_full_version >= "3.6.0" and python_version >= "3.7"
bidict==0.22.0; python_version >= "3.7"
bleach==5.0.0; python_version >= "3.7"
-blinker==1.4; python_full_version >= "3.7.1" and python_version < "4.0" and python_version >= "3.6"
+blinker==1.4; python_full_version >= "3.7.1" and python_version < "4.0" and python_version >= "3.7"
cachetools==5.2.0; python_version >= "3.7" and python_version < "4.0" and python_full_version >= "3.7.1"
-certifi==2022.5.18.1; python_version >= "3.6" and python_full_version < "3.0.0" or python_full_version >= "3.6.0" and python_version >= "3.6"
-cffi==1.15.0; implementation_name == "pypy" and python_version >= "3.6"
+certifi==2022.5.18.1; python_version >= "3.7" and python_full_version < "3.0.0" or python_full_version >= "3.6.0" and python_version >= "3.7"
+cffi==1.15.0; implementation_name == "pypy" and python_version >= "3.7"
chardet==3.0.4; python_version >= "3.6"
-charset-normalizer==2.0.12; python_full_version >= "3.6.0" and python_version >= "3.6"
+charset-normalizer==2.0.12; python_full_version >= "3.6.0" and python_version >= "3.7"
ciscoconfparse==1.6.40; python_version >= "3.6"
-click==8.0.4; python_full_version >= "3.7.1" and python_version < "4.0" and python_version >= "3.6"
+click==8.0.4; python_full_version >= "3.7.1" and python_version < "4.0" and python_version >= "3.7"
colorama==0.4.4; (python_version >= "2.7" and python_full_version < "3.0.0") or (python_full_version >= "3.5.0")
+commonmark==0.9.1; python_full_version >= "3.6.3" and python_full_version < "4.0.0" and python_version >= "3.7"
configargparse==0.15.2; python_version >= "2.7" and python_full_version < "3.0.0" or python_full_version >= "3.5.0"
cryptography==37.0.2; python_version >= "3.6"
cycler==0.11.0; python_version >= "3.7"
dateparser==1.1.1; python_version >= "3.5"
-decorator==5.1.1; python_version >= "3.6"
+decorator==5.1.1; python_version >= "3.7"
defusedxml==0.7.1; python_version >= "3.7" and python_full_version < "3.0.0" or python_full_version >= "3.5.0" and python_version >= "3.7"
dnspython==2.2.1; python_version >= "3.6" and python_version < "4.0"
entrypoints==0.4; python_version >= "3.7"
@@ -38,7 +39,7 @@ gitdb==4.0.9; python_version >= "3.7"
gitpython==3.1.27; python_full_version >= "3.7.1" and python_version < "4.0" and python_version >= "3.7"
graphviz==0.15; (python_version >= "2.7" and python_full_version < "3.0.0") or (python_full_version >= "3.6.0")
h11==0.13.0; python_version >= "3.6"
-idna==3.3; python_version >= "3.6" and python_full_version < "3.0.0" or python_full_version >= "3.6.0" and python_version >= "3.6"
+idna==3.3; python_version >= "3.7" and python_full_version < "3.0.0" or python_full_version >= "3.6.0" and python_version >= "3.7"
importlib-metadata==4.11.4; python_full_version >= "3.7.1" and python_version < "4.0" and python_version >= "3.7"
importlib-resources==5.7.1; python_version < "3.9" and python_version >= "3.7"
@@ -69,15 +70,15 @@ nbformat==5.4.0; python_full_version >= "3.7.0" and python_version >= "3.7"
nest-asyncio==1.5.5; python_full_version >= "3.7.0" and python_version >= "3.7"
networkx==2.8.3; python_version >= "3.8"
-notebook==6.4.10; python_version >= "3.6"
+notebook==6.4.12; python_version >= "3.7"
packaging==21.3; python_full_version >= "3.7.1" and python_version < "4.0" and python_version >= "3.7"
pandas==1.3.4; python_full_version >= "3.7.1"
pandocfilters==1.5.0; python_version >= "3.7" and python_full_version < "3.0.0" or python_full_version >= "3.4.0" and python_version >= "3.7"
parso==0.7.1; python_version >= "3.6" and python_full_version < "3.0.0" or python_full_version >= "3.5.0" and python_version >= "3.6"
passlib==1.7.4; python_version >= "3.6"
-pexpect==4.8.0; sys_platform != "win32" and python_version >= "3.6"
-pickleshare==0.7.5; python_version >= "3.6"
+pexpect==4.8.0; sys_platform != "win32" and python_version >= "3.7"
+pickleshare==0.7.5; python_version >= "3.7"
pillow==9.1.1; python_full_version >= "3.7.1" and python_version < "4.0" and python_version >= "3.7"
prettytable==3.3.0; python_version >= "3.7"
@@ -85,26 +86,27 @@ prometheus-client==0.14.1; python_version >= "3.7"
prompt-toolkit==3.0.29; python_full_version >= "3.6.2"
protobuf==3.20.1; python_full_version >= "3.7.1" and python_version < "4.0" and python_version >= "3.7"
ptyprocess==0.7.0; os_name != "nt" and python_version >= "3.7" and sys_platform != "win32"
-py==1.11.0; python_version >= "3.6" and python_full_version < "3.0.0" and implementation_name == "pypy" or implementation_name == "pypy" and python_version >= "3.6" and python_full_version >= "3.5.0"
-pyarrow==5.0.0; python_version >= "3.6"
+py==1.11.0; python_version >= "3.7" and python_full_version < "3.0.0" and implementation_name == "pypy" or implementation_name == "pypy" and python_version >= "3.7" and python_full_version >= "3.5.0"
+pyarrow==8.0.0; python_version >= "3.7"
pycparser==2.21; python_version >= "3.6" and python_full_version < "3.0.0" or python_full_version >= "3.4.0" and python_version >= "3.6"
pydantic==1.9.1; python_full_version >= "3.6.1" and python_version >= "3.6"
pydeck==0.7.1; python_full_version >= "3.7.1" and python_version < "4.0" and python_version >= "3.7"
-pygments==2.12.0; python_version >= "3.7"
-pympler==1.0.1; python_full_version >= "3.7.1" and python_version < "4.0" and python_version >= "3.6"
+pygments==2.12.0; python_full_version >= "3.6.3" and python_full_version < "4.0.0" and python_version >= "3.7"
+pympler==1.0.1; python_full_version >= "3.7.1" and python_version < "4.0" and python_version >= "3.7"
pyparsing==2.4.7; (python_version >= "2.6" and python_full_version < "3.0.0") or (python_full_version >= "3.3.0")
pyrsistent==0.18.1; python_version >= "3.7"
-python-dateutil==2.8.2; python_full_version >= "3.7.1" and python_version >= "3.7" and (python_version >= "3.5" and python_full_version < "3.0.0" or python_full_version >= "3.3.0" and python_version >= "3.5") and (python_version >= "3.6" and python_full_version < "3.0.0" or python_full_version >= "3.3.0" and python_version >= "3.6") and python_version < "4.0" and (python_version >= "3.7" and python_full_version < "3.0.0" or python_full_version >= "3.3.0" and python_version >= "3.7")
+python-dateutil==2.8.2; python_full_version >= "3.7.1" and python_version >= "3.7" and (python_version >= "3.5" and python_full_version < "3.0.0" or python_full_version >= "3.3.0" and python_version >= "3.5") and (python_version >= "3.7" and python_full_version < "3.0.0" or python_full_version >= "3.3.0" and python_version >= "3.7") and python_version < "4.0"
python-dotenv==0.19.2; python_full_version >= "3.7.1" and python_version < "4.0" and python_version >= "3.5"
python-nubia==0.2b5; python_version >= "3.6"
-pytz==2022.1; python_full_version >= "3.7.1" and python_version >= "3.6"
+pytz==2022.1; python_full_version >= "3.7.1" and python_version >= "3.7"
pywin32==304; sys_platform == "win32" and platform_python_implementation != "PyPy" and python_version >= "3.7"
pywinpty==2.0.5; os_name == "nt" and python_version >= "3.7"
pyyaml==6.0; python_version >= "3.6"
pyzmq==23.1.0; python_version >= "3.7"
regex==2022.3.2; python_version >= "3.6"
requests==2.27.1; (python_version >= "2.7" and python_full_version < "3.0.0") or (python_full_version >= "3.6.0")
-semver==2.13.0; python_full_version >= "3.7.1" and python_version >= "3.6" and python_version < "4.0"
+rich==12.5.1; python_full_version >= "3.7.1" and python_full_version < "4.0.0" and python_version >= "3.7" and python_version < "4.0"
+semver==2.13.0; python_full_version >= "3.7.1" and python_version >= "3.7" and python_version < "4.0"
send2trash==1.8.0; python_version >= "3.7"
setuptools-scm==6.4.2; python_version >= "3.7"
simplejson==3.17.6; python_full_version >= "3.7.1" and python_version < "4.0"
@@ -113,7 +115,7 @@ smmap==5.0.0; python_version >= "3.7"
soupsieve==2.3.2.post1; python_full_version >= "3.6.0" and python_version >= "3.7"
starlette==0.14.2; python_version >= "3.6"
streamlit-aggrid==0.2.3.post2; python_full_version >= "3.7.1" and python_version < "4.0"
-streamlit==1.9.2; python_version >= "3.6"
+streamlit==1.11.1; python_version >= "3.7"
termcolor==1.1.0; python_version >= "3.6"
terminado==0.15.0; python_version >= "3.7"
@@ -125,14 +127,14 @@ tomli==2.0.1; python_version >= "3.7"
toolz==0.11.2; python_version >= "3.7"
tornado==6.1; python_full_version >= "3.7.1" and python_version < "4.0" and python_version >= "3.7"
traitlets==5.2.2.post1; python_full_version >= "3.7.0" and python_version >= "3.7"
-typing-extensions==4.2.0; python_full_version >= "3.7.1" and python_version >= "3.7" and python_version < "4.0"
+typing-extensions==4.2.0; python_full_version >= "3.7.1" and python_version >= "3.7" and python_full_version < "4.0.0" and python_version < "3.9"
typing-inspect==0.7.1; python_version >= "3.6"
-urllib3==1.26.9; python_version >= "3.6" and python_full_version < "3.0.0" or python_full_version >= "3.6.0" and python_version < "4" and python_version >= "3.6"
+urllib3==1.26.9; python_version >= "3.7" and python_full_version < "3.0.0" or python_full_version >= "3.6.0" and python_version < "4" and python_version >= "3.7"
uvloop==0.16.0; python_version >= "3.7"
-validators==0.20.0; python_full_version >= "3.7.1" and python_version < "4.0" and python_version >= "3.6"
-watchdog==2.1.8; platform_system != "Darwin" and python_version >= "3.6" and python_full_version >= "3.7.1" and python_version < "4.0"
+validators==0.20.0; python_full_version >= "3.7.1" and python_version < "4.0" and python_version >= "3.7"
+watchdog==2.1.8; platform_system != "Darwin" and python_version >= "3.7" and python_full_version >= "3.7.1" and python_version < "4.0"
wcwidth==0.2.5; python_full_version >= "3.6.2" and python_version >= "3.7"
webencodings==0.5.1; python_version >= "3.7"
widgetsnbextension==3.6.0; python_version >= "3.7"
diff --git a/docs/2020-priority.md b/docs/2020-priority.md
index 5433ce630c..7ff3056459 100644
--- a/docs/2020-priority.md
+++ b/docs/2020-priority.md
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Suzieq Priorities
-(last updated August 2021)
+(last updated June 2022)
This roadmap represents our best guess at broad priorities.
The point is to demonstrate what we think we should work on and the general
@@ -11,18 +11,6 @@ it more useful to you, please let us know. The best way is to
We are trying to provide a mix of adding new collection, new analysis, and making Suzieq a better
platform to build on.
-So far Suzieq is focused on datacenter, but we if we hear of
-interest in the ISP/WAN space (or any other), then we can pivot
-towards that. There's nothing inherent in Suzieq that makes it just
-for one part of the network than the others, we just started in the
-datacenter. The current version will be useful anywhere, it's just
-that we aren't collecting everything we'd need to do a great job
-in other places and we don't have asserts tuned towards other use cases.
-First release (0.1), was focused on good fundamentals and a good
-representation of what Suzieq can be used for. Second release (0.2)
-was focused on NXOS and Junos support.
## Areas of Development
There are six major areas that Suzieq development can be broken down into.
@@ -59,30 +47,17 @@ Given the categories, here is a rough list of tasks we will be tackling. We welc
~~ * maybe be able to just start with one IP address and then discover
everything that must be polled by suzieq
* ~~support augmenting columns (like adding peerHostname in OSPF when all we have is peerIP)~~
-* change gen_schema to ignore _ fields
* ~~make column manipulation at higher level than engine.py~~
* ~~Schema evolution and versioning to make suzieq less brittle to changes in the schema~~
-* Network wide summarize to take advantage of data across all commands
~~* Web-based GUI--
-- * ~Do you have a framework you'd like the GUI to use?~~
--- * For what functions would you use a GUI?~~
- * caching and performance
-~~* suzieq as a daemon--
- * do we need suzieq as a daemon -- what are the use cases
* ~~REST API~~
-* Create tags or other ways to group in a hierarchical way
- * possibly reuse ansible grouping
* Kubernetes
* understand topology, pod and cluster
* calico, cilium, vxlan
* asserts
* Better unit tests with mocking instead of just end-to-end with real data.
-* Integration with performance analysis
- * integration with prometheus and influxdb
- * what do we want to be able to do with this?
* ~~Arista EVPN~~
-* Integration with systems for notification of events
- * slack * ???
* ~~Users can do their own queries~~
* ~~pandas or pandas sql query~~
~~* Great expectations or some other way of better verifying data output
@@ -93,8 +68,6 @@ Given the categories, here is a rough list of tasks we will be tackling. We welc
* ~~Support for Cisco's IOS-XR~~
* Temperature and power collection
* Cloud integration such as VPC from cloud providers
-* Kafka integration for streaming telemetry
-* Redundancy -- some way of making sure that one poller is always running
* BMP to collect BGP data for realtime BGP analysis
* Understand BGP routing policy and route maps / etc
diff --git a/docs/inventory.md b/docs/inventory.md
index 6155e68716..fb2519a5d2 100644
--- a/docs/inventory.md
+++ b/docs/inventory.md
@@ -19,7 +19,8 @@ sources:
- name: netbox-instance-123
token: af8717c89ec0ff420c19d89e6c20646ad55dd54e
- tag: suzieq-demo
+ tag:
+ - suzieq-demo
type: netbox
period: 3600
@@ -98,12 +99,14 @@ Whenever a source has many fields in common with another, you don't have to rewr
type: netbox
token: your-api-token-here
- tag: suzieq-demo
+ tag:
+ - suzieq-demo
period: 3600
- name: netbox-copy # This source will use the same set of parameters of 'netbox-orig'
copy: netbox-orig # and only overrides the 'tag' field.
- tag: suzieq-copy
+ tag:
+ - suzieq-copy
### Host list
@@ -142,9 +145,9 @@ Now you can set the path of the ansible inventory in the source:
### Netbox
-[Netbox](https://netbox.readthedocs.io/en/stable/) is often used to store devices type, management address and other useful information to be used in network automation. Suzieq can pull device data from Netbox selecting them by tag (currently only one per each source).
-To do so a token to access the netbox API is required as well as the netbox instance url.
+[Netbox](https://netbox.readthedocs.io/en/stable/) is often used to store devices type, management address and other useful information to be used in network automation.
+Suzieq can pull device data from Netbox selecting them by one or more tags.
+To grant access to netbox, a token and an url must be provided.
The token is considered a [sensitive data](#sensitive-data), so it can be specified via an environment variable using the format `env:ENV_TOKEN`.
Since Netbox is a _dynamic source_, the data are periodically pulled, the period can be set to any desired number in seconds (default is 3600).
@@ -160,12 +163,35 @@ Here is an example of the configuration of a netbox type source:
type: netbox
token: your-api-token-here
- tag: suzieq-demo # if not present, default is "suzieq"
+ tag: # if not present, default is "suzieq"
+ - suzieq-demo
period: 3600 # How frequently Netbox should be polled
ssl-verify: false # Netbox certificate validation will be skipped
+#### Selecting devices from Netbox
+Starting from 0.19, it's possible to specify more than one tag to be matched, defining a list of one or more rules.
+A single rule can contain a set of tags divided by the `,` separator, which should **ALL** be matched.
+A device is polled by SuzieQ if it matches at least one of the defined rules.
+- name: netbox-multi-tag
+ type: netbox
+ token: your-api-token-here
+ url:
+ tag:
+ - alpha
+ - bravo, charlie
+For example, the source above tells SuzieQ to select from Netbox all the devices having the `alpha` OR `bravo & charlie` tags.
+ SuzieQ versions older than 0.19 supported one single tag.
+ The old syntax, following the pattern `tag: netbox-tag`, is deprecated and it might be removed in the future releases.
+#### Map Netbox sitenames to namespaces
-Moreover, netbox type source is capable to assign each device to a namespace which corresponds to the device's sitename.
+Netbox type source is capable to assign each device to a namespace which corresponds to the device's sitename.
To obtain this behaviour, we need to declare a `namespace` object with `name: netbox-sitename`.
Here is an example:
@@ -175,13 +201,16 @@ sources:
type: netbox
token: your-api-token-here
- tag: suzieq-demo
+ tag:
+ - tag1
+ - tag2, tag3
- name: netbox-dc-02
type: netbox
token: your-api-token-here
- tag: suzieq
+ tag:
+ - suzieq
- name: auth-st
diff --git a/docs/release-notes.md b/docs/release-notes.md
index 23382ba673..d394454cfe 100644
--- a/docs/release-notes.md
+++ b/docs/release-notes.md
@@ -1,5 +1,24 @@
# Release Notes
+## 0.19.0 (Aug 22, 2022)
+The 19th release of SuzieQ contains bug fixes and improvements to key functionalities such as the REST API and endpoint tracker. Here's a detailed list of key features of this release:
+* **Much improved Endpoint Tracker**: The endpoint tracker now displays endpoint movement accurately across all network OS. Its also faster. There are many other enhancements to endpoint tracking which we'll cover in a blog post separately.
+* **Vastly improved REST API performance**: Due to a bug in the code, the REST API handled only one request at a time. This has been fixed.
+* **EVPN VNI Assert Improved**: The EVPN VNI assert has been improved and cleaned up, and become faster too.
+* **Fix/improve VLAN filtering**: VLan filtering with interfaces such as ```interface show vlan="> 25"``` did not work correctly. This has been fixed, and coupled with support for in-between, allows for more powerful searching by VLAN
+* **In Between Semantics for Numeric Fields**: You can now use ">25 <50" to mean all numbers between 25 and 50 (not inclusive).
+* **Gather only connected routes for Junos MX**: Juniper MX devices have difficulty displaying the routing table (with JSON) in a short time when dealing with Internet size routing tables. This has led to some frustration on the part of users using SuzieQ to gather data from MX devices. For now, we only gather connected (or direct) routes on MXes to mitigate this problem. This is a **breaking change** if you're using SuzieQ with MX currently. Reach out over Slack if this is an issue for you, and we can tell you how to restore the old behavior for your specific setup.
+* **Netbox Multi-Tag Support**: We support the use of multiple tags (with complex OR/AND logic) to identify devices that SuzieQ should poll.
+* **Making string match consistent**: We use ! to signify not equal to. So, "!leaf01" means a string that's not equal to leaf01. When it came to regexp however, we used ~! to signify a not equal to of the regexp. To be consistent, we need to say !~. Now you can consistently use ! as in ifname="!Ethernet1/1" as well as ifname="!~Ether.*".
+* Poller Parser Fixes
+* **Handling router MAC in NXOS**: NXOS creates the same MAC addr/VLAN entry for both the SVI and the CPU. We didn't distinguish this case and so while we wrote both entries, the read displayed only one of them, and which of the two we did was unpredictable. This fix displays both entries with the flag "router".
+* Cumulus devices now recover from being dead
+* Updates to various libraries used, either because newer ones were available or due to security updates.
+And many more bug fixes, new tests and test fixes.
## 0.18.0 (June 21, 2022)
This 18th release of SuzieQ contains significant improvements to all the various NOS parsers, but especially IOSXE (more versions and more platforms supported now) and versions of NXOS older than 9.3.x. We've also added support for throttling the rate of requests SuzieQ poller issues to prevent overrunning AAA Servers. A more detailed list of features and critical bug fixes follows:
diff --git a/mkdocs.yml b/mkdocs.yml
index 26f5bc24ae..1cfda991f4 100644
--- a/mkdocs.yml
+++ b/mkdocs.yml
@@ -46,6 +46,8 @@ nav:
- Tutorials:
- '10 things to do with Suzieq': tutorials/10things.md
- 'How to think about verbs': tutorials/how_to_think_about_verbs.md
+ - External Tutorials:
+ - 'Whoop Dee Doo for my SuzieQ': 'https://gratuitous-arp.net/fabric-like-visibility-to-your-network-with-suzieq/'
- Architecture: architecture.md
# - API: # we'll add these later when we have reasonable docstrings that aren't so embarrassing
diff --git a/poetry.lock b/poetry.lock
index c11b0eb03c..d0f5c67601 100644
--- a/poetry.lock
+++ b/poetry.lock
@@ -350,6 +350,17 @@ category = "main"
optional = false
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diff --git a/suzieq/cli/sqcmds/command.py b/suzieq/cli/sqcmds/command.py
index 873102d404..84ce6e9c73 100644
--- a/suzieq/cli/sqcmds/command.py
+++ b/suzieq/cli/sqcmds/command.py
@@ -274,10 +274,12 @@ def _pager_print(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> None:
+ # pylint: disable=too-many-statements
def _gen_output(self, df: pd.DataFrame, json_orient: str = "records",
dont_strip_cols: bool = False, sort: bool = True):
- if 'error' in df.columns:
+ if ('error' in df.columns or
+ ('hopError' in df.columns and (df.hopError != '').all())):
retcode = 1
max_colwidth = None
cols = df.columns.tolist()
@@ -316,10 +318,11 @@ def _gen_output(self, df: pd.DataFrame, json_orient: str = "records",
if 'active' in df.columns:
df['active'] = np.where(df.active, '+', '-')
- if (not (self.start_time or self.end_time) and
- 'timestamp' not in self.columns and not dont_strip_cols and
- 'timestamp' in df.columns and 'timestamp' in cols):
- cols.remove('timestamp')
+ if (not (self.view == "all" or self.columns == ['*'] or
+ (self.start_time and self.end_time) or dont_strip_cols
+ or 'timestamp' in self.columns)):
+ if 'timestamp' in cols:
+ cols.remove('timestamp')
with pd.option_context(
'precision', 3,
'display.max_colwidth', max_colwidth,
@@ -332,8 +335,13 @@ def _gen_output(self, df: pd.DataFrame, json_orient: str = "records",
if is_error:
- sort_fields = [x for x in self.sqobj.sort_fields
- if x in df.columns and x in cols]
+ if (((self.start_time and self.end_time) or
+ self.view == "all") and
+ 'timestamp' in df.columns):
+ sort_fields = ['timestamp']
+ else:
+ sort_fields = [x for x in self.sqobj.sort_fields
+ if x in df.columns and x in cols]
if sort_fields:
diff --git a/suzieq/config/device.yml b/suzieq/config/device.yml
index 1e4c06db8d..6bc1ec3a64 100644
--- a/suzieq/config/device.yml
+++ b/suzieq/config/device.yml
@@ -27,15 +27,7 @@ apply:
version: all
merge: False
- - command: cat /proc/uptime; hostname
- textfsm: textfsm_templates/cls_uptime_hostname.tfsm
- _entryType: uptime
- - command: /usr/cumulus/bin/decode-syseeprom; cat /etc/os-release; cat /proc/meminfo
- textfsm: textfsm_templates/cls_model_rel.tfsm
- _entryType: model
- - command: net show foo json
+ - command: net show system json
normalize: '[
"os-version: version",
"vendor: vendor?|Cumulus",
@@ -49,6 +41,14 @@ apply:
"_entryType: _entryType?|json"
+ - command: cat /proc/uptime; hostname
+ textfsm: textfsm_templates/cls_uptime_hostname.tfsm
+ _entryType: uptime
+ - command: /usr/cumulus/bin/decode-syseeprom; cat /etc/os-release; cat /proc/meminfo
+ textfsm: textfsm_templates/cls_model_rel.tfsm
+ _entryType: model
version: all
command: show version
diff --git a/suzieq/config/ospfIf.yml b/suzieq/config/ospfIf.yml
index d857915a97..e477ad6b3b 100644
--- a/suzieq/config/ospfIf.yml
+++ b/suzieq/config/ospfIf.yml
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ apply:
"isUnnumbered: False",
"interfaceMask: maskLen?|32",
version: all
command: sudo vtysh -c 'show ip ospf vrf all interface'
@@ -53,11 +53,11 @@ apply:
version: all
merge: False
+ - command: show ip ospf interface
+ textfsm: textfsm_templates/iosxe_show_ip_ospfif.tfsm
- command: show ip ospf
textfsm: textfsm_templates/iosxe_show_ip_ospf.tfsm
_entryType: process
- - command: show ip ospf interface
- textfsm: textfsm_templates/iosxe_show_ip_ospfif.tfsm
copy: iosxe
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ apply:
- command: show ip ospf vrf all
textfsm: textfsm_templates/nxos_show_ip_ospf.tfsm
_entryType: "areas"
- version: all
- command: show ip ospf interface vrf all | json native
diff --git a/suzieq/config/routes.yml b/suzieq/config/routes.yml
index 5a014517a6..b7858f2d93 100644
--- a/suzieq/config/routes.yml
+++ b/suzieq/config/routes.yml
@@ -93,7 +93,24 @@ apply:
copy: junos-qfx
- copy: junos-qfx
+ - command: show route protocol direct | display json | no-more
+ normalize: 'route-information/[0]/route-table/*:table-name:vrf/rt/*/[
+ "rt-destination/[0]/data: prefix",
+ "rt-prefix-length/[0]/data: _rtlen?|0",
+ "rt-entry/[0]/protocol-name/[0]/data: protocol",
+ "rt-entry/[0]/preference/[0]/data: preference?|0",
+ "rt-entry/[0]/age/[0]/attributes: statusChangeTimestamp?|",
+ "rt-entry/[0]/metric/[0]/data: metric?|0",
+ "rt-entry/[0]/active-tag/[0]/data: _activeTag",
+ "rt-entry/[0]/as-path/[0]/data: asPathList?|[]",
+ "rt-entry/[0]/validation-state/[0]/data: validState?|",
+ "rt-entry/[0]/nh/[*]/to/[0]/data: nexthopIps",
+ "rt-entry/[0]/nh/[*]/via/[0]/data: oifs",
+ "rt-entry/[0]/nh/[0]/nh-local-interface/[0]/data: _localif?|",
+ "rt-entry/[0]/nh-type/[0]/data: action?|forward",
+ "rt-entry/[0]/rt-tag/[0]/data: routeTag?|",
+ "hardwareProgrammed: hardwareProgrammed?|unknown",
+ ]'
copy: junos-qfx
diff --git a/suzieq/config/schema/network.avsc b/suzieq/config/schema/network.avsc
index 9808069b9a..314b79d370 100644
--- a/suzieq/config/schema/network.avsc
+++ b/suzieq/config/schema/network.avsc
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
"name": "type",
"type": "string",
"display": 8,
- "description": "Type of interface"
+ "description": "How is this address connected to network"
"name": "vlan",
diff --git a/suzieq/config/schema/path.avsc b/suzieq/config/schema/path.avsc
index fafb2ec5a3..6434aa193f 100644
--- a/suzieq/config/schema/path.avsc
+++ b/suzieq/config/schema/path.avsc
@@ -121,6 +121,12 @@
"display": 14,
"description": "IP address of routing nexthop"
+ {
+ "name": "hopError",
+ "type": "string",
+ "display": 15,
+ "description": "Hop-specific error such as MTU mismatch"
+ },
"name": "timestamp",
"type": "timestamp",
diff --git a/suzieq/config/schema/topology.avsc b/suzieq/config/schema/topology.avsc
index 5f4831a315..9913ab7c91 100644
--- a/suzieq/config/schema/topology.avsc
+++ b/suzieq/config/schema/topology.avsc
@@ -57,13 +57,13 @@
"name": "asn",
- "type": "string",
+ "type": "long",
"display": 7,
"description": "BGP ASN for BGP peering"
"name": "peerAsn",
- "type": "string",
+ "type": "long",
"display": 8,
"description": "BGP peerASN in BGP peering"
diff --git a/suzieq/db/base_db.py b/suzieq/db/base_db.py
index 9d2004afb8..cbaba5b8fc 100644
--- a/suzieq/db/base_db.py
+++ b/suzieq/db/base_db.py
@@ -48,8 +48,7 @@ def read(self, table_name: str, data_format: str,
def write(self, table_name: str, data_format: str,
- data, coalesced: bool, schema: pa.lib.Schema,
- filename_cb, **kwargs) -> int:
+ data, coalesced: bool, schema: pa.lib.Schema, **kwargs) -> int:
"""Write the data supplied as a dataframe in the appropriate format
:param cfg: Suzieq configuration
diff --git a/suzieq/db/parquet/parquetdb.py b/suzieq/db/parquet/parquetdb.py
index 695c1251db..36c201a958 100644
--- a/suzieq/db/parquet/parquetdb.py
+++ b/suzieq/db/parquet/parquetdb.py
@@ -21,6 +21,10 @@
from suzieq.db.parquet.pq_coalesce import (SqCoalesceState,
from suzieq.db.parquet.migratedb import get_migrate_fn
+from suzieq.shared.utils import reduce_filter_list
class SqParquetDB(SqDB):
@@ -177,7 +181,7 @@ def read(self, table_name: str, data_format: str,
def write(self, table_name: str, data_format: str,
data, coalesced: bool, schema: pa.lib.Schema,
- filename_cb, **kwargs) -> int:
+ basename_template: str = None, **kwargs) -> int:
"""Write the data supplied as a dataframe as a parquet file
:param cfg: Suzieq configuration
@@ -188,7 +192,8 @@ def write(self, table_name: str, data_format: str,
(only pandas supported at this point)
:param coalesced: bool, True if data being written is in compacted form
:param schema: pa.Schema, the schema for the data
- :param filename_cb: callable, callback function to create the filename
+ :param basename_template: string, template for the name of the output
+ file
:returns: status of write
:rtype: integer
@@ -220,17 +225,14 @@ def write(self, table_name: str, data_format: str,
table = pa.Table.from_pandas(df, schema=schema,
- if filename_cb:
- pq.write_to_dataset(table, root_path=folder,
- partition_cols=partition_cols,
- version="2.0", compression="ZSTD",
- partition_filename_cb=filename_cb,
- row_group_size=100000)
- else:
- pq.write_to_dataset(table, root_path=folder,
- partition_cols=partition_cols,
- version="2.0", compression="ZSTD",
- row_group_size=100000)
+ pq.write_to_dataset(table,
+ root_path=folder,
+ partition_cols=partition_cols,
+ compression="ZSTD",
+ basename_template=basename_template,
+ existing_data_behavior='overwrite_or_ignore',
+ row_group_size=100000)
return 0
@@ -398,6 +400,10 @@ def migrate(self, table_name: str, schema: SchemaForTable) -> None:
if migrate_rtn:
dataset = self._get_cp_dataset(table_name, True, sqvers,
'all', '', '')
+ if not dataset:
+ continue
for item in dataset.files:
namespace = item.split('namespace=')[1] \
@@ -430,7 +436,8 @@ def migrate(self, table_name: str, schema: SchemaForTable) -> None:
newdf, schema=schema.get_arrow_schema(),
pq.write_to_dataset(table, newitem,
- version="2.0", compression="ZSTD",
+ compression="ZSTD",
f'Migrated {item} version {sqvers}->'
@@ -573,12 +580,14 @@ def _get_cp_dataset(self, table_name: str, need_sqvers: bool,
thistime = os.path.basename(file).split('.')[0] \
thistime = [int(x)*1000 for x in thistime] # to msec
+ file_start_time, file_end_time = thistime
if (not start_time) or start_selected or (
- thistime[0] <= start_time <= thistime[1]):
+ file_end_time >= start_time):
if not end_time:
- if thistime[0] <= end_time:
+ if file_start_time <= end_time:
if (start_time or start_selected or
view == "all"):
@@ -608,7 +617,7 @@ def _get_cp_dataset(self, table_name: str, need_sqvers: bool,
if filelist:
return ds.dataset(filelist, format='parquet', partitioning='hive')
- return []
+ return None
def _build_master_schema(self, datasets: list) -> pa.lib.Schema:
"""Build the master schema from the list of diff versions
@@ -645,35 +654,25 @@ def _get_filtered_fileset(self, dataset: ds, namespace: list) -> ds:
if not namespace:
return dataset
- # Exclude not and regexp operators as they're handled elsewhere.
- excluded_ns = [x for x in namespace
- if x.startswith('!') or x.startswith('~!')]
- if excluded_ns != namespace:
- ns_filters = [x for x in namespace
- if not x.startswith('!') and not x.startswith('~!')]
- else:
- ns_filters = namespace
+ newns = reduce_filter_list(namespace)
ns_filelist = []
chklist = dataset.files
- for ns in ns_filters or []:
+ for ns in newns or []:
if ns.startswith('!'):
ns = ns[1:]
+ use_not = True
+ else:
+ use_not = False
+ if ns.startswith('~'):
+ ns = ns[1:]
+ if use_not:
ns_filelist = \
[x for x in chklist
- if not re.search(f'namespace={ns}/', x)]
+ if not re.search(f'namespace={ns}/', x)]
+ # NOTs turn list from implicit OR into implicit AND
chklist = ns_filelist
- elif ns.startswith('~'):
- ns = ns[1:]
- if ns.startswith('!'):
- ns = ns[1:]
- ns_filelist = \
- [x for x in chklist
- if not re.search(f'namespace={ns}/', x)]
- chklist = ns_filelist
- else:
- ns_filelist.extend(
- [x for x in dataset.files
- if re.search(f'namespace={ns}/', x)])
[x for x in dataset.files
@@ -688,15 +687,15 @@ def _cons_int_filter(self, keyfld: str, filter_str: str) -> ds.Expression:
# Check if we have logical operator (<, >, = etc.)
if filter_str.startswith('<='):
- return (ds.field(keyfld) <= int(filter_str[2:]))
+ return (ds.field(keyfld) <= int(filter_str[2:].strip()))
elif filter_str.startswith('>='):
- return (ds.field(keyfld) >= int(filter_str[2:]))
+ return (ds.field(keyfld) >= int(filter_str[2:].strip()))
elif filter_str.startswith('<'):
- return (ds.field(keyfld) < int(filter_str[1:]))
+ return (ds.field(keyfld) < int(filter_str[1:].strip()))
elif filter_str.startswith('>'):
- return (ds.field(keyfld) > int(filter_str[1:]))
+ return (ds.field(keyfld) > int(filter_str[1:].strip()))
- return (ds.field(keyfld) == int(filter_str))
+ return (ds.field(keyfld) == int(filter_str.strip()))
# pylint: disable=too-many-statements
def build_ds_filters(self, start_tm: float, end_tm: float,
@@ -732,7 +731,15 @@ def build_ds_filters(self, start_tm: float, end_tm: float,
if isinstance(v, list):
infld = []
notinfld = []
- or_filters = None
+ kw_filters = None
+ use_and = False
+ # If user specifies both <= and >/>=, we treat
+ # it as an and i.e. the user is looking for a val
+ # between the provided < and > numbers.
+ if (any(x.startswith('>') for x in v) and
+ any(x.startswith('<') for x in v)):
+ use_and = True
for e in v:
if isinstance(e, str) and e.startswith("!"):
if ftype == 'int64':
@@ -741,11 +748,15 @@ def build_ds_filters(self, start_tm: float, end_tm: float,
if ftype == 'int64':
- if or_filters is not None:
- or_filters = or_filters | \
- self._cons_int_filter(k, e)
+ if kw_filters is not None:
+ if use_and:
+ kw_filters = kw_filters & \
+ self._cons_int_filter(k, e)
+ else:
+ kw_filters = kw_filters | \
+ self._cons_int_filter(k, e)
- or_filters = self._cons_int_filter(k, e)
+ kw_filters = self._cons_int_filter(k, e)
if infld and notinfld:
@@ -756,8 +767,8 @@ def build_ds_filters(self, start_tm: float, end_tm: float,
elif notinfld:
filters = filters & (~ds.field(k).isin(notinfld))
- if or_filters is not None:
- filters = filters & (or_filters)
+ if kw_filters is not None:
+ filters = filters & (kw_filters)
if isinstance(v, str) and v.startswith("!"):
if ftype == 'int64':
diff --git a/suzieq/db/parquet/pq_coalesce.py b/suzieq/db/parquet/pq_coalesce.py
index 532bdadca4..ccb2f7a35f 100644
--- a/suzieq/db/parquet/pq_coalesce.py
+++ b/suzieq/db/parquet/pq_coalesce.py
@@ -31,7 +31,8 @@ def __init__(self, logger: str, period: timedelta):
self.poller_periods = set()
self.block_start = self.block_end = 0
- def pq_file_name(self, *args): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
+ @ property
+ def pq_file_name(self):
"""Callback to create a filename that uses the timestamp of start
of hour. This makes it easy for us to lookup data when we need to.
@@ -40,7 +41,11 @@ def pq_file_name(self, *args): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
# Using timestamp rather than date/time string to simplify reads
- return f'{self.prefix}{self.block_start}-{self.block_end}.parquet'
+ name_suffix = f'{self.block_start}-{self.block_end}.parquet'
+ # {i} is replaced by pyarrow with a sequential number. It must be
+ # provided when a name for the output parquet file is provided
+ return f'{self.prefix}' + '{i}-' + name_suffix
def archive_coalesced_files(filelist: List[str], outfolder: str,
diff --git a/suzieq/engines/pandas/engineobj.py b/suzieq/engines/pandas/engineobj.py
index ed987c2d83..09ab9fd5fa 100644
--- a/suzieq/engines/pandas/engineobj.py
+++ b/suzieq/engines/pandas/engineobj.py
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
import pandas as pd
from pandas.core.groupby import DataFrameGroupBy
-from suzieq.shared.utils import humanize_timestamp
+from suzieq.shared.utils import humanize_timestamp, reduce_filter_list
from suzieq.shared.schema import Schema, SchemaForTable
from suzieq.engines.base_engine import SqEngineObj
from suzieq.sqobjects import get_sqobject
@@ -289,34 +289,29 @@ def _filter_hostname(self, df: pd.DataFrame, hostname: List[str]) \
if hostname and not df.empty:
hdf_list = []
- notlist = [x for x in hostname if '!' in x]
- if len(notlist) != len(hostname):
- hnlist = [x for x in hostname if '!' not in x]
- else:
- hnlist = hostname
+ hnlist = reduce_filter_list(hostname)
for hn in hnlist:
use_not = False
if hn.startswith('~'):
hn = hn[1:]
- if hn.startswith('!'):
- use_not = True
- hn = hn[1:]
elif hn.startswith('!'):
hn = hn[1:]
use_not = True
+ if hn.startswith('~'):
+ hn = hn[1:]
if use_not:
- df1 = df.query(f'~hostname.str.match("{hn}")')
+ df1 = df.query(
+ f'~hostname.str.fullmatch("{hn}")')
hdf_list = [df1]
+ # With not, the list of hostnames becomes an and
+ df = df1
- df1 = df.query(f"hostname.str.match('{hn}')")
+ df1 = df.query(f"hostname.str.fullmatch('{hn}')")
if not df1.empty:
- if use_not:
- # With not, the list of hostnames becomes an and
- df = df1
if hdf_list:
df = pd.concat(hdf_list)
@@ -470,7 +465,8 @@ def top(self, **kwargs):
if df.empty or ('error' in df.columns):
return df
- columns_by = [what] + self.schema.key_fields()
+ columns_by = [x for x in [what] + self.schema.key_fields()
+ if x in df.columns]
return df.sort_values(by=columns_by, ascending=reverse) \
@@ -499,12 +495,15 @@ def _get_table_sqobj(self, table: str, start_time: str = None,
verb (str): The verb to use in the get_sqobject call
- return get_sqobject(table)(
- engine_name=self.iobj.engine.name,
- context=self.ctxt,
- start_time=start_time or self.iobj.start_time,
- end_time=end_time or self.iobj.end_time,
- view=view or self.iobj.view)
+ if start_time is None:
+ start_time = self.iobj.start_time
+ if end_time is None:
+ end_time = self.iobj.end_time
+ if view is None:
+ view = self.iobj.view
+ return get_sqobject(table)(engine_name=self.iobj.engine.name,
+ context=self.ctxt, view=view,
+ start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time)
def _init_summarize(self, **kwargs) -> None:
"""Initialize the data structures for use with generating summary
diff --git a/suzieq/engines/pandas/evpnVni.py b/suzieq/engines/pandas/evpnVni.py
index 7a25f57965..273c0b2084 100644
--- a/suzieq/engines/pandas/evpnVni.py
+++ b/suzieq/engines/pandas/evpnVni.py
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-import ipaddress
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
@@ -179,105 +177,42 @@ def summarize(self, **kwargs):
return self.ns_df.convert_dtypes()
def aver(self, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame:
- """Assert for EVPN Data"""
- assert_cols = ["namespace", "hostname", "vni", "vlan",
- "remoteVtepList", "vrf", "mcastGroup", "type",
- "priVtepIp", "state", "l2VniList", "ifname",
- "secVtepIp", "timestamp"]
- kwargs.pop("columns", None) # Loose whatever's passed
+ addnl_cols = kwargs.get('addnl_cols', [])
result = kwargs.pop('result', 'all')
+ kwargs.pop('columns', None)
+ df = self._init_assert_df(**kwargs)
+ res_cols = ['namespace', 'hostname', 'vni', 'type', 'vrf',
+ 'macaddr', 'timestamp', 'result', 'assertReason']
+ for ac in addnl_cols:
+ if ac not in res_cols:
+ res_cols.insert(-3, ac)
- df = self.get(columns=assert_cols, **kwargs)
if df.empty:
- df = pd.DataFrame(columns=assert_cols)
+ df = pd.DataFrame(columns=res_cols)
if result != 'pass':
df['assertReason'] = 'No data found'
df['result'] = 'fail'
- return df
+ return df[res_cols]
df["assertReason"] = [[] for _ in range(len(df))]
- # Gather the unique set of VTEPs per VNI
- vteps_df = df.explode(column='remoteVtepList') \
- .dropna(how='any') \
- .groupby(by=['vni', 'type'])['remoteVtepList'] \
- .aggregate(lambda x: x.unique().tolist()) \
- .reset_index() \
- .dropna(how='any') \
- .rename(columns={'remoteVtepList': 'allVteps'})
- if not vteps_df.empty:
- her_df = df.merge(vteps_df)
- else:
- her_df = pd.DataFrame()
- # if (not her_df.empty and
- # (her_df.remoteVtepList.str.len() != 0).any()):
- # # Check if every VTEP we know is reachable
- # rdf = self._get_table_sqobj('routes').get(
- # namespace=kwargs.get('namespace'), vrf='default')
- # if not rdf.empty:
- # rdf['prefixlen'] = rdf['prefix'].str.split('/') \
- # .str[1].astype('int')
- # her_df["assertReason"] += her_df.apply(
- # self._is_vtep_reachable, args=(rdf,), axis=1)
+ df['assertReason'] += df.apply(
+ lambda x: ['vni down'] if x['state'] != "up" else [],
+ axis=1)
mcast_df = df.query('mcastGroup != ""')
if not mcast_df.empty:
- # Ensure that all VNIs have at most one multicast group associated
- # per namespace
- mismatched_vni_df = mcast_df \
- .groupby(by=['namespace', 'vni'])['mcastGroup'] \
- .unique() \
- .reset_index() \
- .dropna() \
- .query('mcastGroup.str.len() != 1')
- if not mismatched_vni_df.empty:
- df['assertReason'] += df.apply(
- lambda x, err_df: ['VNI has multiple mcast group']
- if (x['namespace'] in err_df['namespace'] and
- x['vni'] in err_df['vni']) else [], axis=1,
- args=(mismatched_vni_df, ))
- elif not her_df.empty:
- # Every VTEP has info about every other VTEP for a given VNI
- her_df["assertReason"] += her_df.apply(
- self._all_vteps_present, axis=1)
- # State is up
- df["assertReason"] += df.apply(
- lambda x: ['interface is down']
- if x['type'] == "L2" and x['state'] != "up"
- else [], axis=1)
- devices = df["hostname"].unique().tolist()
- ifdf = self._get_table_sqobj('interfaces') \
- .get(namespace=kwargs.get("namespace", ""), hostname=devices,
- type='vxlan')
- df = df.merge(ifdf[['namespace', 'hostname', 'ifname', 'master',
- 'vlan']],
- on=['namespace', 'hostname', 'ifname'], how='left')
- # vxlan interfaces, if defined, for every VNI is part of bridge
- # We ensure this is true artificially for NXOS, ignored for JunOS.
- df["assertReason"] += df.apply(
- lambda x: ['vni not in bridge']
- if (x['type'] == "L2" and x['ifname'] != ''
- and x['master'] != "bridge") else [],
- axis=1)
+ self._validate_vni_replication(df)
+ self._validate_mcast_vni_consistency(df, mcast_df)
+ else:
+ self._validate_all_vteps_known(df)
- mac_df = self._get_table_sqobj('macs') \
- .get(namespace=kwargs.get("namespace", ""),
- macaddr=["00:00:00:00:00:00"], remoteVtepIp=['any'])
+ self._validate_vni_vrf_consistency(df)
- # # Assert that we have HER for every remote VTEP; Cumulus/SONiC
- if not mac_df.empty:
- df['assertReason'] += df.apply(self._is_her_good,
- args=(mac_df, ), axis=1)
+ self._validate_anycast_mac(df)
# Fill out the assert column
df['result'] = df.apply(lambda x: 'pass'
@@ -293,49 +228,112 @@ def aver(self, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame:
elif result == "pass":
df = df.query('assertReason.str.len() == 0')
- return df[['namespace', 'hostname', 'vni', 'type',
- 'assertReason', 'result', 'timestamp']] \
- .explode(column='assertReason') \
- .fillna({'assertReason': '-'})
+ return df[res_cols]
- def _all_vteps_present(self, row):
- if row['secVtepIp'] == '':
- myvteps = set([row['priVtepIp']])
- else:
- myvteps = set([row['secVtepIp'], row['priVtepIp']])
+ def _init_assert_df(self, **kwargs):
+ '''Prepare for running asserts'''
- isitme = set(row['allVteps']).difference(set(row['remoteVtepList']))
- if (isitme.intersection(myvteps) or
- (row['type'] == "L3" and row['remoteVtepList'] == ["-"])):
- return []
+ addnl_cols = kwargs.pop('addnl_cols', [])
+ kwargs.pop("columns", None) # Loose whatever's passed
+ req_cols = ['*']
+ if addnl_cols:
+ req_cols += [ac for ac in addnl_cols if ac not in req_cols]
+ df = self.get(columns=req_cols, **kwargs)
+ addr_df = self._get_table_sqobj('address').get(
+ namespace=kwargs.get('namespace', []),
+ hostname=kwargs.get('hostname', []), type=['vlan'],
+ columns=['namespace', 'hostname', 'ifname', 'vlan', 'vrf',
+ 'macaddr']) \
+ .reset_index(drop=True)
+ df = df.merge(addr_df,
+ on=['namespace', 'hostname', 'vlan'],
+ how='left') \
+ .drop(columns=['vrf_x'], errors='ignore') \
+ .rename(columns={'vrf_y': 'vrf'})
+ vni_vrf_df = df.groupby(by=['namespace', 'vni'])['vrf'] \
+ .nunique() \
+ .reset_index() \
+ .rename(columns={'vrf': 'vrfCnt'})
+ df = df.merge(vni_vrf_df, on=['namespace', 'vni'], how='left')
+ return df
+ def _validate_vni_replication(self, df):
+ '''A VNI MUST the same replication model on all hosts'''
+ repl_df = df.groupby(['namespace', 'vni'])['replicationType'] \
+ .nunique() \
+ .reset_index()
+ df = df.merge(repl_df, on=['namespace', 'vni'])
+ df['assertReason'] += df.replicationType_y.apply(
+ lambda x: ['inconsistent replication across hosts']
+ if x != 1 else [])
+ df = df.drop(columns=['replicationType_y'])
+ return df
+ def _validate_mcast_vni_consistency(self, df, mcast_df):
+ '''All VNIs have at most one multicast group associated'''
+ mismatched_vni_df = mcast_df \
+ .groupby(by=['namespace', 'vni'])['mcastGroup'] \
+ .unique() \
+ .reset_index() \
+ .dropna() \
+ .query('mcastGroup.str.len() != 1')
+ if not mismatched_vni_df.empty:
+ df['assertReason'] += df.apply(
+ lambda x, err_df: ['VNI has multiple mcast group']
+ if (x['namespace'] in err_df['namespace'] and
+ x['vni'] in err_df['vni']) else [], axis=1,
+ args=(mismatched_vni_df, ))
+ def _validate_all_vteps_known(self, df):
+ '''Every VTEP MUST about every other VTEP for a given VNI with HER'''
+ df['pickVtepIp'] = np.where(df.secVtepIp == "", df.priVtepIp,
+ df.secVtepIp)
+ df['avt'] = df.apply(
+ lambda x: np.sort(np.append(x['remoteVtepList'],
+ [x['pickVtepIp']])),
+ axis=1)
+ # pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda
+ df['allVteps'] = df.avt.apply(lambda x: ','.join(x))
+ known_vteps = df.groupby(by=['namespace', 'vni'])['allVteps'] \
+ .nunique() \
+ .reset_index()
+ df = df.merge(known_vteps, on=['namespace', 'vni']) \
+ .drop(columns=['avt', 'allVteps_x', 'pickVtepIp']) \
+ .rename(columns={'allVteps_y': 'allVtepsCnt'})
+ df['assertReason'] += df.allVtepsCnt.apply(
+ lambda x: ['Some VTEPs are unknown to all'] if x != 1 else [])
+ def _validate_vni_vrf_consistency(self, df):
+ '''A L2 VNI MUST be mapped to the same L3VNI on every host'''
+ df['assertReason'] += df.vrfCnt.apply(
+ lambda x: ['Inconsistent VNI-VRF mapping'] if (x > 1) else [])
+ def _validate_anycast_mac(self, df):
+ '''All non-L2-only segments MUST have the same anycast MACaddr'''
+ rest_df = df.query('type == "L2" and macaddr != "00:00:00:00:00:00"')
+ if rest_df.macaddr.nunique() != 1:
+ df['assertReason'] += df.vrfCnt.apply(
+ lambda x: ['anycast MAC not unique across VNI']
+ if x else [])
+ def _validate_frr_her(self, df, **kwargs):
+ '''In FRR, with ingress replication, look for HER list consistency'''
- return ['some remote VTEPs missing']
+ mac_df = self._get_table_sqobj('macs') \
+ .get(namespace=kwargs.get("namespace", ""),
+ macaddr=["00:00:00:00:00:00"], remoteVtepIp=['any'])
- def _is_vtep_reachable(self, row, rdf):
- reason = []
- defrt = ipaddress.IPv4Network("")
- for vtep in row['remoteVtepList'].tolist():
- if vtep == '-':
- continue
- # Have to hardcode lpm query here sadly to avoid reading of the
- # data repeatedly. The time for asserting the state of 500 VNIs
- # came down from 194s to 4s with the below piece of code instead
- # of invoking route's lpm to accomplish the task.
- cached_df = rdf \
- .query(f'namespace=="{row.namespace}" and '
- f'hostname=="{row.hostname}"')
- route = self._get_table_sqobj('routes').lpm(vrf='default',
- address=vtep,
- cached_df=cached_df)
- if route.empty:
- reason += [f"{vtep} not reachable"]
- continue
- if route.prefix.tolist() == [defrt]:
- reason += [f"{vtep} reachable via default"]
- return reason
+ # # Assert that we have HER for every remote VTEP; Cumulus/SONiC
+ if not mac_df.empty:
+ df['assertReason'] += df.apply(self._is_her_good,
+ args=(mac_df, ), axis=1)
def _is_her_good(self, row, mac_df):
reason = []
diff --git a/suzieq/engines/pandas/interfaces.py b/suzieq/engines/pandas/interfaces.py
index 3d702fd2e1..191487c66a 100644
--- a/suzieq/engines/pandas/interfaces.py
+++ b/suzieq/engines/pandas/interfaces.py
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
+from typing import List
from ipaddress import ip_network
import re
+import operator
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
@@ -56,8 +58,8 @@ def get(self, **kwargs):
if df.empty:
return df
- if portmode or any(x in fields
- for x in ['vlan', 'vlanList', 'portmode']):
+ if vlan or portmode or any(x in fields
+ for x in ['vlan', 'vlanList', 'portmode']):
for x in ['ipAddressList', 'ip6AddressList']:
if x in columns or '*' in columns:
@@ -71,14 +73,10 @@ def get(self, **kwargs):
query_str = build_query_str([], self.schema, state=state,
- df = df.query(query_str)
+ df = df.query(query_str).reset_index(drop=True)
if vlan:
- # vlan needs to be looked at even in vlanList
- vlan = [int(x) for x in vlan]
- query_str = f' (vlan.isin({vlan}) or ' \
- f'@self._is_any_in_list(vlanList, {vlan}))'
- df = df.query(query_str)
+ df = self._check_vlan_match(vlan, df).reset_index(drop=True)
if user_query:
df = self._handle_user_query_str(df, user_query)
@@ -89,6 +87,69 @@ def get(self, **kwargs):
return df.reset_index(drop=True)[fields]
+ def _check_vlan_match(self, vlan_list: List[str],
+ df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
+ '''Return a dataframe with rows in VLANs requested
+ VLAN is treated specially because its the only field that is a list
+ of integers, and can be filtered on multiple fields: vlan and vlanList
+ A user filter on VLAN is a list that can contain numeric comparisons
+ as well as simple integers.
+ Its not made into a generic filter match because this match on VLAN
+ applies only to interface table.
+ '''
+ # If there are any VLANs with ! mixed without !, remove the
+ # ! ones. vlanList is an OR list, not an AND list, except
+ # if all are !
+ if any(x.startswith('!') for x in vlan_list):
+ cond = 'and'
+ else:
+ cond = 'or'
+ resdf_list = []
+ if (any(x.startswith('>') for x in vlan_list) and
+ any(x.startswith('<') for x in vlan_list)):
+ # if the user specifies both >/>= and <=, then we
+ # treat this as an and
+ cond = 'and'
+ opdict = {'<': operator.lt, '>': operator.gt,
+ '<=': operator.le, '>=': operator.ge,
+ '!': operator.ne, '==': operator.eq}
+ for vlan in vlan_list:
+ if vlan.startswith(('<=', '>=')):
+ op = vlan[0:2]
+ vlan = vlan[2:].strip()
+ elif vlan.startswith(('<', '>', '!')):
+ op = vlan[0]
+ vlan = vlan[1:].strip()
+ else:
+ op = '=='
+ vlan = int(vlan)
+ if op == "!":
+ tmpdf = df[df.apply(
+ lambda row, vlan: all(opdict[op](v, vlan)
+ for v in row.vlanList) and
+ opdict[op](row.vlan, vlan), args=(vlan,), axis=1)]
+ else:
+ tmpdf = df[df.apply(
+ lambda x, vlan: any(opdict[op](y, vlan)
+ for y in x.vlanList) or
+ opdict[op](x.vlan, vlan), args=(vlan,), axis=1)]
+ if cond == "or":
+ resdf_list.append(tmpdf.reset_index(drop=True))
+ else:
+ df = tmpdf
+ if resdf_list:
+ df = pd.concat(resdf_list)
+ return df.query('vlanList.str.len() > 0 or vlan != 0')
def aver(self, what="", **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Assert that interfaces are in good state"""
diff --git a/suzieq/engines/pandas/lldp.py b/suzieq/engines/pandas/lldp.py
index 805b8428d7..83d11fce14 100644
--- a/suzieq/engines/pandas/lldp.py
+++ b/suzieq/engines/pandas/lldp.py
@@ -67,8 +67,11 @@ def get(self, **kwargs):
ifidx_df = df.query('subtype.str.startswith("locally")')
- ifindices = ifidx_df.query('peerIfindex != 0').peerIfindex \
- .unique().tolist()
+ # stringify the numbers because sqobj expects pretty much all input
+ # to be strings
+ ifindices = [str(x)
+ for x in ifidx_df.query('peerIfindex != 0').peerIfindex
+ .unique().tolist()]
if not ifidx_df.empty and ifindices:
ifdf = self._get_table_sqobj('interfaces').get(
namespace=namespace, ifindex=ifindices,
diff --git a/suzieq/engines/pandas/macs.py b/suzieq/engines/pandas/macs.py
index fcb27daf29..0d96dd4d23 100644
--- a/suzieq/engines/pandas/macs.py
+++ b/suzieq/engines/pandas/macs.py
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ def table_name():
'''Table name'''
return 'macs'
+ # pylint: disable=too-many-statements
def get(self, **kwargs):
if not self.iobj.table:
raise NotImplementedError
@@ -61,6 +62,11 @@ def get(self, **kwargs):
df['moveCount'] = df.groupby(level=[0, 1, 2, 3])[
df = df.reset_index()
+ if not ((view == "all") or
+ (self.iobj.start_time and self.iobj.end_time)):
+ df = df.drop_duplicates(subset=self.schema.key_fields(),
+ keep='last') \
+ .reset_index(drop=True)
if moveCount:
@@ -70,6 +76,8 @@ def get(self, **kwargs):
except ValueError:
df = df.query(
f'moveCount {moveCount}').reset_index(drop=True)
+ elif df.empty and compute_moves:
+ df['moveCount'] = []
df = self._handle_user_query_str(df, user_query)
if remoteOnly:
diff --git a/suzieq/engines/pandas/network.py b/suzieq/engines/pandas/network.py
index 7d8fb9cf5b..00fb084d88 100644
--- a/suzieq/engines/pandas/network.py
+++ b/suzieq/engines/pandas/network.py
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
from typing import List
+from ipaddress import ip_address, ip_network
import pandas as pd
@@ -75,14 +76,48 @@ def _find_address(self, addr: str, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame:
vlan = kwargs.pop('vlan', '')
vrf = kwargs.pop('vrf', '')
+ columns = kwargs.get('columns', ['default'])
+ cols = self.schema.get_display_fields(columns)
+ if ((self.iobj.start_time and self.iobj.end_time) or
+ (self.iobj.view == 'all')):
+ cols.insert(0, 'active')
+ cols.append('timestamp')
# Convert Cisco-style MAC address to standard MAC addr format,
# and lowercase all letters of the alphabet
addr = convert_macaddr_format_to_colon(addr)
addr_df = self._find_addr_arp(addr, **kwargs)
if addr_df.empty:
- return addr_df
+ # Is this a locally attached interface IP to a device we're polling
+ df = self._get_table_sqobj('address') \
+ .get(vrf=vrf, address=[addr],
+ columns=['namespace', 'hostname', 'ifname', 'vlan', 'vrf',
+ 'ipAddress', 'macaddr', 'timestamp'],
+ **kwargs)
+ if df.empty:
+ return addr_df
+ # Only pick the entry with the address specified
+ df = df.explode('ipAddress')
+ df['ipAddress'] = df.ipAddress.str.split('/').str[0]
+ if any(x in addr for x in ['::', '.']):
+ df = df.query(f'ipAddress == "{addr}"').reset_index(drop=True)
+ else:
+ # If we're querying by MAC Addr and an interface has no IP,
+ # without fillna, the entries are dropped due to dropna below
+ # Arista's interfaces return a if the primary address
+ # isn't set. Weed out these entries
+ df = df.query(f'macaddr == "{addr}"') \
+ .fillna('') \
+ .query('ipAddress != ""') \
+ .reset_index(drop=True)
+ df['type'] = 'interface'
+ df['l2miss'] = False
+ addr_df = df
addr_df = self._find_first_hop_attach(addr_df)
if vlan and not addr_df.empty:
addr_df = addr_df.query(f'vlan == {vlan}')
@@ -96,32 +131,32 @@ def _find_address(self, addr: str, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame:
# identify the primary interface
addr_df = addr_df \
.dropna() \
- .drop_duplicates(subset=['namespace', 'hostname', 'vrf']) \
+ .drop_duplicates() \
if addr_df.type.unique().tolist() == ['routed']:
- addr_df = self._find_primary_interface(addr_df, addr)
+ addr_df = self._add_primary_interface(addr_df, addr)
- return addr_df
+ return addr_df[cols]
def _find_bond_members(self, namespace: str, hostname: str,
- ifname: str, timestamp: int) -> List[str]:
+ ifname: str, timestamp: str) -> List[str]:
"""This function returns the member ports of a bond interface
namespace (str): Namespace of the host
hostname (str): Hostname of the host
ifname (str): Interface name of the bond
- timestamp (int): Timestamp (epoch secs), at which to look for
+ timestamp (str): time string, of str(timestamp) format
- mbr_list(List[str]): List of member ports
+ mbr_list(List[str]): List of member ports or input ifname
# get list of namespaces, hostnames and ifnames to get info for
ifdf = self._get_table_sqobj('interfaces',
- start_time=str(timestamp-30),
- end_time=str(timestamp+30)) \
+ start_time='',
+ end_time=timestamp) \
.get(namespace=[namespace], hostname=[hostname], master=[ifname])
if not ifdf.empty:
@@ -129,6 +164,7 @@ def _find_bond_members(self, namespace: str, hostname: str,
return [ifname]
+ # pylint: disable=too-many-statements
def _find_addr_arp(self, addr: str, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Find the origin or the first hop network device that owns this addr
@@ -146,105 +182,230 @@ def _find_addr_arp(self, addr: str, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame:
arpdf = self._get_table_sqobj('arpnd').get(
macaddr=addr.split(), **kwargs)
+ # This var tracks the set of hosts that were active and had
+ # local ARP entries when last seen. Its used when view=all or
+ # start and end times are specified.
+ active_local_hosts = set()
result = []
- for row in arpdf.itertuples():
+ if arpdf.empty:
+ return pd.DataFrame(result)
+ # When providing view=all or a start-time/end-time, since we're
+ # using data from multiple table to produce the final output, we
+ # need to know how to handle the time when we look for data in those
+ # additional tables. For example, consider an ARP entry exists at time
+ # t1, and then has changes at t2 and t3. Now lets say the user wants
+ # to see all changes or changes between t1 and t3. WHen processing
+ # the entries for row t1, We need to ensure that we look for data in
+ # other tables only before t2, only before t3 when processing the
+ # entry at time t2 and so on. We're figuring out the time window
+ # with the code below.
+ if not arpdf.empty:
+ key_cols = ['namespace', 'hostname', 'ipAddress']
+ arpdf = arpdf.sort_values(by=key_cols + ['timestamp'])
+ arpdf['next_ts'] = arpdf.groupby(by=key_cols)['timestamp'] \
+ .shift(-1)
+ namespaces = arpdf.namespace.unique().tolist()
+ hostnames = arpdf.hostname.unique().tolist()
+ # Weed out MACVLAN interfaces on Cumulus that are for VIPs
+ ifaces = [x for x in arpdf.oif.unique().tolist()
+ if not x.endswith('-v0')]
+ macaddrs = arpdf.macaddr.unique().tolist()
+ ifdf = self._get_table_sqobj('interfaces', start_time='') \
+ .get(namespace=namespaces, hostname=hostnames,
+ ifname=ifaces)
+ # We don't explicitly look for only local-only entries because
+ # that precludes us addresses that were not remote in the past.
+ macdf = self._get_table_sqobj('macs', start_time='') \
+ .get(namespace=namespaces, hostname=hostnames,
+ macaddr=macaddrs,
+ columns=['namespace', 'hostname', 'vlan', 'macaddr',
+ 'oif', 'remoteVtepIp', 'flags', 'active',
+ 'timestamp'])
+ for arp_row in arpdf.itertuples():
+ # We ignore the start time because the entries such as interface
+ # may not have changeed in a very long time. Using the
+ # start-time if one is provided can make us not return the
+ # relevant data in situations where say, the interface has been
+ # stable long before.
+ # the start time.
+ row_end_time = arp_row.next_ts or self.iobj.end_time
tmpres = {}
- if getattr(row, 'error', None):
- continue
- if row.oif.endswith('-v0'):
- # Handle VRR interfaces in Cumulus
- oif = row.oif[:-3]
- else:
- oif = row.oif
- active = getattr(row, 'active', True)
- if not active:
- result.append({
- 'active': False,
- 'namespace': row.namespace,
- 'hostname': row.hostname,
- 'vrf': '-',
- 'ipAddress': row.ipAddress,
- 'vlan': '-',
- 'macaddr': row.macaddr,
- 'ifname': row.oif,
- 'type': 'bridged',
- 'l2miss': False,
- 'timestamp': row.timestamp
- })
+ if getattr(arp_row, 'error', None):
+ continue
+ # Remote ARP entries are not what we need to track down locally
+ # attached addresses. The if removes any always remote entries
+ # from being considered.
+ if (arp_row.remote and
+ arp_row.hostname not in active_local_hosts):
- ifdf = self._get_table_sqobj('interfaces') \
- .get(namespace=[row.namespace], hostname=[row.hostname],
- ifname=[oif])
+ if arp_row.oif.endswith('-v0'):
+ # Ignore VRR interfaces in Cumulus, we got them via the
+ # normal interface entry (without -v0)
+ continue
+ oif = arp_row.oif
+ active = getattr(arp_row, 'active', True)
+ # If an entry goes from local to being deleted, remove it
+ if not active and arp_row.hostname in active_local_hosts:
+ active_local_hosts.remove(arp_row.hostname)
+ if active and not arp_row.remote:
+ active_local_hosts.add(arp_row.hostname)
+ row_ifdf = ifdf.query(f'namespace=="{arp_row.namespace}" and '
+ f'hostname=="{arp_row.hostname}" and '
+ f'ifname=="{arp_row.oif}"')
+ # We need to select the entries that are closest to this
+ # arpdf entry's timestamp
+ if (not row_ifdf.empty and
+ (self.iobj.end_time or self.iobj.view == "all") and
+ row_end_time is not pd.NaT):
+ row_ifdf = row_ifdf[row_ifdf['timestamp'] <= row_end_time]
+ if not row_ifdf.empty:
+ netaddr = ip_address(arp_row.ipAddress)
+ row_vrf = row_ifdf.master.unique().tolist()[0] or 'default'
+ # The code below checks if the provided address belongs to
+ # the interface subnet. If it does, its a bridged address
+ # else its a routed address i.e. you use routing to reach it.
+ if not ifdf.ipAddressList.apply(
+ lambda subnets, netaddr:
+ False if not subnets.any() else
+ any(netaddr in ip_network(subnet, strict=False)
+ for subnet in subnets),
+ args=(netaddr,)).any():
- if not ifdf.empty:
- if 'vlan' not in ifdf.type.unique():
# Routed interface
- if hasattr(row, 'active'):
- tmpres['active'] = True # False case handled above
- 'namespace': row.namespace,
- 'hostname': row.hostname,
- 'vrf': ifdf.master.unique().tolist()[0] or 'default',
- 'ipAddress': row.ipAddress,
- 'vlan': ifdf.vlan.astype(str).unique().tolist()[0],
- 'macaddr': row.macaddr,
+ 'active': active,
+ 'namespace': arp_row.namespace,
+ 'hostname': arp_row.hostname,
+ 'vrf': row_vrf,
+ 'ipAddress': arp_row.ipAddress,
+ 'vlan': row_ifdf.vlan.unique().tolist()[0],
+ 'macaddr': arp_row.macaddr,
'ifname': oif,
'type': 'routed',
'l2miss': False,
- 'timestamp': row.timestamp
+ 'timestamp': arp_row.timestamp
- macdf = self._get_table_sqobj('macs') \
- .get(namespace=[row.namespace], hostname=[row.hostname],
- vlan=ifdf.vlan.astype(str).unique().tolist(),
- macaddr=[row.macaddr],
- columns=['default'],
- local=True)
- if not macdf.empty:
- oifs = [x for x in macdf.oif.unique() if x !=
- "vPC Peer-Link"]
- if not oifs:
- continue
- if hasattr(row, 'active'):
- tmpres['active'] = True
+ # At this point, we're dealing with bridged addresses, and as
+ # an endpoint I'm expecting an SVI. Its possible its an
+ # interface address on a routed link, but we cover that above
+ # or via fetching the address table in the code that calls this
+ # function.
+ if 'vlan' not in ifdf.type.unique():
+ continue
+ # If the entry switched from local to remote, mark it as
+ # deleted
+ if active and arp_row.remote:
+ # if the entry didnt switch from local to remote, we'd
+ # have continued above
+ # Routed interface
- 'namespace': row.namespace,
- 'hostname': row.hostname,
- 'vrf': ifdf.master.unique().tolist()[0] or 'default',
- 'ipAddress': row.ipAddress,
- 'vlan': ifdf.vlan.astype(str).unique().tolist()[0],
- 'macaddr': row.macaddr,
- 'ifname': oifs[0],
+ 'active': False,
+ 'namespace': arp_row.namespace,
+ 'hostname': arp_row.hostname,
+ 'vrf': row_vrf,
+ 'ipAddress': arp_row.ipAddress,
+ 'vlan': row_ifdf.vlan.unique().tolist()[0],
+ 'macaddr': arp_row.macaddr,
+ 'ifname': oif,
'type': 'bridged',
'l2miss': False,
- 'timestamp': row.timestamp
+ 'timestamp': arp_row.timestamp
- else:
- if hasattr(row, 'active'):
- tmpres['active'] = True
+ active_local_hosts.remove(arp_row.hostname)
+ continue
- tmpres.update({
- 'namespace': row.namespace,
- 'hostname': row.hostname,
- 'vrf': ifdf.master.unique().tolist()[0] or 'default',
- 'ipAddress': row.ipAddress,
- 'vlan': ifdf.vlan.astype(str).unique().tolist()[0],
- 'macaddr': row.macaddr,
- 'ifname': ' '.join(ifdf.ifname.unique().tolist()),
- 'type': 'bridged',
- 'l2miss': True,
- 'timestamp': row.timestamp
- })
+ row_macdf = macdf.query(
+ f'namespace=="{arp_row.namespace}" and '
+ f'hostname=="{arp_row.hostname}" and '
+ f'macaddr=="{arp_row.macaddr}" and '
+ f'vlan=={ifdf.vlan.unique().tolist()}')
+ # We need to select the entries that are closest to this
+ # arpdf entry's timestamp. We can get duplicate entries
+ # due to the various possibilities of mac table updates
+ # (the mac table may not have changed in a long time or
+ # it might've in the time window of this entry). We use
+ # drop_duplicates later to remove duplicate entries.
+ if (not row_macdf.empty and
+ (self.iobj.end_time or self.iobj.view == "all") and
+ row_end_time is not pd.NaT):
+ row_macdf = row_macdf[(row_macdf['timestamp']
+ <= row_end_time) &
+ (row_macdf['flags'] != "remote")]
+ for mac_row in row_macdf.itertuples():
+ tmpres = {}
+ if (not mac_row.oif or mac_row.oif == "vPC Peer-Link" or
+ mac_row.flags == 'remote'):
+ continue
+ oifs = mac_row.oif
+ if not mac_row.active:
+ tmpres.update({
+ 'active': active,
+ 'namespace': arp_row.namespace,
+ 'hostname': arp_row.hostname,
+ 'vrf': row_vrf,
+ 'ipAddress': arp_row.ipAddress,
+ 'vlan': mac_row.vlan,
+ 'macaddr': arp_row.macaddr,
+ 'ifname': arp_row.oif,
+ 'type': 'bridged',
+ 'l2miss': True,
+ 'timestamp': mac_row.timestamp
+ })
+ else:
+ tmpres.update({
+ 'active': active,
+ 'namespace': arp_row.namespace,
+ 'hostname': arp_row.hostname,
+ 'vrf': row_vrf,
+ 'ipAddress': arp_row.ipAddress,
+ 'vlan': mac_row.vlan,
+ 'macaddr': arp_row.macaddr,
+ 'ifname': oifs,
+ 'type': 'bridged',
+ 'l2miss': False,
+ 'timestamp': arp_row.timestamp
+ })
+ result.append(tmpres)
+ if row_macdf.empty:
+ for ele_vlan in row_ifdf.vlan.unique().tolist():
+ tmpres.update({
+ 'active': active,
+ 'namespace': arp_row.namespace,
+ 'hostname': arp_row.hostname,
+ 'vrf': row_vrf,
+ 'ipAddress': arp_row.ipAddress,
+ 'vlan': ele_vlan,
+ 'macaddr': arp_row.macaddr,
+ 'ifname':
+ ' '.join(row_ifdf.query(f'vlan == {ele_vlan}')
+ .ifname.unique().tolist()),
+ 'type': 'bridged',
+ 'l2miss': True,
+ 'timestamp': arp_row.timestamp
+ })
return pd.DataFrame(result)
+ # pylint: disable=too-many-statements
def _find_first_hop_attach(self, addr_df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Find the first hop switch attachment point for this address
@@ -261,36 +422,37 @@ def _find_first_hop_attach(self, addr_df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
return addr_df
result = []
+ # Calculate the next timestamp window for use with pulling in
+ # correct info
+ key_cols = ['namespace', 'hostname', 'vrf', 'ipAddress']
+ l2_addr_df = l2_addr_df.sort_values(by=key_cols + ['timestamp'])
+ l2_addr_df['next_ts'] = l2_addr_df.groupby(by=key_cols)['timestamp'] \
+ .shift(-1)
for row in l2_addr_df.itertuples():
tmpres = {}
active = getattr(row, 'active', True)
- if not active:
- result.append({
- 'active': False,
- 'namespace': row.namespace,
- 'hostname': row.hostname,
- 'vrf': row.vrf,
- 'ipAddress': row.ipAddress,
- 'vlan': row.vlan,
- 'macaddr': row.macaddr,
- 'ifname': row.ifname,
- 'bondMembers': '-',
- 'type': row.type,
- 'l2miss': row.l2miss,
- 'timestamp': row.timestamp
- })
- continue
match_ifname = row.ifname.split('.')[0]
match_hostname = row.hostname
match_namespace = row.namespace
match_vrf = row.vrf
- match_endtime = str(row.timestamp.timestamp() + 30)
- match_starttime = str(row.timestamp.timestamp() - 30)
- macobj = self._get_table_sqobj('macs', start_time=match_starttime,
+ # We ignore the start time because the entries such as interface
+ # may not have changeed in a very long time. Using the
+ # start-time if one is provided can make us not return the
+ # relevant data in situations where say, the interface has been
+ # stable long before.
+ if self.iobj.end_time:
+ if row.next_ts is pd.NaT:
+ match_endtime = self.iobj.end_time
+ else:
+ match_endtime = str(row.next_ts)
+ else:
+ match_endtime = ''
+ macobj = self._get_table_sqobj('macs', start_time='',
- lldpobj = self._get_table_sqobj('lldp', start_time=match_starttime,
+ lldpobj = self._get_table_sqobj('lldp', start_time='',
while True:
@@ -301,7 +463,15 @@ def _find_first_hop_attach(self, addr_df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
mbr_ports = self._find_bond_members(
match_namespace, match_hostname, match_ifname,
- row.timestamp.timestamp())
+ match_endtime)
+ # If what we have is an address of an interface, don't chase
+ # down the rabbit hole for first attach point
+ if row.type == 'interface':
+ if match_ifname in mbr_ports:
+ mbr_ports = ''
+ match_ifname = row.ifname
+ break
lldp_df = lldpobj.get(namespace=[row.namespace],
@@ -314,7 +484,7 @@ def _find_first_hop_attach(self, addr_df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
match_ifname = lldp_df.peerIfname.unique().tolist()[0]
mbr_ports = self._find_bond_members(
match_namespace, match_hostname, match_ifname,
- row.timestamp.timestamp())
+ match_endtime)
# Need to get VRF for the interface
ifdf = self._get_table_sqobj('interfaces') \
@@ -343,10 +513,8 @@ def _find_first_hop_attach(self, addr_df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
if match_ifname in mbr_ports:
mbr_ports = ''
- if 'active' in addr_df.columns:
- tmpres['active'] = True # False has been handled already
+ 'active': active,
'namespace': row.namespace,
'hostname': match_hostname,
'vrf': match_vrf,
@@ -366,16 +534,16 @@ def _find_first_hop_attach(self, addr_df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
return addr_df
- def _find_primary_interface(self, addr_df: pd.DataFrame,
- addr: str) -> pd.DataFrame:
- """Find the primary interface for this address
+ def _add_primary_interface(self, addr_df: pd.DataFrame,
+ addr: str) -> pd.DataFrame:
+ """Add the primary interface for this address if unnumbered
addr_df (pd.DataFrame): Dataframe with the address information
addr (str): address to search for
- pd.DataFrame: Dataframe with primary interface rows only
+ pd.DataFrame: Dataframe with primary interface rows added
hostnsgrp = addr_df.groupby(['hostname', 'namespace', 'vrf'])
@@ -383,28 +551,46 @@ def _find_primary_interface(self, addr_df: pd.DataFrame,
# not a set of duplicated interfaces, return
return addr_df
+ # We need to add the empty string to handle junos devices which have
+ # the IP address on .0 interfaces which the poller tended to classify
+ # as subinterface.
+ vrf = [addr_df.vrf[0], '']
# We have a set of duplicated interfaces, find the primary
- df = self._get_table_sqobj('interfaces') \
+ df = self._get_table_sqobj('address', start_time='') \
- vrf=[addr_df.vrf[0]], type='loopback')
- if df.empty:
- return addr_df
+ vrf=vrf, type='loopback')
+ if df.empty or ((df.ipAddressList.str.len() == 0).all() and
+ (df.ip6AddressList.str.len() == 0).all()):
+ # Junos interfaces have IP address on the subinterface, and
+ # so look for that.
+ ifnames = [f'{x}.0' for x in df.ifname.unique()]
+ df = self._get_table_sqobj('address') \
+ .get(namespace=[addr_df.namespace[0]],
+ hostname=[addr_df.hostname[0]],
+ vrf=vrf, ifname=ifnames)
df = df.explode('ipAddressList').explode('ip6AddressList') \
.query(f'ipAddressList.str.startswith("{addr}/") or '
f'ip6AddressList.str.startswith("{addr}/")') \
+ .fillna('') \
if not df.empty:
- addr_df['ifname'] = df.ifname.unique().tolist()[0]
- if df.type[0] == "bond":
- addr_df['bondMbrs'] = self._find_bond_members(
- addr_df.namespace[0], addr_df.hostname[0],
- addr_df.ifname[0], addr_df.timestamp[0].timestamp())
+ df['macaddr'] = "00:00:00:00:00:00"
+ df['vlan'] = 0
+ df['bondMembers'] = ''
+ df['type'] = 'interface'
+ df['l2miss'] = False
+ if '::' in addr:
+ df['ipAddress'] = df.ip6AddressList.apply(lambda x:
+ x.split('/')[0])
- addr_df['bondMbrs'] = ''
- return addr_df
+ df['ipAddress'] = df.ipAddressList.apply(lambda x:
+ x.split('/')[0])
+ addr_df = addr_df.append(df[['namespace', 'hostname', 'ifname',
+ 'ipAddress', 'vrf', 'vlan', 'type',
+ 'l2miss', 'macaddr', 'bondMembers']])
return addr_df
diff --git a/suzieq/engines/pandas/ospf.py b/suzieq/engines/pandas/ospf.py
index c97f15f978..5fee7a46ee 100644
--- a/suzieq/engines/pandas/ospf.py
+++ b/suzieq/engines/pandas/ospf.py
@@ -318,14 +318,14 @@ def aver(self, **kwargs):
left_on=["namespace", "hostname", "ifname"],
right_on=["namespace", "peerHostname", "peerIfname"]) \
.rename(columns={'assertReason_x': 'assertReason'}) \
- .dropna(subset=['ipAddress_x', 'index_x', 'ipAddress_y']) \
+ .dropna(subset=['ipAddress_x', 'ipAddress_y']) \
.fillna({'isUnnumbered_y': False})
if peer_df.empty:
# We're unable to find a peer but the sessions have failed
failed_df['assertReason'] = failed_df.apply(
- lambda x: 'Loopback not configured passive'
- if x['networkType'] == 'loopback' else 'No Peer Found',
+ lambda x: ['Loopback not configured passive']
+ if x['networkType'] == 'loopback' else ['No Peer Found'],
return self._create_aver_result([ok_df, ifdown_df, failed_df],
@@ -550,6 +550,4 @@ def _create_aver_result(self, dflist: List[pd.DataFrame],
return ospf_df[['namespace', 'hostname', 'vrf', 'ifname', 'adjState',
'assertReason', 'result']] \
- .explode('assertReason') \
- .fillna('') \
diff --git a/suzieq/engines/pandas/path.py b/suzieq/engines/pandas/path.py
index 3df64b237c..cd1819b565 100644
--- a/suzieq/engines/pandas/path.py
+++ b/suzieq/engines/pandas/path.py
@@ -775,7 +775,7 @@ def get(self, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame:
"outMtu": item["mtu"],
"overlay": '',
"protocol": '',
- "error": [],
+ "hopError": [],
"lookup": dest,
"macaddr": None,
"vrf": dvrf or item['master'], # pick user pref if given
@@ -806,7 +806,7 @@ def get(self, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame:
"mtu": item["mtu"],
"outMtu": item["mtu"],
"macaddr": None,
- "error": error,
+ "hopError": error,
"overlay": '',
"is_l2": False,
"overlay_nhip": '',
@@ -853,7 +853,7 @@ def get(self, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame:
rev_df = self._rpf_df.query(
f'hostname == "{device}" and vrf == "{vrfchk}"')
if rev_df.empty:
- dest_device_iifs[destdevkey]['error'] \
+ dest_device_iifs[destdevkey]['hopError'] \
.append('no reverse path')
revdf_check = False
pdev1 = devkey.split('/')[1]
@@ -870,8 +870,10 @@ def get(self, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame:
if dst_mtu > MAX_MTU:
dst_mtu = copy_dest.get('mtu', 0)
if dst_mtu != src_mtu:
- if 'Dst MTU != Src MTU' not in copy_dest['error']:
- copy_dest['error'].append('Dst MTU != Src MTU')
+ if ('Dst MTU != Src MTU' not in
+ copy_dest['hopError']):
+ copy_dest['hopError']\
+ .append('Dst MTU != Src MTU')
# This is weird because we have no room to store the
# prev hop's outgoing IIF MTU on the last hop
copy_dest['outMtu'] = \
@@ -897,8 +899,10 @@ def get(self, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame:
if dst_mtu > MAX_MTU:
dst_mtu = copy_dest.get('mtu', 0)
if dst_mtu != src_mtu:
- if 'Dst MTU != Src MTU' not in copy_dest['error']:
- copy_dest['error'].append('Dst MTU != Src MTU')
+ if ('Dst MTU != Src MTU' not in
+ copy_dest['hopError']):
+ copy_dest['hopError']\
+ .append('Dst MTU != Src MTU')
# This is weird because we have no room to store the
# prev hop's outgoing IIF MTU on the last hop
copy_dest['outMtu'] = \
@@ -967,10 +971,10 @@ def get(self, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame:
if skey in l2_visited_devices:
# This is a loop
if ioverlay:
- devices_iifs[devkey]['error'] \
+ devices_iifs[devkey]['hopError'] \
.append("Loop in underlay")
- devices_iifs[devkey]['error'] \
+ devices_iifs[devkey]['hopError'] \
.append("L2 Loop detected")
for x in paths:
z = x + [OrderedDict({devkey:
@@ -982,7 +986,7 @@ def get(self, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame:
if skey in l3_visited_devices:
- devices_iifs[devkey]['error'].append("L3 loop")
+ devices_iifs[devkey]['hopError'].append("L3 loop")
for x in paths:
z = x + [OrderedDict({devkey:
@@ -1007,7 +1011,7 @@ def get(self, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame:
rev_df = self._rpf_df.query(
f'hostname == "{device}" and vrf == "{ivrf}"')
if rev_df.empty and not on_src_node:
- devices_iifs[devkey]['error'] \
+ devices_iifs[devkey]['hopError'] \
.append('no reverse path')
devices_iifs[devkey]['lookup'] = ''
@@ -1026,8 +1030,9 @@ def get(self, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame:
devices_iifs[devkey]['protocol'] = protocol
if not rt_ts:
devices_iifs[devkey]['timestamp'] = timestamp
- if errmsg and errmsg not in devices_iifs[devkey]['error']:
- devices_iifs[devkey]['error'].append(errmsg)
+ if (errmsg and
+ errmsg not in devices_iifs[devkey]['hopError']):
+ devices_iifs[devkey]['hopError'].append(errmsg)
if iface is not None:
if iface.startswith('vPC Peer'):
@@ -1080,7 +1085,7 @@ def get(self, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame:
"is_l2": is_l2,
"nhip": nhip,
"oif": iface,
- "error": error,
+ "hopError": error,
"overlay_nhip": overlay_nhip,
'l3_visited_devices': l3_visited_devices.copy(),
'l2_visited_devices': l2_visited_devices.copy()
@@ -1156,7 +1161,7 @@ def _path_cons_result(self, paths):
"vtepLookup": "",
"macLookup": "",
"nexthopIp": ele[item].get('nhip', ''),
- "error": ', '.join(ele[item].get('error', [])),
+ "hopError": ', '.join(ele[item].get('hopError', [])),
"timestamp": ele[item].get("timestamp", np.nan)
@@ -1196,8 +1201,6 @@ def _path_cons_result(self, paths):
prev_hop['nexthopIp'] = ''
prev_hop['vtepLookup'] = ''
paths_df = pd.DataFrame(df_plist)
- if not paths_df.empty and not any(paths_df.error):
- paths_df.drop(columns=['error'], inplace=True)
return paths_df.drop_duplicates()
def summarize(self, **kwargs):
diff --git a/suzieq/engines/rest/engineobj.py b/suzieq/engines/rest/engineobj.py
index 265311a991..1312cd1297 100644
--- a/suzieq/engines/rest/engineobj.py
+++ b/suzieq/engines/rest/engineobj.py
@@ -74,7 +74,8 @@ def _get_response(self, verb: str, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame:
'hostname': kwargs.get('hostname', self.iobj.hostname)}
- kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if v}
+ # Cannot drop values which are equal to 0 or False
+ kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if v or v in [0, False]}
query_params = urllib.parse.urlencode(kwargs, doseq=True)
diff --git a/suzieq/gui/stlit/guiutils.py b/suzieq/gui/stlit/guiutils.py
index 7e52033b59..36530fa970 100644
--- a/suzieq/gui/stlit/guiutils.py
+++ b/suzieq/gui/stlit/guiutils.py
@@ -57,8 +57,7 @@ def display_help_icon(url: str):
-@st.cache(ttl=90, allow_output_mutation=True, show_spinner=False,
- max_entries=20)
def gui_get_df(table: str,
config_file: str,
verb: str = 'get', **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame:
diff --git a/suzieq/gui/stlit/path.py b/suzieq/gui/stlit/path.py
index 124e6f19fa..8195087e3d 100644
--- a/suzieq/gui/stlit/path.py
+++ b/suzieq/gui/stlit/path.py
@@ -79,10 +79,10 @@ def _create_sidebar(self) -> None:
namespaces = [''] + sorted(devdf.namespace.unique().tolist())
- if self._state.namespace:
- nsidx = namespaces.index(self._state.namespace)
- else:
- nsidx = 0
+ nsidx = 0
+ if state.namespace and state.namespace in namespaces:
+ nsidx = namespaces.index(state.namespace)
url = '&'.join([
diff --git a/suzieq/gui/stlit/search.py b/suzieq/gui/stlit/search.py
index b6be402e9c..30bd867091 100644
--- a/suzieq/gui/stlit/search.py
+++ b/suzieq/gui/stlit/search.py
@@ -53,10 +53,10 @@ def _create_sidebar(self) -> None:
namespaces = [''] + sorted(devdf.namespace.unique().tolist())
- if not state.namespace:
- nsidx = 0
- else:
+ nsidx = 0
+ if state.namespace and state.namespace in namespaces:
nsidx = namespaces.index(state.namespace)
namespace = st.sidebar.selectbox('Namespace',
namespaces, key='search_ns',
diff --git a/suzieq/gui/stlit/status.py b/suzieq/gui/stlit/status.py
index b1640e52ae..bc831d2123 100644
--- a/suzieq/gui/stlit/status.py
+++ b/suzieq/gui/stlit/status.py
@@ -44,10 +44,10 @@ def _create_sidebar(self) -> None:
namespaces = [''] + sorted(devdf.namespace.unique().tolist())
- if self._state.namespace:
+ nsidx = 0
+ if self._state.namespace and self._state.namespace in namespaces:
nsidx = namespaces.index(self._state.namespace)
- else:
- nsidx = 0
namespace = st.sidebar.selectbox('Namespace', namespaces, index=nsidx,
diff --git a/suzieq/gui/stlit/xplore.py b/suzieq/gui/stlit/xplore.py
index 133fe0bcf7..552fbfa409 100644
--- a/suzieq/gui/stlit/xplore.py
+++ b/suzieq/gui/stlit/xplore.py
@@ -90,10 +90,11 @@ def _create_sidebar(self) -> None:
namespaces = [""]
- if state.namespace:
+ nsidx = 0
+ if state.namespace and state.namespace in namespaces:
nsidx = namespaces.index(state.namespace)
- else:
- nsidx = 0
with st.sidebar:
with st.form('Xplore'):
namespace = st.selectbox('Namespace',
@@ -638,7 +639,6 @@ def _draw_assert_df(self, layout):
st.info('Assert not run')
- @st.cache(ttl=90)
def _run_summarize(self, **kwargs):
'''Get summarize dataframe for the object in question'''
df = gui_get_df(self._state.table, self._config_file, verb='summarize',
diff --git a/suzieq/poller/controller/controller.py b/suzieq/poller/controller/controller.py
index bfb1d8b644..cb46ec8728 100644
--- a/suzieq/poller/controller/controller.py
+++ b/suzieq/poller/controller/controller.py
@@ -107,6 +107,14 @@ def __init__(self, args: argparse.Namespace, config_data: dict) -> None:
f'{self._input_dir} is not a valid directory'
+ # Get the maximum number of commands per second
+ max_cmd_pipeline = self._config.get('max-cmd-pipeline', 0)
+ if ((max_cmd_pipeline != 0) and
+ (max_cmd_pipeline % self._n_workers != 0)):
+ raise SqPollerConfError(
+ f'max-cmd-pipeline ({max_cmd_pipeline}) has to be a '
+ f'multiple of the number of worker ({self._n_workers})')
source_args = {'single-run-mode': self._single_run_mode,
'path': inventory_file}
@@ -118,6 +126,7 @@ def __init__(self, args: argparse.Namespace, config_data: dict) -> None:
'no-coalescer': self._no_coalescer,
'output-dir': args.output_dir,
'outputs': args.outputs,
+ 'max-cmd-pipeline': max_cmd_pipeline,
# `single-run-mode` and `run-once` are different.
# The former is an internal variable telling the
# poller if it should run and terminate, the other
diff --git a/suzieq/poller/controller/manager/static.py b/suzieq/poller/controller/manager/static.py
index e81731bd97..e1fad23dd1 100644
--- a/suzieq/poller/controller/manager/static.py
+++ b/suzieq/poller/controller/manager/static.py
@@ -42,15 +42,8 @@ def __init__(self, config_data: Dict = None, validate: bool = True):
self._workers_count = config_data.get("workers", 1)
# We need a pipeline thats at least as big as the number of workers
- self._max_cmd_pipeline = config_data['config-dict'] \
- .get('poller', {}) \
- .get('max-cmd-pipeline', 0)
- if ((self._max_cmd_pipeline != 0) and
- (self._max_cmd_pipeline % self._workers_count != 0)):
- raise SqPollerConfError(
- f'max-cmd-pipeline ({self._max_cmd_pipeline}) has to be a '
- 'multiple of be a multiple of the number of worker '
- f'({self._workers_count})')
+ # We need a pipeline that is at least as big as the number of workers
+ self._max_cmd_pipeline = config_data.get('max-cmd-pipeline', 0)
if self._max_cmd_pipeline:
worker_cmd = int(self._max_cmd_pipeline / self._workers_count)
diff --git a/suzieq/poller/controller/source/netbox.py b/suzieq/poller/controller/source/netbox.py
index bdaa62d32e..87b585cfb7 100644
--- a/suzieq/poller/controller/source/netbox.py
+++ b/suzieq/poller/controller/source/netbox.py
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
import asyncio
import logging
-from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from pydantic import BaseModel, validator, Field
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ class Config:
class NetboxSourceModel(SourceModel):
"""Netbox source validation model
- tag: Optional[str] = Field(default='suzieq')
+ tag: Optional[Any] = Field(default=['suzieq'])
period: Optional[int] = Field(default=3600)
token: str
ssl_verify: Optional[bool] = Field(alias='ssl-verify')
@@ -95,6 +95,19 @@ def validate_token(cls, token):
except SensitiveLoadError as e:
raise ValueError(e)
+ @validator('tag')
+ def validate_tag(cls, tags):
+ """checks if the tag is a list or a string. It always returns a list
+ """
+ # This validator is implemented to avoid the users to update their
+ # tags from string to list.
+ # In future, 'tag' will be forced to be a list
+ if not isinstance(tags, list):
+ logger.warning(
+ 'Netbox: deprecated string format for tag. Use a list instead')
+ tags = [tags]
+ return [[t.strip() for t in tag.split(',')] for tag in tags]
class Netbox(Source, InventoryAsyncPlugin):
"""This class is used to dinamically retrieve the inventory from Netbox
@@ -151,32 +164,67 @@ def _token_auth_header(self) -> Dict:
return {'Authorization': f'Token {self._data.token}'}
+ def _get_url_list(self) -> List[str]:
+ """Return the list of requests to execute
+ Returns:
+ List[str]: list of urls
+ """
+ urls = []
+ url_address = f'{self._server.protocol}://{self._server.host}:'\
+ f'{self._server.port}/api/dcim/devices/?'
+ for tags in self._data.tag:
+ query = url_address
+ for (i, t) in enumerate(tags):
+ if i > 0:
+ query += '&'
+ query += f'tag={t}'
+ urls.append(query)
+ return urls
async def get_inventory_list(self) -> List:
"""Contact netbox to retrieve the inventory.
+ If more than one tag is set, all devices that have at least one of the
+ tags are selected. Netbox api doesn't allow to select with this
+ logic by default. If the url query is constructed like
+ '?tag=tag1&tag=tag2', only devices with both tags will be returned.
+ For this reason, a different request for each tag must be performed.
+ Devices with more than one tag may appear duplicated. It's also
+ necessary to drop duplicates.
RuntimeError: Unable to connect to the REST server
List: inventory list
- url = f'{self._server.protocol}://{self._server.host}:'\
- f'{self._server.port}/api/dcim/devices/?tag={self._data.tag}'
if not self._session:
headers = self._token_auth_header()
+ # devices is a dictionary to avoid duplicated devices. The key of the
+ # dictionary is the device netbox id.
+ devices = {}
- devices, next_url = await self._get_devices(url)
- while next_url:
- cur_devices, next_url = await self._get_devices(next_url)
- devices.extend(cur_devices)
+ for url in self._get_url_list():
+ logger.debug(f"Netbox: Retrieving url '{url}'")
+ url_devices, next_url = await self._get_devices(url)
+ while next_url:
+ logger.debug(f"Netbox: Retrieving url '{next_url}'")
+ cur_devices, next_url = await self._get_devices(next_url)
+ url_devices.extend(cur_devices)
+ devices.update({device['id']: device for device in url_devices
+ if device.get('id') is not None})
except Exception as e:
raise InventorySourceError(f'{self.name}: error while '
f'getting devices: {e}')
f'Netbox: Retrieved inventory list of {len(devices)} devices')
- return devices
+ return list(devices.values())
async def _get_devices(self, url: str) -> Tuple[List, str]:
"""Retrieve devices from netbox using an HTTP GET over
diff --git a/suzieq/poller/controller/utils/inventory_models.py b/suzieq/poller/controller/utils/inventory_models.py
index e6701e78eb..a6e4f9221d 100644
--- a/suzieq/poller/controller/utils/inventory_models.py
+++ b/suzieq/poller/controller/utils/inventory_models.py
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ def jump_host_validator(cls, value):
uri = parse_url(value)
assert uri.scheme is None, \
'format username@jumphost[:port] required'
+ return value
except ValueError:
assert False, f'Invalid jumphost format: {value}'
diff --git a/suzieq/poller/worker/inventory/inventory.py b/suzieq/poller/worker/inventory/inventory.py
index 353a4641d0..974b012407 100644
--- a/suzieq/poller/worker/inventory/inventory.py
+++ b/suzieq/poller/worker/inventory/inventory.py
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
import asyncio
import logging
from collections import defaultdict
+from contextlib import asynccontextmanager
from typing import Callable, Coroutine, Dict, List
from suzieq.poller.worker.nodes.node import Node
@@ -15,6 +16,60 @@
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class CommandPacer:
+ """In many networks, backend authentication servers such as TACACS which
+ handle authentication of logins and even command execution, cannot
+ large volumes of authentication requests. Thanks to our use of
+ asyncio, we can easily sends hundreds of connection requests to such
+ servers, which effectively turns into authentication failures. To
+ handle this, we add a user-specified maximum of rate of cmds/sec
+ that the authentication can handle, and we pace it out. This code
+ implements that pacer.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, max_cmds: int):
+ self._max_cmds = max_cmds
+ if max_cmds > 0:
+ self._cmd_semaphore = asyncio.Semaphore(max_cmds)
+ self._cmd_mutex = asyncio.Lock()
+ self._cmd_pacer_sleep = float(1 / self.max_cmds)
+ else:
+ self._cmd_semaphore = None
+ self._cmd_mutex = None
+ self._cmd_pacer_sleep = 0
+ @property
+ def max_cmds(self) -> int:
+ """Get the maximum number of commands the worker issue every second.
+ If there is no limit the returned value is 0.
+ Returns:
+ int: maximum number of commands
+ """
+ return self._max_cmds
+ @asynccontextmanager
+ async def wait(self, use_pacer: bool = True):
+ """Context Manager to implement throttling of commands.
+ Some networks communicate with a backend authentication server only
+ on login while others contact it for authorization of a command as
+ well. Its to handle this difference that we pass use_sem. Users set
+ the per_cmd_auth to True if authorization is used. The caller of this
+ function sets the use_sem apppropriately depending on when the context
+ is invoked.
+ Args:
+ use_pacer(bool): True if you want to use the pacer
+ """
+ if use_pacer and self._max_cmds:
+ async with self._cmd_semaphore:
+ async with self._cmd_mutex:
+ await asyncio.sleep(self._cmd_pacer_sleep)
+ yield
+ else:
+ yield
class Inventory(SqPlugin):
"""Inventory is the base class implemented by the
inventory sources, providing the list of devices
@@ -32,8 +87,7 @@ def __init__(self, add_task_fn: Callable, **kwargs) -> None:
self._node_tasks = {}
self.add_task_fn = add_task_fn
self._max_outstanding_cmd = 0
- self._cmd_semaphore = None
- self._cmd_pacer_mutex = None
+ self._cmd_pacer = None
self.connect_timeout = kwargs.pop('connect_timeout', 15)
self.ssh_config_file = kwargs.pop('ssh_config_file', None)
@@ -74,9 +128,7 @@ async def build_inventory(self) -> Dict[str, Node]:
if not inventory_list:
raise SqPollerConfError('The inventory source returned no hosts')
- if self._max_outstanding_cmd:
- self._cmd_semaphore = asyncio.Semaphore(self._max_outstanding_cmd)
- self._cmd_pacer_mutex = asyncio.Lock()
+ self._cmd_pacer = CommandPacer(self._max_outstanding_cmd)
# Initialize the nodes in the inventory
self._nodes = await self._init_nodes(inventory_list)
@@ -125,23 +177,12 @@ async def _init_nodes(self, inventory_list:
for host in inventory_list:
new_node = Node()
- if self._max_outstanding_cmd > 0:
- init_tasks += [new_node.initialize(
- **host,
- cmd_sem=self._cmd_semaphore,
- cmd_mutex=self._cmd_pacer_mutex,
- cmd_pacer_sleep=float(1/self._max_outstanding_cmd),
- connect_timeout=self.connect_timeout,
- ssh_config_file=self.ssh_config_file
- )]
- else:
- init_tasks += [new_node.initialize(
- **host,
- cmd_sem=self._cmd_semaphore,
- cmd_mutex=self._cmd_pacer_mutex,
- connect_timeout=self.connect_timeout,
- ssh_config_file=self.ssh_config_file
- )]
+ init_tasks += [new_node.initialize(
+ **host,
+ cmd_pacer=self._cmd_pacer,
+ connect_timeout=self.connect_timeout,
+ ssh_config_file=self.ssh_config_file
+ )]
for n in asyncio.as_completed(init_tasks):
diff --git a/suzieq/poller/worker/nodes/node.py b/suzieq/poller/worker/nodes/node.py
index 2ab27cc6a5..7922f7f5f9 100644
--- a/suzieq/poller/worker/nodes/node.py
+++ b/suzieq/poller/worker/nodes/node.py
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
from asyncio.subprocess import PIPE, DEVNULL
# pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
from concurrent.futures._base import TimeoutError
-from contextlib import asynccontextmanager
from packaging import version as version_parse
import xmltodict
@@ -113,9 +112,7 @@ async def initialize(self, **kwargs) -> TNode:
or 0) + 1
self._retry = self._max_retries_on_auth_fail
self._discovery_lock = asyncio.Lock()
- self._cmd_sem = kwargs.get('cmd_sem', None)
- self._cmd_mutex = kwargs.get('cmd_mutex', None)
- self._cmd_pacer_sleep = kwargs.get('cmd_pacer_sleep', None)
+ self._cmd_pacer = kwargs.get('cmd_pacer')
self.per_cmd_auth = kwargs.get('per_cmd_auth', True)
self.address = kwargs["address"]
@@ -154,7 +151,7 @@ async def initialize(self, **kwargs) -> TNode:
self.ignore_known_hosts = kwargs.get('ignore_known_hosts', False)
self.slow_host = kwargs.get('slow_host', False)
# Number of commands to issue in parallel
- if self._cmd_sem:
+ if self._cmd_pacer.max_cmds:
# Limit the num of parallel cmds we can issue when we have limits
self.batch_size = 1
@@ -245,37 +242,6 @@ def is_connected(self):
'''Is there connectivity to the device at the transport level'''
return self._conn is not None
- @asynccontextmanager
- async def cmd_pacer(self, use_sem: bool = True):
- '''Context Manager to implement throttling of commands.
- In many networks, backend authentication servers such as TACACS which
- handle authentication of logins and even command execution, cannot
- large volumes of authentication requests. Thanks to our use of
- asyncio, we can easily sends hundreds of connection requests to such
- servers, which effectively turns into authentication failures. To
- handle this, we add a user-specified maximum of rate of cmds/sec
- that the authentication can handle, and we pace it out. This code
- implements that pacer.
- Some networks communicate with a backend authentication server only
- on login while others contact it for authorization of a command as
- well. Its to handle this difference that we pass use_sem. Users set
- the per_cmd_auth to True if authorization is used. The caller of this
- function sets the use_sem apppropriately depending on when the context
- is invoked.
- Args:
- use_sem(bool): True if you want to use the pacer
- '''
- if self._cmd_sem and use_sem:
- async with self._cmd_sem:
- async with self._cmd_mutex:
- await asyncio.sleep(self._cmd_pacer_sleep)
- yield
- else:
- yield
def _decrypt_pvtkey(self, pvtkey_file: str, passphrase: str) -> str:
"""Decrypt private key file"""
@@ -658,7 +624,7 @@ async def _init_ssh(self, init_dev_data=True, use_lock=True) -> None:
- async with self.cmd_pacer():
+ async with self._cmd_pacer.wait():
if self._tunnel:
self._conn = await self._tunnel.connect_ssh(
@@ -809,7 +775,7 @@ async def _ssh_gather(self, service_callback: Callable,
cb_token.node_token = self.bootupTimestamp
timeout = timeout or self.cmd_timeout
- async with self.cmd_pacer(self.per_cmd_auth):
+ async with self._cmd_pacer.wait(self.per_cmd_auth):
for cmd in cmd_list:
output = await asyncio.wait_for(self._conn.run(cmd),
@@ -921,7 +887,7 @@ async def _exec_service(self, service_callback, svc_defn: dict,
if isinstance(use, list):
# There's more than one version here, we have to pick ours
for item in use:
- if item['version'] != "all":
+ if item.get('version', '') != "all":
os_version = item['version']
opdict = {'>': operator.gt, '<': operator.lt,
'>=': operator.ge, '<=': operator.le,
@@ -1180,7 +1146,7 @@ async def _rest_gather(self, service_callback, cmd_list, cb_token,
output = []
status = 200 # status OK
- async with self.cmd_pacer(self.per_cmd_auth):
+ async with self._cmd_pacer.wait(self.per_cmd_auth):
async with aiohttp.ClientSession(
auth=auth, conn_timeout=self.connect_timeout,
@@ -1327,7 +1293,7 @@ async def _init_rest(self):
url = "https://{0}:{1}/nclu/v1/rpc".format(self.address, self.port)
headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
- async with self.cmd_pacer(self.per_cmd_auth):
+ async with self._cmd_pacer.wait(self.per_cmd_auth):
async with aiohttp.ClientSession(
auth=auth, timeout=self.cmd_timeout,
@@ -1352,7 +1318,7 @@ async def _rest_gather(self, service_callback, cmd_list, cb_token,
url = "https://{0}:{1}/nclu/v1/rpc".format(self.address, self.port)
headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
- async with self.cmd_pacer(self.per_cmd_auth):
+ async with self._cmd_pacer.wait(self.per_cmd_auth):
async with aiohttp.ClientSession(
@@ -1542,7 +1508,7 @@ async def _init_ssh(self, init_dev_data=True,
if self.is_connected and not self._stdin:
f'Trying to create Persistent SSH for {self.hostname}')
- async with self.cmd_pacer(self.per_cmd_auth):
+ async with self._cmd_pacer.wait(self.per_cmd_auth):
self._stdin, self._stdout, self._stderr = \
await self._conn.open_session(term_type='xterm')
@@ -1679,7 +1645,7 @@ async def _ssh_gather(self, service_callback, cmd_list, cb_token, oformat,
timeout = timeout or self.cmd_timeout
- async with self.cmd_pacer(self.per_cmd_auth):
+ async with self._cmd_pacer.wait(self.per_cmd_auth):
for cmd in cmd_list:
if self.slow_host:
@@ -1908,7 +1874,7 @@ async def _fetch_init_dev_data(self):
res = []
# temporary hack to detect device info using ssh
- async with self.cmd_pacer():
+ async with self._cmd_pacer.wait():
async with asyncssh.connect(
self.address, port=22, username=self.username,
password=self.password, known_hosts=None) as conn:
@@ -1951,7 +1917,7 @@ async def get_api_key(self):
if not self._retry:
- async with self.cmd_pacer(self.per_cmd_auth):
+ async with self._cmd_pacer.wait(self.per_cmd_auth):
async with self._session.get(url, timeout=self.connect_timeout) \
as response:
status, xml = response.status, await response.text()
@@ -2012,7 +1978,7 @@ def _extract_nos_version(self, data: str) -> None:
async def _init_rest(self):
# In case of PANOS, getting here means REST is up
if not self._session:
- async with self.cmd_pacer(self.per_cmd_auth):
+ async with self._cmd_pacer.wait(self.per_cmd_auth):
self._session = aiohttp.ClientSession(
@@ -2057,7 +2023,7 @@ async def _rest_gather(self, service_callback, cmd_list, cb_token,
await service_callback(result, cb_token)
- async with self.cmd_pacer(self.per_cmd_auth):
+ async with self._cmd_pacer.wait(self.per_cmd_auth):
for cmd in cmd_list:
url_cmd = f"{url}?type=op&cmd={cmd}&key={self.api_key}"
diff --git a/suzieq/poller/worker/services/device.py b/suzieq/poller/worker/services/device.py
index 2629b88586..c5426e314d 100644
--- a/suzieq/poller/worker/services/device.py
+++ b/suzieq/poller/worker/services/device.py
@@ -111,7 +111,8 @@ def _clean_cumulus_data(self, processed_data, raw_data):
for entry in processed_data:
- processed_data = [new_entries]
+ if new_entries:
+ processed_data = [new_entries]
return self._common_data_cleaner(processed_data, raw_data)
def _clean_sonic_data(self, processed_data, raw_data):
diff --git a/suzieq/poller/worker/services/interfaces.py b/suzieq/poller/worker/services/interfaces.py
index 2932b0d8ab..0a968ec73f 100644
--- a/suzieq/poller/worker/services/interfaces.py
+++ b/suzieq/poller/worker/services/interfaces.py
@@ -255,6 +255,10 @@ def _clean_cumulus_data(self, processed_data, _):
# This is because textfsm adds peer LLA as well
entry['ip6AddressList'] = entry['ip6AddressList-_2nd']
+ # Remove loopbacks
+ entry['ip6AddressList'] = [x for x in entry['ip6AddressList']
+ if x != "::1/128"]
if 'type-_2nd' in entry:
entry['type'] = entry['type-_2nd']
@@ -381,7 +385,7 @@ def fix_junos_speed(entry):
lifname = lentry.get('name', [{}])[0].get('data', '')
if not lifname:
- if '.' in lifname:
+ if '.' in lifname and not lifname.endswith('.0'):
_, vlan = lifname.split('.')
# This order is important, don't change; irb is an internal
# interface
diff --git a/suzieq/poller/worker/services/macs.py b/suzieq/poller/worker/services/macs.py
index 0bed8260f1..4e1f676717 100644
--- a/suzieq/poller/worker/services/macs.py
+++ b/suzieq/poller/worker/services/macs.py
@@ -45,9 +45,12 @@ def _add_mackey_protocol(self, entry):
entry['mackey'] = entry['oif']
if entry.get('vlan', 0):
- entry['mackey'] = entry['vlan']
+ if entry['flags'] in ['static', 'permanent', 'router']:
+ entry['mackey'] = f'{entry["vlan"]}-{entry["oif"]}'
+ else:
+ entry['mackey'] = entry['vlan']
- if entry['flags'] in ['static', 'permanent']:
+ if entry['flags'] in ['static', 'permanent', 'router']:
entry['mackey'] = f'{entry["oif"]}'
entry['mackey'] = '0'
diff --git a/suzieq/poller/worker/services/service_manager.py b/suzieq/poller/worker/services/service_manager.py
index 88cbdfb107..2f76c71407 100644
--- a/suzieq/poller/worker/services/service_manager.py
+++ b/suzieq/poller/worker/services/service_manager.py
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
from suzieq.shared.schema import Schema, SchemaForTable
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+BLACKLIST_SERVICES = ['ifCounters', 'topmem', 'topcpu']
class ServiceManager:
@@ -138,8 +139,6 @@ def get_service_list(service_only: str,
List[str]: the list of services to executed in the poller
- BLACKLIST_SERVICES = ['ifCounters', 'topmem', 'topcpu']
if not os.path.isdir(service_directory):
raise SqPollerConfError(
'The service directory provided is not a directory'
@@ -207,7 +206,11 @@ async def init_services(self) -> List[Service]:
logger.warning(f'Skip empty service file: {filename}')
- if svc_def.get('service') not in self.svcs_list:
+ service = svc_def.get('service')
+ if service in BLACKLIST_SERVICES:
+ continue
+ if all(service not in x for x in [self.svcs_list]):
f"Ignoring unspecified service {svc_def.get('service')}"
diff --git a/suzieq/poller/worker/writers/parquet.py b/suzieq/poller/worker/writers/parquet.py
index aa2fbeb630..d0b3bdd732 100644
--- a/suzieq/poller/worker/writers/parquet.py
+++ b/suzieq/poller/worker/writers/parquet.py
@@ -9,8 +9,9 @@
import pyarrow as pa
import pyarrow.parquet as pq
-from suzieq.shared.exceptions import SqPollerConfError
+from suzieq.db.parquet.parquetdb import PARQUET_VERSION
from suzieq.poller.worker.writers.output_worker import OutputWorker
+from suzieq.shared.exceptions import SqPollerConfError
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -76,7 +77,7 @@ def write_data(self, data: Dict):
- version='2.0',
diff --git a/suzieq/restServer/query.py b/suzieq/restServer/query.py
index 0860bb5c8c..cb23d34f00 100755
--- a/suzieq/restServer/query.py
+++ b/suzieq/restServer/query.py
@@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ def get_configured_api_key():
return api_key
-async def get_api_key(api_key_query: str = Security(api_key_query),
- api_key_header: str = Security(api_key_header)):
+def get_api_key(api_key_query: str = Security(api_key_query),
+ api_key_header: str = Security(api_key_header)):
api_key = get_configured_api_key()
if api_key_query == api_key:
@@ -283,91 +283,91 @@ class TruthasStrings(str, Enum):
@app.get("/api/v1/{rest_of_path:path}", deprecated=True)
-async def deprecated_function(request: Request, rest_of_path: str):
+def deprecated_function(request: Request, rest_of_path: str):
return([{'error': 'v1 is deprecated, use API version v2'}])
-async def query_address(verb: CommonVerbs, request: Request,
- token: str = Depends(get_api_key),
- format: str = None,
- hostname: List[str] = Query(None),
- start_time: str = "", end_time: str = "",
- view: ViewValues = "latest",
- namespace: List[str] = Query(None),
- columns: List[str] = Query(default=["default"]),
- address: List[str] = Query(None),
- type: List[str] = Query(None),
- ifname: List[str] = Query(None),
- prefix: List[str] = Query(None),
- ipvers: str = None, what: str = None,
- vrf: List[str] = Query(None), query_str: str = None,
- count: str = None, reverse: str = None,
- ):
+def query_address(verb: CommonVerbs, request: Request,
+ token: str = Depends(get_api_key),
+ format: str = None,
+ hostname: List[str] = Query(None),
+ start_time: str = "", end_time: str = "",
+ view: ViewValues = "latest",
+ namespace: List[str] = Query(None),
+ columns: List[str] = Query(default=["default"]),
+ address: List[str] = Query(None),
+ type: List[str] = Query(None),
+ ifname: List[str] = Query(None),
+ prefix: List[str] = Query(None),
+ ipvers: str = None, what: str = None,
+ vrf: List[str] = Query(None), query_str: str = None,
+ count: str = None, reverse: str = None,
+ ):
function_name = inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name
return read_shared(function_name, verb, request, locals())
@ app.get("/api/v2/arpnd/{verb}")
-async def query_arpnd(verb: CommonVerbs, request: Request,
- token: str = Depends(get_api_key),
- format: str = None,
- hostname: List[str] = Query(None),
- start_time: str = "", end_time: str = "",
- view: ViewValues = "latest",
- namespace: List[str] = Query(None),
- columns: List[str] = Query(default=["default"]),
- ipAddress: List[str] = Query(None),
- macaddr: List[str] = Query(None),
- prefix: List[str] = Query(None),
- oif: List[str] = Query(None),
- query_str: str = None, what: str = None,
- count: str = None, reverse: str = None,
- ):
+def query_arpnd(verb: CommonVerbs, request: Request,
+ token: str = Depends(get_api_key),
+ format: str = None,
+ hostname: List[str] = Query(None),
+ start_time: str = "", end_time: str = "",
+ view: ViewValues = "latest",
+ namespace: List[str] = Query(None),
+ columns: List[str] = Query(default=["default"]),
+ ipAddress: List[str] = Query(None),
+ macaddr: List[str] = Query(None),
+ prefix: List[str] = Query(None),
+ oif: List[str] = Query(None),
+ query_str: str = None, what: str = None,
+ count: str = None, reverse: str = None,
+ ):
function_name = inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name
return read_shared(function_name, verb, request, locals())
@ app.get("/api/v2/bgp/{verb}")
-async def query_bgp(verb: CommonExtraVerbs, request: Request,
- token: str = Depends(get_api_key),
- format: str = None,
- hostname: List[str] = Query(None),
- start_time: str = "", end_time: str = "",
- view: ViewValues = "latest",
- namespace: List[str] = Query(None),
- columns: List[str] = Query(default=["default"]),
- peer: List[str] = Query(None),
- state: BgpStateValues = Query(None),
- vrf: List[str] = Query(None),
- asn: List[str] = Query(None),
- result: AssertResultValue = Query(None),
- afiSafi: str = Query(None),
- query_str: str = None, what: str = None,
- count: str = None, reverse: str = None,
- ):
+def query_bgp(verb: CommonExtraVerbs, request: Request,
+ token: str = Depends(get_api_key),
+ format: str = None,
+ hostname: List[str] = Query(None),
+ start_time: str = "", end_time: str = "",
+ view: ViewValues = "latest",
+ namespace: List[str] = Query(None),
+ columns: List[str] = Query(default=["default"]),
+ peer: List[str] = Query(None),
+ state: BgpStateValues = Query(None),
+ vrf: List[str] = Query(None),
+ asn: List[str] = Query(None),
+ result: AssertResultValue = Query(None),
+ afiSafi: str = Query(None),
+ query_str: str = None, what: str = None,
+ count: str = None, reverse: str = None,
+ ):
function_name = inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name
return read_shared(function_name, verb, request, locals())
@ app.get("/api/v2/device/{verb}")
-async def query_device(verb: CommonVerbs, request: Request,
- token: str = Depends(get_api_key),
- format: str = None,
- hostname: List[str] = Query(None),
- start_time: str = "", end_time: str = "",
- view: ViewValues = "latest",
- namespace: List[str] = Query(None),
- columns: List[str] = Query(default=["default"]),
- query_str: str = None,
- os: List[str] = Query(None),
- vendor: List[str] = Query(None),
- model: List[str] = Query(None),
- version: List[str] = Query(None),
- what: str = None,
- status: List[DeviceStatus] = Query(None),
- count: str = None, reverse: str = None,
- ):
+def query_device(verb: CommonVerbs, request: Request,
+ token: str = Depends(get_api_key),
+ format: str = None,
+ hostname: List[str] = Query(None),
+ start_time: str = "", end_time: str = "",
+ view: ViewValues = "latest",
+ namespace: List[str] = Query(None),
+ columns: List[str] = Query(default=["default"]),
+ query_str: str = None,
+ os: List[str] = Query(None),
+ vendor: List[str] = Query(None),
+ model: List[str] = Query(None),
+ version: List[str] = Query(None),
+ what: str = None,
+ status: List[DeviceStatus] = Query(None),
+ count: str = None, reverse: str = None,
+ ):
function_name = inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name
if status:
status = [x.value for x in status] # convert enum to string
@@ -375,129 +375,88 @@ async def query_device(verb: CommonVerbs, request: Request,
@ app.get("/api/v2/devconfig/{verb}")
-async def query_devconfig(verb: CommonVerbs, request: Request,
- token: str = Depends(get_api_key),
- format: str = None,
- hostname: List[str] = Query(None),
- start_time: str = "", end_time: str = "",
- view: ViewValues = "latest",
- namespace: List[str] = Query(None),
- columns: List[str] = Query(default=["default"]),
- query_str: str = None,
- what: str = None,
- count: str = None, reverse: str = None,
- ):
+def query_devconfig(verb: CommonVerbs, request: Request,
+ token: str = Depends(get_api_key),
+ format: str = None,
+ hostname: List[str] = Query(None),
+ start_time: str = "", end_time: str = "",
+ view: ViewValues = "latest",
+ namespace: List[str] = Query(None),
+ columns: List[str] = Query(default=["default"]),
+ query_str: str = None,
+ what: str = None,
+ count: str = None, reverse: str = None,
+ ):
function_name = inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name
return read_shared(function_name, verb, request, locals())
@ app.get("/api/v2/evpnVni/{verb}")
-async def query_evpnVni(verb: CommonExtraVerbs, request: Request,
- token: str = Depends(get_api_key),
- format: str = None,
- hostname: List[str] = Query(None),
- start_time: str = "", end_time: str = "",
- view: ViewValues = "latest",
- namespace: List[str] = Query(None),
- columns: List[str] = Query(default=["default"]),
- vni: List[str] = Query(None),
- priVtepIp: List[str] = Query(None),
- result: AssertResultValue = None,
- query_str: str = None, what: str = None,
- count: str = None, reverse: str = None,
- ):
+def query_evpnVni(verb: CommonExtraVerbs, request: Request,
+ token: str = Depends(get_api_key),
+ format: str = None,
+ hostname: List[str] = Query(None),
+ start_time: str = "", end_time: str = "",
+ view: ViewValues = "latest",
+ namespace: List[str] = Query(None),
+ columns: List[str] = Query(default=["default"]),
+ vni: List[str] = Query(None),
+ priVtepIp: List[str] = Query(None),
+ result: AssertResultValue = None,
+ query_str: str = None, what: str = None,
+ count: str = None, reverse: str = None,
+ ):
function_name = inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name
return read_shared(function_name, verb, request, locals())
@ app.get("/api/v2/fs/{verb}")
-async def query_fs(verb: CommonVerbs, request: Request,
- token: str = Depends(get_api_key),
- format: str = None,
- hostname: List[str] = Query(None),
- start_time: str = "", end_time: str = "",
- view: ViewValues = "latest",
- namespace: List[str] = Query(None),
- columns: List[str] = Query(default=["default"]),
- mountPoint: List[str] = Query(None), what: str = None,
- usedPercent: str = None, query_str: str = None,
- count: str = None, reverse: str = None,
- ):
+def query_fs(verb: CommonVerbs, request: Request,
+ token: str = Depends(get_api_key),
+ format: str = None,
+ hostname: List[str] = Query(None),
+ start_time: str = "", end_time: str = "",
+ view: ViewValues = "latest",
+ namespace: List[str] = Query(None),
+ columns: List[str] = Query(default=["default"]),
+ mountPoint: List[str] = Query(None), what: str = None,
+ usedPercent: str = None, query_str: str = None,
+ count: str = None, reverse: str = None,
+ ):
function_name = inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name
return read_shared(function_name, verb, request, locals())
@ app.get("/api/v2/interface/{verb}")
-async def query_interface(verb: CommonExtraVerbs, request: Request,
- token: str = Depends(get_api_key),
- format: str = None,
- hostname: List[str] = Query(None),
- start_time: str = "", end_time: str = "",
- view: ViewValues = "latest",
- namespace: List[str] = Query(None),
- columns: List[str] = Query(default=["default"]),
- ifname: List[str] = Query(None),
- state: IfStateValues = Query(None),
- type: List[str] = Query(None),
- what: str = None, vrf: List[str] = Query(None),
- master: List[str] = Query(None),
- mtu: List[str] = Query(None),
- ifindex: List[str] = Query(None),
- matchval: int = Query(None, alias="value"),
- result: AssertResultValue = Query(None),
- ignore_missing_peer: bool = Query(False),
- vlan: List[str] = Query(None),
- portmode: List[str] = Query(None),
- query_str: str = None,
- count: str = None, reverse: str = None,
- ):
+def query_interface(verb: CommonExtraVerbs, request: Request,
+ token: str = Depends(get_api_key),
+ format: str = None,
+ hostname: List[str] = Query(None),
+ start_time: str = "", end_time: str = "",
+ view: ViewValues = "latest",
+ namespace: List[str] = Query(None),
+ columns: List[str] = Query(default=["default"]),
+ ifname: List[str] = Query(None),
+ state: IfStateValues = Query(None),
+ type: List[str] = Query(None),
+ what: str = None, vrf: List[str] = Query(None),
+ master: List[str] = Query(None),
+ mtu: List[str] = Query(None),
+ ifindex: List[str] = Query(None),
+ matchval: int = Query(None, alias="value"),
+ result: AssertResultValue = Query(None),
+ ignore_missing_peer: bool = Query(False),
+ vlan: List[str] = Query(None),
+ portmode: List[str] = Query(None),
+ query_str: str = None,
+ count: str = None, reverse: str = None,
+ ):
function_name = inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name
return read_shared(function_name, verb, request, locals())
-async def query_inventory(verb: CommonVerbs, request: Request,
- token: str = Depends(get_api_key),
- format: str = None,
- hostname: List[str] = Query(None),
- start_time: str = "", end_time: str = "",
- view: ViewValues = "latest",
- namespace: List[str] = Query(None),
- columns: List[str] = Query(default=["default"]),
- query_str: str = None,
- type: List[str] = Query(None),
- serial: List[str] = Query(None),
- model: List[str] = Query(None),
- vendor: List[str] = Query(None), what: str = None,
- status: InventoryStatusValues = Query(None),
- count: str = None, reverse: str = None,
- ):
- function_name = inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name
- return read_shared(function_name, verb, request, locals())
-@ app.get("/api/v2/lldp/{verb}")
-async def query_lldp(verb: CommonVerbs, request: Request,
- token: str = Depends(get_api_key),
- format: str = None,
- hostname: List[str] = Query(None),
- start_time: str = "", end_time: str = "",
- view: ViewValues = "latest",
- namespace: List[str] = Query(None),
- peerMacaddr: List[str] = Query(None),
- peerHostname: List[str] = Query(None),
- columns: List[str] = Query(default=["default"]),
- ifname: List[str] = Query(None),
- use_bond: TruthasStrings = Query(None),
- query_str: str = None, what: str = None,
- count: str = None, reverse: str = None,
- ):
- function_name = inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name
- return read_shared(function_name, verb, request, locals())
-@ app.get("/api/v2/mac/{verb}")
-async def query_mac(verb: CommonVerbs, request: Request,
+def query_inventory(verb: CommonVerbs, request: Request,
token: str = Depends(get_api_key),
format: str = None,
hostname: List[str] = Query(None),
@@ -505,271 +464,312 @@ async def query_mac(verb: CommonVerbs, request: Request,
view: ViewValues = "latest",
namespace: List[str] = Query(None),
columns: List[str] = Query(default=["default"]),
- bd: str = None,
- local: str = None,
- macaddr: List[str] = Query(None),
- remoteVtepIp: List[str] = Query(None),
- vlan: List[str] = Query(None),
- query_str: str = None, what: str = None,
- moveCount: str = None, count: str = None,
- reverse: str = None,
+ query_str: str = None,
+ type: List[str] = Query(None),
+ serial: List[str] = Query(None),
+ model: List[str] = Query(None),
+ vendor: List[str] = Query(None), what: str = None,
+ status: InventoryStatusValues = Query(None),
+ count: str = None, reverse: str = None,
function_name = inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name
return read_shared(function_name, verb, request, locals())
-@ app.get("/api/v2/mlag/{verb}")
-async def query_mlag(verb: CommonVerbs, request: Request,
- token: str = Depends(get_api_key),
- format: str = None,
- hostname: List[str] = Query(None),
- start_time: str = "", end_time: str = "",
- view: ViewValues = "latest",
- namespace: List[str] = Query(None),
- columns: List[str] = Query(default=["default"]),
- query_str: str = None, what: str = None,
- count: str = None, reverse: str = None,
- ):
+@ app.get("/api/v2/lldp/{verb}")
+def query_lldp(verb: CommonVerbs, request: Request,
+ token: str = Depends(get_api_key),
+ format: str = None,
+ hostname: List[str] = Query(None),
+ start_time: str = "", end_time: str = "",
+ view: ViewValues = "latest",
+ namespace: List[str] = Query(None),
+ peerMacaddr: List[str] = Query(None),
+ peerHostname: List[str] = Query(None),
+ columns: List[str] = Query(default=["default"]),
+ ifname: List[str] = Query(None),
+ use_bond: TruthasStrings = Query(None),
+ query_str: str = None, what: str = None,
+ count: str = None, reverse: str = None,
+ ):
function_name = inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name
return read_shared(function_name, verb, request, locals())
-@app.get("/api/v2/network/show", deprecated=True)
-async def query_network_depr_show(request: Request,
- token: str = Depends(get_api_key),
- format: str = None,
- columns: List[str] = Query(
- default=["default"]),
- namespace: List[str] = Query(None),
- hostname: List[str] = Query(None),
- start_time: str = "", end_time: str = "",
- version: str = "",
- view: ViewValues = "latest",
- model: List[str] = Query(None),
- vendor: List[str] = Query(None),
- os: List[str] = Query(None),
- query_str: str = None, what: str = None,
- count: str = None, reverse: str = None,
- ):
- function_name = 'query_namespace'
- verb = 'show'
+@ app.get("/api/v2/mac/{verb}")
+def query_mac(verb: CommonVerbs, request: Request,
+ token: str = Depends(get_api_key),
+ format: str = None,
+ hostname: List[str] = Query(None),
+ start_time: str = "", end_time: str = "",
+ view: ViewValues = "latest",
+ namespace: List[str] = Query(None),
+ columns: List[str] = Query(default=["default"]),
+ bd: str = None,
+ local: str = None,
+ macaddr: List[str] = Query(None),
+ remoteVtepIp: List[str] = Query(None),
+ vlan: List[str] = Query(None),
+ query_str: str = None, what: str = None,
+ moveCount: str = None, count: str = None,
+ reverse: str = None,
+ ):
+ function_name = inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name
return read_shared(function_name, verb, request, locals())
-@app.get("/api/v2/network/summarize", deprecated=True)
-async def query_network_depr_summarize(request: Request,
- token: str = Depends(get_api_key),
- format: str = None,
- columns: List[str] = Query(
- default=["default"]),
- namespace: List[str] = Query(None),
- hostname: List[str] = Query(None),
- start_time: str = "",
- end_time: str = "",
- version: str = "",
- view: ViewValues = "latest",
- model: List[str] = Query(None),
- vendor: List[str] = Query(None),
- os: List[str] = Query(None),
- query_str: str = None,
- what: str = None,
- count: str = None,
- reverse: str = None,
- ):
- function_name = 'query_namespace'
- verb = 'summarize'
+@ app.get("/api/v2/mlag/{verb}")
+def query_mlag(verb: CommonVerbs, request: Request,
+ token: str = Depends(get_api_key),
+ format: str = None,
+ hostname: List[str] = Query(None),
+ start_time: str = "", end_time: str = "",
+ view: ViewValues = "latest",
+ namespace: List[str] = Query(None),
+ columns: List[str] = Query(default=["default"]),
+ query_str: str = None, what: str = None,
+ count: str = None, reverse: str = None,
+ ):
+ function_name = inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name
return read_shared(function_name, verb, request, locals())
-@app.get("/api/v2/network/unique", deprecated=True)
-async def query_network_depr_unique(request: Request,
- token: str = Depends(get_api_key),
- format: str = None,
- columns: List[str] = Query(
- default=["default"]),
- namespace: List[str] = Query(None),
- hostname: List[str] = Query(None),
- start_time: str = "",
- end_time: str = "",
- version: str = "",
- view: ViewValues = "latest",
- model: List[str] = Query(None),
- vendor: List[str] = Query(None),
- os: List[str] = Query(None),
- query_str: str = None,
- what: str = None,
- count: str = None, reverse: str = None,
- ):
+@app.get("/api/v2/network/show", deprecated=True)
+def query_network_depr_show(request: Request,
+ token: str = Depends(get_api_key),
+ format: str = None,
+ columns: List[str] = Query(
+ default=["default"]),
+ namespace: List[str] = Query(None),
+ hostname: List[str] = Query(None),
+ start_time: str = "", end_time: str = "",
+ version: str = "",
+ view: ViewValues = "latest",
+ model: List[str] = Query(None),
+ vendor: List[str] = Query(None),
+ os: List[str] = Query(None),
+ query_str: str = None, what: str = None,
+ count: str = None, reverse: str = None,
+ ):
function_name = 'query_namespace'
- verb = 'unique'
+ verb = 'show'
return read_shared(function_name, verb, request, locals())
-@app.get("/api/v2/network/top", deprecated=True)
-async def query_network_depr_top(request: Request,
+@app.get("/api/v2/network/summarize", deprecated=True)
+def query_network_depr_summarize(request: Request,
token: str = Depends(get_api_key),
format: str = None,
columns: List[str] = Query(
namespace: List[str] = Query(None),
hostname: List[str] = Query(None),
- start_time: str = "", end_time: str = "",
+ start_time: str = "",
+ end_time: str = "",
version: str = "",
view: ViewValues = "latest",
model: List[str] = Query(None),
vendor: List[str] = Query(None),
os: List[str] = Query(None),
- query_str: str = None, what: str = None,
- count: str = None, reverse: str = None,
+ query_str: str = None,
+ what: str = None,
+ count: str = None,
+ reverse: str = None,
function_name = 'query_namespace'
+ verb = 'summarize'
+ return read_shared(function_name, verb, request, locals())
+@app.get("/api/v2/network/unique", deprecated=True)
+def query_network_depr_unique(request: Request,
+ token: str = Depends(get_api_key),
+ format: str = None,
+ columns: List[str] = Query(
+ default=["default"]),
+ namespace: List[str] = Query(None),
+ hostname: List[str] = Query(None),
+ start_time: str = "",
+ end_time: str = "",
+ version: str = "",
+ view: ViewValues = "latest",
+ model: List[str] = Query(None),
+ vendor: List[str] = Query(None),
+ os: List[str] = Query(None),
+ query_str: str = None,
+ what: str = None,
+ count: str = None, reverse: str = None,
+ ):
+ function_name = 'query_namespace'
+ verb = 'unique'
+ return read_shared(function_name, verb, request, locals())
+@app.get("/api/v2/network/top", deprecated=True)
+def query_network_depr_top(request: Request,
+ token: str = Depends(get_api_key),
+ format: str = None,
+ columns: List[str] = Query(
+ default=["default"]),
+ namespace: List[str] = Query(None),
+ hostname: List[str] = Query(None),
+ start_time: str = "", end_time: str = "",
+ version: str = "",
+ view: ViewValues = "latest",
+ model: List[str] = Query(None),
+ vendor: List[str] = Query(None),
+ os: List[str] = Query(None),
+ query_str: str = None, what: str = None,
+ count: str = None, reverse: str = None,
+ ):
+ function_name = 'query_namespace'
verb = 'top'
return read_shared(function_name, verb, request, locals())
-async def query_network(verb: NetworkVerbs, request: Request,
- token: str = Depends(get_api_key),
- format: str = None,
- columns: List[str] = Query(default=["default"]),
- namespace: List[str] = Query(None),
- hostname: List[str] = Query(None),
- start_time: str = "", end_time: str = "",
- view: ViewValues = "latest",
- address: List[str] = Query(None),
- vlan: str = '', vrf: str = '',
- query_str: str = None,
- ):
+def query_network(verb: NetworkVerbs, request: Request,
+ token: str = Depends(get_api_key),
+ format: str = None,
+ columns: List[str] = Query(default=["default"]),
+ namespace: List[str] = Query(None),
+ hostname: List[str] = Query(None),
+ start_time: str = "", end_time: str = "",
+ view: ViewValues = "latest",
+ address: List[str] = Query(None),
+ vlan: str = '', vrf: str = '',
+ query_str: str = None,
+ ):
function_name = inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name
return read_shared(function_name, verb, request, locals())
-async def query_namespace(verb: CommonVerbs, request: Request,
- token: str = Depends(get_api_key),
- format: str = None,
- columns: List[str] = Query(default=["default"]),
- namespace: List[str] = Query(None),
- hostname: List[str] = Query(None),
- start_time: str = "", end_time: str = "",
- version: str = "",
- view: ViewValues = "latest",
- model: List[str] = Query(None),
- vendor: List[str] = Query(None),
- os: List[str] = Query(None),
- query_str: str = None, what: str = None,
- count: str = None, reverse: str = None,
- ):
+def query_namespace(verb: CommonVerbs, request: Request,
+ token: str = Depends(get_api_key),
+ format: str = None,
+ columns: List[str] = Query(default=["default"]),
+ namespace: List[str] = Query(None),
+ hostname: List[str] = Query(None),
+ start_time: str = "", end_time: str = "",
+ version: str = "",
+ view: ViewValues = "latest",
+ model: List[str] = Query(None),
+ vendor: List[str] = Query(None),
+ os: List[str] = Query(None),
+ query_str: str = None, what: str = None,
+ count: str = None, reverse: str = None,
+ ):
function_name = inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name
return read_shared(function_name, verb, request, locals())
@ app.get("/api/v2/ospf/{verb}")
-async def query_ospf(verb: CommonExtraVerbs, request: Request,
- token: str = Depends(get_api_key),
- format: str = None,
- hostname: List[str] = Query(None),
- start_time: str = "", end_time: str = "",
- view: ViewValues = "latest",
- namespace: List[str] = Query(None),
- columns: List[str] = Query(default=["default"]),
- ifname: List[str] = Query(None),
- state: OspfStateValues = Query(None),
- area: List[str] = Query(None),
- vrf: List[str] = Query(None),
- result: AssertResultValue = None,
- query_str: str = None, what: str = None,
- count: str = None, reverse: str = None,
- ):
+def query_ospf(verb: CommonExtraVerbs, request: Request,
+ token: str = Depends(get_api_key),
+ format: str = None,
+ hostname: List[str] = Query(None),
+ start_time: str = "", end_time: str = "",
+ view: ViewValues = "latest",
+ namespace: List[str] = Query(None),
+ columns: List[str] = Query(default=["default"]),
+ ifname: List[str] = Query(None),
+ state: OspfStateValues = Query(None),
+ area: List[str] = Query(None),
+ vrf: List[str] = Query(None),
+ result: AssertResultValue = None,
+ query_str: str = None, what: str = None,
+ count: str = None, reverse: str = None,
+ ):
function_name = inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name
return read_shared(function_name, verb, request, locals())
@ app.get("/api/v2/path/{verb}")
-async def query_path(verb: CommonVerbs, request: Request,
- token: str = Depends(get_api_key),
- format: str = None,
- hostname: List[str] = Query(None),
- start_time: str = "", end_time: str = "",
- view: ViewValues = "latest",
- namespace: List[str] = Query(None),
- columns: List[str] = Query(default=["default"]),
- vrf: str = Query(None),
- dest: str = Query(None),
- src: str = Query(None),
- query_str: str = None, what: str = None,
- count: str = None, reverse: str = None,
- ):
+def query_path(verb: CommonVerbs, request: Request,
+ token: str = Depends(get_api_key),
+ format: str = None,
+ hostname: List[str] = Query(None),
+ start_time: str = "", end_time: str = "",
+ view: ViewValues = "latest",
+ namespace: List[str] = Query(None),
+ columns: List[str] = Query(default=["default"]),
+ vrf: str = Query(None),
+ dest: str = Query(None),
+ src: str = Query(None),
+ query_str: str = None, what: str = None,
+ count: str = None, reverse: str = None,
+ ):
function_name = inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name
return read_shared(function_name, verb, request, locals())
@ app.get("/api/v2/route/{verb}")
-async def query_route(verb: RouteVerbs, request: Request,
- token: str = Depends(get_api_key),
- format: str = None,
- hostname: List[str] = Query(None),
- start_time: str = "", end_time: str = "",
- view: ViewValues = "latest",
- namespace: List[str] = Query(None),
- columns: List[str] = Query(default=["default"]),
- prefix: List[str] = Query(None),
- vrf: List[str] = Query(None),
- protocol: List[str] = Query(None),
- prefixlen: str = None, ipvers: str = None,
- add_filter: str = None, address: str = None,
- query_str: str = None, what: str = None,
- count: str = None, reverse: str = None,
- ):
+def query_route(verb: RouteVerbs, request: Request,
+ token: str = Depends(get_api_key),
+ format: str = None,
+ hostname: List[str] = Query(None),
+ start_time: str = "", end_time: str = "",
+ view: ViewValues = "latest",
+ namespace: List[str] = Query(None),
+ columns: List[str] = Query(default=["default"]),
+ prefix: List[str] = Query(None),
+ vrf: List[str] = Query(None),
+ protocol: List[str] = Query(None),
+ prefixlen: str = None, ipvers: str = None,
+ add_filter: str = None, address: str = None,
+ query_str: str = None, what: str = None,
+ count: str = None, reverse: str = None,
+ ):
function_name = inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name
return read_shared(function_name, verb, request, locals())
@ app.get("/api/v2/sqPoller/{verb}")
-async def query_sqPoller(verb: CommonVerbs, request: Request,
- token: str = Depends(get_api_key),
- format: str = None,
- hostname: List[str] = Query(None),
- start_time: str = "", end_time: str = "",
- view: ViewValues = "latest",
- namespace: List[str] = Query(None),
- columns: List[str] = Query(default=["default"]),
- service: str = None,
- status: SqPollerStatus = Query(None),
- query_str: str = None, what: str = None,
- pollExcdPeriodCount: str = None,
- count: str = None, reverse: str = None,
- ):
+def query_sqPoller(verb: CommonVerbs, request: Request,
+ token: str = Depends(get_api_key),
+ format: str = None,
+ hostname: List[str] = Query(None),
+ start_time: str = "", end_time: str = "",
+ view: ViewValues = "latest",
+ namespace: List[str] = Query(None),
+ columns: List[str] = Query(default=["default"]),
+ service: str = None,
+ status: SqPollerStatus = Query(None),
+ query_str: str = None, what: str = None,
+ pollExcdPeriodCount: str = None,
+ count: str = None, reverse: str = None,
+ ):
function_name = inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name
return read_shared(function_name, verb, request, locals())
@ app.get("/api/v2/topology/{verb}")
-async def query_topology(verb: CommonVerbs, request: Request,
- token: str = Depends(get_api_key),
- format: str = None,
- hostname: List[str] = Query(None),
- start_time: str = "", end_time: str = "",
- view: ViewValues = "latest",
- namespace: List[str] = Query(None),
- columns: List[str] = Query(default=["default"]),
- polled: str = None,
- via: List[str] = Query(None),
- ifname: List[str] = Query(None),
- peerHostname: List[str] = Query(None),
- asn: List[str] = Query(None),
- area: List[str] = Query(None),
- vrf: List[str] = Query(None),
- afiSafi: str = Query(None),
- query_str: str = None, what: str = None,
- count: str = None, reverse: str = None,
- ):
+def query_topology(verb: CommonVerbs, request: Request,
+ token: str = Depends(get_api_key),
+ format: str = None,
+ hostname: List[str] = Query(None),
+ start_time: str = "", end_time: str = "",
+ view: ViewValues = "latest",
+ namespace: List[str] = Query(None),
+ columns: List[str] = Query(default=["default"]),
+ polled: str = None,
+ via: List[str] = Query(None),
+ ifname: List[str] = Query(None),
+ peerHostname: List[str] = Query(None),
+ asn: List[str] = Query(None),
+ area: List[str] = Query(None),
+ vrf: List[str] = Query(None),
+ afiSafi: str = Query(None),
+ query_str: str = None, what: str = None,
+ count: str = None, reverse: str = None,
+ ):
function_name = inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name
return read_shared(function_name, verb, request, locals())
@ app.get("/api/v2/table/describe")
-async def query_table_describe(
+def query_table_describe(
request: Request,
token: str = Depends(get_api_key),
format: str = None,
@@ -780,7 +780,7 @@ async def query_table_describe(
-async def query_table(
+def query_table(
verb: CommonVerbs, request: Request,
token: str = Depends(get_api_key),
format: str = None,
@@ -797,20 +797,20 @@ async def query_table(
@ app.get("/api/v2/vlan/{verb}")
-async def query_vlan(verb: CommonVerbs, request: Request,
- token: str = Depends(get_api_key),
- format: str = None,
- hostname: List[str] = Query(None),
- start_time: str = "", end_time: str = "",
- view: ViewValues = "latest",
- namespace: List[str] = Query(None),
- columns: List[str] = Query(default=["default"]),
- vlan: List[str] = Query(None),
- state: str = None,
- vlanName: List[str] = Query(None),
- query_str: str = None, what: str = None,
- count: str = None, reverse: str = None,
- ):
+def query_vlan(verb: CommonVerbs, request: Request,
+ token: str = Depends(get_api_key),
+ format: str = None,
+ hostname: List[str] = Query(None),
+ start_time: str = "", end_time: str = "",
+ view: ViewValues = "latest",
+ namespace: List[str] = Query(None),
+ columns: List[str] = Query(default=["default"]),
+ vlan: List[str] = Query(None),
+ state: str = None,
+ vlanName: List[str] = Query(None),
+ query_str: str = None, what: str = None,
+ count: str = None, reverse: str = None,
+ ):
function_name = inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name
return read_shared(function_name, verb, request, locals())
diff --git a/suzieq/shared/utils.py b/suzieq/shared/utils.py
index b9ecef904a..7a66e431a9 100644
--- a/suzieq/shared/utils.py
+++ b/suzieq/shared/utils.py
@@ -598,17 +598,15 @@ def _build_query_str(fld, val, fldtype) -> List[str]:
if fldtype in num_type:
result = f'{fld} != {val}'
- result = f'{fld} != "{val}"'
+ if val.startswith('~'):
+ val = val[1:]
+ result = f'~{fld}.str.fullmatch("{val}")'
+ else:
+ result = f'{fld} != "{val}"'
elif val.startswith(('<', '>')):
result = val
elif val.startswith('~'):
- val = val[1:]
- if val.startswith('!'):
- val = val[1:]
- cond = 'and'
- result = f'~{fld}.str.match("{val}")'
- else:
- result = f'{fld}.str.match("{val}")'
+ result = f'{fld}.str.fullmatch("{val[1:]}")'
if fldtype in num_type:
result = f'{fld} == {val}'
@@ -623,18 +621,12 @@ def _build_query_str(fld, val, fldtype) -> List[str]:
stype = schema.field(f).get('type', 'string')
if isinstance(v, list) and len(v):
- notlist = [x for x in v
- if x.startswith('!') or x.startswith('~!')]
- if notlist != v:
- newv = [x for x in v
- if not x.startswith('!') and not x.startswith('~!')]
- else:
- newv = v
+ newv = reduce_filter_list(v)
subq = ''
subcond = ''
if ignore_regex and [x for x in newv
if isinstance(x, str) and
- x.startswith('~')]:
+ x.startswith(('~', '!~'))]:
for elem in newv:
@@ -989,3 +981,23 @@ def deprecated_command_warning(dep_command: str, dep_sub_command: str,
return deprecated_table_function_warning(dep_command, dep_sub_command,
command, sub_command)
+def reduce_filter_list(filter_list: List[str]) -> List[str]:
+ '''Reduce the list of entries to the minimal set
+ Given a list of filters, some of which contain the NOT such as
+ [123, !245] and ['leaf01', '!~spine.*', '~edge.*'], we ignore the
+ entries which are NOT since they don't contribute to the final
+ result since the presence of NOT implies the list is an AND list
+ not an OR list.
+ '''
+ notlist = [x for x in filter_list
+ if isinstance(x, str) and x.startswith('!')]
+ if notlist and notlist != filter_list:
+ # if not is used with non-not, the nots are meaningless
+ newlist = [x for x in filter_list
+ if not (isinstance(x, str) and x.startswith('!'))]
+ else:
+ newlist = filter_list
+ return newlist
diff --git a/suzieq/sqobjects/address.py b/suzieq/sqobjects/address.py
index 43c1f9384f..36ab80cf6a 100644
--- a/suzieq/sqobjects/address.py
+++ b/suzieq/sqobjects/address.py
@@ -31,4 +31,4 @@ def validate_get_input(self, **kwargs):
if not validate_macaddr(a):
raise ValueError("Invalid address specified")
- super().validate_get_input(**kwargs)
+ return super().validate_get_input(**kwargs)
diff --git a/suzieq/sqobjects/arpnd.py b/suzieq/sqobjects/arpnd.py
index 39e8315aaf..6cc3926595 100644
--- a/suzieq/sqobjects/arpnd.py
+++ b/suzieq/sqobjects/arpnd.py
@@ -38,5 +38,5 @@ def validate_get_input(self, **kwargs):
if not validate_macaddr(m):
raise ValueError("Invalid mac address specified")
- super().validate_get_input(**kwargs)
self._unique_def_column = ['ipAddress']
+ return super().validate_get_input(**kwargs)
diff --git a/suzieq/sqobjects/basicobj.py b/suzieq/sqobjects/basicobj.py
index 1bd23d5ba9..19edf4b041 100644
--- a/suzieq/sqobjects/basicobj.py
+++ b/suzieq/sqobjects/basicobj.py
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
from typing import List
+import re
import pandas as pd
from pandas.core.dtypes.dtypes import DatetimeTZDtype
@@ -117,10 +119,12 @@ def _check_input_for_valid_args(self, good_arg_list, **kwargs,):
def _check_input_for_valid_vals(self, good_arg_val_list, **kwargs):
'''Check if the input is valid for the arg, if possible'''
- if not good_arg_val_list:
- return
+ fields = self.schema.fields
for arg, val in kwargs.items():
+ if arg not in fields:
+ continue
if arg not in good_arg_val_list:
@@ -129,15 +133,30 @@ def _check_input_for_valid_vals(self, good_arg_val_list, **kwargs):
chkval = val
for v in chkval:
- if v not in good_arg_val_list[arg]:
+ if v not in good_arg_val_list.get(arg, []):
raise ValueError(
f"invalid value {val} for argument {arg}")
def validate_get_input(self, **kwargs):
'''Validate the values of the get function'''
+ fields = self.schema.fields
+ for arg, val in kwargs.items():
+ if arg not in fields or not val or not isinstance(val, list):
+ # only if the value can be a split does a "> 100" become
+ # a two element list instead of being a single element.
+ # This is what the code below is fixing
+ continue
+ if (self.schema.field(arg).get('type', '') in ['int', 'long',
+ 'float']):
+ user_val = ' '.join(val)
+ if user_val:
+ vals = re.split(r'(?|=|!)\s+', user_val)
+ kwargs[arg] = vals
self._valid_get_args + ['columns'], **kwargs)
self._check_input_for_valid_vals(self._valid_arg_vals, **kwargs)
+ return kwargs
def validate_assert_input(self, **kwargs):
'''Validate the values of the assert function'''
@@ -182,7 +201,7 @@ def get(self, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame:
# This raises exceptions if it fails
- self.validate_get_input(**kwargs)
+ kwargs = self.validate_get_input(**kwargs)
except (AttributeError, ValueError) as error:
df = pd.DataFrame({'error': [f'{error}']})
return df
@@ -271,7 +290,7 @@ def top(self, what: str = '', count: int = 5, reverse: bool = False,
# self._valid_get_args += ['what', 'n', 'reverse']
# This raises exceptions if it fails
- self.validate_get_input(**kwargs)
+ kwargs = self.validate_get_input(**kwargs)
except (ValueError, AttributeError) as error:
df = pd.DataFrame({'error': [f'{error}']})
return df
diff --git a/suzieq/sqobjects/macs.py b/suzieq/sqobjects/macs.py
index 3081cd88af..7d30a0ee14 100644
--- a/suzieq/sqobjects/macs.py
+++ b/suzieq/sqobjects/macs.py
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ def validate_get_input(self, **kwargs):
for key, val in kwargs.items():
if key == 'vlan':
for ele in val:
+ if isinstance(ele, (int, float)):
+ continue
if (ele.startswith(('<', '>', '!')) and (
ele in ['<', '<=', '>', '>=', '!=', '!'])):
raise ValueError('operator must not be separated by '
@@ -30,4 +32,4 @@ def validate_get_input(self, **kwargs):
except Exception:
raise ValueError(f'Invalid VLAN value: {val}')
- super().validate_get_input(**kwargs)
+ return super().validate_get_input(**kwargs)
diff --git a/suzieq/version.py b/suzieq/version.py
index a1a486e842..88295496ab 100755
--- a/suzieq/version.py
+++ b/suzieq/version.py
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"""Store the Suzieq version string."""
-SUZIEQ_VERSION = "0.18.0"
+SUZIEQ_VERSION = "0.19.0"
if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/tests/data/parquet/arpnd/sqvers=1.0/namespace=nxos/hostname=dcedge01/87a242e37ba94a969856484d166e9b26.parquet b/tests/data/parquet/arpnd/sqvers=1.0/namespace=nxos/hostname=dcedge01/38b5b17b35114655939e855cdf77f7a1.parquet
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/data/parquet/arpnd/sqvers=1.0/namespace=nxos/hostname=dcedge01/87a242e37ba94a969856484d166e9b26.parquet
rename to tests/data/parquet/arpnd/sqvers=1.0/namespace=nxos/hostname=dcedge01/38b5b17b35114655939e855cdf77f7a1.parquet
diff --git a/tests/data/parquet/arpnd/sqvers=1.0/namespace=nxos/hostname=exit01/60a31c8f0245494183fac26eaba57e55.parquet b/tests/data/parquet/arpnd/sqvers=1.0/namespace=nxos/hostname=exit01/f997b708a96d45dc85cdc3101b574fab.parquet
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/data/parquet/arpnd/sqvers=1.0/namespace=nxos/hostname=exit01/60a31c8f0245494183fac26eaba57e55.parquet
rename to tests/data/parquet/arpnd/sqvers=1.0/namespace=nxos/hostname=exit01/f997b708a96d45dc85cdc3101b574fab.parquet
diff --git a/tests/data/parquet/arpnd/sqvers=1.0/namespace=nxos/hostname=exit02/c3a74ef43ed945349234b6aead6173f9.parquet b/tests/data/parquet/arpnd/sqvers=1.0/namespace=nxos/hostname=exit02/f045a218aa1741dcb099ed92c543e15f.parquet
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/data/parquet/arpnd/sqvers=1.0/namespace=nxos/hostname=exit02/c3a74ef43ed945349234b6aead6173f9.parquet
rename to tests/data/parquet/arpnd/sqvers=1.0/namespace=nxos/hostname=exit02/f045a218aa1741dcb099ed92c543e15f.parquet
diff --git a/tests/data/parquet/arpnd/sqvers=1.0/namespace=nxos/hostname=firewall01/938d63692b3a47e381ea11fa88d6e710.parquet b/tests/data/parquet/arpnd/sqvers=1.0/namespace=nxos/hostname=firewall01/a78c0c957a974fb686d82f0b562d1d5a.parquet
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/data/parquet/arpnd/sqvers=1.0/namespace=nxos/hostname=firewall01/938d63692b3a47e381ea11fa88d6e710.parquet
rename to tests/data/parquet/arpnd/sqvers=1.0/namespace=nxos/hostname=firewall01/a78c0c957a974fb686d82f0b562d1d5a.parquet
diff --git a/tests/data/parquet/arpnd/sqvers=1.0/namespace=nxos/hostname=leaf01/c360d0aea6294f06a5e13fa097224970.parquet b/tests/data/parquet/arpnd/sqvers=1.0/namespace=nxos/hostname=leaf01/7505de52633f4bff968b7537816b3fd7.parquet
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/data/parquet/arpnd/sqvers=1.0/namespace=nxos/hostname=leaf01/c360d0aea6294f06a5e13fa097224970.parquet
rename to tests/data/parquet/arpnd/sqvers=1.0/namespace=nxos/hostname=leaf01/7505de52633f4bff968b7537816b3fd7.parquet
diff --git a/tests/data/parquet/arpnd/sqvers=1.0/namespace=nxos/hostname=leaf02/58e8a37f635842bca0d6aa61f5b9ed0a.parquet b/tests/data/parquet/arpnd/sqvers=1.0/namespace=nxos/hostname=leaf02/547d3c65c14443f8a4b6d17e595e63a5.parquet
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/data/parquet/arpnd/sqvers=1.0/namespace=nxos/hostname=leaf02/58e8a37f635842bca0d6aa61f5b9ed0a.parquet
rename to tests/data/parquet/arpnd/sqvers=1.0/namespace=nxos/hostname=leaf02/547d3c65c14443f8a4b6d17e595e63a5.parquet
diff --git a/tests/data/parquet/arpnd/sqvers=1.0/namespace=nxos/hostname=leaf03/bb25e579b7bb434790b30db638250b76.parquet b/tests/data/parquet/arpnd/sqvers=1.0/namespace=nxos/hostname=leaf03/daf25b32007d4cad947fe337172f991c.parquet
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/data/parquet/arpnd/sqvers=1.0/namespace=nxos/hostname=leaf03/bb25e579b7bb434790b30db638250b76.parquet
rename to tests/data/parquet/arpnd/sqvers=1.0/namespace=nxos/hostname=leaf03/daf25b32007d4cad947fe337172f991c.parquet
diff --git a/tests/data/parquet/arpnd/sqvers=1.0/namespace=nxos/hostname=leaf04/b76e32d1ed694dbe888debf06ec01b2b.parquet b/tests/data/parquet/arpnd/sqvers=1.0/namespace=nxos/hostname=leaf04/60dbef73c9b9425d82f89753134d3021.parquet
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/data/parquet/arpnd/sqvers=1.0/namespace=nxos/hostname=leaf04/b76e32d1ed694dbe888debf06ec01b2b.parquet
rename to tests/data/parquet/arpnd/sqvers=1.0/namespace=nxos/hostname=leaf04/60dbef73c9b9425d82f89753134d3021.parquet
diff --git a/tests/data/parquet/arpnd/sqvers=1.0/namespace=nxos/hostname=server101/ada0904577684357984aa8b3bad7c5a4.parquet b/tests/data/parquet/arpnd/sqvers=1.0/namespace=nxos/hostname=server101/6462e4f58bb945da8968d731771adf94.parquet
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/data/parquet/arpnd/sqvers=1.0/namespace=nxos/hostname=server101/ada0904577684357984aa8b3bad7c5a4.parquet
rename to tests/data/parquet/arpnd/sqvers=1.0/namespace=nxos/hostname=server101/6462e4f58bb945da8968d731771adf94.parquet
diff --git a/tests/data/parquet/arpnd/sqvers=1.0/namespace=nxos/hostname=server102/5d507a21f2af4bb59c28b1e2ed83f974.parquet b/tests/data/parquet/arpnd/sqvers=1.0/namespace=nxos/hostname=server102/c05c512a0975488aad42ec6b9ca44171.parquet
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/data/parquet/arpnd/sqvers=1.0/namespace=nxos/hostname=server102/5d507a21f2af4bb59c28b1e2ed83f974.parquet
rename to tests/data/parquet/arpnd/sqvers=1.0/namespace=nxos/hostname=server102/c05c512a0975488aad42ec6b9ca44171.parquet
diff --git a/tests/data/parquet/arpnd/sqvers=1.0/namespace=nxos/hostname=server301/4b29dcf4e2f2467b8fdbd299164a9fe8.parquet b/tests/data/parquet/arpnd/sqvers=1.0/namespace=nxos/hostname=server301/89be97d8ba5d4c3d85306ba0113f31f8.parquet
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/data/parquet/arpnd/sqvers=1.0/namespace=nxos/hostname=server301/4b29dcf4e2f2467b8fdbd299164a9fe8.parquet
rename to tests/data/parquet/arpnd/sqvers=1.0/namespace=nxos/hostname=server301/89be97d8ba5d4c3d85306ba0113f31f8.parquet
diff --git a/tests/data/parquet/arpnd/sqvers=1.0/namespace=nxos/hostname=server302/9edf287bddaf4e6a9ba185eb83862fda.parquet b/tests/data/parquet/arpnd/sqvers=1.0/namespace=nxos/hostname=server302/b33549eaba934433bd5e741d3ab11647.parquet
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/data/parquet/arpnd/sqvers=1.0/namespace=nxos/hostname=server302/9edf287bddaf4e6a9ba185eb83862fda.parquet
rename to tests/data/parquet/arpnd/sqvers=1.0/namespace=nxos/hostname=server302/b33549eaba934433bd5e741d3ab11647.parquet
diff --git a/tests/data/parquet/arpnd/sqvers=1.0/namespace=nxos/hostname=spine01/fc23ea9a17014807b6e6c02b2d74f2a7.parquet b/tests/data/parquet/arpnd/sqvers=1.0/namespace=nxos/hostname=spine01/9f2b9251241b4c21be6399a98b14bdad.parquet
similarity index 100%
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similarity index 66%
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similarity index 66%
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index 0000000000..7b8baf1c3a
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similarity index 66%
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+++ b/tests/integration/sqcmds/common-samples/all.yml
@@ -20402,89 +20402,98 @@ tests:
"bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos",
"hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 20, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1",
"remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257018},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 30, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08",
- "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp":
- 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 20, "macaddr":
- "06:a8:f1:19:b8:b3", "oif": "port-channel3", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
- "dynamic", "timestamp": 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03",
- "vlan": 20, "macaddr": "44:01:02:04:1b:08", "oif": "vPC Peer-Link", "remoteVtepIp":
- "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos",
- "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:04:1b:08", "oif": "vPC
- Peer-Link", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257018},
{"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08",
- "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp":
+ "oif": "Vlan999", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "static", "timestamp":
1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 30, "macaddr":
- "44:01:02:04:1b:08", "oif": "vPC Peer-Link", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
- "router", "timestamp": 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01",
- "vlan": 30, "macaddr": "da:bf:63:c6:2f:0a", "oif": "port-channel4", "remoteVtepIp":
- "", "bd": "", "flags": "dynamic", "timestamp": 1619275257166}, {"namespace": "nxos",
- "hostname": "leaf01", "vlan": 30, "macaddr": "0a:b5:b6:22:53:72", "oif": "nve1",
- "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257166},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vlan": 10, "macaddr": "32:bb:c5:b5:3a:20",
- "oif": "port-channel3", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "dynamic", "timestamp":
- 1619275257166}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vlan": 999, "macaddr":
- "44:01:03:02:1b:08", "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
- "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257166}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01",
- "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:02:1b:08", "oif": "vPC Peer-Link", "remoteVtepIp":
- "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257166}, {"namespace": "nxos",
- "hostname": "leaf01", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "44:01:02:01:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1",
- "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257166},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vlan": 10, "macaddr": "44:01:02:01:1b:08",
+ "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
+ "router", "timestamp": 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03",
+ "vlan": 20, "macaddr": "06:a8:f1:19:b8:b3", "oif": "port-channel3", "remoteVtepIp":
+ "", "bd": "", "flags": "dynamic", "timestamp": 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos",
+ "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 20, "macaddr": "44:01:02:04:1b:08", "oif": "vPC
+ Peer-Link", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257018},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:04:1b:08",
+ "oif": "vPC Peer-Link", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp":
+ 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 999, "macaddr":
+ "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
+ "router", "timestamp": 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03",
+ "vlan": 30, "macaddr": "44:01:02:04:1b:08", "oif": "vPC Peer-Link", "remoteVtepIp":
+ "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos",
+ "hostname": "leaf01", "vlan": 30, "macaddr": "da:bf:63:c6:2f:0a", "oif": "port-channel4",
+ "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "dynamic", "timestamp": 1619275257166},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vlan": 30, "macaddr": "0a:b5:b6:22:53:72",
+ "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp":
+ 1619275257166}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vlan": 10, "macaddr":
+ "32:bb:c5:b5:3a:20", "oif": "port-channel3", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
+ "dynamic", "timestamp": 1619275257166}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01",
+ "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:03:02:1b:08", "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "",
+ "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257166}, {"namespace": "nxos",
+ "hostname": "leaf01", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:02:1b:08", "oif": "vPC
+ Peer-Link", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257166},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "44:01:02:01:1b:08",
"oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp":
- 1619275257166}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vlan": 30, "macaddr":
+ 1619275257166}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vlan": 10, "macaddr":
"44:01:02:01:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
"router", "timestamp": 1619275257166}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01",
- "vlan": 10, "macaddr": "44:01:02:02:1b:08", "oif": "vPC Peer-Link", "remoteVtepIp":
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"", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257166}, {"namespace": "nxos",
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@@ -20503,400 +20512,405 @@ tests:
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@@ -26078,44 +26097,44 @@ tests:
["_nexthopVrf:default"], "protocol": "bgp", "source": "", "preference": 200, "ipvers":
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[], "oifs": ["lo0.0"], "protocol": "direct", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers":
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+ "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1623025174530},
+ {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
+ "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["Management1"], "protocol": "static", "source":
+ "", "preference": 1, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1623025174530},
+ {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf02", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "",
+ "nexthopIps": ["", ""], "oifs": ["_nexthopVrf:default", "_nexthopVrf:default"],
"protocol": "ibgp", "source": "", "preference": 200, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
"timestamp": 1623025174530}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf02", "vrf":
"evpn-vrf", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""], "oifs":
@@ -29825,8 +29845,8 @@ tests:
false, "lastUpdate": 1652587501227}, {"namespace": "mixed", "deviceCnt": 8, "serviceCnt":
16, "errSvcCnt": 0, "hasOspf": true, "hasBgp": false, "hasVxlan": false, "hasMlag":
false, "lastUpdate": 1652587500852}, {"namespace": "nxos", "deviceCnt": 14, "serviceCnt":
- 16, "errSvcCnt": 0, "hasOspf": true, "hasBgp": true, "hasVxlan": true, "hasMlag":
- true, "lastUpdate": 1652621117544}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "deviceCnt": 14,
+ 15, "errSvcCnt": 0, "hasOspf": true, "hasBgp": true, "hasVxlan": true, "hasMlag":
+ true, "lastUpdate": 1658656300675}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "deviceCnt": 14,
"serviceCnt": 18, "errSvcCnt": 0, "hasOspf": true, "hasBgp": true, "hasVxlan":
true, "hasMlag": true, "lastUpdate": 1652587500802}, {"namespace": "ospf-single",
"deviceCnt": 14, "serviceCnt": 16, "errSvcCnt": 0, "hasOspf": true, "hasBgp":
@@ -30018,34 +30038,34 @@ tests:
[61.0, 61.0, 61.0], "totalTime": [64.0, 64.0, 64.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0],
"wrQsize": [25.0, 25.0, 25.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [2481.0,
2481.0, 2481.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499193}, {"namespace":
- "junos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "topmem", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [17.0, 17.0, 17.0], "totalTime": [23.0, 23.0, 23.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
- "wrQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [1445.0,
- 1445.0, 1445.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499194}, {"namespace":
"panos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
[50.0, 50.0, 50.0], "totalTime": [53.0, 53.0, 53.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
"wrQsize": [25.0, 25.0, 25.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [695.0,
695.0, 695.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499194}, {"namespace":
- "eos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "topmem", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "totalTime": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0],
- "wrQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [1445.0,
- 1445.0, 1445.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499195}, {"namespace":
+ "junos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "topmem", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
+ [17.0, 17.0, 17.0], "totalTime": [23.0, 23.0, 23.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
+ "wrQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [1445.0,
+ 1445.0, 1445.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499194}, {"namespace":
"vmx", "hostname": "CRP-ACC-SW01", "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
[56.0, 56.0, 56.0], "totalTime": [60.0, 60.0, 60.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0],
"wrQsize": [30.0, 30.0, 30.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [3931.0,
3931.0, 3931.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499195}, {"namespace":
+ "eos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "topmem", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
+ [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "totalTime": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0],
+ "wrQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [1445.0,
+ 1445.0, 1445.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499195}, {"namespace":
"ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf03", "service": "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
[64.0, 64.0, 64.0], "totalTime": [67.0, 67.0, 67.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0],
"wrQsize": [27.0, 27.0, 27.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [3791.0,
3791.0, 3791.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499196}, {"namespace":
- "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [67.0, 67.0, 67.0], "totalTime": [70.0, 70.0, 70.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0],
- "wrQsize": [29.0, 29.0, 29.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [3801.0,
- 3801.0, 3801.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499199}, {"namespace":
"vmx", "hostname": "TOR4CRP-DGW-RT01", "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
[60.0, 60.0, 60.0], "totalTime": [64.0, 64.0, 64.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
"wrQsize": [32.0, 32.0, 32.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [3929.0,
3929.0, 3929.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499199}, {"namespace":
+ "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
+ [67.0, 67.0, 67.0], "totalTime": [70.0, 70.0, 70.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0],
+ "wrQsize": [29.0, 29.0, 29.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [3801.0,
+ 3801.0, 3801.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499199}, {"namespace":
"junos", "hostname": "server201", "service": "topmem", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
[23.0, 23.0, 23.0], "totalTime": [29.0, 29.0, 29.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
"wrQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [1445.0,
@@ -30054,14 +30074,14 @@ tests:
[53.0, 53.0, 53.0], "totalTime": [60.0, 60.0, 60.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0,
12.0], "wrQsize": [27.0, 27.0, 27.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes":
[1427.0, 1427.0, 1427.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499201},
- {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf02", "service": "devconfig", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [70.0, 70.0, 70.0], "totalTime": [73.0, 73.0, 73.0], "svcQsize":
- [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [31.0, 31.0, 31.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
- "rxBytes": [3801.0, 3801.0, 3801.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499202},
{"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "topmem", "status": 0,
"gatherTime": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0], "totalTime": [23.0, 23.0, 23.0], "svcQsize":
[2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
[1456.0, 1456.0, 1456.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499202},
+ {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf02", "service": "devconfig", "status":
+ 0, "gatherTime": [70.0, 70.0, 70.0], "totalTime": [73.0, 73.0, 73.0], "svcQsize":
+ [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [31.0, 31.0, 31.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
+ "rxBytes": [3801.0, 3801.0, 3801.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499202},
{"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR1BBN-PE-RT01", "service": "device", "status":
0, "gatherTime": [64.0, 64.0, 64.0], "totalTime": [68.0, 68.0, 68.0], "svcQsize":
[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [34.0, 34.0, 34.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0],
@@ -30078,14 +30098,14 @@ tests:
0, "gatherTime": [75.0, 75.0, 75.0], "totalTime": [78.0, 78.0, 78.0], "svcQsize":
[3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [35.0, 35.0, 35.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
"rxBytes": [3335.0, 3335.0, 3335.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499207},
- {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service": "topmem", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [60.0, 60.0, 60.0], "totalTime": [66.0, 66.0, 66.0], "svcQsize":
- [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [29.0, 29.0, 29.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
- "rxBytes": [1424.0, 1424.0, 1424.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499207},
{"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01", "service": "device", "status":
0, "gatherTime": [68.0, 68.0, 68.0], "totalTime": [72.0, 72.0, 72.0], "svcQsize":
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [36.0, 36.0, 36.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0],
"rxBytes": [3941.0, 3941.0, 3941.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499207},
+ {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service": "topmem", "status": 0,
+ "gatherTime": [60.0, 60.0, 60.0], "totalTime": [66.0, 66.0, 66.0], "svcQsize":
+ [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [29.0, 29.0, 29.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
+ "rxBytes": [1424.0, 1424.0, 1424.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499207},
{"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server302", "service": "topmem", "status": 0,
"gatherTime": [23.0, 23.0, 23.0], "totalTime": [29.0, 29.0, 29.0], "svcQsize":
[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
@@ -30110,14 +30130,14 @@ tests:
0, "gatherTime": [66.0, 66.0, 66.0], "totalTime": [73.0, 73.0, 73.0], "svcQsize":
[10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [31.0, 31.0, 31.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
"rxBytes": [1428.0, 1428.0, 1428.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499214},
- {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "devconfig", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [84.0, 84.0, 84.0], "totalTime": [88.0, 88.0, 88.0], "svcQsize":
- [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [41.0, 41.0, 41.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
- "rxBytes": [2440.0, 2440.0, 2440.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499217},
{"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR1BBN-PE-RT01", "service": "bgp", "status":
0, "gatherTime": [72.0, 72.0, 72.0], "totalTime": [82.0, 82.0, 82.0], "svcQsize":
[4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [38.0, 38.0, 38.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0],
"rxBytes": [15769.0, 15769.0, 15769.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587499217}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "devconfig",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [84.0, 84.0, 84.0], "totalTime": [88.0, 88.0, 88.0],
+ "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [41.0, 41.0, 41.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0,
+ 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [2440.0, 2440.0, 2440.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
1652587499217}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "topmem",
"status": 0, "gatherTime": [73.0, 73.0, 73.0], "totalTime": [79.0, 79.0, 79.0],
"svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [33.0, 33.0, 33.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0,
@@ -30130,14 +30150,14 @@ tests:
"status": 0, "gatherTime": [35.0, 35.0, 35.0], "totalTime": [46.0, 46.0, 46.0],
"svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0,
1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [39895.0, 39895.0, 39895.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587499225}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf3-qfx", "service": "routes",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [19.0, 19.0, 19.0], "totalTime": [37.0, 37.0, 37.0],
- "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0,
- 1.0], "rxBytes": [61514.0, 61514.0, 61514.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587499227}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "leaf02", "service": "topmem",
+ 1652587499225}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "leaf02", "service": "topmem",
"status": 0, "gatherTime": [79.0, 79.0, 79.0], "totalTime": [86.0, 86.0, 86.0],
"svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [35.0, 35.0, 35.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0,
1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [1424.0, 1424.0, 1424.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587499227}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf3-qfx", "service": "routes",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [19.0, 19.0, 19.0], "totalTime": [37.0, 37.0, 37.0],
+ "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0,
+ 1.0], "rxBytes": [61514.0, 61514.0, 61514.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
1652587499227}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "CRP-DIS-SW01", "service": "bgp",
"status": 0, "gatherTime": [82.0, 82.0, 82.0], "totalTime": [93.0, 93.0, 93.0],
"svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [39.0, 39.0, 39.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0,
@@ -30194,11 +30214,7 @@ tests:
"service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [63.0, 63.0, 63.0], "totalTime":
[68.0, 68.0, 68.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [19.0, 19.0, 19.0],
"nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [1815.0, 1815.0, 1815.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499247}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit02",
- "service": "mlag", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [117.0, 117.0, 117.0], "totalTime":
- [121.0, 121.0, 121.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [51.0, 51.0, 51.0],
- "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [263.0, 263.0, 263.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499250}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "leaf01", "service":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499247}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "leaf01", "service":
"topmem", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [104.0, 104.0, 104.0], "totalTime": [109.0,
109.0, 109.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [43.0, 43.0, 43.0], "nodeQsize":
[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [1424.0, 1424.0, 1424.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
@@ -30206,6 +30222,10 @@ tests:
"service": "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [104.0, 104.0, 104.0], "totalTime":
[115.0, 115.0, 115.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [43.0, 43.0, 43.0],
"nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [50378.0, 50378.0, 50378.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499250}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit02",
+ "service": "mlag", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [117.0, 117.0, 117.0], "totalTime":
+ [121.0, 121.0, 121.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [51.0, 51.0, 51.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [263.0, 263.0, 263.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587499250}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server301",
"service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [68.0, 68.0, 68.0], "totalTime":
[73.0, 73.0, 73.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [21.0, 21.0, 21.0],
@@ -30254,14 +30274,14 @@ tests:
"service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [135.0, 135.0, 135.0], "totalTime":
[139.0, 139.0, 139.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [56.0, 56.0,
56.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [561.0, 561.0, 561.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499268}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine01",
- "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [72.0, 72.0, 72.0], "totalTime":
- [98.0, 98.0, 98.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0],
- "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [103178.0, 103178.0, 103178.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499269}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "server301",
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499268}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "server301",
"service": "topmem", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [121.0, 121.0, 121.0], "totalTime":
[128.0, 128.0, 128.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [49.0, 49.0, 49.0],
"nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [1453.0, 1453.0, 1453.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499269}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine01",
+ "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [72.0, 72.0, 72.0], "totalTime":
+ [98.0, 98.0, 98.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [103178.0, 103178.0, 103178.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587499269}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR1BBN-PE-RT01",
"service": "inventory", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [130.0, 130.0, 130.0], "totalTime":
[135.0, 135.0, 135.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [50.0, 50.0, 50.0],
@@ -30294,14 +30314,14 @@ tests:
"service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [148.0, 148.0, 148.0], "totalTime":
[152.0, 152.0, 152.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [62.0, 62.0,
62.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [567.0, 567.0, 567.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499281}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR4CRP-DGW-RT01",
- "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [144.0, 144.0, 144.0], "totalTime":
- [147.0, 147.0, 147.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [56.0, 56.0, 56.0],
- "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [2226.0, 2226.0, 2226.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499282}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "server102",
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499281}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "server102",
"service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [135.0, 135.0, 135.0], "totalTime":
[141.0, 141.0, 141.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [53.0, 53.0,
53.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [1835.0, 1835.0, 1835.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499282}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR4CRP-DGW-RT01",
+ "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [144.0, 144.0, 144.0], "totalTime":
+ [147.0, 147.0, 147.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [56.0, 56.0, 56.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [2226.0, 2226.0, 2226.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587499282}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server103",
"service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [152.0, 152.0, 152.0], "totalTime":
[156.0, 156.0, 156.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [64.0, 64.0, 64.0],
@@ -30330,14 +30350,14 @@ tests:
"service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [37.0, 37.0, 37.0], "totalTime":
[102.0, 102.0, 102.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0],
"nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [3699.0, 3699.0, 3699.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499292}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "server101",
- "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [147.0, 147.0, 147.0], "totalTime":
- [152.0, 152.0, 152.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [57.0, 57.0,
- 57.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [1826.0, 1826.0, 1826.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499293}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf01",
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499292}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf01",
"service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [160.0, 160.0, 160.0], "totalTime":
[164.0, 164.0, 164.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [68.0, 68.0, 68.0],
"nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [1338.0, 1338.0, 1338.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499293}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "server101",
+ "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [147.0, 147.0, 147.0], "totalTime":
+ [152.0, 152.0, 152.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [57.0, 57.0,
+ 57.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [1826.0, 1826.0, 1826.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587499293}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR1BBN-PE-RT01",
"service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [155.0, 155.0, 155.0], "totalTime":
[159.0, 159.0, 159.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [61.0, 61.0, 61.0],
@@ -30346,15 +30366,15 @@ tests:
"service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [98.0, 98.0, 98.0], "totalTime":
[125.0, 125.0, 125.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0],
"nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [103182.0, 103182.0, 103182.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499296}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
- "routes", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [108.0, 108.0, 108.0], "totalTime": [118.0,
- 118.0, 118.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [31.0, 31.0, 31.0], "nodeQsize":
- [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [3472.0, 3472.0, 3472.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587499297}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine02",
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499296}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine02",
"service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [164.0, 164.0, 164.0], "totalTime":
[168.0, 168.0, 168.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [70.0, 70.0, 70.0],
"nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [1340.0, 1340.0, 1340.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499297}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01",
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499297}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
+ "routes", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [108.0, 108.0, 108.0], "totalTime": [118.0,
+ 118.0, 118.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [31.0, 31.0, 31.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [3472.0, 3472.0, 3472.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1652587499297}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01",
"service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [159.0, 159.0, 159.0], "totalTime":
[163.0, 163.0, 163.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [63.0, 63.0, 63.0],
"nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [2226.0, 2226.0, 2226.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
@@ -30394,14 +30414,14 @@ tests:
"service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [172.0, 172.0, 172.0], "totalTime":
[177.0, 177.0, 177.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [66.0, 66.0, 66.0],
"nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [3053.0, 3053.0, 3053.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499312}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "spine02",
- "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [166.0, 166.0, 166.0], "totalTime":
- [173.0, 173.0, 173.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [63.0, 63.0, 63.0],
- "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [4967.0, 4967.0, 4967.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499314}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf02",
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499312}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf02",
"service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [180.0, 180.0, 180.0], "totalTime":
[185.0, 185.0, 185.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [78.0, 78.0, 78.0],
"nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [1339.0, 1339.0, 1339.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499314}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "spine02",
+ "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [166.0, 166.0, 166.0], "totalTime":
+ [173.0, 173.0, 173.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [63.0, 63.0, 63.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [4967.0, 4967.0, 4967.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587499314}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine01", "service":
"routes", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [129.0, 129.0, 129.0], "totalTime": [136.0,
136.0, 136.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [35.0, 35.0, 35.0], "nodeQsize":
@@ -30450,18 +30470,18 @@ tests:
"service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [203.0, 203.0, 203.0], "totalTime":
[206.0, 206.0, 206.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [88.0, 88.0,
88.0], "nodeQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "rxBytes": [227.0, 227.0, 227.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499335}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
- "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [190.0, 190.0, 190.0], "totalTime":
- [196.0, 196.0, 196.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [69.0, 69.0, 69.0],
- "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [2888.0, 2888.0, 2888.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499335}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01",
+ "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [182.0, 182.0, 182.0], "totalTime":
+ [202.0, 202.0, 202.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [69.0, 69.0, 69.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [284518.0, 284518.0, 284518.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587499337}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit02",
"service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [206.0, 206.0, 206.0], "totalTime":
[208.0, 208.0, 208.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [90.0, 90.0, 90.0],
"nodeQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "rxBytes": [285.0, 285.0, 285.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499337}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01",
- "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [182.0, 182.0, 182.0], "totalTime":
- [202.0, 202.0, 202.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [69.0, 69.0, 69.0],
- "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [284518.0, 284518.0, 284518.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499337}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
+ "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [190.0, 190.0, 190.0], "totalTime":
+ [196.0, 196.0, 196.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [69.0, 69.0, 69.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [2888.0, 2888.0, 2888.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587499337}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine01",
"service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [208.0, 208.0, 208.0], "totalTime":
[211.0, 211.0, 211.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [91.0, 91.0, 91.0],
@@ -30498,14 +30518,14 @@ tests:
"routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [204.0, 204.0, 204.0], "totalTime": [213.0,
213.0, 213.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [73.0, 73.0, 73.0], "nodeQsize":
[2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [7958.0, 7958.0, 7958.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587499354}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server102",
- "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [223.0, 223.0, 223.0], "totalTime":
- [226.0, 226.0, 226.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [99.0, 99.0, 99.0],
- "nodeQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "rxBytes": [228.0, 228.0, 228.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499355}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "CRP-ACC-SW01",
+ "timestamp": 1652587499354}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "CRP-ACC-SW01",
"service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [202.0, 202.0, 202.0], "totalTime":
[220.0, 220.0, 220.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [71.0, 71.0, 71.0],
"nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [274036.0, 274036.0, 274036.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499355}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server102",
+ "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [223.0, 223.0, 223.0], "totalTime":
+ [226.0, 226.0, 226.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [99.0, 99.0, 99.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "rxBytes": [228.0, 228.0, 228.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587499355}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "spine1-nxos",
"service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [155.0, 155.0, 155.0], "totalTime":
[166.0, 166.0, 166.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0],
@@ -30522,14 +30542,14 @@ tests:
"routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [213.0, 213.0, 213.0], "totalTime": [221.0,
221.0, 221.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [75.0, 75.0, 75.0], "nodeQsize":
[2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [6452.0, 6452.0, 6452.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587499362}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service":
- "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [176.0, 176.0, 176.0], "totalTime": [192.0,
- 192.0, 192.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [19.0, 19.0, 19.0], "nodeQsize":
- [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [35630.0, 35630.0, 35630.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499363}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf5-eos",
- "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [166.0, 166.0, 166.0], "totalTime":
- [173.0, 173.0, 173.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0],
- "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [14555.0, 14555.0, 14555.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ "timestamp": 1652587499362}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf5-eos", "service":
+ "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [166.0, 166.0, 166.0], "totalTime": [173.0,
+ 173.0, 173.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [14555.0, 14555.0, 14555.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499363}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
+ "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [176.0, 176.0, 176.0], "totalTime":
+ [192.0, 192.0, 192.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [19.0, 19.0, 19.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [35630.0, 35630.0, 35630.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587499363}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server103",
"service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [232.0, 232.0, 232.0], "totalTime":
[234.0, 234.0, 234.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [102.0, 102.0,
@@ -30586,14 +30606,14 @@ tests:
"service": "topcpu", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [259.0, 259.0, 259.0], "totalTime":
[265.0, 265.0, 265.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [112.0, 112.0,
112.0], "nodeQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [1443.0, 1443.0, 1443.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499394}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "spine01",
- "service": "evpnVni", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [252.0, 252.0, 252.0], "totalTime":
- [256.0, 256.0, 256.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [85.0, 85.0, 85.0],
- "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [219.0, 219.0, 219.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499397}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "exit02", "service":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499394}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "exit02", "service":
"routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [192.0, 192.0, 192.0], "totalTime": [226.0,
226.0, 226.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [21.0, 21.0, 21.0], "nodeQsize":
[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [110908.0, 110908.0, 110908.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499397}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "spine01",
+ "service": "evpnVni", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [252.0, 252.0, 252.0], "totalTime":
+ [256.0, 256.0, 256.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [85.0, 85.0, 85.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [219.0, 219.0, 219.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587499397}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server102",
"service": "topcpu", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [265.0, 265.0, 265.0], "totalTime":
[271.0, 271.0, 271.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [114.0, 114.0,
@@ -30642,15 +30662,15 @@ tests:
"service": "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [286.0, 286.0, 286.0], "totalTime":
[289.0, 289.0, 289.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [83.0, 83.0, 83.0],
"nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "rxBytes": [508.0, 508.0, 508.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499424}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR4CRP-DGW-RT01",
- "service": "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [289.0, 289.0, 289.0], "totalTime":
- [293.0, 293.0, 293.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [85.0, 85.0, 85.0],
- "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "rxBytes": [509.0, 509.0, 509.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499428}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "leaf02", "service":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499424}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "leaf02", "service":
"evpnVni", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [281.0, 281.0, 281.0], "totalTime": [287.0,
287.0, 287.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [94.0, 94.0, 94.0], "nodeQsize":
[3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [1091.0, 1091.0, 1091.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587499428}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit02",
+ "timestamp": 1652587499428}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR4CRP-DGW-RT01",
+ "service": "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [289.0, 289.0, 289.0], "totalTime":
+ [293.0, 293.0, 293.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [85.0, 85.0, 85.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "rxBytes": [509.0, 509.0, 509.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499428}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit02",
"service": "topcpu", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [291.0, 291.0, 291.0], "totalTime":
[299.0, 299.0, 299.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [122.0, 122.0,
122.0], "nodeQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [1438.0, 1438.0, 1438.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
@@ -30726,14 +30746,14 @@ tests:
"service": "ospfIf", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [335.0, 335.0, 335.0], "totalTime":
[340.0, 340.0, 340.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [101.0, 101.0,
101.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [650.0, 650.0, 650.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499475}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf02",
- "service": "time", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [346.0, 346.0, 346.0], "totalTime":
- [351.0, 351.0, 351.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [134.0, 134.0,
- 134.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [509.0, 509.0, 509.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499480}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server102",
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499475}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server102",
"service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [299.0, 299.0, 299.0], "totalTime":
[309.0, 309.0, 309.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [29.0, 29.0, 29.0],
"nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [1755.0, 1755.0, 1755.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499480}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf02",
+ "service": "time", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [346.0, 346.0, 346.0], "totalTime":
+ [351.0, 351.0, 351.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [134.0, 134.0,
+ 134.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [509.0, 509.0, 509.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587499480}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "CRP-DIS-SW01",
"service": "ospfIf", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [341.0, 341.0, 341.0], "totalTime":
[348.0, 348.0, 348.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [102.0, 102.0,
@@ -30933,14 +30953,14 @@ tests:
"service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [475.0, 475.0, 475.0], "totalTime":
[481.0, 481.0, 481.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [19.0, 19.0, 19.0],
"nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [5937.0, 5937.0, 5937.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499671}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf3-qfx",
- "service": "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [481.0, 481.0, 481.0], "totalTime":
- [487.0, 487.0, 487.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [21.0, 21.0, 21.0],
- "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [5313.0, 5313.0, 5313.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499677}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server104",
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499671}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server104",
"service": "ifCounters", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [538.0, 538.0, 538.0], "totalTime":
[548.0, 548.0, 548.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [187.0, 187.0,
187.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [1026.0, 1026.0, 1026.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499677}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf3-qfx",
+ "service": "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [481.0, 481.0, 481.0], "totalTime":
+ [487.0, 487.0, 487.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [21.0, 21.0, 21.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [5313.0, 5313.0, 5313.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587499677}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf4-qfx",
"service": "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [487.0, 487.0, 487.0], "totalTime":
[491.0, 491.0, 491.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [23.0, 23.0, 23.0],
@@ -30989,14 +31009,14 @@ tests:
"service": "ifCounters", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [581.0, 581.0, 581.0], "totalTime":
[590.0, 590.0, 590.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [195.0, 195.0,
195.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [1026.0, 1026.0, 1026.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499719}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server101",
- "service": "ifCounters", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [590.0, 590.0, 590.0], "totalTime":
- [598.0, 598.0, 598.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [197.0, 197.0,
- 197.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [1026.0, 1026.0, 1026.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499727}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf3-qfx",
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499719}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf3-qfx",
"service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [528.0, 528.0, 528.0], "totalTime":
[537.0, 537.0, 537.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [39.0, 39.0, 39.0],
"nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [5012.0, 5012.0, 5012.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499727}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server101",
+ "service": "ifCounters", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [590.0, 590.0, 590.0], "totalTime":
+ [598.0, 598.0, 598.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [197.0, 197.0,
+ 197.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [1026.0, 1026.0, 1026.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587499727}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf2-ios",
"service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [537.0, 537.0, 537.0], "totalTime":
[549.0, 549.0, 549.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [41.0, 41.0, 41.0],
@@ -31033,27 +31053,27 @@ tests:
"service": "ifCounters", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [635.0, 635.0, 635.0], "totalTime":
[646.0, 646.0, 646.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [205.0, 205.0,
205.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [2526.0, 2526.0, 2526.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499775}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499775}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf6-eos",
+ "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [583.0, 583.0, 583.0], "totalTime":
+ [590.0, 590.0, 590.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [51.0, 51.0, 51.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [761.0, 761.0, 761.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499780}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service":
"evpnVni", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [593.0, 593.0, 593.0], "totalTime": [601.0,
601.0, 601.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "nodeQsize":
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [1170.0, 1170.0, 1170.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587499780}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf6-eos", "service":
- "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [583.0, 583.0, 583.0], "totalTime": [590.0,
- 590.0, 590.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [51.0, 51.0, 51.0], "nodeQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [761.0, 761.0, 761.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587499780}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "ifCounters",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [646.0, 646.0, 646.0], "totalTime": [655.0, 655.0,
- 655.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [207.0, 207.0, 207.0], "nodeQsize":
- [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [2526.0, 2526.0, 2526.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587499784}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service":
- "evpnVni", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [601.0, 601.0, 601.0], "totalTime": [608.0,
- 608.0, 608.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "nodeQsize":
- [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [220.0, 220.0, 220.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587499787}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "internet", "service":
- "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [655.0, 655.0, 655.0], "totalTime": [659.0, 659.0,
- 659.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [209.0, 209.0, 209.0], "nodeQsize":
- [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [640.0, 640.0, 640.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587499788}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf02",
+ "timestamp": 1652587499780}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit02",
+ "service": "ifCounters", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [646.0, 646.0, 646.0], "totalTime":
+ [655.0, 655.0, 655.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [207.0, 207.0,
+ 207.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [2526.0, 2526.0, 2526.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499784}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "firewall01",
+ "service": "evpnVni", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [601.0, 601.0, 601.0], "totalTime":
+ [608.0, 608.0, 608.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [220.0, 220.0, 220.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499787}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "internet",
+ "service": "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [655.0, 655.0, 655.0], "totalTime":
+ [659.0, 659.0, 659.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [209.0, 209.0,
+ 209.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [640.0, 640.0, 640.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499788}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf02",
"service": "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [659.0, 659.0, 659.0], "totalTime":
[664.0, 664.0, 664.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [211.0, 211.0,
211.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [638.0, 638.0, 638.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
@@ -31081,31 +31101,31 @@ tests:
"service": "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [675.0, 675.0, 675.0], "totalTime":
[680.0, 680.0, 680.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [217.0, 217.0,
217.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [637.0, 637.0, 637.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499809}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit01", "service":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499809}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf3-qfx",
+ "service": "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [605.0, 605.0, 605.0], "totalTime":
+ [620.0, 620.0, 620.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [53.0, 53.0, 53.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [629.0, 629.0, 629.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499810}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit01", "service":
"evpnVni", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [624.0, 624.0, 624.0], "totalTime": [631.0,
631.0, 631.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "nodeQsize":
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [1265.0, 1265.0, 1265.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587499810}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf3-qfx", "service":
- "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [605.0, 605.0, 605.0], "totalTime": [620.0,
- 620.0, 620.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [53.0, 53.0, 53.0], "nodeQsize":
- [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [629.0, 629.0, 629.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587499810}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server104", "service":
- "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [680.0, 680.0, 680.0], "totalTime": [686.0, 686.0,
- 686.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [219.0, 219.0, 219.0], "nodeQsize":
- [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [703.0, 703.0, 703.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587499815}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit02", "service":
+ "timestamp": 1652587499810}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server104",
+ "service": "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [680.0, 680.0, 680.0], "totalTime":
+ [686.0, 686.0, 686.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [219.0, 219.0,
+ 219.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [703.0, 703.0, 703.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499815}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit02", "service":
"evpnVni", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [631.0, 631.0, 631.0], "totalTime": [639.0,
639.0, 639.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "nodeQsize":
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [1265.0, 1265.0, 1265.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587499818}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf5-eos", "service":
- "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [620.0, 620.0, 620.0], "totalTime": [631.0,
- 631.0, 631.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [54.0, 54.0, 54.0], "nodeQsize":
- [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [217.0, 217.0, 217.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587499821}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit01", "service": "fs",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [686.0, 686.0, 686.0], "totalTime": [692.0, 692.0,
- 692.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [221.0, 221.0, 221.0], "nodeQsize":
- [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [638.0, 638.0, 638.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587499821}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
+ "timestamp": 1652587499818}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit01",
+ "service": "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [686.0, 686.0, 686.0], "totalTime":
+ [692.0, 692.0, 692.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [221.0, 221.0,
+ 221.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [638.0, 638.0, 638.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499821}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf5-eos",
+ "service": "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [620.0, 620.0, 620.0], "totalTime":
+ [631.0, 631.0, 631.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [54.0, 54.0, 54.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [217.0, 217.0, 217.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499821}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
"evpnVni", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [639.0, 639.0, 639.0], "totalTime": [646.0,
646.0, 646.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "nodeQsize":
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [183.0, 183.0, 183.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
@@ -31201,14 +31221,14 @@ tests:
"service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [683.0, 683.0, 683.0], "totalTime":
[688.0, 688.0, 688.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [65.0, 65.0, 65.0],
"nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [1173.0, 1173.0, 1173.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499878}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf01", "service":
- "lldp", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [693.0, 693.0, 693.0], "totalTime": [700.0,
- 700.0, 700.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [25.0, 25.0, 25.0], "nodeQsize":
- [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [3821.0, 3821.0, 3821.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587499879}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf02",
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499878}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf02",
"service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [742.0, 742.0, 742.0], "totalTime":
[750.0, 750.0, 750.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [241.0, 241.0,
241.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [1637.0, 1637.0, 1637.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499879}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname":
+ "leaf01", "service": "lldp", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [693.0, 693.0, 693.0],
+ "totalTime": [700.0, 700.0, 700.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [25.0,
+ 25.0, 25.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [3821.0, 3821.0, 3821.0],
"pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499879}, {"namespace": "mixed",
"hostname": "leaf6-eos", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [688.0,
688.0, 688.0], "totalTime": [693.0, 693.0, 693.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
@@ -31218,14 +31238,14 @@ tests:
[750.0, 750.0, 750.0], "totalTime": [756.0, 756.0, 756.0], "svcQsize": [10.0,
10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [243.0, 243.0, 243.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0],
"rxBytes": [618.0, 618.0, 618.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499885},
- {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "lldp", "status": 200,
- "gatherTime": [700.0, 700.0, 700.0], "totalTime": [707.0, 707.0, 707.0], "svcQsize":
- [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [27.0, 27.0, 27.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
- "rxBytes": [5478.0, 5478.0, 5478.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499886},
{"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf5-eos", "service": "vlan", "status": 0,
"gatherTime": [693.0, 693.0, 693.0], "totalTime": [696.0, 696.0, 696.0], "svcQsize":
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [69.0, 69.0, 69.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0],
"rxBytes": [1017.0, 1017.0, 1017.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499886},
+ {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "lldp", "status": 200,
+ "gatherTime": [700.0, 700.0, 700.0], "totalTime": [707.0, 707.0, 707.0], "svcQsize":
+ [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [27.0, 27.0, 27.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
+ "rxBytes": [5478.0, 5478.0, 5478.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499886},
{"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server101", "service": "arpnd", "status":
0, "gatherTime": [756.0, 756.0, 756.0], "totalTime": [762.0, 762.0, 762.0], "svcQsize":
[9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [245.0, 245.0, 245.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0],
@@ -31328,342 +31348,342 @@ tests:
768.0], "totalTime": [773.0, 773.0, 773.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize":
[46.0, 46.0, 46.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [3522.0, 3522.0,
3522.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499952}, {"namespace":
- "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "topmem", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [819.0, 819.0, 819.0], "totalTime": [828.0, 828.0, 828.0], "svcQsize": [12.0,
- 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [267.0, 267.0, 267.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0],
- "rxBytes": [1444.0, 1444.0, 1444.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499957},
- {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "devconfig", "status": 200,
- "gatherTime": [773.0, 773.0, 773.0], "totalTime": [778.0, 778.0, 778.0], "svcQsize":
- [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [48.0, 48.0, 48.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
- "rxBytes": [4590.0, 4590.0, 4590.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499957},
- {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit01", "service": "devconfig", "status": 200,
- "gatherTime": [778.0, 778.0, 778.0], "totalTime": [782.0, 782.0, 782.0], "svcQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [50.0, 50.0, 50.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
- "rxBytes": [4453.0, 4453.0, 4453.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499962},
- {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service": "devconfig", "status": 200,
- "gatherTime": [783.0, 783.0, 783.0], "totalTime": [786.0, 786.0, 786.0], "svcQsize":
- [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [52.0, 52.0, 52.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
- "rxBytes": [4580.0, 4580.0, 4580.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499965},
- {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "topmem", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [828.0, 828.0, 828.0], "totalTime": [837.0, 837.0, 837.0], "svcQsize":
- [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [269.0, 269.0, 269.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0,
- 12.0], "rxBytes": [1442.0, 1442.0, 1442.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587499966}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "devconfig",
- "status": 200, "gatherTime": [786.0, 786.0, 786.0], "totalTime": [791.0, 791.0,
- 791.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [54.0, 54.0, 54.0], "nodeQsize":
- [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [3522.0, 3522.0, 3522.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587499970}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit02",
- "service": "topmem", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [837.0, 837.0, 837.0], "totalTime":
- [846.0, 846.0, 846.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [271.0, 271.0,
- 271.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [1440.0, 1440.0, 1440.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499975}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname":
- "leaf02", "service": "devconfig", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [791.0, 791.0,
- 791.0], "totalTime": [796.0, 796.0, 796.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize":
- [56.0, 56.0, 56.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [4580.0, 4580.0,
- 4580.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499975}, {"namespace":
- "eos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [796.0, 796.0, 796.0], "totalTime": [801.0, 801.0, 801.0], "svcQsize": [13.0,
- 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [58.0, 58.0, 58.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes":
- [564.0, 564.0, 564.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499980},
- {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "internet", "service": "topmem", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [846.0, 846.0, 846.0], "totalTime": [857.0, 857.0, 857.0], "svcQsize":
- [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [273.0, 273.0, 273.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0],
- "rxBytes": [1442.0, 1442.0, 1442.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499986},
- {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "device", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [802.0, 802.0, 802.0], "totalTime": [809.0, 809.0, 809.0], "svcQsize":
- [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [60.0, 60.0, 60.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0],
- "rxBytes": [563.0, 563.0, 563.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499988},
- {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "device", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [809.0, 809.0, 809.0], "totalTime": [816.0, 816.0, 816.0], "svcQsize":
- [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [62.0, 62.0, 62.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0],
- "rxBytes": [566.0, 566.0, 566.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499995},
- {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit01", "service": "topmem", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [857.0, 857.0, 857.0], "totalTime": [869.0, 869.0, 869.0], "svcQsize":
- [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [275.0, 275.0, 275.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0],
- "rxBytes": [1440.0, 1440.0, 1440.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499998},
- {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "evpnVni", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [820.0, 820.0, 820.0], "totalTime": [827.0, 827.0, 827.0], "svcQsize":
- [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
- [221.0, 221.0, 221.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499998},
- {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server302", "service": "device", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [816.0, 816.0, 816.0], "totalTime": [821.0, 821.0, 821.0], "svcQsize":
- [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [64.0, 64.0, 64.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0],
- "rxBytes": [564.0, 564.0, 564.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500000},
- {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server301", "service": "device", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [821.0, 821.0, 821.0], "totalTime": [825.0, 825.0, 825.0], "svcQsize":
- [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [66.0, 66.0, 66.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0],
- "rxBytes": [564.0, 564.0, 564.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500004},
- {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "exit01", "service": "evpnVni", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [827.0, 827.0, 827.0], "totalTime": [835.0, 835.0, 835.0], "svcQsize":
- [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
- [11257.0, 11257.0, 11257.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500006},
- {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf02", "service": "topmem", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [869.0, 869.0, 869.0], "totalTime": [880.0, 880.0, 880.0], "svcQsize":
- [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [277.0, 277.0, 277.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0],
- "rxBytes": [1439.0, 1439.0, 1439.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500009},
- {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "device", "status": 200,
- "gatherTime": [825.0, 825.0, 825.0], "totalTime": [831.0, 831.0, 831.0], "svcQsize":
- [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [68.0, 68.0, 68.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0],
- "rxBytes": [635.0, 635.0, 635.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500010},
- {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "evpnVni", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [835.0, 835.0, 835.0], "totalTime": [841.0, 841.0, 841.0], "svcQsize":
- [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
- [1176.0, 1176.0, 1176.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500012},
- {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf01", "service": "device", "status": 200,
- "gatherTime": [831.0, 831.0, 831.0], "totalTime": [837.0, 837.0, 837.0], "svcQsize":
- [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [70.0, 70.0, 70.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0],
- "rxBytes": [635.0, 635.0, 635.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500016},
- {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "topmem", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [880.0, 880.0, 880.0], "totalTime": [888.0, 888.0, 888.0], "svcQsize":
- [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [279.0, 279.0, 279.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0],
- "rxBytes": [1439.0, 1439.0, 1439.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500017},
- {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "leaf01", "service": "evpnVni", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [841.0, 841.0, 841.0], "totalTime": [848.0, 848.0, 848.0], "svcQsize":
- [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
- [24944.0, 24944.0, 24944.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500019},
- {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit01", "service": "device", "status": 200,
- "gatherTime": [837.0, 837.0, 837.0], "totalTime": [844.0, 844.0, 844.0], "svcQsize":
- [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [72.0, 72.0, 72.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0],
- "rxBytes": [634.0, 634.0, 634.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500023},
- {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf03", "service": "topmem", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [888.0, 888.0, 888.0], "totalTime": [896.0, 896.0, 896.0], "svcQsize":
- [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [281.0, 281.0, 281.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0],
- "rxBytes": [1439.0, 1439.0, 1439.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500025},
- {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "evpnVni", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [849.0, 849.0, 849.0], "totalTime": [855.0, 855.0, 855.0], "svcQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
- [1173.0, 1173.0, 1173.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500026},
- {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "device", "status": 200,
- "gatherTime": [844.0, 844.0, 844.0], "totalTime": [849.0, 849.0, 849.0], "svcQsize":
- [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [74.0, 74.0, 74.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0],
- "rxBytes": [635.0, 635.0, 635.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500028},
- {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "evpnVni", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [855.0, 855.0, 855.0], "totalTime": [862.0, 862.0, 862.0], "svcQsize":
- [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
- [11256.0, 11256.0, 11256.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500033},
- {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "device", "status": 200,
- "gatherTime": [849.0, 849.0, 849.0], "totalTime": [854.0, 854.0, 854.0], "svcQsize":
- [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [76.0, 76.0, 76.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0],
- "rxBytes": [636.0, 636.0, 636.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500033},
- {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "edge01", "service": "topmem", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [896.0, 896.0, 896.0], "totalTime": [905.0, 905.0, 905.0], "svcQsize":
- [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [283.0, 283.0, 283.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0],
- "rxBytes": [1430.0, 1430.0, 1430.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500034},
- {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service": "device", "status": 200,
- "gatherTime": [854.0, 854.0, 854.0], "totalTime": [860.0, 860.0, 860.0], "svcQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [78.0, 78.0, 78.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0],
- "rxBytes": [635.0, 635.0, 635.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500039},
- {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "evpnVni", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [862.0, 862.0, 862.0], "totalTime": [870.0, 870.0, 870.0], "svcQsize":
- [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
- [1173.0, 1173.0, 1173.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500041},
- {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server102", "service": "topmem", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [905.0, 905.0, 905.0], "totalTime": [912.0, 912.0, 912.0], "svcQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [285.0, 285.0, 285.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0],
- "rxBytes": [1443.0, 1443.0, 1443.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500042},
- {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf02", "service": "device", "status": 200,
- "gatherTime": [860.0, 860.0, 860.0], "totalTime": [867.0, 867.0, 867.0], "svcQsize":
- [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [80.0, 80.0, 80.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0],
- "rxBytes": [635.0, 635.0, 635.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500046},
- {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server101", "service": "topmem", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [913.0, 913.0, 913.0], "totalTime": [919.0, 919.0, 919.0], "svcQsize":
- [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [287.0, 287.0, 287.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0],
- "rxBytes": [1443.0, 1443.0, 1443.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500048},
- {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "leaf02", "service": "evpnVni", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [870.0, 870.0, 870.0], "totalTime": [877.0, 877.0, 877.0], "svcQsize":
- [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
- "rxBytes": [24944.0, 24944.0, 24944.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500048}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "device",
- "status": 200, "gatherTime": [867.0, 867.0, 867.0], "totalTime": [873.0, 873.0,
- 873.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [82.0, 82.0, 82.0], "nodeQsize":
+ "eos", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "devconfig", "status": 200, "gatherTime":
+ [773.0, 773.0, 773.0], "totalTime": [778.0, 778.0, 778.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0,
+ 4.0], "wrQsize": [48.0, 48.0, 48.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes":
+ [4590.0, 4590.0, 4590.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499957},
+ {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "topmem", "status":
+ 0, "gatherTime": [819.0, 819.0, 819.0], "totalTime": [828.0, 828.0, 828.0], "svcQsize":
+ [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [267.0, 267.0, 267.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0,
+ 12.0], "rxBytes": [1444.0, 1444.0, 1444.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587499957}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit01", "service": "devconfig",
+ "status": 200, "gatherTime": [778.0, 778.0, 778.0], "totalTime": [782.0, 782.0,
+ 782.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [50.0, 50.0, 50.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [4453.0, 4453.0, 4453.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1652587499962}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service":
+ "devconfig", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [783.0, 783.0, 783.0], "totalTime":
+ [786.0, 786.0, 786.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [52.0, 52.0, 52.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [4580.0, 4580.0, 4580.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499965}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf04",
+ "service": "topmem", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [828.0, 828.0, 828.0], "totalTime":
+ [837.0, 837.0, 837.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [269.0, 269.0,
+ 269.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [1442.0, 1442.0, 1442.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499966}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname":
+ "spine01", "service": "devconfig", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [786.0, 786.0,
+ 786.0], "totalTime": [791.0, 791.0, 791.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize":
+ [54.0, 54.0, 54.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [3522.0, 3522.0,
+ 3522.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499970}, {"namespace":
+ "eos", "hostname": "leaf02", "service": "devconfig", "status": 200, "gatherTime":
+ [791.0, 791.0, 791.0], "totalTime": [796.0, 796.0, 796.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0,
+ 0.0], "wrQsize": [56.0, 56.0, 56.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes":
+ [4580.0, 4580.0, 4580.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499975},
+ {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "topmem", "status":
+ 0, "gatherTime": [837.0, 837.0, 837.0], "totalTime": [846.0, 846.0, 846.0], "svcQsize":
+ [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [271.0, 271.0, 271.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0,
+ 12.0], "rxBytes": [1440.0, 1440.0, 1440.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587499975}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "device",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [796.0, 796.0, 796.0], "totalTime": [801.0, 801.0,
+ 801.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [58.0, 58.0, 58.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [564.0, 564.0, 564.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587499980}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "internet", "service":
+ "topmem", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [846.0, 846.0, 846.0], "totalTime": [857.0,
+ 857.0, 857.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [273.0, 273.0, 273.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [1442.0, 1442.0, 1442.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499986}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server101",
+ "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [802.0, 802.0, 802.0], "totalTime":
+ [809.0, 809.0, 809.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [60.0, 60.0,
+ 60.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [563.0, 563.0, 563.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499988}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "firewall01",
+ "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [809.0, 809.0, 809.0], "totalTime":
+ [816.0, 816.0, 816.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [62.0, 62.0,
+ 62.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [566.0, 566.0, 566.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499995}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "firewall01",
+ "service": "evpnVni", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [820.0, 820.0, 820.0], "totalTime":
+ [827.0, 827.0, 827.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [221.0, 221.0, 221.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499998}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit01",
+ "service": "topmem", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [857.0, 857.0, 857.0], "totalTime":
+ [869.0, 869.0, 869.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [275.0, 275.0,
+ 275.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [1440.0, 1440.0, 1440.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499998}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname":
+ "server302", "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [816.0, 816.0, 816.0],
+ "totalTime": [821.0, 821.0, 821.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize":
+ [64.0, 64.0, 64.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [564.0, 564.0, 564.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500000}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname":
+ "server301", "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [821.0, 821.0, 821.0],
+ "totalTime": [825.0, 825.0, 825.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [66.0,
+ 66.0, 66.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [564.0, 564.0, 564.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500004}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "exit01", "service":
+ "evpnVni", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [827.0, 827.0, 827.0], "totalTime": [835.0,
+ 835.0, 835.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [11257.0, 11257.0, 11257.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500006}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf02",
+ "service": "topmem", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [869.0, 869.0, 869.0], "totalTime":
+ [880.0, 880.0, 880.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [277.0, 277.0,
+ 277.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [1439.0, 1439.0, 1439.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500009}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname":
+ "leaf04", "service": "device", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [825.0, 825.0, 825.0],
+ "totalTime": [831.0, 831.0, 831.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [68.0,
+ 68.0, 68.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [635.0, 635.0, 635.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500010}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
+ "service": "evpnVni", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [835.0, 835.0, 835.0], "totalTime":
+ [841.0, 841.0, 841.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [1176.0, 1176.0, 1176.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500012}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf01", "service":
+ "device", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [831.0, 831.0, 831.0], "totalTime": [837.0,
+ 837.0, 837.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [70.0, 70.0, 70.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [635.0, 635.0, 635.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587500016}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "topmem",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [880.0, 880.0, 880.0], "totalTime": [888.0, 888.0,
+ 888.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [279.0, 279.0, 279.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [1439.0, 1439.0, 1439.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500017}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "leaf01", "service":
+ "evpnVni", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [841.0, 841.0, 841.0], "totalTime": [848.0,
+ 848.0, 848.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [24944.0, 24944.0, 24944.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500019}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit01", "service":
+ "device", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [837.0, 837.0, 837.0], "totalTime": [844.0,
+ 844.0, 844.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [72.0, 72.0, 72.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [634.0, 634.0, 634.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587500023}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf03", "service": "topmem",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [888.0, 888.0, 888.0], "totalTime": [896.0, 896.0,
+ 896.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [281.0, 281.0, 281.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [1439.0, 1439.0, 1439.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500025}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine02",
+ "service": "evpnVni", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [849.0, 849.0, 849.0], "totalTime":
+ [855.0, 855.0, 855.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [1173.0, 1173.0, 1173.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500026}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit02", "service":
+ "device", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [844.0, 844.0, 844.0], "totalTime": [849.0,
+ 849.0, 849.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [74.0, 74.0, 74.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [635.0, 635.0, 635.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587500028}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "evpnVni",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [855.0, 855.0, 855.0], "totalTime": [862.0, 862.0,
+ 862.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [11256.0, 11256.0, 11256.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500033}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
+ "device", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [849.0, 849.0, 849.0], "totalTime": [854.0,
+ 854.0, 854.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [76.0, 76.0, 76.0], "nodeQsize":
[3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [636.0, 636.0, 636.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500052}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "lldp",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [877.0, 877.0, 877.0], "totalTime": [882.0, 882.0,
- 882.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "nodeQsize":
- [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [245.0, 245.0, 245.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500053}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server103", "service":
- "topmem", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [919.0, 919.0, 919.0], "totalTime": [927.0,
- 927.0, 927.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [289.0, 289.0, 289.0],
- "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [1443.0, 1443.0, 1443.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500056}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server201",
- "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [882.0, 882.0, 882.0], "totalTime":
- [886.0, 886.0, 886.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [13.0, 13.0,
- 13.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [244.0, 244.0, 244.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500057}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service":
- "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [873.0, 873.0, 873.0], "totalTime": [880.0,
- 880.0, 880.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [84.0, 84.0, 84.0], "nodeQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [4973.0, 4973.0, 4973.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587500059}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server102", "service":
- "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [886.0, 886.0, 886.0], "totalTime": [889.0,
- 889.0, 889.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "nodeQsize":
- [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [245.0, 245.0, 245.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500060}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "lldp",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [889.0, 889.0, 889.0], "totalTime": [893.0, 893.0,
- 893.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "nodeQsize":
- [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [244.0, 244.0, 244.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500064}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server104", "service":
- "topmem", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [927.0, 927.0, 927.0], "totalTime": [935.0,
- 935.0, 935.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [291.0, 291.0, 291.0],
- "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [1443.0, 1443.0, 1443.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500064}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server202",
- "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [893.0, 893.0, 893.0], "totalTime":
- [898.0, 898.0, 898.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0],
- "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [244.0, 244.0, 244.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500069}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "internet",
- "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [935.0, 935.0, 935.0], "totalTime":
- [943.0, 943.0, 943.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [293.0, 293.0,
- 293.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "rxBytes": [4062.0, 4062.0, 4062.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500072}, {"namespace": "junos",
- "hostname": "exit02", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [898.0, 898.0,
- 898.0], "totalTime": [904.0, 904.0, 904.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize":
- [18.0, 18.0, 18.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [16694.0, 16694.0,
- 16694.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500075}, {"namespace":
- "junos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [904.0, 904.0, 904.0], "totalTime": [908.0, 908.0, 908.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0,
- 5.0], "wrQsize": [20.0, 20.0, 20.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes":
- [11297.0, 11297.0, 11297.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500079},
- {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "leaf02", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [908.0, 908.0, 908.0], "totalTime": [913.0, 913.0, 913.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0,
- 4.0], "wrQsize": [22.0, 22.0, 22.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes":
- [11296.0, 11296.0, 11296.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500084},
- {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "routes", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [943.0, 943.0, 943.0], "totalTime": [956.0, 956.0, 956.0], "svcQsize":
- [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [295.0, 295.0, 295.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0,
- 13.0], "rxBytes": [8445.0, 8445.0, 8445.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500085}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "leaf01", "service": "lldp",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [913.0, 913.0, 913.0], "totalTime": [919.0, 919.0,
- 919.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [24.0, 24.0, 24.0], "nodeQsize":
+ 1652587500033}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "edge01", "service": "topmem",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [896.0, 896.0, 896.0], "totalTime": [905.0, 905.0,
+ 905.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [283.0, 283.0, 283.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [1430.0, 1430.0, 1430.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500034}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service":
+ "device", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [854.0, 854.0, 854.0], "totalTime": [860.0,
+ 860.0, 860.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [78.0, 78.0, 78.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [635.0, 635.0, 635.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587500039}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "evpnVni",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [862.0, 862.0, 862.0], "totalTime": [870.0, 870.0,
+ 870.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [1173.0, 1173.0, 1173.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1652587500041}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server102",
+ "service": "topmem", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [905.0, 905.0, 905.0], "totalTime":
+ [912.0, 912.0, 912.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [285.0, 285.0,
+ 285.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [1443.0, 1443.0, 1443.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500042}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname":
+ "leaf02", "service": "device", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [860.0, 860.0, 860.0],
+ "totalTime": [867.0, 867.0, 867.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [80.0,
+ 80.0, 80.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [635.0, 635.0, 635.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500046}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server101",
+ "service": "topmem", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [913.0, 913.0, 913.0], "totalTime":
+ [919.0, 919.0, 919.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [287.0, 287.0,
+ 287.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [1443.0, 1443.0, 1443.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500048}, {"namespace": "junos",
+ "hostname": "leaf02", "service": "evpnVni", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [870.0,
+ 870.0, 870.0], "totalTime": [877.0, 877.0, 877.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
+ "wrQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [24944.0,
+ 24944.0, 24944.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500048}, {"namespace":
+ "eos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "device", "status": 200, "gatherTime":
+ [867.0, 867.0, 867.0], "totalTime": [873.0, 873.0, 873.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0,
+ 1.0], "wrQsize": [82.0, 82.0, 82.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes":
+ [636.0, 636.0, 636.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500052},
+ {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "lldp", "status":
+ 0, "gatherTime": [877.0, 877.0, 877.0], "totalTime": [882.0, 882.0, 882.0], "svcQsize":
+ [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
+ "rxBytes": [245.0, 245.0, 245.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500053},
+ {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server103", "service": "topmem", "status":
+ 0, "gatherTime": [919.0, 919.0, 919.0], "totalTime": [927.0, 927.0, 927.0], "svcQsize":
+ [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [289.0, 289.0, 289.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0],
+ "rxBytes": [1443.0, 1443.0, 1443.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500056},
+ {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server201", "service": "lldp", "status": 0,
+ "gatherTime": [882.0, 882.0, 882.0], "totalTime": [886.0, 886.0, 886.0], "svcQsize":
+ [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
+ "rxBytes": [244.0, 244.0, 244.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500057},
+ {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "device", "status": 0,
+ "gatherTime": [873.0, 873.0, 873.0], "totalTime": [880.0, 880.0, 880.0], "svcQsize":
+ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [84.0, 84.0, 84.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0],
+ "rxBytes": [4973.0, 4973.0, 4973.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500059},
+ {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "lldp", "status": 0,
+ "gatherTime": [886.0, 886.0, 886.0], "totalTime": [889.0, 889.0, 889.0], "svcQsize":
+ [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
+ "rxBytes": [245.0, 245.0, 245.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500060},
+ {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "lldp", "status": 0,
+ "gatherTime": [889.0, 889.0, 889.0], "totalTime": [893.0, 893.0, 893.0], "svcQsize":
+ [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
+ "rxBytes": [244.0, 244.0, 244.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500064},
+ {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server104", "service": "topmem", "status":
+ 0, "gatherTime": [927.0, 927.0, 927.0], "totalTime": [935.0, 935.0, 935.0], "svcQsize":
+ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [291.0, 291.0, 291.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0],
+ "rxBytes": [1443.0, 1443.0, 1443.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500064},
+ {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server202", "service": "lldp", "status": 0,
+ "gatherTime": [893.0, 893.0, 893.0], "totalTime": [898.0, 898.0, 898.0], "svcQsize":
+ [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
+ "rxBytes": [244.0, 244.0, 244.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500069},
+ {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "internet", "service": "routes", "status":
+ 0, "gatherTime": [935.0, 935.0, 935.0], "totalTime": [943.0, 943.0, 943.0], "svcQsize":
+ [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [293.0, 293.0, 293.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0,
+ 13.0], "rxBytes": [4062.0, 4062.0, 4062.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587500072}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "lldp",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [898.0, 898.0, 898.0], "totalTime": [904.0, 904.0,
+ 904.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [18.0, 18.0, 18.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [16694.0, 16694.0, 16694.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500075}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
+ "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [904.0, 904.0, 904.0], "totalTime":
+ [908.0, 908.0, 908.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [20.0, 20.0, 20.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [11297.0, 11297.0, 11297.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500079}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "leaf02", "service":
+ "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [908.0, 908.0, 908.0], "totalTime": [913.0,
+ 913.0, 913.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [22.0, 22.0, 22.0], "nodeQsize":
[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [11296.0, 11296.0, 11296.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500090}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine02",
- "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [919.0, 919.0, 919.0], "totalTime":
- [924.0, 924.0, 924.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [26.0, 26.0, 26.0],
- "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [22088.0, 22088.0, 22088.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500095}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf01",
- "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [956.0, 956.0, 956.0], "totalTime":
- [967.0, 967.0, 967.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [297.0, 297.0,
- 297.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "rxBytes": [8438.0, 8438.0, 8438.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500096}, {"namespace": "junos",
- "hostname": "exit01", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [924.0, 924.0,
- 924.0], "totalTime": [928.0, 928.0, 928.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize":
- [28.0, 28.0, 28.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [16693.0, 16693.0,
- 16693.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500099}, {"namespace":
- "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "edge01", "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [967.0, 967.0, 967.0], "totalTime": [976.0, 976.0, 976.0], "svcQsize": [10.0,
- 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [299.0, 299.0, 299.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0],
- "rxBytes": [5422.0, 5422.0, 5422.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500105},
- {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "lldp", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [928.0, 928.0, 928.0], "totalTime": [934.0, 934.0, 934.0], "svcQsize":
- [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [30.0, 30.0, 30.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
- "rxBytes": [22086.0, 22086.0, 22086.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500105}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "routes",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [976.0, 976.0, 976.0], "totalTime": [984.0, 984.0,
- 984.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [301.0, 301.0, 301.0], "nodeQsize":
- [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "rxBytes": [5628.0, 5628.0, 5628.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500113}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "leaf02", "service":
- "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [934.0, 934.0, 934.0], "totalTime": [943.0,
- 943.0, 943.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [32.0, 32.0, 32.0], "nodeQsize":
- [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [83898.0, 83898.0, 83898.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500114}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server102",
- "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [984.0, 984.0, 984.0], "totalTime":
- [990.0, 990.0, 990.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [303.0, 303.0,
- 303.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "rxBytes": [1518.0, 1518.0, 1518.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500119}, {"namespace": "junos",
- "hostname": "exit01", "service": "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [943.0,
- 943.0, 943.0], "totalTime": [954.0, 954.0, 954.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0],
- "wrQsize": [34.0, 34.0, 34.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [85222.0,
- 85222.0, 85222.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500125}, {"namespace":
- "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [990.0, 990.0, 990.0], "totalTime": [998.0, 998.0, 998.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0,
- 7.0], "wrQsize": [305.0, 305.0, 305.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "rxBytes":
- [5932.0, 5932.0, 5932.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500127},
- {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "devconfig", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [954.0, 954.0, 954.0], "totalTime": [963.0, 963.0, 963.0], "svcQsize":
- [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [36.0, 36.0, 36.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
- "rxBytes": [82310.0, 82310.0, 82310.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500134}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf03", "service": "routes",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [998.0, 998.0, 998.0], "totalTime": [1009.0, 1009.0,
- 1009.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [307.0, 307.0, 307.0], "nodeQsize":
- [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "rxBytes": [8444.0, 8444.0, 8444.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500138}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "exit02", "service":
- "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [963.0, 963.0, 963.0], "totalTime": [975.0,
- 975.0, 975.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [38.0, 38.0, 38.0], "nodeQsize":
- [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [85222.0, 85222.0, 85222.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500146}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf02",
- "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1009.0, 1009.0, 1009.0], "totalTime":
- [1023.0, 1023.0, 1023.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [309.0, 309.0,
- 309.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "rxBytes": [8445.0, 8445.0, 8445.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500152}, {"namespace": "junos",
- "hostname": "leaf01", "service": "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [975.0,
- 975.0, 975.0], "totalTime": [985.0, 985.0, 985.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
- "wrQsize": [40.0, 40.0, 40.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [83898.0,
- 83898.0, 83898.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500156}, {"namespace":
- "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server104", "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [1023.0, 1023.0, 1023.0], "totalTime": [1032.0, 1032.0, 1032.0], "svcQsize": [4.0,
- 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [311.0, 311.0, 311.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0],
- "rxBytes": [1518.0, 1518.0, 1518.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500161},
- {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "devconfig", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [985.0, 985.0, 985.0], "totalTime": [997.0, 997.0, 997.0], "svcQsize":
- [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [42.0, 42.0, 42.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
- "rxBytes": [81725.0, 81725.0, 81725.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500168}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "devconfig",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [997.0, 997.0, 997.0], "totalTime": [1008.0, 1008.0,
- 1008.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [44.0, 44.0, 44.0], "nodeQsize":
- [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [82310.0, 82310.0, 82310.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500179}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit01",
- "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1032.0, 1032.0, 1032.0], "totalTime":
- [1050.0, 1050.0, 1050.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [313.0, 313.0,
- 313.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "rxBytes": [9684.0, 9684.0, 9684.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500179}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
- "hostname": "exit02", "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1050.0,
- 1050.0, 1050.0], "totalTime": [1064.0, 1064.0, 1064.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0,
- 2.0], "wrQsize": [315.0, 315.0, 315.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "rxBytes":
- [9684.0, 9684.0, 9684.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500193},
- {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server103", "service": "routes", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [1064.0, 1064.0, 1064.0], "totalTime": [1071.0, 1071.0, 1071.0],
- "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [317.0, 317.0, 317.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0,
- 13.0, 13.0], "rxBytes": [1518.0, 1518.0, 1518.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500200}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server101", "service":
- "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1071.0, 1071.0, 1071.0], "totalTime": [1080.0,
- 1080.0, 1080.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [319.0, 319.0, 319.0],
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500084}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf04",
+ "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [943.0, 943.0, 943.0], "totalTime":
+ [956.0, 956.0, 956.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [295.0, 295.0,
+ 295.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "rxBytes": [8445.0, 8445.0, 8445.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500085}, {"namespace": "junos",
+ "hostname": "leaf01", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [913.0, 913.0,
+ 913.0], "totalTime": [919.0, 919.0, 919.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize":
+ [24.0, 24.0, 24.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [11296.0, 11296.0,
+ 11296.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500090}, {"namespace":
+ "junos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
+ [919.0, 919.0, 919.0], "totalTime": [924.0, 924.0, 924.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0,
+ 2.0], "wrQsize": [26.0, 26.0, 26.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes":
+ [22088.0, 22088.0, 22088.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500095},
+ {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf01", "service": "routes", "status":
+ 0, "gatherTime": [956.0, 956.0, 956.0], "totalTime": [967.0, 967.0, 967.0], "svcQsize":
+ [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [297.0, 297.0, 297.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0,
+ 13.0], "rxBytes": [8438.0, 8438.0, 8438.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587500096}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "exit01", "service": "lldp",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [924.0, 924.0, 924.0], "totalTime": [928.0, 928.0,
+ 928.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [28.0, 28.0, 28.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [16693.0, 16693.0, 16693.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500099}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine01",
+ "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [928.0, 928.0, 928.0], "totalTime":
+ [934.0, 934.0, 934.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [30.0, 30.0, 30.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [22086.0, 22086.0, 22086.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500105}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "edge01",
+ "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [967.0, 967.0, 967.0], "totalTime":
+ [976.0, 976.0, 976.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [299.0, 299.0,
+ 299.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "rxBytes": [5422.0, 5422.0, 5422.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500105}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
+ "hostname": "spine02", "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [976.0,
+ 976.0, 976.0], "totalTime": [984.0, 984.0, 984.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0],
+ "wrQsize": [301.0, 301.0, 301.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "rxBytes":
+ [5628.0, 5628.0, 5628.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500113},
+ {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "leaf02", "service": "devconfig", "status":
+ 0, "gatherTime": [934.0, 934.0, 934.0], "totalTime": [943.0, 943.0, 943.0], "svcQsize":
+ [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [32.0, 32.0, 32.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
+ "rxBytes": [83898.0, 83898.0, 83898.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587500114}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server102", "service":
+ "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [984.0, 984.0, 984.0], "totalTime": [990.0,
+ 990.0, 990.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [303.0, 303.0, 303.0],
"nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "rxBytes": [1518.0, 1518.0, 1518.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500209}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "leaf01", "service":
- "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1008.0, 1008.0, 1008.0], "totalTime":
- [1042.0, 1042.0, 1042.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [46.0, 46.0,
- 46.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [275834.0, 275834.0, 275834.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500213}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
- "hostname": "spine02", "service": "evpnVni", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1080.0,
- 1080.0, 1080.0], "totalTime": [1087.0, 1087.0, 1087.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0,
- 9.0], "wrQsize": [320.0, 320.0, 320.0], "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes":
- [227.0, 227.0, 227.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500216},
- {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "bgp", "status": 200, "gatherTime":
- [880.0, 880.0, 880.0], "totalTime": [1046.0, 1046.0, 1046.0], "svcQsize": [9.0,
- 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [86.0, 86.0, 86.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes":
- [7176.0, 7176.0, 7176.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500225},
- {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf01", "service": "evpnVni", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [1087.0, 1087.0, 1087.0], "totalTime": [1096.0, 1096.0, 1096.0],
- "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [322.0, 322.0, 322.0], "nodeQsize": [14.0,
- 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes": [1180.0, 1180.0, 1180.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500226}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "evpnVni",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1097.0, 1097.0, 1097.0], "totalTime": [1104.0, 1104.0,
- 1104.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [324.0, 324.0, 324.0], "nodeQsize":
- [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes": [533.0, 533.0, 533.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587500233}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf04",
- "service": "evpnVni", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1104.0, 1104.0, 1104.0], "totalTime":
- [1110.0, 1110.0, 1110.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [326.0, 326.0,
- 326.0], "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes": [1159.0, 1159.0, 1159.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500239}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
- "hostname": "edge01", "service": "evpnVni", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1110.0,
- 1110.0, 1110.0], "totalTime": [1116.0, 1116.0, 1116.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0,
- 5.0], "wrQsize": [327.0, 327.0, 327.0], "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes":
- [225.0, 225.0, 225.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500245},
- {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit01", "service": "evpnVni", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [1116.0, 1116.0, 1116.0], "totalTime": [1121.0, 1121.0, 1121.0],
- "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [329.0, 329.0, 329.0], "nodeQsize": [14.0,
- 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes": [533.0, 533.0, 533.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500250}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "internet", "service":
- "evpnVni", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1121.0, 1121.0, 1121.0], "totalTime": [1126.0,
- 1126.0, 1126.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [330.0, 330.0, 330.0],
- "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes": [229.0, 229.0, 229.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500119}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "exit01", "service":
+ "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [943.0, 943.0, 943.0], "totalTime": [954.0,
+ 954.0, 954.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [34.0, 34.0, 34.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [85222.0, 85222.0, 85222.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500125}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine01",
+ "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [990.0, 990.0, 990.0], "totalTime":
+ [998.0, 998.0, 998.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [305.0, 305.0,
+ 305.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "rxBytes": [5932.0, 5932.0, 5932.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500127}, {"namespace": "junos",
+ "hostname": "spine02", "service": "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [954.0,
+ 954.0, 954.0], "totalTime": [963.0, 963.0, 963.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0],
+ "wrQsize": [36.0, 36.0, 36.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [82310.0,
+ 82310.0, 82310.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500134}, {"namespace":
+ "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf03", "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
+ [998.0, 998.0, 998.0], "totalTime": [1009.0, 1009.0, 1009.0], "svcQsize": [6.0,
+ 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [307.0, 307.0, 307.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0],
+ "rxBytes": [8444.0, 8444.0, 8444.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500138},
+ {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "devconfig", "status":
+ 0, "gatherTime": [963.0, 963.0, 963.0], "totalTime": [975.0, 975.0, 975.0], "svcQsize":
+ [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [38.0, 38.0, 38.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
+ "rxBytes": [85222.0, 85222.0, 85222.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587500146}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf02", "service": "routes",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1009.0, 1009.0, 1009.0], "totalTime": [1023.0, 1023.0,
+ 1023.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [309.0, 309.0, 309.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "rxBytes": [8445.0, 8445.0, 8445.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500152}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "leaf01", "service":
+ "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [975.0, 975.0, 975.0], "totalTime": [985.0,
+ 985.0, 985.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [40.0, 40.0, 40.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [83898.0, 83898.0, 83898.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500156}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server104",
+ "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1023.0, 1023.0, 1023.0], "totalTime":
+ [1032.0, 1032.0, 1032.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [311.0, 311.0,
+ 311.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "rxBytes": [1518.0, 1518.0, 1518.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500161}, {"namespace": "junos",
+ "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [985.0,
+ 985.0, 985.0], "totalTime": [997.0, 997.0, 997.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
+ "wrQsize": [42.0, 42.0, 42.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [81725.0,
+ 81725.0, 81725.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500168}, {"namespace":
+ "junos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
+ [997.0, 997.0, 997.0], "totalTime": [1008.0, 1008.0, 1008.0], "svcQsize": [0.0,
+ 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [44.0, 44.0, 44.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes":
+ [82310.0, 82310.0, 82310.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500179},
+ {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit01", "service": "routes", "status":
+ 0, "gatherTime": [1032.0, 1032.0, 1032.0], "totalTime": [1050.0, 1050.0, 1050.0],
+ "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [313.0, 313.0, 313.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0,
+ 13.0, 13.0], "rxBytes": [9684.0, 9684.0, 9684.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587500179}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "routes",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1050.0, 1050.0, 1050.0], "totalTime": [1064.0, 1064.0,
+ 1064.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [315.0, 315.0, 315.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "rxBytes": [9684.0, 9684.0, 9684.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500193}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server103",
+ "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1064.0, 1064.0, 1064.0], "totalTime":
+ [1071.0, 1071.0, 1071.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [317.0, 317.0,
+ 317.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "rxBytes": [1518.0, 1518.0, 1518.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500200}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
+ "hostname": "server101", "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1071.0,
+ 1071.0, 1071.0], "totalTime": [1080.0, 1080.0, 1080.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0,
+ 0.0], "wrQsize": [319.0, 319.0, 319.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "rxBytes":
+ [1518.0, 1518.0, 1518.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500209},
+ {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "leaf01", "service": "interfaces", "status":
+ 0, "gatherTime": [1008.0, 1008.0, 1008.0], "totalTime": [1042.0, 1042.0, 1042.0],
+ "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [46.0, 46.0, 46.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0,
+ 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [275834.0, 275834.0, 275834.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1652587500213}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine02",
+ "service": "evpnVni", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1080.0, 1080.0, 1080.0], "totalTime":
+ [1087.0, 1087.0, 1087.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [320.0, 320.0,
+ 320.0], "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes": [227.0, 227.0, 227.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500216}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service":
+ "bgp", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [880.0, 880.0, 880.0], "totalTime": [1046.0,
+ 1046.0, 1046.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [86.0, 86.0, 86.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [7176.0, 7176.0, 7176.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1652587500225}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf01",
+ "service": "evpnVni", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1087.0, 1087.0, 1087.0], "totalTime":
+ [1096.0, 1096.0, 1096.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [322.0, 322.0,
+ 322.0], "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes": [1180.0, 1180.0, 1180.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500226}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
+ "hostname": "exit02", "service": "evpnVni", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1097.0,
+ 1097.0, 1097.0], "totalTime": [1104.0, 1104.0, 1104.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0,
+ 7.0], "wrQsize": [324.0, 324.0, 324.0], "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes":
+ [533.0, 533.0, 533.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500233},
+ {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "evpnVni", "status":
+ 0, "gatherTime": [1104.0, 1104.0, 1104.0], "totalTime": [1110.0, 1110.0, 1110.0],
+ "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [326.0, 326.0, 326.0], "nodeQsize": [14.0,
+ 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes": [1159.0, 1159.0, 1159.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587500239}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "edge01", "service": "evpnVni",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1110.0, 1110.0, 1110.0], "totalTime": [1116.0, 1116.0,
+ 1116.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [327.0, 327.0, 327.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes": [225.0, 225.0, 225.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1652587500245}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit01",
+ "service": "evpnVni", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1116.0, 1116.0, 1116.0], "totalTime":
+ [1121.0, 1121.0, 1121.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [329.0, 329.0,
+ 329.0], "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes": [533.0, 533.0, 533.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500250}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "internet",
+ "service": "evpnVni", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1121.0, 1121.0, 1121.0], "totalTime":
+ [1126.0, 1126.0, 1126.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [330.0, 330.0,
+ 330.0], "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes": [229.0, 229.0, 229.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587500255}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine01",
"service": "evpnVni", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1126.0, 1126.0, 1126.0], "totalTime":
[1131.0, 1131.0, 1131.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [331.0, 331.0,
@@ -31791,53 +31811,53 @@ tests:
0, "gatherTime": [1159.0, 1159.0, 1159.0], "totalTime": [1252.0, 1252.0, 1252.0],
"svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [77.0, 77.0, 77.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0,
8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [31438.0, 31438.0, 31438.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500442}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "internet", "service":
- "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1305.0, 1305.0, 1305.0], "totalTime":
- [1314.0, 1314.0, 1314.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [363.0, 363.0,
- 363.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "rxBytes": [4773.0, 4773.0, 4773.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500443}, {"namespace": "junos",
- "hostname": "server101", "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1261.0,
- 1261.0, 1261.0], "totalTime": [1272.0, 1272.0, 1272.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0,
- 4.0], "wrQsize": [60.0, 60.0, 60.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes":
- [1413.0, 1413.0, 1413.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500443},
- {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server202", "service": "interfaces", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [1272.0, 1272.0, 1272.0], "totalTime": [1282.0, 1282.0, 1282.0],
- "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [62.0, 62.0, 62.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0,
+ 1652587500442}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "interfaces",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1261.0, 1261.0, 1261.0], "totalTime": [1272.0, 1272.0,
+ 1272.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [60.0, 60.0, 60.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [1413.0, 1413.0, 1413.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1652587500443}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "internet",
+ "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1305.0, 1305.0, 1305.0],
+ "totalTime": [1314.0, 1314.0, 1314.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize":
+ [363.0, 363.0, 363.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "rxBytes": [4773.0, 4773.0,
+ 4773.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500443}, {"namespace":
+ "junos", "hostname": "server202", "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
+ [1272.0, 1272.0, 1272.0], "totalTime": [1282.0, 1282.0, 1282.0], "svcQsize": [3.0,
+ 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [62.0, 62.0, 62.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes":
+ [1413.0, 1413.0, 1413.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500453},
+ {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf5-eos", "service": "interfaces", "status":
+ 0, "gatherTime": [1252.0, 1252.0, 1252.0], "totalTime": [1264.0, 1264.0, 1264.0],
+ "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [79.0, 79.0, 79.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0,
+ 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [23599.0, 23599.0, 23599.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587500454}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service": "bgp", "status":
+ 200, "gatherTime": [1259.0, 1259.0, 1259.0], "totalTime": [1282.0, 1282.0, 1282.0],
+ "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [98.0, 98.0, 98.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0,
+ 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [7141.0, 7141.0, 7141.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587500461}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "interfaces",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1282.0, 1282.0, 1282.0], "totalTime": [1293.0, 1293.0,
+ 1293.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [64.0, 64.0, 64.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [1415.0, 1415.0, 1415.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1652587500464}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf6-eos", "service":
+ "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1264.0, 1264.0, 1264.0], "totalTime":
+ [1276.0, 1276.0, 1276.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [81.0, 81.0,
+ 81.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [23590.0, 23590.0, 23590.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500466}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf02",
+ "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1315.0, 1315.0, 1315.0],
+ "totalTime": [1341.0, 1341.0, 1341.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize":
+ [365.0, 365.0, 365.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "rxBytes": [27602.0, 27602.0,
+ 27602.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500471}, {"namespace":
+ "junos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
+ [1293.0, 1293.0, 1293.0], "totalTime": [1305.0, 1305.0, 1305.0], "svcQsize": [1.0,
+ 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [66.0, 66.0, 66.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes":
+ [3866.0, 3866.0, 3866.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500476},
+ {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server201", "service": "interfaces", "status":
+ 0, "gatherTime": [1306.0, 1306.0, 1306.0], "totalTime": [1313.0, 1313.0, 1313.0],
+ "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [68.0, 68.0, 68.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0,
3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [1413.0, 1413.0, 1413.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500453}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf5-eos", "service": "interfaces",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1252.0, 1252.0, 1252.0], "totalTime": [1264.0, 1264.0,
- 1264.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [79.0, 79.0, 79.0], "nodeQsize":
- [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [23599.0, 23599.0, 23599.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500454}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service":
- "bgp", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1259.0, 1259.0, 1259.0], "totalTime": [1282.0,
- 1282.0, 1282.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [98.0, 98.0, 98.0], "nodeQsize":
- [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [7141.0, 7141.0, 7141.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587500461}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server102", "service":
- "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1282.0, 1282.0, 1282.0], "totalTime":
- [1293.0, 1293.0, 1293.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [64.0, 64.0,
- 64.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [1415.0, 1415.0, 1415.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500464}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf6-eos",
- "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1264.0, 1264.0, 1264.0],
- "totalTime": [1276.0, 1276.0, 1276.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize":
- [81.0, 81.0, 81.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [23590.0, 23590.0,
- 23590.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500466}, {"namespace":
- "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf02", "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [1315.0, 1315.0, 1315.0], "totalTime": [1341.0, 1341.0, 1341.0], "svcQsize": [8.0,
- 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [365.0, 365.0, 365.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0],
- "rxBytes": [27602.0, 27602.0, 27602.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500471}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "interfaces",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1293.0, 1293.0, 1293.0], "totalTime": [1305.0, 1305.0,
- 1305.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [66.0, 66.0, 66.0], "nodeQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [3866.0, 3866.0, 3866.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587500476}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server201", "service":
- "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1306.0, 1306.0, 1306.0], "totalTime":
- [1313.0, 1313.0, 1313.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [68.0, 68.0,
- 68.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [1413.0, 1413.0, 1413.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500484}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "exit02", "service":
- "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1313.0, 1313.0, 1313.0], "totalTime": [1321.0,
- 1321.0, 1321.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [70.0, 70.0, 70.0],
- "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [4950.0, 4950.0, 4950.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500492}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit02",
+ 1652587500484}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "device",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1313.0, 1313.0, 1313.0], "totalTime": [1321.0, 1321.0,
+ 1321.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [70.0, 70.0, 70.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [4950.0, 4950.0, 4950.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1652587500492}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit02",
"service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1342.0, 1342.0, 1342.0],
"totalTime": [1365.0, 1365.0, 1365.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize":
[367.0, 367.0, 367.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "rxBytes": [18260.0, 18260.0,
@@ -31883,32 +31903,28 @@ tests:
"service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1351.0, 1351.0, 1351.0], "totalTime":
[1359.0, 1359.0, 1359.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [82.0, 82.0,
82.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [4954.0, 4954.0, 4954.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500530}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "firewall01",
- "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1359.0, 1359.0, 1359.0], "totalTime":
- [1366.0, 1366.0, 1366.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [84.0, 84.0,
- 84.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [563.0, 563.0, 563.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500537}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "spine1-nxos",
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500530}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "spine1-nxos",
"service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1309.0, 1309.0, 1309.0],
"totalTime": [1347.0, 1347.0, 1347.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize":
[85.0, 85.0, 85.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [38291.0, 38291.0,
38291.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500537}, {"namespace":
- "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit01", "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [1384.0, 1384.0, 1384.0], "totalTime": [1411.0, 1411.0, 1411.0], "svcQsize": [5.0,
- 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [371.0, 371.0, 371.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0],
- "rxBytes": [18318.0, 18318.0, 18318.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500540}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "device",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1366.0, 1366.0, 1366.0], "totalTime": [1371.0, 1371.0,
- 1371.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [86.0, 86.0, 86.0], "nodeQsize":
- [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [561.0, 561.0, 561.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500542}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "bgp",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1350.0, 1350.0, 1350.0], "totalTime": [1363.0, 1363.0,
- 1363.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [104.0, 104.0, 104.0], "nodeQsize":
- [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [28572.0, 28572.0, 28572.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500542}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server202",
- "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1371.0, 1371.0, 1371.0], "totalTime":
- [1376.0, 1376.0, 1376.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [88.0, 88.0,
- 88.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [561.0, 561.0, 561.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500547}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf01", "service":
+ "junos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
+ [1359.0, 1359.0, 1359.0], "totalTime": [1366.0, 1366.0, 1366.0], "svcQsize": [4.0,
+ 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [84.0, 84.0, 84.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes":
+ [563.0, 563.0, 563.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500537},
+ {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit01", "service": "interfaces", "status":
+ 0, "gatherTime": [1384.0, 1384.0, 1384.0], "totalTime": [1411.0, 1411.0, 1411.0],
+ "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [371.0, 371.0, 371.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0,
+ 16.0, 16.0], "rxBytes": [18318.0, 18318.0, 18318.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1652587500540}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service":
+ "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1350.0, 1350.0, 1350.0], "totalTime": [1363.0,
+ 1363.0, 1363.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [104.0, 104.0, 104.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [28572.0, 28572.0, 28572.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500542}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server101",
+ "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1366.0, 1366.0, 1366.0], "totalTime":
+ [1371.0, 1371.0, 1371.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [86.0, 86.0,
+ 86.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [561.0, 561.0, 561.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500542}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf01", "service":
"mlag", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1363.0, 1363.0, 1363.0], "totalTime": [1368.0,
1368.0, 1368.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [106.0, 106.0, 106.0],
"nodeQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "rxBytes": [1980.0, 1980.0, 1980.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
@@ -31916,6 +31932,10 @@ tests:
"service": "ospfIf", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1347.0, 1347.0, 1347.0], "totalTime":
[1357.0, 1357.0, 1357.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [87.0, 87.0,
87.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [2775.0, 2775.0, 2775.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500547}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server202",
+ "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1371.0, 1371.0, 1371.0], "totalTime":
+ [1376.0, 1376.0, 1376.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [88.0, 88.0,
+ 88.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [561.0, 561.0, 561.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587500547}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server102",
"service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1411.0, 1411.0, 1411.0],
"totalTime": [1421.0, 1421.0, 1421.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize":
@@ -31958,15 +31978,15 @@ tests:
0, "gatherTime": [1367.0, 1367.0, 1367.0], "totalTime": [1377.0, 1377.0, 1377.0],
"svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [91.0, 91.0, 91.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0,
9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [12780.0, 12780.0, 12780.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500567}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server103", "service":
- "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1436.0, 1436.0, 1436.0], "totalTime":
- [1444.0, 1444.0, 1444.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [379.0, 379.0,
- 379.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "rxBytes": [2236.0, 2236.0, 2236.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500573}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname":
- "spine02", "service": "mlag", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1387.0, 1387.0, 1387.0],
- "totalTime": [1393.0, 1393.0, 1393.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize":
- [111.0, 111.0, 111.0], "nodeQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "rxBytes": [1342.0, 1342.0,
- 1342.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500573}, {"namespace":
+ 1652587500567}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "mlag",
+ "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1387.0, 1387.0, 1387.0], "totalTime": [1393.0, 1393.0,
+ 1393.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [111.0, 111.0, 111.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "rxBytes": [1342.0, 1342.0, 1342.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1652587500573}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server103",
+ "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1436.0, 1436.0, 1436.0],
+ "totalTime": [1444.0, 1444.0, 1444.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize":
+ [379.0, 379.0, 379.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "rxBytes": [2236.0, 2236.0,
+ 2236.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500573}, {"namespace":
"junos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
[1388.0, 1388.0, 1388.0], "totalTime": [1405.0, 1405.0, 1405.0], "svcQsize": [7.0,
7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [94.0, 94.0, 94.0], "nodeQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "rxBytes":
@@ -32000,14 +32020,14 @@ tests:
"status": 200, "gatherTime": [1410.0, 1410.0, 1410.0], "totalTime": [1417.0, 1417.0,
1417.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [116.0, 116.0, 116.0], "nodeQsize":
[5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "rxBytes": [1342.0, 1342.0, 1342.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587500596}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
- "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1405.0, 1405.0, 1405.0], "totalTime": [1425.0,
- 1425.0, 1425.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [96.0, 96.0, 96.0], "nodeQsize":
- [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "rxBytes": [54024.0, 54024.0, 54024.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500596}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "spine2-nxos",
+ "timestamp": 1652587500596}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "spine2-nxos",
"service": "ospfIf", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1398.0, 1398.0, 1398.0], "totalTime":
[1406.0, 1406.0, 1406.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [97.0, 97.0,
97.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [5063.0, 5063.0, 5063.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500596}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine02",
+ "service": "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1405.0, 1405.0, 1405.0], "totalTime":
+ [1425.0, 1425.0, 1425.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [96.0, 96.0,
+ 96.0], "nodeQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "rxBytes": [54024.0, 54024.0, 54024.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587500596}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server102",
"service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1417.0, 1417.0, 1417.0], "totalTime":
[1421.0, 1421.0, 1421.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [117.0, 117.0,
@@ -32028,15 +32048,15 @@ tests:
"server101", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1425.0, 1425.0, 1425.0],
"totalTime": [1429.0, 1429.0, 1429.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize":
[119.0, 119.0, 119.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [218.0, 218.0,
- 218.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500608}, {"namespace": "mixed",
- "hostname": "leaf5-eos", "service": "ospfIf", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1414.0,
- 1414.0, 1414.0], "totalTime": [1422.0, 1422.0, 1422.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0,
- 0.0], "wrQsize": [101.0, 101.0, 101.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes":
- [9272.0, 9272.0, 9272.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500612},
- {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server302", "service": "vlan", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [1429.0, 1429.0, 1429.0], "totalTime": [1433.0, 1433.0, 1433.0],
- "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [120.0, 120.0, 120.0], "nodeQsize":
- [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [219.0, 219.0, 219.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 218.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500608}, {"namespace": "eos",
+ "hostname": "server302", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1429.0,
+ 1429.0, 1429.0], "totalTime": [1433.0, 1433.0, 1433.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0,
+ 10.0], "wrQsize": [120.0, 120.0, 120.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes":
+ [219.0, 219.0, 219.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500612},
+ {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf5-eos", "service": "ospfIf", "status":
+ 0, "gatherTime": [1414.0, 1414.0, 1414.0], "totalTime": [1422.0, 1422.0, 1422.0],
+ "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [101.0, 101.0, 101.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0,
+ 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [9272.0, 9272.0, 9272.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
1652587500612}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "internet", "service":
"ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1478.0, 1478.0, 1478.0], "totalTime": [1485.0,
1485.0, 1485.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [386.0, 386.0, 386.0],
@@ -32053,14 +32073,14 @@ tests:
"vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1437.0, 1437.0, 1437.0], "totalTime": [1441.0,
1441.0, 1441.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [123.0, 123.0, 123.0],
"nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [2615.0, 2615.0, 2615.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500620}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "exit01", "service":
- "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1425.0, 1425.0, 1425.0], "totalTime": [1450.0,
- 1450.0, 1450.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [98.0, 98.0, 98.0], "nodeQsize":
- [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "rxBytes": [90380.0, 90380.0, 90380.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500622}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf6-eos",
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500620}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf6-eos",
"service": "time", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1428.0, 1428.0, 1428.0], "totalTime":
[1432.0, 1432.0, 1432.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [105.0, 105.0,
105.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [260.0, 260.0, 260.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500622}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "exit01", "service":
+ "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1425.0, 1425.0, 1425.0], "totalTime": [1450.0,
+ 1450.0, 1450.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [98.0, 98.0, 98.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "rxBytes": [90380.0, 90380.0, 90380.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587500622}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf01",
"service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1486.0, 1486.0, 1486.0], "totalTime":
[1495.0, 1495.0, 1495.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [388.0, 388.0,
@@ -32123,64 +32143,64 @@ tests:
"service": "lldp", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1509.0, 1509.0, 1509.0], "totalTime":
[1516.0, 1516.0, 1516.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [1.0, 1.0,
1.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [1738.0, 1738.0, 1738.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500658}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf02",
- "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1524.0, 1524.0, 1524.0], "totalTime":
- [1530.0, 1530.0, 1530.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [396.0, 396.0,
- 396.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0], "rxBytes": [2098.0, 2098.0, 2098.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500659}, {"namespace": "mixed",
- "hostname": "leaf2-ios", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1432.0,
- 1432.0, 1432.0], "totalTime": [1469.0, 1469.0, 1469.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0,
- 7.0], "wrQsize": [107.0, 107.0, 107.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes":
- [1460.0, 1460.0, 1460.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500659},
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500658}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf2-ios",
+ "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1432.0, 1432.0, 1432.0], "totalTime":
+ [1469.0, 1469.0, 1469.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [107.0, 107.0,
+ 107.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [1460.0, 1460.0, 1460.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500659}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
+ "hostname": "leaf02", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1524.0,
+ 1524.0, 1524.0], "totalTime": [1530.0, 1530.0, 1530.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0,
+ 2.0], "wrQsize": [396.0, 396.0, 396.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0], "rxBytes":
+ [2098.0, 2098.0, 2098.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500659},
+ {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "leaf01", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
+ [1517.0, 1517.0, 1517.0], "totalTime": [1524.0, 1524.0, 1524.0], "svcQsize": [12.0,
+ 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
+ [16033.0, 16033.0, 16033.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500665},
{"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit01", "service": "ospfNbr", "status":
0, "gatherTime": [1530.0, 1530.0, 1530.0], "totalTime": [1536.0, 1536.0, 1536.0],
"svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [398.0, 398.0, 398.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0,
17.0, 17.0], "rxBytes": [2098.0, 2098.0, 2098.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500665}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "leaf01", "service": "lldp",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1517.0, 1517.0, 1517.0], "totalTime": [1524.0, 1524.0,
- 1524.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "nodeQsize":
- [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [16033.0, 16033.0, 16033.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500665}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "edge01",
- "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1536.0, 1536.0, 1536.0], "totalTime":
- [1541.0, 1541.0, 1541.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [399.0, 399.0,
- 399.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0], "rxBytes": [465.0, 465.0, 465.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500670}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine01",
- "service": "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1486.0, 1486.0, 1486.0], "totalTime":
- [1501.0, 1501.0, 1501.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [104.0, 104.0,
- 104.0], "nodeQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "rxBytes": [53523.0, 53523.0, 53523.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500672}, {"namespace": "mixed",
- "hostname": "leaf1-ios", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1469.0,
- 1469.0, 1469.0], "totalTime": [1483.0, 1483.0, 1483.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0,
- 6.0], "wrQsize": [109.0, 109.0, 109.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes":
- [1460.0, 1460.0, 1460.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500673},
- {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "lldp", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [1524.0, 1524.0, 1524.0], "totalTime": [1533.0, 1533.0, 1533.0],
- "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0,
- 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [23912.0, 23912.0, 23912.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500674}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "interfaces",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1477.0, 1477.0, 1477.0], "totalTime": [1497.0, 1497.0,
- 1497.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [141.0, 141.0, 141.0], "nodeQsize":
- [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [242220.0, 242220.0, 242220.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500676}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service":
- "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1533.0, 1533.0, 1533.0], "totalTime": [1541.0,
- 1541.0, 1541.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "nodeQsize":
- [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [16033.0, 16033.0, 16033.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500682}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "spine2-nxos",
- "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1483.0, 1483.0, 1483.0], "totalTime":
- [1492.0, 1492.0, 1492.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [111.0, 111.0,
- 111.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [1955.0, 1955.0, 1955.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500682}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
- "hostname": "edge01", "service": "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1541.0, 1541.0,
- 1541.0], "totalTime": [1553.0, 1553.0, 1553.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize":
- [401.0, 401.0, 401.0], "nodeQsize": [18.0, 18.0, 18.0], "rxBytes": [20622.0, 20622.0,
- 20622.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500682}, {"namespace":
- "eos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [1497.0, 1497.0, 1497.0], "totalTime": [1505.0, 1505.0, 1505.0], "svcQsize": [12.0,
- 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [143.0, 143.0, 143.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes":
- [3969.0, 3969.0, 3969.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500684},
- {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "leaf02", "service": "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [1501.0, 1501.0, 1501.0], "totalTime": [1519.0, 1519.0, 1519.0], "svcQsize": [1.0,
- 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [106.0, 106.0, 106.0], "nodeQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "rxBytes":
+ 1652587500665}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "edge01", "service": "ospfNbr",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1536.0, 1536.0, 1536.0], "totalTime": [1541.0, 1541.0,
+ 1541.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [399.0, 399.0, 399.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [17.0, 17.0, 17.0], "rxBytes": [465.0, 465.0, 465.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1652587500670}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine01", "service":
+ "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1486.0, 1486.0, 1486.0], "totalTime": [1501.0,
+ 1501.0, 1501.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [104.0, 104.0, 104.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "rxBytes": [53523.0, 53523.0, 53523.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500672}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf1-ios",
+ "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1469.0, 1469.0, 1469.0], "totalTime":
+ [1483.0, 1483.0, 1483.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [109.0, 109.0,
+ 109.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [1460.0, 1460.0, 1460.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500673}, {"namespace": "panos",
+ "hostname": "spine01", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1524.0,
+ 1524.0, 1524.0], "totalTime": [1533.0, 1533.0, 1533.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0,
+ 11.0], "wrQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [23912.0,
+ 23912.0, 23912.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500674}, {"namespace":
+ "eos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
+ [1477.0, 1477.0, 1477.0], "totalTime": [1497.0, 1497.0, 1497.0], "svcQsize": [13.0,
+ 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [141.0, 141.0, 141.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes":
+ [242220.0, 242220.0, 242220.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500676},
+ {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
+ [1533.0, 1533.0, 1533.0], "totalTime": [1541.0, 1541.0, 1541.0], "svcQsize": [10.0,
+ 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
+ [16033.0, 16033.0, 16033.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500682},
+ {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "spine2-nxos", "service": "ospfNbr", "status":
+ 0, "gatherTime": [1483.0, 1483.0, 1483.0], "totalTime": [1492.0, 1492.0, 1492.0],
+ "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [111.0, 111.0, 111.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0,
+ 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [1955.0, 1955.0, 1955.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587500682}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "edge01", "service": "bgp",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1541.0, 1541.0, 1541.0], "totalTime": [1553.0, 1553.0,
+ 1553.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [401.0, 401.0, 401.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [18.0, 18.0, 18.0], "rxBytes": [20622.0, 20622.0, 20622.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500682}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "firewall01",
+ "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1497.0, 1497.0, 1497.0],
+ "totalTime": [1505.0, 1505.0, 1505.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize":
+ [143.0, 143.0, 143.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [3969.0, 3969.0,
+ 3969.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500684}, {"namespace":
+ "junos", "hostname": "leaf02", "service": "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1501.0,
+ 1501.0, 1501.0], "totalTime": [1519.0, 1519.0, 1519.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0,
+ 1.0], "wrQsize": [106.0, 106.0, 106.0], "nodeQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "rxBytes":
[39974.0, 39974.0, 39974.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500690},
{"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "lldp", "status": 0,
"gatherTime": [1541.0, 1541.0, 1541.0], "totalTime": [1550.0, 1550.0, 1550.0],
@@ -32224,111 +32244,110 @@ tests:
1558.0, 1558.0], "totalTime": [1565.0, 1565.0, 1565.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0,
7.0], "wrQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
[16033.0, 16033.0, 16033.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500706},
+ {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "leaf01", "service": "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
+ [1519.0, 1519.0, 1519.0], "totalTime": [1537.0, 1537.0, 1537.0], "svcQsize": [0.0,
+ 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [108.0, 108.0, 108.0], "nodeQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "rxBytes":
+ [39486.0, 39486.0, 39486.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500708},
{"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf6-eos", "service": "ospfNbr", "status":
0, "gatherTime": [1510.0, 1510.0, 1510.0], "totalTime": [1518.0, 1518.0, 1518.0],
"svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [117.0, 117.0, 117.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0,
12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [4056.0, 4056.0, 4056.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500708}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "leaf01", "service": "bgp",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1519.0, 1519.0, 1519.0], "totalTime": [1537.0, 1537.0,
- 1537.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [108.0, 108.0, 108.0], "nodeQsize":
- [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "rxBytes": [39486.0, 39486.0, 39486.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500708}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server301",
- "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1525.0, 1525.0, 1525.0],
- "totalTime": [1532.0, 1532.0, 1532.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize":
- [151.0, 151.0, 151.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [2736.0, 2736.0,
- 2736.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500711}, {"namespace":
- "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf01", "service": "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [1573.0, 1573.0, 1573.0], "totalTime": [1583.0, 1583.0, 1583.0], "svcQsize": [6.0,
- 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [407.0, 407.0, 407.0], "nodeQsize": [18.0, 18.0, 18.0],
- "rxBytes": [7417.0, 7417.0, 7417.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500712},
- {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "vlan", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [1537.0, 1537.0, 1537.0], "totalTime": [1542.0, 1542.0, 1542.0],
- "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [109.0, 109.0, 109.0], "nodeQsize":
+ 1652587500708}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server301", "service": "interfaces",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1525.0, 1525.0, 1525.0], "totalTime": [1532.0, 1532.0,
+ 1532.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [151.0, 151.0, 151.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [2736.0, 2736.0, 2736.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1652587500711}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf01",
+ "service": "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1573.0, 1573.0, 1573.0], "totalTime":
+ [1583.0, 1583.0, 1583.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [407.0, 407.0,
+ 407.0], "nodeQsize": [18.0, 18.0, 18.0], "rxBytes": [7417.0, 7417.0, 7417.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500712}, {"namespace": "junos",
+ "hostname": "server101", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1537.0,
+ 1537.0, 1537.0], "totalTime": [1542.0, 1542.0, 1542.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0,
+ 11.0], "wrQsize": [109.0, 109.0, 109.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes":
+ [220.0, 220.0, 220.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500713},
+ {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
+ [1565.0, 1565.0, 1565.0], "totalTime": [1574.0, 1574.0, 1574.0], "svcQsize": [6.0,
+ 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
+ [13066.0, 13066.0, 13066.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500715},
+ {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server202", "service": "vlan", "status": 0,
+ "gatherTime": [1542.0, 1542.0, 1542.0], "totalTime": [1547.0, 1547.0, 1547.0],
+ "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [110.0, 110.0, 110.0], "nodeQsize":
[8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [220.0, 220.0, 220.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500713}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "lldp",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1565.0, 1565.0, 1565.0], "totalTime": [1574.0, 1574.0,
- 1574.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "nodeQsize":
+ 1652587500718}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf4-qfx", "service": "ospfNbr",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1518.0, 1518.0, 1518.0], "totalTime": [1528.0, 1528.0,
+ 1528.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [119.0, 119.0, 119.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [5125.0, 5125.0, 5125.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500718}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "exit01", "service":
+ "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1574.0, 1574.0, 1574.0], "totalTime": [1582.0,
+ 1582.0, 1582.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0], "nodeQsize":
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [13066.0, 13066.0, 13066.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500715}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server202",
- "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1542.0, 1542.0, 1542.0], "totalTime":
- [1547.0, 1547.0, 1547.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [110.0, 110.0,
- 110.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [220.0, 220.0, 220.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500718}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf4-qfx",
- "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1518.0, 1518.0, 1518.0], "totalTime":
- [1528.0, 1528.0, 1528.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [119.0, 119.0,
- 119.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [5125.0, 5125.0, 5125.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500718}, {"namespace": "junos",
- "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1548.0,
- 1548.0, 1548.0], "totalTime": [1552.0, 1552.0, 1552.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0,
- 9.0], "wrQsize": [111.0, 111.0, 111.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes":
- [221.0, 221.0, 221.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500723},
- {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "exit01", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [1574.0, 1574.0, 1574.0], "totalTime": [1582.0, 1582.0, 1582.0], "svcQsize": [5.0,
- 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
- [13066.0, 13066.0, 13066.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500723},
- {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "bgp", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [1583.0, 1583.0, 1583.0], "totalTime": [1596.0, 1596.0, 1596.0],
- "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [409.0, 409.0, 409.0], "nodeQsize": [18.0,
- 18.0, 18.0], "rxBytes": [24896.0, 24896.0, 24896.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587500725}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf3-qfx", "service":
- "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1528.0, 1528.0, 1528.0], "totalTime": [1537.0,
- 1537.0, 1537.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [121.0, 121.0, 121.0],
- "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [5125.0, 5125.0, 5125.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500727}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf01", "service":
- "interfaces", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1532.0, 1532.0, 1532.0], "totalTime":
- [1547.0, 1547.0, 1547.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [153.0, 153.0,
- 153.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [19313.0, 19313.0, 19313.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500727}, {"namespace": "junos",
- "hostname": "server201", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1552.0,
- 1552.0, 1552.0], "totalTime": [1557.0, 1557.0, 1557.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0,
- 8.0], "wrQsize": [112.0, 112.0, 112.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes":
- [220.0, 220.0, 220.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500728},
- {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "lldp", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [1582.0, 1582.0, 1582.0], "totalTime": [1589.0, 1589.0, 1589.0],
- "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [19.0, 19.0, 19.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0,
- 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [8149.0, 8149.0, 8149.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500730}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "vlan",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1557.0, 1557.0, 1557.0], "totalTime": [1562.0, 1562.0,
- 1562.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [113.0, 113.0, 113.0], "nodeQsize":
- [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [221.0, 221.0, 221.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500734}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf3-qfx", "service": "macs",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1537.0, 1537.0, 1537.0], "totalTime": [1544.0, 1544.0,
- 1544.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [122.0, 122.0, 122.0], "nodeQsize":
- [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "rxBytes": [314.0, 314.0, 314.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587500734}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "internet",
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500723}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "firewall01",
+ "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1548.0, 1548.0, 1548.0], "totalTime":
+ [1552.0, 1552.0, 1552.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [111.0, 111.0,
+ 111.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [221.0, 221.0, 221.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500723}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine01",
+ "service": "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1583.0, 1583.0, 1583.0], "totalTime":
+ [1596.0, 1596.0, 1596.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [409.0, 409.0,
+ 409.0], "nodeQsize": [18.0, 18.0, 18.0], "rxBytes": [24896.0, 24896.0, 24896.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500725}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname":
+ "leaf01", "service": "interfaces", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1532.0, 1532.0,
+ 1532.0], "totalTime": [1547.0, 1547.0, 1547.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize":
+ [153.0, 153.0, 153.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [19313.0, 19313.0,
+ 19313.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500727}, {"namespace":
+ "mixed", "hostname": "leaf3-qfx", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
+ [1528.0, 1528.0, 1528.0], "totalTime": [1537.0, 1537.0, 1537.0], "svcQsize": [0.0,
+ 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [121.0, 121.0, 121.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0],
+ "rxBytes": [5125.0, 5125.0, 5125.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500727},
+ {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server201", "service": "vlan", "status": 0,
+ "gatherTime": [1552.0, 1552.0, 1552.0], "totalTime": [1557.0, 1557.0, 1557.0],
+ "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [112.0, 112.0, 112.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0,
+ 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [220.0, 220.0, 220.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587500728}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "lldp",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1582.0, 1582.0, 1582.0], "totalTime": [1589.0, 1589.0,
+ 1589.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [19.0, 19.0, 19.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [8149.0, 8149.0, 8149.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1652587500730}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server102", "service":
+ "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1557.0, 1557.0, 1557.0], "totalTime": [1562.0,
+ 1562.0, 1562.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [113.0, 113.0, 113.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [221.0, 221.0, 221.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500734}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf3-qfx",
+ "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1537.0, 1537.0, 1537.0], "totalTime":
+ [1544.0, 1544.0, 1544.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [122.0, 122.0,
+ 122.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "rxBytes": [314.0, 314.0, 314.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500734}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "server301",
+ "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1589.0, 1589.0, 1589.0], "totalTime":
+ [1596.0, 1596.0, 1596.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [20.0, 20.0,
+ 20.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [245.0, 245.0, 245.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500737}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "internet",
"service": "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1596.0, 1596.0, 1596.0], "totalTime":
[1608.0, 1608.0, 1608.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [411.0, 411.0,
411.0], "nodeQsize": [18.0, 18.0, 18.0], "rxBytes": [7170.0, 7170.0, 7170.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500737}, {"namespace": "panos",
- "hostname": "server301", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1589.0,
- 1589.0, 1589.0], "totalTime": [1596.0, 1596.0, 1596.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0,
- 3.0], "wrQsize": [20.0, 20.0, 20.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
- [245.0, 245.0, 245.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500737},
- {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [1563.0, 1563.0, 1563.0], "totalTime": [1567.0, 1567.0, 1567.0], "svcQsize": [6.0,
- 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [115.0, 115.0, 115.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes":
- [2615.0, 2615.0, 2615.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500738},
- {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf4-qfx", "service": "macs", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [1544.0, 1544.0, 1544.0], "totalTime": [1551.0, 1551.0, 1551.0],
- "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [123.0, 123.0, 123.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0,
- 13.0, 13.0], "rxBytes": [314.0, 314.0, 314.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500741}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "interfaces",
- "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1548.0, 1548.0, 1548.0], "totalTime": [1563.0, 1563.0,
- 1563.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [155.0, 155.0, 155.0], "nodeQsize":
- [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [19302.0, 19302.0, 19302.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500742}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine02",
- "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1567.0, 1567.0, 1567.0], "totalTime":
- [1571.0, 1571.0, 1571.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [117.0, 117.0,
- 117.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [2616.0, 2616.0, 2616.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500742}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "server101",
- "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1596.0, 1596.0, 1596.0], "totalTime":
- [1602.0, 1602.0, 1602.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [21.0, 21.0,
- 21.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [243.0, 243.0, 243.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500743}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
- "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1571.0, 1571.0, 1571.0], "totalTime":
- [1576.0, 1576.0, 1576.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [119.0, 119.0,
- 119.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [2617.0, 2617.0, 2617.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500747}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "spine2-nxos",
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500737}, {"namespace": "junos",
+ "hostname": "exit02", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1563.0, 1563.0,
+ 1563.0], "totalTime": [1567.0, 1567.0, 1567.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize":
+ [115.0, 115.0, 115.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [2615.0, 2615.0,
+ 2615.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500738}, {"namespace":
+ "mixed", "hostname": "leaf4-qfx", "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
+ [1544.0, 1544.0, 1544.0], "totalTime": [1551.0, 1551.0, 1551.0], "svcQsize": [4.0,
+ 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [123.0, 123.0, 123.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0],
+ "rxBytes": [314.0, 314.0, 314.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500741},
+ {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "interfaces", "status":
+ 200, "gatherTime": [1548.0, 1548.0, 1548.0], "totalTime": [1563.0, 1563.0, 1563.0],
+ "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [155.0, 155.0, 155.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0,
+ 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [19302.0, 19302.0, 19302.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587500742}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "vlan",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1567.0, 1567.0, 1567.0], "totalTime": [1571.0, 1571.0,
+ 1571.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [117.0, 117.0, 117.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [2616.0, 2616.0, 2616.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1652587500742}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "server101", "service":
+ "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1596.0, 1596.0, 1596.0], "totalTime": [1602.0,
+ 1602.0, 1602.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [21.0, 21.0, 21.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [243.0, 243.0, 243.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587500743}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "vlan",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1571.0, 1571.0, 1571.0], "totalTime": [1576.0, 1576.0,
+ 1576.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [119.0, 119.0, 119.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [2617.0, 2617.0, 2617.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1652587500747}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "spine2-nxos",
"service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1551.0, 1551.0, 1551.0], "totalTime":
[1559.0, 1559.0, 1559.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [125.0, 125.0,
125.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "rxBytes": [425.0, 425.0, 425.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
@@ -32344,15 +32363,15 @@ tests:
"interfaces", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1563.0, 1563.0, 1563.0], "totalTime":
[1576.0, 1576.0, 1576.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [157.0, 157.0,
157.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [12917.0, 12917.0, 12917.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500755}, {"namespace": "junos",
- "hostname": "exit01", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1581.0, 1581.0,
- 1581.0], "totalTime": [1585.0, 1585.0, 1585.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize":
- [123.0, 123.0, 123.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [2615.0, 2615.0,
- 2615.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500756}, {"namespace":
- "panos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [1608.0, 1608.0, 1608.0], "totalTime": [1615.0, 1615.0, 1615.0], "svcQsize": [0.0,
- 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [23.0, 23.0, 23.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500755}, {"namespace": "panos",
+ "hostname": "server102", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1608.0,
+ 1608.0, 1608.0], "totalTime": [1615.0, 1615.0, 1615.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0,
+ 0.0], "wrQsize": [23.0, 23.0, 23.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
[244.0, 244.0, 244.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500756},
+ {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "exit01", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
+ [1581.0, 1581.0, 1581.0], "totalTime": [1585.0, 1585.0, 1585.0], "svcQsize": [2.0,
+ 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [123.0, 123.0, 123.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes":
+ [2615.0, 2615.0, 2615.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500756},
{"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "spine1-nxos", "service": "macs", "status":
0, "gatherTime": [1559.0, 1559.0, 1559.0], "totalTime": [1567.0, 1567.0, 1567.0],
"svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [127.0, 127.0, 127.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0,
@@ -32406,123 +32425,123 @@ tests:
"interfaces", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1588.0, 1588.0, 1588.0], "totalTime":
[1597.0, 1597.0, 1597.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [161.0, 161.0,
161.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [12941.0, 12941.0, 12941.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500776}, {"namespace": "mixed",
- "hostname": "leaf6-eos", "service": "ifCounters", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1579.0,
- 1579.0, 1579.0], "totalTime": [1588.0, 1588.0, 1588.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0,
- 1.0], "wrQsize": [131.0, 131.0, 131.0], "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes":
- [4158.0, 4158.0, 4158.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500778},
- {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "devconfig", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [1632.0, 1632.0, 1632.0], "totalTime": [1637.0, 1637.0, 1637.0],
- "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [31.0, 31.0, 31.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0,
- 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [1936.0, 1936.0, 1936.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500776}, {"namespace": "panos",
+ "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1632.0,
+ 1632.0, 1632.0], "totalTime": [1637.0, 1637.0, 1637.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0,
+ 5.0], "wrQsize": [31.0, 31.0, 31.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes":
+ [1936.0, 1936.0, 1936.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500778},
+ {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf6-eos", "service": "ifCounters", "status":
+ 0, "gatherTime": [1579.0, 1579.0, 1579.0], "totalTime": [1588.0, 1588.0, 1588.0],
+ "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [131.0, 131.0, 131.0], "nodeQsize": [14.0,
+ 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes": [4158.0, 4158.0, 4158.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
1652587500778}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "devconfig",
"status": 0, "gatherTime": [1637.0, 1637.0, 1637.0], "totalTime": [1642.0, 1642.0,
1642.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [33.0, 33.0, 33.0], "nodeQsize":
[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [2906.0, 2906.0, 2906.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587500783}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf02",
+ "timestamp": 1652587500783}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server202", "service":
+ "topcpu", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1603.0, 1603.0, 1603.0], "totalTime": [1612.0,
+ 1612.0, 1612.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [131.0, 131.0, 131.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [1439.0, 1439.0, 1439.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500783}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf02",
"service": "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1642.0, 1642.0, 1642.0], "totalTime":
[1654.0, 1654.0, 1654.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [417.0, 417.0,
417.0], "nodeQsize": [18.0, 18.0, 18.0], "rxBytes": [7383.0, 7383.0, 7383.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500783}, {"namespace": "junos",
- "hostname": "server202", "service": "topcpu", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1603.0,
- 1603.0, 1603.0], "totalTime": [1612.0, 1612.0, 1612.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0,
- 3.0], "wrQsize": [131.0, 131.0, 131.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes":
- [1439.0, 1439.0, 1439.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500783},
- {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf02", "service": "interfaces", "status":
- 200, "gatherTime": [1597.0, 1597.0, 1597.0], "totalTime": [1606.0, 1606.0, 1606.0],
- "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [163.0, 163.0, 163.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0,
- 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [19312.0, 19312.0, 19312.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500785}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf5-eos", "service": "ifCounters",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1588.0, 1588.0, 1588.0], "totalTime": [1598.0, 1598.0,
- 1598.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [133.0, 133.0, 133.0], "nodeQsize":
- [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes": [4156.0, 4156.0, 4156.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500788}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "exit02", "service":
- "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1642.0, 1642.0, 1642.0], "totalTime":
- [1647.0, 1647.0, 1647.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [35.0, 35.0,
- 35.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [4802.0, 4802.0, 4802.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500788}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
- "interfaces", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1606.0, 1606.0, 1606.0], "totalTime":
- [1612.0, 1612.0, 1612.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [165.0, 165.0,
- 165.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [11950.0, 11950.0, 11950.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500791}, {"namespace": "junos",
- "hostname": "server101", "service": "topcpu", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1612.0,
- 1612.0, 1612.0], "totalTime": [1621.0, 1621.0, 1621.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0,
- 2.0], "wrQsize": [133.0, 133.0, 133.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes":
- [1442.0, 1442.0, 1442.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500793},
- {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service": "devconfig", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [1647.0, 1647.0, 1647.0], "totalTime": [1652.0, 1652.0, 1652.0],
- "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [37.0, 37.0, 37.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0,
- 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [5299.0, 5299.0, 5299.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500793}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf3-qfx", "service": "arpnd",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1598.0, 1598.0, 1598.0], "totalTime": [1604.0, 1604.0,
- 1604.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [135.0, 135.0, 135.0], "nodeQsize":
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500783}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname":
+ "leaf02", "service": "interfaces", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1597.0, 1597.0,
+ 1597.0], "totalTime": [1606.0, 1606.0, 1606.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize":
+ [163.0, 163.0, 163.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [19312.0, 19312.0,
+ 19312.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500785}, {"namespace":
+ "panos", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
+ [1642.0, 1642.0, 1642.0], "totalTime": [1647.0, 1647.0, 1647.0], "svcQsize": [3.0,
+ 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [35.0, 35.0, 35.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes":
+ [4802.0, 4802.0, 4802.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500788},
+ {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf5-eos", "service": "ifCounters", "status":
+ 0, "gatherTime": [1588.0, 1588.0, 1588.0], "totalTime": [1598.0, 1598.0, 1598.0],
+ "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [133.0, 133.0, 133.0], "nodeQsize": [14.0,
+ 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes": [4156.0, 4156.0, 4156.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587500788}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "interfaces",
+ "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1606.0, 1606.0, 1606.0], "totalTime": [1612.0, 1612.0,
+ 1612.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [165.0, 165.0, 165.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [11950.0, 11950.0, 11950.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500791}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service":
+ "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1647.0, 1647.0, 1647.0], "totalTime":
+ [1652.0, 1652.0, 1652.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [37.0, 37.0,
+ 37.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [5299.0, 5299.0, 5299.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500793}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server101",
+ "service": "topcpu", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1612.0, 1612.0, 1612.0], "totalTime":
+ [1621.0, 1621.0, 1621.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [133.0, 133.0,
+ 133.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [1442.0, 1442.0, 1442.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500793}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf3-qfx",
+ "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1598.0, 1598.0, 1598.0], "totalTime":
+ [1604.0, 1604.0, 1604.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [135.0, 135.0,
+ 135.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [3398.0, 3398.0, 3398.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500794}, {"namespace": "panos",
+ "hostname": "spine01", "service": "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1652.0,
+ 1652.0, 1652.0], "totalTime": [1657.0, 1657.0, 1657.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0,
+ 1.0], "wrQsize": [39.0, 39.0, 39.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes":
+ [2906.0, 2906.0, 2906.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500798},
+ {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "interfaces", "status":
+ 200, "gatherTime": [1612.0, 1612.0, 1612.0], "totalTime": [1620.0, 1620.0, 1620.0],
+ "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [167.0, 167.0, 167.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0,
+ 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [11950.0, 11950.0, 11950.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587500799}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf4-qfx", "service": "arpnd",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1604.0, 1604.0, 1604.0], "totalTime": [1610.0, 1610.0,
+ 1610.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [137.0, 137.0, 137.0], "nodeQsize":
[15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [3398.0, 3398.0, 3398.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500794}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "spine01",
- "service": "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1652.0, 1652.0, 1652.0], "totalTime":
- [1657.0, 1657.0, 1657.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [39.0, 39.0,
- 39.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [2906.0, 2906.0, 2906.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500798}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine01", "service":
- "interfaces", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1612.0, 1612.0, 1612.0], "totalTime":
- [1620.0, 1620.0, 1620.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [167.0, 167.0,
- 167.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [11950.0, 11950.0, 11950.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500799}, {"namespace": "mixed",
- "hostname": "leaf4-qfx", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1604.0,
- 1604.0, 1604.0], "totalTime": [1610.0, 1610.0, 1610.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0,
- 6.0], "wrQsize": [137.0, 137.0, 137.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes":
- [3398.0, 3398.0, 3398.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500800},
- {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit01", "service": "bgp", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [1654.0, 1654.0, 1654.0], "totalTime": [1673.0, 1673.0, 1673.0],
- "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [419.0, 419.0, 419.0], "nodeQsize": [18.0,
- 18.0, 18.0], "rxBytes": [21962.0, 21962.0, 21962.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587500802}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server102", "service":
- "topcpu", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1622.0, 1622.0, 1622.0], "totalTime": [1631.0,
- 1631.0, 1631.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [135.0, 135.0, 135.0],
- "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [1439.0, 1439.0, 1439.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500802}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "exit01", "service":
- "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1657.0, 1657.0, 1657.0], "totalTime":
- [1662.0, 1662.0, 1662.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [41.0, 41.0,
- 41.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [4802.0, 4802.0, 4802.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500803}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service":
- "ospfIf", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1620.0, 1620.0, 1620.0], "totalTime": [1625.0,
- 1625.0, 1625.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [168.0, 168.0, 168.0],
- "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [632.0, 632.0, 632.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500804}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf5-eos",
- "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1610.0, 1610.0, 1610.0], "totalTime":
- [1616.0, 1616.0, 1616.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [139.0, 139.0,
- 139.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [1103.0, 1103.0, 1103.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500806}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname":
- "leaf04", "service": "ospfIf", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1625.0, 1625.0, 1625.0],
- "totalTime": [1631.0, 1631.0, 1631.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize":
- [170.0, 170.0, 170.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [4571.0, 4571.0,
- 4571.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500810}, {"namespace":
- "panos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "device", "status": 200, "gatherTime":
- [1662.0, 1662.0, 1662.0], "totalTime": [1669.0, 1669.0, 1669.0], "svcQsize": [13.0,
- 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [43.0, 43.0, 43.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes":
- [1645.0, 1645.0, 1645.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500810},
- {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf6-eos", "service": "arpnd", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [1616.0, 1616.0, 1616.0], "totalTime": [1621.0, 1621.0, 1621.0],
- "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [141.0, 141.0, 141.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0,
- 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [1102.0, 1102.0, 1102.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500811}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server201", "service": "topcpu",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1631.0, 1631.0, 1631.0], "totalTime": [1642.0, 1642.0,
- 1642.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [137.0, 137.0, 137.0], "nodeQsize":
- [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [1432.0, 1432.0, 1432.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587500813}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf01", "service":
- "ospfIf", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1631.0, 1631.0, 1631.0], "totalTime":
- [1637.0, 1637.0, 1637.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [172.0, 172.0,
- 172.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [4572.0, 4572.0, 4572.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500816}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "server101",
- "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1670.0, 1670.0, 1670.0], "totalTime":
- [1676.0, 1676.0, 1676.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [45.0, 45.0,
- 45.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [562.0, 562.0, 562.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500817}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf1-ios",
- "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1622.0, 1622.0, 1622.0], "totalTime":
- [1627.0, 1627.0, 1627.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [143.0, 143.0,
- 143.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [978.0, 978.0, 978.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500817}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server102",
- "service": "time", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1642.0, 1642.0, 1642.0], "totalTime":
- [1647.0, 1647.0, 1647.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [139.0, 139.0,
- 139.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [544.0, 544.0, 544.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500800}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit01",
+ "service": "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1654.0, 1654.0, 1654.0], "totalTime":
+ [1673.0, 1673.0, 1673.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [419.0, 419.0,
+ 419.0], "nodeQsize": [18.0, 18.0, 18.0], "rxBytes": [21962.0, 21962.0, 21962.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500802}, {"namespace": "junos",
+ "hostname": "server102", "service": "topcpu", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1622.0,
+ 1622.0, 1622.0], "totalTime": [1631.0, 1631.0, 1631.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0,
+ 1.0], "wrQsize": [135.0, 135.0, 135.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes":
+ [1439.0, 1439.0, 1439.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500802},
+ {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "exit01", "service": "devconfig", "status":
+ 0, "gatherTime": [1657.0, 1657.0, 1657.0], "totalTime": [1662.0, 1662.0, 1662.0],
+ "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [41.0, 41.0, 41.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0,
+ 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [4802.0, 4802.0, 4802.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587500803}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "ospfIf",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1620.0, 1620.0, 1620.0], "totalTime": [1625.0, 1625.0,
+ 1625.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [168.0, 168.0, 168.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [632.0, 632.0, 632.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587500804}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf5-eos", "service": "arpnd",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1610.0, 1610.0, 1610.0], "totalTime": [1616.0, 1616.0,
+ 1616.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [139.0, 139.0, 139.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [1103.0, 1103.0, 1103.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500806}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service":
+ "ospfIf", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1625.0, 1625.0, 1625.0], "totalTime":
+ [1631.0, 1631.0, 1631.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [170.0, 170.0,
+ 170.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [4571.0, 4571.0, 4571.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500810}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "firewall01",
+ "service": "device", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1662.0, 1662.0, 1662.0], "totalTime":
+ [1669.0, 1669.0, 1669.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [43.0, 43.0,
+ 43.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [1645.0, 1645.0, 1645.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500810}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf6-eos",
+ "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1616.0, 1616.0, 1616.0], "totalTime":
+ [1621.0, 1621.0, 1621.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [141.0, 141.0,
+ 141.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [1102.0, 1102.0, 1102.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500811}, {"namespace": "junos",
+ "hostname": "server201", "service": "topcpu", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1631.0,
+ 1631.0, 1631.0], "totalTime": [1642.0, 1642.0, 1642.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0,
+ 0.0], "wrQsize": [137.0, 137.0, 137.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes":
+ [1432.0, 1432.0, 1432.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500813},
+ {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf01", "service": "ospfIf", "status": 200,
+ "gatherTime": [1631.0, 1631.0, 1631.0], "totalTime": [1637.0, 1637.0, 1637.0],
+ "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [172.0, 172.0, 172.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0,
+ 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [4572.0, 4572.0, 4572.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587500816}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "device",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1670.0, 1670.0, 1670.0], "totalTime": [1676.0, 1676.0,
+ 1676.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [45.0, 45.0, 45.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [562.0, 562.0, 562.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587500817}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf1-ios", "service": "arpnd",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1622.0, 1622.0, 1622.0], "totalTime": [1627.0, 1627.0,
+ 1627.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [143.0, 143.0, 143.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [978.0, 978.0, 978.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1652587500817}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server102", "service":
+ "time", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1642.0, 1642.0, 1642.0], "totalTime": [1647.0,
+ 1647.0, 1647.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [139.0, 139.0, 139.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [544.0, 544.0, 544.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587500818}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf2-ios",
"service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1627.0, 1627.0, 1627.0], "totalTime":
[1632.0, 1632.0, 1632.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [145.0, 145.0,
@@ -32560,18 +32579,18 @@ tests:
"service": "time", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1658.0, 1658.0, 1658.0], "totalTime":
[1663.0, 1663.0, 1663.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [145.0, 145.0,
145.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [543.0, 543.0, 543.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500834}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
- "ospfIf", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1649.0, 1649.0, 1649.0], "totalTime":
- [1656.0, 1656.0, 1656.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [178.0, 178.0,
- 178.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [6211.0, 6211.0, 6211.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500835}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "spine1-nxos",
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500834}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "spine1-nxos",
"service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1638.0, 1638.0, 1638.0], "totalTime":
[1645.0, 1645.0, 1645.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [149.0, 149.0,
149.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [2063.0, 2063.0, 2063.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500835}, {"namespace": "panos",
- "hostname": "server102", "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1690.0,
- 1690.0, 1690.0], "totalTime": [1697.0, 1697.0, 1697.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0,
- 9.0], "wrQsize": [51.0, 51.0, 51.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes":
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500835}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname":
+ "spine02", "service": "ospfIf", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1649.0, 1649.0,
+ 1649.0], "totalTime": [1656.0, 1656.0, 1656.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize":
+ [178.0, 178.0, 178.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [6211.0, 6211.0,
+ 6211.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500835}, {"namespace":
+ "panos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
+ [1690.0, 1690.0, 1690.0], "totalTime": [1697.0, 1697.0, 1697.0], "svcQsize": [9.0,
+ 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [51.0, 51.0, 51.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes":
[563.0, 563.0, 563.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500838},
{"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "time", "status": 0,
"gatherTime": [1663.0, 1663.0, 1663.0], "totalTime": [1668.0, 1668.0, 1668.0],
@@ -32663,48 +32682,48 @@ tests:
"topcpu", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1696.0, 1696.0, 1696.0], "totalTime": [1703.0,
1703.0, 1703.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [191.0, 191.0, 191.0],
"nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [1450.0, 1450.0, 1450.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500882}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "exit02", "service":
- "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1741.0, 1741.0, 1741.0], "totalTime": [1746.0,
- 1746.0, 1746.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [65.0, 65.0, 65.0], "nodeQsize":
- [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [1330.0, 1330.0, 1330.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587500887}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "leaf02", "service":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500882}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "leaf02", "service":
"arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1710.0, 1710.0, 1710.0], "totalTime": [1716.0,
1716.0, 1716.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [161.0, 161.0, 161.0],
"nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [5531.0, 5531.0, 5531.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500887}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server302",
- "service": "topcpu", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1703.0, 1703.0, 1703.0], "totalTime":
- [1709.0, 1709.0, 1709.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [193.0, 193.0,
- 193.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [1450.0, 1450.0, 1450.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500888}, {"namespace": "panos",
- "hostname": "exit01", "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1746.0,
- 1746.0, 1746.0], "totalTime": [1750.0, 1750.0, 1750.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0,
- 1.0], "wrQsize": [67.0, 67.0, 67.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes":
- [1330.0, 1330.0, 1330.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500891},
- {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "arpnd", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [1716.0, 1716.0, 1716.0], "totalTime": [1721.0, 1721.0, 1721.0],
- "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [163.0, 163.0, 163.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0,
- 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [298.0, 298.0, 298.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500892}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server301", "service": "topcpu",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1709.0, 1709.0, 1709.0], "totalTime": [1716.0, 1716.0,
- 1716.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [195.0, 195.0, 195.0], "nodeQsize":
- [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [1450.0, 1450.0, 1450.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500895}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500887}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "exit02", "service":
+ "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1741.0, 1741.0, 1741.0], "totalTime": [1746.0,
+ 1746.0, 1746.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [65.0, 65.0, 65.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [1330.0, 1330.0, 1330.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1652587500887}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server302", "service":
+ "topcpu", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1703.0, 1703.0, 1703.0], "totalTime": [1709.0,
+ 1709.0, 1709.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [193.0, 193.0, 193.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [1450.0, 1450.0, 1450.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500888}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "exit01", "service":
+ "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1746.0, 1746.0, 1746.0], "totalTime": [1750.0,
+ 1750.0, 1750.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [67.0, 67.0, 67.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [1330.0, 1330.0, 1330.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1652587500891}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server101", "service":
+ "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1716.0, 1716.0, 1716.0], "totalTime": [1721.0,
+ 1721.0, 1721.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [163.0, 163.0, 163.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [298.0, 298.0, 298.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500892}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
"service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1750.0, 1750.0, 1750.0], "totalTime":
[1754.0, 1754.0, 1754.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [69.0, 69.0,
69.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [1334.0, 1334.0, 1334.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500895}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server202",
- "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1721.0, 1721.0, 1721.0], "totalTime":
- [1727.0, 1727.0, 1727.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [165.0, 165.0,
- 165.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [352.0, 352.0, 352.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500898}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "firewall01",
- "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1716.0, 1716.0, 1716.0], "totalTime":
- [1721.0, 1721.0, 1721.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [196.0, 196.0,
- 196.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [455.0, 455.0, 455.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500900}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "firewall01",
- "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1727.0, 1727.0, 1727.0], "totalTime":
- [1733.0, 1733.0, 1733.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [167.0, 167.0,
- 167.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [936.0, 936.0, 936.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500904}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf01", "service":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500895}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server301",
+ "service": "topcpu", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1709.0, 1709.0, 1709.0], "totalTime":
+ [1716.0, 1716.0, 1716.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [195.0, 195.0,
+ 195.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [1450.0, 1450.0, 1450.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500895}, {"namespace": "junos",
+ "hostname": "server202", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1721.0,
+ 1721.0, 1721.0], "totalTime": [1727.0, 1727.0, 1727.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0,
+ 3.0], "wrQsize": [165.0, 165.0, 165.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes":
+ [352.0, 352.0, 352.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500898},
+ {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "ospfNbr", "status":
+ 0, "gatherTime": [1716.0, 1716.0, 1716.0], "totalTime": [1721.0, 1721.0, 1721.0],
+ "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [196.0, 196.0, 196.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0,
+ 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [455.0, 455.0, 455.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587500900}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "arpnd",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1727.0, 1727.0, 1727.0], "totalTime": [1733.0, 1733.0,
+ 1733.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [167.0, 167.0, 167.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [936.0, 936.0, 936.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1652587500904}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf01", "service":
"ospfNbr", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1721.0, 1721.0, 1721.0], "totalTime":
[1726.0, 1726.0, 1726.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [198.0, 198.0,
198.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [1789.0, 1789.0, 1789.0],
@@ -32721,30 +32740,30 @@ tests:
"gatherTime": [1726.0, 1726.0, 1726.0], "totalTime": [1731.0, 1731.0, 1731.0],
"svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [200.0, 200.0, 200.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0,
11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [1789.0, 1789.0, 1789.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500910}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "leaf01", "service": "bgp",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1765.0, 1765.0, 1765.0], "totalTime": [1774.0, 1774.0,
- 1774.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [73.0, 73.0, 73.0], "nodeQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [6210.0, 6210.0, 6210.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ 1652587500910}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server201", "service": "arpnd",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1739.0, 1739.0, 1739.0], "totalTime": [1744.0, 1744.0,
+ 1744.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [171.0, 171.0, 171.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [298.0, 298.0, 298.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
"timestamp": 1652587500915}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit01", "service":
"ospfNbr", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1731.0, 1731.0, 1731.0], "totalTime":
[1736.0, 1736.0, 1736.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [202.0, 202.0,
202.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [1782.0, 1782.0, 1782.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500915}, {"namespace": "junos",
- "hostname": "server201", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1739.0,
- 1739.0, 1739.0], "totalTime": [1744.0, 1744.0, 1744.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0,
- 0.0], "wrQsize": [171.0, 171.0, 171.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes":
- [298.0, 298.0, 298.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500915},
- {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 200,
- "gatherTime": [1736.0, 1736.0, 1736.0], "totalTime": [1741.0, 1741.0, 1741.0],
- "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [204.0, 204.0, 204.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0,
- 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [1790.0, 1790.0, 1790.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500920}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "ospfIf",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1744.0, 1744.0, 1744.0], "totalTime": [1751.0, 1751.0,
- 1751.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [172.0, 172.0, 172.0], "nodeQsize":
- [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [226.0, 226.0, 226.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587500922}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service":
- "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1774.0, 1774.0, 1774.0], "totalTime": [1783.0,
- 1783.0, 1783.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [75.0, 75.0, 75.0], "nodeQsize":
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500915}, {"namespace": "panos",
+ "hostname": "leaf01", "service": "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1765.0, 1765.0,
+ 1765.0], "totalTime": [1774.0, 1774.0, 1774.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize":
+ [73.0, 73.0, 73.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [6210.0, 6210.0,
+ 6210.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500915}, {"namespace":
+ "eos", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 200, "gatherTime":
+ [1736.0, 1736.0, 1736.0], "totalTime": [1741.0, 1741.0, 1741.0], "svcQsize": [5.0,
+ 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [204.0, 204.0, 204.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0],
+ "rxBytes": [1790.0, 1790.0, 1790.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500920},
+ {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "ospfIf", "status":
+ 0, "gatherTime": [1744.0, 1744.0, 1744.0], "totalTime": [1751.0, 1751.0, 1751.0],
+ "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [172.0, 172.0, 172.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0,
+ 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [226.0, 226.0, 226.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587500922}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "bgp",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1774.0, 1774.0, 1774.0], "totalTime": [1783.0, 1783.0,
+ 1783.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [75.0, 75.0, 75.0], "nodeQsize":
[3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [6210.0, 6210.0, 6210.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
"timestamp": 1652587500924}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
"ospfNbr", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1741.0, 1741.0, 1741.0], "totalTime":
@@ -32808,14 +32827,14 @@ tests:
"time", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1778.0, 1778.0, 1778.0], "totalTime": [1781.0,
1781.0, 1781.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [221.0, 221.0, 221.0],
"nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [240.0, 240.0, 240.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500960}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
- "service": "ospfIf", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1783.0, 1783.0, 1783.0], "totalTime":
- [1792.0, 1792.0, 1792.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [179.0, 179.0,
- 179.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [636.0, 636.0, 636.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500963}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine01", "service":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500960}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine01", "service":
"time", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1781.0, 1781.0, 1781.0], "totalTime": [1784.0,
1784.0, 1784.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [223.0, 223.0, 223.0],
"nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [240.0, 240.0, 240.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500963}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
+ "service": "ospfIf", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1783.0, 1783.0, 1783.0], "totalTime":
+ [1792.0, 1792.0, 1792.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [179.0, 179.0,
+ 179.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [636.0, 636.0, 636.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587500963}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service":
"time", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1784.0, 1784.0, 1784.0], "totalTime": [1787.0,
1787.0, 1787.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [225.0, 225.0, 225.0],
@@ -32880,14 +32899,14 @@ tests:
"service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1817.0, 1817.0, 1817.0], "totalTime":
[1822.0, 1822.0, 1822.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [241.0, 241.0,
241.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "rxBytes": [938.0, 938.0, 938.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587501001}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server102",
- "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1822.0, 1822.0, 1822.0], "totalTime":
- [1826.0, 1826.0, 1826.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [243.0, 243.0,
- 243.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "rxBytes": [365.0, 365.0, 365.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587501005}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587501001}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
"service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1830.0, 1830.0, 1830.0], "totalTime":
[1834.0, 1834.0, 1834.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [187.0, 187.0,
187.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "rxBytes": [297.0, 297.0, 297.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587501005}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server102",
+ "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1822.0, 1822.0, 1822.0], "totalTime":
+ [1826.0, 1826.0, 1826.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [243.0, 243.0,
+ 243.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "rxBytes": [365.0, 365.0, 365.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587501005}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server101",
"service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1826.0, 1826.0, 1826.0], "totalTime":
[1829.0, 1829.0, 1829.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [245.0, 245.0,
@@ -32928,14 +32947,14 @@ tests:
"arpnd", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1837.0, 1837.0, 1837.0], "totalTime": [1841.0,
1841.0, 1841.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [251.0, 251.0, 251.0],
"nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "rxBytes": [1112.0, 1112.0, 1112.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587501020}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "leaf02", "service":
- "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1849.0, 1849.0, 1849.0], "totalTime": [1853.0,
- 1853.0, 1853.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [194.0, 194.0, 194.0],
- "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "rxBytes": [5389.0, 5389.0, 5389.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587501024}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "leaf01", "service":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587501020}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "leaf01", "service":
"arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1877.0, 1877.0, 1877.0], "totalTime": [1883.0,
1883.0, 1883.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [93.0, 93.0, 93.0],
"nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [1196.0, 1196.0, 1196.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587501024}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "leaf02", "service":
+ "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1849.0, 1849.0, 1849.0], "totalTime": [1853.0,
+ 1853.0, 1853.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [194.0, 194.0, 194.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "rxBytes": [5389.0, 5389.0, 5389.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587501024}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service":
"arpnd", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1841.0, 1841.0, 1841.0], "totalTime": [1846.0,
1846.0, 1846.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [253.0, 253.0, 253.0],
@@ -33072,19 +33091,19 @@ tests:
"status": 0, "gatherTime": [1898.0, 1898.0, 1898.0], "totalTime": [1903.0, 1903.0,
1903.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [277.0, 277.0, 277.0], "nodeQsize":
[14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes": [1322.0, 1322.0, 1322.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587501082}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server102",
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587501082}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "server102",
+ "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1940.0, 1940.0, 1940.0], "totalTime":
+ [1943.0, 1943.0, 1943.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [117.0, 117.0,
+ 117.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [316.0, 316.0, 316.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587501084}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server102",
"service": "ifCounters", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1905.0, 1905.0, 1905.0],
"totalTime": [1913.0, 1913.0, 1913.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize":
[214.0, 214.0, 214.0], "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes": [772.0, 772.0,
- 772.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587501084}, {"namespace": "panos",
- "hostname": "server102", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1940.0,
- 1940.0, 1940.0], "totalTime": [1943.0, 1943.0, 1943.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0,
- 0.0], "wrQsize": [117.0, 117.0, 117.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes":
- [316.0, 316.0, 316.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587501084},
- {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [1903.0, 1903.0, 1903.0], "totalTime": [1907.0, 1907.0, 1907.0], "svcQsize": [8.0,
- 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [278.0, 278.0, 278.0], "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0],
- "rxBytes": [295.0, 295.0, 295.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587501086},
+ 772.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587501084}, {"namespace": "eos",
+ "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1903.0,
+ 1903.0, 1903.0], "totalTime": [1907.0, 1907.0, 1907.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0,
+ 8.0], "wrQsize": [278.0, 278.0, 278.0], "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes":
+ [295.0, 295.0, 295.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587501086},
{"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "macs", "status": 200, "gatherTime":
[1907.0, 1907.0, 1907.0], "totalTime": [1911.0, 1911.0, 1911.0], "svcQsize": [7.0,
7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [280.0, 280.0, 280.0], "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0],
@@ -33166,27 +33185,27 @@ tests:
1982.0, 1982.0], "totalTime": [1987.0, 1987.0, 1987.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0,
3.0], "wrQsize": [127.0, 127.0, 127.0], "nodeQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "rxBytes":
[254.0, 254.0, 254.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587501128},
- {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "ospfNbr", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [1953.0, 1953.0, 1953.0], "totalTime": [1959.0, 1959.0, 1959.0],
- "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [225.0, 225.0, 225.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0,
- 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [16607.0, 16607.0, 16607.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587501130}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server102", "service":
- "ifCounters", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1946.0, 1946.0, 1946.0], "totalTime":
- [1951.0, 1951.0, 1951.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [296.0, 296.0,
- 296.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [1030.0, 1030.0, 1030.0],
+ {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "ifCounters", "status":
+ 0, "gatherTime": [1946.0, 1946.0, 1946.0], "totalTime": [1951.0, 1951.0, 1951.0],
+ "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [296.0, 296.0, 296.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [1030.0, 1030.0, 1030.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587501130}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine02",
+ "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1953.0, 1953.0, 1953.0], "totalTime":
+ [1959.0, 1959.0, 1959.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [225.0, 225.0,
+ 225.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [16607.0, 16607.0, 16607.0],
"pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587501130}, {"namespace": "panos",
"hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "mlag", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1987.0,
1987.0, 1987.0], "totalTime": [1992.0, 1992.0, 1992.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0,
2.0], "wrQsize": [128.0, 128.0, 128.0], "nodeQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "rxBytes":
[256.0, 256.0, 256.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587501133},
- {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "ospfNbr", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [1959.0, 1959.0, 1959.0], "totalTime": [1964.0, 1964.0, 1964.0],
- "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [227.0, 227.0, 227.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0,
- 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [16607.0, 16607.0, 16607.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587501135}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server101", "service":
- "ifCounters", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1951.0, 1951.0, 1951.0], "totalTime":
- [1956.0, 1956.0, 1956.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [298.0, 298.0,
- 298.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [1029.0, 1029.0, 1029.0],
+ {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "ifCounters", "status":
+ 0, "gatherTime": [1951.0, 1951.0, 1951.0], "totalTime": [1956.0, 1956.0, 1956.0],
+ "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [298.0, 298.0, 298.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [1029.0, 1029.0, 1029.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587501135}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine01",
+ "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1959.0, 1959.0, 1959.0], "totalTime":
+ [1964.0, 1964.0, 1964.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [227.0, 227.0,
+ 227.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [16607.0, 16607.0, 16607.0],
"pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587501135}, {"namespace": "panos",
"hostname": "spine02", "service": "mlag", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1992.0,
1992.0, 1992.0], "totalTime": [1996.0, 1996.0, 1996.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0,
@@ -33238,14 +33257,14 @@ tests:
[1977.0, 1977.0, 1977.0], "totalTime": [1984.0, 1984.0, 1984.0], "svcQsize": [9.0,
9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [234.0, 234.0, 234.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0],
"rxBytes": [696.0, 696.0, 696.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587501155},
- {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [2012.0, 2012.0, 2012.0], "totalTime": [2015.0, 2015.0, 2015.0], "svcQsize": [9.0,
- 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [138.0, 138.0, 138.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes":
- [427.0, 427.0, 427.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587501156},
{"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "ifCounters", "status":
200, "gatherTime": [1972.0, 1972.0, 1972.0], "totalTime": [1977.0, 1977.0, 1977.0],
"svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [306.0, 306.0, 306.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0,
15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [3018.0, 3018.0, 3018.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587501156}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service": "vlan",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [2012.0, 2012.0, 2012.0], "totalTime": [2015.0, 2015.0,
+ 2015.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [138.0, 138.0, 138.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [427.0, 427.0, 427.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
1652587501156}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "exit01", "service": "vlan",
"status": 0, "gatherTime": [2015.0, 2015.0, 2015.0], "totalTime": [2018.0, 2018.0,
2018.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [140.0, 140.0, 140.0], "nodeQsize":
@@ -33358,14 +33377,14 @@ tests:
"totalTime": [2060.0, 2060.0, 2060.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize":
[155.0, 155.0, 155.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [2737.0, 2737.0,
2737.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587501201}, {"namespace":
- "junos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [2023.0,
- 2023.0, 2023.0], "totalTime": [2031.0, 2031.0, 2031.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0,
- 3.0], "wrQsize": [246.0, 246.0, 246.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "rxBytes":
- [3238.0, 3238.0, 3238.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587501202},
- {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server301", "service": "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [2020.0, 2020.0, 2020.0], "totalTime": [2023.0, 2023.0, 2023.0], "svcQsize": [1.0,
- 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [328.0, 328.0, 328.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0],
- "rxBytes": [694.0, 694.0, 694.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587501202},
+ "eos", "hostname": "server301", "service": "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [2020.0,
+ 2020.0, 2020.0], "totalTime": [2023.0, 2023.0, 2023.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0,
+ 1.0], "wrQsize": [328.0, 328.0, 328.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "rxBytes":
+ [694.0, 694.0, 694.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587501202},
+ {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
+ [2023.0, 2023.0, 2023.0], "totalTime": [2031.0, 2031.0, 2031.0], "svcQsize": [3.0,
+ 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [246.0, 246.0, 246.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0],
+ "rxBytes": [3238.0, 3238.0, 3238.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587501202},
{"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "interfaces", "status":
0, "gatherTime": [2060.0, 2060.0, 2060.0], "totalTime": [2066.0, 2066.0, 2066.0],
"svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [157.0, 157.0, 157.0], "nodeQsize":
@@ -36300,663 +36319,641 @@ tests:
0, "gatherTime": [893.0, 893.0, 893.0], "totalTime": [896.0, 896.0, 896.0], "svcQsize":
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [347.0, 347.0, 347.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0],
"rxBytes": [463.0, 463.0, 463.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587704070},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "lldp", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "totalTime": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "svcQsize": [13.0,
- 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
- [8053.0, 8053.0, 8053.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116827},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "service": "lldp", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "totalTime": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "svcQsize": [12.0,
- 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
- [244.0, 244.0, 244.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116829},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "lldp", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "totalTime": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "svcQsize": [11.0,
- 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
- [245.0, 245.0, 245.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116831},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "service": "lldp", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "totalTime": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "svcQsize":
- [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
- "rxBytes": [244.0, 244.0, 244.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116833},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "lldp", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "totalTime": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "svcQsize":
- [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
- [243.0, 243.0, 243.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116836},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "lldp", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "totalTime": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0], "svcQsize":
- [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
- [244.0, 244.0, 244.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116838},
{"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [17.0, 17.0, 17.0], "totalTime": [20.0, 20.0, 20.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0],
- "wrQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [5257.0,
- 5257.0, 5257.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116841}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [20.0,
- 20.0, 20.0], "totalTime": [23.0, 23.0, 23.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize":
- [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [3466.0, 3466.0,
- 3466.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116844}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [23.0,
- 23.0, 23.0], "totalTime": [25.0, 25.0, 25.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize":
- [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [4258.0, 4258.0,
- 4258.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116846}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [25.0,
- 25.0, 25.0], "totalTime": [28.0, 28.0, 28.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize":
- [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [4258.0, 4258.0,
- 4258.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116849}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [28.0,
- 28.0, 28.0], "totalTime": [31.0, 31.0, 31.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize":
- [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [5257.0, 5257.0,
- 5257.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116852}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [31.0,
- 31.0, 31.0], "totalTime": [34.0, 34.0, 34.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize":
- [18.0, 18.0, 18.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [4258.0, 4258.0,
- 4258.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116855}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [34.0,
- 34.0, 34.0], "totalTime": [37.0, 37.0, 37.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize":
- [20.0, 20.0, 20.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [3466.0, 3466.0,
- 3466.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116858}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [37.0,
- 37.0, 37.0], "totalTime": [40.0, 40.0, 40.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize":
- [22.0, 22.0, 22.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [4258.0, 4258.0,
- 4258.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116861}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [40.0, 40.0, 40.0], "totalTime": [42.0, 42.0, 42.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0],
- "wrQsize": [24.0, 24.0, 24.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [6347.0,
- 6347.0, 6347.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116863}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02", "service": "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [42.0, 42.0, 42.0], "totalTime": [44.0, 44.0, 44.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0],
- "wrQsize": [26.0, 26.0, 26.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [6501.0,
- 6501.0, 6501.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116865}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service": "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [44.0, 44.0, 44.0], "totalTime": [46.0, 46.0, 46.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0],
- "wrQsize": [28.0, 28.0, 28.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [6347.0,
- 6347.0, 6347.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116867}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [46.0, 46.0, 46.0], "totalTime": [48.0, 48.0, 48.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0],
- "wrQsize": [30.0, 30.0, 30.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [4804.0,
- 4804.0, 4804.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116869}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [48.0, 48.0, 48.0], "totalTime": [50.0, 50.0, 50.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0],
- "wrQsize": [32.0, 32.0, 32.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [4804.0,
- 4804.0, 4804.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116871}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "service": "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [50.0, 50.0, 50.0], "totalTime": [52.0, 52.0, 52.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0],
- "wrQsize": [34.0, 34.0, 34.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [6501.0,
- 6501.0, 6501.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116873}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [52.0, 52.0, 52.0], "totalTime": [54.0, 54.0, 54.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
- "wrQsize": [36.0, 36.0, 36.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [6501.0,
- 6501.0, 6501.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116875}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service": "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [54.0, 54.0, 54.0], "totalTime": [57.0, 57.0, 57.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
- "wrQsize": [38.0, 38.0, 38.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [6540.0,
- 6540.0, 6540.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116878}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [57.0, 57.0, 57.0], "totalTime": [62.0, 62.0, 62.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
- "wrQsize": [40.0, 40.0, 40.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [81467.0,
- 81467.0, 81467.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116883}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [62.0, 62.0, 62.0], "totalTime": [64.0, 64.0, 64.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0,
- 13.0], "wrQsize": [42.0, 42.0, 42.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes":
- [565.0, 565.0, 565.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116885},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "service": "device", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [64.0, 64.0, 64.0], "totalTime": [67.0, 67.0, 67.0], "svcQsize":
- [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [44.0, 44.0, 44.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
- "rxBytes": [562.0, 562.0, 562.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116888},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "service": "device", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [67.0, 67.0, 67.0], "totalTime": [70.0, 70.0, 70.0], "svcQsize":
- [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [46.0, 46.0, 46.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
- "rxBytes": [562.0, 562.0, 562.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116891},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "device", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [70.0, 70.0, 70.0], "totalTime": [73.0, 73.0, 73.0], "svcQsize":
- [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [48.0, 48.0, 48.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
- "rxBytes": [561.0, 561.0, 561.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116894},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "device", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [73.0, 73.0, 73.0], "totalTime": [75.0, 75.0, 75.0], "svcQsize":
- [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [50.0, 50.0, 50.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
- "rxBytes": [562.0, 562.0, 562.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116896},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02", "service": "device", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [75.0, 75.0, 75.0], "totalTime": [78.0, 78.0, 78.0], "svcQsize":
- [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [52.0, 52.0, 52.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
- "rxBytes": [1621.0, 1621.0, 1621.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116899},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "service": "device", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [78.0, 78.0, 78.0], "totalTime": [81.0, 81.0, 81.0], "svcQsize":
- [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [54.0, 54.0, 54.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
- "rxBytes": [1622.0, 1622.0, 1622.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116902},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "device", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [81.0, 81.0, 81.0], "totalTime": [84.0, 84.0, 84.0], "svcQsize":
- [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [56.0, 56.0, 56.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
- "rxBytes": [1621.0, 1621.0, 1621.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116905},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "device", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [84.0, 84.0, 84.0], "totalTime": [87.0, 87.0, 87.0], "svcQsize":
- [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [58.0, 58.0, 58.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
- "rxBytes": [1622.0, 1622.0, 1622.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116908},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service": "device", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [87.0, 87.0, 87.0], "totalTime": [90.0, 90.0, 90.0], "svcQsize":
- [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [60.0, 60.0, 60.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
- "rxBytes": [1620.0, 1620.0, 1620.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116911},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service": "device", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [90.0, 90.0, 90.0], "totalTime": [93.0, 93.0, 93.0], "svcQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [62.0, 62.0, 62.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
- "rxBytes": [1622.0, 1622.0, 1622.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116914},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "device", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [93.0, 93.0, 93.0], "totalTime": [95.0, 95.0, 95.0], "svcQsize":
- [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [64.0, 64.0, 64.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
- "rxBytes": [1623.0, 1623.0, 1623.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116916},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "device", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [96.0, 96.0, 96.0], "totalTime": [98.0, 98.0, 98.0], "svcQsize":
- [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [66.0, 66.0, 66.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
- "rxBytes": [1623.0, 1623.0, 1623.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116919},
+ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "totalTime": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0],
+ "wrQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [5257.0,
+ 5257.0, 5257.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656298577}, {"namespace":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [8.0,
+ 8.0, 8.0], "totalTime": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize":
+ [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [3466.0, 3466.0, 3466.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656298582}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "leaf03", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "totalTime":
+ [18.0, 18.0, 18.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [4258.0, 4258.0, 4258.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298587}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02", "service":
+ "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [18.0, 18.0, 18.0], "totalTime": [23.0, 23.0,
+ 23.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [4258.0, 4258.0, 4258.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656298592}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
+ "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [23.0, 23.0, 23.0], "totalTime": [28.0, 28.0,
+ 28.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0,
+ 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [5257.0, 5257.0, 5257.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298597}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "service": "lldp",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [28.0, 28.0, 28.0], "totalTime": [33.0, 33.0, 33.0],
+ "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0,
+ 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [4258.0, 4258.0, 4258.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298602}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "lldp",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [33.0, 33.0, 33.0], "totalTime": [38.0, 38.0, 38.0],
+ "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0,
+ 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [3466.0, 3466.0, 3466.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298607}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "lldp",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [38.0, 38.0, 38.0], "totalTime": [43.0, 43.0, 43.0],
+ "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0,
+ 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [4258.0, 4258.0, 4258.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298612}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "service": "lldp",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [43.0, 43.0, 43.0], "totalTime": [47.0, 47.0, 47.0],
+ "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0,
+ 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [244.0, 244.0, 244.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298616}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "lldp",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [47.0, 47.0, 47.0], "totalTime": [51.0, 51.0, 51.0],
+ "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0,
+ 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [245.0, 245.0, 245.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298620}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "service": "lldp",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [51.0, 51.0, 51.0], "totalTime": [55.0, 55.0, 55.0],
+ "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [18.0, 18.0, 18.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0,
+ 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [244.0, 244.0, 244.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298624}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "lldp",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [55.0, 55.0, 55.0], "totalTime": [60.0, 60.0, 60.0],
+ "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [19.0, 19.0, 19.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0,
+ 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [243.0, 243.0, 243.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298629}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "lldp",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [60.0, 60.0, 60.0], "totalTime": [64.0, 64.0, 64.0],
+ "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [20.0, 20.0, 20.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0,
+ 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [244.0, 244.0, 244.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298633}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "lldp",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [64.0, 64.0, 64.0], "totalTime": [69.0, 69.0, 69.0],
+ "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [22.0, 22.0, 22.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0,
+ 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [8053.0, 8053.0, 8053.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298638}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02", "service": "mlag",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [69.0, 69.0, 69.0], "totalTime": [76.0, 76.0, 76.0],
+ "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [24.0, 24.0, 24.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0,
+ 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [3938.0, 3938.0, 3938.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298645}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "mlag",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [77.0, 77.0, 77.0], "totalTime": [84.0, 84.0, 84.0],
+ "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [26.0, 26.0, 26.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0,
+ 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [3938.0, 3938.0, 3938.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298653}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "service": "mlag",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [84.0, 84.0, 84.0], "totalTime": [92.0, 92.0, 92.0],
+ "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [28.0, 28.0, 28.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0,
+ 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [3934.0, 3934.0, 3934.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298661}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service": "mlag",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [92.0, 92.0, 92.0], "totalTime": [99.0, 99.0, 99.0],
+ "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [30.0, 30.0, 30.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0,
+ 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [3934.0, 3934.0, 3934.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298668}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "time",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [99.0, 99.0, 99.0], "totalTime": [103.0, 103.0, 103.0],
+ "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [32.0, 32.0, 32.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0,
+ 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [544.0, 544.0, 544.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298672}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "service": "time",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [103.0, 103.0, 103.0], "totalTime": [107.0, 107.0,
+ 107.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [34.0, 34.0, 34.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [543.0, 543.0, 543.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298676}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "service": "time",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [107.0, 107.0, 107.0], "totalTime": [111.0, 111.0,
+ 111.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [36.0, 36.0, 36.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [543.0, 543.0, 543.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298680}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "time",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [111.0, 111.0, 111.0], "totalTime": [115.0, 115.0,
+ 115.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [38.0, 38.0, 38.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [543.0, 543.0, 543.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298684}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "time",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [115.0, 115.0, 115.0], "totalTime": [119.0, 119.0,
+ 119.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [40.0, 40.0, 40.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [542.0, 542.0, 542.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298688}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "evpnVni",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [119.0, 119.0, 119.0], "totalTime": [125.0, 125.0,
+ 125.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [41.0, 41.0, 41.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [221.0, 221.0, 221.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298695}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "evpnVni",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [126.0, 126.0, 126.0], "totalTime": [132.0, 132.0,
+ 132.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [42.0, 42.0, 42.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [1194.0, 1194.0, 1194.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656298701}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service":
+ "evpnVni", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [132.0, 132.0, 132.0], "totalTime": [139.0,
+ 139.0, 139.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [44.0, 44.0, 44.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [2106.0, 2106.0, 2106.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656298708}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "service":
+ "evpnVni", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [139.0, 139.0, 139.0], "totalTime": [146.0,
+ 146.0, 146.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [46.0, 46.0, 46.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [2536.0, 2536.0, 2536.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656298715}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service":
+ "evpnVni", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [146.0, 146.0, 146.0], "totalTime": [152.0,
+ 152.0, 152.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [48.0, 48.0, 48.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [2536.0, 2536.0, 2536.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656298721}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service":
+ "evpnVni", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [153.0, 153.0, 153.0], "totalTime": [159.0,
+ 159.0, 159.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [50.0, 50.0, 50.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [2106.0, 2106.0, 2106.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656298728}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02", "service":
+ "evpnVni", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [159.0, 159.0, 159.0], "totalTime": [166.0,
+ 166.0, 166.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [52.0, 52.0, 52.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [2536.0, 2536.0, 2536.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656298735}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service":
+ "evpnVni", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [166.0, 166.0, 166.0], "totalTime": [173.0,
+ 173.0, 173.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [54.0, 54.0, 54.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [2536.0, 2536.0, 2536.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656298742}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service":
+ "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [173.0, 173.0, 173.0], "totalTime": [179.0,
+ 179.0, 179.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [56.0, 56.0, 56.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [81467.0, 81467.0, 81467.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298748}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service":
+ "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [179.0, 179.0, 179.0], "totalTime": [182.0,
+ 182.0, 182.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [58.0, 58.0, 58.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [6347.0, 6347.0, 6347.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656298751}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02", "service":
+ "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [182.0, 182.0, 182.0], "totalTime": [185.0,
+ 185.0, 185.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [60.0, 60.0, 60.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [6501.0, 6501.0, 6501.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656298754}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service":
+ "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [185.0, 185.0, 185.0], "totalTime": [188.0,
+ 188.0, 188.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [62.0, 62.0, 62.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [6347.0, 6347.0, 6347.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656298757}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service":
+ "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [188.0, 188.0, 188.0], "totalTime": [191.0,
+ 191.0, 191.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [64.0, 64.0, 64.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [4804.0, 4804.0, 4804.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656298760}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
+ "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [191.0, 191.0, 191.0], "totalTime": [194.0,
+ 194.0, 194.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [66.0, 66.0, 66.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [4804.0, 4804.0, 4804.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656298763}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "service":
+ "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [194.0, 194.0, 194.0], "totalTime": [197.0,
+ 197.0, 197.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [68.0, 68.0, 68.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [6501.0, 6501.0, 6501.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656298766}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service":
+ "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [197.0, 197.0, 197.0], "totalTime": [201.0,
+ 201.0, 201.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [70.0, 70.0, 70.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [6501.0, 6501.0, 6501.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656298770}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service":
+ "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [201.0, 201.0, 201.0], "totalTime": [204.0,
+ 204.0, 204.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [72.0, 72.0, 72.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [6540.0, 6540.0, 6540.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656298773}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service":
+ "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [204.0, 204.0, 204.0], "totalTime": [208.0, 208.0,
+ 208.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [74.0, 74.0, 74.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [696.0, 696.0, 696.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298777}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "service": "fs",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [208.0, 208.0, 208.0], "totalTime": [213.0, 213.0,
+ 213.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [76.0, 76.0, 76.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [695.0, 695.0, 695.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298782}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "service": "fs",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [213.0, 213.0, 213.0], "totalTime": [217.0, 217.0,
+ 217.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [78.0, 78.0, 78.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [695.0, 695.0, 695.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298786}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "fs",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [217.0, 217.0, 217.0], "totalTime": [221.0, 221.0,
+ 221.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [80.0, 80.0, 80.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [695.0, 695.0, 695.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298790}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "fs",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [221.0, 221.0, 221.0], "totalTime": [226.0, 226.0,
+ 226.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [82.0, 82.0, 82.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [694.0, 694.0, 694.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298795}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "interfaces",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [226.0, 226.0, 226.0], "totalTime": [245.0, 245.0,
+ 245.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [84.0, 84.0, 84.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [42858.0, 42858.0, 42858.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298814}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "service":
+ "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [245.0, 245.0, 245.0], "totalTime": [263.0,
+ 263.0, 263.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [86.0, 86.0, 86.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [42886.0, 42886.0, 42886.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298832}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02", "service":
+ "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [263.0, 263.0, 263.0], "totalTime": [281.0,
+ 281.0, 281.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [88.0, 88.0, 88.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [42883.0, 42883.0, 42883.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298850}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service":
+ "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [281.0, 281.0, 281.0], "totalTime": [299.0,
+ 299.0, 299.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [90.0, 90.0, 90.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [42866.0, 42866.0, 42866.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298868}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service":
+ "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [299.0, 299.0, 299.0], "totalTime": [318.0,
+ 318.0, 318.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [92.0, 92.0, 92.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [43643.0, 43643.0, 43643.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298887}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service":
+ "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [318.0, 318.0, 318.0], "totalTime": [337.0,
+ 337.0, 337.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [94.0, 94.0, 94.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [43657.0, 43657.0, 43657.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298906}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
+ "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [337.0, 337.0, 337.0], "totalTime": [355.0,
+ 355.0, 355.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [96.0, 96.0, 96.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [38760.0, 38760.0, 38760.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298924}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service":
+ "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [355.0, 355.0, 355.0], "totalTime": [373.0,
+ 373.0, 373.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [98.0, 98.0, 98.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [38760.0, 38760.0, 38760.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298942}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302",
+ "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [373.0, 373.0, 373.0], "totalTime":
+ [381.0, 381.0, 381.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [100.0, 100.0,
+ 100.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [2740.0, 2740.0, 2740.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298950}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01",
+ "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [381.0, 381.0, 381.0], "totalTime":
+ [390.0, 390.0, 390.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [102.0, 102.0,
+ 102.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [3970.0, 3970.0, 3970.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298959}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301",
+ "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [390.0, 390.0, 390.0], "totalTime":
+ [399.0, 399.0, 399.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [104.0, 104.0,
+ 104.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [2740.0, 2740.0, 2740.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298968}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102",
+ "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [399.0, 399.0, 399.0], "totalTime":
+ [407.0, 407.0, 407.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [106.0, 106.0,
+ 106.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [2739.0, 2739.0, 2739.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298976}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101",
+ "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [407.0, 407.0, 407.0], "totalTime":
+ [415.0, 415.0, 415.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [108.0, 108.0,
+ 108.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [2741.0, 2741.0, 2741.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298984}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
+ "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [415.0, 415.0, 415.0], "totalTime":
+ [433.0, 433.0, 433.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [110.0, 110.0,
+ 110.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [241993.0, 241993.0, 241993.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299002}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "firewall01", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [433.0, 433.0,
+ 433.0], "totalTime": [440.0, 440.0, 440.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize":
+ [111.0, 111.0, 111.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [457.0, 457.0,
+ 457.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299009}, {"namespace": "nxos",
+ "hostname": "leaf02", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [440.0,
+ 440.0, 440.0], "totalTime": [446.0, 446.0, 446.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0],
+ "wrQsize": [113.0, 113.0, 113.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [771.0,
+ 771.0, 771.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299015}, {"namespace":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
+ [446.0, 446.0, 446.0], "totalTime": [453.0, 453.0, 453.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0,
+ 7.0], "wrQsize": [115.0, 115.0, 115.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes":
+ [773.0, 773.0, 773.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299022},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0,
+ "gatherTime": [453.0, 453.0, 453.0], "totalTime": [459.0, 459.0, 459.0], "svcQsize":
+ [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [117.0, 117.0, 117.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0],
+ "rxBytes": [763.0, 763.0, 763.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299028},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0,
+ "gatherTime": [459.0, 459.0, 459.0], "totalTime": [466.0, 466.0, 466.0], "svcQsize":
+ [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [119.0, 119.0, 119.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0],
+ "rxBytes": [763.0, 763.0, 763.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299035},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0,
+ "gatherTime": [466.0, 466.0, 466.0], "totalTime": [472.0, 472.0, 472.0], "svcQsize":
+ [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [121.0, 121.0, 121.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0],
+ "rxBytes": [773.0, 773.0, 773.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299041},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0,
+ "gatherTime": [472.0, 472.0, 472.0], "totalTime": [479.0, 479.0, 479.0], "svcQsize":
+ [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [123.0, 123.0, 123.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0],
+ "rxBytes": [1657.0, 1657.0, 1657.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299048},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0,
+ "gatherTime": [479.0, 479.0, 479.0], "totalTime": [485.0, 485.0, 485.0], "svcQsize":
+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [125.0, 125.0, 125.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0],
+ "rxBytes": [773.0, 773.0, 773.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299054},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0,
+ "gatherTime": [485.0, 485.0, 485.0], "totalTime": [492.0, 492.0, 492.0], "svcQsize":
+ [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [127.0, 127.0, 127.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0],
+ "rxBytes": [1662.0, 1662.0, 1662.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299061},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "ospfNbr", "status":
+ 0, "gatherTime": [492.0, 492.0, 492.0], "totalTime": [498.0, 498.0, 498.0], "svcQsize":
+ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [128.0, 128.0, 128.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0],
+ "rxBytes": [340.0, 340.0, 340.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299067},
{"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "device", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [98.0, 98.0, 98.0], "totalTime": [101.0, 101.0, 101.0], "svcQsize":
- [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [68.0, 68.0, 68.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
- "rxBytes": [4983.0, 4983.0, 4983.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116922},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [101.0, 101.0, 101.0], "totalTime": [109.0, 109.0, 109.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0,
- 9.0], "wrQsize": [70.0, 70.0, 70.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes":
- [27779.0, 27779.0, 27779.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116930},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "bgp", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [109.0, 109.0, 109.0], "totalTime": [117.0, 117.0, 117.0], "svcQsize":
- [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [72.0, 72.0, 72.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0],
- "rxBytes": [21554.0, 21554.0, 21554.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652621116938}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "bgp",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [117.0, 117.0, 117.0], "totalTime": [124.0, 124.0,
- 124.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [74.0, 74.0, 74.0], "nodeQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [10401.0, 10401.0, 10401.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621116945}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service":
- "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [125.0, 125.0, 125.0], "totalTime": [134.0,
- 134.0, 134.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [76.0, 76.0, 76.0], "nodeQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [23871.0, 23871.0, 23871.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621116955}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service":
- "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [134.0, 134.0, 134.0], "totalTime": [144.0,
- 144.0, 144.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [78.0, 78.0, 78.0], "nodeQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [26901.0, 26901.0, 26901.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621116965}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02", "service":
- "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [144.0, 144.0, 144.0], "totalTime": [151.0,
- 151.0, 151.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [80.0, 80.0, 80.0], "nodeQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [10401.0, 10401.0, 10401.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621116972}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service":
- "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [151.0, 151.0, 151.0], "totalTime": [160.0,
- 160.0, 160.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [82.0, 82.0, 82.0], "nodeQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [23932.0, 23932.0, 23932.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621116981}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "service":
- "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [160.0, 160.0, 160.0], "totalTime": [168.0,
- 168.0, 168.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [84.0, 84.0, 84.0], "nodeQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [10401.0, 10401.0, 10401.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621116989}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
- "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [168.0, 168.0, 168.0], "totalTime": [178.0,
- 178.0, 178.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [86.0, 86.0, 86.0], "nodeQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [26913.0, 26913.0, 26913.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621116999}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service":
- "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [178.0, 178.0, 178.0], "totalTime": [186.0,
- 186.0, 186.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [88.0, 88.0, 88.0], "nodeQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [10400.0, 10400.0, 10400.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117007}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02", "service":
- "mlag", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [186.0, 186.0, 186.0], "totalTime": [190.0,
- 190.0, 190.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [90.0, 90.0, 90.0], "nodeQsize":
- [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [3938.0, 3938.0, 3938.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652621117011}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service":
- "mlag", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [190.0, 190.0, 190.0], "totalTime": [194.0,
- 194.0, 194.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [92.0, 92.0, 92.0], "nodeQsize":
- [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [3938.0, 3938.0, 3938.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652621117015}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "service":
- "mlag", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [194.0, 194.0, 194.0], "totalTime": [198.0,
- 198.0, 198.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [94.0, 94.0, 94.0], "nodeQsize":
- [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [3934.0, 3934.0, 3934.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652621117019}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service":
- "mlag", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [198.0, 198.0, 198.0], "totalTime": [202.0,
- 202.0, 202.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [96.0, 96.0, 96.0], "nodeQsize":
- [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [3934.0, 3934.0, 3934.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652621117023}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service":
- "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [202.0, 202.0, 202.0], "totalTime": [213.0,
- 213.0, 213.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [98.0, 98.0, 98.0],
- "nodeQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [17796.0, 17796.0, 17796.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117034}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "service":
- "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [213.0, 213.0, 213.0], "totalTime": [221.0,
- 221.0, 221.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [100.0, 100.0, 100.0],
- "nodeQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [11527.0, 11527.0, 11527.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117042}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service":
- "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [221.0, 221.0, 221.0], "totalTime": [229.0,
- 229.0, 229.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [102.0, 102.0, 102.0],
- "nodeQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [11527.0, 11527.0, 11527.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117050}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service":
- "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [229.0, 229.0, 229.0], "totalTime": [235.0,
- 235.0, 235.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [104.0, 104.0, 104.0],
- "nodeQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [6401.0, 6401.0, 6401.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117056}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service":
- "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [235.0, 235.0, 235.0], "totalTime": [246.0,
- 246.0, 246.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [106.0, 106.0, 106.0],
- "nodeQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [17793.0, 17793.0, 17793.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117067}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02", "service":
- "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [246.0, 246.0, 246.0], "totalTime": [255.0,
- 255.0, 255.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [108.0, 108.0, 108.0],
- "nodeQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [11527.0, 11527.0, 11527.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117076}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service":
- "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [255.0, 255.0, 255.0], "totalTime": [263.0,
- 263.0, 263.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [110.0, 110.0, 110.0],
- "nodeQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [11527.0, 11527.0, 11527.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117084}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
- "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [263.0, 263.0, 263.0], "totalTime": [269.0,
- 269.0, 269.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [112.0, 112.0, 112.0],
- "nodeQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [6401.0, 6401.0, 6401.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117090}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302",
- "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [269.0, 269.0, 269.0], "totalTime":
- [273.0, 273.0, 273.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [114.0, 114.0,
- 114.0], "nodeQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [1761.0, 1761.0, 1761.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117094}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01",
- "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [273.0, 273.0, 273.0], "totalTime":
- [278.0, 278.0, 278.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [116.0, 116.0,
- 116.0], "nodeQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [4707.0, 4707.0, 4707.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117099}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301",
- "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [278.0, 278.0, 278.0], "totalTime":
- [283.0, 283.0, 283.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [118.0, 118.0,
- 118.0], "nodeQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [1761.0, 1761.0, 1761.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117104}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102",
- "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [283.0, 283.0, 283.0], "totalTime":
- [287.0, 287.0, 287.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [120.0, 120.0,
- 120.0], "nodeQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [1754.0, 1754.0, 1754.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117108}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101",
- "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [287.0, 287.0, 287.0], "totalTime":
- [291.0, 291.0, 291.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [122.0, 122.0,
- 122.0], "nodeQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [1762.0, 1762.0, 1762.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117112}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
- "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [291.0, 291.0, 291.0], "totalTime":
- [298.0, 298.0, 298.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [124.0, 124.0,
- 124.0], "nodeQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [39845.0, 39845.0, 39845.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117119}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "dcedge01", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [298.0, 298.0, 298.0],
- "totalTime": [300.0, 300.0, 300.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize":
- [126.0, 126.0, 126.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [2623.0, 2623.0,
- 2623.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117121}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [300.0,
- 300.0, 300.0], "totalTime": [303.0, 303.0, 303.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0],
- "wrQsize": [128.0, 128.0, 128.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [1362.0,
- 1362.0, 1362.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117124}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [303.0,
- 303.0, 303.0], "totalTime": [305.0, 305.0, 305.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0],
- "wrQsize": [130.0, 130.0, 130.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [1920.0,
- 1920.0, 1920.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117126}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [305.0,
- 305.0, 305.0], "totalTime": [308.0, 308.0, 308.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0],
- "wrQsize": [132.0, 132.0, 132.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [1362.0,
- 1362.0, 1362.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117129}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [308.0,
- 308.0, 308.0], "totalTime": [310.0, 310.0, 310.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0],
- "wrQsize": [134.0, 134.0, 134.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [1184.0,
- 1184.0, 1184.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117131}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [310.0,
- 310.0, 310.0], "totalTime": [312.0, 312.0, 312.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0],
- "wrQsize": [136.0, 136.0, 136.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [1920.0,
- 1920.0, 1920.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117133}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [312.0,
- 312.0, 312.0], "totalTime": [315.0, 315.0, 315.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0],
- "wrQsize": [138.0, 138.0, 138.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [1184.0,
- 1184.0, 1184.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117136}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [315.0,
- 315.0, 315.0], "totalTime": [317.0, 317.0, 317.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0],
- "wrQsize": [140.0, 140.0, 140.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [1920.0,
- 1920.0, 1920.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117138}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [317.0,
- 317.0, 317.0], "totalTime": [319.0, 319.0, 319.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0],
- "wrQsize": [142.0, 142.0, 142.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [1920.0,
- 1920.0, 1920.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117140}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [319.0, 319.0, 319.0], "totalTime": [321.0, 321.0, 321.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0,
- 4.0], "wrQsize": [143.0, 143.0, 143.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes":
- [220.0, 220.0, 220.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117142},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "vlan", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [321.0, 321.0, 321.0], "totalTime": [324.0, 324.0, 324.0], "svcQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [144.0, 144.0, 144.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0],
- "rxBytes": [221.0, 221.0, 221.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117145},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "service": "vlan", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [324.0, 324.0, 324.0], "totalTime": [326.0, 326.0, 326.0], "svcQsize":
- [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [145.0, 145.0, 145.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0],
- "rxBytes": [220.0, 220.0, 220.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117147},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "vlan", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [326.0, 326.0, 326.0], "totalTime": [328.0, 328.0, 328.0], "svcQsize":
- [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [146.0, 146.0, 146.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0],
- "rxBytes": [219.0, 219.0, 219.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117149},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "vlan", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [328.0, 328.0, 328.0], "totalTime": [330.0, 330.0, 330.0], "svcQsize":
- [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [147.0, 147.0, 147.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0],
- "rxBytes": [220.0, 220.0, 220.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117151},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "ospfIf", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [330.0, 330.0, 330.0], "totalTime": [334.0, 334.0, 334.0], "svcQsize":
- [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [149.0, 149.0, 149.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0],
- "rxBytes": [2928.0, 2928.0, 2928.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117155},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02", "service": "ospfIf", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [334.0, 334.0, 334.0], "totalTime": [338.0, 338.0, 338.0], "svcQsize":
- [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [151.0, 151.0, 151.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0],
- "rxBytes": [2928.0, 2928.0, 2928.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117159},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "service": "ospfIf", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [338.0, 338.0, 338.0], "totalTime": [343.0, 343.0, 343.0], "svcQsize":
- [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [153.0, 153.0, 153.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0],
- "rxBytes": [2928.0, 2928.0, 2928.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117164},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "ospfIf", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [343.0, 343.0, 343.0], "totalTime": [347.0, 347.0, 347.0], "svcQsize":
- [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [155.0, 155.0, 155.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0],
- "rxBytes": [4826.0, 4826.0, 4826.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117168},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "ospfIf", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [347.0, 347.0, 347.0], "totalTime": [352.0, 352.0, 352.0], "svcQsize":
- [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [157.0, 157.0, 157.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0],
- "rxBytes": [2927.0, 2927.0, 2927.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117173},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service": "ospfIf", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [352.0, 352.0, 352.0], "totalTime": [356.0, 356.0, 356.0], "svcQsize":
- [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [159.0, 159.0, 159.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0],
- "rxBytes": [2927.0, 2927.0, 2927.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117177},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service": "ospfIf", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [356.0, 356.0, 356.0], "totalTime": [360.0, 360.0, 360.0], "svcQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [161.0, 161.0, 161.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0],
- "rxBytes": [2928.0, 2928.0, 2928.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117181},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "ospfIf", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [360.0, 360.0, 360.0], "totalTime": [365.0, 365.0, 365.0], "svcQsize":
- [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [163.0, 163.0, 163.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0],
- "rxBytes": [4826.0, 4826.0, 4826.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117186},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "ospfIf", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [365.0, 365.0, 365.0], "totalTime": [368.0, 368.0, 368.0], "svcQsize":
- [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [164.0, 164.0, 164.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0],
- "rxBytes": [226.0, 226.0, 226.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117189},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "ospfIf", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [368.0, 368.0, 368.0], "totalTime": [372.0, 372.0, 372.0], "svcQsize":
- [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [165.0, 165.0, 165.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0],
- "rxBytes": [648.0, 648.0, 648.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117193},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "time", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [372.0, 372.0, 372.0], "totalTime": [375.0, 375.0, 375.0], "svcQsize":
- [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [167.0, 167.0, 167.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0],
- "rxBytes": [544.0, 544.0, 544.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117196},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "service": "time", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [375.0, 375.0, 375.0], "totalTime": [377.0, 377.0, 377.0], "svcQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [169.0, 169.0, 169.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0],
- "rxBytes": [543.0, 543.0, 543.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117198},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "service": "time", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [377.0, 377.0, 377.0], "totalTime": [379.0, 379.0, 379.0], "svcQsize":
- [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [171.0, 171.0, 171.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0],
- "rxBytes": [543.0, 543.0, 543.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117200},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "time", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [379.0, 379.0, 379.0], "totalTime": [382.0, 382.0, 382.0], "svcQsize":
- [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [173.0, 173.0, 173.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0],
- "rxBytes": [543.0, 543.0, 543.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117203},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "time", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [382.0, 382.0, 382.0], "totalTime": [384.0, 384.0, 384.0], "svcQsize":
- [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [175.0, 175.0, 175.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0],
- "rxBytes": [542.0, 542.0, 542.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117205},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "macs", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [384.0, 384.0, 384.0], "totalTime": [386.0, 386.0, 386.0], "svcQsize":
- [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [176.0, 176.0, 176.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0,
- 11.0], "rxBytes": [303.0, 303.0, 303.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652621117207}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "macs",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [386.0, 386.0, 386.0], "totalTime": [389.0, 389.0,
- 389.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [178.0, 178.0, 178.0], "nodeQsize":
- [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [411.0, 411.0, 411.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652621117210}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service":
- "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [389.0, 389.0, 389.0], "totalTime": [392.0,
- 392.0, 392.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [180.0, 180.0, 180.0],
- "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [1349.0, 1349.0, 1349.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117213}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service":
- "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [392.0, 392.0, 392.0], "totalTime": [396.0,
- 396.0, 396.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [182.0, 182.0, 182.0],
- "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [2589.0, 2589.0, 2589.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117217}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service":
- "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [396.0, 396.0, 396.0], "totalTime": [399.0,
- 399.0, 399.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [184.0, 184.0, 184.0],
- "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [1349.0, 1349.0, 1349.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117220}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02", "service":
- "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [399.0, 399.0, 399.0], "totalTime": [402.0,
- 402.0, 402.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [186.0, 186.0, 186.0],
- "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [2589.0, 2589.0, 2589.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117223}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service":
- "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [402.0, 402.0, 402.0], "totalTime": [405.0,
- 405.0, 405.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [188.0, 188.0, 188.0],
- "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [411.0, 411.0, 411.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117226}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "service":
- "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [405.0, 405.0, 405.0], "totalTime": [408.0,
- 408.0, 408.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [190.0, 190.0, 190.0],
- "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [2589.0, 2589.0, 2589.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117229}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service":
- "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [408.0, 408.0, 408.0], "totalTime": [412.0,
- 412.0, 412.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [192.0, 192.0, 192.0],
- "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [2589.0, 2589.0, 2589.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117233}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302",
- "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [412.0, 412.0, 412.0], "totalTime":
- [415.0, 415.0, 415.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [194.0, 194.0,
- 194.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [1324.0, 1324.0, 1324.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117236}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "server301", "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [415.0, 415.0, 415.0],
- "totalTime": [419.0, 419.0, 419.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [196.0,
- 196.0, 196.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [1324.0, 1324.0, 1324.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117240}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "firewall01", "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [420.0, 420.0, 420.0],
- "totalTime": [424.0, 424.0, 424.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [198.0,
- 198.0, 198.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [1699.0, 1699.0, 1699.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117245}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "server102", "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [424.0, 424.0, 424.0],
- "totalTime": [428.0, 428.0, 428.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [200.0,
- 200.0, 200.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [1323.0, 1323.0, 1323.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117249}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "server101", "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [428.0, 428.0, 428.0],
- "totalTime": [432.0, 432.0, 432.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [202.0,
- 202.0, 202.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [1324.0, 1324.0, 1324.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117253}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "leaf02", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [432.0, 432.0, 432.0],
- "totalTime": [435.0, 435.0, 435.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [204.0,
- 204.0, 204.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [771.0, 771.0, 771.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117256}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "leaf01", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [435.0, 435.0, 435.0],
- "totalTime": [439.0, 439.0, 439.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [206.0,
- 206.0, 206.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [773.0, 773.0, 773.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117260}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "exit02", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [439.0, 439.0, 439.0],
- "totalTime": [442.0, 442.0, 442.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [208.0,
- 208.0, 208.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [763.0, 763.0, 763.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117263}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "exit01", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [442.0, 442.0, 442.0],
- "totalTime": [446.0, 446.0, 446.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [210.0,
- 210.0, 210.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [763.0, 763.0, 763.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117267}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "leaf04", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [446.0, 446.0, 446.0],
- "totalTime": [449.0, 449.0, 449.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [212.0,
- 212.0, 212.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [773.0, 773.0, 773.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117270}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "spine01", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [449.0, 449.0, 449.0],
- "totalTime": [453.0, 453.0, 453.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [214.0,
- 214.0, 214.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [1657.0, 1657.0, 1657.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117274}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "leaf03", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [453.0, 453.0, 453.0],
- "totalTime": [456.0, 456.0, 456.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [216.0,
- 216.0, 216.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [773.0, 773.0, 773.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117277}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "spine02", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [456.0, 456.0, 456.0],
- "totalTime": [460.0, 460.0, 460.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [218.0,
- 218.0, 218.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [1662.0, 1662.0, 1662.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117281}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "firewall01", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [460.0, 460.0,
- 460.0], "totalTime": [463.0, 463.0, 463.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize":
- [219.0, 219.0, 219.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [457.0, 457.0,
- 457.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117284}, {"namespace": "nxos",
- "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [463.0,
- 463.0, 463.0], "totalTime": [467.0, 467.0, 467.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
- "wrQsize": [220.0, 220.0, 220.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes":
- [340.0, 340.0, 340.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117288},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "ifCounters", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [467.0, 467.0, 467.0], "totalTime": [471.0, 471.0, 471.0], "svcQsize":
- [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [222.0, 222.0, 222.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0],
- "rxBytes": [1648.0, 1648.0, 1648.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117292},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "service": "ifCounters", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [471.0, 471.0, 471.0], "totalTime": [475.0, 475.0, 475.0], "svcQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [224.0, 224.0, 224.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0],
- "rxBytes": [1023.0, 1023.0, 1023.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117296},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "service": "ifCounters", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [475.0, 475.0, 475.0], "totalTime": [479.0, 479.0, 479.0], "svcQsize":
- [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [226.0, 226.0, 226.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0],
- "rxBytes": [1023.0, 1023.0, 1023.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117300},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "ifCounters", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [479.0, 479.0, 479.0], "totalTime": [483.0, 483.0, 483.0], "svcQsize":
- [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [228.0, 228.0, 228.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0],
- "rxBytes": [1023.0, 1023.0, 1023.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117304},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "ifCounters", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [483.0, 483.0, 483.0], "totalTime": [486.0, 486.0, 486.0], "svcQsize":
- [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [230.0, 230.0, 230.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0],
- "rxBytes": [1022.0, 1022.0, 1022.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117307},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "service": "interfaces", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [486.0, 486.0, 486.0], "totalTime": [491.0, 491.0, 491.0], "svcQsize":
- [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [232.0, 232.0, 232.0], "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0,
- 14.0], "rxBytes": [2740.0, 2740.0, 2740.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652621117312}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "interfaces",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [491.0, 491.0, 491.0], "totalTime": [496.0, 496.0,
- 496.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [234.0, 234.0, 234.0], "nodeQsize":
- [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes": [3970.0, 3970.0, 3970.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117317}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301",
- "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [496.0, 496.0, 496.0], "totalTime":
- [501.0, 501.0, 501.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [236.0, 236.0,
- 236.0], "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes": [2740.0, 2740.0, 2740.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117322}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "server102", "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [501.0, 501.0,
- 501.0], "totalTime": [505.0, 505.0, 505.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize":
- [238.0, 238.0, 238.0], "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes": [2739.0, 2739.0,
- 2739.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117326}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [506.0, 506.0, 506.0], "totalTime": [510.0, 510.0, 510.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0,
- 9.0], "wrQsize": [240.0, 240.0, 240.0], "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes":
- [2741.0, 2741.0, 2741.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117331},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "interfaces", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [510.0, 510.0, 510.0], "totalTime": [525.0, 525.0, 525.0], "svcQsize":
- [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [242.0, 242.0, 242.0], "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0],
- "rxBytes": [241993.0, 241993.0, 241993.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652621117346}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "interfaces",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [525.0, 525.0, 525.0], "totalTime": [541.0, 541.0,
- 541.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [244.0, 244.0, 244.0], "nodeQsize":
- [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes": [42858.0, 42858.0, 42858.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117362}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "service":
- "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [541.0, 541.0, 541.0], "totalTime": [556.0,
- 556.0, 556.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [246.0, 246.0, 246.0],
- "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes": [42886.0, 42886.0, 42886.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117377}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02", "service":
- "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [556.0, 556.0, 556.0], "totalTime": [571.0,
- 571.0, 571.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [248.0, 248.0, 248.0],
- "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes": [42883.0, 42883.0, 42883.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117392}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service":
- "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [571.0, 571.0, 571.0], "totalTime": [586.0,
- 586.0, 586.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [250.0, 250.0, 250.0],
- "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes": [42866.0, 42866.0, 42866.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117407}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service":
- "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [586.0, 586.0, 586.0], "totalTime": [601.0,
- 601.0, 601.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [252.0, 252.0, 252.0],
- "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes": [43643.0, 43643.0, 43643.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117422}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service":
- "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [601.0, 601.0, 601.0], "totalTime": [616.0,
- 616.0, 616.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [254.0, 254.0, 254.0],
- "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes": [43657.0, 43657.0, 43657.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117437}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
- "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [616.0, 616.0, 616.0], "totalTime": [630.0,
- 630.0, 630.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [256.0, 256.0, 256.0],
- "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes": [38760.0, 38760.0, 38760.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117451}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service":
- "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [630.0, 630.0, 630.0], "totalTime": [644.0,
- 644.0, 644.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [258.0, 258.0, 258.0],
- "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes": [38760.0, 38760.0, 38760.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117465}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01",
- "service": "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [644.0, 644.0, 644.0], "totalTime":
- [646.0, 646.0, 646.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [260.0, 260.0,
- 260.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [696.0, 696.0, 696.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117467}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302",
- "service": "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [646.0, 646.0, 646.0], "totalTime":
- [649.0, 649.0, 649.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [262.0, 262.0,
- 262.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [695.0, 695.0, 695.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117470}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301",
- "service": "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [649.0, 649.0, 649.0], "totalTime":
- [652.0, 652.0, 652.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [264.0, 264.0,
- 264.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [695.0, 695.0, 695.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117473}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101",
- "service": "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [652.0, 652.0, 652.0], "totalTime":
- [655.0, 655.0, 655.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [266.0, 266.0,
- 266.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [695.0, 695.0, 695.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117476}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102",
- "service": "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [655.0, 655.0, 655.0], "totalTime":
- [658.0, 658.0, 658.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [268.0, 268.0,
- 268.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [694.0, 694.0, 694.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117479}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
- "service": "evpnVni", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [658.0, 658.0, 658.0], "totalTime":
- [661.0, 661.0, 661.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [269.0, 269.0,
- 269.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "rxBytes": [1194.0, 1194.0, 1194.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117482}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "firewall01", "service": "evpnVni", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [662.0, 662.0,
- 662.0], "totalTime": [665.0, 665.0, 665.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize":
- [270.0, 270.0, 270.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "rxBytes": [221.0, 221.0,
- 221.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117486}, {"namespace": "nxos",
- "hostname": "exit01", "service": "evpnVni", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [665.0,
- 665.0, 665.0], "totalTime": [668.0, 668.0, 668.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0],
- "wrQsize": [272.0, 272.0, 272.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "rxBytes":
- [2106.0, 2106.0, 2106.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117489},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "service": "evpnVni", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [668.0, 668.0, 668.0], "totalTime": [672.0, 672.0, 672.0], "svcQsize":
- [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [274.0, 274.0, 274.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0],
- "rxBytes": [2536.0, 2536.0, 2536.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117493},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "evpnVni", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [672.0, 672.0, 672.0], "totalTime": [676.0, 676.0, 676.0], "svcQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [276.0, 276.0, 276.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0],
- "rxBytes": [2536.0, 2536.0, 2536.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117497},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "evpnVni", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [676.0, 676.0, 676.0], "totalTime": [680.0, 680.0, 680.0], "svcQsize":
- [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [278.0, 278.0, 278.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0],
- "rxBytes": [2106.0, 2106.0, 2106.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117501},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02", "service": "evpnVni", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [680.0, 680.0, 680.0], "totalTime": [683.0, 683.0, 683.0], "svcQsize":
- [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [280.0, 280.0, 280.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0],
- "rxBytes": [2536.0, 2536.0, 2536.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117504},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service": "evpnVni", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [683.0, 683.0, 683.0], "totalTime": [687.0, 687.0, 687.0], "svcQsize":
- [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [282.0, 282.0, 282.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0],
- "rxBytes": [2536.0, 2536.0, 2536.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117508},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [687.0, 687.0, 687.0], "totalTime": [690.0, 690.0, 690.0], "svcQsize": [13.0,
- 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [284.0, 284.0, 284.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0],
- "rxBytes": [1700.0, 1700.0, 1700.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117511},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [690.0, 690.0, 690.0], "totalTime": [692.0, 692.0, 692.0], "svcQsize": [12.0,
- 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [286.0, 286.0, 286.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0],
- "rxBytes": [1873.0, 1873.0, 1873.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117513},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [692.0, 692.0, 692.0], "totalTime": [695.0, 695.0, 695.0], "svcQsize": [11.0,
- 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [288.0, 288.0, 288.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0],
- "rxBytes": [1872.0, 1872.0, 1872.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117516},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [695.0, 695.0, 695.0], "totalTime": [697.0, 697.0, 697.0], "svcQsize": [10.0,
- 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [290.0, 290.0, 290.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0],
- "rxBytes": [1701.0, 1701.0, 1701.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117518},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [697.0, 697.0, 697.0], "totalTime": [700.0, 700.0, 700.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0,
- 9.0], "wrQsize": [292.0, 292.0, 292.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0], "rxBytes":
- [1699.0, 1699.0, 1699.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117521},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [700.0, 700.0, 700.0], "totalTime": [703.0, 703.0, 703.0], "svcQsize":
- [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [294.0, 294.0, 294.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0],
- "rxBytes": [1851.0, 1851.0, 1851.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117524},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [703.0, 703.0, 703.0], "totalTime": [706.0, 706.0, 706.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0,
- 7.0], "wrQsize": [296.0, 296.0, 296.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0], "rxBytes":
- [1701.0, 1701.0, 1701.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117527},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [706.0, 706.0, 706.0], "totalTime": [709.0, 709.0, 709.0], "svcQsize":
- [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [298.0, 298.0, 298.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0],
- "rxBytes": [1850.0, 1850.0, 1850.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117530},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "arpnd", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [709.0, 709.0, 709.0], "totalTime": [711.0, 711.0, 711.0], "svcQsize":
- [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [300.0, 300.0, 300.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0],
- "rxBytes": [680.0, 680.0, 680.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117532},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [711.0, 711.0, 711.0], "totalTime": [714.0, 714.0, 714.0], "svcQsize":
- [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [302.0, 302.0, 302.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0],
- "rxBytes": [362.0, 362.0, 362.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117535},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [714.0, 714.0, 714.0], "totalTime": [716.0, 716.0, 716.0], "svcQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [304.0, 304.0, 304.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0],
- "rxBytes": [307.0, 307.0, 307.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117537},
+ "gatherTime": [498.0, 498.0, 498.0], "totalTime": [504.0, 504.0, 504.0], "svcQsize":
+ [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [130.0, 130.0, 130.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0,
+ 9.0], "rxBytes": [4983.0, 4983.0, 4983.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656299073}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02", "service": "device",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [504.0, 504.0, 504.0], "totalTime": [509.0, 509.0,
+ 509.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [132.0, 132.0, 132.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [1621.0, 1621.0, 1621.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656299078}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "service":
+ "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [509.0, 509.0, 509.0], "totalTime": [515.0,
+ 515.0, 515.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [134.0, 134.0, 134.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [1622.0, 1622.0, 1622.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299084}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service":
+ "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [515.0, 515.0, 515.0], "totalTime": [520.0,
+ 520.0, 520.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [136.0, 136.0, 136.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [1621.0, 1621.0, 1621.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299089}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service":
+ "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [520.0, 520.0, 520.0], "totalTime": [525.0,
+ 525.0, 525.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [138.0, 138.0, 138.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [1622.0, 1622.0, 1622.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299094}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service":
+ "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [525.0, 525.0, 525.0], "totalTime": [531.0,
+ 531.0, 531.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [140.0, 140.0, 140.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [1620.0, 1620.0, 1620.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299100}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service":
+ "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [531.0, 531.0, 531.0], "totalTime": [536.0,
+ 536.0, 536.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [142.0, 142.0, 142.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [1622.0, 1622.0, 1622.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299105}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service":
+ "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [536.0, 536.0, 536.0], "totalTime": [541.0,
+ 541.0, 541.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [144.0, 144.0, 144.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [1623.0, 1623.0, 1623.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299110}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
+ "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [541.0, 541.0, 541.0], "totalTime": [546.0,
+ 546.0, 546.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [146.0, 146.0, 146.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [1623.0, 1623.0, 1623.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299115}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01",
+ "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [546.0, 546.0, 546.0], "totalTime":
+ [551.0, 551.0, 551.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [148.0, 148.0,
+ 148.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [565.0, 565.0, 565.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299120}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302",
+ "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [551.0, 551.0, 551.0], "totalTime":
+ [556.0, 556.0, 556.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [150.0, 150.0,
+ 150.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [562.0, 562.0, 562.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299125}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301",
+ "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [556.0, 556.0, 556.0], "totalTime":
+ [561.0, 561.0, 561.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [152.0, 152.0,
+ 152.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [562.0, 562.0, 562.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299130}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102",
+ "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [561.0, 561.0, 561.0], "totalTime":
+ [566.0, 566.0, 566.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [154.0, 154.0,
+ 154.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [561.0, 561.0, 561.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299135}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101",
+ "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [567.0, 567.0, 567.0], "totalTime":
+ [571.0, 571.0, 571.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [156.0, 156.0,
+ 156.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [562.0, 562.0, 562.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299140}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302",
+ "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [571.0, 571.0, 571.0], "totalTime":
+ [575.0, 575.0, 575.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [157.0, 157.0,
+ 157.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [220.0, 220.0, 220.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299144}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01",
+ "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [575.0, 575.0, 575.0], "totalTime":
+ [578.0, 578.0, 578.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [158.0, 158.0,
+ 158.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [221.0, 221.0, 221.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299147}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301",
+ "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [578.0, 578.0, 578.0], "totalTime":
+ [582.0, 582.0, 582.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [159.0, 159.0,
+ 159.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [220.0, 220.0, 220.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299151}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102",
+ "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [582.0, 582.0, 582.0], "totalTime":
+ [585.0, 585.0, 585.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [160.0, 160.0,
+ 160.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [219.0, 219.0, 219.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299154}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101",
+ "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [585.0, 585.0, 585.0], "totalTime":
+ [588.0, 588.0, 588.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [161.0, 161.0,
+ 161.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [220.0, 220.0, 220.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299157}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
+ "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [589.0, 589.0, 589.0], "totalTime":
+ [592.0, 592.0, 592.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [163.0, 163.0,
+ 163.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [2623.0, 2623.0, 2623.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299161}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "exit02", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [592.0, 592.0, 592.0],
+ "totalTime": [596.0, 596.0, 596.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [165.0,
+ 165.0, 165.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [1362.0, 1362.0, 1362.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299165}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "leaf04", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [596.0, 596.0, 596.0],
+ "totalTime": [599.0, 599.0, 599.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [167.0,
+ 167.0, 167.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [1920.0, 1920.0, 1920.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299168}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "exit01", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [599.0, 599.0, 599.0],
+ "totalTime": [603.0, 603.0, 603.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [169.0,
+ 169.0, 169.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [1362.0, 1362.0, 1362.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299172}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "spine01", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [603.0, 603.0, 603.0],
+ "totalTime": [607.0, 607.0, 607.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [171.0,
+ 171.0, 171.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [1184.0, 1184.0, 1184.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299176}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "leaf03", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [607.0, 607.0, 607.0],
+ "totalTime": [610.0, 610.0, 610.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [173.0,
+ 173.0, 173.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [1920.0, 1920.0, 1920.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299179}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "spine02", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [610.0, 610.0, 610.0],
+ "totalTime": [614.0, 614.0, 614.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [175.0,
+ 175.0, 175.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [1184.0, 1184.0, 1184.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299183}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "leaf01", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [614.0, 614.0, 614.0],
+ "totalTime": [618.0, 618.0, 618.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [177.0,
+ 177.0, 177.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [1920.0, 1920.0, 1920.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299187}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "leaf02", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [618.0, 618.0, 618.0],
+ "totalTime": [621.0, 621.0, 621.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [179.0,
+ 179.0, 179.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [1920.0, 1920.0, 1920.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299190}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "dcedge01", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1590.0, 1590.0, 1590.0],
+ "totalTime": [1595.0, 1595.0, 1595.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize":
+ [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [3398.0, 3398.0, 3398.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656300164}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "firewall01", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1595.0, 1595.0,
+ 1595.0], "totalTime": [1599.0, 1599.0, 1599.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0],
+ "wrQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [680.0, 680.0,
+ 680.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656300168}, {"namespace": "nxos",
+ "hostname": "server302", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1599.0,
+ 1599.0, 1599.0], "totalTime": [1603.0, 1603.0, 1603.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0,
+ 11.0], "wrQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [362.0,
+ 362.0, 362.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656300172}, {"namespace":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
+ [1603.0, 1603.0, 1603.0], "totalTime": [1607.0, 1607.0, 1607.0], "svcQsize": [10.0,
+ 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
+ [307.0, 307.0, 307.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656300176},
{"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [716.0, 716.0, 716.0], "totalTime": [718.0, 718.0, 718.0], "svcQsize":
- [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [306.0, 306.0, 306.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0],
- "rxBytes": [357.0, 357.0, 357.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117539},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [718.0, 718.0, 718.0], "totalTime": [721.0, 721.0, 721.0], "svcQsize":
- [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [308.0, 308.0, 308.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0],
- "rxBytes": [307.0, 307.0, 307.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117542},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [721.0, 721.0, 721.0], "totalTime": [723.0, 723.0, 723.0], "svcQsize":
- [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [310.0, 310.0, 310.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0],
- "rxBytes": [3398.0, 3398.0, 3398.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117544}]'
+ "gatherTime": [1607.0, 1607.0, 1607.0], "totalTime": [1611.0, 1611.0, 1611.0],
+ "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0,
+ 0.0], "rxBytes": [357.0, 357.0, 357.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656300180}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "arpnd",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1611.0, 1611.0, 1611.0], "totalTime": [1614.0, 1614.0,
+ 1614.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [307.0, 307.0, 307.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656300183}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "arpnd",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1614.0, 1614.0, 1614.0], "totalTime": [1619.0, 1619.0,
+ 1619.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [1700.0, 1700.0, 1700.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300188}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service":
+ "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1619.0, 1619.0, 1619.0], "totalTime": [1623.0,
+ 1623.0, 1623.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [1873.0, 1873.0, 1873.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300192}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service":
+ "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1623.0, 1623.0, 1623.0], "totalTime": [1627.0,
+ 1627.0, 1627.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [1872.0, 1872.0, 1872.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300196}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "service":
+ "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1627.0, 1627.0, 1627.0], "totalTime": [1632.0,
+ 1632.0, 1632.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [19.0, 19.0, 19.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [1701.0, 1701.0, 1701.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300201}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02", "service":
+ "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1632.0, 1632.0, 1632.0], "totalTime": [1636.0,
+ 1636.0, 1636.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [21.0, 21.0, 21.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [1699.0, 1699.0, 1699.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300205}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service":
+ "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1636.0, 1636.0, 1636.0], "totalTime": [1640.0,
+ 1640.0, 1640.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [23.0, 23.0, 23.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [1851.0, 1851.0, 1851.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300209}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service":
+ "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1640.0, 1640.0, 1640.0], "totalTime": [1644.0,
+ 1644.0, 1644.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [25.0, 25.0, 25.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [1701.0, 1701.0, 1701.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300213}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
+ "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1644.0, 1644.0, 1644.0], "totalTime": [1649.0,
+ 1649.0, 1649.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [27.0, 27.0, 27.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [1850.0, 1850.0, 1850.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300218}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service":
+ "ospfIf", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1649.0, 1649.0, 1649.0], "totalTime": [1656.0,
+ 1656.0, 1656.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [28.0, 28.0, 28.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [226.0, 226.0, 226.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656300225}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "ospfIf",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1656.0, 1656.0, 1656.0], "totalTime": [1663.0, 1663.0,
+ 1663.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [29.0, 29.0, 29.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [648.0, 648.0, 648.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656300232}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "ospfIf",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1663.0, 1663.0, 1663.0], "totalTime": [1671.0, 1671.0,
+ 1671.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [31.0, 31.0, 31.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [2928.0, 2928.0, 2928.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300240}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02", "service":
+ "ospfIf", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1671.0, 1671.0, 1671.0], "totalTime": [1679.0,
+ 1679.0, 1679.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [33.0, 33.0, 33.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [2928.0, 2928.0, 2928.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300249}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "service":
+ "ospfIf", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1680.0, 1680.0, 1680.0], "totalTime": [1688.0,
+ 1688.0, 1688.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [35.0, 35.0, 35.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [2928.0, 2928.0, 2928.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300257}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service":
+ "ospfIf", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1688.0, 1688.0, 1688.0], "totalTime": [1696.0,
+ 1696.0, 1696.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [37.0, 37.0, 37.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [4826.0, 4826.0, 4826.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300265}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service":
+ "ospfIf", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1696.0, 1696.0, 1696.0], "totalTime": [1704.0,
+ 1704.0, 1704.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [39.0, 39.0, 39.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [2927.0, 2927.0, 2927.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300273}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service":
+ "ospfIf", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1704.0, 1704.0, 1704.0], "totalTime": [1712.0,
+ 1712.0, 1712.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [41.0, 41.0, 41.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [2927.0, 2927.0, 2927.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300281}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service":
+ "ospfIf", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1712.0, 1712.0, 1712.0], "totalTime": [1720.0,
+ 1720.0, 1720.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [43.0, 43.0, 43.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [2928.0, 2928.0, 2928.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300289}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
+ "ospfIf", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1720.0, 1720.0, 1720.0], "totalTime": [1728.0,
+ 1728.0, 1728.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [45.0, 45.0, 45.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [4826.0, 4826.0, 4826.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300297}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service":
+ "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1728.0, 1728.0, 1728.0], "totalTime": [1739.0,
+ 1739.0, 1739.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [47.0, 47.0, 47.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [39845.0, 39845.0, 39845.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300308}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service":
+ "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1739.0, 1739.0, 1739.0], "totalTime": [1754.0,
+ 1754.0, 1754.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [49.0, 49.0, 49.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [17796.0, 17796.0, 17796.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300323}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "service":
+ "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1754.0, 1754.0, 1754.0], "totalTime": [1765.0,
+ 1765.0, 1765.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [51.0, 51.0, 51.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [11527.0, 11527.0, 11527.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300334}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service":
+ "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1765.0, 1765.0, 1765.0], "totalTime": [1777.0,
+ 1777.0, 1777.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [53.0, 53.0, 53.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [11527.0, 11527.0, 11527.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300346}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service":
+ "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1777.0, 1777.0, 1777.0], "totalTime": [1786.0,
+ 1786.0, 1786.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [55.0, 55.0, 55.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [6401.0, 6401.0, 6401.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300355}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service":
+ "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1786.0, 1786.0, 1786.0], "totalTime": [1800.0,
+ 1800.0, 1800.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [57.0, 57.0, 57.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [17793.0, 17793.0, 17793.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300369}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02", "service":
+ "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1800.0, 1800.0, 1800.0], "totalTime": [1812.0,
+ 1812.0, 1812.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [59.0, 59.0, 59.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [11527.0, 11527.0, 11527.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300381}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service":
+ "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1812.0, 1812.0, 1812.0], "totalTime": [1823.0,
+ 1823.0, 1823.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [61.0, 61.0, 61.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [11527.0, 11527.0, 11527.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300392}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
+ "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1823.0, 1823.0, 1823.0], "totalTime": [1832.0,
+ 1832.0, 1832.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [63.0, 63.0, 63.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [6401.0, 6401.0, 6401.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300401}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "service":
+ "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1832.0, 1832.0, 1832.0], "totalTime": [1839.0,
+ 1839.0, 1839.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [65.0, 65.0, 65.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [1761.0, 1761.0, 1761.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300409}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service":
+ "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1840.0, 1840.0, 1840.0], "totalTime": [1848.0,
+ 1848.0, 1848.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [67.0, 67.0, 67.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [4707.0, 4707.0, 4707.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300417}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "service":
+ "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1848.0, 1848.0, 1848.0], "totalTime": [1856.0,
+ 1856.0, 1856.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [69.0, 69.0, 69.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [1761.0, 1761.0, 1761.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300425}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102", "service":
+ "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1856.0, 1856.0, 1856.0], "totalTime": [1863.0,
+ 1863.0, 1863.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [71.0, 71.0, 71.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [1754.0, 1754.0, 1754.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300432}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101", "service":
+ "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1863.0, 1863.0, 1863.0], "totalTime": [1870.0,
+ 1870.0, 1870.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [73.0, 73.0, 73.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [1762.0, 1762.0, 1762.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300439}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "service":
+ "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1870.0, 1870.0, 1870.0], "totalTime": [1876.0,
+ 1876.0, 1876.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [75.0, 75.0, 75.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [1324.0, 1324.0, 1324.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300445}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301",
+ "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1876.0, 1876.0, 1876.0], "totalTime":
+ [1882.0, 1882.0, 1882.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [77.0, 77.0,
+ 77.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [1324.0, 1324.0, 1324.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300451}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01",
+ "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1882.0, 1882.0, 1882.0], "totalTime":
+ [1888.0, 1888.0, 1888.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [79.0, 79.0,
+ 79.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [1699.0, 1699.0, 1699.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300457}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102",
+ "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1888.0, 1888.0, 1888.0], "totalTime":
+ [1895.0, 1895.0, 1895.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [81.0, 81.0,
+ 81.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [1323.0, 1323.0, 1323.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300464}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101",
+ "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1895.0, 1895.0, 1895.0], "totalTime":
+ [1901.0, 1901.0, 1901.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [83.0, 83.0,
+ 83.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [1324.0, 1324.0, 1324.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300470}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
+ "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1901.0, 1901.0, 1901.0], "totalTime":
+ [1906.0, 1906.0, 1906.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [84.0, 84.0,
+ 84.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [303.0, 303.0, 303.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300475}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
+ "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1906.0, 1906.0, 1906.0], "totalTime": [1911.0,
+ 1911.0, 1911.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [86.0, 86.0, 86.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [411.0, 411.0, 411.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656300480}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "macs",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1911.0, 1911.0, 1911.0], "totalTime": [1916.0, 1916.0,
+ 1916.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [88.0, 88.0, 88.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [1349.0, 1349.0, 1349.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300485}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service":
+ "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1916.0, 1916.0, 1916.0], "totalTime": [1921.0,
+ 1921.0, 1921.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [90.0, 90.0, 90.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [2589.0, 2589.0, 2589.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300490}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service":
+ "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1921.0, 1921.0, 1921.0], "totalTime": [1926.0,
+ 1926.0, 1926.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [92.0, 92.0, 92.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [1349.0, 1349.0, 1349.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300495}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02", "service":
+ "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1926.0, 1926.0, 1926.0], "totalTime": [1932.0,
+ 1932.0, 1932.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [94.0, 94.0, 94.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [2589.0, 2589.0, 2589.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300501}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service":
+ "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1932.0, 1932.0, 1932.0], "totalTime": [1937.0,
+ 1937.0, 1937.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [96.0, 96.0, 96.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [411.0, 411.0, 411.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656300506}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "service": "macs",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1937.0, 1937.0, 1937.0], "totalTime": [1942.0, 1942.0,
+ 1942.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [98.0, 98.0, 98.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [2589.0, 2589.0, 2589.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300511}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service":
+ "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1942.0, 1942.0, 1942.0], "totalTime": [1948.0,
+ 1948.0, 1948.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [100.0, 100.0, 100.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [2589.0, 2589.0, 2589.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300517}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service":
+ "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1948.0, 1948.0, 1948.0], "totalTime": [1963.0,
+ 1963.0, 1963.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [102.0, 102.0, 102.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [10401.0, 10401.0, 10401.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300532}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service":
+ "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1963.0, 1963.0, 1963.0], "totalTime": [1979.0,
+ 1979.0, 1979.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [104.0, 104.0, 104.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [23871.0, 23871.0, 23871.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300548}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service":
+ "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1979.0, 1979.0, 1979.0], "totalTime": [1997.0,
+ 1997.0, 1997.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [106.0, 106.0, 106.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [26901.0, 26901.0, 26901.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300566}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02", "service":
+ "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1997.0, 1997.0, 1997.0], "totalTime": [2012.0,
+ 2012.0, 2012.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [108.0, 108.0, 108.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [10401.0, 10401.0, 10401.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300581}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service":
+ "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [2012.0, 2012.0, 2012.0], "totalTime": [2028.0,
+ 2028.0, 2028.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [110.0, 110.0, 110.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [23932.0, 23932.0, 23932.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300597}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "service":
+ "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [2028.0, 2028.0, 2028.0], "totalTime": [2043.0,
+ 2043.0, 2043.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [112.0, 112.0, 112.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [10401.0, 10401.0, 10401.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300612}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
+ "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [2043.0, 2043.0, 2043.0], "totalTime": [2061.0,
+ 2061.0, 2061.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [114.0, 114.0, 114.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [26913.0, 26913.0, 26913.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300630}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service":
+ "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [2061.0, 2061.0, 2061.0], "totalTime": [2076.0,
+ 2076.0, 2076.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [116.0, 116.0, 116.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [10400.0, 10400.0, 10400.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300645}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01",
+ "service": "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [2076.0, 2076.0, 2076.0], "totalTime":
+ [2091.0, 2091.0, 2091.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [118.0, 118.0,
+ 118.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [21554.0, 21554.0, 21554.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656300660}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "dcedge01", "service": "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [2091.0, 2091.0, 2091.0],
+ "totalTime": [2106.0, 2106.0, 2106.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize":
+ [120.0, 120.0, 120.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [27779.0, 27779.0,
+ 27779.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656300675}]'
diff --git a/tests/integration/sqcmds/common-samples/deprecated.yml b/tests/integration/sqcmds/common-samples/deprecated.yml
index 31d9f3c110..e20aa284de 100644
--- a/tests/integration/sqcmds/common-samples/deprecated.yml
+++ b/tests/integration/sqcmds/common-samples/deprecated.yml
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ tests:
\ eos 14 ... True 2022-05-15 04:05:01.207000+00:00\n3 \
\ junos 12 ... False 2022-05-15 04:05:01.227000+00:00\n4 mixed\
\ 8 ... False 2022-05-15 04:05:00.852000+00:00\n5 nxos \
- \ 14 ... True 2022-05-15 13:25:17.544000+00:00\n6 ospf-ibgp \
+ \ 14 ... True 2022-07-24 09:51:40.675000+00:00\n6 ospf-ibgp \
\ 14 ... True 2022-05-15 04:05:00.802000+00:00\n7 ospf-single \
\ 14 ... False 2022-05-15 04:07:17.124000+00:00\n8 panos \
\ 14 ... True 2022-05-15 04:05:01.957000+00:00\n9 vmx 5\
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ tests:
\ panos 14 ... True 2022-05-15 04:05:01.957000+00:00\n1 ospf-single\
\ 14 ... False 2022-05-15 04:07:17.124000+00:00\n2 ospf-ibgp \
\ 14 ... True 2022-05-15 04:05:00.802000+00:00\n3 nxos \
- \ 14 ... True 2022-05-15 13:25:17.544000+00:00\n4 eos \
+ \ 14 ... True 2022-07-24 09:51:40.675000+00:00\n4 eos \
\ 14 ... True 2022-05-15 04:05:01.207000+00:00\n\n[5 rows x 9 columns]\n"
- command: network unique
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
diff --git a/tests/integration/sqcmds/common-samples/describe.yml b/tests/integration/sqcmds/common-samples/describe.yml
index 0b3ab9d5f9..5dffab34cf 100644
--- a/tests/integration/sqcmds/common-samples/describe.yml
+++ b/tests/integration/sqcmds/common-samples/describe.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
description: Testing describe across all tables
- command: address describe --format=json
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: address describe
output: '[{"name": "active", "type": "boolean", "key": "", "display": "", "description":
"If this entry is active or deleted"}, {"name": "hostname", "type": "string",
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ tests:
{"name": "vlan", "type": "long", "key": "", "display": "", "description": ""},
{"name": "vrf", "type": "string", "key": "", "display": 7, "description": ""}]'
- command: arpnd describe --format=json
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: arpnd describe
output: '[{"name": "active", "type": "boolean", "key": "", "display": "", "description":
"If this entry is active or deleted"}, {"name": "hostname", "type": "string",
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ tests:
"key": "", "display": 7, "description": "Unix epach When this record was created,
in ms"}]'
- command: bgp describe --format=json
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: bgp describe
output: '[{"name": "active", "type": "boolean", "key": "", "display": "", "description":
"If this entry is active or deleted"}, {"name": "advertiseAllVnis", "type": "boolean",
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ tests:
{"name": "vrf", "type": "string", "key": 2, "display": 2, "description": "VRF
associated with session"}]'
- command: devconfig describe --format=json
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: devconfig describe
output: '[{"name": "active", "type": "boolean", "key": "", "display": "", "description":
"If this entry is active or deleted"}, {"name": "config", "type": "string", "key":
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ tests:
"timestamp", "type": "timestamp", "key": "", "display": 2, "description": "Unix
epach When this record was created, in ms"}]'
- command: device describe --format=json
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: device describe
output: '[{"name": "active", "type": "boolean", "key": "", "display": "", "description":
"If this entry is active or deleted"}, {"name": "address", "type": "string", "key":
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ tests:
""}, {"name": "version", "type": "string", "key": "", "display": 3, "description":
- command: evpnVni describe --format=json
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: evpnVni describe
output: '[{"name": "active", "type": "boolean", "key": "", "display": "", "description":
"If this entry is active or deleted"}, {"name": "advGateway", "type": "boolean",
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ tests:
"vniFilter", "type": "string", "key": "", "display": "", "description": ""}, {"name":
"vrf", "type": "string", "key": "", "display": "", "description": ""}]'
- command: fs describe --format=json
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: fs describe
output: '[{"name": "active", "type": "boolean", "key": "", "display": "", "description":
"If this entry is active or deleted"}, {"name": "availSize", "type": "string",
@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ tests:
"usedSize", "type": "string", "key": "", "display": 4, "description": "Used space
on partition"}]'
- command: interface describe --format=json
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: interface describe
output: '[{"name": "active", "type": "boolean", "key": "", "display": "", "description":
"If this entry is active or deleted"}, {"name": "adminState", "type": "string",
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ tests:
if assigned"}, {"name": "vni", "type": "int", "key": "", "display": "", "description":
"Virtual Network ID, if provided"}]'
- command: inventory describe --format=json
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: inventory describe
output: '[{"name": "active", "type": "boolean", "key": "", "display": "", "description":
"If this entry is active or deleted"}, {"name": "hostname", "type": "string",
@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ tests:
vendor of entry"}, {"name": "version", "type": "string", "key": "", "display":
7, "description": "Version number of inventory"}]'
- command: lldp describe --format=json
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: lldp describe
output: '[{"name": "active", "type": "boolean", "key": "", "display": "", "description":
"If this entry is active or deleted"}, {"name": "description", "type": "string",
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ tests:
"subtype indicating peer interface identifier, mac/name etc."}, {"name": "timestamp",
"type": "timestamp", "key": "", "display": 7, "description": ""}]'
- command: mac describe --format=json
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: mac describe
output: '[{"name": "active", "type": "boolean", "key": "", "display": "", "description":
"If this entry is active or deleted"}, {"name": "bd", "type": "string", "key":
@@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ tests:
"key": "", "display": 8, "description": ""}, {"name": "vlan", "type": "long",
"key": "", "display": 2, "description": "VLAN ID"}]'
- command: mlag describe --format=json
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: mlag describe
output: '[{"name": "active", "type": "boolean", "key": "", "display": "", "description":
"If this entry is active or deleted"}, {"name": "backupActive", "type": "boolean",
@@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ tests:
"string", "key": "", "display": "", "description": "Anycast VTEP IP address, if
- command: namespace describe --format=json
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: namespace describe
output: '[{"name": "active", "type": "boolean", "key": "", "display": "", "description":
""}, {"name": "deviceCnt", "type": "long", "key": "", "display": 1, "description":
@@ -398,37 +398,39 @@ tests:
of services polled in this namespace"}, {"name": "sqvers", "type": "string", "key":
"", "display": "", "description": "Schema version, not selectable"}]'
- command: path describe --format=json
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: path describe
output: '[{"name": "hopCount", "type": "long", "key": "", "display": 2, "description":
- "unique hop within a path, can be L2 or L3 path"}, {"name": "hostname", "type":
- "string", "key": "", "display": 4, "description": "hostname associated with this
- hop"}, {"name": "iif", "type": "string", "key": "", "display": 5, "description":
- "incoming interface on the host"}, {"name": "inMtu", "type": "long", "key": "",
- "display": 11, "description": "MTU of the incoming interface"}, {"name": "ipLookup",
- "type": "string", "key": "", "display": 14, "description": "address used to lookup
- routing table for nexthop"}, {"name": "isL2", "type": "boolean", "key": "", "display":
- 8, "description": "True if this is an L2 hop"}, {"name": "macLookup", "type":
- "string", "key": "", "display": 16, "description": "MAC address used to lookup
- for L2 nexthop"}, {"name": "mtuMatch", "type": "boolean", "key": "", "display":
- 10, "description": "True if the MTU of peering interfaces match"}, {"name": "namespace",
- "type": "string", "key": "", "display": 3, "description": "namespace within which
- path analysis is run"}, {"name": "nexthopIp", "type": "string", "key": "", "display":
- 14, "description": "IP address of routing nexthop"}, {"name": "oif", "type": "string",
- "key": "", "display": 6, "description": "incoming interface on the host"}, {"name":
- "outMtu", "type": "long", "key": "", "display": 12, "description": "MTU of the
- outgoing interface"}, {"name": "overlay", "type": "boolean", "key": "", "display":
- 9, "description": "True if packet is tunneled"}, {"name": "pathid", "type": "long",
- "key": "", "display": 1, "description": "identifies each unique path"}, {"name":
- "protocol", "type": "string", "key": "", "display": 13, "description": "protocol
- used to populate used route"}, {"name": "sqvers", "type": "string", "key": "",
- "display": "", "description": "Schema version, not selectable"}, {"name": "timestamp",
- "type": "timestamp", "key": "", "display": 17, "description": ""}, {"name": "vrf",
- "type": "string", "key": "", "display": 7, "description": "VRF used to do lookup,
- ignored on L2 hop"}, {"name": "vtepLookup", "type": "string", "key": "", "display":
- 15, "description": "vtep IP address used to lookup underlay route"}]'
+ "unique hop within a path, can be L2 or L3 path"}, {"name": "hopError", "type":
+ "string", "key": "", "display": 15, "description": "Hop-specific error such as
+ MTU mismatch"}, {"name": "hostname", "type": "string", "key": "", "display": 4,
+ "description": "hostname associated with this hop"}, {"name": "iif", "type": "string",
+ "key": "", "display": 5, "description": "incoming interface on the host"}, {"name":
+ "inMtu", "type": "long", "key": "", "display": 11, "description": "MTU of the
+ incoming interface"}, {"name": "ipLookup", "type": "string", "key": "", "display":
+ 14, "description": "address used to lookup routing table for nexthop"}, {"name":
+ "isL2", "type": "boolean", "key": "", "display": 8, "description": "True if this
+ is an L2 hop"}, {"name": "macLookup", "type": "string", "key": "", "display":
+ 16, "description": "MAC address used to lookup for L2 nexthop"}, {"name": "mtuMatch",
+ "type": "boolean", "key": "", "display": 10, "description": "True if the MTU of
+ peering interfaces match"}, {"name": "namespace", "type": "string", "key": "",
+ "display": 3, "description": "namespace within which path analysis is run"}, {"name":
+ "nexthopIp", "type": "string", "key": "", "display": 14, "description": "IP address
+ of routing nexthop"}, {"name": "oif", "type": "string", "key": "", "display":
+ 6, "description": "incoming interface on the host"}, {"name": "outMtu", "type":
+ "long", "key": "", "display": 12, "description": "MTU of the outgoing interface"},
+ {"name": "overlay", "type": "boolean", "key": "", "display": 9, "description":
+ "True if packet is tunneled"}, {"name": "pathid", "type": "long", "key": "", "display":
+ 1, "description": "identifies each unique path"}, {"name": "protocol", "type":
+ "string", "key": "", "display": 13, "description": "protocol used to populate
+ used route"}, {"name": "sqvers", "type": "string", "key": "", "display": "", "description":
+ "Schema version, not selectable"}, {"name": "timestamp", "type": "timestamp",
+ "key": "", "display": 17, "description": ""}, {"name": "vrf", "type": "string",
+ "key": "", "display": 7, "description": "VRF used to do lookup, ignored on L2
+ hop"}, {"name": "vtepLookup", "type": "string", "key": "", "display": 15, "description":
+ "vtep IP address used to lookup underlay route"}]'
- command: ospf describe --format=json
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: ospf describe
output: '[{"name": "active", "type": "boolean", "key": "", "display": "", "description":
"If this entry is active or deleted"}, {"name": "adjState", "type": "string",
@@ -480,7 +482,7 @@ tests:
"timestamp", "key": "", "display": 12, "description": ""}, {"name": "vrf", "type":
"string", "key": 2, "display": 2, "description": "The OSPF instance VRF"}]'
- command: route describe --format=json
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: route describe
output: '[{"name": "action", "type": "string", "key": "", "display": 10, "description":
"Action taken on this route: forward, blackhole etc"}, {"name": "active", "type":
@@ -520,32 +522,32 @@ tests:
"weight", "type": "long"}}, "key": "", "display": "", "description": "List of
weights associated with nexthop"}]'
- command: topology describe --format=json
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: topology describe
output: '[{"name": "area", "type": "string", "key": "", "display": 9, "description":
"OSPF area in OSPF peering"}, {"name": "arpnd", "type": "bool", "key": "", "display":
10, "description": "Is the peer connected via ARP"}, {"name": "arpndBidir", "type":
"bool", "key": "", "display": 11, "description": "Is the ARP peering bidirecttonal"},
- {"name": "asn", "type": "string", "key": "", "display": 7, "description": "BGP
- ASN for BGP peering"}, {"name": "bgp", "type": "bool", "key": "", "display": 12,
- "description": "Is the peer connected via BGP"}, {"name": "hostname", "type":
- "string", "key": "", "display": 2, "description": "Hostname associated with this
- record"}, {"name": "ifname", "type": "string", "key": "", "display": 3, "description":
- "Interface that the host is connected on, discovered through lldp"}, {"name":
- "lldp", "type": "bool", "key": "", "display": 13, "description": "Is the peer
- connected via LLDP"}, {"name": "namespace", "type": "string", "key": "", "display":
- 1, "description": "Namespace associated with this record"}, {"name": "ospf", "type":
- "bool", "key": "", "display": 14, "description": "Is the perr connected via OSPF"},
- {"name": "peerAsn", "type": "string", "key": "", "display": 8, "description":
- "BGP peerASN in BGP peering"}, {"name": "peerHostname", "type": "string", "key":
- "", "display": 4, "description": "Name of the other side of the connection"},
- {"name": "polled", "type": "bool", "key": "", "display": 15, "description": "is
- this peerHostname polled by Suzieq"}, {"name": "sqvers", "type": "string", "key":
- "", "display": "", "description": "Schema version, not selectable"}, {"name":
- "vrf", "type": "string", "key": "", "display": 6, "description": "VRF that the
- connection is in"}]'
+ {"name": "asn", "type": "long", "key": "", "display": 7, "description": "BGP ASN
+ for BGP peering"}, {"name": "bgp", "type": "bool", "key": "", "display": 12, "description":
+ "Is the peer connected via BGP"}, {"name": "hostname", "type": "string", "key":
+ "", "display": 2, "description": "Hostname associated with this record"}, {"name":
+ "ifname", "type": "string", "key": "", "display": 3, "description": "Interface
+ that the host is connected on, discovered through lldp"}, {"name": "lldp", "type":
+ "bool", "key": "", "display": 13, "description": "Is the peer connected via LLDP"},
+ {"name": "namespace", "type": "string", "key": "", "display": 1, "description":
+ "Namespace associated with this record"}, {"name": "ospf", "type": "bool", "key":
+ "", "display": 14, "description": "Is the perr connected via OSPF"}, {"name":
+ "peerAsn", "type": "long", "key": "", "display": 8, "description": "BGP peerASN
+ in BGP peering"}, {"name": "peerHostname", "type": "string", "key": "", "display":
+ 4, "description": "Name of the other side of the connection"}, {"name": "polled",
+ "type": "bool", "key": "", "display": 15, "description": "is this peerHostname
+ polled by Suzieq"}, {"name": "sqvers", "type": "string", "key": "", "display":
+ "", "description": "Schema version, not selectable"}, {"name": "vrf", "type":
+ "string", "key": "", "display": 6, "description": "VRF that the connection is
+ in"}]'
- command: vlan describe --format=json
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: vlan describe
output: '[{"name": "active", "type": "boolean", "key": "", "display": "", "description":
"If this entry is active or deleted"}, {"name": "hostname", "type": "string",
@@ -561,7 +563,7 @@ tests:
6, "description": "VLAN ID"}, {"name": "vlanName", "type": "string", "key": 2,
"display": 3, "description": "VLAN name"}]'
- command: sqPoller describe --format=json
- data-directory: tests/data/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: sqPoller describe
output: '[{"name": "active", "type": "boolean", "key": "", "display": "", "description":
"If this entry is active or deleted"}, {"name": "gatherTime", "type": {"type":
@@ -600,8 +602,8 @@ tests:
7, "description": "[min, max, avg] of write queue size, computed over the greater
between the last 5 mins and the polling period"}]'
- command: table describe --table=network --format=json
- data-directory: tests/data/parquet-out/
- marks: table network describe
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
+ marks: table describe
output: '[{"name": "bondMembers", "type": "string", "key": "", "display": 7, "description":
"Member ports of a bond interface"}, {"name": "hostname", "type": "string", "key":
"", "display": 1, "description": "Hostname associated with this record"}, {"name":
@@ -612,6 +614,7 @@ tests:
"string", "key": "", "display": 5, "description": "Interface mac address"}, {"name":
"namespace", "type": "string", "key": "", "display": 0, "description": "Namespace
associated with this record"}, {"name": "type", "type": "string", "key": "", "display":
- 8, "description": "Type of interface"}, {"name": "vlan", "type": "float", "key":
- "", "display": 4, "description": "Interface vlan"}, {"name": "vrf", "type": "string",
- "key": "", "display": 2, "description": "VRF associated with session"}]'
+ 8, "description": "How is this address connected to network"}, {"name": "vlan",
+ "type": "float", "key": "", "display": 4, "description": "Interface vlan"}, {"name":
+ "vrf", "type": "string", "key": "", "display": 2, "description": "VRF associated
+ with session"}]'
diff --git a/tests/integration/sqcmds/common-samples/help.yml b/tests/integration/sqcmds/common-samples/help.yml
index 3d1f2d9d25..ce398eb1e1 100644
--- a/tests/integration/sqcmds/common-samples/help.yml
+++ b/tests/integration/sqcmds/common-samples/help.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
description: Testing help across all tables
- command: address help
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: address help
output: "address: \e[36mIP and MAC addresses associated with interfaces\e[0m\n\n\
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ tests:
\ - top: \e[36mReturn the top n values for a field in a table\e[0m\n - unique:\
\ \e[36mGet unique values (and counts) associated with requested field\e[0m\n"
- command: address help --command=show
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: address help command
output: "address show: \e[36mShow address info\e[0m\n\e[33m\nUse quotes when providing\
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ tests:
\ view: \e[36m\e[1mView all records or just the latest\e[0m\n - vrf: \e[36m\e\
[1mVRF(s), space separated\e[0m\n"
- command: address help --command=summarize
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: address help command
output: "address summarize: \e[36mSummarize relevant information about the table\e\
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ tests:
\ by type\e[0m\n - view: \e[36m\e[1mView all records or just the latest\e[0m\n\
\ - vrf: \e[36m\e[1mVRF(s), space separated\e[0m\n"
- command: address help --command=unique
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: address help command
output: "address unique: \e[36mGet unique values (and counts) associated with requested\
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ tests:
\ by type\e[0m\n - view: \e[36m\e[1mView all records or just the latest\e[0m\n\
\ - vrf: \e[36m\e[1mVRF(s), space separated\e[0m\n"
- command: address help --command=top
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: address help command
output: "address top: \e[36mReturn the top n values for a field in a table\e[0m\n\
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ tests:
\ or just the latest\e[0m\n - vrf: \e[36m\e[1mVRF(s), space separated\e[0m\n -\
\ what: \e[36m\e[1mnumeric field to get top values for\e[0m\n"
- command: arpnd help
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: arpnd help
output: "arpnd: \e[36mARP/Neighbor Discovery information\e[0m\n\nSupported verbs\
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ tests:
\ the top n values for a field in a table\e[0m\n - unique: \e[36mGet unique values\
\ (and counts) associated with requested field\e[0m\n"
- command: arpnd help --command=show
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: arpnd help command
output: "arpnd show: \e[36mShow address info\e[0m\n\e[33m\nUse quotes when providing\
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ tests:
\ output\e[0m\n - start_time: \e[36m\e[1mStart of time window, try natural language\
\ spec\e[0m\n - view: \e[36m\e[1mView all records or just the latest\e[0m\n"
- command: arpnd help --command=summarize
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: arpnd help command
output: "arpnd summarize: \e[36mSummarize relevant information about the table\e\
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ tests:
[1mStart of time window, try natural language spec\e[0m\n - view: \e[36m\e[1mView\
\ all records or just the latest\e[0m\n"
- command: arpnd help --command=unique
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: arpnd help command
output: "arpnd unique: \e[36mGet unique values (and counts) associated with requested\
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ tests:
[1mStart of time window, try natural language spec\e[0m\n - view: \e[36m\e[1mView\
\ all records or just the latest\e[0m\n"
- command: arpnd help --command=top
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: arpnd help command
output: "arpnd top: \e[36mReturn the top n values for a field in a table\e[0m\n\e\
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ tests:
[36m\e[1mView all records or just the latest\e[0m\n - what: \e[36m\e[1mnumeric\
\ field to get top values for\e[0m\n"
- command: bgp help --command=assert
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: bgp help
output: "bgp aver: \e[36mAssert BGP is functioning properly\e[0m\n\e[33m\nUse quotes\
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ tests:
\ - view: \e[36m\e[1mView all records or just the latest\e[0m\n - vrf: \e[36m\e\
[1mVRF(s), space separated\e[0m\n"
- command: bgp help --command=show
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: bgp help command
output: "bgp show: \e[36mShow address info\e[0m\n\e[33m\nUse quotes when providing\
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ tests:
\ - view: \e[36m\e[1mView all records or just the latest\e[0m\n - vrf: \e[36m\e\
[1mVRF(s), space separated\e[0m\n"
- command: bgp help --command=summarize
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: bgp help command
output: "bgp summarize: \e[36mSummarize relevant information about the table\e[0m\n\
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ tests:
\ VLAN to query\e[0m\n - view: \e[36m\e[1mView all records or just the latest\e\
[0m\n - vrf: \e[36m\e[1mVRF(s), space separated\e[0m\n"
- command: bgp help --command=unique
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: bgp help command
output: "bgp unique: \e[36mGet unique values (and counts) associated with requested\
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ tests:
\ VLAN to query\e[0m\n - view: \e[36m\e[1mView all records or just the latest\e\
[0m\n - vrf: \e[36m\e[1mVRF(s), space separated\e[0m\n"
- command: bgp help --command=top
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: bgp help command
output: "bgp top: \e[36mReturn the top n values for a field in a table\e[0m\n\e\
@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ tests:
\ records or just the latest\e[0m\n - vrf: \e[36m\e[1mVRF(s), space separated\e\
[0m\n - what: \e[36m\e[1mnumeric field to get top values for\e[0m\n"
- command: devconfig help
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: devconfig help
output: "devconfig: \e[36mDevice configurations\e[0m\n\nSupported verbs are: \n\
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ tests:
\ the top n values for a field in a table\e[0m\n - unique: \e[36mGet unique values\
\ (and counts) associated with requested field\e[0m\n"
- command: device help
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: device help
output: "device: \e[36mBasic device information such as OS, version, model etc.\e\
@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ tests:
[0m\n - top: \e[36mReturn the top n values for a field in a table\e[0m\n - unique:\
\ \e[36mGet unique values (and counts) associated with requested field\e[0m\n"
- command: device help --command=show
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: device help command
output: "device show: \e[36mShow address info\e[0m\n\e[33m\nUse quotes when providing\
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ tests:
\ space separated\e[0m\n - view: \e[36m\e[1mView all records or just the latest\e\
- command: device help --command=summarize
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: device help command
output: "device summarize: \e[36mSummarize relevant information about the table\e\
@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ tests:
[0m\n - version: \e[36m\e[1mNOS version(s), space separated\e[0m\n - view: \e\
[36m\e[1mView all records or just the latest\e[0m\n"
- command: device help --command=unique
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: device help command
output: "device unique: \e[36mGet unique values (and counts) associated with requested\
@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ tests:
[0m\n - version: \e[36m\e[1mNOS version(s), space separated\e[0m\n - view: \e\
[36m\e[1mView all records or just the latest\e[0m\n"
- command: device help --command=top
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: device help command
output: "device top: \e[36mReturn the top n values for a field in a table\e[0m\n\
@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ tests:
[0m\n - view: \e[36m\e[1mView all records or just the latest\e[0m\n - what: \e\
[36m\e[1mnumeric field to get top values for\e[0m\n"
- command: evpnVni help
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: evpnVni help
output: "evpnVni: \e[36mEVPN information such as VNI/VLAN mapping, VTEP IPs etc.\e\
@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ tests:
\ \e[36mReturn the top n values for a field in a table\e[0m\n - unique: \e[36mGet\
\ unique values (and counts) associated with requested field\e[0m\n"
- command: evpnVni help --command=show
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: evpnVni help command
output: "evpnVni show: \e[36mShow address info\e[0m\n\e[33m\nUse quotes when providing\
@@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ tests:
[36m\e[1mView all records or just the latest\e[0m\n - vni: \e[36m\e[1mVNI ID(s),\
\ space separated\e[0m\n"
- command: evpnVni help --command=assert
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: evpnVni help command
output: "evpnVni aver: \e[36mAssert VXLAN Forwarding is functioning properly\e[0m\n\
@@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ tests:
\ natural language spec\e[0m\n - view: \e[36m\e[1mView all records or just the\
\ latest\e[0m\n - vni: \e[36m\e[1mVNI ID(s), space separated\e[0m\n"
- command: evpnVni help --command=summarize
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: evpnVni help command
output: "evpnVni summarize: \e[36mSummarize relevant information about the table\e\
@@ -403,7 +403,7 @@ tests:
\ try natural language spec\e[0m\n - view: \e[36m\e[1mView all records or just\
\ the latest\e[0m\n - vni: \e[36m\e[1mVNI ID(s), space separated\e[0m\n"
- command: evpnVni help --command=unique
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: evpnVni help command
output: "evpnVni unique: \e[36mGet unique values (and counts) associated with requested\
@@ -419,7 +419,7 @@ tests:
\ try natural language spec\e[0m\n - view: \e[36m\e[1mView all records or just\
\ the latest\e[0m\n - vni: \e[36m\e[1mVNI ID(s), space separated\e[0m\n"
- command: evpnVni help --command=top
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: evpnVni help command
output: "evpnVni top: \e[36mReturn the top n values for a field in a table\e[0m\n\
@@ -436,7 +436,7 @@ tests:
\ all records or just the latest\e[0m\n - vni: \e[36m\e[1mVNI ID(s), space separated\e\
[0m\n - what: \e[36m\e[1mnumeric field to get top values for\e[0m\n"
- command: fs help
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: fs help
output: "fs: \e[36mFilesystem information such as total disk space, filesystems\
@@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ tests:
\ - unique: \e[36mGet unique values (and counts) associated with requested field\e\
- command: interface help
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: interface help
output: "interfaces: \e[36mDevice interface information including MTU, Speed, IP\
@@ -458,7 +458,7 @@ tests:
\ - top: \e[36mReturn the top n values for a field in a table\e[0m\n - unique:\
\ \e[36mGet unique values (and counts) associated with requested field\e[0m\n"
- command: interface help --command=assert
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: interface help command
output: "interfaces aver: \e[36mAssert aspects about the interface\e[0m\n\e[33m\n\
@@ -480,7 +480,7 @@ tests:
\ <, >, <=, >=, !\e[0m\n - vrf: \e[36m\e[1mVRF(s), space separated\e[0m\n - what:\
\ \e[36m\e[1mWhat do you want to assert\e[0m\n"
- command: interface help --command=describe
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: interface help command
output: "interfaces describe: \e[36mDisplay the schema of the table\e[0m\n\e[33m\n\
@@ -499,7 +499,7 @@ tests:
[1mVLAN(s), space separated, can use <, >, <=, >=, !\e[0m\n - vrf: \e[36m\e[1mVRF(s),\
\ space separated\e[0m\n"
- command: interface help --command=show
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: interface help command
output: "interfaces show: \e[36mShow address info\e[0m\n\e[33m\nUse quotes when\
@@ -518,7 +518,7 @@ tests:
\ separated, can use <, >, <=, >=, !\e[0m\n - vrf: \e[36m\e[1mVRF(s), space separated\e\
- command: interface help --command=summarize
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: interface help command
output: "interfaces summarize: \e[36mSummarize relevant information about the table\e\
@@ -537,7 +537,7 @@ tests:
[0m\n - vlan: \e[36m\e[1mVLAN(s), space separated, can use <, >, <=, >=, !\e[0m\n\
\ - vrf: \e[36m\e[1mVRF(s), space separated\e[0m\n"
- command: interface help --command=top
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: interface help command
output: "interfaces top: \e[36mReturn the top n values for a field in a table\e\
@@ -558,7 +558,7 @@ tests:
\ <=, >=, !\e[0m\n - vrf: \e[36m\e[1mVRF(s), space separated\e[0m\n - what: \e\
[36m\e[1mnumeric field to get top values for\e[0m\n"
- command: interface help --command=unique
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: interface help command
output: "interfaces unique: \e[36mGet unique values (and counts) associated with\
@@ -578,7 +578,7 @@ tests:
[0m\n - vlan: \e[36m\e[1mVLAN(s), space separated, can use <, >, <=, >=, !\e[0m\n\
\ - vrf: \e[36m\e[1mVRF(s), space separated\e[0m\n"
- command: inventory help
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: inventory help
output: "inventory: \e[36mDevice inventory information such as serial number, cable\
@@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ tests:
\ table\e[0m\n - unique: \e[36mGet unique values (and counts) associated with\
\ requested field\e[0m\n"
- command: lldp help
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: lldp help
output: "lldp: \e[36mLLDP protocol information\e[0m\n\nSupported verbs are: \n -\
@@ -599,7 +599,7 @@ tests:
\ the top n values for a field in a table\e[0m\n - unique: \e[36mGet unique values\
\ (and counts) associated with requested field\e[0m\n"
- command: lldp help --command=describe
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: lldp help command
output: "lldp describe: \e[36mDisplay the schema of the table\e[0m\n\e[33m\nUse\
@@ -615,7 +615,7 @@ tests:
[0m\n - start_time: \e[36m\e[1mStart of time window, try natural language spec\e\
[0m\n - view: \e[36m\e[1mView all records or just the latest\e[0m\n"
- command: lldp help --command=show
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: lldp help command
output: "lldp show: \e[36mShow address info\e[0m\n\e[33m\nUse quotes when providing\
@@ -631,7 +631,7 @@ tests:
\ \e[36m\e[1mStart of time window, try natural language spec\e[0m\n - view: \e\
[36m\e[1mView all records or just the latest\e[0m\n"
- command: lldp help --command=summarize
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: lldp help command
output: "lldp summarize: \e[36mSummarize relevant information about the table\e\
@@ -648,7 +648,7 @@ tests:
\ natural language spec\e[0m\n - view: \e[36m\e[1mView all records or just the\
\ latest\e[0m\n"
- command: lldp help --command=top
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: lldp help command
output: "lldp top: \e[36mReturn the top n values for a field in a table\e[0m\n\e\
@@ -667,7 +667,7 @@ tests:
\ or just the latest\e[0m\n - what: \e[36m\e[1mnumeric field to get top values\
\ for\e[0m\n"
- command: lldp help --command=unique
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: lldp help command
output: "lldp unique: \e[36mGet unique values (and counts) associated with requested\
@@ -685,7 +685,7 @@ tests:
\ natural language spec\e[0m\n - view: \e[36m\e[1mView all records or just the\
\ latest\e[0m\n"
- command: mac help
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: mac help
output: "macs: \e[36mMAC address table information\e[0m\n\nSupported verbs are:\
@@ -695,7 +695,7 @@ tests:
\ the top n values for a field in a table\e[0m\n - unique: \e[36mGet unique values\
\ (and counts) associated with requested field\e[0m\n"
- command: mac help --command=describe
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: mac help command
output: "macs describe: \e[36mDisplay the schema of the table\e[0m\n\e[33m\nUse\
@@ -714,7 +714,7 @@ tests:
\ records or just the latest\e[0m\n - vlan: \e[36m\e[1mVLAN(s), space separated,\
\ can use <, >, <=, >=, !\e[0m\n"
- command: mac help --command=show
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: mac help command
output: "macs show: \e[36mShow address info\e[0m\n\e[33m\nUse quotes when providing\
@@ -733,7 +733,7 @@ tests:
\ records or just the latest\e[0m\n - vlan: \e[36m\e[1mVLAN(s), space separated,\
\ can use <, >, <=, >=, !\e[0m\n"
- command: mac help --command=summarize
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: mac help command
output: "macs summarize: \e[36mSummarize relevant information about the table\e\
@@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ tests:
\ records or just the latest\e[0m\n - vlan: \e[36m\e[1mVLAN(s), space separated,\
\ can use <, >, <=, >=, !\e[0m\n"
- command: mac help --command=top
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: mac help command
output: "macs top: \e[36mReturn the top n values for a field in a table\e[0m\n\e\
@@ -773,7 +773,7 @@ tests:
\ vlan: \e[36m\e[1mVLAN(s), space separated, can use <, >, <=, >=, !\e[0m\n -\
\ what: \e[36m\e[1mnumeric field to get top values for\e[0m\n"
- command: mac help --command=unique
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: mac help command
output: "macs unique: \e[36mGet unique values (and counts) associated with requested\
@@ -793,7 +793,7 @@ tests:
\ records or just the latest\e[0m\n - vlan: \e[36m\e[1mVLAN(s), space separated,\
\ can use <, >, <=, >=, !\e[0m\n"
- command: mlag help
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: mlag help
output: "mlag: \e[36mMultichassis LAG information (includes variants such as NXOX\
@@ -804,7 +804,7 @@ tests:
[0m\n - unique: \e[36mGet unique values (and counts) associated with requested\
\ field\e[0m\n"
- command: mlag help --command=show
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: mlag help command
output: "mlag show: \e[36mShow address info\e[0m\n\e[33m\nUse quotes when providing\
@@ -817,7 +817,7 @@ tests:
[0m\n - start_time: \e[36m\e[1mStart of time window, try natural language spec\e\
[0m\n - view: \e[36m\e[1mView all records or just the latest\e[0m\n"
- command: mlag help --command=describe
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: mlag help command
output: "mlag describe: \e[36mDisplay the schema of the table\e[0m\n\e[33m\nUse\
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ tests:
\ try natural language spec\e[0m\n - view: \e[36m\e[1mView all records or just\
\ the latest\e[0m\n"
- command: mlag help --command=summarize
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: mlag help command
output: "mlag summarize: \e[36mSummarize relevant information about the table\e\
@@ -845,7 +845,7 @@ tests:
\ of time window, try natural language spec\e[0m\n - view: \e[36m\e[1mView all\
\ records or just the latest\e[0m\n"
- command: mlag help --command=top
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: mlag help command
output: "mlag top: \e[36mReturn the top n values for a field in a table\e[0m\n\e\
@@ -861,7 +861,7 @@ tests:
[36m\e[1mView all records or just the latest\e[0m\n - what: \e[36m\e[1mnumeric\
\ field to get top values for\e[0m\n"
- command: mlag help --command=unique
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: mlag help command
output: "mlag unique: \e[36mGet unique values (and counts) associated with requested\
@@ -876,7 +876,7 @@ tests:
\ of time window, try natural language spec\e[0m\n - view: \e[36m\e[1mView all\
\ records or just the latest\e[0m\n"
- command: namespace help
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: namespace help
output: "namespace: \e[36mOverall network information such as device count, bgp\
@@ -887,7 +887,7 @@ tests:
\ table\e[0m\n - unique: \e[36mGet unique values (and counts) associated with\
\ requested field\e[0m\n"
- command: namespace help --command=describe
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: namespace help command
output: "namespace describe: \e[36mDisplay the schema of the table\e[0m\n\e[33m\n\
@@ -901,7 +901,7 @@ tests:
\ try natural language spec\e[0m\n - view: \e[36m\e[1mView all records or just\
\ the latest\e[0m\n"
- command: namespace help --command=show
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: namespace help command
output: "namespace show: \e[36mShow namespace info\e[0m\n\e[33m\nUse quotes when\
@@ -918,7 +918,7 @@ tests:
\ space separated\e[0m\n - view: \e[36m\e[1mView all records or just the latest\e\
- command: namespace help --command=summarize
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: namespace help command
output: "namespace summarize: \e[36mSummarize relevant information about the table\e\
@@ -932,7 +932,7 @@ tests:
\ of time window, try natural language spec\e[0m\n - view: \e[36m\e[1mView all\
\ records or just the latest\e[0m\n"
- command: namespace help --command=top
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: namespace help command
output: "namespace top: \e[36mReturn the top n values for a field in a table\e[0m\n\
@@ -948,7 +948,7 @@ tests:
[36m\e[1mView all records or just the latest\e[0m\n - what: \e[36m\e[1mnumeric\
\ field to get top values for\e[0m\n"
- command: namespace help --command=unique
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: namespace help command
output: "namespace unique: \e[36mGet unique values (and counts) associated with\
@@ -963,7 +963,7 @@ tests:
\ of time window, try natural language spec\e[0m\n - view: \e[36m\e[1mView all\
\ records or just the latest\e[0m\n"
- command: network help
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: network help command
output: "network: \e[36mAdvanced commands across all the network\e[0m\n\nSupported\
@@ -974,7 +974,7 @@ tests:
\ instead\e[0m\n - top: \e[36mDeprecated. Use 'namespace top' instead\e[0m\n -\
\ unique: \e[36mDeprecated. Use 'namespace unique' instead\e[0m\n"
- command: network help --command=find
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: network help command
output: "network find: \e[36mFind the network attach point of a given IP or MAC\
@@ -990,7 +990,7 @@ tests:
\ records or just the latest\e[0m\n - vlan: \e[36m\e[1mFind MAC within this VLAN\e\
[0m\n - vrf: \e[36m\e[1mFind within this VRF, used for IP addr\e[0m\n"
- command: path help
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: path help
output: "path: \e[36mPath trace information including overlay and underlay\e[0m\n\
@@ -1000,7 +1000,7 @@ tests:
[0m\n - top: \e[36mReturn the top n values for a field in a table\e[0m\n - unique:\
\ \e[36mGet unique values (and counts) associated with requested field\e[0m\n"
- command: path help --command=describe
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: path help command
output: "path describe: \e[36mDisplay the schema of the table\e[0m\n\e[33m\nUse\
@@ -1016,7 +1016,7 @@ tests:
[36m\e[1mView all records or just the latest\e[0m\n - vrf: \e[36m\e[1mVRF(s),\
\ space separated\e[0m\n"
- command: path help --command=show
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: path help command
output: "path show: \e[36mShow address info\e[0m\n\e[33m\nUse quotes when providing\
@@ -1032,7 +1032,7 @@ tests:
\ records or just the latest\e[0m\n - vrf: \e[36m\e[1mVRF(s), space separated\e\
- command: path help --command=summarize
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: path help command
output: "path summarize: \e[36mSummarize relevant information about the table\e\
@@ -1048,7 +1048,7 @@ tests:
[36m\e[1mView all records or just the latest\e[0m\n - vrf: \e[36m\e[1mVRF(s),\
\ space separated\e[0m\n"
- command: path help --command=top
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: path help command
output: "path top: \e[36mReturn the top n values for a field in a table\e[0m\n\e\
@@ -1066,7 +1066,7 @@ tests:
[0m\n - vrf: \e[36m\e[1mVRF(s), space separated\e[0m\n - what: \e[36m\e[1mnumeric\
\ field to get top values for\e[0m\n"
- command: path help --command=unique
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: path help command
output: "path unique: \e[36mGet unique values (and counts) associated with requested\
@@ -1083,7 +1083,7 @@ tests:
[36m\e[1mView all records or just the latest\e[0m\n - vrf: \e[36m\e[1mVRF(s),\
\ space separated\e[0m\n"
- command: ospf help
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: ospf help
output: "ospf: \e[36mOSPFv2 protocol information\e[0m\n\nSupported verbs are: \n\
@@ -1094,7 +1094,7 @@ tests:
\ a field in a table\e[0m\n - unique: \e[36mGet unique values (and counts) associated\
\ with requested field\e[0m\n"
- command: ospf help --command=describe
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: ospf help command
output: "ospf describe: \e[36mDisplay the schema of the table\e[0m\n\e[33m\nUse\
@@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ tests:
[36m\e[1mState of VLAN to query\e[0m\n - view: \e[36m\e[1mView all records or\
\ just the latest\e[0m\n - vrf: \e[36m\e[1mVRF(s), space separated\e[0m\n"
- command: ospf help --command=assert
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: ospf help command
output: "ospf aver: \e[36mTest OSPF runtime state is without errors\e[0m\n\e[33m\n\
@@ -1127,7 +1127,7 @@ tests:
[1mState of VLAN to query\e[0m\n - view: \e[36m\e[1mView all records or just the\
\ latest\e[0m\n - vrf: \e[36m\e[1mVRF(s), space separated\e[0m\n"
- command: ospf help --command=show
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: ospf help command
output: "ospf show: \e[36mShow address info\e[0m\n\e[33m\nUse quotes when providing\
@@ -1143,7 +1143,7 @@ tests:
\ VLAN to query\e[0m\n - view: \e[36m\e[1mView all records or just the latest\e\
[0m\n - vrf: \e[36m\e[1mVRF(s), space separated\e[0m\n"
- command: ospf help --command=summarize
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: ospf help command
output: "ospf summarize: \e[36mSummarize relevant information about the table\e\
@@ -1159,7 +1159,7 @@ tests:
[36m\e[1mState of VLAN to query\e[0m\n - view: \e[36m\e[1mView all records or\
\ just the latest\e[0m\n - vrf: \e[36m\e[1mVRF(s), space separated\e[0m\n"
- command: ospf help --command=top
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: ospf help command
output: "ospf top: \e[36mReturn the top n values for a field in a table\e[0m\n\e\
@@ -1178,7 +1178,7 @@ tests:
\ space separated\e[0m\n - what: \e[36m\e[1mnumeric field to get top values for\e\
- command: ospf help --command=unique
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: ospf help command
output: "ospf unique: \e[36mGet unique values (and counts) associated with requested\
@@ -1195,7 +1195,7 @@ tests:
[36m\e[1mState of VLAN to query\e[0m\n - view: \e[36m\e[1mView all records or\
\ just the latest\e[0m\n - vrf: \e[36m\e[1mVRF(s), space separated\e[0m\n"
- command: route help
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: route help
output: "routes: \e[36mRouting table information\e[0m\n\nSupported verbs are: \n\
@@ -1206,7 +1206,7 @@ tests:
\ the top n values for a field in a table\e[0m\n - unique: \e[36mGet unique values\
\ (and counts) associated with requested field\e[0m\n"
- command: route help --command=describe
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: route help command
output: "routes describe: \e[36mDisplay the schema of the table\e[0m\n\e[33m\nUse\
@@ -1223,7 +1223,7 @@ tests:
[36m\e[1mView all records or just the latest\e[0m\n - vrf: \e[36m\e[1mVRF(s),\
\ space separated\e[0m\n"
- command: route help --command=lpm
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: route help command
output: "routes lpm: \e[36mShow the Longest Prefix Match(LPM) on a given prefix,\
@@ -1241,7 +1241,7 @@ tests:
\ spec\e[0m\n - view: \e[36m\e[1mView all records or just the latest\e[0m\n -\
\ vrf: \e[36m\e[1mVRF(s), space separated\e[0m\n"
- command: route help --command=show
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: route help command
output: "routes show: \e[36mShow address info\e[0m\n\e[33m\nUse quotes when providing\
@@ -1258,7 +1258,7 @@ tests:
\ records or just the latest\e[0m\n - vrf: \e[36m\e[1mVRF(s), space separated\e\
- command: route help --command=summarize
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: route help command
output: "routes summarize: \e[36mSummarize relevant information about the table\e\
@@ -1275,7 +1275,7 @@ tests:
\ spec\e[0m\n - view: \e[36m\e[1mView all records or just the latest\e[0m\n -\
\ vrf: \e[36m\e[1mVRF(s), space separated\e[0m\n"
- command: route help --command=top
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: route help command
output: "routes top: \e[36mReturn the top n values for a field in a table\e[0m\n\
@@ -1294,7 +1294,7 @@ tests:
[0m\n - vrf: \e[36m\e[1mVRF(s), space separated\e[0m\n - what: \e[36m\e[1mnumeric\
\ field to get top values for\e[0m\n"
- command: route help --command=unique
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: route help command
output: "routes unique: \e[36mGet unique values (and counts) associated with requested\
@@ -1312,7 +1312,7 @@ tests:
\ spec\e[0m\n - view: \e[36m\e[1mView all records or just the latest\e[0m\n -\
\ vrf: \e[36m\e[1mVRF(s), space separated\e[0m\n"
- command: topology help
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: topology help
output: "topology: \e[36mInformation about the topology constructed from various\
@@ -1323,7 +1323,7 @@ tests:
\ table\e[0m\n - unique: \e[36mGet unique values (and counts) associated with\
\ requested field\e[0m\n"
- command: topology help --command=describe
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: topology help command
output: "topology describe: \e[36mDisplay the schema of the table\e[0m\n\e[33m\n\
@@ -1343,7 +1343,7 @@ tests:
\ are connected, space separated\e[0m\n - view: \e[36m\e[1mView all records or\
\ just the latest\e[0m\n - vrf: \e[36m\e[1mVRF(s), space separated\e[0m\n"
- command: topology help --command=show
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: topology help command
output: "topology show: \e[36mShow address info\e[0m\n\e[33m\nUse quotes when providing\
@@ -1363,7 +1363,7 @@ tests:
\ \e[36m\e[1mView all records or just the latest\e[0m\n - vrf: \e[36m\e[1mVRF(s),\
\ space separated\e[0m\n"
- command: topology help --command=summarize
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: topology help command
output: "topology summarize: \e[36mSummarize relevant information about the table\e\
@@ -1383,7 +1383,7 @@ tests:
\ are connected, space separated\e[0m\n - view: \e[36m\e[1mView all records or\
\ just the latest\e[0m\n - vrf: \e[36m\e[1mVRF(s), space separated\e[0m\n"
- command: topology help --command=top
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: topology help command
output: "topology top: \e[36mReturn the top n values for a field in a table\e[0m\n\
@@ -1406,7 +1406,7 @@ tests:
\ space separated\e[0m\n - what: \e[36m\e[1mnumeric field to get top values for\e\
- command: topology help --command=unique
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: topology help command
output: "topology unique: \e[36mGet unique values (and counts) associated with requested\
@@ -1427,7 +1427,7 @@ tests:
\ are connected, space separated\e[0m\n - view: \e[36m\e[1mView all records or\
\ just the latest\e[0m\n - vrf: \e[36m\e[1mVRF(s), space separated\e[0m\n"
- command: vlan help
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: vlan help
output: "vlan: \e[36mInformation about VLANs including interfaces belonging to a\
@@ -1438,7 +1438,7 @@ tests:
[0m\n - unique: \e[36mGet unique values (and counts) associated with requested\
\ field\e[0m\n"
- command: vlan help --command=describe
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: vlan help command
output: "vlan describe: \e[36mDisplay the schema of the table\e[0m\n\e[33m\nUse\
@@ -1454,7 +1454,7 @@ tests:
[36m\e[1mVLAN(s), space separated, can use <, >, <=, >=, !\e[0m\n - vlanName:\
\ \e[36m\e[1mVLAN name(s), space separated\e[0m\n"
- command: vlan help --command=show
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: vlan help command
output: "vlan show: \e[36mShow address info\e[0m\n\e[33m\nUse quotes when providing\
@@ -1470,7 +1470,7 @@ tests:
\ can use <, >, <=, >=, !\e[0m\n - vlanName: \e[36m\e[1mVLAN name(s), space separated\e\
- command: vlan help --command=summarize
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: vlan help command
output: "vlan summarize: \e[36mSummarize relevant information about the table\e\
@@ -1486,7 +1486,7 @@ tests:
[0m\n - vlan: \e[36m\e[1mVLAN(s), space separated, can use <, >, <=, >=, !\e[0m\n\
\ - vlanName: \e[36m\e[1mVLAN name(s), space separated\e[0m\n"
- command: vlan help --command=top
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: vlan help command
output: "vlan top: \e[36mReturn the top n values for a field in a table\e[0m\n\e\
@@ -1504,7 +1504,7 @@ tests:
\ <, >, <=, >=, !\e[0m\n - vlanName: \e[36m\e[1mVLAN name(s), space separated\e\
[0m\n - what: \e[36m\e[1mnumeric field to get top values for\e[0m\n"
- command: vlan help --command=unique
- data-directory: tests/data/eos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
format: text
marks: vlan help command
output: "vlan unique: \e[36mGet unique values (and counts) associated with requested\
diff --git a/tests/integration/sqcmds/common-samples/not.yml b/tests/integration/sqcmds/common-samples/not.yml
index 800fbb17e9..16b417d30a 100644
--- a/tests/integration/sqcmds/common-samples/not.yml
+++ b/tests/integration/sqcmds/common-samples/not.yml
@@ -5451,7 +5451,7 @@ tests:
"up", "vrf": "mgmt", "timestamp": 1639476254852}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname":
"spine01", "ifname": "mgmt", "ipAddressList": [""], "macaddr": "16:3c:be:94:91:b5",
"ip6AddressList": ["::1/128"], "state": "up", "vrf": "default", "timestamp": 1639476254852}]'
-- command: address show --hostname='~!leaf.* ~!exit.*' --format=json
+- command: address show --hostname='!~leaf.* !~exit.*' --format=json
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: address show hostname negate regex
output: '[{"namespace": "ospf-single", "hostname": "server102", "ifname": "eth1",
@@ -10262,7 +10262,7 @@ tests:
"state": "reachable", "remote": false, "timestamp": 1639476254425}, {"namespace":
"panos", "hostname": "leaf04", "ipAddress": "", "oif": "vlan999", "macaddr":
"44:39:39:ff:41:95", "state": "reachable", "remote": true, "timestamp": 1639476254425}]'
-- command: arpnd show --hostname='~!leaf.* ~!exit.*' --format=json
+- command: arpnd show --hostname='!~leaf.* !~exit.*' --format=json
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: arpnd show hostname negate regex
output: '[{"namespace": "ospf-single", "hostname": "server102", "ipAddress": "",
@@ -12530,7 +12530,7 @@ tests:
"peer": "", "peerHostname": "spine01", "state": "Established", "afi":
"l2vpn", "safi": "evpn", "asn": 64520, "peerAsn": 64520, "pfxRx": 18, "pfxTx":
8, "numChanges": 1, "estdTime": 1639470254000.0, "timestamp": 1639476253949}]'
-- command: bgp show --hostname='~!leaf.* ~!exit.*' --format=json
+- command: bgp show --hostname='!~leaf.* !~exit.*' --format=json
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: bgp show hostname negate regex
output: '[{"namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "edge01", "vrf": "default", "peer":
@@ -13585,7 +13585,7 @@ tests:
"hostname": "spine02", "model": "VX", "version": "4.1.1", "vendor": "Cumulus",
"architecture": "x86_64", "status": "alive", "address": "", "bootupTimestamp":
1639470234.0, "timestamp": 1639476254852}]'
-- command: device show --hostname='~!leaf.* ~!exit.*' --format=json
+- command: device show --hostname='!~leaf.* !~exit.*' --format=json
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: device show hostname negate regex
output: '[{"namespace": "ospf-single", "hostname": "server102", "model": "vm", "version":
@@ -13923,11 +13923,11 @@ tests:
"panos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vni": 999, "type": "L3", "vlan": 999, "state":
"up", "mcastGroup": "", "remoteVtepCnt": 0, "priVtepIp": "",
"secVtepIp": "", "timestamp": 1639476254333}]'
-- command: evpnVni show --hostname='~!leaf.* ~!exit.*' --format=json
+- command: evpnVni show --hostname='!~leaf.* !~exit.*' --format=json
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: evpnVni show hostname negate regex
output: '[]'
-- command: lldp show --hostname='~!leaf.* ~!exit.*' --format=json
+- command: lldp show --hostname='!~leaf.* !~exit.*' --format=json
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: lldp show hostname negate regex
output: '[{"namespace": "ospf-single", "hostname": "spine02", "ifname": "swp1",
@@ -20958,7 +20958,7 @@ tests:
"swp1", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "ethernet", "mtu": 9216, "vlan":
0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList": ["fe80::5054:ff:fe83:d977/64"],
"timestamp": 1639476254852}]'
-- command: interface show --hostname='~!leaf.* ~!exit.*' --format=json
+- command: interface show --hostname='!~leaf.* !~exit.*' --format=json
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: interface show hostname negate regex
output: '[{"namespace": "ospf-single", "hostname": "server102", "ifname": "eth0",
@@ -24003,7 +24003,7 @@ tests:
{"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "CRP-DIS-SW01", "name": "midplane", "model":
"", "status": "present", "vendor": "Juniper", "type": "midplane", "version": "",
"partType": "", "timestamp": 1631009090098}]'
-- command: inventory show --hostname='~!leaf.* ~!exit.*' --format=json
+- command: inventory show --hostname='!~leaf.* !~exit.*' --format=json
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: inventory show hostname negate regex
output: '[{"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01", "name": "port-adapter-0/0",
@@ -24909,67 +24909,76 @@ tests:
"bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos",
"hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 20, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1",
"remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257018},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 30, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08",
- "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp":
- 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 20, "macaddr":
- "06:a8:f1:19:b8:b3", "oif": "port-channel3", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
- "dynamic", "timestamp": 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03",
- "vlan": 20, "macaddr": "44:01:02:04:1b:08", "oif": "vPC Peer-Link", "remoteVtepIp":
- "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos",
- "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:04:1b:08", "oif": "vPC
- Peer-Link", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257018},
{"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08",
- "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp":
+ "oif": "Vlan999", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "static", "timestamp":
1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 30, "macaddr":
- "44:01:02:04:1b:08", "oif": "vPC Peer-Link", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
- "router", "timestamp": 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01",
- "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "44:01:01:01:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp":
- "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257253}, {"namespace": "nxos",
- "hostname": "exit01", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:02:1b:08", "oif": "nve1",
- "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257463},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08",
- "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp":
+ "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
+ "router", "timestamp": 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03",
+ "vlan": 20, "macaddr": "06:a8:f1:19:b8:b3", "oif": "port-channel3", "remoteVtepIp":
+ "", "bd": "", "flags": "dynamic", "timestamp": 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos",
+ "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 20, "macaddr": "44:01:02:04:1b:08", "oif": "vPC
+ Peer-Link", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257018},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:04:1b:08",
+ "oif": "vPC Peer-Link", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp":
+ 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 999, "macaddr":
+ "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
+ "router", "timestamp": 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03",
+ "vlan": 30, "macaddr": "44:01:02:04:1b:08", "oif": "vPC Peer-Link", "remoteVtepIp":
+ "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos",
+ "hostname": "spine01", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "44:01:01:01:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1",
+ "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257253},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:02:1b:08",
+ "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp":
1619275257463}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "vlan": 999, "macaddr":
- "44:01:03:02:1b:08", "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
+ "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
"remote", "timestamp": 1619275257463}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01",
- "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10", "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp":
- "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257463}, {"namespace": "nxos",
- "hostname": "exit01", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "44:01:03:01:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1",
- "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257463},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:03:01:1b:08",
+ "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:03:01:1b:08", "oif": "Vlan999", "remoteVtepIp":
+ "", "bd": "", "flags": "static", "timestamp": 1619275257463}, {"namespace": "nxos",
+ "hostname": "exit01", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:03:02:1b:08", "oif": "nve1",
+ "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257463},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10",
"oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp":
- 1619275257463}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 30, "macaddr":
- "0a:b5:b6:22:53:72", "oif": "port-channel4", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
- "dynamic", "timestamp": 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04",
- "vlan": 20, "macaddr": "44:01:02:04:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp":
- "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos",
- "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 30, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "vPC
- Peer-Link", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257479},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 30, "macaddr": "44:01:02:04:1b:08",
+ 1619275257463}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "vlan": 0, "macaddr":
+ "44:01:03:01:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
+ "router", "timestamp": 1619275257463}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01",
+ "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:03:01:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp":
+ "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257463}, {"namespace": "nxos",
+ "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 30, "macaddr": "0a:b5:b6:22:53:72", "oif": "port-channel4",
+ "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "dynamic", "timestamp": 1619275257479},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 20, "macaddr": "44:01:02:04:1b:08",
"oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp":
- 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 20, "macaddr":
+ 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 30, "macaddr":
"44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "vPC Peer-Link", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
"router", "timestamp": 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04",
- "vlan": 20, "macaddr": "06:a8:f1:19:b8:b3", "oif": "port-channel3", "remoteVtepIp":
- "", "bd": "", "flags": "dynamic", "timestamp": 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos",
- "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10", "oif": "sup-eth1",
+ "vlan": 30, "macaddr": "44:01:02:04:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp":
+ "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos",
+ "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:04:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1",
"remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257479},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:03:02:1b:08",
- "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp":
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 20, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08",
+ "oif": "vPC Peer-Link", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp":
+ 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 20, "macaddr":
+ "06:a8:f1:19:b8:b3", "oif": "port-channel3", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
+ "dynamic", "timestamp": 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04",
+ "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10", "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp":
+ "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos",
+ "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:03:02:1b:08", "oif": "nve1",
+ "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257479},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:03:01:1b:08",
+ "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp":
1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 999, "macaddr":
- "44:01:03:01:1b:08", "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
- "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04",
- "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:04:1b:08", "oif": "Vlan999", "remoteVtepIp":
- "", "bd": "", "flags": "static", "timestamp": 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos",
- "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:02:1b:08", "oif": "nve1",
+ "44:01:02:04:1b:08", "oif": "Vlan999", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
+ "static", "timestamp": 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04",
+ "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:02:1b:08", "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "",
+ "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos",
+ "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 30, "macaddr": "da:bf:63:c6:2f:0a", "oif": "nve1",
"remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257479},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 30, "macaddr": "da:bf:63:c6:2f:0a",
- "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp":
- 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 0, "macaddr":
- "44:01:02:04:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
- "router", "timestamp": 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04",
- "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "vPC Peer-Link", "remoteVtepIp":
- "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos",
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "44:01:02:04:1b:08",
+ "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp":
+ 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 999, "macaddr":
+ "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "vPC Peer-Link", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
+ "router", "timestamp": 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02",
+ "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:03:02:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp":
+ "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257856}, {"namespace": "nxos",
"hostname": "exit02", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "44:01:03:02:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1",
"remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257856},
{"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10",
@@ -25924,7 +25933,7 @@ tests:
1639476254484}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 30, "macaddr":
"4e:01:f3:25:8c:7a", "oif": "bond02", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "",
"timestamp": 1639476254484}]'
-- command: mac show --hostname='~!leaf.* ~!exit.*' --format=json
+- command: mac show --hostname='!~leaf.* !~exit.*' --format=json
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: mac show hostname negate regex
output: '[{"namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "edge01", "vlan": 0, "macaddr":
@@ -27087,7 +27096,7 @@ tests:
"state": "active", "peerAddress": "fe80::4a47:ff:fe36:b8ff", "role": "primary",
"peerLink": "peerlink.4094", "mlagDualPortsCnt": 5, "mlagSinglePortsCnt": 0, "mlagErrorPortsCnt":
0, "timestamp": 1639476254322}]'
-- command: mlag show --hostname='~!leaf.* ~!exit.*' --format=json
+- command: mlag show --hostname='!~leaf.* !~exit.*' --format=json
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: mlag show hostname negate regex
output: '[]'
@@ -27754,7 +27763,7 @@ tests:
"peerHostname": "", "area": "", "ifState": "down", "nbrCount": 0.0, "adjState":
"fail", "peerIP": "-", "numChanges": 0.0, "lastChangeTime": 0.0, "timestamp":
-- command: ospf show --hostname='~!leaf.* ~!exit.*' --format=json
+- command: ospf show --hostname='!~leaf.* !~exit.*' --format=json
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: ospf show hostname negate regex
output: '[{"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine01", "vrf": "default", "ifname":
@@ -30606,126 +30615,128 @@ tests:
[""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257123}, {"namespace":
"nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
- ["", ""], "oifs": ["Lo0", "Lo0"], "protocol": "local", "source":
- "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257123},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
- "nexthopIps": ["", "", "", "", "",
- ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2", "Ethernet1/3", "Ethernet1/4",
- "Ethernet1/5", "Ethernet1/6"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
- 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257123}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
- [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/4"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
- 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257123}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
- [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/3"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
- 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257123}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
- [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
- 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257123}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
- [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
- 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257123}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
- [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/5"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
- 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257123}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
+ ["", ""], "oifs": ["loopback0", "loopback0"], "protocol": "local",
+ "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp":
+ 1619275257123}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "vrf": "default",
+ "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", "", "",
+ "", "", ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2",
+ "Ethernet1/3", "Ethernet1/4", "Ethernet1/5", "Ethernet1/6"], "protocol": "ospf",
+ "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp":
+ 1619275257123}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "vrf": "default",
+ "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/4"],
+ "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
+ "timestamp": 1619275257123}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "vrf":
+ "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/3"],
+ "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
+ "timestamp": 1619275257123}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "vrf":
+ "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/2"],
+ "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
+ "timestamp": 1619275257123}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "vrf":
+ "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1"],
+ "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
+ "timestamp": 1619275257123}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "vrf":
+ "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/5"],
+ "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
+ "timestamp": 1619275257123}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vrf":
+ "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""],
+ "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
+ 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257228}, {"namespace":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
["", ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol":
"ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp":
- 1619275257228}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vrf": "default",
- "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1",
- "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers":
- 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257228}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "leaf03", "vrf": "management", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
- "oifs": [], "protocol": "static", "source": "", "preference": 1, "ipvers": 4,
- "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257228}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "leaf03", "vrf": "management", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
- "oifs": ["mgmt0"], "protocol": "direct", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers":
- 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257228}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "leaf03", "vrf": "management", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
- "oifs": ["mgmt0"], "protocol": "local", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers":
+ 1619275257228}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vrf": "management",
+ "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": [], "protocol": "static",
+ "source": "", "preference": 1, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp":
+ 1619275257228}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vrf": "management",
+ "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["mgmt0"],
+ "protocol": "direct", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
+ "timestamp": 1619275257228}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vrf":
+ "management", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs":
+ ["mgmt0"], "protocol": "local", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action":
+ "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257228}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03",
+ "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs":
+ ["_nexthopVrf:default"], "protocol": "bgp", "source": "", "preference": 200, "ipvers":
4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257228}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "leaf03", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
+ "leaf03", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
"oifs": ["_nexthopVrf:default"], "protocol": "bgp", "source": "", "preference":
200, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257228}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
[""], "oifs": ["_nexthopVrf:default"], "protocol": "bgp", "source":
"", "preference": 200, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257228},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "",
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "",
"nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["_nexthopVrf:default"], "protocol": "bgp",
"source": "", "preference": 200, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp":
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+ "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
+ 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257671}, {"namespace":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vrf": "management", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
+ [""], "oifs": [], "protocol": "static", "source": "", "preference":
+ 1, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257671}, {"namespace":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vrf": "management", "prefix": "",
+ "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["mgmt0"], "protocol": "direct", "source":
+ "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257671},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
+ "nexthopIps": ["", ""], "oifs": ["loopback1", "loopback1"],
+ "protocol": "local", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
+ "timestamp": 1619275257671}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vrf":
+ "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""],
+ "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
+ 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257671}, {"namespace":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
+ "nexthopIps": [], "oifs": ["xe-0/0/0.0"], "protocol": "direct", "source": "",
+ "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257671},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
+ "nexthopIps": ["", ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"],
+ "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
+ "timestamp": 1619275257671}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vrf":
+ "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""],
+ "oifs": ["loopback1", "loopback1"], "protocol": "local", "source": "", "preference":
0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257671}, {"namespace":
"nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vrf": "management", "prefix": "",
"nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["mgmt0"], "protocol": "local", "source":
@@ -31093,44 +31105,44 @@ tests:
["_nexthopVrf:default"], "protocol": "bgp", "source": "", "preference": 200, "ipvers":
4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257671}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
"leaf04", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["",
- ""], "oifs": ["Lo0", "Lo0"], "protocol": "local", "source": "", "preference":
+ ""], "oifs": ["loopback0", "loopback0"], "protocol": "local", "source":
+ "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257671},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
+ "nexthopIps": ["", ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"],
+ "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
+ "timestamp": 1619275257671}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vrf":
+ "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""],
+ "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
+ 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257671}, {"namespace":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
+ [""], "oifs": ["em0.0"], "protocol": "access-internal", "source": "",
+ "preference": 12, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257671},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
+ "nexthopIps": [], "oifs": ["lo0.0"], "protocol": "direct", "source": "", "preference":
0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257671}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
- ["", ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol":
- "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp":
- 1619275257671}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vrf": "default",
- "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1",
- "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers":
- 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257671}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "dcedge01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
- "oifs": ["em0.0"], "protocol": "access-internal", "source": "", "preference":
- 12, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257671}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
+ [""], "oifs": ["xe-0/0/1.0"], "protocol": "bgp", "source": "", "preference":
+ 170, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257671}, {"namespace":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
+ "nexthopIps": [], "oifs": ["em0.0"], "protocol": "local", "source": "", "preference":
+ 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "local", "timestamp": 1619275257671}, {"namespace":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
+ "nexthopIps": [], "oifs": ["em1.0"], "protocol": "direct", "source": "", "preference":
+ 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257671}, {"namespace":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "ff02::2/128", "nexthopIps":
+ [], "oifs": [], "protocol": "inet6", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers":
+ 6, "action": "multirecv", "timestamp": 1619275257671}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "dcedge01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "fe80::205:860f:fc71:3c00/128", "nexthopIps":
[], "oifs": ["lo0.0"], "protocol": "direct", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers":
- 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257671}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "dcedge01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
+ 6, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257671}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "dcedge01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [], "oifs":
+ ["em0.0"], "protocol": "direct", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action":
+ "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257671}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
+ "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
"oifs": ["xe-0/0/1.0"], "protocol": "bgp", "source": "", "preference": 170, "ipvers":
4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257671}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "dcedge01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [], "oifs":
- ["em0.0"], "protocol": "local", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action":
- "local", "timestamp": 1619275257671}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
- "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [], "oifs": ["em1.0"],
- "protocol": "direct", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
- "timestamp": 1619275257671}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "vrf":
- "default", "prefix": "ff02::2/128", "nexthopIps": [], "oifs": [], "protocol":
- "inet6", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 6, "action": "multirecv", "timestamp":
- 1619275257671}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "vrf": "default",
- "prefix": "fe80::205:860f:fc71:3c00/128", "nexthopIps": [], "oifs": ["lo0.0"],
- "protocol": "direct", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 6, "action": "forward",
- "timestamp": 1619275257671}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "vrf":
- "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [], "oifs": ["em0.0"], "protocol":
- "direct", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp":
- 1619275257671}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "vrf": "default",
- "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["xe-0/0/1.0"],
- "protocol": "bgp", "source": "", "preference": 170, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
- "timestamp": 1619275257671}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "vrf":
- "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs":
- ["xe-0/0/1.0"], "protocol": "bgp", "source": "", "preference": 170, "ipvers":
+ "dcedge01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
+ "oifs": ["xe-0/0/1.0"], "protocol": "bgp", "source": "", "preference": 170, "ipvers":
4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257671}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
"leaf04", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["",
""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source":
@@ -31269,11 +31281,11 @@ tests:
["", ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol":
"ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp":
1619275257722}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf": "default",
- "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""], "oifs": ["Lo0",
- "Lo0"], "protocol": "local", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action":
- "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257722}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02",
- "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs":
- [], "protocol": "bgp", "source": "", "preference": 20, "ipvers": 4, "action":
+ "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""], "oifs": ["loopback0",
+ "loopback0"], "protocol": "local", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4,
+ "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257722}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "exit02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
+ "oifs": [], "protocol": "bgp", "source": "", "preference": 20, "ipvers": 4, "action":
"forward", "timestamp": 1619275257722}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02",
"vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""],
"oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
@@ -31302,29 +31314,29 @@ tests:
"oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257722}, {"namespace":
"nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
- ["", ""], "oifs": ["Lo1", "Lo1"], "protocol": "local", "source":
- "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257722},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
- "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": [], "protocol": "bgp", "source": "",
- "preference": 20, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257722},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
- "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": [], "protocol": "bgp", "source": "",
- "preference": 20, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257722},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
- "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": [], "protocol": "bgp", "source": "",
- "preference": 20, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257722},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
- "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": [], "protocol": "bgp", "source": "",
- "preference": 20, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257722},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
- "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/3.2"], "protocol": "direct",
- "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp":
+ ["", ""], "oifs": ["loopback1", "loopback1"], "protocol":
+ "local", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp":
1619275257722}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf": "default",
- "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/3.2"],
- "protocol": "local", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
+ "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": [], "protocol":
+ "bgp", "source": "", "preference": 20, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp":
+ 1619275257722}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf": "default",
+ "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": [], "protocol":
+ "bgp", "source": "", "preference": 20, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp":
+ 1619275257722}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf": "default",
+ "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": [], "protocol":
+ "bgp", "source": "", "preference": 20, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp":
+ 1619275257722}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf": "default",
+ "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": [], "protocol":
+ "bgp", "source": "", "preference": 20, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp":
+ 1619275257722}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf": "default",
+ "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/3.2"],
+ "protocol": "direct", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
"timestamp": 1619275257722}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf":
- "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs":
- [], "protocol": "bgp", "source": "", "preference": 20, "ipvers": 4, "action":
+ "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs":
+ ["Ethernet1/3.2"], "protocol": "local", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers":
+ 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257722}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "exit02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
+ "oifs": [], "protocol": "bgp", "source": "", "preference": 20, "ipvers": 4, "action":
"forward", "timestamp": 1619275257722}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02",
"vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
"oifs": [], "protocol": "bgp", "source": "", "preference": 20, "ipvers": 4, "action":
@@ -33837,7 +33849,7 @@ tests:
{"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "server301", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
"nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["eth0"], "protocol": "dhcp", "source": "",
"preference": 20, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1639476253490}]'
-- command: route show --hostname='~!leaf.* ~!exit.*' --format=json
+- command: route show --hostname='!~leaf.* !~exit.*' --format=json
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: route show hostname negate regex
output: '[{"namespace": "ospf-single", "hostname": "server101", "vrf": "default",
@@ -35028,66 +35040,67 @@ tests:
[""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257123}, {"namespace":
"nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
- ["", ""], "oifs": ["Lo0", "Lo0"], "protocol": "local", "source":
- "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257123},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
- "nexthopIps": ["", "", "", "", "",
- ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2", "Ethernet1/3", "Ethernet1/4",
- "Ethernet1/5", "Ethernet1/6"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
- 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257123}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
- [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/4"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
- 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257123}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
- [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/3"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
- 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257123}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
- [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
- 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257123}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
- [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
- 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257123}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
- [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/5"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
- 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257123}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
- [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/3"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
- 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257467}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "vrf": "management", "prefix": "",
- "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["mgmt0"], "protocol": "local", "source":
- "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257467},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "vrf": "management", "prefix": "",
- "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["mgmt0"], "protocol": "direct", "source":
- "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257467},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "vrf": "management", "prefix": "",
- "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": [], "protocol": "static", "source": "",
- "preference": 1, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257467},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
- "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/6"], "protocol": "ospf", "source":
- "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257467},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
- "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/5"], "protocol": "ospf", "source":
- "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257467},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
- "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/4"], "protocol": "ospf", "source":
- "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257467},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
- "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source":
- "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257467},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
- "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1"], "protocol": "ospf", "source":
- "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257467},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
- "nexthopIps": ["", ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/3", "Ethernet1/4"],
+ ["", ""], "oifs": ["loopback0", "loopback0"], "protocol": "local",
+ "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp":
+ 1619275257123}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "vrf": "default",
+ "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", "", "",
+ "", "", ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2",
+ "Ethernet1/3", "Ethernet1/4", "Ethernet1/5", "Ethernet1/6"], "protocol": "ospf",
+ "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp":
+ 1619275257123}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "vrf": "default",
+ "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/4"],
+ "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
+ "timestamp": 1619275257123}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "vrf":
+ "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/3"],
+ "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
+ "timestamp": 1619275257123}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "vrf":
+ "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/2"],
+ "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
+ "timestamp": 1619275257123}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "vrf":
+ "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1"],
+ "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
+ "timestamp": 1619275257123}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "vrf":
+ "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/5"],
+ "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
+ "timestamp": 1619275257123}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "vrf":
+ "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/3"],
"protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
"timestamp": 1619275257467}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "vrf":
- "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""],
- "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
+ "management", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs":
+ ["mgmt0"], "protocol": "local", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action":
+ "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257467}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01",
+ "vrf": "management", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
+ "oifs": ["mgmt0"], "protocol": "direct", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers":
+ 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257467}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "spine01", "vrf": "management", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
+ "oifs": [], "protocol": "static", "source": "", "preference": 1, "ipvers": 4,
+ "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257467}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "spine01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
+ "oifs": ["Ethernet1/6"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110,
+ "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257467}, {"namespace": "nxos",
+ "hostname": "spine01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
+ [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/5"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257467}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
- [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/6"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
+ [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/4"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
+ 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257467}, {"namespace":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
+ [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
+ 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257467}, {"namespace":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
+ [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257467}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
+ ["", ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/3", "Ethernet1/4"], "protocol":
+ "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp":
+ 1619275257467}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "vrf": "default",
+ "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1",
+ "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers":
+ 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257467}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "spine01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
+ "oifs": ["Ethernet1/6"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110,
+ "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257467}, {"namespace": "nxos",
+ "hostname": "spine01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
[""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/5"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257467}, {"namespace":
"nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
@@ -35096,21 +35109,21 @@ tests:
"Ethernet1/6"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers":
4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257467}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
"spine01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["",
- ""], "oifs": ["Lo0", "Lo0"], "protocol": "local", "source": "", "preference":
- 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257467}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
- [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/4"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
- 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257467}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
- [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/3"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
- 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257467}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
- [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
- 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257467}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
- [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
- 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257467}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
+ ""], "oifs": ["loopback0", "loopback0"], "protocol": "local", "source":
+ "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257467},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
+ "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/4"], "protocol": "ospf", "source":
+ "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257467},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
+ "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/3"], "protocol": "ospf", "source":
+ "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257467},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
+ "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source":
+ "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257467},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
+ "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1"], "protocol": "ospf", "source":
+ "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257467},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
"nexthopIps": [], "oifs": ["xe-0/0/0.0"], "protocol": "direct", "source": "",
"preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257671},
{"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
@@ -36369,34 +36382,34 @@ tests:
[61.0, 61.0, 61.0], "totalTime": [64.0, 64.0, 64.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0],
"wrQsize": [25.0, 25.0, 25.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [2481.0,
2481.0, 2481.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499193}, {"namespace":
- "junos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "topmem", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [17.0, 17.0, 17.0], "totalTime": [23.0, 23.0, 23.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
- "wrQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [1445.0,
- 1445.0, 1445.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499194}, {"namespace":
"panos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
[50.0, 50.0, 50.0], "totalTime": [53.0, 53.0, 53.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
"wrQsize": [25.0, 25.0, 25.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [695.0,
695.0, 695.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499194}, {"namespace":
- "eos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "topmem", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "totalTime": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0],
- "wrQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [1445.0,
- 1445.0, 1445.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499195}, {"namespace":
+ "junos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "topmem", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
+ [17.0, 17.0, 17.0], "totalTime": [23.0, 23.0, 23.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
+ "wrQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [1445.0,
+ 1445.0, 1445.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499194}, {"namespace":
"vmx", "hostname": "CRP-ACC-SW01", "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
[56.0, 56.0, 56.0], "totalTime": [60.0, 60.0, 60.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0],
"wrQsize": [30.0, 30.0, 30.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [3931.0,
3931.0, 3931.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499195}, {"namespace":
+ "eos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "topmem", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
+ [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "totalTime": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0],
+ "wrQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [1445.0,
+ 1445.0, 1445.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499195}, {"namespace":
"ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf03", "service": "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
[64.0, 64.0, 64.0], "totalTime": [67.0, 67.0, 67.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0],
"wrQsize": [27.0, 27.0, 27.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [3791.0,
3791.0, 3791.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499196}, {"namespace":
- "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [67.0, 67.0, 67.0], "totalTime": [70.0, 70.0, 70.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0],
- "wrQsize": [29.0, 29.0, 29.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [3801.0,
- 3801.0, 3801.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499199}, {"namespace":
"vmx", "hostname": "TOR4CRP-DGW-RT01", "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
[60.0, 60.0, 60.0], "totalTime": [64.0, 64.0, 64.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
"wrQsize": [32.0, 32.0, 32.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [3929.0,
3929.0, 3929.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499199}, {"namespace":
+ "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
+ [67.0, 67.0, 67.0], "totalTime": [70.0, 70.0, 70.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0],
+ "wrQsize": [29.0, 29.0, 29.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [3801.0,
+ 3801.0, 3801.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499199}, {"namespace":
"junos", "hostname": "server201", "service": "topmem", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
[23.0, 23.0, 23.0], "totalTime": [29.0, 29.0, 29.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
"wrQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [1445.0,
@@ -36425,14 +36438,14 @@ tests:
0, "gatherTime": [75.0, 75.0, 75.0], "totalTime": [78.0, 78.0, 78.0], "svcQsize":
[3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [35.0, 35.0, 35.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
"rxBytes": [3335.0, 3335.0, 3335.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499207},
- {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service": "topmem", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [60.0, 60.0, 60.0], "totalTime": [66.0, 66.0, 66.0], "svcQsize":
- [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [29.0, 29.0, 29.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
- "rxBytes": [1424.0, 1424.0, 1424.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499207},
{"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01", "service": "device", "status":
0, "gatherTime": [68.0, 68.0, 68.0], "totalTime": [72.0, 72.0, 72.0], "svcQsize":
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [36.0, 36.0, 36.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0],
"rxBytes": [3941.0, 3941.0, 3941.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499207},
+ {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service": "topmem", "status": 0,
+ "gatherTime": [60.0, 60.0, 60.0], "totalTime": [66.0, 66.0, 66.0], "svcQsize":
+ [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [29.0, 29.0, 29.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
+ "rxBytes": [1424.0, 1424.0, 1424.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499207},
{"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server302", "service": "topmem", "status": 0,
"gatherTime": [23.0, 23.0, 23.0], "totalTime": [29.0, 29.0, 29.0], "svcQsize":
[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
@@ -36453,14 +36466,14 @@ tests:
0, "gatherTime": [66.0, 66.0, 66.0], "totalTime": [73.0, 73.0, 73.0], "svcQsize":
[10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [31.0, 31.0, 31.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
"rxBytes": [1428.0, 1428.0, 1428.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499214},
- {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "devconfig", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [84.0, 84.0, 84.0], "totalTime": [88.0, 88.0, 88.0], "svcQsize":
- [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [41.0, 41.0, 41.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
- "rxBytes": [2440.0, 2440.0, 2440.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499217},
{"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR1BBN-PE-RT01", "service": "bgp", "status":
0, "gatherTime": [72.0, 72.0, 72.0], "totalTime": [82.0, 82.0, 82.0], "svcQsize":
[4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [38.0, 38.0, 38.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0],
"rxBytes": [15769.0, 15769.0, 15769.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587499217}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "devconfig",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [84.0, 84.0, 84.0], "totalTime": [88.0, 88.0, 88.0],
+ "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [41.0, 41.0, 41.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0,
+ 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [2440.0, 2440.0, 2440.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
1652587499217}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "topmem",
"status": 0, "gatherTime": [73.0, 73.0, 73.0], "totalTime": [79.0, 79.0, 79.0],
"svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [33.0, 33.0, 33.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0,
@@ -36525,14 +36538,14 @@ tests:
"service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [63.0, 63.0, 63.0], "totalTime":
[68.0, 68.0, 68.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [19.0, 19.0, 19.0],
"nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [1815.0, 1815.0, 1815.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499247}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit02",
- "service": "mlag", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [117.0, 117.0, 117.0], "totalTime":
- [121.0, 121.0, 121.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [51.0, 51.0, 51.0],
- "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [263.0, 263.0, 263.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499250}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01",
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499247}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01",
"service": "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [104.0, 104.0, 104.0], "totalTime":
[115.0, 115.0, 115.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [43.0, 43.0, 43.0],
"nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [50378.0, 50378.0, 50378.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499250}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit02",
+ "service": "mlag", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [117.0, 117.0, 117.0], "totalTime":
+ [121.0, 121.0, 121.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [51.0, 51.0, 51.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [263.0, 263.0, 263.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587499250}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server301",
"service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [68.0, 68.0, 68.0], "totalTime":
[73.0, 73.0, 73.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [21.0, 21.0, 21.0],
@@ -36577,14 +36590,14 @@ tests:
"service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [135.0, 135.0, 135.0], "totalTime":
[139.0, 139.0, 139.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [56.0, 56.0,
56.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [561.0, 561.0, 561.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499268}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine01",
- "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [72.0, 72.0, 72.0], "totalTime":
- [98.0, 98.0, 98.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0],
- "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [103178.0, 103178.0, 103178.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499269}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "server301",
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499268}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "server301",
"service": "topmem", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [121.0, 121.0, 121.0], "totalTime":
[128.0, 128.0, 128.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [49.0, 49.0, 49.0],
"nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [1453.0, 1453.0, 1453.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499269}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine01",
+ "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [72.0, 72.0, 72.0], "totalTime":
+ [98.0, 98.0, 98.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [103178.0, 103178.0, 103178.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587499269}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR1BBN-PE-RT01",
"service": "inventory", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [130.0, 130.0, 130.0], "totalTime":
[135.0, 135.0, 135.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [50.0, 50.0, 50.0],
@@ -36617,14 +36630,14 @@ tests:
"service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [148.0, 148.0, 148.0], "totalTime":
[152.0, 152.0, 152.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [62.0, 62.0,
62.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [567.0, 567.0, 567.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499281}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR4CRP-DGW-RT01",
- "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [144.0, 144.0, 144.0], "totalTime":
- [147.0, 147.0, 147.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [56.0, 56.0, 56.0],
- "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [2226.0, 2226.0, 2226.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499282}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "server102",
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499281}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "server102",
"service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [135.0, 135.0, 135.0], "totalTime":
[141.0, 141.0, 141.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [53.0, 53.0,
53.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [1835.0, 1835.0, 1835.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499282}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR4CRP-DGW-RT01",
+ "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [144.0, 144.0, 144.0], "totalTime":
+ [147.0, 147.0, 147.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [56.0, 56.0, 56.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [2226.0, 2226.0, 2226.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587499282}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server103",
"service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [152.0, 152.0, 152.0], "totalTime":
[156.0, 156.0, 156.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [64.0, 64.0, 64.0],
@@ -36665,15 +36678,15 @@ tests:
"service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [98.0, 98.0, 98.0], "totalTime":
[125.0, 125.0, 125.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0],
"nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [103182.0, 103182.0, 103182.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499296}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
- "routes", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [108.0, 108.0, 108.0], "totalTime": [118.0,
- 118.0, 118.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [31.0, 31.0, 31.0], "nodeQsize":
- [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [3472.0, 3472.0, 3472.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587499297}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine02",
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499296}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine02",
"service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [164.0, 164.0, 164.0], "totalTime":
[168.0, 168.0, 168.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [70.0, 70.0, 70.0],
"nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [1340.0, 1340.0, 1340.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499297}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01",
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499297}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
+ "routes", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [108.0, 108.0, 108.0], "totalTime": [118.0,
+ 118.0, 118.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [31.0, 31.0, 31.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [3472.0, 3472.0, 3472.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1652587499297}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01",
"service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [159.0, 159.0, 159.0], "totalTime":
[163.0, 163.0, 163.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [63.0, 63.0, 63.0],
"nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [2226.0, 2226.0, 2226.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
@@ -36749,18 +36762,18 @@ tests:
"service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [203.0, 203.0, 203.0], "totalTime":
[206.0, 206.0, 206.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [88.0, 88.0,
88.0], "nodeQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "rxBytes": [227.0, 227.0, 227.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499335}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
- "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [190.0, 190.0, 190.0], "totalTime":
- [196.0, 196.0, 196.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [69.0, 69.0, 69.0],
- "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [2888.0, 2888.0, 2888.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499335}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01",
+ "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [182.0, 182.0, 182.0], "totalTime":
+ [202.0, 202.0, 202.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [69.0, 69.0, 69.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [284518.0, 284518.0, 284518.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587499337}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit02",
"service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [206.0, 206.0, 206.0], "totalTime":
[208.0, 208.0, 208.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [90.0, 90.0, 90.0],
"nodeQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "rxBytes": [285.0, 285.0, 285.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499337}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01",
- "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [182.0, 182.0, 182.0], "totalTime":
- [202.0, 202.0, 202.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [69.0, 69.0, 69.0],
- "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [284518.0, 284518.0, 284518.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499337}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
+ "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [190.0, 190.0, 190.0], "totalTime":
+ [196.0, 196.0, 196.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [69.0, 69.0, 69.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [2888.0, 2888.0, 2888.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587499337}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine01",
"service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [208.0, 208.0, 208.0], "totalTime":
[211.0, 211.0, 211.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [91.0, 91.0, 91.0],
@@ -36789,14 +36802,14 @@ tests:
"routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [204.0, 204.0, 204.0], "totalTime": [213.0,
213.0, 213.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [73.0, 73.0, 73.0], "nodeQsize":
[2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [7958.0, 7958.0, 7958.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587499354}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server102",
- "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [223.0, 223.0, 223.0], "totalTime":
- [226.0, 226.0, 226.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [99.0, 99.0, 99.0],
- "nodeQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "rxBytes": [228.0, 228.0, 228.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499355}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "CRP-ACC-SW01",
+ "timestamp": 1652587499354}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "CRP-ACC-SW01",
"service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [202.0, 202.0, 202.0], "totalTime":
[220.0, 220.0, 220.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [71.0, 71.0, 71.0],
"nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [274036.0, 274036.0, 274036.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499355}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server102",
+ "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [223.0, 223.0, 223.0], "totalTime":
+ [226.0, 226.0, 226.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [99.0, 99.0, 99.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "rxBytes": [228.0, 228.0, 228.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587499355}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "spine1-nxos",
"service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [155.0, 155.0, 155.0], "totalTime":
[166.0, 166.0, 166.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0],
@@ -36813,14 +36826,14 @@ tests:
"routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [213.0, 213.0, 213.0], "totalTime": [221.0,
221.0, 221.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [75.0, 75.0, 75.0], "nodeQsize":
[2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [6452.0, 6452.0, 6452.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587499362}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service":
- "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [176.0, 176.0, 176.0], "totalTime": [192.0,
- 192.0, 192.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [19.0, 19.0, 19.0], "nodeQsize":
- [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [35630.0, 35630.0, 35630.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499363}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf5-eos",
- "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [166.0, 166.0, 166.0], "totalTime":
- [173.0, 173.0, 173.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0],
- "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [14555.0, 14555.0, 14555.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ "timestamp": 1652587499362}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf5-eos", "service":
+ "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [166.0, 166.0, 166.0], "totalTime": [173.0,
+ 173.0, 173.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [14555.0, 14555.0, 14555.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499363}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
+ "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [176.0, 176.0, 176.0], "totalTime":
+ [192.0, 192.0, 192.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [19.0, 19.0, 19.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [35630.0, 35630.0, 35630.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587499363}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server103",
"service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [232.0, 232.0, 232.0], "totalTime":
[234.0, 234.0, 234.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [102.0, 102.0,
@@ -36869,14 +36882,14 @@ tests:
"service": "topcpu", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [259.0, 259.0, 259.0], "totalTime":
[265.0, 265.0, 265.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [112.0, 112.0,
112.0], "nodeQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [1443.0, 1443.0, 1443.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499394}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "spine01",
- "service": "evpnVni", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [252.0, 252.0, 252.0], "totalTime":
- [256.0, 256.0, 256.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [85.0, 85.0, 85.0],
- "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [219.0, 219.0, 219.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499397}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "exit02", "service":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499394}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "exit02", "service":
"routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [192.0, 192.0, 192.0], "totalTime": [226.0,
226.0, 226.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [21.0, 21.0, 21.0], "nodeQsize":
[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [110908.0, 110908.0, 110908.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499397}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "spine01",
+ "service": "evpnVni", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [252.0, 252.0, 252.0], "totalTime":
+ [256.0, 256.0, 256.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [85.0, 85.0, 85.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [219.0, 219.0, 219.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587499397}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server102",
"service": "topcpu", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [265.0, 265.0, 265.0], "totalTime":
[271.0, 271.0, 271.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [114.0, 114.0,
@@ -37184,14 +37197,14 @@ tests:
"service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [475.0, 475.0, 475.0], "totalTime":
[481.0, 481.0, 481.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [19.0, 19.0, 19.0],
"nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [5937.0, 5937.0, 5937.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499671}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf3-qfx",
- "service": "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [481.0, 481.0, 481.0], "totalTime":
- [487.0, 487.0, 487.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [21.0, 21.0, 21.0],
- "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [5313.0, 5313.0, 5313.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499677}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server104",
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499671}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server104",
"service": "ifCounters", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [538.0, 538.0, 538.0], "totalTime":
[548.0, 548.0, 548.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [187.0, 187.0,
187.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [1026.0, 1026.0, 1026.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499677}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf3-qfx",
+ "service": "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [481.0, 481.0, 481.0], "totalTime":
+ [487.0, 487.0, 487.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [21.0, 21.0, 21.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [5313.0, 5313.0, 5313.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587499677}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf4-qfx",
"service": "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [487.0, 487.0, 487.0], "totalTime":
[491.0, 491.0, 491.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [23.0, 23.0, 23.0],
@@ -37240,14 +37253,14 @@ tests:
"service": "ifCounters", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [581.0, 581.0, 581.0], "totalTime":
[590.0, 590.0, 590.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [195.0, 195.0,
195.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [1026.0, 1026.0, 1026.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499719}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server101",
- "service": "ifCounters", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [590.0, 590.0, 590.0], "totalTime":
- [598.0, 598.0, 598.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [197.0, 197.0,
- 197.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [1026.0, 1026.0, 1026.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499727}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf3-qfx",
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499719}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf3-qfx",
"service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [528.0, 528.0, 528.0], "totalTime":
[537.0, 537.0, 537.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [39.0, 39.0, 39.0],
"nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [5012.0, 5012.0, 5012.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499727}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server101",
+ "service": "ifCounters", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [590.0, 590.0, 590.0], "totalTime":
+ [598.0, 598.0, 598.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [197.0, 197.0,
+ 197.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [1026.0, 1026.0, 1026.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587499727}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf2-ios",
"service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [537.0, 537.0, 537.0], "totalTime":
[549.0, 549.0, 549.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [41.0, 41.0, 41.0],
@@ -37280,33 +37293,33 @@ tests:
"service": "ifCounters", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [635.0, 635.0, 635.0], "totalTime":
[646.0, 646.0, 646.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [205.0, 205.0,
205.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [2526.0, 2526.0, 2526.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499775}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499775}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf6-eos",
+ "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [583.0, 583.0, 583.0], "totalTime":
+ [590.0, 590.0, 590.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [51.0, 51.0, 51.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [761.0, 761.0, 761.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499780}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service":
"evpnVni", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [593.0, 593.0, 593.0], "totalTime": [601.0,
601.0, 601.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "nodeQsize":
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [1170.0, 1170.0, 1170.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587499780}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf6-eos", "service":
- "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [583.0, 583.0, 583.0], "totalTime": [590.0,
- 590.0, 590.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [51.0, 51.0, 51.0], "nodeQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [761.0, 761.0, 761.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587499780}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "ifCounters",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [646.0, 646.0, 646.0], "totalTime": [655.0, 655.0,
- 655.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [207.0, 207.0, 207.0], "nodeQsize":
- [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [2526.0, 2526.0, 2526.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587499784}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service":
- "evpnVni", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [601.0, 601.0, 601.0], "totalTime": [608.0,
- 608.0, 608.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "nodeQsize":
- [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [220.0, 220.0, 220.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587499787}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "internet", "service":
- "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [655.0, 655.0, 655.0], "totalTime": [659.0, 659.0,
- 659.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [209.0, 209.0, 209.0], "nodeQsize":
- [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [640.0, 640.0, 640.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587499788}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf4-qfx", "service":
- "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [591.0, 591.0, 591.0], "totalTime": [605.0,
- 605.0, 605.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [52.0, 52.0, 52.0], "nodeQsize":
- [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [629.0, 629.0, 629.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587499795}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "evpnVni",
- "status": 200, "gatherTime": [608.0, 608.0, 608.0], "totalTime": [617.0, 617.0,
- 617.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "nodeQsize":
+ "timestamp": 1652587499780}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit02",
+ "service": "ifCounters", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [646.0, 646.0, 646.0], "totalTime":
+ [655.0, 655.0, 655.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [207.0, 207.0,
+ 207.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [2526.0, 2526.0, 2526.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499784}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "firewall01",
+ "service": "evpnVni", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [601.0, 601.0, 601.0], "totalTime":
+ [608.0, 608.0, 608.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [220.0, 220.0, 220.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499787}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "internet",
+ "service": "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [655.0, 655.0, 655.0], "totalTime":
+ [659.0, 659.0, 659.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [209.0, 209.0,
+ 209.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [640.0, 640.0, 640.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499788}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf4-qfx",
+ "service": "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [591.0, 591.0, 591.0], "totalTime":
+ [605.0, 605.0, 605.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [52.0, 52.0, 52.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [629.0, 629.0, 629.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499795}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service":
+ "evpnVni", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [608.0, 608.0, 608.0], "totalTime": [617.0,
+ 617.0, 617.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "nodeQsize":
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [1507.0, 1507.0, 1507.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
"timestamp": 1652587499796}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "edge01",
"service": "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [664.0, 664.0, 664.0], "totalTime":
@@ -37316,31 +37329,31 @@ tests:
"service": "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [669.0, 669.0, 669.0], "totalTime":
[675.0, 675.0, 675.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [215.0, 215.0,
215.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [703.0, 703.0, 703.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499804}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit01", "service":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499804}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf3-qfx",
+ "service": "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [605.0, 605.0, 605.0], "totalTime":
+ [620.0, 620.0, 620.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [53.0, 53.0, 53.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [629.0, 629.0, 629.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499810}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit01", "service":
"evpnVni", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [624.0, 624.0, 624.0], "totalTime": [631.0,
631.0, 631.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "nodeQsize":
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [1265.0, 1265.0, 1265.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587499810}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf3-qfx", "service":
- "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [605.0, 605.0, 605.0], "totalTime": [620.0,
- 620.0, 620.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [53.0, 53.0, 53.0], "nodeQsize":
- [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [629.0, 629.0, 629.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587499810}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server104", "service":
- "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [680.0, 680.0, 680.0], "totalTime": [686.0, 686.0,
- 686.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [219.0, 219.0, 219.0], "nodeQsize":
- [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [703.0, 703.0, 703.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587499815}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit02", "service":
+ "timestamp": 1652587499810}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server104",
+ "service": "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [680.0, 680.0, 680.0], "totalTime":
+ [686.0, 686.0, 686.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [219.0, 219.0,
+ 219.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [703.0, 703.0, 703.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499815}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit02", "service":
"evpnVni", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [631.0, 631.0, 631.0], "totalTime": [639.0,
639.0, 639.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "nodeQsize":
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [1265.0, 1265.0, 1265.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587499818}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf5-eos", "service":
- "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [620.0, 620.0, 620.0], "totalTime": [631.0,
- 631.0, 631.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [54.0, 54.0, 54.0], "nodeQsize":
- [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [217.0, 217.0, 217.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587499821}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit01", "service": "fs",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [686.0, 686.0, 686.0], "totalTime": [692.0, 692.0,
- 692.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [221.0, 221.0, 221.0], "nodeQsize":
- [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [638.0, 638.0, 638.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587499821}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
+ "timestamp": 1652587499818}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit01",
+ "service": "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [686.0, 686.0, 686.0], "totalTime":
+ [692.0, 692.0, 692.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [221.0, 221.0,
+ 221.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [638.0, 638.0, 638.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499821}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf5-eos",
+ "service": "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [620.0, 620.0, 620.0], "totalTime":
+ [631.0, 631.0, 631.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [54.0, 54.0, 54.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [217.0, 217.0, 217.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499821}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
"evpnVni", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [639.0, 639.0, 639.0], "totalTime": [646.0,
646.0, 646.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "nodeQsize":
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [183.0, 183.0, 183.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
@@ -37440,14 +37453,14 @@ tests:
"service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [750.0, 750.0, 750.0], "totalTime":
[756.0, 756.0, 756.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [243.0, 243.0,
243.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [618.0, 618.0, 618.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499885}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499885}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf5-eos",
+ "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [693.0, 693.0, 693.0], "totalTime":
+ [696.0, 696.0, 696.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [69.0, 69.0, 69.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [1017.0, 1017.0, 1017.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499886}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
"lldp", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [700.0, 700.0, 700.0], "totalTime": [707.0,
707.0, 707.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [27.0, 27.0, 27.0], "nodeQsize":
[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [5478.0, 5478.0, 5478.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587499886}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf5-eos", "service":
- "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [693.0, 693.0, 693.0], "totalTime": [696.0,
- 696.0, 696.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [69.0, 69.0, 69.0], "nodeQsize":
- [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [1017.0, 1017.0, 1017.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
"timestamp": 1652587499886}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server101",
"service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [756.0, 756.0, 756.0], "totalTime":
[762.0, 762.0, 762.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [245.0, 245.0,
@@ -37533,23 +37546,23 @@ tests:
"devconfig", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [768.0, 768.0, 768.0], "totalTime":
[773.0, 773.0, 773.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [46.0, 46.0, 46.0],
"nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [3522.0, 3522.0, 3522.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499952}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine02",
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499952}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit02", "service":
+ "devconfig", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [773.0, 773.0, 773.0], "totalTime":
+ [778.0, 778.0, 778.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [48.0, 48.0, 48.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [4590.0, 4590.0, 4590.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499957}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine02",
"service": "topmem", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [819.0, 819.0, 819.0], "totalTime":
[828.0, 828.0, 828.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [267.0, 267.0,
267.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [1444.0, 1444.0, 1444.0],
"pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499957}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname":
- "exit02", "service": "devconfig", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [773.0, 773.0,
- 773.0], "totalTime": [778.0, 778.0, 778.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize":
- [48.0, 48.0, 48.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [4590.0, 4590.0,
- 4590.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499957}, {"namespace":
- "eos", "hostname": "exit01", "service": "devconfig", "status": 200, "gatherTime":
- [778.0, 778.0, 778.0], "totalTime": [782.0, 782.0, 782.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0,
- 3.0], "wrQsize": [50.0, 50.0, 50.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes":
- [4453.0, 4453.0, 4453.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499962},
- {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service": "devconfig", "status": 200,
- "gatherTime": [783.0, 783.0, 783.0], "totalTime": [786.0, 786.0, 786.0], "svcQsize":
- [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [52.0, 52.0, 52.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
- "rxBytes": [4580.0, 4580.0, 4580.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499965},
+ "exit01", "service": "devconfig", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [778.0, 778.0,
+ 778.0], "totalTime": [782.0, 782.0, 782.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize":
+ [50.0, 50.0, 50.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [4453.0, 4453.0,
+ 4453.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499962}, {"namespace":
+ "eos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service": "devconfig", "status": 200, "gatherTime":
+ [783.0, 783.0, 783.0], "totalTime": [786.0, 786.0, 786.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0,
+ 2.0], "wrQsize": [52.0, 52.0, 52.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes":
+ [4580.0, 4580.0, 4580.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499965},
{"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "topmem", "status":
0, "gatherTime": [828.0, 828.0, 828.0], "totalTime": [837.0, 837.0, 837.0], "svcQsize":
[11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [269.0, 269.0, 269.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0,
@@ -37579,14 +37592,14 @@ tests:
0, "gatherTime": [809.0, 809.0, 809.0], "totalTime": [816.0, 816.0, 816.0], "svcQsize":
[11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [62.0, 62.0, 62.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0],
"rxBytes": [566.0, 566.0, 566.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499995},
- {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit01", "service": "topmem", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [857.0, 857.0, 857.0], "totalTime": [869.0, 869.0, 869.0], "svcQsize":
- [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [275.0, 275.0, 275.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0],
- "rxBytes": [1440.0, 1440.0, 1440.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499998},
{"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "evpnVni", "status":
0, "gatherTime": [820.0, 820.0, 820.0], "totalTime": [827.0, 827.0, 827.0], "svcQsize":
[7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
[221.0, 221.0, 221.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499998},
+ {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit01", "service": "topmem", "status":
+ 0, "gatherTime": [857.0, 857.0, 857.0], "totalTime": [869.0, 869.0, 869.0], "svcQsize":
+ [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [275.0, 275.0, 275.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0],
+ "rxBytes": [1440.0, 1440.0, 1440.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499998},
{"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server302", "service": "device", "status": 0,
"gatherTime": [816.0, 816.0, 816.0], "totalTime": [821.0, 821.0, 821.0], "svcQsize":
[10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [64.0, 64.0, 64.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0],
@@ -37716,14 +37729,14 @@ tests:
924.0, 924.0], "totalTime": [928.0, 928.0, 928.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
"wrQsize": [28.0, 28.0, 28.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [16693.0,
16693.0, 16693.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500099}, {"namespace":
- "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "edge01", "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [967.0, 967.0, 967.0], "totalTime": [976.0, 976.0, 976.0], "svcQsize": [10.0,
- 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [299.0, 299.0, 299.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0],
- "rxBytes": [5422.0, 5422.0, 5422.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500105},
- {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "lldp", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [928.0, 928.0, 928.0], "totalTime": [934.0, 934.0, 934.0], "svcQsize":
- [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [30.0, 30.0, 30.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
- "rxBytes": [22086.0, 22086.0, 22086.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ "junos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
+ [928.0, 928.0, 928.0], "totalTime": [934.0, 934.0, 934.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0,
+ 0.0], "wrQsize": [30.0, 30.0, 30.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes":
+ [22086.0, 22086.0, 22086.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500105},
+ {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "edge01", "service": "routes", "status":
+ 0, "gatherTime": [967.0, 967.0, 967.0], "totalTime": [976.0, 976.0, 976.0], "svcQsize":
+ [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [299.0, 299.0, 299.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0,
+ 13.0], "rxBytes": [5422.0, 5422.0, 5422.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
1652587500105}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "routes",
"status": 0, "gatherTime": [976.0, 976.0, 976.0], "totalTime": [984.0, 984.0,
984.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [301.0, 301.0, 301.0], "nodeQsize":
@@ -37910,35 +37923,35 @@ tests:
[1159.0, 1159.0, 1159.0], "totalTime": [1252.0, 1252.0, 1252.0], "svcQsize": [4.0,
4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [77.0, 77.0, 77.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes":
[31438.0, 31438.0, 31438.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500442},
- {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "internet", "service": "interfaces", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [1305.0, 1305.0, 1305.0], "totalTime": [1314.0, 1314.0, 1314.0],
- "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [363.0, 363.0, 363.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0,
- 16.0, 16.0], "rxBytes": [4773.0, 4773.0, 4773.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500443}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "interfaces",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1261.0, 1261.0, 1261.0], "totalTime": [1272.0, 1272.0,
- 1272.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [60.0, 60.0, 60.0], "nodeQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [1413.0, 1413.0, 1413.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587500443}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server202", "service":
- "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1272.0, 1272.0, 1272.0], "totalTime":
- [1282.0, 1282.0, 1282.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [62.0, 62.0,
- 62.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [1413.0, 1413.0, 1413.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500453}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf5-eos",
- "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1252.0, 1252.0, 1252.0],
- "totalTime": [1264.0, 1264.0, 1264.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize":
- [79.0, 79.0, 79.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [23599.0, 23599.0,
- 23599.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500454}, {"namespace":
- "eos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service": "bgp", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1259.0,
- 1259.0, 1259.0], "totalTime": [1282.0, 1282.0, 1282.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0,
- 3.0], "wrQsize": [98.0, 98.0, 98.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes":
- [7141.0, 7141.0, 7141.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500461},
- {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "interfaces", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [1282.0, 1282.0, 1282.0], "totalTime": [1293.0, 1293.0, 1293.0],
- "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [64.0, 64.0, 64.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0,
- 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [1415.0, 1415.0, 1415.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500464}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf6-eos", "service": "interfaces",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1264.0, 1264.0, 1264.0], "totalTime": [1276.0, 1276.0,
- 1276.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [81.0, 81.0, 81.0], "nodeQsize":
- [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [23590.0, 23590.0, 23590.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "interfaces", "status":
+ 0, "gatherTime": [1261.0, 1261.0, 1261.0], "totalTime": [1272.0, 1272.0, 1272.0],
+ "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [60.0, 60.0, 60.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0,
+ 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [1413.0, 1413.0, 1413.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587500443}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "internet", "service":
+ "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1305.0, 1305.0, 1305.0], "totalTime":
+ [1314.0, 1314.0, 1314.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [363.0, 363.0,
+ 363.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "rxBytes": [4773.0, 4773.0, 4773.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500443}, {"namespace": "junos",
+ "hostname": "server202", "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1272.0,
+ 1272.0, 1272.0], "totalTime": [1282.0, 1282.0, 1282.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0,
+ 3.0], "wrQsize": [62.0, 62.0, 62.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes":
+ [1413.0, 1413.0, 1413.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500453},
+ {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf5-eos", "service": "interfaces", "status":
+ 0, "gatherTime": [1252.0, 1252.0, 1252.0], "totalTime": [1264.0, 1264.0, 1264.0],
+ "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [79.0, 79.0, 79.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0,
+ 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [23599.0, 23599.0, 23599.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587500454}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service": "bgp", "status":
+ 200, "gatherTime": [1259.0, 1259.0, 1259.0], "totalTime": [1282.0, 1282.0, 1282.0],
+ "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [98.0, 98.0, 98.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0,
+ 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [7141.0, 7141.0, 7141.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587500461}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "interfaces",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1282.0, 1282.0, 1282.0], "totalTime": [1293.0, 1293.0,
+ 1293.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [64.0, 64.0, 64.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [1415.0, 1415.0, 1415.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1652587500464}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf6-eos", "service":
+ "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1264.0, 1264.0, 1264.0], "totalTime":
+ [1276.0, 1276.0, 1276.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [81.0, 81.0,
+ 81.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [23590.0, 23590.0, 23590.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587500466}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "firewall01",
"service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1293.0, 1293.0, 1293.0],
"totalTime": [1305.0, 1305.0, 1305.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize":
@@ -37990,43 +38003,43 @@ tests:
"gatherTime": [1351.0, 1351.0, 1351.0], "totalTime": [1359.0, 1359.0, 1359.0],
"svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [82.0, 82.0, 82.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0,
4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [4954.0, 4954.0, 4954.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500530}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "device",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1359.0, 1359.0, 1359.0], "totalTime": [1366.0, 1366.0,
- 1366.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [84.0, 84.0, 84.0], "nodeQsize":
- [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [563.0, 563.0, 563.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500537}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "spine1-nxos", "service": "interfaces",
+ 1652587500530}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "spine1-nxos", "service": "interfaces",
"status": 0, "gatherTime": [1309.0, 1309.0, 1309.0], "totalTime": [1347.0, 1347.0,
1347.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [85.0, 85.0, 85.0], "nodeQsize":
[8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [38291.0, 38291.0, 38291.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500537}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "firewall01",
+ "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1359.0, 1359.0, 1359.0], "totalTime":
+ [1366.0, 1366.0, 1366.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [84.0, 84.0,
+ 84.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [563.0, 563.0, 563.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587500537}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit01",
"service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1384.0, 1384.0, 1384.0],
"totalTime": [1411.0, 1411.0, 1411.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize":
[371.0, 371.0, 371.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "rxBytes": [18318.0, 18318.0,
18318.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500540}, {"namespace":
- "junos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [1366.0, 1366.0, 1366.0], "totalTime": [1371.0, 1371.0, 1371.0], "svcQsize": [3.0,
- 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [86.0, 86.0, 86.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes":
- [561.0, 561.0, 561.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500542},
- {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [1350.0, 1350.0, 1350.0], "totalTime": [1363.0, 1363.0, 1363.0], "svcQsize": [0.0,
- 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [104.0, 104.0, 104.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes":
+ "eos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1350.0,
+ 1350.0, 1350.0], "totalTime": [1363.0, 1363.0, 1363.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0,
+ 0.0], "wrQsize": [104.0, 104.0, 104.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes":
[28572.0, 28572.0, 28572.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500542},
- {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server202", "service": "device", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [1371.0, 1371.0, 1371.0], "totalTime": [1376.0, 1376.0, 1376.0],
- "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [88.0, 88.0, 88.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0,
+ {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "device", "status":
+ 0, "gatherTime": [1366.0, 1366.0, 1366.0], "totalTime": [1371.0, 1371.0, 1371.0],
+ "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [86.0, 86.0, 86.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0,
4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [561.0, 561.0, 561.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500547}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf1-ios", "service": "ospfIf",
+ 1652587500542}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf1-ios", "service": "ospfIf",
"status": 0, "gatherTime": [1347.0, 1347.0, 1347.0], "totalTime": [1357.0, 1357.0,
1357.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [87.0, 87.0, 87.0], "nodeQsize":
[9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [2775.0, 2775.0, 2775.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587500547}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server102",
- "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1411.0, 1411.0, 1411.0],
- "totalTime": [1421.0, 1421.0, 1421.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize":
- [373.0, 373.0, 373.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "rxBytes": [2236.0, 2236.0,
- 2236.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500550}, {"namespace":
- "junos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [1376.0, 1376.0, 1376.0], "totalTime": [1382.0, 1382.0, 1382.0], "svcQsize": [1.0,
- 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [90.0, 90.0, 90.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes":
+ "timestamp": 1652587500547}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server202", "service":
+ "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1371.0, 1371.0, 1371.0], "totalTime": [1376.0,
+ 1376.0, 1376.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [88.0, 88.0, 88.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [561.0, 561.0, 561.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587500547}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server102", "service":
+ "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1411.0, 1411.0, 1411.0], "totalTime":
+ [1421.0, 1421.0, 1421.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [373.0, 373.0,
+ 373.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "rxBytes": [2236.0, 2236.0, 2236.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500550}, {"namespace": "junos",
+ "hostname": "server102", "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1376.0,
+ 1376.0, 1376.0], "totalTime": [1382.0, 1382.0, 1382.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0,
+ 1.0], "wrQsize": [90.0, 90.0, 90.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes":
[562.0, 562.0, 562.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500553},
{"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "mlag", "status": 200, "gatherTime":
[1368.0, 1368.0, 1368.0], "totalTime": [1376.0, 1376.0, 1376.0], "svcQsize": [6.0,
@@ -38061,15 +38074,15 @@ tests:
0, "gatherTime": [1367.0, 1367.0, 1367.0], "totalTime": [1377.0, 1377.0, 1377.0],
"svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [91.0, 91.0, 91.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0,
9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [12780.0, 12780.0, 12780.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500567}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server103", "service":
- "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1436.0, 1436.0, 1436.0], "totalTime":
- [1444.0, 1444.0, 1444.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [379.0, 379.0,
- 379.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "rxBytes": [2236.0, 2236.0, 2236.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500573}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname":
- "spine02", "service": "mlag", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1387.0, 1387.0, 1387.0],
- "totalTime": [1393.0, 1393.0, 1393.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize":
- [111.0, 111.0, 111.0], "nodeQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "rxBytes": [1342.0, 1342.0,
- 1342.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500573}, {"namespace":
+ 1652587500567}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "mlag",
+ "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1387.0, 1387.0, 1387.0], "totalTime": [1393.0, 1393.0,
+ 1393.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [111.0, 111.0, 111.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "rxBytes": [1342.0, 1342.0, 1342.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1652587500573}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server103",
+ "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1436.0, 1436.0, 1436.0],
+ "totalTime": [1444.0, 1444.0, 1444.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize":
+ [379.0, 379.0, 379.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "rxBytes": [2236.0, 2236.0,
+ 2236.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500573}, {"namespace":
"junos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
[1388.0, 1388.0, 1388.0], "totalTime": [1405.0, 1405.0, 1405.0], "svcQsize": [7.0,
7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [94.0, 94.0, 94.0], "nodeQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "rxBytes":
@@ -38099,14 +38112,14 @@ tests:
"status": 200, "gatherTime": [1410.0, 1410.0, 1410.0], "totalTime": [1417.0, 1417.0,
1417.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [116.0, 116.0, 116.0], "nodeQsize":
[5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "rxBytes": [1342.0, 1342.0, 1342.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587500596}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
- "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1405.0, 1405.0, 1405.0], "totalTime": [1425.0,
- 1425.0, 1425.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [96.0, 96.0, 96.0], "nodeQsize":
- [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "rxBytes": [54024.0, 54024.0, 54024.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500596}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "spine2-nxos",
+ "timestamp": 1652587500596}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "spine2-nxos",
"service": "ospfIf", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1398.0, 1398.0, 1398.0], "totalTime":
[1406.0, 1406.0, 1406.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [97.0, 97.0,
97.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [5063.0, 5063.0, 5063.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500596}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine02",
+ "service": "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1405.0, 1405.0, 1405.0], "totalTime":
+ [1425.0, 1425.0, 1425.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [96.0, 96.0,
+ 96.0], "nodeQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "rxBytes": [54024.0, 54024.0, 54024.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587500596}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server102",
"service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1417.0, 1417.0, 1417.0], "totalTime":
[1421.0, 1421.0, 1421.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [117.0, 117.0,
@@ -38127,15 +38140,15 @@ tests:
"server101", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1425.0, 1425.0, 1425.0],
"totalTime": [1429.0, 1429.0, 1429.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize":
[119.0, 119.0, 119.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [218.0, 218.0,
- 218.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500608}, {"namespace": "mixed",
- "hostname": "leaf5-eos", "service": "ospfIf", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1414.0,
- 1414.0, 1414.0], "totalTime": [1422.0, 1422.0, 1422.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0,
- 0.0], "wrQsize": [101.0, 101.0, 101.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes":
- [9272.0, 9272.0, 9272.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500612},
- {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server302", "service": "vlan", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [1429.0, 1429.0, 1429.0], "totalTime": [1433.0, 1433.0, 1433.0],
- "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [120.0, 120.0, 120.0], "nodeQsize":
- [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [219.0, 219.0, 219.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 218.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500608}, {"namespace": "eos",
+ "hostname": "server302", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1429.0,
+ 1429.0, 1429.0], "totalTime": [1433.0, 1433.0, 1433.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0,
+ 10.0], "wrQsize": [120.0, 120.0, 120.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes":
+ [219.0, 219.0, 219.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500612},
+ {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf5-eos", "service": "ospfIf", "status":
+ 0, "gatherTime": [1414.0, 1414.0, 1414.0], "totalTime": [1422.0, 1422.0, 1422.0],
+ "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [101.0, 101.0, 101.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0,
+ 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [9272.0, 9272.0, 9272.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
1652587500612}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "internet", "service":
"ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1478.0, 1478.0, 1478.0], "totalTime": [1485.0,
1485.0, 1485.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [386.0, 386.0, 386.0],
@@ -38152,14 +38165,14 @@ tests:
"vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1437.0, 1437.0, 1437.0], "totalTime": [1441.0,
1441.0, 1441.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [123.0, 123.0, 123.0],
"nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [2615.0, 2615.0, 2615.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500620}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "exit01", "service":
- "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1425.0, 1425.0, 1425.0], "totalTime": [1450.0,
- 1450.0, 1450.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [98.0, 98.0, 98.0], "nodeQsize":
- [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "rxBytes": [90380.0, 90380.0, 90380.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500622}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf6-eos",
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500620}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf6-eos",
"service": "time", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1428.0, 1428.0, 1428.0], "totalTime":
[1432.0, 1432.0, 1432.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [105.0, 105.0,
105.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [260.0, 260.0, 260.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500622}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "exit01", "service":
+ "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1425.0, 1425.0, 1425.0], "totalTime": [1450.0,
+ 1450.0, 1450.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [98.0, 98.0, 98.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "rxBytes": [90380.0, 90380.0, 90380.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587500622}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service":
"vlan", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1446.0, 1446.0, 1446.0], "totalTime": [1451.0,
1451.0, 1451.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [127.0, 127.0, 127.0],
@@ -38318,15 +38331,15 @@ tests:
"service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1518.0, 1518.0, 1518.0], "totalTime":
[1528.0, 1528.0, 1528.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [119.0, 119.0,
119.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [5125.0, 5125.0, 5125.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500718}, {"namespace": "junos",
- "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1548.0,
- 1548.0, 1548.0], "totalTime": [1552.0, 1552.0, 1552.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0,
- 9.0], "wrQsize": [111.0, 111.0, 111.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes":
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500718}, {"namespace": "panos",
+ "hostname": "exit01", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1574.0, 1574.0,
+ 1574.0], "totalTime": [1582.0, 1582.0, 1582.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize":
+ [17.0, 17.0, 17.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [13066.0, 13066.0,
+ 13066.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500723}, {"namespace":
+ "junos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
+ [1548.0, 1548.0, 1548.0], "totalTime": [1552.0, 1552.0, 1552.0], "svcQsize": [9.0,
+ 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [111.0, 111.0, 111.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes":
[221.0, 221.0, 221.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500723},
- {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "exit01", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [1574.0, 1574.0, 1574.0], "totalTime": [1582.0, 1582.0, 1582.0], "svcQsize": [5.0,
- 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
- [13066.0, 13066.0, 13066.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500723},
{"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "bgp", "status":
0, "gatherTime": [1583.0, 1583.0, 1583.0], "totalTime": [1596.0, 1596.0, 1596.0],
"svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [409.0, 409.0, 409.0], "nodeQsize": [18.0,
@@ -38351,40 +38364,40 @@ tests:
"service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1537.0, 1537.0, 1537.0], "totalTime":
[1544.0, 1544.0, 1544.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [122.0, 122.0,
122.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "rxBytes": [314.0, 314.0, 314.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500734}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "internet",
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500734}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "server301",
+ "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1589.0, 1589.0, 1589.0], "totalTime":
+ [1596.0, 1596.0, 1596.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [20.0, 20.0,
+ 20.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [245.0, 245.0, 245.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500737}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "internet",
"service": "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1596.0, 1596.0, 1596.0], "totalTime":
[1608.0, 1608.0, 1608.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [411.0, 411.0,
411.0], "nodeQsize": [18.0, 18.0, 18.0], "rxBytes": [7170.0, 7170.0, 7170.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500737}, {"namespace": "panos",
- "hostname": "server301", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1589.0,
- 1589.0, 1589.0], "totalTime": [1596.0, 1596.0, 1596.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0,
- 3.0], "wrQsize": [20.0, 20.0, 20.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
- [245.0, 245.0, 245.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500737},
- {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [1563.0, 1563.0, 1563.0], "totalTime": [1567.0, 1567.0, 1567.0], "svcQsize": [6.0,
- 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [115.0, 115.0, 115.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes":
- [2615.0, 2615.0, 2615.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500738},
- {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf4-qfx", "service": "macs", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [1544.0, 1544.0, 1544.0], "totalTime": [1551.0, 1551.0, 1551.0],
- "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [123.0, 123.0, 123.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0,
- 13.0, 13.0], "rxBytes": [314.0, 314.0, 314.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500741}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "interfaces",
- "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1548.0, 1548.0, 1548.0], "totalTime": [1563.0, 1563.0,
- 1563.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [155.0, 155.0, 155.0], "nodeQsize":
- [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [19302.0, 19302.0, 19302.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500742}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine02",
- "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1567.0, 1567.0, 1567.0], "totalTime":
- [1571.0, 1571.0, 1571.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [117.0, 117.0,
- 117.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [2616.0, 2616.0, 2616.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500742}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "server101",
- "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1596.0, 1596.0, 1596.0], "totalTime":
- [1602.0, 1602.0, 1602.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [21.0, 21.0,
- 21.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [243.0, 243.0, 243.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500743}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
- "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1571.0, 1571.0, 1571.0], "totalTime":
- [1576.0, 1576.0, 1576.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [119.0, 119.0,
- 119.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [2617.0, 2617.0, 2617.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500747}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "spine2-nxos",
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500737}, {"namespace": "junos",
+ "hostname": "exit02", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1563.0, 1563.0,
+ 1563.0], "totalTime": [1567.0, 1567.0, 1567.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize":
+ [115.0, 115.0, 115.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [2615.0, 2615.0,
+ 2615.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500738}, {"namespace":
+ "mixed", "hostname": "leaf4-qfx", "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
+ [1544.0, 1544.0, 1544.0], "totalTime": [1551.0, 1551.0, 1551.0], "svcQsize": [4.0,
+ 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [123.0, 123.0, 123.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0],
+ "rxBytes": [314.0, 314.0, 314.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500741},
+ {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "interfaces", "status":
+ 200, "gatherTime": [1548.0, 1548.0, 1548.0], "totalTime": [1563.0, 1563.0, 1563.0],
+ "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [155.0, 155.0, 155.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0,
+ 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [19302.0, 19302.0, 19302.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587500742}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "vlan",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1567.0, 1567.0, 1567.0], "totalTime": [1571.0, 1571.0,
+ 1571.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [117.0, 117.0, 117.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [2616.0, 2616.0, 2616.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1652587500742}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "server101", "service":
+ "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1596.0, 1596.0, 1596.0], "totalTime": [1602.0,
+ 1602.0, 1602.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [21.0, 21.0, 21.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [243.0, 243.0, 243.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587500743}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "vlan",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1571.0, 1571.0, 1571.0], "totalTime": [1576.0, 1576.0,
+ 1576.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [119.0, 119.0, 119.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [2617.0, 2617.0, 2617.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1652587500747}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "spine2-nxos",
"service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1551.0, 1551.0, 1551.0], "totalTime":
[1559.0, 1559.0, 1559.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [125.0, 125.0,
125.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "rxBytes": [425.0, 425.0, 425.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
@@ -38400,15 +38413,15 @@ tests:
"interfaces", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1563.0, 1563.0, 1563.0], "totalTime":
[1576.0, 1576.0, 1576.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [157.0, 157.0,
157.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [12917.0, 12917.0, 12917.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500755}, {"namespace": "junos",
- "hostname": "exit01", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1581.0, 1581.0,
- 1581.0], "totalTime": [1585.0, 1585.0, 1585.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize":
- [123.0, 123.0, 123.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [2615.0, 2615.0,
- 2615.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500756}, {"namespace":
- "panos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [1608.0, 1608.0, 1608.0], "totalTime": [1615.0, 1615.0, 1615.0], "svcQsize": [0.0,
- 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [23.0, 23.0, 23.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500755}, {"namespace": "panos",
+ "hostname": "server102", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1608.0,
+ 1608.0, 1608.0], "totalTime": [1615.0, 1615.0, 1615.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0,
+ 0.0], "wrQsize": [23.0, 23.0, 23.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
[244.0, 244.0, 244.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500756},
+ {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "exit01", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
+ [1581.0, 1581.0, 1581.0], "totalTime": [1585.0, 1585.0, 1585.0], "svcQsize": [2.0,
+ 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [123.0, 123.0, 123.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes":
+ [2615.0, 2615.0, 2615.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500756},
{"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "spine1-nxos", "service": "macs", "status":
0, "gatherTime": [1559.0, 1559.0, 1559.0], "totalTime": [1567.0, 1567.0, 1567.0],
"svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [127.0, 127.0, 127.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0,
@@ -38446,15 +38459,15 @@ tests:
"interfaces", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1588.0, 1588.0, 1588.0], "totalTime":
[1597.0, 1597.0, 1597.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [161.0, 161.0,
161.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [12941.0, 12941.0, 12941.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500776}, {"namespace": "mixed",
- "hostname": "leaf6-eos", "service": "ifCounters", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1579.0,
- 1579.0, 1579.0], "totalTime": [1588.0, 1588.0, 1588.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0,
- 1.0], "wrQsize": [131.0, 131.0, 131.0], "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes":
- [4158.0, 4158.0, 4158.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500778},
- {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "devconfig", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [1632.0, 1632.0, 1632.0], "totalTime": [1637.0, 1637.0, 1637.0],
- "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [31.0, 31.0, 31.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0,
- 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [1936.0, 1936.0, 1936.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500776}, {"namespace": "panos",
+ "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1632.0,
+ 1632.0, 1632.0], "totalTime": [1637.0, 1637.0, 1637.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0,
+ 5.0], "wrQsize": [31.0, 31.0, 31.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes":
+ [1936.0, 1936.0, 1936.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500778},
+ {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf6-eos", "service": "ifCounters", "status":
+ 0, "gatherTime": [1579.0, 1579.0, 1579.0], "totalTime": [1588.0, 1588.0, 1588.0],
+ "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [131.0, 131.0, 131.0], "nodeQsize": [14.0,
+ 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes": [4158.0, 4158.0, 4158.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
1652587500778}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "devconfig",
"status": 0, "gatherTime": [1637.0, 1637.0, 1637.0], "totalTime": [1642.0, 1642.0,
1642.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [33.0, 33.0, 33.0], "nodeQsize":
@@ -38463,94 +38476,93 @@ tests:
"topcpu", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1603.0, 1603.0, 1603.0], "totalTime": [1612.0,
1612.0, 1612.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [131.0, 131.0, 131.0],
"nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [1439.0, 1439.0, 1439.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500783}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf5-eos",
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500783}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "exit02", "service":
+ "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1642.0, 1642.0, 1642.0], "totalTime":
+ [1647.0, 1647.0, 1647.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [35.0, 35.0,
+ 35.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [4802.0, 4802.0, 4802.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500788}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf5-eos",
"service": "ifCounters", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1588.0, 1588.0, 1588.0],
"totalTime": [1598.0, 1598.0, 1598.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize":
[133.0, 133.0, 133.0], "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes": [4156.0, 4156.0,
4156.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500788}, {"namespace":
- "panos", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [1642.0, 1642.0, 1642.0], "totalTime": [1647.0, 1647.0, 1647.0], "svcQsize": [3.0,
- 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [35.0, 35.0, 35.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes":
- [4802.0, 4802.0, 4802.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500788},
- {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "interfaces", "status":
- 200, "gatherTime": [1606.0, 1606.0, 1606.0], "totalTime": [1612.0, 1612.0, 1612.0],
- "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [165.0, 165.0, 165.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0,
- 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [11950.0, 11950.0, 11950.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500791}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "topcpu",
+ "eos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "interfaces", "status": 200, "gatherTime":
+ [1606.0, 1606.0, 1606.0], "totalTime": [1612.0, 1612.0, 1612.0], "svcQsize": [1.0,
+ 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [165.0, 165.0, 165.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes":
+ [11950.0, 11950.0, 11950.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500791},
+ {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service": "devconfig", "status":
+ 0, "gatherTime": [1647.0, 1647.0, 1647.0], "totalTime": [1652.0, 1652.0, 1652.0],
+ "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [37.0, 37.0, 37.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0,
+ 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [5299.0, 5299.0, 5299.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587500793}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "topcpu",
"status": 0, "gatherTime": [1612.0, 1612.0, 1612.0], "totalTime": [1621.0, 1621.0,
1621.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [133.0, 133.0, 133.0], "nodeQsize":
[9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [1442.0, 1442.0, 1442.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587500793}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service":
- "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1647.0, 1647.0, 1647.0], "totalTime":
- [1652.0, 1652.0, 1652.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [37.0, 37.0,
- 37.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [5299.0, 5299.0, 5299.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500793}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf3-qfx",
- "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1598.0, 1598.0, 1598.0], "totalTime":
- [1604.0, 1604.0, 1604.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [135.0, 135.0,
- 135.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [3398.0, 3398.0, 3398.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500794}, {"namespace": "panos",
- "hostname": "spine01", "service": "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1652.0,
- 1652.0, 1652.0], "totalTime": [1657.0, 1657.0, 1657.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0,
- 1.0], "wrQsize": [39.0, 39.0, 39.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes":
- [2906.0, 2906.0, 2906.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500798},
- {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "interfaces", "status":
- 200, "gatherTime": [1612.0, 1612.0, 1612.0], "totalTime": [1620.0, 1620.0, 1620.0],
- "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [167.0, 167.0, 167.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0,
- 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [11950.0, 11950.0, 11950.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500799}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf4-qfx", "service": "arpnd",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1604.0, 1604.0, 1604.0], "totalTime": [1610.0, 1610.0,
- 1610.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [137.0, 137.0, 137.0], "nodeQsize":
- [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [3398.0, 3398.0, 3398.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500800}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit01",
- "service": "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1654.0, 1654.0, 1654.0], "totalTime":
- [1673.0, 1673.0, 1673.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [419.0, 419.0,
- 419.0], "nodeQsize": [18.0, 18.0, 18.0], "rxBytes": [21962.0, 21962.0, 21962.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500802}, {"namespace": "junos",
- "hostname": "server102", "service": "topcpu", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1622.0,
- 1622.0, 1622.0], "totalTime": [1631.0, 1631.0, 1631.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0,
- 1.0], "wrQsize": [135.0, 135.0, 135.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes":
- [1439.0, 1439.0, 1439.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500802},
- {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "exit01", "service": "devconfig", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [1657.0, 1657.0, 1657.0], "totalTime": [1662.0, 1662.0, 1662.0],
- "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [41.0, 41.0, 41.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0,
- 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [4802.0, 4802.0, 4802.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500803}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "ospfIf",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1620.0, 1620.0, 1620.0], "totalTime": [1625.0, 1625.0,
- 1625.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [168.0, 168.0, 168.0], "nodeQsize":
- [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [632.0, 632.0, 632.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500804}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf5-eos", "service": "arpnd",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1610.0, 1610.0, 1610.0], "totalTime": [1616.0, 1616.0,
- 1616.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [139.0, 139.0, 139.0], "nodeQsize":
- [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [1103.0, 1103.0, 1103.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500806}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service":
- "ospfIf", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1625.0, 1625.0, 1625.0], "totalTime":
- [1631.0, 1631.0, 1631.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [170.0, 170.0,
- 170.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [4571.0, 4571.0, 4571.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500810}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "firewall01",
- "service": "device", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1662.0, 1662.0, 1662.0], "totalTime":
- [1669.0, 1669.0, 1669.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [43.0, 43.0,
- 43.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [1645.0, 1645.0, 1645.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500810}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf6-eos",
- "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1616.0, 1616.0, 1616.0], "totalTime":
- [1621.0, 1621.0, 1621.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [141.0, 141.0,
- 141.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [1102.0, 1102.0, 1102.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500811}, {"namespace": "junos",
- "hostname": "server201", "service": "topcpu", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1631.0,
- 1631.0, 1631.0], "totalTime": [1642.0, 1642.0, 1642.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0,
- 0.0], "wrQsize": [137.0, 137.0, 137.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes":
- [1432.0, 1432.0, 1432.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500813},
- {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "device", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [1670.0, 1670.0, 1670.0], "totalTime": [1676.0, 1676.0, 1676.0],
- "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [45.0, 45.0, 45.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0,
- 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [562.0, 562.0, 562.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500817}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf1-ios", "service": "arpnd",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1622.0, 1622.0, 1622.0], "totalTime": [1627.0, 1627.0,
- 1627.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [143.0, 143.0, 143.0], "nodeQsize":
- [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [978.0, 978.0, 978.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587500817}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server102", "service":
- "time", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1642.0, 1642.0, 1642.0], "totalTime": [1647.0,
- 1647.0, 1647.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [139.0, 139.0, 139.0],
- "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [544.0, 544.0, 544.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ "timestamp": 1652587500793}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf3-qfx", "service":
+ "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1598.0, 1598.0, 1598.0], "totalTime": [1604.0,
+ 1604.0, 1604.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [135.0, 135.0, 135.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [3398.0, 3398.0, 3398.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500794}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "spine01",
+ "service": "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1652.0, 1652.0, 1652.0], "totalTime":
+ [1657.0, 1657.0, 1657.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [39.0, 39.0,
+ 39.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [2906.0, 2906.0, 2906.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500798}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine01", "service":
+ "interfaces", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1612.0, 1612.0, 1612.0], "totalTime":
+ [1620.0, 1620.0, 1620.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [167.0, 167.0,
+ 167.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [11950.0, 11950.0, 11950.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500799}, {"namespace": "mixed",
+ "hostname": "leaf4-qfx", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1604.0,
+ 1604.0, 1604.0], "totalTime": [1610.0, 1610.0, 1610.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0,
+ 6.0], "wrQsize": [137.0, 137.0, 137.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes":
+ [3398.0, 3398.0, 3398.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500800},
+ {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit01", "service": "bgp", "status": 0,
+ "gatherTime": [1654.0, 1654.0, 1654.0], "totalTime": [1673.0, 1673.0, 1673.0],
+ "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [419.0, 419.0, 419.0], "nodeQsize": [18.0,
+ 18.0, 18.0], "rxBytes": [21962.0, 21962.0, 21962.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1652587500802}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server102", "service":
+ "topcpu", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1622.0, 1622.0, 1622.0], "totalTime": [1631.0,
+ 1631.0, 1631.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [135.0, 135.0, 135.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [1439.0, 1439.0, 1439.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500802}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "exit01", "service":
+ "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1657.0, 1657.0, 1657.0], "totalTime":
+ [1662.0, 1662.0, 1662.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [41.0, 41.0,
+ 41.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [4802.0, 4802.0, 4802.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500803}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service":
+ "ospfIf", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1620.0, 1620.0, 1620.0], "totalTime": [1625.0,
+ 1625.0, 1625.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [168.0, 168.0, 168.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [632.0, 632.0, 632.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500804}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf5-eos",
+ "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1610.0, 1610.0, 1610.0], "totalTime":
+ [1616.0, 1616.0, 1616.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [139.0, 139.0,
+ 139.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [1103.0, 1103.0, 1103.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500806}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname":
+ "leaf04", "service": "ospfIf", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1625.0, 1625.0, 1625.0],
+ "totalTime": [1631.0, 1631.0, 1631.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize":
+ [170.0, 170.0, 170.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [4571.0, 4571.0,
+ 4571.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500810}, {"namespace":
+ "panos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "device", "status": 200, "gatherTime":
+ [1662.0, 1662.0, 1662.0], "totalTime": [1669.0, 1669.0, 1669.0], "svcQsize": [13.0,
+ 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [43.0, 43.0, 43.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes":
+ [1645.0, 1645.0, 1645.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500810},
+ {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf6-eos", "service": "arpnd", "status":
+ 0, "gatherTime": [1616.0, 1616.0, 1616.0], "totalTime": [1621.0, 1621.0, 1621.0],
+ "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [141.0, 141.0, 141.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0,
+ 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [1102.0, 1102.0, 1102.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587500811}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server201", "service": "topcpu",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1631.0, 1631.0, 1631.0], "totalTime": [1642.0, 1642.0,
+ 1642.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [137.0, 137.0, 137.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [1432.0, 1432.0, 1432.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1652587500813}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "server101", "service":
+ "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1670.0, 1670.0, 1670.0], "totalTime": [1676.0,
+ 1676.0, 1676.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [45.0, 45.0, 45.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [562.0, 562.0, 562.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500817}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf1-ios",
+ "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1622.0, 1622.0, 1622.0], "totalTime":
+ [1627.0, 1627.0, 1627.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [143.0, 143.0,
+ 143.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [978.0, 978.0, 978.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500817}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server102",
+ "service": "time", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1642.0, 1642.0, 1642.0], "totalTime":
+ [1647.0, 1647.0, 1647.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [139.0, 139.0,
+ 139.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [544.0, 544.0, 544.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587500818}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf2-ios",
"service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1627.0, 1627.0, 1627.0], "totalTime":
[1632.0, 1632.0, 1632.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [145.0, 145.0,
@@ -38588,18 +38600,18 @@ tests:
"service": "time", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1658.0, 1658.0, 1658.0], "totalTime":
[1663.0, 1663.0, 1663.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [145.0, 145.0,
145.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [543.0, 543.0, 543.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500834}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
- "ospfIf", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1649.0, 1649.0, 1649.0], "totalTime":
- [1656.0, 1656.0, 1656.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [178.0, 178.0,
- 178.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [6211.0, 6211.0, 6211.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500835}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "spine1-nxos",
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500834}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "spine1-nxos",
"service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1638.0, 1638.0, 1638.0], "totalTime":
[1645.0, 1645.0, 1645.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [149.0, 149.0,
149.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [2063.0, 2063.0, 2063.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500835}, {"namespace": "panos",
- "hostname": "server102", "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1690.0,
- 1690.0, 1690.0], "totalTime": [1697.0, 1697.0, 1697.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0,
- 9.0], "wrQsize": [51.0, 51.0, 51.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes":
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500835}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname":
+ "spine02", "service": "ospfIf", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1649.0, 1649.0,
+ 1649.0], "totalTime": [1656.0, 1656.0, 1656.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize":
+ [178.0, 178.0, 178.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [6211.0, 6211.0,
+ 6211.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500835}, {"namespace":
+ "panos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
+ [1690.0, 1690.0, 1690.0], "totalTime": [1697.0, 1697.0, 1697.0], "svcQsize": [9.0,
+ 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [51.0, 51.0, 51.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes":
[563.0, 563.0, 563.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500838},
{"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "time", "status": 0,
"gatherTime": [1663.0, 1663.0, 1663.0], "totalTime": [1668.0, 1668.0, 1668.0],
@@ -38691,53 +38703,53 @@ tests:
"arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1716.0, 1716.0, 1716.0], "totalTime": [1721.0,
1721.0, 1721.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [163.0, 163.0, 163.0],
"nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [298.0, 298.0, 298.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500892}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server301",
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500892}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
+ "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1750.0, 1750.0, 1750.0], "totalTime":
+ [1754.0, 1754.0, 1754.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [69.0, 69.0,
+ 69.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [1334.0, 1334.0, 1334.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500895}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server301",
"service": "topcpu", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1709.0, 1709.0, 1709.0], "totalTime":
[1716.0, 1716.0, 1716.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [195.0, 195.0,
195.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [1450.0, 1450.0, 1450.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500895}, {"namespace": "panos",
- "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1750.0,
- 1750.0, 1750.0], "totalTime": [1754.0, 1754.0, 1754.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0,
- 0.0], "wrQsize": [69.0, 69.0, 69.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes":
- [1334.0, 1334.0, 1334.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500895},
- {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server202", "service": "arpnd", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [1721.0, 1721.0, 1721.0], "totalTime": [1727.0, 1727.0, 1727.0],
- "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [165.0, 165.0, 165.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0,
- 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [352.0, 352.0, 352.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500898}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "ospfNbr",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1716.0, 1716.0, 1716.0], "totalTime": [1721.0, 1721.0,
- 1721.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [196.0, 196.0, 196.0], "nodeQsize":
- [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [455.0, 455.0, 455.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587500900}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "firewall01",
- "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1727.0, 1727.0, 1727.0], "totalTime":
- [1733.0, 1733.0, 1733.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [167.0, 167.0,
- 167.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [936.0, 936.0, 936.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500904}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server102",
- "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1733.0, 1733.0, 1733.0], "totalTime":
- [1738.0, 1738.0, 1738.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [169.0, 169.0,
- 169.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [353.0, 353.0, 353.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500895}, {"namespace": "junos",
+ "hostname": "server202", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1721.0,
+ 1721.0, 1721.0], "totalTime": [1727.0, 1727.0, 1727.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0,
+ 3.0], "wrQsize": [165.0, 165.0, 165.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes":
+ [352.0, 352.0, 352.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500898},
+ {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "ospfNbr", "status":
+ 0, "gatherTime": [1716.0, 1716.0, 1716.0], "totalTime": [1721.0, 1721.0, 1721.0],
+ "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [196.0, 196.0, 196.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0,
+ 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [455.0, 455.0, 455.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587500900}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "arpnd",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1727.0, 1727.0, 1727.0], "totalTime": [1733.0, 1733.0,
+ 1733.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [167.0, 167.0, 167.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [936.0, 936.0, 936.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1652587500904}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server102", "service":
+ "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1733.0, 1733.0, 1733.0], "totalTime": [1738.0,
+ 1738.0, 1738.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [169.0, 169.0, 169.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [353.0, 353.0, 353.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587500909}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service":
"ospfNbr", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1726.0, 1726.0, 1726.0], "totalTime":
[1731.0, 1731.0, 1731.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [200.0, 200.0,
200.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [1789.0, 1789.0, 1789.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500910}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname":
- "exit01", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1731.0, 1731.0,
- 1731.0], "totalTime": [1736.0, 1736.0, 1736.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize":
- [202.0, 202.0, 202.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [1782.0, 1782.0,
- 1782.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500915}, {"namespace":
- "junos", "hostname": "server201", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [1739.0, 1739.0, 1739.0], "totalTime": [1744.0, 1744.0, 1744.0], "svcQsize": [0.0,
- 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [171.0, 171.0, 171.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0],
- "rxBytes": [298.0, 298.0, 298.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500915},
- {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 200,
- "gatherTime": [1736.0, 1736.0, 1736.0], "totalTime": [1741.0, 1741.0, 1741.0],
- "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [204.0, 204.0, 204.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0,
- 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [1790.0, 1790.0, 1790.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500920}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "ospfIf",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1744.0, 1744.0, 1744.0], "totalTime": [1751.0, 1751.0,
- 1751.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [172.0, 172.0, 172.0], "nodeQsize":
- [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [226.0, 226.0, 226.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587500922}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service":
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500910}, {"namespace": "junos",
+ "hostname": "server201", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1739.0,
+ 1739.0, 1739.0], "totalTime": [1744.0, 1744.0, 1744.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0,
+ 0.0], "wrQsize": [171.0, 171.0, 171.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes":
+ [298.0, 298.0, 298.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500915},
+ {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit01", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 200,
+ "gatherTime": [1731.0, 1731.0, 1731.0], "totalTime": [1736.0, 1736.0, 1736.0],
+ "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [202.0, 202.0, 202.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0,
+ 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [1782.0, 1782.0, 1782.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587500915}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "ospfNbr",
+ "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1736.0, 1736.0, 1736.0], "totalTime": [1741.0, 1741.0,
+ 1741.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [204.0, 204.0, 204.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [1790.0, 1790.0, 1790.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500920}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "firewall01",
+ "service": "ospfIf", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1744.0, 1744.0, 1744.0], "totalTime":
+ [1751.0, 1751.0, 1751.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [172.0, 172.0,
+ 172.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [226.0, 226.0, 226.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500922}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service":
"bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1774.0, 1774.0, 1774.0], "totalTime": [1783.0,
1783.0, 1783.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [75.0, 75.0, 75.0], "nodeQsize":
[3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [6210.0, 6210.0, 6210.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
@@ -38795,14 +38807,14 @@ tests:
"time", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1778.0, 1778.0, 1778.0], "totalTime": [1781.0,
1781.0, 1781.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [221.0, 221.0, 221.0],
"nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [240.0, 240.0, 240.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500960}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
- "service": "ospfIf", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1783.0, 1783.0, 1783.0], "totalTime":
- [1792.0, 1792.0, 1792.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [179.0, 179.0,
- 179.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [636.0, 636.0, 636.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500963}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine01", "service":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500960}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine01", "service":
"time", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1781.0, 1781.0, 1781.0], "totalTime": [1784.0,
1784.0, 1784.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [223.0, 223.0, 223.0],
"nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [240.0, 240.0, 240.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500963}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
+ "service": "ospfIf", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1783.0, 1783.0, 1783.0], "totalTime":
+ [1792.0, 1792.0, 1792.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [179.0, 179.0,
+ 179.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [636.0, 636.0, 636.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587500963}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service":
"time", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1784.0, 1784.0, 1784.0], "totalTime": [1787.0,
1787.0, 1787.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [225.0, 225.0, 225.0],
@@ -38855,14 +38867,14 @@ tests:
"service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1817.0, 1817.0, 1817.0], "totalTime":
[1822.0, 1822.0, 1822.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [241.0, 241.0,
241.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "rxBytes": [938.0, 938.0, 938.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587501001}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server102",
- "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1822.0, 1822.0, 1822.0], "totalTime":
- [1826.0, 1826.0, 1826.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [243.0, 243.0,
- 243.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "rxBytes": [365.0, 365.0, 365.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587501005}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587501001}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
"service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1830.0, 1830.0, 1830.0], "totalTime":
[1834.0, 1834.0, 1834.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [187.0, 187.0,
187.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "rxBytes": [297.0, 297.0, 297.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587501005}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server102",
+ "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1822.0, 1822.0, 1822.0], "totalTime":
+ [1826.0, 1826.0, 1826.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [243.0, 243.0,
+ 243.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "rxBytes": [365.0, 365.0, 365.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587501005}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server101",
"service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1826.0, 1826.0, 1826.0], "totalTime":
[1829.0, 1829.0, 1829.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [245.0, 245.0,
@@ -39023,19 +39035,19 @@ tests:
"status": 0, "gatherTime": [1898.0, 1898.0, 1898.0], "totalTime": [1903.0, 1903.0,
1903.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [277.0, 277.0, 277.0], "nodeQsize":
[14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes": [1322.0, 1322.0, 1322.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587501082}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server102",
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587501082}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "server102",
+ "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1940.0, 1940.0, 1940.0], "totalTime":
+ [1943.0, 1943.0, 1943.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [117.0, 117.0,
+ 117.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [316.0, 316.0, 316.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587501084}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server102",
"service": "ifCounters", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1905.0, 1905.0, 1905.0],
"totalTime": [1913.0, 1913.0, 1913.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize":
[214.0, 214.0, 214.0], "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes": [772.0, 772.0,
- 772.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587501084}, {"namespace": "panos",
- "hostname": "server102", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1940.0,
- 1940.0, 1940.0], "totalTime": [1943.0, 1943.0, 1943.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0,
- 0.0], "wrQsize": [117.0, 117.0, 117.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes":
- [316.0, 316.0, 316.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587501084},
- {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [1903.0, 1903.0, 1903.0], "totalTime": [1907.0, 1907.0, 1907.0], "svcQsize": [8.0,
- 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [278.0, 278.0, 278.0], "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0],
- "rxBytes": [295.0, 295.0, 295.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587501086},
+ 772.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587501084}, {"namespace": "eos",
+ "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1903.0,
+ 1903.0, 1903.0], "totalTime": [1907.0, 1907.0, 1907.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0,
+ 8.0], "wrQsize": [278.0, 278.0, 278.0], "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes":
+ [295.0, 295.0, 295.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587501086},
{"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "macs", "status": 200, "gatherTime":
[1907.0, 1907.0, 1907.0], "totalTime": [1911.0, 1911.0, 1911.0], "svcQsize": [7.0,
7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [280.0, 280.0, 280.0], "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0],
@@ -39093,27 +39105,27 @@ tests:
1982.0, 1982.0], "totalTime": [1987.0, 1987.0, 1987.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0,
3.0], "wrQsize": [127.0, 127.0, 127.0], "nodeQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "rxBytes":
[254.0, 254.0, 254.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587501128},
- {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "ospfNbr", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [1953.0, 1953.0, 1953.0], "totalTime": [1959.0, 1959.0, 1959.0],
- "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [225.0, 225.0, 225.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0,
- 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [16607.0, 16607.0, 16607.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587501130}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server102", "service":
- "ifCounters", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1946.0, 1946.0, 1946.0], "totalTime":
- [1951.0, 1951.0, 1951.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [296.0, 296.0,
- 296.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [1030.0, 1030.0, 1030.0],
+ {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "ifCounters", "status":
+ 0, "gatherTime": [1946.0, 1946.0, 1946.0], "totalTime": [1951.0, 1951.0, 1951.0],
+ "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [296.0, 296.0, 296.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [1030.0, 1030.0, 1030.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587501130}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine02",
+ "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1953.0, 1953.0, 1953.0], "totalTime":
+ [1959.0, 1959.0, 1959.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [225.0, 225.0,
+ 225.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [16607.0, 16607.0, 16607.0],
"pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587501130}, {"namespace": "panos",
"hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "mlag", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1987.0,
1987.0, 1987.0], "totalTime": [1992.0, 1992.0, 1992.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0,
2.0], "wrQsize": [128.0, 128.0, 128.0], "nodeQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "rxBytes":
[256.0, 256.0, 256.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587501133},
- {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "ospfNbr", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [1959.0, 1959.0, 1959.0], "totalTime": [1964.0, 1964.0, 1964.0],
- "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [227.0, 227.0, 227.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0,
- 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [16607.0, 16607.0, 16607.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587501135}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server101", "service":
- "ifCounters", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1951.0, 1951.0, 1951.0], "totalTime":
- [1956.0, 1956.0, 1956.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [298.0, 298.0,
- 298.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [1029.0, 1029.0, 1029.0],
+ {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "ifCounters", "status":
+ 0, "gatherTime": [1951.0, 1951.0, 1951.0], "totalTime": [1956.0, 1956.0, 1956.0],
+ "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [298.0, 298.0, 298.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [1029.0, 1029.0, 1029.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587501135}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine01",
+ "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1959.0, 1959.0, 1959.0], "totalTime":
+ [1964.0, 1964.0, 1964.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [227.0, 227.0,
+ 227.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [16607.0, 16607.0, 16607.0],
"pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587501135}, {"namespace": "panos",
"hostname": "spine02", "service": "mlag", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1992.0,
1992.0, 1992.0], "totalTime": [1996.0, 1996.0, 1996.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0,
@@ -39152,14 +39164,14 @@ tests:
"gatherTime": [1977.0, 1977.0, 1977.0], "totalTime": [1984.0, 1984.0, 1984.0],
"svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [234.0, 234.0, 234.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0,
16.0, 16.0], "rxBytes": [696.0, 696.0, 696.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587501155}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service": "vlan",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [2012.0, 2012.0, 2012.0], "totalTime": [2015.0, 2015.0,
- 2015.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [138.0, 138.0, 138.0], "nodeQsize":
- [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [427.0, 427.0, 427.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587501156}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "ifCounters",
+ 1652587501155}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "ifCounters",
"status": 200, "gatherTime": [1972.0, 1972.0, 1972.0], "totalTime": [1977.0, 1977.0,
1977.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [306.0, 306.0, 306.0], "nodeQsize":
[15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [3018.0, 3018.0, 3018.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587501156}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service":
+ "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [2012.0, 2012.0, 2012.0], "totalTime": [2015.0,
+ 2015.0, 2015.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [138.0, 138.0, 138.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [427.0, 427.0, 427.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587501156}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "exit01", "service":
"vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [2015.0, 2015.0, 2015.0], "totalTime": [2018.0,
2018.0, 2018.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [140.0, 140.0, 140.0],
@@ -39264,14 +39276,14 @@ tests:
"totalTime": [2060.0, 2060.0, 2060.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize":
[155.0, 155.0, 155.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [2737.0, 2737.0,
2737.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587501201}, {"namespace":
- "junos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [2023.0,
- 2023.0, 2023.0], "totalTime": [2031.0, 2031.0, 2031.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0,
- 3.0], "wrQsize": [246.0, 246.0, 246.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "rxBytes":
- [3238.0, 3238.0, 3238.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587501202},
- {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server301", "service": "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [2020.0, 2020.0, 2020.0], "totalTime": [2023.0, 2023.0, 2023.0], "svcQsize": [1.0,
- 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [328.0, 328.0, 328.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0],
- "rxBytes": [694.0, 694.0, 694.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587501202},
+ "eos", "hostname": "server301", "service": "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [2020.0,
+ 2020.0, 2020.0], "totalTime": [2023.0, 2023.0, 2023.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0,
+ 1.0], "wrQsize": [328.0, 328.0, 328.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "rxBytes":
+ [694.0, 694.0, 694.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587501202},
+ {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
+ [2023.0, 2023.0, 2023.0], "totalTime": [2031.0, 2031.0, 2031.0], "svcQsize": [3.0,
+ 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [246.0, 246.0, 246.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0],
+ "rxBytes": [3238.0, 3238.0, 3238.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587501202},
{"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "interfaces", "status":
0, "gatherTime": [2060.0, 2060.0, 2060.0], "totalTime": [2066.0, 2066.0, 2066.0],
"svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [157.0, 157.0, 157.0], "nodeQsize":
@@ -41743,563 +41755,541 @@ tests:
0, "gatherTime": [893.0, 893.0, 893.0], "totalTime": [896.0, 896.0, 896.0], "svcQsize":
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [347.0, 347.0, 347.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0],
"rxBytes": [463.0, 463.0, 463.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587704070},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "lldp", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "totalTime": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "svcQsize": [13.0,
- 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
- [8053.0, 8053.0, 8053.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116827},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "service": "lldp", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "totalTime": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "svcQsize": [12.0,
- 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
- [244.0, 244.0, 244.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116829},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "lldp", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "totalTime": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "svcQsize": [11.0,
- 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
- [245.0, 245.0, 245.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116831},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "service": "lldp", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "totalTime": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "svcQsize":
- [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
- "rxBytes": [244.0, 244.0, 244.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116833},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "lldp", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "totalTime": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "svcQsize":
- [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
- [243.0, 243.0, 243.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116836},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "lldp", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "totalTime": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0], "svcQsize":
- [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
- [244.0, 244.0, 244.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116838},
{"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [17.0, 17.0, 17.0], "totalTime": [20.0, 20.0, 20.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0],
- "wrQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [5257.0,
- 5257.0, 5257.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116841}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [20.0,
- 20.0, 20.0], "totalTime": [23.0, 23.0, 23.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize":
- [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [3466.0, 3466.0,
- 3466.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116844}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [23.0,
- 23.0, 23.0], "totalTime": [25.0, 25.0, 25.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize":
- [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [4258.0, 4258.0,
- 4258.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116846}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [28.0,
- 28.0, 28.0], "totalTime": [31.0, 31.0, 31.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize":
- [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [5257.0, 5257.0,
- 5257.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116852}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [34.0,
- 34.0, 34.0], "totalTime": [37.0, 37.0, 37.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize":
- [20.0, 20.0, 20.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [3466.0, 3466.0,
- 3466.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116858}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [37.0,
- 37.0, 37.0], "totalTime": [40.0, 40.0, 40.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize":
- [22.0, 22.0, 22.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [4258.0, 4258.0,
- 4258.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116861}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [40.0, 40.0, 40.0], "totalTime": [42.0, 42.0, 42.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0],
- "wrQsize": [24.0, 24.0, 24.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [6347.0,
- 6347.0, 6347.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116863}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service": "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [44.0, 44.0, 44.0], "totalTime": [46.0, 46.0, 46.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0],
- "wrQsize": [28.0, 28.0, 28.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [6347.0,
- 6347.0, 6347.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116867}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [46.0, 46.0, 46.0], "totalTime": [48.0, 48.0, 48.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0],
- "wrQsize": [30.0, 30.0, 30.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [4804.0,
- 4804.0, 4804.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116869}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [48.0, 48.0, 48.0], "totalTime": [50.0, 50.0, 50.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0],
- "wrQsize": [32.0, 32.0, 32.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [4804.0,
- 4804.0, 4804.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116871}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [52.0, 52.0, 52.0], "totalTime": [54.0, 54.0, 54.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
- "wrQsize": [36.0, 36.0, 36.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [6501.0,
- 6501.0, 6501.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116875}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service": "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [54.0, 54.0, 54.0], "totalTime": [57.0, 57.0, 57.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
- "wrQsize": [38.0, 38.0, 38.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [6540.0,
- 6540.0, 6540.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116878}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [57.0, 57.0, 57.0], "totalTime": [62.0, 62.0, 62.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
- "wrQsize": [40.0, 40.0, 40.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [81467.0,
- 81467.0, 81467.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116883}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [62.0, 62.0, 62.0], "totalTime": [64.0, 64.0, 64.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0,
- 13.0], "wrQsize": [42.0, 42.0, 42.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes":
- [565.0, 565.0, 565.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116885},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "service": "device", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [64.0, 64.0, 64.0], "totalTime": [67.0, 67.0, 67.0], "svcQsize":
- [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [44.0, 44.0, 44.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
- "rxBytes": [562.0, 562.0, 562.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116888},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "service": "device", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [67.0, 67.0, 67.0], "totalTime": [70.0, 70.0, 70.0], "svcQsize":
- [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [46.0, 46.0, 46.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
- "rxBytes": [562.0, 562.0, 562.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116891},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "device", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [70.0, 70.0, 70.0], "totalTime": [73.0, 73.0, 73.0], "svcQsize":
- [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [48.0, 48.0, 48.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
- "rxBytes": [561.0, 561.0, 561.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116894},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "device", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [73.0, 73.0, 73.0], "totalTime": [75.0, 75.0, 75.0], "svcQsize":
- [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [50.0, 50.0, 50.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
- "rxBytes": [562.0, 562.0, 562.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116896},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "device", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [81.0, 81.0, 81.0], "totalTime": [84.0, 84.0, 84.0], "svcQsize":
- [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [56.0, 56.0, 56.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
- "rxBytes": [1621.0, 1621.0, 1621.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116905},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "device", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [84.0, 84.0, 84.0], "totalTime": [87.0, 87.0, 87.0], "svcQsize":
- [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [58.0, 58.0, 58.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
- "rxBytes": [1622.0, 1622.0, 1622.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116908},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service": "device", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [87.0, 87.0, 87.0], "totalTime": [90.0, 90.0, 90.0], "svcQsize":
- [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [60.0, 60.0, 60.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
- "rxBytes": [1620.0, 1620.0, 1620.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116911},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service": "device", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [90.0, 90.0, 90.0], "totalTime": [93.0, 93.0, 93.0], "svcQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [62.0, 62.0, 62.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
- "rxBytes": [1622.0, 1622.0, 1622.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116914},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "device", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [93.0, 93.0, 93.0], "totalTime": [95.0, 95.0, 95.0], "svcQsize":
- [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [64.0, 64.0, 64.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
- "rxBytes": [1623.0, 1623.0, 1623.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116916},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "device", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [96.0, 96.0, 96.0], "totalTime": [98.0, 98.0, 98.0], "svcQsize":
- [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [66.0, 66.0, 66.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
- "rxBytes": [1623.0, 1623.0, 1623.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116919},
+ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "totalTime": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0],
+ "wrQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [5257.0,
+ 5257.0, 5257.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656298577}, {"namespace":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [8.0,
+ 8.0, 8.0], "totalTime": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize":
+ [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [3466.0, 3466.0, 3466.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656298582}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "leaf03", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "totalTime":
+ [18.0, 18.0, 18.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [4258.0, 4258.0, 4258.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298587}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
+ "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [23.0, 23.0, 23.0], "totalTime": [28.0, 28.0,
+ 28.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0,
+ 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [5257.0, 5257.0, 5257.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298597}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "lldp",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [33.0, 33.0, 33.0], "totalTime": [38.0, 38.0, 38.0],
+ "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0,
+ 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [3466.0, 3466.0, 3466.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298607}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "lldp",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [38.0, 38.0, 38.0], "totalTime": [43.0, 43.0, 43.0],
+ "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0,
+ 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [4258.0, 4258.0, 4258.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298612}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "service": "lldp",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [43.0, 43.0, 43.0], "totalTime": [47.0, 47.0, 47.0],
+ "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0,
+ 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [244.0, 244.0, 244.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298616}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "lldp",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [47.0, 47.0, 47.0], "totalTime": [51.0, 51.0, 51.0],
+ "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0,
+ 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [245.0, 245.0, 245.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298620}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "service": "lldp",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [51.0, 51.0, 51.0], "totalTime": [55.0, 55.0, 55.0],
+ "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [18.0, 18.0, 18.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0,
+ 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [244.0, 244.0, 244.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298624}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "lldp",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [55.0, 55.0, 55.0], "totalTime": [60.0, 60.0, 60.0],
+ "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [19.0, 19.0, 19.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0,
+ 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [243.0, 243.0, 243.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298629}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "lldp",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [60.0, 60.0, 60.0], "totalTime": [64.0, 64.0, 64.0],
+ "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [20.0, 20.0, 20.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0,
+ 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [244.0, 244.0, 244.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298633}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "lldp",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [64.0, 64.0, 64.0], "totalTime": [69.0, 69.0, 69.0],
+ "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [22.0, 22.0, 22.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0,
+ 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [8053.0, 8053.0, 8053.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298638}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "mlag",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [77.0, 77.0, 77.0], "totalTime": [84.0, 84.0, 84.0],
+ "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [26.0, 26.0, 26.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0,
+ 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [3938.0, 3938.0, 3938.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298653}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service": "mlag",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [92.0, 92.0, 92.0], "totalTime": [99.0, 99.0, 99.0],
+ "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [30.0, 30.0, 30.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0,
+ 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [3934.0, 3934.0, 3934.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298668}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "time",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [99.0, 99.0, 99.0], "totalTime": [103.0, 103.0, 103.0],
+ "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [32.0, 32.0, 32.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0,
+ 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [544.0, 544.0, 544.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298672}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "service": "time",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [103.0, 103.0, 103.0], "totalTime": [107.0, 107.0,
+ 107.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [34.0, 34.0, 34.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [543.0, 543.0, 543.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298676}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "service": "time",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [107.0, 107.0, 107.0], "totalTime": [111.0, 111.0,
+ 111.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [36.0, 36.0, 36.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [543.0, 543.0, 543.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298680}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "time",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [111.0, 111.0, 111.0], "totalTime": [115.0, 115.0,
+ 115.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [38.0, 38.0, 38.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [543.0, 543.0, 543.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298684}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "time",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [115.0, 115.0, 115.0], "totalTime": [119.0, 119.0,
+ 119.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [40.0, 40.0, 40.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [542.0, 542.0, 542.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298688}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "evpnVni",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [119.0, 119.0, 119.0], "totalTime": [125.0, 125.0,
+ 125.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [41.0, 41.0, 41.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [221.0, 221.0, 221.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298695}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "evpnVni",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [126.0, 126.0, 126.0], "totalTime": [132.0, 132.0,
+ 132.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [42.0, 42.0, 42.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [1194.0, 1194.0, 1194.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656298701}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service":
+ "evpnVni", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [132.0, 132.0, 132.0], "totalTime": [139.0,
+ 139.0, 139.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [44.0, 44.0, 44.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [2106.0, 2106.0, 2106.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656298708}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service":
+ "evpnVni", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [146.0, 146.0, 146.0], "totalTime": [152.0,
+ 152.0, 152.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [48.0, 48.0, 48.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [2536.0, 2536.0, 2536.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656298721}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service":
+ "evpnVni", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [153.0, 153.0, 153.0], "totalTime": [159.0,
+ 159.0, 159.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [50.0, 50.0, 50.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [2106.0, 2106.0, 2106.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656298728}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service":
+ "evpnVni", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [166.0, 166.0, 166.0], "totalTime": [173.0,
+ 173.0, 173.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [54.0, 54.0, 54.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [2536.0, 2536.0, 2536.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656298742}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service":
+ "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [173.0, 173.0, 173.0], "totalTime": [179.0,
+ 179.0, 179.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [56.0, 56.0, 56.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [81467.0, 81467.0, 81467.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298748}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service":
+ "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [179.0, 179.0, 179.0], "totalTime": [182.0,
+ 182.0, 182.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [58.0, 58.0, 58.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [6347.0, 6347.0, 6347.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656298751}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service":
+ "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [185.0, 185.0, 185.0], "totalTime": [188.0,
+ 188.0, 188.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [62.0, 62.0, 62.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [6347.0, 6347.0, 6347.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656298757}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service":
+ "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [188.0, 188.0, 188.0], "totalTime": [191.0,
+ 191.0, 191.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [64.0, 64.0, 64.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [4804.0, 4804.0, 4804.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656298760}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
+ "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [191.0, 191.0, 191.0], "totalTime": [194.0,
+ 194.0, 194.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [66.0, 66.0, 66.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [4804.0, 4804.0, 4804.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656298763}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service":
+ "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [197.0, 197.0, 197.0], "totalTime": [201.0,
+ 201.0, 201.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [70.0, 70.0, 70.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [6501.0, 6501.0, 6501.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656298770}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service":
+ "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [201.0, 201.0, 201.0], "totalTime": [204.0,
+ 204.0, 204.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [72.0, 72.0, 72.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [6540.0, 6540.0, 6540.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656298773}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service":
+ "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [204.0, 204.0, 204.0], "totalTime": [208.0, 208.0,
+ 208.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [74.0, 74.0, 74.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [696.0, 696.0, 696.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298777}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "service": "fs",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [208.0, 208.0, 208.0], "totalTime": [213.0, 213.0,
+ 213.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [76.0, 76.0, 76.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [695.0, 695.0, 695.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298782}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "service": "fs",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [213.0, 213.0, 213.0], "totalTime": [217.0, 217.0,
+ 217.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [78.0, 78.0, 78.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [695.0, 695.0, 695.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298786}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "fs",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [217.0, 217.0, 217.0], "totalTime": [221.0, 221.0,
+ 221.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [80.0, 80.0, 80.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [695.0, 695.0, 695.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298790}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "fs",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [221.0, 221.0, 221.0], "totalTime": [226.0, 226.0,
+ 226.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [82.0, 82.0, 82.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [694.0, 694.0, 694.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298795}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "interfaces",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [226.0, 226.0, 226.0], "totalTime": [245.0, 245.0,
+ 245.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [84.0, 84.0, 84.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [42858.0, 42858.0, 42858.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298814}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service":
+ "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [281.0, 281.0, 281.0], "totalTime": [299.0,
+ 299.0, 299.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [90.0, 90.0, 90.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [42866.0, 42866.0, 42866.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298868}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service":
+ "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [299.0, 299.0, 299.0], "totalTime": [318.0,
+ 318.0, 318.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [92.0, 92.0, 92.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [43643.0, 43643.0, 43643.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298887}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service":
+ "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [318.0, 318.0, 318.0], "totalTime": [337.0,
+ 337.0, 337.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [94.0, 94.0, 94.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [43657.0, 43657.0, 43657.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298906}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
+ "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [337.0, 337.0, 337.0], "totalTime": [355.0,
+ 355.0, 355.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [96.0, 96.0, 96.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [38760.0, 38760.0, 38760.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298924}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service":
+ "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [355.0, 355.0, 355.0], "totalTime": [373.0,
+ 373.0, 373.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [98.0, 98.0, 98.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [38760.0, 38760.0, 38760.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298942}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302",
+ "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [373.0, 373.0, 373.0], "totalTime":
+ [381.0, 381.0, 381.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [100.0, 100.0,
+ 100.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [2740.0, 2740.0, 2740.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298950}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01",
+ "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [381.0, 381.0, 381.0], "totalTime":
+ [390.0, 390.0, 390.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [102.0, 102.0,
+ 102.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [3970.0, 3970.0, 3970.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298959}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301",
+ "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [390.0, 390.0, 390.0], "totalTime":
+ [399.0, 399.0, 399.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [104.0, 104.0,
+ 104.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [2740.0, 2740.0, 2740.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298968}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102",
+ "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [399.0, 399.0, 399.0], "totalTime":
+ [407.0, 407.0, 407.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [106.0, 106.0,
+ 106.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [2739.0, 2739.0, 2739.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298976}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101",
+ "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [407.0, 407.0, 407.0], "totalTime":
+ [415.0, 415.0, 415.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [108.0, 108.0,
+ 108.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [2741.0, 2741.0, 2741.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298984}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
+ "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [415.0, 415.0, 415.0], "totalTime":
+ [433.0, 433.0, 433.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [110.0, 110.0,
+ 110.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [241993.0, 241993.0, 241993.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299002}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "firewall01", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [433.0, 433.0,
+ 433.0], "totalTime": [440.0, 440.0, 440.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize":
+ [111.0, 111.0, 111.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [457.0, 457.0,
+ 457.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299009}, {"namespace": "nxos",
+ "hostname": "exit02", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [453.0,
+ 453.0, 453.0], "totalTime": [459.0, 459.0, 459.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0],
+ "wrQsize": [117.0, 117.0, 117.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [763.0,
+ 763.0, 763.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299028}, {"namespace":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
+ [459.0, 459.0, 459.0], "totalTime": [466.0, 466.0, 466.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0,
+ 5.0], "wrQsize": [119.0, 119.0, 119.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes":
+ [763.0, 763.0, 763.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299035},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0,
+ "gatherTime": [466.0, 466.0, 466.0], "totalTime": [472.0, 472.0, 472.0], "svcQsize":
+ [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [121.0, 121.0, 121.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0],
+ "rxBytes": [773.0, 773.0, 773.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299041},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0,
+ "gatherTime": [472.0, 472.0, 472.0], "totalTime": [479.0, 479.0, 479.0], "svcQsize":
+ [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [123.0, 123.0, 123.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0],
+ "rxBytes": [1657.0, 1657.0, 1657.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299048},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0,
+ "gatherTime": [479.0, 479.0, 479.0], "totalTime": [485.0, 485.0, 485.0], "svcQsize":
+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [125.0, 125.0, 125.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0],
+ "rxBytes": [773.0, 773.0, 773.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299054},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0,
+ "gatherTime": [485.0, 485.0, 485.0], "totalTime": [492.0, 492.0, 492.0], "svcQsize":
+ [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [127.0, 127.0, 127.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0],
+ "rxBytes": [1662.0, 1662.0, 1662.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299061},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "ospfNbr", "status":
+ 0, "gatherTime": [492.0, 492.0, 492.0], "totalTime": [498.0, 498.0, 498.0], "svcQsize":
+ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [128.0, 128.0, 128.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0],
+ "rxBytes": [340.0, 340.0, 340.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299067},
{"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "device", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [98.0, 98.0, 98.0], "totalTime": [101.0, 101.0, 101.0], "svcQsize":
- [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [68.0, 68.0, 68.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
- "rxBytes": [4983.0, 4983.0, 4983.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116922},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [101.0, 101.0, 101.0], "totalTime": [109.0, 109.0, 109.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0,
- 9.0], "wrQsize": [70.0, 70.0, 70.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes":
- [27779.0, 27779.0, 27779.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116930},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "bgp", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [109.0, 109.0, 109.0], "totalTime": [117.0, 117.0, 117.0], "svcQsize":
- [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [72.0, 72.0, 72.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0],
- "rxBytes": [21554.0, 21554.0, 21554.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652621116938}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "bgp",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [117.0, 117.0, 117.0], "totalTime": [124.0, 124.0,
- 124.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [74.0, 74.0, 74.0], "nodeQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [10401.0, 10401.0, 10401.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621116945}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service":
- "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [125.0, 125.0, 125.0], "totalTime": [134.0,
- 134.0, 134.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [76.0, 76.0, 76.0], "nodeQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [23871.0, 23871.0, 23871.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621116955}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service":
- "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [134.0, 134.0, 134.0], "totalTime": [144.0,
- 144.0, 144.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [78.0, 78.0, 78.0], "nodeQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [26901.0, 26901.0, 26901.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621116965}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service":
- "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [151.0, 151.0, 151.0], "totalTime": [160.0,
- 160.0, 160.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [82.0, 82.0, 82.0], "nodeQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [23932.0, 23932.0, 23932.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621116981}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
- "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [168.0, 168.0, 168.0], "totalTime": [178.0,
- 178.0, 178.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [86.0, 86.0, 86.0], "nodeQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [26913.0, 26913.0, 26913.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621116999}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service":
- "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [178.0, 178.0, 178.0], "totalTime": [186.0,
- 186.0, 186.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [88.0, 88.0, 88.0], "nodeQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [10400.0, 10400.0, 10400.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117007}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service":
- "mlag", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [190.0, 190.0, 190.0], "totalTime": [194.0,
- 194.0, 194.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [92.0, 92.0, 92.0], "nodeQsize":
- [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [3938.0, 3938.0, 3938.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652621117015}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service":
- "mlag", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [198.0, 198.0, 198.0], "totalTime": [202.0,
- 202.0, 202.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [96.0, 96.0, 96.0], "nodeQsize":
- [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [3934.0, 3934.0, 3934.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652621117023}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service":
- "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [202.0, 202.0, 202.0], "totalTime": [213.0,
- 213.0, 213.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [98.0, 98.0, 98.0],
- "nodeQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [17796.0, 17796.0, 17796.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117034}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service":
- "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [221.0, 221.0, 221.0], "totalTime": [229.0,
- 229.0, 229.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [102.0, 102.0, 102.0],
- "nodeQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [11527.0, 11527.0, 11527.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117050}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service":
- "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [229.0, 229.0, 229.0], "totalTime": [235.0,
- 235.0, 235.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [104.0, 104.0, 104.0],
- "nodeQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [6401.0, 6401.0, 6401.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117056}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service":
- "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [235.0, 235.0, 235.0], "totalTime": [246.0,
- 246.0, 246.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [106.0, 106.0, 106.0],
- "nodeQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [17793.0, 17793.0, 17793.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117067}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service":
- "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [255.0, 255.0, 255.0], "totalTime": [263.0,
- 263.0, 263.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [110.0, 110.0, 110.0],
- "nodeQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [11527.0, 11527.0, 11527.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117084}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
- "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [263.0, 263.0, 263.0], "totalTime": [269.0,
- 269.0, 269.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [112.0, 112.0, 112.0],
- "nodeQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [6401.0, 6401.0, 6401.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117090}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302",
- "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [269.0, 269.0, 269.0], "totalTime":
- [273.0, 273.0, 273.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [114.0, 114.0,
- 114.0], "nodeQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [1761.0, 1761.0, 1761.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117094}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01",
- "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [273.0, 273.0, 273.0], "totalTime":
- [278.0, 278.0, 278.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [116.0, 116.0,
- 116.0], "nodeQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [4707.0, 4707.0, 4707.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117099}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301",
- "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [278.0, 278.0, 278.0], "totalTime":
- [283.0, 283.0, 283.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [118.0, 118.0,
- 118.0], "nodeQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [1761.0, 1761.0, 1761.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117104}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102",
- "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [283.0, 283.0, 283.0], "totalTime":
- [287.0, 287.0, 287.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [120.0, 120.0,
- 120.0], "nodeQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [1754.0, 1754.0, 1754.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117108}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101",
- "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [287.0, 287.0, 287.0], "totalTime":
- [291.0, 291.0, 291.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [122.0, 122.0,
- 122.0], "nodeQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [1762.0, 1762.0, 1762.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117112}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
- "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [291.0, 291.0, 291.0], "totalTime":
- [298.0, 298.0, 298.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [124.0, 124.0,
- 124.0], "nodeQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [39845.0, 39845.0, 39845.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117119}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "dcedge01", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [298.0, 298.0, 298.0],
- "totalTime": [300.0, 300.0, 300.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize":
- [126.0, 126.0, 126.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [2623.0, 2623.0,
- 2623.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117121}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [300.0,
- 300.0, 300.0], "totalTime": [303.0, 303.0, 303.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0],
- "wrQsize": [128.0, 128.0, 128.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [1362.0,
- 1362.0, 1362.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117124}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [303.0,
- 303.0, 303.0], "totalTime": [305.0, 305.0, 305.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0],
- "wrQsize": [130.0, 130.0, 130.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [1920.0,
- 1920.0, 1920.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117126}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [305.0,
- 305.0, 305.0], "totalTime": [308.0, 308.0, 308.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0],
- "wrQsize": [132.0, 132.0, 132.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [1362.0,
- 1362.0, 1362.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117129}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [308.0,
- 308.0, 308.0], "totalTime": [310.0, 310.0, 310.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0],
- "wrQsize": [134.0, 134.0, 134.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [1184.0,
- 1184.0, 1184.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117131}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [310.0,
- 310.0, 310.0], "totalTime": [312.0, 312.0, 312.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0],
- "wrQsize": [136.0, 136.0, 136.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [1920.0,
- 1920.0, 1920.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117133}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [312.0,
- 312.0, 312.0], "totalTime": [315.0, 315.0, 315.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0],
- "wrQsize": [138.0, 138.0, 138.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [1184.0,
- 1184.0, 1184.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117136}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [319.0, 319.0, 319.0], "totalTime": [321.0, 321.0, 321.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0,
- 4.0], "wrQsize": [143.0, 143.0, 143.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes":
- [220.0, 220.0, 220.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117142},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "vlan", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [321.0, 321.0, 321.0], "totalTime": [324.0, 324.0, 324.0], "svcQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [144.0, 144.0, 144.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0],
- "rxBytes": [221.0, 221.0, 221.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117145},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "service": "vlan", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [324.0, 324.0, 324.0], "totalTime": [326.0, 326.0, 326.0], "svcQsize":
- [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [145.0, 145.0, 145.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0],
- "rxBytes": [220.0, 220.0, 220.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117147},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "vlan", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [326.0, 326.0, 326.0], "totalTime": [328.0, 328.0, 328.0], "svcQsize":
- [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [146.0, 146.0, 146.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0],
- "rxBytes": [219.0, 219.0, 219.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117149},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "vlan", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [328.0, 328.0, 328.0], "totalTime": [330.0, 330.0, 330.0], "svcQsize":
- [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [147.0, 147.0, 147.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0],
- "rxBytes": [220.0, 220.0, 220.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117151},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "ospfIf", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [330.0, 330.0, 330.0], "totalTime": [334.0, 334.0, 334.0], "svcQsize":
- [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [149.0, 149.0, 149.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0],
- "rxBytes": [2928.0, 2928.0, 2928.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117155},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "ospfIf", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [343.0, 343.0, 343.0], "totalTime": [347.0, 347.0, 347.0], "svcQsize":
- [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [155.0, 155.0, 155.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0],
- "rxBytes": [4826.0, 4826.0, 4826.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117168},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "ospfIf", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [347.0, 347.0, 347.0], "totalTime": [352.0, 352.0, 352.0], "svcQsize":
- [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [157.0, 157.0, 157.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0],
- "rxBytes": [2927.0, 2927.0, 2927.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117173},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service": "ospfIf", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [352.0, 352.0, 352.0], "totalTime": [356.0, 356.0, 356.0], "svcQsize":
- [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [159.0, 159.0, 159.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0],
- "rxBytes": [2927.0, 2927.0, 2927.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117177},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service": "ospfIf", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [356.0, 356.0, 356.0], "totalTime": [360.0, 360.0, 360.0], "svcQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [161.0, 161.0, 161.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0],
- "rxBytes": [2928.0, 2928.0, 2928.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117181},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "ospfIf", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [360.0, 360.0, 360.0], "totalTime": [365.0, 365.0, 365.0], "svcQsize":
- [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [163.0, 163.0, 163.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0],
- "rxBytes": [4826.0, 4826.0, 4826.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117186},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "ospfIf", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [365.0, 365.0, 365.0], "totalTime": [368.0, 368.0, 368.0], "svcQsize":
- [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [164.0, 164.0, 164.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0],
- "rxBytes": [226.0, 226.0, 226.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117189},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "ospfIf", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [368.0, 368.0, 368.0], "totalTime": [372.0, 372.0, 372.0], "svcQsize":
- [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [165.0, 165.0, 165.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0],
- "rxBytes": [648.0, 648.0, 648.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117193},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "time", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [372.0, 372.0, 372.0], "totalTime": [375.0, 375.0, 375.0], "svcQsize":
- [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [167.0, 167.0, 167.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0],
- "rxBytes": [544.0, 544.0, 544.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117196},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "service": "time", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [375.0, 375.0, 375.0], "totalTime": [377.0, 377.0, 377.0], "svcQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [169.0, 169.0, 169.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0],
- "rxBytes": [543.0, 543.0, 543.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117198},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "service": "time", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [377.0, 377.0, 377.0], "totalTime": [379.0, 379.0, 379.0], "svcQsize":
- [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [171.0, 171.0, 171.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0],
- "rxBytes": [543.0, 543.0, 543.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117200},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "time", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [379.0, 379.0, 379.0], "totalTime": [382.0, 382.0, 382.0], "svcQsize":
- [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [173.0, 173.0, 173.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0],
- "rxBytes": [543.0, 543.0, 543.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117203},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "time", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [382.0, 382.0, 382.0], "totalTime": [384.0, 384.0, 384.0], "svcQsize":
- [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [175.0, 175.0, 175.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0],
- "rxBytes": [542.0, 542.0, 542.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117205},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "macs", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [384.0, 384.0, 384.0], "totalTime": [386.0, 386.0, 386.0], "svcQsize":
- [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [176.0, 176.0, 176.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0,
- 11.0], "rxBytes": [303.0, 303.0, 303.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652621117207}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "macs",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [386.0, 386.0, 386.0], "totalTime": [389.0, 389.0,
- 389.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [178.0, 178.0, 178.0], "nodeQsize":
- [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [411.0, 411.0, 411.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652621117210}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service":
- "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [389.0, 389.0, 389.0], "totalTime": [392.0,
- 392.0, 392.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [180.0, 180.0, 180.0],
- "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [1349.0, 1349.0, 1349.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117213}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service":
- "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [392.0, 392.0, 392.0], "totalTime": [396.0,
- 396.0, 396.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [182.0, 182.0, 182.0],
- "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [2589.0, 2589.0, 2589.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117217}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service":
- "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [396.0, 396.0, 396.0], "totalTime": [399.0,
- 399.0, 399.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [184.0, 184.0, 184.0],
- "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [1349.0, 1349.0, 1349.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117220}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service":
- "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [402.0, 402.0, 402.0], "totalTime": [405.0,
- 405.0, 405.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [188.0, 188.0, 188.0],
- "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [411.0, 411.0, 411.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117226}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service":
- "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [408.0, 408.0, 408.0], "totalTime": [412.0,
- 412.0, 412.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [192.0, 192.0, 192.0],
- "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [2589.0, 2589.0, 2589.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117233}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302",
- "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [412.0, 412.0, 412.0], "totalTime":
- [415.0, 415.0, 415.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [194.0, 194.0,
- 194.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [1324.0, 1324.0, 1324.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117236}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "server301", "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [415.0, 415.0, 415.0],
- "totalTime": [419.0, 419.0, 419.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [196.0,
- 196.0, 196.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [1324.0, 1324.0, 1324.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117240}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "firewall01", "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [420.0, 420.0, 420.0],
- "totalTime": [424.0, 424.0, 424.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [198.0,
- 198.0, 198.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [1699.0, 1699.0, 1699.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117245}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "server102", "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [424.0, 424.0, 424.0],
- "totalTime": [428.0, 428.0, 428.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [200.0,
- 200.0, 200.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [1323.0, 1323.0, 1323.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117249}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "server101", "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [428.0, 428.0, 428.0],
- "totalTime": [432.0, 432.0, 432.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [202.0,
- 202.0, 202.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [1324.0, 1324.0, 1324.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117253}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "exit02", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [439.0, 439.0, 439.0],
- "totalTime": [442.0, 442.0, 442.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [208.0,
- 208.0, 208.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [763.0, 763.0, 763.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117263}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "exit01", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [442.0, 442.0, 442.0],
- "totalTime": [446.0, 446.0, 446.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [210.0,
- 210.0, 210.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [763.0, 763.0, 763.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117267}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "leaf04", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [446.0, 446.0, 446.0],
- "totalTime": [449.0, 449.0, 449.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [212.0,
- 212.0, 212.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [773.0, 773.0, 773.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117270}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "spine01", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [449.0, 449.0, 449.0],
- "totalTime": [453.0, 453.0, 453.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [214.0,
- 214.0, 214.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [1657.0, 1657.0, 1657.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117274}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "leaf03", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [453.0, 453.0, 453.0],
- "totalTime": [456.0, 456.0, 456.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [216.0,
- 216.0, 216.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [773.0, 773.0, 773.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117277}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "spine02", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [456.0, 456.0, 456.0],
- "totalTime": [460.0, 460.0, 460.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [218.0,
- 218.0, 218.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [1662.0, 1662.0, 1662.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117281}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "firewall01", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [460.0, 460.0,
- 460.0], "totalTime": [463.0, 463.0, 463.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize":
- [219.0, 219.0, 219.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [457.0, 457.0,
- 457.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117284}, {"namespace": "nxos",
- "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [463.0,
- 463.0, 463.0], "totalTime": [467.0, 467.0, 467.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
- "wrQsize": [220.0, 220.0, 220.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes":
- [340.0, 340.0, 340.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117288},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "ifCounters", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [467.0, 467.0, 467.0], "totalTime": [471.0, 471.0, 471.0], "svcQsize":
- [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [222.0, 222.0, 222.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0],
- "rxBytes": [1648.0, 1648.0, 1648.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117292},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "service": "ifCounters", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [471.0, 471.0, 471.0], "totalTime": [475.0, 475.0, 475.0], "svcQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [224.0, 224.0, 224.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0],
- "rxBytes": [1023.0, 1023.0, 1023.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117296},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "service": "ifCounters", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [475.0, 475.0, 475.0], "totalTime": [479.0, 479.0, 479.0], "svcQsize":
- [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [226.0, 226.0, 226.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0],
- "rxBytes": [1023.0, 1023.0, 1023.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117300},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "ifCounters", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [479.0, 479.0, 479.0], "totalTime": [483.0, 483.0, 483.0], "svcQsize":
- [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [228.0, 228.0, 228.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0],
- "rxBytes": [1023.0, 1023.0, 1023.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117304},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "ifCounters", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [483.0, 483.0, 483.0], "totalTime": [486.0, 486.0, 486.0], "svcQsize":
- [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [230.0, 230.0, 230.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0],
- "rxBytes": [1022.0, 1022.0, 1022.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117307},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "service": "interfaces", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [486.0, 486.0, 486.0], "totalTime": [491.0, 491.0, 491.0], "svcQsize":
- [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [232.0, 232.0, 232.0], "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0,
- 14.0], "rxBytes": [2740.0, 2740.0, 2740.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652621117312}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "interfaces",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [491.0, 491.0, 491.0], "totalTime": [496.0, 496.0,
- 496.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [234.0, 234.0, 234.0], "nodeQsize":
- [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes": [3970.0, 3970.0, 3970.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117317}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301",
- "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [496.0, 496.0, 496.0], "totalTime":
- [501.0, 501.0, 501.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [236.0, 236.0,
- 236.0], "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes": [2740.0, 2740.0, 2740.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117322}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "server102", "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [501.0, 501.0,
- 501.0], "totalTime": [505.0, 505.0, 505.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize":
- [238.0, 238.0, 238.0], "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes": [2739.0, 2739.0,
- 2739.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117326}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [506.0, 506.0, 506.0], "totalTime": [510.0, 510.0, 510.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0,
- 9.0], "wrQsize": [240.0, 240.0, 240.0], "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes":
- [2741.0, 2741.0, 2741.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117331},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "interfaces", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [510.0, 510.0, 510.0], "totalTime": [525.0, 525.0, 525.0], "svcQsize":
- [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [242.0, 242.0, 242.0], "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0],
- "rxBytes": [241993.0, 241993.0, 241993.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652621117346}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "interfaces",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [525.0, 525.0, 525.0], "totalTime": [541.0, 541.0,
- 541.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [244.0, 244.0, 244.0], "nodeQsize":
- [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes": [42858.0, 42858.0, 42858.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117362}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service":
- "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [571.0, 571.0, 571.0], "totalTime": [586.0,
- 586.0, 586.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [250.0, 250.0, 250.0],
- "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes": [42866.0, 42866.0, 42866.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117407}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service":
- "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [586.0, 586.0, 586.0], "totalTime": [601.0,
- 601.0, 601.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [252.0, 252.0, 252.0],
- "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes": [43643.0, 43643.0, 43643.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117422}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service":
- "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [601.0, 601.0, 601.0], "totalTime": [616.0,
- 616.0, 616.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [254.0, 254.0, 254.0],
- "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes": [43657.0, 43657.0, 43657.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117437}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
- "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [616.0, 616.0, 616.0], "totalTime": [630.0,
- 630.0, 630.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [256.0, 256.0, 256.0],
- "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes": [38760.0, 38760.0, 38760.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117451}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service":
- "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [630.0, 630.0, 630.0], "totalTime": [644.0,
- 644.0, 644.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [258.0, 258.0, 258.0],
- "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes": [38760.0, 38760.0, 38760.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117465}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01",
- "service": "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [644.0, 644.0, 644.0], "totalTime":
- [646.0, 646.0, 646.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [260.0, 260.0,
- 260.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [696.0, 696.0, 696.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117467}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302",
- "service": "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [646.0, 646.0, 646.0], "totalTime":
- [649.0, 649.0, 649.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [262.0, 262.0,
- 262.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [695.0, 695.0, 695.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117470}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301",
- "service": "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [649.0, 649.0, 649.0], "totalTime":
- [652.0, 652.0, 652.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [264.0, 264.0,
- 264.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [695.0, 695.0, 695.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117473}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101",
- "service": "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [652.0, 652.0, 652.0], "totalTime":
- [655.0, 655.0, 655.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [266.0, 266.0,
- 266.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [695.0, 695.0, 695.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117476}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102",
- "service": "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [655.0, 655.0, 655.0], "totalTime":
- [658.0, 658.0, 658.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [268.0, 268.0,
- 268.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [694.0, 694.0, 694.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117479}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
- "service": "evpnVni", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [658.0, 658.0, 658.0], "totalTime":
- [661.0, 661.0, 661.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [269.0, 269.0,
- 269.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "rxBytes": [1194.0, 1194.0, 1194.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117482}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "firewall01", "service": "evpnVni", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [662.0, 662.0,
- 662.0], "totalTime": [665.0, 665.0, 665.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize":
- [270.0, 270.0, 270.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "rxBytes": [221.0, 221.0,
- 221.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117486}, {"namespace": "nxos",
- "hostname": "exit01", "service": "evpnVni", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [665.0,
- 665.0, 665.0], "totalTime": [668.0, 668.0, 668.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0],
- "wrQsize": [272.0, 272.0, 272.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "rxBytes":
- [2106.0, 2106.0, 2106.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117489},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "evpnVni", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [672.0, 672.0, 672.0], "totalTime": [676.0, 676.0, 676.0], "svcQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [276.0, 276.0, 276.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0],
- "rxBytes": [2536.0, 2536.0, 2536.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117497},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "evpnVni", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [676.0, 676.0, 676.0], "totalTime": [680.0, 680.0, 680.0], "svcQsize":
- [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [278.0, 278.0, 278.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0],
- "rxBytes": [2106.0, 2106.0, 2106.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117501},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service": "evpnVni", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [683.0, 683.0, 683.0], "totalTime": [687.0, 687.0, 687.0], "svcQsize":
- [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [282.0, 282.0, 282.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0],
- "rxBytes": [2536.0, 2536.0, 2536.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117508},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [687.0, 687.0, 687.0], "totalTime": [690.0, 690.0, 690.0], "svcQsize": [13.0,
- 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [284.0, 284.0, 284.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0],
- "rxBytes": [1700.0, 1700.0, 1700.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117511},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [690.0, 690.0, 690.0], "totalTime": [692.0, 692.0, 692.0], "svcQsize": [12.0,
- 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [286.0, 286.0, 286.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0],
- "rxBytes": [1873.0, 1873.0, 1873.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117513},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [692.0, 692.0, 692.0], "totalTime": [695.0, 695.0, 695.0], "svcQsize": [11.0,
- 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [288.0, 288.0, 288.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0],
- "rxBytes": [1872.0, 1872.0, 1872.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117516},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [700.0, 700.0, 700.0], "totalTime": [703.0, 703.0, 703.0], "svcQsize":
- [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [294.0, 294.0, 294.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0],
- "rxBytes": [1851.0, 1851.0, 1851.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117524},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [703.0, 703.0, 703.0], "totalTime": [706.0, 706.0, 706.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0,
- 7.0], "wrQsize": [296.0, 296.0, 296.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0], "rxBytes":
- [1701.0, 1701.0, 1701.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117527},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [706.0, 706.0, 706.0], "totalTime": [709.0, 709.0, 709.0], "svcQsize":
- [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [298.0, 298.0, 298.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0],
- "rxBytes": [1850.0, 1850.0, 1850.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117530},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "arpnd", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [709.0, 709.0, 709.0], "totalTime": [711.0, 711.0, 711.0], "svcQsize":
- [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [300.0, 300.0, 300.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0],
- "rxBytes": [680.0, 680.0, 680.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117532},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [711.0, 711.0, 711.0], "totalTime": [714.0, 714.0, 714.0], "svcQsize":
- [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [302.0, 302.0, 302.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0],
- "rxBytes": [362.0, 362.0, 362.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117535},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [714.0, 714.0, 714.0], "totalTime": [716.0, 716.0, 716.0], "svcQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [304.0, 304.0, 304.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0],
- "rxBytes": [307.0, 307.0, 307.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117537},
+ "gatherTime": [498.0, 498.0, 498.0], "totalTime": [504.0, 504.0, 504.0], "svcQsize":
+ [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [130.0, 130.0, 130.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0,
+ 9.0], "rxBytes": [4983.0, 4983.0, 4983.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656299073}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "device",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [515.0, 515.0, 515.0], "totalTime": [520.0, 520.0,
+ 520.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [136.0, 136.0, 136.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [1621.0, 1621.0, 1621.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656299089}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service":
+ "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [520.0, 520.0, 520.0], "totalTime": [525.0,
+ 525.0, 525.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [138.0, 138.0, 138.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [1622.0, 1622.0, 1622.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299094}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service":
+ "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [525.0, 525.0, 525.0], "totalTime": [531.0,
+ 531.0, 531.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [140.0, 140.0, 140.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [1620.0, 1620.0, 1620.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299100}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service":
+ "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [531.0, 531.0, 531.0], "totalTime": [536.0,
+ 536.0, 536.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [142.0, 142.0, 142.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [1622.0, 1622.0, 1622.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299105}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service":
+ "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [536.0, 536.0, 536.0], "totalTime": [541.0,
+ 541.0, 541.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [144.0, 144.0, 144.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [1623.0, 1623.0, 1623.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299110}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
+ "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [541.0, 541.0, 541.0], "totalTime": [546.0,
+ 546.0, 546.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [146.0, 146.0, 146.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [1623.0, 1623.0, 1623.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299115}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01",
+ "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [546.0, 546.0, 546.0], "totalTime":
+ [551.0, 551.0, 551.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [148.0, 148.0,
+ 148.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [565.0, 565.0, 565.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299120}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302",
+ "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [551.0, 551.0, 551.0], "totalTime":
+ [556.0, 556.0, 556.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [150.0, 150.0,
+ 150.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [562.0, 562.0, 562.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299125}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301",
+ "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [556.0, 556.0, 556.0], "totalTime":
+ [561.0, 561.0, 561.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [152.0, 152.0,
+ 152.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [562.0, 562.0, 562.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299130}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102",
+ "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [561.0, 561.0, 561.0], "totalTime":
+ [566.0, 566.0, 566.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [154.0, 154.0,
+ 154.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [561.0, 561.0, 561.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299135}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101",
+ "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [567.0, 567.0, 567.0], "totalTime":
+ [571.0, 571.0, 571.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [156.0, 156.0,
+ 156.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [562.0, 562.0, 562.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299140}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302",
+ "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [571.0, 571.0, 571.0], "totalTime":
+ [575.0, 575.0, 575.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [157.0, 157.0,
+ 157.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [220.0, 220.0, 220.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299144}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01",
+ "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [575.0, 575.0, 575.0], "totalTime":
+ [578.0, 578.0, 578.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [158.0, 158.0,
+ 158.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [221.0, 221.0, 221.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299147}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301",
+ "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [578.0, 578.0, 578.0], "totalTime":
+ [582.0, 582.0, 582.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [159.0, 159.0,
+ 159.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [220.0, 220.0, 220.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299151}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102",
+ "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [582.0, 582.0, 582.0], "totalTime":
+ [585.0, 585.0, 585.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [160.0, 160.0,
+ 160.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [219.0, 219.0, 219.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299154}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101",
+ "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [585.0, 585.0, 585.0], "totalTime":
+ [588.0, 588.0, 588.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [161.0, 161.0,
+ 161.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [220.0, 220.0, 220.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299157}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
+ "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [589.0, 589.0, 589.0], "totalTime":
+ [592.0, 592.0, 592.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [163.0, 163.0,
+ 163.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [2623.0, 2623.0, 2623.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299161}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "exit02", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [592.0, 592.0, 592.0],
+ "totalTime": [596.0, 596.0, 596.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [165.0,
+ 165.0, 165.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [1362.0, 1362.0, 1362.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299165}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "leaf04", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [596.0, 596.0, 596.0],
+ "totalTime": [599.0, 599.0, 599.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [167.0,
+ 167.0, 167.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [1920.0, 1920.0, 1920.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299168}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "exit01", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [599.0, 599.0, 599.0],
+ "totalTime": [603.0, 603.0, 603.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [169.0,
+ 169.0, 169.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [1362.0, 1362.0, 1362.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299172}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "spine01", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [603.0, 603.0, 603.0],
+ "totalTime": [607.0, 607.0, 607.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [171.0,
+ 171.0, 171.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [1184.0, 1184.0, 1184.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299176}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "leaf03", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [607.0, 607.0, 607.0],
+ "totalTime": [610.0, 610.0, 610.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [173.0,
+ 173.0, 173.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [1920.0, 1920.0, 1920.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299179}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "spine02", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [610.0, 610.0, 610.0],
+ "totalTime": [614.0, 614.0, 614.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [175.0,
+ 175.0, 175.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [1184.0, 1184.0, 1184.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299183}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "dcedge01", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1590.0, 1590.0, 1590.0],
+ "totalTime": [1595.0, 1595.0, 1595.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize":
+ [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [3398.0, 3398.0, 3398.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656300164}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "firewall01", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1595.0, 1595.0,
+ 1595.0], "totalTime": [1599.0, 1599.0, 1599.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0],
+ "wrQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [680.0, 680.0,
+ 680.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656300168}, {"namespace": "nxos",
+ "hostname": "server302", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1599.0,
+ 1599.0, 1599.0], "totalTime": [1603.0, 1603.0, 1603.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0,
+ 11.0], "wrQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [362.0,
+ 362.0, 362.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656300172}, {"namespace":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
+ [1603.0, 1603.0, 1603.0], "totalTime": [1607.0, 1607.0, 1607.0], "svcQsize": [10.0,
+ 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
+ [307.0, 307.0, 307.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656300176},
{"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [716.0, 716.0, 716.0], "totalTime": [718.0, 718.0, 718.0], "svcQsize":
- [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [306.0, 306.0, 306.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0],
- "rxBytes": [357.0, 357.0, 357.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117539},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [718.0, 718.0, 718.0], "totalTime": [721.0, 721.0, 721.0], "svcQsize":
- [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [308.0, 308.0, 308.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0],
- "rxBytes": [307.0, 307.0, 307.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117542},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [721.0, 721.0, 721.0], "totalTime": [723.0, 723.0, 723.0], "svcQsize":
- [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [310.0, 310.0, 310.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0],
- "rxBytes": [3398.0, 3398.0, 3398.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117544}]'
-- command: sqPoller show --hostname='~!leaf.* ~!exit.*' --format=json
+ "gatherTime": [1607.0, 1607.0, 1607.0], "totalTime": [1611.0, 1611.0, 1611.0],
+ "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0,
+ 0.0], "rxBytes": [357.0, 357.0, 357.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656300180}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "arpnd",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1611.0, 1611.0, 1611.0], "totalTime": [1614.0, 1614.0,
+ 1614.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [307.0, 307.0, 307.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656300183}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "arpnd",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1614.0, 1614.0, 1614.0], "totalTime": [1619.0, 1619.0,
+ 1619.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [1700.0, 1700.0, 1700.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300188}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service":
+ "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1619.0, 1619.0, 1619.0], "totalTime": [1623.0,
+ 1623.0, 1623.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [1873.0, 1873.0, 1873.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300192}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service":
+ "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1623.0, 1623.0, 1623.0], "totalTime": [1627.0,
+ 1627.0, 1627.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [1872.0, 1872.0, 1872.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300196}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service":
+ "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1636.0, 1636.0, 1636.0], "totalTime": [1640.0,
+ 1640.0, 1640.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [23.0, 23.0, 23.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [1851.0, 1851.0, 1851.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300209}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service":
+ "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1640.0, 1640.0, 1640.0], "totalTime": [1644.0,
+ 1644.0, 1644.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [25.0, 25.0, 25.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [1701.0, 1701.0, 1701.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300213}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
+ "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1644.0, 1644.0, 1644.0], "totalTime": [1649.0,
+ 1649.0, 1649.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [27.0, 27.0, 27.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [1850.0, 1850.0, 1850.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300218}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service":
+ "ospfIf", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1649.0, 1649.0, 1649.0], "totalTime": [1656.0,
+ 1656.0, 1656.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [28.0, 28.0, 28.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [226.0, 226.0, 226.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656300225}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "ospfIf",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1656.0, 1656.0, 1656.0], "totalTime": [1663.0, 1663.0,
+ 1663.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [29.0, 29.0, 29.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [648.0, 648.0, 648.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656300232}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "ospfIf",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1663.0, 1663.0, 1663.0], "totalTime": [1671.0, 1671.0,
+ 1671.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [31.0, 31.0, 31.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [2928.0, 2928.0, 2928.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300240}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service":
+ "ospfIf", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1688.0, 1688.0, 1688.0], "totalTime": [1696.0,
+ 1696.0, 1696.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [37.0, 37.0, 37.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [4826.0, 4826.0, 4826.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300265}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service":
+ "ospfIf", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1696.0, 1696.0, 1696.0], "totalTime": [1704.0,
+ 1704.0, 1704.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [39.0, 39.0, 39.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [2927.0, 2927.0, 2927.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300273}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service":
+ "ospfIf", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1704.0, 1704.0, 1704.0], "totalTime": [1712.0,
+ 1712.0, 1712.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [41.0, 41.0, 41.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [2927.0, 2927.0, 2927.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300281}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service":
+ "ospfIf", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1712.0, 1712.0, 1712.0], "totalTime": [1720.0,
+ 1720.0, 1720.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [43.0, 43.0, 43.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [2928.0, 2928.0, 2928.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300289}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
+ "ospfIf", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1720.0, 1720.0, 1720.0], "totalTime": [1728.0,
+ 1728.0, 1728.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [45.0, 45.0, 45.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [4826.0, 4826.0, 4826.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300297}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service":
+ "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1728.0, 1728.0, 1728.0], "totalTime": [1739.0,
+ 1739.0, 1739.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [47.0, 47.0, 47.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [39845.0, 39845.0, 39845.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300308}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service":
+ "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1739.0, 1739.0, 1739.0], "totalTime": [1754.0,
+ 1754.0, 1754.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [49.0, 49.0, 49.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [17796.0, 17796.0, 17796.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300323}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service":
+ "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1765.0, 1765.0, 1765.0], "totalTime": [1777.0,
+ 1777.0, 1777.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [53.0, 53.0, 53.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [11527.0, 11527.0, 11527.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300346}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service":
+ "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1777.0, 1777.0, 1777.0], "totalTime": [1786.0,
+ 1786.0, 1786.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [55.0, 55.0, 55.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [6401.0, 6401.0, 6401.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300355}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service":
+ "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1786.0, 1786.0, 1786.0], "totalTime": [1800.0,
+ 1800.0, 1800.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [57.0, 57.0, 57.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [17793.0, 17793.0, 17793.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300369}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service":
+ "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1812.0, 1812.0, 1812.0], "totalTime": [1823.0,
+ 1823.0, 1823.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [61.0, 61.0, 61.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [11527.0, 11527.0, 11527.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300392}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
+ "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1823.0, 1823.0, 1823.0], "totalTime": [1832.0,
+ 1832.0, 1832.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [63.0, 63.0, 63.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [6401.0, 6401.0, 6401.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300401}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "service":
+ "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1832.0, 1832.0, 1832.0], "totalTime": [1839.0,
+ 1839.0, 1839.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [65.0, 65.0, 65.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [1761.0, 1761.0, 1761.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300409}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service":
+ "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1840.0, 1840.0, 1840.0], "totalTime": [1848.0,
+ 1848.0, 1848.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [67.0, 67.0, 67.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [4707.0, 4707.0, 4707.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300417}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "service":
+ "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1848.0, 1848.0, 1848.0], "totalTime": [1856.0,
+ 1856.0, 1856.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [69.0, 69.0, 69.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [1761.0, 1761.0, 1761.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300425}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102", "service":
+ "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1856.0, 1856.0, 1856.0], "totalTime": [1863.0,
+ 1863.0, 1863.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [71.0, 71.0, 71.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [1754.0, 1754.0, 1754.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300432}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101", "service":
+ "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1863.0, 1863.0, 1863.0], "totalTime": [1870.0,
+ 1870.0, 1870.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [73.0, 73.0, 73.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [1762.0, 1762.0, 1762.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300439}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "service":
+ "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1870.0, 1870.0, 1870.0], "totalTime": [1876.0,
+ 1876.0, 1876.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [75.0, 75.0, 75.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [1324.0, 1324.0, 1324.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300445}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301",
+ "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1876.0, 1876.0, 1876.0], "totalTime":
+ [1882.0, 1882.0, 1882.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [77.0, 77.0,
+ 77.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [1324.0, 1324.0, 1324.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300451}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01",
+ "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1882.0, 1882.0, 1882.0], "totalTime":
+ [1888.0, 1888.0, 1888.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [79.0, 79.0,
+ 79.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [1699.0, 1699.0, 1699.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300457}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102",
+ "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1888.0, 1888.0, 1888.0], "totalTime":
+ [1895.0, 1895.0, 1895.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [81.0, 81.0,
+ 81.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [1323.0, 1323.0, 1323.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300464}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101",
+ "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1895.0, 1895.0, 1895.0], "totalTime":
+ [1901.0, 1901.0, 1901.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [83.0, 83.0,
+ 83.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [1324.0, 1324.0, 1324.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300470}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
+ "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1901.0, 1901.0, 1901.0], "totalTime":
+ [1906.0, 1906.0, 1906.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [84.0, 84.0,
+ 84.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [303.0, 303.0, 303.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300475}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
+ "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1906.0, 1906.0, 1906.0], "totalTime": [1911.0,
+ 1911.0, 1911.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [86.0, 86.0, 86.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [411.0, 411.0, 411.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656300480}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "macs",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1911.0, 1911.0, 1911.0], "totalTime": [1916.0, 1916.0,
+ 1916.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [88.0, 88.0, 88.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [1349.0, 1349.0, 1349.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300485}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service":
+ "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1916.0, 1916.0, 1916.0], "totalTime": [1921.0,
+ 1921.0, 1921.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [90.0, 90.0, 90.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [2589.0, 2589.0, 2589.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300490}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service":
+ "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1921.0, 1921.0, 1921.0], "totalTime": [1926.0,
+ 1926.0, 1926.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [92.0, 92.0, 92.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [1349.0, 1349.0, 1349.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300495}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service":
+ "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1932.0, 1932.0, 1932.0], "totalTime": [1937.0,
+ 1937.0, 1937.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [96.0, 96.0, 96.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [411.0, 411.0, 411.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656300506}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service": "macs",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1942.0, 1942.0, 1942.0], "totalTime": [1948.0, 1948.0,
+ 1948.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [100.0, 100.0, 100.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [2589.0, 2589.0, 2589.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300517}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service":
+ "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1948.0, 1948.0, 1948.0], "totalTime": [1963.0,
+ 1963.0, 1963.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [102.0, 102.0, 102.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [10401.0, 10401.0, 10401.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300532}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service":
+ "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1963.0, 1963.0, 1963.0], "totalTime": [1979.0,
+ 1979.0, 1979.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [104.0, 104.0, 104.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [23871.0, 23871.0, 23871.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300548}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service":
+ "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1979.0, 1979.0, 1979.0], "totalTime": [1997.0,
+ 1997.0, 1997.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [106.0, 106.0, 106.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [26901.0, 26901.0, 26901.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300566}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service":
+ "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [2012.0, 2012.0, 2012.0], "totalTime": [2028.0,
+ 2028.0, 2028.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [110.0, 110.0, 110.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [23932.0, 23932.0, 23932.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300597}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
+ "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [2043.0, 2043.0, 2043.0], "totalTime": [2061.0,
+ 2061.0, 2061.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [114.0, 114.0, 114.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [26913.0, 26913.0, 26913.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300630}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service":
+ "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [2061.0, 2061.0, 2061.0], "totalTime": [2076.0,
+ 2076.0, 2076.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [116.0, 116.0, 116.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [10400.0, 10400.0, 10400.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300645}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01",
+ "service": "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [2076.0, 2076.0, 2076.0], "totalTime":
+ [2091.0, 2091.0, 2091.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [118.0, 118.0,
+ 118.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [21554.0, 21554.0, 21554.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656300660}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "dcedge01", "service": "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [2091.0, 2091.0, 2091.0],
+ "totalTime": [2106.0, 2106.0, 2106.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize":
+ [120.0, 120.0, 120.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [27779.0, 27779.0,
+ 27779.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656300675}]'
+- command: sqPoller show --hostname='!~leaf.* !~exit.*' --format=json
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: sqPoller show hostname negate regex
output: '[{"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "lldp", "status":
@@ -42434,22 +42424,22 @@ tests:
[61.0, 61.0, 61.0], "totalTime": [64.0, 64.0, 64.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0],
"wrQsize": [25.0, 25.0, 25.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [2481.0,
2481.0, 2481.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499193}, {"namespace":
- "junos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "topmem", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [17.0, 17.0, 17.0], "totalTime": [23.0, 23.0, 23.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
- "wrQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [1445.0,
- 1445.0, 1445.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499194}, {"namespace":
"panos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
[50.0, 50.0, 50.0], "totalTime": [53.0, 53.0, 53.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
"wrQsize": [25.0, 25.0, 25.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [695.0,
695.0, 695.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499194}, {"namespace":
- "eos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "topmem", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "totalTime": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0],
- "wrQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [1445.0,
- 1445.0, 1445.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499195}, {"namespace":
+ "junos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "topmem", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
+ [17.0, 17.0, 17.0], "totalTime": [23.0, 23.0, 23.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
+ "wrQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [1445.0,
+ 1445.0, 1445.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499194}, {"namespace":
"vmx", "hostname": "CRP-ACC-SW01", "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
[56.0, 56.0, 56.0], "totalTime": [60.0, 60.0, 60.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0],
"wrQsize": [30.0, 30.0, 30.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [3931.0,
3931.0, 3931.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499195}, {"namespace":
+ "eos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "topmem", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
+ [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "totalTime": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0],
+ "wrQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [1445.0,
+ 1445.0, 1445.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499195}, {"namespace":
"vmx", "hostname": "TOR4CRP-DGW-RT01", "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
[60.0, 60.0, 60.0], "totalTime": [64.0, 64.0, 64.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
"wrQsize": [32.0, 32.0, 32.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [3929.0,
@@ -42494,14 +42484,14 @@ tests:
0, "gatherTime": [66.0, 66.0, 66.0], "totalTime": [73.0, 73.0, 73.0], "svcQsize":
[10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [31.0, 31.0, 31.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
"rxBytes": [1428.0, 1428.0, 1428.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499214},
- {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "devconfig", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [84.0, 84.0, 84.0], "totalTime": [88.0, 88.0, 88.0], "svcQsize":
- [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [41.0, 41.0, 41.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
- "rxBytes": [2440.0, 2440.0, 2440.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499217},
{"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR1BBN-PE-RT01", "service": "bgp", "status":
0, "gatherTime": [72.0, 72.0, 72.0], "totalTime": [82.0, 82.0, 82.0], "svcQsize":
[4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [38.0, 38.0, 38.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0],
"rxBytes": [15769.0, 15769.0, 15769.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587499217}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "devconfig",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [84.0, 84.0, 84.0], "totalTime": [88.0, 88.0, 88.0],
+ "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [41.0, 41.0, 41.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0,
+ 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [2440.0, 2440.0, 2440.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
1652587499217}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "routes",
"status": 0, "gatherTime": [35.0, 35.0, 35.0], "totalTime": [46.0, 46.0, 46.0],
"svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0,
@@ -42578,14 +42568,14 @@ tests:
"service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [135.0, 135.0, 135.0], "totalTime":
[139.0, 139.0, 139.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [56.0, 56.0,
56.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [561.0, 561.0, 561.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499268}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine01",
- "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [72.0, 72.0, 72.0], "totalTime":
- [98.0, 98.0, 98.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0],
- "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [103178.0, 103178.0, 103178.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499269}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "server301",
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499268}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "server301",
"service": "topmem", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [121.0, 121.0, 121.0], "totalTime":
[128.0, 128.0, 128.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [49.0, 49.0, 49.0],
"nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [1453.0, 1453.0, 1453.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499269}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine01",
+ "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [72.0, 72.0, 72.0], "totalTime":
+ [98.0, 98.0, 98.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [103178.0, 103178.0, 103178.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587499269}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR1BBN-PE-RT01",
"service": "inventory", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [130.0, 130.0, 130.0], "totalTime":
[135.0, 135.0, 135.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [50.0, 50.0, 50.0],
@@ -42614,14 +42604,14 @@ tests:
"service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [148.0, 148.0, 148.0], "totalTime":
[152.0, 152.0, 152.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [62.0, 62.0,
62.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [567.0, 567.0, 567.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499281}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR4CRP-DGW-RT01",
- "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [144.0, 144.0, 144.0], "totalTime":
- [147.0, 147.0, 147.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [56.0, 56.0, 56.0],
- "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [2226.0, 2226.0, 2226.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499282}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "server102",
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499281}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "server102",
"service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [135.0, 135.0, 135.0], "totalTime":
[141.0, 141.0, 141.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [53.0, 53.0,
53.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [1835.0, 1835.0, 1835.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499282}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR4CRP-DGW-RT01",
+ "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [144.0, 144.0, 144.0], "totalTime":
+ [147.0, 147.0, 147.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [56.0, 56.0, 56.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [2226.0, 2226.0, 2226.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587499282}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server103",
"service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [152.0, 152.0, 152.0], "totalTime":
[156.0, 156.0, 156.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [64.0, 64.0, 64.0],
@@ -42654,15 +42644,15 @@ tests:
"service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [98.0, 98.0, 98.0], "totalTime":
[125.0, 125.0, 125.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0],
"nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [103182.0, 103182.0, 103182.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499296}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
- "routes", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [108.0, 108.0, 108.0], "totalTime": [118.0,
- 118.0, 118.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [31.0, 31.0, 31.0], "nodeQsize":
- [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [3472.0, 3472.0, 3472.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587499297}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine02",
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499296}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine02",
"service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [164.0, 164.0, 164.0], "totalTime":
[168.0, 168.0, 168.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [70.0, 70.0, 70.0],
"nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [1340.0, 1340.0, 1340.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499297}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01",
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499297}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
+ "routes", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [108.0, 108.0, 108.0], "totalTime": [118.0,
+ 118.0, 118.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [31.0, 31.0, 31.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [3472.0, 3472.0, 3472.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1652587499297}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01",
"service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [159.0, 159.0, 159.0], "totalTime":
[163.0, 163.0, 163.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [63.0, 63.0, 63.0],
"nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [2226.0, 2226.0, 2226.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
@@ -42710,14 +42700,14 @@ tests:
"service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [203.0, 203.0, 203.0], "totalTime":
[206.0, 206.0, 206.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [88.0, 88.0,
88.0], "nodeQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "rxBytes": [227.0, 227.0, 227.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499335}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
- "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [190.0, 190.0, 190.0], "totalTime":
- [196.0, 196.0, 196.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [69.0, 69.0, 69.0],
- "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [2888.0, 2888.0, 2888.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499337}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01",
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499335}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01",
"service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [182.0, 182.0, 182.0], "totalTime":
[202.0, 202.0, 202.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [69.0, 69.0, 69.0],
"nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [284518.0, 284518.0, 284518.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499337}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
+ "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [190.0, 190.0, 190.0], "totalTime":
+ [196.0, 196.0, 196.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [69.0, 69.0, 69.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [2888.0, 2888.0, 2888.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587499337}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine01",
"service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [208.0, 208.0, 208.0], "totalTime":
[211.0, 211.0, 211.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [91.0, 91.0, 91.0],
@@ -42730,14 +42720,14 @@ tests:
"service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [217.0, 217.0, 217.0], "totalTime":
[220.0, 220.0, 220.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [96.0, 96.0, 96.0],
"nodeQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "rxBytes": [225.0, 225.0, 225.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499349}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server102",
- "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [223.0, 223.0, 223.0], "totalTime":
- [226.0, 226.0, 226.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [99.0, 99.0, 99.0],
- "nodeQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "rxBytes": [228.0, 228.0, 228.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499355}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "CRP-ACC-SW01",
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499349}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "CRP-ACC-SW01",
"service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [202.0, 202.0, 202.0], "totalTime":
[220.0, 220.0, 220.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [71.0, 71.0, 71.0],
"nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [274036.0, 274036.0, 274036.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499355}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server102",
+ "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [223.0, 223.0, 223.0], "totalTime":
+ [226.0, 226.0, 226.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [99.0, 99.0, 99.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "rxBytes": [228.0, 228.0, 228.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587499355}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "spine1-nxos",
"service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [155.0, 155.0, 155.0], "totalTime":
[166.0, 166.0, 166.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0],
@@ -43286,18 +43276,18 @@ tests:
"service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [919.0, 919.0, 919.0], "totalTime":
[924.0, 924.0, 924.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [26.0, 26.0, 26.0],
"nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [22088.0, 22088.0, 22088.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500095}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "edge01",
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500095}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine01",
+ "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [928.0, 928.0, 928.0], "totalTime":
+ [934.0, 934.0, 934.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [30.0, 30.0, 30.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [22086.0, 22086.0, 22086.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500105}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "edge01",
"service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [967.0, 967.0, 967.0], "totalTime":
[976.0, 976.0, 976.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [299.0, 299.0,
299.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "rxBytes": [5422.0, 5422.0, 5422.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500105}, {"namespace": "junos",
- "hostname": "spine01", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [928.0, 928.0,
- 928.0], "totalTime": [934.0, 934.0, 934.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize":
- [30.0, 30.0, 30.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [22086.0, 22086.0,
- 22086.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500105}, {"namespace":
- "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [976.0, 976.0, 976.0], "totalTime": [984.0, 984.0, 984.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0,
- 9.0], "wrQsize": [301.0, 301.0, 301.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "rxBytes":
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500105}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
+ "hostname": "spine02", "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [976.0,
+ 976.0, 976.0], "totalTime": [984.0, 984.0, 984.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0],
+ "wrQsize": [301.0, 301.0, 301.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "rxBytes":
[5628.0, 5628.0, 5628.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500113},
{"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server102", "service": "routes", "status":
0, "gatherTime": [984.0, 984.0, 984.0], "totalTime": [990.0, 990.0, 990.0], "svcQsize":
@@ -43386,77 +43376,77 @@ tests:
0, "gatherTime": [1197.0, 1197.0, 1197.0], "totalTime": [1228.0, 1228.0, 1228.0],
"svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [56.0, 56.0, 56.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0,
3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [252582.0, 252582.0, 252582.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587500399}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "internet",
+ "timestamp": 1652587500399}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server101", "service":
+ "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1261.0, 1261.0, 1261.0], "totalTime":
+ [1272.0, 1272.0, 1272.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [60.0, 60.0,
+ 60.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [1413.0, 1413.0, 1413.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500443}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "internet",
"service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1305.0, 1305.0, 1305.0],
"totalTime": [1314.0, 1314.0, 1314.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize":
[363.0, 363.0, 363.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "rxBytes": [4773.0, 4773.0,
4773.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500443}, {"namespace":
- "junos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [1261.0, 1261.0, 1261.0], "totalTime": [1272.0, 1272.0, 1272.0], "svcQsize": [4.0,
- 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [60.0, 60.0, 60.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes":
- [1413.0, 1413.0, 1413.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500443},
- {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server202", "service": "interfaces", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [1272.0, 1272.0, 1272.0], "totalTime": [1282.0, 1282.0, 1282.0],
- "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [62.0, 62.0, 62.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0,
- 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [1413.0, 1413.0, 1413.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500453}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "interfaces",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1282.0, 1282.0, 1282.0], "totalTime": [1293.0, 1293.0,
- 1293.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [64.0, 64.0, 64.0], "nodeQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [1415.0, 1415.0, 1415.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587500464}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "firewall01",
- "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1293.0, 1293.0, 1293.0],
- "totalTime": [1305.0, 1305.0, 1305.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize":
- [66.0, 66.0, 66.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [3866.0, 3866.0,
- 3866.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500476}, {"namespace":
- "junos", "hostname": "server201", "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [1306.0, 1306.0, 1306.0], "totalTime": [1313.0, 1313.0, 1313.0], "svcQsize": [0.0,
- 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [68.0, 68.0, 68.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes":
- [1413.0, 1413.0, 1413.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500484},
- {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "spine2-nxos", "service": "interfaces", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [1276.0, 1276.0, 1276.0], "totalTime": [1309.0, 1309.0, 1309.0],
- "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [83.0, 83.0, 83.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0,
- 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [37514.0, 37514.0, 37514.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500499}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "device",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1321.0, 1321.0, 1321.0], "totalTime": [1328.0, 1328.0,
- 1328.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [72.0, 72.0, 72.0], "nodeQsize":
- [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [4957.0, 4957.0, 4957.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587500499}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine01", "service":
- "bgp", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1282.0, 1282.0, 1282.0], "totalTime": [1330.0,
- 1330.0, 1330.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [100.0, 100.0, 100.0],
- "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [21867.0, 21867.0, 21867.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500509}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine02",
- "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1335.0, 1335.0, 1335.0], "totalTime":
- [1340.0, 1340.0, 1340.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [76.0, 76.0,
- 76.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [4954.0, 4954.0, 4954.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500511}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine01",
- "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1366.0, 1366.0, 1366.0],
- "totalTime": [1384.0, 1384.0, 1384.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize":
- [369.0, 369.0, 369.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "rxBytes": [10712.0, 10712.0,
- 10712.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500513}, {"namespace":
- "eos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [1330.0, 1330.0, 1330.0], "totalTime": [1349.0, 1349.0, 1349.0], "svcQsize": [1.0,
- 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [102.0, 102.0, 102.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes":
- [20482.0, 20482.0, 20482.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500528},
- {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "device", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [1351.0, 1351.0, 1351.0], "totalTime": [1359.0, 1359.0, 1359.0],
- "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [82.0, 82.0, 82.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0,
+ "junos", "hostname": "server202", "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
+ [1272.0, 1272.0, 1272.0], "totalTime": [1282.0, 1282.0, 1282.0], "svcQsize": [3.0,
+ 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [62.0, 62.0, 62.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes":
+ [1413.0, 1413.0, 1413.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500453},
+ {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "interfaces", "status":
+ 0, "gatherTime": [1282.0, 1282.0, 1282.0], "totalTime": [1293.0, 1293.0, 1293.0],
+ "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [64.0, 64.0, 64.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0,
+ 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [1415.0, 1415.0, 1415.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587500464}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "interfaces",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1293.0, 1293.0, 1293.0], "totalTime": [1305.0, 1305.0,
+ 1305.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [66.0, 66.0, 66.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [3866.0, 3866.0, 3866.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1652587500476}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server201", "service":
+ "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1306.0, 1306.0, 1306.0], "totalTime":
+ [1313.0, 1313.0, 1313.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [68.0, 68.0,
+ 68.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [1413.0, 1413.0, 1413.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500484}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "spine2-nxos",
+ "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1276.0, 1276.0, 1276.0],
+ "totalTime": [1309.0, 1309.0, 1309.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize":
+ [83.0, 83.0, 83.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [37514.0, 37514.0,
+ 37514.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500499}, {"namespace":
+ "junos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
+ [1321.0, 1321.0, 1321.0], "totalTime": [1328.0, 1328.0, 1328.0], "svcQsize": [10.0,
+ 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [72.0, 72.0, 72.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes":
+ [4957.0, 4957.0, 4957.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500499},
+ {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "bgp", "status": 200, "gatherTime":
+ [1282.0, 1282.0, 1282.0], "totalTime": [1330.0, 1330.0, 1330.0], "svcQsize": [2.0,
+ 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [100.0, 100.0, 100.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes":
+ [21867.0, 21867.0, 21867.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500509},
+ {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "device", "status": 0,
+ "gatherTime": [1335.0, 1335.0, 1335.0], "totalTime": [1340.0, 1340.0, 1340.0],
+ "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [76.0, 76.0, 76.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0,
4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [4954.0, 4954.0, 4954.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500530}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "device",
+ 1652587500511}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "interfaces",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1366.0, 1366.0, 1366.0], "totalTime": [1384.0, 1384.0,
+ 1384.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [369.0, 369.0, 369.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "rxBytes": [10712.0, 10712.0, 10712.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500513}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "firewall01",
+ "service": "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1330.0, 1330.0, 1330.0], "totalTime":
+ [1349.0, 1349.0, 1349.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [102.0, 102.0,
+ 102.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [20482.0, 20482.0, 20482.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500528}, {"namespace": "junos",
+ "hostname": "spine01", "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1351.0,
+ 1351.0, 1351.0], "totalTime": [1359.0, 1359.0, 1359.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0,
+ 5.0], "wrQsize": [82.0, 82.0, 82.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes":
+ [4954.0, 4954.0, 4954.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500530},
+ {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "spine1-nxos", "service": "interfaces", "status":
+ 0, "gatherTime": [1309.0, 1309.0, 1309.0], "totalTime": [1347.0, 1347.0, 1347.0],
+ "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [85.0, 85.0, 85.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0,
+ 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [38291.0, 38291.0, 38291.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587500537}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "device",
"status": 0, "gatherTime": [1359.0, 1359.0, 1359.0], "totalTime": [1366.0, 1366.0,
1366.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [84.0, 84.0, 84.0], "nodeQsize":
[4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [563.0, 563.0, 563.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500537}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "spine1-nxos", "service": "interfaces",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1309.0, 1309.0, 1309.0], "totalTime": [1347.0, 1347.0,
- 1347.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [85.0, 85.0, 85.0], "nodeQsize":
- [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [38291.0, 38291.0, 38291.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500537}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server101",
+ 1652587500537}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "bgp",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1350.0, 1350.0, 1350.0], "totalTime": [1363.0, 1363.0,
+ 1363.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [104.0, 104.0, 104.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [28572.0, 28572.0, 28572.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500542}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server101",
"service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1366.0, 1366.0, 1366.0], "totalTime":
[1371.0, 1371.0, 1371.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [86.0, 86.0,
86.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [561.0, 561.0, 561.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500542}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service":
- "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1350.0, 1350.0, 1350.0], "totalTime": [1363.0,
- 1363.0, 1363.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [104.0, 104.0, 104.0],
- "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [28572.0, 28572.0, 28572.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587500542}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server202",
"service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1371.0, 1371.0, 1371.0], "totalTime":
[1376.0, 1376.0, 1376.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [88.0, 88.0,
@@ -43482,40 +43472,40 @@ tests:
"interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1429.0, 1429.0, 1429.0], "totalTime":
[1436.0, 1436.0, 1436.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [377.0, 377.0,
377.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "rxBytes": [2236.0, 2236.0, 2236.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500565}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
- "hostname": "server103", "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1436.0,
- 1436.0, 1436.0], "totalTime": [1444.0, 1444.0, 1444.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0,
- 1.0], "wrQsize": [379.0, 379.0, 379.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "rxBytes":
- [2236.0, 2236.0, 2236.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500573},
- {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "mlag", "status": 200,
- "gatherTime": [1387.0, 1387.0, 1387.0], "totalTime": [1393.0, 1393.0, 1393.0],
- "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [111.0, 111.0, 111.0], "nodeQsize": [5.0,
- 5.0, 5.0], "rxBytes": [1342.0, 1342.0, 1342.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500573}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "bgp",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1388.0, 1388.0, 1388.0], "totalTime": [1405.0, 1405.0,
- 1405.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [94.0, 94.0, 94.0], "nodeQsize":
- [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "rxBytes": [20165.0, 20165.0, 20165.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500576}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server101",
- "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1444.0, 1444.0, 1444.0],
- "totalTime": [1454.0, 1454.0, 1454.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize":
- [381.0, 381.0, 381.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "rxBytes": [2236.0, 2236.0,
- 2236.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500583}, {"namespace":
- "mixed", "hostname": "spine1-nxos", "service": "ospfIf", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [1387.0, 1387.0, 1387.0], "totalTime": [1398.0, 1398.0, 1398.0], "svcQsize": [3.0,
- 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [95.0, 95.0, 95.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes":
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500565}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname":
+ "spine02", "service": "mlag", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1387.0, 1387.0, 1387.0],
+ "totalTime": [1393.0, 1393.0, 1393.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize":
+ [111.0, 111.0, 111.0], "nodeQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "rxBytes": [1342.0, 1342.0,
+ 1342.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500573}, {"namespace":
+ "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server103", "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
+ [1436.0, 1436.0, 1436.0], "totalTime": [1444.0, 1444.0, 1444.0], "svcQsize": [1.0,
+ 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [379.0, 379.0, 379.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0],
+ "rxBytes": [2236.0, 2236.0, 2236.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500573},
+ {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "bgp", "status": 0,
+ "gatherTime": [1388.0, 1388.0, 1388.0], "totalTime": [1405.0, 1405.0, 1405.0],
+ "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [94.0, 94.0, 94.0], "nodeQsize": [5.0,
+ 5.0, 5.0], "rxBytes": [20165.0, 20165.0, 20165.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587500576}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server101", "service":
+ "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1444.0, 1444.0, 1444.0], "totalTime":
+ [1454.0, 1454.0, 1454.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [381.0, 381.0,
+ 381.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "rxBytes": [2236.0, 2236.0, 2236.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500583}, {"namespace": "mixed",
+ "hostname": "spine1-nxos", "service": "ospfIf", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1387.0,
+ 1387.0, 1387.0], "totalTime": [1398.0, 1398.0, 1398.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0,
+ 3.0], "wrQsize": [95.0, 95.0, 95.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes":
[5064.0, 5064.0, 5064.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500588},
{"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "mlag", "status": 200,
"gatherTime": [1410.0, 1410.0, 1410.0], "totalTime": [1417.0, 1417.0, 1417.0],
"svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [116.0, 116.0, 116.0], "nodeQsize": [5.0,
5.0, 5.0], "rxBytes": [1342.0, 1342.0, 1342.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500596}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "bgp",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1405.0, 1405.0, 1405.0], "totalTime": [1425.0, 1425.0,
- 1425.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [96.0, 96.0, 96.0], "nodeQsize":
+ 1652587500596}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "spine2-nxos", "service": "ospfIf",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1398.0, 1398.0, 1398.0], "totalTime": [1406.0, 1406.0,
+ 1406.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [97.0, 97.0, 97.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [5063.0, 5063.0, 5063.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1652587500596}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
+ "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1405.0, 1405.0, 1405.0], "totalTime": [1425.0,
+ 1425.0, 1425.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [96.0, 96.0, 96.0], "nodeQsize":
[5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "rxBytes": [54024.0, 54024.0, 54024.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500596}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "spine2-nxos",
- "service": "ospfIf", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1398.0, 1398.0, 1398.0], "totalTime":
- [1406.0, 1406.0, 1406.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [97.0, 97.0,
- 97.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [5063.0, 5063.0, 5063.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587500596}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server102",
"service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1417.0, 1417.0, 1417.0], "totalTime":
[1421.0, 1421.0, 1421.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [117.0, 117.0,
@@ -43657,23 +43647,23 @@ tests:
"service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1557.0, 1557.0, 1557.0], "totalTime":
[1562.0, 1562.0, 1562.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [113.0, 113.0,
113.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [221.0, 221.0, 221.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500734}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "internet",
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500734}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "server301",
+ "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1589.0, 1589.0, 1589.0], "totalTime":
+ [1596.0, 1596.0, 1596.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [20.0, 20.0,
+ 20.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [245.0, 245.0, 245.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500737}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "internet",
"service": "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1596.0, 1596.0, 1596.0], "totalTime":
[1608.0, 1608.0, 1608.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [411.0, 411.0,
411.0], "nodeQsize": [18.0, 18.0, 18.0], "rxBytes": [7170.0, 7170.0, 7170.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500737}, {"namespace": "panos",
- "hostname": "server301", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1589.0,
- 1589.0, 1589.0], "totalTime": [1596.0, 1596.0, 1596.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0,
- 3.0], "wrQsize": [20.0, 20.0, 20.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
- [245.0, 245.0, 245.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500737},
- {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "vlan", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [1567.0, 1567.0, 1567.0], "totalTime": [1571.0, 1571.0, 1571.0],
- "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [117.0, 117.0, 117.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0,
- 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [2616.0, 2616.0, 2616.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500742}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "lldp",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1596.0, 1596.0, 1596.0], "totalTime": [1602.0, 1602.0,
- 1602.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [21.0, 21.0, 21.0], "nodeQsize":
- [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [243.0, 243.0, 243.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500737}, {"namespace": "junos",
+ "hostname": "spine02", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1567.0,
+ 1567.0, 1567.0], "totalTime": [1571.0, 1571.0, 1571.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0,
+ 5.0], "wrQsize": [117.0, 117.0, 117.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes":
+ [2616.0, 2616.0, 2616.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500742},
+ {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "lldp", "status": 0,
+ "gatherTime": [1596.0, 1596.0, 1596.0], "totalTime": [1602.0, 1602.0, 1602.0],
+ "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [21.0, 21.0, 21.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0,
+ 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [243.0, 243.0, 243.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
1652587500743}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "vlan",
"status": 0, "gatherTime": [1571.0, 1571.0, 1571.0], "totalTime": [1576.0, 1576.0,
1576.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [119.0, 119.0, 119.0], "nodeQsize":
@@ -43780,18 +43770,18 @@ tests:
"status": 0, "gatherTime": [1658.0, 1658.0, 1658.0], "totalTime": [1663.0, 1663.0,
1663.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [145.0, 145.0, 145.0], "nodeQsize":
[10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [543.0, 543.0, 543.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587500834}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
- "ospfIf", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1649.0, 1649.0, 1649.0], "totalTime":
- [1656.0, 1656.0, 1656.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [178.0, 178.0,
- 178.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [6211.0, 6211.0, 6211.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500835}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "spine1-nxos",
+ "timestamp": 1652587500834}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "spine1-nxos",
"service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1638.0, 1638.0, 1638.0], "totalTime":
[1645.0, 1645.0, 1645.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [149.0, 149.0,
149.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [2063.0, 2063.0, 2063.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500835}, {"namespace": "panos",
- "hostname": "server102", "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1690.0,
- 1690.0, 1690.0], "totalTime": [1697.0, 1697.0, 1697.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0,
- 9.0], "wrQsize": [51.0, 51.0, 51.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes":
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500835}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname":
+ "spine02", "service": "ospfIf", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1649.0, 1649.0,
+ 1649.0], "totalTime": [1656.0, 1656.0, 1656.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize":
+ [178.0, 178.0, 178.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [6211.0, 6211.0,
+ 6211.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500835}, {"namespace":
+ "panos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
+ [1690.0, 1690.0, 1690.0], "totalTime": [1697.0, 1697.0, 1697.0], "svcQsize": [9.0,
+ 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [51.0, 51.0, 51.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes":
[563.0, 563.0, 563.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500838},
{"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "time", "status": 0,
"gatherTime": [1663.0, 1663.0, 1663.0], "totalTime": [1668.0, 1668.0, 1668.0],
@@ -43847,18 +43837,18 @@ tests:
[1716.0, 1716.0, 1716.0], "totalTime": [1721.0, 1721.0, 1721.0], "svcQsize": [4.0,
4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [163.0, 163.0, 163.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0],
"rxBytes": [298.0, 298.0, 298.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500892},
- {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server301", "service": "topcpu", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [1709.0, 1709.0, 1709.0], "totalTime": [1716.0, 1716.0, 1716.0],
- "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [195.0, 195.0, 195.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0,
- 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [1450.0, 1450.0, 1450.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500895}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "device",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1750.0, 1750.0, 1750.0], "totalTime": [1754.0, 1754.0,
- 1754.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [69.0, 69.0, 69.0], "nodeQsize":
- [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [1334.0, 1334.0, 1334.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587500895}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server202", "service":
- "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1721.0, 1721.0, 1721.0], "totalTime": [1727.0,
- 1727.0, 1727.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [165.0, 165.0, 165.0],
- "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [352.0, 352.0, 352.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "device", "status":
+ 0, "gatherTime": [1750.0, 1750.0, 1750.0], "totalTime": [1754.0, 1754.0, 1754.0],
+ "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [69.0, 69.0, 69.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0,
+ 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [1334.0, 1334.0, 1334.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587500895}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server301", "service": "topcpu",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1709.0, 1709.0, 1709.0], "totalTime": [1716.0, 1716.0,
+ 1716.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [195.0, 195.0, 195.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [1450.0, 1450.0, 1450.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500895}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server202",
+ "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1721.0, 1721.0, 1721.0], "totalTime":
+ [1727.0, 1727.0, 1727.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [165.0, 165.0,
+ 165.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [352.0, 352.0, 352.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587500898}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "firewall01",
"service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1716.0, 1716.0, 1716.0], "totalTime":
[1721.0, 1721.0, 1721.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [196.0, 196.0,
@@ -43908,14 +43898,14 @@ tests:
"time", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1778.0, 1778.0, 1778.0], "totalTime": [1781.0,
1781.0, 1781.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [221.0, 221.0, 221.0],
"nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [240.0, 240.0, 240.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500960}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
- "service": "ospfIf", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1783.0, 1783.0, 1783.0], "totalTime":
- [1792.0, 1792.0, 1792.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [179.0, 179.0,
- 179.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [636.0, 636.0, 636.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500963}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine01", "service":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500960}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine01", "service":
"time", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1781.0, 1781.0, 1781.0], "totalTime": [1784.0,
1784.0, 1784.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [223.0, 223.0, 223.0],
"nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [240.0, 240.0, 240.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500963}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
+ "service": "ospfIf", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1783.0, 1783.0, 1783.0], "totalTime":
+ [1792.0, 1792.0, 1792.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [179.0, 179.0,
+ 179.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [636.0, 636.0, 636.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587500963}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "spine02",
"service": "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1815.0, 1815.0, 1815.0], "totalTime":
[1826.0, 1826.0, 1826.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [83.0, 83.0,
@@ -43949,14 +43939,14 @@ tests:
1817.0, 1817.0], "totalTime": [1822.0, 1822.0, 1822.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0,
13.0], "wrQsize": [241.0, 241.0, 241.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "rxBytes":
[938.0, 938.0, 938.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587501001},
- {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [1822.0, 1822.0, 1822.0], "totalTime": [1826.0, 1826.0, 1826.0],
- "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [243.0, 243.0, 243.0], "nodeQsize":
- [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "rxBytes": [365.0, 365.0, 365.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587501005}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service":
- "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1830.0, 1830.0, 1830.0], "totalTime": [1834.0,
- 1834.0, 1834.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [187.0, 187.0, 187.0],
- "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "rxBytes": [297.0, 297.0, 297.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "macs", "status": 0,
+ "gatherTime": [1830.0, 1830.0, 1830.0], "totalTime": [1834.0, 1834.0, 1834.0],
+ "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [187.0, 187.0, 187.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "rxBytes": [297.0, 297.0, 297.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1652587501005}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server102", "service":
+ "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1822.0, 1822.0, 1822.0], "totalTime": [1826.0,
+ 1826.0, 1826.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [243.0, 243.0, 243.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "rxBytes": [365.0, 365.0, 365.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587501005}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server101",
"service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1826.0, 1826.0, 1826.0], "totalTime":
[1829.0, 1829.0, 1829.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [245.0, 245.0,
@@ -44080,19 +44070,19 @@ tests:
"status": 0, "gatherTime": [1898.0, 1898.0, 1898.0], "totalTime": [1903.0, 1903.0,
1903.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [277.0, 277.0, 277.0], "nodeQsize":
[14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes": [1322.0, 1322.0, 1322.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587501082}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server102",
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587501082}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "server102",
+ "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1940.0, 1940.0, 1940.0], "totalTime":
+ [1943.0, 1943.0, 1943.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [117.0, 117.0,
+ 117.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [316.0, 316.0, 316.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587501084}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server102",
"service": "ifCounters", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1905.0, 1905.0, 1905.0],
"totalTime": [1913.0, 1913.0, 1913.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize":
[214.0, 214.0, 214.0], "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes": [772.0, 772.0,
- 772.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587501084}, {"namespace": "panos",
- "hostname": "server102", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1940.0,
- 1940.0, 1940.0], "totalTime": [1943.0, 1943.0, 1943.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0,
- 0.0], "wrQsize": [117.0, 117.0, 117.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes":
- [316.0, 316.0, 316.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587501084},
- {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [1903.0, 1903.0, 1903.0], "totalTime": [1907.0, 1907.0, 1907.0], "svcQsize": [8.0,
- 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [278.0, 278.0, 278.0], "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0],
- "rxBytes": [295.0, 295.0, 295.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587501086},
+ 772.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587501084}, {"namespace": "eos",
+ "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1903.0,
+ 1903.0, 1903.0], "totalTime": [1907.0, 1907.0, 1907.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0,
+ 8.0], "wrQsize": [278.0, 278.0, 278.0], "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes":
+ [295.0, 295.0, 295.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587501086},
{"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "ospfNbr", "status":
0, "gatherTime": [1913.0, 1913.0, 1913.0], "totalTime": [1921.0, 1921.0, 1921.0],
"svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [215.0, 215.0, 215.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0,
@@ -44114,31 +44104,31 @@ tests:
"totalTime": [1946.0, 1946.0, 1946.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize":
[294.0, 294.0, 294.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [1663.0, 1663.0,
1663.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587501125}, {"namespace":
- "junos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [1953.0, 1953.0, 1953.0], "totalTime": [1959.0, 1959.0, 1959.0], "svcQsize": [2.0,
- 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [225.0, 225.0, 225.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0],
+ "eos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "ifCounters", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
+ [1946.0, 1946.0, 1946.0], "totalTime": [1951.0, 1951.0, 1951.0], "svcQsize": [11.0,
+ 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [296.0, 296.0, 296.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0],
+ "rxBytes": [1030.0, 1030.0, 1030.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587501130},
+ {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "ospfNbr", "status":
+ 0, "gatherTime": [1953.0, 1953.0, 1953.0], "totalTime": [1959.0, 1959.0, 1959.0],
+ "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [225.0, 225.0, 225.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0,
+ 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [16607.0, 16607.0, 16607.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1652587501130}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service":
+ "mlag", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1987.0, 1987.0, 1987.0], "totalTime": [1992.0,
+ 1992.0, 1992.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [128.0, 128.0, 128.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "rxBytes": [256.0, 256.0, 256.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587501133}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server101",
+ "service": "ifCounters", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1951.0, 1951.0, 1951.0],
+ "totalTime": [1956.0, 1956.0, 1956.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize":
+ [298.0, 298.0, 298.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [1029.0, 1029.0,
+ 1029.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587501135}, {"namespace":
+ "junos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
+ [1959.0, 1959.0, 1959.0], "totalTime": [1964.0, 1964.0, 1964.0], "svcQsize": [1.0,
+ 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [227.0, 227.0, 227.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0],
"rxBytes": [16607.0, 16607.0, 16607.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587501130}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "ifCounters",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1946.0, 1946.0, 1946.0], "totalTime": [1951.0, 1951.0,
- 1951.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [296.0, 296.0, 296.0], "nodeQsize":
- [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [1030.0, 1030.0, 1030.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587501130}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
- "service": "mlag", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1987.0, 1987.0, 1987.0], "totalTime":
- [1992.0, 1992.0, 1992.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [128.0, 128.0,
- 128.0], "nodeQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "rxBytes": [256.0, 256.0, 256.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587501133}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine01",
- "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1959.0, 1959.0, 1959.0], "totalTime":
- [1964.0, 1964.0, 1964.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [227.0, 227.0,
- 227.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [16607.0, 16607.0, 16607.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587501135}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname":
- "server101", "service": "ifCounters", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1951.0, 1951.0,
- 1951.0], "totalTime": [1956.0, 1956.0, 1956.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0],
- "wrQsize": [298.0, 298.0, 298.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes":
- [1029.0, 1029.0, 1029.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587501135},
- {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "mlag", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [1992.0, 1992.0, 1992.0], "totalTime": [1996.0, 1996.0, 1996.0],
- "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [129.0, 129.0, 129.0], "nodeQsize": [5.0,
- 5.0, 5.0], "rxBytes": [255.0, 255.0, 255.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587501135}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "mlag",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1992.0, 1992.0, 1992.0], "totalTime": [1996.0, 1996.0,
+ 1996.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [129.0, 129.0, 129.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "rxBytes": [255.0, 255.0, 255.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
1652587501137}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "ospfNbr",
"status": 0, "gatherTime": [1964.0, 1964.0, 1964.0], "totalTime": [1968.0, 1968.0,
1968.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [228.0, 228.0, 228.0], "nodeQsize":
@@ -44243,14 +44233,14 @@ tests:
"totalTime": [2060.0, 2060.0, 2060.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize":
[155.0, 155.0, 155.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [2737.0, 2737.0,
2737.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587501201}, {"namespace":
- "junos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [2023.0,
- 2023.0, 2023.0], "totalTime": [2031.0, 2031.0, 2031.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0,
- 3.0], "wrQsize": [246.0, 246.0, 246.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "rxBytes":
- [3238.0, 3238.0, 3238.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587501202},
- {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server301", "service": "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [2020.0, 2020.0, 2020.0], "totalTime": [2023.0, 2023.0, 2023.0], "svcQsize": [1.0,
- 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [328.0, 328.0, 328.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0],
- "rxBytes": [694.0, 694.0, 694.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587501202},
+ "eos", "hostname": "server301", "service": "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [2020.0,
+ 2020.0, 2020.0], "totalTime": [2023.0, 2023.0, 2023.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0,
+ 1.0], "wrQsize": [328.0, 328.0, 328.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "rxBytes":
+ [694.0, 694.0, 694.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587501202},
+ {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
+ [2023.0, 2023.0, 2023.0], "totalTime": [2031.0, 2031.0, 2031.0], "svcQsize": [3.0,
+ 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [246.0, 246.0, 246.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0],
+ "rxBytes": [3238.0, 3238.0, 3238.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587501202},
{"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "interfaces", "status":
0, "gatherTime": [2060.0, 2060.0, 2060.0], "totalTime": [2066.0, 2066.0, 2066.0],
"svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [157.0, 157.0, 157.0], "nodeQsize":
@@ -45798,362 +45788,340 @@ tests:
0, "gatherTime": [893.0, 893.0, 893.0], "totalTime": [896.0, 896.0, 896.0], "svcQsize":
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [347.0, 347.0, 347.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0],
"rxBytes": [463.0, 463.0, 463.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587704070},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "lldp", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "totalTime": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "svcQsize": [13.0,
- 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
- [8053.0, 8053.0, 8053.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116827},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "service": "lldp", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "totalTime": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "svcQsize": [12.0,
- 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
- [244.0, 244.0, 244.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116829},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "lldp", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "totalTime": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "svcQsize": [11.0,
- 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
- [245.0, 245.0, 245.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116831},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "service": "lldp", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "totalTime": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "svcQsize":
- [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
- "rxBytes": [244.0, 244.0, 244.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116833},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "lldp", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "totalTime": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "svcQsize":
- [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
- [243.0, 243.0, 243.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116836},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "lldp", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "totalTime": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0], "svcQsize":
- [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
- [244.0, 244.0, 244.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116838},
{"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [17.0, 17.0, 17.0], "totalTime": [20.0, 20.0, 20.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0],
- "wrQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [5257.0,
- 5257.0, 5257.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116841}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [28.0,
- 28.0, 28.0], "totalTime": [31.0, 31.0, 31.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize":
- [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [5257.0, 5257.0,
- 5257.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116852}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [46.0, 46.0, 46.0], "totalTime": [48.0, 48.0, 48.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0],
- "wrQsize": [30.0, 30.0, 30.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [4804.0,
- 4804.0, 4804.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116869}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [48.0, 48.0, 48.0], "totalTime": [50.0, 50.0, 50.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0],
- "wrQsize": [32.0, 32.0, 32.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [4804.0,
- 4804.0, 4804.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116871}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [57.0, 57.0, 57.0], "totalTime": [62.0, 62.0, 62.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
- "wrQsize": [40.0, 40.0, 40.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [81467.0,
- 81467.0, 81467.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116883}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [62.0, 62.0, 62.0], "totalTime": [64.0, 64.0, 64.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0,
- 13.0], "wrQsize": [42.0, 42.0, 42.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes":
- [565.0, 565.0, 565.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116885},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "service": "device", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [64.0, 64.0, 64.0], "totalTime": [67.0, 67.0, 67.0], "svcQsize":
- [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [44.0, 44.0, 44.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
- "rxBytes": [562.0, 562.0, 562.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116888},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "service": "device", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [67.0, 67.0, 67.0], "totalTime": [70.0, 70.0, 70.0], "svcQsize":
- [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [46.0, 46.0, 46.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
- "rxBytes": [562.0, 562.0, 562.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116891},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "device", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [70.0, 70.0, 70.0], "totalTime": [73.0, 73.0, 73.0], "svcQsize":
- [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [48.0, 48.0, 48.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
- "rxBytes": [561.0, 561.0, 561.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116894},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "device", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [73.0, 73.0, 73.0], "totalTime": [75.0, 75.0, 75.0], "svcQsize":
- [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [50.0, 50.0, 50.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
- "rxBytes": [562.0, 562.0, 562.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116896},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "device", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [93.0, 93.0, 93.0], "totalTime": [95.0, 95.0, 95.0], "svcQsize":
- [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [64.0, 64.0, 64.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
- "rxBytes": [1623.0, 1623.0, 1623.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116916},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "device", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [96.0, 96.0, 96.0], "totalTime": [98.0, 98.0, 98.0], "svcQsize":
- [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [66.0, 66.0, 66.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
- "rxBytes": [1623.0, 1623.0, 1623.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116919},
+ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "totalTime": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0],
+ "wrQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [5257.0,
+ 5257.0, 5257.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656298577}, {"namespace":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [23.0,
+ 23.0, 23.0], "totalTime": [28.0, 28.0, 28.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize":
+ [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [5257.0, 5257.0, 5257.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656298597}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "server302", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [43.0, 43.0, 43.0],
+ "totalTime": [47.0, 47.0, 47.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [16.0,
+ 16.0, 16.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [244.0, 244.0, 244.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298616}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01",
+ "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [47.0, 47.0, 47.0], "totalTime":
+ [51.0, 51.0, 51.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [245.0, 245.0, 245.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298620}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301",
+ "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [51.0, 51.0, 51.0], "totalTime":
+ [55.0, 55.0, 55.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [18.0, 18.0, 18.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [244.0, 244.0, 244.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298624}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102",
+ "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [55.0, 55.0, 55.0], "totalTime":
+ [60.0, 60.0, 60.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [19.0, 19.0, 19.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [243.0, 243.0, 243.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298629}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101",
+ "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [60.0, 60.0, 60.0], "totalTime":
+ [64.0, 64.0, 64.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [20.0, 20.0, 20.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [244.0, 244.0, 244.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298633}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
+ "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [64.0, 64.0, 64.0], "totalTime":
+ [69.0, 69.0, 69.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [22.0, 22.0, 22.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [8053.0, 8053.0, 8053.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298638}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01",
+ "service": "time", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [99.0, 99.0, 99.0], "totalTime":
+ [103.0, 103.0, 103.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [32.0, 32.0, 32.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [544.0, 544.0, 544.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298672}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301",
+ "service": "time", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [103.0, 103.0, 103.0], "totalTime":
+ [107.0, 107.0, 107.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [34.0, 34.0, 34.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [543.0, 543.0, 543.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298676}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302",
+ "service": "time", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [107.0, 107.0, 107.0], "totalTime":
+ [111.0, 111.0, 111.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [36.0, 36.0, 36.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [543.0, 543.0, 543.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298680}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101",
+ "service": "time", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [111.0, 111.0, 111.0], "totalTime":
+ [115.0, 115.0, 115.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [38.0, 38.0, 38.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [543.0, 543.0, 543.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298684}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102",
+ "service": "time", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [115.0, 115.0, 115.0], "totalTime":
+ [119.0, 119.0, 119.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [40.0, 40.0, 40.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [542.0, 542.0, 542.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298688}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01",
+ "service": "evpnVni", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [119.0, 119.0, 119.0], "totalTime":
+ [125.0, 125.0, 125.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [41.0, 41.0, 41.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [221.0, 221.0, 221.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298695}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
+ "service": "evpnVni", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [126.0, 126.0, 126.0], "totalTime":
+ [132.0, 132.0, 132.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [42.0, 42.0, 42.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [1194.0, 1194.0, 1194.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298701}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
+ "service": "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [173.0, 173.0, 173.0], "totalTime":
+ [179.0, 179.0, 179.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [56.0, 56.0, 56.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [81467.0, 81467.0, 81467.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298748}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service":
+ "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [188.0, 188.0, 188.0], "totalTime": [191.0,
+ 191.0, 191.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [64.0, 64.0, 64.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [4804.0, 4804.0, 4804.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656298760}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
+ "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [191.0, 191.0, 191.0], "totalTime": [194.0,
+ 194.0, 194.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [66.0, 66.0, 66.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [4804.0, 4804.0, 4804.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656298763}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service":
+ "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [204.0, 204.0, 204.0], "totalTime": [208.0, 208.0,
+ 208.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [74.0, 74.0, 74.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [696.0, 696.0, 696.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298777}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "service": "fs",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [208.0, 208.0, 208.0], "totalTime": [213.0, 213.0,
+ 213.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [76.0, 76.0, 76.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [695.0, 695.0, 695.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298782}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "service": "fs",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [213.0, 213.0, 213.0], "totalTime": [217.0, 217.0,
+ 217.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [78.0, 78.0, 78.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [695.0, 695.0, 695.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298786}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "fs",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [217.0, 217.0, 217.0], "totalTime": [221.0, 221.0,
+ 221.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [80.0, 80.0, 80.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [695.0, 695.0, 695.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298790}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "fs",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [221.0, 221.0, 221.0], "totalTime": [226.0, 226.0,
+ 226.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [82.0, 82.0, 82.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [694.0, 694.0, 694.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298795}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "interfaces",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [337.0, 337.0, 337.0], "totalTime": [355.0, 355.0,
+ 355.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [96.0, 96.0, 96.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [38760.0, 38760.0, 38760.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298924}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service":
+ "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [355.0, 355.0, 355.0], "totalTime": [373.0,
+ 373.0, 373.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [98.0, 98.0, 98.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [38760.0, 38760.0, 38760.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298942}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302",
+ "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [373.0, 373.0, 373.0], "totalTime":
+ [381.0, 381.0, 381.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [100.0, 100.0,
+ 100.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [2740.0, 2740.0, 2740.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298950}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01",
+ "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [381.0, 381.0, 381.0], "totalTime":
+ [390.0, 390.0, 390.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [102.0, 102.0,
+ 102.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [3970.0, 3970.0, 3970.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298959}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301",
+ "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [390.0, 390.0, 390.0], "totalTime":
+ [399.0, 399.0, 399.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [104.0, 104.0,
+ 104.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [2740.0, 2740.0, 2740.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298968}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102",
+ "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [399.0, 399.0, 399.0], "totalTime":
+ [407.0, 407.0, 407.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [106.0, 106.0,
+ 106.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [2739.0, 2739.0, 2739.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298976}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101",
+ "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [407.0, 407.0, 407.0], "totalTime":
+ [415.0, 415.0, 415.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [108.0, 108.0,
+ 108.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [2741.0, 2741.0, 2741.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298984}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
+ "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [415.0, 415.0, 415.0], "totalTime":
+ [433.0, 433.0, 433.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [110.0, 110.0,
+ 110.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [241993.0, 241993.0, 241993.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299002}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "firewall01", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [433.0, 433.0,
+ 433.0], "totalTime": [440.0, 440.0, 440.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize":
+ [111.0, 111.0, 111.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [457.0, 457.0,
+ 457.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299009}, {"namespace": "nxos",
+ "hostname": "spine01", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [472.0,
+ 472.0, 472.0], "totalTime": [479.0, 479.0, 479.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0],
+ "wrQsize": [123.0, 123.0, 123.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [1657.0,
+ 1657.0, 1657.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299048}, {"namespace":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
+ [485.0, 485.0, 485.0], "totalTime": [492.0, 492.0, 492.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0,
+ 1.0], "wrQsize": [127.0, 127.0, 127.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes":
+ [1662.0, 1662.0, 1662.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299061},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "ospfNbr", "status":
+ 0, "gatherTime": [492.0, 492.0, 492.0], "totalTime": [498.0, 498.0, 498.0], "svcQsize":
+ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [128.0, 128.0, 128.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0],
+ "rxBytes": [340.0, 340.0, 340.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299067},
{"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "device", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [98.0, 98.0, 98.0], "totalTime": [101.0, 101.0, 101.0], "svcQsize":
- [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [68.0, 68.0, 68.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
- "rxBytes": [4983.0, 4983.0, 4983.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116922},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [101.0, 101.0, 101.0], "totalTime": [109.0, 109.0, 109.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0,
- 9.0], "wrQsize": [70.0, 70.0, 70.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes":
- [27779.0, 27779.0, 27779.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116930},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "bgp", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [109.0, 109.0, 109.0], "totalTime": [117.0, 117.0, 117.0], "svcQsize":
- [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [72.0, 72.0, 72.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0],
- "rxBytes": [21554.0, 21554.0, 21554.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652621116938}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "bgp",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [134.0, 134.0, 134.0], "totalTime": [144.0, 144.0,
- 144.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [78.0, 78.0, 78.0], "nodeQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [26901.0, 26901.0, 26901.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621116965}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
- "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [168.0, 168.0, 168.0], "totalTime": [178.0,
- 178.0, 178.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [86.0, 86.0, 86.0], "nodeQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [26913.0, 26913.0, 26913.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621116999}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service":
- "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [229.0, 229.0, 229.0], "totalTime": [235.0,
- 235.0, 235.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [104.0, 104.0, 104.0],
- "nodeQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [6401.0, 6401.0, 6401.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117056}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
- "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [263.0, 263.0, 263.0], "totalTime": [269.0,
- 269.0, 269.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [112.0, 112.0, 112.0],
- "nodeQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [6401.0, 6401.0, 6401.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117090}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302",
- "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [269.0, 269.0, 269.0], "totalTime":
- [273.0, 273.0, 273.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [114.0, 114.0,
- 114.0], "nodeQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [1761.0, 1761.0, 1761.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117094}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01",
- "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [273.0, 273.0, 273.0], "totalTime":
- [278.0, 278.0, 278.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [116.0, 116.0,
- 116.0], "nodeQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [4707.0, 4707.0, 4707.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117099}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301",
- "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [278.0, 278.0, 278.0], "totalTime":
- [283.0, 283.0, 283.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [118.0, 118.0,
- 118.0], "nodeQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [1761.0, 1761.0, 1761.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117104}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102",
- "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [283.0, 283.0, 283.0], "totalTime":
- [287.0, 287.0, 287.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [120.0, 120.0,
- 120.0], "nodeQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [1754.0, 1754.0, 1754.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117108}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101",
- "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [287.0, 287.0, 287.0], "totalTime":
- [291.0, 291.0, 291.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [122.0, 122.0,
- 122.0], "nodeQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [1762.0, 1762.0, 1762.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117112}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
- "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [291.0, 291.0, 291.0], "totalTime":
- [298.0, 298.0, 298.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [124.0, 124.0,
- 124.0], "nodeQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [39845.0, 39845.0, 39845.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117119}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "dcedge01", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [298.0, 298.0, 298.0],
- "totalTime": [300.0, 300.0, 300.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize":
- [126.0, 126.0, 126.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [2623.0, 2623.0,
- 2623.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117121}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [308.0,
- 308.0, 308.0], "totalTime": [310.0, 310.0, 310.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0],
- "wrQsize": [134.0, 134.0, 134.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [1184.0,
- 1184.0, 1184.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117131}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [312.0,
- 312.0, 312.0], "totalTime": [315.0, 315.0, 315.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0],
- "wrQsize": [138.0, 138.0, 138.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [1184.0,
- 1184.0, 1184.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117136}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [319.0, 319.0, 319.0], "totalTime": [321.0, 321.0, 321.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0,
- 4.0], "wrQsize": [143.0, 143.0, 143.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes":
- [220.0, 220.0, 220.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117142},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "vlan", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [321.0, 321.0, 321.0], "totalTime": [324.0, 324.0, 324.0], "svcQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [144.0, 144.0, 144.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0],
- "rxBytes": [221.0, 221.0, 221.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117145},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "service": "vlan", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [324.0, 324.0, 324.0], "totalTime": [326.0, 326.0, 326.0], "svcQsize":
- [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [145.0, 145.0, 145.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0],
- "rxBytes": [220.0, 220.0, 220.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117147},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "vlan", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [326.0, 326.0, 326.0], "totalTime": [328.0, 328.0, 328.0], "svcQsize":
- [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [146.0, 146.0, 146.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0],
- "rxBytes": [219.0, 219.0, 219.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117149},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "vlan", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [328.0, 328.0, 328.0], "totalTime": [330.0, 330.0, 330.0], "svcQsize":
- [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [147.0, 147.0, 147.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0],
- "rxBytes": [220.0, 220.0, 220.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117151},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "ospfIf", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [343.0, 343.0, 343.0], "totalTime": [347.0, 347.0, 347.0], "svcQsize":
- [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [155.0, 155.0, 155.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0],
- "rxBytes": [4826.0, 4826.0, 4826.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117168},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "ospfIf", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [360.0, 360.0, 360.0], "totalTime": [365.0, 365.0, 365.0], "svcQsize":
- [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [163.0, 163.0, 163.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0],
- "rxBytes": [4826.0, 4826.0, 4826.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117186},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "ospfIf", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [365.0, 365.0, 365.0], "totalTime": [368.0, 368.0, 368.0], "svcQsize":
- [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [164.0, 164.0, 164.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0],
- "rxBytes": [226.0, 226.0, 226.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117189},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "ospfIf", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [368.0, 368.0, 368.0], "totalTime": [372.0, 372.0, 372.0], "svcQsize":
- [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [165.0, 165.0, 165.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0],
- "rxBytes": [648.0, 648.0, 648.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117193},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "time", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [372.0, 372.0, 372.0], "totalTime": [375.0, 375.0, 375.0], "svcQsize":
- [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [167.0, 167.0, 167.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0],
- "rxBytes": [544.0, 544.0, 544.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117196},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "service": "time", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [375.0, 375.0, 375.0], "totalTime": [377.0, 377.0, 377.0], "svcQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [169.0, 169.0, 169.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0],
- "rxBytes": [543.0, 543.0, 543.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117198},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "service": "time", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [377.0, 377.0, 377.0], "totalTime": [379.0, 379.0, 379.0], "svcQsize":
- [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [171.0, 171.0, 171.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0],
- "rxBytes": [543.0, 543.0, 543.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117200},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "time", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [379.0, 379.0, 379.0], "totalTime": [382.0, 382.0, 382.0], "svcQsize":
- [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [173.0, 173.0, 173.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0],
- "rxBytes": [543.0, 543.0, 543.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117203},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "time", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [382.0, 382.0, 382.0], "totalTime": [384.0, 384.0, 384.0], "svcQsize":
- [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [175.0, 175.0, 175.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0],
- "rxBytes": [542.0, 542.0, 542.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117205},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "macs", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [384.0, 384.0, 384.0], "totalTime": [386.0, 386.0, 386.0], "svcQsize":
- [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [176.0, 176.0, 176.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0,
- 11.0], "rxBytes": [303.0, 303.0, 303.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652621117207}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "macs",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [386.0, 386.0, 386.0], "totalTime": [389.0, 389.0,
- 389.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [178.0, 178.0, 178.0], "nodeQsize":
- [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [411.0, 411.0, 411.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652621117210}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service":
- "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [402.0, 402.0, 402.0], "totalTime": [405.0,
- 405.0, 405.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [188.0, 188.0, 188.0],
- "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [411.0, 411.0, 411.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117226}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302",
- "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [412.0, 412.0, 412.0], "totalTime":
- [415.0, 415.0, 415.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [194.0, 194.0,
- 194.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [1324.0, 1324.0, 1324.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117236}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "server301", "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [415.0, 415.0, 415.0],
- "totalTime": [419.0, 419.0, 419.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [196.0,
- 196.0, 196.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [1324.0, 1324.0, 1324.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117240}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "firewall01", "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [420.0, 420.0, 420.0],
- "totalTime": [424.0, 424.0, 424.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [198.0,
- 198.0, 198.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [1699.0, 1699.0, 1699.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117245}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "server102", "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [424.0, 424.0, 424.0],
- "totalTime": [428.0, 428.0, 428.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [200.0,
- 200.0, 200.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [1323.0, 1323.0, 1323.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117249}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "server101", "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [428.0, 428.0, 428.0],
- "totalTime": [432.0, 432.0, 432.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [202.0,
- 202.0, 202.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [1324.0, 1324.0, 1324.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117253}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "spine01", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [449.0, 449.0, 449.0],
- "totalTime": [453.0, 453.0, 453.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [214.0,
- 214.0, 214.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [1657.0, 1657.0, 1657.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117274}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "spine02", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [456.0, 456.0, 456.0],
- "totalTime": [460.0, 460.0, 460.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [218.0,
- 218.0, 218.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [1662.0, 1662.0, 1662.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117281}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "firewall01", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [460.0, 460.0,
- 460.0], "totalTime": [463.0, 463.0, 463.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize":
- [219.0, 219.0, 219.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [457.0, 457.0,
- 457.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117284}, {"namespace": "nxos",
- "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [463.0,
- 463.0, 463.0], "totalTime": [467.0, 467.0, 467.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
- "wrQsize": [220.0, 220.0, 220.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes":
- [340.0, 340.0, 340.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117288},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "ifCounters", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [467.0, 467.0, 467.0], "totalTime": [471.0, 471.0, 471.0], "svcQsize":
- [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [222.0, 222.0, 222.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0],
- "rxBytes": [1648.0, 1648.0, 1648.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117292},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "service": "ifCounters", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [471.0, 471.0, 471.0], "totalTime": [475.0, 475.0, 475.0], "svcQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [224.0, 224.0, 224.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0],
- "rxBytes": [1023.0, 1023.0, 1023.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117296},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "service": "ifCounters", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [475.0, 475.0, 475.0], "totalTime": [479.0, 479.0, 479.0], "svcQsize":
- [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [226.0, 226.0, 226.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0],
- "rxBytes": [1023.0, 1023.0, 1023.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117300},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "ifCounters", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [479.0, 479.0, 479.0], "totalTime": [483.0, 483.0, 483.0], "svcQsize":
- [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [228.0, 228.0, 228.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0],
- "rxBytes": [1023.0, 1023.0, 1023.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117304},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "ifCounters", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [483.0, 483.0, 483.0], "totalTime": [486.0, 486.0, 486.0], "svcQsize":
- [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [230.0, 230.0, 230.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0],
- "rxBytes": [1022.0, 1022.0, 1022.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117307},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "service": "interfaces", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [486.0, 486.0, 486.0], "totalTime": [491.0, 491.0, 491.0], "svcQsize":
- [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [232.0, 232.0, 232.0], "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0,
- 14.0], "rxBytes": [2740.0, 2740.0, 2740.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652621117312}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "interfaces",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [491.0, 491.0, 491.0], "totalTime": [496.0, 496.0,
- 496.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [234.0, 234.0, 234.0], "nodeQsize":
- [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes": [3970.0, 3970.0, 3970.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117317}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301",
- "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [496.0, 496.0, 496.0], "totalTime":
- [501.0, 501.0, 501.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [236.0, 236.0,
- 236.0], "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes": [2740.0, 2740.0, 2740.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117322}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "server102", "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [501.0, 501.0,
- 501.0], "totalTime": [505.0, 505.0, 505.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize":
- [238.0, 238.0, 238.0], "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes": [2739.0, 2739.0,
- 2739.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117326}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [506.0, 506.0, 506.0], "totalTime": [510.0, 510.0, 510.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0,
- 9.0], "wrQsize": [240.0, 240.0, 240.0], "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes":
- [2741.0, 2741.0, 2741.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117331},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "interfaces", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [510.0, 510.0, 510.0], "totalTime": [525.0, 525.0, 525.0], "svcQsize":
- [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [242.0, 242.0, 242.0], "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0],
- "rxBytes": [241993.0, 241993.0, 241993.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652621117346}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "interfaces",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [616.0, 616.0, 616.0], "totalTime": [630.0, 630.0,
- 630.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [256.0, 256.0, 256.0], "nodeQsize":
- [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes": [38760.0, 38760.0, 38760.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117451}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service":
- "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [630.0, 630.0, 630.0], "totalTime": [644.0,
- 644.0, 644.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [258.0, 258.0, 258.0],
- "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes": [38760.0, 38760.0, 38760.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117465}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01",
- "service": "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [644.0, 644.0, 644.0], "totalTime":
- [646.0, 646.0, 646.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [260.0, 260.0,
- 260.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [696.0, 696.0, 696.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117467}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302",
- "service": "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [646.0, 646.0, 646.0], "totalTime":
- [649.0, 649.0, 649.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [262.0, 262.0,
- 262.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [695.0, 695.0, 695.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117470}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301",
- "service": "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [649.0, 649.0, 649.0], "totalTime":
- [652.0, 652.0, 652.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [264.0, 264.0,
- 264.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [695.0, 695.0, 695.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117473}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101",
- "service": "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [652.0, 652.0, 652.0], "totalTime":
- [655.0, 655.0, 655.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [266.0, 266.0,
- 266.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [695.0, 695.0, 695.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117476}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102",
- "service": "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [655.0, 655.0, 655.0], "totalTime":
- [658.0, 658.0, 658.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [268.0, 268.0,
- 268.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [694.0, 694.0, 694.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117479}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
- "service": "evpnVni", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [658.0, 658.0, 658.0], "totalTime":
- [661.0, 661.0, 661.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [269.0, 269.0,
- 269.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "rxBytes": [1194.0, 1194.0, 1194.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117482}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "firewall01", "service": "evpnVni", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [662.0, 662.0,
- 662.0], "totalTime": [665.0, 665.0, 665.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize":
- [270.0, 270.0, 270.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "rxBytes": [221.0, 221.0,
- 221.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117486}, {"namespace": "nxos",
- "hostname": "spine01", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [700.0,
- 700.0, 700.0], "totalTime": [703.0, 703.0, 703.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0],
- "wrQsize": [294.0, 294.0, 294.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0], "rxBytes":
- [1851.0, 1851.0, 1851.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117524},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [706.0, 706.0, 706.0], "totalTime": [709.0, 709.0, 709.0], "svcQsize":
- [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [298.0, 298.0, 298.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0],
- "rxBytes": [1850.0, 1850.0, 1850.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117530},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "arpnd", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [709.0, 709.0, 709.0], "totalTime": [711.0, 711.0, 711.0], "svcQsize":
- [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [300.0, 300.0, 300.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0],
- "rxBytes": [680.0, 680.0, 680.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117532},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [711.0, 711.0, 711.0], "totalTime": [714.0, 714.0, 714.0], "svcQsize":
- [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [302.0, 302.0, 302.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0],
- "rxBytes": [362.0, 362.0, 362.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117535},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [714.0, 714.0, 714.0], "totalTime": [716.0, 716.0, 716.0], "svcQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [304.0, 304.0, 304.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0],
- "rxBytes": [307.0, 307.0, 307.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117537},
+ "gatherTime": [498.0, 498.0, 498.0], "totalTime": [504.0, 504.0, 504.0], "svcQsize":
+ [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [130.0, 130.0, 130.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0,
+ 9.0], "rxBytes": [4983.0, 4983.0, 4983.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656299073}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "device",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [536.0, 536.0, 536.0], "totalTime": [541.0, 541.0,
+ 541.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [144.0, 144.0, 144.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [1623.0, 1623.0, 1623.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656299110}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
+ "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [541.0, 541.0, 541.0], "totalTime": [546.0,
+ 546.0, 546.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [146.0, 146.0, 146.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [1623.0, 1623.0, 1623.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299115}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01",
+ "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [546.0, 546.0, 546.0], "totalTime":
+ [551.0, 551.0, 551.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [148.0, 148.0,
+ 148.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [565.0, 565.0, 565.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299120}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302",
+ "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [551.0, 551.0, 551.0], "totalTime":
+ [556.0, 556.0, 556.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [150.0, 150.0,
+ 150.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [562.0, 562.0, 562.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299125}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301",
+ "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [556.0, 556.0, 556.0], "totalTime":
+ [561.0, 561.0, 561.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [152.0, 152.0,
+ 152.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [562.0, 562.0, 562.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299130}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102",
+ "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [561.0, 561.0, 561.0], "totalTime":
+ [566.0, 566.0, 566.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [154.0, 154.0,
+ 154.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [561.0, 561.0, 561.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299135}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101",
+ "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [567.0, 567.0, 567.0], "totalTime":
+ [571.0, 571.0, 571.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [156.0, 156.0,
+ 156.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [562.0, 562.0, 562.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299140}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302",
+ "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [571.0, 571.0, 571.0], "totalTime":
+ [575.0, 575.0, 575.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [157.0, 157.0,
+ 157.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [220.0, 220.0, 220.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299144}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01",
+ "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [575.0, 575.0, 575.0], "totalTime":
+ [578.0, 578.0, 578.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [158.0, 158.0,
+ 158.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [221.0, 221.0, 221.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299147}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301",
+ "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [578.0, 578.0, 578.0], "totalTime":
+ [582.0, 582.0, 582.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [159.0, 159.0,
+ 159.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [220.0, 220.0, 220.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299151}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102",
+ "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [582.0, 582.0, 582.0], "totalTime":
+ [585.0, 585.0, 585.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [160.0, 160.0,
+ 160.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [219.0, 219.0, 219.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299154}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101",
+ "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [585.0, 585.0, 585.0], "totalTime":
+ [588.0, 588.0, 588.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [161.0, 161.0,
+ 161.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [220.0, 220.0, 220.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299157}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
+ "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [589.0, 589.0, 589.0], "totalTime":
+ [592.0, 592.0, 592.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [163.0, 163.0,
+ 163.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [2623.0, 2623.0, 2623.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299161}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "spine01", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [603.0, 603.0, 603.0],
+ "totalTime": [607.0, 607.0, 607.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [171.0,
+ 171.0, 171.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [1184.0, 1184.0, 1184.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299176}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "spine02", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [610.0, 610.0, 610.0],
+ "totalTime": [614.0, 614.0, 614.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [175.0,
+ 175.0, 175.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [1184.0, 1184.0, 1184.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299183}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "dcedge01", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1590.0, 1590.0, 1590.0],
+ "totalTime": [1595.0, 1595.0, 1595.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize":
+ [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [3398.0, 3398.0, 3398.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656300164}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "firewall01", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1595.0, 1595.0,
+ 1595.0], "totalTime": [1599.0, 1599.0, 1599.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0],
+ "wrQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [680.0, 680.0,
+ 680.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656300168}, {"namespace": "nxos",
+ "hostname": "server302", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1599.0,
+ 1599.0, 1599.0], "totalTime": [1603.0, 1603.0, 1603.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0,
+ 11.0], "wrQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [362.0,
+ 362.0, 362.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656300172}, {"namespace":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
+ [1603.0, 1603.0, 1603.0], "totalTime": [1607.0, 1607.0, 1607.0], "svcQsize": [10.0,
+ 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
+ [307.0, 307.0, 307.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656300176},
{"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [716.0, 716.0, 716.0], "totalTime": [718.0, 718.0, 718.0], "svcQsize":
- [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [306.0, 306.0, 306.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0],
- "rxBytes": [357.0, 357.0, 357.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117539},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [718.0, 718.0, 718.0], "totalTime": [721.0, 721.0, 721.0], "svcQsize":
- [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [308.0, 308.0, 308.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0],
- "rxBytes": [307.0, 307.0, 307.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117542},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [721.0, 721.0, 721.0], "totalTime": [723.0, 723.0, 723.0], "svcQsize":
- [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [310.0, 310.0, 310.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0],
- "rxBytes": [3398.0, 3398.0, 3398.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117544}]'
+ "gatherTime": [1607.0, 1607.0, 1607.0], "totalTime": [1611.0, 1611.0, 1611.0],
+ "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0,
+ 0.0], "rxBytes": [357.0, 357.0, 357.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656300180}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "arpnd",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1611.0, 1611.0, 1611.0], "totalTime": [1614.0, 1614.0,
+ 1614.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [307.0, 307.0, 307.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656300183}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "arpnd",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1636.0, 1636.0, 1636.0], "totalTime": [1640.0, 1640.0,
+ 1640.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [23.0, 23.0, 23.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [1851.0, 1851.0, 1851.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300209}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
+ "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1644.0, 1644.0, 1644.0], "totalTime": [1649.0,
+ 1649.0, 1649.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [27.0, 27.0, 27.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [1850.0, 1850.0, 1850.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300218}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service":
+ "ospfIf", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1649.0, 1649.0, 1649.0], "totalTime": [1656.0,
+ 1656.0, 1656.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [28.0, 28.0, 28.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [226.0, 226.0, 226.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656300225}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "ospfIf",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1656.0, 1656.0, 1656.0], "totalTime": [1663.0, 1663.0,
+ 1663.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [29.0, 29.0, 29.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [648.0, 648.0, 648.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656300232}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "ospfIf",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1688.0, 1688.0, 1688.0], "totalTime": [1696.0, 1696.0,
+ 1696.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [37.0, 37.0, 37.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [4826.0, 4826.0, 4826.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300265}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
+ "ospfIf", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1720.0, 1720.0, 1720.0], "totalTime": [1728.0,
+ 1728.0, 1728.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [45.0, 45.0, 45.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [4826.0, 4826.0, 4826.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300297}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service":
+ "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1728.0, 1728.0, 1728.0], "totalTime": [1739.0,
+ 1739.0, 1739.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [47.0, 47.0, 47.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [39845.0, 39845.0, 39845.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300308}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service":
+ "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1777.0, 1777.0, 1777.0], "totalTime": [1786.0,
+ 1786.0, 1786.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [55.0, 55.0, 55.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [6401.0, 6401.0, 6401.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300355}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
+ "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1823.0, 1823.0, 1823.0], "totalTime": [1832.0,
+ 1832.0, 1832.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [63.0, 63.0, 63.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [6401.0, 6401.0, 6401.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300401}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "service":
+ "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1832.0, 1832.0, 1832.0], "totalTime": [1839.0,
+ 1839.0, 1839.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [65.0, 65.0, 65.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [1761.0, 1761.0, 1761.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300409}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service":
+ "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1840.0, 1840.0, 1840.0], "totalTime": [1848.0,
+ 1848.0, 1848.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [67.0, 67.0, 67.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [4707.0, 4707.0, 4707.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300417}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "service":
+ "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1848.0, 1848.0, 1848.0], "totalTime": [1856.0,
+ 1856.0, 1856.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [69.0, 69.0, 69.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [1761.0, 1761.0, 1761.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300425}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102", "service":
+ "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1856.0, 1856.0, 1856.0], "totalTime": [1863.0,
+ 1863.0, 1863.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [71.0, 71.0, 71.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [1754.0, 1754.0, 1754.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300432}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101", "service":
+ "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1863.0, 1863.0, 1863.0], "totalTime": [1870.0,
+ 1870.0, 1870.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [73.0, 73.0, 73.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [1762.0, 1762.0, 1762.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300439}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "service":
+ "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1870.0, 1870.0, 1870.0], "totalTime": [1876.0,
+ 1876.0, 1876.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [75.0, 75.0, 75.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [1324.0, 1324.0, 1324.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300445}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301",
+ "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1876.0, 1876.0, 1876.0], "totalTime":
+ [1882.0, 1882.0, 1882.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [77.0, 77.0,
+ 77.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [1324.0, 1324.0, 1324.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300451}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01",
+ "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1882.0, 1882.0, 1882.0], "totalTime":
+ [1888.0, 1888.0, 1888.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [79.0, 79.0,
+ 79.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [1699.0, 1699.0, 1699.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300457}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102",
+ "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1888.0, 1888.0, 1888.0], "totalTime":
+ [1895.0, 1895.0, 1895.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [81.0, 81.0,
+ 81.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [1323.0, 1323.0, 1323.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300464}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101",
+ "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1895.0, 1895.0, 1895.0], "totalTime":
+ [1901.0, 1901.0, 1901.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [83.0, 83.0,
+ 83.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [1324.0, 1324.0, 1324.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300470}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
+ "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1901.0, 1901.0, 1901.0], "totalTime":
+ [1906.0, 1906.0, 1906.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [84.0, 84.0,
+ 84.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [303.0, 303.0, 303.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300475}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
+ "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1906.0, 1906.0, 1906.0], "totalTime": [1911.0,
+ 1911.0, 1911.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [86.0, 86.0, 86.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [411.0, 411.0, 411.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656300480}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "macs",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1932.0, 1932.0, 1932.0], "totalTime": [1937.0, 1937.0,
+ 1937.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [96.0, 96.0, 96.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [411.0, 411.0, 411.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656300506}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "bgp",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1979.0, 1979.0, 1979.0], "totalTime": [1997.0, 1997.0,
+ 1997.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [106.0, 106.0, 106.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [26901.0, 26901.0, 26901.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300566}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
+ "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [2043.0, 2043.0, 2043.0], "totalTime": [2061.0,
+ 2061.0, 2061.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [114.0, 114.0, 114.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [26913.0, 26913.0, 26913.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300630}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01",
+ "service": "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [2076.0, 2076.0, 2076.0], "totalTime":
+ [2091.0, 2091.0, 2091.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [118.0, 118.0,
+ 118.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [21554.0, 21554.0, 21554.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656300660}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "dcedge01", "service": "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [2091.0, 2091.0, 2091.0],
+ "totalTime": [2106.0, 2106.0, 2106.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize":
+ [120.0, 120.0, 120.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [27779.0, 27779.0,
+ 27779.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656300675}]'
- command: topology show --hostname='!leaf01 !leaf02' --format=json
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: topology show hostname negate
@@ -47067,7 +47035,7 @@ tests:
"peerHostname": "spine1-nxos", "ifname": "xe-0/0/0.0", "vrf": "default", "lldp":
"", "asn": "", "peerAsn": "", "bgp": "", "area": "", "ospf": true, "polled":
-- command: topology show --hostname='~!leaf.* ~!exit.*' --format=json
+- command: topology show --hostname='!~leaf.* !~exit.*' --format=json
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: topology show hostname negate regex
output: '[{"namespace": "ospf-single", "hostname": "spine02", "peerHostname": "leaf01",
@@ -47810,7 +47778,7 @@ tests:
1639476254419}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vlanName": "vlan30",
"state": "active", "interfaces": ["bond02", "vni30"], "vlan": 30, "timestamp":
-- command: vlan show --hostname='~!leaf.* ~!exit.*' --format=json
+- command: vlan show --hostname='!~leaf.* !~exit.*' --format=json
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: vlan show hostname negate regex
output: '[{"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "vlanName": "vlan1", "state":
@@ -52512,7 +52480,7 @@ tests:
1639476254852}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "spine01", "ifname": "mgmt",
"ipAddressList": [""], "macaddr": "16:3c:be:94:91:b5", "ip6AddressList":
["::1/128"], "state": "up", "vrf": "default", "timestamp": 1639476254852}]'
-- command: address show --hostname='~!leaf.* ~!exit.*' --format=json --namespace='!ospf-single
+- command: address show --hostname='!~leaf.* !~exit.*' --format=json --namespace='!ospf-single
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: address show hostname negate regex
@@ -56429,7 +56397,7 @@ tests:
"panos", "hostname": "leaf04", "ipAddress": "fe80::4639:39ff:feff:4096", "oif":
"vlan999", "macaddr": "44:39:39:ff:40:96", "state": "permanent", "remote": false,
"timestamp": 1639476254425}]'
-- command: arpnd show --hostname='~!leaf.* ~!exit.*' --format=json --namespace='!ospf-single
+- command: arpnd show --hostname='!~leaf.* !~exit.*' --format=json --namespace='!ospf-single
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: arpnd show hostname negate regex
@@ -58533,7 +58501,7 @@ tests:
"Established", "afi": "l2vpn", "safi": "evpn", "asn": 64520, "peerAsn": 64520,
"pfxRx": 18, "pfxTx": 8, "numChanges": 1, "estdTime": 1639470254000.0, "timestamp":
-- command: bgp show --hostname='~!leaf.* ~!exit.*' --format=json --namespace='!ospf-single
+- command: bgp show --hostname='!~leaf.* !~exit.*' --format=json --namespace='!ospf-single
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: bgp show hostname negate regex
@@ -59507,7 +59475,7 @@ tests:
"hostname": "spine02", "model": "VX", "version": "4.1.1", "vendor": "Cumulus",
"architecture": "x86_64", "status": "alive", "address": "", "bootupTimestamp":
1639470234.0, "timestamp": 1639476254852}]'
-- command: device show --hostname='~!leaf.* ~!exit.*' --format=json --namespace='!ospf-single
+- command: device show --hostname='!~leaf.* !~exit.*' --format=json --namespace='!ospf-single
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: device show hostname negate regex
@@ -59808,12 +59776,12 @@ tests:
"panos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vni": 999, "type": "L3", "vlan": 999, "state":
"up", "mcastGroup": "", "remoteVtepCnt": 0, "priVtepIp": "",
"secVtepIp": "", "timestamp": 1639476254333}]'
-- command: evpnVni show --hostname='~!leaf.* ~!exit.*' --format=json --namespace='!ospf-single
+- command: evpnVni show --hostname='!~leaf.* !~exit.*' --format=json --namespace='!ospf-single
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: evpnVni show hostname negate regex
output: '[]'
-- command: lldp show --hostname='~!leaf.* ~!exit.*' --format=json --namespace='!ospf-single
+- command: lldp show --hostname='!~leaf.* !~exit.*' --format=json --namespace='!ospf-single
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: lldp show hostname negate regex
@@ -65911,7 +65879,7 @@ tests:
"swp3", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "ethernet", "mtu": 9216, "vlan":
0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList": ["fe80::5054:ff:fed3:be93/64"],
"timestamp": 1639476254852}]'
-- command: interface show --hostname='~!leaf.* ~!exit.*' --format=json --namespace='!ospf-single
+- command: interface show --hostname='!~leaf.* !~exit.*' --format=json --namespace='!ospf-single
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: interface show hostname negate regex
@@ -68281,7 +68249,7 @@ tests:
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: inventory show hostname negate
output: '[]'
-- command: inventory show --hostname='~!leaf.* ~!exit.*' --format=json --namespace='!ospf-single
+- command: inventory show --hostname='!~leaf.* !~exit.*' --format=json --namespace='!ospf-single
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: inventory show hostname negate regex
@@ -69106,82 +69074,91 @@ tests:
"dynamic", "timestamp": 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03",
"vlan": 30, "macaddr": "da:bf:63:c6:2f:0a", "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "",
"bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos",
- "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:03:01:1b:08", "oif": "nve1",
- "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257018},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 30, "macaddr": "44:01:02:04:1b:08",
- "oif": "vPC Peer-Link", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp":
- 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 999, "macaddr":
- "44:01:02:02:1b:08", "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
- "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03",
- "vlan": 20, "macaddr": "44:01:02:04:1b:08", "oif": "vPC Peer-Link", "remoteVtepIp":
- "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos",
- "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:03:02:1b:08", "oif": "nve1",
- "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257018},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10",
- "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp":
+ "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "Vlan999",
+ "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "static", "timestamp": 1619275257018},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:03:01:1b:08",
+ "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp":
+ 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 30, "macaddr":
+ "44:01:02:04:1b:08", "oif": "vPC Peer-Link", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
+ "router", "timestamp": 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03",
+ "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:02:1b:08", "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "",
+ "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos",
+ "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 20, "macaddr": "44:01:02:04:1b:08", "oif": "vPC
+ Peer-Link", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257018},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:03:02:1b:08",
+ "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp":
1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 0, "macaddr":
- "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
+ "00:00:00:11:12:10", "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
"router", "timestamp": 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03",
- "vlan": 20, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp":
+ "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp":
"", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos",
- "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 30, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1",
+ "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 20, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1",
"remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257018},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08",
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 30, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08",
"oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp":
- 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "vlan": 0, "macaddr":
- "44:01:01:01:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
- "router", "timestamp": 1619275257253}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01",
- "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "44:01:03:01:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp":
- "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257463}, {"namespace": "nxos",
- "hostname": "exit01", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10", "oif": "sup-eth1",
+ 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 999, "macaddr":
+ "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
+ "router", "timestamp": 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01",
+ "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "44:01:01:01:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp":
+ "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257253}, {"namespace": "nxos",
+ "hostname": "exit01", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "44:01:03:01:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1",
"remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257463},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:03:02:1b:08",
- "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp":
- 1619275257463}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "vlan": 999, "macaddr":
- "44:01:03:01:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
- "router", "timestamp": 1619275257463}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01",
- "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "",
- "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257463}, {"namespace": "nxos",
- "hostname": "exit01", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:02:1b:08", "oif": "nve1",
- "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257463},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 20, "macaddr": "06:a8:f1:19:b8:b3",
- "oif": "port-channel3", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "dynamic", "timestamp":
- 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 0, "macaddr":
- "00:00:00:11:12:10", "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
- "router", "timestamp": 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04",
- "vlan": 30, "macaddr": "da:bf:63:c6:2f:0a", "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "",
- "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos",
- "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:03:02:1b:08", "oif": "nve1",
- "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257479},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:04:1b:08",
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10",
"oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp":
+ 1619275257463}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "vlan": 999, "macaddr":
+ "44:01:03:02:1b:08", "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
+ "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257463}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01",
+ "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:03:01:1b:08", "oif": "Vlan999", "remoteVtepIp":
+ "", "bd": "", "flags": "static", "timestamp": 1619275257463}, {"namespace": "nxos",
+ "hostname": "exit01", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:03:01:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1",
+ "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257463},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08",
+ "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp":
+ 1619275257463}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "vlan": 999, "macaddr":
+ "44:01:02:02:1b:08", "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
+ "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257463}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04",
+ "vlan": 20, "macaddr": "06:a8:f1:19:b8:b3", "oif": "port-channel3", "remoteVtepIp":
+ "", "bd": "", "flags": "dynamic", "timestamp": 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos",
+ "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10", "oif": "sup-eth1",
+ "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257479},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 30, "macaddr": "da:bf:63:c6:2f:0a",
+ "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp":
1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 999, "macaddr":
- "44:01:03:01:1b:08", "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
- "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04",
- "vlan": 20, "macaddr": "44:01:02:04:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp":
- "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos",
- "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "44:01:02:04:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1",
+ "44:01:02:04:1b:08", "oif": "Vlan999", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
+ "static", "timestamp": 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04",
+ "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:03:02:1b:08", "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "",
+ "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos",
+ "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:04:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1",
"remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257479},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08",
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:03:01:1b:08",
+ "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp":
+ 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 20, "macaddr":
+ "44:01:02:04:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
+ "router", "timestamp": 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04",
+ "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "44:01:02:04:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp":
+ "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos",
+ "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "vPC
+ Peer-Link", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257479},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 30, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08",
"oif": "vPC Peer-Link", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp":
- 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 30, "macaddr":
+ 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 20, "macaddr":
"44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "vPC Peer-Link", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
"router", "timestamp": 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04",
- "vlan": 20, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "vPC Peer-Link", "remoteVtepIp":
- "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos",
- "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 30, "macaddr": "0a:b5:b6:22:53:72", "oif": "port-channel4",
- "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "dynamic", "timestamp": 1619275257479},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 30, "macaddr": "44:01:02:04:1b:08",
- "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp":
- 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 999, "macaddr":
+ "vlan": 30, "macaddr": "0a:b5:b6:22:53:72", "oif": "port-channel4", "remoteVtepIp":
+ "", "bd": "", "flags": "dynamic", "timestamp": 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos",
+ "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 30, "macaddr": "44:01:02:04:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1",
+ "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257479},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:02:1b:08",
+ "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp":
+ 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "vlan": 999, "macaddr":
"44:01:02:02:1b:08", "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
- "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02",
- "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:02:1b:08", "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "",
+ "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257856}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02",
+ "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "",
"bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257856}, {"namespace": "nxos",
- "hostname": "exit02", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "nve1",
- "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257856},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:03:01:1b:08",
- "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp":
+ "hostname": "exit02", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:03:01:1b:08", "oif": "nve1",
+ "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257856},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:03:02:1b:08",
+ "oif": "Vlan999", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "static", "timestamp":
1619275257856}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "vlan": 0, "macaddr":
"00:00:00:11:12:10", "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
"router", "timestamp": 1619275257856}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02",
@@ -70088,7 +70065,7 @@ tests:
1639476254484}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 999, "macaddr":
"52:54:00:12:5d:46", "oif": "bridge", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "permanent",
"timestamp": 1639476254484}]'
-- command: mac show --hostname='~!leaf.* ~!exit.*' --format=json --namespace='!ospf-single
+- command: mac show --hostname='!~leaf.* !~exit.*' --format=json --namespace='!ospf-single
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: mac show hostname negate regex
@@ -71211,7 +71188,7 @@ tests:
"state": "active", "peerAddress": "fe80::4a47:ff:fe36:b8ff", "role": "primary",
"peerLink": "peerlink.4094", "mlagDualPortsCnt": 5, "mlagSinglePortsCnt": 0, "mlagErrorPortsCnt":
0, "timestamp": 1639476254322}]'
-- command: mlag show --hostname='~!leaf.* ~!exit.*' --format=json --namespace='!ospf-single
+- command: mlag show --hostname='!~leaf.* !~exit.*' --format=json --namespace='!ospf-single
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: mlag show hostname negate regex
@@ -71785,7 +71762,7 @@ tests:
"peerHostname": "", "area": "", "ifState": "down", "nbrCount": 0.0, "adjState":
"fail", "peerIP": "-", "numChanges": 0.0, "lastChangeTime": 0.0, "timestamp":
-- command: ospf show --hostname='~!leaf.* ~!exit.*' --format=json --namespace='!ospf-single
+- command: ospf show --hostname='!~leaf.* !~exit.*' --format=json --namespace='!ospf-single
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: ospf show hostname negate regex
@@ -74248,25 +74225,25 @@ tests:
"nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["eth0"], "protocol": "kernel", "source": "",
"preference": 20, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275256204},
{"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
- "nexthopIps": ["", ""], "oifs": ["Lo0", "Lo0"], "protocol":
- "local", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp":
- 1619275257123}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "vrf": "management",
- "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["mgmt0"],
+ "nexthopIps": ["", ""], "oifs": ["loopback0", "loopback0"],
"protocol": "local", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
"timestamp": 1619275257123}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "vrf":
- "management", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs":
- ["mgmt0"], "protocol": "direct", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action":
- "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257123}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02",
- "vrf": "management", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs":
- [], "protocol": "static", "source": "", "preference": 1, "ipvers": 4, "action":
+ "management", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs":
+ ["mgmt0"], "protocol": "local", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action":
"forward", "timestamp": 1619275257123}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02",
- "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs":
- ["Ethernet1/6"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers":
+ "vrf": "management", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
+ "oifs": ["mgmt0"], "protocol": "direct", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers":
4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257123}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "spine02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
- "oifs": ["Ethernet1/5"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110,
+ "spine02", "vrf": "management", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
+ "oifs": [], "protocol": "static", "source": "", "preference": 1, "ipvers": 4,
+ "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257123}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "spine02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
+ "oifs": ["Ethernet1/6"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110,
"ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257123}, {"namespace": "nxos",
- "hostname": "spine02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
+ "hostname": "spine02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
+ [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/5"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
+ 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257123}, {"namespace":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
[""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/4"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257123}, {"namespace":
"nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
@@ -74318,71 +74295,72 @@ tests:
"nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["Vlan20"], "protocol": "hmm", "source":
"", "preference": 190, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257228},
{"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
- "nexthopIps": ["", ""], "oifs": ["Lo0", "Lo0"], "protocol":
- "local", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp":
+ "nexthopIps": ["", ""], "oifs": ["loopback0", "loopback0"],
+ "protocol": "local", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
+ "timestamp": 1619275257228}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vrf":
+ "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""],
+ "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
+ 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257228}, {"namespace":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
+ ["", ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol":
+ "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp":
1619275257228}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vrf": "default",
- "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1",
+ "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1",
"Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers":
4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257228}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "leaf03", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["",
- ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source":
- "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257228},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
+ "leaf03", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["",
+ ""], "oifs": ["loopback1", "loopback1"], "protocol": "local", "source":
+ "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257228},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
"nexthopIps": ["", ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"],
"protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
"timestamp": 1619275257228}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vrf":
- "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""],
- "oifs": ["Lo1", "Lo1"], "protocol": "local", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers":
- 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257228}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "leaf03", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["",
- ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source":
- "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257228},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
- "nexthopIps": ["", ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"],
+ "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""],
+ "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
+ 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257228}, {"namespace":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
+ ["", ""], "oifs": ["loopback1", "loopback1"], "protocol":
+ "local", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp":
+ 1619275257228}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vrf": "default",
+ "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1"],
"protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
"timestamp": 1619275257228}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vrf":
- "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""],
- "oifs": ["Lo1", "Lo1"], "protocol": "local", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers":
- 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257228}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "leaf03", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
- "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110,
- "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257228}, {"namespace": "nxos",
- "hostname": "leaf03", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
+ "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""],
+ "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
+ 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257228}, {"namespace":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
["", ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol":
"ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp":
- 1619275257228}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vrf": "default",
- "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1",
- "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers":
- 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257228}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "leaf03", "vrf": "management", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
- "oifs": [], "protocol": "static", "source": "", "preference": 1, "ipvers": 4,
- "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257228}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "leaf03", "vrf": "management", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
- "oifs": ["mgmt0"], "protocol": "direct", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers":
- 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257228}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "leaf03", "vrf": "management", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
- "oifs": ["mgmt0"], "protocol": "local", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers":
+ 1619275257228}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vrf": "management",
+ "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": [], "protocol": "static",
+ "source": "", "preference": 1, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp":
+ 1619275257228}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vrf": "management",
+ "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["mgmt0"],
+ "protocol": "direct", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
+ "timestamp": 1619275257228}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vrf":
+ "management", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs":
+ ["mgmt0"], "protocol": "local", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action":
+ "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257228}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03",
+ "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs":
+ ["_nexthopVrf:default"], "protocol": "bgp", "source": "", "preference": 200, "ipvers":
4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257228}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "leaf03", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
+ "leaf03", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
"oifs": ["_nexthopVrf:default"], "protocol": "bgp", "source": "", "preference":
200, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257228}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
[""], "oifs": ["_nexthopVrf:default"], "protocol": "bgp", "source":
"", "preference": 200, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257228},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "",
- "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["_nexthopVrf:default"], "protocol": "bgp",
- "source": "", "preference": 200, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp":
- 1619275257228}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vrf": "default",
- "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1",
- "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers":
- 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257228}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "leaf03", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["",
- ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source":
- "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257228},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
- "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source":
- "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257228},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "",
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
+ "nexthopIps": ["", ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"],
+ "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
+ "timestamp": 1619275257228}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vrf":
+ "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""],
+ "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
+ 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257228}, {"namespace":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
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"Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers":
4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257722}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "exit02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["",
- ""], "oifs": ["Lo1", "Lo1"], "protocol": "local", "source": "", "preference":
- 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257722}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
- [""], "oifs": [], "protocol": "bgp", "source": "", "preference":
- 20, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257722}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
- [""], "oifs": [], "protocol": "bgp", "source": "", "preference":
- 20, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257722}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
- "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": [], "protocol": "bgp", "source": "",
- "preference": 20, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257722},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
- "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": [], "protocol": "bgp", "source": "",
- "preference": 20, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257722},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
- "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/3.2"], "protocol": "direct",
- "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp":
- 1619275257722}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf": "default",
- "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/3.2"],
+ "exit02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["",
+ ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source":
+ "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257722},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
+ "nexthopIps": ["", ""], "oifs": ["loopback1", "loopback1"],
"protocol": "local", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
"timestamp": 1619275257722}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf":
- "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs":
+ "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs":
[], "protocol": "bgp", "source": "", "preference": 20, "ipvers": 4, "action":
- "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257722}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit02",
- "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""],
+ "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257722}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02",
+ "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
+ "oifs": [], "protocol": "bgp", "source": "", "preference": 20, "ipvers": 4, "action":
+ "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257722}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02",
+ "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
+ "oifs": [], "protocol": "bgp", "source": "", "preference": 20, "ipvers": 4, "action":
+ "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257722}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02",
+ "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
+ "oifs": [], "protocol": "bgp", "source": "", "preference": 20, "ipvers": 4, "action":
+ "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257722}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02",
+ "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
+ "oifs": ["Ethernet1/3.2"], "protocol": "direct", "source": "", "preference": 0,
+ "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257722}, {"namespace": "nxos",
+ "hostname": "exit02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
+ [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/3.2"], "protocol": "local", "source": "",
+ "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257722},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
+ "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": [], "protocol": "bgp", "source": "",
+ "preference": 20, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257722},
+ {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
+ "nexthopIps": ["", ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1", "Ethernet2"],
+ "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
+ "timestamp": 1623025174538}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf":
+ "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [], "oifs": ["Ethernet3.2"],
+ "protocol": "connected", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action":
+ "forward", "timestamp": 1623025174538}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit02",
+ "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [], "oifs": ["Ethernet2"],
+ "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
+ "timestamp": 1623025174538}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf":
+ "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""],
"oifs": ["Ethernet1", "Ethernet2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1623025174538}, {"namespace":
- "eos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
- [], "oifs": ["Ethernet3.2"], "protocol": "connected", "source": "", "preference":
- 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1623025174538}, {"namespace":
- "eos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
- [], "oifs": ["Ethernet2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 0,
- "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1623025174538}, {"namespace": "eos",
- "hostname": "exit02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
- ["", ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1", "Ethernet2"], "protocol": "ospf",
- "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp":
- 1623025174538}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf": "default", "prefix":
- "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet3.2"],
- "protocol": "ebgp", "source": "", "preference": 200, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
- "timestamp": 1623025174538}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf":
- "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs":
- ["Management1"], "protocol": "static", "source": "", "preference": 1, "ipvers":
- 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1623025174538}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname":
- "exit02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
- "oifs": ["Ethernet3.2"], "protocol": "ebgp", "source": "", "preference": 200,
- "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1623025174538}, {"namespace": "eos",
- "hostname": "exit02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
+ "eos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
[""], "oifs": ["Ethernet3.2"], "protocol": "ebgp", "source": "",
"preference": 200, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1623025174538},
- {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
+ {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
+ "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["Management1"], "protocol": "static", "source":
+ "", "preference": 1, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1623025174538},
+ {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
"nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet3.2"], "protocol": "ebgp",
"source": "", "preference": 200, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp":
1623025174538}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf": "default", "prefix":
+ "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet3.2"], "protocol":
+ "ebgp", "source": "", "preference": 200, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp":
+ 1623025174538}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf": "default", "prefix":
+ "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet3.2"], "protocol":
+ "ebgp", "source": "", "preference": 200, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp":
+ 1623025174538}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf": "default", "prefix":
"", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet3.2"], "protocol":
"ebgp", "source": "", "preference": 200, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp":
1623025174538}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf": "evpn-vrf",
@@ -77343,7 +77322,7 @@ tests:
{"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "server101", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
"nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["eth0"], "protocol": "dhcp", "source": "",
"preference": 20, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1639476253490}]'
-- command: route show --hostname='~!leaf.* ~!exit.*' --format=json --namespace='!ospf-single
+- command: route show --hostname='!~leaf.* !~exit.*' --format=json --namespace='!ospf-single
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: route show hostname negate regex
@@ -78351,25 +78330,25 @@ tests:
"nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["eth0"], "protocol": "kernel", "source": "",
"preference": 20, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275256204},
{"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
- "nexthopIps": ["", ""], "oifs": ["Lo0", "Lo0"], "protocol":
- "local", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp":
- 1619275257123}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "vrf": "management",
- "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["mgmt0"],
+ "nexthopIps": ["", ""], "oifs": ["loopback0", "loopback0"],
"protocol": "local", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
"timestamp": 1619275257123}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "vrf":
- "management", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs":
- ["mgmt0"], "protocol": "direct", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action":
- "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257123}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02",
- "vrf": "management", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs":
- [], "protocol": "static", "source": "", "preference": 1, "ipvers": 4, "action":
+ "management", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs":
+ ["mgmt0"], "protocol": "local", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action":
"forward", "timestamp": 1619275257123}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02",
- "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs":
- ["Ethernet1/6"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers":
+ "vrf": "management", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
+ "oifs": ["mgmt0"], "protocol": "direct", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers":
4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257123}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "spine02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
- "oifs": ["Ethernet1/5"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110,
+ "spine02", "vrf": "management", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
+ "oifs": [], "protocol": "static", "source": "", "preference": 1, "ipvers": 4,
+ "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257123}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "spine02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
+ "oifs": ["Ethernet1/6"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110,
"ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257123}, {"namespace": "nxos",
- "hostname": "spine02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
+ "hostname": "spine02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
+ [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/5"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
+ 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257123}, {"namespace":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
[""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/4"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257123}, {"namespace":
"nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
@@ -78424,11 +78403,11 @@ tests:
"nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["mgmt0"], "protocol": "local", "source":
"", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257467},
{"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
- "nexthopIps": ["", ""], "oifs": ["Lo0", "Lo0"], "protocol":
- "local", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp":
- 1619275257467}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "vrf": "default",
- "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", "", "",
- "", "", ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2",
+ "nexthopIps": ["", ""], "oifs": ["loopback0", "loopback0"],
+ "protocol": "local", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
+ "timestamp": 1619275257467}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "vrf":
+ "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", "",
+ "", "", "", ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2",
"Ethernet1/3", "Ethernet1/4", "Ethernet1/5", "Ethernet1/6"], "protocol": "ospf",
"source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp":
1619275257467}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "vrf": "management",
@@ -79543,14 +79522,14 @@ tests:
0, "gatherTime": [29.0, 29.0, 29.0], "totalTime": [35.0, 35.0, 35.0], "svcQsize":
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
[1446.0, 1446.0, 1446.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499206},
- {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit01", "service": "devconfig", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [75.0, 75.0, 75.0], "totalTime": [78.0, 78.0, 78.0], "svcQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [35.0, 35.0, 35.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
- "rxBytes": [3335.0, 3335.0, 3335.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499207},
{"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service": "topmem", "status": 0,
"gatherTime": [60.0, 60.0, 60.0], "totalTime": [66.0, 66.0, 66.0], "svcQsize":
[11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [29.0, 29.0, 29.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
"rxBytes": [1424.0, 1424.0, 1424.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499207},
+ {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit01", "service": "devconfig", "status":
+ 0, "gatherTime": [75.0, 75.0, 75.0], "totalTime": [78.0, 78.0, 78.0], "svcQsize":
+ [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [35.0, 35.0, 35.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
+ "rxBytes": [3335.0, 3335.0, 3335.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499207},
{"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server302", "service": "topmem", "status": 0,
"gatherTime": [23.0, 23.0, 23.0], "totalTime": [29.0, 29.0, 29.0], "svcQsize":
[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
@@ -79563,14 +79542,14 @@ tests:
0, "gatherTime": [81.0, 81.0, 81.0], "totalTime": [84.0, 84.0, 84.0], "svcQsize":
[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [39.0, 39.0, 39.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
"rxBytes": [1467.0, 1467.0, 1467.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499213},
- {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server301", "service": "topmem", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [29.0, 29.0, 29.0], "totalTime": [35.0, 35.0, 35.0], "svcQsize":
- [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
- [1450.0, 1450.0, 1450.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499214},
{"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "topmem", "status":
0, "gatherTime": [66.0, 66.0, 66.0], "totalTime": [73.0, 73.0, 73.0], "svcQsize":
[10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [31.0, 31.0, 31.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
"rxBytes": [1428.0, 1428.0, 1428.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499214},
+ {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server301", "service": "topmem", "status": 0,
+ "gatherTime": [29.0, 29.0, 29.0], "totalTime": [35.0, 35.0, 35.0], "svcQsize":
+ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
+ [1450.0, 1450.0, 1450.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499214},
{"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "devconfig", "status":
0, "gatherTime": [84.0, 84.0, 84.0], "totalTime": [88.0, 88.0, 88.0], "svcQsize":
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [41.0, 41.0, 41.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
@@ -79679,14 +79658,14 @@ tests:
"service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [140.0, 140.0, 140.0], "totalTime":
[144.0, 144.0, 144.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [58.0, 58.0,
58.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [567.0, 567.0, 567.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499273}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit02", "service":
- "routes", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [87.0, 87.0, 87.0], "totalTime": [97.0,
- 97.0, 97.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [27.0, 27.0, 27.0], "nodeQsize":
- [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [13898.0, 13898.0, 13898.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499276}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "server102",
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499273}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "server102",
"service": "topmem", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [128.0, 128.0, 128.0], "totalTime":
[135.0, 135.0, 135.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [51.0, 51.0, 51.0],
"nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [1452.0, 1452.0, 1452.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499276}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit02", "service":
+ "routes", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [87.0, 87.0, 87.0], "totalTime": [97.0,
+ 97.0, 97.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [27.0, 27.0, 27.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [13898.0, 13898.0, 13898.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587499276}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server104",
"service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [144.0, 144.0, 144.0], "totalTime":
[148.0, 148.0, 148.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [60.0, 60.0,
@@ -79735,14 +79714,14 @@ tests:
"service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [164.0, 164.0, 164.0], "totalTime":
[168.0, 168.0, 168.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [70.0, 70.0, 70.0],
"nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [1340.0, 1340.0, 1340.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499297}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit02",
- "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [168.0, 168.0, 168.0], "totalTime":
- [172.0, 172.0, 172.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [72.0, 72.0, 72.0],
- "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [1339.0, 1339.0, 1339.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499301}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "spine01",
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499297}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "spine01",
"service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [152.0, 152.0, 152.0], "totalTime":
[160.0, 160.0, 160.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [59.0, 59.0,
59.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [4967.0, 4967.0, 4967.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499301}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit02",
+ "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [168.0, 168.0, 168.0], "totalTime":
+ [172.0, 172.0, 172.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [72.0, 72.0, 72.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [1339.0, 1339.0, 1339.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587499301}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine01",
"service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [173.0, 173.0, 173.0], "totalTime":
[176.0, 176.0, 176.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [74.0, 74.0, 74.0],
@@ -79807,15 +79786,15 @@ tests:
"service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [211.0, 211.0, 211.0], "totalTime":
[214.0, 214.0, 214.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [93.0, 93.0, 93.0],
"nodeQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "rxBytes": [492.0, 492.0, 492.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499343}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "exit02", "service":
- "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [196.0, 196.0, 196.0], "totalTime": [204.0,
- 204.0, 204.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [71.0, 71.0, 71.0], "nodeQsize":
- [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [7958.0, 7958.0, 7958.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587499345}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "spine2-nxos",
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499343}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "spine2-nxos",
"service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [144.0, 144.0, 144.0], "totalTime":
[155.0, 155.0, 155.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0],
"nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [8177.0, 8177.0, 8177.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499345}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit01",
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499345}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "exit02", "service":
+ "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [196.0, 196.0, 196.0], "totalTime": [204.0,
+ 204.0, 204.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [71.0, 71.0, 71.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [7958.0, 7958.0, 7958.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1652587499345}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit01",
"service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [214.0, 214.0, 214.0], "totalTime":
[217.0, 217.0, 217.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [95.0, 95.0, 95.0],
"nodeQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "rxBytes": [285.0, 285.0, 285.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
@@ -79847,14 +79826,14 @@ tests:
"routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [213.0, 213.0, 213.0], "totalTime": [221.0,
221.0, 221.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [75.0, 75.0, 75.0], "nodeQsize":
[2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [6452.0, 6452.0, 6452.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587499362}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service":
- "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [176.0, 176.0, 176.0], "totalTime": [192.0,
- 192.0, 192.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [19.0, 19.0, 19.0], "nodeQsize":
- [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [35630.0, 35630.0, 35630.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499363}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf5-eos",
- "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [166.0, 166.0, 166.0], "totalTime":
- [173.0, 173.0, 173.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0],
- "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [14555.0, 14555.0, 14555.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ "timestamp": 1652587499362}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf5-eos", "service":
+ "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [166.0, 166.0, 166.0], "totalTime": [173.0,
+ 173.0, 173.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [14555.0, 14555.0, 14555.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499363}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
+ "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [176.0, 176.0, 176.0], "totalTime":
+ [192.0, 192.0, 192.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [19.0, 19.0, 19.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [35630.0, 35630.0, 35630.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587499363}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server103",
"service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [232.0, 232.0, 232.0], "totalTime":
[234.0, 234.0, 234.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [102.0, 102.0,
@@ -80123,14 +80102,14 @@ tests:
"service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [475.0, 475.0, 475.0], "totalTime":
[481.0, 481.0, 481.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [19.0, 19.0, 19.0],
"nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [5937.0, 5937.0, 5937.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499671}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf3-qfx",
- "service": "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [481.0, 481.0, 481.0], "totalTime":
- [487.0, 487.0, 487.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [21.0, 21.0, 21.0],
- "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [5313.0, 5313.0, 5313.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499677}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server104",
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499671}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server104",
"service": "ifCounters", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [538.0, 538.0, 538.0], "totalTime":
[548.0, 548.0, 548.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [187.0, 187.0,
187.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [1026.0, 1026.0, 1026.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499677}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf3-qfx",
+ "service": "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [481.0, 481.0, 481.0], "totalTime":
+ [487.0, 487.0, 487.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [21.0, 21.0, 21.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [5313.0, 5313.0, 5313.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587499677}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf4-qfx",
"service": "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [487.0, 487.0, 487.0], "totalTime":
[491.0, 491.0, 491.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [23.0, 23.0, 23.0],
@@ -80179,14 +80158,14 @@ tests:
"service": "ifCounters", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [581.0, 581.0, 581.0], "totalTime":
[590.0, 590.0, 590.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [195.0, 195.0,
195.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [1026.0, 1026.0, 1026.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499719}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf3-qfx",
- "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [528.0, 528.0, 528.0], "totalTime":
- [537.0, 537.0, 537.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [39.0, 39.0, 39.0],
- "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [5012.0, 5012.0, 5012.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499727}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server101",
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499719}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server101",
"service": "ifCounters", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [590.0, 590.0, 590.0], "totalTime":
[598.0, 598.0, 598.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [197.0, 197.0,
197.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [1026.0, 1026.0, 1026.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499727}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf3-qfx",
+ "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [528.0, 528.0, 528.0], "totalTime":
+ [537.0, 537.0, 537.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [39.0, 39.0, 39.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [5012.0, 5012.0, 5012.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587499727}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf2-ios",
"service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [537.0, 537.0, 537.0], "totalTime":
[549.0, 549.0, 549.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [41.0, 41.0, 41.0],
@@ -80219,33 +80198,33 @@ tests:
"service": "ifCounters", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [635.0, 635.0, 635.0], "totalTime":
[646.0, 646.0, 646.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [205.0, 205.0,
205.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [2526.0, 2526.0, 2526.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499775}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf6-eos",
- "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [583.0, 583.0, 583.0], "totalTime":
- [590.0, 590.0, 590.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [51.0, 51.0, 51.0],
- "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [761.0, 761.0, 761.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499780}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499775}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service":
"evpnVni", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [593.0, 593.0, 593.0], "totalTime": [601.0,
601.0, 601.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "nodeQsize":
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [1170.0, 1170.0, 1170.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587499780}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit02",
- "service": "ifCounters", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [646.0, 646.0, 646.0], "totalTime":
- [655.0, 655.0, 655.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [207.0, 207.0,
- 207.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [2526.0, 2526.0, 2526.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499784}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "firewall01",
- "service": "evpnVni", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [601.0, 601.0, 601.0], "totalTime":
- [608.0, 608.0, 608.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
- "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [220.0, 220.0, 220.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499787}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "internet",
- "service": "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [655.0, 655.0, 655.0], "totalTime":
- [659.0, 659.0, 659.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [209.0, 209.0,
- 209.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [640.0, 640.0, 640.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499788}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf4-qfx",
- "service": "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [591.0, 591.0, 591.0], "totalTime":
- [605.0, 605.0, 605.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [52.0, 52.0, 52.0],
- "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [629.0, 629.0, 629.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499795}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service":
- "evpnVni", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [608.0, 608.0, 608.0], "totalTime": [617.0,
- 617.0, 617.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "nodeQsize":
+ "timestamp": 1652587499780}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf6-eos", "service":
+ "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [583.0, 583.0, 583.0], "totalTime": [590.0,
+ 590.0, 590.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [51.0, 51.0, 51.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [761.0, 761.0, 761.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587499780}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "ifCounters",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [646.0, 646.0, 646.0], "totalTime": [655.0, 655.0,
+ 655.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [207.0, 207.0, 207.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [2526.0, 2526.0, 2526.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1652587499784}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service":
+ "evpnVni", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [601.0, 601.0, 601.0], "totalTime": [608.0,
+ 608.0, 608.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [220.0, 220.0, 220.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587499787}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "internet", "service":
+ "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [655.0, 655.0, 655.0], "totalTime": [659.0, 659.0,
+ 659.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [209.0, 209.0, 209.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [640.0, 640.0, 640.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1652587499788}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf4-qfx", "service":
+ "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [591.0, 591.0, 591.0], "totalTime": [605.0,
+ 605.0, 605.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [52.0, 52.0, 52.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [629.0, 629.0, 629.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587499795}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "evpnVni",
+ "status": 200, "gatherTime": [608.0, 608.0, 608.0], "totalTime": [617.0, 617.0,
+ 617.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "nodeQsize":
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [1507.0, 1507.0, 1507.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
"timestamp": 1652587499796}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "edge01",
"service": "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [664.0, 664.0, 664.0], "totalTime":
@@ -80255,31 +80234,31 @@ tests:
"service": "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [669.0, 669.0, 669.0], "totalTime":
[675.0, 675.0, 675.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [215.0, 215.0,
215.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [703.0, 703.0, 703.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499804}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf3-qfx",
- "service": "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [605.0, 605.0, 605.0], "totalTime":
- [620.0, 620.0, 620.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [53.0, 53.0, 53.0],
- "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [629.0, 629.0, 629.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499810}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit01", "service":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499804}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit01", "service":
"evpnVni", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [624.0, 624.0, 624.0], "totalTime": [631.0,
631.0, 631.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "nodeQsize":
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [1265.0, 1265.0, 1265.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587499810}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server104",
- "service": "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [680.0, 680.0, 680.0], "totalTime":
- [686.0, 686.0, 686.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [219.0, 219.0,
- 219.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [703.0, 703.0, 703.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499815}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit02", "service":
+ "timestamp": 1652587499810}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf3-qfx", "service":
+ "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [605.0, 605.0, 605.0], "totalTime": [620.0,
+ 620.0, 620.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [53.0, 53.0, 53.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [629.0, 629.0, 629.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587499810}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server104", "service":
+ "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [680.0, 680.0, 680.0], "totalTime": [686.0, 686.0,
+ 686.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [219.0, 219.0, 219.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [703.0, 703.0, 703.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1652587499815}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit02", "service":
"evpnVni", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [631.0, 631.0, 631.0], "totalTime": [639.0,
639.0, 639.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "nodeQsize":
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [1265.0, 1265.0, 1265.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587499818}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit01",
- "service": "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [686.0, 686.0, 686.0], "totalTime":
- [692.0, 692.0, 692.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [221.0, 221.0,
- 221.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [638.0, 638.0, 638.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499821}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf5-eos",
- "service": "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [620.0, 620.0, 620.0], "totalTime":
- [631.0, 631.0, 631.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [54.0, 54.0, 54.0],
- "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [217.0, 217.0, 217.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499821}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
+ "timestamp": 1652587499818}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf5-eos", "service":
+ "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [620.0, 620.0, 620.0], "totalTime": [631.0,
+ 631.0, 631.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [54.0, 54.0, 54.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [217.0, 217.0, 217.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587499821}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit01", "service": "fs",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [686.0, 686.0, 686.0], "totalTime": [692.0, 692.0,
+ 692.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [221.0, 221.0, 221.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [638.0, 638.0, 638.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1652587499821}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
"evpnVni", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [639.0, 639.0, 639.0], "totalTime": [646.0,
646.0, 646.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "nodeQsize":
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [183.0, 183.0, 183.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
@@ -80343,14 +80322,14 @@ tests:
"service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [665.0, 665.0, 665.0], "totalTime":
[670.0, 670.0, 670.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [59.0, 59.0, 59.0],
"nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [2634.0, 2634.0, 2634.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499860}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "internet",
- "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [730.0, 730.0, 730.0], "totalTime":
- [736.0, 736.0, 736.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [237.0, 237.0,
- 237.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [662.0, 662.0, 662.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499865}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit01", "service":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499860}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit01", "service":
"lldp", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [680.0, 680.0, 680.0], "totalTime": [686.0,
686.0, 686.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [21.0, 21.0, 21.0],
"nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [3119.0, 3119.0, 3119.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499865}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "internet",
+ "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [730.0, 730.0, 730.0], "totalTime":
+ [736.0, 736.0, 736.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [237.0, 237.0,
+ 237.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [662.0, 662.0, 662.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587499865}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf3-qfx",
"service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [670.0, 670.0, 670.0], "totalTime":
[676.0, 676.0, 676.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [61.0, 61.0, 61.0],
@@ -80379,14 +80358,14 @@ tests:
"service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [750.0, 750.0, 750.0], "totalTime":
[756.0, 756.0, 756.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [243.0, 243.0,
243.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [618.0, 618.0, 618.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499885}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499885}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf5-eos",
+ "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [693.0, 693.0, 693.0], "totalTime":
+ [696.0, 696.0, 696.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [69.0, 69.0, 69.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [1017.0, 1017.0, 1017.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499886}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
"lldp", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [700.0, 700.0, 700.0], "totalTime": [707.0,
707.0, 707.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [27.0, 27.0, 27.0], "nodeQsize":
[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [5478.0, 5478.0, 5478.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587499886}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf5-eos", "service":
- "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [693.0, 693.0, 693.0], "totalTime": [696.0,
- 696.0, 696.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [69.0, 69.0, 69.0], "nodeQsize":
- [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [1017.0, 1017.0, 1017.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
"timestamp": 1652587499886}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server101",
"service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [756.0, 756.0, 756.0], "totalTime":
[762.0, 762.0, 762.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [245.0, 245.0,
@@ -80472,23 +80451,23 @@ tests:
"devconfig", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [768.0, 768.0, 768.0], "totalTime":
[773.0, 773.0, 773.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [46.0, 46.0, 46.0],
"nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [3522.0, 3522.0, 3522.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587499952}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine02",
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499952}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit02", "service":
+ "devconfig", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [773.0, 773.0, 773.0], "totalTime":
+ [778.0, 778.0, 778.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [48.0, 48.0, 48.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [4590.0, 4590.0, 4590.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587499957}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine02",
"service": "topmem", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [819.0, 819.0, 819.0], "totalTime":
[828.0, 828.0, 828.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [267.0, 267.0,
267.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [1444.0, 1444.0, 1444.0],
"pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499957}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname":
- "exit02", "service": "devconfig", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [773.0, 773.0,
- 773.0], "totalTime": [778.0, 778.0, 778.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize":
- [48.0, 48.0, 48.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [4590.0, 4590.0,
- 4590.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499957}, {"namespace":
- "eos", "hostname": "exit01", "service": "devconfig", "status": 200, "gatherTime":
- [778.0, 778.0, 778.0], "totalTime": [782.0, 782.0, 782.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0,
- 3.0], "wrQsize": [50.0, 50.0, 50.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes":
- [4453.0, 4453.0, 4453.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499962},
- {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service": "devconfig", "status": 200,
- "gatherTime": [783.0, 783.0, 783.0], "totalTime": [786.0, 786.0, 786.0], "svcQsize":
- [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [52.0, 52.0, 52.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
- "rxBytes": [4580.0, 4580.0, 4580.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499965},
+ "exit01", "service": "devconfig", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [778.0, 778.0,
+ 778.0], "totalTime": [782.0, 782.0, 782.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize":
+ [50.0, 50.0, 50.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [4453.0, 4453.0,
+ 4453.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499962}, {"namespace":
+ "eos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service": "devconfig", "status": 200, "gatherTime":
+ [783.0, 783.0, 783.0], "totalTime": [786.0, 786.0, 786.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0,
+ 2.0], "wrQsize": [52.0, 52.0, 52.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes":
+ [4580.0, 4580.0, 4580.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499965},
{"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "topmem", "status":
0, "gatherTime": [828.0, 828.0, 828.0], "totalTime": [837.0, 837.0, 837.0], "svcQsize":
[11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [269.0, 269.0, 269.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0,
@@ -80566,14 +80545,14 @@ tests:
"gatherTime": [844.0, 844.0, 844.0], "totalTime": [849.0, 849.0, 849.0], "svcQsize":
[5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [74.0, 74.0, 74.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0],
"rxBytes": [635.0, 635.0, 635.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500028},
- {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "device", "status": 200,
- "gatherTime": [849.0, 849.0, 849.0], "totalTime": [854.0, 854.0, 854.0], "svcQsize":
- [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [76.0, 76.0, 76.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0],
- "rxBytes": [636.0, 636.0, 636.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500033},
{"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "evpnVni", "status": 0,
"gatherTime": [855.0, 855.0, 855.0], "totalTime": [862.0, 862.0, 862.0], "svcQsize":
[2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
[11256.0, 11256.0, 11256.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500033},
+ {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "device", "status": 200,
+ "gatherTime": [849.0, 849.0, 849.0], "totalTime": [854.0, 854.0, 854.0], "svcQsize":
+ [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [76.0, 76.0, 76.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0],
+ "rxBytes": [636.0, 636.0, 636.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500033},
{"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "edge01", "service": "topmem", "status":
0, "gatherTime": [896.0, 896.0, 896.0], "totalTime": [905.0, 905.0, 905.0], "svcQsize":
[4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [283.0, 283.0, 283.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0],
@@ -80618,14 +80597,14 @@ tests:
"gatherTime": [886.0, 886.0, 886.0], "totalTime": [889.0, 889.0, 889.0], "svcQsize":
[9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
"rxBytes": [245.0, 245.0, 245.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500060},
- {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "lldp", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [889.0, 889.0, 889.0], "totalTime": [893.0, 893.0, 893.0], "svcQsize":
- [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
- "rxBytes": [244.0, 244.0, 244.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500064},
{"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server104", "service": "topmem", "status":
0, "gatherTime": [927.0, 927.0, 927.0], "totalTime": [935.0, 935.0, 935.0], "svcQsize":
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [291.0, 291.0, 291.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0],
"rxBytes": [1443.0, 1443.0, 1443.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500064},
+ {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "lldp", "status": 0,
+ "gatherTime": [889.0, 889.0, 889.0], "totalTime": [893.0, 893.0, 893.0], "svcQsize":
+ [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
+ "rxBytes": [244.0, 244.0, 244.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500064},
{"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server202", "service": "lldp", "status": 0,
"gatherTime": [893.0, 893.0, 893.0], "totalTime": [898.0, 898.0, 898.0], "svcQsize":
[7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
@@ -80849,35 +80828,35 @@ tests:
[1159.0, 1159.0, 1159.0], "totalTime": [1252.0, 1252.0, 1252.0], "svcQsize": [4.0,
4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [77.0, 77.0, 77.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes":
[31438.0, 31438.0, 31438.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500442},
- {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "interfaces", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [1261.0, 1261.0, 1261.0], "totalTime": [1272.0, 1272.0, 1272.0],
- "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [60.0, 60.0, 60.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0,
- 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [1413.0, 1413.0, 1413.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500443}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "internet", "service":
- "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1305.0, 1305.0, 1305.0], "totalTime":
- [1314.0, 1314.0, 1314.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [363.0, 363.0,
- 363.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "rxBytes": [4773.0, 4773.0, 4773.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500443}, {"namespace": "junos",
- "hostname": "server202", "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1272.0,
- 1272.0, 1272.0], "totalTime": [1282.0, 1282.0, 1282.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0,
- 3.0], "wrQsize": [62.0, 62.0, 62.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes":
- [1413.0, 1413.0, 1413.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500453},
- {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf5-eos", "service": "interfaces", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [1252.0, 1252.0, 1252.0], "totalTime": [1264.0, 1264.0, 1264.0],
- "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [79.0, 79.0, 79.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0,
- 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [23599.0, 23599.0, 23599.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500454}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service": "bgp", "status":
- 200, "gatherTime": [1259.0, 1259.0, 1259.0], "totalTime": [1282.0, 1282.0, 1282.0],
- "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [98.0, 98.0, 98.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0,
- 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [7141.0, 7141.0, 7141.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500461}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "interfaces",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1282.0, 1282.0, 1282.0], "totalTime": [1293.0, 1293.0,
- 1293.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [64.0, 64.0, 64.0], "nodeQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [1415.0, 1415.0, 1415.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587500464}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf6-eos", "service":
- "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1264.0, 1264.0, 1264.0], "totalTime":
- [1276.0, 1276.0, 1276.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [81.0, 81.0,
- 81.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [23590.0, 23590.0, 23590.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "internet", "service": "interfaces", "status":
+ 0, "gatherTime": [1305.0, 1305.0, 1305.0], "totalTime": [1314.0, 1314.0, 1314.0],
+ "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [363.0, 363.0, 363.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0,
+ 16.0, 16.0], "rxBytes": [4773.0, 4773.0, 4773.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587500443}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "interfaces",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1261.0, 1261.0, 1261.0], "totalTime": [1272.0, 1272.0,
+ 1272.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [60.0, 60.0, 60.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [1413.0, 1413.0, 1413.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1652587500443}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server202", "service":
+ "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1272.0, 1272.0, 1272.0], "totalTime":
+ [1282.0, 1282.0, 1282.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [62.0, 62.0,
+ 62.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [1413.0, 1413.0, 1413.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500453}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf5-eos",
+ "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1252.0, 1252.0, 1252.0],
+ "totalTime": [1264.0, 1264.0, 1264.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize":
+ [79.0, 79.0, 79.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [23599.0, 23599.0,
+ 23599.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500454}, {"namespace":
+ "eos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service": "bgp", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1259.0,
+ 1259.0, 1259.0], "totalTime": [1282.0, 1282.0, 1282.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0,
+ 3.0], "wrQsize": [98.0, 98.0, 98.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes":
+ [7141.0, 7141.0, 7141.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500461},
+ {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "interfaces", "status":
+ 0, "gatherTime": [1282.0, 1282.0, 1282.0], "totalTime": [1293.0, 1293.0, 1293.0],
+ "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [64.0, 64.0, 64.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0,
+ 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [1415.0, 1415.0, 1415.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587500464}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf6-eos", "service": "interfaces",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1264.0, 1264.0, 1264.0], "totalTime": [1276.0, 1276.0,
+ 1276.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [81.0, 81.0, 81.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [23590.0, 23590.0, 23590.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587500466}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "firewall01",
"service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1293.0, 1293.0, 1293.0],
"totalTime": [1305.0, 1305.0, 1305.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize":
@@ -80895,77 +80874,76 @@ tests:
"status": 0, "gatherTime": [1342.0, 1342.0, 1342.0], "totalTime": [1365.0, 1365.0,
1365.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [367.0, 367.0, 367.0], "nodeQsize":
[16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "rxBytes": [18260.0, 18260.0, 18260.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500494}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "spine2-nxos",
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500494}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
+ "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1321.0, 1321.0, 1321.0], "totalTime":
+ [1328.0, 1328.0, 1328.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [72.0, 72.0,
+ 72.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [4957.0, 4957.0, 4957.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500499}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "spine2-nxos",
"service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1276.0, 1276.0, 1276.0],
"totalTime": [1309.0, 1309.0, 1309.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize":
[83.0, 83.0, 83.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [37514.0, 37514.0,
37514.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500499}, {"namespace":
- "junos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [1321.0, 1321.0, 1321.0], "totalTime": [1328.0, 1328.0, 1328.0], "svcQsize": [10.0,
- 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [72.0, 72.0, 72.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes":
- [4957.0, 4957.0, 4957.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500499},
- {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "exit01", "service": "device", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [1328.0, 1328.0, 1328.0], "totalTime": [1335.0, 1335.0, 1335.0],
- "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [74.0, 74.0, 74.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0,
- 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [4949.0, 4949.0, 4949.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500506}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "bgp",
- "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1282.0, 1282.0, 1282.0], "totalTime": [1330.0, 1330.0,
- 1330.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [100.0, 100.0, 100.0], "nodeQsize":
- [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [21867.0, 21867.0, 21867.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500509}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine02",
- "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1335.0, 1335.0, 1335.0], "totalTime":
- [1340.0, 1340.0, 1340.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [76.0, 76.0,
- 76.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [4954.0, 4954.0, 4954.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500511}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine01",
- "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1366.0, 1366.0, 1366.0],
- "totalTime": [1384.0, 1384.0, 1384.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize":
- [369.0, 369.0, 369.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "rxBytes": [10712.0, 10712.0,
- 10712.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500513}, {"namespace":
- "eos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [1330.0, 1330.0, 1330.0], "totalTime": [1349.0, 1349.0, 1349.0], "svcQsize": [1.0,
- 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [102.0, 102.0, 102.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes":
- [20482.0, 20482.0, 20482.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500528},
- {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "device", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [1351.0, 1351.0, 1351.0], "totalTime": [1359.0, 1359.0, 1359.0],
- "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [82.0, 82.0, 82.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0,
+ "junos", "hostname": "exit01", "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
+ [1328.0, 1328.0, 1328.0], "totalTime": [1335.0, 1335.0, 1335.0], "svcQsize": [9.0,
+ 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [74.0, 74.0, 74.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes":
+ [4949.0, 4949.0, 4949.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500506},
+ {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "bgp", "status": 200, "gatherTime":
+ [1282.0, 1282.0, 1282.0], "totalTime": [1330.0, 1330.0, 1330.0], "svcQsize": [2.0,
+ 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [100.0, 100.0, 100.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes":
+ [21867.0, 21867.0, 21867.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500509},
+ {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "device", "status": 0,
+ "gatherTime": [1335.0, 1335.0, 1335.0], "totalTime": [1340.0, 1340.0, 1340.0],
+ "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [76.0, 76.0, 76.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0,
4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [4954.0, 4954.0, 4954.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500530}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "spine1-nxos", "service": "interfaces",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1309.0, 1309.0, 1309.0], "totalTime": [1347.0, 1347.0,
- 1347.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [85.0, 85.0, 85.0], "nodeQsize":
- [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [38291.0, 38291.0, 38291.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500537}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "firewall01",
- "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1359.0, 1359.0, 1359.0], "totalTime":
- [1366.0, 1366.0, 1366.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [84.0, 84.0,
- 84.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [563.0, 563.0, 563.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500537}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit01",
- "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1384.0, 1384.0, 1384.0],
- "totalTime": [1411.0, 1411.0, 1411.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize":
- [371.0, 371.0, 371.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "rxBytes": [18318.0, 18318.0,
- 18318.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500540}, {"namespace":
- "eos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1350.0,
- 1350.0, 1350.0], "totalTime": [1363.0, 1363.0, 1363.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0,
- 0.0], "wrQsize": [104.0, 104.0, 104.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes":
- [28572.0, 28572.0, 28572.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500542},
- {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "device", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [1366.0, 1366.0, 1366.0], "totalTime": [1371.0, 1371.0, 1371.0],
- "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [86.0, 86.0, 86.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0,
- 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [561.0, 561.0, 561.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500542}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf1-ios", "service": "ospfIf",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1347.0, 1347.0, 1347.0], "totalTime": [1357.0, 1357.0,
- 1357.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [87.0, 87.0, 87.0], "nodeQsize":
- [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [2775.0, 2775.0, 2775.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587500547}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server202", "service":
- "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1371.0, 1371.0, 1371.0], "totalTime": [1376.0,
- 1376.0, 1376.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [88.0, 88.0, 88.0], "nodeQsize":
- [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [561.0, 561.0, 561.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500547}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server102", "service":
- "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1411.0, 1411.0, 1411.0], "totalTime":
- [1421.0, 1421.0, 1421.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [373.0, 373.0,
- 373.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "rxBytes": [2236.0, 2236.0, 2236.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500550}, {"namespace": "junos",
- "hostname": "server102", "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1376.0,
- 1376.0, 1376.0], "totalTime": [1382.0, 1382.0, 1382.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0,
- 1.0], "wrQsize": [90.0, 90.0, 90.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes":
+ 1652587500511}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "interfaces",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1366.0, 1366.0, 1366.0], "totalTime": [1384.0, 1384.0,
+ 1384.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [369.0, 369.0, 369.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "rxBytes": [10712.0, 10712.0, 10712.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500513}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "firewall01",
+ "service": "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1330.0, 1330.0, 1330.0], "totalTime":
+ [1349.0, 1349.0, 1349.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [102.0, 102.0,
+ 102.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [20482.0, 20482.0, 20482.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500528}, {"namespace": "junos",
+ "hostname": "spine01", "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1351.0,
+ 1351.0, 1351.0], "totalTime": [1359.0, 1359.0, 1359.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0,
+ 5.0], "wrQsize": [82.0, 82.0, 82.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes":
+ [4954.0, 4954.0, 4954.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500530},
+ {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "spine1-nxos", "service": "interfaces", "status":
+ 0, "gatherTime": [1309.0, 1309.0, 1309.0], "totalTime": [1347.0, 1347.0, 1347.0],
+ "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [85.0, 85.0, 85.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0,
+ 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [38291.0, 38291.0, 38291.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587500537}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "device",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1359.0, 1359.0, 1359.0], "totalTime": [1366.0, 1366.0,
+ 1366.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [84.0, 84.0, 84.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [563.0, 563.0, 563.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587500537}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit01", "service": "interfaces",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1384.0, 1384.0, 1384.0], "totalTime": [1411.0, 1411.0,
+ 1411.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [371.0, 371.0, 371.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "rxBytes": [18318.0, 18318.0, 18318.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500540}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service":
+ "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1350.0, 1350.0, 1350.0], "totalTime": [1363.0,
+ 1363.0, 1363.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [104.0, 104.0, 104.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [28572.0, 28572.0, 28572.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500542}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server101",
+ "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1366.0, 1366.0, 1366.0], "totalTime":
+ [1371.0, 1371.0, 1371.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [86.0, 86.0,
+ 86.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [561.0, 561.0, 561.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500542}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server202",
+ "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1371.0, 1371.0, 1371.0], "totalTime":
+ [1376.0, 1376.0, 1376.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [88.0, 88.0,
+ 88.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [561.0, 561.0, 561.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500547}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf1-ios",
+ "service": "ospfIf", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1347.0, 1347.0, 1347.0], "totalTime":
+ [1357.0, 1357.0, 1357.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [87.0, 87.0,
+ 87.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [2775.0, 2775.0, 2775.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500547}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server102",
+ "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1411.0, 1411.0, 1411.0],
+ "totalTime": [1421.0, 1421.0, 1421.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize":
+ [373.0, 373.0, 373.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "rxBytes": [2236.0, 2236.0,
+ 2236.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500550}, {"namespace":
+ "junos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
+ [1376.0, 1376.0, 1376.0], "totalTime": [1382.0, 1382.0, 1382.0], "svcQsize": [1.0,
+ 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [90.0, 90.0, 90.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes":
[562.0, 562.0, 562.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500553},
{"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "mlag", "status": 200, "gatherTime":
[1368.0, 1368.0, 1368.0], "totalTime": [1376.0, 1376.0, 1376.0], "svcQsize": [6.0,
@@ -81050,14 +81028,14 @@ tests:
"service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1417.0, 1417.0, 1417.0], "totalTime":
[1421.0, 1421.0, 1421.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [117.0, 117.0,
117.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [219.0, 219.0, 219.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500600}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf6-eos",
- "service": "ospfIf", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1406.0, 1406.0, 1406.0], "totalTime":
- [1414.0, 1414.0, 1414.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [99.0, 99.0,
- 99.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [9272.0, 9272.0, 9272.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500604}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "firewall01",
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500600}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "firewall01",
"service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1421.0, 1421.0, 1421.0], "totalTime":
[1425.0, 1425.0, 1425.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [118.0, 118.0,
118.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [220.0, 220.0, 220.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500604}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf6-eos",
+ "service": "ospfIf", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1406.0, 1406.0, 1406.0], "totalTime":
+ [1414.0, 1414.0, 1414.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [99.0, 99.0,
+ 99.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [9272.0, 9272.0, 9272.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587500604}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine02",
"service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1464.0, 1464.0, 1464.0], "totalTime":
[1478.0, 1478.0, 1478.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [385.0, 385.0,
@@ -81115,27 +81093,27 @@ tests:
"exit02", "service": "vlan", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1456.0, 1456.0, 1456.0],
"totalTime": [1461.0, 1461.0, 1461.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize":
[131.0, 131.0, 131.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [437.0, 437.0,
- 437.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500640}, {"namespace": "junos",
- "hostname": "exit02", "service": "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1451.0, 1451.0,
- 1451.0], "totalTime": [1473.0, 1473.0, 1473.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize":
- [100.0, 100.0, 100.0], "nodeQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "rxBytes": [89101.0, 89101.0,
- 89101.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500644}, {"namespace":
- "eos", "hostname": "exit01", "service": "vlan", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1461.0,
+ 437.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500640}, {"namespace": "eos",
+ "hostname": "exit01", "service": "vlan", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1461.0,
1461.0, 1461.0], "totalTime": [1465.0, 1465.0, 1465.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0,
3.0], "wrQsize": [133.0, 133.0, 133.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes":
[437.0, 437.0, 437.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500644},
+ {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
+ [1451.0, 1451.0, 1451.0], "totalTime": [1473.0, 1473.0, 1473.0], "svcQsize": [4.0,
+ 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [100.0, 100.0, 100.0], "nodeQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "rxBytes":
+ [89101.0, 89101.0, 89101.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500644},
{"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf03", "service": "ospfNbr", "status":
0, "gatherTime": [1508.0, 1508.0, 1508.0], "totalTime": [1516.0, 1516.0, 1516.0],
"svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [392.0, 392.0, 392.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0,
17.0, 17.0], "rxBytes": [2098.0, 2098.0, 2098.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500645}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "ospfNbr",
+ 1652587500645}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "vlan",
+ "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1470.0, 1470.0, 1470.0], "totalTime": [1474.0, 1474.0,
+ 1474.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [137.0, 137.0, 137.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [282.0, 282.0, 282.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587500653}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "ospfNbr",
"status": 0, "gatherTime": [1516.0, 1516.0, 1516.0], "totalTime": [1524.0, 1524.0,
1524.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [394.0, 394.0, 394.0], "nodeQsize":
[17.0, 17.0, 17.0], "rxBytes": [2100.0, 2100.0, 2100.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500653}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine01", "service":
- "vlan", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1470.0, 1470.0, 1470.0], "totalTime": [1474.0,
- 1474.0, 1474.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [137.0, 137.0, 137.0],
- "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [282.0, 282.0, 282.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587500653}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service":
"vlan", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1474.0, 1474.0, 1474.0], "totalTime": [1477.0,
1477.0, 1477.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [139.0, 139.0, 139.0],
@@ -81178,118 +81156,118 @@ tests:
[1477.0, 1477.0, 1477.0], "totalTime": [1497.0, 1497.0, 1497.0], "svcQsize": [13.0,
13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [141.0, 141.0, 141.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes":
[242220.0, 242220.0, 242220.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500676},
- {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "edge01", "service": "bgp", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [1541.0, 1541.0, 1541.0], "totalTime": [1553.0, 1553.0, 1553.0],
- "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [401.0, 401.0, 401.0], "nodeQsize": [18.0,
- 18.0, 18.0], "rxBytes": [20622.0, 20622.0, 20622.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587500682}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "spine2-nxos",
- "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1483.0, 1483.0, 1483.0], "totalTime":
- [1492.0, 1492.0, 1492.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [111.0, 111.0,
- 111.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [1955.0, 1955.0, 1955.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500682}, {"namespace": "panos",
- "hostname": "leaf03", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1533.0, 1533.0,
- 1533.0], "totalTime": [1541.0, 1541.0, 1541.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0],
- "wrQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [16033.0,
- 16033.0, 16033.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500682}, {"namespace":
- "eos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [1497.0, 1497.0, 1497.0], "totalTime": [1505.0, 1505.0, 1505.0], "svcQsize": [12.0,
- 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [143.0, 143.0, 143.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes":
- [3969.0, 3969.0, 3969.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500684},
- {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "interfaces", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [1505.0, 1505.0, 1505.0], "totalTime": [1512.0, 1512.0, 1512.0],
- "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [145.0, 145.0, 145.0], "nodeQsize":
- [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [2736.0, 2736.0, 2736.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587500691}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "spine1-nxos",
- "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1492.0, 1492.0, 1492.0], "totalTime":
- [1501.0, 1501.0, 1501.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [113.0, 113.0,
- 113.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [1952.0, 1952.0, 1952.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500691}, {"namespace": "panos",
- "hostname": "spine02", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1541.0,
- 1541.0, 1541.0], "totalTime": [1550.0, 1550.0, 1550.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0,
- 9.0], "wrQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [23912.0,
- 23912.0, 23912.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500691}, {"namespace":
- "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [1553.0, 1553.0, 1553.0], "totalTime": [1564.0, 1564.0, 1564.0], "svcQsize": [8.0,
- 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [403.0, 403.0, 403.0], "nodeQsize": [18.0, 18.0, 18.0],
- "rxBytes": [20598.0, 20598.0, 20598.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500693}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "interfaces",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1512.0, 1512.0, 1512.0], "totalTime": [1518.0, 1518.0,
- 1518.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [147.0, 147.0, 147.0], "nodeQsize":
- [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [2732.0, 2732.0, 2732.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587500697}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf5-eos", "service":
- "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1501.0, 1501.0, 1501.0], "totalTime": [1510.0,
- 1510.0, 1510.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [115.0, 115.0, 115.0],
- "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [4055.0, 4055.0, 4055.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500700}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf04",
- "service": "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1564.0, 1564.0, 1564.0], "totalTime":
- [1573.0, 1573.0, 1573.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [405.0, 405.0,
- 405.0], "nodeQsize": [18.0, 18.0, 18.0], "rxBytes": [7381.0, 7381.0, 7381.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500702}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname":
- "server302", "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1518.0, 1518.0,
- 1518.0], "totalTime": [1525.0, 1525.0, 1525.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize":
- [149.0, 149.0, 149.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [2736.0, 2736.0,
- 2736.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500704}, {"namespace":
- "panos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1558.0,
- 1558.0, 1558.0], "totalTime": [1565.0, 1565.0, 1565.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0,
- 7.0], "wrQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
- [16033.0, 16033.0, 16033.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500706},
- {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf6-eos", "service": "ospfNbr", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [1510.0, 1510.0, 1510.0], "totalTime": [1518.0, 1518.0, 1518.0],
- "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [117.0, 117.0, 117.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0,
- 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [4056.0, 4056.0, 4056.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500708}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server301", "service": "interfaces",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1525.0, 1525.0, 1525.0], "totalTime": [1532.0, 1532.0,
- 1532.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [151.0, 151.0, 151.0], "nodeQsize":
+ {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "spine2-nxos", "service": "ospfNbr", "status":
+ 0, "gatherTime": [1483.0, 1483.0, 1483.0], "totalTime": [1492.0, 1492.0, 1492.0],
+ "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [111.0, 111.0, 111.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0,
+ 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [1955.0, 1955.0, 1955.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587500682}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service": "lldp",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1533.0, 1533.0, 1533.0], "totalTime": [1541.0, 1541.0,
+ 1541.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [16033.0, 16033.0, 16033.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500682}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "edge01",
+ "service": "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1541.0, 1541.0, 1541.0], "totalTime":
+ [1553.0, 1553.0, 1553.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [401.0, 401.0,
+ 401.0], "nodeQsize": [18.0, 18.0, 18.0], "rxBytes": [20622.0, 20622.0, 20622.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500682}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname":
+ "firewall01", "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1497.0, 1497.0,
+ 1497.0], "totalTime": [1505.0, 1505.0, 1505.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0],
+ "wrQsize": [143.0, 143.0, 143.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [3969.0,
+ 3969.0, 3969.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500684}, {"namespace":
+ "eos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
+ [1505.0, 1505.0, 1505.0], "totalTime": [1512.0, 1512.0, 1512.0], "svcQsize": [11.0,
+ 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [145.0, 145.0, 145.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes":
+ [2736.0, 2736.0, 2736.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500691},
+ {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "lldp", "status": 0,
+ "gatherTime": [1541.0, 1541.0, 1541.0], "totalTime": [1550.0, 1550.0, 1550.0],
+ "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0,
+ 0.0], "rxBytes": [23912.0, 23912.0, 23912.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587500691}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "spine1-nxos", "service": "ospfNbr",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1492.0, 1492.0, 1492.0], "totalTime": [1501.0, 1501.0,
+ 1501.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [113.0, 113.0, 113.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [1952.0, 1952.0, 1952.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500691}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine02",
+ "service": "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1553.0, 1553.0, 1553.0], "totalTime":
+ [1564.0, 1564.0, 1564.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [403.0, 403.0,
+ 403.0], "nodeQsize": [18.0, 18.0, 18.0], "rxBytes": [20598.0, 20598.0, 20598.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500693}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname":
+ "server101", "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1512.0, 1512.0,
+ 1512.0], "totalTime": [1518.0, 1518.0, 1518.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0],
+ "wrQsize": [147.0, 147.0, 147.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [2732.0,
+ 2732.0, 2732.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500697}, {"namespace":
+ "mixed", "hostname": "leaf5-eos", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
+ [1501.0, 1501.0, 1501.0], "totalTime": [1510.0, 1510.0, 1510.0], "svcQsize": [3.0,
+ 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [115.0, 115.0, 115.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0],
+ "rxBytes": [4055.0, 4055.0, 4055.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500700},
+ {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "bgp", "status": 0,
+ "gatherTime": [1564.0, 1564.0, 1564.0], "totalTime": [1573.0, 1573.0, 1573.0],
+ "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [405.0, 405.0, 405.0], "nodeQsize": [18.0,
+ 18.0, 18.0], "rxBytes": [7381.0, 7381.0, 7381.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587500702}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server302", "service": "interfaces",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1518.0, 1518.0, 1518.0], "totalTime": [1525.0, 1525.0,
+ 1525.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [149.0, 149.0, 149.0], "nodeQsize":
[8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [2736.0, 2736.0, 2736.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587500711}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server101", "service":
- "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1537.0, 1537.0, 1537.0], "totalTime": [1542.0,
- 1542.0, 1542.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [109.0, 109.0, 109.0],
- "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [220.0, 220.0, 220.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500713}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "exit02", "service":
- "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1565.0, 1565.0, 1565.0], "totalTime": [1574.0,
- 1574.0, 1574.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "nodeQsize":
+ "timestamp": 1652587500704}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service":
+ "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1558.0, 1558.0, 1558.0], "totalTime": [1565.0,
+ 1565.0, 1565.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [16033.0, 16033.0, 16033.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500706}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf6-eos",
+ "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1510.0, 1510.0, 1510.0], "totalTime":
+ [1518.0, 1518.0, 1518.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [117.0, 117.0,
+ 117.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [4056.0, 4056.0, 4056.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500708}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname":
+ "server301", "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1525.0, 1525.0,
+ 1525.0], "totalTime": [1532.0, 1532.0, 1532.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize":
+ [151.0, 151.0, 151.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [2736.0, 2736.0,
+ 2736.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500711}, {"namespace":
+ "junos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
+ [1537.0, 1537.0, 1537.0], "totalTime": [1542.0, 1542.0, 1542.0], "svcQsize": [11.0,
+ 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [109.0, 109.0, 109.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes":
+ [220.0, 220.0, 220.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500713},
+ {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
+ [1565.0, 1565.0, 1565.0], "totalTime": [1574.0, 1574.0, 1574.0], "svcQsize": [6.0,
+ 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
+ [13066.0, 13066.0, 13066.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500715},
+ {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf4-qfx", "service": "ospfNbr", "status":
+ 0, "gatherTime": [1518.0, 1518.0, 1518.0], "totalTime": [1528.0, 1528.0, 1528.0],
+ "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [119.0, 119.0, 119.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0,
+ 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [5125.0, 5125.0, 5125.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587500718}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server202", "service": "vlan",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1542.0, 1542.0, 1542.0], "totalTime": [1547.0, 1547.0,
+ 1547.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [110.0, 110.0, 110.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [220.0, 220.0, 220.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587500718}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "exit01", "service": "lldp",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1574.0, 1574.0, 1574.0], "totalTime": [1582.0, 1582.0,
+ 1582.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0], "nodeQsize":
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [13066.0, 13066.0, 13066.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500715}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server202",
- "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1542.0, 1542.0, 1542.0], "totalTime":
- [1547.0, 1547.0, 1547.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [110.0, 110.0,
- 110.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [220.0, 220.0, 220.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500718}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf4-qfx",
- "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1518.0, 1518.0, 1518.0], "totalTime":
- [1528.0, 1528.0, 1528.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [119.0, 119.0,
- 119.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [5125.0, 5125.0, 5125.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500718}, {"namespace": "junos",
- "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1548.0,
- 1548.0, 1548.0], "totalTime": [1552.0, 1552.0, 1552.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0,
- 9.0], "wrQsize": [111.0, 111.0, 111.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes":
- [221.0, 221.0, 221.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500723},
- {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "exit01", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [1574.0, 1574.0, 1574.0], "totalTime": [1582.0, 1582.0, 1582.0], "svcQsize": [5.0,
- 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
- [13066.0, 13066.0, 13066.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500723},
- {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "bgp", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [1583.0, 1583.0, 1583.0], "totalTime": [1596.0, 1596.0, 1596.0],
- "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [409.0, 409.0, 409.0], "nodeQsize": [18.0,
- 18.0, 18.0], "rxBytes": [24896.0, 24896.0, 24896.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587500725}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf3-qfx", "service":
- "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1528.0, 1528.0, 1528.0], "totalTime": [1537.0,
- 1537.0, 1537.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [121.0, 121.0, 121.0],
- "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [5125.0, 5125.0, 5125.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500727}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server201",
- "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1552.0, 1552.0, 1552.0], "totalTime":
- [1557.0, 1557.0, 1557.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [112.0, 112.0,
- 112.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [220.0, 220.0, 220.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500728}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
- "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1582.0, 1582.0, 1582.0], "totalTime":
- [1589.0, 1589.0, 1589.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [19.0, 19.0,
- 19.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [8149.0, 8149.0, 8149.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500730}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf3-qfx",
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500723}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "firewall01",
+ "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1548.0, 1548.0, 1548.0], "totalTime":
+ [1552.0, 1552.0, 1552.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [111.0, 111.0,
+ 111.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [221.0, 221.0, 221.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500723}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine01",
+ "service": "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1583.0, 1583.0, 1583.0], "totalTime":
+ [1596.0, 1596.0, 1596.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [409.0, 409.0,
+ 409.0], "nodeQsize": [18.0, 18.0, 18.0], "rxBytes": [24896.0, 24896.0, 24896.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500725}, {"namespace": "mixed",
+ "hostname": "leaf3-qfx", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1528.0,
+ 1528.0, 1528.0], "totalTime": [1537.0, 1537.0, 1537.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0,
+ 0.0], "wrQsize": [121.0, 121.0, 121.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes":
+ [5125.0, 5125.0, 5125.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500727},
+ {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server201", "service": "vlan", "status": 0,
+ "gatherTime": [1552.0, 1552.0, 1552.0], "totalTime": [1557.0, 1557.0, 1557.0],
+ "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [112.0, 112.0, 112.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0,
+ 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [220.0, 220.0, 220.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587500728}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "lldp",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1582.0, 1582.0, 1582.0], "totalTime": [1589.0, 1589.0,
+ 1589.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [19.0, 19.0, 19.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [8149.0, 8149.0, 8149.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1652587500730}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server102", "service":
+ "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1557.0, 1557.0, 1557.0], "totalTime": [1562.0,
+ 1562.0, 1562.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [113.0, 113.0, 113.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [221.0, 221.0, 221.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500734}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf3-qfx",
"service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1537.0, 1537.0, 1537.0], "totalTime":
[1544.0, 1544.0, 1544.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [122.0, 122.0,
122.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "rxBytes": [314.0, 314.0, 314.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500734}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server102",
- "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1557.0, 1557.0, 1557.0], "totalTime":
- [1562.0, 1562.0, 1562.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [113.0, 113.0,
- 113.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [221.0, 221.0, 221.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587500734}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "server301",
"service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1589.0, 1589.0, 1589.0], "totalTime":
[1596.0, 1596.0, 1596.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [20.0, 20.0,
@@ -81394,14 +81372,14 @@ tests:
0, "gatherTime": [1579.0, 1579.0, 1579.0], "totalTime": [1588.0, 1588.0, 1588.0],
"svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [131.0, 131.0, 131.0], "nodeQsize": [14.0,
14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes": [4158.0, 4158.0, 4158.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500778}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server202", "service": "topcpu",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1603.0, 1603.0, 1603.0], "totalTime": [1612.0, 1612.0,
- 1612.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [131.0, 131.0, 131.0], "nodeQsize":
- [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [1439.0, 1439.0, 1439.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587500783}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
- "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1637.0, 1637.0, 1637.0], "totalTime":
- [1642.0, 1642.0, 1642.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [33.0, 33.0,
- 33.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [2906.0, 2906.0, 2906.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 1652587500778}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "devconfig",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1637.0, 1637.0, 1637.0], "totalTime": [1642.0, 1642.0,
+ 1642.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [33.0, 33.0, 33.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [2906.0, 2906.0, 2906.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1652587500783}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server202", "service":
+ "topcpu", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1603.0, 1603.0, 1603.0], "totalTime": [1612.0,
+ 1612.0, 1612.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [131.0, 131.0, 131.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [1439.0, 1439.0, 1439.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587500783}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "exit02", "service":
"devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1642.0, 1642.0, 1642.0], "totalTime":
[1647.0, 1647.0, 1647.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [35.0, 35.0,
@@ -81415,14 +81393,14 @@ tests:
[1606.0, 1606.0, 1606.0], "totalTime": [1612.0, 1612.0, 1612.0], "svcQsize": [1.0,
1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [165.0, 165.0, 165.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes":
[11950.0, 11950.0, 11950.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500791},
- {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "topcpu", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [1612.0, 1612.0, 1612.0], "totalTime": [1621.0, 1621.0, 1621.0],
- "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [133.0, 133.0, 133.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0,
- 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [1442.0, 1442.0, 1442.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500793}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service": "devconfig",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1647.0, 1647.0, 1647.0], "totalTime": [1652.0, 1652.0,
- 1652.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [37.0, 37.0, 37.0], "nodeQsize":
- [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [5299.0, 5299.0, 5299.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service": "devconfig", "status":
+ 0, "gatherTime": [1647.0, 1647.0, 1647.0], "totalTime": [1652.0, 1652.0, 1652.0],
+ "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [37.0, 37.0, 37.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0,
+ 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [5299.0, 5299.0, 5299.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587500793}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "topcpu",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1612.0, 1612.0, 1612.0], "totalTime": [1621.0, 1621.0,
+ 1621.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [133.0, 133.0, 133.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [1442.0, 1442.0, 1442.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
"timestamp": 1652587500793}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf3-qfx", "service":
"arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1598.0, 1598.0, 1598.0], "totalTime": [1604.0,
1604.0, 1604.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [135.0, 135.0, 135.0],
@@ -81460,27 +81438,27 @@ tests:
"service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1610.0, 1610.0, 1610.0], "totalTime":
[1616.0, 1616.0, 1616.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [139.0, 139.0,
139.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [1103.0, 1103.0, 1103.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500806}, {"namespace": "panos",
- "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "device", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1662.0,
- 1662.0, 1662.0], "totalTime": [1669.0, 1669.0, 1669.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0,
- 13.0], "wrQsize": [43.0, 43.0, 43.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes":
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500806}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname":
+ "leaf04", "service": "ospfIf", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1625.0, 1625.0, 1625.0],
+ "totalTime": [1631.0, 1631.0, 1631.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize":
+ [170.0, 170.0, 170.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [4571.0, 4571.0,
+ 4571.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500810}, {"namespace":
+ "panos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "device", "status": 200, "gatherTime":
+ [1662.0, 1662.0, 1662.0], "totalTime": [1669.0, 1669.0, 1669.0], "svcQsize": [13.0,
+ 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [43.0, 43.0, 43.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes":
[1645.0, 1645.0, 1645.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500810},
- {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "ospfIf", "status": 200,
- "gatherTime": [1625.0, 1625.0, 1625.0], "totalTime": [1631.0, 1631.0, 1631.0],
- "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [170.0, 170.0, 170.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0,
- 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [4571.0, 4571.0, 4571.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500810}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf6-eos", "service": "arpnd",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1616.0, 1616.0, 1616.0], "totalTime": [1621.0, 1621.0,
- 1621.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [141.0, 141.0, 141.0], "nodeQsize":
- [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [1102.0, 1102.0, 1102.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500811}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server201",
- "service": "topcpu", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1631.0, 1631.0, 1631.0], "totalTime":
- [1642.0, 1642.0, 1642.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [137.0, 137.0,
- 137.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [1432.0, 1432.0, 1432.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500813}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "server101",
- "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1670.0, 1670.0, 1670.0], "totalTime":
- [1676.0, 1676.0, 1676.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [45.0, 45.0,
- 45.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [562.0, 562.0, 562.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf6-eos", "service": "arpnd", "status":
+ 0, "gatherTime": [1616.0, 1616.0, 1616.0], "totalTime": [1621.0, 1621.0, 1621.0],
+ "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [141.0, 141.0, 141.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0,
+ 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [1102.0, 1102.0, 1102.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587500811}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server201", "service": "topcpu",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1631.0, 1631.0, 1631.0], "totalTime": [1642.0, 1642.0,
+ 1642.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [137.0, 137.0, 137.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [1432.0, 1432.0, 1432.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1652587500813}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "server101", "service":
+ "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1670.0, 1670.0, 1670.0], "totalTime": [1676.0,
+ 1676.0, 1676.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [45.0, 45.0, 45.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [562.0, 562.0, 562.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587500817}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf1-ios",
"service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1622.0, 1622.0, 1622.0], "totalTime":
[1627.0, 1627.0, 1627.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [143.0, 143.0,
@@ -81489,45 +81467,44 @@ tests:
"service": "time", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1642.0, 1642.0, 1642.0], "totalTime":
[1647.0, 1647.0, 1647.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [139.0, 139.0,
139.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [544.0, 544.0, 544.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500818}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf2-ios",
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500818}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit01", "service":
+ "ospfIf", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1637.0, 1637.0, 1637.0], "totalTime":
+ [1643.0, 1643.0, 1643.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [174.0, 174.0,
+ 174.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [3956.0, 3956.0, 3956.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500822}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf2-ios",
"service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1627.0, 1627.0, 1627.0], "totalTime":
[1632.0, 1632.0, 1632.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [145.0, 145.0,
145.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [1310.0, 1310.0, 1310.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500822}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname":
- "exit01", "service": "ospfIf", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1637.0, 1637.0, 1637.0],
- "totalTime": [1643.0, 1643.0, 1643.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize":
- [174.0, 174.0, 174.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [3956.0, 3956.0,
- 3956.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500822}, {"namespace":
- "junos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "time", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [1647.0, 1647.0, 1647.0], "totalTime": [1652.0, 1652.0, 1652.0], "svcQsize": [3.0,
- 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [141.0, 141.0, 141.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0],
- "rxBytes": [544.0, 544.0, 544.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500823},
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500822}, {"namespace": "junos",
+ "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "time", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1647.0,
+ 1647.0, 1647.0], "totalTime": [1652.0, 1652.0, 1652.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0,
+ 3.0], "wrQsize": [141.0, 141.0, 141.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes":
+ [544.0, 544.0, 544.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500823},
{"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "server302", "service": "device", "status":
0, "gatherTime": [1676.0, 1676.0, 1676.0], "totalTime": [1683.0, 1683.0, 1683.0],
"svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [47.0, 47.0, 47.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0,
2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [564.0, 564.0, 564.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500824}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "ospfIf",
- "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1643.0, 1643.0, 1643.0], "totalTime": [1649.0, 1649.0,
- 1649.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [176.0, 176.0, 176.0], "nodeQsize":
- [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [3956.0, 3956.0, 3956.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587500828}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "spine2-nxos",
- "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1632.0, 1632.0, 1632.0], "totalTime":
- [1638.0, 1638.0, 1638.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [147.0, 147.0,
- 147.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [2060.0, 2060.0, 2060.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500828}, {"namespace": "junos",
- "hostname": "server202", "service": "time", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1652.0,
- 1652.0, 1652.0], "totalTime": [1657.0, 1657.0, 1657.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0,
- 2.0], "wrQsize": [143.0, 143.0, 143.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes":
- [543.0, 543.0, 543.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500829},
- {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "server301", "service": "device", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [1683.0, 1683.0, 1683.0], "totalTime": [1690.0, 1690.0, 1690.0],
- "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [49.0, 49.0, 49.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0,
- 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [564.0, 564.0, 564.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500831}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server201", "service": "time",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1658.0, 1658.0, 1658.0], "totalTime": [1663.0, 1663.0,
- 1663.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [145.0, 145.0, 145.0], "nodeQsize":
- [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [543.0, 543.0, 543.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587500834}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
+ 1652587500824}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "spine2-nxos", "service": "arpnd",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1632.0, 1632.0, 1632.0], "totalTime": [1638.0, 1638.0,
+ 1638.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [147.0, 147.0, 147.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [2060.0, 2060.0, 2060.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500828}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit02", "service":
+ "ospfIf", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1643.0, 1643.0, 1643.0], "totalTime":
+ [1649.0, 1649.0, 1649.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [176.0, 176.0,
+ 176.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [3956.0, 3956.0, 3956.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500828}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server202",
+ "service": "time", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1652.0, 1652.0, 1652.0], "totalTime":
+ [1657.0, 1657.0, 1657.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [143.0, 143.0,
+ 143.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [543.0, 543.0, 543.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500829}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "server301",
+ "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1683.0, 1683.0, 1683.0], "totalTime":
+ [1690.0, 1690.0, 1690.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [49.0, 49.0,
+ 49.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [564.0, 564.0, 564.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500831}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server201",
+ "service": "time", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1658.0, 1658.0, 1658.0], "totalTime":
+ [1663.0, 1663.0, 1663.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [145.0, 145.0,
+ 145.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [543.0, 543.0, 543.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500834}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
"ospfIf", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1649.0, 1649.0, 1649.0], "totalTime":
[1656.0, 1656.0, 1656.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [178.0, 178.0,
178.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [6211.0, 6211.0, 6211.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
@@ -81565,14 +81542,14 @@ tests:
1704.0, 1704.0], "totalTime": [1712.0, 1712.0, 1712.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0,
7.0], "wrQsize": [55.0, 55.0, 55.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes":
[1330.0, 1330.0, 1330.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500853},
- {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "ospfIf", "status": 200,
- "gatherTime": [1668.0, 1668.0, 1668.0], "totalTime": [1676.0, 1676.0, 1676.0],
- "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [184.0, 184.0, 184.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0,
- 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [6210.0, 6210.0, 6210.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500855}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "arpnd",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1678.0, 1678.0, 1678.0], "totalTime": [1684.0, 1684.0,
- 1684.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [151.0, 151.0, 151.0], "nodeQsize":
+ {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0,
+ "gatherTime": [1678.0, 1678.0, 1678.0], "totalTime": [1684.0, 1684.0, 1684.0],
+ "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [151.0, 151.0, 151.0], "nodeQsize":
[11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [3392.0, 3392.0, 3392.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500855}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine01", "service":
+ "ospfIf", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1668.0, 1668.0, 1668.0], "totalTime":
+ [1676.0, 1676.0, 1676.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [184.0, 184.0,
+ 184.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [6210.0, 6210.0, 6210.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587500855}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "firewall01",
"service": "ospfIf", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1676.0, 1676.0, 1676.0], "totalTime":
[1681.0, 1681.0, 1681.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [185.0, 185.0,
@@ -81659,24 +81636,24 @@ tests:
"ospfNbr", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1726.0, 1726.0, 1726.0], "totalTime":
[1731.0, 1731.0, 1731.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [200.0, 200.0,
200.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [1789.0, 1789.0, 1789.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500910}, {"namespace": "junos",
- "hostname": "server201", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1739.0,
- 1739.0, 1739.0], "totalTime": [1744.0, 1744.0, 1744.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0,
- 0.0], "wrQsize": [171.0, 171.0, 171.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes":
- [298.0, 298.0, 298.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500915},
- {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit01", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 200,
- "gatherTime": [1731.0, 1731.0, 1731.0], "totalTime": [1736.0, 1736.0, 1736.0],
- "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [202.0, 202.0, 202.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0,
- 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [1782.0, 1782.0, 1782.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500915}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "ospfNbr",
- "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1736.0, 1736.0, 1736.0], "totalTime": [1741.0, 1741.0,
- 1741.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [204.0, 204.0, 204.0], "nodeQsize":
- [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [1790.0, 1790.0, 1790.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500920}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "firewall01",
- "service": "ospfIf", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1744.0, 1744.0, 1744.0], "totalTime":
- [1751.0, 1751.0, 1751.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [172.0, 172.0,
- 172.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [226.0, 226.0, 226.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500922}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service":
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500910}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname":
+ "exit01", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1731.0, 1731.0,
+ 1731.0], "totalTime": [1736.0, 1736.0, 1736.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize":
+ [202.0, 202.0, 202.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [1782.0, 1782.0,
+ 1782.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500915}, {"namespace":
+ "junos", "hostname": "server201", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
+ [1739.0, 1739.0, 1739.0], "totalTime": [1744.0, 1744.0, 1744.0], "svcQsize": [0.0,
+ 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [171.0, 171.0, 171.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0],
+ "rxBytes": [298.0, 298.0, 298.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500915},
+ {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 200,
+ "gatherTime": [1736.0, 1736.0, 1736.0], "totalTime": [1741.0, 1741.0, 1741.0],
+ "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [204.0, 204.0, 204.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0,
+ 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [1790.0, 1790.0, 1790.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587500920}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "ospfIf",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1744.0, 1744.0, 1744.0], "totalTime": [1751.0, 1751.0,
+ 1751.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [172.0, 172.0, 172.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [226.0, 226.0, 226.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1652587500922}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service":
"bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1774.0, 1774.0, 1774.0], "totalTime": [1783.0,
1783.0, 1783.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [75.0, 75.0, 75.0], "nodeQsize":
[3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [6210.0, 6210.0, 6210.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
@@ -81806,26 +81783,26 @@ tests:
"service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1826.0, 1826.0, 1826.0], "totalTime":
[1829.0, 1829.0, 1829.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [245.0, 245.0,
245.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "rxBytes": [305.0, 305.0, 305.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587501009}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server301",
- "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1830.0, 1830.0, 1830.0], "totalTime":
- [1833.0, 1833.0, 1833.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [247.0, 247.0,
- 247.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "rxBytes": [306.0, 306.0, 306.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587501012}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "firewall01",
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587501009}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "firewall01",
"service": "bgp", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1853.0, 1853.0, 1853.0], "totalTime":
[1871.0, 1871.0, 1871.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [89.0, 89.0,
89.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [13216.0, 13216.0, 13216.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587501012}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server301",
+ "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1830.0, 1830.0, 1830.0], "totalTime":
+ [1833.0, 1833.0, 1833.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [247.0, 247.0,
+ 247.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "rxBytes": [306.0, 306.0, 306.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587501012}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "exit01", "service":
"macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1838.0, 1838.0, 1838.0], "totalTime": [1842.0,
1842.0, 1842.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [190.0, 190.0, 190.0],
"nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "rxBytes": [295.0, 295.0, 295.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587501013}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine02",
- "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1842.0, 1842.0, 1842.0], "totalTime":
- [1845.0, 1845.0, 1845.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [191.0, 191.0,
- 191.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "rxBytes": [296.0, 296.0, 296.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587501016}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server302",
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587501013}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server302",
"service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1833.0, 1833.0, 1833.0], "totalTime":
[1837.0, 1837.0, 1837.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [249.0, 249.0,
249.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "rxBytes": [365.0, 365.0, 365.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587501016}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine02",
+ "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1842.0, 1842.0, 1842.0], "totalTime":
+ [1845.0, 1845.0, 1845.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [191.0, 191.0,
+ 191.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "rxBytes": [296.0, 296.0, 296.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587501016}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "firewall01",
"service": "arpnd", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1871.0, 1871.0, 1871.0], "totalTime":
[1877.0, 1877.0, 1877.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [91.0, 91.0,
@@ -82032,14 +82009,14 @@ tests:
1982.0, 1982.0], "totalTime": [1987.0, 1987.0, 1987.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0,
3.0], "wrQsize": [127.0, 127.0, 127.0], "nodeQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "rxBytes":
[254.0, 254.0, 254.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587501128},
- {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "ospfNbr", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [1953.0, 1953.0, 1953.0], "totalTime": [1959.0, 1959.0, 1959.0],
- "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [225.0, 225.0, 225.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0,
- 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [16607.0, 16607.0, 16607.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587501130}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server102", "service":
- "ifCounters", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1946.0, 1946.0, 1946.0], "totalTime":
- [1951.0, 1951.0, 1951.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [296.0, 296.0,
- 296.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [1030.0, 1030.0, 1030.0],
+ {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "ifCounters", "status":
+ 0, "gatherTime": [1946.0, 1946.0, 1946.0], "totalTime": [1951.0, 1951.0, 1951.0],
+ "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [296.0, 296.0, 296.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [1030.0, 1030.0, 1030.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587501130}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine02",
+ "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1953.0, 1953.0, 1953.0], "totalTime":
+ [1959.0, 1959.0, 1959.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [225.0, 225.0,
+ 225.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [16607.0, 16607.0, 16607.0],
"pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587501130}, {"namespace": "panos",
"hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "mlag", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1987.0,
1987.0, 1987.0], "totalTime": [1992.0, 1992.0, 1992.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0,
@@ -82211,15 +82188,15 @@ tests:
[2023.0, 2023.0, 2023.0], "totalTime": [2031.0, 2031.0, 2031.0], "svcQsize": [3.0,
3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [246.0, 246.0, 246.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0],
"rxBytes": [3238.0, 3238.0, 3238.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587501202},
- {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [2023.0, 2023.0, 2023.0], "totalTime": [2028.0, 2028.0, 2028.0], "svcQsize": [0.0,
- 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [330.0, 330.0, 330.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0],
- "rxBytes": [3237.0, 3237.0, 3237.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587501207},
{"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "interfaces", "status":
0, "gatherTime": [2060.0, 2060.0, 2060.0], "totalTime": [2066.0, 2066.0, 2066.0],
"svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [157.0, 157.0, 157.0], "nodeQsize":
[8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [2736.0, 2736.0, 2736.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587501207}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "firewall01",
+ "timestamp": 1652587501207}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service":
+ "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [2023.0, 2023.0, 2023.0], "totalTime": [2028.0,
+ 2028.0, 2028.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [330.0, 330.0, 330.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "rxBytes": [3237.0, 3237.0, 3237.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587501207}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "firewall01",
"service": "interfaces", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [2066.0, 2066.0, 2066.0],
"totalTime": [2073.0, 2073.0, 2073.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize":
[159.0, 159.0, 159.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [6502.0, 6502.0,
@@ -83976,563 +83953,541 @@ tests:
0, "gatherTime": [893.0, 893.0, 893.0], "totalTime": [896.0, 896.0, 896.0], "svcQsize":
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [347.0, 347.0, 347.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0],
"rxBytes": [463.0, 463.0, 463.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587704070},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "lldp", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "totalTime": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "svcQsize": [13.0,
- 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
- [8053.0, 8053.0, 8053.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116827},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "service": "lldp", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "totalTime": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "svcQsize": [12.0,
- 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
- [244.0, 244.0, 244.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116829},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "lldp", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "totalTime": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "svcQsize": [11.0,
- 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
- [245.0, 245.0, 245.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116831},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "service": "lldp", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "totalTime": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "svcQsize":
- [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
- "rxBytes": [244.0, 244.0, 244.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116833},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "lldp", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "totalTime": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "svcQsize":
- [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
- [243.0, 243.0, 243.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116836},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "lldp", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "totalTime": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0], "svcQsize":
- [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
- [244.0, 244.0, 244.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116838},
{"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [17.0, 17.0, 17.0], "totalTime": [20.0, 20.0, 20.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0],
- "wrQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [5257.0,
- 5257.0, 5257.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116841}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [20.0,
- 20.0, 20.0], "totalTime": [23.0, 23.0, 23.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize":
- [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [3466.0, 3466.0,
- 3466.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116844}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [23.0,
- 23.0, 23.0], "totalTime": [25.0, 25.0, 25.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize":
- [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [4258.0, 4258.0,
- 4258.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116846}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [28.0,
- 28.0, 28.0], "totalTime": [31.0, 31.0, 31.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize":
- [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [5257.0, 5257.0,
- 5257.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116852}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [34.0,
- 34.0, 34.0], "totalTime": [37.0, 37.0, 37.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize":
- [20.0, 20.0, 20.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [3466.0, 3466.0,
- 3466.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116858}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [37.0,
- 37.0, 37.0], "totalTime": [40.0, 40.0, 40.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize":
- [22.0, 22.0, 22.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [4258.0, 4258.0,
- 4258.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116861}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [40.0, 40.0, 40.0], "totalTime": [42.0, 42.0, 42.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0],
- "wrQsize": [24.0, 24.0, 24.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [6347.0,
- 6347.0, 6347.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116863}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service": "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [44.0, 44.0, 44.0], "totalTime": [46.0, 46.0, 46.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0],
- "wrQsize": [28.0, 28.0, 28.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [6347.0,
- 6347.0, 6347.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116867}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [46.0, 46.0, 46.0], "totalTime": [48.0, 48.0, 48.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0],
- "wrQsize": [30.0, 30.0, 30.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [4804.0,
- 4804.0, 4804.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116869}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [48.0, 48.0, 48.0], "totalTime": [50.0, 50.0, 50.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0],
- "wrQsize": [32.0, 32.0, 32.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [4804.0,
- 4804.0, 4804.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116871}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [52.0, 52.0, 52.0], "totalTime": [54.0, 54.0, 54.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
- "wrQsize": [36.0, 36.0, 36.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [6501.0,
- 6501.0, 6501.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116875}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service": "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [54.0, 54.0, 54.0], "totalTime": [57.0, 57.0, 57.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
- "wrQsize": [38.0, 38.0, 38.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [6540.0,
- 6540.0, 6540.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116878}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [57.0, 57.0, 57.0], "totalTime": [62.0, 62.0, 62.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
- "wrQsize": [40.0, 40.0, 40.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [81467.0,
- 81467.0, 81467.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116883}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [62.0, 62.0, 62.0], "totalTime": [64.0, 64.0, 64.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0,
- 13.0], "wrQsize": [42.0, 42.0, 42.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes":
- [565.0, 565.0, 565.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116885},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "service": "device", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [64.0, 64.0, 64.0], "totalTime": [67.0, 67.0, 67.0], "svcQsize":
- [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [44.0, 44.0, 44.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
- "rxBytes": [562.0, 562.0, 562.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116888},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "service": "device", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [67.0, 67.0, 67.0], "totalTime": [70.0, 70.0, 70.0], "svcQsize":
- [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [46.0, 46.0, 46.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
- "rxBytes": [562.0, 562.0, 562.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116891},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "device", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [70.0, 70.0, 70.0], "totalTime": [73.0, 73.0, 73.0], "svcQsize":
- [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [48.0, 48.0, 48.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
- "rxBytes": [561.0, 561.0, 561.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116894},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "device", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [73.0, 73.0, 73.0], "totalTime": [75.0, 75.0, 75.0], "svcQsize":
- [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [50.0, 50.0, 50.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
- "rxBytes": [562.0, 562.0, 562.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116896},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "device", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [81.0, 81.0, 81.0], "totalTime": [84.0, 84.0, 84.0], "svcQsize":
- [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [56.0, 56.0, 56.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
- "rxBytes": [1621.0, 1621.0, 1621.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116905},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "device", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [84.0, 84.0, 84.0], "totalTime": [87.0, 87.0, 87.0], "svcQsize":
- [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [58.0, 58.0, 58.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
- "rxBytes": [1622.0, 1622.0, 1622.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116908},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service": "device", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [87.0, 87.0, 87.0], "totalTime": [90.0, 90.0, 90.0], "svcQsize":
- [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [60.0, 60.0, 60.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
- "rxBytes": [1620.0, 1620.0, 1620.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116911},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service": "device", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [90.0, 90.0, 90.0], "totalTime": [93.0, 93.0, 93.0], "svcQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [62.0, 62.0, 62.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
- "rxBytes": [1622.0, 1622.0, 1622.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116914},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "device", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [93.0, 93.0, 93.0], "totalTime": [95.0, 95.0, 95.0], "svcQsize":
- [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [64.0, 64.0, 64.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
- "rxBytes": [1623.0, 1623.0, 1623.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116916},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "device", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [96.0, 96.0, 96.0], "totalTime": [98.0, 98.0, 98.0], "svcQsize":
- [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [66.0, 66.0, 66.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
- "rxBytes": [1623.0, 1623.0, 1623.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116919},
+ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "totalTime": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0],
+ "wrQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [5257.0,
+ 5257.0, 5257.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656298577}, {"namespace":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [8.0,
+ 8.0, 8.0], "totalTime": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize":
+ [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [3466.0, 3466.0, 3466.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656298582}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "leaf03", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "totalTime":
+ [18.0, 18.0, 18.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [4258.0, 4258.0, 4258.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298587}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
+ "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [23.0, 23.0, 23.0], "totalTime": [28.0, 28.0,
+ 28.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0,
+ 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [5257.0, 5257.0, 5257.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298597}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "lldp",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [33.0, 33.0, 33.0], "totalTime": [38.0, 38.0, 38.0],
+ "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0,
+ 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [3466.0, 3466.0, 3466.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298607}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "lldp",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [38.0, 38.0, 38.0], "totalTime": [43.0, 43.0, 43.0],
+ "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0,
+ 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [4258.0, 4258.0, 4258.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298612}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "service": "lldp",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [43.0, 43.0, 43.0], "totalTime": [47.0, 47.0, 47.0],
+ "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0,
+ 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [244.0, 244.0, 244.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298616}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "lldp",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [47.0, 47.0, 47.0], "totalTime": [51.0, 51.0, 51.0],
+ "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0,
+ 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [245.0, 245.0, 245.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298620}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "service": "lldp",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [51.0, 51.0, 51.0], "totalTime": [55.0, 55.0, 55.0],
+ "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [18.0, 18.0, 18.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0,
+ 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [244.0, 244.0, 244.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298624}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "lldp",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [55.0, 55.0, 55.0], "totalTime": [60.0, 60.0, 60.0],
+ "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [19.0, 19.0, 19.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0,
+ 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [243.0, 243.0, 243.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298629}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "lldp",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [60.0, 60.0, 60.0], "totalTime": [64.0, 64.0, 64.0],
+ "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [20.0, 20.0, 20.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0,
+ 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [244.0, 244.0, 244.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298633}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "lldp",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [64.0, 64.0, 64.0], "totalTime": [69.0, 69.0, 69.0],
+ "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [22.0, 22.0, 22.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0,
+ 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [8053.0, 8053.0, 8053.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298638}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "mlag",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [77.0, 77.0, 77.0], "totalTime": [84.0, 84.0, 84.0],
+ "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [26.0, 26.0, 26.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0,
+ 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [3938.0, 3938.0, 3938.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298653}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service": "mlag",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [92.0, 92.0, 92.0], "totalTime": [99.0, 99.0, 99.0],
+ "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [30.0, 30.0, 30.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0,
+ 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [3934.0, 3934.0, 3934.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298668}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "time",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [99.0, 99.0, 99.0], "totalTime": [103.0, 103.0, 103.0],
+ "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [32.0, 32.0, 32.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0,
+ 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [544.0, 544.0, 544.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298672}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "service": "time",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [103.0, 103.0, 103.0], "totalTime": [107.0, 107.0,
+ 107.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [34.0, 34.0, 34.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [543.0, 543.0, 543.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298676}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "service": "time",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [107.0, 107.0, 107.0], "totalTime": [111.0, 111.0,
+ 111.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [36.0, 36.0, 36.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [543.0, 543.0, 543.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298680}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "time",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [111.0, 111.0, 111.0], "totalTime": [115.0, 115.0,
+ 115.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [38.0, 38.0, 38.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [543.0, 543.0, 543.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298684}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "time",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [115.0, 115.0, 115.0], "totalTime": [119.0, 119.0,
+ 119.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [40.0, 40.0, 40.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [542.0, 542.0, 542.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298688}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "evpnVni",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [119.0, 119.0, 119.0], "totalTime": [125.0, 125.0,
+ 125.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [41.0, 41.0, 41.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [221.0, 221.0, 221.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298695}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "evpnVni",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [126.0, 126.0, 126.0], "totalTime": [132.0, 132.0,
+ 132.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [42.0, 42.0, 42.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [1194.0, 1194.0, 1194.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656298701}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service":
+ "evpnVni", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [132.0, 132.0, 132.0], "totalTime": [139.0,
+ 139.0, 139.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [44.0, 44.0, 44.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [2106.0, 2106.0, 2106.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656298708}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service":
+ "evpnVni", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [146.0, 146.0, 146.0], "totalTime": [152.0,
+ 152.0, 152.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [48.0, 48.0, 48.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [2536.0, 2536.0, 2536.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656298721}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service":
+ "evpnVni", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [153.0, 153.0, 153.0], "totalTime": [159.0,
+ 159.0, 159.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [50.0, 50.0, 50.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [2106.0, 2106.0, 2106.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656298728}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service":
+ "evpnVni", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [166.0, 166.0, 166.0], "totalTime": [173.0,
+ 173.0, 173.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [54.0, 54.0, 54.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [2536.0, 2536.0, 2536.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656298742}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service":
+ "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [173.0, 173.0, 173.0], "totalTime": [179.0,
+ 179.0, 179.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [56.0, 56.0, 56.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [81467.0, 81467.0, 81467.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298748}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service":
+ "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [179.0, 179.0, 179.0], "totalTime": [182.0,
+ 182.0, 182.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [58.0, 58.0, 58.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [6347.0, 6347.0, 6347.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656298751}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service":
+ "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [185.0, 185.0, 185.0], "totalTime": [188.0,
+ 188.0, 188.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [62.0, 62.0, 62.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [6347.0, 6347.0, 6347.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656298757}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service":
+ "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [188.0, 188.0, 188.0], "totalTime": [191.0,
+ 191.0, 191.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [64.0, 64.0, 64.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [4804.0, 4804.0, 4804.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656298760}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
+ "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [191.0, 191.0, 191.0], "totalTime": [194.0,
+ 194.0, 194.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [66.0, 66.0, 66.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [4804.0, 4804.0, 4804.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656298763}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service":
+ "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [197.0, 197.0, 197.0], "totalTime": [201.0,
+ 201.0, 201.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [70.0, 70.0, 70.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [6501.0, 6501.0, 6501.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656298770}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service":
+ "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [201.0, 201.0, 201.0], "totalTime": [204.0,
+ 204.0, 204.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [72.0, 72.0, 72.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [6540.0, 6540.0, 6540.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656298773}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service":
+ "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [204.0, 204.0, 204.0], "totalTime": [208.0, 208.0,
+ 208.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [74.0, 74.0, 74.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [696.0, 696.0, 696.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298777}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "service": "fs",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [208.0, 208.0, 208.0], "totalTime": [213.0, 213.0,
+ 213.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [76.0, 76.0, 76.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [695.0, 695.0, 695.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298782}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "service": "fs",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [213.0, 213.0, 213.0], "totalTime": [217.0, 217.0,
+ 217.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [78.0, 78.0, 78.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [695.0, 695.0, 695.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298786}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "fs",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [217.0, 217.0, 217.0], "totalTime": [221.0, 221.0,
+ 221.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [80.0, 80.0, 80.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [695.0, 695.0, 695.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298790}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "fs",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [221.0, 221.0, 221.0], "totalTime": [226.0, 226.0,
+ 226.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [82.0, 82.0, 82.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [694.0, 694.0, 694.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298795}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "interfaces",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [226.0, 226.0, 226.0], "totalTime": [245.0, 245.0,
+ 245.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [84.0, 84.0, 84.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [42858.0, 42858.0, 42858.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298814}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service":
+ "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [281.0, 281.0, 281.0], "totalTime": [299.0,
+ 299.0, 299.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [90.0, 90.0, 90.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [42866.0, 42866.0, 42866.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298868}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service":
+ "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [299.0, 299.0, 299.0], "totalTime": [318.0,
+ 318.0, 318.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [92.0, 92.0, 92.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [43643.0, 43643.0, 43643.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298887}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service":
+ "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [318.0, 318.0, 318.0], "totalTime": [337.0,
+ 337.0, 337.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [94.0, 94.0, 94.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [43657.0, 43657.0, 43657.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298906}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
+ "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [337.0, 337.0, 337.0], "totalTime": [355.0,
+ 355.0, 355.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [96.0, 96.0, 96.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [38760.0, 38760.0, 38760.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298924}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service":
+ "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [355.0, 355.0, 355.0], "totalTime": [373.0,
+ 373.0, 373.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [98.0, 98.0, 98.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [38760.0, 38760.0, 38760.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298942}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302",
+ "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [373.0, 373.0, 373.0], "totalTime":
+ [381.0, 381.0, 381.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [100.0, 100.0,
+ 100.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [2740.0, 2740.0, 2740.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298950}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01",
+ "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [381.0, 381.0, 381.0], "totalTime":
+ [390.0, 390.0, 390.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [102.0, 102.0,
+ 102.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [3970.0, 3970.0, 3970.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298959}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301",
+ "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [390.0, 390.0, 390.0], "totalTime":
+ [399.0, 399.0, 399.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [104.0, 104.0,
+ 104.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [2740.0, 2740.0, 2740.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298968}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102",
+ "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [399.0, 399.0, 399.0], "totalTime":
+ [407.0, 407.0, 407.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [106.0, 106.0,
+ 106.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [2739.0, 2739.0, 2739.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298976}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101",
+ "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [407.0, 407.0, 407.0], "totalTime":
+ [415.0, 415.0, 415.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [108.0, 108.0,
+ 108.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [2741.0, 2741.0, 2741.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298984}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
+ "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [415.0, 415.0, 415.0], "totalTime":
+ [433.0, 433.0, 433.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [110.0, 110.0,
+ 110.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [241993.0, 241993.0, 241993.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299002}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "firewall01", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [433.0, 433.0,
+ 433.0], "totalTime": [440.0, 440.0, 440.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize":
+ [111.0, 111.0, 111.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [457.0, 457.0,
+ 457.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299009}, {"namespace": "nxos",
+ "hostname": "exit02", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [453.0,
+ 453.0, 453.0], "totalTime": [459.0, 459.0, 459.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0],
+ "wrQsize": [117.0, 117.0, 117.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [763.0,
+ 763.0, 763.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299028}, {"namespace":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
+ [459.0, 459.0, 459.0], "totalTime": [466.0, 466.0, 466.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0,
+ 5.0], "wrQsize": [119.0, 119.0, 119.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes":
+ [763.0, 763.0, 763.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299035},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0,
+ "gatherTime": [466.0, 466.0, 466.0], "totalTime": [472.0, 472.0, 472.0], "svcQsize":
+ [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [121.0, 121.0, 121.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0],
+ "rxBytes": [773.0, 773.0, 773.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299041},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0,
+ "gatherTime": [472.0, 472.0, 472.0], "totalTime": [479.0, 479.0, 479.0], "svcQsize":
+ [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [123.0, 123.0, 123.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0],
+ "rxBytes": [1657.0, 1657.0, 1657.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299048},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0,
+ "gatherTime": [479.0, 479.0, 479.0], "totalTime": [485.0, 485.0, 485.0], "svcQsize":
+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [125.0, 125.0, 125.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0],
+ "rxBytes": [773.0, 773.0, 773.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299054},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0,
+ "gatherTime": [485.0, 485.0, 485.0], "totalTime": [492.0, 492.0, 492.0], "svcQsize":
+ [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [127.0, 127.0, 127.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0],
+ "rxBytes": [1662.0, 1662.0, 1662.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299061},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "ospfNbr", "status":
+ 0, "gatherTime": [492.0, 492.0, 492.0], "totalTime": [498.0, 498.0, 498.0], "svcQsize":
+ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [128.0, 128.0, 128.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0],
+ "rxBytes": [340.0, 340.0, 340.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299067},
{"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "device", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [98.0, 98.0, 98.0], "totalTime": [101.0, 101.0, 101.0], "svcQsize":
- [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [68.0, 68.0, 68.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
- "rxBytes": [4983.0, 4983.0, 4983.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116922},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [101.0, 101.0, 101.0], "totalTime": [109.0, 109.0, 109.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0,
- 9.0], "wrQsize": [70.0, 70.0, 70.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes":
- [27779.0, 27779.0, 27779.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116930},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "bgp", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [109.0, 109.0, 109.0], "totalTime": [117.0, 117.0, 117.0], "svcQsize":
- [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [72.0, 72.0, 72.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0],
- "rxBytes": [21554.0, 21554.0, 21554.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652621116938}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "bgp",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [117.0, 117.0, 117.0], "totalTime": [124.0, 124.0,
- 124.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [74.0, 74.0, 74.0], "nodeQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [10401.0, 10401.0, 10401.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621116945}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service":
- "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [125.0, 125.0, 125.0], "totalTime": [134.0,
- 134.0, 134.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [76.0, 76.0, 76.0], "nodeQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [23871.0, 23871.0, 23871.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621116955}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service":
- "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [134.0, 134.0, 134.0], "totalTime": [144.0,
- 144.0, 144.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [78.0, 78.0, 78.0], "nodeQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [26901.0, 26901.0, 26901.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621116965}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service":
- "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [151.0, 151.0, 151.0], "totalTime": [160.0,
- 160.0, 160.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [82.0, 82.0, 82.0], "nodeQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [23932.0, 23932.0, 23932.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621116981}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
- "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [168.0, 168.0, 168.0], "totalTime": [178.0,
- 178.0, 178.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [86.0, 86.0, 86.0], "nodeQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [26913.0, 26913.0, 26913.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621116999}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service":
- "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [178.0, 178.0, 178.0], "totalTime": [186.0,
- 186.0, 186.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [88.0, 88.0, 88.0], "nodeQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [10400.0, 10400.0, 10400.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117007}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service":
- "mlag", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [190.0, 190.0, 190.0], "totalTime": [194.0,
- 194.0, 194.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [92.0, 92.0, 92.0], "nodeQsize":
- [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [3938.0, 3938.0, 3938.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652621117015}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service":
- "mlag", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [198.0, 198.0, 198.0], "totalTime": [202.0,
- 202.0, 202.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [96.0, 96.0, 96.0], "nodeQsize":
- [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [3934.0, 3934.0, 3934.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652621117023}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service":
- "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [202.0, 202.0, 202.0], "totalTime": [213.0,
- 213.0, 213.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [98.0, 98.0, 98.0],
- "nodeQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [17796.0, 17796.0, 17796.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117034}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service":
- "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [221.0, 221.0, 221.0], "totalTime": [229.0,
- 229.0, 229.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [102.0, 102.0, 102.0],
- "nodeQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [11527.0, 11527.0, 11527.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117050}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service":
- "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [229.0, 229.0, 229.0], "totalTime": [235.0,
- 235.0, 235.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [104.0, 104.0, 104.0],
- "nodeQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [6401.0, 6401.0, 6401.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117056}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service":
- "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [235.0, 235.0, 235.0], "totalTime": [246.0,
- 246.0, 246.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [106.0, 106.0, 106.0],
- "nodeQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [17793.0, 17793.0, 17793.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117067}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service":
- "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [255.0, 255.0, 255.0], "totalTime": [263.0,
- 263.0, 263.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [110.0, 110.0, 110.0],
- "nodeQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [11527.0, 11527.0, 11527.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117084}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
- "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [263.0, 263.0, 263.0], "totalTime": [269.0,
- 269.0, 269.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [112.0, 112.0, 112.0],
- "nodeQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [6401.0, 6401.0, 6401.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117090}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302",
- "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [269.0, 269.0, 269.0], "totalTime":
- [273.0, 273.0, 273.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [114.0, 114.0,
- 114.0], "nodeQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [1761.0, 1761.0, 1761.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117094}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01",
- "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [273.0, 273.0, 273.0], "totalTime":
- [278.0, 278.0, 278.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [116.0, 116.0,
- 116.0], "nodeQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [4707.0, 4707.0, 4707.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117099}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301",
- "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [278.0, 278.0, 278.0], "totalTime":
- [283.0, 283.0, 283.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [118.0, 118.0,
- 118.0], "nodeQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [1761.0, 1761.0, 1761.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117104}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102",
- "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [283.0, 283.0, 283.0], "totalTime":
- [287.0, 287.0, 287.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [120.0, 120.0,
- 120.0], "nodeQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [1754.0, 1754.0, 1754.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117108}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101",
- "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [287.0, 287.0, 287.0], "totalTime":
- [291.0, 291.0, 291.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [122.0, 122.0,
- 122.0], "nodeQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [1762.0, 1762.0, 1762.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117112}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
- "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [291.0, 291.0, 291.0], "totalTime":
- [298.0, 298.0, 298.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [124.0, 124.0,
- 124.0], "nodeQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [39845.0, 39845.0, 39845.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117119}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "dcedge01", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [298.0, 298.0, 298.0],
- "totalTime": [300.0, 300.0, 300.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize":
- [126.0, 126.0, 126.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [2623.0, 2623.0,
- 2623.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117121}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [300.0,
- 300.0, 300.0], "totalTime": [303.0, 303.0, 303.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0],
- "wrQsize": [128.0, 128.0, 128.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [1362.0,
- 1362.0, 1362.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117124}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [303.0,
- 303.0, 303.0], "totalTime": [305.0, 305.0, 305.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0],
- "wrQsize": [130.0, 130.0, 130.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [1920.0,
- 1920.0, 1920.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117126}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [305.0,
- 305.0, 305.0], "totalTime": [308.0, 308.0, 308.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0],
- "wrQsize": [132.0, 132.0, 132.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [1362.0,
- 1362.0, 1362.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117129}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [308.0,
- 308.0, 308.0], "totalTime": [310.0, 310.0, 310.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0],
- "wrQsize": [134.0, 134.0, 134.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [1184.0,
- 1184.0, 1184.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117131}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [310.0,
- 310.0, 310.0], "totalTime": [312.0, 312.0, 312.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0],
- "wrQsize": [136.0, 136.0, 136.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [1920.0,
- 1920.0, 1920.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117133}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [312.0,
- 312.0, 312.0], "totalTime": [315.0, 315.0, 315.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0],
- "wrQsize": [138.0, 138.0, 138.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [1184.0,
- 1184.0, 1184.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117136}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [319.0, 319.0, 319.0], "totalTime": [321.0, 321.0, 321.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0,
- 4.0], "wrQsize": [143.0, 143.0, 143.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes":
- [220.0, 220.0, 220.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117142},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "vlan", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [321.0, 321.0, 321.0], "totalTime": [324.0, 324.0, 324.0], "svcQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [144.0, 144.0, 144.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0],
- "rxBytes": [221.0, 221.0, 221.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117145},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "service": "vlan", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [324.0, 324.0, 324.0], "totalTime": [326.0, 326.0, 326.0], "svcQsize":
- [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [145.0, 145.0, 145.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0],
- "rxBytes": [220.0, 220.0, 220.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117147},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "vlan", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [326.0, 326.0, 326.0], "totalTime": [328.0, 328.0, 328.0], "svcQsize":
- [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [146.0, 146.0, 146.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0],
- "rxBytes": [219.0, 219.0, 219.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117149},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "vlan", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [328.0, 328.0, 328.0], "totalTime": [330.0, 330.0, 330.0], "svcQsize":
- [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [147.0, 147.0, 147.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0],
- "rxBytes": [220.0, 220.0, 220.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117151},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "ospfIf", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [330.0, 330.0, 330.0], "totalTime": [334.0, 334.0, 334.0], "svcQsize":
- [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [149.0, 149.0, 149.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0],
- "rxBytes": [2928.0, 2928.0, 2928.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117155},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "ospfIf", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [343.0, 343.0, 343.0], "totalTime": [347.0, 347.0, 347.0], "svcQsize":
- [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [155.0, 155.0, 155.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0],
- "rxBytes": [4826.0, 4826.0, 4826.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117168},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "ospfIf", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [347.0, 347.0, 347.0], "totalTime": [352.0, 352.0, 352.0], "svcQsize":
- [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [157.0, 157.0, 157.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0],
- "rxBytes": [2927.0, 2927.0, 2927.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117173},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service": "ospfIf", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [352.0, 352.0, 352.0], "totalTime": [356.0, 356.0, 356.0], "svcQsize":
- [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [159.0, 159.0, 159.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0],
- "rxBytes": [2927.0, 2927.0, 2927.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117177},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service": "ospfIf", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [356.0, 356.0, 356.0], "totalTime": [360.0, 360.0, 360.0], "svcQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [161.0, 161.0, 161.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0],
- "rxBytes": [2928.0, 2928.0, 2928.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117181},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "ospfIf", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [360.0, 360.0, 360.0], "totalTime": [365.0, 365.0, 365.0], "svcQsize":
- [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [163.0, 163.0, 163.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0],
- "rxBytes": [4826.0, 4826.0, 4826.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117186},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "ospfIf", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [365.0, 365.0, 365.0], "totalTime": [368.0, 368.0, 368.0], "svcQsize":
- [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [164.0, 164.0, 164.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0],
- "rxBytes": [226.0, 226.0, 226.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117189},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "ospfIf", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [368.0, 368.0, 368.0], "totalTime": [372.0, 372.0, 372.0], "svcQsize":
- [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [165.0, 165.0, 165.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0],
- "rxBytes": [648.0, 648.0, 648.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117193},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "time", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [372.0, 372.0, 372.0], "totalTime": [375.0, 375.0, 375.0], "svcQsize":
- [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [167.0, 167.0, 167.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0],
- "rxBytes": [544.0, 544.0, 544.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117196},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "service": "time", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [375.0, 375.0, 375.0], "totalTime": [377.0, 377.0, 377.0], "svcQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [169.0, 169.0, 169.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0],
- "rxBytes": [543.0, 543.0, 543.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117198},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "service": "time", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [377.0, 377.0, 377.0], "totalTime": [379.0, 379.0, 379.0], "svcQsize":
- [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [171.0, 171.0, 171.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0],
- "rxBytes": [543.0, 543.0, 543.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117200},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "time", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [379.0, 379.0, 379.0], "totalTime": [382.0, 382.0, 382.0], "svcQsize":
- [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [173.0, 173.0, 173.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0],
- "rxBytes": [543.0, 543.0, 543.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117203},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "time", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [382.0, 382.0, 382.0], "totalTime": [384.0, 384.0, 384.0], "svcQsize":
- [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [175.0, 175.0, 175.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0],
- "rxBytes": [542.0, 542.0, 542.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117205},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "macs", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [384.0, 384.0, 384.0], "totalTime": [386.0, 386.0, 386.0], "svcQsize":
- [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [176.0, 176.0, 176.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0,
- 11.0], "rxBytes": [303.0, 303.0, 303.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652621117207}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "macs",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [386.0, 386.0, 386.0], "totalTime": [389.0, 389.0,
- 389.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [178.0, 178.0, 178.0], "nodeQsize":
- [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [411.0, 411.0, 411.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652621117210}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service":
- "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [389.0, 389.0, 389.0], "totalTime": [392.0,
- 392.0, 392.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [180.0, 180.0, 180.0],
- "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [1349.0, 1349.0, 1349.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117213}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service":
- "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [392.0, 392.0, 392.0], "totalTime": [396.0,
- 396.0, 396.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [182.0, 182.0, 182.0],
- "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [2589.0, 2589.0, 2589.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117217}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service":
- "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [396.0, 396.0, 396.0], "totalTime": [399.0,
- 399.0, 399.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [184.0, 184.0, 184.0],
- "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [1349.0, 1349.0, 1349.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117220}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service":
- "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [402.0, 402.0, 402.0], "totalTime": [405.0,
- 405.0, 405.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [188.0, 188.0, 188.0],
- "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [411.0, 411.0, 411.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117226}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service":
- "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [408.0, 408.0, 408.0], "totalTime": [412.0,
- 412.0, 412.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [192.0, 192.0, 192.0],
- "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [2589.0, 2589.0, 2589.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117233}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302",
- "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [412.0, 412.0, 412.0], "totalTime":
- [415.0, 415.0, 415.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [194.0, 194.0,
- 194.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [1324.0, 1324.0, 1324.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117236}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "server301", "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [415.0, 415.0, 415.0],
- "totalTime": [419.0, 419.0, 419.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [196.0,
- 196.0, 196.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [1324.0, 1324.0, 1324.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117240}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "firewall01", "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [420.0, 420.0, 420.0],
- "totalTime": [424.0, 424.0, 424.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [198.0,
- 198.0, 198.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [1699.0, 1699.0, 1699.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117245}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "server102", "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [424.0, 424.0, 424.0],
- "totalTime": [428.0, 428.0, 428.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [200.0,
- 200.0, 200.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [1323.0, 1323.0, 1323.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117249}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "server101", "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [428.0, 428.0, 428.0],
- "totalTime": [432.0, 432.0, 432.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [202.0,
- 202.0, 202.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [1324.0, 1324.0, 1324.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117253}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "exit02", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [439.0, 439.0, 439.0],
- "totalTime": [442.0, 442.0, 442.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [208.0,
- 208.0, 208.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [763.0, 763.0, 763.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117263}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "exit01", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [442.0, 442.0, 442.0],
- "totalTime": [446.0, 446.0, 446.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [210.0,
- 210.0, 210.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [763.0, 763.0, 763.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117267}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "leaf04", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [446.0, 446.0, 446.0],
- "totalTime": [449.0, 449.0, 449.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [212.0,
- 212.0, 212.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [773.0, 773.0, 773.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117270}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "spine01", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [449.0, 449.0, 449.0],
- "totalTime": [453.0, 453.0, 453.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [214.0,
- 214.0, 214.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [1657.0, 1657.0, 1657.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117274}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "leaf03", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [453.0, 453.0, 453.0],
- "totalTime": [456.0, 456.0, 456.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [216.0,
- 216.0, 216.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [773.0, 773.0, 773.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117277}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "spine02", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [456.0, 456.0, 456.0],
- "totalTime": [460.0, 460.0, 460.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [218.0,
- 218.0, 218.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [1662.0, 1662.0, 1662.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117281}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "firewall01", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [460.0, 460.0,
- 460.0], "totalTime": [463.0, 463.0, 463.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize":
- [219.0, 219.0, 219.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [457.0, 457.0,
- 457.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117284}, {"namespace": "nxos",
- "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [463.0,
- 463.0, 463.0], "totalTime": [467.0, 467.0, 467.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
- "wrQsize": [220.0, 220.0, 220.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes":
- [340.0, 340.0, 340.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117288},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "ifCounters", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [467.0, 467.0, 467.0], "totalTime": [471.0, 471.0, 471.0], "svcQsize":
- [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [222.0, 222.0, 222.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0],
- "rxBytes": [1648.0, 1648.0, 1648.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117292},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "service": "ifCounters", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [471.0, 471.0, 471.0], "totalTime": [475.0, 475.0, 475.0], "svcQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [224.0, 224.0, 224.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0],
- "rxBytes": [1023.0, 1023.0, 1023.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117296},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "service": "ifCounters", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [475.0, 475.0, 475.0], "totalTime": [479.0, 479.0, 479.0], "svcQsize":
- [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [226.0, 226.0, 226.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0],
- "rxBytes": [1023.0, 1023.0, 1023.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117300},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "ifCounters", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [479.0, 479.0, 479.0], "totalTime": [483.0, 483.0, 483.0], "svcQsize":
- [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [228.0, 228.0, 228.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0],
- "rxBytes": [1023.0, 1023.0, 1023.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117304},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "ifCounters", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [483.0, 483.0, 483.0], "totalTime": [486.0, 486.0, 486.0], "svcQsize":
- [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [230.0, 230.0, 230.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0],
- "rxBytes": [1022.0, 1022.0, 1022.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117307},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "service": "interfaces", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [486.0, 486.0, 486.0], "totalTime": [491.0, 491.0, 491.0], "svcQsize":
- [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [232.0, 232.0, 232.0], "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0,
- 14.0], "rxBytes": [2740.0, 2740.0, 2740.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652621117312}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "interfaces",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [491.0, 491.0, 491.0], "totalTime": [496.0, 496.0,
- 496.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [234.0, 234.0, 234.0], "nodeQsize":
- [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes": [3970.0, 3970.0, 3970.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117317}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301",
- "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [496.0, 496.0, 496.0], "totalTime":
- [501.0, 501.0, 501.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [236.0, 236.0,
- 236.0], "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes": [2740.0, 2740.0, 2740.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117322}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "server102", "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [501.0, 501.0,
- 501.0], "totalTime": [505.0, 505.0, 505.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize":
- [238.0, 238.0, 238.0], "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes": [2739.0, 2739.0,
- 2739.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117326}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [506.0, 506.0, 506.0], "totalTime": [510.0, 510.0, 510.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0,
- 9.0], "wrQsize": [240.0, 240.0, 240.0], "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes":
- [2741.0, 2741.0, 2741.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117331},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "interfaces", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [510.0, 510.0, 510.0], "totalTime": [525.0, 525.0, 525.0], "svcQsize":
- [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [242.0, 242.0, 242.0], "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0],
- "rxBytes": [241993.0, 241993.0, 241993.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652621117346}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "interfaces",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [525.0, 525.0, 525.0], "totalTime": [541.0, 541.0,
- 541.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [244.0, 244.0, 244.0], "nodeQsize":
- [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes": [42858.0, 42858.0, 42858.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117362}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service":
- "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [571.0, 571.0, 571.0], "totalTime": [586.0,
- 586.0, 586.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [250.0, 250.0, 250.0],
- "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes": [42866.0, 42866.0, 42866.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117407}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service":
- "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [586.0, 586.0, 586.0], "totalTime": [601.0,
- 601.0, 601.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [252.0, 252.0, 252.0],
- "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes": [43643.0, 43643.0, 43643.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117422}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service":
- "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [601.0, 601.0, 601.0], "totalTime": [616.0,
- 616.0, 616.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [254.0, 254.0, 254.0],
- "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes": [43657.0, 43657.0, 43657.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117437}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
- "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [616.0, 616.0, 616.0], "totalTime": [630.0,
- 630.0, 630.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [256.0, 256.0, 256.0],
- "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes": [38760.0, 38760.0, 38760.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117451}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service":
- "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [630.0, 630.0, 630.0], "totalTime": [644.0,
- 644.0, 644.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [258.0, 258.0, 258.0],
- "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes": [38760.0, 38760.0, 38760.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117465}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01",
- "service": "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [644.0, 644.0, 644.0], "totalTime":
- [646.0, 646.0, 646.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [260.0, 260.0,
- 260.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [696.0, 696.0, 696.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117467}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302",
- "service": "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [646.0, 646.0, 646.0], "totalTime":
- [649.0, 649.0, 649.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [262.0, 262.0,
- 262.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [695.0, 695.0, 695.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117470}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301",
- "service": "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [649.0, 649.0, 649.0], "totalTime":
- [652.0, 652.0, 652.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [264.0, 264.0,
- 264.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [695.0, 695.0, 695.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117473}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101",
- "service": "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [652.0, 652.0, 652.0], "totalTime":
- [655.0, 655.0, 655.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [266.0, 266.0,
- 266.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [695.0, 695.0, 695.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117476}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102",
- "service": "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [655.0, 655.0, 655.0], "totalTime":
- [658.0, 658.0, 658.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [268.0, 268.0,
- 268.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [694.0, 694.0, 694.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117479}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
- "service": "evpnVni", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [658.0, 658.0, 658.0], "totalTime":
- [661.0, 661.0, 661.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [269.0, 269.0,
- 269.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "rxBytes": [1194.0, 1194.0, 1194.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117482}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "firewall01", "service": "evpnVni", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [662.0, 662.0,
- 662.0], "totalTime": [665.0, 665.0, 665.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize":
- [270.0, 270.0, 270.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "rxBytes": [221.0, 221.0,
- 221.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117486}, {"namespace": "nxos",
- "hostname": "exit01", "service": "evpnVni", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [665.0,
- 665.0, 665.0], "totalTime": [668.0, 668.0, 668.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0],
- "wrQsize": [272.0, 272.0, 272.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "rxBytes":
- [2106.0, 2106.0, 2106.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117489},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "evpnVni", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [672.0, 672.0, 672.0], "totalTime": [676.0, 676.0, 676.0], "svcQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [276.0, 276.0, 276.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0],
- "rxBytes": [2536.0, 2536.0, 2536.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117497},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "evpnVni", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [676.0, 676.0, 676.0], "totalTime": [680.0, 680.0, 680.0], "svcQsize":
- [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [278.0, 278.0, 278.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0],
- "rxBytes": [2106.0, 2106.0, 2106.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117501},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service": "evpnVni", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [683.0, 683.0, 683.0], "totalTime": [687.0, 687.0, 687.0], "svcQsize":
- [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [282.0, 282.0, 282.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0],
- "rxBytes": [2536.0, 2536.0, 2536.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117508},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [687.0, 687.0, 687.0], "totalTime": [690.0, 690.0, 690.0], "svcQsize": [13.0,
- 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [284.0, 284.0, 284.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0],
- "rxBytes": [1700.0, 1700.0, 1700.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117511},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [690.0, 690.0, 690.0], "totalTime": [692.0, 692.0, 692.0], "svcQsize": [12.0,
- 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [286.0, 286.0, 286.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0],
- "rxBytes": [1873.0, 1873.0, 1873.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117513},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [692.0, 692.0, 692.0], "totalTime": [695.0, 695.0, 695.0], "svcQsize": [11.0,
- 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [288.0, 288.0, 288.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0],
- "rxBytes": [1872.0, 1872.0, 1872.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117516},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [700.0, 700.0, 700.0], "totalTime": [703.0, 703.0, 703.0], "svcQsize":
- [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [294.0, 294.0, 294.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0],
- "rxBytes": [1851.0, 1851.0, 1851.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117524},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [703.0, 703.0, 703.0], "totalTime": [706.0, 706.0, 706.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0,
- 7.0], "wrQsize": [296.0, 296.0, 296.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0], "rxBytes":
- [1701.0, 1701.0, 1701.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117527},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [706.0, 706.0, 706.0], "totalTime": [709.0, 709.0, 709.0], "svcQsize":
- [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [298.0, 298.0, 298.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0],
- "rxBytes": [1850.0, 1850.0, 1850.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117530},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "arpnd", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [709.0, 709.0, 709.0], "totalTime": [711.0, 711.0, 711.0], "svcQsize":
- [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [300.0, 300.0, 300.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0],
- "rxBytes": [680.0, 680.0, 680.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117532},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [711.0, 711.0, 711.0], "totalTime": [714.0, 714.0, 714.0], "svcQsize":
- [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [302.0, 302.0, 302.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0],
- "rxBytes": [362.0, 362.0, 362.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117535},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [714.0, 714.0, 714.0], "totalTime": [716.0, 716.0, 716.0], "svcQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [304.0, 304.0, 304.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0],
- "rxBytes": [307.0, 307.0, 307.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117537},
+ "gatherTime": [498.0, 498.0, 498.0], "totalTime": [504.0, 504.0, 504.0], "svcQsize":
+ [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [130.0, 130.0, 130.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0,
+ 9.0], "rxBytes": [4983.0, 4983.0, 4983.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656299073}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "device",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [515.0, 515.0, 515.0], "totalTime": [520.0, 520.0,
+ 520.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [136.0, 136.0, 136.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [1621.0, 1621.0, 1621.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656299089}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service":
+ "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [520.0, 520.0, 520.0], "totalTime": [525.0,
+ 525.0, 525.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [138.0, 138.0, 138.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [1622.0, 1622.0, 1622.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299094}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service":
+ "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [525.0, 525.0, 525.0], "totalTime": [531.0,
+ 531.0, 531.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [140.0, 140.0, 140.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [1620.0, 1620.0, 1620.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299100}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service":
+ "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [531.0, 531.0, 531.0], "totalTime": [536.0,
+ 536.0, 536.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [142.0, 142.0, 142.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [1622.0, 1622.0, 1622.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299105}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service":
+ "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [536.0, 536.0, 536.0], "totalTime": [541.0,
+ 541.0, 541.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [144.0, 144.0, 144.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [1623.0, 1623.0, 1623.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299110}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
+ "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [541.0, 541.0, 541.0], "totalTime": [546.0,
+ 546.0, 546.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [146.0, 146.0, 146.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [1623.0, 1623.0, 1623.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299115}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01",
+ "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [546.0, 546.0, 546.0], "totalTime":
+ [551.0, 551.0, 551.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [148.0, 148.0,
+ 148.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [565.0, 565.0, 565.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299120}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302",
+ "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [551.0, 551.0, 551.0], "totalTime":
+ [556.0, 556.0, 556.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [150.0, 150.0,
+ 150.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [562.0, 562.0, 562.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299125}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301",
+ "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [556.0, 556.0, 556.0], "totalTime":
+ [561.0, 561.0, 561.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [152.0, 152.0,
+ 152.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [562.0, 562.0, 562.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299130}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102",
+ "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [561.0, 561.0, 561.0], "totalTime":
+ [566.0, 566.0, 566.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [154.0, 154.0,
+ 154.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [561.0, 561.0, 561.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299135}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101",
+ "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [567.0, 567.0, 567.0], "totalTime":
+ [571.0, 571.0, 571.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [156.0, 156.0,
+ 156.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [562.0, 562.0, 562.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299140}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302",
+ "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [571.0, 571.0, 571.0], "totalTime":
+ [575.0, 575.0, 575.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [157.0, 157.0,
+ 157.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [220.0, 220.0, 220.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299144}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01",
+ "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [575.0, 575.0, 575.0], "totalTime":
+ [578.0, 578.0, 578.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [158.0, 158.0,
+ 158.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [221.0, 221.0, 221.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299147}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301",
+ "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [578.0, 578.0, 578.0], "totalTime":
+ [582.0, 582.0, 582.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [159.0, 159.0,
+ 159.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [220.0, 220.0, 220.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299151}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102",
+ "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [582.0, 582.0, 582.0], "totalTime":
+ [585.0, 585.0, 585.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [160.0, 160.0,
+ 160.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [219.0, 219.0, 219.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299154}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101",
+ "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [585.0, 585.0, 585.0], "totalTime":
+ [588.0, 588.0, 588.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [161.0, 161.0,
+ 161.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [220.0, 220.0, 220.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299157}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
+ "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [589.0, 589.0, 589.0], "totalTime":
+ [592.0, 592.0, 592.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [163.0, 163.0,
+ 163.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [2623.0, 2623.0, 2623.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299161}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "exit02", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [592.0, 592.0, 592.0],
+ "totalTime": [596.0, 596.0, 596.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [165.0,
+ 165.0, 165.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [1362.0, 1362.0, 1362.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299165}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "leaf04", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [596.0, 596.0, 596.0],
+ "totalTime": [599.0, 599.0, 599.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [167.0,
+ 167.0, 167.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [1920.0, 1920.0, 1920.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299168}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "exit01", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [599.0, 599.0, 599.0],
+ "totalTime": [603.0, 603.0, 603.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [169.0,
+ 169.0, 169.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [1362.0, 1362.0, 1362.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299172}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "spine01", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [603.0, 603.0, 603.0],
+ "totalTime": [607.0, 607.0, 607.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [171.0,
+ 171.0, 171.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [1184.0, 1184.0, 1184.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299176}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "leaf03", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [607.0, 607.0, 607.0],
+ "totalTime": [610.0, 610.0, 610.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [173.0,
+ 173.0, 173.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [1920.0, 1920.0, 1920.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299179}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "spine02", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [610.0, 610.0, 610.0],
+ "totalTime": [614.0, 614.0, 614.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [175.0,
+ 175.0, 175.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [1184.0, 1184.0, 1184.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299183}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "dcedge01", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1590.0, 1590.0, 1590.0],
+ "totalTime": [1595.0, 1595.0, 1595.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize":
+ [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [3398.0, 3398.0, 3398.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656300164}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "firewall01", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1595.0, 1595.0,
+ 1595.0], "totalTime": [1599.0, 1599.0, 1599.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0],
+ "wrQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [680.0, 680.0,
+ 680.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656300168}, {"namespace": "nxos",
+ "hostname": "server302", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1599.0,
+ 1599.0, 1599.0], "totalTime": [1603.0, 1603.0, 1603.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0,
+ 11.0], "wrQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [362.0,
+ 362.0, 362.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656300172}, {"namespace":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
+ [1603.0, 1603.0, 1603.0], "totalTime": [1607.0, 1607.0, 1607.0], "svcQsize": [10.0,
+ 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
+ [307.0, 307.0, 307.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656300176},
{"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [716.0, 716.0, 716.0], "totalTime": [718.0, 718.0, 718.0], "svcQsize":
- [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [306.0, 306.0, 306.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0],
- "rxBytes": [357.0, 357.0, 357.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117539},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [718.0, 718.0, 718.0], "totalTime": [721.0, 721.0, 721.0], "svcQsize":
- [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [308.0, 308.0, 308.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0],
- "rxBytes": [307.0, 307.0, 307.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117542},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [721.0, 721.0, 721.0], "totalTime": [723.0, 723.0, 723.0], "svcQsize":
- [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [310.0, 310.0, 310.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0],
- "rxBytes": [3398.0, 3398.0, 3398.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117544}]'
-- command: sqPoller show --hostname='~!leaf.* ~!exit.*' --format=json --namespace='!ospf-single
+ "gatherTime": [1607.0, 1607.0, 1607.0], "totalTime": [1611.0, 1611.0, 1611.0],
+ "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0,
+ 0.0], "rxBytes": [357.0, 357.0, 357.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656300180}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "arpnd",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1611.0, 1611.0, 1611.0], "totalTime": [1614.0, 1614.0,
+ 1614.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [307.0, 307.0, 307.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656300183}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "arpnd",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1614.0, 1614.0, 1614.0], "totalTime": [1619.0, 1619.0,
+ 1619.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [1700.0, 1700.0, 1700.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300188}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service":
+ "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1619.0, 1619.0, 1619.0], "totalTime": [1623.0,
+ 1623.0, 1623.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [1873.0, 1873.0, 1873.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300192}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service":
+ "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1623.0, 1623.0, 1623.0], "totalTime": [1627.0,
+ 1627.0, 1627.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [1872.0, 1872.0, 1872.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300196}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service":
+ "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1636.0, 1636.0, 1636.0], "totalTime": [1640.0,
+ 1640.0, 1640.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [23.0, 23.0, 23.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [1851.0, 1851.0, 1851.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300209}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service":
+ "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1640.0, 1640.0, 1640.0], "totalTime": [1644.0,
+ 1644.0, 1644.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [25.0, 25.0, 25.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [1701.0, 1701.0, 1701.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300213}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
+ "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1644.0, 1644.0, 1644.0], "totalTime": [1649.0,
+ 1649.0, 1649.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [27.0, 27.0, 27.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [1850.0, 1850.0, 1850.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300218}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service":
+ "ospfIf", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1649.0, 1649.0, 1649.0], "totalTime": [1656.0,
+ 1656.0, 1656.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [28.0, 28.0, 28.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [226.0, 226.0, 226.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656300225}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "ospfIf",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1656.0, 1656.0, 1656.0], "totalTime": [1663.0, 1663.0,
+ 1663.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [29.0, 29.0, 29.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [648.0, 648.0, 648.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656300232}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "ospfIf",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1663.0, 1663.0, 1663.0], "totalTime": [1671.0, 1671.0,
+ 1671.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [31.0, 31.0, 31.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [2928.0, 2928.0, 2928.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300240}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service":
+ "ospfIf", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1688.0, 1688.0, 1688.0], "totalTime": [1696.0,
+ 1696.0, 1696.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [37.0, 37.0, 37.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [4826.0, 4826.0, 4826.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300265}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service":
+ "ospfIf", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1696.0, 1696.0, 1696.0], "totalTime": [1704.0,
+ 1704.0, 1704.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [39.0, 39.0, 39.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [2927.0, 2927.0, 2927.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300273}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service":
+ "ospfIf", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1704.0, 1704.0, 1704.0], "totalTime": [1712.0,
+ 1712.0, 1712.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [41.0, 41.0, 41.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [2927.0, 2927.0, 2927.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300281}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service":
+ "ospfIf", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1712.0, 1712.0, 1712.0], "totalTime": [1720.0,
+ 1720.0, 1720.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [43.0, 43.0, 43.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [2928.0, 2928.0, 2928.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300289}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
+ "ospfIf", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1720.0, 1720.0, 1720.0], "totalTime": [1728.0,
+ 1728.0, 1728.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [45.0, 45.0, 45.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [4826.0, 4826.0, 4826.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300297}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service":
+ "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1728.0, 1728.0, 1728.0], "totalTime": [1739.0,
+ 1739.0, 1739.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [47.0, 47.0, 47.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [39845.0, 39845.0, 39845.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300308}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service":
+ "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1739.0, 1739.0, 1739.0], "totalTime": [1754.0,
+ 1754.0, 1754.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [49.0, 49.0, 49.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [17796.0, 17796.0, 17796.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300323}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service":
+ "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1765.0, 1765.0, 1765.0], "totalTime": [1777.0,
+ 1777.0, 1777.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [53.0, 53.0, 53.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [11527.0, 11527.0, 11527.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300346}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service":
+ "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1777.0, 1777.0, 1777.0], "totalTime": [1786.0,
+ 1786.0, 1786.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [55.0, 55.0, 55.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [6401.0, 6401.0, 6401.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300355}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service":
+ "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1786.0, 1786.0, 1786.0], "totalTime": [1800.0,
+ 1800.0, 1800.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [57.0, 57.0, 57.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [17793.0, 17793.0, 17793.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300369}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service":
+ "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1812.0, 1812.0, 1812.0], "totalTime": [1823.0,
+ 1823.0, 1823.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [61.0, 61.0, 61.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [11527.0, 11527.0, 11527.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300392}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
+ "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1823.0, 1823.0, 1823.0], "totalTime": [1832.0,
+ 1832.0, 1832.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [63.0, 63.0, 63.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [6401.0, 6401.0, 6401.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300401}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "service":
+ "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1832.0, 1832.0, 1832.0], "totalTime": [1839.0,
+ 1839.0, 1839.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [65.0, 65.0, 65.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [1761.0, 1761.0, 1761.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300409}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service":
+ "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1840.0, 1840.0, 1840.0], "totalTime": [1848.0,
+ 1848.0, 1848.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [67.0, 67.0, 67.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [4707.0, 4707.0, 4707.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300417}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "service":
+ "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1848.0, 1848.0, 1848.0], "totalTime": [1856.0,
+ 1856.0, 1856.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [69.0, 69.0, 69.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [1761.0, 1761.0, 1761.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300425}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102", "service":
+ "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1856.0, 1856.0, 1856.0], "totalTime": [1863.0,
+ 1863.0, 1863.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [71.0, 71.0, 71.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [1754.0, 1754.0, 1754.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300432}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101", "service":
+ "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1863.0, 1863.0, 1863.0], "totalTime": [1870.0,
+ 1870.0, 1870.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [73.0, 73.0, 73.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [1762.0, 1762.0, 1762.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300439}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "service":
+ "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1870.0, 1870.0, 1870.0], "totalTime": [1876.0,
+ 1876.0, 1876.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [75.0, 75.0, 75.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [1324.0, 1324.0, 1324.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300445}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301",
+ "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1876.0, 1876.0, 1876.0], "totalTime":
+ [1882.0, 1882.0, 1882.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [77.0, 77.0,
+ 77.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [1324.0, 1324.0, 1324.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300451}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01",
+ "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1882.0, 1882.0, 1882.0], "totalTime":
+ [1888.0, 1888.0, 1888.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [79.0, 79.0,
+ 79.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [1699.0, 1699.0, 1699.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300457}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102",
+ "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1888.0, 1888.0, 1888.0], "totalTime":
+ [1895.0, 1895.0, 1895.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [81.0, 81.0,
+ 81.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [1323.0, 1323.0, 1323.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300464}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101",
+ "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1895.0, 1895.0, 1895.0], "totalTime":
+ [1901.0, 1901.0, 1901.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [83.0, 83.0,
+ 83.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [1324.0, 1324.0, 1324.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300470}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
+ "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1901.0, 1901.0, 1901.0], "totalTime":
+ [1906.0, 1906.0, 1906.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [84.0, 84.0,
+ 84.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [303.0, 303.0, 303.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300475}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
+ "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1906.0, 1906.0, 1906.0], "totalTime": [1911.0,
+ 1911.0, 1911.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [86.0, 86.0, 86.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [411.0, 411.0, 411.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656300480}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "macs",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1911.0, 1911.0, 1911.0], "totalTime": [1916.0, 1916.0,
+ 1916.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [88.0, 88.0, 88.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [1349.0, 1349.0, 1349.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300485}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service":
+ "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1916.0, 1916.0, 1916.0], "totalTime": [1921.0,
+ 1921.0, 1921.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [90.0, 90.0, 90.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [2589.0, 2589.0, 2589.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300490}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service":
+ "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1921.0, 1921.0, 1921.0], "totalTime": [1926.0,
+ 1926.0, 1926.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [92.0, 92.0, 92.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [1349.0, 1349.0, 1349.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300495}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service":
+ "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1932.0, 1932.0, 1932.0], "totalTime": [1937.0,
+ 1937.0, 1937.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [96.0, 96.0, 96.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [411.0, 411.0, 411.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656300506}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service": "macs",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1942.0, 1942.0, 1942.0], "totalTime": [1948.0, 1948.0,
+ 1948.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [100.0, 100.0, 100.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [2589.0, 2589.0, 2589.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300517}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service":
+ "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1948.0, 1948.0, 1948.0], "totalTime": [1963.0,
+ 1963.0, 1963.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [102.0, 102.0, 102.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [10401.0, 10401.0, 10401.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300532}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service":
+ "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1963.0, 1963.0, 1963.0], "totalTime": [1979.0,
+ 1979.0, 1979.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [104.0, 104.0, 104.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [23871.0, 23871.0, 23871.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300548}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service":
+ "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1979.0, 1979.0, 1979.0], "totalTime": [1997.0,
+ 1997.0, 1997.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [106.0, 106.0, 106.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [26901.0, 26901.0, 26901.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300566}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service":
+ "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [2012.0, 2012.0, 2012.0], "totalTime": [2028.0,
+ 2028.0, 2028.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [110.0, 110.0, 110.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [23932.0, 23932.0, 23932.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300597}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
+ "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [2043.0, 2043.0, 2043.0], "totalTime": [2061.0,
+ 2061.0, 2061.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [114.0, 114.0, 114.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [26913.0, 26913.0, 26913.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300630}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service":
+ "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [2061.0, 2061.0, 2061.0], "totalTime": [2076.0,
+ 2076.0, 2076.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [116.0, 116.0, 116.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [10400.0, 10400.0, 10400.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300645}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01",
+ "service": "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [2076.0, 2076.0, 2076.0], "totalTime":
+ [2091.0, 2091.0, 2091.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [118.0, 118.0,
+ 118.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [21554.0, 21554.0, 21554.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656300660}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "dcedge01", "service": "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [2091.0, 2091.0, 2091.0],
+ "totalTime": [2106.0, 2106.0, 2106.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize":
+ [120.0, 120.0, 120.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [27779.0, 27779.0,
+ 27779.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656300675}]'
+- command: sqPoller show --hostname='!~leaf.* !~exit.*' --format=json --namespace='!ospf-single
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: sqPoller show hostname negate regex
@@ -84644,14 +84599,14 @@ tests:
0, "gatherTime": [81.0, 81.0, 81.0], "totalTime": [84.0, 84.0, 84.0], "svcQsize":
[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [39.0, 39.0, 39.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
"rxBytes": [1467.0, 1467.0, 1467.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499213},
- {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server301", "service": "topmem", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [29.0, 29.0, 29.0], "totalTime": [35.0, 35.0, 35.0], "svcQsize":
- [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
- [1450.0, 1450.0, 1450.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499214},
{"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "topmem", "status":
0, "gatherTime": [66.0, 66.0, 66.0], "totalTime": [73.0, 73.0, 73.0], "svcQsize":
[10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [31.0, 31.0, 31.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
"rxBytes": [1428.0, 1428.0, 1428.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499214},
+ {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server301", "service": "topmem", "status": 0,
+ "gatherTime": [29.0, 29.0, 29.0], "totalTime": [35.0, 35.0, 35.0], "svcQsize":
+ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
+ [1450.0, 1450.0, 1450.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587499214},
{"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "devconfig", "status":
0, "gatherTime": [84.0, 84.0, 84.0], "totalTime": [88.0, 88.0, 88.0], "svcQsize":
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [41.0, 41.0, 41.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
@@ -85242,14 +85197,14 @@ tests:
"gatherTime": [886.0, 886.0, 886.0], "totalTime": [889.0, 889.0, 889.0], "svcQsize":
[9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
"rxBytes": [245.0, 245.0, 245.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500060},
- {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "lldp", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [889.0, 889.0, 889.0], "totalTime": [893.0, 893.0, 893.0], "svcQsize":
- [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
- "rxBytes": [244.0, 244.0, 244.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500064},
{"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server104", "service": "topmem", "status":
0, "gatherTime": [927.0, 927.0, 927.0], "totalTime": [935.0, 935.0, 935.0], "svcQsize":
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [291.0, 291.0, 291.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0],
"rxBytes": [1443.0, 1443.0, 1443.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500064},
+ {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "lldp", "status": 0,
+ "gatherTime": [889.0, 889.0, 889.0], "totalTime": [893.0, 893.0, 893.0], "svcQsize":
+ [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
+ "rxBytes": [244.0, 244.0, 244.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500064},
{"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server202", "service": "lldp", "status": 0,
"gatherTime": [893.0, 893.0, 893.0], "totalTime": [898.0, 898.0, 898.0], "svcQsize":
[7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
@@ -85366,73 +85321,73 @@ tests:
0, "gatherTime": [1197.0, 1197.0, 1197.0], "totalTime": [1228.0, 1228.0, 1228.0],
"svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [56.0, 56.0, 56.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0,
3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [252582.0, 252582.0, 252582.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587500399}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server101", "service":
- "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1261.0, 1261.0, 1261.0], "totalTime":
- [1272.0, 1272.0, 1272.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [60.0, 60.0,
- 60.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [1413.0, 1413.0, 1413.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500443}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "internet",
+ "timestamp": 1652587500399}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "internet",
"service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1305.0, 1305.0, 1305.0],
"totalTime": [1314.0, 1314.0, 1314.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize":
[363.0, 363.0, 363.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "rxBytes": [4773.0, 4773.0,
4773.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500443}, {"namespace":
- "junos", "hostname": "server202", "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [1272.0, 1272.0, 1272.0], "totalTime": [1282.0, 1282.0, 1282.0], "svcQsize": [3.0,
- 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [62.0, 62.0, 62.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes":
- [1413.0, 1413.0, 1413.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500453},
- {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "interfaces", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [1282.0, 1282.0, 1282.0], "totalTime": [1293.0, 1293.0, 1293.0],
- "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [64.0, 64.0, 64.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0,
- 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [1415.0, 1415.0, 1415.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500464}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "interfaces",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1293.0, 1293.0, 1293.0], "totalTime": [1305.0, 1305.0,
- 1305.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [66.0, 66.0, 66.0], "nodeQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [3866.0, 3866.0, 3866.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587500476}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server201", "service":
- "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1306.0, 1306.0, 1306.0], "totalTime":
- [1313.0, 1313.0, 1313.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [68.0, 68.0,
- 68.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [1413.0, 1413.0, 1413.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500484}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "spine2-nxos",
- "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1276.0, 1276.0, 1276.0],
- "totalTime": [1309.0, 1309.0, 1309.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize":
- [83.0, 83.0, 83.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [37514.0, 37514.0,
- 37514.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500499}, {"namespace":
- "junos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [1321.0, 1321.0, 1321.0], "totalTime": [1328.0, 1328.0, 1328.0], "svcQsize": [10.0,
- 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [72.0, 72.0, 72.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes":
- [4957.0, 4957.0, 4957.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500499},
- {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "bgp", "status": 200, "gatherTime":
- [1282.0, 1282.0, 1282.0], "totalTime": [1330.0, 1330.0, 1330.0], "svcQsize": [2.0,
- 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [100.0, 100.0, 100.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes":
- [21867.0, 21867.0, 21867.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500509},
- {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "device", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [1335.0, 1335.0, 1335.0], "totalTime": [1340.0, 1340.0, 1340.0],
- "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [76.0, 76.0, 76.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0,
+ "junos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
+ [1261.0, 1261.0, 1261.0], "totalTime": [1272.0, 1272.0, 1272.0], "svcQsize": [4.0,
+ 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [60.0, 60.0, 60.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes":
+ [1413.0, 1413.0, 1413.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500443},
+ {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server202", "service": "interfaces", "status":
+ 0, "gatherTime": [1272.0, 1272.0, 1272.0], "totalTime": [1282.0, 1282.0, 1282.0],
+ "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [62.0, 62.0, 62.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0,
+ 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [1413.0, 1413.0, 1413.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587500453}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "interfaces",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1282.0, 1282.0, 1282.0], "totalTime": [1293.0, 1293.0,
+ 1293.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [64.0, 64.0, 64.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [1415.0, 1415.0, 1415.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1652587500464}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "firewall01",
+ "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1293.0, 1293.0, 1293.0],
+ "totalTime": [1305.0, 1305.0, 1305.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize":
+ [66.0, 66.0, 66.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [3866.0, 3866.0,
+ 3866.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500476}, {"namespace":
+ "junos", "hostname": "server201", "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
+ [1306.0, 1306.0, 1306.0], "totalTime": [1313.0, 1313.0, 1313.0], "svcQsize": [0.0,
+ 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [68.0, 68.0, 68.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes":
+ [1413.0, 1413.0, 1413.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500484},
+ {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "device", "status":
+ 0, "gatherTime": [1321.0, 1321.0, 1321.0], "totalTime": [1328.0, 1328.0, 1328.0],
+ "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [72.0, 72.0, 72.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0,
+ 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [4957.0, 4957.0, 4957.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587500499}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "spine2-nxos", "service": "interfaces",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1276.0, 1276.0, 1276.0], "totalTime": [1309.0, 1309.0,
+ 1309.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [83.0, 83.0, 83.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [37514.0, 37514.0, 37514.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500499}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine01", "service":
+ "bgp", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1282.0, 1282.0, 1282.0], "totalTime": [1330.0,
+ 1330.0, 1330.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [100.0, 100.0, 100.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [21867.0, 21867.0, 21867.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500509}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine02",
+ "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1335.0, 1335.0, 1335.0], "totalTime":
+ [1340.0, 1340.0, 1340.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [76.0, 76.0,
+ 76.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [4954.0, 4954.0, 4954.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500511}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine01",
+ "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1366.0, 1366.0, 1366.0],
+ "totalTime": [1384.0, 1384.0, 1384.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize":
+ [369.0, 369.0, 369.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "rxBytes": [10712.0, 10712.0,
+ 10712.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500513}, {"namespace":
+ "eos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
+ [1330.0, 1330.0, 1330.0], "totalTime": [1349.0, 1349.0, 1349.0], "svcQsize": [1.0,
+ 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [102.0, 102.0, 102.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes":
+ [20482.0, 20482.0, 20482.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500528},
+ {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "device", "status": 0,
+ "gatherTime": [1351.0, 1351.0, 1351.0], "totalTime": [1359.0, 1359.0, 1359.0],
+ "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [82.0, 82.0, 82.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0,
4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [4954.0, 4954.0, 4954.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500511}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "interfaces",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1366.0, 1366.0, 1366.0], "totalTime": [1384.0, 1384.0,
- 1384.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [369.0, 369.0, 369.0], "nodeQsize":
- [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "rxBytes": [10712.0, 10712.0, 10712.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500513}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "firewall01",
- "service": "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1330.0, 1330.0, 1330.0], "totalTime":
- [1349.0, 1349.0, 1349.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [102.0, 102.0,
- 102.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [20482.0, 20482.0, 20482.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500528}, {"namespace": "junos",
- "hostname": "spine01", "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1351.0,
- 1351.0, 1351.0], "totalTime": [1359.0, 1359.0, 1359.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0,
- 5.0], "wrQsize": [82.0, 82.0, 82.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes":
- [4954.0, 4954.0, 4954.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500530},
- {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "spine1-nxos", "service": "interfaces", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [1309.0, 1309.0, 1309.0], "totalTime": [1347.0, 1347.0, 1347.0],
- "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [85.0, 85.0, 85.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0,
- 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [38291.0, 38291.0, 38291.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500537}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "device",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1359.0, 1359.0, 1359.0], "totalTime": [1366.0, 1366.0,
- 1366.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [84.0, 84.0, 84.0], "nodeQsize":
- [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [563.0, 563.0, 563.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500537}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "bgp",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1350.0, 1350.0, 1350.0], "totalTime": [1363.0, 1363.0,
- 1363.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [104.0, 104.0, 104.0], "nodeQsize":
- [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [28572.0, 28572.0, 28572.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 1652587500530}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "spine1-nxos", "service": "interfaces",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1309.0, 1309.0, 1309.0], "totalTime": [1347.0, 1347.0,
+ 1347.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [85.0, 85.0, 85.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [38291.0, 38291.0, 38291.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500537}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "firewall01",
+ "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1359.0, 1359.0, 1359.0], "totalTime":
+ [1366.0, 1366.0, 1366.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [84.0, 84.0,
+ 84.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [563.0, 563.0, 563.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500537}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service":
+ "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1350.0, 1350.0, 1350.0], "totalTime": [1363.0,
+ 1363.0, 1363.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [104.0, 104.0, 104.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [28572.0, 28572.0, 28572.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587500542}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server101",
"service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1366.0, 1366.0, 1366.0], "totalTime":
[1371.0, 1371.0, 1371.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [86.0, 86.0,
@@ -85566,56 +85521,56 @@ tests:
"interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1477.0, 1477.0, 1477.0], "totalTime":
[1497.0, 1497.0, 1497.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [141.0, 141.0,
141.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [242220.0, 242220.0, 242220.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500676}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
- "hostname": "edge01", "service": "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1541.0, 1541.0,
- 1541.0], "totalTime": [1553.0, 1553.0, 1553.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize":
- [401.0, 401.0, 401.0], "nodeQsize": [18.0, 18.0, 18.0], "rxBytes": [20622.0, 20622.0,
- 20622.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500682}, {"namespace":
- "mixed", "hostname": "spine2-nxos", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [1483.0, 1483.0, 1483.0], "totalTime": [1492.0, 1492.0, 1492.0], "svcQsize": [5.0,
- 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [111.0, 111.0, 111.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0],
- "rxBytes": [1955.0, 1955.0, 1955.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500682},
- {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "interfaces", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [1497.0, 1497.0, 1497.0], "totalTime": [1505.0, 1505.0, 1505.0],
- "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [143.0, 143.0, 143.0], "nodeQsize":
- [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [3969.0, 3969.0, 3969.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587500684}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server102", "service":
- "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1505.0, 1505.0, 1505.0], "totalTime":
- [1512.0, 1512.0, 1512.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [145.0, 145.0,
- 145.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [2736.0, 2736.0, 2736.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500691}, {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "spine1-nxos",
- "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1492.0, 1492.0, 1492.0], "totalTime":
- [1501.0, 1501.0, 1501.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [113.0, 113.0,
- 113.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [1952.0, 1952.0, 1952.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500691}, {"namespace": "panos",
- "hostname": "spine02", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1541.0,
- 1541.0, 1541.0], "totalTime": [1550.0, 1550.0, 1550.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0,
- 9.0], "wrQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [23912.0,
- 23912.0, 23912.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500691}, {"namespace":
- "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [1553.0, 1553.0, 1553.0], "totalTime": [1564.0, 1564.0, 1564.0], "svcQsize": [8.0,
- 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [403.0, 403.0, 403.0], "nodeQsize": [18.0, 18.0, 18.0],
- "rxBytes": [20598.0, 20598.0, 20598.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500693}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "interfaces",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1512.0, 1512.0, 1512.0], "totalTime": [1518.0, 1518.0,
- 1518.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [147.0, 147.0, 147.0], "nodeQsize":
- [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [2732.0, 2732.0, 2732.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587500697}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server302", "service":
- "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1518.0, 1518.0, 1518.0], "totalTime":
- [1525.0, 1525.0, 1525.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [149.0, 149.0,
- 149.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [2736.0, 2736.0, 2736.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500704}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server301",
- "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1525.0, 1525.0, 1525.0],
- "totalTime": [1532.0, 1532.0, 1532.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize":
- [151.0, 151.0, 151.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [2736.0, 2736.0,
- 2736.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500711}, {"namespace":
- "junos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [1537.0, 1537.0, 1537.0], "totalTime": [1542.0, 1542.0, 1542.0], "svcQsize": [11.0,
- 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [109.0, 109.0, 109.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes":
- [220.0, 220.0, 220.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500713},
- {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server202", "service": "vlan", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [1542.0, 1542.0, 1542.0], "totalTime": [1547.0, 1547.0, 1547.0],
- "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [110.0, 110.0, 110.0], "nodeQsize":
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500676}, {"namespace": "mixed",
+ "hostname": "spine2-nxos", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1483.0,
+ 1483.0, 1483.0], "totalTime": [1492.0, 1492.0, 1492.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0,
+ 5.0], "wrQsize": [111.0, 111.0, 111.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes":
+ [1955.0, 1955.0, 1955.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500682},
+ {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "edge01", "service": "bgp", "status": 0,
+ "gatherTime": [1541.0, 1541.0, 1541.0], "totalTime": [1553.0, 1553.0, 1553.0],
+ "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [401.0, 401.0, 401.0], "nodeQsize": [18.0,
+ 18.0, 18.0], "rxBytes": [20622.0, 20622.0, 20622.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1652587500682}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service":
+ "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1497.0, 1497.0, 1497.0], "totalTime":
+ [1505.0, 1505.0, 1505.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [143.0, 143.0,
+ 143.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [3969.0, 3969.0, 3969.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500684}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server102",
+ "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1505.0, 1505.0, 1505.0],
+ "totalTime": [1512.0, 1512.0, 1512.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize":
+ [145.0, 145.0, 145.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [2736.0, 2736.0,
+ 2736.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500691}, {"namespace":
+ "panos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
+ [1541.0, 1541.0, 1541.0], "totalTime": [1550.0, 1550.0, 1550.0], "svcQsize": [9.0,
+ 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
+ [23912.0, 23912.0, 23912.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500691},
+ {"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "spine1-nxos", "service": "ospfNbr", "status":
+ 0, "gatherTime": [1492.0, 1492.0, 1492.0], "totalTime": [1501.0, 1501.0, 1501.0],
+ "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [113.0, 113.0, 113.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0,
+ 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [1952.0, 1952.0, 1952.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587500691}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "bgp",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1553.0, 1553.0, 1553.0], "totalTime": [1564.0, 1564.0,
+ 1564.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [403.0, 403.0, 403.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [18.0, 18.0, 18.0], "rxBytes": [20598.0, 20598.0, 20598.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500693}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server101",
+ "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1512.0, 1512.0, 1512.0],
+ "totalTime": [1518.0, 1518.0, 1518.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize":
+ [147.0, 147.0, 147.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [2732.0, 2732.0,
+ 2732.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500697}, {"namespace":
+ "eos", "hostname": "server302", "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
+ [1518.0, 1518.0, 1518.0], "totalTime": [1525.0, 1525.0, 1525.0], "svcQsize": [9.0,
+ 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [149.0, 149.0, 149.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes":
+ [2736.0, 2736.0, 2736.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587500704},
+ {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server301", "service": "interfaces", "status":
+ 0, "gatherTime": [1525.0, 1525.0, 1525.0], "totalTime": [1532.0, 1532.0, 1532.0],
+ "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [151.0, 151.0, 151.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0,
+ 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [2736.0, 2736.0, 2736.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587500711}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "vlan",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1537.0, 1537.0, 1537.0], "totalTime": [1542.0, 1542.0,
+ 1542.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [109.0, 109.0, 109.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [220.0, 220.0, 220.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1652587500713}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server202", "service": "vlan",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1542.0, 1542.0, 1542.0], "totalTime": [1547.0, 1547.0,
+ 1547.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [110.0, 110.0, 110.0], "nodeQsize":
[8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [220.0, 220.0, 220.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
1652587500718}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "vlan",
"status": 0, "gatherTime": [1548.0, 1548.0, 1548.0], "totalTime": [1552.0, 1552.0,
@@ -85686,14 +85641,14 @@ tests:
"service": "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1632.0, 1632.0, 1632.0], "totalTime":
[1637.0, 1637.0, 1637.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [31.0, 31.0,
31.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [1936.0, 1936.0, 1936.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500778}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server202",
- "service": "topcpu", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1603.0, 1603.0, 1603.0], "totalTime":
- [1612.0, 1612.0, 1612.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [131.0, 131.0,
- 131.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [1439.0, 1439.0, 1439.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587500783}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "spine02",
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500778}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "spine02",
"service": "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1637.0, 1637.0, 1637.0], "totalTime":
[1642.0, 1642.0, 1642.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [33.0, 33.0,
33.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [2906.0, 2906.0, 2906.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500783}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server202",
+ "service": "topcpu", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1603.0, 1603.0, 1603.0], "totalTime":
+ [1612.0, 1612.0, 1612.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [131.0, 131.0,
+ 131.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [1439.0, 1439.0, 1439.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587500783}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
"interfaces", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1606.0, 1606.0, 1606.0], "totalTime":
[1612.0, 1612.0, 1612.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [165.0, 165.0,
@@ -85777,14 +85732,14 @@ tests:
"gatherTime": [1663.0, 1663.0, 1663.0], "totalTime": [1668.0, 1668.0, 1668.0],
"svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [147.0, 147.0, 147.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0,
10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [543.0, 543.0, 543.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587500839}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "ospfIf",
- "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1668.0, 1668.0, 1668.0], "totalTime": [1676.0, 1676.0,
- 1676.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [184.0, 184.0, 184.0], "nodeQsize":
- [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [6210.0, 6210.0, 6210.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587500855}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service":
- "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1678.0, 1678.0, 1678.0], "totalTime": [1684.0,
- 1684.0, 1684.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [151.0, 151.0, 151.0],
- "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [3392.0, 3392.0, 3392.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 1652587500839}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "arpnd",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1678.0, 1678.0, 1678.0], "totalTime": [1684.0, 1684.0,
+ 1684.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [151.0, 151.0, 151.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [3392.0, 3392.0, 3392.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587500855}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine01", "service":
+ "ospfIf", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1668.0, 1668.0, 1668.0], "totalTime":
+ [1676.0, 1676.0, 1676.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [184.0, 184.0,
+ 184.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [6210.0, 6210.0, 6210.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587500855}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "firewall01",
"service": "ospfIf", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1676.0, 1676.0, 1676.0], "totalTime":
[1681.0, 1681.0, 1681.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [185.0, 185.0,
@@ -85941,22 +85896,22 @@ tests:
"service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1826.0, 1826.0, 1826.0], "totalTime":
[1829.0, 1829.0, 1829.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [245.0, 245.0,
245.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "rxBytes": [305.0, 305.0, 305.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587501009}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server301",
- "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1830.0, 1830.0, 1830.0], "totalTime":
- [1833.0, 1833.0, 1833.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [247.0, 247.0,
- 247.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "rxBytes": [306.0, 306.0, 306.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587501012}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "firewall01",
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587501009}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "firewall01",
"service": "bgp", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1853.0, 1853.0, 1853.0], "totalTime":
[1871.0, 1871.0, 1871.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [89.0, 89.0,
89.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [13216.0, 13216.0, 13216.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587501012}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine02",
- "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1842.0, 1842.0, 1842.0], "totalTime":
- [1845.0, 1845.0, 1845.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [191.0, 191.0,
- 191.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "rxBytes": [296.0, 296.0, 296.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587501016}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server302",
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587501012}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server301",
+ "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1830.0, 1830.0, 1830.0], "totalTime":
+ [1833.0, 1833.0, 1833.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [247.0, 247.0,
+ 247.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "rxBytes": [306.0, 306.0, 306.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587501012}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server302",
"service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1833.0, 1833.0, 1833.0], "totalTime":
[1837.0, 1837.0, 1837.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [249.0, 249.0,
249.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "rxBytes": [365.0, 365.0, 365.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587501016}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine02",
+ "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1842.0, 1842.0, 1842.0], "totalTime":
+ [1845.0, 1845.0, 1845.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [191.0, 191.0,
+ 191.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "rxBytes": [296.0, 296.0, 296.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587501016}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "firewall01",
"service": "arpnd", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [1871.0, 1871.0, 1871.0], "totalTime":
[1877.0, 1877.0, 1877.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [91.0, 91.0,
@@ -86094,18 +86049,18 @@ tests:
"totalTime": [1946.0, 1946.0, 1946.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize":
[294.0, 294.0, 294.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [1663.0, 1663.0,
1663.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587501125}, {"namespace":
- "junos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [1953.0, 1953.0, 1953.0], "totalTime": [1959.0, 1959.0, 1959.0], "svcQsize": [2.0,
- 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [225.0, 225.0, 225.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0],
- "rxBytes": [16607.0, 16607.0, 16607.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652587501130}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "ifCounters",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1946.0, 1946.0, 1946.0], "totalTime": [1951.0, 1951.0,
- 1951.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [296.0, 296.0, 296.0], "nodeQsize":
- [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [1030.0, 1030.0, 1030.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652587501130}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
- "service": "mlag", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1987.0, 1987.0, 1987.0], "totalTime":
- [1992.0, 1992.0, 1992.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [128.0, 128.0,
- 128.0], "nodeQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "rxBytes": [256.0, 256.0, 256.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ "eos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "ifCounters", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
+ [1946.0, 1946.0, 1946.0], "totalTime": [1951.0, 1951.0, 1951.0], "svcQsize": [11.0,
+ 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [296.0, 296.0, 296.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0],
+ "rxBytes": [1030.0, 1030.0, 1030.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587501130},
+ {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "ospfNbr", "status":
+ 0, "gatherTime": [1953.0, 1953.0, 1953.0], "totalTime": [1959.0, 1959.0, 1959.0],
+ "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [225.0, 225.0, 225.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0,
+ 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [16607.0, 16607.0, 16607.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1652587501130}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service":
+ "mlag", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1987.0, 1987.0, 1987.0], "totalTime": [1992.0,
+ 1992.0, 1992.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [128.0, 128.0, 128.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "rxBytes": [256.0, 256.0, 256.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
0, "timestamp": 1652587501133}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server101",
"service": "ifCounters", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1951.0, 1951.0, 1951.0],
"totalTime": [1956.0, 1956.0, 1956.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize":
@@ -86231,15 +86186,15 @@ tests:
[2023.0, 2023.0, 2023.0], "totalTime": [2031.0, 2031.0, 2031.0], "svcQsize": [3.0,
3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [246.0, 246.0, 246.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0],
"rxBytes": [3238.0, 3238.0, 3238.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587501202},
- {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [2023.0, 2023.0, 2023.0], "totalTime": [2028.0, 2028.0, 2028.0], "svcQsize": [0.0,
- 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [330.0, 330.0, 330.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0],
- "rxBytes": [3237.0, 3237.0, 3237.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587501207},
{"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "interfaces", "status":
0, "gatherTime": [2060.0, 2060.0, 2060.0], "totalTime": [2066.0, 2066.0, 2066.0],
"svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [157.0, 157.0, 157.0], "nodeQsize":
[8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [2736.0, 2736.0, 2736.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652587501207}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "firewall01",
+ "timestamp": 1652587501207}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service":
+ "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [2023.0, 2023.0, 2023.0], "totalTime": [2028.0,
+ 2028.0, 2028.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [330.0, 330.0, 330.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "rxBytes": [3237.0, 3237.0, 3237.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1652587501207}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "firewall01",
"service": "interfaces", "status": 200, "gatherTime": [2066.0, 2066.0, 2066.0],
"totalTime": [2073.0, 2073.0, 2073.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize":
[159.0, 159.0, 159.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [6502.0, 6502.0,
@@ -87328,362 +87283,340 @@ tests:
0, "gatherTime": [893.0, 893.0, 893.0], "totalTime": [896.0, 896.0, 896.0], "svcQsize":
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [347.0, 347.0, 347.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0],
"rxBytes": [463.0, 463.0, 463.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587704070},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "lldp", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "totalTime": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "svcQsize": [13.0,
- 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
- [8053.0, 8053.0, 8053.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116827},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "service": "lldp", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "totalTime": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "svcQsize": [12.0,
- 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
- [244.0, 244.0, 244.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116829},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "lldp", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "totalTime": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "svcQsize": [11.0,
- 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
- [245.0, 245.0, 245.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116831},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "service": "lldp", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "totalTime": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "svcQsize":
- [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
- "rxBytes": [244.0, 244.0, 244.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116833},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "lldp", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "totalTime": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "svcQsize":
- [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
- [243.0, 243.0, 243.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116836},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "lldp", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "totalTime": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0], "svcQsize":
- [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
- [244.0, 244.0, 244.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116838},
{"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [17.0, 17.0, 17.0], "totalTime": [20.0, 20.0, 20.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0],
- "wrQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [5257.0,
- 5257.0, 5257.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116841}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [28.0,
- 28.0, 28.0], "totalTime": [31.0, 31.0, 31.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize":
- [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [5257.0, 5257.0,
- 5257.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116852}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [46.0, 46.0, 46.0], "totalTime": [48.0, 48.0, 48.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0],
- "wrQsize": [30.0, 30.0, 30.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [4804.0,
- 4804.0, 4804.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116869}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [48.0, 48.0, 48.0], "totalTime": [50.0, 50.0, 50.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0],
- "wrQsize": [32.0, 32.0, 32.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [4804.0,
- 4804.0, 4804.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116871}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [57.0, 57.0, 57.0], "totalTime": [62.0, 62.0, 62.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
- "wrQsize": [40.0, 40.0, 40.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [81467.0,
- 81467.0, 81467.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116883}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [62.0, 62.0, 62.0], "totalTime": [64.0, 64.0, 64.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0,
- 13.0], "wrQsize": [42.0, 42.0, 42.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes":
- [565.0, 565.0, 565.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116885},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "service": "device", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [64.0, 64.0, 64.0], "totalTime": [67.0, 67.0, 67.0], "svcQsize":
- [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [44.0, 44.0, 44.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
- "rxBytes": [562.0, 562.0, 562.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116888},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "service": "device", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [67.0, 67.0, 67.0], "totalTime": [70.0, 70.0, 70.0], "svcQsize":
- [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [46.0, 46.0, 46.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
- "rxBytes": [562.0, 562.0, 562.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116891},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "device", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [70.0, 70.0, 70.0], "totalTime": [73.0, 73.0, 73.0], "svcQsize":
- [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [48.0, 48.0, 48.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
- "rxBytes": [561.0, 561.0, 561.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116894},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "device", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [73.0, 73.0, 73.0], "totalTime": [75.0, 75.0, 75.0], "svcQsize":
- [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [50.0, 50.0, 50.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
- "rxBytes": [562.0, 562.0, 562.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116896},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "device", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [93.0, 93.0, 93.0], "totalTime": [95.0, 95.0, 95.0], "svcQsize":
- [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [64.0, 64.0, 64.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
- "rxBytes": [1623.0, 1623.0, 1623.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116916},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "device", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [96.0, 96.0, 96.0], "totalTime": [98.0, 98.0, 98.0], "svcQsize":
- [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [66.0, 66.0, 66.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
- "rxBytes": [1623.0, 1623.0, 1623.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116919},
+ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "totalTime": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0],
+ "wrQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [5257.0,
+ 5257.0, 5257.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656298577}, {"namespace":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [23.0,
+ 23.0, 23.0], "totalTime": [28.0, 28.0, 28.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize":
+ [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [5257.0, 5257.0, 5257.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656298597}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "server302", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [43.0, 43.0, 43.0],
+ "totalTime": [47.0, 47.0, 47.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [16.0,
+ 16.0, 16.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [244.0, 244.0, 244.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298616}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01",
+ "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [47.0, 47.0, 47.0], "totalTime":
+ [51.0, 51.0, 51.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [245.0, 245.0, 245.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298620}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301",
+ "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [51.0, 51.0, 51.0], "totalTime":
+ [55.0, 55.0, 55.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [18.0, 18.0, 18.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [244.0, 244.0, 244.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298624}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102",
+ "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [55.0, 55.0, 55.0], "totalTime":
+ [60.0, 60.0, 60.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [19.0, 19.0, 19.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [243.0, 243.0, 243.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298629}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101",
+ "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [60.0, 60.0, 60.0], "totalTime":
+ [64.0, 64.0, 64.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [20.0, 20.0, 20.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [244.0, 244.0, 244.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298633}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
+ "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [64.0, 64.0, 64.0], "totalTime":
+ [69.0, 69.0, 69.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [22.0, 22.0, 22.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [8053.0, 8053.0, 8053.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298638}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01",
+ "service": "time", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [99.0, 99.0, 99.0], "totalTime":
+ [103.0, 103.0, 103.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [32.0, 32.0, 32.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [544.0, 544.0, 544.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298672}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301",
+ "service": "time", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [103.0, 103.0, 103.0], "totalTime":
+ [107.0, 107.0, 107.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [34.0, 34.0, 34.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [543.0, 543.0, 543.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298676}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302",
+ "service": "time", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [107.0, 107.0, 107.0], "totalTime":
+ [111.0, 111.0, 111.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [36.0, 36.0, 36.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [543.0, 543.0, 543.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298680}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101",
+ "service": "time", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [111.0, 111.0, 111.0], "totalTime":
+ [115.0, 115.0, 115.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [38.0, 38.0, 38.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [543.0, 543.0, 543.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298684}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102",
+ "service": "time", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [115.0, 115.0, 115.0], "totalTime":
+ [119.0, 119.0, 119.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [40.0, 40.0, 40.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [542.0, 542.0, 542.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298688}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01",
+ "service": "evpnVni", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [119.0, 119.0, 119.0], "totalTime":
+ [125.0, 125.0, 125.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [41.0, 41.0, 41.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [221.0, 221.0, 221.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298695}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
+ "service": "evpnVni", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [126.0, 126.0, 126.0], "totalTime":
+ [132.0, 132.0, 132.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [42.0, 42.0, 42.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [1194.0, 1194.0, 1194.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298701}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
+ "service": "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [173.0, 173.0, 173.0], "totalTime":
+ [179.0, 179.0, 179.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [56.0, 56.0, 56.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [81467.0, 81467.0, 81467.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298748}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service":
+ "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [188.0, 188.0, 188.0], "totalTime": [191.0,
+ 191.0, 191.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [64.0, 64.0, 64.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [4804.0, 4804.0, 4804.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656298760}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
+ "devconfig", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [191.0, 191.0, 191.0], "totalTime": [194.0,
+ 194.0, 194.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [66.0, 66.0, 66.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [4804.0, 4804.0, 4804.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656298763}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service":
+ "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [204.0, 204.0, 204.0], "totalTime": [208.0, 208.0,
+ 208.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [74.0, 74.0, 74.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [696.0, 696.0, 696.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298777}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "service": "fs",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [208.0, 208.0, 208.0], "totalTime": [213.0, 213.0,
+ 213.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [76.0, 76.0, 76.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [695.0, 695.0, 695.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298782}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "service": "fs",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [213.0, 213.0, 213.0], "totalTime": [217.0, 217.0,
+ 217.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [78.0, 78.0, 78.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [695.0, 695.0, 695.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298786}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "fs",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [217.0, 217.0, 217.0], "totalTime": [221.0, 221.0,
+ 221.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [80.0, 80.0, 80.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [695.0, 695.0, 695.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298790}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "fs",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [221.0, 221.0, 221.0], "totalTime": [226.0, 226.0,
+ 226.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [82.0, 82.0, 82.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [694.0, 694.0, 694.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298795}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "interfaces",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [337.0, 337.0, 337.0], "totalTime": [355.0, 355.0,
+ 355.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [96.0, 96.0, 96.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [38760.0, 38760.0, 38760.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298924}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service":
+ "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [355.0, 355.0, 355.0], "totalTime": [373.0,
+ 373.0, 373.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [98.0, 98.0, 98.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [38760.0, 38760.0, 38760.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298942}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302",
+ "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [373.0, 373.0, 373.0], "totalTime":
+ [381.0, 381.0, 381.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [100.0, 100.0,
+ 100.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [2740.0, 2740.0, 2740.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298950}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01",
+ "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [381.0, 381.0, 381.0], "totalTime":
+ [390.0, 390.0, 390.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [102.0, 102.0,
+ 102.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [3970.0, 3970.0, 3970.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298959}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301",
+ "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [390.0, 390.0, 390.0], "totalTime":
+ [399.0, 399.0, 399.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [104.0, 104.0,
+ 104.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [2740.0, 2740.0, 2740.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298968}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102",
+ "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [399.0, 399.0, 399.0], "totalTime":
+ [407.0, 407.0, 407.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [106.0, 106.0,
+ 106.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [2739.0, 2739.0, 2739.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298976}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101",
+ "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [407.0, 407.0, 407.0], "totalTime":
+ [415.0, 415.0, 415.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [108.0, 108.0,
+ 108.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [2741.0, 2741.0, 2741.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298984}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
+ "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [415.0, 415.0, 415.0], "totalTime":
+ [433.0, 433.0, 433.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [110.0, 110.0,
+ 110.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [241993.0, 241993.0, 241993.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299002}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "firewall01", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [433.0, 433.0,
+ 433.0], "totalTime": [440.0, 440.0, 440.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize":
+ [111.0, 111.0, 111.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [457.0, 457.0,
+ 457.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299009}, {"namespace": "nxos",
+ "hostname": "spine01", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [472.0,
+ 472.0, 472.0], "totalTime": [479.0, 479.0, 479.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0],
+ "wrQsize": [123.0, 123.0, 123.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes": [1657.0,
+ 1657.0, 1657.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299048}, {"namespace":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
+ [485.0, 485.0, 485.0], "totalTime": [492.0, 492.0, 492.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0,
+ 1.0], "wrQsize": [127.0, 127.0, 127.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "rxBytes":
+ [1662.0, 1662.0, 1662.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299061},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "ospfNbr", "status":
+ 0, "gatherTime": [492.0, 492.0, 492.0], "totalTime": [498.0, 498.0, 498.0], "svcQsize":
+ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [128.0, 128.0, 128.0], "nodeQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0],
+ "rxBytes": [340.0, 340.0, 340.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299067},
{"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "device", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [98.0, 98.0, 98.0], "totalTime": [101.0, 101.0, 101.0], "svcQsize":
- [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [68.0, 68.0, 68.0], "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0],
- "rxBytes": [4983.0, 4983.0, 4983.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116922},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [101.0, 101.0, 101.0], "totalTime": [109.0, 109.0, 109.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0,
- 9.0], "wrQsize": [70.0, 70.0, 70.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes":
- [27779.0, 27779.0, 27779.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116930},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "bgp", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [109.0, 109.0, 109.0], "totalTime": [117.0, 117.0, 117.0], "svcQsize":
- [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [72.0, 72.0, 72.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0],
- "rxBytes": [21554.0, 21554.0, 21554.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652621116938}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "bgp",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [134.0, 134.0, 134.0], "totalTime": [144.0, 144.0,
- 144.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [78.0, 78.0, 78.0], "nodeQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [26901.0, 26901.0, 26901.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621116965}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
- "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [168.0, 168.0, 168.0], "totalTime": [178.0,
- 178.0, 178.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [86.0, 86.0, 86.0], "nodeQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [26913.0, 26913.0, 26913.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621116999}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service":
- "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [229.0, 229.0, 229.0], "totalTime": [235.0,
- 235.0, 235.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [104.0, 104.0, 104.0],
- "nodeQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [6401.0, 6401.0, 6401.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117056}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
- "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [263.0, 263.0, 263.0], "totalTime": [269.0,
- 269.0, 269.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [112.0, 112.0, 112.0],
- "nodeQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [6401.0, 6401.0, 6401.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117090}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302",
- "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [269.0, 269.0, 269.0], "totalTime":
- [273.0, 273.0, 273.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [114.0, 114.0,
- 114.0], "nodeQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [1761.0, 1761.0, 1761.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117094}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01",
- "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [273.0, 273.0, 273.0], "totalTime":
- [278.0, 278.0, 278.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [116.0, 116.0,
- 116.0], "nodeQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [4707.0, 4707.0, 4707.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117099}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301",
- "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [278.0, 278.0, 278.0], "totalTime":
- [283.0, 283.0, 283.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [118.0, 118.0,
- 118.0], "nodeQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [1761.0, 1761.0, 1761.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117104}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102",
- "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [283.0, 283.0, 283.0], "totalTime":
- [287.0, 287.0, 287.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [120.0, 120.0,
- 120.0], "nodeQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [1754.0, 1754.0, 1754.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117108}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101",
- "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [287.0, 287.0, 287.0], "totalTime":
- [291.0, 291.0, 291.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [122.0, 122.0,
- 122.0], "nodeQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [1762.0, 1762.0, 1762.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117112}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
- "service": "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [291.0, 291.0, 291.0], "totalTime":
- [298.0, 298.0, 298.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [124.0, 124.0,
- 124.0], "nodeQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [39845.0, 39845.0, 39845.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117119}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "dcedge01", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [298.0, 298.0, 298.0],
- "totalTime": [300.0, 300.0, 300.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize":
- [126.0, 126.0, 126.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [2623.0, 2623.0,
- 2623.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117121}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [308.0,
- 308.0, 308.0], "totalTime": [310.0, 310.0, 310.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0],
- "wrQsize": [134.0, 134.0, 134.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [1184.0,
- 1184.0, 1184.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117131}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [312.0,
- 312.0, 312.0], "totalTime": [315.0, 315.0, 315.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0],
- "wrQsize": [138.0, 138.0, 138.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [1184.0,
- 1184.0, 1184.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117136}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [319.0, 319.0, 319.0], "totalTime": [321.0, 321.0, 321.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0,
- 4.0], "wrQsize": [143.0, 143.0, 143.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes":
- [220.0, 220.0, 220.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117142},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "vlan", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [321.0, 321.0, 321.0], "totalTime": [324.0, 324.0, 324.0], "svcQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [144.0, 144.0, 144.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0],
- "rxBytes": [221.0, 221.0, 221.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117145},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "service": "vlan", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [324.0, 324.0, 324.0], "totalTime": [326.0, 326.0, 326.0], "svcQsize":
- [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [145.0, 145.0, 145.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0],
- "rxBytes": [220.0, 220.0, 220.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117147},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "vlan", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [326.0, 326.0, 326.0], "totalTime": [328.0, 328.0, 328.0], "svcQsize":
- [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [146.0, 146.0, 146.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0],
- "rxBytes": [219.0, 219.0, 219.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117149},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "vlan", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [328.0, 328.0, 328.0], "totalTime": [330.0, 330.0, 330.0], "svcQsize":
- [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [147.0, 147.0, 147.0], "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0],
- "rxBytes": [220.0, 220.0, 220.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117151},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "ospfIf", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [343.0, 343.0, 343.0], "totalTime": [347.0, 347.0, 347.0], "svcQsize":
- [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [155.0, 155.0, 155.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0],
- "rxBytes": [4826.0, 4826.0, 4826.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117168},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "ospfIf", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [360.0, 360.0, 360.0], "totalTime": [365.0, 365.0, 365.0], "svcQsize":
- [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [163.0, 163.0, 163.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0],
- "rxBytes": [4826.0, 4826.0, 4826.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117186},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "ospfIf", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [365.0, 365.0, 365.0], "totalTime": [368.0, 368.0, 368.0], "svcQsize":
- [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [164.0, 164.0, 164.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0],
- "rxBytes": [226.0, 226.0, 226.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117189},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "ospfIf", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [368.0, 368.0, 368.0], "totalTime": [372.0, 372.0, 372.0], "svcQsize":
- [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [165.0, 165.0, 165.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0],
- "rxBytes": [648.0, 648.0, 648.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117193},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "time", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [372.0, 372.0, 372.0], "totalTime": [375.0, 375.0, 375.0], "svcQsize":
- [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [167.0, 167.0, 167.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0],
- "rxBytes": [544.0, 544.0, 544.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117196},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "service": "time", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [375.0, 375.0, 375.0], "totalTime": [377.0, 377.0, 377.0], "svcQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [169.0, 169.0, 169.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0],
- "rxBytes": [543.0, 543.0, 543.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117198},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "service": "time", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [377.0, 377.0, 377.0], "totalTime": [379.0, 379.0, 379.0], "svcQsize":
- [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [171.0, 171.0, 171.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0],
- "rxBytes": [543.0, 543.0, 543.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117200},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "time", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [379.0, 379.0, 379.0], "totalTime": [382.0, 382.0, 382.0], "svcQsize":
- [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [173.0, 173.0, 173.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0],
- "rxBytes": [543.0, 543.0, 543.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117203},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "time", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [382.0, 382.0, 382.0], "totalTime": [384.0, 384.0, 384.0], "svcQsize":
- [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [175.0, 175.0, 175.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0],
- "rxBytes": [542.0, 542.0, 542.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117205},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "macs", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [384.0, 384.0, 384.0], "totalTime": [386.0, 386.0, 386.0], "svcQsize":
- [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [176.0, 176.0, 176.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0,
- 11.0], "rxBytes": [303.0, 303.0, 303.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652621117207}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "macs",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [386.0, 386.0, 386.0], "totalTime": [389.0, 389.0,
- 389.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [178.0, 178.0, 178.0], "nodeQsize":
- [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [411.0, 411.0, 411.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
- "timestamp": 1652621117210}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service":
- "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [402.0, 402.0, 402.0], "totalTime": [405.0,
- 405.0, 405.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [188.0, 188.0, 188.0],
- "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [411.0, 411.0, 411.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117226}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302",
- "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [412.0, 412.0, 412.0], "totalTime":
- [415.0, 415.0, 415.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [194.0, 194.0,
- 194.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [1324.0, 1324.0, 1324.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117236}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "server301", "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [415.0, 415.0, 415.0],
- "totalTime": [419.0, 419.0, 419.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [196.0,
- 196.0, 196.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [1324.0, 1324.0, 1324.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117240}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "firewall01", "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [420.0, 420.0, 420.0],
- "totalTime": [424.0, 424.0, 424.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [198.0,
- 198.0, 198.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [1699.0, 1699.0, 1699.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117245}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "server102", "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [424.0, 424.0, 424.0],
- "totalTime": [428.0, 428.0, 428.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [200.0,
- 200.0, 200.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [1323.0, 1323.0, 1323.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117249}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "server101", "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [428.0, 428.0, 428.0],
- "totalTime": [432.0, 432.0, 432.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [202.0,
- 202.0, 202.0], "nodeQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "rxBytes": [1324.0, 1324.0, 1324.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117253}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "spine01", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [449.0, 449.0, 449.0],
- "totalTime": [453.0, 453.0, 453.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [214.0,
- 214.0, 214.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [1657.0, 1657.0, 1657.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117274}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "spine02", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [456.0, 456.0, 456.0],
- "totalTime": [460.0, 460.0, 460.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [218.0,
- 218.0, 218.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [1662.0, 1662.0, 1662.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117281}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "firewall01", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [460.0, 460.0,
- 460.0], "totalTime": [463.0, 463.0, 463.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize":
- [219.0, 219.0, 219.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes": [457.0, 457.0,
- 457.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117284}, {"namespace": "nxos",
- "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "ospfNbr", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [463.0,
- 463.0, 463.0], "totalTime": [467.0, 467.0, 467.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
- "wrQsize": [220.0, 220.0, 220.0], "nodeQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "rxBytes":
- [340.0, 340.0, 340.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117288},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "ifCounters", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [467.0, 467.0, 467.0], "totalTime": [471.0, 471.0, 471.0], "svcQsize":
- [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [222.0, 222.0, 222.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0],
- "rxBytes": [1648.0, 1648.0, 1648.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117292},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "service": "ifCounters", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [471.0, 471.0, 471.0], "totalTime": [475.0, 475.0, 475.0], "svcQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [224.0, 224.0, 224.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0],
- "rxBytes": [1023.0, 1023.0, 1023.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117296},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "service": "ifCounters", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [475.0, 475.0, 475.0], "totalTime": [479.0, 479.0, 479.0], "svcQsize":
- [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [226.0, 226.0, 226.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0],
- "rxBytes": [1023.0, 1023.0, 1023.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117300},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "ifCounters", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [479.0, 479.0, 479.0], "totalTime": [483.0, 483.0, 483.0], "svcQsize":
- [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [228.0, 228.0, 228.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0],
- "rxBytes": [1023.0, 1023.0, 1023.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117304},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "ifCounters", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [483.0, 483.0, 483.0], "totalTime": [486.0, 486.0, 486.0], "svcQsize":
- [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [230.0, 230.0, 230.0], "nodeQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0],
- "rxBytes": [1022.0, 1022.0, 1022.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117307},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "service": "interfaces", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [486.0, 486.0, 486.0], "totalTime": [491.0, 491.0, 491.0], "svcQsize":
- [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [232.0, 232.0, 232.0], "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0,
- 14.0], "rxBytes": [2740.0, 2740.0, 2740.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652621117312}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "interfaces",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [491.0, 491.0, 491.0], "totalTime": [496.0, 496.0,
- 496.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [234.0, 234.0, 234.0], "nodeQsize":
- [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes": [3970.0, 3970.0, 3970.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117317}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301",
- "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [496.0, 496.0, 496.0], "totalTime":
- [501.0, 501.0, 501.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [236.0, 236.0,
- 236.0], "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes": [2740.0, 2740.0, 2740.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117322}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "server102", "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [501.0, 501.0,
- 501.0], "totalTime": [505.0, 505.0, 505.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize":
- [238.0, 238.0, 238.0], "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes": [2739.0, 2739.0,
- 2739.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117326}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [506.0, 506.0, 506.0], "totalTime": [510.0, 510.0, 510.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0,
- 9.0], "wrQsize": [240.0, 240.0, 240.0], "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes":
- [2741.0, 2741.0, 2741.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117331},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "interfaces", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [510.0, 510.0, 510.0], "totalTime": [525.0, 525.0, 525.0], "svcQsize":
- [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [242.0, 242.0, 242.0], "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0],
- "rxBytes": [241993.0, 241993.0, 241993.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652621117346}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "interfaces",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [616.0, 616.0, 616.0], "totalTime": [630.0, 630.0,
- 630.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [256.0, 256.0, 256.0], "nodeQsize":
- [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes": [38760.0, 38760.0, 38760.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117451}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service":
- "interfaces", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [630.0, 630.0, 630.0], "totalTime": [644.0,
- 644.0, 644.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [258.0, 258.0, 258.0],
- "nodeQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "rxBytes": [38760.0, 38760.0, 38760.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117465}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01",
- "service": "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [644.0, 644.0, 644.0], "totalTime":
- [646.0, 646.0, 646.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [260.0, 260.0,
- 260.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [696.0, 696.0, 696.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117467}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302",
- "service": "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [646.0, 646.0, 646.0], "totalTime":
- [649.0, 649.0, 649.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [262.0, 262.0,
- 262.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [695.0, 695.0, 695.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117470}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301",
- "service": "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [649.0, 649.0, 649.0], "totalTime":
- [652.0, 652.0, 652.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [264.0, 264.0,
- 264.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [695.0, 695.0, 695.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117473}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101",
- "service": "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [652.0, 652.0, 652.0], "totalTime":
- [655.0, 655.0, 655.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [266.0, 266.0,
- 266.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [695.0, 695.0, 695.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117476}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102",
- "service": "fs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [655.0, 655.0, 655.0], "totalTime":
- [658.0, 658.0, 658.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [268.0, 268.0,
- 268.0], "nodeQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "rxBytes": [694.0, 694.0, 694.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117479}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
- "service": "evpnVni", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [658.0, 658.0, 658.0], "totalTime":
- [661.0, 661.0, 661.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [269.0, 269.0,
- 269.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "rxBytes": [1194.0, 1194.0, 1194.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117482}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "firewall01", "service": "evpnVni", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [662.0, 662.0,
- 662.0], "totalTime": [665.0, 665.0, 665.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize":
- [270.0, 270.0, 270.0], "nodeQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "rxBytes": [221.0, 221.0,
- 221.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117486}, {"namespace": "nxos",
- "hostname": "spine01", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [700.0,
- 700.0, 700.0], "totalTime": [703.0, 703.0, 703.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0],
- "wrQsize": [294.0, 294.0, 294.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0], "rxBytes":
- [1851.0, 1851.0, 1851.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117524},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [706.0, 706.0, 706.0], "totalTime": [709.0, 709.0, 709.0], "svcQsize":
- [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [298.0, 298.0, 298.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0],
- "rxBytes": [1850.0, 1850.0, 1850.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117530},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "arpnd", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [709.0, 709.0, 709.0], "totalTime": [711.0, 711.0, 711.0], "svcQsize":
- [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [300.0, 300.0, 300.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0],
- "rxBytes": [680.0, 680.0, 680.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117532},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [711.0, 711.0, 711.0], "totalTime": [714.0, 714.0, 714.0], "svcQsize":
- [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [302.0, 302.0, 302.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0],
- "rxBytes": [362.0, 362.0, 362.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117535},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [714.0, 714.0, 714.0], "totalTime": [716.0, 716.0, 716.0], "svcQsize":
- [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [304.0, 304.0, 304.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0],
- "rxBytes": [307.0, 307.0, 307.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117537},
+ "gatherTime": [498.0, 498.0, 498.0], "totalTime": [504.0, 504.0, 504.0], "svcQsize":
+ [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [130.0, 130.0, 130.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0,
+ 9.0], "rxBytes": [4983.0, 4983.0, 4983.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656299073}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "device",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [536.0, 536.0, 536.0], "totalTime": [541.0, 541.0,
+ 541.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [144.0, 144.0, 144.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [1623.0, 1623.0, 1623.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656299110}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
+ "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [541.0, 541.0, 541.0], "totalTime": [546.0,
+ 546.0, 546.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [146.0, 146.0, 146.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [1623.0, 1623.0, 1623.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299115}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01",
+ "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [546.0, 546.0, 546.0], "totalTime":
+ [551.0, 551.0, 551.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [148.0, 148.0,
+ 148.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [565.0, 565.0, 565.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299120}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302",
+ "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [551.0, 551.0, 551.0], "totalTime":
+ [556.0, 556.0, 556.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [150.0, 150.0,
+ 150.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [562.0, 562.0, 562.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299125}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301",
+ "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [556.0, 556.0, 556.0], "totalTime":
+ [561.0, 561.0, 561.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [152.0, 152.0,
+ 152.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [562.0, 562.0, 562.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299130}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102",
+ "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [561.0, 561.0, 561.0], "totalTime":
+ [566.0, 566.0, 566.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [154.0, 154.0,
+ 154.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [561.0, 561.0, 561.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299135}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101",
+ "service": "device", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [567.0, 567.0, 567.0], "totalTime":
+ [571.0, 571.0, 571.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [156.0, 156.0,
+ 156.0], "nodeQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [562.0, 562.0, 562.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299140}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302",
+ "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [571.0, 571.0, 571.0], "totalTime":
+ [575.0, 575.0, 575.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [157.0, 157.0,
+ 157.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [220.0, 220.0, 220.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299144}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01",
+ "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [575.0, 575.0, 575.0], "totalTime":
+ [578.0, 578.0, 578.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [158.0, 158.0,
+ 158.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [221.0, 221.0, 221.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299147}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301",
+ "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [578.0, 578.0, 578.0], "totalTime":
+ [582.0, 582.0, 582.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [159.0, 159.0,
+ 159.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [220.0, 220.0, 220.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299151}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102",
+ "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [582.0, 582.0, 582.0], "totalTime":
+ [585.0, 585.0, 585.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [160.0, 160.0,
+ 160.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [219.0, 219.0, 219.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299154}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101",
+ "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [585.0, 585.0, 585.0], "totalTime":
+ [588.0, 588.0, 588.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [161.0, 161.0,
+ 161.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [220.0, 220.0, 220.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656299157}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
+ "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [589.0, 589.0, 589.0], "totalTime":
+ [592.0, 592.0, 592.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [163.0, 163.0,
+ 163.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [2623.0, 2623.0, 2623.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299161}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "spine01", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [603.0, 603.0, 603.0],
+ "totalTime": [607.0, 607.0, 607.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [171.0,
+ 171.0, 171.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [1184.0, 1184.0, 1184.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299176}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "spine02", "service": "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [610.0, 610.0, 610.0],
+ "totalTime": [614.0, 614.0, 614.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [175.0,
+ 175.0, 175.0], "nodeQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [1184.0, 1184.0, 1184.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656299183}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "dcedge01", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1590.0, 1590.0, 1590.0],
+ "totalTime": [1595.0, 1595.0, 1595.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize":
+ [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [3398.0, 3398.0, 3398.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656300164}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "firewall01", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1595.0, 1595.0,
+ 1595.0], "totalTime": [1599.0, 1599.0, 1599.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0],
+ "wrQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [680.0, 680.0,
+ 680.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656300168}, {"namespace": "nxos",
+ "hostname": "server302", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1599.0,
+ 1599.0, 1599.0], "totalTime": [1603.0, 1603.0, 1603.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0,
+ 11.0], "wrQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [362.0,
+ 362.0, 362.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656300172}, {"namespace":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
+ [1603.0, 1603.0, 1603.0], "totalTime": [1607.0, 1607.0, 1607.0], "svcQsize": [10.0,
+ 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
+ [307.0, 307.0, 307.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656300176},
{"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [716.0, 716.0, 716.0], "totalTime": [718.0, 718.0, 718.0], "svcQsize":
- [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [306.0, 306.0, 306.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0],
- "rxBytes": [357.0, 357.0, 357.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117539},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [718.0, 718.0, 718.0], "totalTime": [721.0, 721.0, 721.0], "svcQsize":
- [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [308.0, 308.0, 308.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0],
- "rxBytes": [307.0, 307.0, 307.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117542},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "arpnd", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [721.0, 721.0, 721.0], "totalTime": [723.0, 723.0, 723.0], "svcQsize":
- [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [310.0, 310.0, 310.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0],
- "rxBytes": [3398.0, 3398.0, 3398.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621117544}]'
+ "gatherTime": [1607.0, 1607.0, 1607.0], "totalTime": [1611.0, 1611.0, 1611.0],
+ "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0,
+ 0.0], "rxBytes": [357.0, 357.0, 357.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656300180}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "arpnd",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1611.0, 1611.0, 1611.0], "totalTime": [1614.0, 1614.0,
+ 1614.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [307.0, 307.0, 307.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656300183}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "arpnd",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1636.0, 1636.0, 1636.0], "totalTime": [1640.0, 1640.0,
+ 1640.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [23.0, 23.0, 23.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [1851.0, 1851.0, 1851.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300209}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
+ "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1644.0, 1644.0, 1644.0], "totalTime": [1649.0,
+ 1649.0, 1649.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [27.0, 27.0, 27.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [1850.0, 1850.0, 1850.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300218}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service":
+ "ospfIf", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1649.0, 1649.0, 1649.0], "totalTime": [1656.0,
+ 1656.0, 1656.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [28.0, 28.0, 28.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [226.0, 226.0, 226.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656300225}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "ospfIf",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1656.0, 1656.0, 1656.0], "totalTime": [1663.0, 1663.0,
+ 1663.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [29.0, 29.0, 29.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [648.0, 648.0, 648.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656300232}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "ospfIf",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1688.0, 1688.0, 1688.0], "totalTime": [1696.0, 1696.0,
+ 1696.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [37.0, 37.0, 37.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [4826.0, 4826.0, 4826.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300265}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
+ "ospfIf", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1720.0, 1720.0, 1720.0], "totalTime": [1728.0,
+ 1728.0, 1728.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [45.0, 45.0, 45.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [4826.0, 4826.0, 4826.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300297}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service":
+ "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1728.0, 1728.0, 1728.0], "totalTime": [1739.0,
+ 1739.0, 1739.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [47.0, 47.0, 47.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [39845.0, 39845.0, 39845.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300308}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service":
+ "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1777.0, 1777.0, 1777.0], "totalTime": [1786.0,
+ 1786.0, 1786.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [55.0, 55.0, 55.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [6401.0, 6401.0, 6401.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300355}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
+ "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1823.0, 1823.0, 1823.0], "totalTime": [1832.0,
+ 1832.0, 1832.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [63.0, 63.0, 63.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [6401.0, 6401.0, 6401.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300401}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "service":
+ "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1832.0, 1832.0, 1832.0], "totalTime": [1839.0,
+ 1839.0, 1839.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [65.0, 65.0, 65.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [1761.0, 1761.0, 1761.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300409}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service":
+ "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1840.0, 1840.0, 1840.0], "totalTime": [1848.0,
+ 1848.0, 1848.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [67.0, 67.0, 67.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [4707.0, 4707.0, 4707.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300417}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "service":
+ "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1848.0, 1848.0, 1848.0], "totalTime": [1856.0,
+ 1856.0, 1856.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [69.0, 69.0, 69.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [1761.0, 1761.0, 1761.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300425}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102", "service":
+ "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1856.0, 1856.0, 1856.0], "totalTime": [1863.0,
+ 1863.0, 1863.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [71.0, 71.0, 71.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [1754.0, 1754.0, 1754.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300432}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101", "service":
+ "routes", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1863.0, 1863.0, 1863.0], "totalTime": [1870.0,
+ 1870.0, 1870.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [73.0, 73.0, 73.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [1762.0, 1762.0, 1762.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
+ "timestamp": 1658656300439}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "service":
+ "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1870.0, 1870.0, 1870.0], "totalTime": [1876.0,
+ 1876.0, 1876.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [75.0, 75.0, 75.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [1324.0, 1324.0, 1324.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300445}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301",
+ "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1876.0, 1876.0, 1876.0], "totalTime":
+ [1882.0, 1882.0, 1882.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [77.0, 77.0,
+ 77.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [1324.0, 1324.0, 1324.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300451}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01",
+ "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1882.0, 1882.0, 1882.0], "totalTime":
+ [1888.0, 1888.0, 1888.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [79.0, 79.0,
+ 79.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [1699.0, 1699.0, 1699.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300457}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102",
+ "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1888.0, 1888.0, 1888.0], "totalTime":
+ [1895.0, 1895.0, 1895.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [81.0, 81.0,
+ 81.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [1323.0, 1323.0, 1323.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300464}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101",
+ "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1895.0, 1895.0, 1895.0], "totalTime":
+ [1901.0, 1901.0, 1901.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [83.0, 83.0,
+ 83.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [1324.0, 1324.0, 1324.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300470}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
+ "service": "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1901.0, 1901.0, 1901.0], "totalTime":
+ [1906.0, 1906.0, 1906.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [84.0, 84.0,
+ 84.0], "nodeQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [303.0, 303.0, 303.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300475}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
+ "macs", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1906.0, 1906.0, 1906.0], "totalTime": [1911.0,
+ 1911.0, 1911.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [86.0, 86.0, 86.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [411.0, 411.0, 411.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656300480}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "macs",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1932.0, 1932.0, 1932.0], "totalTime": [1937.0, 1937.0,
+ 1937.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [96.0, 96.0, 96.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rxBytes": [411.0, 411.0, 411.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656300506}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "bgp",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [1979.0, 1979.0, 1979.0], "totalTime": [1997.0, 1997.0,
+ 1997.0], "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [106.0, 106.0, 106.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [26901.0, 26901.0, 26901.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300566}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service":
+ "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [2043.0, 2043.0, 2043.0], "totalTime": [2061.0,
+ 2061.0, 2061.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [114.0, 114.0, 114.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [26913.0, 26913.0, 26913.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300630}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01",
+ "service": "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [2076.0, 2076.0, 2076.0], "totalTime":
+ [2091.0, 2091.0, 2091.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [118.0, 118.0,
+ 118.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [21554.0, 21554.0, 21554.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656300660}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "dcedge01", "service": "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [2091.0, 2091.0, 2091.0],
+ "totalTime": [2106.0, 2106.0, 2106.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize":
+ [120.0, 120.0, 120.0], "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [27779.0, 27779.0,
+ 27779.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656300675}]'
- command: topology show --hostname='!leaf01 !leaf02' --format=json --namespace='!ospf-single
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
@@ -88479,7 +88412,7 @@ tests:
"hostname": "leaf4-qfx", "peerHostname": "spine1-nxos", "ifname": "xe-0/0/0.0",
"vrf": "default", "lldp": "", "asn": "", "peerAsn": "", "bgp": "", "area": "",
"ospf": true, "polled": true}]'
-- command: topology show --hostname='~!leaf.* ~!exit.*' --format=json --namespace='!ospf-single
+- command: topology show --hostname='!~leaf.* !~exit.*' --format=json --namespace='!ospf-single
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: topology show hostname negate regex
@@ -89111,7 +89044,7 @@ tests:
["bond02", "vni30"], "vlan": 30, "timestamp": 1639476254419}, {"namespace": "panos",
"hostname": "leaf04", "vlanName": "vlan999", "state": "active", "interfaces":
["vni999"], "vlan": 999, "timestamp": 1639476254419}]'
-- command: vlan show --hostname='~!leaf.* ~!exit.*' --format=json --namespace='!ospf-single
+- command: vlan show --hostname='!~leaf.* !~exit.*' --format=json --namespace='!ospf-single
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: vlan show hostname negate regex
@@ -89179,8 +89112,8 @@ tests:
"Ethernet1/53", "Ethernet1/54", "Ethernet1/55", "Ethernet1/56", "Ethernet1/57",
"Ethernet1/58", "Ethernet1/59", "Ethernet1/60", "Ethernet1/61", "Ethernet1/62",
"Ethernet1/63", "Ethernet1/64"], "vlan": 1, "timestamp": 1627395439618}]'
-- command: address show --hostname='!leaf01 !leaf02' --format=json --namespace='~!ospf.*
- ~!.*os'
+- command: address show --hostname='!leaf01 !leaf02' --format=json --namespace='!~ospf.*
+ !~.*os'
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: address show hostname negate
output: '[{"namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "edge01", "ifname": "lo", "ipAddressList":
@@ -90704,8 +90637,8 @@ tests:
1631009089864}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01", "ifname":
"ge-0/0/5", "ipAddressList": [], "macaddr": "50:06:00:0e:00:07", "ip6AddressList":
[], "state": "down", "vrf": "", "timestamp": 1631009089864}]'
-- command: address show --hostname='~!leaf.* ~!exit.*' --format=json --namespace='~!ospf.*
- ~!.*os'
+- command: address show --hostname='!~leaf.* !~exit.*' --format=json --namespace='!~ospf.*
+ !~.*os'
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: address show hostname negate regex
output: '[{"namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "edge01", "ifname": "lo", "ipAddressList":
@@ -91597,8 +91530,8 @@ tests:
1631009089864}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01", "ifname":
"ge-0/0/5", "ipAddressList": [], "macaddr": "50:06:00:0e:00:07", "ip6AddressList":
[], "state": "down", "vrf": "", "timestamp": 1631009089864}]'
-- command: arpnd show --hostname='!leaf01 !leaf02' --format=json --namespace='~!ospf.*
- ~!.*os'
+- command: arpnd show --hostname='!leaf01 !leaf02' --format=json --namespace='!~ospf.*
+ !~.*os'
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: arpnd show hostname negate
output: '[{"namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "spine02", "ipAddress": "",
@@ -92272,8 +92205,8 @@ tests:
"vmx", "hostname": "CRP-DIS-SW01", "ipAddress": "", "oif": "em1.0",
"macaddr": "50:06:00:04:00:01", "state": "reachable", "remote": false, "timestamp":
-- command: arpnd show --hostname='~!leaf.* ~!exit.*' --format=json --namespace='~!ospf.*
- ~!.*os'
+- command: arpnd show --hostname='!~leaf.* !~exit.*' --format=json --namespace='!~ospf.*
+ !~.*os'
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: arpnd show hostname negate regex
output: '[{"namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "spine02", "ipAddress": "",
@@ -92595,8 +92528,8 @@ tests:
"vmx", "hostname": "CRP-DIS-SW01", "ipAddress": "", "oif": "em1.0",
"macaddr": "50:06:00:04:00:01", "state": "reachable", "remote": false, "timestamp":
-- command: bgp show --hostname='!leaf01 !leaf02' --format=json --namespace='~!ospf.*
- ~!.*os'
+- command: bgp show --hostname='!leaf01 !leaf02' --format=json --namespace='!~ospf.*
+ !~.*os'
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: bgp show hostname negate
output: '[{"namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "edge01", "vrf": "default", "peer":
@@ -92991,8 +92924,8 @@ tests:
"state": "Established", "afi": "ipv4", "safi": "unicast", "asn": 65000, "peerAsn":
65000, "pfxRx": 2, "pfxTx": 2, "numChanges": 0, "estdTime": 1630916571873.0, "timestamp":
-- command: bgp show --hostname='~!leaf.* ~!exit.*' --format=json --namespace='~!ospf.*
- ~!.*os'
+- command: bgp show --hostname='!~leaf.* !~exit.*' --format=json --namespace='!~ospf.*
+ !~.*os'
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: bgp show hostname negate regex
output: '[{"namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "edge01", "vrf": "default", "peer":
@@ -93235,8 +93168,8 @@ tests:
"peer": "", "peerHostname": "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01", "state": "Established",
"afi": "ipv4", "safi": "unicast", "asn": 65000, "peerAsn": 65000, "pfxRx": 2,
"pfxTx": 2, "numChanges": 0, "estdTime": 1630916571873.0, "timestamp": 1631009088873}]'
-- command: device show --hostname='!leaf01 !leaf02' --format=json --namespace='~!ospf.*
- ~!.*os'
+- command: device show --hostname='!leaf01 !leaf02' --format=json --namespace='!~ospf.*
+ !~.*os'
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: device show hostname negate
output: '[{"namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "server104", "model": "vm", "version":
@@ -93332,8 +93265,8 @@ tests:
"vmx", "hostname": "CRP-DIS-SW01", "model": "vmx", "version": "18.2R1.9", "vendor":
"Juniper", "architecture": "", "status": "alive", "address": "",
"bootupTimestamp": 1629105452.912, "timestamp": 1631009087912}]'
-- command: device show --hostname='~!leaf.* ~!exit.*' --format=json --namespace='~!ospf.*
- ~!.*os'
+- command: device show --hostname='!~leaf.* !~exit.*' --format=json --namespace='!~ospf.*
+ !~.*os'
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: device show hostname negate regex
output: '[{"namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "server104", "model": "vm", "version":
@@ -93399,8 +93332,8 @@ tests:
"model": "vmx", "version": "18.2R1.9", "vendor": "Juniper", "architecture": "",
"status": "alive", "address": "", "bootupTimestamp": 1629105452.912,
"timestamp": 1631009087912}]'
-- command: evpnVni show --hostname='!leaf01 !leaf02' --format=json --namespace='~!ospf.*
- ~!.*os'
+- command: evpnVni show --hostname='!leaf01 !leaf02' --format=json --namespace='!~ospf.*
+ !~.*os'
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: evpnVni show hostname negate
output: '[{"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "exit02", "vni": 24, "type": "L2",
@@ -93434,13 +93367,13 @@ tests:
1616644822168}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "exit01", "vni": 13, "type":
"L2", "vlan": 13, "state": "up", "mcastGroup": "", "remoteVtepCnt": 3,
"priVtepIp": "", "secVtepIp": "", "timestamp": 1616644822168}]'
-- command: evpnVni show --hostname='~!leaf.* ~!exit.*' --format=json --namespace='~!ospf.*
- ~!.*os'
+- command: evpnVni show --hostname='!~leaf.* !~exit.*' --format=json --namespace='!~ospf.*
+ !~.*os'
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: evpnVni show hostname negate regex
output: '[]'
-- command: lldp show --hostname='~!leaf.* ~!exit.*' --format=json --namespace='~!ospf.*
- ~!.*os'
+- command: lldp show --hostname='!~leaf.* !~exit.*' --format=json --namespace='!~ospf.*
+ !~.*os'
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: lldp show hostname negate regex
output: '[{"namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "edge01", "ifname": "eth1", "peerHostname":
@@ -93589,8 +93522,8 @@ tests:
1631009087687}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "CRP-ACC-SW01", "ifname": "ge-0/0/2",
"peerHostname": "TOR4CRP-DGW-RT01", "peerIfname": "ge-0/0/2", "description": "description",
"mgmtIP": "", "timestamp": 1631009087687}]'
-- command: lldp show --hostname='!leaf01 !leaf02' --format=json --namespace='~!ospf.*
- ~!.*os'
+- command: lldp show --hostname='!leaf01 !leaf02' --format=json --namespace='!~ospf.*
+ !~.*os'
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: lldp show hostname negate
output: '[{"namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "edge01", "ifname": "eth1", "peerHostname":
@@ -93863,8 +93796,8 @@ tests:
1631009087687}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "CRP-ACC-SW01", "ifname": "ge-0/0/2",
"peerHostname": "TOR4CRP-DGW-RT01", "peerIfname": "ge-0/0/2", "description": "description",
"mgmtIP": "", "timestamp": 1631009087687}]'
-- command: interface show --hostname='!leaf01 !leaf02' --format=json --namespace='~!ospf.*
- ~!.*os'
+- command: interface show --hostname='!leaf01 !leaf02' --format=json --namespace='!~ospf.*
+ !~.*os'
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: interface show hostname negate
output: '[{"namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "edge01", "ifname": "lo", "state":
@@ -95326,8 +95259,8 @@ tests:
"ifname": "ge-0/0/8", "state": "down", "adminState": "up", "type": "ethernet",
"mtu": 1514, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [],
"timestamp": 1631009089864}]'
-- command: interface show --hostname='~!leaf.* ~!exit.*' --format=json --namespace='~!ospf.*
- ~!.*os'
+- command: interface show --hostname='!~leaf.* !~exit.*' --format=json --namespace='!~ospf.*
+ !~.*os'
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: interface show hostname negate regex
output: '[{"namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "edge01", "ifname": "lo", "state":
@@ -96134,8 +96067,8 @@ tests:
"ifname": "ge-0/0/8", "state": "down", "adminState": "up", "type": "ethernet",
"mtu": 1514, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [],
"timestamp": 1631009089864}]'
-- command: inventory show --hostname='!leaf01 !leaf02' --format=json --namespace='~!ospf.*
- ~!.*os'
+- command: inventory show --hostname='!leaf01 !leaf02' --format=json --namespace='!~ospf.*
+ !~.*os'
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: inventory show hostname negate
output: '[{"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01", "name": "port-adapter-0/0",
@@ -96201,8 +96134,8 @@ tests:
{"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "CRP-DIS-SW01", "name": "midplane", "model":
"", "status": "present", "vendor": "Juniper", "type": "midplane", "version": "",
"partType": "", "timestamp": 1631009090098}]'
-- command: inventory show --hostname='~!leaf.* ~!exit.*' --format=json --namespace='~!ospf.*
- ~!.*os'
+- command: inventory show --hostname='!~leaf.* !~exit.*' --format=json --namespace='!~ospf.*
+ !~.*os'
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: inventory show hostname negate regex
output: '[{"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01", "name": "port-adapter-0/0",
@@ -96268,8 +96201,8 @@ tests:
{"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "CRP-DIS-SW01", "name": "midplane", "model":
"", "status": "present", "vendor": "Juniper", "type": "midplane", "version": "",
"partType": "", "timestamp": 1631009090098}]'
-- command: mac show --hostname='!leaf01 !leaf02' --format=json --namespace='~!ospf.*
- ~!.*os'
+- command: mac show --hostname='!leaf01 !leaf02' --format=json --namespace='!~ospf.*
+ !~.*os'
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: mac show hostname negate
output: '[{"namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "edge01", "vlan": 0, "macaddr":
@@ -96644,8 +96577,8 @@ tests:
1631009088079}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR4CRP-DGW-RT01", "vlan": 201,
"macaddr": "00:50:79:66:68:09", "oif": "ae0", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "default-switch",
"flags": "", "timestamp": 1631009088079}]'
-- command: mac show --hostname='~!leaf.* ~!exit.*' --format=json --namespace='~!ospf.*
- ~!.*os'
+- command: mac show --hostname='!~leaf.* !~exit.*' --format=json --namespace='!~ospf.*
+ !~.*os'
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: mac show hostname negate regex
output: '[{"namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "edge01", "vlan": 0, "macaddr":
@@ -96718,8 +96651,8 @@ tests:
"vmx", "hostname": "TOR4CRP-DGW-RT01", "vlan": 201, "macaddr": "00:50:79:66:68:09",
"oif": "ae0", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "default-switch", "flags": "", "timestamp":
-- command: mlag show --hostname='!leaf01 !leaf02' --format=json --namespace='~!ospf.*
- ~!.*os'
+- command: mlag show --hostname='!leaf01 !leaf02' --format=json --namespace='!~ospf.*
+ !~.*os'
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: mlag show hostname negate
output: '[{"namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "leaf04", "systemId": "44:39:39:ff:40:95",
@@ -96736,13 +96669,13 @@ tests:
"state": "active", "peerAddress": "", "role": "secondary", "peerLink":
"peerlink.4094", "mlagDualPortsCnt": 4, "mlagSinglePortsCnt": 0, "mlagErrorPortsCnt":
0, "timestamp": 1616644822763}]'
-- command: mlag show --hostname='~!leaf.* ~!exit.*' --format=json --namespace='~!ospf.*
- ~!.*os'
+- command: mlag show --hostname='!~leaf.* !~exit.*' --format=json --namespace='!~ospf.*
+ !~.*os'
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: mlag show hostname negate regex
output: '[]'
-- command: ospf show --hostname='!leaf01 !leaf02' --format=json --namespace='~!ospf.*
- ~!.*os'
+- command: ospf show --hostname='!leaf01 !leaf02' --format=json --namespace='!~ospf.*
+ !~.*os'
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: ospf show hostname negate
output: '[{"namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf3-qfx", "vrf": "default", "ifname":
@@ -96766,13 +96699,13 @@ tests:
"default", "ifname": "xe-0/0/1.0", "peerHostname": "spine2-nxos", "area": "",
"ifState": "up", "nbrCount": 1.0, "adjState": "full", "peerIP": "", "numChanges":
0.0, "lastChangeTime": 1625734326150.0, "timestamp": 1627395435166}]'
-- command: ospf show --hostname='~!leaf.* ~!exit.*' --format=json --namespace='~!ospf.*
- ~!.*os'
+- command: ospf show --hostname='!~leaf.* !~exit.*' --format=json --namespace='!~ospf.*
+ !~.*os'
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: ospf show hostname negate regex
output: '[]'
-- command: route show --hostname='!leaf01 !leaf02' --format=json --namespace='~!ospf.*
- ~!.*os'
+- command: route show --hostname='!leaf01 !leaf02' --format=json --namespace='!~ospf.*
+ !~.*os'
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: route show hostname negate
output: '[{"namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "edge01", "vrf": "default", "prefix":
@@ -98529,8 +98462,8 @@ tests:
"vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [], "oifs": ["ge-0/0/2.0"],
"protocol": "local", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "local",
"timestamp": 1631009087742}]'
-- command: route show --hostname='~!leaf.* ~!exit.*' --format=json --namespace='~!ospf.*
- ~!.*os'
+- command: route show --hostname='!~leaf.* !~exit.*' --format=json --namespace='!~ospf.*
+ !~.*os'
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: route show hostname negate regex
output: '[{"namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "edge01", "vrf": "default", "prefix":
@@ -99320,8 +99253,8 @@ tests:
"vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [], "oifs": ["ge-0/0/2.0"],
"protocol": "local", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "local",
"timestamp": 1631009087742}]'
-- command: sqPoller show --hostname='!leaf01 !leaf02' --format=json --namespace='~!ospf.*
- ~!.*os'
+- command: sqPoller show --hostname='!leaf01 !leaf02' --format=json --namespace='!~ospf.*
+ !~.*os'
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: sqPoller show hostname negate
output: '[{"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "CRP-ACC-SW01", "service": "lldp", "status":
@@ -101158,8 +101091,8 @@ tests:
0, "gatherTime": [893.0, 893.0, 893.0], "totalTime": [896.0, 896.0, 896.0], "svcQsize":
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [347.0, 347.0, 347.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0],
"rxBytes": [463.0, 463.0, 463.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587704070}]'
-- command: sqPoller show --hostname='~!leaf.* ~!exit.*' --format=json --namespace='~!ospf.*
- ~!.*os'
+- command: sqPoller show --hostname='!~leaf.* !~exit.*' --format=json --namespace='!~ospf.*
+ !~.*os'
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: sqPoller show hostname negate regex
output: '[{"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "CRP-ACC-SW01", "service": "lldp", "status":
@@ -102342,8 +102275,8 @@ tests:
0, "gatherTime": [893.0, 893.0, 893.0], "totalTime": [896.0, 896.0, 896.0], "svcQsize":
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [347.0, 347.0, 347.0], "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0],
"rxBytes": [463.0, 463.0, 463.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652587704070}]'
-- command: topology show --hostname='!leaf01 !leaf02' --format=json --namespace='~!ospf.*
- ~!.*os'
+- command: topology show --hostname='!leaf01 !leaf02' --format=json --namespace='!~ospf.*
+ !~.*os'
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: topology show hostname negate
output: '[{"namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "edge01", "peerHostname": "exit01",
@@ -102611,8 +102544,8 @@ tests:
"peerHostname": "spine2-nxos", "ifname": "xe-0/0/1.0", "vrf": "default", "lldp":
"", "asn": "", "peerAsn": "", "bgp": "", "area": "", "ospf": true, "polled":
-- command: topology show --hostname='~!leaf.* ~!exit.*' --format=json --namespace='~!ospf.*
- ~!.*os'
+- command: topology show --hostname='!~leaf.* !~exit.*' --format=json --namespace='!~ospf.*
+ !~.*os'
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: topology show hostname negate regex
output: '[{"namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "edge01", "peerHostname": "exit01",
@@ -102753,8 +102686,8 @@ tests:
"vmx", "hostname": "TOR4CRP-DGW-RT01", "peerHostname": "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01", "ifname":
"", "vrf": "VRF-B", "lldp": "", "asn": 65000.0, "peerAsn": 65000.0, "bgp": true,
"area": "", "ospf": "", "polled": true}]'
-- command: vlan show --hostname='!leaf01 !leaf02' --format=json --namespace='~!ospf.*
- ~!.*os'
+- command: vlan show --hostname='!leaf01 !leaf02' --format=json --namespace='!~ospf.*
+ !~.*os'
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: vlan show hostname negate
output: '[{"namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "leaf04", "vlanName": "vlan13",
@@ -102812,8 +102745,8 @@ tests:
["ae1", "ae2", "ge-0/0/0"], "vlan": 10, "timestamp": 1631009089744}, {"namespace":
"vmx", "hostname": "CRP-DIS-SW01", "vlanName": "vl20", "state": "active", "interfaces":
["ae1", "ae2", "ge-0/0/0"], "vlan": 20, "timestamp": 1631009089744}]'
-- command: vlan show --hostname='~!leaf.* ~!exit.*' --format=json --namespace='~!ospf.*
- ~!.*os'
+- command: vlan show --hostname='!~leaf.* !~exit.*' --format=json --namespace='!~ospf.*
+ !~.*os'
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: vlan show hostname negate regex
output: '[{"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01", "vlanName": "vl200",
diff --git a/tests/integration/sqcmds/cumulus-samples/evpnVni.yml b/tests/integration/sqcmds/cumulus-samples/evpnVni.yml
index 7197eea1fc..54c31b5c2c 100644
--- a/tests/integration/sqcmds/cumulus-samples/evpnVni.yml
+++ b/tests/integration/sqcmds/cumulus-samples/evpnVni.yml
@@ -136,64 +136,100 @@ tests:
{"hostname": "leaf02"}, {"hostname": "leaf03"}, {"hostname": "leaf04"}]'
- command: evpnVni assert --format=json --namespace='ospf-single dual-evpn ospf-ibgp'
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ error:
+ error: '[{"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "exit02", "vni": 24, "type": "L2",
+ "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "macaddr": "36:98:6e:0c:42:ae", "timestamp": 1616644822033,
+ "result": "fail", "assertReason": ["Inconsistent VNI-VRF mapping", "anycast
+ MAC not unique across VNI"]}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "exit02",
+ "vni": 13, "type": "L2", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "macaddr": "36:98:6e:0c:42:ae",
+ "timestamp": 1616644822033, "result": "fail", "assertReason": ["Inconsistent
+ VNI-VRF mapping", "anycast MAC not unique across VNI"]}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn",
+ "hostname": "exit02", "vni": 104001, "type": "L3", "vrf": null, "macaddr": null,
+ "timestamp": 1616644822033, "result": "fail", "assertReason": ["vni down"]},
+ {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf04", "vni": 24, "type": "L2", "vrf":
+ "default", "macaddr": "44:38:39:00:00:33", "timestamp": 1616644822167, "result":
+ "fail", "assertReason": ["Inconsistent VNI-VRF mapping", "anycast MAC not unique
+ across VNI"]}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf04", "vni": 104001,
+ "type": "L3", "vrf": null, "macaddr": null, "timestamp": 1616644822167, "result":
+ "fail", "assertReason": ["vni down"]}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname":
+ "leaf04", "vni": 13, "type": "L2", "vrf": "default", "macaddr": "44:38:39:00:00:33",
+ "timestamp": 1616644822167, "result": "fail", "assertReason": ["Inconsistent
+ VNI-VRF mapping", "anycast MAC not unique across VNI"]}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn",
+ "hostname": "leaf03", "vni": 104001, "type": "L3", "vrf": null, "macaddr": null,
+ "timestamp": 1616644822167, "result": "fail", "assertReason": ["vni down"]},
+ {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf03", "vni": 13, "type": "L2", "vrf":
+ "default", "macaddr": "44:38:39:00:00:51", "timestamp": 1616644822167, "result":
+ "fail", "assertReason": ["Inconsistent VNI-VRF mapping", "anycast MAC not unique
+ across VNI"]}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf03", "vni": 24, "type":
+ "L2", "vrf": "default", "macaddr": "44:38:39:00:00:51", "timestamp": 1616644822167,
+ "result": "fail", "assertReason": ["Inconsistent VNI-VRF mapping", "anycast
+ MAC not unique across VNI"]}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "exit01",
+ "vni": 24, "type": "L2", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "macaddr": "26:75:f3:1b:fb:ca",
+ "timestamp": 1616644822168, "result": "fail", "assertReason": ["Inconsistent
+ VNI-VRF mapping", "anycast MAC not unique across VNI"]}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn",
+ "hostname": "exit01", "vni": 104001, "type": "L3", "vrf": null, "macaddr": null,
+ "timestamp": 1616644822168, "result": "fail", "assertReason": ["vni down"]},
+ {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "exit01", "vni": 13, "type": "L2", "vrf":
+ "evpn-vrf", "macaddr": "26:75:f3:1b:fb:ca", "timestamp": 1616644822168, "result":
+ "fail", "assertReason": ["Inconsistent VNI-VRF mapping", "anycast MAC not unique
+ across VNI"]}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf01", "vni": 104001,
+ "type": "L3", "vrf": null, "macaddr": null, "timestamp": 1616644822169, "result":
+ "fail", "assertReason": ["vni down"]}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname":
+ "leaf01", "vni": 13, "type": "L2", "vrf": "default", "macaddr": "44:38:39:00:00:41",
+ "timestamp": 1616644822169, "result": "fail", "assertReason": ["Inconsistent
+ VNI-VRF mapping", "anycast MAC not unique across VNI"]}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn",
+ "hostname": "leaf01", "vni": 24, "type": "L2", "vrf": "default", "macaddr":
+ "44:38:39:00:00:41", "timestamp": 1616644822169, "result": "fail", "assertReason":
+ ["Inconsistent VNI-VRF mapping", "anycast MAC not unique across VNI"]}, {"namespace":
+ "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf02", "vni": 13, "type": "L2", "vrf": "default",
+ "macaddr": "44:38:39:00:00:58", "timestamp": 1616644822253, "result": "fail",
+ "assertReason": ["Inconsistent VNI-VRF mapping", "anycast MAC not unique across
+ VNI"]}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf02", "vni": 104001, "type":
+ "L3", "vrf": null, "macaddr": null, "timestamp": 1616644822253, "result": "fail",
+ "assertReason": ["vni down"]}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf02",
+ "vni": 24, "type": "L2", "vrf": "default", "macaddr": "44:38:39:00:00:58", "timestamp":
+ 1616644822253, "result": "fail", "assertReason": ["Inconsistent VNI-VRF mapping",
+ "anycast MAC not unique across VNI"]}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname":
+ "leaf03", "vni": 104001, "type": "L3", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "macaddr": "44:39:39:ff:40:95",
+ "timestamp": 1616681581879, "result": "fail", "assertReason": ["anycast MAC
+ not unique across VNI"]}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf03", "vni":
+ 13, "type": "L2", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "macaddr": "52:54:00:30:f2:82", "timestamp":
+ 1616681581879, "result": "fail", "assertReason": ["anycast MAC not unique across
+ VNI"]}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf03", "vni": 24, "type":
+ "L2", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "macaddr": "52:54:00:30:f2:82", "timestamp": 1616681581879,
+ "result": "fail", "assertReason": ["anycast MAC not unique across VNI"]}, {"namespace":
+ "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf02", "vni": 24, "type": "L2", "vrf": "evpn-vrf",
+ "macaddr": "52:54:00:33:b7:b8", "timestamp": 1616681581987, "result": "fail",
+ "assertReason": ["anycast MAC not unique across VNI"]}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
+ "hostname": "leaf02", "vni": 13, "type": "L2", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "macaddr":
+ "52:54:00:33:b7:b8", "timestamp": 1616681581987, "result": "fail", "assertReason":
+ ["anycast MAC not unique across VNI"]}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname":
+ "leaf02", "vni": 104001, "type": "L3", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "macaddr": "44:39:39:ff:40:94",
+ "timestamp": 1616681581987, "result": "fail", "assertReason": ["anycast MAC
+ not unique across VNI"]}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit01", "vni":
+ 104001, "type": "L3", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "macaddr": "92:0d:55:8d:b5:41", "timestamp":
+ 1616681582166, "result": "fail", "assertReason": ["anycast MAC not unique across
+ VNI"]}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf04", "vni": 24, "type":
+ "L2", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "macaddr": "48:47:00:e9:d5:41", "timestamp": 1616681582386,
+ "result": "fail", "assertReason": ["anycast MAC not unique across VNI"]}, {"namespace":
+ "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf04", "vni": 104001, "type": "L3", "vrf": "evpn-vrf",
+ "macaddr": "44:39:39:ff:40:95", "timestamp": 1616681582386, "result": "fail",
+ "assertReason": ["anycast MAC not unique across VNI"]}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
+ "hostname": "leaf04", "vni": 13, "type": "L2", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "macaddr":
+ "48:47:00:e9:d5:41", "timestamp": 1616681582386, "result": "fail", "assertReason":
+ ["anycast MAC not unique across VNI"]}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname":
+ "exit02", "vni": 104001, "type": "L3", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "macaddr": "ea:c9:a5:5f:c7:ca",
+ "timestamp": 1616681582523, "result": "fail", "assertReason": ["anycast MAC
+ not unique across VNI"]}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf01", "vni":
+ 13, "type": "L2", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "macaddr": "48:47:00:e9:d5:47", "timestamp":
+ 1616681582726, "result": "fail", "assertReason": ["anycast MAC not unique across
+ VNI"]}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf01", "vni": 104001, "type":
+ "L3", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "macaddr": "44:39:39:ff:40:94", "timestamp": 1616681582726,
+ "result": "fail", "assertReason": ["anycast MAC not unique across VNI"]}, {"namespace":
+ "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf01", "vni": 24, "type": "L2", "vrf": "evpn-vrf",
+ "macaddr": "48:47:00:e9:d5:47", "timestamp": 1616681582726, "result": "fail",
+ "assertReason": ["anycast MAC not unique across VNI"]}]'
marks: evpnVni assert cumulus
- output: '[{"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "exit02", "vni": 24.0, "type":
- "L2", "assertReason": "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp": 1616644822033}, {"namespace":
- "dual-evpn", "hostname": "exit02", "vni": 13.0, "type": "L2", "assertReason":
- "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp": 1616644822033}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn",
- "hostname": "exit02", "vni": 104001.0, "type": "L3", "assertReason": "-", "result":
- "pass", "timestamp": 1616644822033}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf04",
- "vni": 24.0, "type": "L2", "assertReason": "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp":
- 1616644822167}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf04", "vni": 104001.0,
- "type": "L3", "assertReason": "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp": 1616644822167},
- {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf04", "vni": 13.0, "type": "L2", "assertReason":
- "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp": 1616644822167}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn",
- "hostname": "leaf03", "vni": 104001.0, "type": "L3", "assertReason": "-", "result":
- "pass", "timestamp": 1616644822167}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf03",
- "vni": 13.0, "type": "L2", "assertReason": "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp":
- 1616644822167}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf03", "vni": 24.0,
- "type": "L2", "assertReason": "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp": 1616644822167},
- {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "exit01", "vni": 24.0, "type": "L2", "assertReason":
- "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp": 1616644822168}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn",
- "hostname": "exit01", "vni": 104001.0, "type": "L3", "assertReason": "-", "result":
- "pass", "timestamp": 1616644822168}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "exit01",
- "vni": 13.0, "type": "L2", "assertReason": "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp":
- 1616644822168}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf01", "vni": 104001.0,
- "type": "L3", "assertReason": "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp": 1616644822169},
- {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf01", "vni": 13.0, "type": "L2", "assertReason":
- "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp": 1616644822169}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn",
- "hostname": "leaf01", "vni": 24.0, "type": "L2", "assertReason": "-", "result":
- "pass", "timestamp": 1616644822169}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf02",
- "vni": 13.0, "type": "L2", "assertReason": "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp":
- 1616644822253}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf02", "vni": 104001.0,
- "type": "L3", "assertReason": "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp": 1616644822253},
- {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf02", "vni": 24.0, "type": "L2", "assertReason":
- "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp": 1616644822253}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
- "hostname": "leaf03", "vni": 104001.0, "type": "L3", "assertReason": "-", "result":
- "pass", "timestamp": 1616681581879}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf03",
- "vni": 13.0, "type": "L2", "assertReason": "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp":
- 1616681581879}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf03", "vni": 24.0,
- "type": "L2", "assertReason": "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp": 1616681581879},
- {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf02", "vni": 24.0, "type": "L2", "assertReason":
- "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp": 1616681581987}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
- "hostname": "leaf02", "vni": 13.0, "type": "L2", "assertReason": "-", "result":
- "pass", "timestamp": 1616681581987}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf02",
- "vni": 104001.0, "type": "L3", "assertReason": "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp":
- 1616681581987}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit01", "vni": 104001.0,
- "type": "L3", "assertReason": "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp": 1616681582166},
- {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf04", "vni": 24.0, "type": "L2", "assertReason":
- "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp": 1616681582386}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
- "hostname": "leaf04", "vni": 104001.0, "type": "L3", "assertReason": "-", "result":
- "pass", "timestamp": 1616681582386}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf04",
- "vni": 13.0, "type": "L2", "assertReason": "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp":
- 1616681582386}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit02", "vni": 104001.0,
- "type": "L3", "assertReason": "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp": 1616681582523},
- {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf01", "vni": 13.0, "type": "L2", "assertReason":
- "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp": 1616681582726}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
- "hostname": "leaf01", "vni": 104001.0, "type": "L3", "assertReason": "-", "result":
- "pass", "timestamp": 1616681582726}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf01",
- "vni": 24.0, "type": "L2", "assertReason": "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp":
- 1616681582726}]'
- command: evpnVni show --columns='hostname vni' --format=json --namespace='ospf-single
dual-evpn ospf-ibgp'
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
@@ -317,129 +353,201 @@ tests:
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: evpnVni assert cumulus
- output: '[{"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "exit02", "vni": 24.0, "type":
- "L2", "assertReason": "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp": 1616644822033}, {"namespace":
- "dual-evpn", "hostname": "exit02", "vni": 13.0, "type": "L2", "assertReason":
- "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp": 1616644822033}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn",
- "hostname": "exit02", "vni": 104001.0, "type": "L3", "assertReason": "-", "result":
- "pass", "timestamp": 1616644822033}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf04",
- "vni": 24.0, "type": "L2", "assertReason": "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp":
- 1616644822167}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf04", "vni": 104001.0,
- "type": "L3", "assertReason": "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp": 1616644822167},
- {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf04", "vni": 13.0, "type": "L2", "assertReason":
- "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp": 1616644822167}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn",
- "hostname": "leaf03", "vni": 104001.0, "type": "L3", "assertReason": "-", "result":
- "pass", "timestamp": 1616644822167}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf03",
- "vni": 13.0, "type": "L2", "assertReason": "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp":
- 1616644822167}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf03", "vni": 24.0,
- "type": "L2", "assertReason": "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp": 1616644822167},
- {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "exit01", "vni": 24.0, "type": "L2", "assertReason":
- "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp": 1616644822168}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn",
- "hostname": "exit01", "vni": 104001.0, "type": "L3", "assertReason": "-", "result":
- "pass", "timestamp": 1616644822168}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "exit01",
- "vni": 13.0, "type": "L2", "assertReason": "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp":
- 1616644822168}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf01", "vni": 104001.0,
- "type": "L3", "assertReason": "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp": 1616644822169},
- {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf01", "vni": 13.0, "type": "L2", "assertReason":
- "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp": 1616644822169}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn",
- "hostname": "leaf01", "vni": 24.0, "type": "L2", "assertReason": "-", "result":
- "pass", "timestamp": 1616644822169}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf02",
- "vni": 13.0, "type": "L2", "assertReason": "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp":
- 1616644822253}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf02", "vni": 104001.0,
- "type": "L3", "assertReason": "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp": 1616644822253},
- {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf02", "vni": 24.0, "type": "L2", "assertReason":
- "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp": 1616644822253}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
- "hostname": "leaf03", "vni": 104001.0, "type": "L3", "assertReason": "-", "result":
- "pass", "timestamp": 1616681581879}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf03",
- "vni": 13.0, "type": "L2", "assertReason": "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp":
- 1616681581879}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf03", "vni": 24.0,
- "type": "L2", "assertReason": "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp": 1616681581879},
- {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf02", "vni": 24.0, "type": "L2", "assertReason":
- "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp": 1616681581987}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
- "hostname": "leaf02", "vni": 13.0, "type": "L2", "assertReason": "-", "result":
- "pass", "timestamp": 1616681581987}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf02",
- "vni": 104001.0, "type": "L3", "assertReason": "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp":
- 1616681581987}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit01", "vni": 104001.0,
- "type": "L3", "assertReason": "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp": 1616681582166},
- {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf04", "vni": 24.0, "type": "L2", "assertReason":
- "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp": 1616681582386}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
- "hostname": "leaf04", "vni": 104001.0, "type": "L3", "assertReason": "-", "result":
- "pass", "timestamp": 1616681582386}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf04",
- "vni": 13.0, "type": "L2", "assertReason": "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp":
- 1616681582386}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit02", "vni": 104001.0,
- "type": "L3", "assertReason": "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp": 1616681582523},
- {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf01", "vni": 13.0, "type": "L2", "assertReason":
- "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp": 1616681582726}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
- "hostname": "leaf01", "vni": 104001.0, "type": "L3", "assertReason": "-", "result":
- "pass", "timestamp": 1616681582726}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf01",
- "vni": 24.0, "type": "L2", "assertReason": "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp":
- 1616681582726}]'
+ output: '[]'
- command: evpnVni assert --result=fail --format=json --namespace='ospf-single dual-evpn
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ error:
+ error: '[{"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "exit02", "vni": 24, "type": "L2",
+ "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "macaddr": "36:98:6e:0c:42:ae", "timestamp": 1616644822033,
+ "result": "fail", "assertReason": ["Inconsistent VNI-VRF mapping", "anycast
+ MAC not unique across VNI"]}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "exit02",
+ "vni": 13, "type": "L2", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "macaddr": "36:98:6e:0c:42:ae",
+ "timestamp": 1616644822033, "result": "fail", "assertReason": ["Inconsistent
+ VNI-VRF mapping", "anycast MAC not unique across VNI"]}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn",
+ "hostname": "exit02", "vni": 104001, "type": "L3", "vrf": null, "macaddr": null,
+ "timestamp": 1616644822033, "result": "fail", "assertReason": ["vni down"]},
+ {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf04", "vni": 24, "type": "L2", "vrf":
+ "default", "macaddr": "44:38:39:00:00:33", "timestamp": 1616644822167, "result":
+ "fail", "assertReason": ["Inconsistent VNI-VRF mapping", "anycast MAC not unique
+ across VNI"]}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf04", "vni": 104001,
+ "type": "L3", "vrf": null, "macaddr": null, "timestamp": 1616644822167, "result":
+ "fail", "assertReason": ["vni down"]}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname":
+ "leaf04", "vni": 13, "type": "L2", "vrf": "default", "macaddr": "44:38:39:00:00:33",
+ "timestamp": 1616644822167, "result": "fail", "assertReason": ["Inconsistent
+ VNI-VRF mapping", "anycast MAC not unique across VNI"]}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn",
+ "hostname": "leaf03", "vni": 104001, "type": "L3", "vrf": null, "macaddr": null,
+ "timestamp": 1616644822167, "result": "fail", "assertReason": ["vni down"]},
+ {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf03", "vni": 13, "type": "L2", "vrf":
+ "default", "macaddr": "44:38:39:00:00:51", "timestamp": 1616644822167, "result":
+ "fail", "assertReason": ["Inconsistent VNI-VRF mapping", "anycast MAC not unique
+ across VNI"]}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf03", "vni": 24, "type":
+ "L2", "vrf": "default", "macaddr": "44:38:39:00:00:51", "timestamp": 1616644822167,
+ "result": "fail", "assertReason": ["Inconsistent VNI-VRF mapping", "anycast
+ MAC not unique across VNI"]}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "exit01",
+ "vni": 24, "type": "L2", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "macaddr": "26:75:f3:1b:fb:ca",
+ "timestamp": 1616644822168, "result": "fail", "assertReason": ["Inconsistent
+ VNI-VRF mapping", "anycast MAC not unique across VNI"]}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn",
+ "hostname": "exit01", "vni": 104001, "type": "L3", "vrf": null, "macaddr": null,
+ "timestamp": 1616644822168, "result": "fail", "assertReason": ["vni down"]},
+ {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "exit01", "vni": 13, "type": "L2", "vrf":
+ "evpn-vrf", "macaddr": "26:75:f3:1b:fb:ca", "timestamp": 1616644822168, "result":
+ "fail", "assertReason": ["Inconsistent VNI-VRF mapping", "anycast MAC not unique
+ across VNI"]}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf01", "vni": 104001,
+ "type": "L3", "vrf": null, "macaddr": null, "timestamp": 1616644822169, "result":
+ "fail", "assertReason": ["vni down"]}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname":
+ "leaf01", "vni": 13, "type": "L2", "vrf": "default", "macaddr": "44:38:39:00:00:41",
+ "timestamp": 1616644822169, "result": "fail", "assertReason": ["Inconsistent
+ VNI-VRF mapping", "anycast MAC not unique across VNI"]}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn",
+ "hostname": "leaf01", "vni": 24, "type": "L2", "vrf": "default", "macaddr":
+ "44:38:39:00:00:41", "timestamp": 1616644822169, "result": "fail", "assertReason":
+ ["Inconsistent VNI-VRF mapping", "anycast MAC not unique across VNI"]}, {"namespace":
+ "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf02", "vni": 13, "type": "L2", "vrf": "default",
+ "macaddr": "44:38:39:00:00:58", "timestamp": 1616644822253, "result": "fail",
+ "assertReason": ["Inconsistent VNI-VRF mapping", "anycast MAC not unique across
+ VNI"]}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf02", "vni": 104001, "type":
+ "L3", "vrf": null, "macaddr": null, "timestamp": 1616644822253, "result": "fail",
+ "assertReason": ["vni down"]}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf02",
+ "vni": 24, "type": "L2", "vrf": "default", "macaddr": "44:38:39:00:00:58", "timestamp":
+ 1616644822253, "result": "fail", "assertReason": ["Inconsistent VNI-VRF mapping",
+ "anycast MAC not unique across VNI"]}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname":
+ "leaf03", "vni": 104001, "type": "L3", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "macaddr": "44:39:39:ff:40:95",
+ "timestamp": 1616681581879, "result": "fail", "assertReason": ["anycast MAC
+ not unique across VNI"]}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf03", "vni":
+ 13, "type": "L2", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "macaddr": "52:54:00:30:f2:82", "timestamp":
+ 1616681581879, "result": "fail", "assertReason": ["anycast MAC not unique across
+ VNI"]}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf03", "vni": 24, "type":
+ "L2", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "macaddr": "52:54:00:30:f2:82", "timestamp": 1616681581879,
+ "result": "fail", "assertReason": ["anycast MAC not unique across VNI"]}, {"namespace":
+ "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf02", "vni": 24, "type": "L2", "vrf": "evpn-vrf",
+ "macaddr": "52:54:00:33:b7:b8", "timestamp": 1616681581987, "result": "fail",
+ "assertReason": ["anycast MAC not unique across VNI"]}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
+ "hostname": "leaf02", "vni": 13, "type": "L2", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "macaddr":
+ "52:54:00:33:b7:b8", "timestamp": 1616681581987, "result": "fail", "assertReason":
+ ["anycast MAC not unique across VNI"]}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname":
+ "leaf02", "vni": 104001, "type": "L3", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "macaddr": "44:39:39:ff:40:94",
+ "timestamp": 1616681581987, "result": "fail", "assertReason": ["anycast MAC
+ not unique across VNI"]}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit01", "vni":
+ 104001, "type": "L3", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "macaddr": "92:0d:55:8d:b5:41", "timestamp":
+ 1616681582166, "result": "fail", "assertReason": ["anycast MAC not unique across
+ VNI"]}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf04", "vni": 24, "type":
+ "L2", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "macaddr": "48:47:00:e9:d5:41", "timestamp": 1616681582386,
+ "result": "fail", "assertReason": ["anycast MAC not unique across VNI"]}, {"namespace":
+ "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf04", "vni": 104001, "type": "L3", "vrf": "evpn-vrf",
+ "macaddr": "44:39:39:ff:40:95", "timestamp": 1616681582386, "result": "fail",
+ "assertReason": ["anycast MAC not unique across VNI"]}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
+ "hostname": "leaf04", "vni": 13, "type": "L2", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "macaddr":
+ "48:47:00:e9:d5:41", "timestamp": 1616681582386, "result": "fail", "assertReason":
+ ["anycast MAC not unique across VNI"]}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname":
+ "exit02", "vni": 104001, "type": "L3", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "macaddr": "ea:c9:a5:5f:c7:ca",
+ "timestamp": 1616681582523, "result": "fail", "assertReason": ["anycast MAC
+ not unique across VNI"]}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf01", "vni":
+ 13, "type": "L2", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "macaddr": "48:47:00:e9:d5:47", "timestamp":
+ 1616681582726, "result": "fail", "assertReason": ["anycast MAC not unique across
+ VNI"]}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf01", "vni": 104001, "type":
+ "L3", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "macaddr": "44:39:39:ff:40:94", "timestamp": 1616681582726,
+ "result": "fail", "assertReason": ["anycast MAC not unique across VNI"]}, {"namespace":
+ "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf01", "vni": 24, "type": "L2", "vrf": "evpn-vrf",
+ "macaddr": "48:47:00:e9:d5:47", "timestamp": 1616681582726, "result": "fail",
+ "assertReason": ["anycast MAC not unique across VNI"]}]'
marks: evpnVni assert cumulus
- output: '[]'
- command: evpnVni assert --result=all --format=json --namespace='ospf-single dual-evpn
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ error:
+ error: '[{"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "exit02", "vni": 24, "type": "L2",
+ "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "macaddr": "36:98:6e:0c:42:ae", "timestamp": 1616644822033,
+ "result": "fail", "assertReason": ["Inconsistent VNI-VRF mapping", "anycast
+ MAC not unique across VNI"]}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "exit02",
+ "vni": 13, "type": "L2", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "macaddr": "36:98:6e:0c:42:ae",
+ "timestamp": 1616644822033, "result": "fail", "assertReason": ["Inconsistent
+ VNI-VRF mapping", "anycast MAC not unique across VNI"]}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn",
+ "hostname": "exit02", "vni": 104001, "type": "L3", "vrf": null, "macaddr": null,
+ "timestamp": 1616644822033, "result": "fail", "assertReason": ["vni down"]},
+ {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf04", "vni": 24, "type": "L2", "vrf":
+ "default", "macaddr": "44:38:39:00:00:33", "timestamp": 1616644822167, "result":
+ "fail", "assertReason": ["Inconsistent VNI-VRF mapping", "anycast MAC not unique
+ across VNI"]}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf04", "vni": 104001,
+ "type": "L3", "vrf": null, "macaddr": null, "timestamp": 1616644822167, "result":
+ "fail", "assertReason": ["vni down"]}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname":
+ "leaf04", "vni": 13, "type": "L2", "vrf": "default", "macaddr": "44:38:39:00:00:33",
+ "timestamp": 1616644822167, "result": "fail", "assertReason": ["Inconsistent
+ VNI-VRF mapping", "anycast MAC not unique across VNI"]}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn",
+ "hostname": "leaf03", "vni": 104001, "type": "L3", "vrf": null, "macaddr": null,
+ "timestamp": 1616644822167, "result": "fail", "assertReason": ["vni down"]},
+ {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf03", "vni": 13, "type": "L2", "vrf":
+ "default", "macaddr": "44:38:39:00:00:51", "timestamp": 1616644822167, "result":
+ "fail", "assertReason": ["Inconsistent VNI-VRF mapping", "anycast MAC not unique
+ across VNI"]}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf03", "vni": 24, "type":
+ "L2", "vrf": "default", "macaddr": "44:38:39:00:00:51", "timestamp": 1616644822167,
+ "result": "fail", "assertReason": ["Inconsistent VNI-VRF mapping", "anycast
+ MAC not unique across VNI"]}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "exit01",
+ "vni": 24, "type": "L2", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "macaddr": "26:75:f3:1b:fb:ca",
+ "timestamp": 1616644822168, "result": "fail", "assertReason": ["Inconsistent
+ VNI-VRF mapping", "anycast MAC not unique across VNI"]}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn",
+ "hostname": "exit01", "vni": 104001, "type": "L3", "vrf": null, "macaddr": null,
+ "timestamp": 1616644822168, "result": "fail", "assertReason": ["vni down"]},
+ {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "exit01", "vni": 13, "type": "L2", "vrf":
+ "evpn-vrf", "macaddr": "26:75:f3:1b:fb:ca", "timestamp": 1616644822168, "result":
+ "fail", "assertReason": ["Inconsistent VNI-VRF mapping", "anycast MAC not unique
+ across VNI"]}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf01", "vni": 104001,
+ "type": "L3", "vrf": null, "macaddr": null, "timestamp": 1616644822169, "result":
+ "fail", "assertReason": ["vni down"]}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname":
+ "leaf01", "vni": 13, "type": "L2", "vrf": "default", "macaddr": "44:38:39:00:00:41",
+ "timestamp": 1616644822169, "result": "fail", "assertReason": ["Inconsistent
+ VNI-VRF mapping", "anycast MAC not unique across VNI"]}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn",
+ "hostname": "leaf01", "vni": 24, "type": "L2", "vrf": "default", "macaddr":
+ "44:38:39:00:00:41", "timestamp": 1616644822169, "result": "fail", "assertReason":
+ ["Inconsistent VNI-VRF mapping", "anycast MAC not unique across VNI"]}, {"namespace":
+ "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf02", "vni": 13, "type": "L2", "vrf": "default",
+ "macaddr": "44:38:39:00:00:58", "timestamp": 1616644822253, "result": "fail",
+ "assertReason": ["Inconsistent VNI-VRF mapping", "anycast MAC not unique across
+ VNI"]}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf02", "vni": 104001, "type":
+ "L3", "vrf": null, "macaddr": null, "timestamp": 1616644822253, "result": "fail",
+ "assertReason": ["vni down"]}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf02",
+ "vni": 24, "type": "L2", "vrf": "default", "macaddr": "44:38:39:00:00:58", "timestamp":
+ 1616644822253, "result": "fail", "assertReason": ["Inconsistent VNI-VRF mapping",
+ "anycast MAC not unique across VNI"]}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname":
+ "leaf03", "vni": 104001, "type": "L3", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "macaddr": "44:39:39:ff:40:95",
+ "timestamp": 1616681581879, "result": "fail", "assertReason": ["anycast MAC
+ not unique across VNI"]}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf03", "vni":
+ 13, "type": "L2", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "macaddr": "52:54:00:30:f2:82", "timestamp":
+ 1616681581879, "result": "fail", "assertReason": ["anycast MAC not unique across
+ VNI"]}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf03", "vni": 24, "type":
+ "L2", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "macaddr": "52:54:00:30:f2:82", "timestamp": 1616681581879,
+ "result": "fail", "assertReason": ["anycast MAC not unique across VNI"]}, {"namespace":
+ "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf02", "vni": 24, "type": "L2", "vrf": "evpn-vrf",
+ "macaddr": "52:54:00:33:b7:b8", "timestamp": 1616681581987, "result": "fail",
+ "assertReason": ["anycast MAC not unique across VNI"]}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
+ "hostname": "leaf02", "vni": 13, "type": "L2", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "macaddr":
+ "52:54:00:33:b7:b8", "timestamp": 1616681581987, "result": "fail", "assertReason":
+ ["anycast MAC not unique across VNI"]}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname":
+ "leaf02", "vni": 104001, "type": "L3", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "macaddr": "44:39:39:ff:40:94",
+ "timestamp": 1616681581987, "result": "fail", "assertReason": ["anycast MAC
+ not unique across VNI"]}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit01", "vni":
+ 104001, "type": "L3", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "macaddr": "92:0d:55:8d:b5:41", "timestamp":
+ 1616681582166, "result": "fail", "assertReason": ["anycast MAC not unique across
+ VNI"]}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf04", "vni": 24, "type":
+ "L2", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "macaddr": "48:47:00:e9:d5:41", "timestamp": 1616681582386,
+ "result": "fail", "assertReason": ["anycast MAC not unique across VNI"]}, {"namespace":
+ "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf04", "vni": 104001, "type": "L3", "vrf": "evpn-vrf",
+ "macaddr": "44:39:39:ff:40:95", "timestamp": 1616681582386, "result": "fail",
+ "assertReason": ["anycast MAC not unique across VNI"]}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
+ "hostname": "leaf04", "vni": 13, "type": "L2", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "macaddr":
+ "48:47:00:e9:d5:41", "timestamp": 1616681582386, "result": "fail", "assertReason":
+ ["anycast MAC not unique across VNI"]}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname":
+ "exit02", "vni": 104001, "type": "L3", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "macaddr": "ea:c9:a5:5f:c7:ca",
+ "timestamp": 1616681582523, "result": "fail", "assertReason": ["anycast MAC
+ not unique across VNI"]}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf01", "vni":
+ 13, "type": "L2", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "macaddr": "48:47:00:e9:d5:47", "timestamp":
+ 1616681582726, "result": "fail", "assertReason": ["anycast MAC not unique across
+ VNI"]}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf01", "vni": 104001, "type":
+ "L3", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "macaddr": "44:39:39:ff:40:94", "timestamp": 1616681582726,
+ "result": "fail", "assertReason": ["anycast MAC not unique across VNI"]}, {"namespace":
+ "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf01", "vni": 24, "type": "L2", "vrf": "evpn-vrf",
+ "macaddr": "48:47:00:e9:d5:47", "timestamp": 1616681582726, "result": "fail",
+ "assertReason": ["anycast MAC not unique across VNI"]}]'
marks: evpnVni assert cumulus
- output: '[{"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "exit02", "vni": 24.0, "type":
- "L2", "assertReason": "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp": 1616644822033}, {"namespace":
- "dual-evpn", "hostname": "exit02", "vni": 13.0, "type": "L2", "assertReason":
- "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp": 1616644822033}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn",
- "hostname": "exit02", "vni": 104001.0, "type": "L3", "assertReason": "-", "result":
- "pass", "timestamp": 1616644822033}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf04",
- "vni": 24.0, "type": "L2", "assertReason": "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp":
- 1616644822167}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf04", "vni": 104001.0,
- "type": "L3", "assertReason": "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp": 1616644822167},
- {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf04", "vni": 13.0, "type": "L2", "assertReason":
- "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp": 1616644822167}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn",
- "hostname": "leaf03", "vni": 104001.0, "type": "L3", "assertReason": "-", "result":
- "pass", "timestamp": 1616644822167}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf03",
- "vni": 13.0, "type": "L2", "assertReason": "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp":
- 1616644822167}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf03", "vni": 24.0,
- "type": "L2", "assertReason": "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp": 1616644822167},
- {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "exit01", "vni": 24.0, "type": "L2", "assertReason":
- "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp": 1616644822168}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn",
- "hostname": "exit01", "vni": 104001.0, "type": "L3", "assertReason": "-", "result":
- "pass", "timestamp": 1616644822168}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "exit01",
- "vni": 13.0, "type": "L2", "assertReason": "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp":
- 1616644822168}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf01", "vni": 104001.0,
- "type": "L3", "assertReason": "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp": 1616644822169},
- {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf01", "vni": 13.0, "type": "L2", "assertReason":
- "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp": 1616644822169}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn",
- "hostname": "leaf01", "vni": 24.0, "type": "L2", "assertReason": "-", "result":
- "pass", "timestamp": 1616644822169}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf02",
- "vni": 13.0, "type": "L2", "assertReason": "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp":
- 1616644822253}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf02", "vni": 104001.0,
- "type": "L3", "assertReason": "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp": 1616644822253},
- {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf02", "vni": 24.0, "type": "L2", "assertReason":
- "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp": 1616644822253}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
- "hostname": "leaf03", "vni": 104001.0, "type": "L3", "assertReason": "-", "result":
- "pass", "timestamp": 1616681581879}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf03",
- "vni": 13.0, "type": "L2", "assertReason": "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp":
- 1616681581879}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf03", "vni": 24.0,
- "type": "L2", "assertReason": "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp": 1616681581879},
- {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf02", "vni": 24.0, "type": "L2", "assertReason":
- "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp": 1616681581987}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
- "hostname": "leaf02", "vni": 13.0, "type": "L2", "assertReason": "-", "result":
- "pass", "timestamp": 1616681581987}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf02",
- "vni": 104001.0, "type": "L3", "assertReason": "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp":
- 1616681581987}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit01", "vni": 104001.0,
- "type": "L3", "assertReason": "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp": 1616681582166},
- {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf04", "vni": 24.0, "type": "L2", "assertReason":
- "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp": 1616681582386}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
- "hostname": "leaf04", "vni": 104001.0, "type": "L3", "assertReason": "-", "result":
- "pass", "timestamp": 1616681582386}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf04",
- "vni": 13.0, "type": "L2", "assertReason": "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp":
- 1616681582386}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit02", "vni": 104001.0,
- "type": "L3", "assertReason": "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp": 1616681582523},
- {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf01", "vni": 13.0, "type": "L2", "assertReason":
- "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp": 1616681582726}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
- "hostname": "leaf01", "vni": 104001.0, "type": "L3", "assertReason": "-", "result":
- "pass", "timestamp": 1616681582726}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf01",
- "vni": 24.0, "type": "L2", "assertReason": "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp":
- 1616681582726}]'
- command: evpnVni assert --result=whatever --format=json --namespace='ospf-single
dual-evpn ospf-ibgp'
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
diff --git a/tests/integration/sqcmds/cumulus-samples/interface.yml b/tests/integration/sqcmds/cumulus-samples/interface.yml
index ff2e2965ad..d7b99829d4 100644
--- a/tests/integration/sqcmds/cumulus-samples/interface.yml
+++ b/tests/integration/sqcmds/cumulus-samples/interface.yml
@@ -3667,3 +3667,1177 @@ tests:
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: interface assert cumulus
output: '[]'
+- command: interface unique --columns=hostname --vlan='13 24' --namespace=ospf-ibgp
+ --format=json
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: interface unique cumulus
+ output: '[{"hostname": "leaf01"}, {"hostname": "leaf02"}, {"hostname": "leaf03"},
+ {"hostname": "leaf04"}]'
+- command: interface unique --columns=hostname --vlan='24' --namespace=ospf-ibgp --format=json
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: interface unique cumulus
+ output: '[{"hostname": "leaf01"}, {"hostname": "leaf02"}, {"hostname": "leaf03"},
+ {"hostname": "leaf04"}]'
+- command: interface unique --columns=hostname --vlan='540' --namespace=ospf-ibgp
+ --format=json
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: interface unique cumulus
+ output: '[]'
+- command: interface show --mtu='>1514 <9216' --namespace=ospf-ibgp --format=json
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: interface show cumulus
+ output: '[{"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server101", "ifname": "eth1",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 9000, "vlan":
+ 0, "master": "bond0", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1616681581492}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server101", "ifname":
+ "eth2", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 9000,
+ "vlan": 0, "master": "bond0", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1616681581492}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server101", "ifname":
+ "bond0", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 9000, "vlan":
+ 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1616681581492}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server103", "ifname":
+ "bond0", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 9000, "vlan":
+ 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1616681581509}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server103", "ifname":
+ "eth2", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 9000,
+ "vlan": 0, "master": "bond0", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1616681581509}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server103", "ifname":
+ "eth1", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 9000,
+ "vlan": 0, "master": "bond0", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
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+ "evpn-vrf", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList": ["fe80::5054:ff:fe30:f282/64"],
+ "timestamp": 1616681582391}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf03",
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+ "evpn-vrf", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList": ["fe80::4a47:ff:fee9:d541/64"],
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+ "ip6AddressList": ["fe80::4a47:ff:fee9:d541/64"], "timestamp": 1616681582523},
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+ "timestamp": 1616681582844}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf01",
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+ "timestamp": 1616681582844}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf01",
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+ [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1616681582844}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
+ "hostname": "leaf01", "ifname": "swp5", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type":
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+ "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1616681582844}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
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+ "ifname": "vni13", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vxlan", "mtu":
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+ "timestamp": 1616681582844}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf01",
+ "ifname": "vlan13", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vlan", "mtu":
+ 9000, "vlan": 13, "master": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList":
+ ["fe80::4a47:ff:fee9:d547/64"], "timestamp": 1616681582844}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
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+ "type": "macvlan", "mtu": 9000, "vlan": 0, "master": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddressList":
+ [""], "ip6AddressList": ["fe80::4639:39ff:feff:24/64"], "timestamp":
+ 1616681582844}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf01", "ifname": "vlan24",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vlan", "mtu": 9000, "vlan": 24, "master":
+ "evpn-vrf", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList": ["fe80::4a47:ff:fee9:d547/64"],
+ "timestamp": 1616681582844}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf01",
+ "ifname": "vlan13-v0", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "macvlan", "mtu":
+ 9000, "vlan": 0, "master": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList":
+ ["fe80::4639:39ff:feff:13/64"], "timestamp": 1616681582844}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
+ "hostname": "leaf01", "ifname": "swp6", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type":
+ "bond_slave", "mtu": 9000, "vlan": 0, "master": "bond02", "ipAddressList": [],
+ "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1616681582844}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
+ "hostname": "leaf01", "ifname": "bond01", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type":
+ "bond", "mtu": 9000, "vlan": 13, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1616681582844}]'
+- command: interface show --vlan='> 10 < 100' --namespace=ospf-ibgp --format=json
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: interface show cumulus
+ output: '[{"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf02", "ifname": "vlan13", "state":
+ "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vlan", "mtu": 9000, "vlan": 13, "master": "evpn-vrf",
+ "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList": ["fe80::5054:ff:fe33:b7b8/64"],
+ "timestamp": 1616681582325}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf02",
+ "ifname": "vlan24", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vlan", "mtu":
+ 9000, "vlan": 24, "master": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList":
+ ["fe80::5054:ff:fe33:b7b8/64"], "timestamp": 1616681582325}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
+ "hostname": "leaf02", "ifname": "vni24", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type":
+ "vxlan", "mtu": 9000, "vlan": 24, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1616681582325}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf02",
+ "ifname": "vni13", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vxlan", "mtu":
+ 9000, "vlan": 13, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [],
+ "timestamp": 1616681582325}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf02",
+ "ifname": "bond02", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond", "mtu":
+ 9000, "vlan": 24, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [],
+ "timestamp": 1616681582325}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf02",
+ "ifname": "bond01", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond", "mtu":
+ 9000, "vlan": 13, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [],
+ "timestamp": 1616681582325}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf02",
+ "ifname": "peerlink", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond", "mtu":
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+ "timestamp": 1616681582325}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf03",
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+ 9000, "vlan": 24, "master": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList":
+ ["fe80::5054:ff:fe30:f282/64"], "timestamp": 1616681582391}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
+ "hostname": "leaf03", "ifname": "vlan13", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type":
+ "vlan", "mtu": 9000, "vlan": 13, "master": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddressList": [""],
+ "ip6AddressList": ["fe80::5054:ff:fe30:f282/64"], "timestamp": 1616681582391},
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+ [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1616681582391}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
+ "hostname": "leaf03", "ifname": "bond02", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type":
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+ [], "timestamp": 1616681582391}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf03",
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+ 9000, "vlan": 1, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [],
+ "timestamp": 1616681582391}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf03",
+ "ifname": "vni24", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vxlan", "mtu":
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+ "timestamp": 1616681582391}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf04",
+ "ifname": "vlan24", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vlan", "mtu":
+ 9000, "vlan": 24, "master": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList":
+ ["fe80::4a47:ff:fee9:d541/64"], "timestamp": 1616681582523}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
+ "hostname": "leaf04", "ifname": "vlan13", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type":
+ "vlan", "mtu": 9000, "vlan": 13, "master": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddressList": [""],
+ "ip6AddressList": ["fe80::4a47:ff:fee9:d541/64"], "timestamp": 1616681582523},
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+ "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1616681582523}, {"namespace":
+ "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf04", "ifname": "vni13", "state": "up", "adminState":
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+ [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1616681582523}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
+ "hostname": "leaf04", "ifname": "bond02", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type":
+ "bond", "mtu": 9000, "vlan": 24, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1616681582523}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf04",
+ "ifname": "bond01", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond", "mtu":
+ 9000, "vlan": 13, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [],
+ "timestamp": 1616681582523}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf04",
+ "ifname": "peerlink", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond", "mtu":
+ 9000, "vlan": 1, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [],
+ "timestamp": 1616681582523}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf01",
+ "ifname": "vlan24", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vlan", "mtu":
+ 9000, "vlan": 24, "master": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList":
+ ["fe80::4a47:ff:fee9:d547/64"], "timestamp": 1616681582844}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
+ "hostname": "leaf01", "ifname": "vlan13", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type":
+ "vlan", "mtu": 9000, "vlan": 13, "master": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddressList": [""],
+ "ip6AddressList": ["fe80::4a47:ff:fee9:d547/64"], "timestamp": 1616681582844},
+ {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf01", "ifname": "vni24", "state": "up",
+ "adminState": "up", "type": "vxlan", "mtu": 9000, "vlan": 24, "master": "bridge",
+ "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1616681582844}, {"namespace":
+ "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf01", "ifname": "bond01", "state": "up", "adminState":
+ "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 9000, "vlan": 13, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList":
+ [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1616681582844}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
+ "hostname": "leaf01", "ifname": "bond02", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type":
+ "bond", "mtu": 9000, "vlan": 24, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1616681582844}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf01",
+ "ifname": "peerlink", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond", "mtu":
+ 9000, "vlan": 1, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [],
+ "timestamp": 1616681582844}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf01",
+ "ifname": "vni13", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vxlan", "mtu":
+ 9000, "vlan": 13, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [],
+ "timestamp": 1616681582844}]'
+- command: interface show --mtu='>= 1514' --namespace=ospf-ibgp --format=json
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: interface show cumulus
+ output: '[{"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server101", "ifname": "eth1",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 9000, "vlan":
+ 0, "master": "bond0", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1616681581492}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server101", "ifname":
+ "bond0", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 9000, "vlan":
+ 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1616681581492}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server101", "ifname":
+ "eth2", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 9000,
+ "vlan": 0, "master": "bond0", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1616681581492}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server101", "ifname":
+ "lo", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "loopback", "mtu": 65536, "vlan":
+ 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1616681581492},
+ {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server103", "ifname": "bond0", "state":
+ "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 9000, "vlan": 0, "master": "",
+ "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1616681581509},
+ {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server103", "ifname": "eth2", "state":
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+ "bond0", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1616681581509},
+ {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server103", "ifname": "eth1", "state":
+ "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 9000, "vlan": 0, "master":
+ "bond0", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1616681581509},
+ {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server103", "ifname": "lo", "state": "up",
+ "adminState": "up", "type": "loopback", "mtu": 65536, "vlan": 0, "master": "",
+ "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1616681581509}, {"namespace":
+ "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server104", "ifname": "bond0", "state": "up", "adminState":
+ "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 9000, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [""],
+ "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1616681581517}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
+ "hostname": "server104", "ifname": "eth2", "state": "up", "adminState": "up",
+ "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 9000, "vlan": 0, "master": "bond0", "ipAddressList":
+ [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1616681581517}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
+ "hostname": "server104", "ifname": "eth1", "state": "up", "adminState": "up",
+ "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 9000, "vlan": 0, "master": "bond0", "ipAddressList":
+ [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1616681581517}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
+ "hostname": "server104", "ifname": "lo", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type":
+ "loopback", "mtu": 65536, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1616681581517}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "edge01",
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+ [], "timestamp": 1616681581517}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server102",
+ "ifname": "lo", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "loopback", "mtu":
+ 65536, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1616681581595}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server102", "ifname":
+ "eth1", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 9000,
+ "vlan": 0, "master": "bond0", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1616681581595}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server102", "ifname":
+ "eth2", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 9000,
+ "vlan": 0, "master": "bond0", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1616681581595}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server102", "ifname":
+ "bond0", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 9000, "vlan":
+ 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1616681581595}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit01", "ifname": "swp6",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "ethernet", "mtu": 9216, "vlan": 0,
+ "master": "internet-vrf", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList":
+ ["fe80::5054:ff:fecf:70e0/64"], "timestamp": 1616681582085}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
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+ "bridge", "mtu": 9216, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList":
+ ["fe80::900d:55ff:fe8d:b541/64"], "timestamp": 1616681582085}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
+ "hostname": "exit01", "ifname": "lo", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type":
+ "loopback", "mtu": 65536, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [""],
+ "ip6AddressList": ["::1/128"], "timestamp": 1616681582085}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
+ "hostname": "exit01", "ifname": "swp1", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type":
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+ "ip6AddressList": ["fe80::5054:ff:feff:73be/64"], "timestamp": 1616681582085},
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+ "timestamp": 1616681582085}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit01",
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+ ["fe80::5054:ff:fe81:c154/64"], "timestamp": 1616681582085}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
+ "hostname": "exit01", "ifname": "evpn-vrf", "state": "up", "adminState": "up",
+ "type": "vrf", "mtu": 65536, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [""],
+ "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1616681582085}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
+ "hostname": "exit01", "ifname": "swp5.4", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type":
+ "vlan", "mtu": 9216, "vlan": 4, "master": "internet-vrf", "ipAddressList": [""],
+ "ip6AddressList": ["fe80::5054:ff:fe81:c154/64"], "timestamp": 1616681582085},
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+ "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vlan", "mtu": 9216, "vlan": 3, "master": "evpn-vrf",
+ "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList": ["fe80::5054:ff:fe81:c154/64"],
+ "timestamp": 1616681582085}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit01",
+ "ifname": "vlan4001", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vlan", "mtu":
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+ ["fe80::900d:55ff:fe8d:b541/64"], "timestamp": 1616681582085}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
+ "hostname": "exit01", "ifname": "internet-vrf", "state": "up", "adminState": "up",
+ "type": "vrf", "mtu": 65536, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [""],
+ "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1616681582085}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
+ "hostname": "exit01", "ifname": "mgmt", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type":
+ "vrf", "mtu": 65536, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [""],
+ "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1616681582085}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
+ "hostname": "exit01", "ifname": "vxlan4001", "state": "up", "adminState": "up",
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+ [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1616681582085}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
+ "hostname": "spine01", "ifname": "swp1", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type":
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+ "ip6AddressList": ["fe80::5054:ff:fe51:eb3d/64"], "timestamp": 1616681582129},
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+ "timestamp": 1616681582129}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine01",
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+ ["fe80::e8c9:a5ff:fe5f:c7ca/64"], "timestamp": 1616681582248}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
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+ "ip6AddressList": ["::1/128"], "timestamp": 1616681582248}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
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+ "bridge", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1616681582844},
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+ "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1616681582844}, {"namespace":
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+ "timestamp": 1616681582844}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf01",
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+ "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1616681582844}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
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+ [""], "ip6AddressList": ["fe80::4a47:ff:fee9:d547/64"], "timestamp":
+ 1616681582844}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf01", "ifname": "swp1",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "ethernet", "mtu": 9216, "vlan": 0,
+ "master": "", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList": ["fe80::5054:ff:fee6:f5c/64"],
+ "timestamp": 1616681582844}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf01",
+ "ifname": "swp2", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "ethernet", "mtu":
+ 9216, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList":
+ ["fe80::5054:ff:fee6:5037/64"], "timestamp": 1616681582844}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
+ "hostname": "leaf01", "ifname": "swp3", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type":
+ "bond_slave", "mtu": 9000, "vlan": 0, "master": "peerlink", "ipAddressList": [],
+ "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1616681582844}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
+ "hostname": "leaf01", "ifname": "vni13", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type":
+ "vxlan", "mtu": 9000, "vlan": 13, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1616681582844}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf01",
+ "ifname": "swp6", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu":
+ 9000, "vlan": 0, "master": "bond02", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [],
+ "timestamp": 1616681582844}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf01",
+ "ifname": "swp4", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu":
+ 9000, "vlan": 0, "master": "peerlink", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1616681582844}]'
+- command: interface show --mtu='! 1514 !9216' --namespace=ospf-ibgp --format=json
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: interface show cumulus
+ output: '[{"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server101", "ifname": "eth0",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "ethernet", "mtu": 1500, "vlan": 0,
+ "master": "", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1616681581492}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server101", "ifname":
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+ 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1616681581492}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server101", "ifname":
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+ 1616681581492}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server101", "ifname":
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+ 1616681581492}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server101", "ifname":
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+ "", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1616681581509}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server103", "ifname":
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+ 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1616681581509},
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+ [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1616681581517}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
+ "hostname": "server104", "ifname": "lo", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type":
+ "loopback", "mtu": 65536, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1616681581517}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server104",
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+ [], "timestamp": 1616681581517}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "edge01",
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+ 1500, "vlan": 2, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList":
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+ 1500, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1616681581595}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server102",
+ "ifname": "eth1", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu":
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+ "timestamp": 1616681581595}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server102",
+ "ifname": "lo", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "loopback", "mtu":
+ 65536, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1616681581595}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server102", "ifname":
+ "eth2", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 9000,
+ "vlan": 0, "master": "bond0", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
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+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vrf", "mtu": 65536, "vlan": 0, "master":
+ "", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1616681582085},
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+ "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList": ["fe80::5054:ff:fea5:b81e/64"],
+ "timestamp": 1616681582085}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit01",
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+ "master": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList": ["fe80::4639:39ff:feff:24/64"],
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+ "evpn-vrf", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList": ["fe80::4a47:ff:fee9:d541/64"],
+ "timestamp": 1616681582523}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf04",
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+ "timestamp": 1616681582523}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf04",
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+ "timestamp": 1616681582523}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf04",
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+ "timestamp": 1616681582523}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf04",
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+ "timestamp": 1616681582523}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf04",
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+ [], "timestamp": 1616681582523}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf04",
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+ [], "timestamp": 1616681582523}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf04",
+ "ifname": "peerlink.4094", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vlan",
+ "mtu": 9000, "vlan": 4094, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [""],
+ "ip6AddressList": ["fe80::4a47:ff:fee9:d541/64"], "timestamp": 1616681582523},
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+ "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1616681582523}, {"namespace":
+ "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf04", "ifname": "lo", "state": "up", "adminState":
+ "up", "type": "loopback", "mtu": 65536, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList":
+ ["", ""], "ip6AddressList": ["::1/128"], "timestamp":
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+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 9000, "vlan": 24, "master":
+ "bridge", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1616681582523},
+ {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf04", "ifname": "bond01", "state":
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+ "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1616681582523}, {"namespace":
+ "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf04", "ifname": "evpn-vrf", "state": "up", "adminState":
+ "up", "type": "vrf", "mtu": 65536, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [],
+ "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1616681582523}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
+ "hostname": "spine02", "ifname": "lo", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type":
+ "loopback", "mtu": 65536, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [""],
+ "ip6AddressList": ["::1/128"], "timestamp": 1616681582843}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
+ "hostname": "spine02", "ifname": "eth0", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type":
+ "ethernet", "mtu": 1500, "vlan": 0, "master": "mgmt", "ipAddressList": [""],
+ "ip6AddressList": ["fe80::5054:ff:fead:db52/64"], "timestamp": 1616681582843},
+ {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine02", "ifname": "mgmt", "state": "up",
+ "adminState": "up", "type": "vrf", "mtu": 65536, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList":
+ [""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1616681582843}, {"namespace":
+ "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf01", "ifname": "vlan13", "state": "up", "adminState":
+ "up", "type": "vlan", "mtu": 9000, "vlan": 13, "master": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddressList":
+ [""], "ip6AddressList": ["fe80::4a47:ff:fee9:d547/64"], "timestamp":
+ 1616681582844}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf01", "ifname": "mgmt",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vrf", "mtu": 65536, "vlan": 0, "master":
+ "", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1616681582844},
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+ "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList": ["fe80::5054:ff:fe93:6d43/64"],
+ "timestamp": 1616681582844}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf01",
+ "ifname": "vlan24-v0", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "macvlan", "mtu":
+ 9000, "vlan": 0, "master": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList":
+ ["fe80::4639:39ff:feff:24/64"], "timestamp": 1616681582844}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
+ "hostname": "leaf01", "ifname": "bond01", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type":
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+ [], "timestamp": 1616681582844}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf01",
+ "ifname": "bond02", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond", "mtu":
+ 9000, "vlan": 24, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [],
+ "timestamp": 1616681582844}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf01",
+ "ifname": "lo", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "loopback", "mtu":
+ 65536, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": ["", ""],
+ "ip6AddressList": ["::1/128"], "timestamp": 1616681582844}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
+ "hostname": "leaf01", "ifname": "peerlink", "state": "up", "adminState": "up",
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+ "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1616681582844}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
+ "hostname": "leaf01", "ifname": "peerlink.4094", "state": "up", "adminState":
+ "up", "type": "vlan", "mtu": 9000, "vlan": 4094, "master": "", "ipAddressList":
+ [""], "ip6AddressList": ["fe80::4a47:ff:fee9:d547/64"], "timestamp":
+ 1616681582844}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf01", "ifname": "swp3",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 9000, "vlan":
+ 0, "master": "peerlink", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
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+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 9000, "vlan":
+ 0, "master": "peerlink", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
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+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 9000, "vlan":
+ 0, "master": "bond01", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
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+ 0, "master": "bond02", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1616681582844}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf01", "ifname": "vni13",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vxlan", "mtu": 9000, "vlan": 13, "master":
+ "bridge", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1616681582844},
+ {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf01", "ifname": "vni24", "state": "up",
+ "adminState": "up", "type": "vxlan", "mtu": 9000, "vlan": 24, "master": "bridge",
+ "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1616681582844}, {"namespace":
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+ "master": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList": ["fe80::4639:39ff:feff:13/64"],
+ "timestamp": 1616681582844}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf01",
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+ 65536, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1616681582844}]'
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index e65e8dc7ed..b8c22767ed 100644
--- a/tests/integration/sqcmds/cumulus-samples/network.yml
+++ b/tests/integration/sqcmds/cumulus-samples/network.yml
@@ -5,148 +5,135 @@ tests:
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: network find cumulus
output: '[{"namespace": "ospf-single", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress":
- "", "vlan": "10", "macaddr": "00:03:00:11:11:01", "ifname": "swp5",
- "bondMembers": "", "type": "bridged", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1616352402479},
- {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "server103", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress":
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- "bondMembers": "eth1, eth2", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1616644821711},
- {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddress":
- "", "vlan": "13", "macaddr": "52:54:00:a0:c3:0b", "ifname": "vlan13",
- "bondMembers": "", "type": "bridged", "l2miss": true, "timestamp": 1616644821712},
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- "bondMembers": "", "type": "bridged", "l2miss": true, "timestamp": 1616681581180},
+ "", "vlan": 13, "macaddr": "52:54:00:a0:c3:0b", "ifname": "bond01",
+ "bondMembers": "swp5", "type": "bridged", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
+ "hostname": "server103", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress": "", "vlan":
+ 0, "macaddr": "52:54:00:c5:1d:06", "ifname": "bond0", "bondMembers": "eth1, eth2",
+ "type": "bridged", "l2miss": true}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf01",
+ "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 13, "macaddr": "52:54:00:c5:1d:06",
+ "ifname": "bond01", "bondMembers": "swp5", "type": "bridged", "l2miss": false},
{"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf02", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddress":
- "", "vlan": "13", "macaddr": "52:54:00:c5:1d:06", "ifname": "bond01",
- "bondMembers": "swp5", "type": "bridged", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1616681581182}]'
+ "", "vlan": 13, "macaddr": "52:54:00:c5:1d:06", "ifname": "bond01",
+ "bondMembers": "swp5", "type": "bridged", "l2miss": false}]'
- command: network find --namespace=dual-evpn --address="" --format=json
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: network find cumulus
output: '[{"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "server103", "vrf": "default",
- "ipAddress": "", "vlan": "0", "macaddr": "52:54:00:a0:c3:0b", "ifname":
- "bond0", "bondMembers": "eth1, eth2", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false, "timestamp":
- 1616644821711}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf": "evpn-vrf",
- "ipAddress": "", "vlan": "13", "macaddr": "52:54:00:a0:c3:0b", "ifname":
- "vlan13", "bondMembers": "", "type": "bridged", "l2miss": true, "timestamp": 1616644821712},
- {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress":
- "", "vlan": "13", "macaddr": "52:54:00:a0:c3:0b", "ifname": "bond01",
- "bondMembers": "swp5", "type": "bridged", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1616644821712},
- {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf03", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress":
- "", "vlan": "13", "macaddr": "52:54:00:a0:c3:0b", "ifname": "vlan13",
- "bondMembers": "", "type": "bridged", "l2miss": true, "timestamp": 1616644821713},
- {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "exit01", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddress":
- "", "vlan": "13", "macaddr": "52:54:00:a0:c3:0b", "ifname": "vlan13",
- "bondMembers": "", "type": "bridged", "l2miss": true, "timestamp": 1616644821714},
- {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf02", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress":
- "", "vlan": "13", "macaddr": "52:54:00:a0:c3:0b", "ifname": "bond01",
- "bondMembers": "swp5", "type": "bridged", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1616644821714},
- {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf04", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress":
- "", "vlan": "13", "macaddr": "52:54:00:a0:c3:0b", "ifname": "vlan13",
- "bondMembers": "", "type": "bridged", "l2miss": true, "timestamp": 1616644821714}]'
+ "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "52:54:00:a0:c3:0b", "ifname":
+ "bond0", "bondMembers": "eth1, eth2", "type": "bridged", "l2miss": true}, {"namespace":
+ "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress": "",
+ "vlan": 13, "macaddr": "52:54:00:a0:c3:0b", "ifname": "bond01", "bondMembers":
+ "swp5", "type": "bridged", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname":
+ "leaf02", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 13, "macaddr":
+ "52:54:00:a0:c3:0b", "ifname": "bond01", "bondMembers": "swp5", "type": "bridged",
+ "l2miss": false}]'
- command: network find --address="52:54:00:c5:1d:06" --namespace=ospf-ibgp --format=json
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: network find cumulus
output: '[{"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server103", "vrf": "default",
- "ipAddress": "", "vlan": "0", "macaddr": "52:54:00:c5:1d:06", "ifname":
- "bond0", "bondMembers": "eth1, eth2", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false, "timestamp":
- 1616681581179}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "evpn-vrf",
- "ipAddress": "", "vlan": "13", "macaddr": "52:54:00:c5:1d:06", "ifname":
- "bond01", "bondMembers": "swp5", "type": "bridged", "l2miss": false, "timestamp":
- 1616681581180}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf03", "vrf": "evpn-vrf",
- "ipAddress": "", "vlan": "13", "macaddr": "52:54:00:c5:1d:06", "ifname":
- "vlan13", "bondMembers": "", "type": "bridged", "l2miss": true, "timestamp": 1616681581180},
- {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf04", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddress":
- "", "vlan": "13", "macaddr": "52:54:00:c5:1d:06", "ifname": "vlan13",
- "bondMembers": "", "type": "bridged", "l2miss": true, "timestamp": 1616681581180},
- {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf02", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddress":
- "", "vlan": "13", "macaddr": "52:54:00:c5:1d:06", "ifname": "bond01",
- "bondMembers": "swp5", "type": "bridged", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1616681581182}]'
+ "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "52:54:00:c5:1d:06", "ifname":
+ "bond0", "bondMembers": "eth1, eth2", "type": "bridged", "l2miss": true}, {"namespace":
+ "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddress": "",
+ "vlan": 13, "macaddr": "52:54:00:c5:1d:06", "ifname": "bond01", "bondMembers":
+ "swp5", "type": "bridged", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname":
+ "leaf02", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 13, "macaddr":
+ "52:54:00:c5:1d:06", "ifname": "bond01", "bondMembers": "swp5", "type": "bridged",
+ "l2miss": false}]'
- command: network find --address="72:f0:17:6d:80:3f" --namespace=ospf-ibgp --format=json
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: network find cumulus
- output: '[]'
+ output: '[{"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf04", "vrf": "", "ipAddress":
+ "", "vlan": 24, "macaddr": "72:f0:17:6d:80:3f", "ifname": "vni24", "bondMembers":
+ "", "type": "interface", "l2miss": false}]'
- command: network find --address="5254.00c5.1d06" --format=json
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: network find cumulus
output: '[{"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server103", "vrf": "default",
- "ipAddress": "", "vlan": "0", "macaddr": "52:54:00:c5:1d:06", "ifname":
- "bond0", "bondMembers": "eth1, eth2", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false, "timestamp":
- 1616681581179}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "evpn-vrf",
- "ipAddress": "", "vlan": "13", "macaddr": "52:54:00:c5:1d:06", "ifname":
- "bond01", "bondMembers": "swp5", "type": "bridged", "l2miss": false, "timestamp":
- 1616681581180}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf03", "vrf": "evpn-vrf",
- "ipAddress": "", "vlan": "13", "macaddr": "52:54:00:c5:1d:06", "ifname":
- "vlan13", "bondMembers": "", "type": "bridged", "l2miss": true, "timestamp": 1616681581180},
- {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf04", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddress":
- "", "vlan": "13", "macaddr": "52:54:00:c5:1d:06", "ifname": "vlan13",
- "bondMembers": "", "type": "bridged", "l2miss": true, "timestamp": 1616681581180},
- {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf02", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddress":
- "", "vlan": "13", "macaddr": "52:54:00:c5:1d:06", "ifname": "bond01",
- "bondMembers": "swp5", "type": "bridged", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1616681581182}]'
+ "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "52:54:00:c5:1d:06", "ifname":
+ "bond0", "bondMembers": "eth1, eth2", "type": "bridged", "l2miss": true}, {"namespace":
+ "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddress": "",
+ "vlan": 13, "macaddr": "52:54:00:c5:1d:06", "ifname": "bond01", "bondMembers":
+ "swp5", "type": "bridged", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname":
+ "leaf02", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 13, "macaddr":
+ "52:54:00:c5:1d:06", "ifname": "bond01", "bondMembers": "swp5", "type": "bridged",
+ "l2miss": false}]'
- command: network find --address="" --format=json --namespace='ospf-single
dual-evpn ospf-ibgp'
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: network find cumulus
output: '[{"namespace": "ospf-single", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress":
- "", "vlan": "0", "macaddr": "44:38:39:00:00:53", "ifname": "swp1", "bondMembers":
- "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1616352402449}, {"namespace":
+ "", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "44:38:39:00:00:53", "ifname": "swp1", "bondMembers":
+ "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "ospf-single", "hostname":
+ "leaf01", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "44:38:39:00:00:24",
+ "ifname": "swp2", "bondMembers": "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace":
"ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress": "",
- "vlan": "0", "macaddr": "52:54:00:e6:0f:5c", "ifname": "swp1", "bondMembers":
- "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1616681581180}]'
+ "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "52:54:00:e6:0f:5c", "ifname": "swp1", "bondMembers": "",
+ "type": "routed", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf01",
+ "vrf": "default", "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "52:54:00:e6:50:37",
+ "ifname": "swp2", "bondMembers": "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false}]'
- command: network find --address="" --format=json --namespace='ospf-single
dual-evpn ospf-ibgp'
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: network find cumulus
output: '[{"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "internet", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress":
- "", "vlan": "0", "macaddr": "52:54:00:71:0c:94", "ifname": "swp1",
- "bondMembers": "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1616644821714},
- {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "internet", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress":
- "", "vlan": "0", "macaddr": "52:54:00:88:3d:81", "ifname": "swp1",
- "bondMembers": "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1616681581180}]'
+ "", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "52:54:00:71:0c:94", "ifname": "swp1",
+ "bondMembers": "", "type": "interface", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
+ "hostname": "internet", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress": "", "vlan":
+ 0, "macaddr": "52:54:00:88:3d:81", "ifname": "swp1", "bondMembers": "", "type":
+ "interface", "l2miss": false}]'
- command: network find --address="" --format=json --namespace='ospf-single
dual-evpn ospf-ibgp'
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: network find cumulus
output: '[{"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "exit01", "vrf": "internet-vrf",
- "ipAddress": "", "vlan": "0", "macaddr": "52:54:00:c7:58:66", "ifname":
- "swp6", "bondMembers": "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1616644821714},
- {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit01", "vrf": "internet-vrf", "ipAddress":
- "", "vlan": "0", "macaddr": "52:54:00:cf:70:e0", "ifname": "swp6",
- "bondMembers": "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1616681581503}]'
+ "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "52:54:00:c7:58:66", "ifname":
+ "swp6", "bondMembers": "", "type": "interface", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace":
+ "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit01", "vrf": "internet-vrf", "ipAddress": "",
+ "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "52:54:00:cf:70:e0", "ifname": "swp6", "bondMembers": "",
+ "type": "interface", "l2miss": false}]'
- command: network find --address="" --format=json --namespace='ospf-single
dual-evpn ospf-ibgp'
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: network find cumulus
output: '[{"namespace": "ospf-single", "hostname": "spine01", "vrf": "default",
- "ipAddress": "", "vlan": "0", "macaddr": "44:38:39:00:00:54", "ifname":
- "swp1", "bondMembers": "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1616352402479},
- {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine02", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress":
- "", "vlan": "0", "macaddr": "52:54:00:e5:e3:d4", "ifname": "swp5", "bondMembers":
- "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1616681581179}]'
+ "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "44:38:39:00:00:54", "ifname":
+ "swp1", "bondMembers": "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "ospf-single",
+ "hostname": "spine01", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 0,
+ "macaddr": "44:38:39:00:00:29", "ifname": "swp2", "bondMembers": "", "type": "routed",
+ "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "ospf-single", "hostname": "spine01", "vrf": "default",
+ "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "44:38:39:00:00:50", "ifname":
+ "swp3", "bondMembers": "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "ospf-single",
+ "hostname": "spine01", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 0,
+ "macaddr": "44:38:39:00:00:0a", "ifname": "swp6", "bondMembers": "", "type": "routed",
+ "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "ospf-single", "hostname": "spine01", "vrf": "default",
+ "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "44:38:39:00:00:22", "ifname":
+ "swp5", "bondMembers": "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "ospf-single",
+ "hostname": "spine01", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 0,
+ "macaddr": "44:38:39:00:00:3c", "ifname": "swp4", "bondMembers": "", "type": "routed",
+ "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine02", "vrf": "default",
+ "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "52:54:00:e5:e3:d4", "ifname":
+ "swp5", "bondMembers": "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
+ "hostname": "spine02", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 0,
+ "macaddr": "52:54:00:5d:da:ac", "ifname": "swp6", "bondMembers": "", "type": "routed",
+ "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine02", "vrf": "default",
+ "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "52:54:00:54:3d:39", "ifname":
+ "swp1", "bondMembers": "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
+ "hostname": "spine02", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 0,
+ "macaddr": "52:54:00:25:b0:5b", "ifname": "swp3", "bondMembers": "", "type": "routed",
+ "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine02", "vrf": "default",
+ "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "52:54:00:a7:ba:2d", "ifname":
+ "swp4", "bondMembers": "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
+ "hostname": "spine02", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 0,
+ "macaddr": "52:54:00:d1:00:da", "ifname": "swp2", "bondMembers": "", "type": "routed",
+ "l2miss": false}]'
- command: network find --address="" --format=json --namespace='ospf-single
dual-evpn ospf-ibgp'
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
@@ -180,26 +167,24 @@ tests:
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: network find cumulus
output: '[{"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "server103", "vrf": "default",
- "ipAddress": "", "vlan": "0", "macaddr": "44:39:39:ff:00:13", "ifname":
- "bond0", "bondMembers": "eth1, eth2", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false, "timestamp":
- 1616644821711}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "default",
- "ipAddress": "", "vlan": "13", "macaddr": "44:39:39:ff:00:13", "ifname":
- "vlan13", "bondMembers": "", "type": "bridged", "l2miss": true, "timestamp": 1616644821712},
- {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf03", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress":
- "", "vlan": "13", "macaddr": "44:39:39:ff:00:13", "ifname": "vlan13",
- "bondMembers": "", "type": "bridged", "l2miss": true, "timestamp": 1616644821713},
- {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf02", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress":
- "", "vlan": "13", "macaddr": "44:39:39:ff:00:13", "ifname": "vlan13",
- "bondMembers": "", "type": "bridged", "l2miss": true, "timestamp": 1616644821714},
- {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf04", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress":
- "", "vlan": "13", "macaddr": "44:39:39:ff:00:13", "ifname": "vlan13",
- "bondMembers": "", "type": "bridged", "l2miss": true, "timestamp": 1616644821714},
- {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "server101", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress":
- "", "vlan": "0", "macaddr": "44:39:39:ff:00:13", "ifname": "bond0",
- "bondMembers": "eth1, eth2", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1616644821714},
- {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server103", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress":
- "", "vlan": "0", "macaddr": "44:39:39:ff:00:13", "ifname": "bond0",
- "bondMembers": "eth1, eth2", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1616681581179},
- {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server101", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress":
- "", "vlan": "0", "macaddr": "44:39:39:ff:00:13", "ifname": "bond0",
- "bondMembers": "eth1, eth2", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1616681581180}]'
+ "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "44:39:39:ff:00:13", "ifname":
+ "bond0", "bondMembers": "eth1, eth2", "type": "bridged", "l2miss": true}, {"namespace":
+ "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress": "fe80::4639:39ff:feff:13",
+ "vlan": 13, "macaddr": "44:39:39:ff:00:13", "ifname": "vlan13", "bondMembers":
+ "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname":
+ "leaf03", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress": "fe80::4639:39ff:feff:13", "vlan": 13,
+ "macaddr": "44:39:39:ff:00:13", "ifname": "vlan13", "bondMembers": "", "type":
+ "routed", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf02", "vrf":
+ "default", "ipAddress": "fe80::4639:39ff:feff:13", "vlan": 13, "macaddr": "44:39:39:ff:00:13",
+ "ifname": "vlan13", "bondMembers": "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace":
+ "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf04", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress": "fe80::4639:39ff:feff:13",
+ "vlan": 13, "macaddr": "44:39:39:ff:00:13", "ifname": "vlan13", "bondMembers":
+ "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname":
+ "server101", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 0, "macaddr":
+ "44:39:39:ff:00:13", "ifname": "bond0", "bondMembers": "eth1, eth2", "type": "bridged",
+ "l2miss": true}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server103", "vrf": "default",
+ "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "44:39:39:ff:00:13", "ifname":
+ "bond0", "bondMembers": "eth1, eth2", "type": "bridged", "l2miss": true}, {"namespace":
+ "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server101", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress": "",
+ "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "44:39:39:ff:00:13", "ifname": "bond0", "bondMembers": "eth1,
+ eth2", "type": "bridged", "l2miss": true}]'
diff --git a/tests/integration/sqcmds/cumulus-samples/path.yml b/tests/integration/sqcmds/cumulus-samples/path.yml
index ace17bfeb0..1a64773ac2 100644
--- a/tests/integration/sqcmds/cumulus-samples/path.yml
+++ b/tests/integration/sqcmds/cumulus-samples/path.yml
@@ -3,509 +3,504 @@ tests:
- command: path show --dest= --src= --namespace=dual-evpn
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
- error:
- error: '[{"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "server101",
- "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": false,
- "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9000, "outMtu": 9000, "protocol": "", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "44:39:39:ff:00:13", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1616644822007}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount":
- 1, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf01", "iif": "bond01", "oif": "swp1",
- "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu":
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- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp":
- 1616644822255}]'
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+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp":
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+ "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216,
+ "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616644822008}, {"pathid":
+ 15, "hopCount": 5, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf04", "iif": "swp2",
+ "oif": "bond02", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": false, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch":
+ false, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu",
+ "timestamp": 1616644821714}, {"pathid": 15, "hopCount": 6, "namespace": "dual-evpn",
+ "hostname": "server104", "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2":
+ false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9000, "outMtu": 9000, "protocol":
+ "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError":
+ "", "timestamp": 1616644822255}, {"pathid": 16, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "dual-evpn",
+ "hostname": "server101", "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2":
+ true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9000, "outMtu": 9000, "protocol":
+ "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "44:39:39:ff:00:13",
+ "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616644822007}, {"pathid":
+ 16, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf02", "iif": "bond01",
+ "oif": "swp2", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false,
+ "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU
+ < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1616644822008}, {"pathid": 16, "hopCount": 2, "namespace":
+ "dual-evpn", "hostname": "spine02", "iif": "swp2", "oif": "swp6", "vrf": "default",
+ "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216,
+ "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp":
+ 1616644822008}, {"pathid": 16, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname":
+ "exit01", "iif": "swp2", "oif": "swp2", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": true, "overlay":
+ true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "kernel", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
+ "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616644822008}, {"pathid": 16, "hopCount": 4, "namespace":
+ "dual-evpn", "hostname": "spine02", "iif": "swp6", "oif": "swp4", "vrf": "default",
+ "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216,
+ "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616644822008}, {"pathid":
+ 16, "hopCount": 5, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf04", "iif": "swp2",
+ "oif": "bond02", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": false, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch":
+ false, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu",
+ "timestamp": 1616644821714}, {"pathid": 16, "hopCount": 6, "namespace": "dual-evpn",
+ "hostname": "server104", "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2":
+ false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9000, "outMtu": 9000, "protocol":
+ "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError":
+ "", "timestamp": 1616644822255}]'
- command: path show --dest= --src= --namespace=dual-evpn
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
@@ -518,288 +513,289 @@ tests:
output: '[{"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "ospf-single", "hostname": "leaf04",
"iif": "lo", "oif": "swp1", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false,
"mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 65536, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "timestamp":
- 1616352402798}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "ospf-single", "hostname":
- "spine01", "iif": "swp4", "oif": "swp1", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay":
- false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "timestamp":
- 1616352402846}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "ospf-single", "hostname":
- "leaf01", "iif": "swp1", "oif": "lo", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay":
- false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 65536, "protocol": "", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "timestamp": 1616352404640},
- {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "ospf-single", "hostname": "leaf04",
- "iif": "lo", "oif": "swp2", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false,
- "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 65536, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "timestamp":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError":
+ "", "timestamp": 1616352402798}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "ospf-single",
+ "hostname": "spine01", "iif": "swp4", "oif": "swp1", "vrf": "default", "isL2":
+ false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol":
+ "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
+ "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616352402846}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount":
+ 2, "namespace": "ospf-single", "hostname": "leaf01", "iif": "swp1", "oif": "lo",
+ "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
+ 9216, "outMtu": 65536, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616352404640}, {"pathid": 2,
+ "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "ospf-single", "hostname": "leaf04", "iif": "lo",
+ "oif": "swp2", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
+ true, "inMtu": 65536, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "",
+ "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp":
1616352402798}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "ospf-single", "hostname":
"spine02", "iif": "swp4", "oif": "swp1", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay":
false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "timestamp":
- 1616352402876}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "ospf-single", "hostname":
- "leaf01", "iif": "swp2", "oif": "lo", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay":
- false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 65536, "protocol": "", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "timestamp": 1616352404640}]'
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError":
+ "", "timestamp": 1616352402876}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "ospf-single",
+ "hostname": "leaf01", "iif": "swp2", "oif": "lo", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false,
+ "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 65536, "protocol":
+ "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError":
+ "", "timestamp": 1616352404640}]'
- command: path show --src= --dest= --namespace=dual-evpn
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
- error:
- error: '[{"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "server101",
- "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": false,
- "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9000, "outMtu": 9000, "protocol": "", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "44:39:39:ff:00:13", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1616644822007}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount":
- 1, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf01", "iif": "bond01", "oif": "swp1",
- "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu":
- 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "",
- "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp":
- 1616644822008}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname":
- "spine01", "iif": "swp1", "oif": "swp6", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay":
- true, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
- "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1616644822008}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount":
- 3, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "exit01", "iif": "swp1", "oif": "swp5.3",
- "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": false, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
- 9216, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp":
- 1616644822008}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 4, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname":
- "edge01", "iif": "eth1.3", "oif": "eth1.4", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false,
- "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol":
- "186", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1616644822008},
- {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 5, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "exit01",
- "iif": "swp5.4", "oif": "swp6", "vrf": "internet-vrf", "isL2": false, "overlay":
- false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
- "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1616644822008}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount":
- 6, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "internet", "iif": "swp1", "oif": "lo",
- "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
- 1500, "outMtu": 65536, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
- "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Dst MTU != Src MTU", "timestamp": 1616644823003},
- {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "server101",
- "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": false,
- "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9000, "outMtu": 9000, "protocol": "", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "44:39:39:ff:00:13", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1616644822007}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount":
- 1, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf02", "iif": "bond01", "oif": "swp1",
- "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu":
- 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "",
- "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp":
- 1616644822008}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname":
- "spine01", "iif": "swp2", "oif": "swp6", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay":
- true, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
- "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1616644822008}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount":
- 3, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "exit01", "iif": "swp1", "oif": "swp5.3",
- "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": false, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
- 9216, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp":
- 1616644822008}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 4, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname":
- "edge01", "iif": "eth1.3", "oif": "eth1.4", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false,
- "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol":
- "186", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1616644822008},
- {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 5, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "exit01",
- "iif": "swp5.4", "oif": "swp6", "vrf": "internet-vrf", "isL2": false, "overlay":
- false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
- "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1616644822008}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount":
- 6, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "internet", "iif": "swp1", "oif": "lo",
- "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
- 1500, "outMtu": 65536, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
- "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Dst MTU != Src MTU", "timestamp": 1616644823003},
- {"pathid": 3, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "server101",
- "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": false,
- "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9000, "outMtu": 9000, "protocol": "", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "44:39:39:ff:00:13", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1616644822007}, {"pathid": 3, "hopCount":
- 1, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf01", "iif": "bond01", "oif": "swp2",
- "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu":
- 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "",
- "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp":
- 1616644822008}, {"pathid": 3, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname":
- "spine02", "iif": "swp1", "oif": "swp6", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay":
- true, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
- "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1616644822008}, {"pathid": 3, "hopCount":
- 3, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "exit01", "iif": "swp2", "oif": "swp5.3",
- "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": false, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
- 9216, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp":
- 1616644822008}, {"pathid": 3, "hopCount": 4, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname":
- "edge01", "iif": "eth1.3", "oif": "eth1.4", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false,
- "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol":
- "186", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1616644822008},
- {"pathid": 3, "hopCount": 5, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "exit01",
- "iif": "swp5.4", "oif": "swp6", "vrf": "internet-vrf", "isL2": false, "overlay":
- false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
- "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1616644822008}, {"pathid": 3, "hopCount":
- 6, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "internet", "iif": "swp1", "oif": "lo",
- "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
- 1500, "outMtu": 65536, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
- "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Dst MTU != Src MTU", "timestamp": 1616644823003},
- {"pathid": 4, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "server101",
- "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": false,
- "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9000, "outMtu": 9000, "protocol": "", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "44:39:39:ff:00:13", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1616644822007}, {"pathid": 4, "hopCount":
- 1, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf02", "iif": "bond01", "oif": "swp2",
- "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu":
- 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "",
- "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp":
- 1616644822008}, {"pathid": 4, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname":
- "spine02", "iif": "swp2", "oif": "swp6", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay":
- true, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
- "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1616644822008}, {"pathid": 4, "hopCount":
- 3, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "exit01", "iif": "swp2", "oif": "swp5.3",
- "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": false, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
- 9216, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp":
- 1616644822008}, {"pathid": 4, "hopCount": 4, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname":
- "edge01", "iif": "eth1.3", "oif": "eth1.4", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false,
- "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol":
- "186", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1616644822008},
- {"pathid": 4, "hopCount": 5, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "exit01",
- "iif": "swp5.4", "oif": "swp6", "vrf": "internet-vrf", "isL2": false, "overlay":
- false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
- "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1616644822008}, {"pathid": 4, "hopCount":
- 6, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "internet", "iif": "swp1", "oif": "lo",
- "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
- 1500, "outMtu": 65536, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
- "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Dst MTU != Src MTU", "timestamp": 1616644823003},
- {"pathid": 5, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "server101",
- "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": false,
- "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9000, "outMtu": 9000, "protocol": "", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "44:39:39:ff:00:13", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1616644822007}, {"pathid": 5, "hopCount":
- 1, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf01", "iif": "bond01", "oif": "swp1",
- "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu":
- 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "",
- "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp":
- 1616644822008}, {"pathid": 5, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname":
- "spine01", "iif": "swp1", "oif": "swp6", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay":
- true, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
- "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1616644822008}, {"pathid": 5, "hopCount":
- 3, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "exit01", "iif": "swp1", "oif": "swp5.3",
- "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": false, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
- 9216, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp":
- 1616644822008}, {"pathid": 5, "hopCount": 4, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname":
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- "186", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1616644822008},
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- "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Dst MTU != Src MTU", "timestamp": 1616644823003}]'
marks: path show cumulus
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+ "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": false,
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+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU
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+ "dual-evpn", "hostname": "server101", "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default",
+ "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9000, "outMtu": 9000,
+ "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "44:39:39:ff:00:13",
+ "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616644822007}, {"pathid":
+ 5, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf01", "iif": "bond01",
+ "oif": "swp1", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false,
+ "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU
+ < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1616644822008}, {"pathid": 5, "hopCount": 2, "namespace":
+ "dual-evpn", "hostname": "spine01", "iif": "swp1", "oif": "swp6", "vrf": "default",
+ "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216,
+ "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp":
+ 1616644822008}, {"pathid": 5, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname":
+ "exit01", "iif": "swp1", "oif": "swp5.3", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": false, "overlay":
+ true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
+ "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616644822008}, {"pathid": 5, "hopCount": 4, "namespace":
+ "dual-evpn", "hostname": "edge01", "iif": "eth1.3", "oif": "eth2.4", "vrf": "default",
+ "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500,
+ "protocol": "186", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp":
+ 1616644822008}, {"pathid": 5, "hopCount": 5, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname":
+ "exit02", "iif": "swp5.4", "oif": "swp6", "vrf": "internet-vrf", "isL2": false,
+ "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol":
+ "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
+ "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1616644822167},
+ {"pathid": 5, "hopCount": 6, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "internet",
+ "iif": "swp2", "oif": "lo", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false,
+ "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 65536, "protocol": "", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Dst MTU !=
+ Src MTU", "timestamp": 1616644823003}, {"pathid": 6, "hopCount": 0, "namespace":
+ "dual-evpn", "hostname": "server101", "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default",
+ "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9000, "outMtu": 9000,
+ "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "44:39:39:ff:00:13",
+ "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616644822007}, {"pathid":
+ 6, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf02", "iif": "bond01",
+ "oif": "swp1", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false,
+ "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU
+ < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1616644822008}, {"pathid": 6, "hopCount": 2, "namespace":
+ "dual-evpn", "hostname": "spine01", "iif": "swp2", "oif": "swp6", "vrf": "default",
+ "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216,
+ "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp":
+ 1616644822008}, {"pathid": 6, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname":
+ "exit01", "iif": "swp1", "oif": "swp5.3", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": false, "overlay":
+ true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
+ "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616644822008}, {"pathid": 6, "hopCount": 4, "namespace":
+ "dual-evpn", "hostname": "edge01", "iif": "eth1.3", "oif": "eth2.4", "vrf": "default",
+ "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500,
+ "protocol": "186", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp":
+ 1616644822008}, {"pathid": 6, "hopCount": 5, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname":
+ "exit02", "iif": "swp5.4", "oif": "swp6", "vrf": "internet-vrf", "isL2": false,
+ "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol":
+ "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
+ "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1616644822167},
+ {"pathid": 6, "hopCount": 6, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "internet",
+ "iif": "swp2", "oif": "lo", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false,
+ "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 65536, "protocol": "", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Dst MTU !=
+ Src MTU", "timestamp": 1616644823003}, {"pathid": 7, "hopCount": 0, "namespace":
+ "dual-evpn", "hostname": "server101", "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default",
+ "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9000, "outMtu": 9000,
+ "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "44:39:39:ff:00:13",
+ "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616644822007}, {"pathid":
+ 7, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf01", "iif": "bond01",
+ "oif": "swp2", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false,
+ "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU
+ < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1616644822008}, {"pathid": 7, "hopCount": 2, "namespace":
+ "dual-evpn", "hostname": "spine02", "iif": "swp1", "oif": "swp6", "vrf": "default",
+ "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216,
+ "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp":
+ 1616644822008}, {"pathid": 7, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname":
+ "exit01", "iif": "swp2", "oif": "swp5.3", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": false, "overlay":
+ true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
+ "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616644822008}, {"pathid": 7, "hopCount": 4, "namespace":
+ "dual-evpn", "hostname": "edge01", "iif": "eth1.3", "oif": "eth2.4", "vrf": "default",
+ "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500,
+ "protocol": "186", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp":
+ 1616644822008}, {"pathid": 7, "hopCount": 5, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname":
+ "exit02", "iif": "swp5.4", "oif": "swp6", "vrf": "internet-vrf", "isL2": false,
+ "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol":
+ "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
+ "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1616644822167},
+ {"pathid": 7, "hopCount": 6, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "internet",
+ "iif": "swp2", "oif": "lo", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false,
+ "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 65536, "protocol": "", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Dst MTU !=
+ Src MTU", "timestamp": 1616644823003}, {"pathid": 8, "hopCount": 0, "namespace":
+ "dual-evpn", "hostname": "server101", "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default",
+ "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9000, "outMtu": 9000,
+ "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "44:39:39:ff:00:13",
+ "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616644822007}, {"pathid":
+ 8, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf02", "iif": "bond01",
+ "oif": "swp2", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false,
+ "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU
+ < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1616644822008}, {"pathid": 8, "hopCount": 2, "namespace":
+ "dual-evpn", "hostname": "spine02", "iif": "swp2", "oif": "swp6", "vrf": "default",
+ "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216,
+ "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp":
+ 1616644822008}, {"pathid": 8, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname":
+ "exit01", "iif": "swp2", "oif": "swp5.3", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": false, "overlay":
+ true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
+ "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616644822008}, {"pathid": 8, "hopCount": 4, "namespace":
+ "dual-evpn", "hostname": "edge01", "iif": "eth1.3", "oif": "eth2.4", "vrf": "default",
+ "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500,
+ "protocol": "186", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp":
+ 1616644822008}, {"pathid": 8, "hopCount": 5, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname":
+ "exit02", "iif": "swp5.4", "oif": "swp6", "vrf": "internet-vrf", "isL2": false,
+ "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol":
+ "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
+ "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1616644822167},
+ {"pathid": 8, "hopCount": 6, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "internet",
+ "iif": "swp2", "oif": "lo", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false,
+ "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 65536, "protocol": "", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Dst MTU !=
+ Src MTU", "timestamp": 1616644823003}]'
- command: path summarize --dest= --src= --namespace=dual-evpn
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
@@ -814,208 +810,205 @@ tests:
marks: path show cumulus
- command: path show --dest= --src= --namespace=dual-bgp --format=json
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
- error:
- error: '[{"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "server101",
- "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": false,
- "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "52:54:00:61:91:8e", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "Possible anycast IP without anycast MAC", "timestamp":
- 1616638469517}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname":
- "leaf02", "iif": "bond01", "oif": "swp1", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay":
- false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp",
- "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1616638470284}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount":
- 2, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "spine01", "iif": "swp2", "oif": "swp3",
- "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
- 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1616638469538},
- {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "leaf03",
- "iif": "swp1", "oif": "bond02", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay":
- false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "kernel",
- "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1616638471226}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount":
- 4, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "server104", "iif": "bond0", "oif":
- "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false,
- "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1616638470002},
- {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "server101",
- "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": false,
- "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "52:54:00:61:91:8e", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "Possible anycast IP without anycast MAC", "timestamp":
- 1616638469517}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname":
- "leaf02", "iif": "bond01", "oif": "swp2", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay":
- false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp",
- "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1616638470284}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount":
- 2, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "spine02", "iif": "swp2", "oif": "swp3",
- "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
- 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1616638469514},
- {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "leaf03",
- "iif": "swp2", "oif": "bond02", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay":
- false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "kernel",
- "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1616638471226}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount":
- 4, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "server104", "iif": "bond0", "oif":
- "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false,
- "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1616638470002},
- {"pathid": 3, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "server101",
- "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": false,
- "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "52:54:00:61:91:8e", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "Possible anycast IP without anycast MAC", "timestamp":
- 1616638469517}, {"pathid": 3, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname":
- "leaf02", "iif": "bond01", "oif": "swp1", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay":
- false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp",
- "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1616638470284}, {"pathid": 3, "hopCount":
- 2, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "spine01", "iif": "swp2", "oif": "swp4",
- "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
- 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1616638469538},
- {"pathid": 3, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "leaf04",
- "iif": "swp1", "oif": "bond02", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay":
- false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "kernel",
- "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1616638471165}, {"pathid": 3, "hopCount":
- 4, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "server104", "iif": "bond0", "oif":
- "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false,
- "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1616638470002},
- {"pathid": 4, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "server101",
- "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": false,
- "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "52:54:00:61:91:8e", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "Possible anycast IP without anycast MAC", "timestamp":
- 1616638469517}, {"pathid": 4, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname":
- "leaf02", "iif": "bond01", "oif": "swp2", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay":
- false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp",
- "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1616638470284}, {"pathid": 4, "hopCount":
- 2, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "spine02", "iif": "swp2", "oif": "swp4",
- "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
- 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1616638469514},
- {"pathid": 4, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "leaf04",
- "iif": "swp2", "oif": "bond02", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay":
- false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "kernel",
- "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1616638471165}, {"pathid": 4, "hopCount":
- 4, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "server104", "iif": "bond0", "oif":
- "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false,
- "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1616638470002},
- {"pathid": 5, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "server101",
- "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": false,
- "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "52:54:00:61:91:8e", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "Possible anycast IP without anycast MAC", "timestamp":
- 1616638469517}, {"pathid": 5, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname":
- "leaf01", "iif": "bond01", "oif": "peerlink", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true,
- "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol":
- "l2", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "52:54:00:61:91:8e", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1616638470427}, {"pathid": 5, "hopCount":
- 2, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "leaf02", "iif": "vlan13", "oif": "swp1",
- "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
- 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1616638470284},
- {"pathid": 5, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "spine01",
- "iif": "swp2", "oif": "swp3", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false,
- "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
- "error": "", "timestamp": 1616638469538}, {"pathid": 5, "hopCount": 4, "namespace":
- "dual-bgp", "hostname": "leaf03", "iif": "swp1", "oif": "bond02", "vrf": "default",
- "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu":
- 9216, "protocol": "kernel", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
- "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1616638471226}, {"pathid":
- 5, "hopCount": 5, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "server104", "iif": "bond0",
- "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
- false, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1616638470002},
- {"pathid": 6, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "server101",
- "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": false,
- "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "52:54:00:61:91:8e", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "Possible anycast IP without anycast MAC", "timestamp":
- 1616638469517}, {"pathid": 6, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname":
- "leaf01", "iif": "bond01", "oif": "peerlink", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true,
- "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol":
- "l2", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "52:54:00:61:91:8e", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1616638470427}, {"pathid": 6, "hopCount":
- 2, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "leaf02", "iif": "vlan13", "oif": "swp2",
- "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
- 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1616638470284},
- {"pathid": 6, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "spine02",
- "iif": "swp2", "oif": "swp3", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false,
- "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
- "error": "", "timestamp": 1616638469514}, {"pathid": 6, "hopCount": 4, "namespace":
- "dual-bgp", "hostname": "leaf03", "iif": "swp2", "oif": "bond02", "vrf": "default",
- "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu":
- 9216, "protocol": "kernel", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
- "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1616638471226}, {"pathid":
- 6, "hopCount": 5, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "server104", "iif": "bond0",
- "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
- false, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1616638470002},
- {"pathid": 7, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "server101",
- "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": false,
- "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "52:54:00:61:91:8e", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "Possible anycast IP without anycast MAC", "timestamp":
- 1616638469517}, {"pathid": 7, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname":
- "leaf01", "iif": "bond01", "oif": "peerlink", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true,
- "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol":
- "l2", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "52:54:00:61:91:8e", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1616638470427}, {"pathid": 7, "hopCount":
- 2, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "leaf02", "iif": "vlan13", "oif": "swp1",
- "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
- 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1616638470284},
- {"pathid": 7, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "spine01",
- "iif": "swp2", "oif": "swp4", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false,
- "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
- "error": "", "timestamp": 1616638469538}, {"pathid": 7, "hopCount": 4, "namespace":
- "dual-bgp", "hostname": "leaf04", "iif": "swp1", "oif": "bond02", "vrf": "default",
- "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu":
- 9216, "protocol": "kernel", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
- "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1616638471165}, {"pathid":
- 7, "hopCount": 5, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "server104", "iif": "bond0",
- "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
- false, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1616638470002},
- {"pathid": 8, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "server101",
- "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": false,
- "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "52:54:00:61:91:8e", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "Possible anycast IP without anycast MAC", "timestamp":
- 1616638469517}, {"pathid": 8, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname":
- "leaf01", "iif": "bond01", "oif": "peerlink", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true,
- "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol":
- "l2", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "52:54:00:61:91:8e", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1616638470427}, {"pathid": 8, "hopCount":
- 2, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "leaf02", "iif": "vlan13", "oif": "swp2",
- "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
- 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1616638470284},
- {"pathid": 8, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "spine02",
- "iif": "swp2", "oif": "swp4", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false,
- "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
- "error": "", "timestamp": 1616638469514}, {"pathid": 8, "hopCount": 4, "namespace":
- "dual-bgp", "hostname": "leaf04", "iif": "swp2", "oif": "bond02", "vrf": "default",
- "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu":
- 9216, "protocol": "kernel", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
- "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1616638471165}, {"pathid":
- 8, "hopCount": 5, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "server104", "iif": "bond0",
- "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
- false, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1616638470002}]'
marks: path show cumulus
+ output: '[{"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "server101",
+ "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": false,
+ "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "",
+ "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "52:54:00:61:91:8e", "nexthopIp": "",
+ "hopError": "Possible anycast IP without anycast MAC", "timestamp": 1616638469517},
+ {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "leaf02", "iif":
+ "bond01", "oif": "swp1", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
+ false, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "",
+ "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "",
+ "timestamp": 1616638470284}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "dual-bgp",
+ "hostname": "spine01", "iif": "swp2", "oif": "swp3", "vrf": "default", "isL2":
+ false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol":
+ "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
+ "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616638469538}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount":
+ 3, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "leaf03", "iif": "swp1", "oif": "bond02",
+ "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
+ 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "kernel", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp":
+ 1616638471226}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 4, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname":
+ "server104", "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false,
+ "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol":
+ "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError":
+ "", "timestamp": 1616638470002}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "dual-bgp",
+ "hostname": "server101", "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2":
+ true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol":
+ "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "52:54:00:61:91:8e",
+ "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Possible anycast IP without anycast MAC",
+ "timestamp": 1616638469517}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "dual-bgp",
+ "hostname": "leaf02", "iif": "bond01", "oif": "swp2", "vrf": "default", "isL2":
+ false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol":
+ "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
+ "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616638470284}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount":
+ 2, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "spine02", "iif": "swp2", "oif": "swp3",
+ "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
+ 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp":
+ 1616638469514}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname":
+ "leaf03", "iif": "swp2", "oif": "bond02", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay":
+ false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "kernel",
+ "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
+ "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616638471226}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 4, "namespace":
+ "dual-bgp", "hostname": "server104", "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default",
+ "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500,
+ "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
+ "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616638470002}, {"pathid": 3, "hopCount": 0,
+ "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "server101", "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0",
+ "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500,
+ "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "",
+ "macLookup": "52:54:00:61:91:8e", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Possible
+ anycast IP without anycast MAC", "timestamp": 1616638469517}, {"pathid": 3, "hopCount":
+ 1, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "leaf02", "iif": "bond01", "oif": "swp1",
+ "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu":
+ 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp":
+ 1616638470284}, {"pathid": 3, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname":
+ "spine01", "iif": "swp2", "oif": "swp4", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay":
+ false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
+ "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616638469538}, {"pathid": 3, "hopCount": 3, "namespace":
+ "dual-bgp", "hostname": "leaf04", "iif": "swp1", "oif": "bond02", "vrf": "default",
+ "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216,
+ "protocol": "kernel", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616638471165},
+ {"pathid": 3, "hopCount": 4, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "server104",
+ "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false,
+ "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp":
+ 1616638470002}, {"pathid": 4, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname":
+ "server101", "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay":
+ false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "52:54:00:61:91:8e", "nexthopIp":
+ "", "hopError": "Possible anycast IP without anycast MAC", "timestamp":
+ 1616638469517}, {"pathid": 4, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname":
+ "leaf02", "iif": "bond01", "oif": "swp2", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay":
+ false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
+ "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616638470284}, {"pathid": 4, "hopCount": 2, "namespace":
+ "dual-bgp", "hostname": "spine02", "iif": "swp2", "oif": "swp4", "vrf": "default",
+ "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216,
+ "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616638469514}, {"pathid":
+ 4, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "leaf04", "iif": "swp2",
+ "oif": "bond02", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
+ true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "kernel", "ipLookup": "",
+ "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "",
+ "timestamp": 1616638471165}, {"pathid": 4, "hopCount": 4, "namespace": "dual-bgp",
+ "hostname": "server104", "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2":
+ false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol":
+ "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError":
+ "", "timestamp": 1616638470002}, {"pathid": 5, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "dual-bgp",
+ "hostname": "server101", "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2":
+ true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol":
+ "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "52:54:00:61:91:8e",
+ "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Possible anycast IP without anycast MAC",
+ "timestamp": 1616638469517}, {"pathid": 5, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "dual-bgp",
+ "hostname": "leaf01", "iif": "bond01", "oif": "peerlink", "vrf": "default", "isL2":
+ true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol":
+ "l2", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "52:54:00:61:91:8e", "nexthopIp":
+ "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616638470427}, {"pathid": 5, "hopCount":
+ 2, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "leaf02", "iif": "vlan13", "oif": "swp1",
+ "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
+ 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp":
+ 1616638470284}, {"pathid": 5, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname":
+ "spine01", "iif": "swp2", "oif": "swp3", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay":
+ false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
+ "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616638469538}, {"pathid": 5, "hopCount": 4, "namespace":
+ "dual-bgp", "hostname": "leaf03", "iif": "swp1", "oif": "bond02", "vrf": "default",
+ "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216,
+ "protocol": "kernel", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616638471226},
+ {"pathid": 5, "hopCount": 5, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "server104",
+ "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false,
+ "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp":
+ 1616638470002}, {"pathid": 6, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname":
+ "server101", "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay":
+ false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "52:54:00:61:91:8e", "nexthopIp":
+ "", "hopError": "Possible anycast IP without anycast MAC", "timestamp":
+ 1616638469517}, {"pathid": 6, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname":
+ "leaf01", "iif": "bond01", "oif": "peerlink", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true,
+ "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol":
+ "l2", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "52:54:00:61:91:8e", "nexthopIp":
+ "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616638470427}, {"pathid": 6, "hopCount":
+ 2, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "leaf02", "iif": "vlan13", "oif": "swp2",
+ "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
+ 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp":
+ 1616638470284}, {"pathid": 6, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname":
+ "spine02", "iif": "swp2", "oif": "swp3", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay":
+ false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
+ "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616638469514}, {"pathid": 6, "hopCount": 4, "namespace":
+ "dual-bgp", "hostname": "leaf03", "iif": "swp2", "oif": "bond02", "vrf": "default",
+ "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216,
+ "protocol": "kernel", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616638471226},
+ {"pathid": 6, "hopCount": 5, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "server104",
+ "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false,
+ "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp":
+ 1616638470002}, {"pathid": 7, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname":
+ "server101", "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay":
+ false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "52:54:00:61:91:8e", "nexthopIp":
+ "", "hopError": "Possible anycast IP without anycast MAC", "timestamp":
+ 1616638469517}, {"pathid": 7, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname":
+ "leaf01", "iif": "bond01", "oif": "peerlink", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true,
+ "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol":
+ "l2", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "52:54:00:61:91:8e", "nexthopIp":
+ "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616638470427}, {"pathid": 7, "hopCount":
+ 2, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "leaf02", "iif": "vlan13", "oif": "swp1",
+ "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
+ 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp":
+ 1616638470284}, {"pathid": 7, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname":
+ "spine01", "iif": "swp2", "oif": "swp4", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay":
+ false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
+ "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616638469538}, {"pathid": 7, "hopCount": 4, "namespace":
+ "dual-bgp", "hostname": "leaf04", "iif": "swp1", "oif": "bond02", "vrf": "default",
+ "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216,
+ "protocol": "kernel", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616638471165},
+ {"pathid": 7, "hopCount": 5, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "server104",
+ "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false,
+ "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp":
+ 1616638470002}, {"pathid": 8, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname":
+ "server101", "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay":
+ false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "52:54:00:61:91:8e", "nexthopIp":
+ "", "hopError": "Possible anycast IP without anycast MAC", "timestamp":
+ 1616638469517}, {"pathid": 8, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname":
+ "leaf01", "iif": "bond01", "oif": "peerlink", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true,
+ "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol":
+ "l2", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "52:54:00:61:91:8e", "nexthopIp":
+ "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616638470427}, {"pathid": 8, "hopCount":
+ 2, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "leaf02", "iif": "vlan13", "oif": "swp2",
+ "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
+ 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp":
+ 1616638470284}, {"pathid": 8, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname":
+ "spine02", "iif": "swp2", "oif": "swp4", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay":
+ false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
+ "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616638469514}, {"pathid": 8, "hopCount": 4, "namespace":
+ "dual-bgp", "hostname": "leaf04", "iif": "swp2", "oif": "bond02", "vrf": "default",
+ "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216,
+ "protocol": "kernel", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616638471165},
+ {"pathid": 8, "hopCount": 5, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "server104",
+ "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false,
+ "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp":
+ 1616638470002}]'
- command: path show --src='2001:db8:0:1::101' --dest='2001:db8:0:4::104' --namespace=dual-bgp
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
@@ -1023,7 +1016,8 @@ tests:
output: '[{"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "server101",
"iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false,
"mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "2001:db8::/32",
- "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "timestamp": 1616638469517}]'
+ "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp":
+ 1616638469517}]'
- command: path show --src='2001:db8::11' --dest='2001:db8::12' --namespace=dual-bgp
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
@@ -1032,77 +1026,80 @@ tests:
"iif": "lo", "oif": "swp1", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false,
"mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 65536, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup":
"2001:db8::12/128", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "fe80::5054:ff:fef1:8d28",
- "timestamp": 1616638470002}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "dual-bgp",
- "hostname": "spine01", "iif": "swp1", "oif": "swp2", "vrf": "default", "isL2":
- false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol":
- "bgp", "ipLookup": "2001:db8::12/128", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "2001:db8::12", "timestamp": 1616638469538}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 2, "namespace":
- "dual-bgp", "hostname": "leaf02", "iif": "swp1", "oif": "lo", "vrf": "default",
- "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 65536,
- "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "", "timestamp": 1616638471112}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "dual-bgp",
- "hostname": "leaf01", "iif": "lo", "oif": "swp1", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false,
- "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 65536, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol":
- "bgp", "ipLookup": "2001:db8::12/128", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "fe80::5054:ff:fef1:8d28", "timestamp": 1616638470002}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount":
- 1, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "spine01", "iif": "swp1", "oif": "swp3",
- "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
- 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "2001:db8::12/128", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "2001:db8::12", "timestamp": 1616638469538},
- {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "leaf03", "iif":
+ "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616638470002}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 1, "namespace":
+ "dual-bgp", "hostname": "spine01", "iif": "swp1", "oif": "swp2", "vrf": "default",
+ "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216,
+ "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "2001:db8::12/128", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "2001:db8::12", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616638469538},
+ {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "leaf02", "iif":
"swp1", "oif": "lo", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 65536, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "timestamp": 1616638471859}, {"pathid":
- 3, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "leaf01", "iif": "lo",
- "oif": "swp1", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616638471112},
+ {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "leaf01", "iif":
+ "lo", "oif": "swp1", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
true, "inMtu": 65536, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "2001:db8::12/128",
- "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "fe80::5054:ff:fef1:8d28", "timestamp":
+ "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "fe80::5054:ff:fef1:8d28", "hopError":
+ "", "timestamp": 1616638470002}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "dual-bgp",
+ "hostname": "spine01", "iif": "swp1", "oif": "swp3", "vrf": "default", "isL2":
+ false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol":
+ "bgp", "ipLookup": "2001:db8::12/128", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
+ "2001:db8::12", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616638469538}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount":
+ 2, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "leaf03", "iif": "swp1", "oif": "lo",
+ "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
+ 9216, "outMtu": 65536, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616638471859}, {"pathid": 3,
+ "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "leaf01", "iif": "lo", "oif":
+ "swp1", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
+ 65536, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "2001:db8::12/128", "vtepLookup":
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "fe80::5054:ff:fef1:8d28", "hopError": "", "timestamp":
1616638470002}, {"pathid": 3, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname":
"spine01", "iif": "swp1", "oif": "swp4", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay":
false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup":
"2001:db8::12/128", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "2001:db8::12",
- "timestamp": 1616638469538}, {"pathid": 3, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "dual-bgp",
- "hostname": "leaf04", "iif": "swp1", "oif": "lo", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false,
- "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 65536, "protocol":
- "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "timestamp":
- 1616638471115}, {"pathid": 4, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname":
- "leaf01", "iif": "lo", "oif": "swp2", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay":
- false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 65536, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup":
- "2001:db8::12/128", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "fe80::5054:ff:fe38:a329",
- "timestamp": 1616638470002}, {"pathid": 4, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "dual-bgp",
- "hostname": "spine02", "iif": "swp1", "oif": "swp2", "vrf": "default", "isL2":
- false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol":
- "bgp", "ipLookup": "2001:db8::12/128", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "2001:db8::12", "timestamp": 1616638469514}, {"pathid": 4, "hopCount": 2, "namespace":
+ "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616638469538}, {"pathid": 3, "hopCount": 2, "namespace":
+ "dual-bgp", "hostname": "leaf04", "iif": "swp1", "oif": "lo", "vrf": "default",
+ "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 65536,
+ "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
+ "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616638471115}, {"pathid": 4, "hopCount": 0,
+ "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "leaf01", "iif": "lo", "oif": "swp2", "vrf":
+ "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 65536,
+ "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "2001:db8::12/128", "vtepLookup":
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "fe80::5054:ff:fe38:a329", "hopError": "", "timestamp":
+ 1616638470002}, {"pathid": 4, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname":
+ "spine02", "iif": "swp1", "oif": "swp2", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay":
+ false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup":
+ "2001:db8::12/128", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "2001:db8::12",
+ "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616638469514}, {"pathid": 4, "hopCount": 2, "namespace":
"dual-bgp", "hostname": "leaf02", "iif": "swp2", "oif": "lo", "vrf": "default",
"isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 65536,
"protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "", "timestamp": 1616638471112}, {"pathid": 5, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "dual-bgp",
- "hostname": "leaf01", "iif": "lo", "oif": "swp2", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false,
- "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 65536, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol":
- "bgp", "ipLookup": "2001:db8::12/128", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "fe80::5054:ff:fe38:a329", "timestamp": 1616638470002}, {"pathid": 5, "hopCount":
- 1, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "spine02", "iif": "swp1", "oif": "swp3",
- "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
- 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "2001:db8::12/128", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "2001:db8::12", "timestamp": 1616638469514},
- {"pathid": 5, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "leaf03", "iif":
- "swp2", "oif": "lo", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
- true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 65536, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "timestamp": 1616638471859}, {"pathid":
- 6, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "leaf01", "iif": "lo",
- "oif": "swp2", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
- true, "inMtu": 65536, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "2001:db8::12/128",
- "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "fe80::5054:ff:fe38:a329", "timestamp":
+ "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616638471112}, {"pathid": 5, "hopCount": 0,
+ "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "leaf01", "iif": "lo", "oif": "swp2", "vrf":
+ "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 65536,
+ "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "2001:db8::12/128", "vtepLookup":
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "fe80::5054:ff:fe38:a329", "hopError": "", "timestamp":
+ 1616638470002}, {"pathid": 5, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname":
+ "spine02", "iif": "swp1", "oif": "swp3", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay":
+ false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup":
+ "2001:db8::12/128", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "2001:db8::12",
+ "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616638469514}, {"pathid": 5, "hopCount": 2, "namespace":
+ "dual-bgp", "hostname": "leaf03", "iif": "swp2", "oif": "lo", "vrf": "default",
+ "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 65536,
+ "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
+ "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616638471859}, {"pathid": 6, "hopCount": 0,
+ "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "leaf01", "iif": "lo", "oif": "swp2", "vrf":
+ "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 65536,
+ "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "2001:db8::12/128", "vtepLookup":
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "fe80::5054:ff:fe38:a329", "hopError": "", "timestamp":
1616638470002}, {"pathid": 6, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname":
"spine02", "iif": "swp1", "oif": "swp4", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay":
false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup":
"2001:db8::12/128", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "2001:db8::12",
- "timestamp": 1616638469514}, {"pathid": 6, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "dual-bgp",
- "hostname": "leaf04", "iif": "swp2", "oif": "lo", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false,
- "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 65536, "protocol":
- "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "timestamp":
- 1616638471115}]'
+ "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616638469514}, {"pathid": 6, "hopCount": 2, "namespace":
+ "dual-bgp", "hostname": "leaf04", "iif": "swp2", "oif": "lo", "vrf": "default",
+ "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 65536,
+ "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
+ "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616638471115}]'
- command: path show --src='2001:db8:0:1::1' --dest='2001:db8:0:4::1' --namespace=dual-bgp
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
@@ -1111,820 +1108,811 @@ tests:
"iif": "vlan13", "oif": "swp1", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false,
"mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup":
"2001:db8:0:4::/64", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "fe80::5054:ff:fe6c:9df3",
- "timestamp": 1616638470284}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "dual-bgp",
- "hostname": "spine01", "iif": "swp2", "oif": "swp3", "vrf": "default", "isL2":
- false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol":
- "bgp", "ipLookup": "2001:db8:0:4::/64", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "2001:db8:0:4::1", "timestamp": 1616638469538}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 2, "namespace":
- "dual-bgp", "hostname": "leaf03", "iif": "swp1", "oif": "vlan24", "vrf": "default",
+ "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616638470284}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 1, "namespace":
+ "dual-bgp", "hostname": "spine01", "iif": "swp2", "oif": "swp3", "vrf": "default",
"isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216,
- "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "", "timestamp": 1616638471859}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "dual-bgp",
- "hostname": "leaf01", "iif": "vlan13", "oif": "swp1", "vrf": "default", "isL2":
- false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol":
- "bgp", "ipLookup": "2001:db8:0:4::/64", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "fe80::5054:ff:fef1:8d28", "timestamp": 1616638470002}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount":
- 1, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "spine01", "iif": "swp1", "oif": "swp3",
- "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
- 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "2001:db8:0:4::/64", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "2001:db8:0:4::1", "timestamp": 1616638469538},
- {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "leaf03", "iif":
+ "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "2001:db8:0:4::/64", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "2001:db8:0:4::1", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616638469538},
+ {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "leaf03", "iif":
"swp1", "oif": "vlan24", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "timestamp": 1616638471859}, {"pathid":
- 3, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "leaf02", "iif": "vlan13",
- "oif": "swp2", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616638471859},
+ {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "leaf01", "iif":
+ "vlan13", "oif": "swp1", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "2001:db8:0:4::/64",
- "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "fe80::5054:ff:fea1:3072", "timestamp":
- 1616638470284}, {"pathid": 3, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname":
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- "2001:db8:0:4::/64", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "2001:db8:0:4::1",
- "timestamp": 1616638469514}, {"pathid": 3, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "dual-bgp",
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- "2001:db8:0:4::/64", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "fe80::5054:ff:fe38:a329",
- "timestamp": 1616638470002}, {"pathid": 4, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "dual-bgp",
+ "bgp", "ipLookup": "2001:db8:0:4::/64", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
+ "2001:db8:0:4::1", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616638469538}, {"pathid": 2,
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+ "", "timestamp": 1616638470284}, {"pathid": 3, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "dual-bgp",
+ "hostname": "spine02", "iif": "swp2", "oif": "swp3", "vrf": "default", "isL2":
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+ "2001:db8:0:4::1", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616638469514}, {"pathid": 3,
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"hostname": "spine02", "iif": "swp1", "oif": "swp3", "vrf": "default", "isL2":
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"bgp", "ipLookup": "2001:db8:0:4::/64", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "2001:db8:0:4::1", "timestamp": 1616638469514}, {"pathid": 4, "hopCount": 2, "namespace":
- "dual-bgp", "hostname": "leaf03", "iif": "swp2", "oif": "vlan24", "vrf": "default",
- "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216,
- "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "", "timestamp": 1616638471859}]'
+ "2001:db8:0:4::1", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616638469514}, {"pathid": 4,
+ "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "dual-bgp", "hostname": "leaf03", "iif": "swp2", "oif":
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+ "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "",
+ "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616638471859}]'
- command: path show --dest= --src= --namespace=dual-evpn
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
- error:
- error: '[{"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "server103",
- "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": false,
- "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9000, "outMtu": 9000, "protocol": "", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "44:39:39:ff:00:13", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1616644821893}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount":
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- "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu":
- 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "",
- "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp":
- 1616644822008}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname":
- "spine01", "iif": "swp3", "oif": "swp6", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay":
- true, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
- "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1616644822008}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount":
- 3, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "exit01", "iif": "swp1", "oif": "swp1",
- "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
- 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "kernel", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp":
- 1616644822008}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 4, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname":
- "spine01", "iif": "swp6", "oif": "swp1", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay":
- true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
- "error": "", "timestamp": 1616644822008}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 5, "namespace":
- "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf01", "iif": "swp1", "oif": "bond02", "vrf": "evpn-vrf",
- "isL2": false, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu":
- 1500, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1616644821712}, {"pathid":
- 1, "hopCount": 6, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "server102", "iif":
- "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false,
- "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9000, "outMtu": 9000, "protocol": "", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp":
- 1616644822254}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname":
- "server103", "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true,
- "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9000, "outMtu": 9000, "protocol":
- "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "44:39:39:ff:00:13",
- "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1616644821893}, {"pathid":
- 2, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf04", "iif": "bond01",
- "oif": "swp1", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
- false, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU
- < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1616644822008}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 2, "namespace":
- "dual-evpn", "hostname": "spine01", "iif": "swp4", "oif": "swp6", "vrf": "default",
- "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216,
- "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
- "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1616644822008},
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- "iif": "swp1", "oif": "swp1", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": true, "overlay": true,
- "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "kernel", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
- "error": "", "timestamp": 1616644822008}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 4, "namespace":
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- "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1616644822008}, {"pathid":
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- "oif": "bond02", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": false, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch":
- false, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu",
- "timestamp": 1616644821712}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 6, "namespace": "dual-evpn",
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- "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "44:39:39:ff:00:13",
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- false, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU
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- "dual-evpn", "hostname": "spine02", "iif": "swp3", "oif": "swp6", "vrf": "default",
- "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216,
- "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
- "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1616644822008},
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- "iif": "swp2", "oif": "swp1", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": true, "overlay": true,
- "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "kernel", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
- "error": "", "timestamp": 1616644822008}, {"pathid": 3, "hopCount": 4, "namespace":
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- "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1616644822008}, {"pathid":
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- false, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu",
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- "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1616644822008},
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- "iif": "swp6", "oif": "swp2", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": true,
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- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp":
- 1616644822254}]'
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+ "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "44:39:39:ff:00:13",
+ "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616644821893}, {"pathid":
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+ "oif": "swp1", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false,
+ "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU
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+ "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216,
+ "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp":
+ 1616644822008}, {"pathid": 14, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname":
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+ "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616644822008}, {"pathid": 14, "hopCount": 4, "namespace":
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+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616644822008}, {"pathid":
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+ true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9000, "outMtu": 9000, "protocol":
+ "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "44:39:39:ff:00:13",
+ "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616644821893}, {"pathid":
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+ "oif": "swp2", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false,
+ "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU
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+ "dual-evpn", "hostname": "spine02", "iif": "swp3", "oif": "swp6", "vrf": "default",
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+ "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp":
+ 1616644822008}, {"pathid": 15, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname":
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+ true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "kernel", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
+ "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616644822008}, {"pathid": 15, "hopCount": 4, "namespace":
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+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616644822008}, {"pathid":
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+ true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9000, "outMtu": 9000, "protocol":
+ "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "44:39:39:ff:00:13",
+ "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616644821893}, {"pathid":
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+ "oif": "swp2", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false,
+ "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU
+ < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1616644822008}, {"pathid": 16, "hopCount": 2, "namespace":
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+ "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216,
+ "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp":
+ 1616644822008}, {"pathid": 16, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname":
+ "exit01", "iif": "swp2", "oif": "swp2", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": true, "overlay":
+ true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "kernel", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
+ "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616644822008}, {"pathid": 16, "hopCount": 4, "namespace":
+ "dual-evpn", "hostname": "spine02", "iif": "swp6", "oif": "swp2", "vrf": "default",
+ "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216,
+ "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616644822008}, {"pathid":
+ 16, "hopCount": 5, "namespace": "dual-evpn", "hostname": "leaf02", "iif": "swp2",
+ "oif": "bond02", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": false, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch":
+ false, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu",
+ "timestamp": 1616644821713}, {"pathid": 16, "hopCount": 6, "namespace": "dual-evpn",
+ "hostname": "server102", "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2":
+ false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9000, "outMtu": 9000, "protocol":
+ "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError":
+ "", "timestamp": 1616644822254}]'
- command: path show --src= --dest= --namespace=ospf-ibgp
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
- error:
- error: '[{"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server101",
- "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay":
- false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9000, "outMtu": 9000, "protocol": "", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
- "error": "", "timestamp": 1616681581586}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 1, "namespace":
- "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf01", "iif": "bond01", "oif": "swp1", "vrf": "evpn-vrf",
- "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9000, "outMtu": 9216,
- "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "",
- "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1616681581705},
- {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine01",
- "iif": "swp1", "oif": "swp5", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": true,
- "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
- "error": "", "timestamp": 1616681581652}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 3, "namespace":
- "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit02", "iif": "swp1", "oif": "swp5.3", "vrf": "evpn-vrf",
- "isL2": false, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216,
- "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
- "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1616681581649},
- {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 4, "namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "edge01",
- "iif": "eth2.3", "oif": "eth1.4", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay":
- false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "186",
- "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1616681581704},
- {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 5, "namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit01",
- "iif": "swp5.4", "oif": "swp6", "vrf": "internet-vrf", "isL2": false, "overlay":
- false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp",
- "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1616681581649}, {"pathid":
- 1, "hopCount": 6, "namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "internet", "iif": "swp1",
- "oif": "lo", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
- true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 65536, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Dst MTU != Src MTU", "timestamp":
- 1616681582344}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname":
- "server101", "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false,
- "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9000, "outMtu": 9000, "protocol":
- "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1616681581586}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount":
- 1, "namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf02", "iif": "bond01", "oif": "swp1",
- "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
- 9000, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp":
- 1616681581651}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname":
- "spine01", "iif": "swp2", "oif": "swp5", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay":
- true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
- "error": "", "timestamp": 1616681581652}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 3, "namespace":
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- "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
- "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1616681581649},
- {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 4, "namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "edge01",
- "iif": "eth2.3", "oif": "eth1.4", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay":
- false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "186",
- "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1616681581704},
- {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 5, "namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit01",
- "iif": "swp5.4", "oif": "swp6", "vrf": "internet-vrf", "isL2": false, "overlay":
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- "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1616681581649}, {"pathid":
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- "oif": "lo", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
- true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 65536, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Dst MTU != Src MTU", "timestamp":
- 1616681582344}, {"pathid": 3, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname":
- "server101", "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false,
- "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9000, "outMtu": 9000, "protocol":
- "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
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- "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
- 9000, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp":
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- true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
- "error": "", "timestamp": 1616681581652}, {"pathid": 3, "hopCount": 3, "namespace":
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- "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1616681581649},
- {"pathid": 3, "hopCount": 4, "namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "edge01",
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- false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "186",
- "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1616681581704},
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- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Dst MTU != Src MTU", "timestamp":
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+ 9216, "outMtu": 65536, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Dst MTU != Src MTU", "timestamp": 1616681582344},
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+ "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false,
+ "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9000, "outMtu": 9000, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "",
+ "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "",
+ "timestamp": 1616681581586}, {"pathid": 5, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
+ "hostname": "leaf01", "iif": "bond01", "oif": "swp1", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2":
+ true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9000, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol":
+ "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616681581705}, {"pathid":
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+ "oif": "swp5", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true,
+ "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp":
+ 1616681581652}, {"pathid": 5, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname":
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+ true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
+ "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616681581649}, {"pathid": 5, "hopCount": 4, "namespace":
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+ "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500,
+ "protocol": "186", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp":
+ 1616681581704}, {"pathid": 5, "hopCount": 5, "namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname":
+ "exit02", "iif": "swp5.4", "oif": "swp6", "vrf": "internet-vrf", "isL2": false,
+ "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol":
+ "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
+ "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1616681581649},
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+ "iif": "swp2", "oif": "lo", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false,
+ "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 65536, "protocol": "", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Dst MTU !=
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+ "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9000, "outMtu": 9000,
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+ "oif": "swp1", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
+ true, "inMtu": 9000, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "",
+ "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError":
+ "", "timestamp": 1616681581651}, {"pathid": 6, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
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+ true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol":
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+ "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616681581652}, {"pathid":
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+ "186", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
+ "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1616681581704},
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+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
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+ 9216, "outMtu": 65536, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Dst MTU != Src MTU", "timestamp": 1616681582344},
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+ "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9000, "outMtu": 9000, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "",
+ "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "",
+ "timestamp": 1616681581586}, {"pathid": 7, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
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+ true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9000, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol":
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+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616681581705}, {"pathid":
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+ "oif": "swp5", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true,
+ "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp":
+ 1616681581652}, {"pathid": 7, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname":
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+ true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
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+ "protocol": "186", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp":
+ 1616681581704}, {"pathid": 7, "hopCount": 5, "namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname":
+ "exit02", "iif": "swp5.4", "oif": "swp6", "vrf": "internet-vrf", "isL2": false,
+ "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol":
+ "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
+ "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1616681581649},
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+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Dst MTU !=
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+ "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9000, "outMtu": 9000,
+ "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "",
+ "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616681581586}, {"pathid":
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+ "oif": "swp2", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
+ true, "inMtu": 9000, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "",
+ "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError":
+ "", "timestamp": 1616681581651}, {"pathid": 8, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
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+ true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol":
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+ "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616681581652}, {"pathid":
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+ "oif": "swp5.3", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": false, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch":
+ true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "",
+ "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "",
+ "timestamp": 1616681581649}, {"pathid": 8, "hopCount": 4, "namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
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+ false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol":
+ "186", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
+ "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1616681581704},
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+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
+ "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1616681581649}, {"pathid": 8, "hopCount":
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+ "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
+ 9216, "outMtu": 65536, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Dst MTU != Src MTU", "timestamp": 1616681582344}]'
- command: path show --src= --dest= --namespace=ospf-ibgp
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
@@ -1933,170 +1921,175 @@ tests:
"iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": false,
"mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9000, "outMtu": 9000, "protocol": "l2", "ipLookup":
"", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "52:54:00:24:64:ca", "nexthopIp":
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- true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9000, "protocol": "l2", "ipLookup": "",
- "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": null, "nexthopIp": "", "timestamp": 1616681581517},
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- "", "timestamp": null}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 1, "namespace":
+ "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": null}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount":
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+ "", "timestamp": 1616681581509}, {"pathid": 3, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
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+ true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9000, "outMtu": 9000, "protocol":
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+ "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": null}, {"pathid": 3,
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+ true, "inMtu": 9000, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp":
+ 1616681581705}, {"pathid": 3, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname":
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"ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf02", "iif": "bond01", "oif": "swp2", "vrf": "evpn-vrf",
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- "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "timestamp": 1616681581652}, {"pathid":
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+ "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp":
+ 1616681581652}, {"pathid": 4, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname":
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+ "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": null}, {"pathid": 5,
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+ "oif": "swp1", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
+ true, "inMtu": 9000, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp":
+ 1616681581705}, {"pathid": 5, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname":
+ "spine01", "iif": "swp1", "oif": "swp4", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay":
+ true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
+ "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616681581652}, {"pathid": 5, "hopCount": 3, "namespace":
+ "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf04", "iif": "swp1", "oif": "bond01", "vrf": "evpn-vrf",
+ "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9000,
+ "protocol": "l2", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": null,
+ "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616681581649}, {"pathid": 5, "hopCount":
+ 4, "namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server103", "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0",
+ "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
+ 9000, "outMtu": 9000, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616681581509}, {"pathid": 6,
+ "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server101", "iif": "bond0",
+ "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
+ true, "inMtu": 9000, "outMtu": 9000, "protocol": "l2", "ipLookup": "",
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+ "hopError": "", "timestamp": null}, {"pathid": 6, "hopCount": 1, "namespace":
"ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf02", "iif": "bond01", "oif": "swp1", "vrf": "evpn-vrf",
"isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9000, "outMtu": 9216,
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- "nexthopIp": "", "timestamp": 1616681581651}, {"pathid": 6, "hopCount":
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- "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "",
- "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "timestamp": 1616681581652}, {"pathid":
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- true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9000, "protocol": "l2", "ipLookup": "",
- "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": null, "nexthopIp": "", "timestamp": 1616681581649},
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- "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9000, "outMtu": 9000, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "",
- "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "timestamp": 1616681581509},
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- "", "timestamp": null}, {"pathid": 7, "hopCount": 1, "namespace":
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- "nexthopIp": "", "timestamp": 1616681581705}, {"pathid": 7, "hopCount":
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- "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "timestamp": 1616681581652}, {"pathid":
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- true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9000, "protocol": "l2", "ipLookup": "",
- "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": null, "nexthopIp": "", "timestamp": 1616681581649},
- {"pathid": 7, "hopCount": 4, "namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server103",
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- "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9000, "outMtu": 9000, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "",
- "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "timestamp": 1616681581509},
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- "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": false,
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- "", "timestamp": null}, {"pathid": 8, "hopCount": 1, "namespace":
+ "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616681581651}, {"pathid":
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+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp":
+ 1616681581652}, {"pathid": 6, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname":
+ "leaf04", "iif": "swp1", "oif": "bond01", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": true, "overlay":
+ true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9000, "protocol": "l2", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": null, "nexthopIp": "", "hopError":
+ "", "timestamp": 1616681581649}, {"pathid": 6, "hopCount": 4, "namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
+ "hostname": "server103", "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2":
+ false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9000, "outMtu": 9000, "protocol":
+ "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError":
+ "", "timestamp": 1616681581509}, {"pathid": 7, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
+ "hostname": "server101", "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2":
+ true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9000, "outMtu": 9000, "protocol":
+ "l2", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "52:54:00:24:64:ca",
+ "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": null}, {"pathid": 7,
+ "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf01", "iif": "bond01",
+ "oif": "swp2", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
+ true, "inMtu": 9000, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp":
+ 1616681581705}, {"pathid": 7, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname":
+ "spine02", "iif": "swp1", "oif": "swp4", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay":
+ true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
+ "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616681581652}, {"pathid": 7, "hopCount": 3, "namespace":
+ "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf04", "iif": "swp2", "oif": "bond01", "vrf": "evpn-vrf",
+ "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9000,
+ "protocol": "l2", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": null,
+ "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616681581649}, {"pathid": 7, "hopCount":
+ 4, "namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server103", "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0",
+ "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
+ 9000, "outMtu": 9000, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616681581509}, {"pathid": 8,
+ "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server101", "iif": "bond0",
+ "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
+ true, "inMtu": 9000, "outMtu": 9000, "protocol": "l2", "ipLookup": "",
+ "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "52:54:00:24:64:ca", "nexthopIp": "",
+ "hopError": "", "timestamp": null}, {"pathid": 8, "hopCount": 1, "namespace":
"ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf02", "iif": "bond01", "oif": "swp2", "vrf": "evpn-vrf",
"isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9000, "outMtu": 9216,
"protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "",
- "nexthopIp": "", "timestamp": 1616681581651}, {"pathid": 8, "hopCount":
- 2, "namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine02", "iif": "swp2", "oif": "swp4",
- "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216,
- "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "",
- "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "timestamp": 1616681581652}, {"pathid":
- 8, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf04", "iif": "swp2",
- "oif": "bond01", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch":
- true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9000, "protocol": "l2", "ipLookup": "",
- "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": null, "nexthopIp": "", "timestamp": 1616681581649},
- {"pathid": 8, "hopCount": 4, "namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "server103",
- "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false,
- "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9000, "outMtu": 9000, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "",
- "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "timestamp": 1616681581509}]'
+ "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1616681581651}, {"pathid":
+ 8, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine02", "iif": "swp2",
+ "oif": "swp4", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true,
+ "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp":
+ 1616681581652}, {"pathid": 8, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname":
+ "leaf04", "iif": "swp2", "oif": "bond01", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": true, "overlay":
+ true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9000, "protocol": "l2", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": null, "nexthopIp": "", "hopError":
+ "", "timestamp": 1616681581649}, {"pathid": 8, "hopCount": 4, "namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
+ "hostname": "server103", "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2":
+ false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9000, "outMtu": 9000, "protocol":
+ "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError":
+ "", "timestamp": 1616681581509}]'
- command: path unique --dest= --src= --namespace=dual-evpn
--count=True --format=json
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
diff --git a/tests/integration/sqcmds/cumulus-samples/swport.yml b/tests/integration/sqcmds/cumulus-samples/swport.yml
index fc6ebd52d1..44968e9b70 100644
--- a/tests/integration/sqcmds/cumulus-samples/swport.yml
+++ b/tests/integration/sqcmds/cumulus-samples/swport.yml
@@ -1674,3 +1674,46 @@ tests:
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: interface unique cumulus switchport
output: '[]'
+- command: interface show --columns=vlan --vlan='!10 999' --state=up --namespace=ospf-ibgp
+ --format=json
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: interface show cumulus switchport
+ output: '[]'
+- command: interface show --columns=vlan --vlan='!10 999' --state=up --namespace=ospf-ibgp
+ --columns='hostname ifname state adminState type vlan vlanList' --format=json
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: interface show cumulus switchport
+ output: '[]'
+- command: interface show --columns=vlan --vlan='!10 999' --state=up --namespace=ospf-ibgp
+ --columns='hostname ifname state adminState type vlanList' --format=json
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: interface show cumulus switchport
+ output: '[]'
+- command: interface show --columns=vlan --vlan='!10 !20' --state=up --namespace=ospf-ibgp
+ --format=json
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: interface show cumulus switchport
+ output: '[{"vlan": 2}, {"vlan": 2}, {"vlan": 3}, {"vlan": 3}, {"vlan": 4}, {"vlan":
+ 4}, {"vlan": 2}, {"vlan": 3}, {"vlan": 4001}, {"vlan": 4001}, {"vlan": 4}, {"vlan":
+ 4001}, {"vlan": 3}, {"vlan": 4001}, {"vlan": 4}, {"vlan": 2}, {"vlan": 4001},
+ {"vlan": 13}, {"vlan": 24}, {"vlan": 4001}, {"vlan": 24}, {"vlan": 13}, {"vlan":
+ 24}, {"vlan": 13}, {"vlan": 1}, {"vlan": 4094}, {"vlan": 24}, {"vlan": 4001},
+ {"vlan": 4001}, {"vlan": 13}, {"vlan": 13}, {"vlan": 13}, {"vlan": 24}, {"vlan":
+ 1}, {"vlan": 4094}, {"vlan": 24}, {"vlan": 4001}, {"vlan": 24}, {"vlan": 13},
+ {"vlan": 24}, {"vlan": 13}, {"vlan": 24}, {"vlan": 13}, {"vlan": 1}, {"vlan":
+ 4094}, {"vlan": 4001}, {"vlan": 4001}, {"vlan": 24}, {"vlan": 13}, {"vlan": 4001},
+ {"vlan": 24}, {"vlan": 13}, {"vlan": 24}, {"vlan": 1}, {"vlan": 4094}, {"vlan":
+ 13}]'
+- command: interface show --columns=vlan --vlan='20' --namespace=ospf-ibgp --format=json
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: interface show cumulus switchport
+ output: '[]'
+- command: interface show --columns=vlan --vlan='10 20' --namespace=ospf-ibgp --format=json
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: interface show cumulus switchport
+ output: '[]'
+- command: interface unique --columns=vlanList --vlan='!10 !20' --namespace=ospf-ibgp
+ --format=json
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: interface unique cumulus switchport
+ output: '[{"vlanList": 1}, {"vlanList": 13}, {"vlanList": 24}]'
diff --git a/tests/integration/sqcmds/cumulus-samples/top.yml b/tests/integration/sqcmds/cumulus-samples/top.yml
index f982804409..285e59e9ba 100644
--- a/tests/integration/sqcmds/cumulus-samples/top.yml
+++ b/tests/integration/sqcmds/cumulus-samples/top.yml
@@ -577,9 +577,20 @@ tests:
- command: mac top --what=moveCount --format=json --namespace='ospf-single dual-evpn
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
- error:
- error: '[{"error": "ERROR: ''mackey''"}]'
marks: mac top
+ output: '[{"namespace": "ospf-single", "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 0, "macaddr":
+ "44:38:39:00:00:2c", "oif": "swp5", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "permanent",
+ "moveCount": 0, "timestamp": 1616352403984}, {"namespace": "ospf-single", "hostname":
+ "leaf04", "vlan": 10, "macaddr": "44:38:39:00:00:2c", "oif": "bridge", "remoteVtepIp":
+ "", "bd": "", "flags": "permanent", "moveCount": 0, "timestamp": 1616352403984},
+ {"namespace": "ospf-single", "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 10, "macaddr": "00:03:00:44:44:02",
+ "oif": "swp5", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "", "moveCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1616352403984}, {"namespace": "ospf-single", "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 0,
+ "macaddr": "44:38:39:00:00:1f", "oif": "swp5", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
+ "permanent", "moveCount": 0, "timestamp": 1616352404671}, {"namespace": "ospf-single",
+ "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 10, "macaddr": "44:38:39:00:00:1f", "oif": "bridge",
+ "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "permanent", "moveCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1616352404671}]'
- command: route top --what=prefixlen --format=json --namespace='ospf-single dual-evpn
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
diff --git a/tests/integration/sqcmds/cumulus-samples/topology.yml b/tests/integration/sqcmds/cumulus-samples/topology.yml
index 7108dde0e2..4e838ab15b 100644
--- a/tests/integration/sqcmds/cumulus-samples/topology.yml
+++ b/tests/integration/sqcmds/cumulus-samples/topology.yml
@@ -1125,22 +1125,76 @@ tests:
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: topology unique cumulus
output: '[]'
-- command: topology show --asn=64520 --format=json --namespace=ospf-ibgp
+- command: topology show --asn=65000 --format=json --namespace=ospf-ibgp
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: topology show cumulus
- output: '[]'
-- command: topology summarize --asn=64520 --format=json --namespace=ospf-ibgp
+ output: '[{"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit01", "peerHostname": "spine01",
+ "vrf": "default", "asn": 65000, "peerAsn": 65000, "bgp": true, "polled": true},
+ {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit01", "peerHostname": "spine02", "vrf":
+ "default", "asn": 65000, "peerAsn": 65000, "bgp": true, "polled": true}, {"namespace":
+ "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit01", "peerHostname": "edge01", "vrf": "default",
+ "asn": 65000, "peerAsn": 65530, "bgp": true, "polled": false}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
+ "hostname": "exit01", "peerHostname": "edge01", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "asn": 65000,
+ "peerAsn": 65530, "bgp": true, "polled": false}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname":
+ "leaf03", "peerHostname": "spine01", "vrf": "default", "asn": 65000, "peerAsn":
+ 65000, "bgp": true, "polled": true}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf02",
+ "peerHostname": "spine02", "vrf": "default", "asn": 65000, "peerAsn": 65000, "bgp":
+ true, "polled": true}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf02", "peerHostname":
+ "spine01", "vrf": "default", "asn": 65000, "peerAsn": 65000, "bgp": true, "polled":
+ true}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf03", "peerHostname": "spine02",
+ "vrf": "default", "asn": 65000, "peerAsn": 65000, "bgp": true, "polled": true},
+ {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit02", "peerHostname": "edge01", "vrf":
+ "default", "asn": 65000, "peerAsn": 65530, "bgp": true, "polled": false}, {"namespace":
+ "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "exit02", "peerHostname": "spine01", "vrf": "default",
+ "asn": 65000, "peerAsn": 65000, "bgp": true, "polled": true}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
+ "hostname": "exit02", "peerHostname": "edge01", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "asn": 65000,
+ "peerAsn": 65530, "bgp": true, "polled": false}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname":
+ "leaf01", "peerHostname": "spine01", "vrf": "default", "asn": 65000, "peerAsn":
+ 65000, "bgp": true, "polled": true}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine01",
+ "peerHostname": "exit01", "vrf": "default", "asn": 65000, "peerAsn": 65000, "bgp":
+ true, "polled": true}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine01", "peerHostname":
+ "exit02", "vrf": "default", "asn": 65000, "peerAsn": 65000, "bgp": true, "polled":
+ true}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine01", "peerHostname": "leaf04",
+ "vrf": "default", "asn": 65000, "peerAsn": 65000, "bgp": true, "polled": true},
+ {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine01", "peerHostname": "leaf03", "vrf":
+ "default", "asn": 65000, "peerAsn": 65000, "bgp": true, "polled": true}, {"namespace":
+ "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine01", "peerHostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "default",
+ "asn": 65000, "peerAsn": 65000, "bgp": true, "polled": true}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
+ "hostname": "leaf01", "peerHostname": "spine02", "vrf": "default", "asn": 65000,
+ "peerAsn": 65000, "bgp": true, "polled": true}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname":
+ "spine01", "peerHostname": "leaf02", "vrf": "default", "asn": 65000, "peerAsn":
+ 65000, "bgp": true, "polled": true}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf04",
+ "peerHostname": "spine02", "vrf": "default", "asn": 65000, "peerAsn": 65000, "bgp":
+ true, "polled": true}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "leaf04", "peerHostname":
+ "spine01", "vrf": "default", "asn": 65000, "peerAsn": 65000, "bgp": true, "polled":
+ true}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine02", "peerHostname": "exit01",
+ "vrf": "default", "asn": 65000, "peerAsn": 65000, "bgp": true, "polled": true},
+ {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine02", "peerHostname": "leaf01", "vrf":
+ "default", "asn": 65000, "peerAsn": 65000, "bgp": true, "polled": true}, {"namespace":
+ "ospf-ibgp", "hostname": "spine02", "peerHostname": "leaf02", "vrf": "default",
+ "asn": 65000, "peerAsn": 65000, "bgp": true, "polled": true}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp",
+ "hostname": "spine02", "peerHostname": "leaf03", "vrf": "default", "asn": 65000,
+ "peerAsn": 65000, "bgp": true, "polled": true}, {"namespace": "ospf-ibgp", "hostname":
+ "spine02", "peerHostname": "leaf04", "vrf": "default", "asn": 65000, "peerAsn":
+ 65000, "bgp": true, "polled": true}]'
+- command: topology summarize --asn=65000 --format=json --namespace=ospf-ibgp
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: topology summarize cumulus
- output: '{"bgp": {}}'
-- command: topology unique --asn=64520 --format=json --namespace=ospf-ibgp --columns=hostname
+ output: '{"ospf-ibgp": {"bgp_center": ["spine01"], "bgp_degree_histogram": "...",
+ "bgp_is_fully_connected": true, "bgp_number_of_disjoint_sets": 1, "bgp_number_of_edges":
+ 13, "bgp_number_of_nodes": 9, "bgp_self_loops": []}}'
+- command: topology unique --asn=65000 --format=json --namespace=ospf-ibgp --columns=hostname
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: topology unique cumulus
- output: '[]'
-- command: topology summarize --vrf=default --asn=64520 --format=json --namespace=ospf-ibgp
+ output: '[{"hostname": "exit01"}, {"hostname": "exit02"}, {"hostname": "leaf01"},
+ {"hostname": "leaf02"}, {"hostname": "leaf03"}, {"hostname": "leaf04"}, {"hostname":
+ "spine01"}, {"hostname": "spine02"}]'
+- command: topology summarize --vrf=default --asn=65000 --format=json --namespace=ospf-ibgp
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: topology summarize cumulus
- output: '{"bgp": {}}'
+ output: '{"ospf-ibgp": {"bgp_center": ["spine01"], "bgp_degree_histogram": "...",
+ "bgp_is_fully_connected": true, "bgp_number_of_disjoint_sets": 1, "bgp_number_of_edges":
+ 13, "bgp_number_of_nodes": 9, "bgp_self_loops": []}}'
- command: topology summarize --vrf=default --via=lldp --format=json --namespace=ospf-ibgp
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: topology summarize cumulus
diff --git a/tests/integration/sqcmds/eos-samples/evpnVni.yml b/tests/integration/sqcmds/eos-samples/evpnVni.yml
index ede45382ce..88b27539b1 100644
--- a/tests/integration/sqcmds/eos-samples/evpnVni.yml
+++ b/tests/integration/sqcmds/eos-samples/evpnVni.yml
@@ -76,29 +76,38 @@ tests:
- command: evpnVni assert --format=json --namespace=eos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: evpnVni assert eos
- output: '[{"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf02", "vni": 10, "type": "L2", "assertReason":
- "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp": 1623025177153}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname":
- "leaf02", "vni": 999, "type": "L3", "assertReason": "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp":
- 1623025177153}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf02", "vni": 30, "type":
- "L2", "assertReason": "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp": 1623025177153}, {"namespace":
- "eos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vni": 20, "type": "L2", "assertReason": "-", "result":
- "pass", "timestamp": 1623025177155}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf03",
- "vni": 999, "type": "L3", "assertReason": "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp":
- 1623025177155}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vni": 30, "type":
- "L2", "assertReason": "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp": 1623025177155}, {"namespace":
- "eos", "hostname": "exit02", "vni": 999, "type": "L3", "assertReason": "-", "result":
- "pass", "timestamp": 1623025177256}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit01",
- "vni": 999, "type": "L3", "assertReason": "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp":
- 1623025177350}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vni": 10, "type":
- "L2", "assertReason": "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp": 1623025177459}, {"namespace":
- "eos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vni": 999, "type": "L3", "assertReason": "-", "result":
- "pass", "timestamp": 1623025177459}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf01",
- "vni": 30, "type": "L2", "assertReason": "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp": 1623025177459},
- {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vni": 20, "type": "L2", "assertReason":
- "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp": 1623025177461}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname":
- "leaf04", "vni": 999, "type": "L3", "assertReason": "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp":
- 1623025177461}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vni": 30, "type":
- "L2", "assertReason": "-", "result": "pass", "timestamp": 1623025177461}]'
+ output: '[{"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf02", "vni": 10, "type": "L2", "vrf":
+ "evpn-vrf", "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10", "timestamp": 1623025177153, "result":
+ "pass", "assertReason": []}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf02", "vni":
+ 999, "type": "L3", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "macaddr": "44:38:39:99:c7:9e", "timestamp":
+ 1623025177153, "result": "pass", "assertReason": []}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname":
+ "leaf02", "vni": 30, "type": "L2", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10",
+ "timestamp": 1623025177153, "result": "pass", "assertReason": []}, {"namespace":
+ "eos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vni": 20, "type": "L2", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "macaddr":
+ "00:00:00:11:12:10", "timestamp": 1623025177155, "result": "pass", "assertReason":
+ []}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vni": 999, "type": "L3", "vrf":
+ "evpn-vrf", "macaddr": "44:38:39:24:3f:16", "timestamp": 1623025177155, "result":
+ "pass", "assertReason": []}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vni":
+ 30, "type": "L2", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10", "timestamp":
+ 1623025177155, "result": "pass", "assertReason": []}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname":
+ "exit02", "vni": 999, "type": "L3", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "macaddr": "44:38:39:c3:55:cb",
+ "timestamp": 1623025177256, "result": "pass", "assertReason": []}, {"namespace":
+ "eos", "hostname": "exit01", "vni": 999, "type": "L3", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "macaddr":
+ "44:38:39:33:d8:43", "timestamp": 1623025177350, "result": "pass", "assertReason":
+ []}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vni": 10, "type": "L2", "vrf":
+ "evpn-vrf", "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10", "timestamp": 1623025177459, "result":
+ "pass", "assertReason": []}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vni":
+ 999, "type": "L3", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "macaddr": "44:38:39:e3:19:2e", "timestamp":
+ 1623025177459, "result": "pass", "assertReason": []}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname":
+ "leaf01", "vni": 30, "type": "L2", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10",
+ "timestamp": 1623025177459, "result": "pass", "assertReason": []}, {"namespace":
+ "eos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vni": 20, "type": "L2", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "macaddr":
+ "00:00:00:11:12:10", "timestamp": 1623025177461, "result": "pass", "assertReason":
+ []}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vni": 999, "type": "L3", "vrf":
+ "evpn-vrf", "macaddr": "44:38:39:81:30:22", "timestamp": 1623025177461, "result":
+ "pass", "assertReason": []}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vni":
+ 30, "type": "L2", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10", "timestamp":
+ 1623025177461, "result": "pass", "assertReason": []}]'
- command: evpnVni show --priVtepIp='' --format=json --namespace=eos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: evpnVni show eos filter
diff --git a/tests/integration/sqcmds/eos-samples/interface.yml b/tests/integration/sqcmds/eos-samples/interface.yml
index 057ad225f1..1fa7438a12 100644
--- a/tests/integration/sqcmds/eos-samples/interface.yml
+++ b/tests/integration/sqcmds/eos-samples/interface.yml
@@ -1011,3 +1011,963 @@ tests:
"adminState": "up", "type": "vlan", "mtu": 9164, "vlan": 30, "master": "evpn-vrf",
"ipAddressList": ["", ""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+- command: interface unique --columns=hostname --vlan=10 --namespace=eos --format=json
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: interface unique eos
+ output: '[{"hostname": "leaf01"}, {"hostname": "leaf02"}]'
+- command: interface unique --columns=hostname --vlan='10 20' --namespace=eos --format=json
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: interface unique eos
+ output: '[{"hostname": "leaf01"}, {"hostname": "leaf02"}, {"hostname": "leaf03"},
+ {"hostname": "leaf04"}]'
+- command: interface unique --columns=hostname --vlan='30' --namespace=eos --format=json
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: interface unique eos
+ output: '[{"hostname": "leaf01"}, {"hostname": "leaf02"}, {"hostname": "leaf03"},
+ {"hostname": "leaf04"}]'
+- command: interface unique --columns=hostname --vlan='540' --namespace=eos --format=json
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: interface unique eos
+ output: '[]'
+- command: interface show --mtu='>1514 <9216' --namespace=eos --format=json
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: interface show eos
+ output: '[{"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf02", "ifname": "Port-Channel1",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 9214, "vlan": 1, "master":
+ "bridge", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1623025175798},
+ {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf02", "ifname": "Vlan30", "state": "up",
+ "adminState": "up", "type": "vlan", "mtu": 9164, "vlan": 30, "master": "evpn-vrf",
+ "ipAddressList": ["", ""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1623025175798}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf02", "ifname": "Vlan1006",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vlan", "mtu": 9164, "vlan": 1006,
+ "master": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1623025175798}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf02", "ifname": "Ethernet3",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 9214, "vlan":
+ 0, "master": "Port-Channel3", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1623025175798}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf02", "ifname": "Port-Channel3",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 9214, "vlan": 10, "master":
+ "bridge", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1623025175798},
+ {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf02", "ifname": "Vlan10", "state": "up",
+ "adminState": "up", "type": "vlan", "mtu": 9164, "vlan": 10, "master": "evpn-vrf",
+ "ipAddressList": ["", ""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1623025175798}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf02", "ifname": "Ethernet6",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 9214, "vlan":
+ 0, "master": "Port-Channel1", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1623025175798}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf02", "ifname": "Ethernet4",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 9214, "vlan":
+ 0, "master": "Port-Channel4", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1623025175798}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf02", "ifname": "Port-Channel4",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 9214, "vlan": 30, "master":
+ "bridge", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1623025175798},
+ {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf02", "ifname": "Ethernet5", "state": "up",
+ "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 9214, "vlan": 0, "master": "Port-Channel1",
+ "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1623025175798}, {"namespace":
+ "eos", "hostname": "leaf04", "ifname": "Vlan1006", "state": "up", "adminState":
+ "up", "type": "vlan", "mtu": 9164, "vlan": 1006, "master": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddressList":
+ [""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1623025176018}, {"namespace":
+ "eos", "hostname": "leaf04", "ifname": "Port-Channel1", "state": "up", "adminState":
+ "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 9214, "vlan": 1, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList":
+ [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1623025176018}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname":
+ "leaf04", "ifname": "Vlan20", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vlan",
+ "mtu": 9164, "vlan": 20, "master": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddressList": ["",
+ ""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1623025176018}, {"namespace":
+ "eos", "hostname": "leaf04", "ifname": "Vlan30", "state": "up", "adminState":
+ "up", "type": "vlan", "mtu": 9164, "vlan": 30, "master": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddressList":
+ ["", ""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1623025176018},
+ {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf04", "ifname": "Ethernet4", "state": "up",
+ "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 9214, "vlan": 0, "master": "Port-Channel4",
+ "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1623025176018}, {"namespace":
+ "eos", "hostname": "leaf04", "ifname": "Ethernet5", "state": "up", "adminState":
+ "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 9214, "vlan": 0, "master": "Port-Channel1",
+ "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1623025176018}, {"namespace":
+ "eos", "hostname": "leaf04", "ifname": "Port-Channel3", "state": "up", "adminState":
+ "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 9214, "vlan": 20, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList":
+ [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1623025176018}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname":
+ "leaf04", "ifname": "Ethernet6", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave",
+ "mtu": 9214, "vlan": 0, "master": "Port-Channel1", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1623025176018}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf04", "ifname":
+ "Ethernet3", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 9214,
+ "vlan": 0, "master": "Port-Channel3", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [],
+ "timestamp": 1623025176018}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf04", "ifname":
+ "Port-Channel4", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 9214,
+ "vlan": 30, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1623025176018}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit01", "ifname": "Vlan4094",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vlan", "mtu": 9164, "vlan": 4094,
+ "master": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1623025176020}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit02", "ifname": "Vlan4094",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vlan", "mtu": 9164, "vlan": 4094,
+ "master": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1623025176020}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf03", "ifname": "Port-Channel4",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 9214, "vlan": 30, "master":
+ "bridge", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1623025176023},
+ {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf03", "ifname": "Ethernet6", "state": "up",
+ "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 9214, "vlan": 0, "master": "Port-Channel1",
+ "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1623025176023}, {"namespace":
+ "eos", "hostname": "leaf03", "ifname": "Port-Channel3", "state": "up", "adminState":
+ "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 9214, "vlan": 20, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList":
+ [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1623025176023}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname":
+ "leaf03", "ifname": "Ethernet5", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave",
+ "mtu": 9214, "vlan": 0, "master": "Port-Channel1", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1623025176023}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf03", "ifname":
+ "Port-Channel1", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 9214,
+ "vlan": 1, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1623025176023}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf03", "ifname": "Vlan30",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vlan", "mtu": 9164, "vlan": 30, "master":
+ "evpn-vrf", "ipAddressList": ["", ""], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1623025176023}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf03", "ifname":
+ "Vlan20", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vlan", "mtu": 9164, "vlan":
+ 20, "master": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddressList": ["", ""], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1623025176023}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf03", "ifname":
+ "Vlan1006", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vlan", "mtu": 9164, "vlan":
+ 1006, "master": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1623025176023}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf03", "ifname":
+ "Ethernet3", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 9214,
+ "vlan": 0, "master": "Port-Channel3", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [],
+ "timestamp": 1623025176023}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf03", "ifname":
+ "Ethernet4", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 9214,
+ "vlan": 0, "master": "Port-Channel4", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [],
+ "timestamp": 1623025176023}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf01", "ifname":
+ "Port-Channel4", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 9214,
+ "vlan": 30, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1623025176024}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf01", "ifname": "Ethernet5",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 9214, "vlan":
+ 0, "master": "Port-Channel1", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1623025176024}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf01", "ifname": "Ethernet4",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 9214, "vlan":
+ 0, "master": "Port-Channel4", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1623025176024}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf01", "ifname": "Vlan30",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vlan", "mtu": 9164, "vlan": 30, "master":
+ "evpn-vrf", "ipAddressList": ["", ""], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1623025176024}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf01", "ifname":
+ "Vlan1006", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vlan", "mtu": 9164, "vlan":
+ 1006, "master": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1623025176024}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf01", "ifname":
+ "Ethernet3", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 9214,
+ "vlan": 0, "master": "Port-Channel3", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [],
+ "timestamp": 1623025176024}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf01", "ifname":
+ "Port-Channel3", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 9214,
+ "vlan": 10, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1623025176024}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf01", "ifname": "Vlan10",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vlan", "mtu": 9164, "vlan": 10, "master":
+ "evpn-vrf", "ipAddressList": ["", ""], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1623025176024}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf01", "ifname":
+ "Ethernet6", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 9214,
+ "vlan": 0, "master": "Port-Channel1", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [],
+ "timestamp": 1623025176024}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf01", "ifname":
+ "Port-Channel1", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 9214,
+ "vlan": 1, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1623025176024}]'
+- command: interface show --vlan='> 10 < 100' --namespace=eos --format=json
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: interface show eos
+ output: '[{"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf02", "ifname": "Port-Channel4",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 9214, "vlan": 30, "master":
+ "bridge", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1623025175798},
+ {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf02", "ifname": "Vxlan1", "state": "up",
+ "adminState": "up", "type": "vxlan", "mtu": -1, "vlan": 0, "master": "bridge",
+ "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1623025175798}, {"namespace":
+ "eos", "hostname": "leaf02", "ifname": "Vlan30", "state": "up", "adminState":
+ "up", "type": "vlan", "mtu": 9164, "vlan": 30, "master": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddressList":
+ ["", ""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1623025175798},
+ {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf02", "ifname": "Port-Channel1", "state":
+ "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 9214, "vlan": 1, "master": "bridge",
+ "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1623025175798}, {"namespace":
+ "eos", "hostname": "leaf04", "ifname": "Vlan30", "state": "up", "adminState":
+ "up", "type": "vlan", "mtu": 9164, "vlan": 30, "master": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddressList":
+ ["", ""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1623025176018},
+ {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf04", "ifname": "Vxlan1", "state": "up",
+ "adminState": "up", "type": "vxlan", "mtu": -1, "vlan": 0, "master": "bridge",
+ "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1623025176018}, {"namespace":
+ "eos", "hostname": "leaf04", "ifname": "Port-Channel3", "state": "up", "adminState":
+ "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 9214, "vlan": 20, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList":
+ [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1623025176018}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname":
+ "leaf04", "ifname": "Port-Channel1", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type":
+ "bond", "mtu": 9214, "vlan": 1, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1623025176018}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf04", "ifname":
+ "Port-Channel4", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 9214,
+ "vlan": 30, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1623025176018}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf04", "ifname": "Vlan20",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vlan", "mtu": 9164, "vlan": 20, "master":
+ "evpn-vrf", "ipAddressList": ["", ""], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1623025176018}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit01", "ifname":
+ "Vxlan1", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vxlan", "mtu": -1, "vlan":
+ 0, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1623025176020}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit02", "ifname": "Vxlan1",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vxlan", "mtu": -1, "vlan": 0, "master":
+ "bridge", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1623025176020},
+ {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf03", "ifname": "Vxlan1", "state": "up",
+ "adminState": "up", "type": "vxlan", "mtu": -1, "vlan": 0, "master": "bridge",
+ "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1623025176023}, {"namespace":
+ "eos", "hostname": "leaf03", "ifname": "Vlan20", "state": "up", "adminState":
+ "up", "type": "vlan", "mtu": 9164, "vlan": 20, "master": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddressList":
+ ["", ""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1623025176023},
+ {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf03", "ifname": "Vlan30", "state": "up",
+ "adminState": "up", "type": "vlan", "mtu": 9164, "vlan": 30, "master": "evpn-vrf",
+ "ipAddressList": ["", ""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1623025176023}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf03", "ifname": "Port-Channel1",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 9214, "vlan": 1, "master":
+ "bridge", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1623025176023},
+ {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf03", "ifname": "Port-Channel4", "state":
+ "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 9214, "vlan": 30, "master": "bridge",
+ "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1623025176023}, {"namespace":
+ "eos", "hostname": "leaf03", "ifname": "Port-Channel3", "state": "up", "adminState":
+ "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 9214, "vlan": 20, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList":
+ [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1623025176023}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname":
+ "leaf01", "ifname": "Port-Channel4", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type":
+ "bond", "mtu": 9214, "vlan": 30, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1623025176024}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf01", "ifname":
+ "Vxlan1", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vxlan", "mtu": -1, "vlan":
+ 0, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1623025176024}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf01", "ifname": "Vlan30",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vlan", "mtu": 9164, "vlan": 30, "master":
+ "evpn-vrf", "ipAddressList": ["", ""], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1623025176024}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf01", "ifname":
+ "Port-Channel1", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 9214,
+ "vlan": 1, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1623025176024}]'
+- command: interface show --mtu='>= 1514' --namespace=eos --format=json
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: interface show eos
+ output: '[{"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server302", "ifname": "bond0", "state":
+ "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 9216, "vlan": 0, "master": "",
+ "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1623025175379},
+ {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server302", "ifname": "eth2", "state": "up",
+ "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 9216, "vlan": 0, "master": "bond0",
+ "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1623025175379}, {"namespace":
+ "eos", "hostname": "server302", "ifname": "eth1", "state": "up", "adminState":
+ "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 9216, "vlan": 0, "master": "bond0", "ipAddressList":
+ [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1623025175379}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname":
+ "server302", "ifname": "lo", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "loopback",
+ "mtu": 65536, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1623025175379}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server301",
+ "ifname": "bond0", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 9216,
+ "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1623025175379}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server301",
+ "ifname": "eth2", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu":
+ 9216, "vlan": 0, "master": "bond0", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [],
+ "timestamp": 1623025175379}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server301", "ifname":
+ "eth1", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 9216,
+ "vlan": 0, "master": "bond0", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1623025175379}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server301", "ifname": "lo",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "loopback", "mtu": 65536, "vlan": 0,
+ "master": "", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1623025175379},
+ {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server101", "ifname": "lo", "state": "up", "adminState":
+ "up", "type": "loopback", "mtu": 65536, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList":
+ [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1623025175566}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname":
+ "server101", "ifname": "eth1", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave",
+ "mtu": 9216, "vlan": 0, "master": "bond0", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1623025175566}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server101",
+ "ifname": "eth2", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu":
+ 9216, "vlan": 0, "master": "bond0", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [],
+ "timestamp": 1623025175566}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server101", "ifname":
+ "bond0", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 9216, "vlan":
+ 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1623025175566}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server102", "ifname": "lo",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "loopback", "mtu": 65536, "vlan": 0,
+ "master": "", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1623025175575},
+ {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server102", "ifname": "bond0", "state": "up",
+ "adminState": "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 9216, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList":
+ [""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1623025175575}, {"namespace":
+ "eos", "hostname": "server102", "ifname": "eth1", "state": "up", "adminState":
+ "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 9216, "vlan": 0, "master": "bond0", "ipAddressList":
+ [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1623025175575}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname":
+ "server102", "ifname": "eth2", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave",
+ "mtu": 9216, "vlan": 0, "master": "bond0", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1623025175575}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "firewall01",
+ "ifname": "lo", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "loopback", "mtu":
+ 65536, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1623025175583}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf02", "ifname":
+ "Loopback0", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "loopback", "mtu": 65535,
+ "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1623025175798}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf02", "ifname":
+ "Loopback1", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "loopback", "mtu": 65535,
+ "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1623025175798}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf02", "ifname":
+ "Ethernet5", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 9214,
+ "vlan": 0, "master": "Port-Channel1", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [],
+ "timestamp": 1623025175798}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf02", "ifname":
+ "Ethernet4", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 9214,
+ "vlan": 0, "master": "Port-Channel4", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [],
+ "timestamp": 1623025175798}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf02", "ifname":
+ "Vlan1006", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vlan", "mtu": 9164, "vlan":
+ 1006, "master": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1623025175798}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf02", "ifname":
+ "Ethernet3", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 9214,
+ "vlan": 0, "master": "Port-Channel3", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [],
+ "timestamp": 1623025175798}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf02", "ifname":
+ "Ethernet6", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 9214,
+ "vlan": 0, "master": "Port-Channel1", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [],
+ "timestamp": 1623025175798}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf02", "ifname":
+ "Vlan30", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vlan", "mtu": 9164, "vlan":
+ 30, "master": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddressList": ["", ""], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1623025175798}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf02", "ifname":
+ "Port-Channel4", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 9214,
+ "vlan": 30, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1623025175798}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf02", "ifname": "Vlan10",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vlan", "mtu": 9164, "vlan": 10, "master":
+ "evpn-vrf", "ipAddressList": ["", ""], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1623025175798}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf02", "ifname":
+ "Port-Channel3", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 9214,
+ "vlan": 10, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1623025175798}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf02", "ifname": "Port-Channel1",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 9214, "vlan": 1, "master":
+ "bridge", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1623025175798},
+ {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf04", "ifname": "Vlan30", "state": "up",
+ "adminState": "up", "type": "vlan", "mtu": 9164, "vlan": 30, "master": "evpn-vrf",
+ "ipAddressList": ["", ""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1623025176018}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf04", "ifname": "Ethernet4",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 9214, "vlan":
+ 0, "master": "Port-Channel4", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1623025176018}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf04", "ifname": "Ethernet5",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 9214, "vlan":
+ 0, "master": "Port-Channel1", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1623025176018}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf04", "ifname": "Port-Channel3",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 9214, "vlan": 20, "master":
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+ "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1623025179345}]'
+- command: interface show --mtu='! 1514 !9216' --namespace=eos --format=json
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: interface show eos
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+ "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "loopback", "mtu": 65536, "vlan": 0, "master":
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+ "eos", "hostname": "leaf03", "ifname": "Management1", "state": "up", "adminState":
+ "up", "type": "ethernet", "mtu": 1500, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList":
+ [""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1623025176023}, {"namespace":
+ "eos", "hostname": "spine02", "ifname": "Ethernet4", "state": "up", "adminState":
+ "up", "type": "ethernet", "mtu": 1500, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList":
+ [""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1623025176023}, {"namespace":
+ "eos", "hostname": "leaf03", "ifname": "Port-Channel4", "state": "up", "adminState":
+ "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 9214, "vlan": 30, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList":
+ [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1623025176023}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname":
+ "spine02", "ifname": "Management1", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type":
+ "ethernet", "mtu": 1500, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [""],
+ "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1623025176023}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname":
+ "spine02", "ifname": "Loopback0", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "loopback",
+ "mtu": 65535, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1623025176023}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine02", "ifname":
+ "Ethernet2", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "ethernet", "mtu": 1500,
+ "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1623025176023}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine02", "ifname":
+ "Ethernet3", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "ethernet", "mtu": 1500,
+ "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1623025176023}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine02", "ifname":
+ "Ethernet1", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "ethernet", "mtu": 1500,
+ "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1623025176023}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine02", "ifname":
+ "Ethernet6", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "ethernet", "mtu": 1500,
+ "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1623025176023}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf03", "ifname":
+ "Vxlan1", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vxlan", "mtu": -1, "vlan":
+ 0, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1623025176023}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf03", "ifname": "evpn-vrf",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vrf", "mtu": 1500, "vlan": 0, "master":
+ "", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1623025176023}, {"namespace":
+ "eos", "hostname": "leaf01", "ifname": "evpn-vrf", "state": "up", "adminState":
+ "up", "type": "vrf", "mtu": 1500, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [],
+ "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1623025176024}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname":
+ "leaf01", "ifname": "Port-Channel1", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type":
+ "bond", "mtu": 9214, "vlan": 1, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1623025176024}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf01", "ifname":
+ "Port-Channel4", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 9214,
+ "vlan": 30, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1623025176024}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf01", "ifname": "Management1",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "ethernet", "mtu": 1500, "vlan": 0,
+ "master": "", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1623025176024}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf01", "ifname": "Vlan10",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vlan", "mtu": 9164, "vlan": 10, "master":
+ "evpn-vrf", "ipAddressList": ["", ""], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1623025176024}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf01", "ifname":
+ "Vlan4094", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vlan", "mtu": 1500, "vlan":
+ 4094, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList": [],
+ "timestamp": 1623025176024}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf01", "ifname":
+ "Vxlan1", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vxlan", "mtu": -1, "vlan":
+ 0, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1623025176024}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf01", "ifname": "Ethernet2",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "ethernet", "mtu": 1500, "vlan": 0,
+ "master": "", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1623025176024}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf01", "ifname": "Ethernet3",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 9214, "vlan":
+ 0, "master": "Port-Channel3", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1623025176024}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf01", "ifname": "Port-Channel3",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 9214, "vlan": 10, "master":
+ "bridge", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1623025176024},
+ {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf01", "ifname": "Ethernet1", "state": "up",
+ "adminState": "up", "type": "ethernet", "mtu": 1500, "vlan": 0, "master": "",
+ "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1623025176024},
+ {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf01", "ifname": "Vlan30", "state": "up",
+ "adminState": "up", "type": "vlan", "mtu": 9164, "vlan": 30, "master": "evpn-vrf",
+ "ipAddressList": ["", ""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1623025176024}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf01", "ifname": "Ethernet4",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 9214, "vlan":
+ 0, "master": "Port-Channel4", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1623025176024}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf01", "ifname": "Ethernet5",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 9214, "vlan":
+ 0, "master": "Port-Channel1", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1623025176024}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf01", "ifname": "Loopback0",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "loopback", "mtu": 65535, "vlan": 0,
+ "master": "", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1623025176024}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf01", "ifname": "Loopback1",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "loopback", "mtu": 65535, "vlan": 0,
+ "master": "", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1623025176024}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf01", "ifname": "Vlan1006",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vlan", "mtu": 9164, "vlan": 1006,
+ "master": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1623025176024}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf01", "ifname": "Ethernet6",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 9214, "vlan":
+ 0, "master": "Port-Channel1", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1623025176024}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "ifname": "xe-0/0/3.0",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "subinterface", "mtu": 1500, "vlan":
+ 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1623025179345},
+ {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "ifname": "xe-0/0/2.0", "state":
+ "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "subinterface", "mtu": 1500, "vlan": 0, "master":
+ "", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1623025179345}, {"namespace":
+ "eos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "ifname": "xe-0/0/1.0", "state": "up", "adminState":
+ "up", "type": "subinterface", "mtu": 1500, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList":
+ [""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1623025179345}, {"namespace":
+ "eos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "ifname": "xe-0/0/0.0", "state": "up", "adminState":
+ "up", "type": "subinterface", "mtu": 1500, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList":
+ [""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1623025179345}, {"namespace":
+ "eos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "ifname": "fti0", "state": "up", "adminState":
+ "up", "type": "flexible-tunnel-interface", "mtu": 65536, "vlan": 0, "master":
+ "", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1623025179345}, {"namespace":
+ "eos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "ifname": "lo0", "state": "up", "adminState": "up",
+ "type": "loopback", "mtu": 65536, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [],
+ "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1623025179345}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname":
+ "dcedge01", "ifname": "esi", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vtep",
+ "mtu": 65536, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1623025179345}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
+ "ifname": "dsc", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "null", "mtu": 65536,
+ "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1623025179345}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "ifname": "xe-0/0/4.0",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "subinterface", "mtu": 1500, "vlan":
+ 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1623025179345},
+ {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "ifname": "vtep", "state": "up",
+ "adminState": "up", "type": "vtep", "mtu": 65536, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList":
+ [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1623025179345}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname":
+ "dcedge01", "ifname": "xe-0/0/5.0", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type":
+ "subinterface", "mtu": 1500, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1623025179345}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
+ "ifname": "em1.0", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "subinterface",
+ "mtu": 1500, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1623025179345}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
+ "ifname": "xe-0/0/7.0", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "subinterface",
+ "mtu": 1500, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [],
+ "timestamp": 1623025179345}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "ifname":
+ "xe-0/0/8.0", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "subinterface", "mtu":
+ 1500, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1623025179345}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "ifname": "xe-0/0/9.0",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "subinterface", "mtu": 1500, "vlan":
+ 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1623025179345},
+ {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "ifname": "xe-0/0/10.0", "state":
+ "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "subinterface", "mtu": 1500, "vlan": 0, "master":
+ "", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1623025179345}, {"namespace":
+ "eos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "ifname": "xe-0/0/11.0", "state": "up", "adminState":
+ "up", "type": "subinterface", "mtu": 1500, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList":
+ [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1623025179345}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname":
+ "dcedge01", "ifname": "em0.0", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "subinterface",
+ "mtu": 1500, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1623025179345}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
+ "ifname": "em2.32768", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "subinterface",
+ "mtu": 1500, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1623025179345}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
+ "ifname": "em4.32768", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "subinterface",
+ "mtu": 1500, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1623025179345}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
+ "ifname": "lo0.0", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "subinterface",
+ "mtu": 65536, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList":
+ ["fe80::205:860f:fc71:f000/128"], "timestamp": 1623025179345}, {"namespace": "eos",
+ "hostname": "dcedge01", "ifname": "lo0.16385", "state": "up", "adminState": "up",
+ "type": "subinterface", "mtu": 65536, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList":
+ [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1623025179345}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname":
+ "dcedge01", "ifname": "xe-0/0/6.0", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type":
+ "subinterface", "mtu": 1500, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1623025179345}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
+ "ifname": "gr-0/0/0", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "gre", "mtu":
+ 65536, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1623025179345}]'
diff --git a/tests/integration/sqcmds/eos-samples/network.yml b/tests/integration/sqcmds/eos-samples/network.yml
index 2c426582fc..f44f746e3e 100644
--- a/tests/integration/sqcmds/eos-samples/network.yml
+++ b/tests/integration/sqcmds/eos-samples/network.yml
@@ -4,68 +4,93 @@ tests:
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: network find eos
output: '[{"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf02", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddress":
- "", "vlan": "10", "macaddr": "66:49:0d:d4:d8:63", "ifname": "Port-Channel3",
- "bondMembers": "Ethernet3", "type": "bridged", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1623025177307},
- {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddress": "",
- "vlan": "10", "macaddr": "66:49:0d:d4:d8:63", "ifname": "Port-Channel3", "bondMembers":
- "Ethernet3", "type": "bridged", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1623025177688}]'
+ "", "vlan": 10, "macaddr": "66:49:0d:d4:d8:63", "ifname": "Port-Channel3",
+ "bondMembers": "Ethernet3", "type": "bridged", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace":
+ "eos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddress": "", "vlan":
+ 10, "macaddr": "66:49:0d:d4:d8:63", "ifname": "Port-Channel3", "bondMembers":
+ "Ethernet3", "type": "bridged", "l2miss": false}]'
- command: network find --address="66:49:0d:d4:d8:63" --format=json --namespace=eos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: network find eos
output: '[{"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf02", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddress":
- "", "vlan": "10", "macaddr": "66:49:0d:d4:d8:63", "ifname": "Port-Channel3",
- "bondMembers": "Ethernet3", "type": "bridged", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1623025177307},
- {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddress": "",
- "vlan": "10", "macaddr": "66:49:0d:d4:d8:63", "ifname": "Port-Channel3", "bondMembers":
- "Ethernet3", "type": "bridged", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1623025177688}]'
+ "", "vlan": 10, "macaddr": "66:49:0d:d4:d8:63", "ifname": "Port-Channel3",
+ "bondMembers": "Ethernet3", "type": "bridged", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace":
+ "eos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddress": "", "vlan":
+ 10, "macaddr": "66:49:0d:d4:d8:63", "ifname": "Port-Channel3", "bondMembers":
+ "Ethernet3", "type": "bridged", "l2miss": false}]'
- command: network find --address="6649.0dd4.d863" --format=json --namespace=eos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: network find eos
output: '[{"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf02", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddress":
- "", "vlan": "10", "macaddr": "66:49:0d:d4:d8:63", "ifname": "Port-Channel3",
- "bondMembers": "Ethernet3", "type": "bridged", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1623025177307},
- {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddress": "",
- "vlan": "10", "macaddr": "66:49:0d:d4:d8:63", "ifname": "Port-Channel3", "bondMembers":
- "Ethernet3", "type": "bridged", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1623025177688}]'
+ "", "vlan": 10, "macaddr": "66:49:0d:d4:d8:63", "ifname": "Port-Channel3",
+ "bondMembers": "Ethernet3", "type": "bridged", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace":
+ "eos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddress": "", "vlan":
+ 10, "macaddr": "66:49:0d:d4:d8:63", "ifname": "Port-Channel3", "bondMembers":
+ "Ethernet3", "type": "bridged", "l2miss": false}]'
- command: network find --address="66:49:0d:D4:D8:63" --format=json --namespace=eos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: network find eos
output: '[{"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf02", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddress":
- "", "vlan": "10", "macaddr": "66:49:0d:d4:d8:63", "ifname": "Port-Channel3",
- "bondMembers": "Ethernet3", "type": "bridged", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1623025177307},
- {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddress": "",
- "vlan": "10", "macaddr": "66:49:0d:d4:d8:63", "ifname": "Port-Channel3", "bondMembers":
- "Ethernet3", "type": "bridged", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1623025177688}]'
+ "", "vlan": 10, "macaddr": "66:49:0d:d4:d8:63", "ifname": "Port-Channel3",
+ "bondMembers": "Ethernet3", "type": "bridged", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace":
+ "eos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddress": "", "vlan":
+ 10, "macaddr": "66:49:0d:d4:d8:63", "ifname": "Port-Channel3", "bondMembers":
+ "Ethernet3", "type": "bridged", "l2miss": false}]'
- command: network find --address="" --format=json --namespace=eos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: network find eos
output: '[{"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress":
- "", "vlan": "0", "macaddr": "44:38:39:e3:19:2e", "ifname": "Ethernet1",
- "bondMembers": "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1623025177202}]'
+ "", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "44:38:39:e3:19:2e", "ifname": "Ethernet1",
+ "bondMembers": "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname":
+ "leaf01", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "44:38:39:e3:19:2e",
+ "ifname": "Ethernet2", "bondMembers": "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false},
+ {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress": "",
+ "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "00:00:00:00:00:00", "ifname": "Loopback0", "bondMembers":
+ "", "type": "interface", "l2miss": false}]'
- command: network find --address="" --format=json --namespace=eos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: network find eos
output: '[{"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress":
- "", "vlan": "0", "macaddr": "02:05:86:71:f0:03", "ifname": "xe-0/0/0",
- "bondMembers": "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1623025177530}]'
+ "", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "02:05:86:71:f0:03", "ifname": "xe-0/0/0.0",
+ "bondMembers": "", "type": "interface", "l2miss": false}]'
- command: network find --address="" --format=json --namespace=eos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: network find eos
output: '[{"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit01", "vrf": "internet-vrf", "ipAddress":
- "", "vlan": "0", "macaddr": "44:38:39:33:d8:43", "ifname": "Ethernet4",
- "bondMembers": "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1623025181909}]'
+ "", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "44:38:39:33:d8:43", "ifname": "Ethernet4",
+ "bondMembers": "", "type": "interface", "l2miss": false}]'
- command: network find --address="" --format=json --namespace=eos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: network find eos
output: '[{"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine01", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress":
- "", "vlan": "0", "macaddr": "44:38:39:ba:d2:34", "ifname": "Ethernet3",
- "bondMembers": "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1623025177304}]'
+ "", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "44:38:39:ba:d2:34", "ifname": "Ethernet3",
+ "bondMembers": "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname":
+ "spine01", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "44:38:39:ba:d2:34",
+ "ifname": "Ethernet2", "bondMembers": "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false},
+ {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine01", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress": "",
+ "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "44:38:39:ba:d2:34", "ifname": "Ethernet5", "bondMembers":
+ "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine01",
+ "vrf": "default", "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "44:38:39:ba:d2:34",
+ "ifname": "Ethernet6", "bondMembers": "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false},
+ {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine01", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress": "",
+ "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "44:38:39:ba:d2:34", "ifname": "Ethernet1", "bondMembers":
+ "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine01",
+ "vrf": "default", "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "44:38:39:ba:d2:34",
+ "ifname": "Ethernet4", "bondMembers": "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false},
+ {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine01", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress": "",
+ "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "00:00:00:00:00:00", "ifname": "Loopback0", "bondMembers":
+ "", "type": "interface", "l2miss": false}]'
- command: network find --address="" --format=json --namespace=eos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: network find eos
output: '[{"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress":
- "", "vlan": "0", "macaddr": "44:38:39:c3:55:cb", "ifname": "Ethernet1",
- "bondMembers": "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1623025177202}]'
+ "", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "44:38:39:c3:55:cb", "ifname": "Ethernet1",
+ "bondMembers": "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname":
+ "exit02", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "44:38:39:c3:55:cb",
+ "ifname": "Ethernet2", "bondMembers": "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false},
+ {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress": "",
+ "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "00:00:00:00:00:00", "ifname": "Loopback0", "bondMembers":
+ "", "type": "interface", "l2miss": false}]'
- command: network find --address='foobar' --format=json --namespace=eos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
@@ -79,18 +104,27 @@ tests:
- command: network find --address='00:00:00:11:12:10' --format=json --namespace=eos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: network find eos
- output: '[{"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server301", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress":
- "", "vlan": "0", "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10", "ifname": "bond0",
- "bondMembers": "eth1, eth2", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1623025176216},
- {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server302", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress": "",
- "vlan": "0", "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10", "ifname": "bond0", "bondMembers":
- "eth1, eth2", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1623025176216},
- {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server101", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress": "",
- "vlan": "0", "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10", "ifname": "bond0", "bondMembers":
- "eth1, eth2", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1623025176435},
- {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server102", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress": "",
- "vlan": "0", "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10", "ifname": "bond0", "bondMembers":
- "eth1, eth2", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1623025176627}]'
+ output: '[{"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf02", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddress":
+ "", "vlan": 10, "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10", "ifname": "Vlan10",
+ "bondMembers": "", "type": "interface", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "eos",
+ "hostname": "leaf02", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddress": "", "vlan":
+ 30, "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10", "ifname": "Vlan30", "bondMembers": "", "type":
+ "interface", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vrf":
+ "evpn-vrf", "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 30, "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10",
+ "ifname": "Vlan30", "bondMembers": "", "type": "interface", "l2miss": false},
+ {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddress": "",
+ "vlan": 20, "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10", "ifname": "Vlan20", "bondMembers":
+ "", "type": "interface", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf03",
+ "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 20, "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10",
+ "ifname": "Vlan20", "bondMembers": "", "type": "interface", "l2miss": false},
+ {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddress": "",
+ "vlan": 30, "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10", "ifname": "Vlan30", "bondMembers":
+ "", "type": "interface", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf01",
+ "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 10, "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10",
+ "ifname": "Vlan10", "bondMembers": "", "type": "interface", "l2miss": false},
+ {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddress": "",
+ "vlan": 30, "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10", "ifname": "Vlan30", "bondMembers":
+ "", "type": "interface", "l2miss": false}]'
- command: network find --address='00:00:00:11:12' --format=json --namespace=eos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
@@ -99,15 +133,24 @@ tests:
- command: network find --address='0000.0011.1210' --format=json --namespace=eos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: network find eos
- output: '[{"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server301", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress":
- "", "vlan": "0", "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10", "ifname": "bond0",
- "bondMembers": "eth1, eth2", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1623025176216},
- {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server302", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress": "",
- "vlan": "0", "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10", "ifname": "bond0", "bondMembers":
- "eth1, eth2", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1623025176216},
- {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server101", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress": "",
- "vlan": "0", "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10", "ifname": "bond0", "bondMembers":
- "eth1, eth2", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1623025176435},
- {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server102", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress": "",
- "vlan": "0", "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10", "ifname": "bond0", "bondMembers":
- "eth1, eth2", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1623025176627}]'
+ output: '[{"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf02", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddress":
+ "", "vlan": 10, "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10", "ifname": "Vlan10",
+ "bondMembers": "", "type": "interface", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "eos",
+ "hostname": "leaf02", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddress": "", "vlan":
+ 30, "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10", "ifname": "Vlan30", "bondMembers": "", "type":
+ "interface", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vrf":
+ "evpn-vrf", "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 30, "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10",
+ "ifname": "Vlan30", "bondMembers": "", "type": "interface", "l2miss": false},
+ {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddress": "",
+ "vlan": 20, "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10", "ifname": "Vlan20", "bondMembers":
+ "", "type": "interface", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf03",
+ "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 20, "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10",
+ "ifname": "Vlan20", "bondMembers": "", "type": "interface", "l2miss": false},
+ {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddress": "",
+ "vlan": 30, "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10", "ifname": "Vlan30", "bondMembers":
+ "", "type": "interface", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf01",
+ "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 10, "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10",
+ "ifname": "Vlan10", "bondMembers": "", "type": "interface", "l2miss": false},
+ {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddress": "",
+ "vlan": 30, "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10", "ifname": "Vlan30", "bondMembers":
+ "", "type": "interface", "l2miss": false}]'
diff --git a/tests/integration/sqcmds/eos-samples/path.yml b/tests/integration/sqcmds/eos-samples/path.yml
index db2b12c715..e95b98ba56 100644
--- a/tests/integration/sqcmds/eos-samples/path.yml
+++ b/tests/integration/sqcmds/eos-samples/path.yml
@@ -7,160 +7,152 @@ tests:
marks: path show eos
- command: path show --dest= --src= --format=json --namespace=eos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
- error:
- error: '[{"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server101",
- "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay":
- false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
- "error": "", "timestamp": 1623025174997}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 1, "namespace":
- "eos", "hostname": "leaf01", "iif": "Port-Channel3", "oif": "Ethernet1", "vrf":
- "evpn-vrf", "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9214,
- "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "ibgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU <
- Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025174542}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 2, "namespace":
- "eos", "hostname": "spine01", "iif": "Ethernet1", "oif": "Ethernet3", "vrf":
- "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu":
- 1500, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "",
- "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp":
- 1623025174547}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "eos", "hostname":
- "leaf03", "iif": "Ethernet1", "oif": "Ethernet3", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2":
- false, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol":
- "connected", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "",
- "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025174540},
- {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server101", "iif":
- "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false,
- "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
- "error": "", "timestamp": 1623025174997}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 1, "namespace":
- "eos", "hostname": "leaf02", "iif": "Port-Channel3", "oif": "Ethernet1", "vrf":
- "evpn-vrf", "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9214,
- "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "ibgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU <
- Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025174530}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 2, "namespace":
- "eos", "hostname": "spine01", "iif": "Ethernet2", "oif": "Ethernet3", "vrf":
- "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu":
- 1500, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "",
- "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp":
- 1623025174547}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "eos", "hostname":
- "leaf03", "iif": "Ethernet1", "oif": "Ethernet3", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2":
- false, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol":
- "connected", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "",
- "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025174540},
- {"pathid": 3, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server101", "iif":
- "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false,
- "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
- "error": "", "timestamp": 1623025174997}, {"pathid": 3, "hopCount": 1, "namespace":
- "eos", "hostname": "leaf01", "iif": "Port-Channel3", "oif": "Ethernet1", "vrf":
- "evpn-vrf", "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9214,
- "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "ibgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU <
- Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025174542}, {"pathid": 3, "hopCount": 2, "namespace":
- "eos", "hostname": "spine01", "iif": "Ethernet1", "oif": "Ethernet4", "vrf":
- "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu":
- 1500, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "",
- "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp":
- 1623025174547}, {"pathid": 3, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "eos", "hostname":
- "leaf04", "iif": "Ethernet1", "oif": "Ethernet4", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2":
- false, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol":
- "connected", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "",
- "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025174543},
- {"pathid": 4, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server101", "iif":
- "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false,
- "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
- "error": "", "timestamp": 1623025174997}, {"pathid": 4, "hopCount": 1, "namespace":
- "eos", "hostname": "leaf02", "iif": "Port-Channel3", "oif": "Ethernet1", "vrf":
- "evpn-vrf", "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9214,
- "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "ibgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU <
- Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025174530}, {"pathid": 4, "hopCount": 2, "namespace":
- "eos", "hostname": "spine01", "iif": "Ethernet2", "oif": "Ethernet4", "vrf":
- "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu":
- 1500, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "",
- "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp":
- 1623025174547}, {"pathid": 4, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "eos", "hostname":
- "leaf04", "iif": "Ethernet1", "oif": "Ethernet4", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2":
- false, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol":
- "connected", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "",
- "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025174543},
- {"pathid": 5, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server101", "iif":
- "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false,
- "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
- "error": "", "timestamp": 1623025174997}, {"pathid": 5, "hopCount": 1, "namespace":
- "eos", "hostname": "leaf01", "iif": "Port-Channel3", "oif": "Ethernet2", "vrf":
- "evpn-vrf", "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9214,
- "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "ibgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU <
- Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025174542}, {"pathid": 5, "hopCount": 2, "namespace":
- "eos", "hostname": "spine02", "iif": "Ethernet1", "oif": "Ethernet3", "vrf":
- "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu":
- 1500, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "",
- "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp":
- 1623025174549}, {"pathid": 5, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "eos", "hostname":
- "leaf03", "iif": "Ethernet2", "oif": "Ethernet3", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2":
- false, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol":
- "connected", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "",
- "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025174540},
- {"pathid": 6, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server101", "iif":
- "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false,
- "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
- "error": "", "timestamp": 1623025174997}, {"pathid": 6, "hopCount": 1, "namespace":
- "eos", "hostname": "leaf02", "iif": "Port-Channel3", "oif": "Ethernet2", "vrf":
- "evpn-vrf", "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9214,
- "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "ibgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU <
- Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025174530}, {"pathid": 6, "hopCount": 2, "namespace":
- "eos", "hostname": "spine02", "iif": "Ethernet2", "oif": "Ethernet3", "vrf":
- "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu":
- 1500, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "",
- "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp":
- 1623025174549}, {"pathid": 6, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "eos", "hostname":
- "leaf03", "iif": "Ethernet2", "oif": "Ethernet3", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2":
- false, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol":
- "connected", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "",
- "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025174540},
- {"pathid": 7, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server101", "iif":
- "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false,
- "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
- "error": "", "timestamp": 1623025174997}, {"pathid": 7, "hopCount": 1, "namespace":
- "eos", "hostname": "leaf01", "iif": "Port-Channel3", "oif": "Ethernet2", "vrf":
- "evpn-vrf", "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9214,
- "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "ibgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU <
- Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025174542}, {"pathid": 7, "hopCount": 2, "namespace":
- "eos", "hostname": "spine02", "iif": "Ethernet1", "oif": "Ethernet4", "vrf":
- "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu":
- 1500, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "",
- "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp":
- 1623025174549}, {"pathid": 7, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "eos", "hostname":
- "leaf04", "iif": "Ethernet2", "oif": "Ethernet4", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2":
- false, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol":
- "connected", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "",
- "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025174543},
- {"pathid": 8, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server101", "iif":
- "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false,
- "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
- "error": "", "timestamp": 1623025174997}, {"pathid": 8, "hopCount": 1, "namespace":
- "eos", "hostname": "leaf02", "iif": "Port-Channel3", "oif": "Ethernet2", "vrf":
- "evpn-vrf", "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9214,
- "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "ibgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU <
- Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025174530}, {"pathid": 8, "hopCount": 2, "namespace":
- "eos", "hostname": "spine02", "iif": "Ethernet2", "oif": "Ethernet4", "vrf":
- "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu":
- 1500, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "",
- "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp":
- 1623025174549}, {"pathid": 8, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "eos", "hostname":
- "leaf04", "iif": "Ethernet2", "oif": "Ethernet4", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2":
- false, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol":
- "connected", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "",
- "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025174543}]'
marks: path show eos
+ output: '[{"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server101",
+ "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false,
+ "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "",
+ "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "",
+ "timestamp": 1623025174997}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "eos",
+ "hostname": "leaf01", "iif": "Port-Channel3", "oif": "Ethernet1", "vrf": "evpn-vrf",
+ "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9214, "outMtu": 1500,
+ "protocol": "ibgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025174542},
+ {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine01", "iif":
+ "Ethernet1", "oif": "Ethernet3", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": true,
+ "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
+ "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025174547}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount":
+ 3, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf03", "iif": "Ethernet1", "oif": "Ethernet3",
+ "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": false, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
+ 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "connected", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp":
+ 1623025174540}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server101",
+ "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false,
+ "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "",
+ "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "",
+ "timestamp": 1623025174997}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "eos",
+ "hostname": "leaf02", "iif": "Port-Channel3", "oif": "Ethernet1", "vrf": "evpn-vrf",
+ "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9214, "outMtu": 1500,
+ "protocol": "ibgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025174530},
+ {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine01", "iif":
+ "Ethernet2", "oif": "Ethernet3", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": true,
+ "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
+ "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025174547}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount":
+ 3, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf03", "iif": "Ethernet1", "oif": "Ethernet3",
+ "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": false, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
+ 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "connected", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp":
+ 1623025174540}, {"pathid": 3, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server101",
+ "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false,
+ "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "",
+ "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "",
+ "timestamp": 1623025174997}, {"pathid": 3, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "eos",
+ "hostname": "leaf01", "iif": "Port-Channel3", "oif": "Ethernet1", "vrf": "evpn-vrf",
+ "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9214, "outMtu": 1500,
+ "protocol": "ibgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025174542},
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+ "Ethernet1", "oif": "Ethernet4", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": true,
+ "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
+ "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025174547}, {"pathid": 3, "hopCount":
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+ 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "connected", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp":
+ 1623025174543}, {"pathid": 4, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server101",
+ "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false,
+ "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "",
+ "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "",
+ "timestamp": 1623025174997}, {"pathid": 4, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "eos",
+ "hostname": "leaf02", "iif": "Port-Channel3", "oif": "Ethernet1", "vrf": "evpn-vrf",
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+ "protocol": "ibgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025174530},
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+ "Ethernet2", "oif": "Ethernet4", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": true,
+ "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
+ "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025174547}, {"pathid": 4, "hopCount":
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+ 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "connected", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp":
+ 1623025174543}, {"pathid": 5, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server101",
+ "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false,
+ "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "",
+ "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "",
+ "timestamp": 1623025174997}, {"pathid": 5, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "eos",
+ "hostname": "leaf01", "iif": "Port-Channel3", "oif": "Ethernet2", "vrf": "evpn-vrf",
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+ "protocol": "ibgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025174542},
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+ "Ethernet1", "oif": "Ethernet3", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": true,
+ "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
+ "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025174549}, {"pathid": 5, "hopCount":
+ 3, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf03", "iif": "Ethernet2", "oif": "Ethernet3",
+ "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": false, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
+ 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "connected", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp":
+ 1623025174540}, {"pathid": 6, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server101",
+ "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false,
+ "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "",
+ "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "",
+ "timestamp": 1623025174997}, {"pathid": 6, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "eos",
+ "hostname": "leaf02", "iif": "Port-Channel3", "oif": "Ethernet2", "vrf": "evpn-vrf",
+ "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9214, "outMtu": 1500,
+ "protocol": "ibgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025174530},
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+ "Ethernet2", "oif": "Ethernet3", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": true,
+ "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
+ "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025174549}, {"pathid": 6, "hopCount":
+ 3, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf03", "iif": "Ethernet2", "oif": "Ethernet3",
+ "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": false, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
+ 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "connected", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp":
+ 1623025174540}, {"pathid": 7, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server101",
+ "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false,
+ "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "",
+ "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "",
+ "timestamp": 1623025174997}, {"pathid": 7, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "eos",
+ "hostname": "leaf01", "iif": "Port-Channel3", "oif": "Ethernet2", "vrf": "evpn-vrf",
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+ "protocol": "ibgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025174542},
+ {"pathid": 7, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine02", "iif":
+ "Ethernet1", "oif": "Ethernet4", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": true,
+ "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
+ "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025174549}, {"pathid": 7, "hopCount":
+ 3, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf04", "iif": "Ethernet2", "oif": "Ethernet4",
+ "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": false, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
+ 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "connected", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp":
+ 1623025174543}, {"pathid": 8, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server101",
+ "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false,
+ "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "",
+ "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "",
+ "timestamp": 1623025174997}, {"pathid": 8, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "eos",
+ "hostname": "leaf02", "iif": "Port-Channel3", "oif": "Ethernet2", "vrf": "evpn-vrf",
+ "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9214, "outMtu": 1500,
+ "protocol": "ibgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025174530},
+ {"pathid": 8, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine02", "iif":
+ "Ethernet2", "oif": "Ethernet4", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": true,
+ "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
+ "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025174549}, {"pathid": 8, "hopCount":
+ 3, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf04", "iif": "Ethernet2", "oif": "Ethernet4",
+ "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": false, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
+ 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "connected", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp":
+ 1623025174543}]'
- command: path show --dest= --src= --format=json --namespace=eos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
@@ -168,634 +160,616 @@ tests:
marks: path show eos
- command: path show --dest= --src= --format=json --namespace=eos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
- error:
- error: '[{"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server101",
- "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay":
- false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
- "error": "", "timestamp": 1623025174997}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 1, "namespace":
- "eos", "hostname": "leaf01", "iif": "Port-Channel3", "oif": "Ethernet1", "vrf":
- "evpn-vrf", "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9214,
- "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "ibgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU <
- Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025174542}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 2, "namespace":
- "eos", "hostname": "spine01", "iif": "Ethernet1", "oif": "Ethernet3", "vrf":
- "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu":
- 1500, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "",
- "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp":
- 1623025174547}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "eos", "hostname":
- "leaf03", "iif": "Ethernet1", "oif": "Port-Channel4", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2":
- false, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 9214, "protocol":
- "connected", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "",
- "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025175569},
- {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 4, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server302", "iif":
- "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false,
- "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp":
- 1623025175379}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "eos", "hostname":
- "server101", "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false,
- "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol":
- "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1623025174997}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount":
- 1, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf02", "iif": "Port-Channel3", "oif":
- "Ethernet1", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
- false, "inMtu": 9214, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "ibgp", "ipLookup": "",
- "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error":
- "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025174530}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount":
- 2, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine01", "iif": "Ethernet2", "oif": "Ethernet3",
- "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
- 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU <
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- "eos", "hostname": "leaf03", "iif": "Ethernet1", "oif": "Port-Channel4", "vrf":
- "evpn-vrf", "isL2": false, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500,
- "outMtu": 9214, "protocol": "connected", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu",
- "timestamp": 1623025175569}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 4, "namespace": "eos",
- "hostname": "server302", "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2":
- false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol":
- "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error":
- "", "timestamp": 1623025175379}, {"pathid": 3, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "eos",
- "hostname": "server101", "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2":
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- "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1623025174997}, {"pathid": 3, "hopCount":
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- "Ethernet2", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
- false, "inMtu": 9214, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "ibgp", "ipLookup": "",
- "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error":
- "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025174542}, {"pathid": 3, "hopCount":
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- "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
- 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU <
- Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025174549}, {"pathid": 3, "hopCount": 3, "namespace":
- "eos", "hostname": "leaf03", "iif": "Ethernet2", "oif": "Port-Channel4", "vrf":
- "evpn-vrf", "isL2": false, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500,
- "outMtu": 9214, "protocol": "connected", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu",
- "timestamp": 1623025175569}, {"pathid": 3, "hopCount": 4, "namespace": "eos",
- "hostname": "server302", "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2":
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- "hostname": "server101", "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2":
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- "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1623025174997}, {"pathid": 4, "hopCount":
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- "Ethernet2", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
- false, "inMtu": 9214, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "ibgp", "ipLookup": "",
- "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error":
- "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025174530}, {"pathid": 4, "hopCount":
- 2, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine02", "iif": "Ethernet2", "oif": "Ethernet3",
- "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
- 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU <
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- "eos", "hostname": "leaf03", "iif": "Ethernet2", "oif": "Port-Channel4", "vrf":
- "evpn-vrf", "isL2": false, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500,
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- "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error":
- "", "timestamp": 1623025175379}]'
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+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
+ "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025174549}, {"pathid": 7, "hopCount":
+ 3, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf04", "iif": "Ethernet2", "oif": "Port-Channel4",
+ "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": false, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
+ 1500, "outMtu": 9214, "protocol": "connected", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu",
+ "timestamp": 1623025176019}, {"pathid": 7, "hopCount": 4, "namespace": "eos",
+ "hostname": "server302", "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2":
+ false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol":
+ "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError":
+ "", "timestamp": 1623025175379}, {"pathid": 8, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "eos",
+ "hostname": "server101", "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2":
+ false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol":
+ "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
+ "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1623025174997}, {"pathid": 8, "hopCount":
+ 1, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf02", "iif": "Port-Channel3", "oif": "Ethernet2",
+ "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu":
+ 9214, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "ibgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU
+ < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025174530}, {"pathid": 8, "hopCount": 2, "namespace":
+ "eos", "hostname": "spine02", "iif": "Ethernet2", "oif": "Ethernet4", "vrf": "default",
+ "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500,
+ "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025174549},
+ {"pathid": 8, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf04", "iif":
+ "Ethernet2", "oif": "Port-Channel4", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": false, "overlay":
+ true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 9214, "protocol": "connected",
+ "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
+ "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025176019}, {"pathid": 8, "hopCount":
+ 4, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server302", "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0",
+ "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu":
+ 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1623025175379}]'
- command: path show --dest= --src= --format=json --namespace=eos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
- error:
- error: '[{"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server101",
- "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay":
- false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
- "error": "", "timestamp": 1623025174997}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 1, "namespace":
- "eos", "hostname": "leaf01", "iif": "Port-Channel3", "oif": "Ethernet1", "vrf":
- "evpn-vrf", "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9214,
- "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "ibgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU <
- Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025174542}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 2, "namespace":
- "eos", "hostname": "spine01", "iif": "Ethernet1", "oif": "Ethernet3", "vrf":
- "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu":
- 1500, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "",
- "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp":
- 1623025174547}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "eos", "hostname":
- "leaf03", "iif": "Ethernet1", "oif": "Port-Channel3", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2":
- false, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 9214, "protocol":
- "connected", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "",
- "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025175569},
- {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 4, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server301", "iif":
- "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false,
- "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp":
- 1623025175379}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "eos", "hostname":
- "server101", "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false,
- "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol":
- "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1623025174997}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount":
- 1, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf02", "iif": "Port-Channel3", "oif":
- "Ethernet1", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
- false, "inMtu": 9214, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "ibgp", "ipLookup": "",
- "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error":
- "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025174530}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount":
- 2, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine01", "iif": "Ethernet2", "oif": "Ethernet3",
- "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
- 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU <
- Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025174547}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 3, "namespace":
- "eos", "hostname": "leaf03", "iif": "Ethernet1", "oif": "Port-Channel3", "vrf":
- "evpn-vrf", "isL2": false, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500,
- "outMtu": 9214, "protocol": "connected", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu",
- "timestamp": 1623025175569}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 4, "namespace": "eos",
- "hostname": "server301", "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2":
- false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol":
- "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error":
- "", "timestamp": 1623025175379}, {"pathid": 3, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "eos",
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- "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1623025174997}, {"pathid": 3, "hopCount":
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- "Ethernet2", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
- false, "inMtu": 9214, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "ibgp", "ipLookup": "",
- "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error":
- "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025174542}, {"pathid": 3, "hopCount":
- 2, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine02", "iif": "Ethernet1", "oif": "Ethernet3",
- "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
- 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU <
- Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025174549}, {"pathid": 3, "hopCount": 3, "namespace":
- "eos", "hostname": "leaf03", "iif": "Ethernet2", "oif": "Port-Channel3", "vrf":
- "evpn-vrf", "isL2": false, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500,
- "outMtu": 9214, "protocol": "connected", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu",
- "timestamp": 1623025175569}, {"pathid": 3, "hopCount": 4, "namespace": "eos",
- "hostname": "server301", "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2":
- false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol":
- "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error":
- "", "timestamp": 1623025175379}, {"pathid": 4, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "eos",
- "hostname": "server101", "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2":
- false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol":
- "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1623025174997}, {"pathid": 4, "hopCount":
- 1, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf02", "iif": "Port-Channel3", "oif":
- "Ethernet2", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
- false, "inMtu": 9214, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "ibgp", "ipLookup": "",
- "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error":
- "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025174530}, {"pathid": 4, "hopCount":
- 2, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine02", "iif": "Ethernet2", "oif": "Ethernet3",
- "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
- 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU <
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- "eos", "hostname": "leaf03", "iif": "Ethernet2", "oif": "Port-Channel3", "vrf":
- "evpn-vrf", "isL2": false, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500,
- "outMtu": 9214, "protocol": "connected", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu",
- "timestamp": 1623025175569}, {"pathid": 4, "hopCount": 4, "namespace": "eos",
- "hostname": "server301", "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2":
- false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol":
- "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error":
- "", "timestamp": 1623025175379}, {"pathid": 5, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "eos",
- "hostname": "server101", "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2":
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- "evpn-vrf", "isL2": false, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500,
- "outMtu": 9214, "protocol": "connected", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu",
- "timestamp": 1623025176019}, {"pathid": 5, "hopCount": 4, "namespace": "eos",
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- "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error":
- "", "timestamp": 1623025175379}, {"pathid": 6, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "eos",
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- false, "inMtu": 9214, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "ibgp", "ipLookup": "",
- "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error":
- "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025174530}, {"pathid": 6, "hopCount":
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- "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
- 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
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- "outMtu": 9214, "protocol": "connected", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
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- "outMtu": 9214, "protocol": "connected", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
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- "timestamp": 1623025176019}, {"pathid": 7, "hopCount": 4, "namespace": "eos",
- "hostname": "server301", "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2":
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- "hostname": "server101", "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2":
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- "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1623025174997}, {"pathid": 8, "hopCount":
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- "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error":
- "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025174530}, {"pathid": 8, "hopCount":
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- "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
- 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU <
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- "outMtu": 9214, "protocol": "connected", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu",
- "timestamp": 1623025176019}, {"pathid": 8, "hopCount": 4, "namespace": "eos",
- "hostname": "server301", "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2":
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- "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error":
- "", "timestamp": 1623025175379}]'
marks: path show eos
+ output: '[{"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server101",
+ "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false,
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+ "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "",
+ "timestamp": 1623025174997}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "eos",
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+ "protocol": "ibgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "",
+ "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp":
+ 1623025174542}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine01",
+ "iif": "Ethernet1", "oif": "Ethernet3", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay":
+ true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
+ "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025174547}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount":
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+ "timestamp": 1623025175569}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 4, "namespace": "eos",
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+ 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1623025175379}]'
- command: path show --src= --dest= --format=json --namespace=eos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
- error:
- error: '[{"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server302",
- "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": false,
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- "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "",
- "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025174547},
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- "Ethernet1", "oif": "Port-Channel4", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": true, "overlay":
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- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": null, "nexthopIp": "", "error":
- "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025175375}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount":
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- "error": "", "timestamp": null}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "eos",
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+ 1, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf03", "iif": "Port-Channel4", "oif": "Ethernet2",
+ "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu":
+ 9214, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "",
+ "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp":
+ 1623025174540}, {"pathid": 7, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine02",
+ "iif": "Ethernet3", "oif": "Ethernet2", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay":
+ true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
+ "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025174549}, {"pathid": 7, "hopCount":
+ 3, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf02", "iif": "Ethernet2", "oif": "Port-Channel4",
+ "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500,
+ "outMtu": 9214, "protocol": "l2", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "",
+ "macLookup": null, "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp":
+ 1623025175378}, {"pathid": 7, "hopCount": 4, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server102",
+ "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false,
+ "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp":
+ 1623025175575}, {"pathid": 8, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server302",
+ "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": false,
+ "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "l2", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "b2:8f:7e:c3:49:72", "nexthopIp":
+ "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": null}, {"pathid": 8, "hopCount":
+ 1, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf04", "iif": "Port-Channel4", "oif": "Ethernet2",
+ "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu":
+ 9214, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "",
+ "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp":
+ 1623025174543}, {"pathid": 8, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine02",
+ "iif": "Ethernet4", "oif": "Ethernet2", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay":
+ true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
+ "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025174549}, {"pathid": 8, "hopCount":
+ 3, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf02", "iif": "Ethernet2", "oif": "Port-Channel4",
+ "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500,
+ "outMtu": 9214, "protocol": "l2", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "",
+ "macLookup": null, "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp":
+ 1623025175378}, {"pathid": 8, "hopCount": 4, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server102",
+ "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false,
+ "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp":
+ 1623025175575}]'
- command: path show --dest= --src= --format=json --namespace=eos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: path show eos
output: '[{"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf04",
"iif": "Loopback0", "oif": "Ethernet1", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay":
false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 65535, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "timestamp":
- 1623025174543}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine01",
- "iif": "Ethernet4", "oif": "Ethernet1", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay":
- false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "timestamp":
- null}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf01",
- "iif": "Ethernet1", "oif": "Loopback0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay":
- false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 65535, "protocol": "", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "timestamp": 1623025176024},
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError":
+ "", "timestamp": 1623025174543}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "eos",
+ "hostname": "spine01", "iif": "Ethernet4", "oif": "Ethernet1", "vrf": "default",
+ "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500,
+ "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": null}, {"pathid": 1,
+ "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf01", "iif": "Ethernet1", "oif":
+ "Loopback0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true,
+ "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 65535, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1623025176024},
{"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf04", "iif":
"Loopback0", "oif": "Ethernet2", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false,
"mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 65535, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "timestamp":
- 1623025174543}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine02",
- "iif": "Ethernet4", "oif": "Ethernet1", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay":
- false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "timestamp":
- null}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf01",
- "iif": "Ethernet2", "oif": "Loopback0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay":
- false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 65535, "protocol": "", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "timestamp": 1623025176024}]'
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError":
+ "", "timestamp": 1623025174543}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "eos",
+ "hostname": "spine02", "iif": "Ethernet4", "oif": "Ethernet1", "vrf": "default",
+ "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500,
+ "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": null}, {"pathid": 2,
+ "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf01", "iif": "Ethernet2", "oif":
+ "Loopback0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true,
+ "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 65535, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1623025176024}]'
- command: path show --src= --dest= --format=json --namespace=eos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
- error:
- error: '[{"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit01",
- "iif": "Loopback0", "oif": "Ethernet3.2", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay":
- false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 65535, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "ebgp",
- "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1623025174546}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount":
- 1, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "firewall01", "iif": "eth1.2", "oif": "eth1.4",
- "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
- 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp":
- 1623025175208}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "eos", "hostname":
- "exit01", "iif": "Ethernet3.4", "oif": "Ethernet4", "vrf": "internet-vrf", "isL2":
- false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol":
- "ebgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1623025174546}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount":
- 3, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "iif": "xe-0/0/0.0", "oif": "lo0.0",
- "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
- 1500, "outMtu": 65536, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
- "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "no reverse path", "timestamp": 1623025179345},
- {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit01", "iif":
- "Loopback0", "oif": "Ethernet3.2", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay":
- false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 65535, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "ebgp",
- "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1623025174546}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount":
- 1, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "firewall01", "iif": "eth1.2", "oif": "eth2.4",
- "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
- 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp":
- 1623025175208}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "eos", "hostname":
- "exit02", "iif": "Ethernet3.4", "oif": "Ethernet4", "vrf": "internet-vrf", "isL2":
- false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol":
- "ebgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1623025174538}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount":
- 3, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "iif": "xe-0/0/1.0", "oif": "lo0.0",
- "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
- 1500, "outMtu": 65536, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
- "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "no reverse path", "timestamp": 1623025179345}]'
marks: path show eos
+ output: '[{"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit01",
+ "iif": "Loopback0", "oif": "Ethernet3.2", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay":
+ false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 65535, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "ebgp", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
+ "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1623025174546}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 1, "namespace":
+ "eos", "hostname": "firewall01", "iif": "eth1.2", "oif": "eth1.4", "vrf": "default",
+ "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500,
+ "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1623025175208},
+ {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit01", "iif":
+ "Ethernet3.4", "oif": "Ethernet4", "vrf": "internet-vrf", "isL2": false, "overlay":
+ false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "ebgp", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError":
+ "", "timestamp": 1623025174546}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "eos",
+ "hostname": "dcedge01", "iif": "xe-0/0/0.0", "oif": "lo0.0", "vrf": "default",
+ "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 65536,
+ "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
+ "", "hopError": "no reverse path", "timestamp": 1623025179345}, {"pathid": 2,
+ "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit01", "iif": "Loopback0", "oif":
+ "Ethernet3.2", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
+ true, "inMtu": 65535, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "ebgp", "ipLookup": "",
+ "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "",
+ "timestamp": 1623025174546}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "eos",
+ "hostname": "firewall01", "iif": "eth1.2", "oif": "eth2.4", "vrf": "default",
+ "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500,
+ "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1623025175208},
+ {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit02", "iif":
+ "Ethernet3.4", "oif": "Ethernet4", "vrf": "internet-vrf", "isL2": false, "overlay":
+ false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "ebgp", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError":
+ "", "timestamp": 1623025174538}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "eos",
+ "hostname": "dcedge01", "iif": "xe-0/0/1.0", "oif": "lo0.0", "vrf": "default",
+ "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 65536,
+ "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
+ "", "hopError": "no reverse path", "timestamp": 1623025179345}]'
- command: path summarize --dest= --src= --format=json --namespace=eos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: path summarize eos
diff --git a/tests/integration/sqcmds/eos-samples/swport.yml b/tests/integration/sqcmds/eos-samples/swport.yml
index 6879f6f8fe..30a92a2280 100644
--- a/tests/integration/sqcmds/eos-samples/swport.yml
+++ b/tests/integration/sqcmds/eos-samples/swport.yml
@@ -1067,3 +1067,43 @@ tests:
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: interface unique eos switchport
output: '[]'
+- command: interface show --columns=vlan --vlan='!10 999' --state=up --namespace=eos
+ --format=json
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: interface show eos switchport
+ output: '[]'
+- command: interface show --columns=vlan --vlan='!10 999' --state=up --namespace=eos
+ --columns='hostname ifname state adminState type vlan vlanList' --format=json
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: interface show eos switchport
+ output: '[]'
+- command: interface show --columns=vlan --vlan='!10 999' --state=up --namespace=eos
+ --columns='hostname ifname state adminState type vlanList' --format=json
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: interface show eos switchport
+ output: '[]'
+- command: interface show --columns=vlan --vlan='!10 !20' --state=up --namespace=eos
+ --format=json
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: interface show eos switchport
+ output: '[{"vlan": 3}, {"vlan": 4}, {"vlan": 2}, {"vlan": 3}, {"vlan": 4}, {"vlan":
+ 2}, {"vlan": 30}, {"vlan": 4094}, {"vlan": 1006}, {"vlan": 30}, {"vlan": 30},
+ {"vlan": 1006}, {"vlan": 4094}, {"vlan": 30}, {"vlan": 4094}, {"vlan": 0}, {"vlan":
+ 0}, {"vlan": 4094}, {"vlan": 4094}, {"vlan": 1006}, {"vlan": 30}, {"vlan": 30},
+ {"vlan": 30}, {"vlan": 4094}, {"vlan": 30}, {"vlan": 1006}]'
+- command: interface show --columns=vlan --vlan='20' --namespace=eos --format=json
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: interface show eos switchport
+ output: '[{"vlan": 0}, {"vlan": 20}, {"vlan": 1}, {"vlan": 20}, {"vlan": 0}, {"vlan":
+ 20}, {"vlan": 1}, {"vlan": 20}]'
+- command: interface show --columns=vlan --vlan='10 20' --namespace=eos --format=json
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: interface show eos switchport
+ output: '[{"vlan": 10}, {"vlan": 0}, {"vlan": 10}, {"vlan": 1}, {"vlan": 10}, {"vlan":
+ 10}, {"vlan": 0}, {"vlan": 1}, {"vlan": 0}, {"vlan": 20}, {"vlan": 1}, {"vlan":
+ 20}, {"vlan": 0}, {"vlan": 20}, {"vlan": 1}, {"vlan": 20}]'
+- command: interface unique --columns=vlanList --vlan='!10 999' --state=up --namespace=eos
+ --format=json
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: interface unique eos switchport
+ output: '[]'
diff --git a/tests/integration/sqcmds/eos-samples/top.yml b/tests/integration/sqcmds/eos-samples/top.yml
index c1c71cf80d..be04d7e6f9 100644
--- a/tests/integration/sqcmds/eos-samples/top.yml
+++ b/tests/integration/sqcmds/eos-samples/top.yml
@@ -126,9 +126,19 @@ tests:
4, "action": "forward", "numNexthops": 3, "timestamp": 1623025174530}]'
- command: mac top --what=moveCount --format=json --namespace='eos'
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
- error:
- error: '[{"error": "ERROR: ''mackey''"}]'
marks: mac top eos
+ output: '[{"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server302", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "33:33:ff:95:20:c5",
+ "oif": "eth0", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "permanent", "moveCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1623025175379}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server302",
+ "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "33:33:ff:66:e7:e2", "oif": "bond0", "remoteVtepIp": "",
+ "bd": "", "flags": "permanent", "moveCount": 0, "timestamp": 1623025175379}, {"namespace":
+ "eos", "hostname": "server302", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "33:33:ff:66:e7:e2", "oif":
+ "eth1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "permanent", "moveCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1623025175379}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "server302", "vlan": 0, "macaddr":
+ "33:33:ff:66:e7:e2", "oif": "eth2", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "permanent",
+ "moveCount": 0, "timestamp": 1623025175379}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname":
+ "server302", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "33:33:00:00:00:01", "oif": "eth1", "remoteVtepIp":
+ "", "bd": "", "flags": "permanent", "moveCount": 0, "timestamp": 1623025175379}]'
- command: route top --what=prefixlen --format=json --namespace='eos'
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: route top eos
diff --git a/tests/integration/sqcmds/eos-samples/topology.yml b/tests/integration/sqcmds/eos-samples/topology.yml
index 3e6c28d13b..a61e09e6de 100644
--- a/tests/integration/sqcmds/eos-samples/topology.yml
+++ b/tests/integration/sqcmds/eos-samples/topology.yml
@@ -862,21 +862,68 @@ tests:
- command: topology show --asn=64520 --format=json --namespace=eos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: topology show eos
- output: '[]'
+ output: '[{"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf03", "peerHostname": "spine02",
+ "vrf": "default", "asn": 64520, "peerAsn": 64520, "bgp": true, "polled": true},
+ {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf03", "peerHostname": "spine01", "vrf": "default",
+ "asn": 64520, "peerAsn": 64520, "bgp": true, "polled": true}, {"namespace": "eos",
+ "hostname": "spine01", "peerHostname": "leaf02", "vrf": "default", "asn": 64520,
+ "peerAsn": 64520, "bgp": true, "polled": true}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname":
+ "spine01", "peerHostname": "exit02", "vrf": "default", "asn": 64520, "peerAsn":
+ 64520, "bgp": true, "polled": true}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine01",
+ "peerHostname": "leaf03", "vrf": "default", "asn": 64520, "peerAsn": 64520, "bgp":
+ true, "polled": true}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine01", "peerHostname":
+ "leaf04", "vrf": "default", "asn": 64520, "peerAsn": 64520, "bgp": true, "polled":
+ true}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine01", "peerHostname": "exit01", "vrf":
+ "default", "asn": 64520, "peerAsn": 64520, "bgp": true, "polled": true}, {"namespace":
+ "eos", "hostname": "spine01", "peerHostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "default", "asn":
+ 64520, "peerAsn": 64520, "bgp": true, "polled": true}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname":
+ "leaf02", "peerHostname": "spine01", "vrf": "default", "asn": 64520, "peerAsn":
+ 64520, "bgp": true, "polled": true}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf02",
+ "peerHostname": "spine02", "vrf": "default", "asn": 64520, "peerAsn": 64520, "bgp":
+ true, "polled": true}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf04", "peerHostname":
+ "spine02", "vrf": "default", "asn": 64520, "peerAsn": 64520, "bgp": true, "polled":
+ true}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "leaf04", "peerHostname": "spine01", "vrf":
+ "default", "asn": 64520, "peerAsn": 64520, "bgp": true, "polled": true}, {"namespace":
+ "eos", "hostname": "exit02", "peerHostname": "spine02", "vrf": "default", "asn":
+ 64520, "peerAsn": 64520, "bgp": true, "polled": true}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname":
+ "exit02", "peerHostname": "spine01", "vrf": "default", "asn": 64520, "peerAsn":
+ 64520, "bgp": true, "polled": true}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit01",
+ "peerHostname": "spine01", "vrf": "default", "asn": 64520, "peerAsn": 64520, "bgp":
+ true, "polled": true}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "exit01", "peerHostname":
+ "spine02", "vrf": "default", "asn": 64520, "peerAsn": 64520, "bgp": true, "polled":
+ true}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine02", "peerHostname": "leaf02", "vrf":
+ "default", "asn": 64520, "peerAsn": 64520, "bgp": true, "polled": true}, {"namespace":
+ "eos", "hostname": "spine02", "peerHostname": "exit02", "vrf": "default", "asn":
+ 64520, "peerAsn": 64520, "bgp": true, "polled": true}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname":
+ "spine02", "peerHostname": "exit01", "vrf": "default", "asn": 64520, "peerAsn":
+ 64520, "bgp": true, "polled": true}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine02",
+ "peerHostname": "leaf04", "vrf": "default", "asn": 64520, "peerAsn": 64520, "bgp":
+ true, "polled": true}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine02", "peerHostname":
+ "leaf03", "vrf": "default", "asn": 64520, "peerAsn": 64520, "bgp": true, "polled":
+ true}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname": "spine02", "peerHostname": "leaf01", "vrf":
+ "default", "asn": 64520, "peerAsn": 64520, "bgp": true, "polled": true}, {"namespace":
+ "eos", "hostname": "leaf01", "peerHostname": "spine01", "vrf": "default", "asn":
+ 64520, "peerAsn": 64520, "bgp": true, "polled": true}, {"namespace": "eos", "hostname":
+ "leaf01", "peerHostname": "spine02", "vrf": "default", "asn": 64520, "peerAsn":
+ 64520, "bgp": true, "polled": true}]'
- command: topology summarize --asn=64520 --format=json --namespace=eos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: topology summarize eos
- output: '{"namespace": {}, "hostname": {}, "peerHostname": {}, "vrf": {}, "asn":
- {}, "peerAsn": {}, "bgp": {}, "polled": {}}'
+ output: '{"eos": {"bgp_center": ["spine02", "spine01"], "bgp_degree_histogram":
+ "...", "bgp_is_fully_connected": true, "bgp_number_of_disjoint_sets": 1, "bgp_number_of_edges":
+ 12, "bgp_number_of_nodes": 8, "bgp_self_loops": []}}'
- command: topology unique --asn=64520 --format=json --namespace=eos --columns=hostname
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: topology unique eos
- output: '[]'
+ output: '[{"hostname": "exit01"}, {"hostname": "exit02"}, {"hostname": "leaf01"},
+ {"hostname": "leaf02"}, {"hostname": "leaf03"}, {"hostname": "leaf04"}, {"hostname":
+ "spine01"}, {"hostname": "spine02"}]'
- command: topology summarize --vrf=default --asn=64520 --format=json --namespace=eos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: topology summarize eos
- output: '{"namespace": {}, "hostname": {}, "peerHostname": {}, "vrf": {}, "asn":
- {}, "peerAsn": {}, "bgp": {}, "polled": {}}'
+ output: '{"eos": {"bgp_center": ["spine02", "spine01"], "bgp_degree_histogram":
+ "...", "bgp_is_fully_connected": true, "bgp_number_of_disjoint_sets": 1, "bgp_number_of_edges":
+ 12, "bgp_number_of_nodes": 8, "bgp_self_loops": []}}'
- command: topology summarize --vrf=default --via=lldp --format=json --namespace=eos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: topology summarize eos
diff --git a/tests/integration/sqcmds/junos-samples/evpnVni.yml b/tests/integration/sqcmds/junos-samples/evpnVni.yml
index 3264eb4f37..eaf72f853e 100644
--- a/tests/integration/sqcmds/junos-samples/evpnVni.yml
+++ b/tests/integration/sqcmds/junos-samples/evpnVni.yml
@@ -52,6 +52,6 @@ tests:
output: '[{"hostname": "exit01"}, {"hostname": "exit02"}, {"hostname": "leaf01"},
{"hostname": "leaf02"}]'
- command: evpnVni show --priVtepIp='' --format=json --namespace=junos
- data-directory: tests/data/nxos/parquet-out/
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: evpnVni show junos filter
output: '[]'
diff --git a/tests/integration/sqcmds/junos-samples/interface.yml b/tests/integration/sqcmds/junos-samples/interface.yml
index cf8929de04..e69f0ae79f 100644
--- a/tests/integration/sqcmds/junos-samples/interface.yml
+++ b/tests/integration/sqcmds/junos-samples/interface.yml
@@ -3271,3 +3271,19 @@ tests:
{"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "leaf01", "ifname": "jsrv", "state": "up",
"adminState": "up", "type": "internal", "mtu": 1514, "vlan": 0, "master": "",
"ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1623025803099}]'
+- command: interface unique --columns=hostname --vlan=10 --namespace=junos --format=json
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: interface unique junos
+ output: '[{"hostname": "leaf01"}]'
+- command: interface unique --columns=hostname --vlan='10 20' --namespace=junos --format=json
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: interface unique junos
+ output: '[{"hostname": "leaf01"}, {"hostname": "leaf02"}]'
+- command: interface unique --columns=hostname --vlan='30' --namespace=junos --format=json
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: interface unique junos
+ output: '[{"hostname": "leaf01"}, {"hostname": "leaf02"}]'
+- command: interface unique --columns=hostname --vlan='540' --namespace=junos --format=json
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: interface unique junos
+ output: '[]'
diff --git a/tests/integration/sqcmds/junos-samples/network.yml b/tests/integration/sqcmds/junos-samples/network.yml
index 9835eeb780..d048e90808 100644
--- a/tests/integration/sqcmds/junos-samples/network.yml
+++ b/tests/integration/sqcmds/junos-samples/network.yml
@@ -4,32 +4,42 @@ tests:
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: network find junos
output: '[{"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddress":
- "", "vlan": "10", "macaddr": "28:b7:ad:3c:81:d0", "ifname": "xe-0/0/2",
- "bondMembers": "", "type": "bridged", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1623025797193}]'
+ "", "vlan": 10, "macaddr": "28:b7:ad:3c:81:d0", "ifname": "xe-0/0/2",
+ "bondMembers": "", "type": "bridged", "l2miss": false}]'
- command: network find --address="" --format=json --namespace=junos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: network find junos
output: '[{"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress":
- "", "vlan": "0", "macaddr": "02:05:86:71:ad:03", "ifname": "xe-0/0/0",
- "bondMembers": "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1623025796956}]'
+ "", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "02:05:86:71:ad:03", "ifname": "xe-0/0/0",
+ "bondMembers": "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "junos",
+ "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 0, "macaddr":
+ "02:05:86:71:ad:07", "ifname": "xe-0/0/1", "bondMembers": "", "type": "routed",
+ "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "default",
+ "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "00:00:00:00:00:00", "ifname":
+ "lo0.0", "bondMembers": "", "type": "interface", "l2miss": false}]'
- command: network find --address="" --format=json --namespace=junos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: network find junos
output: '[{"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress":
- "", "vlan": "0", "macaddr": "02:05:86:71:c2:03", "ifname": "xe-0/0/0",
- "bondMembers": "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1623025796956}]'
+ "", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "02:05:86:71:c2:03", "ifname": "xe-0/0/0.0",
+ "bondMembers": "", "type": "interface", "l2miss": false}]'
- command: network find --address="" --format=json --namespace=junos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: network find junos
- output: '[{"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "exit01", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress":
- "", "vlan": "0", "macaddr": "02:05:86:71:74:0f", "ifname": "xe-0/0/3",
- "bondMembers": "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1623025797193}]'
+ output: '[{"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "exit01", "vrf": "internet-vrf", "ipAddress":
+ "", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "02:05:86:71:74:0f", "ifname": "xe-0/0/3.0",
+ "bondMembers": "", "type": "interface", "l2miss": false}]'
- command: network find --address="" --format=json --namespace=junos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: network find junos
output: '[{"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "exit01", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress":
- "", "vlan": "0", "macaddr": "02:05:86:71:74:03", "ifname": "xe-0/0/0",
- "bondMembers": "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1623025796956}]'
+ "", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "02:05:86:71:74:03", "ifname": "xe-0/0/0",
+ "bondMembers": "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "junos",
+ "hostname": "exit01", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 0, "macaddr":
+ "02:05:86:71:74:07", "ifname": "xe-0/0/1", "bondMembers": "", "type": "routed",
+ "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "exit01", "vrf": "default",
+ "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "00:00:00:00:00:00", "ifname":
+ "lo0.0", "bondMembers": "", "type": "interface", "l2miss": false}]'
- command: network find --address="" --format=json --namespace=junos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: network find junos
diff --git a/tests/integration/sqcmds/junos-samples/path.yml b/tests/integration/sqcmds/junos-samples/path.yml
index 722cecb360..14a1f08bc0 100644
--- a/tests/integration/sqcmds/junos-samples/path.yml
+++ b/tests/integration/sqcmds/junos-samples/path.yml
@@ -7,46 +7,44 @@ tests:
marks: path show junos
- command: path show --dest= --src= --format=json --namespace=junos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
- error:
- error: '[{"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server101",
- "iif": "eth1", "oif": "eth1", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false,
- "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
- "error": "", "timestamp": 1623025795928}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 1, "namespace":
- "junos", "hostname": "leaf01", "iif": "xe-0/0/2", "oif": "xe-0/0/0.0", "vrf":
- "evpn-vrf", "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 1514,
- "outMtu": 9200, "protocol": "evpn", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU <
- Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025801173}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 2, "namespace":
- "junos", "hostname": "spine01", "iif": "xe-0/0/0.0", "oif": "xe-0/0/1.0", "vrf":
- "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9200, "outMtu":
- 9200, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "",
- "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp":
- 1623025802890}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "junos", "hostname":
- "leaf02", "iif": "xe-0/0/0.0", "oif": "xe-0/0/1.0", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2":
- false, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9200, "outMtu": 9200, "protocol":
- "direct", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025802263}, {"pathid": 2,
- "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server101", "iif": "eth1",
- "oif": "eth1", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
- true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "",
- "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "",
- "timestamp": 1623025795928}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "junos",
- "hostname": "leaf01", "iif": "xe-0/0/2", "oif": "xe-0/0/1.0", "vrf": "evpn-vrf",
- "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 1514, "outMtu":
- 9200, "protocol": "evpn", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "",
- "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp":
- 1623025801173}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "junos", "hostname":
- "spine02", "iif": "xe-0/0/0.0", "oif": "xe-0/0/1.0", "vrf": "default", "isL2":
- true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9200, "outMtu": 9200, "protocol":
- "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "",
- "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025802688},
- {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "junos", "hostname": "leaf02", "iif":
- "xe-0/0/1.0", "oif": "xe-0/0/1.0", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": false, "overlay":
- true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9200, "outMtu": 9200, "protocol": "direct",
- "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025802263}]'
marks: path show junos
+ output: '[{"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server101",
+ "iif": "eth1", "oif": "eth1", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false,
+ "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "",
+ "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "",
+ "timestamp": 1623025795928}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "junos",
+ "hostname": "leaf01", "iif": "xe-0/0/2", "oif": "xe-0/0/0.0", "vrf": "evpn-vrf",
+ "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 1514, "outMtu": 9200,
+ "protocol": "evpn", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025801173},
+ {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine01", "iif":
+ "xe-0/0/0.0", "oif": "xe-0/0/1.0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay":
+ true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9200, "outMtu": 9200, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
+ "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025802890}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount":
+ 3, "namespace": "junos", "hostname": "leaf02", "iif": "xe-0/0/0.0", "oif": "xe-0/0/1.0",
+ "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": false, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
+ 9200, "outMtu": 9200, "protocol": "direct", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp":
+ 1623025802263}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "junos", "hostname":
+ "server101", "iif": "eth1", "oif": "eth1", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay":
+ false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
+ "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1623025795928}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 1, "namespace":
+ "junos", "hostname": "leaf01", "iif": "xe-0/0/2", "oif": "xe-0/0/1.0", "vrf":
+ "evpn-vrf", "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 1514,
+ "outMtu": 9200, "protocol": "evpn", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU <
+ Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025801173}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 2, "namespace":
+ "junos", "hostname": "spine02", "iif": "xe-0/0/0.0", "oif": "xe-0/0/1.0", "vrf":
+ "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9200, "outMtu":
+ 9200, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "",
+ "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp":
+ 1623025802688}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "junos", "hostname":
+ "leaf02", "iif": "xe-0/0/1.0", "oif": "xe-0/0/1.0", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2":
+ false, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9200, "outMtu": 9200, "protocol":
+ "direct", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
+ "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025802263}]'
- command: path show --dest= --src= --format=json --namespace=junos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
@@ -54,182 +52,177 @@ tests:
marks: path show junos
- command: path show --dest= --src= --format=json --namespace=junos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
- error:
- error: '[{"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server101",
- "iif": "eth1", "oif": "eth1", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false,
- "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
- "error": "", "timestamp": 1623025795928}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 1, "namespace":
- "junos", "hostname": "leaf01", "iif": "xe-0/0/2", "oif": "xe-0/0/0.0", "vrf":
- "evpn-vrf", "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 1514,
- "outMtu": 9200, "protocol": "evpn", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU <
- Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025801173}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 2, "namespace":
- "junos", "hostname": "spine01", "iif": "xe-0/0/0.0", "oif": "xe-0/0/1.0", "vrf":
- "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9200, "outMtu":
- 9200, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "",
- "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp":
- 1623025802890}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "junos", "hostname":
- "leaf02", "iif": "xe-0/0/0.0", "oif": "xe-0/0/3", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2":
- false, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9200, "outMtu": 1514, "protocol":
- "evpn", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025797587}, {"pathid":
- 1, "hopCount": 4, "namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server202", "iif": "eth1",
- "oif": "eth1", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
- false, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1623025795928},
- {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server101",
- "iif": "eth1", "oif": "eth1", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false,
- "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
- "error": "", "timestamp": 1623025795928}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 1, "namespace":
- "junos", "hostname": "leaf01", "iif": "xe-0/0/2", "oif": "xe-0/0/1.0", "vrf":
- "evpn-vrf", "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 1514,
- "outMtu": 9200, "protocol": "evpn", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU <
- Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025801173}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 2, "namespace":
- "junos", "hostname": "spine02", "iif": "xe-0/0/0.0", "oif": "xe-0/0/1.0", "vrf":
- "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9200, "outMtu":
- 9200, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "",
- "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp":
- 1623025802688}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "junos", "hostname":
- "leaf02", "iif": "xe-0/0/1.0", "oif": "xe-0/0/3", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2":
- false, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9200, "outMtu": 1514, "protocol":
- "evpn", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025797587}, {"pathid":
- 2, "hopCount": 4, "namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server202", "iif": "eth1",
- "oif": "eth1", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
- false, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1623025795928}]'
marks: path show junos
+ output: '[{"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server101",
+ "iif": "eth1", "oif": "eth1", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false,
+ "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "",
+ "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "",
+ "timestamp": 1623025795928}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "junos",
+ "hostname": "leaf01", "iif": "xe-0/0/2", "oif": "xe-0/0/0.0", "vrf": "evpn-vrf",
+ "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 1514, "outMtu": 9200,
+ "protocol": "evpn", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "",
+ "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp":
+ 1623025801173}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "junos", "hostname":
+ "spine01", "iif": "xe-0/0/0.0", "oif": "xe-0/0/1.0", "vrf": "default", "isL2":
+ true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9200, "outMtu": 9200, "protocol":
+ "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
+ "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025802890}, {"pathid":
+ 1, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "junos", "hostname": "leaf02", "iif": "xe-0/0/0.0",
+ "oif": "xe-0/0/3", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": false, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch":
+ true, "inMtu": 9200, "outMtu": 1514, "protocol": "evpn", "ipLookup": "",
+ "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop
+ MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025797587}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 4, "namespace":
+ "junos", "hostname": "server202", "iif": "eth1", "oif": "eth1", "vrf": "default",
+ "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216,
+ "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
+ "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1623025795928}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 0,
+ "namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server101", "iif": "eth1", "oif": "eth1", "vrf":
+ "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu":
+ 9216, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1623025795928},
+ {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "junos", "hostname": "leaf01", "iif":
+ "xe-0/0/2", "oif": "xe-0/0/1.0", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": true, "overlay": false,
+ "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 1514, "outMtu": 9200, "protocol": "evpn", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
+ "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025801173}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount":
+ 2, "namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine02", "iif": "xe-0/0/0.0", "oif": "xe-0/0/1.0",
+ "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9200,
+ "outMtu": 9200, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "",
+ "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp":
+ 1623025802688}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "junos", "hostname":
+ "leaf02", "iif": "xe-0/0/1.0", "oif": "xe-0/0/3", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": false,
+ "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9200, "outMtu": 1514, "protocol":
+ "evpn", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
+ "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025797587},
+ {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 4, "namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server202", "iif":
+ "eth1", "oif": "eth1", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
+ false, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1623025795928}]'
- command: path show --dest= --src= --format=json --namespace=junos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
- error:
- error: '[{"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server101",
- "iif": "eth1", "oif": "eth1", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false,
- "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
- "error": "", "timestamp": 1623025795928}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 1, "namespace":
- "junos", "hostname": "leaf01", "iif": "xe-0/0/2", "oif": "xe-0/0/0.0", "vrf":
- "evpn-vrf", "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 1514,
- "outMtu": 9200, "protocol": "evpn", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU <
- Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025801173}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 2, "namespace":
- "junos", "hostname": "spine01", "iif": "xe-0/0/0.0", "oif": "xe-0/0/1.0", "vrf":
- "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9200, "outMtu":
- 9200, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "",
- "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp":
- 1623025802890}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "junos", "hostname":
- "leaf02", "iif": "xe-0/0/0.0", "oif": "xe-0/0/2", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2":
- false, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9200, "outMtu": 1514, "protocol":
- "evpn", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025797587}, {"pathid":
- 1, "hopCount": 4, "namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server201", "iif": "eth1",
- "oif": "eth1", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
- false, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1623025795928},
- {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server101",
- "iif": "eth1", "oif": "eth1", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false,
- "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
- "error": "", "timestamp": 1623025795928}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 1, "namespace":
- "junos", "hostname": "leaf01", "iif": "xe-0/0/2", "oif": "xe-0/0/1.0", "vrf":
- "evpn-vrf", "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 1514,
- "outMtu": 9200, "protocol": "evpn", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU <
- Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025801173}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 2, "namespace":
- "junos", "hostname": "spine02", "iif": "xe-0/0/0.0", "oif": "xe-0/0/1.0", "vrf":
- "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9200, "outMtu":
- 9200, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "",
- "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp":
- 1623025802688}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "junos", "hostname":
- "leaf02", "iif": "xe-0/0/1.0", "oif": "xe-0/0/2", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2":
- false, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9200, "outMtu": 1514, "protocol":
- "evpn", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025797587}, {"pathid":
- 2, "hopCount": 4, "namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server201", "iif": "eth1",
- "oif": "eth1", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
- false, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1623025795928}]'
marks: path show junos
+ output: '[{"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server101",
+ "iif": "eth1", "oif": "eth1", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false,
+ "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "",
+ "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "",
+ "timestamp": 1623025795928}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "junos",
+ "hostname": "leaf01", "iif": "xe-0/0/2", "oif": "xe-0/0/0.0", "vrf": "evpn-vrf",
+ "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 1514, "outMtu": 9200,
+ "protocol": "evpn", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "",
+ "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp":
+ 1623025801173}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "junos", "hostname":
+ "spine01", "iif": "xe-0/0/0.0", "oif": "xe-0/0/1.0", "vrf": "default", "isL2":
+ true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9200, "outMtu": 9200, "protocol":
+ "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
+ "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025802890}, {"pathid":
+ 1, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "junos", "hostname": "leaf02", "iif": "xe-0/0/0.0",
+ "oif": "xe-0/0/2", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": false, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch":
+ true, "inMtu": 9200, "outMtu": 1514, "protocol": "evpn", "ipLookup": "",
+ "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop
+ MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025797587}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 4, "namespace":
+ "junos", "hostname": "server201", "iif": "eth1", "oif": "eth1", "vrf": "default",
+ "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216,
+ "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
+ "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1623025795928}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 0,
+ "namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server101", "iif": "eth1", "oif": "eth1", "vrf":
+ "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu":
+ 9216, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1623025795928},
+ {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "junos", "hostname": "leaf01", "iif":
+ "xe-0/0/2", "oif": "xe-0/0/1.0", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": true, "overlay": false,
+ "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 1514, "outMtu": 9200, "protocol": "evpn", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
+ "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025801173}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount":
+ 2, "namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine02", "iif": "xe-0/0/0.0", "oif": "xe-0/0/1.0",
+ "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9200,
+ "outMtu": 9200, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "",
+ "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp":
+ 1623025802688}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "junos", "hostname":
+ "leaf02", "iif": "xe-0/0/1.0", "oif": "xe-0/0/2", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": false,
+ "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9200, "outMtu": 1514, "protocol":
+ "evpn", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
+ "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025797587},
+ {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 4, "namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server201", "iif":
+ "eth1", "oif": "eth1", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
+ false, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1623025795928}]'
- command: path show --src= --dest= --format=json --namespace=junos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
- error:
- error: '[{"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server202",
- "iif": "eth1", "oif": "eth1", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": false,
- "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "l2", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "28:b7:ad:82:67:e5", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "", "timestamp": null}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 1,
- "namespace": "junos", "hostname": "leaf02", "iif": "xe-0/0/3", "oif": "xe-0/0/0.0",
- "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu":
- 1514, "outMtu": 9200, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "",
- "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp":
- 1623025802263}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "junos", "hostname":
- "spine01", "iif": "xe-0/0/1.0", "oif": "xe-0/0/0.0", "vrf": "default", "isL2":
- true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9200, "outMtu": 9200, "protocol":
- "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "",
- "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025802890},
- {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "junos", "hostname": "leaf01", "iif":
- "xe-0/0/0.0", "oif": "xe-0/0/3", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay":
- true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9200, "outMtu": 1514, "protocol": "l2", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": null, "nexthopIp": "", "error":
- "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025798828}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount":
- 4, "namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server102", "iif": "eth1", "oif": "eth1",
- "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu":
- 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
- "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1623025795928}, {"pathid": 2,
- "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server202", "iif": "eth1",
- "oif": "eth1", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
- true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "l2", "ipLookup": "",
- "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "28:b7:ad:82:67:e5", "nexthopIp": "",
- "error": "", "timestamp": null}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "junos",
- "hostname": "leaf02", "iif": "xe-0/0/3", "oif": "xe-0/0/1.0", "vrf": "default",
- "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 1514, "outMtu":
- 9200, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
- "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025802263},
- {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine02", "iif":
- "xe-0/0/1.0", "oif": "xe-0/0/0.0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay":
- true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9200, "outMtu": 9200, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
- "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025802688}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount":
- 3, "namespace": "junos", "hostname": "leaf01", "iif": "xe-0/0/1.0", "oif": "xe-0/0/3",
- "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
- 9200, "outMtu": 1514, "protocol": "l2", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": null, "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp":
- 1623025798828}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 4, "namespace": "junos", "hostname":
- "server102", "iif": "eth1", "oif": "eth1", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false,
- "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol":
- "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error":
- "", "timestamp": 1623025795928}]'
marks: path show junos
+ output: '[{"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server202",
+ "iif": "eth1", "oif": "eth1", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": false,
+ "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "l2", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "28:b7:ad:82:67:e5", "nexthopIp":
+ "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": null}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount":
+ 1, "namespace": "junos", "hostname": "leaf02", "iif": "xe-0/0/3", "oif": "xe-0/0/0.0",
+ "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu":
+ 1514, "outMtu": 9200, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "",
+ "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp":
+ 1623025802263}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "junos", "hostname":
+ "spine01", "iif": "xe-0/0/1.0", "oif": "xe-0/0/0.0", "vrf": "default", "isL2":
+ true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9200, "outMtu": 9200, "protocol":
+ "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
+ "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025802890}, {"pathid":
+ 1, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "junos", "hostname": "leaf01", "iif": "xe-0/0/0.0",
+ "oif": "xe-0/0/3", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch":
+ true, "inMtu": 9200, "outMtu": 1514, "protocol": "l2", "ipLookup": "",
+ "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": null, "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src
+ Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025798828}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 4, "namespace": "junos",
+ "hostname": "server102", "iif": "eth1", "oif": "eth1", "vrf": "default", "isL2":
+ false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol":
+ "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError":
+ "", "timestamp": 1623025795928}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "junos",
+ "hostname": "server202", "iif": "eth1", "oif": "eth1", "vrf": "default", "isL2":
+ true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol":
+ "l2", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "28:b7:ad:82:67:e5",
+ "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": null}, {"pathid": 2,
+ "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "junos", "hostname": "leaf02", "iif": "xe-0/0/3",
+ "oif": "xe-0/0/1.0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
+ false, "inMtu": 1514, "outMtu": 9200, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU <
+ Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025802263}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 2, "namespace":
+ "junos", "hostname": "spine02", "iif": "xe-0/0/1.0", "oif": "xe-0/0/0.0", "vrf":
+ "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9200, "outMtu":
+ 9200, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "",
+ "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp":
+ 1623025802688}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "junos", "hostname":
+ "leaf01", "iif": "xe-0/0/1.0", "oif": "xe-0/0/3", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true,
+ "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9200, "outMtu": 1514, "protocol":
+ "l2", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": null, "nexthopIp":
+ "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1623025798828}, {"pathid": 2,
+ "hopCount": 4, "namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server102", "iif": "eth1", "oif":
+ "eth1", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false,
+ "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "",
+ "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1623025795928}]'
- command: path show --dest= --src= --format=json --namespace=junos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: path show junos
output: '[{"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "junos", "hostname": "leaf02",
"iif": "xe-0/0/0.0", "oif": "xe-0/0/0.0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay":
false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9200, "outMtu": 9200, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "timestamp":
- 1623025802263}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "junos", "hostname":
- "spine01", "iif": "xe-0/0/1.0", "oif": "xe-0/0/0.0", "vrf": "default", "isL2":
- false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9200, "outMtu": 9200, "protocol":
- "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "", "timestamp": 1623025802890}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 2, "namespace":
- "junos", "hostname": "leaf01", "iif": "xe-0/0/0.0", "oif": "xe-0/0/0.0", "vrf":
- "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9200, "outMtu":
- 65536, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "", "timestamp": 1623025803099}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "junos",
- "hostname": "leaf02", "iif": "xe-0/0/0.0", "oif": "xe-0/0/1.0", "vrf": "default",
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError":
+ "", "timestamp": 1623025802263}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "junos",
+ "hostname": "spine01", "iif": "xe-0/0/1.0", "oif": "xe-0/0/0.0", "vrf": "default",
+ "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9200, "outMtu": 9200,
+ "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1623025802890}, {"pathid":
+ 1, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "junos", "hostname": "leaf01", "iif": "xe-0/0/0.0",
+ "oif": "xe-0/0/0.0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
+ true, "inMtu": 9200, "outMtu": 65536, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1623025803099},
+ {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "junos", "hostname": "leaf02", "iif":
+ "xe-0/0/0.0", "oif": "xe-0/0/1.0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay":
+ false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9200, "outMtu": 9200, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError":
+ "", "timestamp": 1623025802263}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "junos",
+ "hostname": "spine02", "iif": "xe-0/0/1.0", "oif": "xe-0/0/0.0", "vrf": "default",
"isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9200, "outMtu": 9200,
"protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
- "", "nexthopIp": "", "timestamp": 1623025802263}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount":
- 1, "namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine02", "iif": "xe-0/0/1.0", "oif": "xe-0/0/0.0",
- "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
- 9200, "outMtu": 9200, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "timestamp": 1623025802688}, {"pathid":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1623025802688}, {"pathid":
2, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "junos", "hostname": "leaf01", "iif": "xe-0/0/1.0",
"oif": "xe-0/0/0.0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
true, "inMtu": 9200, "outMtu": 65536, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "timestamp": 1623025803099}]'
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1623025803099}]'
- command: path summarize --dest= --src= --format=json --namespace=junos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: path summarize junos
diff --git a/tests/integration/sqcmds/junos-samples/swport.yml b/tests/integration/sqcmds/junos-samples/swport.yml
index 8bf5e869c1..e91ad6e55a 100644
--- a/tests/integration/sqcmds/junos-samples/swport.yml
+++ b/tests/integration/sqcmds/junos-samples/swport.yml
@@ -1765,3 +1765,51 @@ tests:
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: interface unique junos switchport
output: '[]'
+- command: interface show --columns=vlan --vlan='!10 999' --state=up --namespace=junos
+ --format=json
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: interface show junos switchport
+ output: '[{"vlan": 999}, {"vlan": 999}, {"vlan": 999}, {"vlan": 999}]'
+- command: interface show --columns=vlan --vlan='!10 999' --state=up --namespace=junos
+ --columns='hostname ifname state adminState type vlan vlanList' --format=json
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: interface show junos switchport
+ output: '[{"hostname": "exit01", "ifname": "lo0.999", "state": "up", "adminState":
+ "up", "type": "subinterface", "vlan": 999, "vlanList": []}, {"hostname": "leaf02",
+ "ifname": "lo0.999", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "subinterface",
+ "vlan": 999, "vlanList": []}, {"hostname": "exit02", "ifname": "lo0.999", "state":
+ "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "subinterface", "vlan": 999, "vlanList": []},
+ {"hostname": "leaf01", "ifname": "lo0.999", "state": "up", "adminState": "up",
+ "type": "subinterface", "vlan": 999, "vlanList": []}]'
+- command: interface show --columns=vlan --vlan='!10 999' --state=up --namespace=junos
+ --columns='hostname ifname state adminState type vlanList' --format=json
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: interface show junos switchport
+ output: '[{"hostname": "exit01", "ifname": "lo0.999", "state": "up", "adminState":
+ "up", "type": "subinterface", "vlanList": []}, {"hostname": "leaf02", "ifname":
+ "lo0.999", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "subinterface", "vlanList":
+ []}, {"hostname": "exit02", "ifname": "lo0.999", "state": "up", "adminState":
+ "up", "type": "subinterface", "vlanList": []}, {"hostname": "leaf01", "ifname":
+ "lo0.999", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "subinterface", "vlanList":
+ []}]'
+- command: interface show --columns=vlan --vlan='!10 !20' --state=up --namespace=junos
+ --format=json
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: interface show junos switchport
+ output: '[{"vlan": 3}, {"vlan": 4}, {"vlan": 2}, {"vlan": 4}, {"vlan": 2}, {"vlan":
+ 3}, {"vlan": 2}, {"vlan": 999}, {"vlan": 3}, {"vlan": 4}, {"vlan": 999}, {"vlan":
+ 30}, {"vlan": 30}, {"vlan": 999}, {"vlan": 4}, {"vlan": 3}, {"vlan": 2}, {"vlan":
+ 999}, {"vlan": 30}, {"vlan": 30}]'
+- command: interface show --columns=vlan --vlan='20' --namespace=junos --format=json
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: interface show junos switchport
+ output: '[{"vlan": 20}, {"vlan": 20}]'
+- command: interface show --columns=vlan --vlan='10 20' --namespace=junos --format=json
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: interface show junos
+ output: '[{"vlan": 10}, {"vlan": 10}, {"vlan": 20}, {"vlan": 20}]'
+- command: interface unique --columns=vlan --vlan='!10 999' --state=up --namespace=junos
+ --format=json
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: interface unique junos switchport
+ output: '[{"vlan": 999}]'
diff --git a/tests/integration/sqcmds/junos-samples/top.yml b/tests/integration/sqcmds/junos-samples/top.yml
index 19b069e931..c0cccd6f92 100644
--- a/tests/integration/sqcmds/junos-samples/top.yml
+++ b/tests/integration/sqcmds/junos-samples/top.yml
@@ -125,9 +125,20 @@ tests:
"numNexthops": 2, "timestamp": 1623025802263}]'
- command: mac top --what=moveCount --format=json --namespace='junos'
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
- error:
- error: '[{"error": "ERROR: ''mackey''"}]'
marks: mac top junos
+ output: '[{"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server202", "vlan": 0, "macaddr":
+ "33:33:ff:88:ae:71", "oif": "eth1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "permanent",
+ "moveCount": 0, "timestamp": 1623025795510}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname":
+ "server202", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "33:33:ff:1f:79:0c", "oif": "eth0", "remoteVtepIp":
+ "", "bd": "", "flags": "permanent", "moveCount": 0, "timestamp": 1623025795510},
+ {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server202", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "33:33:00:00:00:01",
+ "oif": "eth0", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "permanent", "moveCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1623025795510}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "server202",
+ "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "33:33:00:00:00:01", "oif": "eth1", "remoteVtepIp": "",
+ "bd": "", "flags": "permanent", "moveCount": 0, "timestamp": 1623025795510}, {"namespace":
+ "junos", "hostname": "server202", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "01:80:c2:00:00:0e", "oif":
+ "eth1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "permanent", "moveCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1623025795510}]'
- command: route top --what=prefixlen --format=json --namespace='junos'
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: route top junos
diff --git a/tests/integration/sqcmds/junos-samples/topology.yml b/tests/integration/sqcmds/junos-samples/topology.yml
index 628dee6258..c8d9d7dfc8 100644
--- a/tests/integration/sqcmds/junos-samples/topology.yml
+++ b/tests/integration/sqcmds/junos-samples/topology.yml
@@ -686,21 +686,53 @@ tests:
- command: topology show --asn=64520 --format=json --namespace=junos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: topology show junos
- output: '[]'
+ output: '[{"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "leaf01", "peerHostname": "spine01",
+ "vrf": "default", "asn": 64520, "peerAsn": 64520, "bgp": true, "polled": true},
+ {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "leaf01", "peerHostname": "spine02", "vrf":
+ "default", "asn": 64520, "peerAsn": 64520, "bgp": true, "polled": true}, {"namespace":
+ "junos", "hostname": "leaf02", "peerHostname": "spine02", "vrf": "default", "asn":
+ 64520, "peerAsn": 64520, "bgp": true, "polled": true}, {"namespace": "junos",
+ "hostname": "leaf02", "peerHostname": "spine01", "vrf": "default", "asn": 64520,
+ "peerAsn": 64520, "bgp": true, "polled": true}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname":
+ "spine01", "peerHostname": "exit02", "vrf": "default", "asn": 64520, "peerAsn":
+ 64520, "bgp": true, "polled": true}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine01",
+ "peerHostname": "exit01", "vrf": "default", "asn": 64520, "peerAsn": 64520, "bgp":
+ true, "polled": true}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine01", "peerHostname":
+ "leaf02", "vrf": "default", "asn": 64520, "peerAsn": 64520, "bgp": true, "polled":
+ true}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine01", "peerHostname": "leaf01",
+ "vrf": "default", "asn": 64520, "peerAsn": 64520, "bgp": true, "polled": true},
+ {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "exit01", "peerHostname": "spine01", "vrf":
+ "default", "asn": 64520, "peerAsn": 64520, "bgp": true, "polled": true}, {"namespace":
+ "junos", "hostname": "exit01", "peerHostname": "spine02", "vrf": "default", "asn":
+ 64520, "peerAsn": 64520, "bgp": true, "polled": true}, {"namespace": "junos",
+ "hostname": "exit02", "peerHostname": "spine02", "vrf": "default", "asn": 64520,
+ "peerAsn": 64520, "bgp": true, "polled": true}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname":
+ "exit02", "peerHostname": "spine01", "vrf": "default", "asn": 64520, "peerAsn":
+ 64520, "bgp": true, "polled": true}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine02",
+ "peerHostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "default", "asn": 64520, "peerAsn": 64520, "bgp":
+ true, "polled": true}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine02", "peerHostname":
+ "leaf02", "vrf": "default", "asn": 64520, "peerAsn": 64520, "bgp": true, "polled":
+ true}, {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine02", "peerHostname": "exit01",
+ "vrf": "default", "asn": 64520, "peerAsn": 64520, "bgp": true, "polled": true},
+ {"namespace": "junos", "hostname": "spine02", "peerHostname": "exit02", "vrf":
+ "default", "asn": 64520, "peerAsn": 64520, "bgp": true, "polled": true}]'
- command: topology summarize --asn=64520 --format=json --namespace=junos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: topology summarize junos
- output: '{"namespace": {}, "hostname": {}, "peerHostname": {}, "vrf": {}, "asn":
- {}, "peerAsn": {}, "bgp": {}, "polled": {}}'
+ output: '{"junos": {"bgp_center": ["spine01", "spine02"], "bgp_degree_histogram":
+ [0, 0, 4, 0, 2], "bgp_is_fully_connected": true, "bgp_number_of_disjoint_sets":
+ 1, "bgp_number_of_edges": 8, "bgp_number_of_nodes": 6, "bgp_self_loops": []}}'
- command: topology unique --asn=64520 --format=json --namespace=junos --columns=hostname
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: topology unique junos
- output: '[]'
+ output: '[{"hostname": "exit01"}, {"hostname": "exit02"}, {"hostname": "leaf01"},
+ {"hostname": "leaf02"}, {"hostname": "spine01"}, {"hostname": "spine02"}]'
- command: topology summarize --vrf=default --asn=64520 --format=json --namespace=junos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: topology summarize junos
- output: '{"namespace": {}, "hostname": {}, "peerHostname": {}, "vrf": {}, "asn":
- {}, "peerAsn": {}, "bgp": {}, "polled": {}}'
+ output: '{"junos": {"bgp_center": ["spine01", "spine02"], "bgp_degree_histogram":
+ [0, 0, 4, 0, 2], "bgp_is_fully_connected": true, "bgp_number_of_disjoint_sets":
+ 1, "bgp_number_of_edges": 8, "bgp_number_of_nodes": 6, "bgp_self_loops": []}}'
- command: topology summarize --vrf=default --via=lldp --format=json --namespace=junos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: topology summarize junos
diff --git a/tests/integration/sqcmds/mixed-samples/path.yml b/tests/integration/sqcmds/mixed-samples/path.yml
index b702146880..4f91784d54 100644
--- a/tests/integration/sqcmds/mixed-samples/path.yml
+++ b/tests/integration/sqcmds/mixed-samples/path.yml
@@ -2,124 +2,123 @@ description: Testing path across mixed nodes
- command: path show --src='' --dest='' --format=json --namespace=mixed
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
- error:
- error: '[{"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf1-ios",
- "iif": "Loopback0", "oif": "GigabitEthernet0/0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false,
- "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1514, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol":
- "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1627395444959}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount":
- 1, "namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "spine1-nxos", "iif": "Ethernet1/1", "oif":
- "Ethernet1/6", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
- true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "",
- "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU
- < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1627395439859}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 2, "namespace":
- "mixed", "hostname": "leaf6-eos", "iif": "Ethernet1", "oif": "Loopback0", "vrf":
- "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500,
- "outMtu": 65535, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
- "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Dst MTU != Src MTU", "timestamp": 1627395434695},
- {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf1-ios",
- "iif": "Loopback0", "oif": "GigabitEthernet0/1", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false,
- "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1514, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol":
- "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1627395444959}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount":
- 1, "namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "spine2-nxos", "iif": "Ethernet1/1", "oif":
- "Ethernet1/6", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
- true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "",
- "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU
- < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1627395440281}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 2, "namespace":
- "mixed", "hostname": "leaf6-eos", "iif": "Ethernet2", "oif": "Loopback0", "vrf":
- "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500,
- "outMtu": 65535, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
- "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Dst MTU != Src MTU", "timestamp": 1627395434695}]'
marks: path show all mixed
-- command: path show --src='' --dest='' --format=json --namespace=mixed
- data-directory: tests/data/parquet
- marks: path show all mixed
- output: '[{"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf4-qfx",
- "iif": "lo0.0", "oif": "xe-0/0/0.0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay":
- false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 65536, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "timestamp":
- 1627395438426}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "mixed", "hostname":
- "spine1-nxos", "iif": "Ethernet1/4", "oif": "Ethernet1/6", "vrf": "default", "isL2":
- false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol":
+ output: '[{"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf1-ios",
+ "iif": "Loopback0", "oif": "GigabitEthernet0/0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false,
+ "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1514, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol":
"ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "", "timestamp": 1627395439859}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 2, "namespace":
+ "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1627395444959}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount":
+ 1, "namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "spine1-nxos", "iif": "Ethernet1/1", "oif":
+ "Ethernet1/6", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
+ true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "",
+ "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU
+ < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1627395439859}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 2, "namespace":
"mixed", "hostname": "leaf6-eos", "iif": "Ethernet1", "oif": "Loopback0", "vrf":
"default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu":
65535, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "", "timestamp": 1627395434695}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "mixed",
- "hostname": "leaf4-qfx", "iif": "lo0.0", "oif": "xe-0/0/1.0", "vrf": "default",
- "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 65536, "outMtu": 1500,
- "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "",
- "nexthopIp": "", "timestamp": 1627395438426}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount":
- 1, "namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "spine2-nxos", "iif": "Ethernet1/4", "oif":
- "Ethernet1/6", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
- true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "",
- "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "timestamp": 1627395440281},
+ "", "hopError": "Dst MTU != Src MTU", "timestamp": 1627395434695}, {"pathid":
+ 2, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf1-ios", "iif": "Loopback0",
+ "oif": "GigabitEthernet0/1", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false,
+ "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1514, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError":
+ "", "timestamp": 1627395444959}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "mixed",
+ "hostname": "spine2-nxos", "iif": "Ethernet1/1", "oif": "Ethernet1/6", "vrf":
+ "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu":
+ 1500, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1627395440281},
{"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf6-eos", "iif":
"Ethernet2", "oif": "Loopback0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false,
"mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 65535, "protocol": "", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "timestamp": 1627395434695}]'
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Dst MTU !=
+ Src MTU", "timestamp": 1627395434695}]'
+- command: path show --src='' --dest='' --format=json --namespace=mixed
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet
+ marks: path show all mixed
+ output: '[{"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf4-qfx",
+ "iif": "lo0.0", "oif": "xe-0/0/0.0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay":
+ false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 65536, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError":
+ "", "timestamp": 1627395438426}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "mixed",
+ "hostname": "spine1-nxos", "iif": "Ethernet1/4", "oif": "Ethernet1/6", "vrf":
+ "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu":
+ 1500, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1627395439859}, {"pathid":
+ 1, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf6-eos", "iif": "Ethernet1",
+ "oif": "Loopback0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
+ true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 65535, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1627395434695},
+ {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf4-qfx", "iif":
+ "lo0.0", "oif": "xe-0/0/1.0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false,
+ "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 65536, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError":
+ "", "timestamp": 1627395438426}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "mixed",
+ "hostname": "spine2-nxos", "iif": "Ethernet1/4", "oif": "Ethernet1/6", "vrf":
+ "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu":
+ 1500, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1627395440281}, {"pathid":
+ 2, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf6-eos", "iif": "Ethernet2",
+ "oif": "Loopback0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
+ true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 65535, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1627395434695}]'
- command: path show --src='' --dest='' --format=json --namespace=mixed
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
- error:
- error: '[{"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf4-qfx",
- "iif": "lo0.0", "oif": "xe-0/0/0.0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay":
- false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 65536, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "ospf",
- "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
- "error": "", "timestamp": 1627395438426}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 1, "namespace":
- "mixed", "hostname": "spine1-nxos", "iif": "Ethernet1/4", "oif": "Ethernet1/2",
- "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
- 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1627395439859},
- {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf2-ios",
- "iif": "GigabitEthernet0/0", "oif": "Loopback0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false,
- "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1514, "protocol":
- "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error":
- "Dst MTU != Src MTU", "timestamp": 1627395437566}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount":
- 0, "namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf4-qfx", "iif": "lo0.0", "oif": "xe-0/0/1.0",
- "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
- 65536, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1627395438426},
- {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "spine2-nxos",
- "iif": "Ethernet1/4", "oif": "Ethernet1/2", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false,
- "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol":
- "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1627395440281}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount":
- 2, "namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf2-ios", "iif": "GigabitEthernet0/1",
- "oif": "Loopback0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
- true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1514, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Dst MTU != Src MTU", "timestamp":
- 1627395437566}]'
marks: path show all mixed
+ output: '[{"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf4-qfx",
+ "iif": "lo0.0", "oif": "xe-0/0/0.0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay":
+ false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 65536, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError":
+ "", "timestamp": 1627395438426}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "mixed",
+ "hostname": "spine1-nxos", "iif": "Ethernet1/4", "oif": "Ethernet1/2", "vrf":
+ "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu":
+ 1500, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1627395439859}, {"pathid":
+ 1, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf2-ios", "iif": "GigabitEthernet0/0",
+ "oif": "Loopback0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
+ true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1514, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Dst MTU != Src MTU", "timestamp":
+ 1627395437566}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "mixed", "hostname":
+ "leaf4-qfx", "iif": "lo0.0", "oif": "xe-0/0/1.0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false,
+ "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 65536, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol":
+ "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
+ "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1627395438426}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount":
+ 1, "namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "spine2-nxos", "iif": "Ethernet1/4", "oif":
+ "Ethernet1/2", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
+ true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "",
+ "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp":
+ 1627395440281}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "mixed", "hostname":
+ "leaf2-ios", "iif": "GigabitEthernet0/1", "oif": "Loopback0", "vrf": "default",
+ "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1514,
+ "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
+ "", "hopError": "Dst MTU != Src MTU", "timestamp": 1627395437566}]'
- command: path show --src='' --dest='' --format=json --namespace=mixed
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: path show all mixed
output: '[{"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf5-eos",
"iif": "Loopback0", "oif": "Ethernet1", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay":
false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 65535, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "timestamp":
- 1627395437620}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "mixed", "hostname":
- "spine1-nxos", "iif": "Ethernet1/5", "oif": "Ethernet1/3", "vrf": "default", "isL2":
- false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol":
- "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "", "timestamp": 1627395439859}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 2, "namespace":
- "mixed", "hostname": "leaf3-qfx", "iif": "xe-0/0/0.0", "oif": "lo0.0", "vrf":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError":
+ "", "timestamp": 1627395437620}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "mixed",
+ "hostname": "spine1-nxos", "iif": "Ethernet1/5", "oif": "Ethernet1/3", "vrf":
+ "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu":
+ 1500, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1627395439859}, {"pathid":
+ 1, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf3-qfx", "iif": "xe-0/0/0.0",
+ "oif": "lo0.0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
+ true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 65536, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1627395435943},
+ {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf5-eos", "iif":
+ "Loopback0", "oif": "Ethernet2", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false,
+ "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 65535, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError":
+ "", "timestamp": 1627395437620}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "mixed",
+ "hostname": "spine2-nxos", "iif": "Ethernet1/5", "oif": "Ethernet1/3", "vrf":
"default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu":
- 65536, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "", "timestamp": 1627395435943}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "mixed",
- "hostname": "leaf5-eos", "iif": "Loopback0", "oif": "Ethernet2", "vrf": "default",
- "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 65535, "outMtu": 1500,
- "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "",
- "nexthopIp": "", "timestamp": 1627395437620}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount":
- 1, "namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "spine2-nxos", "iif": "Ethernet1/5", "oif":
- "Ethernet1/3", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
- true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "",
- "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "timestamp": 1627395440281},
- {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf3-qfx", "iif":
- "xe-0/0/1.0", "oif": "lo0.0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false,
- "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 65536, "protocol": "", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "timestamp": 1627395435943}]'
+ 1500, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1627395440281}, {"pathid":
+ 2, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "leaf3-qfx", "iif": "xe-0/0/1.0",
+ "oif": "lo0.0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
+ true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 65536, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1627395435943}]'
- command: path show --src='' --dest='' --format=json --namespace=mixed
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: path show all mixed
@@ -127,8 +126,9 @@ tests:
"iif": "GigabitEthernet0/0", "oif": "GigabitEthernet0/1", "vrf": "default", "isL2":
false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol":
"ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "", "timestamp": 1627395444959}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 1, "namespace":
- "mixed", "hostname": "spine2-nxos", "iif": "Ethernet1/1", "oif": "Ethernet2",
- "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
- 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "direct", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "timestamp": 1627395440281}]'
+ "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1627395444959}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount":
+ 1, "namespace": "mixed", "hostname": "spine2-nxos", "iif": "Ethernet1/1", "oif":
+ "Ethernet2", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true,
+ "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "direct", "ipLookup": "",
+ "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp":
+ 1627395440281}]'
diff --git a/tests/integration/sqcmds/nxos-samples/all.yml b/tests/integration/sqcmds/nxos-samples/all.yml
index 1f044dd57a..8bf405aafe 100644
--- a/tests/integration/sqcmds/nxos-samples/all.yml
+++ b/tests/integration/sqcmds/nxos-samples/all.yml
@@ -8616,13 +8616,13 @@ tests:
"nxos", "hostname": "server301", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "01:80:c2:00:00:0e", "oif":
"eth1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "permanent", "timestamp": 1619275256202,
"protocol": "", "moveCount": 0, "active": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "server301", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "01:80:c2:00:00:00", "oif": "eth1", "remoteVtepIp":
+ "server301", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "01:80:c2:00:00:03", "oif": "eth1", "remoteVtepIp":
"", "bd": "", "flags": "permanent", "timestamp": 1619275256202, "protocol": "",
"moveCount": 0, "active": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301",
- "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "01:80:c2:00:00:02", "oif": "eth1", "remoteVtepIp": "",
+ "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "01:80:c2:00:00:00", "oif": "eth1", "remoteVtepIp": "",
"bd": "", "flags": "permanent", "timestamp": 1619275256202, "protocol": "", "moveCount":
0, "active": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "vlan": 0,
- "macaddr": "33:33:00:00:00:01", "oif": "eth1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
+ "macaddr": "01:80:c2:00:00:02", "oif": "eth1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
"permanent", "timestamp": 1619275256202, "protocol": "", "moveCount": 0, "active":
true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "01:80:c2:00:00:00",
"oif": "eth0", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "permanent", "timestamp":
@@ -8644,7 +8644,7 @@ tests:
"nxos", "hostname": "server301", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "01:80:c2:00:00:00", "oif":
"eth2", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "permanent", "timestamp": 1619275256202,
"protocol": "", "moveCount": 0, "active": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "server301", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "01:80:c2:00:00:03", "oif": "eth1", "remoteVtepIp":
+ "server301", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "33:33:00:00:00:01", "oif": "eth1", "remoteVtepIp":
"", "bd": "", "flags": "permanent", "timestamp": 1619275256202, "protocol": "",
"moveCount": 0, "active": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301",
"vlan": 0, "macaddr": "01:00:5e:00:00:01", "oif": "eth0", "remoteVtepIp": "",
@@ -8661,16 +8661,16 @@ tests:
"server301", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "01:80:c2:00:00:03", "oif": "bond0", "remoteVtepIp":
"", "bd": "", "flags": "permanent", "timestamp": 1619275256202, "protocol": "",
"moveCount": 0, "active": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301",
- "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "01:80:c2:00:00:00", "oif": "bond0", "remoteVtepIp": "",
+ "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "01:80:c2:00:00:02", "oif": "eth2", "remoteVtepIp": "",
"bd": "", "flags": "permanent", "timestamp": 1619275256202, "protocol": "", "moveCount":
0, "active": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "vlan": 0,
"macaddr": "01:00:5e:00:00:01", "oif": "eth1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
"permanent", "timestamp": 1619275256202, "protocol": "", "moveCount": 0, "active":
- true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "33:33:00:00:00:01",
+ true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "01:00:5e:00:00:01",
"oif": "bond0", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "permanent", "timestamp":
1619275256202, "protocol": "", "moveCount": 0, "active": true}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "01:80:c2:00:00:02", "oif":
- "eth2", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "permanent", "timestamp": 1619275256202,
+ "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "33:33:00:00:00:01", "oif":
+ "bond0", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "permanent", "timestamp": 1619275256202,
"protocol": "", "moveCount": 0, "active": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
"server301", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "33:33:ff:19:b8:b3", "oif": "eth2", "remoteVtepIp":
"", "bd": "", "flags": "permanent", "timestamp": 1619275256202, "protocol": "",
@@ -8680,13 +8680,13 @@ tests:
0, "active": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "vlan": 0,
"macaddr": "01:80:c2:00:00:03", "oif": "eth2", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
"permanent", "timestamp": 1619275256202, "protocol": "", "moveCount": 0, "active":
- true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "01:00:5e:00:00:01",
+ true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "01:80:c2:00:00:00",
"oif": "bond0", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "permanent", "timestamp":
1619275256202, "protocol": "", "moveCount": 0, "active": true}, {"namespace":
"nxos", "hostname": "server302", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "01:80:c2:00:00:02", "oif":
"eth2", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "permanent", "timestamp": 1619275256204,
"protocol": "", "moveCount": 0, "active": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "server302", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "33:33:ff:22:53:72", "oif": "eth1", "remoteVtepIp":
+ "server302", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "01:00:5e:00:00:01", "oif": "eth2", "remoteVtepIp":
"", "bd": "", "flags": "permanent", "timestamp": 1619275256204, "protocol": "",
"moveCount": 0, "active": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302",
"vlan": 0, "macaddr": "01:80:c2:00:00:0e", "oif": "eth1", "remoteVtepIp": "",
@@ -8717,8 +8717,8 @@ tests:
true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "01:80:c2:00:00:00",
"oif": "eth0", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "permanent", "timestamp":
1619275256204, "protocol": "", "moveCount": 0, "active": true}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "01:00:5e:00:00:01", "oif":
- "eth2", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "permanent", "timestamp": 1619275256204,
+ "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "33:33:ff:22:53:72", "oif":
+ "eth1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "permanent", "timestamp": 1619275256204,
"protocol": "", "moveCount": 0, "active": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
"server302", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "01:80:c2:00:00:0e", "oif": "eth0", "remoteVtepIp":
"", "bd": "", "flags": "permanent", "timestamp": 1619275256204, "protocol": "",
@@ -8776,48 +8776,50 @@ tests:
"", "moveCount": 0, "active": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03",
"vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp":
"", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257018, "protocol": "", "moveCount":
- 0, "active": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 30, "macaddr":
- "da:bf:63:c6:2f:0a", "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
- "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257018, "protocol": "", "moveCount": 0, "active":
+ 0, "active": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 0, "macaddr":
+ "00:00:00:11:12:10", "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
+ "router", "timestamp": 1619275257018, "protocol": "", "moveCount": 0, "active":
true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:04:1b:08",
"oif": "vPC Peer-Link", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp":
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- "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10", "oif":
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@@ -8962,30 +8977,31 @@ tests:
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- "", "metric": 81, "statusChangeTimestamp": 1619048142722, "active": true}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
+ "", "metric": 81, "statusChangeTimestamp": 1619019112722, "active": true}, {"namespace":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
["", ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol":
"ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp":
1619275257722, "weights": [], "prefixlen": 32, "numNexthops": 2, "routeTag": "",
"asPathList": [], "validState": "", "hardwareProgrammed": "", "metric": 81, "statusChangeTimestamp":
1619048142722, "active": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf":
- "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""],
+ "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""],
"oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257722, "weights":
[], "prefixlen": 32, "numNexthops": 2, "routeTag": "", "asPathList": [], "validState":
- "", "hardwareProgrammed": "", "metric": 81, "statusChangeTimestamp": 1619048001722,
+ "", "hardwareProgrammed": "", "metric": 81, "statusChangeTimestamp": 1619048142722,
"active": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf": "default",
- "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": [], "protocol":
- "bgp", "source": "", "preference": 20, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp":
- 1619275257722, "weights": [], "prefixlen": 0, "numNexthops": 1, "routeTag": "[65533]",
- "asPathList": [], "validState": "", "hardwareProgrammed": "", "metric": 0, "statusChangeTimestamp":
- 1619116288722, "active": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf":
- "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""],
- "oifs": ["Lo0", "Lo0"], "protocol": "local", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers":
+ "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1",
+ "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers":
4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257722, "weights": [], "prefixlen":
32, "numNexthops": 2, "routeTag": "", "asPathList": [], "validState": "", "hardwareProgrammed":
+ "", "metric": 81, "statusChangeTimestamp": 1619048001722, "active": true}, {"namespace":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
+ [""], "oifs": [], "protocol": "bgp", "source": "", "preference":
+ 20, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257722, "weights": [],
+ "prefixlen": 0, "numNexthops": 1, "routeTag": "[65533]", "asPathList": [], "validState":
+ "", "hardwareProgrammed": "", "metric": 0, "statusChangeTimestamp": 1619116288722,
+ "active": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf": "default",
+ "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""], "oifs": ["loopback0",
+ "loopback0"], "protocol": "local", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4,
+ "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257722, "weights": [], "prefixlen": 32,
+ "numNexthops": 2, "routeTag": "", "asPathList": [], "validState": "", "hardwareProgrammed":
"", "metric": 0, "statusChangeTimestamp": 1619018983722, "active": true}, {"namespace":
"nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
["", ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol":
@@ -11418,829 +11438,804 @@ tests:
- command: namespace show --columns='*' --format=json --namespace=nxos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: namespace show all nxos
- output: '[{"namespace": "nxos", "deviceCnt": 14, "serviceCnt": 16, "errSvcCnt":
+ output: '[{"namespace": "nxos", "deviceCnt": 14, "serviceCnt": 15, "errSvcCnt":
0, "hasOspf": true, "hasBgp": true, "hasVxlan": true, "hasMlag": true, "lastUpdate":
- 1652621117544, "active": true}]'
+ 1658656300675, "active": true}]'
- command: sqPoller show --columns='*' --format=json --namespace=nxos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: sqPoller show all nxos
- output: '[{"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "lldp", "status":
- 0, "gatherTime": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "totalTime": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "svcQsize": [13.0,
+ output: '[{"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "lldp", "status":
+ 0, "gatherTime": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "totalTime": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "svcQsize": [13.0,
13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
- [8053.0, 8053.0, 8053.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116827,
- "version": "0.18.0a5", "nodesPolledCnt": 1, "nodesFailedCnt": 0, "active": true},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "service": "lldp", "status": 0,
- "gatherTime": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "totalTime": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "svcQsize": [12.0,
- 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes":
- [244.0, 244.0, 244.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116829, "version":
- "0.18.0a5", "nodesPolledCnt": 1, "nodesFailedCnt": 0, "active": true}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
- [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "totalTime": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0],
- "wrQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [245.0, 245.0,
- 245.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116831, "version": "0.18.0a5",
- "nodesPolledCnt": 1, "nodesFailedCnt": 0, "active": true}, {"namespace": "nxos",
- "hostname": "server301", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [10.0,
- 10.0, 10.0], "totalTime": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0],
- "wrQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [244.0, 244.0,
- 244.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116833, "version": "0.18.0a5",
- "nodesPolledCnt": 1, "nodesFailedCnt": 0, "active": true}, {"namespace": "nxos",
- "hostname": "server102", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [12.0,
- 12.0, 12.0], "totalTime": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize":
- [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [243.0, 243.0, 243.0],
- "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1652621116836, "version": "0.18.0a5", "nodesPolledCnt":
- 1, "nodesFailedCnt": 0, "active": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101",
- "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "totalTime":
- [17.0, 17.0, 17.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "nodeQsize":
- [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [244.0, 244.0, 244.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652621116838, "version": "0.18.0a5", "nodesPolledCnt": 1, "nodesFailedCnt": 0,
- "active": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "lldp",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0], "totalTime": [20.0, 20.0, 20.0],
- "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0,
- 0.0], "rxBytes": [5257.0, 5257.0, 5257.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652621116841, "version": "0.18.0a5", "nodesPolledCnt": 1, "nodesFailedCnt": 0,
- "active": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service": "lldp",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [20.0, 20.0, 20.0], "totalTime": [23.0, 23.0, 23.0],
- "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0,
+ [5257.0, 5257.0, 5257.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656298577,
+ "version": "0.18.0", "nodesPolledCnt": 1, "nodesFailedCnt": 0, "active": true},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime":
+ [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "totalTime": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0],
+ "wrQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [3466.0,
+ 3466.0, 3466.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656298582, "version":
+ "0.18.0", "nodesPolledCnt": 1, "nodesFailedCnt": 0, "active": true}, {"namespace":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [13.0,
+ 13.0, 13.0], "totalTime": [18.0, 18.0, 18.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0],
+ "wrQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [4258.0,
+ 4258.0, 4258.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656298587, "version":
+ "0.18.0", "nodesPolledCnt": 1, "nodesFailedCnt": 0, "active": true}, {"namespace":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [18.0,
+ 18.0, 18.0], "totalTime": [23.0, 23.0, 23.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0],
+ "wrQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [4258.0,
+ 4258.0, 4258.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656298592, "version":
+ "0.18.0", "nodesPolledCnt": 1, "nodesFailedCnt": 0, "active": true}, {"namespace":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [23.0,
+ 23.0, 23.0], "totalTime": [28.0, 28.0, 28.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize":
+ [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [5257.0, 5257.0, 5257.0],
+ "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp": 1658656298597, "version": "0.18.0", "nodesPolledCnt":
+ 1, "nodesFailedCnt": 0, "active": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01",
+ "service": "lldp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [28.0, 28.0, 28.0], "totalTime":
+ [33.0, 33.0, 33.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [4258.0, 4258.0, 4258.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656298602, "version": "0.18.0", "nodesPolledCnt": 1, "nodesFailedCnt":
+ 0, "active": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "lldp",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [33.0, 33.0, 33.0], "totalTime": [38.0, 38.0, 38.0],
+ "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0,
0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [3466.0, 3466.0, 3466.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652621116844, "version": "0.18.0a5", "nodesPolledCnt": 1, "nodesFailedCnt": 0,
- "active": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "service": "lldp",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [23.0, 23.0, 23.0], "totalTime": [25.0, 25.0, 25.0],
- "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0,
- 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [4258.0, 4258.0, 4258.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652621116846, "version": "0.18.0a5", "nodesPolledCnt": 1, "nodesFailedCnt": 0,
- "active": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02", "service": "lldp",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [25.0, 25.0, 25.0], "totalTime": [28.0, 28.0, 28.0],
- "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [14.0, 14.0, 14.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0,
- 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [4258.0, 4258.0, 4258.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652621116849, "version": "0.18.0a5", "nodesPolledCnt": 1, "nodesFailedCnt": 0,
- "active": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "lldp",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [28.0, 28.0, 28.0], "totalTime": [31.0, 31.0, 31.0],
- "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0,
- 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [5257.0, 5257.0, 5257.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652621116852, "version": "0.18.0a5", "nodesPolledCnt": 1, "nodesFailedCnt": 0,
- "active": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "service": "lldp",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [31.0, 31.0, 31.0], "totalTime": [34.0, 34.0, 34.0],
- "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [18.0, 18.0, 18.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0,
+ 1658656298607, "version": "0.18.0", "nodesPolledCnt": 1, "nodesFailedCnt": 0,
+ "active": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "lldp",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [38.0, 38.0, 38.0], "totalTime": [43.0, 43.0, 43.0],
+ "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [15.0, 15.0, 15.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0,
0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [4258.0, 4258.0, 4258.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652621116855, "version": "0.18.0a5", "nodesPolledCnt": 1, "nodesFailedCnt": 0,
- "active": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "lldp",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [34.0, 34.0, 34.0], "totalTime": [37.0, 37.0, 37.0],
+ 1658656298612, "version": "0.18.0", "nodesPolledCnt": 1, "nodesFailedCnt": 0,
+ "active": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "service": "lldp",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [43.0, 43.0, 43.0], "totalTime": [47.0, 47.0, 47.0],
+ "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0,
+ 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [244.0, 244.0, 244.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298616, "version": "0.18.0", "nodesPolledCnt": 1, "nodesFailedCnt": 0,
+ "active": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service": "lldp",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [47.0, 47.0, 47.0], "totalTime": [51.0, 51.0, 51.0],
+ "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0,
+ 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [245.0, 245.0, 245.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298620, "version": "0.18.0", "nodesPolledCnt": 1, "nodesFailedCnt": 0,
+ "active": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "service": "lldp",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [51.0, 51.0, 51.0], "totalTime": [55.0, 55.0, 55.0],
+ "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [18.0, 18.0, 18.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0,
+ 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [244.0, 244.0, 244.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298624, "version": "0.18.0", "nodesPolledCnt": 1, "nodesFailedCnt": 0,
+ "active": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102", "service": "lldp",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [55.0, 55.0, 55.0], "totalTime": [60.0, 60.0, 60.0],
+ "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [19.0, 19.0, 19.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0,
+ 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [243.0, 243.0, 243.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298629, "version": "0.18.0", "nodesPolledCnt": 1, "nodesFailedCnt": 0,
+ "active": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101", "service": "lldp",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [60.0, 60.0, 60.0], "totalTime": [64.0, 64.0, 64.0],
"svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [20.0, 20.0, 20.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0,
- 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [3466.0, 3466.0, 3466.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652621116858, "version": "0.18.0a5", "nodesPolledCnt": 1, "nodesFailedCnt": 0,
- "active": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "lldp",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [37.0, 37.0, 37.0], "totalTime": [40.0, 40.0, 40.0],
+ 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [244.0, 244.0, 244.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1658656298633, "version": "0.18.0", "nodesPolledCnt": 1, "nodesFailedCnt": 0,
+ "active": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "lldp",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [64.0, 64.0, 64.0], "totalTime": [69.0, 69.0, 69.0],
"svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [22.0, 22.0, 22.0], "nodeQsize": [0.0,
- 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [4258.0, 4258.0, 4258.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652621116861, "version": "0.18.0a5", "nodesPolledCnt": 1, "nodesFailedCnt": 0,
- "active": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "devconfig",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [40.0, 40.0, 40.0], "totalTime": [42.0, 42.0, 42.0],
- "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [24.0, 24.0, 24.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0,
- 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [6347.0, 6347.0, 6347.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652621116863, "version": "0.18.0a5", "nodesPolledCnt": 1, "nodesFailedCnt": 0,
- "active": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02", "service": "devconfig",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [42.0, 42.0, 42.0], "totalTime": [44.0, 44.0, 44.0],
- "svcQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "wrQsize": [26.0, 26.0, 26.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0,
- 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [6501.0, 6501.0, 6501.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652621116865, "version": "0.18.0a5", "nodesPolledCnt": 1, "nodesFailedCnt": 0,
- "active": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service": "devconfig",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [44.0, 44.0, 44.0], "totalTime": [46.0, 46.0, 46.0],
- "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [28.0, 28.0, 28.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0,
- 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [6347.0, 6347.0, 6347.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652621116867, "version": "0.18.0a5", "nodesPolledCnt": 1, "nodesFailedCnt": 0,
- "active": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "service": "devconfig",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [46.0, 46.0, 46.0], "totalTime": [48.0, 48.0, 48.0],
- "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [30.0, 30.0, 30.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0,
- 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [4804.0, 4804.0, 4804.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652621116869, "version": "0.18.0a5", "nodesPolledCnt": 1, "nodesFailedCnt": 0,
- "active": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "service": "devconfig",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [48.0, 48.0, 48.0], "totalTime": [50.0, 50.0, 50.0],
- "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [32.0, 32.0, 32.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0,
- 1.0, 1.0], "rxBytes": [4804.0, 4804.0, 4804.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0, "timestamp":
- 1652621116871, "version": "0.18.0a5", "nodesPolledCnt": 1, "nodesFailedCnt": 0,
- "active": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "service": "devconfig",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [50.0, 50.0, 50.0], "totalTime": [52.0, 52.0, 52.0],
- "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [34.0, 34.0, 34.0], "nodeQsize": [1.0,
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+ [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [1622.0, 1622.0, 1622.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
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+ [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [1623.0, 1623.0, 1623.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
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- 190.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [90.0, 90.0, 90.0], "nodeQsize":
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- 202.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [96.0, 96.0, 96.0], "nodeQsize":
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- [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "rxBytes": [11527.0, 11527.0, 11527.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
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- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [255.0, 255.0, 255.0], "totalTime": [263.0, 263.0,
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+ [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [2623.0, 2623.0, 2623.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
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0, "active": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "service": "vlan",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [300.0, 300.0, 300.0], "totalTime": [303.0, 303.0,
- 303.0], "svcQsize": [12.0, 12.0, 12.0], "wrQsize": [128.0, 128.0, 128.0], "nodeQsize":
- [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [1362.0, 1362.0, 1362.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
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+ [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [1362.0, 1362.0, 1362.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
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0, "active": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "vlan",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [303.0, 303.0, 303.0], "totalTime": [305.0, 305.0,
- 305.0], "svcQsize": [11.0, 11.0, 11.0], "wrQsize": [130.0, 130.0, 130.0], "nodeQsize":
- [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [1920.0, 1920.0, 1920.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
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+ [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [1920.0, 1920.0, 1920.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
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0, "active": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "service": "vlan",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [305.0, 305.0, 305.0], "totalTime": [308.0, 308.0,
- 308.0], "svcQsize": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "wrQsize": [132.0, 132.0, 132.0], "nodeQsize":
- [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [1362.0, 1362.0, 1362.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
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+ [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [1362.0, 1362.0, 1362.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
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- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [308.0, 308.0, 308.0], "totalTime": [310.0, 310.0,
- 310.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [134.0, 134.0, 134.0], "nodeQsize":
- [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [1184.0, 1184.0, 1184.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
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- 312.0], "svcQsize": [8.0, 8.0, 8.0], "wrQsize": [136.0, 136.0, 136.0], "nodeQsize":
- [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [1920.0, 1920.0, 1920.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
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- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [312.0, 312.0, 312.0], "totalTime": [315.0, 315.0,
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- [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [1184.0, 1184.0, 1184.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
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+ [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [1184.0, 1184.0, 1184.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
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0, "active": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "service": "vlan",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [315.0, 315.0, 315.0], "totalTime": [317.0, 317.0,
- 317.0], "svcQsize": [6.0, 6.0, 6.0], "wrQsize": [140.0, 140.0, 140.0], "nodeQsize":
- [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [1920.0, 1920.0, 1920.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
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+ [10.0, 10.0, 10.0], "rxBytes": [1920.0, 1920.0, 1920.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
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- [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [1920.0, 1920.0, 1920.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
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- 0, "active": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "service":
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- 321.0, 321.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [143.0, 143.0, 143.0],
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+ 0, "active": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "arpnd",
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+ 1595.0], "svcQsize": [13.0, 13.0, 13.0], "wrQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "rxBytes": [3398.0, 3398.0, 3398.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
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0, "active": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service":
- "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [321.0, 321.0, 321.0], "totalTime": [324.0,
- 324.0, 324.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [144.0, 144.0, 144.0],
- "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [221.0, 221.0, 221.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117145, "version": "0.18.0a5", "nodesPolledCnt": 1, "nodesFailedCnt":
- 0, "active": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "service":
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- 326.0, 326.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [145.0, 145.0, 145.0],
- "nodeQsize": [7.0, 7.0, 7.0], "rxBytes": [220.0, 220.0, 220.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117147, "version": "0.18.0a5", "nodesPolledCnt": 1, "nodesFailedCnt":
- 0, "active": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102", "service":
- "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [326.0, 326.0, 326.0], "totalTime": [328.0,
- 328.0, 328.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [146.0, 146.0, 146.0],
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- 0, "active": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101", "service":
- "vlan", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [328.0, 328.0, 328.0], "totalTime": [330.0,
- 330.0, 330.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [147.0, 147.0, 147.0],
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- 0, "active": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "service": "ospfIf",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [330.0, 330.0, 330.0], "totalTime": [334.0, 334.0,
- 334.0], "svcQsize": [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "wrQsize": [149.0, 149.0, 149.0], "nodeQsize":
- [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [2928.0, 2928.0, 2928.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
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+ "active": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "service": "arpnd",
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- [9.0, 9.0, 9.0], "rxBytes": [2928.0, 2928.0, 2928.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
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+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [17793.0, 17793.0, 17793.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
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0, "active": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "service":
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- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [372.0, 372.0, 372.0], "totalTime": [375.0, 375.0,
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+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [4707.0, 4707.0, 4707.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
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+ [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "rxBytes": [1754.0, 1754.0, 1754.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount": 0,
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- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [706.0, 706.0, 706.0], "totalTime": [709.0, 709.0,
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- 711.0, 711.0], "svcQsize": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0], "wrQsize": [300.0, 300.0, 300.0],
- "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0], "rxBytes": [680.0, 680.0, 680.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117532, "version": "0.18.0a5", "nodesPolledCnt": 1, "nodesFailedCnt":
- 0, "active": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "service":
- "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [711.0, 711.0, 711.0], "totalTime": [714.0,
- 714.0, 714.0], "svcQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "wrQsize": [302.0, 302.0, 302.0],
- "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0], "rxBytes": [362.0, 362.0, 362.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117535, "version": "0.18.0a5", "nodesPolledCnt": 1, "nodesFailedCnt":
- 0, "active": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "service":
- "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [714.0, 714.0, 714.0], "totalTime": [716.0,
- 716.0, 716.0], "svcQsize": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "wrQsize": [304.0, 304.0, 304.0],
- "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0], "rxBytes": [307.0, 307.0, 307.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117537, "version": "0.18.0a5", "nodesPolledCnt": 1, "nodesFailedCnt":
- 0, "active": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102", "service":
- "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [716.0, 716.0, 716.0], "totalTime": [718.0,
- 718.0, 718.0], "svcQsize": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0], "wrQsize": [306.0, 306.0, 306.0],
- "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0], "rxBytes": [357.0, 357.0, 357.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117539, "version": "0.18.0a5", "nodesPolledCnt": 1, "nodesFailedCnt":
- 0, "active": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101", "service":
- "arpnd", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [718.0, 718.0, 718.0], "totalTime": [721.0,
- 721.0, 721.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [308.0, 308.0, 308.0],
- "nodeQsize": [17.0, 17.0, 17.0], "rxBytes": [307.0, 307.0, 307.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117542, "version": "0.18.0a5", "nodesPolledCnt": 1, "nodesFailedCnt":
- 0, "active": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "arpnd",
- "status": 0, "gatherTime": [721.0, 721.0, 721.0], "totalTime": [723.0, 723.0,
- 723.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [310.0, 310.0, 310.0], "nodeQsize":
- [17.0, 17.0, 17.0], "rxBytes": [3398.0, 3398.0, 3398.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
- 0, "timestamp": 1652621117544, "version": "0.18.0a5", "nodesPolledCnt": 1, "nodesFailedCnt":
+ "bgp", "status": 0, "gatherTime": [2076.0, 2076.0, 2076.0], "totalTime": [2091.0,
+ 2091.0, 2091.0], "svcQsize": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "wrQsize": [118.0, 118.0, 118.0],
+ "nodeQsize": [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [21554.0, 21554.0, 21554.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300660, "version": "0.18.0", "nodesPolledCnt": 1, "nodesFailedCnt":
+ 0, "active": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "service": "bgp",
+ "status": 0, "gatherTime": [2091.0, 2091.0, 2091.0], "totalTime": [2106.0, 2106.0,
+ 2106.0], "svcQsize": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrQsize": [120.0, 120.0, 120.0], "nodeQsize":
+ [4.0, 4.0, 4.0], "rxBytes": [27779.0, 27779.0, 27779.0], "pollExcdPeriodCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1658656300675, "version": "0.18.0", "nodesPolledCnt": 1, "nodesFailedCnt":
0, "active": true}]'
diff --git a/tests/integration/sqcmds/nxos-samples/interface.yml b/tests/integration/sqcmds/nxos-samples/interface.yml
index 07cb59608f..c3e10d3109 100644
--- a/tests/integration/sqcmds/nxos-samples/interface.yml
+++ b/tests/integration/sqcmds/nxos-samples/interface.yml
@@ -2662,3 +2662,2255 @@ tests:
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: interface show nxos
output: '[]'
+- command: interface unique --columns=hostname --vlan=10 --namespace=nxos --format=json
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: interface unique nxos
+ output: '[{"hostname": "leaf01"}, {"hostname": "leaf02"}]'
+- command: interface unique --columns=hostname --vlan='10 20' --namespace=nxos --format=json
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: interface unique nxos
+ output: '[{"hostname": "leaf01"}, {"hostname": "leaf02"}, {"hostname": "leaf03"},
+ {"hostname": "leaf04"}]'
+- command: interface unique --columns=hostname --vlan='30' --namespace=nxos --format=json
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: interface unique nxos
+ output: '[{"hostname": "leaf01"}, {"hostname": "leaf02"}, {"hostname": "leaf03"},
+ {"hostname": "leaf04"}]'
+- command: interface unique --columns=hostname --vlan='540' --namespace=nxos --format=json
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: interface unique nxos
+ output: '[]'
+- command: interface show --mtu='>1514 <9216' --namespace=nxos --format=json
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: interface show nxos
+ output: '[{"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "ifname": "Vlan20", "state":
+ "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vlan", "mtu": 9000, "vlan": 20, "master": "evpn-vrf",
+ "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275258539},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "ifname": "Vlan30", "state": "up",
+ "adminState": "up", "type": "vlan", "mtu": 9000, "vlan": 30, "master": "evpn-vrf",
+ "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275258539},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "ifname": "Vlan999", "state": "up",
+ "adminState": "up", "type": "vlan", "mtu": 9000, "vlan": 999, "master": "evpn-vrf",
+ "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275258539}, {"namespace":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "ifname": "Vlan10", "state": "up", "adminState":
+ "up", "type": "vlan", "mtu": 9000, "vlan": 10, "master": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddressList":
+ [""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275258762}, {"namespace":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "ifname": "Vlan30", "state": "up", "adminState":
+ "up", "type": "vlan", "mtu": 9000, "vlan": 30, "master": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddressList":
+ [""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275258762}, {"namespace":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "ifname": "Vlan999", "state": "up", "adminState":
+ "up", "type": "vlan", "mtu": 9000, "vlan": 999, "master": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddressList":
+ [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275258762}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "leaf04", "ifname": "Vlan20", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vlan",
+ "mtu": 9000, "vlan": 20, "master": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddressList": [""],
+ "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275259180}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "leaf04", "ifname": "Vlan30", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vlan",
+ "mtu": 9000, "vlan": 30, "master": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddressList": [""],
+ "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275259180}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "leaf04", "ifname": "Vlan999", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vlan",
+ "mtu": 9000, "vlan": 999, "master": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1619275259180}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02", "ifname":
+ "Vlan10", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vlan", "mtu": 9000, "vlan":
+ 10, "master": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1619275259186}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02", "ifname":
+ "Vlan30", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vlan", "mtu": 9000, "vlan":
+ 30, "master": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1619275259186}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02", "ifname":
+ "Vlan999", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vlan", "mtu": 9000, "vlan":
+ 999, "master": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1619275259186}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "ifname": "Vlan999",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vlan", "mtu": 9000, "vlan": 999, "master":
+ "evpn-vrf", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275259574},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "ifname": "Vlan999", "state": "up",
+ "adminState": "up", "type": "vlan", "mtu": 9000, "vlan": 999, "master": "evpn-vrf",
+ "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275260177}]'
+- command: interface show --vlan='> 10 < 100' --namespace=nxos --format=json
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: interface show nxos
+ output: '[{"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "ifname": "Ethernet1/4", "state":
+ "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 9216, "vlan": 30, "master":
+ "port-channel4", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275258539},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "ifname": "Ethernet1/6", "state":
+ "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 9216, "vlan": 1, "master":
+ "port-channel1", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275258539},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "ifname": "Ethernet1/5", "state":
+ "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 9216, "vlan": 1, "master":
+ "port-channel1", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275258539},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "ifname": "Ethernet1/3", "state":
+ "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 9216, "vlan": 20, "master":
+ "port-channel3", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275258539},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "ifname": "port-channel1", "state":
+ "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 9216, "vlan": 1, "master": "bridge",
+ "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275258539}, {"namespace":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "ifname": "port-channel4", "state": "up", "adminState":
+ "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 9216, "vlan": 30, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList":
+ [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275258539}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "leaf03", "ifname": "Vlan20", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vlan",
+ "mtu": 9000, "vlan": 20, "master": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddressList": [""],
+ "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275258539}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "leaf03", "ifname": "Vlan30", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vlan",
+ "mtu": 9000, "vlan": 30, "master": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddressList": [""],
+ "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275258539}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "leaf03", "ifname": "port-channel3", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type":
+ "bond", "mtu": 9216, "vlan": 20, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1619275258539}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "ifname":
+ "Ethernet1/6", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu":
+ 9216, "vlan": 1, "master": "port-channel1", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1619275258762}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "ifname":
+ "Ethernet1/5", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu":
+ 9216, "vlan": 1, "master": "port-channel1", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1619275258762}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "ifname":
+ "Ethernet1/4", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu":
+ 9216, "vlan": 30, "master": "port-channel4", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1619275258762}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "ifname":
+ "port-channel1", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 9216,
+ "vlan": 1, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1619275258762}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "ifname": "port-channel4",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 9216, "vlan": 30, "master":
+ "bridge", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275258762},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "ifname": "Vlan30", "state": "up",
+ "adminState": "up", "type": "vlan", "mtu": 9000, "vlan": 30, "master": "evpn-vrf",
+ "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275258762},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "ifname": "Ethernet1/6", "state":
+ "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 9216, "vlan": 1, "master":
+ "port-channel1", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275259180},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "ifname": "Ethernet1/5", "state":
+ "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 9216, "vlan": 1, "master":
+ "port-channel1", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275259180},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "ifname": "Ethernet1/4", "state":
+ "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 9216, "vlan": 30, "master":
+ "port-channel4", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275259180},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "ifname": "Ethernet1/3", "state":
+ "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 9216, "vlan": 20, "master":
+ "port-channel3", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275259180},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "ifname": "Vlan30", "state": "up",
+ "adminState": "up", "type": "vlan", "mtu": 9000, "vlan": 30, "master": "evpn-vrf",
+ "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275259180},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "ifname": "Vlan20", "state": "up",
+ "adminState": "up", "type": "vlan", "mtu": 9000, "vlan": 20, "master": "evpn-vrf",
+ "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275259180},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "ifname": "port-channel3", "state":
+ "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 9216, "vlan": 20, "master": "bridge",
+ "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275259180}, {"namespace":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "ifname": "port-channel1", "state": "up", "adminState":
+ "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 9216, "vlan": 1, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList":
+ [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275259180}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "leaf04", "ifname": "port-channel4", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type":
+ "bond", "mtu": 9216, "vlan": 30, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1619275259180}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02", "ifname":
+ "Ethernet1/4", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu":
+ 9216, "vlan": 30, "master": "port-channel4", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1619275259186}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02", "ifname":
+ "Ethernet1/5", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu":
+ 9216, "vlan": 1, "master": "port-channel1", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1619275259186}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02", "ifname":
+ "Ethernet1/6", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu":
+ 9216, "vlan": 1, "master": "port-channel1", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1619275259186}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02", "ifname":
+ "port-channel1", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 9216,
+ "vlan": 1, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1619275259186}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02", "ifname": "port-channel4",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 9216, "vlan": 30, "master":
+ "bridge", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275259186},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02", "ifname": "Vlan30", "state": "up",
+ "adminState": "up", "type": "vlan", "mtu": 9000, "vlan": 30, "master": "evpn-vrf",
+ "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275259186}]'
+- command: interface show --mtu='>= 1514' --namespace=nxos --format=json
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: interface show nxos
+ output: '[{"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101", "ifname": "lo", "state":
+ "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "loopback", "mtu": 65536, "vlan": 0, "master":
+ "", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275256203}, {"namespace":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "server101", "ifname": "eth1", "state": "up", "adminState":
+ "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 9216, "vlan": 0, "master": "bond0", "ipAddressList":
+ [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275256203}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "server101", "ifname": "eth2", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave",
+ "mtu": 9216, "vlan": 0, "master": "bond0", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1619275256203}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101",
+ "ifname": "bond0", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 9216,
+ "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1619275256203}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102",
+ "ifname": "bond0", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 9216,
+ "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1619275256204}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102",
+ "ifname": "lo", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "loopback", "mtu":
+ 65536, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1619275256204}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102", "ifname": "eth2",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 9216, "vlan":
+ 0, "master": "bond0", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1619275256204}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102", "ifname": "eth1",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 9216, "vlan":
+ 0, "master": "bond0", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1619275256204}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "ifname": "bond0",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 9216, "vlan": 0, "master":
+ "", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275256205},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "ifname": "eth2", "state": "up",
+ "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 9216, "vlan": 0, "master": "bond0",
+ "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275256205}, {"namespace":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "ifname": "eth1", "state": "up", "adminState":
+ "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 9216, "vlan": 0, "master": "bond0", "ipAddressList":
+ [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275256205}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "server301", "ifname": "lo", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "loopback",
+ "mtu": 65536, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1619275256205}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01",
+ "ifname": "lo", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "loopback", "mtu":
+ 65536, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1619275256290}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302",
+ "ifname": "bond0", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 9216,
+ "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1619275256321}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302",
+ "ifname": "eth2", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu":
+ 9216, "vlan": 0, "master": "bond0", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [],
+ "timestamp": 1619275256321}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "ifname":
+ "eth1", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 9216,
+ "vlan": 0, "master": "bond0", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1619275256321}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "ifname": "lo",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "loopback", "mtu": 65536, "vlan": 0,
+ "master": "", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275256321},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "ifname": "Ethernet1/6", "state":
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+ [], "timestamp": 1619275259186}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02", "ifname":
+ "port-channel3", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 9216,
+ "vlan": 10, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1619275259186}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02", "ifname": "port-channel4",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 9216, "vlan": 30, "master":
+ "bridge", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275259186},
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+ "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275259186}, {"namespace":
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+ [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275259186}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "leaf02", "ifname": "port-channel1", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type":
+ "bond", "mtu": 9216, "vlan": 1, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1619275259186}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02", "ifname":
+ "Vlan10", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vlan", "mtu": 9000, "vlan":
+ 10, "master": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1619275259186}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "ifname":
+ "nve1", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vxlan", "mtu": 9216, "vlan":
+ 0, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1619275259574}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "ifname": "Vlan999",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vlan", "mtu": 9000, "vlan": 999, "master":
+ "evpn-vrf", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275259574},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "ifname": "Ethernet1/2", "state":
+ "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "ethernet", "mtu": 9216, "vlan": 0, "master":
+ "default", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1619275259574}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "ifname": "Ethernet1/1",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "ethernet", "mtu": 9216, "vlan": 0,
+ "master": "default", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList": [],
+ "timestamp": 1619275259574}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "ifname":
+ "nve1", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vxlan", "mtu": 9216, "vlan":
+ 0, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1619275260177}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "ifname": "Vlan999",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vlan", "mtu": 9000, "vlan": 999, "master":
+ "evpn-vrf", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275260177},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "ifname": "Ethernet1/2", "state":
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+ "default", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
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+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "ethernet", "mtu": 9216, "vlan": 0,
+ "master": "default", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList": [],
+ "timestamp": 1619275260177}]'
+- command: interface show --mtu='! 1514 !9216' --namespace=nxos --format=json
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: interface show nxos
+ output: '[{"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101", "ifname": "eth0", "state":
+ "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "ethernet", "mtu": 1500, "vlan": 0, "master":
+ "", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275256203},
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+ [""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275256204}, {"namespace":
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+ [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275256204}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
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+ "mtu": 1500, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList":
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+ "ifname": "lo", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "loopback", "mtu":
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+ 1619275256205}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "ifname": "eth2.4",
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+ "", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1619275256290}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "ifname": "eth2.3",
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+ "", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
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+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vlan", "mtu": 1500, "vlan": 4, "master":
+ "", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1619275256290}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "ifname": "eth1.3",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vlan", "mtu": 1500, "vlan": 3, "master":
+ "", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1619275256290}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "ifname": "eth1.2",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vlan", "mtu": 1500, "vlan": 2, "master":
+ "", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1619275256290}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "ifname": "eth2.2",
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+ "", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1619275256290}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "ifname": "eth1",
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+ "master": "", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275256290},
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+ "adminState": "up", "type": "ethernet", "mtu": 1500, "vlan": 0, "master": "",
+ "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275256290},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "ifname": "lo", "state": "up",
+ "adminState": "up", "type": "loopback", "mtu": 65536, "vlan": 0, "master": "",
+ "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275256290},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "ifname": "eth2", "state": "up",
+ "adminState": "up", "type": "ethernet", "mtu": 1500, "vlan": 0, "master": "",
+ "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275256290}, {"namespace":
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+ [""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275256321}, {"namespace":
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+ [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275256321}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "leaf03", "ifname": "Ethernet1/60", "state": "notConnected", "adminState": "up",
+ "type": "ethernet", "mtu": 1500, "vlan": 1, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList":
+ [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275258539}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "leaf03", "ifname": "mgmt0", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "ethernet",
+ "mtu": 1500, "vlan": 0, "master": "management", "ipAddressList": [""],
+ "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275258539}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "leaf03", "ifname": "Ethernet1/7", "state": "notConnected", "adminState": "up",
+ "type": "ethernet", "mtu": 1500, "vlan": 1, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList":
+ [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275258539}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "leaf03", "ifname": "Ethernet1/8", "state": "notConnected", "adminState": "up",
+ "type": "ethernet", "mtu": 1500, "vlan": 1, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList":
+ [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275258539}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "leaf03", "ifname": "Ethernet1/11", "state": "notConnected", "adminState": "up",
+ "type": "ethernet", "mtu": 1500, "vlan": 1, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList":
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+ [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275258539}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
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+ "leaf03", "ifname": "Ethernet1/13", "state": "notConnected", "adminState": "up",
+ "type": "ethernet", "mtu": 1500, "vlan": 1, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList":
+ [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275258539}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "leaf03", "ifname": "Ethernet1/61", "state": "notConnected", "adminState": "up",
+ "type": "ethernet", "mtu": 1500, "vlan": 1, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList":
+ [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275258539}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "leaf03", "ifname": "Ethernet1/9", "state": "notConnected", "adminState": "up",
+ "type": "ethernet", "mtu": 1500, "vlan": 1, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList":
+ [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275258539}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "leaf03", "ifname": "Ethernet1/62", "state": "notConnected", "adminState": "up",
+ "type": "ethernet", "mtu": 1500, "vlan": 1, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList":
+ [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275258539}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "leaf03", "ifname": "default", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vrf",
+ "mtu": 1500, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [],
+ "timestamp": 1619275258539}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "ifname":
+ "Ethernet1/64", "state": "notConnected", "adminState": "up", "type": "ethernet",
+ "mtu": 1500, "vlan": 1, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1619275258539}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "ifname":
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+ "vlan": 0, "master": "default", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1619275258539}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "ifname":
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+ "vlan": 0, "master": "default", "ipAddressList": ["", ""],
+ "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275258539}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "leaf03", "ifname": "Vlan1", "state": "down", "adminState": "down", "type": "vlan",
+ "mtu": 1500, "vlan": 1, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [],
+ "timestamp": 1619275258539}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "ifname":
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+ "vlan": 1, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
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+ "", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275258539}, {"namespace":
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+ "type": "ethernet", "mtu": 1500, "vlan": 1, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList":
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+ "type": "ethernet", "mtu": 1500, "vlan": 1, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList":
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+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "ifname": "Ethernet1/6", "state":
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+ "exit02", "ifname": "Ethernet1/3.2", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type":
+ "subinterface", "mtu": 1500, "vlan": 2, "master": "default", "ipAddressList":
+ [""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275260177}, {"namespace":
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+ "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275260177}, {"namespace":
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+ "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275260177}, {"namespace":
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+ "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275260177}, {"namespace":
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+ "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275260177}, {"namespace":
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+ "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275260177}, {"namespace":
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+ "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275260177}, {"namespace":
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+ "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275260177}, {"namespace":
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+ "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275260177}, {"namespace":
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+ "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275260177}, {"namespace":
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+ "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275260177}, {"namespace":
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+ "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275260177}, {"namespace":
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+ "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275260177}, {"namespace":
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+ "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275260177}, {"namespace":
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+ "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275260177}, {"namespace":
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+ "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275260177}, {"namespace":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "ifname": "Ethernet1/23", "state": "notConnected",
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+ "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275260177}, {"namespace":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "ifname": "Ethernet1/22", "state": "notConnected",
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+ "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275260177}, {"namespace":
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+ "adminState": "up", "type": "ethernet", "mtu": 1500, "vlan": 1, "master": "bridge",
+ "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275260177}, {"namespace":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "ifname": "Ethernet1/20", "state": "notConnected",
+ "adminState": "up", "type": "ethernet", "mtu": 1500, "vlan": 1, "master": "bridge",
+ "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275260177}, {"namespace":
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+ "adminState": "up", "type": "ethernet", "mtu": 1500, "vlan": 1, "master": "bridge",
+ "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275260177}, {"namespace":
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+ "adminState": "up", "type": "ethernet", "mtu": 1500, "vlan": 1, "master": "bridge",
+ "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1619275260177}]'
diff --git a/tests/integration/sqcmds/nxos-samples/mac.yml b/tests/integration/sqcmds/nxos-samples/mac.yml
index bea84a0f31..233e5c4100 100644
--- a/tests/integration/sqcmds/nxos-samples/mac.yml
+++ b/tests/integration/sqcmds/nxos-samples/mac.yml
@@ -318,92 +318,101 @@ tests:
"bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos",
"hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10", "oif": "sup-eth1",
"remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257018},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:04:1b:08",
- "oif": "vPC Peer-Link", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp":
- 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 30, "macaddr":
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08",
+ "oif": "Vlan999", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "static", "timestamp":
+ 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 999, "macaddr":
"44:01:02:04:1b:08", "oif": "vPC Peer-Link", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
"router", "timestamp": 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03",
- "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp":
+ "vlan": 30, "macaddr": "44:01:02:04:1b:08", "oif": "vPC Peer-Link", "remoteVtepIp":
"", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos",
- "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 30, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1",
+ "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1",
"remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257018},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 20, "macaddr": "44:01:02:04:1b:08",
- "oif": "vPC Peer-Link", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp":
- 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 0, "macaddr":
- "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
- "router", "timestamp": 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03",
- "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:03:02:1b:08", "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "",
- "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos",
- "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:03:01:1b:08", "oif": "nve1",
- "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257018},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 20, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08",
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 30, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08",
"oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp":
- 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vlan": 999, "macaddr":
- "44:01:02:02:1b:08", "oif": "vPC Peer-Link", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
- "router", "timestamp": 1619275257166}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01",
- "vlan": 10, "macaddr": "44:01:02:01:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp":
+ 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 20, "macaddr":
+ "44:01:02:04:1b:08", "oif": "vPC Peer-Link", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
+ "router", "timestamp": 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03",
+ "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp":
+ "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos",
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+ "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257018},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:03:01:1b:08",
+ "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp":
+ 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 20, "macaddr":
+ "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
+ "router", "timestamp": 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01",
+ "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:02:1b:08", "oif": "vPC Peer-Link", "remoteVtepIp":
"", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257166}, {"namespace": "nxos",
- "hostname": "leaf01", "vlan": 30, "macaddr": "44:01:02:01:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1",
- "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257166},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vlan": 10, "macaddr": "44:01:02:02:1b:08",
- "oif": "vPC Peer-Link", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp":
- 1619275257166}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vlan": 30, "macaddr":
- "44:01:02:02:1b:08", "oif": "vPC Peer-Link", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
- "router", "timestamp": 1619275257166}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01",
- "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:03:02:1b:08", "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "",
- "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257166}, {"namespace": "nxos",
- "hostname": "leaf01", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10", "oif": "sup-eth1",
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"remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257166},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08",
- "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp":
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vlan": 30, "macaddr": "44:01:02:01:1b:08",
+ "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp":
1619275257166}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vlan": 999, "macaddr":
- "44:01:02:01:1b:08", "oif": "Vlan999", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
- "static", "timestamp": 1619275257166}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01",
- "vlan": 30, "macaddr": "da:bf:63:c6:2f:0a", "oif": "port-channel4", "remoteVtepIp":
- "", "bd": "", "flags": "dynamic", "timestamp": 1619275257166}, {"namespace": "nxos",
- "hostname": "leaf01", "vlan": 30, "macaddr": "0a:b5:b6:22:53:72", "oif": "nve1",
- "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257166},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vlan": 10, "macaddr": "32:bb:c5:b5:3a:20",
- "oif": "port-channel3", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "dynamic", "timestamp":
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"44:01:02:01:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
"router", "timestamp": 1619275257166}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01",
- "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:03:01:1b:08", "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "",
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+ "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257166}, {"namespace": "nxos",
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+ Peer-Link", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257166},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:03:02:1b:08",
+ "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp":
+ 1619275257166}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vlan": 0, "macaddr":
+ "00:00:00:11:12:10", "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
+ "router", "timestamp": 1619275257166}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01",
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"bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257166}, {"namespace": "nxos",
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"0a:b5:b6:22:53:72", "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
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"", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257446}, {"namespace": "nxos",
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- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "44:01:02:02:1b:08",
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+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:03:01:1b:08",
+ "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp":
1619275257446}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02", "vlan": 999, "macaddr":
- "44:01:03:01:1b:08", "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
+ "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
"remote", "timestamp": 1619275257446}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02",
- "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "",
- "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257446}, {"namespace": "nxos",
- "hostname": "leaf02", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:02:1b:08", "oif": "Vlan999",
- "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "static", "timestamp": 1619275257446},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02", "vlan": 30, "macaddr": "da:bf:63:c6:2f:0a",
- "oif": "port-channel4", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "dynamic", "timestamp":
- 1619275257446}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02", "vlan": 10, "macaddr":
- "44:01:02:01:1b:08", "oif": "vPC Peer-Link", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
- "router", "timestamp": 1619275257446}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01",
+ "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:02:1b:08", "oif": "Vlan999", "remoteVtepIp":
+ "", "bd": "", "flags": "static", "timestamp": 1619275257446}, {"namespace": "nxos",
+ "hostname": "leaf02", "vlan": 30, "macaddr": "da:bf:63:c6:2f:0a", "oif": "port-channel4",
+ "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "dynamic", "timestamp": 1619275257446},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02", "vlan": 10, "macaddr": "44:01:02:01:1b:08",
+ "oif": "vPC Peer-Link", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp":
+ 1619275257446}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "vlan": 999, "macaddr":
+ "44:01:03:01:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
+ "router", "timestamp": 1619275257463}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01",
"vlan": 0, "macaddr": "44:01:03:01:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp":
"", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257463}, {"namespace": "nxos",
"hostname": "exit01", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10", "oif": "sup-eth1",
@@ -426,49 +435,53 @@ tests:
"", "bd": "", "flags": "dynamic", "timestamp": 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos",
"hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 30, "macaddr": "0a:b5:b6:22:53:72", "oif": "port-channel4",
"remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "dynamic", "timestamp": 1619275257479},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:02:1b:08",
- "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp":
- 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 999, "macaddr":
- "44:01:02:04:1b:08", "oif": "Vlan999", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
- "static", "timestamp": 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04",
- "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:03:01:1b:08", "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "",
- "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos",
- "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 30, "macaddr": "da:bf:63:c6:2f:0a", "oif": "nve1",
- "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257479},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10",
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:04:1b:08",
"oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp":
- 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 20, "macaddr":
- "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "vPC Peer-Link", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
+ 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 999, "macaddr":
+ "44:01:02:02:1b:08", "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
+ "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04",
+ "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:04:1b:08", "oif": "Vlan999", "remoteVtepIp":
+ "", "bd": "", "flags": "static", "timestamp": 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos",
+ "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:03:01:1b:08", "oif": "nve1",
+ "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257479},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 30, "macaddr": "da:bf:63:c6:2f:0a",
+ "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp":
+ 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 0, "macaddr":
+ "00:00:00:11:12:10", "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
"router", "timestamp": 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04",
- "vlan": 30, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "vPC Peer-Link", "remoteVtepIp":
+ "vlan": 20, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "vPC Peer-Link", "remoteVtepIp":
"", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos",
- "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "vPC
+ "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 30, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "vPC
Peer-Link", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257479},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "44:01:02:04:1b:08",
- "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp":
- 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 999, "macaddr":
- "44:01:03:02:1b:08", "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
- "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02",
- "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "44:01:03:02:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp":
- "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257856}, {"namespace": "nxos",
- "hostname": "exit02", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10", "oif": "sup-eth1",
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08",
+ "oif": "vPC Peer-Link", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp":
+ 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 0, "macaddr":
+ "44:01:02:04:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
+ "router", "timestamp": 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04",
+ "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:03:02:1b:08", "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "",
+ "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos",
+ "hostname": "exit02", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:03:02:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1",
"remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257856},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:03:02:1b:08",
- "oif": "Vlan999", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "static", "timestamp":
- 1619275257856}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "vlan": 999, "macaddr":
- "44:01:03:01:1b:08", "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
- "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257856}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02",
- "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "",
- "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257856}, {"namespace": "nxos",
- "hostname": "exit02", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:02:1b:08", "oif": "nve1",
- "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257856},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "44:01:01:02:1b:08",
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "44:01:03:02:1b:08",
"oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp":
- 1619275258116}]'
+ 1619275257856}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "vlan": 0, "macaddr":
+ "00:00:00:11:12:10", "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
+ "router", "timestamp": 1619275257856}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02",
+ "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:03:02:1b:08", "oif": "Vlan999", "remoteVtepIp":
+ "", "bd": "", "flags": "static", "timestamp": 1619275257856}, {"namespace": "nxos",
+ "hostname": "exit02", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:03:01:1b:08", "oif": "nve1",
+ "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257856},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08",
+ "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp":
+ 1619275257856}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "vlan": 999, "macaddr":
+ "44:01:02:02:1b:08", "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
+ "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257856}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02",
+ "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "44:01:01:02:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp":
+ "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275258116}]'
- command: mac summarize --format=json --namespace=nxos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: mac summarize nxos
- output: '{"nxos": {"deviceCnt": 13, "totalMacsinNSCnt": 208, "uniqueMacCnt": 31,
+ output: '{"nxos": {"deviceCnt": 13, "totalMacsinNSCnt": 214, "uniqueMacCnt": 31,
"uniqueVlanperHostStat": [1, 3, 3.0]}}'
- command: mac unique --format=json --namespace=nxos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
@@ -498,11 +511,11 @@ tests:
"numRows": 3}, {"macaddr": "33:33:ff:22:53:72", "numRows": 3}, {"macaddr": "33:33:ff:b5:3a:20",
"numRows": 3}, {"macaddr": "33:33:ff:c6:2f:0a", "numRows": 3}, {"macaddr": "0a:b5:b6:22:53:72",
"numRows": 4}, {"macaddr": "da:bf:63:c6:2f:0a", "numRows": 4}, {"macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10",
- "numRows": 6}, {"macaddr": "44:01:02:01:1b:08", "numRows": 7}, {"macaddr": "44:01:02:04:1b:08",
- "numRows": 7}, {"macaddr": "44:01:03:01:1b:08", "numRows": 7}, {"macaddr": "44:01:03:02:1b:08",
- "numRows": 7}, {"macaddr": "01:80:c2:00:00:02", "numRows": 8}, {"macaddr": "33:33:00:00:00:02",
- "numRows": 9}, {"macaddr": "44:01:02:02:1b:08", "numRows": 11}, {"macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08",
- "numRows": 11}, {"macaddr": "01:80:c2:00:00:00", "numRows": 17}, {"macaddr": "01:80:c2:00:00:03",
+ "numRows": 6}, {"macaddr": "01:80:c2:00:00:02", "numRows": 8}, {"macaddr": "44:01:02:01:1b:08",
+ "numRows": 8}, {"macaddr": "44:01:02:04:1b:08", "numRows": 8}, {"macaddr": "44:01:03:01:1b:08",
+ "numRows": 8}, {"macaddr": "44:01:03:02:1b:08", "numRows": 8}, {"macaddr": "33:33:00:00:00:02",
+ "numRows": 9}, {"macaddr": "44:01:02:02:1b:08", "numRows": 12}, {"macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08",
+ "numRows": 12}, {"macaddr": "01:80:c2:00:00:00", "numRows": 17}, {"macaddr": "01:80:c2:00:00:03",
"numRows": 17}, {"macaddr": "01:80:c2:00:00:0e", "numRows": 17}, {"macaddr": "01:00:5e:00:00:01",
"numRows": 25}, {"macaddr": "33:33:00:00:00:01", "numRows": 25}]'
- command: mac unique --columns=hostname --format=json --namespace=nxos
@@ -854,84 +867,90 @@ tests:
- command: mac show --macaddr="4401.0203.1b08" --format=json --namespace=nxos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: mac show filter nxos
- output: '[{"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08",
- "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp":
- 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 20, "macaddr":
+ output: '[{"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08",
+ "oif": "Vlan999", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "static", "timestamp":
+ 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 0, "macaddr":
"44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
"router", "timestamp": 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03",
- "vlan": 30, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp":
+ "vlan": 20, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp":
"", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos",
- "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1",
+ "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 30, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1",
"remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257018},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08",
- "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp":
- 1619275257166}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02", "vlan": 999, "macaddr":
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08",
+ "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp":
+ 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vlan": 999, "macaddr":
"44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
- "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257446}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01",
+ "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257166}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02",
"vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "",
- "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257463}, {"namespace": "nxos",
- "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 20, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "vPC
- Peer-Link", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257479},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 30, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08",
+ "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257446}, {"namespace": "nxos",
+ "hostname": "exit01", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "nve1",
+ "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257463},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 20, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08",
"oif": "vPC Peer-Link", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp":
- 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 999, "macaddr":
+ 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 30, "macaddr":
"44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "vPC Peer-Link", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
- "router", "timestamp": 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02",
- "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "",
- "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257856}]'
+ "router", "timestamp": 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04",
+ "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "vPC Peer-Link", "remoteVtepIp":
+ "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos",
+ "hostname": "exit02", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "nve1",
+ "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257856}]'
- command: mac show --macaddr="4401.0203.1B08" --format=json --namespace=nxos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: mac show filter nxos
- output: '[{"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08",
- "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp":
- 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 20, "macaddr":
+ output: '[{"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08",
+ "oif": "Vlan999", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "static", "timestamp":
+ 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 0, "macaddr":
"44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
"router", "timestamp": 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03",
- "vlan": 30, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp":
+ "vlan": 20, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp":
"", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos",
- "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1",
+ "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 30, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1",
"remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257018},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08",
- "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp":
- 1619275257166}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02", "vlan": 999, "macaddr":
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08",
+ "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp":
+ 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vlan": 999, "macaddr":
"44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
- "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257446}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01",
+ "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257166}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02",
"vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "",
- "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257463}, {"namespace": "nxos",
- "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 20, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "vPC
- Peer-Link", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257479},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 30, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08",
+ "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257446}, {"namespace": "nxos",
+ "hostname": "exit01", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "nve1",
+ "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257463},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 20, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08",
"oif": "vPC Peer-Link", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp":
- 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 999, "macaddr":
+ 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 30, "macaddr":
"44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "vPC Peer-Link", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
- "router", "timestamp": 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02",
- "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "",
- "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257856}]'
+ "router", "timestamp": 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04",
+ "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "vPC Peer-Link", "remoteVtepIp":
+ "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos",
+ "hostname": "exit02", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "nve1",
+ "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257856}]'
- command: mac show --macaddr="44:01:02:03:1B:08" --format=json --namespace=nxos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: mac show filter nxos
- output: '[{"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08",
- "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp":
- 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 20, "macaddr":
+ output: '[{"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08",
+ "oif": "Vlan999", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "static", "timestamp":
+ 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 0, "macaddr":
"44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
"router", "timestamp": 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03",
- "vlan": 30, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp":
+ "vlan": 20, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp":
"", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos",
- "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1",
+ "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 30, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1",
"remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257018},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08",
- "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp":
- 1619275257166}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02", "vlan": 999, "macaddr":
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08",
+ "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp":
+ 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vlan": 999, "macaddr":
"44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
- "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257446}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01",
+ "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257166}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02",
"vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "",
- "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257463}, {"namespace": "nxos",
- "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 20, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "vPC
- Peer-Link", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257479},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 30, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08",
+ "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257446}, {"namespace": "nxos",
+ "hostname": "exit01", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "nve1",
+ "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257463},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 20, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08",
"oif": "vPC Peer-Link", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp":
- 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 999, "macaddr":
+ 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vlan": 30, "macaddr":
"44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "vPC Peer-Link", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags":
- "router", "timestamp": 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02",
- "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "nve1", "remoteVtepIp": "",
- "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257856}]'
+ "router", "timestamp": 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04",
+ "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "vPC Peer-Link", "remoteVtepIp":
+ "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "timestamp": 1619275257479}, {"namespace": "nxos",
+ "hostname": "exit02", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "44:01:02:03:1b:08", "oif": "nve1",
+ "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "remote", "timestamp": 1619275257856}]'
diff --git a/tests/integration/sqcmds/nxos-samples/namespace.yml b/tests/integration/sqcmds/nxos-samples/namespace.yml
index d67cd59033..a798a60433 100644
--- a/tests/integration/sqcmds/nxos-samples/namespace.yml
+++ b/tests/integration/sqcmds/nxos-samples/namespace.yml
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ tests:
- command: namespace show --format=json --namespace=nxos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: namespace show nxos
- output: '[{"namespace": "nxos", "deviceCnt": 14, "serviceCnt": 16, "errSvcCnt":
+ output: '[{"namespace": "nxos", "deviceCnt": 14, "serviceCnt": 15, "errSvcCnt":
0, "hasOspf": true, "hasBgp": true, "hasVxlan": true, "hasMlag": true, "lastUpdate":
- 1652621117544}]'
+ 1658656300675}]'
- command: namespace show --format=json --namespace=nxos --model=vmx
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: namespace show nxos
@@ -15,13 +15,13 @@ tests:
marks: namespace show nxos
output: '[{"namespace": "nxos", "deviceCnt": 8, "serviceCnt": 13, "errSvcCnt": 0,
"hasOspf": true, "hasBgp": true, "hasVxlan": true, "hasMlag": true, "lastUpdate":
- 1652621117530}]'
+ 1658656300645}]'
- command: namespace show --format=json --namespace=nxos --vendor=Juniper
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: namespace show nxos
output: '[{"namespace": "nxos", "deviceCnt": 1, "serviceCnt": 12, "errSvcCnt": 0,
"hasOspf": false, "hasBgp": true, "hasVxlan": false, "hasMlag": false, "lastUpdate":
- 1652621117544}]'
+ 1658656300675}]'
- command: namespace show --columns='namespace' --format=json --namespace=nxos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: namespace show nxos
@@ -33,25 +33,25 @@ tests:
- command: namespace show --columns='*' --format=json --namespace=nxos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: namespace show nxos
- output: '[{"namespace": "nxos", "deviceCnt": 14, "serviceCnt": 16, "errSvcCnt":
+ output: '[{"namespace": "nxos", "deviceCnt": 14, "serviceCnt": 15, "errSvcCnt":
0, "hasOspf": true, "hasBgp": true, "hasVxlan": true, "hasMlag": true, "lastUpdate":
- 1652621117544, "active": true}]'
+ 1658656300675, "active": true}]'
- command: namespace show --columns='*' --os=nxos --format=json --namespace=nxos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: namespace show nxos
output: '[{"namespace": "nxos", "deviceCnt": 8, "serviceCnt": 13, "errSvcCnt": 0,
"hasOspf": true, "hasBgp": true, "hasVxlan": true, "hasMlag": true, "lastUpdate":
- 1652621117530, "active": true}]'
+ 1658656300645, "active": true}]'
- command: namespace show --columns='*' --vendor=Juniper --format=json --namespace=nxos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: namespace show nxos
output: '[{"namespace": "nxos", "deviceCnt": 1, "serviceCnt": 12, "errSvcCnt": 0,
"hasOspf": false, "hasBgp": true, "hasVxlan": false, "hasMlag": false, "lastUpdate":
- 1652621117544, "active": true}]'
+ 1658656300675, "active": true}]'
- command: namespace summarize --format=json --namespace=nxos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: namespace summarize nxos
- output: '{"summary": {"namespacesCnt": 1, "servicePerNsStat": [16, 16, 16.0], "nsWithMlagCnt":
+ output: '{"summary": {"namespacesCnt": 1, "servicePerNsStat": [15, 15, 15.0], "nsWithMlagCnt":
1, "nsWithBgpCnt": 1, "nsWithOspfCnt": 1, "nsWithVxlanCnt": 1, "nsWithErrsvcCnt":
- command: namespace unique --format=json --namespace=nxos
diff --git a/tests/integration/sqcmds/nxos-samples/network.yml b/tests/integration/sqcmds/nxos-samples/network.yml
index f3ac603a0a..07660ccc3b 100644
--- a/tests/integration/sqcmds/nxos-samples/network.yml
+++ b/tests/integration/sqcmds/nxos-samples/network.yml
@@ -4,42 +4,54 @@ tests:
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: network find nxos
output: '[{"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddress":
- "", "vlan": "10", "macaddr": "32:bb:c5:b5:3a:20", "ifname": "port-channel3",
- "bondMembers": "Ethernet1/3", "type": "bridged", "l2miss": false, "timestamp":
- 1619275264428}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "evpn-vrf",
- "ipAddress": "", "vlan": "10", "macaddr": "32:bb:c5:b5:3a:20", "ifname":
- "port-channel3", "bondMembers": "Ethernet1/3", "type": "bridged", "l2miss": false,
- "timestamp": 1619275264429}]'
+ "", "vlan": 10, "macaddr": "32:bb:c5:b5:3a:20", "ifname": "port-channel3",
+ "bondMembers": "Ethernet1/3", "type": "bridged", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddress": "",
+ "vlan": 10, "macaddr": "32:bb:c5:b5:3a:20", "ifname": "port-channel3", "bondMembers":
+ "Ethernet1/3", "type": "bridged", "l2miss": false}]'
- command: network find --address="" --format=json --namespace=nxos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: network find nxos
output: '[{"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress":
- "", "vlan": "0", "macaddr": "44:01:02:01:1b:08", "ifname": "loopback0",
- "bondMembers": "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1619275262853,
- "bondMbrs": ""}]'
+ "", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "44:01:02:01:1b:08", "ifname": "Ethernet1/2",
+ "bondMembers": "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "leaf01", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "44:01:02:01:1b:08",
+ "ifname": "Ethernet1/1", "bondMembers": "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress": "",
+ "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "00:00:00:00:00:00", "ifname": "loopback0", "bondMembers":
+ "", "type": "interface", "l2miss": false}]'
- command: network find --address="" --format=json --namespace=nxos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: network find nxos
output: '[{"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress":
- "", "vlan": "0", "macaddr": "02:05:86:71:3c:03", "ifname": "xe-0/0/0",
- "bondMembers": "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1619275264358}]'
+ "", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "02:05:86:71:3c:03", "ifname": "xe-0/0/0.0",
+ "bondMembers": "", "type": "interface", "l2miss": false}]'
- command: network find --address="" --format=json --namespace=nxos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: network find nxos
output: '[{"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "vrf": "internet-vrf", "ipAddress":
- "", "vlan": "0", "macaddr": "44:01:03:01:1b:08", "ifname": "Ethernet1/4",
- "bondMembers": "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1619275261428}]'
+ "", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "44:01:03:01:1b:08", "ifname": "Ethernet1/4",
+ "bondMembers": "", "type": "interface", "l2miss": false}]'
- command: network find --address="" --format=json --namespace=nxos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: network find nxos
output: '[{"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress":
- "", "vlan": "0", "macaddr": "44:01:03:01:1b:08", "ifname": "loopback0",
- "bondMembers": "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1619275262853,
- "bondMbrs": ""}]'
+ "", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "44:01:03:01:1b:08", "ifname": "Ethernet1/2",
+ "bondMembers": "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "exit01", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "44:01:03:01:1b:08",
+ "ifname": "Ethernet1/1", "bondMembers": "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress": "",
+ "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "00:00:00:00:00:00", "ifname": "loopback0", "bondMembers":
+ "", "type": "interface", "l2miss": false}]'
- command: network find --address="" --format=json --namespace=nxos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: network find nxos
- output: '[]'
+ output: '[{"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress":
+ "", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "00:00:00:00:00:00", "ifname": "loopback1",
+ "bondMembers": "", "type": "interface", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "nxos",
+ "hostname": "leaf02", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 0,
+ "macaddr": "00:00:00:00:00:00", "ifname": "loopback1", "bondMembers": "", "type":
+ "interface", "l2miss": false}]'
- command: network find --address='foobar' --format=json --namespace=nxos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
@@ -53,18 +65,41 @@ tests:
- command: network find --address='00:00:00:11:12:10' --format=json --namespace=nxos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: network find nxos
- output: '[{"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress":
- "", "vlan": "0", "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10", "ifname": "bond0",
- "bondMembers": "eth1, eth2", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1619275256310},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress":
- "", "vlan": "0", "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10", "ifname": "bond0",
- "bondMembers": "eth1, eth2", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1619275256394},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress":
- "", "vlan": "0", "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10", "ifname": "bond0",
- "bondMembers": "eth1, eth2", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1619275256403},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress":
- "", "vlan": "0", "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10", "ifname": "bond0",
- "bondMembers": "eth1, eth2", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1619275256425}]'
+ output: '[{"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddress":
+ "", "vlan": 20, "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10", "ifname": "Vlan20",
+ "bondMembers": "", "type": "interface", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "nxos",
+ "hostname": "leaf03", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddress": "", "vlan":
+ 30, "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10", "ifname": "Vlan30", "bondMembers": "", "type":
+ "interface", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vrf":
+ "", "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10", "ifname": "Vlan999",
+ "bondMembers": "", "type": "interface", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "nxos",
+ "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddress": "", "vlan":
+ 10, "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10", "ifname": "Vlan10", "bondMembers": "", "type":
+ "interface", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf":
+ "evpn-vrf", "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 30, "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10",
+ "ifname": "Vlan30", "bondMembers": "", "type": "interface", "l2miss": false},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "", "ipAddress": "", "vlan":
+ 999, "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10", "ifname": "Vlan999", "bondMembers": "", "type":
+ "interface", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vrf":
+ "", "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10", "ifname": "Vlan999",
+ "bondMembers": "", "type": "interface", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "nxos",
+ "hostname": "leaf04", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddress": "", "vlan":
+ 30, "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10", "ifname": "Vlan30", "bondMembers": "", "type":
+ "interface", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vrf":
+ "evpn-vrf", "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 20, "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10",
+ "ifname": "Vlan20", "bondMembers": "", "type": "interface", "l2miss": false},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddress": "",
+ "vlan": 10, "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10", "ifname": "Vlan10", "bondMembers":
+ "", "type": "interface", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02",
+ "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 30, "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10",
+ "ifname": "Vlan30", "bondMembers": "", "type": "interface", "l2miss": false},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02", "vrf": "", "ipAddress": "", "vlan":
+ 999, "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10", "ifname": "Vlan999", "bondMembers": "", "type":
+ "interface", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "vrf":
+ "", "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10", "ifname": "Vlan999",
+ "bondMembers": "", "type": "interface", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "nxos",
+ "hostname": "exit02", "vrf": "", "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10",
+ "ifname": "Vlan999", "bondMembers": "", "type": "interface", "l2miss": false}]'
- command: network find --address='00:00:00:11:12' --format=json --namespace=nxos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
@@ -73,15 +108,38 @@ tests:
- command: network find --address='0000.0011.1210' --format=json --namespace=nxos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: network find nxos
- output: '[{"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress":
- "", "vlan": "0", "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10", "ifname": "bond0",
- "bondMembers": "eth1, eth2", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1619275256310},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress":
- "", "vlan": "0", "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10", "ifname": "bond0",
- "bondMembers": "eth1, eth2", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1619275256394},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress":
- "", "vlan": "0", "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10", "ifname": "bond0",
- "bondMembers": "eth1, eth2", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1619275256403},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress":
- "", "vlan": "0", "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10", "ifname": "bond0",
- "bondMembers": "eth1, eth2", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1619275256425}]'
+ output: '[{"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddress":
+ "", "vlan": 20, "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10", "ifname": "Vlan20",
+ "bondMembers": "", "type": "interface", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "nxos",
+ "hostname": "leaf03", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddress": "", "vlan":
+ 30, "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10", "ifname": "Vlan30", "bondMembers": "", "type":
+ "interface", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vrf":
+ "", "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10", "ifname": "Vlan999",
+ "bondMembers": "", "type": "interface", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "nxos",
+ "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddress": "", "vlan":
+ 10, "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10", "ifname": "Vlan10", "bondMembers": "", "type":
+ "interface", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf":
+ "evpn-vrf", "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 30, "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10",
+ "ifname": "Vlan30", "bondMembers": "", "type": "interface", "l2miss": false},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "", "ipAddress": "", "vlan":
+ 999, "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10", "ifname": "Vlan999", "bondMembers": "", "type":
+ "interface", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vrf":
+ "", "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 999, "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10", "ifname": "Vlan999",
+ "bondMembers": "", "type": "interface", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "nxos",
+ "hostname": "leaf04", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddress": "", "vlan":
+ 30, "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10", "ifname": "Vlan30", "bondMembers": "", "type":
+ "interface", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vrf":
+ "evpn-vrf", "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 20, "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10",
+ "ifname": "Vlan20", "bondMembers": "", "type": "interface", "l2miss": false},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddress": "",
+ "vlan": 10, "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10", "ifname": "Vlan10", "bondMembers":
+ "", "type": "interface", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02",
+ "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 30, "macaddr": "00:00:00:11:12:10",
+ "ifname": "Vlan30", "bondMembers": "", "type": "interface", "l2miss": false},
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+ "interface", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "vrf":
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+ "ifname": "Vlan999", "bondMembers": "", "type": "interface", "l2miss": false}]'
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index 6ef854b123..3eaf822272 100644
--- a/tests/integration/sqcmds/nxos-samples/path.yml
+++ b/tests/integration/sqcmds/nxos-samples/path.yml
@@ -11,139 +11,147 @@ tests:
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+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1619275257671}]'
- command: path show --dest= --src= --format=json --namespace=nxos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
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+ "timestamp": 1619275256085}, {"pathid": 8, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "nxos",
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+ "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1619275257123}, {"pathid": 8, "hopCount": 3, "namespace":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "iif": "Ethernet1/2", "oif": "port-channel4", "vrf":
+ "evpn-vrf", "isL2": false, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu":
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+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1619275257479},
{"pathid": 8, "hopCount": 4, "namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "iif":
"bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "timestamp": 1619275256321}]'
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1619275256321}]'
- command: path show --dest= --src= --format=json --namespace=nxos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: path show nxos
output: '[{"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101",
"iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false,
"mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "",
- "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "timestamp": 1619275256085},
- {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "iif":
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- false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup":
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- "", "nexthopIp": "", "timestamp": 1619275257467}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount":
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+ "timestamp": 1619275256085}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "nxos",
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+ "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1619275257467}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 3, "namespace":
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- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "timestamp": 1619275256205}]'
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1619275256205}]'
- command: path show --src= --dest= --format=json --namespace=nxos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: path show nxos
@@ -498,198 +522,207 @@ tests:
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"mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "l2", "ipLookup":
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- "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "timestamp": 1619275257123}, {"pathid":
+ "l2", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "da:bf:63:c6:2f:0a",
+ "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": null}, {"pathid": 8,
+ "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "iif": "port-channel4",
+ "oif": "Ethernet1/2", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
+ true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp":
+ 1619275257671}, {"pathid": 8, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "spine02", "iif": "Ethernet1/4", "oif": "Ethernet1/2", "vrf": "default", "isL2":
+ true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol":
+ "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "",
+ "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1619275257123}, {"pathid":
8, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02", "iif": "Ethernet1/2",
"oif": "port-channel4", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch":
true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "l2", "ipLookup": "",
- "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": null, "nexthopIp": "", "timestamp": 1619275257446},
- {"pathid": 8, "hopCount": 4, "namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102", "iif":
- "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
- true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "timestamp": 1619275256204}]'
+ "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": null, "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp":
+ 1619275257446}, {"pathid": 8, "hopCount": 4, "namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "server102", "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false,
+ "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol":
+ "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError":
+ "", "timestamp": 1619275256204}]'
- command: path show --dest= --src= --format=json --namespace=nxos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: path show nxos
output: '[{"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04",
"iif": "loopback0", "oif": "Ethernet1/1", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay":
false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "timestamp":
- 1619275257671}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "spine01", "iif": "Ethernet1/4", "oif": "Ethernet1/1", "vrf": "default", "isL2":
- false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol":
- "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "", "timestamp": 1619275257467}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 2, "namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "iif": "Ethernet1/1", "oif": "loopback0", "vrf":
- "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu":
- 1500, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "", "timestamp": 1619275258762}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "nxos",
- "hostname": "leaf04", "iif": "loopback0", "oif": "Ethernet1/2", "vrf": "default",
- "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 9216,
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError":
+ "", "timestamp": 1619275257671}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "nxos",
+ "hostname": "spine01", "iif": "Ethernet1/4", "oif": "Ethernet1/1", "vrf": "default",
+ "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216,
"protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
- "", "nexthopIp": "", "timestamp": 1619275257671}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount":
- 1, "namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "iif": "Ethernet1/4", "oif": "Ethernet1/1",
- "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
- 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "timestamp": 1619275257123}, {"pathid":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1619275257467}, {"pathid":
+ 1, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "iif": "Ethernet1/1",
+ "oif": "loopback0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
+ true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1619275258762},
+ {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "iif":
+ "loopback0", "oif": "Ethernet1/2", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay":
+ false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError":
+ "", "timestamp": 1619275257671}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "nxos",
+ "hostname": "spine02", "iif": "Ethernet1/4", "oif": "Ethernet1/1", "vrf": "default",
+ "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216,
+ "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1619275257123}, {"pathid":
2, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "iif": "Ethernet1/2",
"oif": "loopback0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "timestamp": 1619275258762}]'
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1619275258762}]'
- command: path summarize --dest= --src= --format=json --namespace=nxos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: path summarize nxos
diff --git a/tests/integration/sqcmds/nxos-samples/route.yml b/tests/integration/sqcmds/nxos-samples/route.yml
index 584816df5b..44c99f1be5 100644
--- a/tests/integration/sqcmds/nxos-samples/route.yml
+++ b/tests/integration/sqcmds/nxos-samples/route.yml
@@ -143,133 +143,134 @@ tests:
"Ethernet1/5", "Ethernet1/6"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257123}, {"namespace":
"nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
- ["", ""], "oifs": ["Lo0", "Lo0"], "protocol": "local", "source":
- "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257123},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
- "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/6"], "protocol": "ospf", "source":
- "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257123},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
- "nexthopIps": ["", ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"],
+ ["", ""], "oifs": ["loopback0", "loopback0"], "protocol": "local",
+ "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp":
+ 1619275257123}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "vrf": "default",
+ "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/6"],
"protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
"timestamp": 1619275257123}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "vrf":
- "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""],
- "oifs": ["Ethernet1/3", "Ethernet1/4"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
- 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257123}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
- [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
- 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257123}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
- [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/3"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
- 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257123}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
- [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/4"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
- 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257123}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
- [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/5"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
- 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257123}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
- [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/6"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
- 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257123}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "vrf": "management", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
- [""], "oifs": [], "protocol": "static", "source": "", "preference":
- 1, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257123}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
- [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
+ "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""],
+ "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257123}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
+ ["", ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/3", "Ethernet1/4"], "protocol":
+ "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp":
+ 1619275257123}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "vrf": "default",
+ "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/2"],
+ "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
+ "timestamp": 1619275257123}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "vrf":
+ "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/3"],
+ "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
+ "timestamp": 1619275257123}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "vrf":
+ "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/4"],
+ "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
+ "timestamp": 1619275257123}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "vrf":
+ "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/5"],
+ "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
+ "timestamp": 1619275257123}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "vrf":
+ "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/6"],
+ "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
+ "timestamp": 1619275257123}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "vrf":
+ "management", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": [],
+ "protocol": "static", "source": "", "preference": 1, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
+ "timestamp": 1619275257123}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "vrf":
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+ "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
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+ "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""],
+ "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
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["", ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol":
"ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp":
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- "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1",
- "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers":
- 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257228}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "leaf03", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["",
- ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source":
- "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257228},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "",
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- "source": "", "preference": 200, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp":
- 1619275257228}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vrf": "default",
- "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1",
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"Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers":
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- "local", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp":
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- "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""], "oifs":
- ["Lo1", "Lo1"], "protocol": "local", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers":
- 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257228}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "leaf03", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
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"oifs": ["_nexthopVrf:default"], "protocol": "bgp", "source": "", "preference":
200, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257228}, {"namespace":
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- "leaf03", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
+ "leaf03", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["",
+ ""], "oifs": ["loopback1", "loopback1"], "protocol": "local", "source":
+ "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257228},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
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+ "protocol": "local", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
+ "timestamp": 1619275257228}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vrf":
+ "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs":
+ ["_nexthopVrf:default"], "protocol": "bgp", "source": "", "preference": 200, "ipvers":
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+ ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source":
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+ "leaf03", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
+ "oifs": ["Vlan20"], "protocol": "direct", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers":
+ 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257228}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "leaf03", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
"oifs": ["_nexthopVrf:default"], "protocol": "bgp", "source": "", "preference":
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- "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
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"oifs": ["_nexthopVrf:default"], "protocol": "bgp", "source": "", "preference":
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@@ -540,53 +542,53 @@ tests:
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@@ -598,16 +600,16 @@ tests:
"Ethernet1/3", "Ethernet1/4", "Ethernet1/5", "Ethernet1/6"], "protocol": "ospf",
"source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp":
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- "spine01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
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@@ -651,16 +653,16 @@ tests:
[""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/5"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
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"nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
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- "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257671},
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- "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
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+ "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1",
+ "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers":
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+ "leaf04", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
+ "oifs": ["Vlan30"], "protocol": "local", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers":
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+ "leaf04", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
"oifs": ["Vlan30"], "protocol": "hmm", "source": "", "preference": 190, "ipvers":
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@@ -734,46 +736,46 @@ tests:
"Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers":
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+ "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257671},
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""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source":
"", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257671},
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@@ -921,69 +924,70 @@ tests:
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@@ -1292,58 +1296,59 @@ tests:
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+ "timestamp": 1619275257228}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vrf":
+ "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs":
+ ["Vlan20"], "protocol": "hmm", "source": "", "preference": 190, "ipvers": 4, "action":
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+ "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
+ "oifs": ["Vlan10"], "protocol": "local", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers":
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+ "leaf02", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
"oifs": ["Vlan10"], "protocol": "hmm", "source": "", "preference": 190, "ipvers":
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"leaf02", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
@@ -1456,19 +1461,19 @@ tests:
"Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers":
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"leaf02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["",
- ""], "oifs": ["Lo0", "Lo0"], "protocol": "local", "source": "", "preference":
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- "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257446}, {"namespace": "nxos",
- "hostname": "leaf02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
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+ "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257446},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
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+ "timestamp": 1619275257446}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02", "vrf":
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[""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
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"nxos", "hostname": "leaf02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
@@ -1479,115 +1484,116 @@ tests:
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"timestamp": 1619275257446}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02", "vrf":
"default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""],
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+ 1619275257446}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02", "vrf": "default",
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+ ""], "oifs": ["loopback1", "loopback1"], "protocol": "local", "source":
+ "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257446},
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"timestamp": 1619275257467}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vrf":
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- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "",
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["", ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol":
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- "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["Vlan20"],
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+ "timestamp": 1619275257228}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vrf":
+ "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs":
+ ["Vlan20"], "protocol": "hmm", "source": "", "preference": 190, "ipvers": 4, "action":
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+ "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
+ "oifs": ["Vlan10"], "protocol": "local", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers":
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"oifs": ["Vlan10"], "protocol": "hmm", "source": "", "preference": 190, "ipvers":
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"leaf02", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
@@ -2570,19 +2579,19 @@ tests:
"Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers":
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- ""], "oifs": ["Lo0", "Lo0"], "protocol": "local", "source": "", "preference":
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- "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257446}, {"namespace": "nxos",
- "hostname": "leaf02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
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+ "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257446},
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[""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
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@@ -2593,115 +2602,116 @@ tests:
"protocol": "local", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
"timestamp": 1619275257446}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02", "vrf":
"default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""],
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+ 1619275257446}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02", "vrf": "default",
+ "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1",
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- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
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"timestamp": 1619275257467}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vrf":
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{"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
@@ -3671,16 +3685,16 @@ tests:
"Ethernet1/3", "Ethernet1/4", "Ethernet1/5", "Ethernet1/6"], "protocol": "ospf",
"source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp":
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- "spine01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
- "oifs": ["Ethernet1/3"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110,
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+ "spine01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
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"ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257467}, {"namespace": "nxos",
- "hostname": "spine01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
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+ "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
[""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
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@@ -3721,16 +3735,16 @@ tests:
[""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/5"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257467}, {"namespace":
"nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
- ["", ""], "oifs": ["Lo0", "Lo0"], "protocol": "local", "source":
- "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257671},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
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- "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
- "timestamp": 1619275257671}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vrf":
- "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs":
- ["Vlan30"], "protocol": "local", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action":
- "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257671}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04",
- "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
+ ["", ""], "oifs": ["loopback0", "loopback0"], "protocol": "local",
+ "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp":
+ 1619275257671}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vrf": "default",
+ "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1",
+ "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers":
+ 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257671}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "leaf04", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
+ "oifs": ["Vlan30"], "protocol": "local", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers":
+ 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257671}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "leaf04", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
"oifs": ["Vlan30"], "protocol": "hmm", "source": "", "preference": 190, "ipvers":
4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257671}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
"leaf04", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
@@ -3801,44 +3815,44 @@ tests:
"protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
"timestamp": 1619275257671}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vrf":
"default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""],
- "oifs": ["Lo1", "Lo1"], "protocol": "local", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers":
- 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257671}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "leaf04", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["",
- ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source":
- "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257671},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
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- "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
- "timestamp": 1619275257671}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vrf":
- "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""],
- "oifs": ["Lo1", "Lo1"], "protocol": "local", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers":
+ "oifs": ["loopback1", "loopback1"], "protocol": "local", "source": "", "preference":
+ 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257671}, {"namespace":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
+ ["", ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol":
+ "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp":
+ 1619275257671}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vrf": "default",
+ "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1",
+ "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers":
4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257671}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "leaf04", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["",
- ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source":
- "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257671},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
+ "leaf04", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["",
+ ""], "oifs": ["loopback1", "loopback1"], "protocol": "local", "source":
+ "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257671},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
"nexthopIps": ["", ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"],
"protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
"timestamp": 1619275257671}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vrf":
- "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""],
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"oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
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- "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "",
- "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["_nexthopVrf:default"], "protocol": "bgp",
- "source": "", "preference": 200, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp":
- 1619275257671}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "vrf": "default",
- "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["xe-0/0/1.0"],
- "protocol": "bgp", "source": "", "preference": 170, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
- "timestamp": 1619275257671}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "vrf":
- "default", "prefix": "ff02::2/128", "nexthopIps": [], "oifs": [], "protocol":
- "inet6", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 6, "action": "multirecv", "timestamp":
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- "prefix": "fe80::205:860f:fc71:3c00/128", "nexthopIps": [], "oifs": ["lo0.0"],
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+ "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
+ ["", ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol":
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+ 1619275257671}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vrf": "evpn-vrf",
+ "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["_nexthopVrf:default"],
+ "protocol": "bgp", "source": "", "preference": 200, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
"timestamp": 1619275257671}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "vrf":
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["xe-0/0/1.0"], "protocol": "bgp", "source": "", "preference": 170, "ipvers":
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+ "dcedge01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "ff02::2/128", "nexthopIps": [], "oifs":
+ [], "protocol": "inet6", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 6, "action":
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+ "vrf": "default", "prefix": "fe80::205:860f:fc71:3c00/128", "nexthopIps": [],
+ "oifs": ["lo0.0"], "protocol": "direct", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers":
+ 6, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257671}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "dcedge01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
+ "oifs": ["xe-0/0/1.0"], "protocol": "bgp", "source": "", "preference": 170, "ipvers":
+ 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257671}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
"dcedge01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
"oifs": ["xe-0/0/1.0"], "protocol": "bgp", "source": "", "preference": 170, "ipvers":
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@@ -3889,44 +3903,45 @@ tests:
"protocol": "bgp", "source": "", "preference": 200, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
"timestamp": 1619275257674}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf":
"default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""],
- "oifs": ["Lo0", "Lo0"], "protocol": "local", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers":
- 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257674}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "leaf01", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
- "oifs": ["Vlan30"], "protocol": "local", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers":
- 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257674}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "leaf01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["",
- ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source":
- "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257674},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
+ "oifs": ["loopback0", "loopback0"], "protocol": "local", "source": "", "preference":
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+ "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "",
+ "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["Vlan30"], "protocol": "local", "source":
+ "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257674},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
"nexthopIps": ["", ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"],
"protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
"timestamp": 1619275257674}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf":
- "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""],
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"oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
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- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
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+ "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
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- "oifs": ["mgmt0"], "protocol": "direct", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers":
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- "leaf01", "vrf": "management", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
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+ "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
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+ "timestamp": 1619275257674}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf":
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+ "leaf01", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
"oifs": ["_nexthopVrf:default"], "protocol": "bgp", "source": "", "preference":
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- "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
- [""], "oifs": ["_nexthopVrf:default"], "protocol": "bgp", "source":
- "", "preference": 200, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257674},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "",
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@@ -3976,144 +3991,144 @@ tests:
"protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
"timestamp": 1619275257674}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf":
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+ "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257722},
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- "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["Vlan20"],
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+ 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257446}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "leaf02", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
"oifs": ["Vlan10"], "protocol": "hmm", "source": "", "preference": 190, "ipvers":
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"leaf02", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
@@ -4431,19 +4447,19 @@ tests:
"Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers":
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"leaf02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["",
- ""], "oifs": ["Lo0", "Lo0"], "protocol": "local", "source": "", "preference":
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+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
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@@ -4454,124 +4470,125 @@ tests:
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"timestamp": 1619275257446}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02", "vrf":
"default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""],
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+ 1619275257446}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02", "vrf": "default",
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"source": "", "preference": 200, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp":
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@@ -4621,16 +4638,16 @@ tests:
"Ethernet1/2", "Ethernet1/3", "Ethernet1/4", "Ethernet1/5", "Ethernet1/6"], "protocol":
"ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp":
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- "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs":
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- "spine01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
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+ "spine01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
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"ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257467}, {"namespace": "nxos",
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[""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
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@@ -4671,47 +4688,47 @@ tests:
"protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
"timestamp": 1619275257467}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vrf":
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- "leaf04", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["",
- ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source":
- "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257671},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "",
- "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["Vlan30"], "protocol": "local", "source":
- "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257671},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "",
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- "", "preference": 190, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257671},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "",
- "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["Vlan20"], "protocol": "local", "source":
- "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257671},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "",
- "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["Vlan20"], "protocol": "hmm", "source":
- "", "preference": 190, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257671},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "",
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- "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["_nexthopVrf:default"],
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"timestamp": 1619275257671}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vrf":
- "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs":
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+ "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
+ "oifs": ["Vlan20"], "protocol": "local", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers":
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+ "leaf04", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
+ "oifs": ["Vlan20"], "protocol": "hmm", "source": "", "preference": 190, "ipvers":
4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257671}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "leaf04", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
+ "leaf04", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
"oifs": ["_nexthopVrf:default"], "protocol": "bgp", "source": "", "preference":
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"source": "", "preference": 200, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp":
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- "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["mgmt0"],
- "protocol": "local", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
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"timestamp": 1619275257671}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vrf":
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+ "protocol": "bgp", "source": "", "preference": 200, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
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@@ -4735,39 +4752,39 @@ tests:
"protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
"timestamp": 1619275257671}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vrf":
"default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""],
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- 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257671}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
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- ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source":
- "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257671},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
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- "timestamp": 1619275257671}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vrf":
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- "oifs": ["Lo1", "Lo1"], "protocol": "local", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers":
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- "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257671},
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"timestamp": 1619275257671}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vrf":
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- "source": "", "preference": 200, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp":
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"timestamp": 1619275257671}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "vrf":
- "default", "prefix": "ff02::2/128", "nexthopIps": [], "oifs": [], "protocol":
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"inet6", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 6, "action": "multirecv", "timestamp":
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"prefix": "fe80::205:860f:fc71:3c00/128", "nexthopIps": [], "oifs": ["lo0.0"],
@@ -4814,120 +4831,121 @@ tests:
"protocol": "bgp", "source": "", "preference": 200, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
"timestamp": 1619275257674}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf":
"default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""],
- "oifs": ["Lo0", "Lo0"], "protocol": "local", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers":
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- "leaf01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["",
- ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source":
- "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257674},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
+ "oifs": ["loopback0", "loopback0"], "protocol": "local", "source": "", "preference":
+ 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257674}, {"namespace":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "",
+ "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["Vlan30"], "protocol": "local", "source":
+ "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257674},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
"nexthopIps": ["", ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"],
"protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
"timestamp": 1619275257674}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf":
- "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""],
+ "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""],
"oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257674}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
["", ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol":
"ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp":
- 1619275257674}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "management",
- "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": [], "protocol": "static",
- "source": "", "preference": 1, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp":
1619275257674}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "default",
- "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""], "oifs":
- ["Lo1", "Lo1"], "protocol": "local", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers":
- 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257674}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "leaf01", "vrf": "management", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
- "oifs": ["mgmt0"], "protocol": "local", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers":
+ "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1",
+ "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers":
4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257674}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "leaf01", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
- "oifs": ["_nexthopVrf:default"], "protocol": "bgp", "source": "", "preference":
- 200, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257674}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
- [""], "oifs": ["_nexthopVrf:default"], "protocol": "bgp", "source":
- "", "preference": 200, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257674},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "",
+ "leaf01", "vrf": "management", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
+ "oifs": [], "protocol": "static", "source": "", "preference": 1, "ipvers": 4,
+ "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257674}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "leaf01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["",
+ ""], "oifs": ["loopback1", "loopback1"], "protocol": "local", "source":
+ "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257674},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "management", "prefix": "",
+ "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["mgmt0"], "protocol": "local", "source":
+ "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257674},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "",
"nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["_nexthopVrf:default"], "protocol": "bgp",
"source": "", "preference": 200, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp":
1619275257674}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "evpn-vrf",
- "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["_nexthopVrf:default"],
+ "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["_nexthopVrf:default"],
"protocol": "bgp", "source": "", "preference": 200, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
"timestamp": 1619275257674}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf":
- "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs":
+ "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["_nexthopVrf:default"],
+ "protocol": "bgp", "source": "", "preference": 200, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
+ "timestamp": 1619275257674}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf":
+ "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs":
["_nexthopVrf:default"], "protocol": "bgp", "source": "", "preference": 200, "ipvers":
4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257674}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "leaf01", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
- "oifs": ["Vlan10"], "protocol": "hmm", "source": "", "preference": 190, "ipvers":
- 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257674}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "leaf01", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
+ "leaf01", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
"oifs": ["_nexthopVrf:default"], "protocol": "bgp", "source": "", "preference":
200, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257674}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "",
- "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["Vlan30"], "protocol": "hmm", "source":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "",
+ "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["Vlan10"], "protocol": "hmm", "source":
"", "preference": 190, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257674},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
- "nexthopIps": ["", ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"],
- "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "",
+ "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["_nexthopVrf:default"], "protocol": "bgp",
+ "source": "", "preference": 200, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp":
+ 1619275257674}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "evpn-vrf",
+ "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["Vlan30"],
+ "protocol": "hmm", "source": "", "preference": 190, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
"timestamp": 1619275257674}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf":
- "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""],
+ "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""],
"oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257674}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
["", ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol":
"ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp":
1619275257674}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "default",
- "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1",
+ "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1",
"Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers":
4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257674}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "leaf01", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
- "oifs": ["Vlan10"], "protocol": "local", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers":
- 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257674}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "leaf01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["",
+ "leaf01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["",
""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source":
"", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257674},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
- "nexthopIps": ["", ""], "oifs": ["Lo1", "Lo1"], "protocol":
- "local", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp":
- 1619275257674}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf": "default",
- "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": [], "protocol":
- "bgp", "source": "", "preference": 20, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp":
- 1619275257722}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf": "default",
- "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1",
- "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers":
- 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257722}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "exit02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["",
- ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source":
- "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257722},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
- "nexthopIps": ["", ""], "oifs": ["Lo1", "Lo1"], "protocol":
- "local", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp":
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "prefix": "",
+ "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["Vlan10"], "protocol": "local", "source":
+ "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257674},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
+ "nexthopIps": ["", ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"],
+ "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
+ "timestamp": 1619275257674}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf":
+ "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""],
+ "oifs": ["loopback1", "loopback1"], "protocol": "local", "source": "", "preference":
+ 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257674}, {"namespace":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
+ [""], "oifs": [], "protocol": "bgp", "source": "", "preference":
+ 20, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257722}, {"namespace":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
+ ["", ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol":
+ "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp":
1619275257722}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf": "default",
- "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1",
+ "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1",
"Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers":
4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257722}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
- "exit02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["",
- ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source":
- "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257722},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
+ "exit02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["",
+ ""], "oifs": ["loopback1", "loopback1"], "protocol": "local", "source":
+ "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257722},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
"nexthopIps": ["", ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"],
"protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
"timestamp": 1619275257722}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf":
- "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""],
+ "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""],
"oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257722}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
["", ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol":
"ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp":
1619275257722}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf": "default",
- "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": [], "protocol":
- "bgp", "source": "", "preference": 20, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp":
- 1619275257722}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf": "default",
- "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""], "oifs": ["Lo0",
- "Lo0"], "protocol": "local", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action":
- "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257722}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02",
- "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""],
+ "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1",
+ "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers":
+ 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257722}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "exit02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["",
+ ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source":
+ "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257722},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
+ "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": [], "protocol": "bgp", "source": "",
+ "preference": 20, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257722},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
+ "nexthopIps": ["", ""], "oifs": ["loopback0", "loopback0"],
+ "protocol": "local", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
+ "timestamp": 1619275257722}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf":
+ "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""],
"oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257722}, {"namespace":
"nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
@@ -5322,30 +5340,30 @@ tests:
"oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257671}, {"namespace":
"nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
- ["", ""], "oifs": ["Lo0", "Lo0"], "protocol": "local", "source":
- "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257674},
- {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
- "nexthopIps": ["", ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"],
- "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
- "timestamp": 1619275257722}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server102", "vrf":
- "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["eth0"],
- "protocol": "", "source": "", "preference": 20, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
- "timestamp": 1619275256085}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server101", "vrf":
- "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["eth0"],
- "protocol": "", "source": "", "preference": 20, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
- "timestamp": 1619275256085}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server301", "vrf":
- "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["eth0"],
- "protocol": "", "source": "", "preference": 20, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
- "timestamp": 1619275256093}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "firewall01", "vrf":
- "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs": ["eth0"],
- "protocol": "bgp", "source": "", "preference": 20, "ipvers": 4, "action":
- "forward", "timestamp": 1619275256109}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302",
- "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs":
- ["eth0"], "protocol": "", "source": "", "preference": 20, "ipvers": 4, "action":
- "forward", "timestamp": 1619275256204}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01",
- "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""], "oifs":
- ["em0.0"], "protocol": "access-internal", "source": "", "preference": 12, "ipvers":
- 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257671}]'
+ ["", ""], "oifs": ["loopback0", "loopback0"], "protocol": "local",
+ "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp":
+ 1619275257674}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf": "default",
+ "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1",
+ "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers":
+ 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257722}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "server102", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
+ "oifs": ["eth0"], "protocol": "", "source": "", "preference": 20, "ipvers": 4,
+ "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275256085}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "server101", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
+ "oifs": ["eth0"], "protocol": "", "source": "", "preference": 20, "ipvers": 4,
+ "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275256085}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "server301", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
+ "oifs": ["eth0"], "protocol": "", "source": "", "preference": 20, "ipvers": 4,
+ "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275256093}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "firewall01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": [""],
+ "oifs": ["eth0"], "protocol": "bgp", "source": "", "preference": 20,
+ "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275256109}, {"namespace": "nxos",
+ "hostname": "server302", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
+ [""], "oifs": ["eth0"], "protocol": "", "source": "", "preference":
+ 20, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275256204}, {"namespace":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
+ [""], "oifs": ["em0.0"], "protocol": "access-internal", "source": "",
+ "preference": 12, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "timestamp": 1619275257671}]'
- command: route unique --columns=prefixlen --format=json --namespace=nxos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: route unique nxos
diff --git a/tests/integration/sqcmds/nxos-samples/swport.yml b/tests/integration/sqcmds/nxos-samples/swport.yml
index b2de7695c0..c4d5e23f57 100644
--- a/tests/integration/sqcmds/nxos-samples/swport.yml
+++ b/tests/integration/sqcmds/nxos-samples/swport.yml
@@ -3839,3 +3839,87 @@ tests:
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: interface unique nxos switchport
output: '[]'
+- command: interface show --columns=vlan --vlan='!10 999' --state=up --namespace=nxos
+ --format=json
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: interface show nxos switchport
+ output: '[{"vlan": 1}, {"vlan": 1}, {"vlan": 1}, {"vlan": 999}, {"vlan": 999}, {"vlan":
+ 1}, {"vlan": 1}, {"vlan": 999}, {"vlan": 1}, {"vlan": 999}, {"vlan": 999}, {"vlan":
+ 999}]'
+- command: interface show --columns=vlan --vlan='!10 999' --state=up --namespace=nxos
+ --columns='hostname ifname state adminState type vlan vlanList' --format=json
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: interface show nxos switchport
+ output: '[{"hostname": "leaf03", "ifname": "Ethernet1/6", "state": "up", "adminState":
+ "up", "type": "bond_slave", "vlan": 1, "vlanList": [1, 20, 30, 999]}, {"hostname":
+ "leaf03", "ifname": "Ethernet1/5", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type":
+ "bond_slave", "vlan": 1, "vlanList": [1, 20, 30, 999]}, {"hostname": "leaf03",
+ "ifname": "port-channel1", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond",
+ "vlan": 1, "vlanList": [1, 20, 30, 999]}, {"hostname": "leaf03", "ifname": "Vlan999",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vlan", "vlan": 999, "vlanList": []},
+ {"hostname": "leaf01", "ifname": "Vlan999", "state": "up", "adminState": "up",
+ "type": "vlan", "vlan": 999, "vlanList": []}, {"hostname": "leaf04", "ifname":
+ "Ethernet1/6", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "vlan":
+ 1, "vlanList": [1, 20, 30, 999]}, {"hostname": "leaf04", "ifname": "Ethernet1/5",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "vlan": 1, "vlanList":
+ [1, 20, 30, 999]}, {"hostname": "leaf04", "ifname": "Vlan999", "state": "up",
+ "adminState": "up", "type": "vlan", "vlan": 999, "vlanList": []}, {"hostname":
+ "leaf04", "ifname": "port-channel1", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type":
+ "bond", "vlan": 1, "vlanList": [1, 20, 30, 999]}, {"hostname": "leaf02", "ifname":
+ "Vlan999", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vlan", "vlan": 999, "vlanList":
+ []}, {"hostname": "exit01", "ifname": "Vlan999", "state": "up", "adminState":
+ "up", "type": "vlan", "vlan": 999, "vlanList": []}, {"hostname": "exit02", "ifname":
+ "Vlan999", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vlan", "vlan": 999, "vlanList":
+ []}]'
+- command: interface show --columns=vlan --vlan='!10 999' --state=up --namespace=nxos
+ --columns='hostname ifname state adminState type vlanList' --format=json
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: interface show nxos switchport
+ output: '[{"hostname": "leaf03", "ifname": "Ethernet1/6", "state": "up", "adminState":
+ "up", "type": "bond_slave", "vlanList": [1, 20, 30, 999]}, {"hostname": "leaf03",
+ "ifname": "Ethernet1/5", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave",
+ "vlanList": [1, 20, 30, 999]}, {"hostname": "leaf03", "ifname": "port-channel1",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond", "vlanList": [1, 20, 30, 999]},
+ {"hostname": "leaf03", "ifname": "Vlan999", "state": "up", "adminState": "up",
+ "type": "vlan", "vlanList": []}, {"hostname": "leaf01", "ifname": "Vlan999", "state":
+ "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vlan", "vlanList": []}, {"hostname": "leaf04",
+ "ifname": "Ethernet1/6", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave",
+ "vlanList": [1, 20, 30, 999]}, {"hostname": "leaf04", "ifname": "Ethernet1/5",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "vlanList": [1, 20, 30,
+ 999]}, {"hostname": "leaf04", "ifname": "Vlan999", "state": "up", "adminState":
+ "up", "type": "vlan", "vlanList": []}, {"hostname": "leaf04", "ifname": "port-channel1",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond", "vlanList": [1, 20, 30, 999]},
+ {"hostname": "leaf02", "ifname": "Vlan999", "state": "up", "adminState": "up",
+ "type": "vlan", "vlanList": []}, {"hostname": "exit01", "ifname": "Vlan999", "state":
+ "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vlan", "vlanList": []}, {"hostname": "exit02",
+ "ifname": "Vlan999", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vlan", "vlanList":
+ []}]'
+- command: interface show --columns=vlan --vlan='!10 !20' --state=up --namespace=nxos
+ --format=json
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: interface show nxos switchport
+ output: '[{"vlan": 4}, {"vlan": 3}, {"vlan": 4}, {"vlan": 2}, {"vlan": 2}, {"vlan":
+ 3}, {"vlan": 30}, {"vlan": 30}, {"vlan": 30}, {"vlan": 999}, {"vlan": 30}, {"vlan":
+ 30}, {"vlan": 30}, {"vlan": 999}, {"vlan": 30}, {"vlan": 999}, {"vlan": 30}, {"vlan":
+ 30}, {"vlan": 30}, {"vlan": 30}, {"vlan": 30}, {"vlan": 999}, {"vlan": 999}, {"vlan":
+ 4}, {"vlan": 3}, {"vlan": 2}, {"vlan": 999}, {"vlan": 4}, {"vlan": 3}, {"vlan":
+ 2}]'
+- command: interface show --columns=vlan --vlan='20' --namespace=nxos --format=json
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: interface show nxos switchport
+ output: '[{"vlan": 1}, {"vlan": 1}, {"vlan": 20}, {"vlan": 1}, {"vlan": 20}, {"vlan":
+ 20}, {"vlan": 1}, {"vlan": 1}, {"vlan": 20}, {"vlan": 20}, {"vlan": 20}, {"vlan":
+ 1}]'
+- command: interface show --columns=vlan --vlan='10 20' --namespace=nxos --format=json
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: interface show nxos switchport
+ output: '[{"vlan": 1}, {"vlan": 1}, {"vlan": 10}, {"vlan": 1}, {"vlan": 10}, {"vlan":
+ 10}, {"vlan": 10}, {"vlan": 1}, {"vlan": 1}, {"vlan": 1}, {"vlan": 10}, {"vlan":
+ 10}, {"vlan": 1}, {"vlan": 1}, {"vlan": 20}, {"vlan": 1}, {"vlan": 20}, {"vlan":
+ 20}, {"vlan": 1}, {"vlan": 1}, {"vlan": 20}, {"vlan": 20}, {"vlan": 20}, {"vlan":
+ 1}]'
+- command: interface unique --columns=vlan --vlan='!10 999' --state=up --namespace=nxos
+ --format=json
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: interface unique nxos switchport
+ output: '[{"vlan": 1}, {"vlan": 999}]'
diff --git a/tests/integration/sqcmds/nxos-samples/table.yml b/tests/integration/sqcmds/nxos-samples/table.yml
index 74d8d199bb..2fbcb2b619 100644
--- a/tests/integration/sqcmds/nxos-samples/table.yml
+++ b/tests/integration/sqcmds/nxos-samples/table.yml
@@ -13,27 +13,26 @@ tests:
"firstTime": 1619275259574, "latestTime": 1619275260620, "intervals": 5, "allRows":
14, "namespaces": 1, "deviceCnt": 6}, {"table": "fs", "firstTime": 1619275256497,
"latestTime": 1619275257037, "intervals": 4, "allRows": 40, "namespaces": 1, "deviceCnt":
- 5}, {"table": "ifCounters", "firstTime": 1619275256394, "latestTime": 1619275256804,
- "intervals": 5, "allRows": 30, "namespaces": 1, "deviceCnt": 5}, {"table": "interfaces",
- "firstTime": 1619275256203, "latestTime": 1619275260177, "intervals": 12, "allRows":
- 694, "namespaces": 1, "deviceCnt": 14}, {"table": "lldp", "firstTime": 1619275257130,
- "latestTime": 1619275257776, "intervals": 9, "allRows": 44, "namespaces": 1, "deviceCnt":
- 9}, {"table": "macs", "firstTime": 1619275256085, "latestTime": 1619275258116,
- "intervals": 12, "allRows": 208, "namespaces": 1, "deviceCnt": 13}, {"table":
- "mlag", "firstTime": 1619275264357, "latestTime": 1619275266052, "intervals":
- 4, "allRows": 4, "namespaces": 1, "deviceCnt": 4}, {"table": "ospfIf", "firstTime":
- 1619275260398, "latestTime": 1619275262652, "intervals": 7, "allRows": 40, "namespaces":
- 1, "deviceCnt": 8}, {"table": "ospfNbr", "firstTime": 1619275265056, "latestTime":
- 1619275266142, "intervals": 8, "allRows": 24, "namespaces": 1, "deviceCnt": 8},
- {"table": "routes", "firstTime": 1619275256085, "latestTime": 1619275257722, "intervals":
- 12, "allRows": 350, "namespaces": 1, "deviceCnt": 14}, {"table": "sqPoller", "firstTime":
- 1652621116827, "latestTime": 1652621117544, "intervals": 164, "allRows": 164,
- "namespaces": 1, "deviceCnt": 14}, {"table": "time", "firstTime": 1619275256599,
- "latestTime": 1619275257446, "intervals": 4, "allRows": 5, "namespaces": 1, "deviceCnt":
- 5}, {"table": "vlan", "firstTime": 1619275257018, "latestTime": 1619275257683,
- "intervals": 6, "allRows": 23, "namespaces": 1, "deviceCnt": 9}, {"table": "TOTAL",
- "firstTime": 1619275256085, "latestTime": 1652621117544, "intervals": 164, "allRows":
- 1801, "namespaces": 1, "deviceCnt": 14}]'
+ 5}, {"table": "interfaces", "firstTime": 1619275256203, "latestTime": 1619275260177,
+ "intervals": 12, "allRows": 694, "namespaces": 1, "deviceCnt": 14}, {"table":
+ "lldp", "firstTime": 1619275257130, "latestTime": 1619275257776, "intervals":
+ 9, "allRows": 44, "namespaces": 1, "deviceCnt": 9}, {"table": "macs", "firstTime":
+ 1619275256085, "latestTime": 1619275258116, "intervals": 12, "allRows": 214, "namespaces":
+ 1, "deviceCnt": 13}, {"table": "mlag", "firstTime": 1619275264357, "latestTime":
+ 1619275266052, "intervals": 4, "allRows": 4, "namespaces": 1, "deviceCnt": 4},
+ {"table": "ospfIf", "firstTime": 1619275260398, "latestTime": 1619275262652, "intervals":
+ 7, "allRows": 40, "namespaces": 1, "deviceCnt": 8}, {"table": "ospfNbr", "firstTime":
+ 1619275265056, "latestTime": 1619275266142, "intervals": 8, "allRows": 24, "namespaces":
+ 1, "deviceCnt": 8}, {"table": "routes", "firstTime": 1619275256085, "latestTime":
+ 1619275257722, "intervals": 12, "allRows": 350, "namespaces": 1, "deviceCnt":
+ 14}, {"table": "sqPoller", "firstTime": 1658656298577, "latestTime": 1658656300675,
+ "intervals": 159, "allRows": 159, "namespaces": 1, "deviceCnt": 14}, {"table":
+ "time", "firstTime": 1619275256599, "latestTime": 1619275257446, "intervals":
+ 4, "allRows": 5, "namespaces": 1, "deviceCnt": 5}, {"table": "vlan", "firstTime":
+ 1619275257018, "latestTime": 1619275257683, "intervals": 6, "allRows": 23, "namespaces":
+ 1, "deviceCnt": 9}, {"table": "TOTAL", "firstTime": 1619275256085, "latestTime":
+ 1658656300675, "intervals": 159, "allRows": 1772, "namespaces": 1, "deviceCnt":
+ 14}]'
- command: table show --columns=hostname --format=json --namespace=nxos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
@@ -60,27 +59,26 @@ tests:
"firstTime": 1619275259574, "latestTime": 1619275260620, "intervals": 5, "allRows":
14, "namespaces": 1, "deviceCnt": 6}, {"table": "fs", "firstTime": 1619275256497,
"latestTime": 1619275257037, "intervals": 4, "allRows": 40, "namespaces": 1, "deviceCnt":
- 5}, {"table": "ifCounters", "firstTime": 1619275256394, "latestTime": 1619275256804,
- "intervals": 5, "allRows": 30, "namespaces": 1, "deviceCnt": 5}, {"table": "interfaces",
- "firstTime": 1619275256203, "latestTime": 1619275260177, "intervals": 12, "allRows":
- 694, "namespaces": 1, "deviceCnt": 14}, {"table": "lldp", "firstTime": 1619275257130,
- "latestTime": 1619275257776, "intervals": 9, "allRows": 44, "namespaces": 1, "deviceCnt":
- 9}, {"table": "macs", "firstTime": 1619275256085, "latestTime": 1619275258116,
- "intervals": 12, "allRows": 208, "namespaces": 1, "deviceCnt": 13}, {"table":
- "mlag", "firstTime": 1619275264357, "latestTime": 1619275266052, "intervals":
- 4, "allRows": 4, "namespaces": 1, "deviceCnt": 4}, {"table": "ospfIf", "firstTime":
- 1619275260398, "latestTime": 1619275262652, "intervals": 7, "allRows": 40, "namespaces":
- 1, "deviceCnt": 8}, {"table": "ospfNbr", "firstTime": 1619275265056, "latestTime":
- 1619275266142, "intervals": 8, "allRows": 24, "namespaces": 1, "deviceCnt": 8},
- {"table": "routes", "firstTime": 1619275256085, "latestTime": 1619275257722, "intervals":
- 12, "allRows": 350, "namespaces": 1, "deviceCnt": 14}, {"table": "sqPoller", "firstTime":
- 1652621116827, "latestTime": 1652621117544, "intervals": 164, "allRows": 164,
- "namespaces": 1, "deviceCnt": 14}, {"table": "time", "firstTime": 1619275256599,
- "latestTime": 1619275257446, "intervals": 4, "allRows": 5, "namespaces": 1, "deviceCnt":
- 5}, {"table": "vlan", "firstTime": 1619275257018, "latestTime": 1619275257683,
- "intervals": 6, "allRows": 23, "namespaces": 1, "deviceCnt": 9}, {"table": "TOTAL",
- "firstTime": 1619275256085, "latestTime": 1652621117544, "intervals": 164, "allRows":
- 1801, "namespaces": 1, "deviceCnt": 14}]'
+ 5}, {"table": "interfaces", "firstTime": 1619275256203, "latestTime": 1619275260177,
+ "intervals": 12, "allRows": 694, "namespaces": 1, "deviceCnt": 14}, {"table":
+ "lldp", "firstTime": 1619275257130, "latestTime": 1619275257776, "intervals":
+ 9, "allRows": 44, "namespaces": 1, "deviceCnt": 9}, {"table": "macs", "firstTime":
+ 1619275256085, "latestTime": 1619275258116, "intervals": 12, "allRows": 214, "namespaces":
+ 1, "deviceCnt": 13}, {"table": "mlag", "firstTime": 1619275264357, "latestTime":
+ 1619275266052, "intervals": 4, "allRows": 4, "namespaces": 1, "deviceCnt": 4},
+ {"table": "ospfIf", "firstTime": 1619275260398, "latestTime": 1619275262652, "intervals":
+ 7, "allRows": 40, "namespaces": 1, "deviceCnt": 8}, {"table": "ospfNbr", "firstTime":
+ 1619275265056, "latestTime": 1619275266142, "intervals": 8, "allRows": 24, "namespaces":
+ 1, "deviceCnt": 8}, {"table": "routes", "firstTime": 1619275256085, "latestTime":
+ 1619275257722, "intervals": 12, "allRows": 350, "namespaces": 1, "deviceCnt":
+ 14}, {"table": "sqPoller", "firstTime": 1658656298577, "latestTime": 1658656300675,
+ "intervals": 159, "allRows": 159, "namespaces": 1, "deviceCnt": 14}, {"table":
+ "time", "firstTime": 1619275256599, "latestTime": 1619275257446, "intervals":
+ 4, "allRows": 5, "namespaces": 1, "deviceCnt": 5}, {"table": "vlan", "firstTime":
+ 1619275257018, "latestTime": 1619275257683, "intervals": 6, "allRows": 23, "namespaces":
+ 1, "deviceCnt": 9}, {"table": "TOTAL", "firstTime": 1619275256085, "latestTime":
+ 1658656300675, "intervals": 159, "allRows": 1772, "namespaces": 1, "deviceCnt":
+ 14}]'
- command: table show --hostname=leaf01 --format=json --namespace=nxos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: table show nxos
@@ -97,18 +95,18 @@ tests:
1}, {"table": "lldp", "firstTime": 1619275257228, "latestTime": 1619275257228,
"intervals": 1, "allRows": 5, "namespaces": 1, "deviceCnt": 1}, {"table": "macs",
"firstTime": 1619275257166, "latestTime": 1619275257166, "intervals": 1, "allRows":
- 14, "namespaces": 1, "deviceCnt": 1}, {"table": "mlag", "firstTime": 1619275265830,
+ 15, "namespaces": 1, "deviceCnt": 1}, {"table": "mlag", "firstTime": 1619275265830,
"latestTime": 1619275265830, "intervals": 1, "allRows": 1, "namespaces": 1, "deviceCnt":
1}, {"table": "ospfIf", "firstTime": 1619275261428, "latestTime": 1619275261428,
"intervals": 1, "allRows": 4, "namespaces": 1, "deviceCnt": 1}, {"table": "ospfNbr",
"firstTime": 1619275266136, "latestTime": 1619275266136, "intervals": 1, "allRows":
2, "namespaces": 1, "deviceCnt": 1}, {"table": "routes", "firstTime": 1619275257674,
"latestTime": 1619275257674, "intervals": 1, "allRows": 35, "namespaces": 1, "deviceCnt":
- 1}, {"table": "sqPoller", "firstTime": 1652621116855, "latestTime": 1652621117518,
+ 1}, {"table": "sqPoller", "firstTime": 1658656298602, "latestTime": 1658656300612,
"intervals": 13, "allRows": 13, "namespaces": 1, "deviceCnt": 1}, {"table": "vlan",
"firstTime": 1619275257018, "latestTime": 1619275257018, "intervals": 1, "allRows":
4, "namespaces": 1, "deviceCnt": 1}, {"table": "TOTAL", "firstTime": 1619275257018,
- "latestTime": 1652621117518, "intervals": 13, "allRows": 171, "namespaces": 1,
+ "latestTime": 1658656300612, "intervals": 13, "allRows": 172, "namespaces": 1,
"deviceCnt": 1}]'
- command: table describe --format=json --namespace=nxos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
@@ -130,18 +128,18 @@ tests:
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: table unique nxos
output: '[{"table": "TOTAL"}, {"table": "arpnd"}, {"table": "bgp"}, {"table": "devconfig"},
- {"table": "device"}, {"table": "evpnVni"}, {"table": "fs"}, {"table": "ifCounters"},
- {"table": "interfaces"}, {"table": "lldp"}, {"table": "macs"}, {"table": "mlag"},
- {"table": "ospfIf"}, {"table": "ospfNbr"}, {"table": "routes"}, {"table": "sqPoller"},
- {"table": "time"}, {"table": "vlan"}]'
+ {"table": "device"}, {"table": "evpnVni"}, {"table": "fs"}, {"table": "interfaces"},
+ {"table": "lldp"}, {"table": "macs"}, {"table": "mlag"}, {"table": "ospfIf"},
+ {"table": "ospfNbr"}, {"table": "routes"}, {"table": "sqPoller"}, {"table": "time"},
+ {"table": "vlan"}]'
- command: table unique --count=True --format=json --namespace=nxos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: table unique nxos
output: '[{"table": "TOTAL", "numRows": 1}, {"table": "arpnd", "numRows": 1}, {"table":
"bgp", "numRows": 1}, {"table": "devconfig", "numRows": 1}, {"table": "device",
"numRows": 1}, {"table": "evpnVni", "numRows": 1}, {"table": "fs", "numRows":
- 1}, {"table": "ifCounters", "numRows": 1}, {"table": "interfaces", "numRows":
- 1}, {"table": "lldp", "numRows": 1}, {"table": "macs", "numRows": 1}, {"table":
- "mlag", "numRows": 1}, {"table": "ospfIf", "numRows": 1}, {"table": "ospfNbr",
- "numRows": 1}, {"table": "routes", "numRows": 1}, {"table": "sqPoller", "numRows":
- 1}, {"table": "time", "numRows": 1}, {"table": "vlan", "numRows": 1}]'
+ 1}, {"table": "interfaces", "numRows": 1}, {"table": "lldp", "numRows": 1}, {"table":
+ "macs", "numRows": 1}, {"table": "mlag", "numRows": 1}, {"table": "ospfIf", "numRows":
+ 1}, {"table": "ospfNbr", "numRows": 1}, {"table": "routes", "numRows": 1}, {"table":
+ "sqPoller", "numRows": 1}, {"table": "time", "numRows": 1}, {"table": "vlan",
+ "numRows": 1}]'
diff --git a/tests/integration/sqcmds/nxos-samples/top.yml b/tests/integration/sqcmds/nxos-samples/top.yml
index a8708dac60..37d389e408 100644
--- a/tests/integration/sqcmds/nxos-samples/top.yml
+++ b/tests/integration/sqcmds/nxos-samples/top.yml
@@ -118,20 +118,31 @@ tests:
"source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "numNexthops":
6, "timestamp": 1619275257467}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "vrf":
"default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""],
- "oifs": ["Lo0", "Lo0"], "protocol": "local", "source": "", "preference": 0, "ipvers":
- 4, "action": "forward", "numNexthops": 2, "timestamp": 1619275257123}, {"namespace":
- "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps":
- ["", ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/3", "Ethernet1/4"], "protocol":
- "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "numNexthops":
- 2, "timestamp": 1619275257123}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "vrf":
- "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["", ""],
- "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference":
- 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "numNexthops": 2, "timestamp": 1619275257123}]'
+ "oifs": ["loopback0", "loopback0"], "protocol": "local", "source": "", "preference":
+ 0, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "numNexthops": 2, "timestamp": 1619275257123},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "",
+ "nexthopIps": ["", ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/3", "Ethernet1/4"],
+ "protocol": "ospf", "source": "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward",
+ "numNexthops": 2, "timestamp": 1619275257123}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "spine02", "vrf": "default", "prefix": "", "nexthopIps": ["",
+ ""], "oifs": ["Ethernet1/1", "Ethernet1/2"], "protocol": "ospf", "source":
+ "", "preference": 110, "ipvers": 4, "action": "forward", "numNexthops": 2, "timestamp":
+ 1619275257123}]'
- command: mac top --what=moveCount --format=json --namespace='nxos'
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
- error:
- error: '[{"error": "ERROR: ''mackey''"}]'
marks: mac top nxos
+ output: '[{"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "44:01:01:02:1b:08",
+ "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "router", "moveCount":
+ 0, "timestamp": 1619275258116}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "vlan":
+ 0, "macaddr": "44:01:01:01:1b:08", "oif": "sup-eth1", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd":
+ "", "flags": "router", "moveCount": 0, "timestamp": 1619275257253}, {"namespace":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "33:33:ff:de:d8:99", "oif":
+ "eth0", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "permanent", "moveCount": 0, "timestamp":
+ 1619275256204}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "server302", "vlan": 0, "macaddr":
+ "33:33:ff:22:53:72", "oif": "bond0", "remoteVtepIp": "", "bd": "", "flags": "permanent",
+ "moveCount": 0, "timestamp": 1619275256204}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "server302", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "33:33:ff:22:53:72", "oif": "eth1", "remoteVtepIp":
+ "", "bd": "", "flags": "permanent", "moveCount": 0, "timestamp": 1619275256204}]'
- command: route top --what=prefixlen --format=json --namespace='nxos'
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: route top nxos
diff --git a/tests/integration/sqcmds/nxos-samples/topology.yml b/tests/integration/sqcmds/nxos-samples/topology.yml
index fbf6534d84..2dd48e0acd 100644
--- a/tests/integration/sqcmds/nxos-samples/topology.yml
+++ b/tests/integration/sqcmds/nxos-samples/topology.yml
@@ -875,21 +875,69 @@ tests:
- command: topology show --asn=64520 --format=json --namespace=nxos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: topology show nxos
- output: '[]'
+ output: '[{"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "peerHostname": "exit02",
+ "vrf": "default", "asn": 64520, "peerAsn": 64520, "bgp": true, "polled": true},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "peerHostname": "exit01", "vrf":
+ "default", "asn": 64520, "peerAsn": 64520, "bgp": true, "polled": true}, {"namespace":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "peerHostname": "leaf04", "vrf": "default", "asn":
+ 64520, "peerAsn": 64520, "bgp": true, "polled": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "spine02", "peerHostname": "leaf03", "vrf": "default", "asn": 64520, "peerAsn":
+ 64520, "bgp": true, "polled": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02",
+ "peerHostname": "leaf02", "vrf": "default", "asn": 64520, "peerAsn": 64520, "bgp":
+ true, "polled": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine02", "peerHostname":
+ "leaf01", "vrf": "default", "asn": 64520, "peerAsn": 64520, "bgp": true, "polled":
+ true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "peerHostname": "spine02",
+ "vrf": "default", "asn": 64520, "peerAsn": 64520, "bgp": true, "polled": true},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "peerHostname": "spine01", "vrf":
+ "default", "asn": 64520, "peerAsn": 64520, "bgp": true, "polled": true}, {"namespace":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "peerHostname": "spine01", "vrf": "default", "asn":
+ 64520, "peerAsn": 64520, "bgp": true, "polled": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "leaf01", "peerHostname": "spine02", "vrf": "default", "asn": 64520, "peerAsn":
+ 64520, "bgp": true, "polled": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01",
+ "peerHostname": "spine01", "vrf": "default", "asn": 64520, "peerAsn": 64520, "bgp":
+ true, "polled": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit01", "peerHostname":
+ "spine02", "vrf": "default", "asn": 64520, "peerAsn": 64520, "bgp": true, "polled":
+ true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "peerHostname": "spine01",
+ "vrf": "default", "asn": 64520, "peerAsn": 64520, "bgp": true, "polled": true},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "peerHostname": "exit02", "vrf":
+ "default", "asn": 64520, "peerAsn": 64520, "bgp": true, "polled": true}, {"namespace":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "peerHostname": "exit01", "vrf": "default", "asn":
+ 64520, "peerAsn": 64520, "bgp": true, "polled": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "spine01", "peerHostname": "leaf04", "vrf": "default", "asn": 64520, "peerAsn":
+ 64520, "bgp": true, "polled": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01",
+ "peerHostname": "leaf03", "vrf": "default", "asn": 64520, "peerAsn": 64520, "bgp":
+ true, "polled": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "peerHostname":
+ "leaf02", "vrf": "default", "asn": 64520, "peerAsn": 64520, "bgp": true, "polled":
+ true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "peerHostname": "spine02",
+ "vrf": "default", "asn": 64520, "peerAsn": 64520, "bgp": true, "polled": true},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "spine01", "peerHostname": "leaf01", "vrf":
+ "default", "asn": 64520, "peerAsn": 64520, "bgp": true, "polled": true}, {"namespace":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "leaf02", "peerHostname": "spine02", "vrf": "default", "asn":
+ 64520, "peerAsn": 64520, "bgp": true, "polled": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname":
+ "leaf02", "peerHostname": "spine01", "vrf": "default", "asn": 64520, "peerAsn":
+ 64520, "bgp": true, "polled": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02",
+ "peerHostname": "spine02", "vrf": "default", "asn": 64520, "peerAsn": 64520, "bgp":
+ true, "polled": true}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "exit02", "peerHostname":
+ "spine01", "vrf": "default", "asn": 64520, "peerAsn": 64520, "bgp": true, "polled":
+ true}]'
- command: topology summarize --asn=64520 --format=json --namespace=nxos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: topology summarize nxos
- output: '{"namespace": {}, "hostname": {}, "peerHostname": {}, "vrf": {}, "asn":
- {}, "peerAsn": {}, "bgp": {}, "polled": {}}'
+ output: '{"nxos": {"bgp_center": ["spine02", "spine01"], "bgp_degree_histogram":
+ "...", "bgp_is_fully_connected": true, "bgp_number_of_disjoint_sets": 1, "bgp_number_of_edges":
+ 12, "bgp_number_of_nodes": 8, "bgp_self_loops": []}}'
- command: topology unique --asn=64520 --format=json --namespace=nxos --columns=hostname
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: topology unique nxos
- output: '[]'
+ output: '[{"hostname": "exit01"}, {"hostname": "exit02"}, {"hostname": "leaf01"},
+ {"hostname": "leaf02"}, {"hostname": "leaf03"}, {"hostname": "leaf04"}, {"hostname":
+ "spine01"}, {"hostname": "spine02"}]'
- command: topology summarize --vrf=default --asn=64520 --format=json --namespace=nxos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: topology summarize nxos
- output: '{"namespace": {}, "hostname": {}, "peerHostname": {}, "vrf": {}, "asn":
- {}, "peerAsn": {}, "bgp": {}, "polled": {}}'
+ output: '{"nxos": {"bgp_center": ["spine02", "spine01"], "bgp_degree_histogram":
+ "...", "bgp_is_fully_connected": true, "bgp_number_of_disjoint_sets": 1, "bgp_number_of_edges":
+ 12, "bgp_number_of_nodes": 8, "bgp_self_loops": []}}'
- command: topology summarize --vrf=default --via=lldp --format=json --namespace=nxos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: topology summarize nxos
diff --git a/tests/integration/sqcmds/nxos-samples/vlan.yml b/tests/integration/sqcmds/nxos-samples/vlan.yml
index 7bf30b965c..6234efeca9 100644
--- a/tests/integration/sqcmds/nxos-samples/vlan.yml
+++ b/tests/integration/sqcmds/nxos-samples/vlan.yml
@@ -177,3 +177,41 @@ tests:
output: '[{"hostname": "dcedge01"}, {"hostname": "exit01"}, {"hostname": "exit02"},
{"hostname": "leaf01"}, {"hostname": "leaf02"}, {"hostname": "leaf03"}, {"hostname":
"leaf04"}, {"hostname": "spine01"}, {"hostname": "spine02"}]'
+- command: vlan show --vlan='>10 <100' --format=json --namespace=nxos
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: vlan show nxos
+ output: '[{"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vlanName": "vlan30", "state":
+ "active", "interfaces": ["port-channel1", "port-channel4", "Ethernet1/4", "Ethernet1/5",
+ "Ethernet1/6"], "vlan": 30, "timestamp": 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos",
+ "hostname": "leaf02", "vlanName": "vlan30", "state": "active", "interfaces": ["port-channel1",
+ "port-channel4", "Ethernet1/4", "Ethernet1/5", "Ethernet1/6"], "vlan": 30, "timestamp":
+ 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vlanName": "vlan20",
+ "state": "active", "interfaces": ["port-channel1", "port-channel3", "Ethernet1/3",
+ "Ethernet1/5", "Ethernet1/6"], "vlan": 20, "timestamp": 1619275257446}, {"namespace":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vlanName": "vlan30", "state": "active", "interfaces":
+ ["port-channel1", "port-channel4", "Ethernet1/4", "Ethernet1/5", "Ethernet1/6"],
+ "vlan": 30, "timestamp": 1619275257446}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04",
+ "vlanName": "vlan20", "state": "active", "interfaces": ["port-channel1", "port-channel3",
+ "Ethernet1/3", "Ethernet1/5", "Ethernet1/6"], "vlan": 20, "timestamp": 1619275257671},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vlanName": "vlan30", "state": "active",
+ "interfaces": ["port-channel1", "port-channel4", "Ethernet1/4", "Ethernet1/5",
+ "Ethernet1/6"], "vlan": 30, "timestamp": 1619275257671}]'
+- command: vlan show --vlan='> 10 < 100' --format=json --namespace=nxos
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: vlan show nxos
+ output: '[{"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vlanName": "vlan30", "state":
+ "active", "interfaces": ["port-channel1", "port-channel4", "Ethernet1/4", "Ethernet1/5",
+ "Ethernet1/6"], "vlan": 30, "timestamp": 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos",
+ "hostname": "leaf02", "vlanName": "vlan30", "state": "active", "interfaces": ["port-channel1",
+ "port-channel4", "Ethernet1/4", "Ethernet1/5", "Ethernet1/6"], "vlan": 30, "timestamp":
+ 1619275257018}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vlanName": "vlan20",
+ "state": "active", "interfaces": ["port-channel1", "port-channel3", "Ethernet1/3",
+ "Ethernet1/5", "Ethernet1/6"], "vlan": 20, "timestamp": 1619275257446}, {"namespace":
+ "nxos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vlanName": "vlan30", "state": "active", "interfaces":
+ ["port-channel1", "port-channel4", "Ethernet1/4", "Ethernet1/5", "Ethernet1/6"],
+ "vlan": 30, "timestamp": 1619275257446}, {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04",
+ "vlanName": "vlan20", "state": "active", "interfaces": ["port-channel1", "port-channel3",
+ "Ethernet1/3", "Ethernet1/5", "Ethernet1/6"], "vlan": 20, "timestamp": 1619275257671},
+ {"namespace": "nxos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vlanName": "vlan30", "state": "active",
+ "interfaces": ["port-channel1", "port-channel4", "Ethernet1/4", "Ethernet1/5",
+ "Ethernet1/6"], "vlan": 30, "timestamp": 1619275257671}]'
diff --git a/tests/integration/sqcmds/panos-samples/network.yml b/tests/integration/sqcmds/panos-samples/network.yml
index f565459ba6..d40d4b6802 100644
--- a/tests/integration/sqcmds/panos-samples/network.yml
+++ b/tests/integration/sqcmds/panos-samples/network.yml
@@ -3,16 +3,22 @@ tests:
- command: network find --address="" --format=json --namespace=panos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: network find panos
- output: '[]'
+ output: '[{"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "server101", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress":
+ "", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "26:76:20:42:e2:c6", "ifname": "bond0",
+ "bondMembers": "eth1, eth2", "type": "interface", "l2miss": false}]'
- command: network find --namespace=panos --address="" --format=json --namespace=panos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: network find panos
- output: '[]'
-- command: network find --address="52:54:00:c5:1d:06" --namespace=panos --format=json --namespace=panos
+ output: '[{"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "server101", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress":
+ "", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "26:76:20:42:e2:c6", "ifname": "bond0",
+ "bondMembers": "eth1, eth2", "type": "interface", "l2miss": false}]'
+- command: network find --address="52:54:00:c5:1d:06" --namespace=panos --format=json
+ --namespace=panos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: network find panos
output: '[]'
-- command: network find --address="72:f0:17:6d:80:3f" --namespace=panos --format=json --namespace=panos
+- command: network find --address="72:f0:17:6d:80:3f" --namespace=panos --format=json
+ --namespace=panos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: network find panos
output: '[]'
@@ -24,41 +30,54 @@ tests:
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: network find panos
output: '[{"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress":
- "", "vlan": "0", "macaddr": "52:54:00:89:13:56", "ifname": "swp2", "bondMembers":
- "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1639476254326}]'
+ "", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "52:54:00:89:13:56", "ifname": "swp2", "bondMembers":
+ "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "leaf01",
+ "vrf": "default", "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "52:54:00:c4:19:83",
+ "ifname": "swp1", "bondMembers": "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace":
+ "panos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress": "", "vlan":
+ 0, "macaddr": "00:00:00:00:00:00", "ifname": "lo", "bondMembers": "", "type":
+ "interface", "l2miss": false}]'
- command: network find --address="" --format=json --namespace=panos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: network find panos
output: '[{"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "dcedge01", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress":
- "", "vlan": "0", "macaddr": "52:54:00:89:e4:e1", "ifname": "swp1",
- "bondMembers": "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1639476254367}]'
+ "", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "52:54:00:89:e4:e1", "ifname": "swp1",
+ "bondMembers": "", "type": "interface", "l2miss": false}]'
- command: network find --address="" --format=json --namespace=panos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: network find panos
output: '[{"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "exit01", "vrf": "internet-vrf", "ipAddress":
- "", "vlan": "0", "macaddr": "52:54:00:de:df:7d", "ifname": "swp4",
- "bondMembers": "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1639476254136}]'
+ "", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "52:54:00:de:df:7d", "ifname": "swp4",
+ "bondMembers": "", "type": "interface", "l2miss": false}]'
- command: network find --address="" --format=json --namespace=panos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: network find panos
output: '[{"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "spine01", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress":
- "", "vlan": "0", "macaddr": "52:54:00:c4:54:00", "ifname": "swp6", "bondMembers":
- "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1639476254350}]'
+ "", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "52:54:00:c4:54:00", "ifname": "swp6", "bondMembers":
+ "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "spine01",
+ "vrf": "default", "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "52:54:00:f5:f0:96",
+ "ifname": "swp5", "bondMembers": "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace":
+ "panos", "hostname": "spine01", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress": "", "vlan":
+ 0, "macaddr": "52:54:00:41:6f:13", "ifname": "swp2", "bondMembers": "", "type":
+ "routed", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "spine01", "vrf":
+ "default", "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "52:54:00:d3:be:93",
+ "ifname": "swp3", "bondMembers": "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace":
+ "panos", "hostname": "spine01", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress": "", "vlan":
+ 0, "macaddr": "52:54:00:83:d9:77", "ifname": "swp1", "bondMembers": "", "type":
+ "routed", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "spine01", "vrf":
+ "default", "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "52:54:00:a0:82:3d",
+ "ifname": "swp4", "bondMembers": "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace":
+ "panos", "hostname": "spine01", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress": "", "vlan":
+ 0, "macaddr": "00:00:00:00:00:00", "ifname": "lo", "bondMembers": "", "type":
+ "interface", "l2miss": false}]'
- command: network find --address="" --format=json --namespace=panos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: network find panos
output: '[{"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress":
- "", "vlan": "0", "macaddr": "52:54:00:3c:63:f0", "ifname": "swp2", "bondMembers":
- "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1639476254326}, {"namespace":
- "panos", "hostname": "leaf02", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddress": "", "vlan":
- "999", "macaddr": "44:39:39:ff:41:96", "ifname": "vlan999", "bondMembers": "",
- "type": "bridged", "l2miss": true, "timestamp": 1639476254402}, {"namespace":
- "panos", "hostname": "leaf03", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddress": "", "vlan":
- "999", "macaddr": "44:39:39:ff:41:96", "ifname": "vlan999", "bondMembers": "",
- "type": "bridged", "l2miss": true, "timestamp": 1639476254419}, {"namespace":
- "panos", "hostname": "leaf01", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddress": "", "vlan":
- "999", "macaddr": "44:39:39:ff:41:96", "ifname": "vlan999", "bondMembers": "",
- "type": "bridged", "l2miss": true, "timestamp": 1639476254425}, {"namespace":
- "panos", "hostname": "leaf04", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "ipAddress": "", "vlan":
- "999", "macaddr": "44:39:39:ff:41:96", "ifname": "vlan999", "bondMembers": "",
- "type": "bridged", "l2miss": true, "timestamp": 1639476254425}]'
+ "", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "52:54:00:3c:63:f0", "ifname": "swp2", "bondMembers":
+ "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "panos", "hostname": "exit02",
+ "vrf": "default", "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "52:54:00:d2:4a:6a",
+ "ifname": "swp1", "bondMembers": "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace":
+ "panos", "hostname": "exit02", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress": "", "vlan":
+ 0, "macaddr": "00:00:00:00:00:00", "ifname": "lo", "bondMembers": "", "type":
+ "interface", "l2miss": false}]'
diff --git a/tests/integration/sqcmds/panos-samples/path.yml b/tests/integration/sqcmds/panos-samples/path.yml
index 1d65349ed2..ca037632d2 100644
--- a/tests/integration/sqcmds/panos-samples/path.yml
+++ b/tests/integration/sqcmds/panos-samples/path.yml
@@ -6,189 +6,190 @@ tests:
output: '[{"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "panos", "hostname": "spine01",
"iif": "lo", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false,
"mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 65536, "outMtu": 65536, "protocol": "", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "timestamp": 1639476254852}]'
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp":
+ 1639476254852}]'
- command: path show --dest= --src= --format=json --namespace=panos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: path show panos
output: '[{"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "panos", "hostname": "server301",
"iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false,
"mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "",
- "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "timestamp": 1639476253889}]'
+ "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp":
+ 1639476253889}]'
- command: path show --dest= --src= --format=json --namespace=panos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: path show panos
output: '[{"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "panos", "hostname": "leaf04",
"iif": "lo", "oif": "swp1", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false,
"mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 65536, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "timestamp":
- 1639476253487}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "panos", "hostname":
- "spine01", "iif": "swp4", "oif": "swp1", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay":
- false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "timestamp":
- 1639476253487}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "panos", "hostname":
- "leaf01", "iif": "swp1", "oif": "lo", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay":
- false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 65536, "protocol": "", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "timestamp": 1639476254854},
- {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "panos", "hostname": "leaf04", "iif":
- "lo", "oif": "swp2", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
- true, "inMtu": 65536, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "",
- "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "timestamp": 1639476253487},
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError":
+ "", "timestamp": 1639476253487}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "panos",
+ "hostname": "spine01", "iif": "swp4", "oif": "swp1", "vrf": "default", "isL2":
+ false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol":
+ "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
+ "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1639476253487}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount":
+ 2, "namespace": "panos", "hostname": "leaf01", "iif": "swp1", "oif": "lo", "vrf":
+ "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu":
+ 65536, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
+ "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1639476254854}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 0,
+ "namespace": "panos", "hostname": "leaf04", "iif": "lo", "oif": "swp2", "vrf":
+ "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 65536,
+ "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1639476253487},
{"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "panos", "hostname": "spine02", "iif":
"swp4", "oif": "swp1", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "",
- "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "timestamp": 1639476253487},
- {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "panos", "hostname": "leaf01", "iif":
- "swp2", "oif": "lo", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
- true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 65536, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "timestamp": 1639476254854}]'
+ "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp":
+ 1639476253487}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "panos", "hostname":
+ "leaf01", "iif": "swp2", "oif": "lo", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay":
+ false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 65536, "protocol": "", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp":
+ 1639476254854}]'
- command: path show --src= --dest= --format=json --namespace=panos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
- error:
- error: '[{"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "panos", "hostname": "server101",
- "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay":
- false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
- "error": "", "timestamp": 1639476253490}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 1, "namespace":
- "panos", "hostname": "leaf01", "iif": "Vlan10", "oif": "swp1", "vrf": "evpn-vrf",
- "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9000, "outMtu":
- 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "",
- "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp":
- 1639476253487}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "panos", "hostname":
- "spine01", "iif": "swp1", "oif": "swp3", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay":
- true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": null, "nexthopIp": "", "error":
- "", "timestamp": 1639476253487}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "panos",
- "hostname": "leaf03", "iif": "swp1", "oif": "Vlan20", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2":
- false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9000, "protocol":
- "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error":
- "Dst MTU != Src MTU", "timestamp": 1639476254844}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount":
- 0, "namespace": "panos", "hostname": "server101", "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0",
- "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
- 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp":
- 1639476253490}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "panos", "hostname":
- "leaf02", "iif": "Vlan10", "oif": "swp1", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": true, "overlay":
- false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9000, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp",
- "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1639476253487}, {"pathid":
- 2, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "panos", "hostname": "spine01", "iif": "swp2",
- "oif": "swp3", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch":
- true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "",
- "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": null, "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp":
- 1639476253487}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "panos", "hostname":
- "leaf03", "iif": "swp1", "oif": "Vlan20", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": false,
- "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9000, "protocol":
- "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error":
- "Dst MTU != Src MTU", "timestamp": 1639476254844}, {"pathid": 3, "hopCount":
- 0, "namespace": "panos", "hostname": "server101", "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0",
- "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
- 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp":
- 1639476253490}, {"pathid": 3, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "panos", "hostname":
- "leaf01", "iif": "Vlan10", "oif": "swp1", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": true, "overlay":
- false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9000, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp",
- "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1639476253487}, {"pathid":
- 3, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "panos", "hostname": "spine01", "iif": "swp1",
- "oif": "swp4", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch":
- true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "",
- "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": null, "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp":
- 1639476253487}, {"pathid": 3, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "panos", "hostname":
- "leaf04", "iif": "swp1", "oif": "Vlan20", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": false,
- "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9000, "protocol":
- "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error":
- "Dst MTU != Src MTU", "timestamp": 1639476254836}, {"pathid": 4, "hopCount":
- 0, "namespace": "panos", "hostname": "server101", "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0",
- "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
- 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp":
- 1639476253490}, {"pathid": 4, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "panos", "hostname":
- "leaf02", "iif": "Vlan10", "oif": "swp1", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": true, "overlay":
- false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9000, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp",
- "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1639476253487}, {"pathid":
- 4, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "panos", "hostname": "spine01", "iif": "swp2",
- "oif": "swp4", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch":
- true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "",
- "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": null, "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp":
- 1639476253487}, {"pathid": 4, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "panos", "hostname":
- "leaf04", "iif": "swp1", "oif": "Vlan20", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": false,
- "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9000, "protocol":
- "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error":
- "Dst MTU != Src MTU", "timestamp": 1639476254836}, {"pathid": 5, "hopCount":
- 0, "namespace": "panos", "hostname": "server101", "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0",
- "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
- 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp":
- 1639476253490}, {"pathid": 5, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "panos", "hostname":
- "leaf01", "iif": "Vlan10", "oif": "swp2", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": true, "overlay":
- false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9000, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp",
- "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1639476253487}, {"pathid":
- 5, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "panos", "hostname": "spine02", "iif": "swp1",
- "oif": "swp3", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch":
- true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "",
- "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": null, "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp":
- 1639476253487}, {"pathid": 5, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "panos", "hostname":
- "leaf03", "iif": "swp2", "oif": "Vlan20", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": false,
- "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9000, "protocol":
- "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error":
- "Dst MTU != Src MTU", "timestamp": 1639476254844}, {"pathid": 6, "hopCount":
- 0, "namespace": "panos", "hostname": "server101", "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0",
- "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
- 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp":
- 1639476253490}, {"pathid": 6, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "panos", "hostname":
- "leaf02", "iif": "Vlan10", "oif": "swp2", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": true, "overlay":
- false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9000, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp",
- "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1639476253487}, {"pathid":
- 6, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "panos", "hostname": "spine02", "iif": "swp2",
- "oif": "swp3", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch":
- true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "",
- "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": null, "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp":
- 1639476253487}, {"pathid": 6, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "panos", "hostname":
- "leaf03", "iif": "swp2", "oif": "Vlan20", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": false,
- "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9000, "protocol":
- "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error":
- "Dst MTU != Src MTU", "timestamp": 1639476254844}, {"pathid": 7, "hopCount":
- 0, "namespace": "panos", "hostname": "server101", "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0",
- "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
- 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp":
- 1639476253490}, {"pathid": 7, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "panos", "hostname":
- "leaf01", "iif": "Vlan10", "oif": "swp2", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": true, "overlay":
- false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9000, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp",
- "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1639476253487}, {"pathid":
- 7, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "panos", "hostname": "spine02", "iif": "swp1",
- "oif": "swp4", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch":
- true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "",
- "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": null, "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp":
- 1639476253487}, {"pathid": 7, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "panos", "hostname":
- "leaf04", "iif": "swp2", "oif": "Vlan20", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": false,
- "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9000, "protocol":
- "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error":
- "Dst MTU != Src MTU", "timestamp": 1639476254836}, {"pathid": 8, "hopCount":
- 0, "namespace": "panos", "hostname": "server101", "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0",
- "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
- 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp":
- 1639476253490}, {"pathid": 8, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "panos", "hostname":
- "leaf02", "iif": "Vlan10", "oif": "swp2", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": true, "overlay":
- false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9000, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp",
- "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1639476253487}, {"pathid":
- 8, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "panos", "hostname": "spine02", "iif": "swp2",
- "oif": "swp4", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch":
- true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "",
- "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": null, "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp":
- 1639476253487}, {"pathid": 8, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "panos", "hostname":
- "leaf04", "iif": "swp2", "oif": "Vlan20", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": false,
- "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9000, "protocol":
- "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error":
- "Dst MTU != Src MTU", "timestamp": 1639476254836}]'
marks: path show panos
+ output: '[{"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "panos", "hostname": "server101",
+ "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false,
+ "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "",
+ "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "",
+ "timestamp": 1639476253490}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "panos",
+ "hostname": "leaf01", "iif": "Vlan10", "oif": "swp1", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2":
+ true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9000, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol":
+ "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "",
+ "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1639476253487},
+ {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "panos", "hostname": "spine01", "iif":
+ "swp1", "oif": "swp3", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch":
+ true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "",
+ "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": null, "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp":
+ 1639476253487}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "panos", "hostname":
+ "leaf03", "iif": "swp1", "oif": "Vlan20", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": false, "overlay":
+ false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9000, "protocol": "", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Dst MTU !=
+ Src MTU", "timestamp": 1639476254844}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 0, "namespace":
+ "panos", "hostname": "server101", "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default",
+ "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216,
+ "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "",
+ "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1639476253490}, {"pathid":
+ 2, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "panos", "hostname": "leaf02", "iif": "Vlan10",
+ "oif": "swp1", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
+ false, "inMtu": 9000, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "",
+ "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError":
+ "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1639476253487}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 2,
+ "namespace": "panos", "hostname": "spine01", "iif": "swp2", "oif": "swp3", "vrf":
+ "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu":
+ 9216, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ null, "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1639476253487}, {"pathid":
+ 2, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "panos", "hostname": "leaf03", "iif": "swp1", "oif":
+ "Vlan20", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true,
+ "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9000, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "",
+ "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Dst MTU != Src MTU", "timestamp":
+ 1639476254844}, {"pathid": 3, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "panos", "hostname":
+ "server101", "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false,
+ "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol":
+ "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
+ "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1639476253490}, {"pathid": 3, "hopCount":
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+ "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu":
+ 9000, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU
+ < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1639476253487}, {"pathid": 3, "hopCount": 2, "namespace":
+ "panos", "hostname": "spine01", "iif": "swp1", "oif": "swp4", "vrf": "default",
+ "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216,
+ "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": null,
+ "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1639476253487}, {"pathid": 3, "hopCount":
+ 3, "namespace": "panos", "hostname": "leaf04", "iif": "swp1", "oif": "Vlan20",
+ "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
+ 9216, "outMtu": 9000, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Dst MTU != Src MTU", "timestamp": 1639476254836},
+ {"pathid": 4, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "panos", "hostname": "server101", "iif":
+ "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
+ true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "",
+ "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "",
+ "timestamp": 1639476253490}, {"pathid": 4, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "panos",
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+ "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "",
+ "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1639476253487},
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+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Dst MTU !=
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+ "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1639476253490}, {"pathid":
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+ false, "inMtu": 9000, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "",
+ "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError":
+ "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1639476253487}, {"pathid": 5, "hopCount": 2,
+ "namespace": "panos", "hostname": "spine02", "iif": "swp1", "oif": "swp3", "vrf":
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+ null, "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1639476253487}, {"pathid":
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+ "Vlan20", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true,
+ "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9000, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "",
+ "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Dst MTU != Src MTU", "timestamp":
+ 1639476254844}, {"pathid": 6, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "panos", "hostname":
+ "server101", "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false,
+ "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol":
+ "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
+ "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1639476253490}, {"pathid": 6, "hopCount":
+ 1, "namespace": "panos", "hostname": "leaf02", "iif": "Vlan10", "oif": "swp2",
+ "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu":
+ 9000, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU
+ < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1639476253487}, {"pathid": 6, "hopCount": 2, "namespace":
+ "panos", "hostname": "spine02", "iif": "swp2", "oif": "swp3", "vrf": "default",
+ "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216,
+ "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": null,
+ "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1639476253487}, {"pathid": 6, "hopCount":
+ 3, "namespace": "panos", "hostname": "leaf03", "iif": "swp2", "oif": "Vlan20",
+ "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
+ 9216, "outMtu": 9000, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Dst MTU != Src MTU", "timestamp": 1639476254844},
+ {"pathid": 7, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "panos", "hostname": "server101", "iif":
+ "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
+ true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "",
+ "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "",
+ "timestamp": 1639476253490}, {"pathid": 7, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "panos",
+ "hostname": "leaf01", "iif": "Vlan10", "oif": "swp2", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2":
+ true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9000, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol":
+ "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "",
+ "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1639476253487},
+ {"pathid": 7, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "panos", "hostname": "spine02", "iif":
+ "swp1", "oif": "swp4", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch":
+ true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "",
+ "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": null, "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp":
+ 1639476253487}, {"pathid": 7, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "panos", "hostname":
+ "leaf04", "iif": "swp2", "oif": "Vlan20", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": false, "overlay":
+ false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9000, "protocol": "", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Dst MTU !=
+ Src MTU", "timestamp": 1639476254836}, {"pathid": 8, "hopCount": 0, "namespace":
+ "panos", "hostname": "server101", "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default",
+ "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216,
+ "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "",
+ "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1639476253490}, {"pathid":
+ 8, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "panos", "hostname": "leaf02", "iif": "Vlan10",
+ "oif": "swp2", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
+ false, "inMtu": 9000, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "",
+ "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError":
+ "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1639476253487}, {"pathid": 8, "hopCount": 2,
+ "namespace": "panos", "hostname": "spine02", "iif": "swp2", "oif": "swp4", "vrf":
+ "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu":
+ 9216, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ null, "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1639476253487}, {"pathid":
+ 8, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "panos", "hostname": "leaf04", "iif": "swp2", "oif":
+ "Vlan20", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true,
+ "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9000, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "",
+ "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Dst MTU != Src MTU", "timestamp":
+ 1639476254836}]'
- command: path summarize --dest= --src= --format=json --namespace=panos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
marks: path summarize panos
@@ -196,243 +197,236 @@ tests:
7}, {"panos": 9000}, {"panos": true}, {"panos": true}]'
- command: path show --src= --dest= --format=json --namespace=panos
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
- error:
- error: '[{"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "panos", "hostname": "server101",
- "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay":
- false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
- "error": "", "timestamp": 1639476253490}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 1, "namespace":
- "panos", "hostname": "leaf01", "iif": "Vlan10", "oif": "swp1", "vrf": "evpn-vrf",
- "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9000, "outMtu":
- 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "",
- "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp":
- 1639476253487}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "panos", "hostname":
- "spine01", "iif": "swp1", "oif": "swp6", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay":
- true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup":
- "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
- "error": "", "timestamp": 1639476253487}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 3, "namespace":
- "panos", "hostname": "exit02", "iif": "swp1", "oif": "swp3.3", "vrf": "evpn-vrf",
- "isL2": false, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216,
- "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
- "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1639476253487}, {"pathid":
- 1, "hopCount": 4, "namespace": "panos", "hostname": "firewall01", "iif": "ethernet1/2",
- "oif": "loopback", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
- false, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 0, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Dst MTU != Src MTU", "timestamp":
- 1639476254171}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "panos", "hostname":
- "server101", "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false,
- "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol":
- "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1639476253490}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount":
- 1, "namespace": "panos", "hostname": "leaf02", "iif": "Vlan10", "oif": "swp1",
- "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu":
- 9000, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU <
- Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1639476253487}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 2, "namespace":
- "panos", "hostname": "spine01", "iif": "swp2", "oif": "swp6", "vrf": "default",
- "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216,
- "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
- "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1639476253487}, {"pathid":
- 2, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "panos", "hostname": "exit02", "iif": "swp1",
- "oif": "swp3.3", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": false, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch":
- true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "",
- "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp":
- 1639476253487}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 4, "namespace": "panos", "hostname":
- "firewall01", "iif": "ethernet1/2", "oif": "loopback", "vrf": "default", "isL2":
- false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 0, "protocol":
- "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error":
- "Dst MTU != Src MTU", "timestamp": 1639476254171}, {"pathid": 3, "hopCount":
- 0, "namespace": "panos", "hostname": "server101", "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0",
- "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
- 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp":
- 1639476253490}, {"pathid": 3, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "panos", "hostname":
- "leaf01", "iif": "Vlan10", "oif": "swp2", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": true, "overlay":
- false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9000, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp",
- "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1639476253487}, {"pathid":
- 3, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "panos", "hostname": "spine02", "iif": "swp1",
- "oif": "swp6", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch":
- true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "",
- "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error":
- "", "timestamp": 1639476253487}, {"pathid": 3, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "panos",
- "hostname": "exit02", "iif": "swp2", "oif": "swp3.3", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2":
- false, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol":
- "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1639476253487}, {"pathid": 3, "hopCount":
- 4, "namespace": "panos", "hostname": "firewall01", "iif": "ethernet1/2", "oif":
- "loopback", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false,
- "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 0, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "",
- "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Dst MTU != Src MTU", "timestamp":
- 1639476254171}, {"pathid": 4, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "panos", "hostname":
- "server101", "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false,
- "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol":
- "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1639476253490}, {"pathid": 4, "hopCount":
- 1, "namespace": "panos", "hostname": "leaf02", "iif": "Vlan10", "oif": "swp2",
- "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu":
- 9000, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
- "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "Hop MTU <
- Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1639476253487}, {"pathid": 4, "hopCount": 2, "namespace":
- "panos", "hostname": "spine02", "iif": "swp2", "oif": "swp6", "vrf": "default",
- "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216,
- "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
- "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1639476253487}, {"pathid":
- 4, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "panos", "hostname": "exit02", "iif": "swp2",
- "oif": "swp3.3", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": false, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch":
- true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "",
- "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error": "", "timestamp":
- 1639476253487}, {"pathid": 4, "hopCount": 4, "namespace": "panos", "hostname":
- "firewall01", "iif": "ethernet1/2", "oif": "loopback", "vrf": "default", "isL2":
- false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 0, "protocol":
- "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error":
- "Dst MTU != Src MTU", "timestamp": 1639476254171}]'
+ output: '[{"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "panos", "hostname": "server101",
+ "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false,
+ "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "",
+ "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "",
+ "timestamp": 1639476253490}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "panos",
+ "hostname": "leaf01", "iif": "Vlan10", "oif": "swp1", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2":
+ true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9000, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol":
+ "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "",
+ "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1639476253487},
+ {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "panos", "hostname": "spine01", "iif":
+ "swp1", "oif": "swp6", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch":
+ true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "",
+ "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError":
+ "", "timestamp": 1639476253487}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "panos",
+ "hostname": "exit02", "iif": "swp1", "oif": "swp3.3", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2":
+ false, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol":
+ "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
+ "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1639476253487}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount":
+ 4, "namespace": "panos", "hostname": "firewall01", "iif": "ethernet1/2", "oif":
+ "loopback", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false,
+ "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 0, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "",
+ "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Dst MTU != Src MTU", "timestamp":
+ 1639476254171}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "panos", "hostname":
+ "server101", "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false,
+ "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol":
+ "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
+ "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1639476253490}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount":
+ 1, "namespace": "panos", "hostname": "leaf02", "iif": "Vlan10", "oif": "swp1",
+ "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu":
+ 9000, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU <
+ Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1639476253487}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 2, "namespace":
+ "panos", "hostname": "spine01", "iif": "swp2", "oif": "swp6", "vrf": "default",
+ "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216,
+ "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1639476253487}, {"pathid":
+ 2, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "panos", "hostname": "exit02", "iif": "swp1", "oif":
+ "swp3.3", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": false, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true,
+ "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "",
+ "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "",
+ "timestamp": 1639476253487}, {"pathid": 2, "hopCount": 4, "namespace": "panos",
+ "hostname": "firewall01", "iif": "ethernet1/2", "oif": "loopback", "vrf": "default",
+ "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 0,
+ "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
+ "", "hopError": "Dst MTU != Src MTU", "timestamp": 1639476254171}, {"pathid":
+ 3, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "panos", "hostname": "server101", "iif": "bond0",
+ "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
+ true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "",
+ "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "",
+ "timestamp": 1639476253490}, {"pathid": 3, "hopCount": 1, "namespace": "panos",
+ "hostname": "leaf01", "iif": "Vlan10", "oif": "swp2", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2":
+ true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9000, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol":
+ "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "",
+ "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU < Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1639476253487},
+ {"pathid": 3, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "panos", "hostname": "spine02", "iif":
+ "swp1", "oif": "swp6", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch":
+ true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "",
+ "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError":
+ "", "timestamp": 1639476253487}, {"pathid": 3, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "panos",
+ "hostname": "exit02", "iif": "swp2", "oif": "swp3.3", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2":
+ false, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol":
+ "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
+ "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1639476253487}, {"pathid": 3, "hopCount":
+ 4, "namespace": "panos", "hostname": "firewall01", "iif": "ethernet1/2", "oif":
+ "loopback", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false,
+ "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 0, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "",
+ "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Dst MTU != Src MTU", "timestamp":
+ 1639476254171}, {"pathid": 4, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "panos", "hostname":
+ "server101", "iif": "bond0", "oif": "bond0", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false,
+ "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol":
+ "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
+ "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1639476253490}, {"pathid": 4, "hopCount":
+ 1, "namespace": "panos", "hostname": "leaf02", "iif": "Vlan10", "oif": "swp2",
+ "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu":
+ 9000, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Hop MTU <
+ Src Mtu", "timestamp": 1639476253487}, {"pathid": 4, "hopCount": 2, "namespace":
+ "panos", "hostname": "spine02", "iif": "swp2", "oif": "swp6", "vrf": "default",
+ "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216,
+ "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1639476253487}, {"pathid":
+ 4, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "panos", "hostname": "exit02", "iif": "swp2", "oif":
+ "swp3.3", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": false, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true,
+ "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "",
+ "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "",
+ "timestamp": 1639476253487}, {"pathid": 4, "hopCount": 4, "namespace": "panos",
+ "hostname": "firewall01", "iif": "ethernet1/2", "oif": "loopback", "vrf": "default",
+ "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 1500, "outMtu": 0,
+ "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
+ "", "hopError": "Dst MTU != Src MTU", "timestamp": 1639476254171}]'
- command: path show --namespace=panos --dest='' --src='' --format=json
data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
description: shows off recursive route handling in path
- error:
- error: '[{"pathid": 1, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "panos", "hostname": "firewall01",
- "iif": "loopback", "oif": "ethernet1/1.3", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false,
- "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 0, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol":
- "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
- "", "error": "", "timestamp": 1639476253357}, {"pathid": 1, "hopCount":
- 1, "namespace": "panos", "hostname": "exit01", "iif": "swp3.3", "oif": "swp1",
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- "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "error":
- "Dst MTU != Src MTU", "timestamp": 1639476254836}]'
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+ "iif": "loopback", "oif": "ethernet1/1.3", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay":
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+ "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": null,
+ "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1639476253487}, {"pathid": 6, "hopCount":
+ 3, "namespace": "panos", "hostname": "leaf03", "iif": "swp2", "oif": "Vlan20",
+ "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu":
+ 9216, "outMtu": 9000, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Dst MTU != Src MTU", "timestamp": 1639476254844},
+ {"pathid": 7, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "panos", "hostname": "firewall01", "iif":
+ "loopback", "oif": "ethernet1/1.3", "vrf": "default", "isL2": false, "overlay":
+ false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 0, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "",
+ "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1639476253357}, {"pathid": 7, "hopCount": 1, "namespace":
+ "panos", "hostname": "exit01", "iif": "swp3.3", "oif": "swp2", "vrf": "evpn-vrf",
+ "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216,
+ "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup":
+ "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1639476253487}, {"pathid":
+ 7, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "panos", "hostname": "spine02", "iif": "swp5",
+ "oif": "swp4", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay": true, "mtuMatch": true,
+ "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
+ "", "macLookup": null, "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1639476253487},
+ {"pathid": 7, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "panos", "hostname": "leaf04", "iif":
+ "swp2", "oif": "Vlan20", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch":
+ true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9000, "protocol": "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "Dst MTU != Src MTU", "timestamp":
+ 1639476254836}, {"pathid": 8, "hopCount": 0, "namespace": "panos", "hostname":
+ "firewall01", "iif": "loopback", "oif": "ethernet1/2.3", "vrf": "default", "isL2":
+ false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 0, "outMtu": 1500, "protocol":
+ "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp":
+ "", "hopError": "", "timestamp": 1639476253357}, {"pathid": 8, "hopCount":
+ 1, "namespace": "panos", "hostname": "exit02", "iif": "swp3.3", "oif": "swp2",
+ "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2": true, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": false, "inMtu":
+ 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "bgp", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup":
+ "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError": "", "timestamp":
+ 1639476253487}, {"pathid": 8, "hopCount": 2, "namespace": "panos", "hostname":
+ "spine02", "iif": "swp6", "oif": "swp4", "vrf": "default", "isL2": true, "overlay":
+ true, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9216, "protocol": "ospf", "ipLookup":
+ "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": null, "nexthopIp": "", "hopError":
+ "", "timestamp": 1639476253487}, {"pathid": 8, "hopCount": 3, "namespace": "panos",
+ "hostname": "leaf04", "iif": "swp2", "oif": "Vlan20", "vrf": "evpn-vrf", "isL2":
+ false, "overlay": false, "mtuMatch": true, "inMtu": 9216, "outMtu": 9000, "protocol":
+ "", "ipLookup": "", "vtepLookup": "", "macLookup": "", "nexthopIp": "", "hopError":
+ "Dst MTU != Src MTU", "timestamp": 1639476254836}]'
diff --git a/tests/integration/sqcmds/vmx-samples/interfaces.yml b/tests/integration/sqcmds/vmx-samples/interfaces.yml
index dbd021342f..82e6ac1db1 100644
--- a/tests/integration/sqcmds/vmx-samples/interfaces.yml
+++ b/tests/integration/sqcmds/vmx-samples/interfaces.yml
@@ -1183,3 +1183,949 @@ tests:
8}, {"type": "vtep", "numRows": 10}, {"type": "bond_slave", "numRows": 16}, {"type":
"subinterface", "numRows": 21}, {"type": "ethernet", "numRows": 38}, {"type":
"flexible-tunnel-interface", "numRows": 40}]'
+- command: interface show --mtu='>1514 <9192' --namespace=vmx --format=json
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: interface show vmx junos
+ output: '[{"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR4CRP-DGW-RT01", "ifname": "pp0",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "pppoe", "mtu": 1532, "vlan": 0, "master":
+ "", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1631009088901}, {"namespace":
+ "vmx", "hostname": "TOR4CRP-DGW-RT01", "ifname": "ae0", "state": "up", "adminState":
+ "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 1518, "vlan": 0, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList":
+ [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1631009088901}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname":
+ "TOR4CRP-DGW-RT01", "ifname": "ge-0/0/3", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type":
+ "bond_slave", "mtu": 1518, "vlan": 0, "master": "ae0", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1631009088901}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR4CRP-DGW-RT01",
+ "ifname": "ge-0/0/2", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave",
+ "mtu": 1518, "vlan": 0, "master": "ae0", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1631009088901}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR4CRP-DGW-RT01",
+ "ifname": "ge-0/0/1", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave",
+ "mtu": 1518, "vlan": 0, "master": "ae1", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1631009088901}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR4CRP-DGW-RT01",
+ "ifname": "ge-0/0/0", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave",
+ "mtu": 1518, "vlan": 0, "master": "ae1", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1631009088901}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR4CRP-DGW-RT01",
+ "ifname": "ae1", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 1518,
+ "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1631009088901}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "CRP-DIS-SW01", "ifname": "ae2",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 1518, "vlan": 0, "master":
+ "bridge", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1631009089182},
+ {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "CRP-DIS-SW01", "ifname": "ae1", "state": "up",
+ "adminState": "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 1518, "vlan": 0, "master": "bridge",
+ "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1631009089182}, {"namespace":
+ "vmx", "hostname": "CRP-DIS-SW01", "ifname": "ge-0/0/5", "state": "up", "adminState":
+ "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 1518, "vlan": 0, "master": "ae2", "ipAddressList":
+ [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1631009089182}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname":
+ "CRP-DIS-SW01", "ifname": "pp0", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "pppoe",
+ "mtu": 1532, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [],
+ "timestamp": 1631009089182}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "CRP-DIS-SW01",
+ "ifname": "ge-0/0/3", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave",
+ "mtu": 1518, "vlan": 0, "master": "ae1", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1631009089182}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "CRP-DIS-SW01",
+ "ifname": "ge-0/0/2", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave",
+ "mtu": 1518, "vlan": 0, "master": "ae1", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1631009089182}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "CRP-DIS-SW01",
+ "ifname": "ge-0/0/0", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "flexible-ethernet",
+ "mtu": 1518, "vlan": 0, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1631009089182}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "CRP-DIS-SW01",
+ "ifname": "ge-0/0/4", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave",
+ "mtu": 1518, "vlan": 0, "master": "ae2", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1631009089182}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "CRP-ACC-SW01",
+ "ifname": "ge-0/0/1", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave",
+ "mtu": 1518, "vlan": 0, "master": "ae0", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1631009089423}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "CRP-ACC-SW01",
+ "ifname": "ge-0/0/2", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave",
+ "mtu": 1518, "vlan": 0, "master": "ae1", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1631009089423}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "CRP-ACC-SW01",
+ "ifname": "ge-0/0/3", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave",
+ "mtu": 1518, "vlan": 0, "master": "ae1", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1631009089423}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "CRP-ACC-SW01",
+ "ifname": "ae0", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 1518,
+ "vlan": 0, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1631009089423}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "CRP-ACC-SW01", "ifname": "ae1",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 1518, "vlan": 0, "master":
+ "bridge", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1631009089423},
+ {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "CRP-ACC-SW01", "ifname": "ge-0/0/0", "state":
+ "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 1518, "vlan": 0, "master":
+ "ae0", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1631009089423},
+ {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "CRP-ACC-SW01", "ifname": "pp0", "state": "up",
+ "adminState": "up", "type": "pppoe", "mtu": 1532, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList":
+ [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1631009089423}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname":
+ "TOR1BBN-PE-RT01", "ifname": "pp0", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type":
+ "pppoe", "mtu": 1532, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1631009089434}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01",
+ "ifname": "ae1", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 1518,
+ "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1631009089864}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01", "ifname":
+ "pp0", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "pppoe", "mtu": 1532, "vlan":
+ 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1631009089864},
+ {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01", "ifname": "ge-0/0/2", "state":
+ "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 1518, "vlan": 0, "master":
+ "ae0", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1631009089864},
+ {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01", "ifname": "ge-0/0/1", "state":
+ "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 1518, "vlan": 0, "master":
+ "ae1", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1631009089864},
+ {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01", "ifname": "ge-0/0/0", "state":
+ "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 1518, "vlan": 0, "master":
+ "ae1", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1631009089864},
+ {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01", "ifname": "ge-0/0/3", "state":
+ "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 1518, "vlan": 0, "master":
+ "ae0", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1631009089864},
+ {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01", "ifname": "ae0", "state":
+ "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 1518, "vlan": 0, "master": "bridge",
+ "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1631009089864}]'
+- command: interface show --vlan='> 10 < 100' --namespace=vmx --format=json
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: interface show vmx junos
+ output: '[{"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR4CRP-DGW-RT01", "ifname": "ae0",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 1518, "vlan": 0, "master":
+ "bridge", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1631009088901},
+ {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR4CRP-DGW-RT01", "ifname": "ae1.20", "state":
+ "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "subinterface", "mtu": 65536, "vlan": 20, "master":
+ "", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1631009088901},
+ {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "CRP-DIS-SW01", "ifname": "ge-0/0/0", "state":
+ "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "flexible-ethernet", "mtu": 1518, "vlan": 0,
+ "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1631009089182},
+ {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "CRP-DIS-SW01", "ifname": "ae1", "state": "up",
+ "adminState": "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 1518, "vlan": 0, "master": "bridge",
+ "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1631009089182}, {"namespace":
+ "vmx", "hostname": "CRP-DIS-SW01", "ifname": "ae2", "state": "up", "adminState":
+ "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 1518, "vlan": 0, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList":
+ [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1631009089182}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname":
+ "CRP-ACC-SW01", "ifname": "ae1", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond",
+ "mtu": 1518, "vlan": 0, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1631009089423}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "CRP-ACC-SW01",
+ "ifname": "ae0", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 1518,
+ "vlan": 0, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1631009089423}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01", "ifname":
+ "ae1.20", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "subinterface", "mtu": 65536,
+ "vlan": 20, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1631009089864}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01",
+ "ifname": "ae0", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 1518,
+ "vlan": 0, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1631009089864}]'
+- command: interface show --mtu='>= 1514' --namespace=vmx --format=json
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: interface show vmx junos
+ output: '[{"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR4CRP-DGW-RT01", "ifname": "lo0.16385",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "subinterface", "mtu": 65536, "vlan":
+ 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1631009088901},
+ {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR4CRP-DGW-RT01", "ifname": "ge-0/0/0", "state":
+ "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 1518, "vlan": 0, "master":
+ "ae1", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1631009088901},
+ {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR4CRP-DGW-RT01", "ifname": "ge-0/0/1", "state":
+ "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 1518, "vlan": 0, "master":
+ "ae1", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1631009088901},
+ {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR4CRP-DGW-RT01", "ifname": "ge-0/0/2", "state":
+ "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 1518, "vlan": 0, "master":
+ "ae0", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1631009088901},
+ {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR4CRP-DGW-RT01", "ifname": "ge-0/0/3", "state":
+ "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond_slave", "mtu": 1518, "vlan": 0, "master":
+ "ae0", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1631009088901},
+ {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR4CRP-DGW-RT01", "ifname": "ge-0/0/4", "state":
+ "down", "adminState": "up", "type": "ethernet", "mtu": 1514, "vlan": 0, "master":
+ "", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1631009088901}, {"namespace":
+ "vmx", "hostname": "TOR4CRP-DGW-RT01", "ifname": "ge-0/0/5", "state": "down",
+ "adminState": "up", "type": "ethernet", "mtu": 1514, "vlan": 0, "master": "",
+ "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1631009088901}, {"namespace":
+ "vmx", "hostname": "TOR4CRP-DGW-RT01", "ifname": "ge-0/0/6", "state": "down",
+ "adminState": "up", "type": "ethernet", "mtu": 1514, "vlan": 0, "master": "",
+ "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1631009088901}, {"namespace":
+ "vmx", "hostname": "TOR4CRP-DGW-RT01", "ifname": "ge-0/0/7", "state": "down",
+ "adminState": "up", "type": "ethernet", "mtu": 1514, "vlan": 0, "master": "",
+ "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1631009088901}, {"namespace":
+ "vmx", "hostname": "TOR4CRP-DGW-RT01", "ifname": "ge-0/0/8", "state": "down",
+ "adminState": "up", "type": "ethernet", "mtu": 1514, "vlan": 0, "master": "",
+ "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1631009088901}, {"namespace":
+ "vmx", "hostname": "TOR4CRP-DGW-RT01", "ifname": "ge-0/0/9", "state": "down",
+ "adminState": "up", "type": "ethernet", "mtu": 1514, "vlan": 0, "master": "",
+ "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1631009088901}, {"namespace":
+ "vmx", "hostname": "TOR4CRP-DGW-RT01", "ifname": "ae0", "state": "up", "adminState":
+ "up", "type": "bond", "mtu": 1518, "vlan": 0, "master": "bridge", "ipAddressList":
+ [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1631009088901}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname":
+ "TOR4CRP-DGW-RT01", "ifname": "ae1", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type":
+ "bond", "mtu": 1518, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1631009088901}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR4CRP-DGW-RT01",
+ "ifname": "demux0", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "software-pseudo",
+ "mtu": 9192, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [],
+ "timestamp": 1631009088901}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR4CRP-DGW-RT01",
+ "ifname": "dsc", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "null", "mtu": 65536,
+ "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
+ 1631009088901}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR4CRP-DGW-RT01", "ifname":
+ "em1", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "ethernet", "mtu": 1514, "vlan":
+ 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1631009088901},
+ {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR4CRP-DGW-RT01", "ifname": "lo0.16384", "state":
+ "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "subinterface", "mtu": 65536, "vlan": 0, "master":
+ "", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1631009088901},
+ {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR4CRP-DGW-RT01", "ifname": "fti0", "state":
+ "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "flexible-tunnel-interface", "mtu": 65536, "vlan":
+ 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1631009088901},
+ {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR4CRP-DGW-RT01", "ifname": "ae1.20", "state":
+ "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "subinterface", "mtu": 65536, "vlan": 20, "master":
+ "", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1631009088901},
+ {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR4CRP-DGW-RT01", "ifname": "ae1.10", "state":
+ "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "subinterface", "mtu": 65536, "vlan": 10, "master":
+ "", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1631009088901},
+ {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR4CRP-DGW-RT01", "ifname": "vtep", "state":
+ "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "vtep", "mtu": 65536, "vlan": 0, "master": "",
+ "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1631009088901}, {"namespace":
+ "vmx", "hostname": "TOR4CRP-DGW-RT01", "ifname": "rbeb", "state": "up", "adminState":
+ "up", "type": "remote-beb", "mtu": 65536, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList":
+ [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1631009088901}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname":
+ "TOR4CRP-DGW-RT01", "ifname": "esi", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type":
+ "vtep", "mtu": 65536, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1631009088901}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR4CRP-DGW-RT01",
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+ 65536, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp":
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+ [], "timestamp": 1631009089864}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01",
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+ "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01", "ifname": "ae1.10", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type":
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+ "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1631009089864}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname":
+ "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01", "ifname": "ae1.20", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type":
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+ "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1631009089864}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname":
+ "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01", "ifname": "lo0.16384", "state": "up", "adminState": "up",
+ "type": "subinterface", "mtu": 65536, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList":
+ [""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1631009089864}, {"namespace":
+ "vmx", "hostname": "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01", "ifname": "lo0.16385", "state": "up", "adminState":
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+ [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1631009089864}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname":
+ "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01", "ifname": "ge-0/0/3", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type":
+ "bond_slave", "mtu": 1518, "vlan": 0, "master": "ae0", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1631009089864}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01",
+ "ifname": "fti4", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "flexible-tunnel-interface",
+ "mtu": 65536, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1631009089864}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01",
+ "ifname": "fti2", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "flexible-tunnel-interface",
+ "mtu": 65536, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1631009089864}]'
+- command: interface show --mtu='! 1514 !9192' --namespace=vmx --format=json
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: interface show vmx junos
+ output: '[{"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR4CRP-DGW-RT01", "ifname": "lo0.16385",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "subinterface", "mtu": 65536, "vlan":
+ 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1631009088901},
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+ "ae1", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1631009088901},
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+ "TOR4CRP-DGW-RT01", "ifname": "ae1", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type":
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+ "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "loopback", "mtu": 65536, "vlan": 0, "master":
+ "", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1631009089864}, {"namespace":
+ "vmx", "hostname": "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01", "ifname": "ae1.20", "state": "up", "adminState":
+ "up", "type": "subinterface", "mtu": 65536, "vlan": 20, "master": "", "ipAddressList":
+ [""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1631009089864}, {"namespace":
+ "vmx", "hostname": "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01", "ifname": "em1.0", "state": "up", "adminState":
+ "up", "type": "subinterface", "mtu": 1500, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList":
+ ["", "", ""], "ip6AddressList": ["fe80::5206:ff:fe0d:1/64",
+ "fec0::a:0:0:4/64"], "timestamp": 1631009089864}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname":
+ "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01", "ifname": "irb.100", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type":
+ "vlan", "mtu": 1500, "vlan": 100, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [""],
+ "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1631009089864}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname":
+ "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01", "ifname": "irb.200", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type":
+ "vlan", "mtu": 1500, "vlan": 200, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [""],
+ "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1631009089864}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname":
+ "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01", "ifname": "lo0.16384", "state": "up", "adminState": "up",
+ "type": "subinterface", "mtu": 65536, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList":
+ [""], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1631009089864}, {"namespace":
+ "vmx", "hostname": "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01", "ifname": "lo0.16385", "state": "up", "adminState":
+ "up", "type": "subinterface", "mtu": 65536, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList":
+ [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1631009089864}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname":
+ "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01", "ifname": "fti7", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type":
+ "flexible-tunnel-interface", "mtu": 65536, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList":
+ [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1631009089864}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname":
+ "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01", "ifname": "fti6", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type":
+ "flexible-tunnel-interface", "mtu": 65536, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList":
+ [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1631009089864}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname":
+ "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01", "ifname": "fti5", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type":
+ "flexible-tunnel-interface", "mtu": 65536, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList":
+ [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1631009089864}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname":
+ "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01", "ifname": "fti4", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type":
+ "flexible-tunnel-interface", "mtu": 65536, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList":
+ [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1631009089864}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname":
+ "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01", "ifname": "fti3", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type":
+ "flexible-tunnel-interface", "mtu": 65536, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList":
+ [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1631009089864}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname":
+ "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01", "ifname": "fti2", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type":
+ "flexible-tunnel-interface", "mtu": 65536, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList":
+ [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1631009089864}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname":
+ "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01", "ifname": "fti1", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type":
+ "flexible-tunnel-interface", "mtu": 65536, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList":
+ [], "ip6AddressList": [], "timestamp": 1631009089864}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname":
+ "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01", "ifname": "pp0", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type":
+ "pppoe", "mtu": 1532, "vlan": 0, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1631009089864}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01",
+ "ifname": "ae1.10", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "subinterface",
+ "mtu": 65536, "vlan": 10, "master": "", "ipAddressList": [""], "ip6AddressList":
+ [], "timestamp": 1631009089864}]'
diff --git a/tests/integration/sqcmds/vmx-samples/network.yml b/tests/integration/sqcmds/vmx-samples/network.yml
index 4f18d21a30..b7e53b2bce 100644
--- a/tests/integration/sqcmds/vmx-samples/network.yml
+++ b/tests/integration/sqcmds/vmx-samples/network.yml
@@ -4,35 +4,69 @@ tests:
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: network find junos vmx
output: '[{"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "CRP-ACC-SW01", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress":
- "", "vlan": "101", "macaddr": "00:50:79:66:68:08", "ifname": "ge-0/0/8",
- "bondMembers": "", "type": "bridged", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1631009089424}]'
+ "", "vlan": 101, "macaddr": "00:50:79:66:68:08", "ifname": "ge-0/0/8",
+ "bondMembers": "", "type": "bridged", "l2miss": false}]'
- command: network find --address="00:50:79:66:68:08" --format=json --namespace=vmx
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: network find junos vmx
output: '[{"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "CRP-ACC-SW01", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress":
- "", "vlan": "101", "macaddr": "00:50:79:66:68:08", "ifname": "ge-0/0/8",
- "bondMembers": "", "type": "bridged", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1631009089424}]'
+ "", "vlan": 101, "macaddr": "00:50:79:66:68:08", "ifname": "ge-0/0/8",
+ "bondMembers": "", "type": "bridged", "l2miss": false}]'
- command: network find --address="" --format=json --namespace=vmx
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: network find junos vmx
- output: '[{"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "CRP-DIS-SW01", "vrf": "ae2", "ipAddress":
- "", "vlan": "20", "macaddr": "2c:6b:f5:b6:ce:c1", "ifname": "ge-0/0/4",
- "bondMembers": "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1631009089424}]'
+ output: '[{"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01", "vrf": "default",
+ "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 20, "macaddr": "2c:6b:f5:b6:ce:c1", "ifname":
+ "ae1.20", "bondMembers": "ge-0/0/0, ge-0/0/1", "type": "interface", "l2miss":
+ false}]'
- command: network find --address="2c:6b:f5:b6:ce:c1" --format=json --namespace=vmx
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: network find junos vmx
- output: '[{"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "CRP-DIS-SW01", "vrf": "ae2", "ipAddress":
- "", "vlan": "10", "macaddr": "2c:6b:f5:b6:ce:c1", "ifname": "ge-0/0/4",
- "bondMembers": "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1631009089424}]'
+ output: '[{"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01", "vrf": "", "ipAddress":
+ "", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "2c:6b:f5:b6:ce:c1", "ifname": "ae1", "bondMembers":
+ "ge-0/0/0, ge-0/0/1", "type": "interface", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "vmx",
+ "hostname": "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01", "vrf": "", "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 0, "macaddr":
+ "2c:6b:f5:b6:ce:c1", "ifname": "ge-0/0/0", "bondMembers": "", "type": "interface",
+ "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01", "vrf":
+ "", "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "2c:6b:f5:b6:ce:c1", "ifname": "ge-0/0/1",
+ "bondMembers": "", "type": "interface", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "vmx",
+ "hostname": "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress": "", "vlan":
+ 20, "macaddr": "2c:6b:f5:b6:ce:c1", "ifname": "ae1.20", "bondMembers": "ge-0/0/0,
+ ge-0/0/1", "type": "interface", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname":
+ "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 10, "macaddr":
+ "2c:6b:f5:b6:ce:c1", "ifname": "ae1.10", "bondMembers": "ge-0/0/0, ge-0/0/1",
+ "type": "interface", "l2miss": false}]'
- command: network find --address="2c6b.f5b6.cec1" --format=json --namespace=vmx
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: network find junos vmx
- output: '[{"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "CRP-DIS-SW01", "vrf": "ae2", "ipAddress":
- "", "vlan": "10", "macaddr": "2c:6b:f5:b6:ce:c1", "ifname": "ge-0/0/4",
- "bondMembers": "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1631009089424}]'
+ output: '[{"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01", "vrf": "", "ipAddress":
+ "", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "2c:6b:f5:b6:ce:c1", "ifname": "ae1", "bondMembers":
+ "ge-0/0/0, ge-0/0/1", "type": "interface", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "vmx",
+ "hostname": "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01", "vrf": "", "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 0, "macaddr":
+ "2c:6b:f5:b6:ce:c1", "ifname": "ge-0/0/0", "bondMembers": "", "type": "interface",
+ "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01", "vrf":
+ "", "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "2c:6b:f5:b6:ce:c1", "ifname": "ge-0/0/1",
+ "bondMembers": "", "type": "interface", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "vmx",
+ "hostname": "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress": "", "vlan":
+ 20, "macaddr": "2c:6b:f5:b6:ce:c1", "ifname": "ae1.20", "bondMembers": "ge-0/0/0,
+ ge-0/0/1", "type": "interface", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname":
+ "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 10, "macaddr":
+ "2c:6b:f5:b6:ce:c1", "ifname": "ae1.10", "bondMembers": "ge-0/0/0, ge-0/0/1",
+ "type": "interface", "l2miss": false}]'
- command: network find --address="2C6b.F5B6.CEC1" --format=json --namespace=vmx
data-directory: tests/data/parquet
marks: network find junos vmx
- output: '[{"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "CRP-DIS-SW01", "vrf": "ae2", "ipAddress":
- "", "vlan": "10", "macaddr": "2c:6b:f5:b6:ce:c1", "ifname": "ge-0/0/4",
- "bondMembers": "", "type": "routed", "l2miss": false, "timestamp": 1631009089424}]'
+ output: '[{"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01", "vrf": "", "ipAddress":
+ "", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "2c:6b:f5:b6:ce:c1", "ifname": "ae1", "bondMembers":
+ "ge-0/0/0, ge-0/0/1", "type": "interface", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "vmx",
+ "hostname": "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01", "vrf": "", "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 0, "macaddr":
+ "2c:6b:f5:b6:ce:c1", "ifname": "ge-0/0/0", "bondMembers": "", "type": "interface",
+ "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname": "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01", "vrf":
+ "", "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 0, "macaddr": "2c:6b:f5:b6:ce:c1", "ifname": "ge-0/0/1",
+ "bondMembers": "", "type": "interface", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "vmx",
+ "hostname": "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress": "", "vlan":
+ 20, "macaddr": "2c:6b:f5:b6:ce:c1", "ifname": "ae1.20", "bondMembers": "ge-0/0/0,
+ ge-0/0/1", "type": "interface", "l2miss": false}, {"namespace": "vmx", "hostname":
+ "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01", "vrf": "default", "ipAddress": "", "vlan": 10, "macaddr":
+ "2c:6b:f5:b6:ce:c1", "ifname": "ae1.10", "bondMembers": "ge-0/0/0, ge-0/0/1",
+ "type": "interface", "l2miss": false}]'
diff --git a/tests/integration/sqcmds/vmx-samples/swport.yml b/tests/integration/sqcmds/vmx-samples/swport.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..88895f2a4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/integration/sqcmds/vmx-samples/swport.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+description: Testing verbs for interface switchport
+- command: interface show --columns=vlan --vlan='!100 10' --state=up --namespace=vmx
+ --format=json
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: interface unique vmx switchport
+ output: '[{"vlan": 10}, {"vlan": 0}, {"vlan": 0}, {"vlan": 0}, {"vlan": 10}]'
+- command: interface show --columns=vlan --vlan='!100 20' --state=up --namespace=vmx
+ --columns='hostname ifname state adminState type vlan vlanList' --format=json
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: interface show vmx switchport
+ output: '[{"hostname": "TOR4CRP-DGW-RT01", "ifname": "ae1.20", "state": "up", "adminState":
+ "up", "type": "subinterface", "vlan": 20, "vlanList": []}, {"hostname": "CRP-DIS-SW01",
+ "ifname": "ge-0/0/0", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "flexible-ethernet",
+ "vlan": 0, "vlanList": [10, 20]}, {"hostname": "CRP-DIS-SW01", "ifname": "ae1",
+ "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond", "vlan": 0, "vlanList": [10,
+ 20]}, {"hostname": "CRP-DIS-SW01", "ifname": "ae2", "state": "up", "adminState":
+ "up", "type": "bond", "vlan": 0, "vlanList": [10, 20]}, {"hostname": "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01",
+ "ifname": "ae1.20", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "subinterface",
+ "vlan": 20, "vlanList": []}]'
+- command: interface show --columns=vlan --vlan='!100 20' --state=up --namespace=vmx
+ --columns='hostname ifname state adminState type vlanList' --format=json
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: interface show vmx switchport
+ output: '[{"hostname": "TOR4CRP-DGW-RT01", "ifname": "ae1.20", "state": "up", "adminState":
+ "up", "type": "subinterface", "vlanList": []}, {"hostname": "CRP-DIS-SW01", "ifname":
+ "ge-0/0/0", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "flexible-ethernet", "vlanList":
+ [10, 20]}, {"hostname": "CRP-DIS-SW01", "ifname": "ae1", "state": "up", "adminState":
+ "up", "type": "bond", "vlanList": [10, 20]}, {"hostname": "CRP-DIS-SW01", "ifname":
+ "ae2", "state": "up", "adminState": "up", "type": "bond", "vlanList": [10, 20]},
+ {"hostname": "TOR1CRP-DGW-RT01", "ifname": "ae1.20", "state": "up", "adminState":
+ "up", "type": "subinterface", "vlanList": []}]'
+- command: interface show --columns=vlan --vlan='!100 !200' --state=up --namespace=vmx
+ --format=json
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: interface show vmx switchport
+ output: '[{"vlan": 0}, {"vlan": 20}, {"vlan": 101}, {"vlan": 201}, {"vlan": 10},
+ {"vlan": 0}, {"vlan": 0}, {"vlan": 0}, {"vlan": 0}, {"vlan": 101}, {"vlan": 201},
+ {"vlan": 10}, {"vlan": 20}]'
+- command: interface show --columns=vlan --vlan='101' --namespace=vmx --format=json
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: interface show vmx switchport
+ output: '[{"vlan": 0}, {"vlan": 101}, {"vlan": 0}, {"vlan": 101}]'
+- command: interface show --columns=vlan --vlan='101 201' --namespace=vmx --format=json
+ data-directory: tests/data/parquet/
+ marks: interface show vmx switchport
+ output: '[{"vlan": 0}, {"vlan": 101}, {"vlan": 0}, {"vlan": 101}, {"vlan": 0}, {"vlan":
+ 201}, {"vlan": 0}, {"vlan": 201}]'
diff --git a/tests/unit/poller/controller/data/exp-inventory.yaml b/tests/unit/poller/controller/data/exp-inventory.yaml
index 2a8fda6dad..756f1d494e 100644
--- a/tests/unit/poller/controller/data/exp-inventory.yaml
+++ b/tests/unit/poller/controller/data/exp-inventory.yaml
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ devices:
devtype: null
ignore-known-hosts: false
- jump-host: null
+ jump-host: user@
jump-host-key-file: null
name: dev0
port: null
@@ -54,7 +54,8 @@ sources:
period: 3600
run_once: false
ssl-verify: false
- tag: suzieq
+ tag:
+ - - suzieq
token: MY-TOKEN
type: netbox
diff --git a/tests/unit/poller/controller/data/inventory.yaml b/tests/unit/poller/controller/data/inventory.yaml
index 0e5b359fbd..7bd35a3c87 100644
--- a/tests/unit/poller/controller/data/inventory.yaml
+++ b/tests/unit/poller/controller/data/inventory.yaml
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ auths:
- name: dev0
transport: ssh
+ jump-host: user@
per-cmd-auth: False
retries-on-auth-fail: 0
diff --git a/tests/unit/poller/controller/manager/test_static_manager.py b/tests/unit/poller/controller/manager/test_static_manager.py
index a91824f7c9..33063a85e0 100644
--- a/tests/unit/poller/controller/manager/test_static_manager.py
+++ b/tests/unit/poller/controller/manager/test_static_manager.py
@@ -137,10 +137,7 @@ def test_static_manager_init(monkeypatch, manager_cfg, max_outstanding_cmds):
manager_args['exclude-services'] = ['arpn']
manager_args['service-only'] = ['interfaces', 'ospf']
manager_args['ssh-config-file'] = 'ssh_config_file'
- # Set the poller settings
- poller_cfg = manager_cfg['config-dict']['poller']
- poller_cfg['max-cmd-pipeline'] = max_outstanding_cmds
+ manager_args['max-cmd-pipeline'] = max_outstanding_cmds
# Init manager
static_manager = init_static_manager(manager_cfg, manager_args)
@@ -577,7 +574,8 @@ async def test_worker_replace(monkeypatch, manager_cfg):
with patch.multiple(static_manager_module,
monitor_process=dummy_monitor_process), \
- patch.object(manager, '_coalescer_launcher', coalescer_monitor_mock):
+ patch.object(manager, '_coalescer_launcher',
+ coalescer_monitor_mock):
execute_task = asyncio.create_task(manager._execute())
injected_workers = {
@@ -646,7 +644,8 @@ async def test_unexpected_worker_death(monkeypatch, manager_cfg):
with patch.multiple(static_manager_module,
monitor_process=dummy_monitor_process), \
- patch.object(manager, '_coalescer_launcher', coalescer_monitor_mock):
+ patch.object(manager, '_coalescer_launcher',
+ coalescer_monitor_mock):
execute_task = asyncio.create_task(manager._execute())
diff --git a/tests/unit/poller/controller/sources/netbox/data/faker/base_device.json b/tests/unit/poller/controller/sources/netbox/data/faker/base_device.json
index d7d9226e4e..0242c153c5 100644
--- a/tests/unit/poller/controller/sources/netbox/data/faker/base_device.json
+++ b/tests/unit/poller/controller/sources/netbox/data/faker/base_device.json
@@ -71,16 +71,7 @@
"vc_priority": null,
"comments": "",
"local_context_data": null,
- "tags": [
- {
- "id": 1,
- "url": "",
- "display": "suzieq",
- "name": "suzieq",
- "slug": "suzieq",
- "color": "673ab7"
- }
- ],
+ "tags": [],
"custom_fields": {},
"config_context": {},
"created": "2021-11-11",
diff --git a/tests/unit/poller/controller/sources/netbox/netbox_faker.py b/tests/unit/poller/controller/sources/netbox/netbox_faker.py
index 0f25ee1424..052c9a9f7b 100644
--- a/tests/unit/poller/controller/sources/netbox/netbox_faker.py
+++ b/tests/unit/poller/controller/sources/netbox/netbox_faker.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import json
from copy import deepcopy
from pathlib import Path
-from typing import Any, Dict, Tuple
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple
from faker import Faker
@@ -29,6 +29,15 @@
'username': 'username'
+ 'id': 1,
+ 'url': '',
+ 'display': 'suzieq',
+ 'name': 'suzieq',
+ 'slug': 'suzieq',
+ 'color': '673ab7'
class NetboxFaker:
"""This class generates fake data for Netbox REST server and create
@@ -62,9 +71,10 @@ def __init__(self, config_data: dict) -> None:
seed = config_data.get('seed')
if seed:
- self._fake.seed(seed)
+ Faker.seed(seed)
self.device_count = config_data.get("count", 1)
- self._dev_tag = config_data.get("tag-value", 'suzieq')
+ self._dev_tags = config_data.get("tag-value", ['suzieq'])
+ self._tag_values = self.create_tag_values()
self._dev_tag_prob = config_data.get("tag-prob", 1)
self._ip4_prob = config_data.get("ip4-prob", 1)
self._ip6_prob = config_data.get("ip6-prob", 1)
@@ -80,6 +90,24 @@ def __init__(self, config_data: dict) -> None:
# can result in a different order every run of the code
+ def create_tag_values(self) -> List[Dict]:
+ """Create the tag part of the response
+ Returns:
+ List[Dict]: list of tag response body
+ """
+ tag_values = []
+ for i, tag in enumerate(self._dev_tags):
+ cur_tag = _DEFAULT_TAG.copy()
+ cur_tag.update({
+ 'name': tag,
+ 'display': tag,
+ 'slug': tag.lower(),
+ 'id': i
+ })
+ tag_values.append(cur_tag)
+ return tag_values
def set_dev_attr(self, index: int, key: str, value):
"""Create or overwrite the content of of device
@@ -119,17 +147,15 @@ def set_ip(self, index: int, ip_addr: str, version: int):
self.set_dev_attr(index, ip_key, ip_dict)
- def setTag(self, index: int, tag: str):
+ def setTag(self, index: int, tag_index: int):
"""Set device tag
index (int): index of device
- tag (str): tag to set
+ tag_index (int): index of the tag to set
tag_list = self.devices[index].get("tags")
- tag_list[0]["name"] = tag
- tag_list[0]["display"] = tag
- tag_list[0]["slug"] = tag.lower()
+ tag_list.append(self._tag_values[tag_index])
self.set_dev_attr(index, "tags", tag_list)
@@ -193,6 +219,7 @@ def generate_data(self) -> Tuple[Dict, Dict]:
tag_set = False
ip_set = False
+ self.set_dev_attr(i, 'id', i)
dev_name = self._fake.slug()
self.set_hostname(i, dev_name)
@@ -222,9 +249,20 @@ def generate_data(self) -> Tuple[Dict, Dict]:
self.set_dev_attr(i, "primary_ip4", None)
+ # tag
if self._fake.pyfloat(min_value=0, max_value=1) \
- < self._dev_tag_prob and self._dev_tag:
- self.setTag(i, self._dev_tag)
+ < self._dev_tag_prob and self._dev_tags:
+ n_tags = self._fake.pyint(
+ min_value=1, max_value=len(self._dev_tags))
+ tag_index_set = set()
+ for _ in range(n_tags):
+ while True:
+ tag_index = self._fake.pyint(
+ min_value=0, max_value=len(self._dev_tags)-1)
+ if tag_index not in tag_index_set:
+ tag_index_set.add(tag_index)
+ break
+ self.setTag(i, tag_index)
tag_set = True
self.set_dev_attr(i, "tags", None)
diff --git a/tests/unit/poller/controller/sources/netbox/netbox_rest_server.py b/tests/unit/poller/controller/sources/netbox/netbox_rest_server.py
index efae864c9c..f5a01ec29b 100644
--- a/tests/unit/poller/controller/sources/netbox/netbox_rest_server.py
+++ b/tests/unit/poller/controller/sources/netbox/netbox_rest_server.py
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ def __init__(self, data: Dict, ip: str = '', port: int = 9000,
log_level: str = 'error') -> None:
self.ip_addr = ip
self.port = port
- self.data = data
+ self.devices = data.get('results', [])
if use_ssl and use_ssl not in ['valid', 'self-signed']:
raise ValueError(
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ async def get_devices(
error_code, error = self.get_error("invalid_token")
raise HTTPException(status_code=error_code, detail=error)
- in_devices = self.data.get('results', [])
+ in_devices = self.devices
if tag == "null":
tag = None
devices = []
diff --git a/tests/unit/poller/controller/sources/netbox/test_netbox.py b/tests/unit/poller/controller/sources/netbox/test_netbox.py
index a669b09ca4..26c7adac16 100644
--- a/tests/unit/poller/controller/sources/netbox/test_netbox.py
+++ b/tests/unit/poller/controller/sources/netbox/test_netbox.py
@@ -23,13 +23,13 @@
'namespace': 'netbox-ns',
'use_ssl': '',
- 'tag': 'suzieq',
+ 'tag': ['suzieq'],
'count': 20
'namespace': 'netbox-sitename',
'use_ssl': 'self-signed',
- 'tag': 'suzieq',
+ 'tag': ['suzieq', 'suzieq-2'],
'count': 90
@@ -51,7 +51,8 @@ def fake_netbox_data(server_conf: Dict) -> Tuple[Dict, Dict]:
'ip4-prob': 0.5,
'ip6-prob': 0.9,
'site-count': 5,
- 'namespace': server_conf['namespace']
+ 'namespace': server_conf['namespace'],
+ 'seed': 1111
n = NetboxFaker(config)
return n.generate_data()
@@ -150,22 +151,29 @@ async def test_valid_config(server_conf: Dict, default_config):
config = default_config
config = update_config(server_conf, config)
+ exp_tags = []
+ for tags in config['tag']:
+ exp_tags.append([t.strip() for t in tags.split(',')])
src = Netbox(config.copy())
- assert src.name == config['name']
- assert src._server.protocol == config['url'].split(':')[0]
- assert src._server.host == ''
- assert src._server.port == str(server_conf['port'])
- assert src._data.tag == config['tag']
- assert src._data.token == config['token']
- assert isinstance(src._auth, StaticLoader)
+ assert src.name == config['name'], 'wrong name'
+ assert src._server.protocol == config['url'].split(':')[0], \
+ 'wrong server protocol'
+ assert src._server.host == '', 'wrong server host'
+ assert src._server.port == str(server_conf['port']), 'wrong server port'
+ assert src._data.tag == exp_tags, 'wrong tag'
+ assert src._data.token == config['token'], 'wrong token'
+ assert isinstance(src._auth, StaticLoader), 'wrong auth object'
if config.get('ssl-verify') is not None:
- assert src._data.ssl_verify == config['ssl-verify']
+ assert src._data.ssl_verify == config['ssl-verify'], 'wrong ssl_verify'
# default ssl config
if src._server.protocol == 'http':
- assert src._data.ssl_verify is False
+ assert src._data.ssl_verify is False, \
+ 'with http protocol, ssl_verify must be False'
elif src._server.protocol == 'https':
- assert src._data.ssl_verify is True
+ assert src._data.ssl_verify is True, \
+ 'with https protocol, ssl_verify must be True'
await asyncio.wait_for(src.run(), 10)
@@ -198,7 +206,7 @@ async def test_netbox_invalid_server_config(server_conf: Dict, default_config):
config['url'] = old_url
# set invalid tag
- old_tag, config['tag'] = config['tag'], 'wrong_tag'
+ old_tag, config['tag'] = config['tag'], ['wrong_tag']
src = Netbox(config.copy())
await asyncio.wait_for(src.run(), 10)
cur_inv = await asyncio.wait_for(src.get_inventory(), 5)
@@ -299,9 +307,46 @@ def test_netbox_automatic_ssl_verify(default_config):
config['url'] = ''
- n = Netbox(config.copy(), validate=True)
- assert not n._data.ssl_verify
+ n = Netbox(config.copy())
+ assert not n._data.ssl_verify, 'Expected ssl_verify=False'
config['url'] = ''
- n = Netbox(config.copy(), validate=True)
- assert n._data.ssl_verify
+ n = Netbox(config.copy())
+ assert n._data.ssl_verify, 'Expected ssl_verify=True'
+def test_netbox_tags(default_config):
+ """Test netbox tags are correctly parsed
+ """
+ config = default_config
+ # test string tags are converted to list
+ config['tag'] = 'my-tag'
+ n = Netbox(config.copy())
+ assert n._data.tag == [['my-tag']], 'Single tag not converted in list'
+ # test and/or tag logic
+ config['tag'] = [
+ 'alpha, bravo',
+ 'charlie',
+ 'delta, echo, foxtrot'
+ ]
+ n = Netbox(config.copy())
+ url_address = f'{n._server.protocol}://{n._server.host}:'\
+ f'{n._server.port}/api/dcim/devices/?'
+ exp_url_list = [
+ url_address + 'tag=alpha&tag=bravo',
+ url_address + 'tag=charlie',
+ url_address + 'tag=delta&tag=echo&tag=foxtrot'
+ ]
+ url_list = n._get_url_list()
+ assert sorted(url_list) == sorted(exp_url_list), \
+ f'Wrong url list {url_list}'
diff --git a/tests/unit/poller/controller/test_controller.py b/tests/unit/poller/controller/test_controller.py
index 4c463ced24..01e43360ab 100644
--- a/tests/unit/poller/controller/test_controller.py
+++ b/tests/unit/poller/controller/test_controller.py
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
'outputs': 'parquet',
'output_dir': 'outdir',
'run_once': None,
- 'service_only': 'topmem routes',
+ 'service_only': 'bgp routes',
'ssh_config_file': 'config/file',
'update_period': 100,
'workers': 3
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
'outputs': 'parquet',
'output_dir': 'outdir',
'run_once': None,
- 'service_only': 'topmem routes',
+ 'service_only': 'mlag routes',
'ssh_config_file': 'config/file',
'update_period': 100,
'workers': 3
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
'outputs': 'parquet',
'output_dir': 'outdir',
'run_once': 'gather',
- 'service_only': 'topmem routes',
+ 'service_only': 'interfaces routes',
'ssh_config_file': 'config/file',
'update_period': 100,
'workers': 3
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
'outputs': 'parquet',
'output_dir': 'outdir',
'run_once': None,
- 'service_only': 'topmem routes',
+ 'service_only': 'device routes',
'ssh_config_file': 'config/file',
'update_period': 100,
'workers': 3
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
'outputs': 'parquet',
'output_dir': 'outdir',
'run_once': None,
- 'service_only': 'topmem routes',
+ 'service_only': 'bgp routes',
'ssh_config_file': 'config/file',
'update_period': 100,
'workers': 3
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
'outputs': 'parquet',
'output_dir': 'outdir',
'run_once': None,
- 'service_only': 'topmem routes',
+ 'service_only': 'mlag routes',
'ssh_config_file': 'config/file',
'update_period': 100,
'workers': 3
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
'outputs': 'parquet',
'output_dir': 'outdir',
'run_once': None,
- 'service_only': 'topmem routes',
+ 'service_only': 'interfaces routes',
'ssh_config_file': 'config/file',
'update_period': 100,
'workers': -1
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@
'outputs': 'parquet',
'output_dir': 'outdir',
'run_once': None,
- 'service_only': 'topmem routes',
+ 'service_only': 'device routes',
'ssh_config_file': 'config/file',
'update_period': -1,
'workers': 3
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@
'outputs': 'parquet',
'output_dir': 'outdir',
'run_once': None,
- 'service_only': 'topmem routes',
+ 'service_only': 'bgp routes',
'ssh_config_file': 'config/file',
'update_period': 100,
'workers': 4
diff --git a/tests/unit/poller/controller/test_controller_inventory.py b/tests/unit/poller/controller/test_controller_inventory.py
index 347dbfc8b0..6a8ce40dc5 100644
--- a/tests/unit/poller/controller/test_controller_inventory.py
+++ b/tests/unit/poller/controller/test_controller_inventory.py
@@ -230,3 +230,18 @@ def test_get_sensitive_data(monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setattr('getpass.getpass', lambda x: sens_value)
assert sens_value == get_sensitive_data('ask')
+def test_device_validations(default_inventory):
+ inventory = default_inventory
+ # Invalid jump-host
+ inventory['devices'][0]['jump-host'] = 'scheme://user@'
+ with pytest.raises(InventorySourceError,
+ match="format username@jumphost\\[:port\\] required"):
+ validate_raw_inventory(inventory)
diff --git a/tests/unit/poller/shared/utils.py b/tests/unit/poller/shared/utils.py
index 37fc35fd50..e58f1143af 100644
--- a/tests/unit/poller/shared/utils.py
+++ b/tests/unit/poller/shared/utils.py
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ def get_src_sample_config(src_type: str) -> Dict:
'token': 'MY-TOKEN',
'url': '',
- 'tag': 'suzieq',
+ 'tag': ['suzieq'],
'run_once': True,
'auth': StaticLoader({
'name': 'static0',
diff --git a/tests/unit/poller/worker/test_inventory.py b/tests/unit/poller/worker/test_inventory.py
index 57c8157143..c8bafcb25a 100644
--- a/tests/unit/poller/worker/test_inventory.py
+++ b/tests/unit/poller/worker/test_inventory.py
@@ -106,13 +106,8 @@ async def test_inventory_build(max_outstanding_cmds):
nodes = await inv.build_inventory()
# Check if a semaphore with the proper initial value have been created
- if max_outstanding_cmds:
- assert inv._cmd_semaphore, 'Command semaphore should be initialized'
- assert inv._cmd_semaphore._value == max_outstanding_cmds, \
- 'Command semaphore has not the expected initial value'
- else:
- assert inv._cmd_semaphore is None, \
- 'Command semaphore created but max_outstanding_commands not set'
+ assert inv._cmd_pacer, 'Command semaphore should be initialized'
+ assert inv._cmd_pacer.max_cmds == max_outstanding_cmds
# Check if nodes are registered in the inventory
assert set(nodes) == set(inv.nodes)
@@ -126,9 +121,8 @@ async def test_inventory_build(max_outstanding_cmds):
assert inv.connect_timeout == invnode.connect_timeout
assert node['jump_host'].split("@")[1] == invnode.jump_host
assert invnode.jump_host_key
- if max_outstanding_cmds:
- assert invnode._cmd_sem == inv._cmd_semaphore, \
- 'Semaphore not provided to nodes'
+ assert invnode._cmd_pacer == inv._cmd_pacer, \
+ 'Pacer not provided to nodes'
for arg, arg_value in node.items():
if arg in ['namespace', 'ssh_keyfile', 'jump_host',
diff --git a/tests/unit/poller/worker/test_pacer.py b/tests/unit/poller/worker/test_pacer.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..069c466a37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/unit/poller/worker/test_pacer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+import pytest
+from suzieq.poller.worker.inventory.inventory import CommandPacer
+def test_pacer_init():
+ """Test the initialization of the command pacer object
+ """
+ cp = CommandPacer(0)
+ assert cp.max_cmds == 0, 'Not expected command pacer max cmds value'
+ assert cp._cmd_mutex is None, 'Mutex should\'ve been None'
+ assert cp._cmd_semaphore is None, 'Semaphore should\'ve been None'
+ ##
+ # 2. Test with a value of maximum number of commands
+ ##
+ max_value = 2
+ cp = CommandPacer(max_value)
+ assert cp.max_cmds == max_value, 'Not expected max cmds value'
+ assert cp._cmd_mutex is not None, 'Mutex shouldn\'t be None'
+ assert cp._cmd_semaphore is not None, 'Semaphore shouldn\'t been None'
+ assert cp._cmd_semaphore._value == max_value, 'Unexpected semaphore value'
+ assert cp._cmd_pacer_sleep == float(1 / max_value), \
+ 'Unexpected pacer sleep value'
diff --git a/tests/unit/poller/worker/test_service_manager.py b/tests/unit/poller/worker/test_service_manager.py
index 5c1ac73693..606413c554 100644
--- a/tests/unit/poller/worker/test_service_manager.py
+++ b/tests/unit/poller/worker/test_service_manager.py
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
ServiceManager component unit tests
import asyncio
-import os
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Callable, Dict
from unittest.mock import patch
@@ -17,13 +16,16 @@
SERVICE_DIR = './suzieq/config'
+BLACKLIST_SERVICES = ['ifCounters', 'topmem', 'topcpu']
def _get_services():
"""Get the entire list of available services
svcs = list(Path(SERVICE_DIR).glob('*.yml'))
- all_svcs = [os.path.basename(x).split('.')[0] for x in svcs]
+ all_svcs = [svc_name for s in svcs
+ if (svc_name := Path(s).stem)
return all_svcs
diff --git a/tests/utilities/update_sqcmds.py b/tests/utilities/update_sqcmds.py
index 0b8ae428d1..30d9f6e906 100644
--- a/tests/utilities/update_sqcmds.py
+++ b/tests/utilities/update_sqcmds.py
@@ -110,7 +110,8 @@ def reset_test(test):
if userargs.verb and userargs.verb not in test['command']:
- if userargs.service and userargs.service not in test['command']:
+ if (userargs.service and
+ not test['command'].startswith(userargs.service)):
if (result not in test or test[result] is None or