From 7d8c3ed17f2078d2e9ddf6246a150ed6a77f0f6b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Newwwie Bot Date: Sun, 13 Oct 2024 13:24:54 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Get latest set of Meetup events --- dist/js/main.js | 2 +- src/js/events/events-data.ts | 4 ++-- 2 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/dist/js/main.js b/dist/js/main.js index 15237445..adbf57e3 100644 --- a/dist/js/main.js +++ b/dist/js/main.js @@ -1 +1 @@ -(()=>{"use strict";var e,n={400:(e,n,t)=>{t.r(n),t.d(n,{Component:()=>y,Fragment:()=>f,cloneElement:()=>E,createContext:()=>M,createElement:()=>g,createRef:()=>v,h:()=>g,hydrate:()=>Y,isValidElement:()=>i,options:()=>s,render:()=>L,toChildArray:()=>H});var o,s,a,i,r,l,c,u={},h=[],p=/acit|ex(?:s|g|n|p|$)|rph|grid|ows|mnc|ntw|ine[ch]|zoo|^ord|itera/i;function m(e,n){for(var t in n)e[t]=n[t];return e}function d(e){var n=e.parentNode;n&&n.removeChild(e)}function g(e,n,t){var s,a,i,r={};for(i in 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Organised presentations from local and/or visiting speakers. Socialising over pizza."},{name:"Newcastle Women and Gender Diverse People in Tech",location:"NewyTechPeople Office",period:{interval:"Monthly",day:"2nd",weekDay:"Thurs"},links:{meetUp:""},demographic:"Women and Gender Diverse people who are in the technology field, a field adjacent to it, or have an interest in tech and would like to meet some lovely people who feel the same.",format:"The format varies but will often include networking/socialising and a presentation."},{name:"Newcastle Cybersecurity Group",location:"University of Newcastle I2N Hub Honeysuckle",period:{interval:"Monthly",day:"4th",weekDay:"Thurs"},links:{linkedIn:"",meetUp:""},demographic:"Anyone interested in or practicing cybersecurity! Our members include students, consultants, engineers, penetration testers, company directors, and more!",format:"You eat pizza from Bella Italia while a local expert presents. Our presenters cover broad topics ranging from GRC, Web Security, Fraud, Security Culture, Videogame Hacking, Linux Internals, and more! We then head over to Honeysuckle Hotel for networking and a few drinks post-event."},{name:"Newcatle IoT Pioneers",location:"Stag and Hunter, Mayfield",period:{interval:"Monthly",day:"1st",weekDay:"Thurs"},links:{meetUp:""},demographic:"In or around Newcastle, Lake Macquarie or the Hunter? Keen to make a splash in the Internet of Things world? Then this Meetup is for you!",format:"Organised presentations"},{name:"Hunter Data Analytics",location:"Check meetup event details (but usually at University of Newcastle City Campus)",period:{interval:"Monthly",day:"3rd",weekDay:"Thurs"},links:{meetUp:"",linkedIn:"",twitter:""},demographic:"Data analysts, data scientists, data engineers, statisticians, computer scientists, machine learning engineers etc",format:"Networking/chats, followed by organised presentations, followed by pub."}]},105:(e,n,t)=>{Object.defineProperty(n,"__esModule",{value:!0}),n.Meetup=void 0;var o=t(584),s=t(400),a=t(822),i=function(){function e(){this.render(}return e.prototype.render=function(e){e.length>0?(0,s.render)(this.renderList(e),document.getElementById("meetupEvents")):(0,s.render)((0,o.jsx)("li",{children:(0,o.jsx)("p",{children:"It appears there are no upcoming events. Check back soon."})}),document.getElementById("meetupEvents"))},e.prototype.renderList=function(e){var n=this;return,t){var s=e.event,,i=new Date(s.dateTime),r=n.niceDay(i.getDay()),l=n.niceMonth(i.getMonth()),c=n.niceTime(i);return(0,o.jsxs)("li",{class:"eventItem",children:[(0,o.jsxs)("div",{class:"eventItem-left",children:[n.renderImage(a,s.photoUrl),(0,o.jsxs)("div",{class:"eventItem-start",children:[(0,o.jsx)("span",{class:"eventItem-start_day",children:r}),(0,o.jsx)("span",{class:"eventItem-start_time",children:c}),(0,o.jsxs)("span",{class:"eventItem-start_month",children:[i.getDate()," ",l]}),(0,o.jsx)("span",{class:"eventItem-start_year",children:i.getFullYear()})]})]}),(0,o.jsxs)("div",{class:"eventItem-right",children:[(0,o.jsx)("p",{class:"eventItem-title",children:s.title}),(0,o.jsxs)("p",{class:"eventItem-group",children:["Hosted by: 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/ ",s.maxTickets?s.maxTickets:"∞"]}),(0,o.jsxs)("li",{class:"eventItem-stats_duration",title:"Duration of the event",children:[(0,o.jsx)("svg",{version:"1.1",class:"eventItem-stats_icon",xmlns:"",x:"0px",y:"0px",viewBox:"0 0 60 60",style:"enable-background:new 0 0 60 60;",children:(0,o.jsxs)("g",{children:[(0,o.jsx)("path",{d:"M30,0C13.458,0,0,13.458,0,30s13.458,30,30,30s30-13.458,30-30S46.542,0,30,0z M30,58C14.561,58,2,45.439,2,30\n S14.561,2,30,2s28,12.561,28,28S45.439,58,30,58z"}),(0,o.jsx)("path",{d:"M30,6c-0.552,0-1,0.447-1,1v23H14c-0.552,0-1,0.447-1,1s0.448,1,1,1h16c0.552,0,1-0.447,1-1V7C31,6.447,30.552,6,30,6z"})]})}),n.parseIsoDuration(s.duration)]}),(0,o.jsxs)("li",{class:"eventItem-stats_location",title:"Location of the event",children:[(0,o.jsx)("svg",{version:"1.1",class:"eventItem-stats_icon",xmlns:"",x:"0px",y:"0px",viewBox:"0 0 54.757 54.757",style:"enable-background:new 0 0 54.757 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t={0:"Sunday",1:"Monday",2:"Tuesday",3:"Wednesday",4:"Thursday",5:"Friday",6:"Saturday"};return!0===n?t[e].slice(0,3):t[e]},e.prototype.niceMonth=function(e,n){void 0===n&&(n=!0);var t={0:"January",1:"February",2:"March",3:"April",4:"May",5:"June",6:"July",7:"August",8:"September",9:"October",10:"November",11:"December"};return!0===n?t[e].slice(0,3):t[e]},e.prototype.parseIsoDuration=function(e){var n=e.match(/P((?\d+)Y)?((?\d+)M)?((?\d+)D)?T((?\d+)H)?((?\d+)M)?((?\d+)S)?/).groups;return Object.keys(n).reduce((function(e,t){return n[t]?e+"".concat(n[t]," ").concat(t):e}),"")},e}();n.Meetup=i},822:(e,n)=>{Object.defineProperty(n,"__esModule",{value:!0}), 0,[{event:{title:"data.OCT <- Panel: So you want to build a database?",description:"**πŸ—£οΈTalk Description:**\n\nWould you believe we have **THREE** industry professionals that have all built databases from scratch here in Newcastle? Join us for this panel event where we ask them about the motivations, the journey, the hurdles.\n\n**πŸŽ™οΈPanelist Bios:**\n\n**Stephen Young:**\nSteve has been thrown so many buzzwords and so much jargon in his varied bio and tech career that he decided he needed to create a graph database to manage them. He now uses his company's GraphBase product to solve complex data and knowledge representation problems for fun and (sometimes) profit.\n\n**Geoffrey Campey:**\nGeoffrey is a life-long nerd and reformed lawyer, working as a consultant in digital, mobile and online forensics. He decided to build a graph database product over a bottle of delicious chardonnay at the Commonwealth Hotel. It was harder than he thought. He failed. But it makes for a great story!\n\n**Andrew Goodwin:**\nAndrew is an engineer who has worked extensively with spatial and time series data analytics. In 2015 he started building a time series database called AtriumDB which is focused specifically at storing and managing high frequency physiological signals collected in an intensive care unit. This database has since been released as an open source project and is installed in numerous hospitals around the world. The software facilitates analysis of the signals in a high performance computing environment, and also supports the training and deployment of ML models on live streaming data.\n\n🏒 **Venue**: University's Q building in Honeysuckle, Level 2\n\n[](\n\n* We will meet in the Level 2 Seminar Space.\n* You'll need to enter through the main doors on Worth Place, and will be directed to the elevators to join the meetup.\n* If you can't get in, please signal to the security guard that should be at the front desk that your here for the meetup.\n\nPARKING: The closest parking is Wright Lane Carpark.\n\n[](\n\nAfter 5pm it is free and is a 400m - 5 minute walk.\n\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n\nπŸ•  TIME: 5.30pm - 7.30pm\n\nFOOD: πŸ• + πŸ₯€\n\n* Wood fired pizza, sponsored by NewyTechPeople\n* Soft drinks\n\nSCHEDULE:\n\n* 5:30pm: Networking + Food + Drinks\n\n(Don't stress if you are held up in traffic)\n\n* 6:15pm: Presentation\n* 7:15pm: Packing up + Bonus questions\n* 7:30pm: Close\n* 7:30pm+: [Unofficially] anyone wanting to continue chatting, we usually head to [Honeysuckle Hotel]( which is a short walk from the venue.",dateTime:"2024-10-17T17:30+11:00",eventUrl:"",going:18,maxTickets:0,duration:"PT2H",imageUrl:"",venue:{name:"Q Building, The University of Newcastle",lat:-32.926277,lng:151.7683,address:"16B Honeysuckle Dr",city:"Newcastle"}},group:{name:"Hunter Data Analytics",urlname:"hunter-data-analytics",groupPhoto:{id:"483576656",baseUrl:"",preview:null},logo:{id:"483576656",baseUrl:"",preview:null}}},{event:{title:"November @ SSW",description:"In November we'll be at the SSW office with an SSW speaker. We're a bit light on details at the moment but we're making sure you know to set aside the date.",dateTime:"2024-11-06T18:00+11:00",eventUrl:"",going:5,maxTickets:0,duration:"PT3H",imageUrl:"",venue:{name:"SSW Newcastle - Enterprise Software Development",lat:-32.926857,lng:151.77159,address:"432 Hunter St",city:"Newcastle"}},group:{name:"Newcastle Coders Group",urlname:"newcastle-coders-group",groupPhoto:{id:"505406540",baseUrl:"",preview:null},logo:{id:"505406540",baseUrl:"",preview:null}}},{event:{title:"WGDPTech Meet-up: November edition",description:"In November, we'll be hearing from Heather on how she's mastered soft skills in hard environments. She'll pull on learnings from her dynamic career to share some of her key skills to surviving and thriving in complex workplaces.\n\n**5:30PM:** The event starts with a catch-up\n**6:00PM:** The presentation will begin\n\nDon't forget our 2024 location! We'll gather at the NewyTechPeople office at 9 Downie St, Maryville NSW for this event.\n\nEveryone is welcome to this event, regardless of gender- so share it with your friends. Through these speaker events, we aim to share experiences and knowledge, that's how we learn, and that's how we can improve the community for everyone. We provide food, so let us know of any allergies :)",dateTime:"2024-11-14T19:00+11:00",eventUrl:"",going:3,maxTickets:40,duration:"PT2H",imageUrl:"",venue:{name:"9 Downie St",lat:-32.912266,lng:151.75763,address:"9 Downie St",city:"Maryville"}},group:{name:"Women & Gender Diverse People in Tech",urlname:"newcastle-women-and-gender-diverse-people-in-tech",groupPhoto:{id:"516565764",baseUrl:"",preview:null},logo:{id:"516565764",baseUrl:"",preview:null}}},{event:{title:"data.NOV <- On the pathway to artificial consciousness...",description:"**πŸ—£οΈTalk Description:** On this journey, we will discuss much about the human brain as this mystical, seemingly unattainable model. We'll also touch on the flaws and architectural design limitations of current artifical neural networks. Next will be a homage to spiking neural networks highlighting their more fantastic abilities juxtaposed to their curses. Finally we can cover some ground on where creativity stems from, and why we shouldn't let engineers model the brain. As a disclaimer the talk itself is going to be quite dense and probably a little too broad. However that's a consequence of adhd and I apologize for nothing.\n\n**πŸŽ™οΈSpeaker Bio:** \"Hi. My name is Jacob Saunders, and I have been aggressively failing (and learning) for the last 10 years. I have failed at many things, ranging from McDonald's crew person, to professional battery builder all the way over to pure mathematician. These are my stories...\"\n\n🏒 **Venue**: University's Q building in Honeysuckle\n\n[](\n\n* We will meet in the Level 2 Seminar Space.\n* You'll need to enter through the main doors on Worth Place, and will be directed to the elevators to join the meetup.\n* If you can't get in, please signal to the security guard that should be at the front desk that your here for the meetup.\n\nPARKING: The closest parking is Wright Lane Carpark.\n\n[](\n\nAfter 5pm it is free and is a 400m - 5 minute walk.\n\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n\nπŸ•  TIME: 5.30pm - 7.30pm\n\nFOOD: πŸ• + πŸ₯€\n\n* Wood fired pizza, sponsored by NewyTechPeople\n* Soft drinks\n\nSCHEDULE:\n\n* 5:30pm: Networking + Food + Drinks\n\n(Don't stress if you are held up in traffic)\n\n* 6:15pm: Presentation\n* 7:15pm: Packing up + Bonus questions\n* 7:30pm: Close\n* 7:30pm+: [Unofficially] anyone wanting to continue chatting, we usually head to [Honeysuckle Hotel]( which is a short walk from the venue.\n\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n**CHARTS πŸ“Š & CHATS 🍻 - Social Drinks**\n*Backup plan in case of no speaker lined up.*\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n\nNo speaker this month, but look forward to more talks in coming months.\nThe Honeysuckle Hotel is where we usually go after our events at the university's Q Building. There is no booking but we will try and gather some tables, likely out the back.\nIf you can't find us, call out in the [Newwwie Slack #data-science channel]( and we'll direct you.\n\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\nπŸ•’ **When**: Third Thursday of the Month 5.30pm-7.30pm\n🏒 **Venue**: The Honeysuckle Hotel, Honeysuckle Drive, Newcastle\n[](",dateTime:"2024-11-21T17:30+11:00",eventUrl:"",going:6,maxTickets:0,duration:"PT2H",imageUrl:"",venue:{name:"Q Building, The University of Newcastle",lat:-32.926277,lng:151.7683,address:"16B Honeysuckle Dr",city:"Newcastle"}},group:{name:"Hunter Data Analytics",urlname:"hunter-data-analytics",groupPhoto:{id:"483576656",baseUrl:"",preview:null},logo:{id:"483576656",baseUrl:"",preview:null}}},{event:{title:"December: Newwwie tech trivia",description:"We're bringing back tech trivia in December.\nIt's the same deal as the last few years, a fun, social way to end out the year.\nThe format will be 3 rounds, with prizes per round.\nPlenty of pizza and drinks, thanks to our sponsors.\n\nMore details to come.",dateTime:"2024-12-11T18:00+11:00",eventUrl:"",going:2,maxTickets:0,duration:"PT3H",imageUrl:"",venue:null},group:{name:"Newcastle Coders Group",urlname:"newcastle-coders-group",groupPhoto:{id:"505406540",baseUrl:"",preview:null},logo:{id:"505406540",baseUrl:"",preview:null}}},{event:{title:"data.FEB <- TBD Save the date",description:"**EOI Call for Speakers** πŸ—£οΈπŸŽ™οΈ\n[](\nWe are yet to lock in a speaker for this month. You can always submit an expression of interest through the above Google Form or join [Newwwie Slack]( and call out in the [Newwwie Slack #data-science channel](\n\nπŸ—£οΈ**Talk Description**: TBD\n\nπŸŽ™οΈ**Speaker Bio**: TBD\n\n🏒 **Venue**: University's Q building in Honeysuckle\n\n[](\n\n* We will meet in the Level 2 Seminar Space.\n* You'll need to enter through the main doors on Worth Place, and will be directed to the elevators to join the meetup.\n* If you can't get in, please signal to the security guard that should be at the front desk that your here for the meetup.\n\nPARKING: The closest parking is Wright Lane Carpark.\n\n[](\n\nAfter 5pm it is free and is a 400m - 5 minute walk.\n\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n\nπŸ•  TIME: 5.30pm - 7.30pm\n\nFOOD: πŸ• + πŸ₯€\n\n* Wood fired pizza, sponsored by NewyTechPeople\n* Soft drinks\n\nSCHEDULE:\n\n* 5:30pm: Networking + Food + Drinks\n\n(Don't stress if you are held up in traffic)\n\n* 6:15pm: Presentation\n* 7:15pm: Packing up + Bonus questions\n* 7:30pm: Close\n* 7:30pm+: [Unofficially] anyone wanting to continue chatting, we usually head to [Honeysuckle Hotel]( which is a short walk from the venue.\n\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n**CHARTS πŸ“Š & CHATS 🍻 - Social Drinks**\n*Backup plan in case of no speaker lined up.*\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n\nNo speaker this month, but look forward to more talks in coming months.\nThe Honeysuckle Hotel is where we usually go after our events at the university's Q Building. There is no booking but we will try and gather some tables, likely out the back.\nIf you can't find us, call out in the [Newwwie Slack #data-science channel]( and we'll direct you.\n\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\nπŸ•’ **When**: Third Thursday of the Month 5.30pm-7.30pm\n🏒 **Venue**: The Honeysuckle Hotel, Honeysuckle Drive, Newcastle\n[](",dateTime:"2025-02-20T17:30+11:00",eventUrl:"",going:1,maxTickets:0,duration:"PT2H",imageUrl:"",venue:{name:"Q Building, The University of Newcastle",lat:-32.926277,lng:151.7683,address:"16B Honeysuckle Dr",city:"Newcastle"}},group:{name:"Hunter Data Analytics",urlname:"hunter-data-analytics",groupPhoto:{id:"483576656",baseUrl:"",preview:null},logo:{id:"483576656",baseUrl:"",preview:null}}},{event:{title:"data.MAR <- TBD Save the date",description:"**EOI Call for Speakers** πŸ—£οΈπŸŽ™οΈ\n[](\nWe are yet to lock in a speaker for this month. You can always submit an expression of interest through the above Google Form or join [Newwwie Slack]( and call out in the [Newwwie Slack #data-science channel](\n\nπŸ—£οΈ**Talk Description**: TBD\n\nπŸŽ™οΈ**Speaker Bio**: TBD\n\n🏒 **Venue**: University's Q building in Honeysuckle\n\n[](\n\n* We will meet in the Level 2 Seminar Space.\n* You'll need to enter through the main doors on Worth Place, and will be directed to the elevators to join the meetup.\n* If you can't get in, please signal to the security guard that should be at the front desk that your here for the meetup.\n\nPARKING: The closest parking is Wright Lane Carpark.\n\n[](\n\nAfter 5pm it is free and is a 400m - 5 minute walk.\n\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n\nπŸ•  TIME: 5.30pm - 7.30pm\n\nFOOD: πŸ• + πŸ₯€\n\n* Wood fired pizza, sponsored by NewyTechPeople\n* Soft drinks\n\nSCHEDULE:\n\n* 5:30pm: Networking + Food + Drinks\n\n(Don't stress if you are held up in traffic)\n\n* 6:15pm: Presentation\n* 7:15pm: Packing up + Bonus questions\n* 7:30pm: Close\n* 7:30pm+: [Unofficially] anyone wanting to continue chatting, we usually head to [Honeysuckle Hotel]( which is a short walk from the venue.\n\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n**CHARTS πŸ“Š & CHATS 🍻 - Social Drinks**\n*Backup plan in case of no speaker lined up.*\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n\nNo speaker this month, but look forward to more talks in coming months.\nThe Honeysuckle Hotel is where we usually go after our events at the university's Q Building. There is no booking but we will try and gather some tables, likely out the back.\nIf you can't find us, call out in the [Newwwie Slack #data-science channel]( and we'll direct you.\n\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\nπŸ•’ **When**: Third Thursday of the Month 5.30pm-7.30pm\n🏒 **Venue**: The Honeysuckle Hotel, Honeysuckle Drive, Newcastle\n[](",dateTime:"2025-03-20T17:30+11:00",eventUrl:"",going:1,maxTickets:0,duration:"PT2H",imageUrl:"",venue:{name:"Q Building, The University of Newcastle",lat:-32.926277,lng:151.7683,address:"16B Honeysuckle Dr",city:"Newcastle"}},group:{name:"Hunter Data Analytics",urlname:"hunter-data-analytics",groupPhoto:{id:"483576656",baseUrl:"",preview:null},logo:{id:"483576656",baseUrl:"",preview:null}}},{event:{title:"data.APR <- TBD Save the date",description:"**EOI Call for Speakers** πŸ—£οΈπŸŽ™οΈ\n[](\nWe are yet to lock in a speaker for this month. You can always submit an expression of interest through the above Google Form or join [Newwwie Slack]( and call out in the [Newwwie Slack #data-science channel](\n\nπŸ—£οΈ**Talk Description**: TBD\n\nπŸŽ™οΈ**Speaker Bio**: TBD\n\n🏒 **Venue**: University's Q building in Honeysuckle\n\n[](\n\n* We will meet in the Level 2 Seminar Space.\n* You'll need to enter through the main doors on Worth Place, and will be directed to the elevators to join the meetup.\n* If you can't get in, please signal to the security guard that should be at the front desk that your here for the meetup.\n\nPARKING: The closest parking is Wright Lane Carpark.\n\n[](\n\nAfter 5pm it is free and is a 400m - 5 minute walk.\n\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n\nπŸ•  TIME: 5.30pm - 7.30pm\n\nFOOD: πŸ• + πŸ₯€\n\n* Wood fired pizza, sponsored by NewyTechPeople\n* Soft drinks\n\nSCHEDULE:\n\n* 5:30pm: Networking + Food + Drinks\n\n(Don't stress if you are held up in traffic)\n\n* 6:15pm: Presentation\n* 7:15pm: Packing up + Bonus questions\n* 7:30pm: Close\n* 7:30pm+: [Unofficially] anyone wanting to continue chatting, we usually head to [Honeysuckle Hotel]( which is a short walk from the venue.\n\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n**CHARTS πŸ“Š & CHATS 🍻 - Social Drinks**\n*Backup plan in case of no speaker lined up.*\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n\nNo speaker this month, but look forward to more talks in coming months.\nThe Honeysuckle Hotel is where we usually go after our events at the university's Q Building. There is no booking but we will try and gather some tables, likely out the back.\nIf you can't find us, call out in the [Newwwie Slack #data-science channel]( and we'll direct you.\n\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\nπŸ•’ **When**: Third Thursday of the Month 5.30pm-7.30pm\n🏒 **Venue**: The Honeysuckle Hotel, Honeysuckle Drive, Newcastle\n[](",dateTime:"2025-04-17T17:30+10:00",eventUrl:"",going:1,maxTickets:0,duration:"PT2H",imageUrl:"",venue:{name:"Q Building, The University of Newcastle",lat:-32.926277,lng:151.7683,address:"16B Honeysuckle Dr",city:"Newcastle"}},group:{name:"Hunter Data Analytics",urlname:"hunter-data-analytics",groupPhoto:{id:"483576656",baseUrl:"",preview:null},logo:{id:"483576656",baseUrl:"",preview:null}}},{event:{title:"data.MAY <- TBD Save the date",description:"**EOI Call for Speakers** πŸ—£οΈπŸŽ™οΈ\n[](\nWe are yet to lock in a speaker for this month. You can always submit an expression of interest through the above Google Form or join [Newwwie Slack]( and call out in the [Newwwie Slack #data-science channel](\n\nπŸ—£οΈ**Talk Description**: TBD\n\nπŸŽ™οΈ**Speaker Bio**: TBD\n\n🏒 **Venue**: University's Q building in Honeysuckle\n\n[](\n\n* We will meet in the Level 2 Seminar Space.\n* You'll need to enter through the main doors on Worth Place, and will be directed to the elevators to join the meetup.\n* If you can't get in, please signal to the security guard that should be at the front desk that your here for the meetup.\n\nPARKING: The closest parking is Wright Lane Carpark.\n\n[](\n\nAfter 5pm it is free and is a 400m - 5 minute walk.\n\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n\nπŸ•  TIME: 5.30pm - 7.30pm\n\nFOOD: πŸ• + πŸ₯€\n\n* Wood fired pizza, sponsored by NewyTechPeople\n* Soft drinks\n\nSCHEDULE:\n\n* 5:30pm: Networking + Food + Drinks\n\n(Don't stress if you are held up in traffic)\n\n* 6:15pm: Presentation\n* 7:15pm: Packing up + Bonus questions\n* 7:30pm: Close\n* 7:30pm+: [Unofficially] anyone wanting to continue chatting, we usually head to [Honeysuckle Hotel]( which is a short walk from the venue.\n\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n**CHARTS πŸ“Š & CHATS 🍻 - Social Drinks**\n*Backup plan in case of no speaker lined up.*\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n\nNo speaker this month, but look forward to more talks in coming months.\nThe Honeysuckle Hotel is where we usually go after our events at the university's Q Building. There is no booking but we will try and gather some tables, likely out the back.\nIf you can't find us, call out in the [Newwwie Slack #data-science channel]( and we'll direct you.\n\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\nπŸ•’ **When**: Third Thursday of the Month 5.30pm-7.30pm\n🏒 **Venue**: The Honeysuckle Hotel, Honeysuckle Drive, Newcastle\n[](",dateTime:"2025-05-15T17:30+10:00",eventUrl:"",going:1,maxTickets:0,duration:"PT2H",imageUrl:"",venue:{name:"Q Building, The University of Newcastle",lat:-32.926277,lng:151.7683,address:"16B Honeysuckle Dr",city:"Newcastle"}},group:{name:"Hunter Data Analytics",urlname:"hunter-data-analytics",groupPhoto:{id:"483576656",baseUrl:"",preview:null},logo:{id:"483576656",baseUrl:"",preview:null}}},{event:{title:"data.JUN <- TBD Save the date",description:"**EOI Call for Speakers** πŸ—£οΈπŸŽ™οΈ\n[](\nWe are yet to lock in a speaker for this month. You can always submit an expression of interest through the above Google Form or join [Newwwie Slack]( and call out in the [Newwwie Slack #data-science channel](\n\nπŸ—£οΈ**Talk Description**: TBD\n\nπŸŽ™οΈ**Speaker Bio**: TBD\n\n🏒 **Venue**: University's Q building in Honeysuckle\n\n[](\n\n* We will meet in the Level 2 Seminar Space.\n* You'll need to enter through the main doors on Worth Place, and will be directed to the elevators to join the meetup.\n* If you can't get in, please signal to the security guard that should be at the front desk that your here for the meetup.\n\nPARKING: The closest parking is Wright Lane Carpark.\n\n[](\n\nAfter 5pm it is free and is a 400m - 5 minute walk.\n\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n\nπŸ•  TIME: 5.30pm - 7.30pm\n\nFOOD: πŸ• + πŸ₯€\n\n* Wood fired pizza, sponsored by NewyTechPeople\n* Soft drinks\n\nSCHEDULE:\n\n* 5:30pm: Networking + Food + Drinks\n\n(Don't stress if you are held up in traffic)\n\n* 6:15pm: Presentation\n* 7:15pm: Packing up + Bonus questions\n* 7:30pm: Close\n* 7:30pm+: [Unofficially] anyone wanting to continue chatting, we usually head to [Honeysuckle Hotel]( which is a short walk from the venue.\n\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n**CHARTS πŸ“Š & CHATS 🍻 - Social Drinks**\n*Backup plan in case of no speaker lined up.*\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n\nNo speaker this month, but look forward to more talks in coming months.\nThe Honeysuckle Hotel is where we usually go after our events at the university's Q Building. There is no booking but we will try and gather some tables, likely out the back.\nIf you can't find us, call out in the [Newwwie Slack #data-science channel]( and we'll direct you.\n\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\nπŸ•’ **When**: Third Thursday of the Month 5.30pm-7.30pm\n🏒 **Venue**: The Honeysuckle Hotel, Honeysuckle Drive, Newcastle\n[](",dateTime:"2025-06-19T17:30+10:00",eventUrl:"",going:1,maxTickets:0,duration:"PT2H",imageUrl:"",venue:{name:"Q Building, The University of Newcastle",lat:-32.926277,lng:151.7683,address:"16B Honeysuckle Dr",city:"Newcastle"}},group:{name:"Hunter Data Analytics",urlname:"hunter-data-analytics",groupPhoto:{id:"483576656",baseUrl:"",preview:null},logo:{id:"483576656",baseUrl:"",preview:null}}},{event:{title:"data.JUL <- TBD Save the date",description:"**EOI Call for Speakers** πŸ—£οΈπŸŽ™οΈ\n[](\nWe are yet to lock in a speaker for this month. You can always submit an expression of interest through the above Google Form or join [Newwwie Slack]( and call out in the [Newwwie Slack #data-science channel](\n\nπŸ—£οΈ**Talk Description**: TBD\n\nπŸŽ™οΈ**Speaker Bio**: TBD\n\n🏒 **Venue**: University's Q building in Honeysuckle\n\n[](\n\n* We will meet in the Level 2 Seminar Space.\n* You'll need to enter through the main doors on Worth Place, and will be directed to the elevators to join the meetup.\n* If you can't get in, please signal to the security guard that should be at the front desk that your here for the meetup.\n\nPARKING: The closest parking is Wright Lane Carpark.\n\n[](\n\nAfter 5pm it is free and is a 400m - 5 minute walk.\n\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n\nπŸ•  TIME: 5.30pm - 7.30pm\n\nFOOD: πŸ• + πŸ₯€\n\n* Wood fired pizza, sponsored by NewyTechPeople\n* Soft drinks\n\nSCHEDULE:\n\n* 5:30pm: Networking + Food + Drinks\n\n(Don't stress if you are held up in traffic)\n\n* 6:15pm: Presentation\n* 7:15pm: Packing up + Bonus questions\n* 7:30pm: Close\n* 7:30pm+: [Unofficially] anyone wanting to continue chatting, we usually head to [Honeysuckle Hotel]( which is a short walk from the venue.\n\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n**CHARTS πŸ“Š & CHATS 🍻 - Social Drinks**\n*Backup plan in case of no speaker lined up.*\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n\nNo speaker this month, but look forward to more talks in coming months.\nThe Honeysuckle Hotel is where we usually go after our events at the university's Q Building. There is no booking but we will try and gather some tables, likely out the back.\nIf you can't find us, call out in the [Newwwie Slack #data-science channel]( and we'll direct you.\n\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\nπŸ•’ **When**: Third Thursday of the Month 5.30pm-7.30pm\n🏒 **Venue**: The Honeysuckle Hotel, Honeysuckle Drive, Newcastle\n[](",dateTime:"2025-07-17T17:30+10:00",eventUrl:"",going:1,maxTickets:0,duration:"PT2H",imageUrl:"",venue:{name:"Q Building, The University of Newcastle",lat:-32.926277,lng:151.7683,address:"16B Honeysuckle Dr",city:"Newcastle"}},group:{name:"Hunter Data Analytics",urlname:"hunter-data-analytics",groupPhoto:{id:"483576656",baseUrl:"",preview:null},logo:{id:"483576656",baseUrl:"",preview:null}}},{event:{title:"data.AUG <- TBD Save the date",description:"**EOI Call for Speakers** πŸ—£οΈπŸŽ™οΈ\n[](\nWe are yet to lock in a speaker for this month. You can always submit an expression of interest through the above Google Form or join [Newwwie Slack]( and call out in the [Newwwie Slack #data-science channel](\n\nπŸ—£οΈ**Talk Description**: TBD\n\nπŸŽ™οΈ**Speaker Bio**: TBD\n\n🏒 **Venue**: University's Q building in Honeysuckle\n\n[](\n\n* We will meet in the Level 2 Seminar Space.\n* You'll need to enter through the main doors on Worth Place, and will be directed to the elevators to join the meetup.\n* If you can't get in, please signal to the security guard that should be at the front desk that your here for the meetup.\n\nPARKING: The closest parking is Wright Lane Carpark.\n\n[](\n\nAfter 5pm it is free and is a 400m - 5 minute walk.\n\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n\nπŸ•  TIME: 5.30pm - 7.30pm\n\nFOOD: πŸ• + πŸ₯€\n\n* Wood fired pizza, sponsored by NewyTechPeople\n* Soft drinks\n\nSCHEDULE:\n\n* 5:30pm: Networking + Food + Drinks\n\n(Don't stress if you are held up in traffic)\n\n* 6:15pm: Presentation\n* 7:15pm: Packing up + Bonus questions\n* 7:30pm: Close\n* 7:30pm+: [Unofficially] anyone wanting to continue chatting, we usually head to [Honeysuckle Hotel]( which is a short walk from the venue.\n\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n**CHARTS πŸ“Š & CHATS 🍻 - Social Drinks**\n*Backup plan in case of no speaker lined up.*\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n\nNo speaker this month, but look forward to more talks in coming months.\nThe Honeysuckle Hotel is where we usually go after our events at the university's Q Building. There is no booking but we will try and gather some tables, likely out the back.\nIf you can't find us, call out in the [Newwwie Slack #data-science channel]( and we'll direct you.\n\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\nπŸ•’ **When**: Third Thursday of the Month 5.30pm-7.30pm\n🏒 **Venue**: The Honeysuckle Hotel, Honeysuckle Drive, Newcastle\n[](",dateTime:"2025-08-21T17:30+10:00",eventUrl:"",going:1,maxTickets:0,duration:"PT2H",imageUrl:"",venue:{name:"Q Building, The University of Newcastle",lat:-32.926277,lng:151.7683,address:"16B Honeysuckle Dr",city:"Newcastle"}},group:{name:"Hunter Data Analytics",urlname:"hunter-data-analytics",groupPhoto:{id:"483576656",baseUrl:"",preview:null},logo:{id:"483576656",baseUrl:"",preview:null}}},{event:{title:"data.SEP <- TBD Save the date",description:"**EOI Call for Speakers** πŸ—£οΈπŸŽ™οΈ\n[](\nWe are yet to lock in a speaker for this month. You can always submit an expression of interest through the above Google Form or join [Newwwie Slack]( and call out in the [Newwwie Slack #data-science channel](\n\nπŸ—£οΈ**Talk Description**: TBD\n\nπŸŽ™οΈ**Speaker Bio**: TBD\n\n🏒 **Venue**: University's Q building in Honeysuckle\n\n[](\n\n* We will meet in the Level 2 Seminar Space.\n* You'll need to enter through the main doors on Worth Place, and will be directed to the elevators to join the meetup.\n* If you can't get in, please signal to the security guard that should be at the front desk that your here for the meetup.\n\nPARKING: The closest parking is Wright Lane Carpark.\n\n[](\n\nAfter 5pm it is free and is a 400m - 5 minute walk.\n\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n\nπŸ•  TIME: 5.30pm - 7.30pm\n\nFOOD: πŸ• + πŸ₯€\n\n* Wood fired pizza, sponsored by NewyTechPeople\n* Soft drinks\n\nSCHEDULE:\n\n* 5:30pm: Networking + Food + Drinks\n\n(Don't stress if you are held up in traffic)\n\n* 6:15pm: Presentation\n* 7:15pm: Packing up + Bonus questions\n* 7:30pm: Close\n* 7:30pm+: [Unofficially] anyone wanting to continue chatting, we usually head to [Honeysuckle Hotel]( which is a short walk from the venue.\n\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n**CHARTS πŸ“Š & CHATS 🍻 - Social Drinks**\n*Backup plan in case of no speaker lined up.*\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n\nNo speaker this month, but look forward to more talks in coming months.\nThe Honeysuckle Hotel is where we usually go after our events at the university's Q Building. There is no booking but we will try and gather some tables, likely out the back.\nIf you can't find us, call out in the [Newwwie Slack #data-science channel]( and we'll direct you.\n\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\nπŸ•’ **When**: Third Thursday of the Month 5.30pm-7.30pm\n🏒 **Venue**: The Honeysuckle Hotel, Honeysuckle Drive, Newcastle\n[](",dateTime:"2025-09-18T17:30+10:00",eventUrl:"",going:1,maxTickets:0,duration:"PT2H",imageUrl:"",venue:{name:"Q Building, The University of Newcastle",lat:-32.926277,lng:151.7683,address:"16B Honeysuckle Dr",city:"Newcastle"}},group:{name:"Hunter Data Analytics",urlname:"hunter-data-analytics",groupPhoto:{id:"483576656",baseUrl:"",preview:null},logo:{id:"483576656",baseUrl:"",preview:null}}},{event:{title:"data.OCT <- TBD Save the date",description:"**EOI Call for Speakers** πŸ—£οΈπŸŽ™οΈ\n[](\nWe are yet to lock in a speaker for this month. You can always submit an expression of interest through the above Google Form or join [Newwwie Slack]( and call out in the [Newwwie Slack #data-science channel](\n\nπŸ—£οΈ**Talk Description**: TBD\n\nπŸŽ™οΈ**Speaker Bio**: TBD\n\n🏒 **Venue**: University's Q building in Honeysuckle\n\n[](\n\n* We will meet in the Level 2 Seminar Space.\n* You'll need to enter through the main doors on Worth Place, and will be directed to the elevators to join the meetup.\n* If you can't get in, please signal to the security guard that should be at the front desk that your here for the meetup.\n\nPARKING: The closest parking is Wright Lane Carpark.\n\n[](\n\nAfter 5pm it is free and is a 400m - 5 minute walk.\n\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n\nπŸ•  TIME: 5.30pm - 7.30pm\n\nFOOD: πŸ• + πŸ₯€\n\n* Wood fired pizza, sponsored by NewyTechPeople\n* Soft drinks\n\nSCHEDULE:\n\n* 5:30pm: Networking + Food + Drinks\n\n(Don't stress if you are held up in traffic)\n\n* 6:15pm: Presentation\n* 7:15pm: Packing up + Bonus questions\n* 7:30pm: Close\n* 7:30pm+: [Unofficially] anyone wanting to continue chatting, we usually head to [Honeysuckle Hotel]( which is a short walk from the venue.\n\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n**CHARTS πŸ“Š & CHATS 🍻 - Social Drinks**\n*Backup plan in case of no speaker lined up.*\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n\nNo speaker this month, but look forward to more talks in coming months.\nThe Honeysuckle Hotel is where we usually go after our events at the university's Q Building. There is no booking but we will try and gather some tables, likely out the back.\nIf you can't find us, call out in the [Newwwie Slack #data-science channel]( and we'll direct you.\n\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\nπŸ•’ **When**: Third Thursday of the Month 5.30pm-7.30pm\n🏒 **Venue**: The Honeysuckle Hotel, Honeysuckle Drive, Newcastle\n[](",dateTime:"2025-10-16T17:30+11:00",eventUrl:"",going:1,maxTickets:0,duration:"PT2H",imageUrl:"",venue:{name:"Q Building, The University of Newcastle",lat:-32.926277,lng:151.7683,address:"16B Honeysuckle Dr",city:"Newcastle"}},group:{name:"Hunter Data Analytics",urlname:"hunter-data-analytics",groupPhoto:{id:"483576656",baseUrl:"",preview:null},logo:{id:"483576656",baseUrl:"",preview:null}}},{event:{title:"data.NOV <- TBD Save the date",description:"**EOI Call for Speakers** πŸ—£οΈπŸŽ™οΈ\n[](\nWe are yet to lock in a speaker for this month. You can always submit an expression of interest through the above Google Form or join [Newwwie Slack]( and call out in the [Newwwie Slack #data-science channel](\n\nπŸ—£οΈ**Talk Description**: TBD\n\nπŸŽ™οΈ**Speaker Bio**: TBD\n\n🏒 **Venue**: University's Q building in Honeysuckle\n\n[](\n\n* We will meet in the Level 2 Seminar Space.\n* You'll need to enter through the main doors on Worth Place, and will be directed to the elevators to join the meetup.\n* If you can't get in, please signal to the security guard that should be at the front desk that your here for the meetup.\n\nPARKING: The closest parking is Wright Lane Carpark.\n\n[](\n\nAfter 5pm it is free and is a 400m - 5 minute walk.\n\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n\nπŸ•  TIME: 5.30pm - 7.30pm\n\nFOOD: πŸ• + πŸ₯€\n\n* Wood fired pizza, sponsored by NewyTechPeople\n* Soft drinks\n\nSCHEDULE:\n\n* 5:30pm: Networking + Food + Drinks\n\n(Don't stress if you are held up in traffic)\n\n* 6:15pm: Presentation\n* 7:15pm: Packing up + Bonus questions\n* 7:30pm: Close\n* 7:30pm+: [Unofficially] anyone wanting to continue chatting, we usually head to [Honeysuckle Hotel]( which is a short walk from the venue.\n\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n**CHARTS πŸ“Š & CHATS 🍻 - Social Drinks**\n*Backup plan in case of no speaker lined up.*\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n\nNo speaker this month, but look forward to more talks in coming months.\nThe Honeysuckle Hotel is where we usually go after our events at the university's Q Building. There is no booking but we will try and gather some tables, likely out the back.\nIf you can't find us, call out in the [Newwwie Slack #data-science channel]( and we'll direct you.\n\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\nπŸ•’ **When**: Third Thursday of the Month 5.30pm-7.30pm\n🏒 **Venue**: The Honeysuckle Hotel, Honeysuckle Drive, Newcastle\n[](",dateTime:"2025-11-20T17:30+11:00",eventUrl:"",going:1,maxTickets:0,duration:"PT2H",imageUrl:"",venue:{name:"Q Building, The University of Newcastle",lat:-32.926277,lng:151.7683,address:"16B Honeysuckle Dr",city:"Newcastle"}},group:{name:"Hunter Data Analytics",urlname:"hunter-data-analytics",groupPhoto:{id:"483576656",baseUrl:"",preview:null},logo:{id:"483576656",baseUrl:"",preview:null}}}]}},t={};function o(e){var s=t[e];if(void 0!==s)return s.exports;var a=t[e]={exports:{}};return n[e](a,a.exports,o),a.exports}o.d=(e,n)=>{for(var t in n)o.o(n,t)&&!o.o(e,t)&&Object.defineProperty(e,t,{enumerable:!0,get:n[t]})},o.o=(e,n)=>,n),o.r=e=>{"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&Symbol.toStringTag&&Object.defineProperty(e,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"}),Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0})},e=o(198),new(o(105).Meetup),new e.Communities})(); 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Organised presentations from local and/or visiting speakers. Socialising over pizza."},{name:"Newcastle Women and Gender Diverse People in Tech",location:"NewyTechPeople Office",period:{interval:"Monthly",day:"2nd",weekDay:"Thurs"},links:{meetUp:""},demographic:"Women and Gender Diverse people who are in the technology field, a field adjacent to it, or have an interest in tech and would like to meet some lovely people who feel the same.",format:"The format varies but will often include networking/socialising and a presentation."},{name:"Newcastle Cybersecurity Group",location:"University of Newcastle I2N Hub Honeysuckle",period:{interval:"Monthly",day:"4th",weekDay:"Thurs"},links:{linkedIn:"",meetUp:""},demographic:"Anyone interested in or practicing cybersecurity! Our members include students, consultants, engineers, penetration testers, company directors, and more!",format:"You eat pizza from Bella Italia while a local expert presents. Our presenters cover broad topics ranging from GRC, Web Security, Fraud, Security Culture, Videogame Hacking, Linux Internals, and more! We then head over to Honeysuckle Hotel for networking and a few drinks post-event."},{name:"Newcatle IoT Pioneers",location:"Stag and Hunter, Mayfield",period:{interval:"Monthly",day:"1st",weekDay:"Thurs"},links:{meetUp:""},demographic:"In or around Newcastle, Lake Macquarie or the Hunter? Keen to make a splash in the Internet of Things world? Then this Meetup is for you!",format:"Organised presentations"},{name:"Hunter Data Analytics",location:"Check meetup event details (but usually at University of Newcastle City Campus)",period:{interval:"Monthly",day:"3rd",weekDay:"Thurs"},links:{meetUp:"",linkedIn:"",twitter:""},demographic:"Data analysts, data scientists, data engineers, statisticians, computer scientists, machine learning engineers etc",format:"Networking/chats, followed by organised presentations, followed by pub."}]},105:(e,t,n)=>{Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0}),t.Meetup=void 0;var o=n(584),s=n(400),a=n(822),i=function(){function e(){this.render(}return e.prototype.render=function(e){e.length>0?(0,s.render)(this.renderList(e),document.getElementById("meetupEvents")):(0,s.render)((0,o.jsx)("li",{children:(0,o.jsx)("p",{children:"It appears there are no upcoming events. Check back soon."})}),document.getElementById("meetupEvents"))},e.prototype.renderList=function(e){var t=this;return,n){var s=e.event,,i=new Date(s.dateTime),r=t.niceDay(i.getDay()),l=t.niceMonth(i.getMonth()),c=t.niceTime(i);return(0,o.jsxs)("li",{class:"eventItem",children:[(0,o.jsxs)("div",{class:"eventItem-left",children:[t.renderImage(a,s.photoUrl),(0,o.jsxs)("div",{class:"eventItem-start",children:[(0,o.jsx)("span",{class:"eventItem-start_day",children:r}),(0,o.jsx)("span",{class:"eventItem-start_time",children:c}),(0,o.jsxs)("span",{class:"eventItem-start_month",children:[i.getDate()," ",l]}),(0,o.jsx)("span",{class:"eventItem-start_year",children:i.getFullYear()})]})]}),(0,o.jsxs)("div",{class:"eventItem-right",children:[(0,o.jsx)("p",{class:"eventItem-title",children:s.title}),(0,o.jsxs)("p",{class:"eventItem-group",children:["Hosted by: 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/ ",s.maxTickets?s.maxTickets:"∞"]}),(0,o.jsxs)("li",{class:"eventItem-stats_duration",title:"Duration of the event",children:[(0,o.jsx)("svg",{version:"1.1",class:"eventItem-stats_icon",xmlns:"",x:"0px",y:"0px",viewBox:"0 0 60 60",style:"enable-background:new 0 0 60 60;",children:(0,o.jsxs)("g",{children:[(0,o.jsx)("path",{d:"M30,0C13.458,0,0,13.458,0,30s13.458,30,30,30s30-13.458,30-30S46.542,0,30,0z M30,58C14.561,58,2,45.439,2,30\n S14.561,2,30,2s28,12.561,28,28S45.439,58,30,58z"}),(0,o.jsx)("path",{d:"M30,6c-0.552,0-1,0.447-1,1v23H14c-0.552,0-1,0.447-1,1s0.448,1,1,1h16c0.552,0,1-0.447,1-1V7C31,6.447,30.552,6,30,6z"})]})}),t.parseIsoDuration(s.duration)]}),(0,o.jsxs)("li",{class:"eventItem-stats_location",title:"Location of the event",children:[(0,o.jsx)("svg",{version:"1.1",class:"eventItem-stats_icon",xmlns:"",x:"0px",y:"0px",viewBox:"0 0 54.757 54.757",style:"enable-background:new 0 0 54.757 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eventItem-image_notSupplied",(0,o.jsx)("div",{class:s,children:n})},e.prototype.renderLocationLink=function(e){return e?e.hasOwnProperty("lat")&&e.hasOwnProperty("lng")?(0,o.jsxs)("a",{href:"".concat(encodeURIComponent(,"/@").concat(,",").concat(e.lng,",16z"),target:"_blank",children:[(0,o.jsxs)("span",{children:[e.address,", ",," -"," "]}),"View on Google"]}):(0,o.jsxs)("em",{children:[(0,o.jsxs)("span",{children:[e.address,","]})," ",]}):(0,o.jsx)("em",{children:"Not specified"})},e.prototype.renderImageLink=function(e,t){return void 0===t&&(t="676x380"),"".concat(e.baseUrl).concat(,"/").concat(t,".webp")},e.prototype.niceTime=function(e){try{return e.toLocaleString("en-US",{hour:"numeric",hour12:!0,minute:"2-digit"})}catch(n){var t=this.niceHours(e.getHours());return"".concat(t,":").concat(e.getMinutes())}},e.prototype.niceHours=function(e){return(e+24)%12||12},e.prototype.niceDay=function(e,t){void 0===t&&(t=!0);var n={0:"Sunday",1:"Monday",2:"Tuesday",3:"Wednesday",4:"Thursday",5:"Friday",6:"Saturday"};return!0===t?n[e].slice(0,3):n[e]},e.prototype.niceMonth=function(e,t){void 0===t&&(t=!0);var n={0:"January",1:"February",2:"March",3:"April",4:"May",5:"June",6:"July",7:"August",8:"September",9:"October",10:"November",11:"December"};return!0===t?n[e].slice(0,3):n[e]},e.prototype.parseIsoDuration=function(e){var t=e.match(/P((?\d+)Y)?((?\d+)M)?((?\d+)D)?T((?\d+)H)?((?\d+)M)?((?\d+)S)?/).groups;return Object.keys(t).reduce((function(e,n){return t[n]?e+"".concat(t[n]," ").concat(n):e}),"")},e}();t.Meetup=i},822:(e,t)=>{Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0}), 0,[{event:{title:"data.OCT <- Panel: So you want to build a database?",description:"**πŸ—£οΈTalk Description:**\n\nWould you believe we have **THREE** industry professionals that have all built databases from scratch here in Newcastle? Join us for this panel event where we ask them about the motivations, the journey, the hurdles.\n\n**πŸŽ™οΈPanelist Bios:**\n\n**Stephen Young:**\nSteve has been thrown so many buzzwords and so much jargon in his varied bio and tech career that he decided he needed to create a graph database to manage them. He now uses his company's GraphBase product to solve complex data and knowledge representation problems for fun and (sometimes) profit.\n\n**Geoffrey Campey:**\nGeoffrey is a life-long nerd and reformed lawyer, working as a consultant in digital, mobile and online forensics. He decided to build a graph database product over a bottle of delicious chardonnay at the Commonwealth Hotel. It was harder than he thought. He failed. But it makes for a great story!\n\n**Andrew Goodwin:**\nAndrew is an engineer who has worked extensively with spatial and time series data analytics. In 2015 he started building a time series database called AtriumDB which is focused specifically at storing and managing high frequency physiological signals collected in an intensive care unit. This database has since been released as an open source project and is installed in numerous hospitals around the world. The software facilitates analysis of the signals in a high performance computing environment, and also supports the training and deployment of ML models on live streaming data.\n\n🏒 **Venue**: University's Q building in Honeysuckle, Level 2\n\n[](\n\n* We will meet in the Level 2 Seminar Space.\n* You'll need to enter through the main doors on Worth Place, and will be directed to the elevators to join the meetup.\n* If you can't get in, please signal to the security guard that should be at the front desk that your here for the meetup.\n\nPARKING: The closest parking is Wright Lane Carpark.\n\n[](\n\nAfter 5pm it is free and is a 400m - 5 minute walk.\n\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n\nπŸ•  TIME: 5.30pm - 7.30pm\n\nFOOD: πŸ• + πŸ₯€\n\n* Wood fired pizza, sponsored by NewyTechPeople\n* Soft drinks\n\nSCHEDULE:\n\n* 5:30pm: Networking + Food + Drinks\n\n(Don't stress if you are held up in traffic)\n\n* 6:15pm: Presentation\n* 7:15pm: Packing up + Bonus questions\n* 7:30pm: Close\n* 7:30pm+: [Unofficially] anyone wanting to continue chatting, we usually head to [Honeysuckle Hotel]( which is a short walk from the venue.",dateTime:"2024-10-17T17:30+11:00",eventUrl:"",going:18,maxTickets:0,duration:"PT2H",imageUrl:"",venue:{name:"Q Building, The University of Newcastle",lat:-32.926277,lng:151.7683,address:"16B Honeysuckle Dr",city:"Newcastle"}},group:{name:"Hunter Data Analytics",urlname:"hunter-data-analytics",groupPhoto:{id:"483576656",baseUrl:"",preview:null},logo:{id:"483576656",baseUrl:"",preview:null}}},{event:{title:"November @ SSW",description:"In November we'll be at the SSW office with an SSW speaker. We're a bit light on details at the moment but we're making sure you know to set aside the date.",dateTime:"2024-11-06T18:00+11:00",eventUrl:"",going:5,maxTickets:0,duration:"PT3H",imageUrl:"",venue:{name:"SSW Newcastle - Enterprise Software Development",lat:-32.926857,lng:151.77159,address:"432 Hunter St",city:"Newcastle"}},group:{name:"Newcastle Coders Group",urlname:"newcastle-coders-group",groupPhoto:{id:"505406540",baseUrl:"",preview:null},logo:{id:"505406540",baseUrl:"",preview:null}}},{event:{title:"WGDPTech Meet-up: November edition",description:"In November, we'll be hearing from Heather on how she's mastered soft skills in hard environments. She'll pull on learnings from her dynamic career to share some of her key skills to surviving and thriving in complex workplaces.\n\n**5:30PM:** The event starts with a catch-up\n**6:00PM:** The presentation will begin\n\nDon't forget our 2024 location! We'll gather at the NewyTechPeople office at 9 Downie St, Maryville NSW for this event.\n\nEveryone is welcome to this event, regardless of gender- so share it with your friends. Through these speaker events, we aim to share experiences and knowledge, that's how we learn, and that's how we can improve the community for everyone. We provide food, so let us know of any allergies :)",dateTime:"2024-11-14T19:00+11:00",eventUrl:"",going:3,maxTickets:40,duration:"PT2H",imageUrl:"",venue:{name:"9 Downie St",lat:-32.912266,lng:151.75763,address:"9 Downie St",city:"Maryville"}},group:{name:"Women & Gender Diverse People in Tech",urlname:"newcastle-women-and-gender-diverse-people-in-tech",groupPhoto:{id:"516565764",baseUrl:"",preview:null},logo:{id:"516565764",baseUrl:"",preview:null}}},{event:{title:"data.NOV <- On the pathway to artificial consciousness...",description:"**πŸ—£οΈTalk Description:** On this journey, we will discuss much about the human brain as this mystical, seemingly unattainable model. We'll also touch on the flaws and architectural design limitations of current artifical neural networks. Next will be a homage to spiking neural networks highlighting their more fantastic abilities juxtaposed to their curses. Finally we can cover some ground on where creativity stems from, and why we shouldn't let engineers model the brain. As a disclaimer the talk itself is going to be quite dense and probably a little too broad. However that's a consequence of adhd and I apologize for nothing.\n\n**πŸŽ™οΈSpeaker Bio:** \"Hi. My name is Jacob Saunders, and I have been aggressively failing (and learning) for the last 10 years. I have failed at many things, ranging from McDonald's crew person, to professional battery builder all the way over to pure mathematician. These are my stories...\"\n\n🏒 **Venue**: University's Q building in Honeysuckle\n\n[](\n\n* We will meet in the Level 2 Seminar Space.\n* You'll need to enter through the main doors on Worth Place, and will be directed to the elevators to join the meetup.\n* If you can't get in, please signal to the security guard that should be at the front desk that your here for the meetup.\n\nPARKING: The closest parking is Wright Lane Carpark.\n\n[](\n\nAfter 5pm it is free and is a 400m - 5 minute walk.\n\nONLINE: At the request of the speaker we will setup a zoom link for those that want to join remotely. We will only have the zoom link shortly before the event starts so please keep an eye on the comments and meetup messages.\n\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n\nπŸ•  TIME: 5.30pm - 7.30pm\n\nFOOD: πŸ• + πŸ₯€\n\n* Wood fired pizza, sponsored by NewyTechPeople\n* Soft drinks\n\nSCHEDULE:\n\n* 5:30pm: Networking + Food + Drinks\n\n(Don't stress if you are held up in traffic)\n\n* 6:15pm: Presentation\n* 7:15pm: Packing up + Bonus questions\n* 7:30pm: Close\n* 7:30pm+: [Unofficially] anyone wanting to continue chatting, we usually head to [Honeysuckle Hotel]( which is a short walk",dateTime:"2024-11-21T17:30+11:00",eventUrl:"",going:6,maxTickets:0,duration:"PT2H",imageUrl:"",venue:{name:"Q Building, The University of Newcastle",lat:-32.926277,lng:151.7683,address:"16B Honeysuckle Dr",city:"Newcastle"}},group:{name:"Hunter Data Analytics",urlname:"hunter-data-analytics",groupPhoto:{id:"483576656",baseUrl:"",preview:null},logo:{id:"483576656",baseUrl:"",preview:null}}},{event:{title:"December: Newwwie tech trivia",description:"We're bringing back tech trivia in December.\nIt's the same deal as the last few years, a fun, social way to end out the year.\nThe format will be 3 rounds, with prizes per round.\nPlenty of pizza and drinks, thanks to our sponsors.\n\nMore details to come.",dateTime:"2024-12-11T18:00+11:00",eventUrl:"",going:2,maxTickets:0,duration:"PT3H",imageUrl:"",venue:null},group:{name:"Newcastle Coders Group",urlname:"newcastle-coders-group",groupPhoto:{id:"505406540",baseUrl:"",preview:null},logo:{id:"505406540",baseUrl:"",preview:null}}},{event:{title:"data.FEB <- TBD Save the date",description:"**EOI Call for Speakers** πŸ—£οΈπŸŽ™οΈ\n[](\nWe are yet to lock in a speaker for this month. You can always submit an expression of interest through the above Google Form or join [Newwwie Slack]( and call out in the [Newwwie Slack #data-science channel](\n\nπŸ—£οΈ**Talk Description**: TBD\n\nπŸŽ™οΈ**Speaker Bio**: TBD\n\n🏒 **Venue**: University's Q building in Honeysuckle\n\n[](\n\n* We will meet in the Level 2 Seminar Space.\n* You'll need to enter through the main doors on Worth Place, and will be directed to the elevators to join the meetup.\n* If you can't get in, please signal to the security guard that should be at the front desk that your here for the meetup.\n\nPARKING: The closest parking is Wright Lane Carpark.\n\n[](\n\nAfter 5pm it is free and is a 400m - 5 minute walk.\n\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n\nπŸ•  TIME: 5.30pm - 7.30pm\n\nFOOD: πŸ• + πŸ₯€\n\n* Wood fired pizza, sponsored by NewyTechPeople\n* Soft drinks\n\nSCHEDULE:\n\n* 5:30pm: Networking + Food + Drinks\n\n(Don't stress if you are held up in traffic)\n\n* 6:15pm: Presentation\n* 7:15pm: Packing up + Bonus questions\n* 7:30pm: Close\n* 7:30pm+: [Unofficially] anyone wanting to continue chatting, we usually head to [Honeysuckle Hotel]( which is a short walk from the venue.\n\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n**CHARTS πŸ“Š & CHATS 🍻 - Social Drinks**\n*Backup plan in case of no speaker lined up.*\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n\nNo speaker this month, but look forward to more talks in coming months.\nThe Honeysuckle Hotel is where we usually go after our events at the university's Q Building. There is no booking but we will try and gather some tables, likely out the back.\nIf you can't find us, call out in the [Newwwie Slack #data-science channel]( and we'll direct you.\n\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\nπŸ•’ **When**: Third Thursday of the Month 5.30pm-7.30pm\n🏒 **Venue**: The Honeysuckle Hotel, Honeysuckle Drive, Newcastle\n[](",dateTime:"2025-02-20T17:30+11:00",eventUrl:"",going:1,maxTickets:0,duration:"PT2H",imageUrl:"",venue:{name:"Q Building, The University of Newcastle",lat:-32.926277,lng:151.7683,address:"16B Honeysuckle Dr",city:"Newcastle"}},group:{name:"Hunter Data Analytics",urlname:"hunter-data-analytics",groupPhoto:{id:"483576656",baseUrl:"",preview:null},logo:{id:"483576656",baseUrl:"",preview:null}}},{event:{title:"data.MAR <- TBD Save the date",description:"**EOI Call for Speakers** πŸ—£οΈπŸŽ™οΈ\n[](\nWe are yet to lock in a speaker for this month. You can always submit an expression of interest through the above Google Form or join [Newwwie Slack]( and call out in the [Newwwie Slack #data-science channel](\n\nπŸ—£οΈ**Talk Description**: TBD\n\nπŸŽ™οΈ**Speaker Bio**: TBD\n\n🏒 **Venue**: University's Q building in Honeysuckle\n\n[](\n\n* We will meet in the Level 2 Seminar Space.\n* You'll need to enter through the main doors on Worth Place, and will be directed to the elevators to join the meetup.\n* If you can't get in, please signal to the security guard that should be at the front desk that your here for the meetup.\n\nPARKING: The closest parking is Wright Lane Carpark.\n\n[](\n\nAfter 5pm it is free and is a 400m - 5 minute walk.\n\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n\nπŸ•  TIME: 5.30pm - 7.30pm\n\nFOOD: πŸ• + πŸ₯€\n\n* Wood fired pizza, sponsored by NewyTechPeople\n* Soft drinks\n\nSCHEDULE:\n\n* 5:30pm: Networking + Food + Drinks\n\n(Don't stress if you are held up in traffic)\n\n* 6:15pm: Presentation\n* 7:15pm: Packing up + Bonus questions\n* 7:30pm: Close\n* 7:30pm+: [Unofficially] anyone wanting to continue chatting, we usually head to [Honeysuckle Hotel]( which is a short walk from the venue.\n\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n**CHARTS πŸ“Š & CHATS 🍻 - Social Drinks**\n*Backup plan in case of no speaker lined up.*\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n\nNo speaker this month, but look forward to more talks in coming months.\nThe Honeysuckle Hotel is where we usually go after our events at the university's Q Building. There is no booking but we will try and gather some tables, likely out the back.\nIf you can't find us, call out in the [Newwwie Slack #data-science channel]( and we'll direct you.\n\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\nπŸ•’ **When**: Third Thursday of the Month 5.30pm-7.30pm\n🏒 **Venue**: The Honeysuckle Hotel, Honeysuckle Drive, Newcastle\n[](",dateTime:"2025-03-20T17:30+11:00",eventUrl:"",going:1,maxTickets:0,duration:"PT2H",imageUrl:"",venue:{name:"Q Building, The University of Newcastle",lat:-32.926277,lng:151.7683,address:"16B Honeysuckle Dr",city:"Newcastle"}},group:{name:"Hunter Data Analytics",urlname:"hunter-data-analytics",groupPhoto:{id:"483576656",baseUrl:"",preview:null},logo:{id:"483576656",baseUrl:"",preview:null}}},{event:{title:"data.APR <- TBD Save the date",description:"**EOI Call for Speakers** πŸ—£οΈπŸŽ™οΈ\n[](\nWe are yet to lock in a speaker for this month. You can always submit an expression of interest through the above Google Form or join [Newwwie Slack]( and call out in the [Newwwie Slack #data-science channel](\n\nπŸ—£οΈ**Talk Description**: TBD\n\nπŸŽ™οΈ**Speaker Bio**: TBD\n\n🏒 **Venue**: University's Q building in Honeysuckle\n\n[](\n\n* We will meet in the Level 2 Seminar Space.\n* You'll need to enter through the main doors on Worth Place, and will be directed to the elevators to join the meetup.\n* If you can't get in, please signal to the security guard that should be at the front desk that your here for the meetup.\n\nPARKING: The closest parking is Wright Lane Carpark.\n\n[](\n\nAfter 5pm it is free and is a 400m - 5 minute walk.\n\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n\nπŸ•  TIME: 5.30pm - 7.30pm\n\nFOOD: πŸ• + πŸ₯€\n\n* Wood fired pizza, sponsored by NewyTechPeople\n* Soft drinks\n\nSCHEDULE:\n\n* 5:30pm: Networking + Food + Drinks\n\n(Don't stress if you are held up in traffic)\n\n* 6:15pm: Presentation\n* 7:15pm: Packing up + Bonus questions\n* 7:30pm: Close\n* 7:30pm+: [Unofficially] anyone wanting to continue chatting, we usually head to [Honeysuckle Hotel]( which is a short walk from the venue.\n\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n**CHARTS πŸ“Š & CHATS 🍻 - Social Drinks**\n*Backup plan in case of no speaker lined up.*\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n\nNo speaker this month, but look forward to more talks in coming months.\nThe Honeysuckle Hotel is where we usually go after our events at the university's Q Building. There is no booking but we will try and gather some tables, likely out the back.\nIf you can't find us, call out in the [Newwwie Slack #data-science channel]( and we'll direct you.\n\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\nπŸ•’ **When**: Third Thursday of the Month 5.30pm-7.30pm\n🏒 **Venue**: The Honeysuckle Hotel, Honeysuckle Drive, Newcastle\n[](",dateTime:"2025-04-17T17:30+10:00",eventUrl:"",going:1,maxTickets:0,duration:"PT2H",imageUrl:"",venue:{name:"Q Building, The University of Newcastle",lat:-32.926277,lng:151.7683,address:"16B Honeysuckle Dr",city:"Newcastle"}},group:{name:"Hunter Data Analytics",urlname:"hunter-data-analytics",groupPhoto:{id:"483576656",baseUrl:"",preview:null},logo:{id:"483576656",baseUrl:"",preview:null}}},{event:{title:"data.MAY <- TBD Save the date",description:"**EOI Call for Speakers** πŸ—£οΈπŸŽ™οΈ\n[](\nWe are yet to lock in a speaker for this month. You can always submit an expression of interest through the above Google Form or join [Newwwie Slack]( and call out in the [Newwwie Slack #data-science channel](\n\nπŸ—£οΈ**Talk Description**: TBD\n\nπŸŽ™οΈ**Speaker Bio**: TBD\n\n🏒 **Venue**: University's Q building in Honeysuckle\n\n[](\n\n* We will meet in the Level 2 Seminar Space.\n* You'll need to enter through the main doors on Worth Place, and will be directed to the elevators to join the meetup.\n* If you can't get in, please signal to the security guard that should be at the front desk that your here for the meetup.\n\nPARKING: The closest parking is Wright Lane Carpark.\n\n[](\n\nAfter 5pm it is free and is a 400m - 5 minute walk.\n\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n\nπŸ•  TIME: 5.30pm - 7.30pm\n\nFOOD: πŸ• + πŸ₯€\n\n* Wood fired pizza, sponsored by NewyTechPeople\n* Soft drinks\n\nSCHEDULE:\n\n* 5:30pm: Networking + Food + Drinks\n\n(Don't stress if you are held up in traffic)\n\n* 6:15pm: Presentation\n* 7:15pm: Packing up + Bonus questions\n* 7:30pm: Close\n* 7:30pm+: [Unofficially] anyone wanting to continue chatting, we usually head to [Honeysuckle Hotel]( which is a short walk from the venue.\n\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n**CHARTS πŸ“Š & CHATS 🍻 - Social Drinks**\n*Backup plan in case of no speaker lined up.*\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n\nNo speaker this month, but look forward to more talks in coming months.\nThe Honeysuckle Hotel is where we usually go after our events at the university's Q Building. There is no booking but we will try and gather some tables, likely out the back.\nIf you can't find us, call out in the [Newwwie Slack #data-science channel]( and we'll direct you.\n\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\nπŸ•’ **When**: Third Thursday of the Month 5.30pm-7.30pm\n🏒 **Venue**: The Honeysuckle Hotel, Honeysuckle Drive, Newcastle\n[](",dateTime:"2025-05-15T17:30+10:00",eventUrl:"",going:1,maxTickets:0,duration:"PT2H",imageUrl:"",venue:{name:"Q Building, The University of Newcastle",lat:-32.926277,lng:151.7683,address:"16B Honeysuckle Dr",city:"Newcastle"}},group:{name:"Hunter Data Analytics",urlname:"hunter-data-analytics",groupPhoto:{id:"483576656",baseUrl:"",preview:null},logo:{id:"483576656",baseUrl:"",preview:null}}},{event:{title:"data.JUN <- TBD Save the date",description:"**EOI Call for Speakers** πŸ—£οΈπŸŽ™οΈ\n[](\nWe are yet to lock in a speaker for this month. You can always submit an expression of interest through the above Google Form or join [Newwwie Slack]( and call out in the [Newwwie Slack #data-science channel](\n\nπŸ—£οΈ**Talk Description**: TBD\n\nπŸŽ™οΈ**Speaker Bio**: TBD\n\n🏒 **Venue**: University's Q building in Honeysuckle\n\n[](\n\n* We will meet in the Level 2 Seminar Space.\n* You'll need to enter through the main doors on Worth Place, and will be directed to the elevators to join the meetup.\n* If you can't get in, please signal to the security guard that should be at the front desk that your here for the meetup.\n\nPARKING: The closest parking is Wright Lane Carpark.\n\n[](\n\nAfter 5pm it is free and is a 400m - 5 minute walk.\n\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n\nπŸ•  TIME: 5.30pm - 7.30pm\n\nFOOD: πŸ• + πŸ₯€\n\n* Wood fired pizza, sponsored by NewyTechPeople\n* Soft drinks\n\nSCHEDULE:\n\n* 5:30pm: Networking + Food + Drinks\n\n(Don't stress if you are held up in traffic)\n\n* 6:15pm: Presentation\n* 7:15pm: Packing up + Bonus questions\n* 7:30pm: Close\n* 7:30pm+: [Unofficially] anyone wanting to continue chatting, we usually head to [Honeysuckle Hotel]( which is a short walk from the venue.\n\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n**CHARTS πŸ“Š & CHATS 🍻 - Social Drinks**\n*Backup plan in case of no speaker lined up.*\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n\nNo speaker this month, but look forward to more talks in coming months.\nThe Honeysuckle Hotel is where we usually go after our events at the university's Q Building. There is no booking but we will try and gather some tables, likely out the back.\nIf you can't find us, call out in the [Newwwie Slack #data-science channel]( and we'll direct you.\n\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\nπŸ•’ **When**: Third Thursday of the Month 5.30pm-7.30pm\n🏒 **Venue**: The Honeysuckle Hotel, Honeysuckle Drive, Newcastle\n[](",dateTime:"2025-06-19T17:30+10:00",eventUrl:"",going:1,maxTickets:0,duration:"PT2H",imageUrl:"",venue:{name:"Q Building, The University of Newcastle",lat:-32.926277,lng:151.7683,address:"16B Honeysuckle Dr",city:"Newcastle"}},group:{name:"Hunter Data Analytics",urlname:"hunter-data-analytics",groupPhoto:{id:"483576656",baseUrl:"",preview:null},logo:{id:"483576656",baseUrl:"",preview:null}}},{event:{title:"data.JUL <- TBD Save the date",description:"**EOI Call for Speakers** πŸ—£οΈπŸŽ™οΈ\n[](\nWe are yet to lock in a speaker for this month. You can always submit an expression of interest through the above Google Form or join [Newwwie Slack]( and call out in the [Newwwie Slack #data-science channel](\n\nπŸ—£οΈ**Talk Description**: TBD\n\nπŸŽ™οΈ**Speaker Bio**: TBD\n\n🏒 **Venue**: University's Q building in Honeysuckle\n\n[](\n\n* We will meet in the Level 2 Seminar Space.\n* You'll need to enter through the main doors on Worth Place, and will be directed to the elevators to join the meetup.\n* If you can't get in, please signal to the security guard that should be at the front desk that your here for the meetup.\n\nPARKING: The closest parking is Wright Lane Carpark.\n\n[](\n\nAfter 5pm it is free and is a 400m - 5 minute walk.\n\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n\nπŸ•  TIME: 5.30pm - 7.30pm\n\nFOOD: πŸ• + πŸ₯€\n\n* Wood fired pizza, sponsored by NewyTechPeople\n* Soft drinks\n\nSCHEDULE:\n\n* 5:30pm: Networking + Food + Drinks\n\n(Don't stress if you are held up in traffic)\n\n* 6:15pm: Presentation\n* 7:15pm: Packing up + Bonus questions\n* 7:30pm: Close\n* 7:30pm+: [Unofficially] anyone wanting to continue chatting, we usually head to [Honeysuckle Hotel]( which is a short walk from the venue.\n\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n**CHARTS πŸ“Š & CHATS 🍻 - Social Drinks**\n*Backup plan in case of no speaker lined up.*\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n\nNo speaker this month, but look forward to more talks in coming months.\nThe Honeysuckle Hotel is where we usually go after our events at the university's Q Building. There is no booking but we will try and gather some tables, likely out the back.\nIf you can't find us, call out in the [Newwwie Slack #data-science channel]( and we'll direct you.\n\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\nπŸ•’ **When**: Third Thursday of the Month 5.30pm-7.30pm\n🏒 **Venue**: The Honeysuckle Hotel, Honeysuckle Drive, Newcastle\n[](",dateTime:"2025-07-17T17:30+10:00",eventUrl:"",going:1,maxTickets:0,duration:"PT2H",imageUrl:"",venue:{name:"Q Building, The University of Newcastle",lat:-32.926277,lng:151.7683,address:"16B Honeysuckle Dr",city:"Newcastle"}},group:{name:"Hunter Data Analytics",urlname:"hunter-data-analytics",groupPhoto:{id:"483576656",baseUrl:"",preview:null},logo:{id:"483576656",baseUrl:"",preview:null}}},{event:{title:"data.AUG <- TBD Save the date",description:"**EOI Call for Speakers** πŸ—£οΈπŸŽ™οΈ\n[](\nWe are yet to lock in a speaker for this month. You can always submit an expression of interest through the above Google Form or join [Newwwie Slack]( and call out in the [Newwwie Slack #data-science channel](\n\nπŸ—£οΈ**Talk Description**: TBD\n\nπŸŽ™οΈ**Speaker Bio**: TBD\n\n🏒 **Venue**: University's Q building in Honeysuckle\n\n[](\n\n* We will meet in the Level 2 Seminar Space.\n* You'll need to enter through the main doors on Worth Place, and will be directed to the elevators to join the meetup.\n* If you can't get in, please signal to the security guard that should be at the front desk that your here for the meetup.\n\nPARKING: The closest parking is Wright Lane Carpark.\n\n[](\n\nAfter 5pm it is free and is a 400m - 5 minute walk.\n\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n\nπŸ•  TIME: 5.30pm - 7.30pm\n\nFOOD: πŸ• + πŸ₯€\n\n* Wood fired pizza, sponsored by NewyTechPeople\n* Soft drinks\n\nSCHEDULE:\n\n* 5:30pm: Networking + Food + Drinks\n\n(Don't stress if you are held up in traffic)\n\n* 6:15pm: Presentation\n* 7:15pm: Packing up + Bonus questions\n* 7:30pm: Close\n* 7:30pm+: [Unofficially] anyone wanting to continue chatting, we usually head to [Honeysuckle Hotel]( which is a short walk from the venue.\n\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n**CHARTS πŸ“Š & CHATS 🍻 - Social Drinks**\n*Backup plan in case of no speaker lined up.*\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n\nNo speaker this month, but look forward to more talks in coming months.\nThe Honeysuckle Hotel is where we usually go after our events at the university's Q Building. There is no booking but we will try and gather some tables, likely out the back.\nIf you can't find us, call out in the [Newwwie Slack #data-science channel]( and we'll direct you.\n\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\nπŸ•’ **When**: Third Thursday of the Month 5.30pm-7.30pm\n🏒 **Venue**: The Honeysuckle Hotel, Honeysuckle Drive, Newcastle\n[](",dateTime:"2025-08-21T17:30+10:00",eventUrl:"",going:1,maxTickets:0,duration:"PT2H",imageUrl:"",venue:{name:"Q Building, The University of Newcastle",lat:-32.926277,lng:151.7683,address:"16B Honeysuckle Dr",city:"Newcastle"}},group:{name:"Hunter Data Analytics",urlname:"hunter-data-analytics",groupPhoto:{id:"483576656",baseUrl:"",preview:null},logo:{id:"483576656",baseUrl:"",preview:null}}},{event:{title:"data.SEP <- TBD Save the date",description:"**EOI Call for Speakers** πŸ—£οΈπŸŽ™οΈ\n[](\nWe are yet to lock in a speaker for this month. You can always submit an expression of interest through the above Google Form or join [Newwwie Slack]( and call out in the [Newwwie Slack #data-science channel](\n\nπŸ—£οΈ**Talk Description**: TBD\n\nπŸŽ™οΈ**Speaker Bio**: TBD\n\n🏒 **Venue**: University's Q building in Honeysuckle\n\n[](\n\n* We will meet in the Level 2 Seminar Space.\n* You'll need to enter through the main doors on Worth Place, and will be directed to the elevators to join the meetup.\n* If you can't get in, please signal to the security guard that should be at the front desk that your here for the meetup.\n\nPARKING: The closest parking is Wright Lane Carpark.\n\n[](\n\nAfter 5pm it is free and is a 400m - 5 minute walk.\n\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n\nπŸ•  TIME: 5.30pm - 7.30pm\n\nFOOD: πŸ• + πŸ₯€\n\n* Wood fired pizza, sponsored by NewyTechPeople\n* Soft drinks\n\nSCHEDULE:\n\n* 5:30pm: Networking + Food + Drinks\n\n(Don't stress if you are held up in traffic)\n\n* 6:15pm: Presentation\n* 7:15pm: Packing up + Bonus questions\n* 7:30pm: Close\n* 7:30pm+: [Unofficially] anyone wanting to continue chatting, we usually head to [Honeysuckle Hotel]( which is a short walk from the venue.\n\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n**CHARTS πŸ“Š & CHATS 🍻 - Social Drinks**\n*Backup plan in case of no speaker lined up.*\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n\nNo speaker this month, but look forward to more talks in coming months.\nThe Honeysuckle Hotel is where we usually go after our events at the university's Q Building. There is no booking but we will try and gather some tables, likely out the back.\nIf you can't find us, call out in the [Newwwie Slack #data-science channel]( and we'll direct you.\n\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\nπŸ•’ **When**: Third Thursday of the Month 5.30pm-7.30pm\n🏒 **Venue**: The Honeysuckle Hotel, Honeysuckle Drive, Newcastle\n[](",dateTime:"2025-09-18T17:30+10:00",eventUrl:"",going:1,maxTickets:0,duration:"PT2H",imageUrl:"",venue:{name:"Q Building, The University of Newcastle",lat:-32.926277,lng:151.7683,address:"16B Honeysuckle Dr",city:"Newcastle"}},group:{name:"Hunter Data Analytics",urlname:"hunter-data-analytics",groupPhoto:{id:"483576656",baseUrl:"",preview:null},logo:{id:"483576656",baseUrl:"",preview:null}}},{event:{title:"data.OCT <- TBD Save the date",description:"**EOI Call for Speakers** πŸ—£οΈπŸŽ™οΈ\n[](\nWe are yet to lock in a speaker for this month. You can always submit an expression of interest through the above Google Form or join [Newwwie Slack]( and call out in the [Newwwie Slack #data-science channel](\n\nπŸ—£οΈ**Talk Description**: TBD\n\nπŸŽ™οΈ**Speaker Bio**: TBD\n\n🏒 **Venue**: University's Q building in Honeysuckle\n\n[](\n\n* We will meet in the Level 2 Seminar Space.\n* You'll need to enter through the main doors on Worth Place, and will be directed to the elevators to join the meetup.\n* If you can't get in, please signal to the security guard that should be at the front desk that your here for the meetup.\n\nPARKING: The closest parking is Wright Lane Carpark.\n\n[](\n\nAfter 5pm it is free and is a 400m - 5 minute walk.\n\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n\nπŸ•  TIME: 5.30pm - 7.30pm\n\nFOOD: πŸ• + πŸ₯€\n\n* Wood fired pizza, sponsored by NewyTechPeople\n* Soft drinks\n\nSCHEDULE:\n\n* 5:30pm: Networking + Food + Drinks\n\n(Don't stress if you are held up in traffic)\n\n* 6:15pm: Presentation\n* 7:15pm: Packing up + Bonus questions\n* 7:30pm: Close\n* 7:30pm+: [Unofficially] anyone wanting to continue chatting, we usually head to [Honeysuckle Hotel]( which is a short walk from the venue.\n\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n**CHARTS πŸ“Š & CHATS 🍻 - Social Drinks**\n*Backup plan in case of no speaker lined up.*\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n\nNo speaker this month, but look forward to more talks in coming months.\nThe Honeysuckle Hotel is where we usually go after our events at the university's Q Building. There is no booking but we will try and gather some tables, likely out the back.\nIf you can't find us, call out in the [Newwwie Slack #data-science channel]( and we'll direct you.\n\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\nπŸ•’ **When**: Third Thursday of the Month 5.30pm-7.30pm\n🏒 **Venue**: The Honeysuckle Hotel, Honeysuckle Drive, Newcastle\n[](",dateTime:"2025-10-16T17:30+11:00",eventUrl:"",going:1,maxTickets:0,duration:"PT2H",imageUrl:"",venue:{name:"Q Building, The University of Newcastle",lat:-32.926277,lng:151.7683,address:"16B Honeysuckle Dr",city:"Newcastle"}},group:{name:"Hunter Data Analytics",urlname:"hunter-data-analytics",groupPhoto:{id:"483576656",baseUrl:"",preview:null},logo:{id:"483576656",baseUrl:"",preview:null}}},{event:{title:"data.NOV <- TBD Save the date",description:"**EOI Call for Speakers** πŸ—£οΈπŸŽ™οΈ\n[](\nWe are yet to lock in a speaker for this month. You can always submit an expression of interest through the above Google Form or join [Newwwie Slack]( and call out in the [Newwwie Slack #data-science channel](\n\nπŸ—£οΈ**Talk Description**: TBD\n\nπŸŽ™οΈ**Speaker Bio**: TBD\n\n🏒 **Venue**: University's Q building in Honeysuckle\n\n[](\n\n* We will meet in the Level 2 Seminar Space.\n* You'll need to enter through the main doors on Worth Place, and will be directed to the elevators to join the meetup.\n* If you can't get in, please signal to the security guard that should be at the front desk that your here for the meetup.\n\nPARKING: The closest parking is Wright Lane Carpark.\n\n[](\n\nAfter 5pm it is free and is a 400m - 5 minute walk.\n\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n\nπŸ•  TIME: 5.30pm - 7.30pm\n\nFOOD: πŸ• + πŸ₯€\n\n* Wood fired pizza, sponsored by NewyTechPeople\n* Soft drinks\n\nSCHEDULE:\n\n* 5:30pm: Networking + Food + Drinks\n\n(Don't stress if you are held up in traffic)\n\n* 6:15pm: Presentation\n* 7:15pm: Packing up + Bonus questions\n* 7:30pm: Close\n* 7:30pm+: [Unofficially] anyone wanting to continue chatting, we usually head to [Honeysuckle Hotel]( which is a short walk from the venue.\n\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n**CHARTS πŸ“Š & CHATS 🍻 - Social Drinks**\n*Backup plan in case of no speaker lined up.*\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n\nNo speaker this month, but look forward to more talks in coming months.\nThe Honeysuckle Hotel is where we usually go after our events at the university's Q Building. There is no booking but we will try and gather some tables, likely out the back.\nIf you can't find us, call out in the [Newwwie Slack #data-science channel]( and we'll direct you.\n\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\nπŸ•’ **When**: Third Thursday of the Month 5.30pm-7.30pm\n🏒 **Venue**: The Honeysuckle Hotel, Honeysuckle Drive, Newcastle\n[](",dateTime:"2025-11-20T17:30+11:00",eventUrl:"",going:1,maxTickets:0,duration:"PT2H",imageUrl:"",venue:{name:"Q Building, The University of Newcastle",lat:-32.926277,lng:151.7683,address:"16B Honeysuckle Dr",city:"Newcastle"}},group:{name:"Hunter Data Analytics",urlname:"hunter-data-analytics",groupPhoto:{id:"483576656",baseUrl:"",preview:null},logo:{id:"483576656",baseUrl:"",preview:null}}}]}},n={};function o(e){var s=n[e];if(void 0!==s)return s.exports;var a=n[e]={exports:{}};return t[e](a,a.exports,o),a.exports}o.d=(e,t)=>{for(var n in t)o.o(t,n)&&!o.o(e,n)&&Object.defineProperty(e,n,{enumerable:!0,get:t[n]})},o.o=(e,t)=>,t),o.r=e=>{"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&Symbol.toStringTag&&Object.defineProperty(e,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"}),Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0})},e=o(198),new(o(105).Meetup),new e.Communities})(); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/js/events/events-data.ts b/src/js/events/events-data.ts index 5ee7c137..ad2ad5f8 100644 --- a/src/js/events/events-data.ts +++ b/src/js/events/events-data.ts @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -// Auto Generated on 2024-10-12T13:23:49.035Z +// Auto Generated on 2024-10-13T13:24:51.854Z import { type EventItem } from "./types"; export const events: readonly EventItem[] = [ @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ export const events: readonly EventItem[] = [ { "event": { "title": "data.NOV <- On the pathway to artificial consciousness...", - "description": "**πŸ—£οΈTalk Description:** On this journey, we will discuss much about the human brain as this mystical, seemingly unattainable model. We'll also touch on the flaws and architectural design limitations of current artifical neural networks. Next will be a homage to spiking neural networks highlighting their more fantastic abilities juxtaposed to their curses. Finally we can cover some ground on where creativity stems from, and why we shouldn't let engineers model the brain. As a disclaimer the talk itself is going to be quite dense and probably a little too broad. However that's a consequence of adhd and I apologize for nothing.\n\n**πŸŽ™οΈSpeaker Bio:** \"Hi. My name is Jacob Saunders, and I have been aggressively failing (and learning) for the last 10 years. I have failed at many things, ranging from McDonald's crew person, to professional battery builder all the way over to pure mathematician. These are my stories...\"\n\n🏒 **Venue**: University's Q building in Honeysuckle\n\n[](\n\n* We will meet in the Level 2 Seminar Space.\n* You'll need to enter through the main doors on Worth Place, and will be directed to the elevators to join the meetup.\n* If you can't get in, please signal to the security guard that should be at the front desk that your here for the meetup.\n\nPARKING: The closest parking is Wright Lane Carpark.\n\n[](\n\nAfter 5pm it is free and is a 400m - 5 minute walk.\n\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n\nπŸ•  TIME: 5.30pm - 7.30pm\n\nFOOD: πŸ• + πŸ₯€\n\n* Wood fired pizza, sponsored by NewyTechPeople\n* Soft drinks\n\nSCHEDULE:\n\n* 5:30pm: Networking + Food + Drinks\n\n(Don't stress if you are held up in traffic)\n\n* 6:15pm: Presentation\n* 7:15pm: Packing up + Bonus questions\n* 7:30pm: Close\n* 7:30pm+: [Unofficially] anyone wanting to continue chatting, we usually head to [Honeysuckle Hotel]( which is a short walk from the venue.\n\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n**CHARTS πŸ“Š & CHATS 🍻 - Social Drinks**\n*Backup plan in case of no speaker lined up.*\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n\nNo speaker this month, but look forward to more talks in coming months.\nThe Honeysuckle Hotel is where we usually go after our events at the university's Q Building. There is no booking but we will try and gather some tables, likely out the back.\nIf you can't find us, call out in the [Newwwie Slack #data-science channel]( and we'll direct you.\n\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\nπŸ•’ **When**: Third Thursday of the Month 5.30pm-7.30pm\n🏒 **Venue**: The Honeysuckle Hotel, Honeysuckle Drive, Newcastle\n[](", + "description": "**πŸ—£οΈTalk Description:** On this journey, we will discuss much about the human brain as this mystical, seemingly unattainable model. We'll also touch on the flaws and architectural design limitations of current artifical neural networks. Next will be a homage to spiking neural networks highlighting their more fantastic abilities juxtaposed to their curses. Finally we can cover some ground on where creativity stems from, and why we shouldn't let engineers model the brain. As a disclaimer the talk itself is going to be quite dense and probably a little too broad. However that's a consequence of adhd and I apologize for nothing.\n\n**πŸŽ™οΈSpeaker Bio:** \"Hi. My name is Jacob Saunders, and I have been aggressively failing (and learning) for the last 10 years. I have failed at many things, ranging from McDonald's crew person, to professional battery builder all the way over to pure mathematician. These are my stories...\"\n\n🏒 **Venue**: University's Q building in Honeysuckle\n\n[](\n\n* We will meet in the Level 2 Seminar Space.\n* You'll need to enter through the main doors on Worth Place, and will be directed to the elevators to join the meetup.\n* If you can't get in, please signal to the security guard that should be at the front desk that your here for the meetup.\n\nPARKING: The closest parking is Wright Lane Carpark.\n\n[](\n\nAfter 5pm it is free and is a 400m - 5 minute walk.\n\nONLINE: At the request of the speaker we will setup a zoom link for those that want to join remotely. We will only have the zoom link shortly before the event starts so please keep an eye on the comments and meetup messages.\n\n##-------------------------------------------------------------------##\n\nπŸ•  TIME: 5.30pm - 7.30pm\n\nFOOD: πŸ• + πŸ₯€\n\n* Wood fired pizza, sponsored by NewyTechPeople\n* Soft drinks\n\nSCHEDULE:\n\n* 5:30pm: Networking + Food + Drinks\n\n(Don't stress if you are held up in traffic)\n\n* 6:15pm: Presentation\n* 7:15pm: Packing up + Bonus questions\n* 7:30pm: Close\n* 7:30pm+: [Unofficially] anyone wanting to continue chatting, we usually head to [Honeysuckle Hotel]( which is a short walk", "dateTime": "2024-11-21T17:30+11:00", "eventUrl": "", "going": 6,