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687 lines (643 loc) · 89.9 KB

Measuring the Effects of Data Parallelism on Neural Network Training

This directory contains the publicly available material for the paper:

Measuring the Effects of Data Parallelism on Neural Network Training.

Christopher J. Shallue*, Jaehoon Lee*, Joseph Antognini, Jascha Sohl-Dickstein, Roy Frostig, and George E. Dahl (2018).

* denotes equal contribution.


If you find this code or data useful, please use the following citation:

  author  = {Christopher J. Shallue and Jaehoon Lee and Joseph Antognini and Jascha Sohl-Dickstein and Roy Frostig and George E. Dahl},
  title   = {Measuring the Effects of Data Parallelism on Neural Network Training},
  journal = {Journal of Machine Learning Research},
  year    = {2019},
  volume  = {20},
  number  = {112},
  pages   = {1-49},
  url     = {}


Please send pull requests and issues to Chris Shallue (@cshallue)

Downloading the data

The data archive is available in the following file: batch_science_data.tar.bz2 (~802MB). The file is a bzip2 compressed tar with checksum (sha256sum):

6460ab86a6ab0f22a02e1c9b982e1ca31220bf41f669304ce86f14d19053f435  batch_science_data.tar.bz2

Run the following command to extract the contents of the file. It will unpack the data into a directory called batch_science/:

tar -xvf batch_science_data.tar.bz2

Reproducing plots from the paper

The Python files in this folder contain code for loading and manipulating the raw data.

This Colaboratory notebook reproduces all plots in the main section of the paper.

Description of the data

We will use the following terminology when describing the data:

  • A workload is a specific choice of dataset, model, and optimizer.
  • A study is a hyperparameter search for a given workload and batch size.
  • A trial is a particular training run within a study for a particular choice of metaparameter values.

The extracted data are generally organized in a directory structure like this:


Most workloads appear in the top-level directory, but a few special workloads are grouped together under specific sub-directories:

  • mnist_subsets/: Workloads trained on subsets of the MNIST dataset (see Section 4.5 of the paper).
  • imagenet_subsets/: Workloads trained on subsets of the ImageNet dataset (see Section 4.5 of the paper).
  • solution_quality/: Workloads trained on the MNIST and Fashion MNIST datasets that used very large training budgets in order to saturate performance at every batch size (see Section 4.8 of the paper).

As indicated above, each study is accompanied by a file study.json, which looks like this:

  "batch_size": 256, 
  "dataset": "imagenet", 
  "early_stopping": false, 
  "model": "resnet_50", 
  "optimizer": "nesterov_momentum", 
  "parameter_configs": {
    "end_learning_rate_factor": {
      "max_value": 0.1, 
      "min_value": 0.0001, 
      "scale": "LOG_SCALE", 
      "type": "DOUBLE"
    "label_smoothing": {
      "feasible_points": [
      "type": "DISCRETE"
    "learning_rate": {
      "max_value": 10.0, 
      "min_value": 0.0001, 
      "scale": "LOG_SCALE", 
      "type": "DOUBLE"
    "learning_rate_decay_steps": {
      "max_value": 600000, 
      "min_value": 300000, 
      "scale": "", 
      "type": "INTEGER"
    "momentum": {
      "max_value": 0.9999, 
      "min_value": 0.9, 
      "scale": "REVERSE_LOG_SCALE", 
      "type": "DOUBLE"
  "train_steps": 600000

The fields in study.json have the following meanings:

  • batch_size: The batch size used in the study.
  • dataset: The dataset used in the study.
  • early_stopping: Whether an early stopping criterion was used to terminate bad trials early.
  • model: The model used in the study.
  • optimizer: The optimizer used in the study.
  • parameter_configs: The metaparameter search configuration for each metaparameter tuned in the study.
    • feasible_points: The discrete search space for this metaparameter (applies for type DISCRETE).
    • max_value: The maximum value of the search space for this metaparameter (applies for types DOUBLE and INTEGER).
    • min_value: The minimum value of the search space for this metaparameter (applies for types DOUBLE and INTEGER).
    • scale: Transformation on the search space (applies for type DOUBLE).
      • LINEAR_SCALE: Uniformly sample in linear space.
      • LOG_SCALE: Uniformly sample in log space.
      • REVERSE_LOG_SCALE: Uniformly sample (1 - value) in log space.
    • type: One of DISCRETE, DOUBLE, INTEGER
  • train_steps: The minimum number of training steps for a trial to be considered COMPLETE. Note that some trials may have trained for longer than train_steps. Note also that some trials have train_steps = 0, which indicates that those trials were trained with a time budget rather than a particular number of steps, in which case all trials that did not diverge are considered COMPLETE.

Each trial in each study is accompanied by files metadata.json and measurements.csv.

The metadata.json file looks like this:

  "_internal_study_name": "resnet-20180601-smooth-bs256", 
  "_internal_trial_id": 2, 
  "parameters": {
    "end_learning_rate_factor": 0.0002861573844378761, 
    "label_smoothing": 0.01, 
    "learning_rate": 0.0124894465250831, 
    "learning_rate_decay_steps": 522526, 
    "momentum": 0.9788223543494348
  "status": "COMPLETE", 
  "steps": 600000, 
  "trial_id": 2

The fields in trial_id/metadata.json have the following meanings:

  • _internal_study_name: Internal identifier, please ignore.
  • _internal_trial_id: Internal identifier, please ignore.
  • parameters: The values of each metaparameter in the metaparameter search.
  • status: One of:
    • COMPLETE: If the trial was completed.
    • INCOMPLETE: If the trial was not completed for some reason (these trials can usually be ignored).
    • INFEASIBLE: If training diverged at any point.
  • steps: The number of training steps taken.
  • trial_id: The trial id within the study.

Note Following studies use fixed end_learning_rate_factor which is not reported in parameters field in trial_id/metadata.json.

 batch_science/cifar_10/resnet_8/{nesterov_momentum, sgd}
   "end_learning_rate_factor": 1e-2

   "end_learning_rate_factor": 1e-3

The measurements.csv file contains data for each evaluation performed during training each trial. It looks like this:

step train/cross_entropy_error train/classification_error val/cross_entropy_error val/classification_error test/cross_entropy_error test/classification_error
0 6.90948 0.999223 6.90956 0.99904 6.90984 0.999301
1000 6.79853 0.993921 6.84734 0.99416 6.81384 0.993566
2000 6.08953 0.956254 6.18395 0.95976 6.11969 0.957578
3000 5.14154 0.904496 5.26828 0.90812 5.16471 0.902428
4500 4.79305 0.867726 4.93154 0.87614 4.82189 0.86672
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
597500 0.592795 0.120157 1.13756 0.24424 1.00505 0.213348
598500 0.592241 0.119539 1.13629 0.24404 1.00443 0.213688
600000 0.592377 0.119519 1.13728 0.24406 1.00498 0.213268

Note that different models have different metrics available, and that the time between successive evaluations is not necessarily constant.

Summary of all available data

Dataset (Base Directory) Model Optimizer Batch Size Complete Trials Incomplete Trials Infeasible Trials
1 cifar_10 resnet_8 nesterov_momentum 2 165 0 108
2 4 167 0 85
3 8 166 1 95
4 16 167 1 86
5 32 168 2 73
6 64 167 3 54
7 128 167 2 48
8 256 171 0 38
9 512 166 0 37
10 1024 162 0 36
11 2048 162 0 32
12 4096 159 0 31
13 8192 162 0 41
14 cifar_10 resnet_8 sgd 2 117 0 42
15 4 118 1 40
16 8 117 1 21
17 16 117 1 19
18 32 109 0 21
19 64 116 0 12
20 128 114 1 12
21 256 110 0 17
22 512 113 0 22
23 1024 112 0 20
24 2048 117 0 29
25 4096 114 0 31
26 8192 113 0 22
27 common_crawl transformer_base nesterov_momentum 32 72 2 121
28 64 70 5 83
29 256 59 1 64
30 1024 58 1 65
31 4096 54 1 39
32 16384 53 0 43
33 fashion_mnist simple_cnn_base nesterov_momentum 2 100 372 490
34 8 105 383 347
35 32 159 339 348
36 128 177 141 214
37 512 199 288 201
38 2048 137 341 181
39 8192 183 309 196
40 32768 121 363 164
41 55000 119 370 155
42 imagenet resnet_50 nesterov_momentum 64 119 6 23
43 128 116 105 44
44 256 127 8 26
45 512 133 3 28
46 1024 123 8 16
47 2048 131 1 8
48 4096 108 1 10
49 8192 122 2 12
50 16384 113 1 11
51 32768 128 3 15
52 65536 100 0 14
53 imagenet vgg_11 nesterov_momentum 32 128 22 213
54 64 121 29 185
55 256 120 3 87
56 512 104 1 74
57 1024 103 1 88
58 2048 104 1 77
59 4096 100 4 72
60 8192 102 1 81
61 16384 101 1 90
62 32768 106 17 81
63 65536 103 27 1035
64 imagenet_subsets/imagenet_half_classes resnet_50 nesterov_momentum 64 143 7 36
65 128 142 8 27
66 256 118 2 17
67 512 110 10 20
68 1024 119 1 18
69 2048 108 1 19
70 4096 108 9 20
71 8192 101 2 3
72 16384 103 0 10
73 32768 110 4 24
74 imagenet_subsets/imagenet_half_images resnet_50 nesterov_momentum 64 125 84 56
75 128 116 107 37
76 256 121 38 23
77 512 151 7 20
78 1024 126 33 21
79 2048 117 7 15
80 4096 111 1 8
81 8192 100 2 5
82 16384 101 1 7
83 32768 101 11 61
84 lm1b lstm nesterov_momentum 16 65 5 67
85 64 61 8 52
86 256 65 4 42
87 1024 63 7 43
88 4096 54 1 25
89 16384 52 0 29
90 32768 50 2 26
91 lm1b transformer_base nesterov_momentum 16 148 2 350
92 32 100 50 253
93 64 147 0 208
94 128 143 6 234
95 256 118 1 158
96 512 115 3 125
97 1024 119 1 147
98 2048 114 6 128
99 4096 107 2 122
100 8192 108 1 125
101 16384 105 4 118
102 32768 104 6 145
103 lm1b transformer_narrow_and_shallow nesterov_momentum 16 145 2 178
104 32 112 37 135
105 64 145 2 183
106 128 146 4 167
107 256 103 47 135
108 512 147 0 148
109 1024 149 1 135
110 2048 127 22 123
111 4096 115 4 91
112 8192 112 7 116
113 16384 113 6 85
114 32768 102 18 76
115 lm1b transformer_shallow momentum 32 115 23 258
116 128 132 3 228
117 512 100 10 177
118 2048 101 8 127
119 8192 100 3 150
120 32768 109 0 173
121 lm1b transformer_shallow nesterov_momentum 16 119 0 237
122 32 115 5 194
123 64 117 2 203
124 128 118 1 200
125 256 109 0 166
126 512 100 9 140
127 1024 118 2 181
128 2048 110 7 115
129 4096 117 2 153
130 8192 108 1 120
131 16384 106 2 127
132 32768 107 1 120
133 lm1b transformer_shallow sgd 32 58 52 38
134 128 65 45 56
135 512 66 45 48
136 2048 62 43 46
137 8192 55 49 38
138 lm1b transformer_wide nesterov_momentum 16 117 83 391
139 32 103 96 302
140 64 108 91 314
141 128 105 26 175
142 256 104 24 159
143 512 114 1 138
144 1024 123 0 153
145 2048 109 1 112
146 4096 108 1 123
147 8192 103 1 96
148 16384 101 0 77
149 32768 101 0 91
150 mnist fc_1024 sgd 1 274 226 0
151 2 265 235 0
152 4 247 253 0
153 8 295 205 0
154 16 291 209 0
155 32 291 209 0
156 64 309 191 0
157 128 287 213 0
158 256 285 215 0
159 512 278 222 0
160 1024 289 211 0
161 2048 297 203 0
162 4096 304 196 0
163 8192 286 214 0
164 16384 274 226 0
165 32768 302 198 0
166 55000 281 219 0
167 mnist fc_1024_1024 sgd 1 248 212 40
168 2 259 241 0
169 4 262 238 0
170 8 219 149 132
171 16 253 163 84
172 32 287 170 43
173 64 270 196 34
174 128 197 122 181
175 256 209 133 158
176 512 215 136 149
177 1024 210 130 160
178 2048 210 124 166
179 4096 266 132 102
180 8192 298 176 26
181 16384 276 195 29
182 32768 305 160 35
183 55000 312 166 22
184 mnist fc_1024_1024_1024 sgd 1 234 193 73
185 2 250 226 24
186 4 252 227 21
187 8 217 136 147
188 16 266 161 73
189 32 267 169 64
190 64 291 178 31
191 128 212 118 170
192 256 204 134 162
193 512 216 130 154
194 1024 198 112 190
195 2048 204 123 173
196 4096 220 139 141
197 8192 240 124 136
198 16384 228 196 76
199 32768 250 173 77
200 55000 242 189 69
201 mnist fc_128_128_128 sgd 1 124 325 51
202 2 120 379 1
203 4 272 226 2
204 8 236 170 94
205 16 265 204 31
206 32 296 199 5
207 64 283 217 0
208 128 233 182 85
209 256 247 189 64
210 512 260 195 45
211 1024 270 196 34
212 2048 263 209 28
213 4096 267 206 27
214 8192 289 206 5
215 16384 291 204 5
216 32768 292 207 1
217 55000 294 201 5
218 mnist fc_2048_2048_2048 sgd 1 205 208 87
219 2 226 248 26
220 4 234 247 19
221 8 193 141 166
222 16 241 151 108
223 32 255 175 70
224 64 274 183 43
225 128 185 102 213
226 256 207 116 177
227 512 179 102 219
228 1024 176 117 207
229 2048 196 132 172
230 4096 197 122 181
231 8192 214 115 171
232 16384 233 176 91
233 32768 227 180 93
234 55000 234 165 101
235 mnist fc_256_256_256 sgd 1 264 175 61
236 2 193 220 5
237 4 272 221 7
238 8 228 156 116
239 16 266 163 71
240 32 281 190 29
241 64 291 207 2
242 128 231 128 141
243 256 226 162 112
244 512 250 152 98
245 1024 255 160 85
246 2048 256 151 93
247 4096 248 168 84
248 8192 280 176 44
249 16384 293 174 33
250 32768 287 191 22
251 55000 291 182 27
252 mnist fc_512_512_512 sgd 1 232 199 69
253 2 243 233 24
254 4 245 242 13
255 8 226 157 117
256 16 253 160 87
257 32 281 170 49
258 64 296 188 16
259 128 219 115 166
260 256 211 141 148
261 512 230 147 123
262 1024 222 147 131
263 2048 224 152 124
264 4096 248 140 112
265 8192 258 154 88
266 16384 262 177 61
267 32768 275 173 52
268 55000 261 186 53
269 mnist fc_64_64_64 sgd 1 266 213 21
270 2 278 222 0
271 4 279 221 0
272 8 261 196 43
273 16 270 221 9
274 32 278 222 0
275 64 289 211 0
276 128 259 215 26
277 256 281 210 9
278 512 283 217 0
279 1024 259 239 2
280 2048 285 213 2
281 4096 282 218 0
282 8192 304 196 0
283 16384 292 208 0
284 32768 290 210 0
285 55000 291 209 0
286 mnist simple_cnn_base momentum 1 229 250 21
287 2 242 240 18
288 4 240 233 27
289 8 197 191 112
290 16 232 206 62
291 32 232 220 48
292 64 249 221 30
293 128 192 146 162
294 256 194 146 160
295 512 213 126 161
296 1024 202 144 154
297 2048 208 142 150
298 4096 211 159 130
299 8192 207 159 134
300 16384 209 163 128
301 32768 204 167 129
302 55000 203 160 137
303 mnist simple_cnn_base nesterov_momentum 1 311 30 286
304 2 347 0 152
305 8 347 0 95
306 32 274 73 69
307 128 334 9 106
308 512 336 0 95
309 2048 344 0 96
310 8192 343 0 81
311 32768 342 1 75
312 55000 345 0 73
313 mnist simple_cnn_base sgd 1 194 274 32
314 2 223 252 25
315 4 265 232 3
316 8 190 213 97
317 16 229 212 59
318 32 274 212 14
319 64 274 224 2
320 128 216 167 117
321 256 219 167 114
322 512 215 165 120
323 1024 215 152 133
324 2048 219 151 130
325 4096 214 163 123
326 8192 214 160 126
327 16384 228 154 118
328 32768 204 165 131
329 55000 235 148 117
330 mnist simple_cnn_narrow sgd 1 228 268 4
331 2 224 255 21
332 4 236 252 12
333 8 206 230 64
334 16 249 213 38
335 32 258 231 11
336 64 286 210 4
337 128 249 172 79
338 256 222 191 87
339 512 240 178 82
340 1024 202 195 103
341 2048 233 169 98
342 4096 230 174 96
343 8192 240 182 78
344 16384 229 172 99
345 32768 222 184 94
346 55000 226 190 84
347 mnist simple_cnn_wide sgd 1 190 268 42
348 2 205 250 45
349 4 254 246 0
350 8 212 191 97
351 16 238 202 60
352 32 278 209 13
353 64 283 215 2
354 128 202 163 135
355 256 202 147 151
356 512 220 142 138
357 1024 208 139 153
358 2048 145 207 148
359 4096 203 161 136
360 8192 223 157 120
361 16384 190 172 138
362 32768 165 212 123
363 mnist_subsets/mnist_13750 simple_cnn_base nesterov_momentum 1 488 0 342
364 2 488 0 209
365 4 454 0 149
366 8 448 0 101
367 16 458 0 133
368 32 470 0 104
369 64 495 0 128
370 128 490 0 123
371 256 476 0 139
372 512 467 0 118
373 1024 478 0 71
374 2048 484 0 79
375 4096 480 0 78
376 8192 489 0 62
377 13750 483 0 59
378 mnist_subsets/mnist_27500 simple_cnn_base nesterov_momentum 1 493 0 289
379 2 479 0 183
380 4 464 0 124
381 8 479 0 98
382 16 473 0 132
383 32 485 0 115
384 64 499 0 130
385 128 493 0 123
386 256 482 0 116
387 512 476 0 113
388 1024 487 0 69
389 2048 484 0 73
390 4096 485 0 64
391 8192 484 0 57
392 16384 491 0 68
393 27500 494 0 214
394 mnist_subsets/mnist_55000 simple_cnn_base nesterov_momentum 1 482 0 274
395 2 483 0 207
396 4 480 0 133
397 8 489 0 81
398 16 476 0 155
399 32 483 0 112
400 64 492 0 117
401 128 491 0 114
402 256 497 0 91
403 512 491 0 78
404 1024 476 0 69
405 2048 492 0 48
406 4096 491 0 55
407 8192 495 0 51
408 16384 494 0 40
409 32768 497 0 59
410 55000 492 0 40
411 mnist_subsets/mnist_6875 simple_cnn_base nesterov_momentum 1 490 0 297
412 2 473 0 221
413 4 453 0 123
414 8 455 0 100
415 16 444 0 125
416 32 455 0 109
417 64 472 0 132
418 128 493 0 153
419 256 485 0 148
420 512 468 0 143
421 1024 476 0 135
422 2048 487 0 89
423 4096 486 0 77
424 6875 490 0 84
425 open_images_v4 resnet_50 nesterov_momentum 64 132 50 140
426 128 103 46 80
427 256 176 20 107
428 512 105 21 58
429 1024 117 33 66
430 2048 107 2 31
431 4096 109 0 60
432 8192 100 3 30
433 16384 102 0 23
434 32768 102 2 18
435 solution_quality/fashion_mnist simple_cnn_base nesterov_momentum 1 413 3 360
436 2 403 10 229
437 8 408 9 142
438 32 405 7 237
439 128 346 69 250
440 512 406 9 175
441 2048 223 193 184
442 8192 340 74 173
443 32768 409 1 156
444 55000 403 7 148
445 solution_quality/mnist simple_cnn_base nesterov_momentum 1 413 6 263
446 2 415 3 149
447 8 418 0 104
448 32 417 0 160
449 128 398 20 153
450 512 418 1 143
451 2048 226 192 92
452 8192 408 5 83
453 32768 209 209 98
454 55000 359 55 96